simp-for-the-masters · 8 months
I can't help but think the Master/Missy would actually love an autistic reader. Straight forward, speaks their mind, yet when it comes to social situations they will depend on the the Master/Missy... and let's be honest, they love it when their companion is at least somewhat dependable on them.
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plethora-of-imagines · 6 months
Hi, hope you’re having a lovely evening. If I may ask, how would the masters react and feel if a device/ experiment/ malfunction turned the reader into a child (age 3 to 10) please?
Oh none of them handle it well- not because they are bad with kids- they just don't know how to deal with the spontaneous child they now have on their hands.
He is so overwhelmed, the poor man. He is actually pretty good with kids. What he isn't good with is his lover being randomly turned into a child with no clear indication they will turn back anytime soon. If he had run into them as a child that would have been fine, but this is going to drive him insane. He worries over you so much that he resorts to a child leash just for piece of mind.
You're a curious child and it drives him insane. He cannot handle all the questions about what he is doing while he tries to fix this. He does have some left over parenting skills in his stolen body so he does eventually find a way to keep you distracted while he works to fix this.
At first he acts as though its a huge problem for him to deal with child you. Then he realizes how you almost have literal stars in your eyes when you look at him. Now he is so very attached to you, and almost doesn't want to turn you back... He will. After a few days.
She laughs so hard. Then she plays dress up with you. Treating you like a little doll until she has had her fun and she figures out how to turn you back.
He just- stares- for a few minutes. Then, once he has wrapped his brains around it- he is so excited. He is going to spoil child you for a few days before even worrying about changing you back into your adult self. He takes you to giant space playgrounds, gets you toys, buys giant stuffed animals larger than you. He adores getting to see your child like excitement as an actual small child. He carries you around, chases you. Its basically enrichment for the man. He gets to indulge in all his child like behavior without feeling weird about it. (He learns how to do it again so you can both enjoy some time as children when you need a break from being an adult)
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dreamsinmoonlight · 3 months
From Eden
(This. Would. Not. Go. Away. I had this pop up in my head while on a bus and then it kept bugging me until I wrote it so here it is.
It is a very weird fanfic I feel but it's for us Master fans and we're weird and they're weird so makes sense. It is not for one Master in particular; it is for the seven most notable ones, as noted in the notes. I apologize if you wanted more of one particular Master, I do want to make proper ones later but this needed to be the whole group of them.
This whole thing is set to "From Eden" by Hoizer, specifically the Mahogany Session version; I recommend listening to that song while reading this
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: The Master (Delgado, Crispy, Ainley, Jacobi/War, Simm, Missy, Dhawan), Reader (Time Lord)
Pairing: Master x Reader
Genre: Romance
Summary: It's a dance, through time, through space, through victories and through defeats. There is so few constants in the universe but you are his.)
It started at one.
He smiled at you in that charming, hypnotic way of his and you felt as if you could trust him to the ends of the universe. You knew deep in your bones that you would and as he offered his hand to you, you took it without a second of hesitation. Those burning eyes of his were upon you and only you; the music played around you and the Tardis hummed along but he seemed only interested in you.
You were his companion, the one and only. There were many for that other bleeding heart, the one who stood against him, the one who kept getting in the way, but you were a singular point and impossible to imitate, if your favorite danger was to be believed. You'd met him more than once, both monster and savior, and you found the man with the suave way of trying to bring upon domination far more interesting.
His smile, his voice, the way he held your hands in his as he danced with you, feeling his touch despite his gloves; his movements were playful but in every step graceful and calculated. There was control to it, to everything he did, and you could not help but trust him to take control, to be in command. Though you knew that the end result could only be trouble. At least you'd face it together.
It went to two.
He was broken, burnt, hurting. And there was a desperation that oozed from each and every pore of a dying body. Regeneration, revenge, survival, destruction, you understood and you followed along still.
But even death had time for a dance. His movements were far more sluggish and stiff, a body that could not move as well, as fast, as easily. But you saw still in his eyes the soul of the man you loved, the spirit of one who could not, would not, be held back by anything, not by imprisonment, not by defeat and surely not by something by as silly and unimportant as death.
The world around you was silent and hurting but you knew all the best ways to make music nevertheless. Though neither of you truly needed it when you were the ones doing it; his body might not be willing to do much but you didn't for a second doubt that he could handle any of this. There was nothing that a monster in the dark couldn't do if he truly tried, if he believed, if he persevered. And this monster certainly would continue on. A new life was not so far away you were sure and though some part of you felt sorry for the one who would be losing out, you really only cared as long as it meant that he would be able to smile and be who he always had been before.
The third lasted.
There was something wild in his eyes and you were uncertain whether to blame the planet you both barely survived escaping. There had always been something in his eyes, an edge of madness, a portion of danger that made your hearts beat all the faster because how you could not be allured by the subtleness in his smile.
But feral was never something you attributed to him before and it made this dance all the stranger and exciting. His hands held you like vices, he pulled you close and in that smile were sharp fangs ready to tear flesh and eat you alive. Yet not a drop of fear beat through your body and you held onto him as he led the dangerous movements of this dance, still controlled and elegant in some far more aggressive way.
He may never be the same, you thought to yourself as you noted the gold to his eyes, and he would never be himself again. He'd been changed in dangerous ways and it was a question not a guarantee that regeneration was coming if he faced it.
But death was ever just a small thing and temporary to him. In those bones that knew that you'd always trusted him, too was the knowledge that it didn't much better to you what changes came.
You smiled and followed him through every step of the dance, holding ever tight to him without fear.
Four came with tragedy.
The universe was burning and it wasn't his fault. The universe was dying and he wasn't the cause. These were strange things to think, to feel, and pain and fear finally found it's way not just into you but into him as well. And it colored those eyes in ways you never imagined.
This could be your last dance together and you both knew it so you were going to make it a good one. The song was the same as it had been at every other junction but it burned into your skin as he held you with a desperation that made you hurt so much.
None of this was your fault; if anyone it was theirs, those monsters who called him a monster, those beasts of stagnation that saw the universe as their toys and as worthless all at the same time. It was that bleeding heart who couldn't bring himself to do what was necessary even if it saved them a lot of heartache.
And now you'd lose your favorite and he'd lose you. But not a word of this passed either lips, held back by the taboo of weakness but you needed no audible words, not when you knew each other as well as you did.
He tried for elegance, as he had done for countless lives, but the wish not to let this actually end turned a waltz into something endless. Every time it could come to the last second he winced and forced the song to start again and you resisted the urge to rest your head against his chest. Because you already could hear his hearts breaking perfectly fine as you were, knowing this couldn't go on. It would end.
It revived in five.
An eternity came and went, in it's wake pain and loss. But fate couldn't keep you apart and you remembered the way the strange desperation in his eyes turned to relief as he forced his way into the hideway on the edge of nowhere you'd locked yourself away in. And though you had not recognized him at first, the way he pressed the pocket watch into your hands and made you open it, the way you felt everything you were meant to be return and the way you immediately realized who he was, who he had always been and always be.
Your mad feral monster and when you spoke his name he smiled with everything he had before doing as you always did, always would. He scooped you up and danced with you, he laughed and told you of what you missed, of the bleeding hearts' acts and his own and what chaos and death and suffering he had wrought. Of the pretty blonde woman he had seduced but oh, never fret, never fear, though he'd truly felt something deep in those broken hearts of his, you were still the one and only true companion to the monster. Proven right by betrayal, by pain and suffering, and he'd nearly burnt himself to death again but he'd won and he'd stolen what he needed from those who hurt him, had always hurt him. And then he came for you. Because you, you were the one good constant in his chaotic vicious cruel existence, and he wanted nothing more than to have you dancing with him once more, loving him despite every act he wrought upon the universe. And this made you feel so loved you forgot about eternity.
Six changed the dance.
She was beautiful, like a rose covered in thorns, like a drop of honey full of poison, like death itself. She smiled and she laughed and she danced about, the skirts of her dress twirling as she did so, her hair a controlled mess upon her head, her eyes glittering with the essence of true madness. And you wanted so bad to press your lips to hers because how could you, the monster's companion, ever, ever resist such a beautiful sight.
Her hand reached out to take yours and you held tight, drawing close and smiling warm as the sun to her ad you joined her. The world was in a tizzy, it always was though whenever she choose to make herself known, and the bleeding hearts would find his way there in no time but there was always time enough for a dance. You two had learned that so long ago that it was less a thought as it was an existence.
Yet something in your hearts told you that things were different, because she didn't seem as keen on the destruction as she was on seeing that troublemaker who always got in her way. Because there was a gentleness you couldn't explain or expect but who were you to ever deny your beloved monster the shards of goodness still left embedded in hearts broken over and over more?
She died. He woke up. And it seemed like everything had returned to the norm. But there was a childishness and playfulness and giddiness that you knew meant only trouble for the rest of the universe. The bleeding hearts had proven not enough, or maybe the monster had been lacking, but you were biased and you knew this to your core.
