#Akatsuki Yamatoya
kabutoraiger · 2 years
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mr yamatoya really conned me for a sec with this lady phantom thief played by megumi kiva who souta flirts with i was like wait did inoue actually write a boukenger episode
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i need this man to write an episode or 8 of boonboomger i think he'd do great things
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winterfieldfrontiers · 5 months
I love Conan filler episodes by Akatsuki Yamatoya!
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Sanada from EP.1083 Behind the Scenes of the J League Finals
Ran from EP.1111-1112 Rube Goldberg Machine
They're stronger.
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gayleviticus · 1 year
FMA 03 writers
i had an autism moment and decided to look into the writers of FMA 03 and am now going to vomit out my findings here (nothing very in-depth but it's interesting to see which niches they fall into)
Sho Aikawa: 1-3, 7-8, 13-16, 21-22, 25, 29-31, 32 (w Yamatoya), 36, 39-51, Shamballa.
He wrote the first three episodes, the Nina/Barry the Chopper double whammy, the Marcoh/Scar arc, the latter half of Lab 5, Hughes' death, a decent chunk of the Wrath arc, the Elrics learning Scar's backstory, and then everything from about when the Liore arc begins.
Clearly as head writer he takes charge of the most significant turning points in the series - interestingly, aside from E35, E37, and E38 ("Reunion of the Fallen", "The Flame Alchemist, The Bachelor Lieutenant & The Mystery of Warehouse 13", and "With the River's Flow" by Inoue, Takahashi, and Yamatoya respectively), Aikawa is the only writer to write anything after the series fully diverges from the manga (which I would place at Ed killing Greed in E34). Wikipedia tells me has a reputation for working on adaptations that diverge significantly from the source material, as opposed to original works.
Other writing credits include head writer for Martian Successor Nadesico, Kamen Rider Decade, and the second half of Kamen Raider Blade. At 29.5/51 episodes (he co-wrote a single episode) he was responsible for 57.8% of the series.
Natsuko Takahashi: 6, 11, 17, 23, 26, 37.
She wrote the first Nina episode, The Other Elric Brothers 1, the Elrics recuperating in Resembool, the Elrics recovering post Lab 5, the Paininya episode, and Warehouse 13.
Her forte here is almost entirely slow, character-focused stories without danger or high stakes, with a tendency to emphasise cooling down from big dramatic moments and exploring the implications of these events for the characters.
Other credits include Tokyo Mew Mew, Chrno Crusade, Bleach, and Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo. At 6/51 episodes she wrote 11.8% of the series.
Akatsuki Yamatoya: 28, 32 (w Aikawa), 33-34, 38.
He wrote the Yock Island training episode, Greed arc, and the episode where Ed and Al get into an argument and meet by the river (while Winry and Sheska investigate conspiracies).
Interestingly he is the only writer aside from Aikawa involved in writing actual ongoing arcs after the anime begins to diverge significantly from the manga (I would consider this the introduction of Wrath in E29); the only other contributions past this point are Warehouse 13 (E37) by Takahashi, which a joke episode, and Inoue's Lust and Lujon episode (35), which is valuable characterisation wise but technically standalone. Essentially Yamatoya writes solely for the transition point where FMA 03 is moving from following the manga's blueprint (with significant elaborations, albeit) to its own path.
Other writing credits include Soul Eater, Ghost Stories, Naruto, Detective Conan. At 4.5/51 episodes he wrote 8.8% of the series.
Toshiki Inoue: 4, 10, 24, 35
He wrote Majhal, Psiren, Al defending the Ishbalans against Barry the Chopper with Scar, and Lust and Lujon.
His episodes are largely anime-original and standalone, without significantly shaping the course of the series, but arguably contain valuable characterisation. The Al episode is something of an exception here as it is tied into an ongoing arc (Al's existential crisis) which is also based off manga material, but the episode itself is not a direct adaptation of anything from the manga. Majhal and Psiren are arguably the only genuine cases of pure 'filler' in 03.
Other credits include main writer of Don Brothers and the Death Note anime. At 4/51 episodes he wrote 7.8% of the series.
