#Akio: “Ah fuck here we go again”
aquatic-hybrid · 1 year
✧ ── 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐔𝐑𝐋 𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒. -Triple gank edition
ft.- @witchcraftandburialdirt, @poisonflowrs, & @hemomania
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"Remember, vision is the most important part of the game" - Idiot who didn't buy wards
>aquatic-hybrid - 13 letters, my favorite number
A.- [A Pirate's Freedom] - Kingdom Hearts 3 Q.- [The Seafarer's Skills Tame The Storm] - Bravely Default 2 U.- [Untitled] - Olly Steele A.- [A New Fear] - Dance With The Dead T.- [The Other Promise] - Kingdom Hearts 2 I.- [I Was The Sun (Before It Was Cool)] - Starbound C.- [Clive Theme - Find Your Flame] - Final Fantasy XVI H.- [Holding Out For A Hero] - SHREK 2 COVER BABYYY Y.- [Operation Blade] - Arknights B.- [Blueish Light] - Arknights (Aka. Akio's logging screen) R.- [Razormind] - Payday 2 I.- [I Got This] - Hi Fi Rush D.- [Dormant] - Transistor
Tagged Ganked by: the triple threat from earlier Also fuck finding songs for Q and Y, so have two actual Akio songs instead.
Tagging: Honestly man you are free to do this lmao good luck
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dellalyra · 1 year
𝙛𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙙 - 𝙛𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨
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A/N: request from my wife @soraya-daydreams - this is almost crack I stg.
Summary: The kids try edibles. Yuuji - maybe went overboard.
CW: the kids do edibles, swearing, crackfic, one or two suggestive sentences idk. mdni shoo go away
“But where would we even get it? It’s not like I have many drug dealing contacts.” Nobara hisses, as the three first years discuss their plans in a secluded part of the grounds.
“Fushiguro - your parents would definitely know where to get some, why don’t we ask them?” Itadori pokes his boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Yeah they probably would, but they don’t do that shit anymore - Dad never could because of … all the eyes. Plus, with Akio being so young I don’t want them to have something to worry about if they start to fuss over us all smoking.” Megumi muses.
“Valid - when we started dating your Dad gave me lube and condoms and asked if I needed the sex talk, I think I died again that day.” Itadori nods, solemnly.
“Back to the issue at hand! Where do we obtain one bag of weed?” Nobara says, hands slapping the desk she sits at.
The three first years had decided that they wanted to do teenage stuff - since their lives were so crazy, Megumi was a potential heir for a large Sorcerer family and the son of the strongest sorcerers alive - Itadori was Sukuna’s vessel and Nobara was well on her way to a first grade, as well as the issues with being a young woman in sorcery. Because of their guardians (self-appointed) being as chill as they were, they didn’t really have anything to rebel against, so there was no point in sneaking out when they can just say where they are going with a ‘text when you get there’ from Y/N. There was no point in trying to sneak their parents alcohol, because there’s a ‘you can drink with us, or under our roof safely’ policy in place too. There was no secret dating, Itadori and Megumi were together already and Nobara… well, she hoped it wouldn’t be long before a certain Zen’in girl realised she was crazy about her. So that left smoking a joint, but Itadori said he had tried a cigarette before and hated it when he was at a party in school and Nobara didn’t want to smoke and stain her nails - so it was decided Yuuji would make brownies… special brownies.
“We could ask someone? Todo, maybe?” Yuuji suggests, before being answered with a unanimous ‘absolutely not’.
“I don’t know anyone else we could ask for weed from!” He responds, his sole idea shut down.
“You guys need weed?” A voice asks from behind them.
In the archway to the part of the garden stands a tall, beautiful woman with long blonde hair - holding a motorbike helmet under her arm and smiling.
Megumi thought he knew the woman from somewhere, photos maybe? Or was she at the wedding?
“Tsukomo-san! It’s - absolutely amazing to meet you!” Nobara says, shooting up from the bench.
“Wait - Yuki Tsukomo?! Who was Todo’s mentor?!” Yuuji adds.
“Ah, so you know that little knucklehead. Crazy kid, whole lotta balls I’ll tell ya that much. So - you guys need weed?” She says, leaning against the arch and shoving her hand into a pocket inside the jacket, before producing a small bag of greenery from inside.
“Eh! It’s - not what you think, we’re not - wait, is that weed? You have some?” Nobara asks.
“Sweetheart, I’ve travelled the world and back twice, of course I have some good - here, take this - share with the boys if you want.” She says, winking at Nobara who, for the first time in 6 months, swoons over someone who isn’t Maki Zen’in. Yuuji doesn’t fare much better.
She turns to leave, but gets caught by the sight of the boy beside Sukuna’s vessel.
“Holy shit, kid. Frightened the fuck outta me, fuckin’ clone of your old man.” She says, surveying him.
His head snaps to look at her.
“You knew him?” He asks.
“Yeah, cool guy - pretty fucked up, but still pretty cool. If ya ask me, you were way better off with the Jujutsu Royals - Y/N’s a badass, love that lil’ lady. The beanstalks alright, too - got some talent. She have the baby yet?” She asks, as she clips her bike helmet on.
“Um, yeah. He’s 10 months old now, just started walking.” He says, flabbergasted by this woman.
“Sick one, tell her good job from Yuki. Enjoy kids.” She says, and saunters away - and second later they hear the rumble of an engine.
The three are silent for a minute.
“What the fuck just happened?” Yuuji asks.
“Um… a special grade sorcerer just gave us a bag of weed.” Nobara says, equally as confused.
“I’m too tired for this shit. C’mon, let’s go inside.” He says, as they all begin making their way to the dorm rooms.
“Bone apple feet!”
Yuuji plops a plate of really delicious looking brownies down on the desk in front of his two fellow first years.
“So… do we just… eat a brownie each?” Nobara asks.
“Well, I made 6! So there’s 2 for each of us? Or we could ask the second years -” Yuuji is cut off.
“Ask the second years what?” Came the voice of Maki Zen’in from the doorway.
“Oh! Are they brownies?!” Panda asks, immediately making a beeline.
“They’re eh… special brownies.” Megumi nods.
“Shit - you kids make edibles?” Maki asks, a pleased smirk on her face.
“Do you guys want some?” Yuuji asks.
“Shake!” Inumaki says, sliding past Panda to grab a brownie as he turns away to pull his mask down and eat.
Maki looks at Nobara, who flushes and smiles, as Maki takes a seat on the bed beside her and takes 2 brownies - passing one to the flustered girl beside her.
Yuuji and Panda go next, each almost devouring their brownie in one bite - with Megumi taking his and deciding that you actually can’t taste the weed.
They all sit there for a few minutes.
“Yuuji - are you sure you put enough in? I’m not feeling anything?” Megumi asks, perplexed by the lack of effect.
“Well, I used the whole bag - but it was pretty small I guess.” They all just sit and chat together until out of the blue, a highly unusual sound comes from the corner of the room.
Inumaki was hysterically laughing at his phone, tears streaming down his face.
He spins the phone around, and immediately Maki and Megumi lose it laughing - true, belly shaking laughter from both the ex-Zen’in’s.
The video in question that made them all lose it was a man doing a voiceover on a video of a bird.
Maki’s laughter doesn’t seem to disturb the girl beside her, who - apparently within the last 30 seconds - passed out asleep, drooling on Itadori’s shoulder, and cuddling his arm.
Itadori on the other hand, had never looked so serious in his life. In his head, he was desperately trying to answer the universe’s biggest questions.
Are we alone in the universe? Is there other intelligent life? What is life, what are we here? Are human’s the true villains? Which Disney villain has the best fashion sense? Who closes the bus door after the driver gets off? Is this a simulation, am I being controlled by a greater being? What is God, was Ariana correct - is God a woman?
His mind was running through every profound thought a man could ever have, the universe’s question’s suddenly becoming his main goal and a quest only he can achieve.
Megumi’s interest in the multitude of videos that had Maki doing impressions of birds and Inumaki cackling had dwindled, growing distracted by the beautiful boy in front of him. Yuuji was so pretty, so perfect, so kind and so sexy. That thought flushed through his mind as the memories of times they had… ‘spent the night’ together made him giggle like a schoolgirl and flush bright red. He made his way over to Yuuji and sat himself on his lap, stroking his hair and pressing kisses to his cheeks.
“I love you, Yu - you’re so pretty. I wanna be your husband someday and I’ll help you make meatballs every night and we can get a dog.” Megumi started his enamoured rant, as he realised he’d never said these things out loud before and wondered why the hell hasn’t he? They’ve been dating for 4 months now, he must have just forgotten. He continued gushing over his boyfriend and pressing kisses to his nose and cheeks - Yuuji was externally smiling and had the Nobara free hand wrapped around his love’s waist but inside his mind was a whirlwind.
Is the s or the c in scent the silent letter? How does glue not stick to the bottle? What is colour? How many holes does a straw have? Is this real - am I real?
Panda, on the other hand - had never felt more paranoid in his life. This room, eyes everywhere. They we’re watching him, the walls we’re watching him. He abruptly stood up and stumbled to the door, and tried the handle.
It didn’t budge.
(It was just locked, he just needed to slide the lock.)
He tried again.
By now he was panicking and pulling at the door with all his might. He was Panda - he will not be imprisoned! So he did the only thing he knew and slammed his way through the door. It flew off its hinges and lay in two pieces on the hallway floor.
In the corridor, looking at a cheering Panda, running away and chanting ‘freedom’ - stood a tall, white haired man and his wife.
They just exchanged looks with each other before poking their heads into Nobara’s dorm room - where they had originally planned to knock.
They both surveyed the scene in front of them for a moment, before you just whispered:
“What the fuck…?” Your voice alerted the kids who all immediately froze.
“Is this opposites day? What’s going on here, kiddos?” Satoru asks, leaning against the wall.
“Nothing! Nothing is going on! We’re just - we’re having a girl’s night!” Yuuji spouted.
“Yeah! A girl’s night.” Megumi agreed.
As you both looked at all of them, you poked Satoru and pointed to your eyes - desperately trying not to laugh. The red eyes and droopy faces and flushed cheeks were painfully obvious and highly recognisable from your school days.
The kids were high as shit.
“Oh - what are you all doing?” Satoru says, thoroughly enjoying torturing them all.
“We’re eh - Nobara and I - we’re talking about boys! Crushes on boys and things. Penis talk.” Maki tries to explain.
Inumaki can’t deal with this and can’t hold back his laughter as Maki says ‘penis talk’ he loses his mind and flops laughing onto the desk.
“Maki honey, you’re a lesbian.” You say, and she raises her eyebrows - forgetting the ultimate flaw to her excuse being that she has no more interest in penis possessing men than she does going on a date with a curse.
“Also - Nobara doesn’t look like she’d make for a great conversation right now.” Satoru smirks, looking at the slightly snoring Kugisaki.
“Yuuji? Megumi?” You say, excited to hear what they say.
“I am doing homework! Studying, learning about eh - curses.” Yuuji says, picking up a blue object from beside him.
“Oh? I didn’t think you could do homework on a Nintendo Switch?” Satoru can’t help it now, the frantic excuses might be the highlight of his week.
“I do my homework beside a switch everyday.” Megumi says, smirking a provocative smile and pinching his boyfriend’s cheek.
That’s the final straw for you and Satoru who can’t help it anymore and the dam breaks.
You fall into him, head in his chest as he almost collapses from crippling laughter as you all survey the whacked out teenagers.
“Shit, ‘toru - were we all the obvious?” You ask, wheezing.
“God no - you guys were way better, how high are you?!” He asks, tears falling from behind his blindfold.
“I’m 5ft 11 inches.” Megumi says, smiling brightly and patting the top of his head.
That sets you both off again.
“Oh fucking hell, this has gotta be edibles.” You say, trying to catch your breath.
“That’s a fun word - isn’t it, edibles? ED - IB - LES. edi-bles. Wait - am I saying that right? Hold on, am I talking or is this in my head?” Maki considers.
Megumi stands up at this point, and puts a hand each on you and Satoru’s shoulders.
“Mom. Dad. You guys - you guys. You’re awesome. I love you both, Mom you are so badass and scary and you give the best cuddles and shit! You made a baby a while ago and then like? You can make flowers kill people? That’s so awesome. Dad you’re like, an idol, you’re so cool and it’s so fun that you have so many eyes, you’re like a spider! And I like your fancy hair.” He says, before throwing his arms around you both and hugging you tight into him.
Who the fuck was this kid?
You pet his head and thank him, and Satoru says that you both love him too - and that he also likes his fancy hair as he desperately tries not to laugh.
You notice Yuuji is deep in thought.
“You okay, Yuu?” You ask.
He looks at you, the most contemplative look you’ve ever seen on anyone.
“Is a gingerbread man made of house? Or is a gingerbread house made of flesh?” He asks, eyes wide with realisation.
You and your husband sit on the bed, megumi curling back up in Yuuji’s lap as Maki and Toge continue cackling over videos of dumb animals.
You settle in, Satoru’s arm around you.
There’s no way in hell you’re missing this show.
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blacckdiamondposts · 2 years
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Chapter 8 - The Guess Monster & a Surprise
Finally, it was time for the Volleyball Match, which would be your first. As promised, you were already in the sports hall with Yuki, Akane, and Mayu.
"I can't believe you've never seen a match," Mayu exclaimed.
"Why would I be watching another school play volleyball?"
"I know, I know, but now you're here," Mayu replied.
"Do you even know anything about volleyball," Yuki asked.
"I mean, "you pondered, "yeah, kinda,"
"As long as you don't cheer for the other team, you're good," Akane joked.
"Alright, please take your seats, as the match is going to start soon," the commentator said.
You were looking around, noting all of the students from Shiratorizawa. Easily outnumbering the students and spectators from the other team.
The commentator called the other team first, introducing each player as they got to the court. Shortly after, it was Shiratorizawa's Team's turn as they were each called out as they entered the sports hall.
"Oh, look, there's everyone," you exclaimed cheerfully, "ah, there comes Tendō!"
"She's doing a great job at being a fangirl," Mayu chuckled as her gaze fixed on your excited expression.
Your eyes were focused on Tendō, feeling like he seemed to be a whole other person when he was on the court.
"Please cheer on for both teams," the commentator said, wishing for a fair game before the match started.
You would've never guessed that you'd enjoy watching a volleyball match, but you were surprised by how exciting it was. As you were watching Ushijima you realized just how intimidating he was.
"Damn, I wouldn't want to be one of the opponents," you commented, "Ushijima is fucking scary."
"I know, right," Mayu said.
"There's obviously a reason why he is the ace," Yuki replied.
"He's in the top 3 of aces," Akane informed you, "can you imagine someone being even more powerful than him?"
"Nope," you chuckled.
The match was halfway through, with Shiratorizawa winning the first set.
During their break Tendō was sipping on his water bottle, eyes scanning through the crowd. He formed his lips into a pout, feeling frustrated as he didn't find that specific person he was looking for. He put his hands up, stretching himself as he turned around, eyes instantly locking with yours.
Finally, he found the one he was searching for.
Your lips tugged into a wide smile as you waved at him. The redhead returned the smile, giving you a big thumbs-up before the match continued.
"Wow, "you commented loudly, "how did Tendō know where the player was aiming at?!"
"Don't you know his nickname?"
"His nickname?"
"Yeah, they call him the guess monster," Yuki started, "he can literally guess the opponent's next move."
"That- sounds impressive," you said, sounding surprised.
"Guys, "you said, "we have to watch every one of their matches,"
"Oh," Yuki exclaimed, "do we have a volleyball enthusiast?"
"Yeah," you laughed, "I would've never thought I'd enjoy volleyball!"
"But do you actually enjoy volleyball or do you enjoy watching Tendō," Mayu asked with a smug expression.
"Huuh," you looked at her dumbfounded, "come on, we have talked about this already."
"About what," Yuki looked at the both of you.
"Oh yeah, you weren't there, "Akane remembered, "we asked (Y/N) if something was going on between her and Tendō. "
"You guys are the worst," Yuki laughed.
"We still haven't asked her," you reminded the two other girls.
They both nodded while Yuki looked at you with a questioning look.
"We'll have to talk about you and Akio," Mayu informed her, "you owe us some info!"
Yuki rolled her eyes playfully, knowing exactly what a pain in the ass her best friends can be.
Eventually, the match came to an end and Shiratorizawa was the winner. The spectators were all cheering excitedly. Tendō's gaze met yours once again, noting the content smile on his face.
"WOO TENDŌ," you exclaimed loudly, clapping as you grinned at the redhead.
You stayed in the sports hall until both teams had already left.
Akane's stomach started to growl. Placing one of her hands over it, she glanced over to you, "are you guys in the mood for some ramen?"
"Sure, it's dinner time anyways," Yuki replied.
"Count me in," Mayu chirped.
"(Y/N), usually you hang out with Tendō on Friday. Are you joining us?"
"Of course, "you smiled, "I assume they will celebrate anyways."
You changed your clothes and headed to the city with the other girls, looking forward to some yummy ramen.
"This is one of the newer ramen shops," Akane said, "it's reeeaaally good!"
"I hope so," you looked at her, "I'm starving!"
"Yeah, me too," Mayu groaned.
"Ah, the girls from Shiratorizawa," an old woman exclaimed cheerfully as she watched you walk in.
"Come on, I have the perfect spot for you!"
She led you to one of the tables, waiting for all of you to take a seat before she handed out the menus. After ordering your food, you were chit-chatting with the others.
"Here you go," the old woman came towards your table with multiple plates, "I hope you'll enjoy it."
Behind her was a man, seeming to be the same age as the woman. He was carrying the other plates before putting them down on your table.
"Aren't they super cute?"
You looked at Akane, "are they the owners?"
"Yeah," Mayu replied, "they have been married for over thirty years,"
"Thirty years," you repeated, eyes widened in surprise at the mere thought of spending that much time with your significant other.
"Why do you guys know that," Yuki asked, furrowing her eyes at Mayu and Akane.
"Look," Akane started, "you're spending basically every Friday with Akio, and (Y/N) is spending her Fridays with Tendō."
"That's why we are spending them together," Mayu added.
"Usually, we come by and grab some dinner," Akane started, "then we began to talk to the owners."
"Ah, I see," Yuki replied, "they really are a cute couple!"
"Could be you and Akio," Mayu commented drily.
"Come on," Yuki sighed, "nothing is going on."
"Tell us," Akane groaned, wanting to know the tea.
"We are just going on dates," Yuki finally answered.
"That's great," you replied, "why wouldn't you tell us that?"
"I kinda want it to stay a secret," Yuki admitted, "It's more fun this way."
You shook your head at her, chuckling at her reasoning.
The buzzing sound of your phone startled you, "excuse me,"
You took it out of your pocket before answering it, "Hi Tendō,"
You got up from your chair and walked towards the restrooms, much to the other girl's curiosity.
"(Y/N)-chan, "The redhead chirped happily, "where are you?"
"I'm out with the girls," you replied, "what's up?"
"Oh," he muttered, "we're about to go to the convenience store and head back-"
"I just wanted to ask if I should pick up the Jump," he explained.
"Actually, we wanted to leave as well," you said.
"We could meet at the convenience store," he proposed, "then we can all go back together."
"Sure," you replied, "that sounds like a good plan,"
"Great," he said happily, "let's meet there in 15?"
"Yeah, that works," you agreed before saying your goodbyes and hanging up.
You were headed back to the table, "that was Tendō, a couple of their team is going to the convenience store, and then they head back to Shiratorizawa."
"We could walk back with them, no?"
"That's what I wanted to ask you guys," you replied, "Tendō said that it would be safer if we walked back with them."
Mayu gave you a dirty look, "so, he cares about your well-being."
"Yeah," you said, "as a good friend does."
Mayu simply smirked at you in reply, which said so much more than words could.
"I need some stuff from the convenience store anyways," Yuki replied.
"Yeah, I could use some snacks, "Akane said.
"How can you think about snacks after this meal," Mayu sighed.
"It's not for now," Akane argued.
"How long does it take to get to the convenience store from here?"
"About 10 minutes," Akane replied.
"Alright, we should pay and leave," you said, "I told him that we'd be there in 15 minutes."
The four of you paid for the food before saying goodbye to the old couple who owned the restaurant. You took a mental note to definitely come back again - and soon. As you walked towards the convenience store, you talked with the others, listening as Mayu complained about an upcoming exam.
"(Y/N)-chan," Tendō was waving excitedly.
He was waiting in front of the entrance with Reon, Ushijima, and Semi.
Your gaze met Tendō's as you were walking up to him, "Hi Tendō,"
"Hey guys," his teammates greeted you and the other girls.
You congratulated them on winning today's match and talked about each other's evening. As you have already expected, Tendō and his teammates went out to dinner to celebrate.
"Let's get the stuff and head back," Reon proposed as he entered the convenience store.
"Come on (Y/N)-chan, let's get the Jump," Tendō chirped as he wrapped his hand around your wrist.
Everyone was buying either snacks or drinks or whatever else was needed. Once everybody was done it was time to head back to Shiratorizawa.
You noted how Akane was walking with Reon, wondering if they knew each other that well.
‚I'll ask Yuki and Mayu,' you took a mental note.
You were walking alongside Tendō, who seemed very happy as his lips were tugged into a wide smile.
"By the way," you started looking up at him, "you were amazing today!"
His lips turned into a small "oh, "as his eyes widened, "do you think so?"
"Yeah," you exclaimed, "it looked as if you could read their minds!"
Tendō smiled with closed eyes, rubbing the back of his neck. He felt flustered, hoping his blush wouldn't be visible in the dull light of the street lights.
"Besides," your expression got more serious, "you never told me you have such a cool nickname on the court."
"A cool nickname," he repeated, seeming to be confused.