He took you by the hand and the song continued to be the same as it had been when he'd been elegant and when he'd been broken.
When he'd been feral and when he'd been afraid.
When he found you again and when she had been almost good.
And in this dance you found all of them, mixed and swirling, and in every way him and every way not. His eyes still burned but they burned in ways different than ever before; he laughed and it was cracks and edges. He schemed and he hoped and he acted and he hurt and killed and destroyed and this time it was his fault, every step of the way. He was the same, he was different, he was himself, he was not.
But still you smiled back at him and you reflected back all the ways you'd changed too, every day you'd spent with him, every time you'd found each other, lost each other, fought the bleeding hearts and every other force against you. And every time you danced.
Still you found, as the music continued, as he held you close, as he smiled and he whispered all his plans, as he tickled your ear with his voice, that one thing had not changed:
You still trusted him to the ends of the universe.
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noforkingclue · 9 months
Could you do an Ainley!Master X reader where he sets a web and trap the reader in please!
Of course anon!
Hope you like the fic :)
Title: Talking
Doctor Who tag list: @v4n1r, @queerconfusionthings, @yourneighbourhoodclown, @love-of-fandoms, @emilythezeldafan, @fabulous-jj-style, @theseeker945, @pleadingeyes, @kjaneway1, @truthbehindthemysteries, @im-a-muggleborn, @startrekkingaroundasgard, @mythandmagik, @geocookie21, @zerocanonlywriteshit, @thewinterpoet2, @anteroom-of-death, @night467, @clarasoswaldd, @sessa23, @mxacegrey
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
Your head slumped forward as you hung limply in the air. The Master sighed as he slowly approached you. You were painfully easy to capture and really he had hoped for more of a challenge. The Master reached up and gently cupped your cheek, brushing a thumb over your cheekbone.
You were a puzzle. You had been travelling with the Doctor during his previous incarnation and really, this new Doctor didn’t really deserve you. The Doctor’s TARDIS was becoming far too crowded and with all those children he had to babysit would he really notice that you weren’t there? Besides, the Master needed you. He needed to know why you hadn’t left his mind since he first saw you all bundled up in the Doctor’s stupidly long scarf.
And now he had you all bound up. Hopefully that Doctor wouldn’t notice you were missing for some time. The puzzle he left him would keep him preoccupied for a while. After all, what was more important? Preventing the destruction of a planet or find one human who decided to go missing? The Doctor would probably think that you just went on a walk throughout his ancient TARDIS and got lost. Really, he should keep his humans on a leash.
You shifted slightly in your sleep and the Master quickly removed his hand. While he wanted to interrogate you he found that he actually quite liked watching you like this. There was a peacefulness about you that he knew would immediately disappear as soon as you were awake. While he found your attempts at put downs amusing, he wanted to savour this moment. He wondered if you were always this relaxed around the Doctor. At that thought he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy towards his rival.
The Doctor didn’t deserve you. The Doctor had so many humans, didn’t he deserve one of his own. Of course the Master knew that he could always persuade you to his side through more… alternative methods but he didn’t want to do that. He wanted to persuade you to join him without having to alter your mind. After all, it was one of his favourite things about you.
You shifted again and the Master couldn’t help but feel excited as your eyes slowly fluttered open. He took a step back and smirked up at you as you slowly woke up. It took you a second to realise that you weren’t in the safety of the Doctor’s TARDIS and when you saw the Master in front of you a familiar glare returned to your features.
“Master,” you spat, “Where am I?”
“Safe. For now.”
“If you’re using me to get to the Doctor it won’t work. He’ll find a way to rescue me.”
“Then why hasn’t he come for you yet? Would you like to know how long you’ve been in my care?”
There was a flicker of uncertainty that cross your face before you quickly masked it again.
“Don’t think I’ll fall for that,” you snapped, “I’m not an idiot.”
“I never said that you were,” the Master reached up nd grabbed your chin and forced you to look into his gaze, “now all I want to do is talk. Won’t you listen to your Master?”
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how-masterful · 2 years
31 Fics of Fright
Day 28- When A Black Cat Crosses Your Path
Ainley!Master X Reader
Prompt: Cat
Notes: Oh how I love the cheetah planet! Such a wonderful idea that brings so many wonderful fics. The master catboy renaissance has been highly overdue, and i’m glad the power of the doctor has brought it upon us!
Warnings: Suggestive Content
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The TARDIS was warm, her walls buzzing with a tangible warmth. Her pilot and his companion needed it. The pile of clothes that had been abandoned in the corner of the bathroom was a mighty one- scarfs and gloves, extra layers and long coats, all tainted with traces of alien toxin that while anything but deadly, were not preferable on your attire. The wardrobe was sure to provide an easy replacement if it were required.
The day had been busy, the sun only escaping through its prison of dying trees for a few moments. The planet was a destination of permanent twilight, its shimmering sky a blanket of glittering constellations, its atmosphere alive with an energy only describable as supernatural. You’d craved the feeling of power, the kisses of lightning against your skin as you strolled across the terrain. The planet was imbued with a glorious energy, revitalising and inspiring. The Master had told you people came from across the universe to soak up a single moment of its energy. It amplified what was inside of you, the nature that dwelled within your spirit, the intentions within your heart. 
The planet knew exactly who you were and what you’d become. It was no place for judgement. It was a place of invigoration.
The Master had joined your traversal, clothed in his warm velvet garments, gloved hand within your own. He watched the world with changed eyes. Eyes that were not his own on a plethora of levels. These eyes belonged to Tremas, a man so full of love for his people and family. He supposed, since he had taken a companion, they would be useful. Not only were they the eyes of a Trakkenite, they were the eyes of the Cheetah. Powerful, dangerous, instinctual. A life lived in violence and fire. The Master felt a kinship to his newfound perspective. The planet would assist him greatly.
The pair of you had walked for hours, absorbing the planet's life and talking of wonderful pleasantries. Of future endeavours, of memories from years gone by. You could feel it within you, the growing strength of mind. Sure, your peaceful purloin of power had been interrupted by somebody trying to poison the energy. It didn’t happen often, but the Master made a great attempt to foil the plot. If somebody was trying to take his benefit, then the Master would play the good guy. It was all a matter of perspective. Of true evil versus a pest that needed eradicating. Cats were known to be valiant hunters of vermin, after all.
Once returned to the TARDIS and shed of the toxin, you had shared a shower and retired to the heat of the fire. The flames licked and danced against the fireplace, the Master allowing himself to fall to the waiting hands of rest. The Master, a beacon of villainy and bountiful energy, now resting so calmly within your embrace. So… exposed. He’d even taken off his gloves.
To see the Master like this was a wonderful thing. His hair, shifted from his usual slicked back style, now falling free and endearingly dishevelled. He was still a proper sort, his comfortable clothes as decadent as his usual attire, but there was a different look in his eye. He was off the clock, unguarded, breathing deep into his lungs and allowing his body to pause. 
This was new. This was healthy. This was… the Master.
“How do you feel, my love?” His voice purred, pulling you from your admiration.
You gave a small sigh, allowing your back to rest deeper into the plush of the sofa. Fingers had wandered to pleasantly scratch at the hair on the nape of the Master's neck. Idle petting, sweet touches. Tactile and endeared.
“I feel like I've been asleep for a week.” You admitted with a smile. “Like every part of my body is just… better. I feel like I could run a marathon.”
The Master chuckled quietly, settling against your touch.
“That is a typical reaction, my dearest. The planet is indeed quite potent. Perhaps there was an Olympian within you all this time.”
Now it was your turn to laugh.
“I can just about manage the current workload of running down corridors. I’m not in the market for medals just yet.”
All throughout the conversation, there had been a low sound emanating from the Master's throat. A gentle rumble, a persistent white noise that made every bone in your body want to melt into jelly. It spoke of comfort, of safety. It was the softest of purrs. The Master had been purring.
“What about you? What about the, y’know… Cheetah?”
The Master nodded slowly, his eyes fluttering shut. Your hand had slowly crept from the back of his neck to the crown of his head, your fingertips petting at the Timelords hair.
“The Cheetah planet has made its mark, and I believe it shall never leave me. Our visit today seems to have empowered it.”
“So... you’re going to start changing?” You asked, rather apprehensively. The Master turned to your face with a half smile.
“The planet is gone, my love. The Cheetah’s taken with it. No trace of the power that once was can ever ascend to that form again. What is left within those who still hold its touch can only be empowered.”
Ah. So that was why the Master had become so… purry. He was more like the Kittlings, than the Cheetah. The feline instinct within him had been amplified by the energy, sparked to life.
“Are you still intending to perform your ritual tomorrow?”
That was the whole reason you’d visited. You’d been telling the Master for weeks about the planetary position you’d been researching- how the specific layout of orbits on Samhain was a powder keg for manifestation. You’d anticipated his hand waving away your superstitious work, brushing off your witchcraft as a foolish human dream- instead he’d taken you to strengthen your power. To aid your craft. As a Samhain gift to his sorceress.
