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belmonteiro · 3 days
Recentemente zerei dois jogos indies, Aggelos e Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl, ambos claramente fazendo referência a jogos antigos como Wonder Boy e Battletoads. Aproveitei isso para discutir se existe um limite para o que chamo "jogo homenagem" olhando para algumas reações que vi sobre esses dois jogos
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sulan1809 · 4 months
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Aggelos - Metroidvania e muitos monstros
Em 2018, a Storybird Games e a PQube Limited trouxeram ao público Aggelos, um metroidvania no estilo retrô, mas que lembra um clássico da era do SEGA Genesis: Wonder Boy in Monster World. No entanto, ao contrário do clássico da SEGA, Aggelos começa com a princesa Lys do Reino de Lumen sendo sequestrada por um exército de demônios. Aggelos se equipara com Wonder Boy in Monster World em diversos aspectos, tais como:
Estilo Gráfico e Artístico: Ambos os jogos apresentam um estilo de arte colorido e detalhado que remete aos clássicos jogos de 16 bits.
Jogabilidade de Ação e RPG: Tanto Aggelos quanto Wonder Boy combinam elementos de ação com mecânicas de RPG, permitindo que os jogadores melhorem seus personagens ao longo do jogo1.
Exploração Metroidvania: Os jogadores podem explorar mundos grandes e interconectados com áreas que se tornam acessíveis à medida que se adquirem novas habilidades, um traço característico dos jogos Metroidvania.
Dificuldade Progressiva e Equilibrada: Aggelos é conhecido por ter uma curva de dificuldade que aumenta progressivamente, desafiando os jogadores sem ser excessivamente punitivo, semelhante ao que se espera de um jogo similar a Wonder Boy
Enfim, é um clássico projetado para homenagear um game antigo, no entanto a dificuldade extrema que ele apresenta pode afastar alguns jogadores. Em alguns aspectos, Aggelos também nos faz lembrar de The Legend of Zelda II Adventure of Link.
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juegovanias · 2 years
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nofatclips · 1 year
Super Ego Villain by Void Droid from the album Bipolar
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blogbynavagia · 2 years
Ακριβώς 😏 αυτό τροφή για σκέψη!!!! (🤔Συμφωνείς??)
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fylakas-aggelos · 2 years
Χθες κοιμήθηκα με το κολλητό μου στο ίδιο κρεβάτι και ήμασταν όλο το βράδυ αγκαλιά. Έχει ξανά συμβεί αυτό κάτι εβδομάδες πριν. Δεν έχουμε κάνει κάτι απλά κάτι φιλιά. Το πρόβλημα είναι πως είναι πρώην της κολλητής μου. όχι πως τον θέλω ή κάτι τέτοιο αλλά από τη μία νιώθω όμορφα που είμαστε τόσο κοντά αλλά από την άλλη έχω τύψεις για αυτό.
Αρχικα απο την στιγμη που δεν ειναι πλεον με την κολλητη σου και απο την στιγμη που σε κανει να νιωθεις ομορφα εγω θα σου ελεγα go for it.Τωρα με τους ενδιασμους σε σχεση με την κολλητη,απλα μιλα της ανοιχτα αν νιωθεις οτι θα σε βοηθησει,μπορει να σου πει οτι ειναι οκ με αυτο,αλλωστε πρωην της ειναι,δεν σημαινει οτι δεν μπορειτε να κανετε κατι αν το θελετε κ οι δυο.Και δεν ειναι καν οτι απλα ηρθατε κοντα αφου χωρισαν,ειναι κολλητος σου ουτως ή αλλως.Αν αυτο σας βγαινει,αυτο να κανετε.Και δεν ξες ποτε που θα καταληξει.Ελπιζω να βοηθησα εστω λιγο,μαι ινμποξ ιζ οπεν φορ γιου ιφ γιου νιντ ενιθινγκ
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kirbyddd · 1 year
doraemon story of season is the strangest case ive ever seen
never have i seen a game be so close to being masterpiece, but have one simple problem the throws a wrench into the entire system
everything in the game is built around a slow, leisurely pace. but then the daily clock moves so fast that you have to sprint around trying to barely fit in the day's obligations. and if you invest in a full field of crops? say goodbye to the rest of the game for a season
it's so strange, just a simple tweak to the clock and the entire game would be one of the most beautiful experiences ever created. i dont even think the actual energy system tied to how many actions in a day you can do needs tweaking. you just need more room to use that energy at your own pace
really, it still is an incredibly beautiful experience, but you feel forced to rush through it once your farm grows beyond a simple garden. that's actually the opposite of most games! how often do you say "waitwait let me enjoy the game!" instead of "how quickly can i get through the mindless fluff to a nugget of actual engagement?"
