#Agronomy - Agriculture
francepittoresque · 1 month
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22 août 1782 : mort d’Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau, génie des sciences ➽ http://bit.ly/Duhamel-du-Monceau Inlassable travailleur, homme de génie et d’un coeur modeste mettant un point d’honneur à ne parler que de ce qu’il connaissait pour l’avoir étudié, Duhamel du Monceau consacra toute sa vie à étendre et à perfectionner les connaissances en rapport avec l’agriculture, la marine, le commerce et les arts mécaniques, écrivant avec méthode et clarté
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Japanese Central Government Agency (6) Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Engineering in the field of agriculture - agronomy. Almost the same as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Another group of scammers. Vicious.
Rei Morishita
農業分野における工学ー農学。 経済産業省とほぼ同一。やはり詐欺者集団。悪辣。
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
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More Great Graphs That Are Bad To Look At From The Master Of Bad Graphs To Look At, Hannah Ritchie.
Like what are your options here? It sure looks like either
1) concerted efforts to dramatically change the way that farmers across SS Africa operate (difficult, expensive, low benefit for whoever is doing this unless they're very altruistic and forward thinking about the climate) or
2) recommend that corporate farming take over huge tracts of land in SS Africa and dramatically improve its yields (profitable for them, probably still a net positive for local communities in the medium-long term due to food costs and infrastructure requirements, extremely banana-republic levels of bad for local economies and concentration of power in the short-medium term.)
I've been following some of the changes in Kenyan agronomy and it's promising but the sheer lack of money in the economy makes many improvements small, local and incremental. Smallholders can't benefit from the economies of scale that a proper agribusiness can. Access to basic mechanised potato harvesting, high yield seeds and proper market and cultivation practices has dramatically improved the yields of many Kenyan potato farms and especially when it comes to mechanisation and seed access, some of that is the result of significant foreign investment in those farms.
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resbar · 2 years
IJAAR | An Open Access Research Journal
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International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research is open access and a peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality original research papers together with review articles and short communications. It publishes original scientific work in all areas of Agronomy, Agricultural Sciences, Environment, and related Biology. 
ISSN: 2223-7054 (Print)
ISSN: 2225-3610 (Online)
Issue: 12 issues per year
Publication: Fast and Continuous.
IJAAR covers Agronomy, Agriculture, Crop biology, Breeding, Marine biology & Aquaculture, Biotechnology, Horticulture, Mushroom culture, Farming & Advanced farming, Crop management, Soil science, Irrigation & Water Management, Pest management, Weed management & Control, Disease management & Control, Fertilization, Agrochemicals, Nutrient and Micronutrients, Pathology, Pollution biology, Landscape architecture, Animal sciences & Animal welfare, Poultry, Fisheries, Sericulture, Apiculture, Economic biology, Pharmacy, Social forestry, Agroecology, Embryology, Agricultural philosophy, Heredity, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), Plant & Animal domestications, Food security, Food Processing and Preservation, Food production & Alternative food systems, Industrial agriculture, Traditional agriculture, Sustainable agriculture, Green revolution, Agricultural marketing and analysis.
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farmerstrend · 4 days
How Our Pixie Orange Farm Tour and Training Unfolded in Makueni County
“Discover how our recent Farm Tour and Training in Makueni County empowered farmers with expert advice on pixie orange production, from nursery management to harvesting techniques.” “Our Farm Tour and Training at Aaron Agronomy Services provided hands-on experience in pixie orange farming, offering farmers valuable insights into sustainable farming practices and pest control methods.” After a…
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ecogrow-journal · 1 month
Phytosanitary Sciences
In the field of plant health, there are several specialized sub-disciplines that focus on different aspects of plant well-being. Each of these areas has a specific focus and employs distinct techniques and knowledge to address issues related to plant diseases, pests, and other conditions affecting plants. Here are some of the key sub-disciplines:
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Definition: Phytopathology is the study of plant diseases caused by pathogens, including fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes. Focus: Identification and characterization of pathogens, mechanisms of infection, disease epidemiology, and control strategies. Activities: Disease diagnosis, development of control methods (chemical, biological, and cultural), and development of resistant plant varieties.