“I’d be delighted for you to join me, Master.”
Your hand had shifted to softly scratch under his chin, nails gently catching at his beard. The Master leant into the touch, his involuntary purr growing stronger. He hadn’t reacted to the sound. Perhaps he’d grown to accept it. You certainly had.
“After all, every witch needs a feline familiar.”
You hummed out a small laugh, inching closer and closer to the Master's chest. There was no gap between you, the Master's fingertips running up your arms and tickling down your spine. You caught his chin between your finger and thumb, his lips parting to bare his fangs. They’d become more prominent, sitting upon his bottom lip. To others, he may have looked like a vampire. Black velvet, flowing cape, pearly fangs within his smile. But this was your Master, a maniac after your own heart, a villain with a you shaped space within his chest.
“And you black cats are oh so lucky.”
“Don’t forget your place, my sweet.” He whispered, tone low and shiver inducing. You nodded, nose brushing against his own, your lips centimetres apart.
“Tomorrow may be yours, but I am still your Master.”
“Always.” You replied, teasing the Timelord with a small peck to the side of his lips.
“You are the Master, and I shall obey you.”
A grin cracked itself onto your lips, your skin alive with newfound power. The Master growled warningly. A soft moan escaped your mouth at the sound.
“I do hope you aren’t intending to undermine your obedience with petty mockery. I would hate to have to punish you before your big day.”
“Never, Master. It’s simply a little Halloween trick. To repay you for my Samhain treat.”
The Master raised an eyebrow, watching you closely. You met his gaze with earnest, lips instinctively parting.
“You will always be my Master.”
“My good little witch.” He smiled, the devil on his lips. You leant forwards, lips connecting with his own as the gap between your existences closed shut. The Master took control, hands holding you within his infernal grasp. If witches were destined to hell, you could only pray the devil had other plans in mind for you. The Master, both familiar and figurehead, would never release his hold upon his most adored companion.
“Mine.” He purred against your lips, the Cheetah planet burning hot within him.
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bowtiesandflutes · 3 years
You/They Meet A Past/Future Version Of Them/You
First Doctor
You were walking through the streets of London, trying to find the Doctor and Susan. You looked at the estate, bumping into someone when you were distracted and you quickly apologized, pausing to look at the man you had collided with.
He stared at you for a moment, a smile forming on his lips. “That’s alright.” He straightened his leather jacket. “You wouldn’t happen to be Y/N, would you?”
You hesitated for a moment, “Yes.”
“A young girl called Susan asked if I had seen you. They’re waiting for you around the corner.” He lied with a smile, knowing that his past self would be looking for you.
Your eyes lit up at the mention of the Doctor and Susan, thanking the man before rushing off.
He turned to watch you leave, a fond smile on his lips. “Y/N of Skaro.” He turned when he heard Rose approaching and she looked at your retreating figure, eyebrows furrowed.
“Do you know her?” She asked.
“I did. A very long time ago.” He said, a sad smile forming on his lips.
Seeing you again brought back memories, some were sad but the good memories overshadowed the bad ones. There were more good memories than bad and centuries later he never forgot you.
Second Doctor
He had lost both his companions and the Cybermen had taken you. This was not a good day. He was working on a control panel when a message was flagged up.
Hello, mi amor.
His fingers paused as he read the message. He knew it had to be from you, for only you called him ‘my love’.
Before he could think of replying another message appeared.
Follow the corridor to the left.
A door opened and he quickly left the control panel, following the path you made for him, opening doors. He was puzzled as you had no knowledge of hacking that he had seen. So how did you suddenly know the ins and outs of a space station?
He became more cautious as he followed the trail you left. There was one scenario that was possible to explain your sudden knowledge. One, you had been converted into a Cyberman and they were using your memories to lure him into a trap.
He looked around the empty room, approaching the glass to find you sleeping in a glass capsule. Jamie was beside you in another capsule, Zoe beside his capsule.
A beeping sound caused him to turn and the screen on the wall lit up with another message.
Hurry, mi amor.
His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at where you were sleeping. How were you communicating with him? He dismissed the thought when the Cybermen cried in agony, and he quickly rushed down the stairs to where you, Jamie, and Zoe were sleeping, opening your capsules.
Jamie came around quicker and the Doctor helped him out of the capsule. “What happened?”
“I’ll explain later, Jamie.” He picked you up from the capsule and the two raced out of the room, heading to the Tardis. Jamie helped Zoe keep up, looking over his shoulder at the Cybermen that followed. The doors opened automatically and the Doctor knew it had to be the same person that had helped him earlier. Jamie unlocked the Tardis and the Doctor placed you on the floor gently, rushing to close the doors, pausing when he saw Cybermen falling, his eyes widening when he saw an older version of you running away. You stopped by the Tardis, standing in front of him.
“God, you were so handsome at this age.” You hit your hand off a device on your wrist and with a wink, you were gone.
He heard a small groan from behind him and closed the doors, walking over to where you were now sitting up.
Jamie left to get you some water while the Doctor kneeled in front of you, a smile on his lips. You raised an eyebrow at him, “Why are you smiling?”
“I’ll explain later.”
He kissed your head, turning to Jamie when he handed him the water, handing it to you. “Thank you, mi amor.”
Third Doctor
You looked at the three Doctors, standing next to Teagen, Sarah, and the Brigadier. All afternoon you had received odd glances from the Brigadier and Teagen. The Brigadier was older and was shocked to see you. Teagen had mentioned that the Doctor didn’t like speaking about you and that she had never met you. So what happened?
You pondered your fate, wondering if the Doctor had noticed you weren’t fully present. The three were huddled around, translating old Gallifreyian.
Your questions waited until they solved the puzzle, saving his fifth incarnation in the process. You approached the young Doctor who admired you, hands in his pockets.
“Y/N.” He kissed your cheek.
The way he looked at you was different. Filled with guilt, sadness, and grief. The words were on the tip of your tongue, “Why aren’t I with you?” but no sound left your lips.
You sent him a small smile, “Doctor.”
“Come along, Y/N,” Your Doctor said.
You bid goodbye to his past incarnations before following him into the Tardis, looking back at the fifth Doctor curiously, wondering why you weren’t traveling with him.
You entered the Tardis, closed the door, and approached the Doctor as he piloted the Tardis, Sarah leaving to get changed.
He hummed so you continued. “Why wasn’t I there?”
His hand hesitated on the lever before he pushed it down. “Well, it could be for many reasons.” He said.
“You weren’t with him when he was brought here.”
“And another reason?”
His hesitation went unnoticed, his smile reassuring you. “You stopped traveling with me.”
You shook your head. “That’ll never happen.” You told him, standing next to him with a smile.
He smiled when you kissed his cheek before leaving to get changed. His smile fell, recalling the grief he saw in the young man’s eyes. He didn’t know how it happened, but he knew that you were taken from him in the future. So he made every moment count.
Fourth Doctor
You remained close friends with Sarah Jane after the Doctor returned to Gallifrey. When you saw him again, so young compared to when you knew him, yet he was still the same underneath. Jo had questions for him and Sarah Jane had asked him all she needed to know years ago when the Doctor had another face to the one you were admiring now. You wondered how many times he had changed since he left you with Sarah, wondering how much he had endured and how much those eyes had seen.
“Why did you leave me?”
He paused when you spoke for you hadn’t spoken to him since he arrived. He had been thrilled to see you again although you hadn’t said a word to him..
He stopped scanning with his sonic screwdriver, his eyes darting around as he listened to the heartbreak in your voice. He had changed seven times since he left for Gallifrey, with different faces with different personalities. He had lived many lives, but there was only one time he had loved with everything he had and that was with you.
“I had to.” He said quietly.
“You didn’t come back like you said you would. I thought that you forgot about me.”
He turned to you, “Forget about you?” He asked incredulously. “Never.”
Your teary eyes met his as he walked toward you. “Then why did you break your promise? You never told me why had to leave. So tell me why you didn’t return.”
“I wanted to.” He said quietly, his eyes admiring your aged features. “I wanted to more than anything.” He paused for a moment. “A lot happened on Gallifrey and when I left I put in your coordinates and was ready to leave…but I couldn’t. What if you had moved on? What if you were happy? How could I ask you to follow this madman with his police box to give it all up?”
“I would have in a heartbeat.” You told him. “Because I loved you with all my heart. And I still do. But I also hate you.”
He frowned.
“Because I could date Superman and he still wouldn’t hold a candle to you.”
“And no one has rendered me speechless like you do.”
His visit was short and fleeting but you finally got the answers you had been waiting for for decades. Why did he leave you behind? What happened on Gallifrey. And although you knew that he was leaving again, seeing him again made you feel twenty years old again.
Fifth Doctor
You were reading when the Tardis shook violently and quickly rushed to the console room, seeing two Doctors observing each other.
