#Airport to Airport Visa Change
yashkadam789 · 24 days
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airport to airport visa change :
Need a hassle-free visa renewal? Discover our airport-to-airport visa change service for quick, efficient processing. Save time and avoid stress with our expert assistance. Book now for a seamless visa transition!
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visa-services · 3 months
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airport to airport visa change:- Need a hassle-free visa renewal? Discover our airport-to-airport visa change service for quick, efficient processing. Save time and avoid stress with our expert assistance. Book now for a seamless visa transition!
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airport to airport visa change:- Need a hassle-free visa renewal? Discover our airport-to-airport visa change service for quick, efficient processing. Save time and avoid stress with our expert assistance. Book now for a seamless visa transition!
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laxman111 · 5 months
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airport to airport visa change
Experience seamless and stress-free airport-to-airport visa change services through the user-friendly platform of www.musafir.com. Our innovative visa change solution allows travelers to effortlessly transition from one airport to another, ensuring a hassle-free journey while adhering to visa regulations.
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dubaitourvisa · 7 months
Complete Guide About Airport to Airport Visa Change Package
Planning to travel to Dubai and need to do an airport to airport visa change? Look no further! This ultimate guide will provide you with all the information you need to navigate the process smoothly.
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rebecca4023 · 9 months
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airport to airport visa change:-Experience seamless and stress-free airport-to-airport visa change services through the user-friendly platform of www.musafir.com. Our innovative visa change solution allows travelers to effortlessly transition from one airport to another, ensuring a hassle-free journey while adhering to visa regulations.
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sharonpinto816 · 11 months
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airport to airport visa change:-Experience seamless and stress-free airport-to-airport visa change services through the user-friendly platform of www.musafir.com. Our innovative visa change solution allows travelers to effortlessly transition from one airport to another, ensuring a hassle-free journey while adhering to visa regulations.
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passortservices · 1 year
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airport to airport visa change :- Experience seamless and stress-free airport-to-airport visa change services through the user-friendly platform of www.musafir.com. Our innovative visa change solution allows travelers to effortlessly transition from one airport to another, ensuring a hassle-free journey while adhering to visa regulations.
Visit :- https://www.musafir.com/Visa/same-day-visa-change
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aidatravels · 11 months
Experience a seamless airport-to-airport visa change package in Dubai with convenient transfers from Dubai to Abu Dhabi. Enjoy hassle-free travel.
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pinkthrone445 · 9 months
-Wedding bells-
Part 2 Part 3
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Pairing: Gary x Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:love, hurt
Warnings:Mention of cheating , insults
Summary:I don't wanna spoil it because I think it's good the surprise reading this fic like this.
Wedding bells, a church full of guests, a custom-made suit that fit you luxuriously, a white rose in your handkerchief pocket, the custom made and engraved rings on your hand, sweaty hands and watery eyes as you looked at the wedding officiant. Your head was racing a thousand miles an hour, your heart was almost jumping out of your chest, and then, everything stopped when the doors opened and you saw the love of your life, Melissa Schemmenti in the most beautiful white dress in the world. Her red hair was in a ponytail with a few loose hairs that only highlighted her features, the soft and delicate veil on her crown delicately embraced her beautiful face, simple makeup highlighted her perfect green eyes that shone thanks to the natural light that came through the windows. Melissa was a perfect vision, a dream you didn't want to wake up from. When the music started and the redhead began walking down the aisle towards you, the world stopped and the other people ceased to exist, it was just you and her in this perfect moment.
-Five Years Earlier-
Your father had recently passed away, the house felt very big and empty without him, Sicily felt empty without him, you felt useless without him.
Your job exchange card and visa was approved and you could go to America to continue working as a teacher, hoping the change of scenery will help you get on with your life without your father. Gary, your father's best friend and fellow police officer promised to take care of you once your father was gone, and that's why he was loading your bags into the van that would take you two to the airport while you said goodbye to your home.
When you arrived to America, you immediately got an apartment and went to see the school where you had been assigned, it was a humble school but full of life, the teachers immediately received you with great affection grateful for the extra help, especially Melissa who would finally stop teaching two grades together thanks to the fact that you had arrived.
You thought it would be hard to adapt, but the redhead helped you a lot with the study plans and the students. Since you were Italian like her family, Mel felt an immediate connection with you, helping you in any way possible and taking care of you as if she had known you for years. And you, so in need of affection that you were in such a difficult time of your life, became attached to her immediately. From day one, the redhead took over your heart and you did nothing to stop it.
The more time you spent with Melissa, the more your feelings for her grew, long nights working on lesson plans together, long calls to clarify doubts, eating out together, inside jokes, tender nicknames, stolen glances, accidental touches, everything that happened with the redhead only made you fall more in love with her.
Your only "friend" out of school, Gary, was even tired of hearing you talk about Melissa, how much you loved her and how little you did to carry out your wishes.
Gary had known you since you were a child and saw that of the times you liked someone, you rarely did anything to be with that person, you were young, shy and stupid, to dare more and bet more on love.
After two years of living in that new country, Gary came to visit you very happy saying that he had gotten a new job as a vending machine stocker, it wasn't much like his police job, but it was a legal work and he was happy for it.
One day, you heard Melissa say that determined women were hot and that helped you gather the courage to finally tell her how you felt. After thinking a lot about how to say it, you gathered the strength to talk to the redhead, but your face of decisiveness turned into one of confusion, when, upon entering the teacher's room, you saw Gary talking and flirting with Melissa while he refilled the room's vending machine.
You silently approached Gary and he just smiled and then turned his attention back to the redhead. Almost immediately he got her to go on a date, ruining your plans to confess your love to her.