Katsuhiko Takayama: 9, 19-20, 27.
He wrote the Yousewell episode, first two episodes of Lab 5 arc, and the one where Izumi catches the Elrics.
His work seems fairly solid but nothing very innovative: he adapts manga material well but it's hard to see any strong theme here I think. Notably his Lab 5 episodes mainly cover manga events; the Lab 5 arc does end up significantly diverging from the manga with elements like Scar, Greed, Kimblee, and the Homunculi trying to convince Ed to make the Stone, but not in his episodes.
Other credits include Star Ocean EX, Mirai Nikki, Magia Record S2. At 4/51 episodes he wrote 7.8% of the series.
Manabu Ishikawa: 12, 18.
He wrote The Other Elric Brothers Part 2 and Marcoh's Notes.
Not much to say here - an adaptation of a light novel and a manga chapter.
Other credits include production assistant on Neon Genesis Evangelion, and writing for the Arc the Lad anime and Kimi no koe o todoketai. At 2/51 episodes he wrote 3.9% of the series.
Aya Yoshinaga: 5.
Wrote only the train episode so hard to draw any strong conclusions.
Other credits include Golden Kamui, Natsume's Book of Friends, and Durara!! At 1/51 episodes they (unsure of their gender) wrote 1.9% of the series.
as a special bonus I have made a pie chart bc I like pie charts
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shihalyfie · 2 years
Seems like someone translated the now unavailable stage reading from DigiFes2022 and i'm shocked about some things like, the twins not being all lovely around each other (a very common fanbase's interpretation/guess) and how Kouichi does not seem to be a shy (??) person like Ken (another fanbase guess regarding him)
Any thoughts? 😗
There is so much to unpack here. So much. So, so, so much. I thought I was going to answer this quickly, but then this post got too long because I had so much to say, so I'm going to tuck the rest under the cut, but my goodness. I'm actually offended this is from a "vanishable" stage reading (and that the official stance is even that the contents are meant to be disposable and not taken as canon -- to hell with that, material like this, let alone for Frontier, is too valuable to let go of). I don't know about other people, but this checked off all the boxes for things I wanted to see addressed or confirmed, moreso than even The Train Called Hope from 2019 (which I did still like, but to be honest, this one felt more like it was "at home" in a sense).
Well, let's start with stuff about production background (skip to the bullet points below if you don't care about this). This script was penned by Yamatoya Akatsuki, who was an episode writer for Frontier, and was presumably brought on because he's also working on The Beginning right now. But despite working on Kizuna and sometimes being advertised as a member of original staff, Yamatoya was actually very minimally involved on Adventure or 02...and on the flip side, he was a regular writer for Frontier and wrote quite a few of its landmark episodes. In fact, he may be right behind Frontier's head writer Tomita Sukehiro in terms of how significant he is to Takuya's characterization. Him writing for this is arguably more at home for him than Kizuna/The Beginning are -- not to say that he isn't doing amazingly with the Adventure and 02 characters, but I imagine Seki has probably been doing a lot of intervention with them, and while it may just be mental bias, there's a certain sense of comfort that just especially works here with this stage reading's dialogue for the Frontier kids, since Yamatoya was personally responsible for building up these characters to begin with.
(If you're wondering why Tomita wasn't the writer, he retired from anime writing in 2011, so any Frontier content "with original staff" has to be done by one of its episode writers. This sounds like a bad situation at first, but this is where I have to remind people not to get too hung up on auteur theory; Adventure, 02, and Frontier already had drama CDs partially or wholly written by episode writers, and said episode writers deserve way more credit for their influence than people give them. Please reference my posts on Adventure/02 and Tamers staff for more info...actually, I really ought to make a Frontier one too if I have free time, huh... (edit: okay, now I did)
However, our last bit of post-canon Frontier material, The Train Called Hope, was written by a different writer, Masaki Hiro (who also was an episode writer for Frontier). Because of that, and especially because these two "dramas" were written in reverse chronological order (The Train Called Hope takes place in their high school years, whereas this one takes place two years after Frontier's finale), I do have to admit I feel a little dissonance, especially in regards to the portrayal of the twins -- a lot can happen in several years, but it does feel weird to think about the fact that two years later they'll be close enough to bicker with and troll each other, but in high school they'll go back to being a bit more awkward...? Of course, it's very easy to reconcile both portrayals at once -- humans are very multifaceted creatures after all -- but from a writing perspective it's a bit weird. But between the two portrayals, the new drama's interpretation makes a lot more sense to me, and is also just a lot more satisfying in general, so I'm honestly very relieved to have this solidified, and judging from reactions on Twitter I can tell a lot of twins fans were also very satisfied.