“Um,” their heads snapped to you, both taking off their glasses. Your Doctor smiled as he knew how pleased and surprised his past self would feel seeing you again after sending you back to your own time. But this hadn’t happened yet in your time.
“Y/N, meet the Doctor.”
You shook hands before deciding to make tea while the two brainstormed. Their Tardis's had collided and now his past self was trapped in his future.
“She doesn’t know yet.”
He looked at the towering, dark-haired Timelord when he spoke up.
“Everything that happened hasn’t happened to her yet. But soon she will travel back in our timeline, to your time.” The fifth Doctor put on his half-moon glasses as he analysed the readings. He was older than he was when you came to his time. But he had changed more than he liked to admit after he returned you to your time.
“You did the right thing.” His future self told him. “Sending her back.”
You returned with tea, pausing when you caught the end of their conversation. Sent who back?
Dismissing your thoughts you entered the console room and gave them cups of tea. “Figured it out yet?”
“I’m sure it’ll sort itself out.” Your Doctor said.
“Meaning you don’t know.” You smirked at him and he playfully rolled his eyes. You took his glasses and leaned to read the readings on the screen. “Well, three heads are better than two.”
You looked at his past self when he explained the readings to you. You nodded now and then to show you were listening but your eyes were filled with curiosity. And that’s when the tenth Doctor knew why you had chosen his fifth incarnation. It was clear as day that you were intrigued by him.
When the TARDIS’S were beginning to unmerge the fifth Doctor took your hand and kissed your knuckles. “Farewell, my Y/N.”
You were puzzled by his words and failed to notice your Doctor staring with a small smile on his lips, knowing how much it meant to his past self to see you again. His eyes held sadness knowing from the moment he met you that you were due to travel back in his timeline, meaning he would lose you. But little did he know the months you were gone were mere minutes in his time.
Sixth Doctor
You looked around the unfamiliar Tardis, growing more frightened and confused as to how you got there. Where was Perrie? Where was the Doctor? Who’s Tardis was this?
Your questions were answered when a woman entered the console room, pausing when she saw you.
“Who are you?” You asked.
Her mind was racing from all the memories that flooded her mind due to seeing you again.
“What is this place?”
“Oh, they must have switched!” She snapped her fingers and you glared at the blonde woman.
“What have you done to the Doctor?”
“I’m him. Well, now I’m a her. But I was a he when we were, you know, involved.”
You stared at her in disbelief when she placed a device on your head. “This will show your last memories before you were taken.”
You ignored the footage, eyeing her from head to toe. As she talked to herself for a few solid minutes you knew she was telling the truth. She mentioned things that weren’t shown on the screen. Places you had been together, with and without Peri.
“You’re really him - you.” You quickly corrected.
“Regeneration is a tricky process. You never know what you will end up with. Although looking at that jacket and the hair, it could’ve been worse.”
“Hey, I love that jacket. And the hair.” You playfully scolded.
She smiled at you fondly, “I know you did.”
The Tardis landed, following a signal and you followed her outside, surprised to see another Tardis parked a few feet away. She had explained the cause as you walked to the door, but the second you saw the other police Box you had forgotten everything she had said. Three people stepped out and your eyebrows furrowed until you saw your brightly dressed Doctor ushering them out.
You walked over to him and he smiled when he saw you. “Are you alright?”
You nodded. “Bit of a scare for a minute there. But I was with someone I trusted.” He did not know what you meant until centuries later. But still, he smiled and put his hand on your back as he led you inside.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
Seventh Doctor
You looked around the garden in awe, amazed by the flowers. You turned when you heard a voice from behind you.
“You appear to be a long way from home.”
You looked at the long white-haired man,  seeing the checked trousers he wore with braces, a waistcoat, and a black jacket. His style was odd and it reminded you of the man you had been separated from.
“Considering we are among Aztecs, I would agree and say so do you.”
“How did you get here?”
“I’m looking for a friend of mine.” You replied evasively. “He’s got question marks on his clothes, very hard to miss yet I cannot see him anywhere.”
“What’s his name? I will help you look.”
“The Doctor.” You told him.
You looked away from him as you stood up from where you were seated on a fountain and missed the way his eyes widened.
He was keen to ask questions before but as you searched he had made it clear he did not know anything. You weren’t sure why until you met your Doctor again. You kissed the first Doctor’s cheek before stepping into the Tardis.
The two Doctors looked at each other for a moment before the seventh Doctor sent him a wink before going inside the Tardis.
You had no idea you had met his past self until he told you who the man was.
Eighth Doctor
He was walking down a dimly lit cobbled street, as he headed to the Tardis where he hoped you and Charley were. He had lost Charley first then you disappeared and he was hoping you both had found your way back to the Tardis.
He bumped into a woman in a Victorian dress, quickly catching her before she fell. His eyes widened when he saw her. A few years older, but still the same woman he hoped was waiting for him in the Tardis.
“It’s you.” He spoke in disbelief. “B-But how ”
You smiled softly, “I was feeling nostalgic.” You leaned to his ear, whispering, “I’m waiting for you.” You kissed his cheek before walking away and the Doctor watched you disappear around a corner, quickly following, pausing when he saw the police box fading away.
He walked to find his own TARDIS, relieved to see that you and Charley were waiting.
“Where have you been you said five minutes! It’s freezing out here!” Charley complained.
The Doctor unlocked the door and you noticed he was quiet as you headed inside. “Everything okay?” You asked, approaching the console as he prepared to set a new course.
He nodded, turning to you with a smile. You were still with him years later and you both returned to this time to relive old memories.
“Never better.” He kissed you and you sent him a smile as you walked away to get changed.
War Doctor
You stared at the painting in the gallery, your gaze hardening at the war pictured, turning when you heard voices.
“Where are you going?” A feminine voice asked.
“I’ll be right back!” A male replied seconds before a man in a tweed jacket appeared. You looked at his odd outfit, before looking at the painting again.
He smiled, knowing you didn’t recognize him, taking a seat beside you on the bench. He knew if his old self was here you had to be too. And although your future self was waiting down the hall, his past self was looking for you as you had gotten separated in the portals. They had a plan and now it was time to see if it would work.
“A grim day.” He spoke up.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes but didn’t reply.
“I’m insulted.” You looked at him and he grinned at you. “Don’t you recognize me?”
You stared at him for a moment, eyes widening. “Doctor.”
You sensed he was older than the one you had arrived with and your eyebrows furrowed. “But how - that’s impossible!”
“Nothing’s impossible.”
He stood up, taking your hand. “We’re waiting for you. There’s a plan. A good plan. A great plan.” He put his hands on your shoulders, turning you to the painting of Gallifrey. “We’re going to save it. Just like we always talk about.”
You looked at him, hearing a female’s voice. “Doctor, hurry!”
You were still together.
“Don’t look so surprised.” He smiled. “It hasn’t been all bad.” He pointed to the painting. “We’ll seal Gallifrey in a single moment in time. We have the chance to save everyone just like we always talked about. Are you ready?”
You opened your mouth to speak when two Doctors and two future versions of you entered. You focused on your Doctor, “Is it true?”
“Yes.” The three replied at the same time.
“We haven’t got much time to waste.” He said, walking to his Tardis.
“Always so serious.” Your future selves said before grinning at each other.
You looked at the painting before heading into the Tardis, helping him pilot the ship as he explained the plan. You were going home.
Ninth Doctor
You shouted at the top of your lungs, trying to free your limps from the tight hold of Axos. “Help! Somebody!”
You heard a loud distorted noise and closed your eyes tightly, trying to shut it out as the ground shook. You opened your eyes when you felt someone pulling you free, looking at the tall man as he helped you out of Axos.
“What’s happening?” You shouted above the noise.
“It’s falling apart!” He replied.
You followed him outside, turning to look back at Axos. You looked at the tall cloaked man, sensing familiarity. Your eyes widened when you realized it was the Doctor. Who else would be at the centre of trouble?
“Are you alright?” He asked, sending you a smile.
“I think so.” You returned the smile. “Does this kind of thing happen every day?”
“No. Well, every other day.” He said.
You had asked your Doctor the same question and he had answered the same way. You were taken to the hospital to get checked over and as you were leaving you noticed the Police Box outside. The doors opened and your leather jacket, sweater-loving Doctor stepped out, looking around before his eyes found yours, a smile forming on his lips. You smiled as you walked over, hugging him, unaware the Doctor who had saved you from the claws of Axos had seen you enter and the Tardis disappear.
Tenth Doctor
You were expecting the Caribbean for your anniversary but the Tardis had other ideas. The trading colony Iceworld was bustling with life, with people trying to sell items they claimed were rare.
You were looking around, taking into the scenery as you searched for the Doctor. The crowd had separated you both and you hoped there was a place he would know to look for you. A place resembling a café seemed like your best bet. You took a seat at a table, overhearing a conversation behind you.
“Doctor, he won it in a game of cards!” A woman had said.
