junjichi2212 · 2 years
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Try to draw Beast!
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vjstudiosnumber2 · 1 year
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Three Months After November 8th…
Atsushi was sitting on the floor with a book in his hand, eyes switching from reading the words to checking on Akachan and Shiro, who were both asleep in the omega’s lap, and he would sigh in content every time. His sunset eyes never really left either of his pups, and he didn’t know whether or not to be embarrassed. Some of the other people from the Office, and even Kyouka have all said he was way too attentive to the twins. But the Office Manager had actually said he was just doing what any other Mother would do.
And this Manager, Enomoto Seifu, who had the ability of reading and controlling emotions, could tell that he was just protective, and scared.
And Atsushi was.
Now that Akachan and Shiro were born, what would happen next?
Not only his life as a parent, but his job, {Even if working here surprisingly made more money than he could ever make in a lifetime in Yokohama, not that he didn’t miss the city} and then his mind was wandering to a certain clothing manipulating Alpha, who was stationed in Port Mafia’s Yokohama.
He was not ready to tell him, but how long before he would be found out?
After all, he had missed his six month deadline.
Atsushi sighed, his head ache increasing as he continued his brain-storm, when Akachan yawned, causing him to freeze, hold his breath, before curling into his thigh, lightly bumping her head into her brother’s forehead, causing Shiro to stir, before curling towards her. Atsushi smiled, and he sighed in content, just as the door opened, revealing Kyouka, who had gone to get something at the other side of town at the Mail Center.
“Hey, welcome home!” He said, and Kyouka instantly smiled back, and walked over to the coffee table.
“Sorry I’m late. Miss Seifu wanted me to check out a supposed burglar case over there while I was there.”
“That’s alright. I’m just glad you got back safe. What’s that envelope?”
Kyouka froze, having slipped the envelope into her kimono, hoping Atsushi wouldn’t notice.
She gripped the letter, before smiling.
“Just spam. Nothing important.”
Atsushi raised an eyebrow, before chuckling, and shrugging his shoulders.
“Alright. I’ll go put these two down in their cradles and I’ll reheat some dinner for you, yeah?”
“...Yes please.” They both smiled, before Atsushi picked up both Shiro and Akachan carefully, making sure not to wake them, and heading up stairs towards his room.
Kyouka smiled at the staircase, before glaring down at the envelope with a golden seal and began to rip it apart in a small rage.
“At least someone from the ADA sent it instead of him finding our address…”
Higuchi thought Akutagawa was losing it.
She noticed that he had first acted like a frightened child anytime the ADA were mentioned, then he acted like a kicked dog, then he was obsessed with finding the Weretiger, who had apparently moved away from Yokohama, before disappearing for a whole two months, and now he was back.
And he was far worse then before.
He was barely keeping himself from being irritated at anyone and everyone, including Gin, who seemed to be just as shocked as her, and began to work himself to the bone, and now, currently, there was a million empty envelopes scattered about his desk, a large bottle of whiskey next to his arm. He was so far away it seemed.
“Akutagawa sir… Is there something wrong?” She had asked earlier in the week, and had earned a large enough cut that it needed stitches.
He has answered:
“Shut up, don’t talk to me about if there’s something wrong! Leave me be!” 
Higuchi didn’t say anything, not even when he took a fifty second drink to take a long swig of the whiskey, and then proceeded to continue trying to write whatever he wanted to send to whoever had caused this kind of turmoil.
Although Higuchi had a good idea who it was.
She was standing in the corner, watching his struggle, before asking.
“Sir, are there any new missions we need to conquer?” 
At first, it seemed Akutagawa hadn’t even heard her question, and she stood quietly, looking at the floor, before she perked up at his soft, almost desperate voice as he answered:
“No… There are none for us… I’ll call you back if that changes…” 
Never had Higuchi’s heart broke at her Boss’ voice, but this changed that.
So she left.
She walking down the hall, finger pressed into her chin, before her beta senses caught the Alpha’s scent behind her. She turned to Chuuya Nakahara, who had just returned from a long trip somewhere near Nagano, and greeted him with a bow.
“Good evening Mr. Chuuya.”
Chuuya seemed to not have noticed her until then, looking up from his phone, and gave a friendly but superior smile.
“Hello Higuchi. No new mission tonight huh?”
“No sir.”
Chuuya nodded, and wished her a good night, about to pass her when she called out to him again.
“Mr. Chuuya! There’s something I need to speak to you about! It’s important!”
Chuuya stopped, before turning back to her with a bewildered look on his face, before tilting his head towards his office not far ahead.
Eventually, they both were seated, him behind his desk, her in the guest seat, and Higuchi tried to find the right choice of words, pressing her hands into her lap and biting her lip nervously.
“So, Higuchi… What is the problem?” Chuuya asked.
Higuchi blinked, before saying.
“Mr. Chuuya… There’s something wrong with Mr. Akutagawa…”
“Well, what is it?” He tried to keep his calm cool, trying to not attack her verbally, seeing her worried state sending him on edge.