"Yeah, guess monster fits SO well," you lightly hit his arm as you got more excited.
"Heh, thank you (Y/N)-chan," he said, "it sounds like you enjoyed watching the match,"
"Of course I did," you replied, "I can't wait for the next one!"
He looked at you with a surprised expression, wondering if you really enjoyed watching them - or more like watching him play.
"Say, (Y/N)-chan," Tendō started, "I know it's late, but do you want to hang out a bit and read the Jump with me?"
"Aren't you exhausted from the match?"
"Not really," he replied, knowing damn well that he could fall asleep on the spot.
"Alright," you smiled at him.
"Oh, you have to bandage my fingers," Tendō announced.
"Oh no, did you hurt them today?"
"Yeah, that happens pretty often," he replied sheepishly.
"I offered you to do it," Semi commented from the back.
"I know, but (Y/N)-chan does it the best," Tendō chirped.
"Tsk," Semi furrowed his brows in annoyance, "as if that's the reason."
Tendō turned his head, smirking playfully at Semi.
It took only a short time until everyone made it back to Shiratorizawa, heading straight to the dormitories as it was still cold at night. You said goodbye to everyone, asking yourself if it might seem weird to go to a boy's dorm at that time.
You sighed, knowing you were just hanging out with your friend Tendō.
‚It's no big deal,' you thought to yourself.
You were headed towards his dorm, entering it once you arrived. Your lips tugged into a smirk when Tendō turned on his lights.
"I guess you didn't have time to clean up," you joked, smirking at the redhead.
He was looking at you with an embarrassed expression, ‚shit, I forgot how messy my room is,'
You watched him as he frantically picked up the clothes spread out around his room.
"Sorry (Y/N)-chan," he chuckled sheepishly, "kinda forgot to clean up!"
"Don't worry," you laughed, "my room doesn't look much better,"
He threw his laundry onto the bean bag, the usual spot for it, but you didn't know. Hence why, you were looking at him with a questioning expression.
"Okay, I guess this is as good as it gets," he muttered before he let you sit down on his bed.
"It's alright, I don't mind," you giggled, amused by his flustered self.
You sat down on his bed, not knowing how to sit, as it felt somewhat inappropriate.
Tendō quickly grabbed the bandages which were in one of his drawers.
He handed them to you before plopping down next to you, sitting in a much more comfortable way.
"Are you alright," he asked.
"Yeah, why are you asking?"
"Ah, sorry you seemed-" he was searching for the right words, "kinda tense,"
"Oh, no, I'm good," you smiled at him.
"Give me your hand," you said, lightly holding him by his wrist before starting to bandage his hurt finger.
Tendō's gaze was fixed on your face, watching you as you were focused on the task.
"Done," you exclaimed once his fingers were bandaged.
Tendō admired your work, wishing it would've taken a bit longer.
"Thanks a lot, (Y/N)-chan,"
"You're welcome," you smiled in return.
The two of you were chit-chatting before you finally started to read through the Jump. You were turning from page to page, getting more absorbed into it. However, something felt off.
Although it's usually quiet while you're still reading the Jump, you'd typically hear Tendō's exclamations. There would be "ah's, "oh's, "or sometimes even full-on comments.
Once you realized those were missing, you turned your head towards the redhead. A smile grazed your face as your eyes fell onto his sleeping face. His breathing was steady and slow, and he seemed to have a sweet dream as a little smile was on his face.
‚That much about him not being tired,' you tried to stifle a chuckle, 'I better leave and let him sleep.'
You were getting up slowly, which was enough to stir him awake.
"(Y/N)-chan," he said sleepily. His eyes fluttered open as he looked at your standing form, "what are you doing."
"Ah, sorry," you apologized, "I didn't mean to wake you up-"
"I wanted to leave and let you sleep," you replied.
"No, I'm up," he exclaimed, trying to hold back a yawn.
"Come on, you're not even fully awake," you laughed at him.
"At least let me walk you back to your dorm!"
"No, you just stay there and sleep, okay?"
You noted his slight pout and the way his brows furrowed.
"We can hang out tomorrow if you want to," you suggested.
"That would be nice," he replied, falling back asleep.
You had to hold back a laugh as you tried to get out of his room as quietly as possible. Once you've made it back to your own dorm, you were headed right to bed.
The next day came around, and the sun was illuminating your dorm. The sun rays wake you once they find their way to your face. You turned around, wanting to sleep for a little longer - at least until your alarm went off. Which - to your dissatisfaction, went off just a couple of moments later.
You groaned as you sat up in your bed, stretching your arms over your head, "I'm too young to be this exhausted,"
You wanted to jump right into the day, heading to the shower rooms to freshen up and get ready for the weekend. After taking a refreshing shower, you made sure to take time with your skincare.
You applied some makeup and made your hair before returning to your dorm.
You glanced at your phone, noting that a specific redhead had texted you, apologizing about falling asleep. You had to chuckle as you texted him back, knowing that he must've been exhausted after the match.
Tendō asked you about your plans for the day since you told him you'd have time today. Obviously, he didn't want to miss his chance and asked if you'd like to go to the city for breakfast. The two of you agreed to meet at the staircase on his floor.
You were on your way to meet with the redhead a couple of minutes later.
"(Y/N)-chan," he chirped as his eyes locked with yours.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty," you joked.
"I wasn't even sleeping," he pouted.
"Yes, you were," you replied, seeming to be amused.
"I was resting my eyes!"
The two of you exchanged a look before you started to laugh.
"By the way, where do you want to get breakfast?"
"There's this restaurant where you can get a huge brunch buffet on the weekend," he explained.
"Ohh, that sounds good," you smiled excitedly.
As you passed the gates to Shiratorizawa, you heard a familiar voice call your name.
"What the actual fuck," you turned towards the source of said voice, widening your eyes in disbelief.
You watched your best friend walk towards you as you could not move. Being taken over by confusion, you just stood there dumbfoundedly.
"Hanami," Tendō repeated as he had the same confused expression as you, "as in your best friend Hanami?"
"Y-yeah," you replied before your lips tugged into a wide grin, walking towards Hanami before giving her a big hug.
"What are you doing here," you asked, although your question was almost inaudible as it was muffled by her jacket.
"I didn't want to wait any longer," she whined, "I wanted to surprise you!"
The two of you parted, looking at each other, "I missed you SO much!"
"Oh, Hanami, this is Tendō," you introduced the redhead, "and Tendō, this is Hanami."
"It's nice to meet you," Tendō smiled at her, "I've heard a lot about you!"
"And I heard a lot about you," she replied smugly, not missing your death stare as you didn't want him to get the wrong idea, which had already happened.
'She talks about me with her best friend,' he wondered, unable to keep himself from smiling like an idiot.
However, his smile soon vanished as realization hit him.
'I'm sure they want to spend some time together,'
"So, what were you guys up to?"
"We wanted to get breakfast," you turned towards Tendō, "is it okay if Hanami joins us?"
"I- you guys can go without me," he replied, "I'm sure you have a lot to talk about."
"No," Hanami interrupted, "I wanna get to know you!"
"Now that we have fixed that," you started, grabbing both Hanami's and Tendō's wrist, "let's go. I'm hungry!"
They chuckled as they were dragged before you finally let go of them. The three of you were chit-chatting as you headed to the restaurant. Hanami didn't miss telling Tendō about your most embarrassing moments, earning herself a few death stares.
You've reached the restaurant, making your way to a table before everyone got their breakfast.
"How did you guys actually meet?"
You and Hanami exchanged a look, smiling at each other as you spoke up in unison, "we've known each other forever!"
Tendō gaze was switching from Hanami to you and back.
"Yeah, we were next-door neighbors," Hanami replied.
"Our parents befriended each other once they noticed how well we get along," you added.
Tendō smiled at you, "that's nice to hear!"
"Right," Hanami exclaimed, "we've always been around each other, even in school."
"It feels weird not to have you around," you said as you looked at her, having a sad expression on your face.
"I know, right," Hanami smiled at you, "everyone in class misses you too!"
"Everyone," you looked at her, having a smug look on your face.
"Well," Hanami chuckled, "almost everyone!"
Tendō was eyeing you, wondering if anyone dislikes you "oooh, (Y/N)-chan do you have an enemy?"
"Did you tell him," Hanami looked at you with an expectant expression.
"No," you shook your head, "I haven't told anyone here-"
"Well, not the whole story," you added.
"But you told someone?"
"Yeah," you replied.
"Why didn't you tell me," Tendō exclaimed, looking at you with a questioning look.
"Can I tell him," Hanami asked, wanting to heat up that topic.
"Can she tell me," Tendō asked, both of them staring at you as they were impatiently waiting for your response.
'I never go out with both of them,' you took a mental note.
You let out a sigh, "sure, go ahead."
Tendō's amused expression faded as he noticed a change in your mood, which Hanami didn't notice.
"So-" Hanami was about to start, but she quickly got interrupted.
"Hanami," Tendō cut her off, "why don't you tell me another day?"
You looked at Tendō with a surprised look, "you don't want to know the story?"
"Not for now," he gave you a warm smile.
You wondered why he suddenly changed his mind but brushed it off, feeling relieved that Hanami didn't bring the story up. Even though you've already gotten over it, you had no interest in talking or hearing about it.
The three of you continued to chit-chat. You felt relieved that Hanami and Tendō got along well, smiling as you listened to them. However, you got interrupted as your phone went off.
"Excuse me for a second," you said as you got up, noting that Yuki was calling you.
"Hi Yuki," you greeted her cheerfully.
"Hey (Y/N)," she greeted you back, hearing Mayu and Akane in the background, "where are you?"
"Oh, I'm out with Tendō," you started, "and Hanami is here as well. She surprised me this morning."
"Really," Yuki asked.
"We need to meet her," Mayu exclaimed in the background, making you laugh.
"(Y/N), we wanted to ask you if you'd like to come to the cinema with us," Yuki asked.
"Reon and Akane met today, and he invited her and us," Mayu said, "you have to join us!"
"I'm sure a specific redhead would be happy if you'd come along,"
"Is he going too?"
"Yeah," Yuki replied, "him, Reon, Ushijima, Semi, Kawanishi, and Subaru are going."
"I'll ask Hanami if she wants to go," you said, "I'll text you later, okay?"
"Sure," Yuki said, "have fun!"
"Thanks, you too!"
You went back to the table, plopping down onto your chair, "who was that?"
"Yuki, Mayu, and Akane," you replied.
You turned your head towards Tendō, locking eyes before your gaze moved to Hanami.
"So, Akane met Reon today," you started, "Reon is Tendō's teammate."
Hanami and Tendō were listening to you.
"Reon told Akane that you guys are going to the cinema,"
"Yeah, we're going to watch that new comedy movie," Tendō replied.
"Right," you smiled at him, "Reon invited Akane and us to join you guys."
"Sure thing, that would be so much fun," the redhead chirped happily.
"I know, but," you turned your head towards Hanami, "would you want to go?"
"Sure," she exclaimed, "sounds like fun!"
"Great," you smiled at both of them.
"Say," you turned towards Tendō, hitting his arm lightly, "do Akane and Reon know each other well?"
The redhead was pondering for a while, sticking his lower lip out as he was thinking, "I'm not sure,"
"But they do seem like they do," he said.
"Right, I thought they seemed kinda close, "you added.
"I thought the same thing!"
"Uuh," Hanami exclaimed, "spill the tea!"
You and Tendō laughed before telling her about everyone who was going to the cinema that evening.
"Oh wait, isn't Ushijima, that scary dude?"
Tendō burst out laughing, almost snorting his coffee, earning a shocked expression from you before you had to laugh.
"I- I told you already that it's just how he is," Tendō said in between chuckles, "he really isn't scary."
"He is, "you argued, "I still feel like he hates me. "
"I promise you, he doesn't, "Tendō assured you, "he's just not the best at socializing. "
You raised one of your brows in disbelief, "so, you actually think that we'll become friends during this school year?"
"Of course!"
"I'll believe it when I see it," you giggled.
Hanami laughed, wanting to meet Ushijima after experiencing this conversation, "I can't wait to meet him!"
"How long are you actually staying," you asked Hanami.
"I'm going back tomorrow evening," she explained, "I thought we could go to your home tomorrow-"
"I really wanna see your grandma again!"
"She would be happy to meet you," you replied, "it's been a while."
"Yeah, and the circumstances could've been better," she sighed.
Tendō looked at her with a confused expression before turning towards you.
"The last time she saw her was at my grandpa's funeral," you explained to the redhead.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," he looked at you with a regretful expression, "my sympathies!"
"Thank you," you smiled at him reassuringly upon noting the worried look on his face.
You've finished brunch and decided to show Hanami the city - more like Tendō was giving both of you a city tour. You did get accustomed to the town, but you still haven't seen much of it.
You were enjoying your time with them and having a perfect day.
After a while, the three of you decided to head back to Shiratorizawa, where you showed Hanami around. You were headed back to your own dorm with Hanami in tow.
You texted the other girls, asking if they wanted to come over before you left for the cinema. That way, Hanami will be able to handle all the new people. Well, you've told her about everyone, so they're not really complete strangers to her.
Taglist: @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore @mommyourcall420 @prefesro
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pentagonieslut · 2 years
revenge quartet
warning!! this story contains mentions of mrder, blood, death, drugs, alcoholism, crime solving, and many other triggering things. read at your own risk. characters are real kpop idols so credits to them for any looks, references to their groups/songs, themselves, etc. storyline belongs to me. cases are based off of real ones.
hitting their alarms and hopping out of bed, the four males ran to the bathroom at top speed. shotaro saw the older three stuck in the door and he smirked to himself as he squished in the small opening they had made and slipped through easily. "once again i'm first. sucks to be you guys." he said as he started brushing his teeth with his green toothbrush.
forcing the rest of his body through, yeonjun glared at shotaro and grabbed the orange toothbrush, starting to brush his own teeth. "ah! that's wooyoung hyung's!" shotaro said as he pointed at the other, standing near the shower as to not lose his life. "ah. you're right." sunwoo said as he grabbed his pink one and stood next to shotaro. wooyoung glared at yeonjun and kicked him in his side, sending him into the towel rack and mini shelf they had between the toilet and sink. "ow..you fucking asshole it was a mistake!" he yelled out as he kicked wooyoung back. the two fought each other while sunwoo and shotaro talked about their schedule for the day peacefully.
all four of them had barely managed to get their clothes on within the two minutes they had left for getting dressed. each grabbing their bag and running with a small snack in their mouths, they each went their separate ways and went to their respective places.
everyone except shotaro who turned around right as he got to the entrance of the school, heading towards a different place where he sighed and made sure he wasn't being followed.
as shotaro made it to a nice building that everyone believed was owned by a big conglomerate corporation- which it was. it just belonged to the family. shotaro entered and handed his backpack to one of the men acting as a security guard who bowed and spoke on the intercom of his in ear, letting everyone know that the boss was entering the building.
shotaro laid on the couch and grabbed one of his mangas, starting to read it as a line formed, people waiting to tell him whatever it was they wanted to say. "boss, they're all lined up and ready." one of his hands said as he looked over with an amused smile as he continued to read.
"the dragon clan wants to be partners, they're looking for protection, alliance, and some blue. 90 million." nazaki said as a grunt came from the younger who allowed it. "kento, go with nazaki and make the deal. also be sure to give them the common pleasantries. on my behalf." the two nodded and left, going to make the deal with the clan immediately.
"two traitors, one undercover, and three killed." another member said as youta, shotaro's main right hand showed the pictures of who did what. putting down his manga, shotaro turned his head looked at the older who only sighed and shook his head. "what torture method have i not tried yet? none left? then kill the ones who killed ours, tell the traitors that i want answers and them here now. youta, can i have another snack? i missed breakfast." as the two traitors were brought in and youta served the younger his snacks, placing a hand on top of his head in disappointment and unsurprised that he had missed breakfast again.
"those are the two who betrayed. sold our stuff illegally to an enemy gang and leaked some of our information to them. that's why we had failed deals the past two days." shotaro looked up at youta, a spicy chip in his hand in shock. "should i kill you first for not telling me?" he questioned the taller as he shuddered and cleared his throat. "chop off a finger. no, al capone 1930s style. no, i don't know. youta and akio can choose. but i want it done right here." they got to work and shortly after there was a large pool of blood on the black marble floor. the members were unsurprised except for a few who didn't realize the brutality they could face.
youta had his jacket on the ground, it being used as a towel for shotaro to wipe his face as he had some blood on it. "sir, the deal needs to be made with lions soon. they're waiting on an answer." looking at the female, shotaro sighed and nodded, waving her away. "the usual contract deal and questions."
the door swung wide open and rei ran in, handing a file to the male who opened it and looked at her, making sure. "akio, meet sunwoo hyung and see if he has anything on it."
"hey how did he become boss?" someone asked as they watched the tv in another room where they could see all the news and happening in the office. youta chuckled and changed the channel, swinging the HDMI cable around. "if you become a higher up, you'll know why a high school kid is the boss. but i'd be careful, don't dip your head where it doesn't belong. he's the spawn of satan himself when he wants."
akio entered the police station and kicked a body in, a blank look on his face as he walked to where the detectives were and stood a bit awkwardly, not expecting the chaos so early in the morning. he was better off listening to the complaints of the new recruits about how they were rejected by shotaro to join his private ranks.
"how can i help you?" one detective said as the male looked over at him quickly. "i'm looking for choi sunwoo? he's a forensic scientist? Mr. brain almost?" he said as the other nodded his head and lead him to where he was at. "sunwoo has a guest." the detective said as sunwoo put down his file folder and waved him in, sitting at his chair and tilting his head to the side. "hyung is out asking questions and whatnot. they runt didn't show up to school?"
akio hung his head with a sigh, making sure everything was soundproof and it was only them. "he executed two of them and has several deals being transacted. i'm also here about the case. he wanted to confirm the stuff you found." "its what it is. i checked at the scene too." akio nodded and prepared to leave, taking a gift bag with some of the evidence to bring back to the young male who was most certainly having fun tormenting.
as he returned with the bag, he handed it to rei where she started making sure and comparing the drugs to what they had and what was found. hearing the young male throw a fit, the older made his way to where the sound was coming from only to sigh. shotaro was whining about a strawberry milk spill, which was one of his favorites. "okay. calm down. here's another one."
walking around with his precious milk, shotaro had akio and youta follow him around as he walked the floors of the company building as he looked to see what everyone was up to. "aki-nii, did you have your department investigate properly?" shotaro asked as he stopped and stared at one of the computer screens, a porn video playing loudly and in the open for everyone who walked past to see. "they're doing so now. so far its no gang relation. just a bad deal went right. not from us." "i'm bored. let's go to the gym. the others are there too?"
yeonjun looked frustrated as he sat at his desk and looked through his student's grades. his eye twitched even more at the note his own brother left him, snapping a pen in the process. "these fuckers.." he mumbled as the other teachers bustled about.
entering his classroom again, he looked around and let out a breath of defeat. shotaro still didn't show up. "no sign of shotaro still?" he asked as the others shook their heads and prepared for class. "the theory of love is-" "i'm here, don't beat me." shotaro said as he closed the door and walked over to his seat, only to be dragged by the older who started beating him up.
as shotaro sat down with a busted lip, silent and completed his work, not wanting to piss him off further. "shit.." he cursed quietly, the pain subsiding slower than usual.
as they all got home about an hour apart from each other except for shotaro who went to the company building again, having a feast of sweets eating dango and bunggeopang. "joonhyung hyung, what did you find? kento too. what did you find from both sides?" shotaro asked as he placed his bunggeopang down with the cutest smile that could kill if the wrong thing was said.
"whoever your brother is after is definitely trying to go on a power trip and needs a good fix to hold him over until he can pay back. we think." joonhyung said as shotaro blinked and tilted his head to the side. "what else?" "he stole a surplus amount from one of our shops and has been bouncing from gang to gang trying to see who would help him. but they're all after his head. he's been selling information about everyone and the big corporations too." kento replied as the sound of glass breaking filled the air.
the large dining hall was silent as nobody dared to breathe the wrong way or even look the wrong way even to their equals, knowing the wrath they'd face against the young boss.
"one of my shops, hm?" he questioned, the venom in the statement dripping out quite obviously. nodding his head silently and looking down, waiting silently. "who was in charge of the shop? hm? one of the lowers? which one?" shotaro asked as he spun the knife around and stared the other in the eyes. "we don't know boss. we suspect it's one of the ones that was killed. he ran it and got caught up in the mess." joonhyung said as shotaro threw his knife, anger filling his veins.
"go back to eating. no talking." youta said as shotaro looked at rei, his drug expert. "it was blue and nafaria." she said as she placed the two on the table and stepping back into line. "thank you rei, you're good now. enjoy a meal with the others. they went to your lounge to eat since they're doing transaction paperwork. make sure the drugs are legit please." shotaro said as the older female bowed her head and walked off to grab her food and leave the tense room that could've murdered masses.
shotaro looked around the room and looked back at his hands who kept their heads down, including youta. "eat and stop looking like pieces of beaten up shits. just put everything in a report like a normal office worker. i'll ask the hyungs myself. carry on with conversation and music. the noise is beautiful." he said as the hands nodded and went to their table to eat. "shotaro, its time for you to go back and eat a real meal. all of them are home and the nosey lady left. i'll take you if you want. their assistants are going to be coming here now." youta said as akio and kento stood up, following behind the male who got in the car with a sigh.
shotaro entered the house and looked at his brothers who were each doing their own thing in the surprisingly quiet house. "i'm back." he announced as he walked into the common area and placed his bag near the steps, plopping down at the table to get ready to eat.