Gary knew you liked Melissa, he knew where you worked and Mel was the only redhead to mistake her for someone else, he knew you loved her and still decided to flirt with her and ask her out. When you confronted him about that, he just said that you were too young for her and that you didn't even know if she liked women, so he saw the opportunity and took it.
You tried to do something to sabotage that relationship, but thanks to everything you told him, he knew everything Melissa liked and used it to make her fall in love with him more. You thought the relationship wouldn't last long, but you were wrong, they dated for 3 years and she accepted him when he proposed. That's how you got here.
-Present-day -
When the music started and the redhead began walking down the aisle towards you, the world stopped and the other people ceased to exist, it was just you and her in this perfect moment. Melissa delicately climbed the steps and stood in front of the officiant, looking at you with a big smile, only that smile was not directed at you, but at Gary who was in front of her.
You were Gary's maid of honor, you assumed that was his strategy to keep you in check and not ruin his big day, but with how happy Melissa looked with him you didn't dare hurt her in any way.
Your eyes filled with tears as you looked at Melissa and then the rings on your hand, oh how you wished those rings would tie you to her instead of tying her with him.
Was this your fault? For being slow and not speaking sooner? For having doubted so much? For having spoken so highly of her to him? For not having courage? Could it have been different somehow? If you had confessed your feelings anyway, would you have been the one standing at that altar with her instead of just being a spectator? Could you be the one holding her hand as you promised to dedicate your life and being to her? It could have been you somehow?... Actually, it didn't matter, it was late, too late, you understood that nothing else mattered anymore when you heard the redhead say "yes, I do" to him. Gary turned to ask for the rings and you gave them to him with trembling hands and watery eyes, you must have looked pathetic. You decided to raise your head so as not to look so miserable, but it was a serious mistake, the eyes of your friend and the love of your life were on you, this time she was looking at you, Melissa was looking at you with concern but you only decided to force a smile to calm her down. In the red-haired woman's head a thousand questions went through her mind, why did you cry more than her husband? Why were you more excited than him? Weren't the hours she spent preparing enough to make him cry with happiness at the sight of her? Why, even though you smiled, didn't happiness reach your eyes? Were you sad that she was taking away the only person close to your family that you had left? It hurt her to think that you might be angry with her or sad because of her. Why was she more focused and worried about you than the man in front of her? But before she could ask any more self questions, she heard Gary say "I do" and it was her turn to snap back to reality to put the ring on him.
The officiant pronounced them husband and wife and the kiss sealed their marriage and finished breaking your heart.
Mel wanted to ask you what was wrong, but before she could, Gary was walking down the aisle pulling her hand to get in the limo and drive to the party. The redhead walked forward but her gaze was fixed on you and as you automatically applauded the happy couple but did not move from the place you were.
When you arrived at the ballroom, the tables were assigned, you were close to her but not close enough to be able to talk. When everyone arrived, it was time for the toast and they made you speak after Barbara, who had been the redhead's maid of honor, since you were his maid of honor.
Smiling falsely, you took your glass of champagne, which had already had to be refilled twice because you had drunk it before going up, you took the microphone and forced yourself to take your eyes off your feet to fix it on the happy couple.
So many things you wanted to say, and at the same time nothing was appropriate for the moment, your mouth opened and closed as you waited for something else to come to your mind. You felt Mel's gaze burn your skin, you couldn't dare to stare at her and you couldn't look at him either, you felt rejection for him, he had used everything you told him to keep her, to steal her from you. Well, stealing her was a strong word since Melissa didn't belong to you, and she would never do it because of your cowardice.
Someone cleared their throat and made you realize that maybe you hadn't said anything for a longer time than you thought
-"My heart fills with emotion when I see you two, the only person who accompanied me from my home along with the first person who made me feel at home when I arrived here. Melissa you became my best friend and my safe place when I arrived and I will never forget that, you have a special place in my heart and you always will have it whether you get married or leave to another planet. I could say so many things, but nothing could express what I truly feel right now. So I'll just say this, I wish you the greatest happiness in the world, may your lives be filled with love. And Gary? Take care of her, because if I found out you hurt her, I'll kill you"-You made the last comment in a funny tone and everyone laughed, but deep down in your heart you knew it was a promise you were going to keep if the time came. Everyone said their words and the final toast was made so that everyone could start enjoying the meal.
You barely touched your plate, much more focused on drinking what you could than eating something, you felt that if you tried to put anything else down your throat that wasn't liquid, you would vomit everything.
After lunch, the waltz began, Melissa was going to give the bouquet to Barbara, but since you knew that they would join the dance later, you told her to give it to you since you didn't want to dance tonight.
Mel and Gary started dancing in the middle of the floor, your eyes were glued to the redhead.
Why did she have to look so angelic and perfect, why did she have to look so happy with him? Why did they have to seem like the perfect couple with the perfect wedding when you were watching them from a corner with your life shattered, the furthest from perfect, closest to being a complete disaster. She looked so happy and you felt so broken. So far away from you and yet so close, she was there, If you stretched out your hands, maybe your fingertips could brush against her perfect, soft skin, only a few feet away, but she felt miles away from you. You had lost her, she had moved away from you to someone else's arms, and your heart had gone running behind her.
Your heart began to contract inside you, the more you looked at them, the worse you felt, the room began to spin and the music felt overwhelming, your suit almost choked you. Your breathing was ragged as if you were running out of oxygen, you wanted to rip off your suit, run away, tear your skin apart. Your eyes were burning and your face ached from faking a smile for so long. You would give everything for the world to stop so you could breathe for a second, what you would give to disappear and never be found...The things you would give, the things you'd do to be by her side dancing, to be the one who delicately holds her hand, to be the one who promised in vows to take care of her all her life, what you wouldn't give for her...You'd give everything for her, you'd give everything, and it still wouldn't be enough to change the painful present.