(Disclaimer before we go forward: I'm afraid of giving the wrong idea, so to be clear, I do like The Train Called Hope quite a bit, it's just that this current drama was a lot closer to my personal preferences in terms of what kinds of details I wanted to know about the kids' futures. Given that Tamers 2018, which came out in the same batch as The Train Called Hope, was said to have been explicitly inspired by tri., I feel like they were kind of on a kick of trying to give the Tamers and Frontier kids the tri. treatment of big timeskips and future stuff, and I certainly don't mind it but I also felt a little sad at the fact that the character dynamics were a little thinner and we didn't get to see much of the group as a whole because they were busy trying to cram in so much info about everyone's career prospects.)
I already wrote about Ken and Kouichi last year, and this is especially prominent given that Yamatoya wrote both this and the Kizuna drama CD, even using similar story formats, and yet it's very clear that they (and their respective groups) are very different. This stage reading may be one of our most valuable resources for Kouichi lovers, because unfortunately during the series itself he was a little shy with the others due to the circumstances of how they met, and Izumi even admitted that she felt she didn't know him very well at the time (although to be fair, she also admitted she understood Kouji even less). But there were multiple hints within the series that Kouichi was normally very open and sociable, arguably even more so than a good chunk of the rest of the group, and more similar to Kouji in temperament than you might think at first -- so this is the one time we basically got hard confirmation of that. And it was exactly as I said: now that we're seeing Kouichi outside a very stressful situation where he had a lot of things to be worried about with this group, it turns out he really isn't very different from his brother after all (at most, he's a little more down-to-earth...just a little).
Anyway, bullet-pointing the other things I found to be of interest (I am frankly amazed at how much information Yamatoya is capable of conveying in only short lines of dialogue):
We finally get an answer to the question of whether the Shibuya train station elevator is still connected to the Digital World, and the answer is that, at least as of two years later, it’s not there anymore. My impression is that the implication is that it only supernaturally manifested in Shibuya Station at all due to the events of Frontier, and now that it was no longer “needed” it vanished. But the restaurant that replaced it apparently has a connection despite that...
The Frontier kids are confirmed to basically be on “penpal” status. The Train Called Hope made it clear they were still in contact, but to what degree was unclear. So as of this one, it’s confirmed that they don’t see each other super-often and still have to catch each other up, but they also do seem to contact each other regularly to the point it’s a given they have each other’s contact addresses and have rough awareness of certain things ongoing in each other’s lives. (I imagine once smartphones are invented, they might make a LINE group like the Adventure kids have in Kizuna...if they can bring themselves to swap out their phones.)
Izumi has a junior who likes her! (Well, likes her in some way.) I think that’s a pretty good sign that the whole making friends deal has been working out for her.
The group certainly has an interesting perspective on Kouichi, in that apparently they’re aware he’s not the type to throw random uncalled for surprise parties, but also Takuya seems perfectly capable of imagining him as some kind of action hero.
Speaking of which, while the entire group seems to be devoid of any brain cell whatsoever (if anything they might be in the negatives at this point), Takuya seems to be the most “pure-hearted” because he easily believes whatever theory he’s hearing at the moment. Since all of the kids are showing equal degrees of chaos, I like those little things that stand out.
On the other hand, Tomoki has now become genuinely terrifying with his ability to become deadpan at the most unnerving times.
Kouji stopped calling Kouichi “nii-san” as far as we can tell, which is in line with Things I Want to Tell You and The Train Called Hope, as with the portrayal of the twins here as significantly more rough with each other than they were back in the original series. As Izumi points out, the fact they’re so rough with each other is conversely a good sign about how comfortable they are with each other as actual brothers now.