"welcome home, sho." sunwoo said as he ruffled the younger's hair and sat at his spot next to the male. wooyoung sat in front of the Japanese boy and yeonjun across from the other. as they all started eating, yeonjun broke the silence. "how was your day sho?" he asked as the other choked on his food. "it was okay. i had to take a shower like three times because i kept getting blood on me." he said as the others nodded their heads and let the other continue to talk.
"the elders are having a discussion with the other elders from the other gangs in the area about something. a joint program i think. it's also almost time to find out if anyone else will be able to join the higher ranks and become my hands. youta said almost everyone applied. kento and joonhyung are investigating on our part of the case from the papers rei gave me. did i mention i almost executed everyone in the dining hall?" he said as everyone froze in place. someone really must've made him mad if even his closest hands were at risk of death.
"i investigated the body thrice. it's like a clean murder with no traces of evidence from the killer left behind. ran tests, everything." sunwoo said as wooyoung sighed and picked up a mushroom. yeonjun shook his head also, no luck with the other prosecutors he had asked. "none of them had a case with the murder being this clean. it's not a copycat." he said as wooyoung groaned. "how are we going to do this?"
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senju-sekhmet · 3 years
The Leash (Part 6)
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Summary: Your rescue was supposed to be as smooth as these missions can be. However very quickly, Tobirama faces off against an enemy that has no form, color or smell - and time is running short, very fast. Unless he figures out what truly holds you hostage, your life will be lost. Warnings (for the finished work): Blood, illness, descriptions of heavy injuries and graphic violence, torture (both depicted and implied), needles, morally grey territory, human experimentation, panic attacks, character death ~6800 words (this chapter, finished work: 80.000) Previous: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5 Read on AO3!  Disclaimer below the cut!
DISCLAIMER! -i reckon I don’t need the paste it again… but in short: this is a purely self-indulgent work which contains a lot of my own headcanons and whatnot. this chapter especially so! lots of talking and thinking - curious to see what you think!! THANKS FOR READING <3 Ikuro greeted him with a warm smile at the interrogation headquarters. "You produce results fast," he commented after Tobirama explained to him where his research had led him so far. They were sitting in the small office adjourning the holding cell block again. Tobirama could only muster a huff in response. "It is possible I'm being put under pressure by time." His tone was perfectly caustic again.
Ikuro, on the other hand, was entirely unfazed. Tobirama decided he appreciated that about the man; he never had been fond of fainthearted individuals. 
"I suggest we start with the least valuable prisoner," Ikuro then turned more serious, placing his broad hand on the table. "There is, after all, a chance this might backfire."
Tobirama nodded. A sensible thought. "That would be Akio." Then, he frowned. "However you noted he's broken already. Our goal is to gain information, too. All we'd confirm would be the drug wasn't lethal. And ascertain the bodily effects of this drug." As he spoke the words, he found the sensible approach - the logical one - didn’t sit too well with him.
Ikuro hummed affirmatively. "What do you suggest, Tobirama?", easily catching the uncertainty.
Tobirama crossed his arms. Frankly he had to ponder the question. There was merit in trying it in those who knew about the leash - but the danger of permanently harming or even killing them was there, too. However did they really know anything about the leash? Would they even relinquish their knowledge?
Had he reason to believe his drug could be considered  that  dangerous to not… take this risk?
He had no time. You had no time. "Let's try the strongest of them."
Ikuro's pale eyes lit up and flashed his teeth in a grin which otherwise might’ve let a shiver run down Tobirama’s spine. "That would be Zenji. The … polite fellow in the middle holding cell. You met him when you first came here."
Tobirama couldn’t have stopped the roll of his eyes even if he wanted to. He gave an exasperated groan. "Great. I’m thrilled to meet him again." That man would test his patience. Tobirama would refuse to guarantee for his safety.
Luckily, he wasn’t made to make any such promises. Ikuro rose to his feet, Tobirama followed suit. Before they set for the cells though, Tobirama explained his plan. Ikuro only nodded in agreement. An eerie kind of calm was settling over him when they finally entered the Stone shinobi’s cell block. It was not an unfamiliar feeling; rather a welcome kind of dissociation that had been well practiced in the warring states era. They all had, at some point, committed atrocious acts. Tobirama never looked back, his logic had been sound.
Just like this time. And what would follow here might be another ugly entry in a list of infamous cruelties - but another necessary one.
As they walked, he could feel the glances of the other prisoners on him as he passed them - and he spared none of them a single glance.
Once they stood in front of the cell, the lanky man’s eyes lit up in way too much delight. "How's the lady?", Zenji gloated immediately.
Tobirama ignored the question. If that was how he’d play it - he was ready. The ire burning under his skin was causing him to tremble almost still. A discussion, the man knew, might easily lead to bloodshed. And being riled up into beating up a chained up man was below Tobirama’s dignity. Although thinking about it provided some needed relief.
"Why are you keeping them like this?", he inquired quietly, hissing through clenched teeth, wondering about the fact all the cells were adjourned - what they did here, the others could hear.
Ikuro considered Tobirama with a thoughtful glance. "Additional pressure. They hear what we're doing to each of them on top of their own, ah, sessions."
Tobirama had guessed that was the reason.
He still felt like bloody murder. Rage like this - born from revenge - was a low motive, and Tobirama frankly despised himself for this. The only thing that mattered was whether one acted on their emotions or not, he knew. Yet he just had to remind himself of the fact that within less than a week, you'd run out of the despised drug  they had tethered you to. And that the man in front of him, Zenji, might know how to save your life.
All things were relative, after all.
Ikuro unlocked Zenji's cell. The man was chained up in the same fashion he had been before - no movement allowed except maybe a wiggle of his toes. The chains were suspended from the walls of the cell and over and over painted with various seals, a few of which Tobirama recognised. Chakra sealing seals mostly, as well as other, sinister uses.
They both stepped inside and Ikuro locked it again.
Zenji gave a haughty laugh. "Not gonna speak to me? Awh, come on. Maybe I'll give you a hint about the leash if you do." He wriggled his eyebrows almost suggestively. 
The blood was rushing in Tobirama's ear. His muscles were taut like a bow's string and it took every ounce of his willpower not to at least verbally jump at this man. Don’t, he chanted inwardly, don’t. Briefly, he closed his eyes and shook his head slightly as if to clear the berserk haze that wanted to settle over him.
Surprisingly, it worked somewhat.
Ikuro stepped to Zenji's side. "You're getting a treat, Zenji." A second later, his big hand had grabbed the back of his skull by his hair.
Tobirama stepped closer, procuring the vial from his pocket. 
Zenji laughed haughtily. "Ah, ah," his eyes were trained on the vial. "Trying to recreate the leash?"
Tobirama stood right in front of him then, glare icy while the rage inside burned ever hotter. His expression was perfectly neutral, he didn't even bat an eyelash. "I'm going to tether you to the leash, eventually." His voice was nonchalant despite the rage that wanted to eat him up. 
Zenji's eyes widened momentarily. Was there a hint of fear in them? But it was gone as soon as Tobirama thought he'd seen it. "You're gonna fail," the Stone shinobi spat, his smugness becoming caustic swiftly. "You can't ever hope to do that."
Tobirama tilted his head to the side, eyebrows rising slowly. "Why is that?", he asked, lazily, disinterested. Perhaps there  was  merit in trying to engage in a conversation with him, after all.
Zenji tried to whip his head from Ikuro's grasp, who just pulled harder at his scalp. "As if you'd be able to recreate it like that. You're fucking running out of leash and Y/n is gonna fucking die." His voice was dripping with hatred and no small amount of pleasure.
For just a second, Tobirama imagined ripping his throat out with his bare hands if just to ease the fury that was burning through every fiber of his body now; the gory picture helping momentarily not to  act  on it. Or at least verbally lash out. Still, he knew he’d despise himself for it - such an act was beneath him. The man was key to finding out how to save you. He had to keep telling himself in order to keep the white-hot rage crawling under his skin only. How he managed to retain his poker face was beyond him. Maybe the gruesome image did help.
He drew his lips into a condescending sneer. "I'm one of Konoha's most distinguished scientists. Don't think for a second I couldn't recreate anything your village came up with." His voice was dripping with arrogance. 
Zenji was retorting with a sneer of his own. Ikuro's lips were drawn in a fine smile. "You're fucking desperate is what you are," he snickered, "That drug is impossible to recreate. Too complicated." 
Tobirama gave only a lazy sigh and topped it off with an annoyed roll of his eyes. "Yes, I suppose for the likes of you that might be true." He leaned in a little. "I'm not  you  , though. Eventually, I will. And in the meanwhile, I'm going to test every single one of my experiments on you. You know," he mustered the man then a little as if he was nothing more than an object. "I'm wondering if you're actually afraid."
Zenji's eyelid twitched and he threw himself into the restraints binding him. Ikuro's grip was unrelenting, but he frowned slightly. "Afraid? Afraid?!  You can't even risk me!", his voice was shrill and his face became contorted by fury.
Interesting. Ikuro thought so too - his pale eyes had narrowed and stared at Tobirama intently.
Tobirama remained impassive, just swishing the vial back and forth with a leisure movement of his wrist. The truth was he was far from that. He wondered if beating on this man until he spilled the beans really wasn't an option. But he was so close. Zenji had already made a mistake, and Tobirama had caught onto it, of course. Still, he needed confirmation. "I don't see why." He knew better than to keep up with this kind of verbal wrestling. That would only yield power to the prisoner.
Still, the hint had been obvious.
Zenji clenched his jaw tightly now. He, too, seemed to have realised his mistake. 
A shrill voice floated over the corridor. The loony witch from the far end, Tobirama figured. "Zenji, you fucking idiot!" 
She did sound coherently pissed now.
Unluckily for Zenji, that was the confirmation he needed. Time to take a shot at the obvious target. Tobirama leaned back, genuinely smug now. Both eyebrows arched up, his tone as sweet as sugar. "You're the only one left who knows how to create the leash, hm?"
Zenji apparently decided to break through the figurative front then - his lips drew in a condescending sneer again. "Alright, smart science boy. Assuming you brought all of the remaining leash with you to this godforsaken village," he began in a tone that made Tobirama's neck hair stand up. "Your precious lady has had about seven days to live, give or take, since we got here."
Tobirama already wanted to beat his face into a pulp now - how he spoke of your life in a simple calculation; an unfortunately very correct one - it was maddening. His heartbeat thundered through his skull as his world was incinerated in white-hot ire; he could barely feel the pain in his jaw from how hard he bit down on his teeth.
Zenji continued. "Now I kinda lost feeling for time in this fucking cell, but it couldn't have been more than two. So how about this, Tobirama Senju - all I have to do is last a few more days and then my knowledge will be meaningless because-" he leaned forward, wearing a huge, fat grin, "- Y/n's gonna have left this world, screaming and writhing in agony."
Tobirama's heartbeat was through the roof now. His fists clenched so hard, the vial might break in them but he did not move an inch.
"Unless,... you put her out of her misery beforehand."
For the fraction of a second, eerie silence filled the cell.
Tobirama's fist shot out before Ikuro could even do so much as realise what was about to happen. A sickening crunch echoed through the cell as it made contact with Zenji's lower jaw, who howled in pain in response. 
"Tobirama!" Ikuro cautioned, pale eyes ablaze now. The situation was getting out of hand.
Tobirama almost didn't even register the warning. All he heard was the rhythm beating inside him as a fine tremor of fury shook him. His scarlet stare held him pinned, eyes ablaze - if looks could kill, Zenji would be dead now.
This man. How dared he. 
How dared he to insinuate- To even think Tobirama would- That he couldn’t-
Zenji spat blood before Tobirama's feet. "I'm gonna fucking relish telling you it all once she's dead," he repeated, blood trickling down his chin, but mien filled with hatred. "You're never gonna crack how the leash is made in five days!" He drew his lips into an ugly grin, marred by the blood blood of his split lip.
Tobirama's fist balled again to deliver another blow to his face, but Ikuro cleared his throat authoritatively. In an instant, Tobirama's free hand had grasped around Zenji's broken mandibular bone and forced it forward with a lot more pressure than necessary. He made sure to put extra force on the side he had punched, just to be safe. If Ikuro had cautioned him not to worsen the prisoner’s injury, Tobirama did not hear it. He didn’t care, either. Zenji should be grateful Tobirama didn’t punch him again.
The prisoner howled in pain as he was barely able to resist his mouth being forced open simply due to the injury, Ikuro supporting by tilting his head back now. "Time for your medicine," Tobirama announced in an ice cold tone as he poured the contents of the vial into Zenji's mouth.
In an attempt to gag or wheeze it right back out he already tried to constrict his pharyngeal muscles, but Tobirama had seized his cricoid and pressed down harshly enough to force him to swallow - or else he'd suffocate.
Which he did, just a moment later.
For good measure, Tobirama kept the pressure up a few seconds longer, however.
When he released him, Zenji wheezed. "Fuck you," he spat, but his pupils began to dilatate already.
"Start," Tobirama commanded Ikuro in a pressed tone, shaking from fury still, who nodded and rested his hand on Zenji's head in order to assault the man's mind.
Tobirama meanwhile went for his throat to monitor his body with his chakra - sadly, he really did need to keep him alive. Which was difficult, as his focus was still clouded by the rage - the maddening fury he’d chastise himself for later. 
The effects of his drug were - initially - comparable to the leash. The sensory overload of the brain worked the exact same way he had witnessed in you after indigestion - though now, it mingled with Ikuro's chakra, who was smothering him in what probably was a genjutsu or some other kind of mental assault. Tobirama couldn't help but marvel the expert level with which the man proceeded, comparing it to the brute force he had used on Akio. There was something to be learned here in the ways he didn't just smother him but let his chakra seep through every little crack of Zenji's mind, delivering mental stabs whenever he felt a crack in his mental fortress while coating him in a constant onslaught of pressure; a thick blanket of neverending slices at Zenji’s mind that made Tobirama shudder. It was much like watching a snake kill its prey - winding around the struggling victim tighter and tighter; the hopeless struggle of the despondent creature seemed to still as it starts to realise its demise while the snake viciously enjoys every drip of agony it can milk from it until finally, the unfortunate soul can no longer breathe.
Zenji's chakra on the other hand was sluggish - but not as subdued as Tobirama had hoped. The effect was there and the man definitely should feel his control over his chakra being significantly hampered, but it wasn't the same as Tobirama had seen in you. Stunted, yes, but not as frozen.
He was on the right path, after all.
Still, the screams Ikuro elicited from Zenji were music to Tobirama's ears. Just like the fact that physically, the man was fine. Tobirama flat out refused to heal the broken jaw, however. He didn't know how long the session lasted, but somewhere along the line, Zenji hat stilled. His head had tilted forward, the body limp. 
"Enough," Ikuro announced finally, frowning.
Tobirama gave the man another brief once-over to make sure he was fine - besides the abused mind - then he removed his hand from his throat. His head felt dizzy. The ache in his heart was as agonizing as ever now that the rage had subsided. Ikuro clicked his tongue and waved his hand for Tobirama to follow. They headed back to the office. This time, he didn't feel the gazes of the other prisoners on his back.
Once in the office, Ikuro crossed his arms. "I don't think I need to explain-"
Tobirama cut him short with a wave of his hand. He didn't have time for a lecture. "I lost my composure. It won't happen again."
Ikuro stared back for a moment longer, then he walked to the desk. "Should I get the impression you're too emotionally biased to interrogate this man, someone else will have to conduct your experiments here."
"Understood." Like hell Tobirama would allow for that to happen.
Ikuro nodded, then folded his hands in front of him. "This was an interesting session nonetheless."
Tobirama crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Well, I'm glad you perceived it as such." He didn't cut back on the sarcasm. 
Ikuro exhaled a sigh. "We have ascertained that Zenji is the only one who knows how to create the leash. And when I tried to pry open his mind, I found your little experiment made him a lot more susceptible to my methods." A fine smile formed on his lips.
Tobirama frowned slightly. The compliment felt sour still - he remembered how this was what you had suffered, and how it hadn't been near what the leash could do. In fact, by the end of the session Zenji's chakra control had been almost normal again.
No withdrawal effect, either. 
"I did not break him still," Ikuro continued, "But I could take brief glimpses at the leash's creation, if I upped the pressure a lot."
That comment alone sent a jolt down Tobirama’s spine and he took a quick step forward. "Tell me."
"I'll show you," Ikuro held Tobirama's gaze with unwavering determination, and Tobirama stared back into the pale, turquoise eyes.
Then suddenly, he felt an image being pushed onto him - a genjutsu. Almost instinctively, he wanted to release it simply for the intrusion it caused - then he remembered what this was for. It was quite delicate anyway - fragments, loose images and echoes of sensations. Zenji's, Tobirama realised. He was holding a bottle filled with a clear substance. His chakra did something - a process that Tobirama could only guess at because every time he - Ikuro - tried to look closer, it was as if someone shoved him away. Still, there were some leads. Ways in which his chakra threaded through the liquid. Tiny - but something to go with - pieces of a puzzle. Where he still was missing about most parts of. It hinted at the utmost delicate process that seemed to be the creation of the leash - but it was proof. Proof that it truly was something of a chakra weaving process that created the leash.
"Release." Ikuro announced.
Tobirama's head was swimming again. A hand raked through his hair. 
This was a lead. He should feel excited. Hopeful. Eager to work on it. Yet his mind wouldn't push past the crushing sense of dissatisfaction with this experiment, his outburst - and worst of all, Zenji's promise.
I'm gonna fucking relish telling you it all once she's dead.
Five days. He just had five days left and all he had was a vague lead and an experiment with a lukewarm result at least.  Time  - he was running out of  time . His heart was thundering in his chest as his breaths came deeper than usual. He closed his eyes briefly. 
If only he had more time.
Giving up was not an option. He'd just work harder. He'd sacrifice who knew what to make this work.
He breathed in deeply to try and alleviate the budding agony and dread inside him. It didn't work well. The pain stabbed at his heart, the sorrow had gripped him again. Tobirama was sure that if he closed his eyes, he'd see your face - in sheer agony. 
Unless,... you put her out of her misery beforehand.
He swallowed the lump down his throat. It felt dry. The emotions that were swirling inside him were tiring him out; much like the days before, it was all too much. First the rage, and now the looming sense of doom and this utter despair he felt he couldn’t escape. He didn’t want to feel more, he couldn’t he was spent, but he did nonetheless, like a wound that couldn’t, wouldn’t stop bleeding. He was taking deep breaths against - against all this.
His gaze wandered to the clock. 
Damn. You should have been awake for quite some time now.
"I will be back as soon as I have synthesised my next experiment. This is a start." He bowed curtly to thank Ikuro, who nodded in reply. "I need to go. See you soon."
Then, the world around him lurched as he teleported straight to your room. 
 Your nightmare had been exceptionally vivid this time.
Not just a horrible patchwork of memories from the past few weeks but a concise, terribly real scenario. Every single bit of the memory had felt like as though you were back in the dreadful hideout for sure. The screams echoed off the wall as they carved your flesh like a sculpture, the pain a thousand times worse due to this damn drug. By the time it had ended, your tormentor had cut you apart.
But you wouldn't die.
You never died. 
The agony just never ended.
It all faded into a memory of pain supplied by your abused body. Eventually, the world was black. Then you slept.  And when you woke, it still was dark. 
With a sigh, you removed the blindfold from your eyes. Everything stayed dark. You forced yourself to take even breaths. 
This had been the third time you had taken the leash since you had been rescued.
How many more would follow?
Your breathing picked up. 
Dark. It was all too dark. 
Your eyes wandered to where you knew the window was, curtain drawn closed. You really had to tell Tobirama to keep that open if you now started to become afraid of darkness so much. Then again, that might lead to more questions. Questions you didn’t want to answer. For now, the pain in your whole body was a dull echo, but you knew that’d change drastically again when you moved. No matter. You had to. The world was closing in around you and and your heart was hammering against your ribs so harshly you thought it might jump out.
Yelping past clenched teeth you dragged your haggard form to the window again, staggering through the darkness, not even bothering with the nightstand lamp this time. You didn’t need to. You whimpered deplorably from the aches that now flared through all of you, echoes of the torment that stabbed and burned. 
You still felt so weak. It was dumb to think you had recovered much already - and without your own chakra, no less - but still. You absolutely detested this  weakness. 
This helplessness.
You grasped the curtain for support as much as you had to to pull it open. You had to fumble for it with a shaking hand, the other grasped the window sill below.
“J-j-just o-open…”, you stuttered as you ripped aimlessly at it.
Your breaths were coming so fast now your sight was blackening, your limbs feeling fuzzy. The panic was driving tears into your eyes and wrenching sobs from you.
Was this how you’d start every day, now?
Bright sunlight flooded the room finally. Instantly, both your hands clung to the sill then for support while you doused in the sight of the village. The very obvious signals your body was giving you to rest again were ignored in favour of relishing in this moment.
Safe. You were safe.
You sniffled as the tears dried down and the fright ebbed down. Somewhat. You wanted to stay like this longer, but you knew you really shouldn’t. Besides, the more you calmed, the more unbearable the pain became in all of you. Plus, if Tobirama caught you now, he’d be livid. He hated repeating himself. It wasn’t as though he was wrong, anyway. 
You opted for sitting on the bed again and looking out of the window from there. A small comfort. 
“Okay,” you murmured to yourself in preparation of the way back. With a deep breath you let go of the window sill and turned around. 
A moment later your shaky foothold tipped, the ankle twisted - and with an agonised yelp that nearly had been a loud scream, you fell to the floor. Instinctively you broke the fall correctly, your training ensured that. Even in this deplorable state.
But the pain was searing. It damn near was equal to the torment - or at least it felt like that. You curled into a fetal position on yourself as your mouth was open in a silent scream. 
You didn’t want anyone to get in now. 