Your back straightened at the mention of the Doctor. You slowly looked over your shoulder, your eyes finding a man wearing a knitted vest with question marks on it. You had seen all the faces of the Doctor so you knew exactly who he was. Number seven.
His eyes met yours and you quickly turned away, biting your lip and closing your eyes tightly.
“Excuse me, Miss?” You opened your eyes when he spoke, turning around hesitantly. “A man wins a map in a game of cards, claiming it is the real deal -”
“It is the real deal.” A gruff voice replied.
You looked between the four huddled around the table before looking at the Doctor.
“Do you trust him?”
“Depends where it leads. But the adventure is always exciting.” You replied.
You saw the trench coat-wearing Doctor entering the café and excused yourself, walking over to him. The seventh Doctor’s eyes followed you as you left before he turned to Glitz.
“I’ll take it.”
Eleventh Doctor
You were searching for a house on an estate when you bumped into him. You apologized quickly, knowing the Doctor was wondering where you were by now but paused when you saw the tall trench coat-wearing Timelord in front of you. How could you forget his face? You had travelled with him for over a year when he regenerated into the Doctor you knew now.
He smiled brightly, “That’s all right. Have a fantastic day.” His smile faltered. “Ooh, I don’t know if I like the sound of that.”  He shrugged, his smile returning.
You watched him walk away, wondering why he didn’t recognize you. Your phone rang and you answered Amy’s call, breaking into a run as you followed the directions she had given you.
You entered the apartment, seeing the Doctor and his eyes observed you worriedly. The regeneration had been difficult for you but you quickly grew fond of his new personality.
“Are you alright?” He asked.
You knew then that he remembered that you had bumped into his past self. “Why didn’t he recognize me?” You asked.
“He hasn’t met you yet.” He explained. “He’s newly regenerated and we didn’t meet until years later. Only when we met you were younger than you are now and when I saw you…I remembered seeing you at this estate. It didn’t make sense. How were you older than you should have been? Because you come back here with me.”
You nodded, and he kissed your forehead. “Come on.”
Thoughts of his past self were put aside until you returned to the Tardis. You saw Ten walking with a blonde girl and you realized that this was Rose, whom you never met. And he hadn’t liked talking about her either.
You looked at the trench coat-wearing Timelord for a moment with a smile, stepping into the Tardis. You walked over to the Doctor as he piloted the Tardis. You helped pilot the Tardis and his eyes looked at you for a moment, a small smile on his lips. His past self had no idea what was in store. Nor how brilliant it would be.
Twelfth Doctor
You looked between the two Doctors with confusion and amazement. “So let me get this right. He’s you and you are him. He was you and now you are him.”
“You seem to have a grasp on the situation.” You glared at your Doctor and although he wasn’t looking he could feel it.
Hours ago you had no idea that he could change faces. But as you worked with the First Doctor you knew the two weren’t so different. You had so many questions but they would have to wait. For now, the two had to go their separate ways.
“It has been a pleasure, my dear.” He shook your hand and you sent him a smile.
“Goodbye, Doctor.”
He entered his TARDIS and you looked at the Doctor when he stood beside you. “I’m glad that’s over.”
“You know, you’re not so different.” You followed him into the Tardis and he scoffed. “You’re both at the higher end of the age ladder.” He glared at you and you giggled as you kissed his cheek. “And you’re both grouchy but underneath your soft side is reserved for those you care about.”
His gaze softened and you smiled. “You’re clothing sense hasn’t changed.”
“Oh haha.” He said sarcastically.
You wrapped your arms around him, pecking his lips. “But I wouldn’t change you for the world.”
Thirteenth Doctor
The Master hadn’t anticipated your presence at the party and given your history with the Doctor it was bound to distract her which didn’t bode well for his plan. You were younger than the last time she had seen you, dancing to the music, unaware of your future or your fate.
The Doctor’s eyes followed you around the room. She stood away from the party, trying to remember why she was there.
Memories flooded back in waves. All the good was overshadowed by the bad. Your death had hit her hard and she was thrown off course when she saw you again.
“Not enjoying it?” Your voice broke her from her thoughts and she watched as you topped up your glass.
“I’m not much of a dancer this time.” She said.
You wondered what she meant before you heard your friend call you back to the dance floor.
“I’m being beckoned.” You told her to have a good night before walking away and her eyes followed solemnly.
Fourteenth Doctor
You were walking out of a coffee shop when you bumped into a redhead. You dropped your book that was tucked under your arm and were surprised by the Scottish accent when she apologized. You assured her you were okay, and before you could pick up your book, a man in a tweed jacket and a bowtie beat you to it. You thought his smile was somewhat reminiscent as he read the title aloud.
"This is a very good book." He held it out to you and you thanked him as you took it.
"Have you read it?" The redhead asked.
"I've read many books, but this," he pointed to the book in your hands, "I read this twice every night. It helps me sleep."
You smiled softly, "I knew someone who did that too. It's a habit I adopted."
Amy looked between you and the Doctor whose smile went unnoticed as you held the book to your chest.
You bid the two farewell and Amy turned to watch you leave as did the Doctor who put his hands in his pockets. "Who is she?" He glanced at her before looking back at you. "Come on, you obliviously know her."
"I knew her. I had another face then. When I couldn't sleep she would read the book to me. And I would do the same for her. Y/N L/N..." He trailed off with a small wistful smile.
You were in the car with the Doctor when he was taken. You had no idea what the Master was up to but you were sure that his plans would be put on hold when he realized you were sucked through time. Everything that followed made you wish you hadn’t spent time with the Doctor. The Master was troublesome but he rarely found himself in as much trouble as the Doctor did.
You were wondering if he had realized you were gone when he entered the room. You looked at the Doctor you had come with, wondering why he stepped forward so you were slightly behind him.
“Y/N.” He smirked as he looked at the Doctor.
You stared at the man, recognizing him from the way he looked at you. “Master.”
“I was wondering where you got to.” He said. He looked at the Doctor, “I entrust her with you for three hours and this is where you bring her.” He tutted.
“Not by choice.” He said.
“What have you done?” You asked him, stepping forward.
“I seek immortality.”
“You’re hardly a suitable candidate.” The Doctor replied.
You knew this wouldn’t end well but you wondered why he had a sudden interest in immortality.
You were tired of being kidnapped by the Master. Once was enough and although it had ended well, your relationship was strong, you did not like the scare you would get when it happened.
His back pressed against the wall, holding you tightly in his arms, his hand over your mouth as the group of Doctors walked by. You heard the third Doctor walk by as he called your name. When you didn’t respond he said, “I swear that girl is always wandering off.” You rolled your eyes at his obliviousness and turned to the Master when he let you go.
“What are you doing?”
He sent you a smirk, taking your hand as he led you through the corridors. You heard the Doctors arguing not far away and a giggle escaped your lips as you ran with the Master. You didn’t know where your future self was and you didn’t ask, for you feared the answer.
Saying goodbye was hard but you had many memories to live out with the Master who was waiting for you.
When you returned to Earth the Master was waiting for you. You smiled at the relieved Timelord as you met halfway, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’m okay.”
You were walking down a street, headphones over your ears as you drowned out the world around you. This was the second time you were late to work and you knew your boss was waiting to lecture you. You turned the corner, colliding with a man and you apologized to him, taking off your headphones.
“I’m sorry.” You looked at the man, pausing when you saw him.
The Master stared at you, his face sullen, hidden poorly behind a smile. It had been exactly 48 hours since he had lost you. And he couldn’t resist going back to see you. It would be weeks before you joined him across the universe but he didn’t care if you didn’t know him right now. He just needed to remember how you looked when you were alive.
“No harm done.” He smiled. “Running late?”
You saw the sadness in his eyes but didn’t comment, only observing. “Yeah. And I can’t afford to get fired today.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much. Great things are coming your way.” He said. “Yes…” he trailed off in thought. “Great memories.”
“Have a good day, mister.” You walked away with a smile and he turned to watch you leave, a sad smile on his lips.
“Y/N L/N. Yes…glorious memories.”
You had been shopping for groceries and were walking home when you bumped into a woman. You apologized, bending down to pick up your spilled items. She sent you a small smile, helping you.
“Big night planned?” She asked.
“A surprise for someone I know. Although I don’t think he likes surprises. Or anything really.” You said, standing up.
You noticed her dress but shrugged it off. Maybe she was going to a costume party.
“He’ll love it.” She said.
You sent her a smile before walking away, pausing when you realized what she had said. “How did you know -” you turned to find she was gone. You shrugged off the odd encounter, hoping she was right. A romantic surprise dinner for the Timelord possessing your husband. Life was strange and if you hadn’t become used to it you would have looked around the corner to find a Police Box.
Missy entered the Tardis and the Doctor turned to her, setting new coordinates.
“Ready to go?”
She nodded quietly, staring at the console, deep in thought. She remembered how odd she had found your romantic dinner back then but it was the first time she realized how beautiful you were. And how much she loved to hear you laugh. It was a long time ago but those memories never faded.