The twins go to the same middle school. I cannot emphasize enough how much of an incredible bombshell this is. This cannot have been an easy feat to pull off, since the twins didn’t live in the same area at the time of Frontier. While it’s not stated in the drama itself, I have to imagine that at this point all three parents are aware and on board with this (possibly even directly assisting with it), because there’s no way the twins could have pulled this off by themselves, but hey, maybe their parents decided to help them to make up for lying to them for eleven years. (Okay, we’re getting into real headcanon at this point.)
The twins look alike enough that they can be confused for each other by appearance alone (basically, it’s confirmed that they have the same hairstyle at this point). I think headcanons were split as to whether both would want to look like each other or stick with their own individual styles, but I do know it’s a popular Japanese headcanon that Kouji only had long hair in imitation of his supposedly deceased biological mother (therefore favoring the idea he’d cut it after the series as a sign of moving on and as a way of looking more like his brother), so I think a lot of people were feeling very validated on that end. I am kind of amused at the fact that their voices are canonically considered to be different in-universe (I’m not sure if that’s actually possible in real life, but it’s definitely a meta joke).
Kouichi apparently has a girl who likes him (whose feelings he doesn’t reciprocate). Well, I mean, the twins are very popular among real-life audience members, so this isn’t really surprising...
Not only have the twins gotten a lot closer, Kouji is not above just completely messing with his brother for the hell of it. I’m not sure if this is a voice actor joke (Kamiya and Suzumura are close friends in real life, and Kamiya is infamous for being a troll who pranks Suzumura quite often), but at the same time Takuya also specifically singles out Kouji as being more on the antagonistic side. Right now this may be the one key difference between the twins in terms of temperament, since it’s otherwise clear that they are incredibly similar now, and it’s probably a byproduct of how Kouji started off with thicker social boundaries than his brother’s and is thus is a little behind in in having a more active social life.
That said, I am sorry to anyone who hoped the twins would be among the more sensible members of the group, because at this point they might actually be the most unhinged. The two of them happened to get in a bickering match this time, but them both ganging up on Takuya at the end makes me really scared of what they’re capable of if they do start conspiring together the way Junpei theorized they were doing.
Katsuharu is still close with Tomoki (this is consistent with The Train Called Hope), but he’s since fallen out of contact with the others.
The twins seem to perceive Izumi as the most sensible of all of them (operative word: perceive)...
The Frontier kids are utter idiots. I say this with all the love I can muster, and I mean this in a way that the Frontier kids truly are uniquely chaotic and borderline unhinged in a way other Digimon groups just can’t match. I already pointed out earlier that there was a difference between how the 02 and Frontier groups handled their chaos, but this is now pretty much as clear as you can get between Yamatoya’s takes on the 02 kids in the Kizuna drama CD and the Frontier kids here -- both follow similar formats of zany comedy followed by a sentimental conclusion, but while the 02 kids were mostly just getting out of control because they were too excited, the Frontier kids actually accusing each other in a game of whodunnit with increasingly absurd justifications is just on another level. This is truly the fun of Frontier in a nutshell -- the shamelessness, the misfit nature of the cast, the chaos, and just the lovable sentiment of it all.
By the way, I really, really love this fanart. If you haven’t seen it, you should. I think combined with the script, it really feels like I finally got to see these kids again after so long.
I basically only have two real complaints, and both are shared between this and The Train Called Hope. The first one is that I feel like they really haven’t figured out what to do with the Spirits, and they feel a little like an afterthought at this point; I know they’re kind of in a tough position because they’re simultaneously the kids and also not, but I would have liked to see a bit more thought put into what kind of relationship they have to the kids besides just vaguely connected guardian spirits. The second is that there is a terrible lack of Bokomon and Neemon, who should be at least hanging out with the Spirits back in the Digital World (I wonder if Sugiyama Kazuko wasn’t available...). They were important too! Don’t forget them! In fact, if anything, this new drama may have indirectly confirmed that Bokomon was possibly the main reason the kids didn’t completely go off track and actually managed to get anywhere in the Digital World, because without him they risk being extremely unhinged. Please give your thanks to Bokomon for saving the Digital World.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning - PV
Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning will hit japanese theaters on October 27, 2023. The film serves as a sequel to Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna.