Tears were flowing freely over your cheeks. You kept silent. Silence had been a lesson well-practiced - though of course the Stone shinobi had made you scream so much your voice still was hoarse, that had been after a lot of silence.
You’d endure this, too.
Even so, lying on the cold floor - it felt just like after all the times they’d tortured you and then shoved you back into that dark pit. Helplessly on the ground with the agony fresh on your mind and weakened by the leash, by all the misery you were in. Unable to move from sheer pain alone, really-
Your chest was closing in again.
The room was becoming darker.
No, no, no. Not now. It’d be fine eventually - right? Wait, what if it wasn’t? Shit, where did that come from now? You mustn’t think like that. But here you were. Alone. On a cold floor. In pain- Bleeding?
No- You were sure if you opened your eyes now, they’d open to nothing but darkness. “N-no…”, you whimpered miserably, your arms covering your face as you curled up even tighter.
Everything was cold, you are alone - There is nobody here, they’ll come again, and again for you.
“What the hell?! ”
You had no idea how long you had been laying there when the familiar, furious voice ripped through your consciousness like a horn’s blow. The world was slowing down again. You suddenly became aware of the fact you had been wheezing erratically. Trembling. The tears - an odd tear would run over your cheek. But you had stilled perfectly. You heard fast steps approaching. You tensed.
They stopped in front of you. Clothes rustled.
“Y/n?” - the voice was different now - panicked. Softer.
Slowly, you opened your eyes to see Tobirama’s black clothes in front of you. He was crouching. His hand was on your shoulder, you realised. A warm touch.
Your breathing levelled out.
You were safe.
You had just fallen down. Silly.
“I fell,” you admitted defeatedly, your gaze seeking his face hesitantly. This was embarrassing enough as it was, but Tobirama - he looked perfectly anguished himself. His scarlet eyes mustered you up and down, there was urgency in his expression. You sighed and began to heave your chest off the ground with your arms, ignoring the pain again.
“You shouldn’t have-,” he began in a scolding tone, but the moment you moved, it became stern. ”No, don’t do that.” The worry was mellowing it down still.
His arm snuck around your shoulder to heft you up from the floor. You became utterly stiff from the pain that shot through you as you were moved, but you uttered no more than a hiss past your clenched teeth. Your arm moved to rest around his waist for support, but the way you fisted the fabric of his black shirt was telltale, nonetheless.
Which Tobirama picked up on easily. “Just one step,” he muttered tersely. Frankly with the force he put in his grip he might as well carry you, but you appreciated the fact he granted you this shred of dignity. You took the step as gracefully as possible, which was simple given how Tobirama shouldered near all of your weight. You whimpered as you sat down the ankle you had fallen over on the floor.
“Easy,” Tobirama supplied immediately, holding you closer, his free hand securing your waist tightly.
His arm released you only momentarily as you leaned forward to spin and sit on the bed, but his palm lingered on your shoulder the whole time. He grasped your legs gingerly to help swing them into bed again when you turned to lie down.
You stared up at the ceiling once you had pulled the blanket over you. The trembles had ceased; your breathing was normal again.
You were safe.
Tobirama didn’t waste time, either. “What have you been doing?”, his tone was as strict as it was accusing. The mellowing worry had turned down a notch now that you were in bed again it seems.
You felt bold when you turned your gaze to meet his again. He was frowning, the scarlet eyes were ablaze. “I did say you could knock next time,” you answered in a small voice.
The answer was prompt. “So you’d have time to get back into bed, you mean?”, strict was becoming angered rapidly.
“Yeah, I don’t think I’d have made that in time.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest, the face scrunched in a frown and the eyelids narrowed to slits. No, he was pissed off. You sighed.
Your scathing comment didn’t even make him bat an eyelash. “Yn/!” If anything, the quip had angered him more, if that outburst was anything to go by. “You must rest,” he began sternly. “Most likely that stunt has ripped at your healing wounds and inflicted damage - setting you back. Not to mention you need to recover more strength first.” He extended a hand as he argued, frustration leaking into his voice.
“I know, Tobirama,” you snapped back. Both of your aching arms rose to your face to cover it. “I am painfully aware.”
He fell silent for a moment, the comment earned you a low huff from him. “So then why do I see you anywhere but your bed whenever I come around?”, again, his tone was unfazed. More stern, in fact. You knew your comments were riling him up.
Because I feel like I’m suffocating when I’m alone in the dark and that fucking window is the only thing that convinces me I’m free.
“I’m going a little crazy here,” you supplied, figuring that wasn’t even a lie. “I’m either drugged, becoming delirious or flat out in pain, as you know.” That much definitely wasn’t a lie. 
It made Tobirama balk a little. Peeking past your hands you saw his shoulders droop, his arms at his side now. Weird. You had expected something along the lines of ‘it’ll be over soon’ or ‘pull yourself together’ - not in an ignorant or diminutive way, but rather something to remind you this was temporary. That all you had to do was be stronger for a little while. Tobirama wasn’t great at comfort to begin with, so he’d stick with the logical aspects of the situation, naturally.
“Tobirama?”, you inquired then, when he didn’t speak up again.
“I know,” he then answered, the anger fading somewhat. His mien remained firm, but he took a seat on the edge of your bed now to level out the height difference somewhat. Because that hadn’t escaped your notice either. “It is a difficult situation, but you  must  rest. I don’t want you going on walks now. At all.” His gaze lifted up to your eyes again - the frown still present.
Your hands dropped to your side again. Now was your turn to avoid his gaze. “I just wanted to pull the curtains back, Tobirama,” you explained in a quiet voice, your ironic undertone vanished. “I had to look outside.”
You heard him take a sharp breath and then - “Y/n, you mustn’t-”, then he abruptly paused. For a few moments, the room was completely silent. "Is… that why you were crying?", he asked suddenly, his voice dropping the strictness, completely soft again. 
You didn’t answer him, but you closed your eyes. You had to, they were becoming wet again.
“Y/n…”, Tobirama whispered brokenly, his hand reaching for yours at his side. His grip was tight, his thumb ran smoothing circles over your skin. You exhaled a little gasp when you felt his chakra graze over your network in the way you were so familiar with, so warm and welcome.
“I’ll try not to get up again,” you murmured after a moment of quiet comfort. “Maybe just leave the curtain open.” You sighed. It wasn’t as though you didn’t understand his objections to you moving around - your ankle was testament to that - but the panic was just so much worse.
Tobirama didn’t reply to that directly but simply kept caressing you both outwardly and inwardly. “Alright.” He finally spoke. “Perhaps… I can try to be here earlier, too.”
You opened your eyes again to find his gaze was cast down at your body again, his eyebrows furrowed in worry again. You never had seen Tobirama in this much distress since these last few days. “You don’t have to. You’re busy,” your voice was becoming more somber again.
“We talked about that already.” Back to the firm tone, shutting the discussion down, it seems. Tobirama hated discussing in the first place, and with your time basically dictated by a vile drug that he had to administer regularly there wasn’t even much arguing ground on your behalf. You rolled your eyes.
His hand released yours and was pushing the blanket aside then, “I’ll see what I can do for you now,” he mumbled, then, already focused as he turned himself to face your side more.
You gave a low sigh. “I’d say save your concentration and chakra, but-”
Tobirama’s voice instantly was terse again. “Y/n.”
You rolled your eyes. “Exactly.” You resigned and helped by pulling up the gown somewhat as he placed both palms on your abdomen again. You felt his chakra’s presence intensify as he began and couldn’t help but gaze at his face while he first examined you and then went to heal - his eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration. Over time, that became more dismayed. Of course.
Much like the last time, the procedure took its pretty time simply for how intricate the work was - how little chakra he could actually use in terms of overloading you still, and when he did, he’d have to put it to its best use. The thoroughly comfortable feeling was settling in soon however as the aches dulled and you began to relax under his treatment. You’d never deny this wasn’t good, no. Especially when he directed his attention to your ankle, the sensation was warming, itchy almost in how the joint began to ache less in tune with the healing warmth swirling inside of it.
After quite a while he retreated with a finishing brush over your network, which you let warmly hum in response. As much as you could, anyway. It’d never not feel alien to you how your chakra was there - inside you - and yet not ready at your disposal. When Tobirama drew his hands back, his face remained scrunched up. 
“As I said,” and here he was again, scolding, naturally. “There was quite some damage to your wounds. And you sprained your ankle.” He crossed his legs and rested both arms on the edge of the bed. “I’ve repaired quite a lot of it. Y/n, you’re barely-”
You wanted to prop your head up your palm and rest on your side, but you were positive he’d yell at you. You opted for quipping again. “-healed and need to rest.”
His frown deepened. “I can also just physically stitch you up if the sight of those ripping serves as a better reminder for you. Because that’s what you’re doing, internally.”
Ouch. He fought back. “No, thank you.” You deflated and sighed. “I’m trying.”
That served to mellow him down significantly again and his shoulders slumped somewhat. He didn’t speak up again though, but his gaze had fallen to the floor, seemingly lost in ponder.
You simply eyed him for a moment before you tilted your head slightly. “Well, I ruined the mood, didn’t I?”, you attempted a little laugh, but Tobirama could only shrug his shoulders in what you think might’ve been an ironic motion. You frowned. “What’s wrong, Tobirama?”
His gaze lifted to gaze at you from the side, cautiously now. It didn’t sit well with you. “Just stay in bed, Y/n.”
You arched up an eyebrow. That was not what truly had been on his mind now. The lack of sternness in his voice proved that. “I know I should,” you began, “but that is not what is on your mind.” His nostrils flared slightly. “Tell me, Tobirama. Is everything getting too much for you? You don’t need to take care of me, too. That’s why I am here.” It still baffled you how much he did in the first place, yet-
“No,” he firmly cut you short. His arms crossed in front of his chest as he slightly leaned back. “I’m fine taking care of you and researching this leash.” You believed that much with how much conviction he spoke it. 
“Then what is it, Tobirama?”, you demanded now. “Because I have the fleeting notion it’s to do with me.” And you didn’t like that at all.
He closed his eyes and sighed. “It’ll be fine, Y/n. Don’t worry about that. Just rest and get better.”
Anger started to flare in you. To be bedridden and get basically yelled at for drawing curtains back was one thing. But to actively be kept in the dark was another one. However you’d still try reason first before you went to demanding things because open confrontation only got you so far. “I’m injured, Tobirama. Not mentally capacitated. You might as well tell me, because I caught on the fact something  is  weighing on you and at the very least I’ll now worry as to why that is. Even if you tell me not to. So, please.”
Tobirama straightened and squared his shoulders a little. "Honestly, the only thing you have to worry about is your own recovery." He was getting more terse again.
You were onto something. You narrowed your eyes. "Fine. Don't tell me. I'll just get up after, scream until someone gets around and demand to speak to Hashirama." You had every intention of going through with that. You'd have to be fast though - weakness would settle in soon.
Tobirama clenched his teeth, his head whipped around to you to stare at you downright menacingly. "You will do no such thing."
"I absolutely will, unless you tell me."
Tobirama’s eyes closed slowly. He shifted back to his original position. When he opened them again, his scarlet pupils darted to the side to pin you with an intense stare, his mien was grave now. Your pulse picked up. Instinctively you braced yourself by heaving your chest up with both your elbows. Thanks to his recent treatment, the pain was dull, for now. Tobirama didn’t even protest when you moved. It just served to make you more tense.
“Creating more of the leash is proving to be a difficult task I’ve not yet accomplished,” he finally churned out, slowly, against his will, almost.
You gulped.  Wait. That meant- “How much is left?”, you asked before you could even comprehend what you just said.
Tobirama closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. He didn’t want to tell you. You weren’t sure if you wanted to know anymore. “Five and a half days at our current rate.”
Around you, the world seemed to lurch like when he teleported you with the hiraishin seal. Your ears felt stuffy, your vision became a tunnel focusing on the face of your beloved and yet gazing right through him as darkness threatened. You felt numb.
Five and a half days.
Right now, you had five and a half days left to live.
And you wouldn’t pass peacefully, that much you had experienced before.
Your elbows gave out as you limply crashed back into the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Breathing was becoming harder as the figurative weight of the news was bearing down on your chest. Before you knew it, you were wheezing again. Ugly sobs were breaking past your lips and a wet sensation rolled down the sides of your face. Tears, you realised.
Faintly you realised Tobirama shifted. A hand took yours in it firmly, another on your shoulder. He was talking, but you didn’t hear anything. Not right away, anyhow. It was only when you felt his chakra again that you became more grounded again, but even then, it still was hard not to burst all over again.
“Y/n,” he pleaded, over and over again. Your blurry vision shifted to focus on his face, closer to yours now. It looked as agonized as you felt. There was a tremble in his deep voice. Your breathing levelled out slowly. Your free hand slowly reached for the one he had put on your shoulder as you sought his gaze again.
“Tell me more,” you urged, gulping.
“I’m not sure if-”, he hesitated.
“I want to know everything, dammit!”, you almost shouted.
Tobirama’s eyes closed, he winced as though you had physically slapped him.
And then proceeded to tell you - everything. What this leash was - besides what you knew it did to you - what he knew so far. The problem he faced. Instantly, you realised the task he faced was not just ‘difficult’. It was near impossible to achieve in such a short timespan.
“I’m doing all I can, I swear,” he finished, and the sincerity of the statement had the timbre of his voice shaking. His scarlet eyes were glistening - the hand you put on his on your shoulder reached for his face. No, you’d never question his resolve to save you. Neither his determination to keep you from any harm - his secrecy had just been another facet of that.
An eerie calm gripped you.
“I know,” you whispered, stoic. A sad smile stretched your lips. “If there’s anyone in Konoha who can figure it out, it’s you.” You believed that with every fiber of your being.
Tobirama frowned, tilting his head slightly. His breath shook.
“You need more time,” you added, your thumb caressing his cheekbone.
“There isn’t any, Y/n,” he answered, broken.
“Not if we proceed like this,” you agreed, somber. You couldn’t believe your next words, but here you were. You knew exactly what you needed to do - duty, if you will, albeit calling it that was odd considering it was your own survival that was on the line. Still. You were the one making the sacrifice. 
“You start giving me what you have of the leash at the greatest possible interval.”
Tobirama’s face fell completely, the words hitting him almost like you had slapped his cheek. 
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grlfriends · 4 years
revolutionary girl utena review
ep 1-5
the plot is actually kinda different from what I thought ?? in my mind the plot was: utena was a girl in a princess school who each and every princess would be "conquered" (for a lack of better words rn) in a ceremonial duel by a prince who fancied them, maybe she didnt wanna wanna marry anyone or she liked Anthy already but anyway in my mind utena showed up in the ceremony with duel clothing and then, in a very brave tm like-scene, she would openly declare she refused to be conquered by anyone and tbh I'm not even sure how Anthy would come into the plot... but back into what actually happened in the episodes everything so far is very introductory and just showing what mechanics will be explored further down the line I think?? the op is really good too
also every boy so far reminds me so much of knights of the zodiac?? maybe it's just the design I guess...) and nanami can get these hands, jealousy is a disease and she's the sickest person on earth for all I know
dont ask me why bit I just feel like room of mirrors - gfriend has a very well fitting vibe for it but I'm not exactly sure why hm.... 🤔🤔
ep 6-12
ok so why does this school just have random animals around 😐 I could understand the horse but a bull and a kangaroo?? what ...
touga just says the most random dramatic things and then just casually says anyone who believes in friendship is a fool ?? the guy wouldnt last a day in the naruto universe tbh, he kinda irks me in some way but I'm not sure why so I'll live with this strange feeling for a while I guess
↳ okay so watching ep 10 made me especially kinda creeped out, I know I've watched only 10 eps so far but like can he fall downstairs and break a neck or something already ...
also haha what if I watched that bet on it fmv and gave myself a bunch of spoilers would that be funny or what 😍 this is why i cant have nice things yall.... hope my memory goes to shit when sleep so I dont remember about it this week while I finish it
I feel like the main thing on the episodes are parallels, one way or another I always feel like they're setting up parallels and giving me clues for a bigger picture and a deeper plot arc that is still to come and the bet on it fmv just made this impression stronger, also I wanna say it's done in a good way, one that is both mysterious (??) and "honey you've got a big storm coming" at the same time 🤔🤔 much to think about honestly
↳ just saw ep 11 and even though I already knew this was coming sooner or later it still felt like crap seeing utena lose to dick head, at the end of the episode when he says anthy was always just reflecting utena's own wishes for himemiya (in another way bc I dont remenber the exact words) it felt like 😐 bc yes I knew that (the way she was working her thoughts was simply a copy and paste of what utena was saying) at all time I kept those essays about anthy in my head, I dont think theyll be truly relatable to what I'm seeing rn but yeah anthy rights (even though I know you betray/cheat on utena down the line bc of the bet on it fmv but I'm sure you had your own motivation)
↳ saw ep 12 bc I just couldnt handle being in a cliffhanger and yeah it happened what I absolutely thought it would lmao not that it was that difficult to foresee but yeah, I kinda liked how utena did it for her instead of being like "oh I wanna save anthy from touga" and treating her like a damsel in distress (I know that's kinda her position as the rose bride for what I've been told so far and that this is a subject spoken about in many many essays on tumblr but yeah) bc so far she's been treated as a trophy and a way to get something else, for the green haired guy it was a way to see something eternal, for miki it was a way to hold on into his "shining thing" and for touga it seems (so far) like a way to manipulate (just like he does with nanami) and just mark his position as above everyone else as he seems to view himself?? man I might be saying random stuff rn but it kinda does makes sense in my mind with the information I've had to this point
ep 13-25
honestly 😐😐 through 9 whole episodes I felt like they were trying to make the side characters deeper and show their hidden face and motivations but it felt so shallow...... not even actually shallow, just not deep enough that it would make me care about these characters and the fact there was no actual build to showing us why we're getting to know these characters backgrounds was just kinda meh too, didnt really help that all episodes had all the same formula and the same timing just for the developers made in those episodes be forgotten at the end and also just that pink haired guy could be like "ah failure again", it felt like watching the same episode over and over again, it was really tiring and like?? girl help I do not care about these characters at all, I feel like it could have been done well (like the keiko ep in comparison to the furuba chapter that deals with the yuki appreciation (??) club president graduating.... the way this ep was done and setup didn't really bring me any emotions) overall not to my taste and tbh I feel like I could have skipped all those episodes except for maybe the miki and juri one so 😑
all nanami focused episodes are the worst so far, she's so boring and I cant stand now annoying she is, the diary episode?? the cow episode?? the episode when tsuwabiki fuels with utena?? honestly I know they're trying to show me a better and different side of her but it just doesnt!! work!! bc i feel no sympathy for her, my biggest wish rn is her and touga just disappearing and no more filler episodes🗣🗣
I thought akio was utena's prince?? but apparently he's just anthy's brother and like.. I'm do done with his little talks with utena and yadda yadda, I just wanna see their duel is that too much to ask I'm dying over here (if this lenga lenga continues until ep 25 i will be so mad bc why were so many episodes wasted on such boring and and not necessary side characters backstories?? idc about them at all man aaaaaaaaaa)
↳ ep 25 was good finally we got what we deserve boys 😭😭😭😭😭 can utena just beat up akio already I'm tired of his ass, he exhales both "I'm a feminist I even take women studies classes #herstory" and "if she breathes she's a thot" energy also he has 0 style that mullet is simply horrible I bet there's a hairstylist community who considers him a criminal bc like 😐 it is simply so bad (q bit less when it's tied up but when it's all lose jesus Christ)
also touga thinks he's suuuuch a genius, sooo smart like king, I do not care about you at all can you shut the fuck up please and can we tall about the pink haired guy episode?? wack. honestly thought it would be more emotional or something, I binge watched 12 episodes with his ugly haircut face and did not even feel a thing he can choke I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ANTHY TAKING A SWORD OUT OF UTENA'S CHEST??? OSCAR WORTHY KINGS❗❗❗and then her lame ass brother being like "oh ho ho idk idk" shut up no one cares no one cares I swear to you no one cares shut uuuuup
ep 25-39
first of all, ep 25 was good but kinda reminded me of the nine episodes (13 until 21) where absolutely nothing interesting happened so I hope I'm wrong also can I just say just seeing the preview of the next episode made me roll my eyes so bad I almsot saw my brain?? bc yeah I'm fucking tired of nanami fosuced episodes she's so annoying oh my god nobody cares about a goddamn egg and much less one coming from her let her die or something pls she's so annoying there's nothing I've learned about her that was not against my own will I'm basically rotting over here 🤒
↳ ep 30 has me thinking Akio has a foot fetish or something 😐 bruh leave utena aloooooone I already know your plans and schemes you're not fooling anyone that's embarrassing for u and also... utena you're not very bright are you.... you start seeing every duelist you face with the same exact car and then when you see akio has the same car you didnt even stop to think about it that 1+1 equals 2 ... girl help yourself 😐
↳ yet again another nanami focused ep 😐😐😐😐😐 even though I do understand her better now I still don't find her particularly enjoyable to watch, call me a woman hater but like. idk she's still a bit annoying to me (but touga is straight up evil and is manipulating her so I feel bad for feeling like that tho.....)
↳ ok last 2 eps to go but listen. I thought the akio duel would have happened much sooner, maybe on ep 33 max but well didn't this age well lmao ngl, it did seem a bit too slow paced for my personal taste but also I feel like there's a certain level of drama that comes with slowing the pace down....