He stared up at the old barn that had been salvaged so it remained. So many memories were made inside there and while he had left Gallifrey in anger, he had nothing but fond memories here - except one.
He looked at the teenage version of you as you walked to the barn, books in your hands. It had been months since he and the Doctor left and you were still translating old Gallifreyan.
You looked at him when he spoke. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
You smiled, looking at the burning suns. “Stunning as always.” You went into the barn and he held his head higher, a sigh leaving his lips.
It was a short interaction but it was enough to help him say goodbye. You had been killed during the war, activating an escape pod for him that saved his life, but you had to sacrifice your own. And once again the Master found he was alone.
You walked out of the coffee shop, almost bumping into a man who was entering. His dark hair and gentle features were striking. You smiled, apologizing as you balanced two takeout cups of coffee in one hand.
The Master remembered this day vividly which is why he chose it. He had sent you to get coffee during a meeting and while it struck you as odd, later when you heard he had gassed a room full of ministers you were relieved yet puzzled as to why he chose to spare you.
He smiled at your retreating figure, before heading into the coffee shop, ready to order the coffee you were currently bringing him. You had been gone a long time but he never forgot you.  But this year was different, memories were overwhelming and the truth about the timeless child made him wish you were here again. So he picked a time he knew exactly where you would be and when. He had planned meticulously before using the gas, to ensure your survival so the date and time always stayed in his mind.
“I’m back!” The silver-haired Timelord sang.
You stared at him in disbelief while Missy looked at him stoically.
“You could at least pretend you’re pleased to see me.” He said.
You snapped out of your thoughts, racing towards him, hugging him tightly. He smirked at Missy over your shoulder, as you buried your head in his neck, unaware of the tension between them. You smiled as you pulled away to look at him. God, you had missed his silver hair.
“You look exactly like you did when I left you. You haven’t aged a day.” He placed a hand on your cheek and you smiled, leaning into his hand.
Your reunion was a happy one until you were left behind. Missy didn’t want your view of her to change because she never planned on going against the Doctor but she had to fool her past self first. You had caught up to them outside his Tardis, hearing them talking as you got closer.
“She will never love you as she loved me.” He told her.
“I know.”
He pulled away from the hug when he felt a sharp pain in his side. “Very sneaky.” He put a hand on his side and you stepped back when you saw the blood on his hand.
“What did you do?” You rushed to the Master, catching him when he stumbled, missing the way Missy rolled her eyes at his dramatics. You looked at her with tears in your eyes, before looking at the silver-haired Master.
“How long do I have left?” He asked.
“Not long,” Missy replied.
You guided him to his TARDIS and he rested his back against the door, looking at Missy with a smirk. You would never forgive her when you knew the truth.
The realization was washing over you as you knew he had left you on Earth, never to return. He never contacted you and the next thing you knew he returned as Missy. He had died before he could return.
You looked down at him tearfully, putting pressure on his wound. “You were coming back for me.” You said tearfully.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion while Missy looked down at the ground.
“You planned on coming back for me. I-I thought you had abandoned me. For so long I believed that you - and I hated you.”
He understood what you meant and a small chuckle left his lips. “You really thought I’d leave you?” He put a hand on the back of your neck, bringing your forehead to his, closing his eyes. “You are the best thing to ever happen to me.” He told you, causing more tears to fall. “And I’m sorry.”
You pulled back, confused until you heard Missy fall. You turned to look at her, eyes widening you saw she had been shot.
“Go to her. But know this.” He spoke up, causing you to look at him. “No matter where you are. I’ll always find you.” He kissed you before quickly entering the Tardis. “See you soon, beautiful.”
He winked before the doors closed and a sob left your lips as you placed a hand on the door. You turned to Missy, walking over to her, kneeling beside her.
“I’m sorry.” You took her hand in yours, cradling her on your lap.
“Don’t be ridiculous. It was all me.” She said.
Your tears fell as her body began to glow. “I love you.” You reluctantly stepped away, ducking behind a tree when light consumed her.
You looked around the quarry, calling for the Master. You sighed as you continued walking, ducking down when you saw a familiar face. He was taking large strides, cloak flowing around him. His hair was different, and his clothes were questionable but you knew it was him. He had shown you all his past faces so you recognized him immediately.
“Oh my god.” You ducked lower behind the large rock when he paused, looking around.
You lifted your head, seeing he was gone, and stood up, turning around with a gasp you heard his voice. “Who are you?”
“I-I - Um… a funny story you’ll love it -” You turned and ran away and the former Master raised an eyebrow at your actions. You continued to run and he followed. You saw the TARDIS and your Master opened the doors, smirking when he saw you running.
“Where the hell were you?”
You collided with him and you fell to the floor. He snapped his fingers and the doors closed, smirking up at you.
“You haven’t changed a bit.” He said.
You playfully rolled your eyes as you both got to your feet. You looked at the screen, seeing the past Master running before he stopped, watching the Tardis leave.
316 notes · View notes
Drabble #1
You fixed The Master with a look but he was too busy laying underneath the TARDIS' console to notice.
"Koschei!" You finally cried in annoyance causing the Time Lord to sit up quickly and bump his head.
Now it was his turn to look at you "What did you do to your hair?"
"Oh, ha, yeah. I was having a really rough evening and forgot I did that."
"NO! Koschei, you fiddled with the wrong part on the console and as revenge, the TARDIS did this to my hair!"
The Master stood up and moved toward you but you held up a hand, "Just please fix whatever you meddled with for the TARDIS' sake and mine."
You turned and walked away.
The Master looked at the console, "I don't suppose you know what I fiddled with."
The TARDIS hummed once before coming to an abrupt stop. The Master grinned and picked up the hammer that was laying on the chair, "The Doctor did mention using this method if the TARDIS decides to be uncooperative. I think it's time I tried it out."
24 notes · View notes
Giving any version of the Master a lap dance.
That’s it.
That’s the whole concept.
77 notes · View notes
flybi91 · 4 years
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just thought of the best fucking idea for a songfic, feel free to use this idea 
You’re on an adventure with the doctor and master (this can work with any version). They both have a crush on you but are afraid to tell you. You end up getting severely hurt and they bring you back to the tardis, you end up not making it. They end up fighting and blaming each other and they end up finding out they both loved you
25 notes · View notes
hollowempire · 5 years
Words || Ainley!Master x Reader
Request: Can I make a request please? Reader/Any Master Reader is a physically weak human who is fascinated with space and stars then somehow ends up in his TARDIS. He gets into a tight spot with someone and she talks them down with reasoning and The Master is surprised by her intelligence despite her fragile appearance. Rest would be up to you I can't think past that.
Summary: A normal day for reader is turned upside down.
Word count: 1,182
Kicking a few brown leaves across the sidewalk, y/n strolled through the park worry-free. For now.
She normally came to the park and just let all her cares drift away, because it was the end of the day and there wasn’t any time for that stuff. In y/n’s life, evenings were meant for relaxing.
As she looked around at each of the almost fully leafless trees, y/n noticed something that had never been there before: a pillar.
There weren’t any others like it in that area, clearly meaning that it wasn’t meant to be there.
Y/n, of course, had to check it out. She was always running towards potential danger, ignoring the warnings of others everytime. She was often told it would be the death of her, especially considering she had no survival skills at all. More specifically, she was rather weak, and couldn’t even beat a child in a fight.
Upok closer inspection, y/n noticed that there was an opening in the back of the pillar. Curiosity getting the better of her, y/n stepped in. She certainly wasn’t expecting to walk into a very large area.
She made a circle around the large contraption in the center of the room, confused by all the buttons and switches that were on it.
“Well that doesn’t make a lick of sense!” she said, letting her thoughts flow freely. She did that often, even in public. At a lower volume, though.
“How did you get in here?” a harsh voice asked. The owner of it walked into the room from a doorway that was across from the enterance.
“You left the door open,” y/n stated, smiling at him as if the situation was the most amusing thing in the world. Even after noticing the weapon-looking device in his hand was pointed at her she kept on.
The man looked at her as if he didn’t know what to do. She could only assume he was used to people cowering in fear.
“So what exactly is this place?” y/n asked, starting to make another circle around the room. The man stopped her. “And who are you?” she added as he did so.
“I am the Master, and this is my TARDIS. I travel in time and space.” he said, obviously a very brief summary of what he actually does.
“Okay, Mister Master, why are you giving me this information so willingly? Aren’t you scared I’m gonna tell someone?”
The Master chuckled, flashing her a grin. “Oh, but you’re not leaving. And who would believe you anyways?” he said.
“You make a fair point, Mister Master,” y/n admitted.
“Don’t call me that.” he spat.
“Or what? You’ll fight me? I could easily take you down!”
He laughed fully this time, sort of sounding like a villain fork a movie. “Humans are normally weak, but you’re even worse! I could snap you like a twig,” he countered, letting his eyes trail over y/n’s body. She pouted and the Master went over to the thing in the center of the room and started pressing seemingly random buttons.