Carefully and without drawing too much attention to yourself, you walked through the crowd leaving the bouquet of flowers on the bride and groom's table and going outside to breathe. You just wanted to breathe and stop crying, at what point did you start crying? Out of the corner of your eye you saw some chairs in the furthest and most hidden part of the garden, without thinking twice, you went there and let your body collapse on the couch, with trembling hands you detached the jacket of your suit and a couple of buttons from your shirt, you needed air, space, you needed something that would give you peace of mind or at least help calm you down a little. Your trembling hands rested on your beating heart as tears streamed down your cheeks, you felt a bitter taste in your mouth as if you had taken bleach, and your jaw ached from clenching your teeth. You knew you had to control yourself, you were about to have a big panic attack and today wasn't the day for that to happen, it was Melissa's special day, it had to be perfect and you having an identity crisis would only ruin it. You were a maid of honor, you had to be there for them, for her, you had to smile for her, help her arrange her hair, hold her bouquet, be there when she needed you most... And instead you were hiding in the garden like a coward, giving more importance to your broken heart than to the woman you loved.
Your hands started hurting, why did they hurt? You lowered your gaze to your hands and realized that you were squeezing your hands so much, that your acrylic nails were digging into your palms and they were even bleeding a little from the pressure and the small cuts you had, you immediately opened your hands and tried to relax a little, you needed to get back inside before anyone noticed that you were gone. Who did you want to fool? No one would notice, Mel was focused on her husband, Gary would be happy if he noticed you disappeared, and the others were focused on the happy couple as it should be. It would be better if you stay there? Pretending that the present didn't exist and that it was all a bad dream? What if you left? No one would notice and no one would care.
You hid your face in your hands trying to think clearly, but you were frightened by feeling a hand on your shoulder, when you looked up, you saw a worried Barbara, who sat next to you
-"What's up, sweetheart? Mel asked me to look for you because she didn't see you well, I told her that it must be nothing, but now I see that she was right... Why are you crying so much?" - Concern could be heard in the older woman's voice, but her comment only made you let out a dry laugh as you listened to it. Melissa, on her big day, when she didn't have to worry about anything but enjoy herself, was worrying about you and why you weren't there.
-"I'm fine, I'll be back inside in a few minutes, I just needed to breathe a little... You need to come back, you're her maid of honor and they're about to throw the bouquet, you don't want to miss that..."-You said trying to get her to leave you alone, but it didn't work
-" First, I've been married for many years now, I don't need to catch the bouquet. Second, I'm her maid of honor and I have to do what she asks, and she asked me to be with you... So you'd better tell me how I can help you, because I won't leave here until you're better"-Barbara spoke and you smiled just looking at your hands sadly
-"I love her"-You confessed, you didn't know if it was because of the amount of alcohol you had drunk without eating anything else, but you needed to let go of what you felt to someone and Barbara was there
-"And she loves you, that's not going to change because she's married, you'll still be important in her life, you're her friend, she's not going to forget you" - The brunette tried to comfort you and you shook your head
-"You don't understand... I love her, I've loved her for years in a way I shouldn't, I love her so much it hurts, I love every part of her, every little thing that makes her Melissa Schemmenti, I love her strong character and how she is affectionate with the people she cares about. I love how she takes care of who she loves, how passionate she is, I love to see how she's always eating something all the time, I love the way she laughs when you two tell each other secrets. I love how she always smells like cinnamon, I love how she always needs to be in physical contact when she talks to you, I love the attention she gives you when you tell her something, I love when she insults and when she gets angry about stupid football games. I love watching her dance, laugh and sing. I love seeing how much she loves children and all she does for them. I love how she cooks. I love to see how competitive she is. I love her stupid and funny anecdotes. I love to see her accept her failures and use that to grow. I love her strength, as even though her heart has already been broken and she has been cheated on, she does not close herself to love. I love her Barbara, I really love her, I adore her and it hurts to see her with someone else... And it hurts me to know her so much that Gary used everything I told him about her to make her fall in love with him. Her favorite drink that he gave her every time? I told him she liked it. The vending machine full of chocolate? It was my idea. The Christmas gift of Mel's favorite team jersey, I told him about it. Fuck! He even asked me to help him write his vows and choose the rings, because he doesn't know her as well as I do! I LOVE HER AND IT FUCKING HURTS ME!"-You screamed and sighed, it felt good to say it even if it was too late. You were surprised to feel how Barbara hugged you tightly, a hug that you returned. Your body relaxed and the tension went away making you feel weak
-" Why didn't you tell her this?"-Barbara whispered and you sighed
-"Because she's perfect and I'm just me... A girl who will never be enough for woman like her, a cowardly girl who just watched as the love of her life was taken away from her and didn't have the strength to fight"-You whispered and as Barbara was about to answer, you heard a voice join the conversation
-"Hon, are you okay? I couldn't find you anywhere" - Melissa spoke and you quickly wiped away your tears preventing her from seeing you
-"I'm fine, I just felt overwhelmed with qll the music and the people, but I'm better now, Barbara already helped me... What are you doing here? You should be with your husband" - You asked as you adjusted your suit, the redhead looked at you unconvinced
-"I was really worried about you... I needed to see you and know that you're alright"-Mel answered and smiled a little as she saw how you took her arm to go back inside. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw how Barbara was following you two, smiling sadly when she saw how you put your mask back on when you were next to Melissa.
-"You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine, I'll be fine, you just worry about enjoying yourself, it's your big day my love, let's go dance"-You responded by smiling as best you could, even though inside you were falling apart.
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Late Night Reunions
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Pieces of My Heart - Chapter 11 Stray Kids OT8 x reader, Soulmate AU
Masterlist | Next Part
You were feeling proud of yourself.