↳ aaaaaa yall I'm kinda 😢😭 over the ending omg........... even though it took the best of me to keep going in some parts I still enjoyed the ending aaaaa I thought i wouldnt really like it bc I just usually dont enjoy this type of ending but stil 😢😢😢😢 wait for me utena 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 girl I cried and then anthy walking in the end god utena and anthy holding hands 😭😭😭😭 akio can suck my dick
there's obviously many things I've missed or that I kinda didnt really pay attendance to so please dont take this serious, I was just writing as I watched the episodes so it's more like a thought compilation than anything, still I can see why there's many essays written about it and why it is held as a masterpiece by so many people
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polar-stars · 5 years
Shokugeki no Kimiko à la carte Series - Morning Glimpses
Author’s Note
Late entry for Day 1 of @shokugekiocweek​ (Prompt: Breakfast)
This was such a chore and took up the entirety of my day and I even had to cut most of my initial plans and just....I am not even sure if I like the end-product //lies down//. Still, I’m just glad that it’s just finished at least <.< But meep, onto day 2 I suppose ovo;;
Good Morning Totsuki and welcome back to school after the break!
Being the dedicated journalist that I, Sotsuda-Cohen Cho am, I of course arrived as early as possible in front of Totsuki’s gates to witness the return of everyone and possibly drink in a few updates right on the spot.
I was more than surprised to find out that there are people who actually managed to be here before me.
Believe it or not but today, early in the morning, I met Inoue Eito (our current 10th Seat for the people who live under a rock) accompanied by Matsuoka Takeo (our current 9th Seat for the same ignorant people). Seems like our all-known party-lion Inoue-senpai had much of an headache this morning and needed support to walk. The support was given by a very annoyed Matsuoka-senpai, who was quick to order me away from the scenery.
I wonder what exactly Inoue-senpai thought to be a good idea doing in the very night before school starts.
Hopefully the rest of our beloved Elite Ten does not have to deal with such an insufferable headache this morning! Although, I can fairly imagine most of their mornings.
Hayama Akio will most likely awake to the most bewitching and sheer out-of-this-world fragrance one can only imagine. His father is the master of spices and aroma after all. As we all know, Hayama-senpai inherited his father’s godly sense of smell and will certainly be able to guess, no, know the ingredients to his breakfast this morning instantly.
“You made pancakes with cardamom, dad?” Akio asked when coming down the stairs. He smiled. “And I can also smell blueberries, strawberries, grapes, lemons, Blackcurrent-Ginseng-Vanilla-tea and Spiced-Chocolate-Coffee.”
Almost a little startled by this entrance, Akira Hayama looked up from his work in the frying pan to face his son instead. The initial surprise faded quick however as he rather began to smile. “Indeed.” He gave an appreciating nod. “Well done.”
“Since you know what’s served already”, Hisako Hayama took a halt to her hectic walk around the house, “Tea or Coffee?” A very frequently asked question in the Hayama-Household, one could almost say: the most frequent.
Akio‘s smile only grew a bit more. “Today I’ll settle for tea, mom.” Already in preparation to what would happen next, Akio was quick to raise his arm. “I’ll get it myself!”
Hisako, who had already positioned her feet into the direction of the teapots, flinched subtly. After a small moment, Hisako nodded towards her son with a friendly smile. Said smile quickly turned to a slightly mischievous one as she turned her head towards her husband. “He chose tea.” Akira replied without turning around. “Kaori chose coffee. Today it’s a draw.”
They had made it a competition between each other over who would have more success in making their two children chose their individually preferred type of beverage.
Thinking about the morning of Hayama Hisako’s and Akira’s son, also makes one wonder if their daughter had a good rest as well. Hayama Kaori, the greatest talent among the current highschool first-years. Some would say that she embodies grace and excellence from head to toe.
A true gathering of refinement. The Master of Fragrance, a Healer as renowned and skilled to be recognised by emperors and empresses, a diligent Elite Ten member and the icy valedictorian of her generation.
Akio turned his head into the direction of the table. There sitting was his little sister Kaori with the coffee mug in her hands. Even right after waking up, she still managed to look like a proper and fine, young lady. One you could most definitely invite her over to tea with the most posh and sophisticated women of high society and you would do so without worrying for even a second that Kaori would embarrass herself. To Akio it almost felt like she somehow skipped puberty.
He felt his heart sink a little at that sight. Distant seemed the memories of her happily running around Granny Jun’s garden, eagerly naming every flower she spot.
“Kaori, Good morning! I hope you slept well!” He greeted, trying is best in pushing various worried and concerned thoughts out of his mind for now. She replied with friendly words but in a tone that one would rather use in a business meeting than towards a family member. “Good Morning to you as well, Onii-san.”
Akio felt his smile crumbling a little. “I see you look ready and prepared for going back to school. That’s a joy for sure.” He said, not having the heart bringing up the most recent conflict he had with his sister in front of their parents. They all were so rarely together nowadays and Akio wouldn’t dare to ruin it.
Kaori only gave a quick nod as reply and so, Akio turned his head away again to get himself the tea his mother had prepared.
Meanwhile Akira had finished his cooking and brought a plate stapled with steaming pancakes to the table where Kaori was sitting. Once her father was near enough, she spoke up. “The coffee is exquisite as always, Dad. Thank you.” She took another sip of it and as she lowered her cup again one could see something truly rare: a small smile gracing Kaori’s face.
A soft laughter escaped Akira and all fatherly instincts in him could not resist raising his hand and lightly patting his daughter’s head. “No problem, my Blossom. You know I will support you in any way I can on your way to the top and if it’s just providing you with a good waking up on your first day of school.”
Akio turned his head away from the sight to get his tea.
A large portion of humanity will sort themselves into the “not being a morning person”-cult and buy mugs with such lovely slogans like “if you talk to me before I had my coffee I will kill you”. But then there’s the most beloved president of the Chinese RS, Hojo Suzume, who can make the morning sun worry about being outshined by her wide, jolly grin.
Ah, what some would give for the astonishing energy of Suzu-senpai.
“Good Morning!” Suzume cajoled as she threw the apartment’s door open. Some might wonder how she still had air left to do so after she’d just been out jogging for an hour but people who knew the Hojos a little better would know that Suzume has been blessed with many capacities to her vocals by her father’s genes. There were people who wholeheartedly believed she could wake the dead if she wanted to.
“Fuck. Suzu, you’re fucking drenched in sweat.” Takayuki greeted her, before taking a sip of his jasmine tea from a mug that read: “All the coffee in the world can’t make me a morning person”.
His mother, the head-chef of the estimated Hojo-Ra, Miyoko walked by with a basket of steaming Dim Sum in her left hand. Without warning she suddenly raised her right hand to lightly slap the back of Takayuki’s purple head, making him flinch in surprise. “You know the common custom in this civilization is to give a ‘Good Morning’ back, Takayuki.” "Sorry, Ma.“ Mumbled Takayuki into his cup. The woman then gave a nod towards her daughter and held the basket up. “Morning, Suzume. Dim Sum?”
It merely took the blonde teen a few bouncy steps to reach her dark-haired family members. “I think one before the shower can’t hurt.”
After two bites of the warm delicacy and a satisfied hum, she shifted her attention back to Miyoko. “Mom, do you happen to be in the mood to make a smoothie?”
The answer she received was a long, stern stare till finally a little smirk emerged on Miyoko’s lips. “I don’t think so, but who knows? Maybe the craving for a Matcha-Pear-Smoothie will overcome me while a certain young blonde will take a shower, so she’ll be ready for school.”
As president of the Chinese RS, Hojo Suzume obviously specializes in the cuisine of the broad lands that the Pacific Ocean separates our Japanese Isle from. As daughter of two famed Chinese chefs and legacies of Totsuki's long history, including past presidency over the Chinese RS, one can't be blamed to think that taking the president-spot had been the jolly blonde's destiny ever since she was born. But surprisingly enough Suzu-senpai had to earn this spot in a truly brutal and outstretched battle against the former president's, how to call it, cabinet.
It had truly been a thrilling fight for both the participants and the observers and it's safe to say it's memories that have burned theirselves into many of Totsuki's minds, just like Suzu-senpai had burned away her competition with her admirable knowledge around China's culinary wonderland and the excellent handling of a wok.  
Based on my observations thus far her efforts have payed off, as she is hold in high regard by most of the student body and loved deeply by the members of the Chinese RS. Without a doubt, she's one of the most cherished presidents in recent years.
"Should I go with my standard-fan or a more fancy one, since its the first school day after break?" Suzume inquired as she came down the stairs, freshly showered with the fragrance of pineapple-honey melon shampoo wafting around her, dressed in Totsuki's uniform and holding two Chinese fans in her hands. The fan in her right hand was simple and red, the fan in her left hand was white and had black ink-branches besprinkled with red flowers painted ingeniously on it.
Miyoko and Takayuki both turned their heads towards the stairs where Suzume was standing, both having the same frown on their face.
Suzume help up the white one and elaborated. "I think special occasions warrant special fans. But then again-" "I approve. Take the fancy one, Suzu. Yo've got Kuga-Blood in you, Suzume. We're not afraid of attention~"
Suzume turned her head upwards and met the brown, mischievous eyes of her father as he came down the stairs dressed in a ridiculously sumptuous dressing gown and a cocky grin.
"Terunori." Miyoko spoke, lowering the Dim Sum she had nearly been biting into. "I didn't thought you'd grace us with your presence this morning." Pretending to be greatly upset, Terunori placed his hand on his chest in a big gesture and cried out. "Wife, you wound me! But of course I wouldn't miss breakfast with our two most lovely and precious children before they go off to Culinary-Hogwarts, for anything in the world."
Suzume let out a laugh, Miyoko rolled her eyes a little albeit the ends of her mouth lifted subtly, Takayuki raised his eyebrow. "How the hell is Totsuki comparable to Hogwarts, dad?"
"Anyway" Terunori lifted a finger and put his focus back on Suzume. "Take the fancy fan, daughter."
Suzume smiled back. "You know that I don't necessarily need a fan in order to get eyes on me though, right dad?" Before she could continue, Takayuki already commented. "Yeah, last year she entered her first class after break by kicking the door open and shouting 'somebody once told me', I hear."
Another one of Suzume's trademark laughs ensued at the memory. "Yeah and it was epic. But, to get back to the fans, you see: My first class this year is together with…" For the first time of the morning, her smile disappeared as it was replaced with a displeased grimace. "…Four-Eyes."
As all Hojos understood "Four-Eyes" as Suzume's code-word for "Shigeo Eizan" not one sign of confusion could be seen on the family member's faces. Rather, deep understanding found its way on Terunori's, Miyoko remained a stern rock and Takayuki looked like he was about to let out an "ew".
"It's a 40-minute lesson, yet still I'm certain that Eizan will still manage to make one of his 'oh-im-smarter-than-all-of-you'- or 'morals?-kindness?-what-are-those?'-comments and.." She threw her hands into the air, frustrated. "…UGH!"
Terunori gave repeated nods. "Fair." Before he could tell his detailed opinion about the bespectacled family however, Miyoko already sighed. "You're all acting like we're at war with them." Takayuki at that only questioned. "Aren't we?!"
Suzume held up her pretty fan. "Well, it's likely that I'll have to take initiative at some point in the lesson, if his commentary gets too sickening. And I wouldn't want to ruin my good fan for that." She gave a shrug.
Terunori imitated the pose of "The Thinker" as he stated. "That's a tricky one indeed." Miyoko held up a glass filled with a green liquid while she simultaneously leaned forwards a little. "How about you try to not hit anyone with one of your fans today and just sit down and finally have the smoothie you asked for?" She then looked at Terunori. "And how about you stop trying to behave like we're the modern Montagues and make some of your Baozi?"
For a few seconds both Suzume and Terunori only wordlessly stared at Miyoko from the stairs. Then the stars lightened up in Suzume's violet eyes as she exclaimed. "Okay Mama!" She rushed towards the table and took the glass out of her mother's hand. Terunori followed rather quickly. "You're lucky that I love you so much, Miyoko-Sweetheart."
Suzu-senpai might be popular but even she has her critics. Her most vocal and prominent one would be a fellow Elite Ten Member actually. But that certain member, Eizan Shigeo, has much of a certain reputation himself. There could be so many things said about him, that one wouldn't know how to start. Furthermore, it's not always easy to tell which info regarding him is true and which is false.
What can very safely be said however is that he is a man all about the success and results. But maybe that's not all too surprising when we keep in mind that he's been named the heir of a consulting company with a great standing in the culinary industry. Despite not being the first-born son, his intelligence and sharp understanding of business granted him this position.
And wether you like him or not, his tactical, clever thinking is said to make him valuable to the Elite 10 as well. Even if he might not always uses his talents with the best intentions in mind.
"I don't like repeating myself, Umino." Shigeo hissed into his smartphone, making sure to not make too much noise. "For the last time: he has black hair, green eyes and a mole on his cheek. But what's most important is that he still owes me something and although my kind-hearted soul granted him time over the break it seems he forgot about his debt. So in order to remind him, you two morons will get a hold of him when he returns to Totsuki and wait until I arrive for the further procedure." "A-Aye Boss." The voice on the other side of the phone stammered.
Shigeo's yellow eyes rolled upwards, before he said. "Now stop calling me. The instructions are clear and I expect you two, combined, to have enough braincells to follow them." Not giving Umino any chance to say something else he then hung up.
Afterwards he made his way out of his room and down the stairs.
Elite 10 membership runs through Shigeo-senpai's family. Both of his parents used to be in the Elite 10 and after all, our current 3rd seat is an Eizan as well.
Shigeo-senpai and his older brother, Eizan Masashi, can certainly be seen together quite a lot despite the fact that they're not in the same generation.
Both of them are well-aware of their standing within the academy and individual skills. Together they're a force to behold and only the most bravest of souls would go up against them. Still, despite their constant cooperation, they're still brothers in the end. And all siblings bicker here and there. 
"Morning." Shigeo greeted as he came down the stairs. He was promptly greeted by Masashi's curt tone. "There you are! Mother made you miso soup!" Said mother was quick to interfere though with the help of her calm but strict voice. "Masashi, you don't need to sound so aggressive."
Nene Eizan then shifted her focus to her middle son and merely said. "Good morning Shigeo, I suppose you want a coffee?"
The more than familiar trademark smirk appeared on Shigeo's face as he replied. "That would be splendid, Mom. Thank you. I had a call to make, that's why I was not down here sooner." A huff escaped Masashi.
"Don't you think you're a bit too much on your phone sometimes?" Nene sighed, as she began to operate the coffee-machine. "Who is there that you need to call this early in the morning?"
"The gorillas, most likely." A third voice found it’s way into the conversation. Turning his head into the direction it had come from Shigeo's gaze landed on the kitchen table and a young, blonde boy sitting at it with a cup of hot chocolate and a bowl of miso-soup.
"Gorillas?" Nene repeated, confused over her youngest son's words. Kei was just about to open his mouth and elaborate further, but Masashi was a little quicker. "Those two indecent friends of Shigeo’s, Mother. Umino and Yamada."
"Oh…" Was all Nene managed to say before Kei voiced his thoughts again. "Shigeo has no fuckin-" "Language!" Reprimanded Masashi before Kei could finish his sentence. Likewise, Nene's face darkened a little. "Kei."
"So…Sorry." Kei stammered, imitated by the strict, warning tone his mother has used for merely saying his name.
Shigeo let out a chuckle. "Don't listen to Kei, mom. He demonizes everything." The overall arrogant tone of Shigeo's voice paired with the self-confident smirk were enough to rile Kei up yet again. "There's no need to demonize you, Shigeo! You and Masashi are demons!"
"How dare you?!" Masashi roared, but before it could escalate, Nene shut her two fiery children efficiently with a single. "Cut it out. Both of you." They followed suit immediately, both not intending to push their luck on this one.
Nene let out another sigh, before handing Shigeo the espresso she had prepared. "Please just put your phone away for breakfast at least, Shigeo. It's not polite." Before Shigeo could reply however, Nene's eyes already trailed to someone behind him and she said. "Then again, can I really blame you going by what example your father is giving?"
Shigeo raised an eyebrow before turning around and witnessing said father coming down the stairs with his eyes attached to his mobile phone, only looking up when Nene raised her voice a little. "Etsuya! Watch where you're going!" The Soba-Master then shook her head. "At times it feels I have four children instead of three."
Etsuya raised a hand to signalize his wife to calm down. "Okay, okay. I'm putting my phone away already. See?" He held the device up in presenting manner, only to put it into the pocket of his suit afterwards. He then casted a suspicious look on his spawn as he said. "Why is your mother in such a bad mood? Did you three have a fight again?"
"Fathe-" Masashi wanted to begin an explanation, but he was cut off by Shigeo. "Please, dad. I never fight. Masashi and Kei however…" He shrugged, not minding the death-glares that both Kei and Masashi threw at him. "What about Suzume-senpai?!" Kei then asked provocatively.
Immediately displeasure spread all over Shigeo's face. "Don't remind me of her. I have my first class today with that annoyance." He groaned. "Hojo is too stupid and irritating for my kindness." "Yeah right." Kei gestured quotation marks into the air. "Your 'kindness'. Good one."
"I've got to say." Etsuya now said. "Her father is the most obnoxious person on the planet, so I can hardly blame Shigeo on that one."
Nene brought herself back into the the conversation. "For being Kuga's daughter, I'd say she actually turned out surprisingly decent." She placed two bowls of miso-soup on the table. "Could I now kindly ask everyone to sit down and have breakfast together? Without any arguing?"
The last, but certainly not least, Elite 10 member from the 114th Generation is possibly the most infamous and yet still the most mysterious one at the same time.
For everyone else, I can make several attempts to envision how their mornings might look like. But for Yukihira Hiraku? Not possible.
Filled from head to toe with talent, Yukihira Hiraku entered the academy as a transfer student last year and took Totsuki by storm. Yet his origins are shrouded in mystery to this day. All we got is his mysterious relationship to the Nakiris, yet it still leaves more questions than answers as well.
Who is he really? The newfound idol of our school? The famed Tongue blessed by Angels?
"I can't believe you overslept again, Hiraku! You two are going to miss the train! Is it that hard to set an alarm. I swear-" Those were some of the things Hiraku caught out of his mother's speed-ranting as she squeezed the bento she had prepared into the mess that was his schoolbag.
Hiraku could only watch her with his usual stoic expression. Kimiko stood next to him, already having been perfectly prepared a hour ago, the school bag in her hands  and ready to walk any second. "You really have no sense of time." She scolded.
"Couldn't we ask Aunt Alice to pick us up still? If we do miss the trai-" Hiraku was just about to bring up but Erina interrupted him. "No. Your aunt is busy running an enormous school and we won't bother her because you still haven't learned how to rise early, Hiraku."
"Come on, Erina." Soma attempted to calm the frustrated blonde. "We've all been late sometime." The answer he received was violet eyes glaring at him and a sharp tongue hissing. "You're not one to talk in this matter, Soma!"
The God Tongue had finally managed to not-only squeeze the bento into Hiraku's messy bag but also close the zipper  of it afterwards, despite the fact that the bag looked like about to explode any second. She let out a sigh, exhausted by the battle that the closing of the bag had been and her own ranting throughout of it.
She then picked the the bag up, to hand it back to it's owner. "Now please hurry up, will you."
Kimiko grinned at that. "Don't worry, mom! We're Yukihiras in the end and we always find a way." She eyed Hiraku. "Even if Hiraku's helium-balloon-brain can cause inconvenience here and there, it's still salvageable and as long as things are salvageable Yukihiras find a way to salvage them. Right, dad?"
Soma laughed in response and winked. "That's the spirit, Kimiko! I believe in you."
Hiraku placed a squid-arm between his teeth and merely said. "I believe we really should be going then, huh?"
"That would be for the better, yes." Erina crossed her arms. But then, that rare but beautiful little smile of her's appeared on her lips at last. "Get to Totsuki safely and remember to have fun, okay?"
Soma appeared behind her and laid his arm around her, giving a thumbs-up. "Meanwhile we'll keep things running over here. And you know you can always check in when you need something!"
Well, no matter wether your morning went down eventful or uneventful, something is certain: Things on Totsuki will never be boring!
In the name of Totsuki Sports, I welcome you back to Totsuki Academy! Let's see what the second half of the school year has in store for us. Of course you can be assured that Totsuki Sports will keep you updated on all things going on in our lovely and certainly most lively school.
Signing off, 
Sotsuda-Cohen Cho !
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ur-mom-kayn · 5 years
Loyalty Chapter 39: Open Questions
Kayn Pov
Zed didn't show up all evening. Actually, Akio had already planned to go, but not without saying goodbye to his master. In addition, Kayns mood was bad, so they have decided to sleep together in his room. The next morning, Zed appeared again. Carefully, he woke his student by shaking his sleeve. Several times Kayn blinked until he rubbed his tired eyes to look into the face of his master. "Zed? Where have you been all night?" "Is it going wrong now when I say by Shen?" Confused, Kayn raised an eyebrow. "I know I intended to insult him, but he cried before I got there." "Hold on?! Shen was crying?!" Kayn screamed.
The noise also awoke Akio, who was lying next to him. "My God Kayn ... They call you the silent assassin. Just live up to your reputation." "Huh, brother Akio. I didn't know you were a morning grump." "Of course I'm one! Never noticed that I go to work until 11 o'clock? And now be a little quieter." Annoyed, he turned to the other side and pulled the blanket over his head. "Now back to the topic again. Why did Shen cry? Not because of me, is it?" "Not directly. Akali has left his clan and apparently, he loved her. It's complicated." "Mmmhh, poor Shen. Maybe I should talk to her." "Forget it. She has taken a vacation so she can go through a self-discovery phase."
Somehow Kayn thought it was ridiculous. I would never consider leaving my master. "And how can we help him now?" "I don't know ... just forgive him. He just said that so that you become valuable to the Council. Without the fact that that you are from Noxus, you would be nothing more than a simple strong soldier. Sounds ridiculous but in the end, it has brought us the success." "Maybe ..." Nevertheless, Kayn didn't know how he should now confront the other. And then he remembered ... "Shit! Rhaast!" From the side, he got kicked first. He will not share a bed with Akio in the future again. However, the bigger disaster was the fact that Rhaast was still with Varus. I hope he isn't too upset now.