still, it's a great game even with the fast clock and probably the best game in the series (at least at the time of release, I don't know what's come out since then other than remakes and a doraemon sequel)
but the clock is just so strange. I think it was ported directly out of Harvest Moon early on and they never went back and adjusted it once the rest of the game's design had taken form. because it makes sense for a typical Harvest moon game where running around doing activities is the core of the game, but doraemon story of seasons is much more about leisure, immersion, and "backyard exploration" and clashes with the "several minutes a second" clock
yes I want to spend the dawn feeding the animals and tending to my crops. but then i want to explore the island and see what i encounter, sit down for a late morning brunch, fish in the shade through the high midday sun, run errands in the town in the afternoon, hang out with friends and explore caves in the evening, and maybe fit a nap somewhere in the day
the strangest part is that doraemon story of seasons has the mechanics for and encourages that style of play, but then it comes into conflict with the accelerated clock. again, i think it's a harvest moon remnant from the start of development that just never got reevaluated in context of the doraemon entry's new dynamics
i do think it's a little odd that it didnt come up in playtesting, as the game clearly was playtested beyond just checking that it wasnt broken, a rarity these days
anyways.... still a full recommendation to any harvest moon fan from me, definitely a return to the glory days and beyond, rising above the masses as a gem in the oversaturated post-Stardew Valley genre. doraemon story of seasons didnt have to be anything but a generic reskin selling on novelty, but instead it's a true landmark of the series that takes mechanics from every title prior and weaves them into a single game, while simultaneously bringing all-new dynamics into play. it offers unprecedented freedom and scope for a Harvest Moon title while deepening the simple, everyday interactions that the series is known for. not to mention introducing the loveliest watercolor-graphics rendering in a game to date. grandma valkyria chronicles is crying tears of joy
im sure Friends of the Great Kingdom will carry on the torch, but apprehensive at the fact that the clock is probably the same, as it's the same engine
i just wish it would slow down! mechanics for speeding up time are already in the game! if someone wants to speed through days they can! but give the rest of us time to do our own thing. as things stand, speeding through the game is the only way of playing
well, that's my essay on a game i played in 2020
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greekconcertstatus · 2 years
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#Stratos #Dionysiou Tribute Tour!
Purchase tickets today to see his sons #Aggelos #Stelios and #Diamantis perform all the classic #Greek hits
Los Angeles Thursday, March 30
Fresno, Friday, March 31
Sacramento, Saturday, April 1
Houston, Friday, April 7
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vanitastergioula · 2 years
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Like a king 👑
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chaplinlegend · 25 days
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Charlie Chaplin in Artistic Art.
Portrait drawn by Aggelos Anastasopoulos.
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glikozi · 3 months
anagkazomai na afaireso ta skoularikia mou gia dyo imeres. niwthw san enan aggelo xwris ftera
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fleet-of-fiction · 6 months
Day 7 and the ghost of you still makes me cry. Today I thought about the first time you looked at me in a way that made me question everything. You were standing in the garden and I was inside the house. I looked out of the window and caught you smiling. Then you quickly looked away. But only for a second before your eyes returned to me. And when you came back from Athens to talk to me and we walked in the field nearby. You were complaining about english weather and it was my turn to get caught staring. You held my hand for a little part of the walk. Silently grabbing it as we moved into the trees. And you wanted to kiss me and I wanted it so badly too. But I denied you. And you were heart broken. You never expressed yourself as well as you did when you were silent. Peppered with these moments that were so magic my heart glowed. Like when you told me all about losing your mother. Things you never told another living soul. You were terrible at it, opening up. But somehow you did without any prompting. Like you were crying out for connection and my soul responded. I miss you Aggelos. And i think i always will.
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nofatclips · 1 year
Puer Blue by Void Droid from the compilation album Unity vol 1 - In Solidarity With The Refugees of Moria Camp
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yojabari · 6 months
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Fight Club by Aggelos Matzarakis
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