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It all started with a single wish.
Now, the gate to a new adventure opens.
Returning cast members
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Fukujurō Katayama as Daisuke Motomiya
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Junko Noda as V-Mon
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Arthur Lounsbery as Ken Ichijōji
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Naozumi Takahashi as Wormmon
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Ayaka Asai as Miyako Inoue
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Kouichi Toochika as Hawkmon
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Yoshitaka Yamaya as Iori Hida
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Megumi Urawa as Armadimon
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Junya Enoki as Takeru Takaishi
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Miwa Matsumoto as Patamon
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M.A.O as Hikari Yagami
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Yuka Tokumitsu as Tailmon
Newly cast members
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Megumi Ogata as Rui Ōwada
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Rie Kugimiya as Ukkomon
Director: Tomohisa Taguchi
Screenplay: Akatsuki Yamatoya
Animation Production: Yumeta Company
Production: Toei Animation
On February 2012, when Davis Motomiya and Veemon were making ramen, a giant Digi-Egg appeared in the sky. They then met someone who claimed to be the first ever person partnered to a Digimon, however despite having a Digivice the DigiDestined had no Digimon Partner with them.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Gensemaden Saiyuki Series (2000) 幻想魔伝 最遊記
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Directors: Yuto Date / Masahiko Murata / Tomomi Kyota / Hitoyuki Matsui / Takashi Yamazaki / Rino Kujo / Kesuke Onishi / Shintaro Inokawa
Screenwriter: Katsuyuki Sumizawa / Akatsuki Yamatoya / Michiko Yokote / Satoru Nishizono / Daisuke Yajima / Kazuya Minekura
Starring: Toshihiko Seki / Soichiro Hoshi / Akira Ishida / Hiroaki Hirata / Takeshi Kusao / more...
Genre: Drama / Animation
Official site: www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/saiyuki/
Country/Region of Manufacture: Japan
Language: Japanese
Date: 2000-04-04 (Japan) / 2003-10-02 (Season 2) / 2004-04-01 (Season 3) /  2007-04-27 / 2007-09-28 / 2008-03-28 (Season 4) / 2022-01-06 (Season 5) Number of Seasons: 5
Episodes: 126
Single episode length: 23 minutes Number of Movies: 7
Also known as: Saiyuki Part 1 / Gensmaden Saiyuki /  幻想魔传 最游记  /  最游记 第一部  / Saiyuki Reload /  最游记 RELOAD  / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock /  最游记 RELOAD GUNLOCK  / Saiyuki Reload Blast /  最游记 RELOAD 埋葬篇  / Saiyuki Reload: Zeroin /  最游记 RELOAD ZEROIN 
IMDb: tt3255572
Type: Reimagining
In the chaotic age of heaven and earth--there is a land where people and monsters coexist, which is the source of civilization and faith - Taoyuan Township. Sudden mutation and terror struck the land, and the yokai who used to live peacefully lost themselves and began to run amok. The culprit of the mutation was the incident of "resurrecting the former big monster, the Bull Demon King". Due to the taboo of mixing science and sorcery in this world, the resurrection of the Bull Demon King is about to be completed, and negative fluctuations cover the earth. The Heavenly Realm, who valued this situation, issued an order to ask Tang Sanzang to stop the Bull Demon King's recovery experiment. Together with the three people who are not afraid of negative fluctuations, Sun Wukong, Sha Wujing, and Zhu Bajie, the journey to the distant West Tianzhu began.
At the same time, in the city of Vedenga in Tianzhu, Zhang himself, the planner of the Bull Demon King's recovery experiment, and Princess Yumian, the lover of the Bull Demon King, issued an obliteration order to Red Boy to get rid of Sanzang and his party. Red Boy is the son of the Bull Demon King. In order to save his mother who was sealed by the curse of Princess Yumian, Red Boy launched a challenge with his confidant. Can Sanzang and the others stop the Bull Demon King's recovery experiment, and restore peace to the ruined Taoyuan Township?