The words on the screens looked familiar to you now, and you were able to understand enough of the foreign language that you found your way through customs without having to ask for help. You pointedly avoided reading the English translations right below the Korean. It felt like cheating.
The sudden change to online classes had left you with an unexpected amount of free time since you didn’t have to show up to your university physically. It meant that in between classes you could do short Korean lessons, you could watch kdrama’s while you ate, and you had the hour that would normally be spent on public transport to do nothing more than practice. You advanced so quickly that the conversations around you as you walked through the airport made sense, and you actually felt bad for eavesdropping on strangers.
It had only been a month.
The boys had finished their tour a week ago and were now on a short term break in between comebacks. You remembered the tired but satisfied looks on their faces when they finished their last show, the live notification that had popped up on your phone. You watched them spend an hour with Stay, only to get the added benefit of a video call immediately after, while they got ready for bed. They had spent most of the call talking about how much they missed you, wishing you were there for their concert, completely unaware of the plan you had put into motion.
Only Chan had been aware at the moment that you already had your soulmate visa.
When you originally brought up the plan to him, he had mentioned saving the information until you were sure of the time frame, to avoid getting them excited only for the plan to not pan out. It was notoriously difficult to get a soulmate visa, since you needed proof of your soulmate connection, and neither you nor Chan had a physical soulmark. You were worried you would need to talk to someone or argue your case to demonstrate your connection.
But all it took was a written statement from Chris and just like that, you had your soulmate connection officially and legally confirmed. It was almost laughably easy.
You trailed behind a group of people, your suitcase rattling as you dragged it next to you. The crowds around the airport made it hard for you to get a clear look on who you were looking for, so you paused next to a pillar for a second to glance down at your red string in hopes of it guiding you, only to notice that seven of the strings were all focused in the same location, with the eighth one not in front of you.
Hands pressed against your eyes from behind.
“Guess who.”
You laughed. “Chris!”
You abandoned your suitcase and spun around, throwing yourself into the arms of the man behind you. He caught you with a grunt, spinning you around with a laugh when you let out a squeak at the sudden movement. You refused to let go of him, even when your feet touched the ground once again.
“Hi,” You rested your chin against his chest so you could look into his eyes.
He was wearing a mask, but you could see his smile from the curve in his eyes. “Hi.”
“I missed you.”
“Hmm, I missed you too, sweetheart.”
You were tempted to pull down his mask and kiss him right there, but you were still in a public location and Chris was still a famous idol. So instead, you settled for staying in his arms, letting him rock you two back and forth while humming something under his breath.
“Where are the others?”
“Ah, I told them we were having movie night. It was the easiest way to get all of them together without it being suspicious,” He said.
I blinked. “And they weren’t curious about where you were going so late at night?”
“I told them I forgot something at the company building. I think I have maybe 10 minutes before they start to get suspicious.”
“Doesn’t the drive back to your dorm take at least 30 minutes?”
“Guess we’ll have to come up with something.”
Coming up with something apparently meant sending them a text from Chris’s phone that he was going to get snacks, which then turned into actually having to get snacks when Felix asked for some cookies. Chris kept his mask on, slinking around the store aisles as quickly as he could, and you kept your distance just in case he was somehow recognized.
When you got back to the car, he held out your favorite candy towards you. “I remember you mentioning you liked these. You should hide them, otherwise the other’s will get to them first.”
You grabbed the candy gently, giving him a confused look. “What?”
“Oh, do you not like them?” He also shared a confused look.
“No, I love these,” You reassured, looking down at the candy and then back at Chris. “But I mentioned it once … in a text message. Weeks ago.”
“… And?”
“And you remembered that?” You wondered.
“Of course.”
You grabbed his arm as he reached to turn the car back on, pulling him away from the steering wheel and towards you. He let out a noise of surprise, but was quick to react when you pressed your lips against his, hand reaching out to steady you as you practically threw yourself towards him. He let out a chuckle, but you quieted him with another kiss, your eyes welling up with emotions. You heart was pounding so loud in your ears you wondered if he could hear it.
His hand was firm against your waist, thumb rubbing soft circles against your skin. His other hand reached up to pull your hair away from your face, palm cupping your cheek and engulfing you in warmth. You breathed in his essence, the cologne, the smell of his laundry detergent. His tongue tasted like peppermint. Your chest began to ache.
You let out a breathy whine when he pulled away.
“Hey, hey sweetheart. Are you okay?”
The tears in your eyes had slipped down your cheeks, and you immediately reached up to wipe them away. You nodded your head, unsure if you could speak, throat heavy with emotion. Chris stared at you for a second before a soft smile pulled at his lips.
“I missed you too.”
Sneaking you into the dorm was surprisingly easy. Chris had led you to the door, giving you the universal sign for ‘be quite’ with a finger to his lips, and you followed behind him quietly. The layout to the dorm room placed the entrance right in between the common area and the bedrooms, which meant that as Chris headed towards the right, you had the perfect opportunity to sneak to the left. You entered the first door to the right, just like he told you, and put down your suitcase as quietly as you could.
You then peeked your head out of the door, but all you could see was the hallway that led to the living room and kitchen, voices bouncing off the walls. You slowly pulled the door closed, pulling out your phone to wait for Chris to text you. He wanted to surprise the boys, and would let you know when they were all settled.
As you waited, you sent out a message to your parents letting them know you had arrived to the dorms and were with your soulmates again. Your mother responded immediately, telling you how happy she was.
After your realization, the fear of being pushed away and left behind, you had a serious conversation with your parents, but mostly with your mother. Your father was quick to reassure you that you had to live your own life, and that you weren’t leaving them behind since they would still be there for you if you needed them. He also wanted to make sure you weren’t staying away from your soulmates for his benefit, and you both had a good cry when you realized how guilty he had felt thinking he was holding you back.