“What’s this?” y/n asked, bouncing over to his side.
“It’s the console, I use it to control my ship,” he explained, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He was already thinking of random places he could abandon her at.
“Wait, this thing actually travels in space?” she exclaimed excitedly.
“And time.”
“I don’t care about that part. I love space, especially the stars! Oh, they’re lovely!” y/n said, her voice changing slightly.
“Well, don’t expect me to show you any of this stuff!” he said, glaring at her. He was planning on waiting, but at this point he didn’t think he’d be able to stand any more of this. The Master quickly selected a location and his plan was set in motion.
“Where are we?” y/n questioned, still at the Master’s side. He stepped away from her and opened the doors. Outside, there was nothing but sand and large rocks that stretched far beyond the horizon. “Why are we here?”
“I have something to do here.” he lied, pushing her out.
“What sort of business would you have in a place like this? we’re in the middle of nowhere!”
The Master ignored her and instead searched around for some distraction so keep y/n from noticing him slipping away and leaving.
Soon enough, an opportunity came up, but unfortunately this one did not allow the Master run off. The pair was back up against a rock by some sort of alien gang, all of them holding weapons y/n did not recognize.
The Master reached into his pocket, ready to pull out his weapon, but y/n stepped in front of him.
“Listen,” she began, addressing the group of tall purple men. “I don’t know what you want from us, but I can guarantee you that nothing we can do will benefit you.” she reasoned, the Master rolling his eyes behind her. He pulled his weapon further out of his pocket, but y/n stuck a hand out and gestured for him to put it away. For once, he obeyed. “If you leave us alone, no one will get hurt and you can go prey upon other unsuspecting travelers other than us. We may not look it, but the pair of us could easily destory you.”
The Master had to stifle a laugh as y/n straightened her posture and puffed out her chest in hopes of looking threatening, but she really just looked like a pigeon. Yet somehow, the purple men were frightened by it and slowly began to back away. Once out of sight, y/n sighed in relief.
“Thank the stars that worked! If it didn’t we’d likely both be dead...” she said, chuckling lightly at the last part trying to get rid of any left over tension.
“Yes and now I’ll kill you myself for making me look like a fool!” the Master threatened, taking a step towards y/n.
“Woah there buck-a-roo!” she exclaimed, wincing as she said so.
The Master’s angery expression turned into one of confusion. “What... was that?” he asked hesitantly.
“Something I have never said before in my life and never want to again!”
“Please don’t make me reconsider my decision to let you stay with me,” the Master said, beginning to walk back towards his TARDIS.
“You mean I couldnt before?” y/n asked, running after him.
“I had hoped to leave you behind here and he done with you,” he explained, “but you’re good with words—or at least I though you were—and I’ve realized you might be useful.”
“Aweee he likes me!” y/n exclaimed. “And please, I say stupid things when faced with really hot men, uh, I mean, uh...”
The Master laughed. Finally a human that wasn’t afraid of him but also didn’t try to be better than him.
Does this mean a I can see the stars now?” y/n asked, leaning against the TARDIS.
“Yes, fine... buck-a-roo.” the Master said as he stepped inside.
“Sweet!” y/n exclaimed between fits of giggles. That was the beginning of a beautiful duo, and one of many inside jokes.
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I bet The Master would love edging and would be unbelievably good at it.
They could get inside your head and stop just when you are about to cum. They would love watching you squirm, knowing that you so badly want release, but never give it to you. Keep you like this for hours, for days…weeks. Keep you in a state where they know you would be willing to do *anything* to get relief. Make you look them in the eyes and tell them just how much of a worthless little human whore you are before finally giving you release you desperately crave.
Hell, if they where feeling particularly evil or pissed off with you, they could edge you, then give you a ruined orgasm, revelling in you pain and frustration.
Hnnnnn their little human crying when they get to cum but it isn't satisfying.
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Could you write some headcanons for how the different Versions of the Master/Missy would be reacting to the reader telling them they love them for the first time during a heated argument?
He freezes in shock for several moments. The argument abandoned.
You love him.
Well that changes some things... Not really but it does allow him to finally put his own feelings into words in his thoughts.
One could claim you won that argument as he doesn't continue it until ages later.
Of course you do. And he loves you too or else why would he even put up with this argument.
If he didn't love you he wouldn't bother with this long argument. He would have just killed you.
He would have preferred the exchange to occur when the two of you were not in an argument but oh well.
Oh do you now? How cute!
Shame that it won't help your argument. He is right and he will get you to admit that.
Loving him won't change that you are clearly wrong and your Master is right.
The argument continues but he teases you enough that you have no hopes left of winning it.
Oh she knows. You are ever so obvious about it.
The whole world, nay the universe knows about it
Now be quiet and listen to her tell you how wrong you were.
Scowls at you for trying to distract him from his argument
Scolding you for attempting to stop the argument with your fake confession
When you do convince him that it was the truth he is overjoyed.
Playfully pouting and saying that now you have to let him win your little fight or he will be sad.
You can't ruin your cute confession by making him sad!
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aristidetwain · 3 years
The “Merlin” Master of the 1980s Doctor Who Annuals
I’ve found him: the most obscure Master incarnation of them all. Someone even some Gordon Tipple and Edward Brayshaw devotees say “doesn’t count”. And best of all, this isn’t some sort of War King or Professor Stream situation, a character who’s only the Master through the backdoor: he appeared in fully licensed Doctor Who stories, under the name of “the Master”. 
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Details under the cut.
The year was 1983. World Distributors were nearing the end of their commendably steadfast run of Doctor Who Annuals, but for now they were still going strong, and the Doctor Who Annual 1983 was set to feature a lovely historical story with the Fifth Doctor, The Creation of Camelot, where the Doctor would stumble into the events of Arthurian legend, with the customary sci-fi twist. This was before Battlefield decided to inject the idea of an equivalence between the Doctor and Merlin in the water supply, so the anonymous writer took a different tack: the Doctor and Tegan, much to their horror, recognised the “Merlin” of this King Arthur’s Court as a guise of… the Master!
It was well that they recognised him, because it’s not clear the readers would have: he looked like this.
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(Dig the skull carving on the clasp of his cape!)
Not exactly the spitting image of Anthony Ainley, is it? And it’s not Roger Delgado either. Granted, the likenesses in the Annual illustrations could sometimes be a little haphazard — witness that Tegan in the bottom left, looking somewhat more like a Charley Pollard who’s dyed her hair — but something more is going on here. 
The “something” is that Anthony Ainley was a touchy man when it came to the rights to his likeness, and World Distributors apparently decided it wasn’t worth the trouble to strike an agreement when they could simply have their artist create an all-new design, sharing a quintessential Mastery quality with Ainley and Delgado’s Masters, but distinct from either of them.
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The Essential Doctor Who #4 refers to our handsome fellow as a “generic Master”; a part of me also wants to call him the “BBV Master”. But the custom, such as it is, is to refer to him as “the Merlin Master”, as per the alias under which he is introduced — by analogy to the convention of referring to John Simm’s Master as “the Saxon Master”. 
The Merlin Master could easily have remained a one-off curio; the Master was absent from the 1984 Annual, and the 1985 Annual’s one Master story, The Time Savers, carefully avoided illustrating him, leaving readers free to imagine the Master of the story as Anthony Ainley’s TV portrayal. But the Doctor Who Annual 1986, the final such publication in the Classic era, featured not one but two Master stories: The Fellowship of Quan and The Radio Waves, and both of them illustrated their antagonist with the likeness created in The Creation of Camelot, despite being, by all appearances, the work of a different artist. Compare with the second of the two Camelot illustrations in Part I.
Here is The Fellowship of Quan, where the “Merlin” Master menaces the Sixth Doctor and Peri under the guise of “the Sentinel”.
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And here is The Radio Waves, finally giving readers a glimpse of this Master’s twist on the classic Delgado Nehru jacket — in customary Merlin Master fashion, similar to but distinct from Ainley’s Traken-inspired getup. (Yes, yes, there are three of them… threeeee! Just a little bit of artistic license to convey the experience of being hypnotised by the man.)
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The Radio Waves holds the distinction of being the final story in the final Doctor Who Annual of the Classic era. Not bad, for such an “obscure” figure!
Not long ago, the great Paul Hanley, as part of a Master retrospective, created an additional artpiece of the Merlin Master — fanart, if you want to be technical about it, but Paul Hanley’s Doctor Who art has always seemed to be a class apart. With characteristic humour, he dubbed him the “For Legal Purposes, Not Anthony Ainley” Master.
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So who the hell is he?
With no offence to Jacob Keith, who insists otherwise, I think all fun-loving canon-welders in the audience will agree it’d be too dull for words to simply jot him down as the Ainley Master and move on. 