Xuanzang Sanzang was an abandoned child floating in the river. He was brought up by Master Guangming Sanzang of Jinshan Temple, and because of this, he was discriminated against by the monks in the temple. The murder of his master dealt a huge blow to his mind, and thus he developed a withdrawn and rebellious character. Sanzang is arrogant and uninhibited, pursues freedom, and does not want to be bound by anything. He wants to find absolute strength and strength to protect his important things. The weapon he uses is the Ascension Spear, and his unique skill is "Lord of the Rings".
Sun Wukong, who always follows Sanzang closely, is a strange life form born from a stone 500 years ago. He uses a wishful stick that matches his agility as a weapon. His personality is extremely simple, his way of thinking is simple and direct, naughty and gluttonous, but when he removes the demon power control device on his forehead, he will completely lose his mind, full of desire to destroy and kill, and become an extremely dangerous person. The only person he is defenseless and deeply dependent on is Sanzang, because that is the "sunshine" that soothes his century-old loneliness.
Zhu Bajie is a master at using stomatal techniques, with a gentle and kind personality, easy and approachable. With a smile on his face all the time, he is thoughtful, considers issues meticulously and comprehensively, and can always see through other people's thoughts. But in fact, Bajie is also a human being same as Sanzang. Because his lover was destroyed by monsters, he crazily retaliated and turned himself into a monster. The crime and punishment that can never be eliminated is an irreparable wound in his heart, and under that gentle smile is the sadness that longs to be healed.
The red-haired Sha Wujing is the child of monsters and humans, so he is hated by his stepmother. His elder brother killed his own mother in order to protect him, which made him think that he was the real murderer and deeply blamed himself. From then on, Wujing realized the pure and unrestrained form of the waves, a lustful and outspoken prodigal, but he was still a bold man who loved to fight against injustice. The weapon he uses is a crescent shovel with a chain. Although he often bickers with Wukong, he is actually very considerate of his companions.
This group of characters with full of personality quoted the names of the characters in the Chinese classic "Journey to the West", but completely subverted the original image. Although the background of the story is set in ancient times, their language and behavior are no different from modern people. Make the film full of post-modern colors. The four people who are mixed with humans and demons each have their own inner wounds, and the delicate portrayal of their psychological processes brings the audience into a world that is sentimental and yet warm.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gensomaden_Saiyuki_(TV_series)
Link: https://reelgood.com/show/gensomaden-saiyuki-2000 https://kissanime.com.ru/Anime/Saiyuki-Reload.54169/ https://kissanime.com.ru/Anime/saiyuki-gunlock-sub.22100/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O76ZO1_NOFQ&ab_channel=RareSubAnime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHnI21cWsC0&ab_channel=RareSubAnime
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usagirotten · 11 months
New Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning Anime Film Trailer Unveiled: A Nostalgic Journey Awaits!
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Prepare to embark on a thrilling trip down memory lane as the new trailer for Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning Anime Film brings back beloved characters and promises exciting adventures. The Digimon fandom is abuzz with anticipation as this nostalgic journey unfolds. Join Davis, Yolei, Cody, T.K., and Kari, along with their trusty Digimon partners, in a quest to protect both worlds from powerful adversaries. As the release date approaches, fans worldwide eagerly await this film, hoping for answers to long-held questions and a deeper exploration of the digital world's lore. Brace yourselves for a heartwarming reunion and a grand, epic tale! The trailer opens with familiar faces, now grown-up and grappling with their adult lives. Davis, Yolei, Cody, T.K., and Kari reunite as they find themselves summoned back to the digital realm, tasked with a new mission to protect both worlds. Accompanied by their trusty Digimon partners, Veemon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Patamon, and Gatomon, the team faces unprecedented challenges that put their courage and friendship to the test.