Your talk with your mom went much about the same way. After shed tears and long hugs, She reassured you that she loved you and would always love you, but she wanted what was best for you. And she wanted you to be happy.
She helped you realize just how much the boys made you happy.
Even now, being so close to your soulmates, your heart was beating hard in your chest and your skin felt alight with excitement. You were minutes away from seeing them again. So close to them, so close to holding them in your arms.
Your phone buzzed in your hands.
Chris Ready? Y/N *thumbs up* Chan Nobody should be looking, come out whenever you want ;)
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dflogerzi · 4 months
I am feeling bugged. I am still on the Mail piece in which the word 'stigma' was used. Going back again to the list of agencies that were given by a lawyer as to what may be involved by the labeling. Here is the paragraph:
And while it is currently unclear what records are being referred to, an LA-based immigration lawyer said last night: 'Law enforcement records could mean the police, FBI, airport police, secret service, military police or even the highway patrol. The word that jumps out is "stigma". It is not a word you would expect to see in a routine visa application.
So within the viewed records this word stigma was used. Just pulled up an online dictionary so that I could refresh myself and be completely clear.
a strong feeling of disapproval that most people in a society have about something, especially when this is unfair.
a mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one's reputation.
This means the records in whatever is being reviewed, there is something that most people would view with disapproval. It may be a mark of disgrace or infamy according to the second definition, with a stain or reproach... and on one's reputation.
Been down too many past rabbit holes. I stay out of them for the most part these last few years. But once I get the urge... Off I go I suppose. There is something here more than the stated drugs from a book it feels like. And I wonder just how much of Harry's past was formally documented as to the scuffles known or rumored. Do not get me wrong... he is going to end up protected. There is no way I believe for a minute that he is going to be unmasked publicly, or thrown out of America bag and baggage.
But I hope he is sweating it. I have given up on him learning anything. But I will take changes made. If not within him, a forced without. He is an appalling, traitorous, self-centered, and stunted individual. And by stunted I mean mentally, emotionally, and morally. And at his age and with his rich opportunities for growth there is no excuse for it.
Okay. Enough of my mental wanderings for the day. (I think).
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mayabishopgold · 3 months
If you haven’t gotten/done it and are interested in doing it, I’d love to know your top 5 favorite Marina moments and why 😊
Thank you for the ask!!! I had not gotten it! This one is a bit more difficult because it keeps changing tbh. But also, I am an angst freak so I'm sure there are moments that are VERY different from other people's lists.
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5x17: "Your left eye is bluer than the right one" This is probably everyone's favorite comfort scene. I remember being obsessed with it, especially the music, for months after it aired. The chemistry, tenderness, intimacy between Maya and Carina here are unmatched. Honestly, it's the only scene I remember from that episode. It gives us a peek into their home life—Maya usually comes home and wakes Carina up like that, and Carina sleeps on Maya's side of the bed when she's not there.It's in scenes like this, where they feel so real as a couple. Marina at its finest.
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4x14: "Maybe we hardly know each other. Maybe we should just take a break." I love how they fight. My top 5 could easily just be them fighting. This one has so many beats: Maya proposes they get married to solve the visa issue, Carina refuses, saying it's just bureaucracy. For Maya, it's not just paperwork – she thinks they're incredibly lucky to have found each other. Carina feels they're already married and doesn't need a piece of paper to prove it. They go back and forth, throw a few more things in each other's faces, and Maya royally screws up by mentioning Gabriella. leading to the infamous, "Do you still want me to take you to the airport?". Pure gold.
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4x07: "I did all the things/Thank you, no one's ever done that for me" Meaning no one has ever taken care of me, no one has ever loved me like this. That whole episode is incredible and I know there are other flashier scenes, but this little moment? It spoke volumes about how deep Maya's love runs. And Carina got it—she knew exactly what it meant. That storyline made it clear they were destined to be endgame.
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3x08: "I am the truck." This is the first time Carina gets a glimpse of what’s behind the walls Maya has built around her heart. I love how her whole demeanor changes instantly when she sees Maya breaking down and goes straight into comfort mode. A lot of people, myself included, headcanon this as the moment Carina starts falling in love with Maya. And we are right.
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6x09: "I know I made mistakes and I know I scared you. I'm sorry. I love you." Carina, who had moved out 2 episodes prior, comes back to their apartment using a pretty lame excuse (shampoo?), clearly just wanting to check on Maya. She’s worried and needs to see how her wife is holding up. The tension is palpable, and the music? Perfection. The scene is a mix of angst and hope, showing the very delicate process of healing and reconnecting they are immersed in. My favorite S6 Marina scene.
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clus444 · 1 month
John P. (90-day fiance)
Based on the show. I thought it was a fun idea. enjoy!! This will be slightly inaccurate since there is a lot of visa stuff that I don't know. Will it turn into a series, who knows?
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*Thump thump thump thump*
Don't be irrational, don't be irrational..... Shit.
I feel my heart beating in my ass. My palms are sweaty, my chest feels tight, and I just hope I don't pass out. What if he changes his mind? What if he doesn't like what he sees anymore? What if, what if, what if. So many whats and no answers. Y/n get your shit together. I'm going to get off this plane and meet my fiance. If he didn't like me, he wouldn't have asked to marry me!
*Ding!* It's showtime.
I met John on a work trip to London. I was bored in a bar and John's eyes found me multiple times that night. His gaze lit me up like the Fourth of July. He sent me over a drink and of course, who was I to turn that down. I lifted the drink in thanks and shot him my most charming smile. He grins and walks over to me.
The rest is history. Within 21 days he proposed to me on a walk through Kensington Gardens (A real place, but I'm adding to it). We were walking where swans idly swim by, lights decorated the sidewalk to light up the path, and there was a flower stand not that far away from us. "Stay here," He kisses my lips before walking forward.