Definition: Nematology is the study of nematodes, small cylindrical worms that can parasitize plants and cause significant damage. Focus: Identification of nematode species, effects on plants, and development of control methods. Activities: Diagnosis of infestations, control of nematodes through physical, chemical, and biological methods, and research on plant resistance.
Agricultural Entomology
Definition: Agricultural entomology is the study of insects that affect plants, both as pests and in their interactions with crops. Focus: Identification of insect pests, their biology and behavior, and development of control methods. Activities: Monitoring insect populations, integrated pest management (IPM), and development of sustainable management strategies.
Plant Virology
Definition: Plant virology is the study of viruses that infect plants. Focus: Identification and characterization of viruses, their life cycles, and infection mechanisms. Activities: Diagnosis of viral infections, development of vaccines and control methods, and research on viral resistance.
Plant Bacteriology
Definition: Plant bacteriology is the study of bacteria that cause diseases in plants. Focus: Identification of pathogenic bacteria, understanding infection mechanisms, and development of control strategies. Activities: Diagnosis of bacterial diseases, chemical and biological control, and development of management practices.
Agricultural Mycology
Definition: Agricultural mycology is the study of fungi that affect plants. Focus: Identification and characterization of pathogenic fungi, infection mechanisms, and control. Activities: Diagnosis of fungal diseases, development of fungicides and cultural practices for control, and research on resistance to fungi
Definition: Phytosociology studies the structure and dynamics of plant communities in relation to environmental conditions and biotic factors. Focus: Analysis of interactions between different plant species and their environments. Activities: Study of plant community diversity and composition, and their responses to environmental changes and management
Definition: Agroecology applies ecological principles to agriculture to promote sustainable farming systems. Focus: Integration of agricultural practices with environmental conservation and promoting sustainability. Activities: Development of sustainable management techniques and study of interactions between agricultural systems and the environment.
Plant Genetics and Breeding
Definition: Plant breeding involves selecting and creating plant varieties with desirable traits, such as disease and pest resistance. Focus: Development of cultivars with genetic resistance to pathogens and pests. Activities: Research and development of new varieties, and application of biotechnological techniques to improve plant resistance.
These areas are interdependent and often overlap, with many collaborating to address complex issues related to plant health and sustainable agricultural production.
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paysmart · 2 months
Transformez vos cultures avec le Compost Enrichi : Un Guide Pratique
Bienvenue aux passionnés d'agriculture et de durabilité ! Aujourd'hui, plongeons dans l'univers du compost enrichi, une méthode révolutionnaire pour booster vos récoltes de manière naturelle et respectueuse de l'environnement.
Introduction au Compost Enrichi
Le compost enrichi est bien plus qu'un simple tas de déchets organiques en décomposition. C'est un trésor naturel regorgeant de nutriments essentiels pour vos cultures. En suivant des étapes simples et en utilisant des matériaux de qualité, vous pouvez créer un compost enrichi en seulement quelques mois.
Les Avantages du Compost Enrichi
Le compost enrichi présente une multitude d'avantages pour vos cultures et pour l'environnement. En plus d'augmenter les rendements, il améliore la rétention d'eau du sol, favorise la croissance des racines et nourrit progressivement vos plantes. De plus, en limitant la croissance des mauvaises herbes, il contribue à maintenir un environnement sain pour vos cultures.
Comment Fabriquer du Compost Enrichi en 3-4 Mois
Pour démarrer votre propre production de compost enrichi, suivez ces étapes simples :
Délimitez un espace pour votre tas de compost.
Mélangez des débris végétaux avec du fumier animal frais.
Créez un tas et assurez-vous de le retourner régulièrement.
Surveillez la température pour garantir une décomposition efficace.
Après 3 à 4 mois, votre compost enrichi sera prêt à être utilisé pour nourrir vos cultures.