"Sry Master, but I have to pick up Rhaast very urgently, otherwise he will get angry. Can you ever throw Akio out of bed and then we can go out for dinner together. I'm hungry." Before Zed could even say anything, Kayn disappeared through the wall. He literally sneaked up to Varus's room. Once there, he discovered that the Darkin was still sleeping. A strange sight. He somehow seemed quite human. Rhaast was on the wall, right next to the bed. He too seemed to sleep. Quietly he reached for Rhaast and went to the hall. In sweatpants and a loose shirt, he made his way to the lounge.
Unfortunately, Zed and Akio weren't there yet. So all alone he didn't want to face the Ionian pack. And yet Irelia and Wukong were in the kitchen. Kayn tried to give them an embarrassed smile, but somehow he felt like an outsider. Rhaast was still asleep. He had never wanted so much that he would be awake. Although the conference, after revealing his true origins, tilted slightly, it was still successful. Irelia and Master Yi agreed to help the Order. Nevertheless, Kayn was unsure. His smile was returned with worried facial expressions. Actually, he had hoped for a different reaction. It was unpleasant. Kayn tried to ignore them and got yogurt out of the fridge. Just as he was about to get a spoon, Irelia suddenly answered. "Hey Kayn, could we have a little chat?" Kayn hesitated for a moment. "Yeah, sure. What do you want to talk to me about?"
"Thank you. Well, yesterday we got something terrifying about you. I just wanted to be sure how you feel about it." "Mhh ... what exactly? The fact that I am a Noxian monster, or that my true identity has simply been blabbered?" Irelia looked at him even more worried than before. "I ... I don't think you're a monster. I didn't want to go that far. I just wanted to know what the Noxians did to you and how you feel about them. You said that you were only 10 when you saw a battlefield for the first time. How can you still be alive?" Kayn put away spoon and yogurt cups and looked sadly aside.
"I survived by killing innocent Ionians. At that time I already got my hands dirty and fought without rest for 2 days on the battlefield. At a certain point, I lost my strength. When I saw Zed, I thought that was it. I'm going to die now and I've killed in vain. But then he reached for my hand and told me the fight was over. As soon as I felt the slightest sense of security, I immediately fainted. Next, I woke up in a four-poster bed and was bandaged from top to bottom. Zed sat next to the bed and clarified me. He didn't care that I was an enemy. He gave me a second chance and I gave everything to not disappoint him. I owe my life to him. I ripped my ass off every day. In addition to training, I also learned diligently Ionian and Ionian history. Meanwhile, I fell in love with this country. The language, the culture, nature and above all the magic. There I discovered that I am actually a magician. I didn't know that before. That made me happy and shadow magic gave me the feeling of security. I don't know if you can compare that to the warmth of a mother, never had parents, but I think it comes very close."
It was very noticeable how Wukong got a lump in his throat. Irelia, however, approached Kayn and reached for his right hand. "I understand you so much better now. Thank you for being so open with us. I can now understand better why you follow such a man as Zed. He's some kind of father figure to you, right?" Kayn had to grin. "No, you are wrong. Zed is my mentor and my best friend. Clearly, there is a small age difference between us, but 10 years is too small for a father-son relationship. I considered him more as my big brother. It's complicated. But now we are just best buddies." "That's nice.", She answered with a smile and released him. "Doesn't it bother you that I have noxious blood?" "Not in the least. You can not choose where you are born. Riven was initially on the wrong side and now she helps, on their vacation, the Ionian peasants. She makes an effort to settle her debt. This is tolerated by us. That doesn't mean that you can kill off Ionic people and then with some help everything is eaten. I don't mean that. But as long as you show remorse, everything is fine. And you were a child without choice. So don't worry. You are welcome to us. I wanted to say that on behalf of all Ionians. I'm looking forward to starting a team with you next week. You will definitely be a great jungler."
Even though Kayn wasn't a mischievous person, Irelia's words moved him. "Thanks ... I hope you can forgive me if I don't cry around with emotion now. I really like you guys and it's important to me that you don't consider me as an enemy. Okay, the order can be suspicious, but I guarantee you, we're not enemies." "I thought so." Wukong finally smiled at him. As if speaking of the devil, Zed and Akio came in the room. "Morning.", Zed greeted the crowd unfamiliar. Akio, on the other hand, silently nodded to the others. "Hey Kayn, have you already prepared something for us?" "Nope, I just got here and started the yogurt here. I didn't prepare anything and I don't know what to do." "So if you like, I made too much fruit salad. I hope you like banana, kiwi, and strawberry." Wukong suggested.
Everyone was waiting for an answer from Zed. He simply answered with a nod. "Cool! Then let the party relocate to the dining table. Irelia, could you carry the bowl and cutlery over? I bring glasses and something to drink quickly." Wukong and Irelia started to move, but Zed leaned unobtrusively over to Kayn. "And how should I eat at the big dining table in front of everyone?" "Push your mask up slightly and hold a hand over your mouth. We should behave now. Since yesterday we are alliance partners. It would be good if you also contribute to the social conversation. I know you can be charming." "Okay. ", he answered, slightly annoyed. Kayn took his yogurt and rhaast, which still made no sound, to the table.
In addition to the 5, Karma and Master Yi also sat at the table. It was strange to eat so peacefully with everyone. Even Zed was there. As agreed, he didn't escape. After a conversation lull, Wukong dared to break the silence. "Hey, Akio right? Real strong performance yesterday from you. How did you do that?" Akio looked uncertainly at his master, but for his part, he got no reaction. "Well, I can explain that badly. Shadow ownership is one of the forbidden techniques and cannot be taught. Either you can or you can not. Kayn, for example, can not do it." "Hey! That's not fair brother. You can not walk through walls for that! Plus, your technique will fuck you up against me," Kayn said.
"What do you mean by that?" Irelia asked curiously. This time Kayn looked at Zed. Their master sighed audibly, answering instead of his students. "What Kayn means is that the shadow is always obeying a stronger shadow mage. If Kayn's will is stronger and he is, then he counters the Shadow Ownership technique, and if it goes awry, he might even control his shadow while the technique lasts. But you would be pretty stupid if you keep trying." Even though Zed held his hand over his mouth, one could clearly hear his normal voice. That made for perplexed facial expressions.
"So if I understand that correctly, then Akio is extremely strong against everyone except his own friends," Karma stated. "Ah, not only the order can shadow magic. The Kinkou clan practiced shadow magic as well, but they remain within the scope of the allowed. Shen should be strong enough to break the spell. Although ... no, yes. So much strength should I be able to trust my brother." Shortly had to swallow Master Yi. Wukong hit his Master directly on the back. "Eghh, thank you Wukong, my friend. But what was that because of 'brother'? Since when are you so close to Shen again? Have you set aside all your differences?" "Differences? Which differences? I find Shen just annoying with his balance. Otherwise, I have nothing against him." Zed answered almost amusingly. Kayn was amazed at how relaxed Zed was. Seemed like he was slowly thawing in presence, the other Ionian. With the others, one could clearly feel, how the tension decreased more and more. "Ah, and that you killed his father doesn't matter." "Pretty much yes. My murder had nothing to do with Shen personally. I had had stress with my adoptive father. Shen forgave me halfway. He must not be overcome by anger, which is why he has forgiven me."
"Yes, but you didn't murder just one man, but half the clan. You even took them home. I can not believe that Shen is really so good-natured." Irelia was clearly stunned in the face. Zed set his silverware aside and pulled his mask down again. "Believe it or not. I don't care." Zed got up and started to leave the room. Quickly, Kayn got up, took away their dishes and followed his master, as did Akio.
After his brother packed his stuff, they said goodbye to him at the gate. "Tell the others about the events and prepare them to take the next steps with the Kinkou clan. Shen will also tell his men. If they cause stress, let me know. I'll see what I can do then," Zed instructed his student Akio. "Understood master. Thank you for staying here and the trust you have shown me. I will not disappoint you and Kayn. Please take good care of my little brother. He can sometimes be real ... well, you know." "Further?" Kayn asked angrily. "Oh brother, now and then you have to leave the adults their room for a chat. So I'm going to get up, otherwise, I'll miss the ferry." "Have a good trip," his master wished. Akio bowed by default to his master and then went the distance.
"Man and what do we do now Zed?" "Hmm. I don't know. Maybe enjoy our lonely time again?"
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ezra-blue · 6 years
Worst Version - King Rat: Our Kingdom, Act 2, Alternate Take, Pt. 2
... so I kept going.
Part 1 here.
Below the cut because I’m long-winded. Remember, this is “worst version,” so very off-the-cuff and not meticulously edited but for those who wish to enjoy it, please enjoy it for what it is.
“I fucked up.”
Hakkai hadn’t expected Sanzo to be so candid. Sanzo had gone out for a cigarette break while helping the boys with their homework, and Hakkai had gone out after him under the pretense of taking the dinner garbage to the compost bin. Sanzo stared down the end of his cigarette, slouched against the back wall of the house, as he repeated it: “I fucked up.”
“Er.” Hakkai hesitated. “I appreciate your keen insight.”
“God damn it!” Sanzo pounded his fist against the wall, then grimaced. “I … listen. He sprung it on me. He was trying to talk around it, asking if I wanted another kid, I told him I didn’t, and then he just tells me, ‘too fucking late, dipshit,’ and he panics, says he’s not gonna kill the baby for me, and tells me to get out.”
“I see.” Hakkai pursed his lips, then took a broom from inside the back door and pretended he needed to sweep off the sidewalk. “That lines up rather well with his version of the events. Did he tell you anything else?”
“No.” Sanzo put his cigarette back to his lips, and Hakkai quickly turned back to the sweeping. Sanzo, however, had clearly caught the implication. “Should he have?”
“I imagine that if he decided to try to continue your relationship he may have. However, he told me that Lord Akio is aware of your relationship - or former relationship, as it stands - and disapproves. He said he was concerned over what Akio might do, but since your relationship is over, the point is moot.”
“Gojyo's scared of that whiny bureaucrat?” Sanzo scoffed. “The hormones have him fucked.” He dragged on his cigarette and sighed. “Whatever. I guess he's right.”
“Hm.” Hakkai couldn't quite look Sanzo straight on. “So, what now?”
“What else happens now? I try to co-parent my sons with someone who can't stand to look at me.” Sanzo grimaced and rubbed his forehead. “What else is there?”
“You could try to work through this with him.” Hakkai gripped the broom tight. “What is it you want?”
Sanzo scoffed. “Not to have been away.” His shoulders sunk. “Not to have been away when he needed me. We wouldn’t have this problem if I’d just … been there.” He hit the wall. “We could have had an actual conversation about this and decided what to do about …” He hesitated, so Hakkai finished the sentence:
“The baby.” Sanzo flinched. Hakkai stopped sweeping. “What is it you want regarding the unborn child?”
Sanzo ground his teeth together for a moment. “I …” He swallowed. “I didn’t want it.”
“I see.”
“But if it’s going to happen …” Sanzo hesitated again, and Hakkai would have sworn he looked a little green. “I … I want it to be healthy.”
“Ah.” Hakkai felt a spark of hope. “I suppose that you’d rather your sons have a healthy, happy sibling.”
Sanzo made a noncommittal little grunt. “It’s not …” Finally, he stubbed his cigarette out on the wall. “I’m going to keep helping them.” He went back inside without looking at Hakkai again, and Hakkai sighed and put a hand over his heart.
“There’s a chance, there might be a chance…”
When Hakkai got back up into the main room, Sanzo was frozen at the door to the living space, and Hakkai peered past him to see Goku down on his knees in front of Gojyo, forcing Gojyo’s shirt up and pressing his ear against his middle. Both boys were watching and shouting, even as Goku shushed them:
“Hang on, hang on! I’m listening to the baby!” Sanzo’s shoulders shook, and he balled his hands at his sides as both of the children quieted, and Goku tilted his head into the tiny bump at Gojyo’s waist. “Yeah, I can hear her heart beating. I thought I smelled a new soul on ya a few months ago.” He slid his arms around Gojyo’s waist and hugged. “I can’t wait to meet her!”
“Jeez!” Gojyo jumped a little at Goku’s embrace, twitching before grounding himself by stroking his fingers through his hair. “You don’t know it’s a girl yet. And why didn’t you tell me when you figured it out, I’ve had a passenger I didn’t know about for way too long!”
Goku stuck his tongue out at him. “I told you, I can’t use the god stuff to tell you stuff you wouldn’t know about. And no, I can’t tell if it’s a girl yet, but I got a sneakin’ suspicion.” He stood up, dusting his palms as he turned to Eiji and Yohei. “How’d’ya like that?”
“Wanna brother.” Yohei blew a raspberry, and Eiji giggled, but shrugged.
“I dunno, I just wanna meet ‘em!”
“That’s the idea!” Goku held a hand out, and Eiji gave him a low-five. Then, Goku shot Sanzo a significant look. “You think so too, right?”
Sanzo went rigid again, and Hakkai noticed the faint pain in Gojyo’s expression as he stood up, pushed his shirt back down, and grabbed the ledger.
“Hakkai, I’m gonna do the numbers. You two be good.” He hurried away, not daring to look at Sanzo, but Hakkai knew he saw Sanzo stare at him, his gaze tracing Gojyo's profile, before dropping to the floor.
Hakkai had expected Gojyo to punch him as he passed. From the expression on Sanzo's face, he may as well have.
He doesn't want this, Hakkai knew. Neither of them did.
Gojyo wasn't sleeping most nights. Hakkai could hear him pacing the shop floor. Sometimes he even thought he heard him singing lullabies.
Gojyo wasn't eating, or not much, and when he did, he would be sick minutes after finishing. He looked wan and haggard, even more than before he'd learned of his condition. Hakkai tried to soothe him, but he could only ease the nausea.
“It's worse than with the boys,” he concluded with a moan, forlorn words reverberating off the close bathroom walls. Hakkai patted his back, subtly trying to wipe at Gojyo's imbalanced hormones with the same touch.
“You're a little older now, and your body chemistry has changed. It's to be expected.”
“I ain't that old.” Gojyo winced and rubbed at his middle. There was a little mound under his navel now, usually hidden under loose clothes or his shop apron, but very present. “I think it's ‘cause I treated myself so rough right after she got made. She's cranky.”
Hakkai laughed, patting Gojyo's shoulder again. “That's an idea, isn't it? You'll have to be kind to her. I think the best way to be kind to her would be to be kind to her father.” He helped Gojyo to his feet. “Why don't you sleep in tomorrow? Sanzo's been escorting Yohei and Eiji to school consistently, but if he should fail to appear tomorrow, I'll take care of them.”
Gojyo grunted as he stumbled to his bed. “Rotten bastard. What's he even playing at now?”
Hakkai hesitated, then cautiously answered: “I believe that, no matter his standing with you, he genuinely wants to be there for his sons. He sees them as his responsibility, and he may finally have come to recognize that you're not obligated to wedge him in, and with your breakup, you're not going to make excuses for him anymore.”
“Damn right. About time.” Gojyo threw his shirt off, then looked to the mattress behind him. “He's five years late, but better late than never, right? It's just a damn shame it took him being faced with another responsibility he doesn't want for him to wake the fuck up to them.” He paused, pensive. “But it ain't like you ought'a hafta deal with my stupid, messy heart. Thanks for sitting up with me, but we ought'a get some shut-eye.”
“You should.” Hakkai studied him a moment, suddenly far too aware of Gojyo's trepidation. “Is there some reason your sleep hasn't come easily, other than needing to wake and be ill?”
Gojyo grimaced, then shrugged. “Nightmares. I keep having these dreams, then I wake up cold and alone and I … I dunno. S'fine, though -”
“It certainly is not.” Hakkai approached the bed. “You need rest, if not for your own sake, then for hers. Is it …” Hakkai hesitated, then whispered, “You need to be held, don't you?”
“I ain't a baby.” Gojyo crossed his arms and broke eye contact. Hakkai sat beside him.
“No, but you still have needs, which must be met. I know I'm not the person for the job, but may I try to play as substitute?” He wound an arm around Gojyo's shoulders before he could answer. “Just until you fall asleep. I won't stay.”
Gojyo went rigid for a moment, then gradually relaxed into Hakkai's touch. “You can stay. Ain't like I can do nothing about it, right?” He slumped into Hakkai's chest, and Hakkai rubbed his back until he dozed off. Then, Hakkai laid him down, covered him with the quilt, and made for the door.
Gojyo was whimpering in his sleep before Hakkai had even gotten to the stairs.
Sanzo had made a habit of chasing Hakkai out whenever he went to the compost bin, saying he needed a smoke, then cornering Hakkai and demanding to know what was happening in the house when he was gone. Hakkai, of course, told him the truth.
“He's not eating well. I saw him swallow bile twice before he could finish eating lunch, and I imagine he rejected it all when he excused himself.”
“He’s not gaining much weight, though his clothes seem to be fitting him worse. He stepped on my scale this morning, but though he needed my help to read his results, he actually lost some compared to last week.”
Each update was spoken like admonishment, and day after day, Sanzo hung his head in shame after getting his answers. He'd shake his head, then go quiet until he finished his cigarette and return to helping the twins with their homework or playing a game. It didn't stop Hakkai from answering when asked.
“He doesn't sleep well. He tries to go to sleep after he puts the children down. He tossed and turned all last night - I sat with him after I heard him vomiting - and surely you see the bags under his eyes, how his motions drag.”
“He needs to be held.” Sanzo bit his lip as soon as it escaped him, then crushed his cigarette against the wall. “It's his damn PTSD. He can't sleep alone.” He contemplated, mouth pinched and puckered. “I should … I …”
“Say it.” Hakkai knew he was the wrong person to say it, to hear it, but he wanted to for Gojyo's sake. “You never wanted to break things off.”
“I did.” Sanzo paused. “I was angry enough to accept it for one night. But…” He put his hand over his chest, and Hakkai filled in what he didn’t, couldn’t say. “There's nothing I can do about it now.”
“Have you told him? Spoken with him?”
“I'm not stupid.” Sanzo lit a new cigarette. “We haven't talked. He won't look at me. Every time I do talk to him, he flinches. The most he tries is when he mumbles about the boys. He doesn't want to talk to me. I don't think he trusts me to keep returning to visit the boys, let alone making sure he's alive and hasn't starved to death!” He swore and shook his head, as Hakkai considered his words.
“Have you considered the new baby?”
“He covers his belly with his hands whenever I'm around, as if I'll steal her from inside of him.” He sneered, but Hakkai faced him.
“But how do you feel?”
“What does that matter?”
“Your feelings and his have gotten you to where you stand, and you can at least examine one of those.”
Sanzo sealed his lips, then shook his head. “I … don't know. I don't know how to feel.” He crossed his arms but puffed deep on his smoke. “I didn't want her. I don't think she should … but if she's coming anyway, I want to meet her.” He grimaced, and slid down the wall. “I started imagining… seeing Gojyo holding her, like he did Yohei and Eiji, tiny little body on his big shoulder. I want to see her and look her in the face, and know she's alive, and I … I'll likely fall for her like I did my sons, the second I first held them.” He stubbed his cigarette out. “I was terrified of them until I met them.” He looked Hakkai dead on. “He said … I wouldn't be involved in her life. How…” He trailed off, but Hakkai understood.
“I don't think he expected you to be here daily. However, if ever this child asked about you, I believe he would simply tell her, ‘That's not your father.’”
Sanzo flinched. “He'd lie to her because of this?”
“Would you prefer he say, ‘he didn't want you,’ or something like that?”
“No!” Sanzo hit the wall with his fist. “No, I want to -!! I - I want to hold her. I want her to know that even if her father hates me, she's mine and I'll … I'll …” He trailed off, fury dwindling into despair. “Gojyo would take her away from me. I thought about it, imagined the sight of him shielding my child from me.” He could see it, Gojyo with some soft little stranger laid on his shoulder, putting his hands over her to protect her from him, and his guts clenched. “It made me physically ill.” He shivered. “I'm not some monster.”
“You're not.” Hakkai didn't know what else to tell him, stunned at Sanzo's candor. “You should try to talk to him about this. Perhaps, even if you don't want to reengage him romantically, you could offer support to the new baby, offer to help care for them. Offer to be her father.”
“I don't think he wants that.” Sanzo shook his head. “You said yourself, he doesn't expect me to be here. He probably thought I'd never come back, not even for our sons.” He pulled a face. “As if I'd abandon them.” He pushed away from the wall. “I might as well do what I'm allowed to do for them.” He turned for the door and vanished back into the house. Hakkai counted to ten, then sighed.
“It's a bad day,” he told himself, “when I am the most emotionally healthy adult in the house.”
They had all noticed subtle changes in the twins’ behavior, little things. Eiji would sit on Sanzo's lap whenever he could, and he would watch Gojyo very carefully whenever they were in the same room. Yohei hesitated to break away from Gojyo when he gave him his goodbye hug, and Hakkai could see him clinging to Gojyo’s middle a little tighter as the mound under his navel swelled week by week. One time, Gojyo heard him whispering, “Be good for Daddy today.” However, he only seemed to have bitter looks for Sanzo, and would always hang his head when Sanzo was talking to him. There were suspicious looks and whispered conversations, and neither of them would explain or elaborate no matter how Gojyo or Goku asked. Sanzo and Gojyo each checked with Goku and Hakkai, and they both agreed that they were acting oddly.
Sanzo took the leap.
He and Goku had escorted them back from school, with Eiji holding his hand tight and Yohei dawdling on the edge of the sidewalk, and sent them up the stairs with Goku to the house but ducked into the shop. He marched past Hakkai into Gojyo’s workroom, ready to talk, but he found himself caught up short.