I look at the water to watch the baby swans lazily follow their mother. My heart warms when I see a black swan circle the mother. They bend their necks down slightly and lean beaks on each other as they gracefully swim. The shape of their necks creates a heart and I feel as if the universe is trying to tell me something. Swans mate once in their life, when they meet their other half it's truly their other half. I look back at John to see him make his way to me.
Is he my half? From the moment I saw him, I felt an energy change though subtle it was there. When I looked into his eyes I saw pass the protector, the hardened war hero, and the lonely man who sits by himself. I saw someone who restricted himself from leaning on someone. I saw someone who didn't need to be fixed but supported. John's gone his whole life being the shoulder to cry on, the helping hand, the man with the plan. Is wrong to want to be the one he leans on?
A grin is on his face and must be infectious because I can't contain the smile that grows on mine. I'd marry him if I could, god I would give him an army if he asked. But I'm here for work and well John? Im not quite sure. "My mother and father used to bring us here sometimes because it's where he proposed. This garden has a prominent price family history here. I can't help but think I would be making a mistake if I didn't do the same," he drops to one knee and I look at him shocked.
"Umm- John?" I ask and look around before he grabs my hand.
"When I saw you at the bar, you not only took my breathe away but the very darkness that clouds my mind. Darling, my heart starves for you and I don't want to be full. My favorite feature about you is your hands...you can create something out of nothing. Your hands have this power over me. They hold our future, they give your brain a creative outlet, and most importantly they hold our love. I just want to be the support beam," He finishes off and slides a plain silver band off the flower stems. "I'll get you a better ring tomorrow, this is all he had and I did;t want to wait any longer. Will you marry me," He asks.
I step off the plane and twirl and ring around my finger. I truly can't believe this is happening. Most of me feel excited for this new chapter of my life. I feel lucky to have John by my side, appreciative. Though if you asked him he's the lucky one. I just hope he doesn't get cold feet or worse.
I walk until I find where to grab my bag. I haul it out and begin walking to the cafe inside the airport. I order a small tea with lemon and honey. My phone buzzes.
Pornstache- Ass is getting fatter, Definitely my doing.
I laugh and turn around to try to spot John. I see a tan bucket hat first and my man second. I put my stuff down and speedwalk to him. I aggressively grab his shirt and pull him to me. He quickly responds and cuffs the back of my head to kiss me deeper. I moan and he pulls back,"My wife is here, finally."
I giggle like a catholic school girl, who has just shown her ankle to the newspaper boy. I twirl a strand of hair between my fingers. "It appears so, though the wedding is in 90 days," I grab his hand to pick up my tea from where I left it on the table. He grabs my bag and we start on our way to the exit.
"I almost forgot to tell you. We got a full house when we get home," I hear him say that and look at him. I almost forgot about meeting his family. The only thing I can do now is nod and smile.
(I wanted to end it there but I love smut yall! I have a problem!)
On the ride to his house, I feel John slide his hand over my thigh. I squeeze before opening them slightly. He smirks and rubs circles with his thumb on my right left thigh. We glance at each other and I give him a cheeky smile. His hands slip into my pants and panties. His forefinger traces my folds lightly parting them to get to my pearl.
He draws fast circles on my clit and I push my hips forward. I moan and lay my head on the headrest. My clit surges vibrations all throughout my body. I can feel a second heartbeat where his fingers beatbox on my clit. The nerves that were tightly winding up my chest slowly dissipated. My breathing shortend for other reasons now and not panic. "I wanna test her so bad. Can tell she's been missing me, poor thing," he talks to my pussy.
She responds in clenches as I feel his thick, rough fingers enter my slippery folds. "mmmmm," I hum out and start rocking against his hand to cum faster. "Please, I wanna come," I beg for him to not tease. To give me this release and let my mind fill with thoughts of nothing. He grins and adds a finger then starts angling up. I arch my back and my heart pounds in rhythm to my pussy.
This is going to be a long ride.
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John - Soap - Gaz - Simon
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trainsinanime · 3 months
I’m rather hesitant to talk about US politics these days, but I see a lot of posts talking about why you should vote for Biden even if it’s through gritted teeth, and I think there’s an important aspect that people don’t pay enough attention to: The Trump Muslim Bans.
Executive Order 13769, aka the muslim ban or muslim travel ban or similar, was basically the first major thing Trump did in office. It was released on January 27th 2017, and it stopped people from certain muslim-majority countries from entering the US, effective immediately. The official reason was terrorist attacks, though there had been no terror attacks in the US by people from any of the named countries.
The whole thing was a massive shit show that led to massive problems immediately. The ban applied to people who already had visas to get to the US (not easy to get if you’re from a poorer country), who appeared at their destination and were suddenly no longer allowed in. It also applied to people who had green cards, who were now prevented from entering the US where they had made their home. Twitter was full of pictures of pro-bono immigration lawyers sitting on airport floors with their laptops. People from these countries who were already in the US legally had to cancel planned trips abroad since they would not be allowed back in. There were some anecdotal reports that immigration officers (who had no idea what was going on either) told green card holders that they had to sign a form to give up their green card, since it was no longer valid. I’m not sure whether anybody did. 
After a couple of days the ban was blocked by emergency court orders. Trump changed it a few times and got blocked by the courts again a few times, but in the end, some form of the travel bans, now with more exceptions for students, people with ties to the US, green card holders and so on, remained throughout his entire presidency. Biden revoked this last ban on his first day in office.