Problèmes Courants et Solutions
Lors de la fabrication de votre compost enrichi, vous pourriez rencontrer quelques problèmes. Voici quelques solutions rapides :
● Pour une décomposition lente, vérifiez le niveau d'humidité et la taille du tas. ● Si votre tas prend feu, ajustez l'humidité et la taille du tas. ● Pour éviter la contamination du sol, utilisez des matériaux non polluants. ● En cas de faibles rendements malgré l'utilisation de compost enrichi, assurez-vous d'appliquer les quantités recommandées et de suivre les bonnes pratiques agricoles.
Utilisation Pratique du Compost Enrichi
Une fois votre compost enrichi prêt, utilisez-le efficacement en suivant ces étapes simples :
Creusez des poquets et mélangez le compost avec la terre.
Plantez vos graines dans les poquets préparés.
Éparpillez le compost de manière homogène pour nourrir vos cultures.
En conclusion, le compost enrichi est un allié précieux pour tout agriculteur soucieux de la santé de ses cultures et de l'environnement. En suivant les bonnes pratiques de fabrication et d'utilisation, vous pouvez transformer vos récoltes et contribuer à un avenir agricole durable. N'attendez plus, lancez-vous dans l'aventure du compost enrichi et récoltez les fruits de votre engagement envers une agriculture respectueuse de la nature.
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vatshalgreen · 2 months
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Invest in Profitable Farming!
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10x More Profitable than Traditional Farming! Cutting-edge technology for maximized yields and efficiency. Sustainable and innovative farming solutions. Join the revolution in agriculture and secure your future with high-tech farming!
Contact us at +91 78743 79887, +91 75677 79887, or visit: https://www.vatshalgreen.com/
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agreads · 10 months
Kagome, NEC and DXAS introduce agricultural ICT platform "CropScope" to tomato field in northern Italy, saving water and increasing yield
Kagome Co., Ltd., (Kagome) NEC Corporation (NEC) and DXAS Agricultural Technology LDA (DXAS), a joint venture between Kagome and NEC, have introduced an agricultural ICT platform, “CropScope,” which combines AI farming advice and automatic irrigation control functions compatible with pulse drip irrigation(1), to tomato fields in northern Italy and Portugal. In northern Italy, CropScope was…
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francepittoresque · 1 year
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22 août 1782 : mort d’Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau, génie des sciences ➽ http://bit.ly/Duhamel-du-Monceau Inlassable travailleur, homme de génie et d’un coeur modeste mettant un point d’honneur à ne parler que de ce qu’il connaissait pour l’avoir étudié, Duhamel du Monceau consacra toute sa vie à étendre et à perfectionner les connaissances en rapport avec l’agriculture, la marine, le commerce et les arts mécaniques, écrivant avec méthode et clarté
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beingsanket · 1 year
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oaresearchpaper · 1 year
IJAAR | Research Journal of Agronomy and Agriculture
The International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR) is a scientific journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, and short communications in all areas of agronomy and agricultural research. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including plant breeding and genetics, crop science, soil science, horticulture, and related disciplines. IJAAR aims to provide a platform for researchers, scientists, and academicians to share their latest findings and contribute to the advancement of the field. The journal is committed to promoting scientific excellence and encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration in order to tackle complex scientific problems and further our understanding of agriculture and agronomy. The journal is peer-reviewed to ensure the highest quality and relevance of the research it publishes. IJAAR is an important resource for researchers, scientists, and students in the field, providing a wealth of information and insights into the latest developments in agronomy and agricultural research.
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farmerstrend · 4 months
KALRO and IRRI Partnership to Promote Adoption of Improved High-Yielding Rice Varieties and Climate-Smart Farming
Kenya through the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) has partnered with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to promote the adoption of improved high-yielding rice varieties and climate-smart agronomy for increased productivity and income to help achieve food and livelihood security in the country. In this, KALRO and IRRI jointly organized a Farmers’ Field…
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globaltradeplaza · 1 year
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Sign up with Global Trade Plaza! Are you prepared to take your agricultural machinery and equipment business global? Don't put it off any longer. By joining Global Trade Plaza, you will have access to a booming society of buyers, sellers, and cutting-edge ideas. Click on the link below www.globaltradeplaza.com
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