Gojyo was leaned back in the chair, giving his middle a little rub and talking softly, “Just a little longer, okay? I think I just heard your big brothers -” He halted when he saw Sanzo in the doorway, and quickly sat forward. The hand on his belly shifted low, protective, holding her close. “Oh. Uh.” He broke eye contact with him. “Need something?”
Sanzo’s chest panged, but he tried to catch Gojyo’s eye again. “I wanted to talk to you about Yohei and Eiji. They’re acting strangely.”
“Yeah, I’d kinda noticed too.” Gojyo did glance up again, just long enough to take up his knife and the flowers he meant to work on. “I ask ‘em every morning if they’re okay, I check their homework and stuff, I tell ‘em they can come talk to me whenever. Closest I’ve got is Yohei comin’ to sleep in my bed more often than he used to. He tells me…” Gojyo trailed off, but Sanzo crept closer.
“Look, it’s…” Gojyo’s face worked, and he set his scissors down and covered his belly again. “He, uh, said he wanted to sleep with his baby brother.”
“Is there some cause for concern?” Sanzo wanted to demand ‘is she okay?’ but didn’t dare, not when Gojyo already looked so tetchy under the fall of his hair.
“Nothing you should worry about.” Gojyo forced himself to take his knife up and focus on his work. Sanzo inhaled deep.
“You’re not answering the question I asked. Have you been well lately?”
“Like I said. Nothing to worry about.” Gojyo bit his lip, then trimmed another stray leaf. “It’s not easy, you know? Kinda takes a toll on me. They both tell me I’ve been looking a little more tired lately.”
Sanzo could see it. Gojyo looked thin and wan everywhere but in the middle. He was unusually pale, and he trembled a little whenever he extended his arms. “Is there anything I can do to help? Do you want me here more?”
Gojyo stilled for a second, then turned on his stool towards the wall. “We’re okay. I’m glad you’re around as much as you are for ‘em. It’s good for ‘em, y’know? You’re doing plenty.” He paused. “Thanks.”
Sanzo’s hands had somehow balled into fists, and now they were shaking. “Don’t thank me for doing things I’m supposed to do. They’re my sons too.” He gripped the door frame tight. “I’m going to stay late tonight to help put them to bed, and perhaps they'll talk to me.” He paused. “I think I’ll start trying to stay late as many nights as I can.”
“You don’t have to.” Gojyo turned to stare at Sanzo, wide-eyed, as if scared. “I don’t want you to break curfew again, man.”
Sanzo snorted. “What, would you kick me out if I ended up staying late? I’ll sleep on the floor if I have to. I miss having breakfast with them, and the more I can be around them, the better.”
Gojyo stared at Sanzo for a long time, then forced himself to look away. “Just don’t make a habit of it. I don’t want them getting the wrong idea.”
Sanzo scoffed. “What wrong idea? That I want to be with our family, no matter the personal cost? I’m not the selfish asshole you think I am.” He huffed, swore under his breath, and turned. “I’m going to help them with their homework while you finish up. Try not to overdo it.” He hesitated. “And … be careful playing around in that chair. I’d hate for you to fall off and get hurt.”
Gojyo could only gape as Sanzo left. Then, something jolted inside of him, and he started. “The hell?” He put his hand over his chest as Hakkai peered in. “Sorry, something felt weird just now. Hope that was just heartburn.”
“Rather than heartache?” Hakkai pursed his lips as Gojyo scowled.
“Don’t start, c’mon. You heard what I just had to deal with.”
“Your former lover, genuinely concerned.” Hakkai heaved a little sigh. “Yes, I can appreciate your distress. Please let me know if you need anything to help with the heartburn.”
“M’fine,” Gojyo mumbled, and forced himself to focus on his work again.
He forced himself not to think about it. It hurt less that way.
That night, Gojyo still helped bathe the boys, but he let Sanzo read the bedtime story. He did listen, lingering in the hall as Sanzo read. He let his hand drift to his belly again, remembering how Sanzo’s voice had always resonated in his soul. He thought he could feel the baby rocking in his belly, content and comfortable as his spirit found a little ease.
For a few minutes, he could imagine that rough voice in his ear as he curled against Gojyo’s back in their shared bed.
When Sanzo got to the end of the storybook, he closed it and kissed each boy on the cheek. “You’re both still awake. Would you like another story?” He paused. “Or would you like to talk to me about anything?”
“Papa?” Both boys spoke at once.
“Papa, the baby, the baby,” Eiji babbled. “What’s going to happen?”
“You don’t love Daddy anymore, what about the baby? What about us?” Yohei, too, sounded panicked. Sanzo stared between them, trying not to show his confusion.
“What do you mean? Is something wrong? Has your dad been okay?”
“Daddy said-!”
“The baby!”
“It’s ‘cause of love, right?”
“That’s where babies come from, right?”
Sanzo gaped, then remembered that Gojyo had given them a toddler’s version of the talk, and they still remembered. “Yes. Babies come from when two people love each other very much.”
Both boys cried out together: “But you don’t love Daddy!”
“Daddy said you couldn’t love us together anymore!” Yohei pounded his fists on the bed. “You don’t love him no more!”
“He never says it to you, and you never say it to him,” Eiji mumbled.
“Are we gonna disappear ‘cause you don’t love each other anymore?”
“No!” Sanzo put the book down and grabbed at his scalp, unable to look at them. “You two are going to be alright. You’re here, you’re safe, and your Daddy and I care for you both very, very much. Nothing will happen to you, and we’re both going to take care of you.”
“But the baby!” Yohei crossed his arms. “He’s gonna die, ‘cause babies are made of love and you don’t love Daddy anymore!”
In the hall, Gojyo dropped to his knees and clasped his hands over his mouth, nearly sick to his stomach. Sanzo could only stare at Yohei, feeling small in a way he hadn’t thought possible anymore.
“Your baby brother or sister is going to be alright,” he said after a stretch of agonizing silence. “Your Uncle, Big Cousin, and I will make sure of it.”
“But it’s love, isn’t it?” Eiji hung his head. “He or she needs you to love them, right? Can you try to love him or her, too? Maybe love Daddy just a little longer?”
“Don’t be stupid!” Yohei threw his pillow at Eiji. “He was gone and Daddy was lonely and sad and sick! Now the baby needs him, but he didn’t care before, why’s he gonna care now?”
“Boys, listen.” Sanzo hung his head low as he gathered his thoughts. “Your little brother or sister will be alright. I am doing what I can. I need you to trust me and your dad that we will take care of you and the baby.” He stuttered on the word, feeling it catch in his throat and teeth. Yohei scoffed, and Eiji shook his head.
“But Papa, what about Daddy?”
“I love your Daddy very much.” Sanzo couldn't keep it in. “Please believe me when I say that. I love him very, very much.”
Eiji lit up with relief. “Then … they'll be okay. Daddy's gonna be okay.” He rolled over in bed, and Sanzo heard Yohei sobbing softly into his pillow.
“I love both of you, too.”
He couldn���t stand it any longer. He tiptoed from the room, turning out the light and closing the door tight, but then he turned around to where he knew Gojyo had been lingering. He heard a sob from down the hall, too loud to be Yohei, and hurried to the kitchen where Gojyo was collapsed against the drawer, muttering and panicking.
“Stop, stop, stop,” he pleaded, wide-eyed, grabbing at his belly. “Ryuji, I’m sorry, stop, I don’t-”
“Gojyo.” Sanzo dropped down in front of him and seized his shoulders. “Gojyo, talk, talk to me.”
“Ryuji,” Gojyo gasped again, clutching at his chest. “He's there, crawling out of me, he'll tear me to pieces, I can feel it, make it stop!”
Those words struck Sanzo like lightning might. “It's our baby, not him. It's not happening! Look at me, you're not there anymore!” Gojyo stared through him as if he were so much dust, wheezing like he was being crushed, and Sanzo shook him. “It's your daughter in you. Nobody else. Is … is she kicking?”
Gojyo nodded, a motion so slight Sanzo barely caught it. “It's the baby. It's just the baby.” Sanzo, wincing, touched the bump Gojyo was too distraught to protect. He could feel it too: a gentle flutter under the skin. “She's alive. That's all this means.”
Tears streaked Gojyo's face, but his gaze was able to focus on Sanzo. He took a few more deep breaths, and Sanzo made an effort to breathe with him, the way he used to soothe Gojyo through his old panic attacks. “That's it,” Sanzo muttered. “Come back down. Back here. I'm here, we're here now.”
Finally, Gojyo exhaled, then pulled his knees in, dislodging Sanzo's hand. “Fuck.” He smeared at the damp trails on his face, and tried (but failed) to force his voice steady. “That was pretty fucking pathetic, huh?”
“No.” Sanzo crossed his arms. “It's the same PTSD you've battled for seven years.” Gojyo sulked and slumped down further into the counter.
“Thanks for not giving me shit. And, uh, sitting with me. Like before.” He tried to curl into himself, but Sanzo planted a hand on his shoulder and forced him flat.
“Don't thank me for things like that. I told you.” He leaned close, longing to kiss him, wipe his tears away, something, but made himself stop. He couldn't force his feelings on Gojyo. All he could do was draw his hands back and let them fall to his sides, useless, then backed away so as not to trap Gojyo against the counter. “Do you want some water? Tea? Anything?”
“M’fine.” He gripped the counter behind him and pulled himself to a stand, knees still shaking. “Thanks for gettin’ the boys. I’m, um, goin’ to bed now, too.”
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Sanzo reached for him as he turned, but Gojyo was already retreating. He halted, shivering, but didn’t turn back.
“Yeah. You should go. It’s late.”
Sanzo didn’t want to go. He wanted to wrap his arms around Gojyo and hold him until he felt better. It took all of his willpower to walk away, down the stairs, towards the door. Hakkai was moving through the shop on his way up, and Sanzo caught his eye as he rounded towards the stairs, and pinned him with a glower.
“He had a panic attack. Go check on him.” He shuddered, head hung. “He won't talk to me.”
“Sanzo?” Hakkai knit up his brow and reached for him, but Sanzo pushed his hand aside.
“I'm not the one who needs help. He is.” Sanzo shook his head and turned for the door. “He'll let you care for him. You haven't hurt him like I have.”
“Wait, perhaps we should tal-” Sanzo was already turning as Hakkai reached for him again.
Someone had to extend a hand.
The bell over the door was swinging as the door fell shut, as Sanzo vanished down the road again. Hakkai heaved a sigh and scrubbed his palm down his face.
Still, this was a shift. Maybe another subtle step in the right direction, whatever that direction might end up being.
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Kim Jonghyun Mafia AU
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like many of the other members of 101, you had gotten involved in 101 business due to your father’s involvement before you
your dad, who had passed away, had been one of the main managers of the drug flow through 101, but since you were fairly inexperienced, you entered the 101 as a runner (someone who delivers small amounts of drugs to people and collects the money)
the guy who replaced your dad, kim jonghyun, was apparently kind and forgiving, but you had yet to ever meet him for yourself
one time, the person you were delivering to got violent, insisting that you were asking for the wrong place
he’d shoved you and slapped you a couple times, but you’d managed to break free and run off, unable to complete the deal
not being able to collect the money/drop off the product was a big deal, and you were scared about what kim jonghyun might do
you returned back to the 101 hq, informing the correct person about what happened, and he sent you up to jonghyun’s office
you waited outside uncomfortably, pacing back and forth
finally, the person inside shouted “come in!”
you pushed the door, heart in your throat, and when you saw kim jonghyun for the first time, your heart beat even harder, but for an entirely different reason
you’d been expecting some crotchety old man to have replaced your father, but kim jonghyun was a young, extremely handsome 20-something, sitting at his desk in the crisp suit required of all 101 higher-ups, suit jacket slung over the back of his seat casually
stacks of papers surrounded him, and he pushed a file of papers aside to focus on you
you then noticed that he was frowning
“come in, sit down,” he said gently, gesturing to the seat across the table from him
you took the seat gingerly, watching the man in partial fear
“how did you get hurt?” he asked in concern, leaning on his elbows to get a closer look at you
your hand darted up to your face, wincing as your fingers touched slightly puffy, raw skin. apparently, the slap had left bruises
“did the pickup do that?” jonghyun asked again, this time a bit more sternly
“y-yeah,” you said quietly, unsure of what was to happen
“and you had no way of defending yourself?” he continued, frown growing deeper. “no gun, no weapon, no training?”
you shook your head and he cursed under his breath, reaching over to pick up the phone on his desk
“yah, kang dongho,” he snapped, running a hand through his inky black hair, “when you get new recruits, make sure you actually teach them how to fire a fucking gun before sending them my way.”
he hung up the phone and turned back to you
“are you alright?” he asked, “the guy didn’t try anything else, right? you don’t need a visit to the hospital?”
“no, no,” you replied, shaking your head, “he just shoved me around a bit, it’s no big deal.”
“well, we won’t be dealing to him again,” jonghyun informed you, “we don’t deal with pickups who think it’s okay to rough up our runners. but you,” jonghyun looked up at you, as though contemplating something, “you need to learn how to shoot a gun.”
you looked up at jonghyun in alarm, “i really don’t think that’s necessary,” you replied, “i’ll be fine.”
“well, you have the tattoo, right?” jonghyun raised his eyebrows as your fingers reached up, brushing over the 101 tattoo located right under your collarbone, “any true member of 101 should have a gun, i’m not sure why you weren’t taught.”
when dongho had brought you through the 101 initiation, he’d told you that he’d promised your father he’d do whatever it took to keep you from harming other people, which was why you were assigned as a runner instead of on a different team
but, jonghyun was your boss, and so you opted for not saying anything
“i’ll drive you up to the shooting range tomorrow,” jonghyun said, returning to the files he’d been working on, “get a good night’s rest
“thank you.” you replied, hurrying out of the room 
the next day, jonghyun picks you up from your apartment
despite his high ranking in 101, he’s definitely kind, but a bit quiet
most of the car ride was spent listening to the radio, and you were unsure how to make conversation
he pulled into the parking lot, showing you inside the small store that accompanied the range
after picking up the proper gear-- glasses, earplugs and ear coverings, he disappeared into a back room, reappearing with two small, compact black handguns
first, he taught you how to load the gun, watching carefully as you followed his directions
then he took you over to one of the targets, instructing you on how to stand, where to hold the gun, hand placement and such
finally, he decided that it was time to actually fire
he shot a few rounds first, making sure that you understood exactly what to do before stepping aside
he took off the hat that he was hearing, handing it to you-- it was important to wear a hat so that the ejected brass wouldn’t hit you in the face
after tugging the hat on, you positioned yourself, doing your best to listen to jonghyun’s advice
the kickback was intense, making you stumble a bit
jonghyun caught you by the shoulders, making sure you were okay
the first shot had completely missed, but as you spent more and more time shooting, you were able to consistently hit the target
“i think this is okay,” jonghyun said, once you were able to hit at least some part of the target 9/10 times. “i’m not looking for you to be able to kill people, just defend yourself.”
once you were done at the range, you drove back to the city, and jonghyun said that he’d buy some lunch quickly, feeling bad that he’d kept you for so long
the meal was nice, and you could tell that jonghyun was forcing himself to make conversation with you, despite him not being a super outspoken person
as with any conversation with another 101 member, the subject of how you got involved came up
you explained to him about your father and how you’d gotten dragged in due to your involvement
“you’re deuce’s kid?” jonghyun was surprised that nobody had bothered to tell him that his former boss’s daughter was now working under him
you shrugged, eating another french fry, “it never came up, i guess.”
you returned to your usual jobs with a handgun tucked into your waistband 
jonghyun would periodically check in with you to make sure you were safe and okay
and every time, your heart would explode out of your chest
one night, you’re returning from a job when you get called up to the main office
kang daniel is lounging in his usual chair, ha sungwoon was investigating what books daniel had on his shelves, and jonghyun was pacing back and forth
“ah, (y/n)!” daniel smiled, gesturing for you to take a seat
he explained that there was a yakuza boss who had specifically requested to meet with 101, wanting to form a trade deal/pact
“why am i involved in this?” you frowned, crossing your arms
“yeah daniel, why is (y/n) involved in this?” jonghyun snapped, clearly upset at what was happening
daniel glared sharply at jonghyun
“you know the drug trade better than anyone at 101,” daniel said bluntly, “better than jonghyun. you grew up around the trade-- you understand rates, you know the different traders in asia. you need to be present at this meeting.”
you sighed, pushing your hair back, “when is this meeting?”
“tomorrow,” daniel explained, “jonghyun will be acting as a front; there will be a camera placed on jonghyun’s body. you will be in the vehicle with sungwoon, directing jonghyun via in-ear.”
you contemplated the suggestion.
“why can’t i go to the meeting as well?” you asked, “wouldn’t jonghyun going alone be dangerous?”
“you’re not going,” jonghyun said firmly, “you just learned how to shoot a gun, this is going to be dangerous.”
you glared up at jonghyun momentarily before turning back to daniel, rolling your eyes
“fine, i’ll do it.”
soon, you found yourself sitting in the front seat of sungwoon’s car, laptop in between the two of you
one upside to staying in the car was that you were able to wear your sweats-- jonghyun had to dress extremely nicely (when you saw him in his expensive suit and gelled hair, you’d almost passed out)
jonghyun walked into the hotel where the meeting was, letting himself be lead to the back room
“okay,” you began, eyes scanning over the scene, “i think they’ve replaced all hotel staff with their own people, but i’m not positive. the guy who just boarded the elevator definitely had a tattoo.”
jonghyun entered the room he’d been guided to, taking a seat across from akio, a prominent yakuza leader
akio began making his offer, smiling sleazily over at jonghyun
you listened closely, trying to pick out what exactly akio’s offer was
jonghyun pulled the contract towards him, scanning it
“wait, jonghyun, go back to the second page,” you said quickly, leaning forward to examine it.
“jonghyun, you need to get out of there, it’s a set-up,” you said urgently, “svt is behind this, they’re trying to get you to switch to akio so that they can take our current deals with other groups from us, since we would have switched allegiance. you need to leave,now,”
you watched worriedly as jonghyun did his best to refuse the offer, citing that he would need to consult with higher-ups
“how did you know?” sungwoon asked as he watched jonghyun quickly walk out of the room
“svt doesn’t have any drugs specialists,” you explained, watching anxiously as jonghyun sped through the halls of the hotel, “they sorted their offers by class, but they listed heroin under pharmaceutical, not as an opiod. the yakuza wouldn’t make a rookie mistake like that, and svt has been trying to corner 101′s hold on the drug market here for years.”
sungwoon whistled, nodding, “you really are deuce’s kid.”
jonghyun was able to make it out and sungwoon quickly pulled up to the hotel, picking him up
“thank you, (y/n),” jonghyun said breathlessly, quickly buckling his seatbelt as sungwoon pealed off, heading towards the 101 hq
after explaining the situation, several of the guys, including jonghyun, decided that they would go out for drinks, but you just decided to head home, feeling exhausted
it wasn’t hard for you to fall asleep, given how much you’d gone through that day, and you quickly drifted off
however, you were woken up by the sound of someone pressing your doorbell, making the loud rings echo through your apartment
groaning, you dragged yourself up, thinking maybe 101 had some kind of emergency
sure enough, jonghyun stood on your doorstep, but when you looked closely, he looked like he was about to fall asleep
“um, jonghyun?” you asked tentatively, staring at him in concern
jonghyun looked up at you, sighing
“you really are an angel,” he said with a small smile, ruffling his already messy hair, “you even answer the door at three in the morning.” you frowned, noticing how slurred his words were
“jonghyun, are you drunk?” 
“y-yeah,” jonghyun managed to get out, stumbling a bit 
sighing, you helped him into your apartment, sitting him down on your couch
you brought him a piece of toast and some water, watching in concern as he tried to dip the toast in the water-- you’d never seen the quiet, closed off jonghyun act like this
“(y/n),” jonghyun began, looking over at you, “you know i really, really like you?” you stared back at the man in shock. “you’re really the perfect one for me, but you never seem to look my way.”
“just,” you shook your head, a million thoughts swirling, “just eat your bread so that we can sleep, jonghyun.”
jonghyun pouted at you before stuffing the entire slice of bread into his mouth
once he was less wasted, you made sure he was sleeping on his side, so that he wouldn’t vomit, before returning to sleep yourself
the next morning, you awoke to the sound of loud cursing and the faint smell of smoke
getting up, you raced out to the kitchen, where jonghyun was desperately fanning the toaster, billows of smoke coming from it
“um, jonghyun?” you asked carefully, trying to suppress a laugh
“ah, you’re awake,” he said sheepishly, “i wanted to make you breakfast, but i burned the toast, so now there’s only eggs.”
“it’s fine,” you laughed, grabbing the plate that was on the table, “we can just eat this, i don’t mind.”
the two of you ate in relative silence, until jonghyun set down his fork
“(y/n), I’m really sorry,” he sighed, “first i show up to your house drunk, and then I burn your toaster.”
you chuckled, “it’s fine, I’m just a bit unused to seeing you in this light.”
he groaned, ruffling his hair in embarrassment, “I really wasn’t planning on confessing to you drunk at three in the morning, though.”
you wrinkled your nose, glancing over at him, “you meant that?”
he turned a bit red, nodding, “yeah, I did,” he shrugged, “i do really like you, but i wanted to confess properly, not while I was wasted.”
“it was cute,” you replied with a grin, “i’ll accept, as long as you truly meant it.”
“actually?” jonghyun looked up at you happily with a wide smile, “you really are an angel.”
stream jelly pass it on
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noikracs · 5 years
Summary: Reiji has a date at prom but it goes terribly wrong
“I don’t know if I like this Wataru-guy. He seems a little odd, yeah?” Tajima asked nervously, scratching his jaw.