I strongly encourage you to look up news articles from the time to remember just how much of a shit show it was. Trump claimed to have consulted the various government departments before issuing it, which was a lie. The whole thing was just something Steve Bannon had made up. While parts of it got invalidated, it still caused massive problems for lots of people, missed life opportunities and so on, and many people were prevented from travelling to the US throughout all of his term. It was a cruel and racist policy, incompetently implemented.
So what changed since then? Has Trump gotten any less cruel or racist? It does not look like that. What has changed is the type of personnel he has access to. In January 2017, when nobody had expected him to win and many still expected him to retire almost immediately, he had no trained staff, just a set of crackpots, nuts and weirdos who supported him who were now in top roles.
In the time since then, the Republican Party has fully embraced Trump. The much-discussed Project 2025 is, at its heart, a list of people who are just as racist and cruel as Trump is, but who have proper trainings in bureaucracy, law degrees and such - people who can draft a version of this that would make it through the courts. Whether it’s Project 2025 or other similar lists or even no list at all: The Republican Party has fully agreed to fully support Trump in everything he does. He now has access to all the personnel he needs to implement his plans, and a blueprint for how to exchange even more people in the US government whose views he just doesn’t like.
The courts have also changed. The republicans in the senate ensured that Obama was barely able to appoint any new judges in his last few years in office, so there were a lot of vacancies for Trump to appoint when he came into office. And in that case, there was already a Project 2025-like list of conservative judge candidates for him to appoint. So the courts are way more conservative now than they were before.
We talk a lot about the Supreme Court in that regard, which overturned Roe v. Wade because of Trump’s appointees, and which recently ruled that the president can commit crimes in office and get away with it, like try to overturn the election, or as a frequently cited hypothetical example, use drone strikes or Seal Team Six to assassinate political rivals.
(Aside that probably derails the whole post: I don’t know why Americans act shocked at this, this is what drone strikes and Seal Team Six are for. That has always been their reason for existing. Nothing they did has ever been legal. Oh, it’s different when the president is doing it to US citizens on US soil? Is it really? Maybe legally, sure, but morally, is it really any different? This has nothing to do with the rest of the post, it’s just been bothering me that the go-to example for the weirdest craziest crime the US president might do is something that US presidents routinely do already.)
But it’s not just the Supreme Court, it’s all courts that are now much more likely to be on Trump’s side. So what changed between 2017 and 2025 is that if Trump tries another muslim ban, he will now have officials who can put the cruelty into the right legal language with the right waivers and exceptions, and courts that are willing to agree with him, in order to ensure that this time, they stay fully in place.
And that’s just one example. Trump’s reign has been full of cruel plans that were poorly thought out and drafted by people who didn’t know what they were doing. This time around, Trump has the people who know what they’re doing, and they’re fully willing to be as cruel and criminal as him. Whether it comes to environmental regulations, oil pipelines through native lands, LGBTQIA+ rights, foreign policy, all the things Trump tried to do last time but failed because he didn’t have personnel who knew how, are now things that he can do fully. And don’t forget that Trump did succeed with a lot of his goals.
I’m not going to tell you to vote for Biden, it’s your own free decision and I will pretend to respect that. It’s just an interesting bit of history to keep in mind as you decide.
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bizarrequazar · 1 year
Collected Information about the Bangkok Concerts
This is a post collecting information and sources about the concerts held by the Zhang Sanjian scam gang on May 10th and 11th. I will keep this updated as more information comes out. Please let me know if you have any questions, corrections, or additions.
[Masterpost of my informational posts about the situation]
The earliest account to promote the concert was a planted fan trying to collect information from other fans in group chats, not an “official account”. This was on April 10th, only a month prior to the day the concert would be held. Accounts officially associated with the scam would not start promotions until April 20th.
Someone who contacted the venue on April 20th was told that the hall had been booked for 05-11 but that the venue could not disclose who it was for.
On April 22nd, the Instagram made a post announcing the ticket sales using a promotional photo from 2021 that had been made for the concert the real Zhang Zhehan had been planning prior to 813. This post did not include a link for purchasing; including links to purchases increases the chance of Instagram checking an account for fraud activity.
The production company for the concert is partnered with CAPA.
Seat prices went up to 16,000 baht ($465 USD / 3200 RMB) and went on sale on April 22nd. As a comparative, the BTS member Suga held a concert with VIP tickets pricing at 6200 baht.
Within hours, scam believers were saying that tickets had sold out, but on the actual purchasing site they were instead listed as not available (ie. reserved for sale by scalpers). On May 3rd, these reserved tickets that had not been sold were made available again with less than half sold.
On April 23rd, it was announced via the Instagram that an additional concert would be held on 05-10 due to “popularity”. (As I write this, I realize that it’s odd for them to book 05-10 rather than 05-12 since it means those first comers who bought tickets for 05-11 would not get to be the first ones to see “him”.) Tickets for this became available the following day and “sold out” within ten minutes only to become available again; it’s likely this was just a glitch. 
On April 24th, a promotional video was posted for the concert using only footage from 2021 (same context as mentioned above).
Some tickets had been available as a “tour package” through a company that had a history of scamming customers. On April 26th, the tour package’s name was changed then deleted from the company’s website. On April 30th, the Taobao shop selling these packages was closed without refunds and over 400 people who had made purchases had their information leaked. Some people who purchased these packages were later left stranded at the airport for hours when they arrived.
On May 5th, the Weibo Supertopic used by scam believers, which had been filled with people reselling tickets and encouraging others to fake information for travel visas, was deleted. The following day, “official” accounts directed users to a new Supertopic that was created less than 15 minutes after the previous one disappeared despite it taking 1-3 days for Supertopics to be approved. This new Supertopic was made private on May 9th then deleted as well on May 10th.
On May 6th, photos were posted to the Instagram of “Zhang Zhehan” in what appeared to be Thailand. The following day several photos and a video were spread of “chance encounters”, originating from accounts that did not belong to fans.