"We're excited to revisit these beloved characters from Digimon Adventure 02," said the film's director, Kazuya Nakakura. "This movie will not only appeal to the loyal fanbase but also introduce Digimon to a new generation of viewers." The trailer showcases stunning animation and dynamic battle scenes, teasing an intense showdown between the DigiDestined and powerful adversaries. Among the new villains is the enigmatic figure known only as "The Watchmaker," whose motives remain shrouded in mystery. Die-hard fans will be thrilled to witness the Digivolution sequences once again, a nostalgic throwback to the early days of Digimon. The film promises to delve deeper into the lore of the digital world, answering lingering questions and delivering an emotionally resonant storyline. The Digimon community is already buzzing with excitement on social media, as #DigimonAdventure02Film trends worldwide. Fans are eager to see how the new film will tie into the legacy of the original series and its impact on future Digimon projects. "Digimon holds a special place in the hearts of millions, and this film is a tribute to that connection," said Producer Yumiko Yamanaka. "We hope the audience will enjoy this adventure as much as we enjoyed creating it."      The story of the film is located in 2012, 10 years after the events of the series and after Digimon Adventure Tri as well as Last Evolution Kizuna. The “chosen adults” are around 20 years old but not alone, as a new member joins them. His name is Rui Ōwada, a mysterious young man who claims to be the first of many DigiDestined. The original chosen one. A Digimon named Ukkomon is essential to the story. Director Tomohisa Taguchi (four-part Persona 3 the Movie film series, Kino's Journey - The Beautiful World, Twin Star Exorcists) and scriptwriter Akatsuki Yamatoya (Digimon Adventure, Digimon Frontier, Digimon: Data Squad), the anime studio Yumeta Company, and the production company Toei Animation are returning from Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. Producer Yōsuke Kinoshita (Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna) previously emphasized that the new film will revolve around the characters from Digimon Adventure 02. He further explained that the team wanted to tell a story about Daisuke and his friends because they have a different appeal about them, compared to Taichi/Tai and his friends from the first Digimon Adventure television anime. Digimon Adventure 02 was the first direct television anime sequel to the first Digimon Adventure series, although it featured a new set of main characters. The show aired from April 2000 to March 2001 in Japan, and then it aired from August 2000 to May 2001 in the United States. Discotek announced at Otakon on Saturday that it will release the anime in English and then in Japanese. The Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna sequel film told "the last adventure of Tai and Agumon." The film opened in Japan in February 2020 and then got a release outside Japan in 2020-2021. Read the full article
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dcrewatch · 2 years
Detective Conan Rewatch: Episode 1050-1051
Episode 1050-1051: “Intrigue at Morikawa Mansion”
Before watching this episode, on a scale of 1-10, how much are you looking forward to seeing it again?
I'm a bit behind again, sorry about that. 5.
Favorite screencap:
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Kogoro: “Sorry, I draw a line at ice cream on rice.”
Conan: “Don’t you mean soft serve?”
Favorite moment:
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The ending bit with Ran's soft serve was cute.
Least favorite moment:
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Gaaaah, this is up there with the horror inducing things from the early parts of the series. I'm relieved he was already dead before being put in this thing. _-shudder-_
What’s one thing you noticed/realized about this episode that you hadn’t before?
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So the real question is: did the family just happen to buy an island with these unusual soft serve ice cream land masses already on them, or did they purposely have them created because soft serve ice cream is apparently the whole world to them?
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God help you if you get the difference between ice cream and soft serve mixed up around this family. ^^; (And for my fellow US readers, -30 C = -22 F, -5~-7 C = 23-19.4 F
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate this episode?
Oh wow, this case surprised me. Felt more akin to the better AOs in the very early parts of the series. 7. I looked up the writer out of curiosity and it looks like this one was written by Akatsuki Yamatoya. Seems my reviews of Yamatoya’s episodes are kinda all over the place but he did seem to write some more enjoyable cases.
Celebrate it!
Here’s a (not exactly) summary haiku:
An inheritance
Kogoro is to decide
Just how it will go
Next Episode: Episode 1052
Previous Episode: Episode 1049
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kazarinn · 3 years
A translation of two interviews from the booklet distributed for the official Digimon Adventure 20th anniversary “Memorial Story” crowdfunding project, relating to the project itself, the related Digimon Adventure LAST EVOLUTION Kizuna movie, and various development details related to Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. The first is with producer Hiromi Seki, scriptwriter Akatsuki Yamatoya, and Digimon character designer Kenji Watanabe; the second is with voice actress Chika Sakamoto (voice of Agumon).