Shrugging, Reiji yawned, “I’ll be fine. He’s the only reason I’m going to prom anyway.”
Sugai rose a brow. “Didn’t you say he was mean to you the other day?”
“Whaaat? No, that was Bakugo,” Reiji said quickly, chuckling nervously.
Cocking his head, Tajima said, “You always said that asshole was mean to you. Are you sure?”
Reiji nodded. “Yeah. Now how does this suit look?” he asked, turning to the side to show off his black suit.
“You look lovely, honey,” Sugai said, smiling. Though in his eyes, he had a look of worry.
Grinning tiredly, Reiji said, “Good.”
Reiji’s head popped up when he heard the doorbell ring and he rushed downstairs to get it and saw it was the very man they were speaking about: Akio Wataru.
“Ah, so you are the famous Akio Wataru. Nice to meet’cha,” Tajima said with a toothy grin, though his eyes were showing protectiveness over their son.
The man had shoulder-length black hair and a black suit as well— though nowhere near as fancy as Reiji’s— which Reiji was embarrassed about.
Wataru smiled, though it wasn’t reaching his eyes as he held out his hand for a handshake. “Nice to meet you as well, Mister Sunada.”
“Just be home by ten, alright?” Sugai asked, a concerned look in his eyes as he put a hand on Reiji’s shoulder.
Scowling, Reiji muttered, “You guys are too overprotective. I’ll be fine.”
“You can’t get mad at us for parenting, kiddo,” Tajima said, glaring at Wataru every now and then.
Wataru held out his hand for Reiji. “Ready to go?”
Chuckling, Reiji said, “More than anything. Let’s get out of here. Bye, love you, dads!”
“Love you too,” Sugai said first before Tajima nearly screamed it back to his son enthusiastically.
Reiji looked out the car window before furrowing his eyebrows. “This isn’t where we’re supposed to go, right?”
His date, Wataru, only smiled. “Mhm. We’re going somewhere else.”
“Really? Wh—where?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Uhh... okay.”
Sugai frowned deeply, his head in his hands as he sat on the couch. “I do not like his date,” he stated dryly.
A nod from Tajima. “Yeah... we should’ve made him come home earlier...”
“I could’ve swore he was the one Reiji was saying was picking on him,” Sugai stressed, almost angrily.
Tajima gulped. “Should we call him?”
That seemed to humor Sugai a little. “He left ten minutes ago,” he said matter-of-factly.
“Still!” Tajima barked, a desperate look in his eyes.
Sugai sighed. “Let’s just give it thirty more minutes, okay?”
Nervously, Tajima nodded. “Okay...”
“I— I knew you didn’t simply want to ‘go to prom with me!’” Reiji cried, hurrily putting his clothes back on.
Wataru darkly grinned. “You know you liked it. Don’t lie to me, doll.”
Backing away, Reiji yelled, “You’re insane! Get away from m—me!”
“Hm. Playing hard to get, eh? Well, at least I got the fun part. Good thing my parents are on a business trip, right, darlin’?” he snided, giving a smug look.
Reiji’s eyes showed fear yet his tone was venom. “You are a— a monster!”
The man smirked. “Well, if you tell anyone, you’ll be the slut of the school. We wouldn’t want that, right?” he said, holding up a camera tape— waving it around as a lazy threat.
“G—go screw yourself,” Reiji hissed, finally getting his pants buckled.
Wataru chuckled. “Fowl mouth. That’s funny. Well, fine, go back home. But again, if you tell anyone about this...” he went back to holding up the tape.
Though Reiji wanted to tackle the man and take the tape— he felt like he couldn’t go anywhere near the man who defiled him.
He just couldn’t.
“Fine. Just don’t ever fucking talk to me again,” Reiji growled, his voice still wet with tears.
Wataru kept his smug smile. “No promises.”
When Reiji got out of the god-awful house, he felt his phone buzz.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up...” Tajima muttered before a strained voice came onto the phone.
Reiji rasped, “Yeah?”
Both parents sighed in relief before Sugai asked, “A—are you alright, sweetheart? Are you crying?” he demanded.
“N—no. My voice just hurts,” Reiji responded.
Tajima nearly whispered, “Where is your date?”
It took a bit to respond but Reiji managed to mumble, “He’s— he’s just getting punch.”
“Oh. And where are you?”
“Talking to a— a f—few friends.”
Sugai made a noise of acknowledgement before asking, “Is Todoroki there? Or Iida?”
Another small pause before Reiji managed to splutter, “I— I lied.”
“What about, baby?” asked Tajima, cutting off Sugai who looked like he was about to respond.
Reiji sniffled. “I— I’m n—not at prom.”
Immediately, Tajima asked, “Where are you? Where is Wataru?”
“H—he w—was m—mean to me again... I’m in some random street,” Reiji sobbed suddenly.
Sugai stuttered, “What did h—he do to y—you?”
“Reiji, what did he do to you?”
The boy let out another sob. “J—just come here, please...”
Tajima instantly exclaimed, “We’re coming, bambino. Just stay there, okay? We’ll check with C.A.L to see where you are.”
“Okay... thank y—you,” Reiji rasped.
When the two got to the street he was in, there sat Reiji on a bench in his suit, his head buried in his hands.
Sugai was instantly checking the boy for wounds or injuries, but only found a bruise on his neck— or what seemed to be a bruise in the dimness— it being nine at night.
“What the hell happened?” Tajima asked, his tone not angry— just worried.
The boy shriveled up as his father said that, clutching suddenly onto his neck angrily— at the so-seemed bruises.
Sugai instantly pulled his hands away. “Love, you’ll hurt yourself if you keep clenching like that.”
“I— I trusted him!” Reiji suddenly screamed, sobbing and wailing.
It was lucky no one was around— literally. It was like an abandoned town or something.
Tajima wanted to find the bastard that did this to him and kill him— so did Sugai.
“What happened, sweetheart? Where is he?” asked Tajima, kneeling down.
The boy sniffled, giving an angry groan. “At— at his house. Please don’t go after him. At least n—not now...”
Sugai looked over to see Tajima furrowing his eyebrows before Sugai nudged him— beckoning him for a response to the boy.
“Of course, miele... let’s just get you home, okay? Are you hurt?” Tajima asked, tensing up more and more by the minute.
Shaking his head, Reiji murmured quietly, “It’s just hard t—to walk.”
Sugai’s breath hitched at that, only more desperate for an answer to what happened.
“Alright. I can carry you, honey. That sound good?” Tajima asked, cautious.
Though he was hesitant, Reiji nodded. “O—okay. Thanks.”
The car ride was a bit longer than intended— and quiet— but they managed to get to their house safely, and this time Sugai was the one to carry their son.
Tajima flicked on the lights as Sugai set him down on the couch.
“Here we are. Home sweet home,” the short father said with a grin.
He was expecting some kind of response— acknowledgement— anything; but all he got was a distant look from Reiji.
Sugai smiled awkwardly. “Do you want something to eat? Drink? Anything?”
“N—no thanks. I’m good,” Reiji said, hair covering his eyes.
With a sigh, Tajima said abruptly yet gently, “You have to tell us what happened, tesoro.”
Reiji quietly cried, squeezing his eyes shut— not responding.
“Love, you’re scaring u—us,” Sugai said, his voice breaking and his eyes desperate.
Silently, Reiji turned the other way, still shaking with quiet cries.
Tajima’s eyes widened with realization. “We’re scaring you, aren’t we?”
“Please d—don’t—” Reiji cut himself off, realizing he was just where his parents were— not with him.
Backing away with Sugai, Tajima asked gently, “Baby, can you please talk to us? Even just a word, anything. We’re a few feet away from you. If you want farther, just say the word, alright?”
Reiji wiped his tears flimsily before mumbling, “m’ sorry...”
“‘Sorry’? For what, sweetheart?” a shocked Sugai asked.
Still wiping away his tears, Reiji murmured, “For being scared o—of you. For— for scaring you.”
Tajima chuckled humorlessly. “You don’t need to apologize for any of that, bambino. Never. Okay?”
“O—okay,” Reiji dully repeated.
Quietly, Sugai asked, “Can you tell us what happened? Please?”
Reiji sighed. “When I talked about Wat— him, it wasn’t about Bakugo. He was the one bullying me...”
“Oh, honey...” Tajima trailed off before Reiji started speaking again.
Carrying on, he said, “At first, it wasn’t a big deal. But then he asked me out and I felt too afraid to say no. And then— and then—” He broke down in cries and sobs.
Sugai was fighting tears himself along with Tajima— and they didn’t even know the full story yet.
“Can— can we hug you, honey?” a cautious Sugai asked.
Quietly, Reiji nodded. “Please d—do.”
Tajima and Sugai slowly wrapped their arms around the boy after walking toward him.
“Oh, tesoro...” Tajima breathed into Reiji’s hair, his own body shaking with up-coming sobs.
Sniffling as well, Sugai mumbled, “We love you more than anything, sweetheart. You know that, right?”
Reiji nodded into their chests. “I— I love you too.”
“Please— please continue with the story,” Tajima pleaded, stroking Reiji’s hair lovingly.
Another nod into the men’s chests, Reiji said quietly, “I asked him where he was taking us when I saw he passed the school. He took me to his house.” Inhale. Exhale. “Then he— he touched me... and— and did—” Again, the boy broke down in sobs.
Sugai felt his whole world come to a sudden stop.
Tajima felt like his heart has been shattered a million times.
“O—oh, love, I— this is all my fault, I didn’t trust him fr—from the very start and now— and now—” He cut himself off with sobs.
Tightening his grip, Tajima sobbed loudly, “Baby, I’m so, so sorry! I’m so sorry— did— did he hurt you?” he suddenly asked, repeating his question from earlier.
Reiji wanted to scoff at that but he quietly mumbled, “There’s b—bruises all over m—my legs and my neck. And... hickeys. I— I think I’m b—bleeding down there t—too...”
“Should— do you think we should take him to the hospital?” Sugai asked worriedly.
Immediately, Reiji yelled, “N—no! No h—hospitals! Please! Not now!”
Tajima frowned deeper, tears becoming a waterfall. “Miele, I— I think it’s for the be—”
“No! I said no!” Reiji screamed, his eyes showing the look meant for someone else, not his parents.
Instantly, Sugai gently whispered, holding Reiji’s hand, “Okay, love. Just... just eventually. Okay?”
Reiji’s glare softened suddenly. “Okay.”
“Can you get some rest, honey?” a worried Tajima asked, before letting his lips linger on the crown of Reiji’s hair.
Quietly, the boy mumbled, “Only if you guys can stay... and if it’s on the couch... I don’t want to see another bed for awhile.”
Sugai sadly smiled. “Sounds good, love. Just rest those beautiful eyes, okay? When you wake up, we’ll still be here,” he whispered.
“Thanks... can I— I lay with you?” the boy asked nervously.
Nodding, Tajima adjusted himself and cautiously pulled Reiji on top of him, sitting on his lap.
Sugai gently leaned on Tajima and put an arm around Reiji. “Is this good, sweetheart?”
“Y—yeah. Thanks again,” Reiji repeated, burying his face into Tajima’s chest as Sugai kissed the side of his head.
Sweetly, Tajima cooed, “Of course, miele. You know how much this family loves cuddles.”
The joke seemed to get a small muffled laugh out of Reiji.
It wasn’t long before he ended up falling asleep, curled into the shorter father’s chest.
Sugai sighed when he heard Reiji’s gentle snores. “Poor thing... I swear I’ll find that man and kill him.”
Nodding in agreement, Tajima bit back a snarl. “Let me join you,” he grumbled.
“First thing in the morning, we’re taking him to the hospital,” sternly said Sugai.
Tajima sighed. “I guess you’re right.”
Narrowing his eyes, Sugai muttered confidently, “I’m always right.”
“I’d get him out of this suit but after what he went through... I don’t know if we can,” Tajima mumbled.
Sugai sighed, pressing another kiss to the side of Reiji’s head. “I agree. It’d be terrible if we startled him.”
The couple stayed there, silently watching over their son.
The next day, Akio Wataru would not have a good day coming.
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raguna-blade · 5 years
Revolutionary Girl Utena Episode 16-20
Welp, after last weeks hot bullshit, things have taken a minor upshot. Minor, in that things are still uh... Well.
Episode 16
What hell is coming this time. C'mon. I got it. I'm cool. We're ready.
...Anthy late night infomercials....Uh. Curious choice of entertaintment.
Nanami's about to get called out for infomercial shopping sin't she?
Juri immediately rolls in and styles on everyone.
Nanami's about to try and pass this. uh...cowbell off as jewelery
God. She's trying. She's trying so hard.
And I know anthy is behind this somehow. But damn Nanami. You're...Well...
Ok, so so far the filler hasn't been filler and is she just wearing the duelist suit out and about?
For real though, if the filler thing holds.
Oh she just admits it's a designer cowbell. Ok. Well...Damn. She's got the mad confidence to try and pull this off. Go her then. Fuck all the haters.
But still and for real, it's a cowbell nanami.
Oh hey it's the boy. Mitsuru trying his best.
Utena trying to spit the truth and people pulling bullshit trying to silence the truth.
….What. What the hell is going on here. She got turned into a cow...? There's..There's a song?
And we got the mad silhouettes. Her last meal?
Her last meal? God, i'm not sure I want to try and analyze this episode right now. I'm 100% sure the context won't occur until like the last episode or some shit but.
Is...Is she...Is she turning into a cow...? by wearing the bell...?
muck my life are the filler episodes just supposed to be keys dressed up stupidly so we don't look at em closely.
And they're just..They're just going fucking in on this aren't they.
Why the hell did he go to Anthy and Utena. Mitsuru what do you knowwwwwwwwwwwwww
...Is she legit fucking cursed with this (Apparently?) pretty ass bell.
REAL SHADOW GIRSL? Squeak queak mouse girls...Uh..
Uh...Wait, with anthy as mouse thing last episode what is...what is happening.
Nanami slowly becoming  a cow.
Utena: Take the Cowbell off Anth-Nananmi.
Oh my god it is a fucking metaphor. It's...
Oh my god oh my god it is. Utena's spiel here sounds a lot like STOP PRETENDING TO BE A ROSE BRIDE BEING A ROSEBRIDE OR WHATEVER.
Also...Seeing Red and flipping out is a Bull thing, so the Rosebride thing is 100% and she just turned into a fucking cow..
And the imagery with the cutting the cowbell off and nanami turning...normal reads like a black row.
Chasing Status Symbols is BS: JURI FULL OF THE BLING
Anthy 100% DID THIS ON PURPOSE. The Nose Ring.
Ah next episode. Trifling territory once more.
Episode 17
Old Girlfriend(Crush?) Blues?
Juri just out here beastin on people. So Business as usual.
Oh, that's the face of shit about to go down.
And She just fucking dipped. I'm sure it was fine.
People can just LEAVE Ohtori? That's a thing?
Shiori: I did in fact, fuck up real bad. Also I don't got a roommate which is...
oh Hey, it's Dude Anthy and Utena.
Hurting yourself on Purpose...? huh.
Nanami out here questioning people's gimmicks.
….Is..Is the sword thing supposed to be sexual? Oh god. How the fuck did I miss that. Also Nanami, please stop aping your brother it's weird.
Shiori, you LEGIT stole her man. Which she wasn't even into, but god.
Did that Bird Kill itself running into the window? Uh...? uhhhhhhhhh.
Utena. You..you do not know what you're stepping into god.
Talking about Innocence and purity. UUUUUUUUUUGH.
….Oh fuck is Juri about to get got by the Black Rose jerks?
Oh, this is not how she wanted this to go down
Hated Juri. ok.
What's with the butterfly regression. Dear god. These freak outs are just...
Your only choice is to revolutionze, hey, no, that's super not fucking true. That's some edgecase bullshit. Uuuuuugh.
Uh. Uh. What the FUCK is going on with these roses I swear to god.
….Have all of these been in her goddamn locker?
….Whats...what? Wait did she just acknowledge the shadow girls? Assuming I just didn't miss it is it like...Utena getting closer understanding to...Whatever weird bullshit magic field that exists in ohtori?
….Birds huh. Are the black roses supposed to be like...I guess the Jungian Shadow thing? Huh.
Wait, does sword stealing grant the sword's....owner? Their talent? Anthy...?
Also, are we EVER going to get a reaction to the weirdness.
Bird in the oven. And...Juri just waking up
Wait a fucking second. Anthy just offerred up...analysis? Of a person? Conversation partner.
Episode 18
Nanami out here asking the real fucking questions. WHY SO SERIOUS GUYS THIS SHITS OBJECTIVELY HILARIOUS.
Oh god is Mitsuru the next duelist? Is Utena Going to fight an EVEN YOUNGER CHILD?
ROSES ARE VERY SENSITVE TO THE CHANGES OF THE SEASONS. Given the roses seem to be kinda like...people representatives that's..
Also, Anthy, sympathizing with the boy who wants to be the...servant? Boytoy? What.
Also, why is nanami consistently got the fucking reads when she isn't up her own ass?
Mitsuru ACT LIKE A KID, says nanami.
Mitsuru: It's...Just a banana. I don't get it. BUT THE INDIRECT KISS THOUGH.
Mikage Seminar. AGAIN.
Those Three Dudes. Wait.
...wait elevato-no. But we got a black rose. Are...
Wait are the black roses specific people or are they more generalized.
Mitsuru is trying so hard. He's a hardcore kid, but he's trying damnit.
Girl: This is gonna end badly. You're Real Dumb
Proven Right Immediately. She's got the reads.
Nanami, are you jealous? Of a Kid?
Nanami: you shouldnt be in a rush. You don't gotta be an adult.
Mitsuru has such a crush, it's cute and he doesn't know what to do and he's just gotta ride those feels. Puberty is apparently rough for him.
Mitsuru break the world fuck it.
Uh...the framing here is...um. Disquieting in a weird way?
KNIFE AND SWORD and what the fuck is with the rose...?
Shadow Time: The Metaphor is uh...pretty on the nose here.
And Utena is 100% reacting to the shadow girls.
Anywya, time to beat up a child.
Oh he just fucking oes. Just like Nanami in fairness but.
Wait. Heed your master and come forth. Like the phrasing suggests the duelist but...Anthy is the one who calls the sword. Uh..hm.
Defeat the adults ahead of you that's an adult? Huh.
So, I checked it, but the bodies seem to be mirrors of the people who got dueled. So...That's interesting.
Did...Did nanami just catch feels from the kid? Ok. Well. Alright.
Episode 19
Wakaba Prince Dreams. Nice.
Wakaba gonna make someone a nice wife. Huh. Wakaba, don't take that out of his hands.
Onion Prince.
Brown Rose Wakaba? ok.
You...you gonna give that her? It's for her. Wakab, you of all should know better.
...Y'all got some history wakaba? Oh. She crushed on him when little. Baw.
4 times?
Tatsuya tryin I guess, but hm. I sense a hellavator ride.
Please. Just...get out. I beg you. Anthy's there but...
Wakaba, you've got guts for days, you got this just spit it out.
Utena don't call wakaba out like this.
Also, Her prince is REAL THANK YOU MUCH.
The Utena Tea Sip I need as a reaction gif. Just...
Damn Tats, you dense. Also, dumb. The Indirectness. Kid. Just...Tell her.
...So princes change from person to person? Huh.
THE FAKE OUT. Thank goodness. But Shadow girls. Uh...hm.
Are...are the tires..Princes...? Wha..
her reacting to the shadow girls is weirding me out hard.
Oh god is this gonna be a cute moment? OH THEYRE GETTING CLOSER!
Uh...Uh tats. You...
Wait, is the elevator going up?
Huh. So...The Elevator is praying on darkness? OK.
So...That might work poorly. Or maybe it'll be fine?
That's A Dueling Wakab, so no, not great.
Episode 20
Wait, is Saionji just bumming at her house? Dorm room?
Saionji confirmed to be attractive to many so...MK.
...Are they off campus?
She's legit storing this boy in her room.
I...ok. That home exchange was weird.
I can't tell if Saionji is pulling a woe is me thing or if he's legit had a turn of heart.
I mean I guesss he's had to think things through.
...How is he glistening like that.
But Wakaba, like he's still a dick. So...What...how. Do you just got the bad taste?
As Long as I have this secret I'm special! Oh...hoooooooooooboy.
Oh no, saionji sounds jerky still. Oh no. maybe it's fine.
...Is...Is she his sugar momma. And apparently this caused wakaba to just go super mode somehow so that's...interesting.
The lighting here is making this otherwise innocuous exchange weird.
Why are you doing a back bridge in this room? Also...please. Get out of there.
Saionji...? That's..actually kinda sweet. STILL GOT A BAD VIBE GOIN ON HERE.
Saionji asking bout the student council. And...he asked about anthy. Welp. Welllllp.
Welp. Oh no. wakaba. Wakabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Mikage how the hell did you get there?
Saionji, immediately on the uptake.
HELLAVATOR TIME. Also, damn saionji, you given out the same gift?
I seem to recall Wakaba slapping Anthy, so that's just foreshadowing now.
Oh she looks like she's gonna murder.
Saionji gave mikage the thing so....
Marriage uh..ok.
Also, Saionji is, in fact, a fucking dip, but he does at least seem to have a solid grasp on gift giving. Or at least what's owed and such, even if he misses the value of things. So...Ok, credit where it's due.
Wait, that was a shinai right? Is this...is this Utena Vs Saionji from the otherside now? With Utena as the Established duelist with the weird sword?
Yeah that's a face of shock.
Second Duel(?) Utena has won without the cursed ass holy sword thing. I think. Third. Rather.
Saionji feelin himself.
Poor wakaba. She looks so...done.
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