The scam gang requested that people who had bought VIP tickets provide their home addresses so they could be sent tshirts and light sticks, four days prior to the first concert date. Have fun getting doxxed, I guess.
On May 8th, a new song was released to streaming sites by the scam gang despite it being only two days before the first concert. As a comparative, for his mini-concert to promote his Another Me EP in October 2020, Zhang Zhehan released only two of the three songs for streaming prior to the concert, leaving the third song 不说 to be debuted at the concert before releasing for streaming.
On May 9th, several photos and a video were posted by paparazzi of the venue being set up. It was noted that workers present in these photos were fully dressed despite there being a heatwave with outside temperatures climbing to over 40°C; it’s uncommon for AC to be on during set up, though not impossible.
On the same day, a figure fully covered in sweats and a hoodie was filmed entering the venue for rehearsals. Again: heatwave. 
May 10th
The venue looked less than half full less than ten minutes before the set start time.
A collection of some photos that look obviously off: [1] [2] [3] [4] 
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Chinese CPFs keeping track of things concluded that three different impersonators were likely used, with one possibly being a woman. There were visible differences in the nose, jawline, eyebrows, Adam’s apple, butt, and stature. Furthering this, people watching reported that the costume changes were remarkably fast and there were no breaks over the course of 20 song performances (3 hours).
It’s quite likely that the cameras used for the screens inside the venue were using deepfake tech to correct for these mistakes. Yes this can be done live. It was noticed that the screens seemed to noticably lag more than is standard (example, comparison to another concert) and occassionally jumped.
Some of the audience members visible in photos look quite unexcited to be there. It’s possible that people were hired to fill empty seats, especially given that so many were left unsold that they decreased the number of seats physically present in the venue. A number of people looked to be in quite a hurry to leave afterwards. There is hearsay that some of them may have been students who were paid to attend. [translated chatlog between Chinese fans]
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About an hour and a half after the concert started, the bought hashtag #Primordial Theater# suddenly appeared on the general Weibo hotsearch, reaching #14 before completely disappearing ten minutes later. Coincidentally, the Weibo administration account made a post shortly afterwards warning about celebrity impersonation fraud.
Around this time, all photos of the concert posted by Ranyi, one of the “official” accounts, were removed by Weibo and the account was later banned for violating community rules. Similar photos and a video were also removed from Xie Yihua’s Weibo accounts.
A whaler who made a post that she shook hands with him at the concert forgot to change her VPN to Thailand, with it instead saying she was in Japan. 🤡
There are rumors that some whalers who attended said it was fake and closed their accounts, I haven’t seen direct evidence of this yet. Also a rumor that one went to the police. Some whalers were reportedly afraid to speak out about what they had seen at the concert because they had given the scam their personal information.
May 11th
There was significantly less posted footage and discussion of this day. Many people who had attended gave excuses such as phones being too low on battery to film, only having blurry photos, wanted to capture the moment with their own eyes, etc.
Additional photos that look distinctly off: [1] [2] [a whole collection] (Here’s an example of full-face prosthetic makeup btw) 
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Videos show that barely anyone in the audience appeared to be singing along to some songs, including Surround.
Comment about the vocals from a trained musician: “The voice doesn't feel open, it feels like it's covered with a layer of veil. Generally speaking, the voice is not clean, and secondly, the breath is not stable, and the voice is obvious. Trembling, as well as out-of-tune and treble, the treble sounds very laborious, and the out-of-tune is also sandwiched between the two notes, and the way of vocalization is not right, it is all in the throat, singing like this is easy to hurt the throat and make it hoarse.” (mtl) 
[Video comparing the singing to Zhang Zhehan’s]
A video and group photo showing Xiao Yu were passed around, with him being visibly too short in relation to “Zhang Zhehan” in the photo.
Again, many of the photos posted by Xie Yihua were removed by Weibo.
VVIP ticket holders (on both days) were able to take photos with Zhang Sanjian afterwards:  -  Reports from them say that Zhang Sanjian was quite touchy-feely and eager with hugs (😰). If you look at old photos and video of the real Zhang Zhehan, he was always very polite and often kept his hands clasped when taking photos with unfamiliar people.  -  The attendees were assigned a number so the photos could be sent to them afterwards. Standard practice for celebrity photo ops is that the photos are printed there; being sent later allows time for editing to be done.  -  It took two weeks for people to be sent their photos. Despite this, some of the editing is... not very good.
Yahoo! Taiwan published an article talking about the concert, referring to Zhang Zhehan as an “artist who insulted China”.
[Written notes] from a Twitter space discussion about the concert. Main points not previously covered here:
It was learned by Chinese CPFs that any Chinese person who wants to hold a concert outside of China needs to get written permission to do so. There is no evidence that the scam gang did this, and it’s doubtful that someone in Zhang Zhehan’s situation would do so.
If you watch the videos of Zhang Sanjian talking at the concert, it looks very performative, not a real emotional response like what you can see in videos of the real Zhang Zhehan at his past concerts. Especially at a concert after 813 and not seeing his fans for two years, wouldn’t you expect him to get quite emotional?
Likewise, there are enunciation differences and dialectic differences in how Zhang Sanjian spoke.
If the point of the concerts was to make money, they would have started promotions much earlier, it doesn’t make commercial sense to announce it at such short notice. The intent of the concert was to get attention.
Another intent seems to be to try to divide CP fans, similar to how last year they succeeded in dividing haizhe and whalers.
Following the concerts, there was a significant uptick in fans of other celebs harrassing those saying the concerts were fake—especially in c-ent fan culture, fans of other celebs can and will happily take advantage of the scam to eliminate their bias’s competition even if they are aware that it’s a scam.
This post was last edited 2023-05-24.
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