Yes, unless you bring clones or parallel universes into it, the alternative means that he is meeting the Doctor out of order in those Annuals stories, given Ainley is clearly the Fifth and Sixth Doctors’ sole contemporary Master; but I think the delightful goofiness of his existence is worth a little bit of Protocols-of-Linearity tomfoolery. It’s not as though Big Finish haven’t done much worse in their endless quest to pit every possible Master against every possible surviving Doctor, and River Song for good measure.
At one stage, before calcifying into a dreadful Merlin-skeptic, Jacob Keith suggested that he might be the ‘Tzun’ Master, the restored Time Lord Master into whom Anthony Ainley’s Master regenerates in First Frontier. 
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However, while the above description can perhaps be matched to the Annuals artwork, it is difficult to construe these illustrations as depicting Gordon Tipple; yet the novelisations of The TV Movie both give indications that the ‘Tzun’ Master, and the Old Master played by Tipple and executed by the Daleks at the start of the movie in question, are one and the same. Foiled again!
It is, of course, also possible to read the Merlin Master as one of the Geoffrey Beevers Decayed Master’s many, many ephemeral possessed bodies. Possibly, possibly, although Beevers’ single-minded drive to survive sits ill-at-ease with the Merlin Master’s somewhat lackadaisical mayhem, more in line with Delgado and Ainley’s characters than the latter-day Classic Master, perpetually at his wits’ end.
Perhaps the solution lies in Battlefield after all. Notwithstanding baffling retcons, the conventional interpretation is that the Merlin whose shadow hangs over Battlefield is a far-off incarnation of the Doctor, somewhere in the same area as Colin Salmon and the Curator. Does this Doctor, perchance, have a Master? Is this that Doctor’s contemporary, lying far, far ahead in the Fifth and Sixth Doctors’ futures? Isn’t it fun to think so?
Or, you know. Maybe he’s between John Simm and Michelle Gomez or something. Who can say…
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noforkingclue · 1 year
Please tell me you have more HC of Aniley!Master!! I love hearing your ideas of his personality and things he could do!
Of course I do anon!
Might not be as gentlemanly as Delgado!Master (at least with other companions) but with you he always is. He doesn't want to hurt you too much in case it gives off the wrong impression.
He's bad a flirting (I have a headcannon that all time lords are bad at flirting by human standards)
50-50 on whether or not he'd kidnap you just in order to have you. He does kidnap you in order to get the Doctor to comply with his plans but at the end of the day, he always allows the Doctor to rescue you. Part of him thinks he should just fly off with you in his TARDIS. However, he wants you to come to him willingly, it isn't any fun if he has to force something. But on the other hand, you do look so pretty tied up in his console room...
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how-masterful · 2 years
31 Fics of Fright
Day 16- The Perks of Being Stranded
Ainley!Master X Reader
Prompt: Autumn
Notes: This series is just a plethora of my favourite Halloween/ Autumn tropes by this point. What can i say, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! I promise we’ll be back to our scheduled spooky programming tomorrow. For now, enjoy some domestic Fall bliss.
Warnings: None
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The Master found humans fascinating. Not in the same manner as the doctor, who would happily adopt any and all strays that wandered into his gaudy old police box. More in the fashion of a scientist, a researcher, putting the ants under the magnifying glass and watching how they scarpered. He lounged back against the park bench, watching the humans wander and stroll, partaking in their daily lives. 
He watched them with sonder, his gaze falling on them with curiosity. What meaningless tasks were they about to partake in? A couple and an infant walked down the path, obvious bags under their eyes as the child happily slept. Another was running down the street, mobile device tethered to their arm, ears happily plugged with headphones pounding drivel as they partook in sport. Another was laughing and filming her fellow preteen friend kicking at the mounted pile of leaves the groundsman had just taken approximately an hour and nine minutes to clean up. 
The Master half smiled, leaning back against the bench and folding his arms. They were the ones he currently found least appalling in that public park.
That was until he saw you heading down the walkway, carrying a paper bag and balancing your grip with two beverages in a cardboard case. Your bag slung across your middle, practically hiding underneath your woollen coat and knitted scarf, you almost seemed like one of the other humans. Almost.
You smiled as your eyes met his, your pace quickening as you found your way across the path to sit down on the bench, settling down into your seat with a well- deserved sigh.
“I forgot how impatient people were on Earth for their coffee.”
You said, the Master taking the brown paper bag from your clutches.
“Humans do rather lack the ability to wait their turn. Especially when it comes time to feed their caffeine addictions.”
“How’s the reset doing?” You asked, pulling the coffee cup from the holder and taking a sip. You hummed quietly at the warmth on your tongue, sinking back against the bench to match the Master’s posture. The Timelord pulled up the velvet edge of his sleeve, peering down at the golden watch that sat upon his wrist. The watch face beeped and buzzed, the Master pulling down his sleeve resentfully.
“The TARDIS is making progress, we should be able to return in a few hours' time.”
The TARDIS had suffered from an attack, the inside manipulated by matter and convulsing into an indomitable labyrinth. She was currently disguised as a public monument, the inside repairing itself at agonisingly slow speed. She’d dropped you both off in the 21st century, allowing you to kill time while she was able to restore. You hadn’t been back to Earth in quite some time.
“Well, in that case, we’ll have to keep making the most of things. I somehow managed to distract the barista with the black card so much they forgot to charge for the pastries.”
The Master truly smiled then, opening the bag and peering down at the freshly baked treats. 
“I presume they’re of the cinnamon kind.” He spoke, lifting it to his nose to sniff.
“How revolutionary, spices in the Autumn.”
You playfully snatched the bag away, replacing it with the Master’s disposable cup.
“If you’re going to insult my freebies, you can starve.” You teased, pulling the individually wrapped cinnamon roll out of the bag.
“And for your information, I got you a pecan nut twist. I couldn’t match your attitude with something salty, so I had to match your personality instead.”
The Master raised an eyebrow, gracefully taking the bag again from your hands and smiling at you expectantly. You knew that grin spoke of danger.
“Ok, that was a bit far. I’m sorry.” You admitted, taking a further sip of your drink. “I’m also slightly proud. But mostly sorry.”
“I’ll accept that apology,” he said casually. “Though, I suggest you don’t question why I'm taking so long to rescue you from peril the next time you get yourself into avoidably foolish danger.”
You gasped, scandalised, before laughing quietly in acceptance. You deserved that, really.
“I’ll make a note of it. I’ll also up my grovelling if that negates the silent treatment later.”
“I believe this… baked twist… will do, my dear. Though that offer is quite tempting.”
At that, the pair of you sat there in a comfortable silence, indulging in the quiet and eating your freshly baked goods. You leant against the Master's side, an unspoken further apology in your gesture, the Master's acceptance of the move speaking for his forgiveness. You both inhaled deep, allowing the crisp air to enter into your lungs. You had to admit, you’d missed these days- sitting in the fresh air and diving into a book, watching the world go by and appreciating your temporary freedom from work. Now all your time was free time, especially with the Master. The universe was your playground, each destination a set of coordinates and a trip into the vortex later. 
You sat and watched the world, the time passing wonderfully in the ambience of the Autumn. More leaves had fallen from the trees in the passing wind, the green grass disappearing beneath the ocean of red and brown. You loved the taste of the air, the delightful chill it sent down your spine. You could spend eternity in Autumn, you’d decided. Especially if the Master was at your side.
A stray cat had wandered across the path, a scruffy black cat with short hair and bright yellow eyes. It crawled its way towards the Master, meowing and nuzzling itself against the Timelords leg. You watched him bend down to delicately scratch between the feline’s ears, tickling under its chin. The cat blinked slowly under the Master's touch, meowing softly in enjoyment.
“I never suspected the Kittling’s would remain when the planet collapsed.”
He muttered to himself, the small cat nuzzling the Master's hand. You gasped, a smile spreading across your face.
“It’s a Kittling?”
“Yes, he’s quite far from where the others landed. But he seems to be keeping himself occupied.”
The Master placed the rest of the pastry back into the brown bag, offering it to the Kittling. The cat meowed, you supposed in thanks, before scarpering off back into the bushes.
“Are cats supposed to eat pastry?” You questioned, watching the leaves settle.
“He has a family to feed. It appears he’s halfway to domesticity.”
You looked up at the Timelord, a loving gaze. You watched him observing the various park goers, watching them pass in their busy lives. You supposed he’d also been slightly domesticated, not that you’d ever let him know that, your heart beating strong at the way his hand had unknowingly come to settle on top of yours.
“Since we have another hour or so left,” You began, the Master turning to you and meeting your gaze.
“Would you care to join me on a stroll?”
You felt a heat in your cheeks as the Master smiled, your heart lurching as he finally took hold of your hand, softly squeezing it within his velvet grasp.
“I would be honoured, my dear.” He replied, as the leaves continued to fall.
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iwouldfuckthemaster · 4 years
omg omg ok ok, i'm watching it would be classic and when Ainley appeared! Master, OMG he exhales purely DOM energy, he's so charming, I'm a hundred percent sure if I was with doc five, I couldn't resist going to master, before he asked me to kneel I would already kneel.
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