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sunkentreasurecove · 6 years
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otakutale · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 Anime Film Announced
At the recent 2021 Digi-Fest event, it was announced that an anime film based on the second series of the…
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Crunchyroll To Stream Gintama Season 4
Crunchyroll To Stream Gintama Season 4
Crunchyroll has announced that they will be streaming the fourth season of Gintama starting this Sunday at 11:35am PST and will be available to members worldwide except Asia.
Crunchyroll also provided a short synopsis for the fourth season of the series.
In a world where aliens have invaded Edo Period Japan, skyscrapers, trains and motor bikes have replaced the simple life of Earth inhabitants.…
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demifiendrsa · 3 years
New Digimon Adventure 02 anime film announcement trailer (with English closed captions)
The new film will tell a story about Daisuke Motomiya (Davis Motomiya in English) and the other characters from the Digimon Adventure 02 anime.  Director Tomohisa Taguchi and writer Akatsuki Yamatoya are reuniting from Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna to work on the new film.
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Teaser visual
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Tokyo Mew Mew (2002) 東京ミュウミュウ
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Director: Nomoyuki Abe
Screenwriter: Makoto Tokawa / Natsuko Yamamoto / Akatsuki Yamatoya / Tetsuo Tanaka
Starring: Saki Nakajima / Yumi Kazuki / Komi Sakuma / Kuyo Mochizuki / Junko Noda / more...
Genre: Drama / Animation / Fantasy
Country/Region of Manufacture: Japan
Language: Japanese
Date: 2002-04-06 (Japan) / 2022-07-05 (Japan)
Number of Seasons: 2
Episodes: 52 / 24
Single episode length: 23 minutes
Also known as: Tokyo Mew Mew / Tokyo Meow Meow / New Tokyo Cat / Tokyo Cat completely new work
IMDb: tt0469008 / tt12299696
Type: Appropriation
In Tokyo, Japan, a young girl named Ichigo Momomiya (voiced by Shashu Nakajima) attends an endangered species exhibit with her "crush" Masaya Aoyama. After an earthquake, Ichigo and four other girls are bathed in a strange light. A cat appears before Ichigo, then merges with her. The next day, she begins acting like a cat and making cat puns. After meeting Ryou Shirogane and Keiichirou Akasaka, Ichigo learns that she was infused with the DNA of the Iriomote cat. Ryou and Keiichirou explain that this allows her to transform into Mew Ichigo, a powerful heroic cat girl. She is ordered to defeat Chimera Animas—alien parasites which infect animals and turn them into monsters. Ryou and Keiichirou instruct Ichigo to find the four other girls from the exhibit—the remaining Mew Mews.
The eldest lady Lan Zemint (voiced by Yumi Kazuki), the gentle Bichuan Lettuce (voiced by Sakuma Hongmi), the lovely Huang Buling (voiced by Mochizuki Jiuyo) and the beautiful Fujiwara Pomegranate (voiced by Noda Shunko) appeared one after another In front of Momomiya, they are all girls with the power of meow. At this moment, they are gathered together, and what they will face is the very powerful Blue Shadow (voiced by Emi Ogata)
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_Mew_Mew
Link: https://kissanime.com.ru/Anime/Tokyo-Mew-Mew/ https://kissanime.com.ru/Anime/tokyo-mew-mew-new.23253/ https://kissanime.com.ru/Anime/tokyo-mew-mew-new-season-2.68820/
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pkjd · 4 years
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A new poster visual and trailer preview from the upcoming “Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna” anime film has been revealed.
The film will open in Japanese theaters on February 21st, 2020.
Director: Tomohisa Taguchi
Supervisor: Hiromi Seki
Screenplay: Akatsuki Yamatoya
Character Designer: Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru
Chief Animation Director: Seiji Tachikawa
Studio: Yumeta Company
-Additional Cast-
Fukujuurou Katayama
Arthur Lounsbery
Ayaka Asai
Yoshitaka Yamaya
via: digimon-adventure.net
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