Six Months After November 8th…
Atsushi was almost enjoying the attention that his other fellow agents were giving his babies, who were playing with little baby blocks in Miss Seifu’s office, which was separated from the rest of the office with a large pane of glass. He watched as some of the females cooed, and the others all were laughing at how adorable Akachan and Shiro were.
Kyouka had been sent to Yokohama for the day, and so without her help, Miss Seifu had agreed to watch them for a few hours before lunch. She was already a babysitter at heart, having taken care of little children when she was younger, so she was the perfect choice other than Kyouka.
Plus, the twins liked her as well.
Atsushi was signing off a paper for the aftermath of a case when he heard a large wail coming from the office, and something inside panicked.
He was up and through the door, despite the fact someone had said that Akachan was such a crybaby in an adored manner, and he was sure they were right when they said he worried to much. 
Akachan had fallen over, and had started to wail like one of those fire trucks, and he could only sigh as Miss Seifu, who had been at the desk before this was next to her with a light laugh. Atsushi walked over slowly and laughed too, before taking his baby into his arms, causing her cries to turn into sniffles as she snuggled closer into the crook of the Weretiger’s neck.
“She’s upset she couldn’t get back up.” He laughed softly, looking to Shiro, who looked on with big curious winter sunset eyes, and sighed in content.
Miss Seifu smiled as Atsushi ruffled Shiro’s hair, with his free hand, and she knew he was better than before.
At least she wouldn’t have to worry about his mental health anymore, he wasn’t as bad as he was during pregnancy.
He was happy, even if a bit lonely.
Chuuya knew it was bad when he entered Akutagawa’s office and had not found him after his conversation with Higuchi.
When he had called Gin, she had answered that he had not come home when he got off work. So Chuuya was left to find Akutagawa’s location through the data base of Port Mafia, quickly finding him somewhere odd.
Akutagawa wasn’t the type to stalk of his own accord. 
Chuuya had found him, despite the many hour difference walking to the ADA from the base, and quickly saw Akutagawa simply standing away in the shadows. He had a flask at his belt, since when did the Alpha drink?
When had he gotten a high tolerance?
Akutagawa was taking small swigs every now and then, and seemed to be waiting for someone to cross the street from the ADA building.
“ He has been acting weird since the news of the Weretiger being transferred from the ADA… “
“So that’s what this is about…”
But the reaction seemed more from the Alpha than Akutagawa himself, and Chuuya, remembering that the Weretiger was an Omega, wondered if that was also a problem.
Chuuya was careful in approaching Akutagawa, who noticed him when he came from his blindside, causing Rashouman to growl from his shoulder. Chuuya lifted his hands, hoping not to cause something unnecessary, such as a full on battle between Rashouman and Upon The Tainted Sorrow in the middle of the street of Yokohama, right in front of the ADA’s right side no less.
“Whoa there Akutagawa. It’s just me.”
Akutagawa didn’t lower his guard, just seemed to become stiff and swiftly stopped the growls of his black beast by returning her back into his clothing.
“I’m sorry sir…” He took a second, trying not to slur, before asking, failing at that very task he assigned himself.
“...I… What are you… Doing… Here?” Chuuya shook his head and approached Akutagawa’s side, hands in his pockets as he simply shrugged.
“Your sister and Higuchi were worried about you. They decided I’m the best candidate to help you with whatever’s going on inside your head.”
Akutagawa scowled, went to refuse when Chuuya asked, making any snarky remark that he had died on the tip of his tongue.
“Your problems got something to do with a certain Weretiger, correct?” 
It went silent, even more silent despite when Akutagawa simply took another swig from his flask and passed it to Chuuya. 
They both watched the ADA building with quiet gazes, before Chuuya turned to Akutagawa again.
“What has got you so irritated about the Weretiger that you’ve decided to take up drinking as a hobby?”
The other didn’t say anything right away, didn’t look away from the ADA.
Akutagawa could only think of one thing. The cries of an Omega, the hurtful feeling of letting the Alpha take full control, of the pleasure coursing through his veins as he corrupted Atsushi. His hand gripped the fabric of his pockets, glaring into the brick of the ADA building. He was disgusting. It was disgusting.
Letting himself take the Weretiger like that.
He only wanted to kill him, but now he had only wished to hear that the Weretiger had accepted his apologies, to all the letters he would leave for Kyouka to pick up.
For something comforting to the sin he hadn’t meant to commit.
“I raped the Weretiger. During his heat…”
Chuuya blinked, before looking at Akutagawa in shock, seeing the regret in the other Alpha’s eyes.
The silver eyes looked blue.
“The alpha just…Took over… Wanted to take care of the Omega… And… It just happened…. It wasn’t supposed to…”
Chuuya blinked a few more times, before turning back to the building.
“Think about it this way Akutagawa…”
Silence filled as Akutagawa stared at Chuuya, listening to his next words carefully.
“It’s likely… That someone as perceptive as him will know how you feel….” Akutagawa stared at him for a moment longer, before turning up to the sky instead, following the sudden change in Chuuya’s gaze.
He didn’t feel angry about the Alpha, he didn’t want to tell him to forgive the Alpha or himself.
It made him feel just a bit better.
“I certainly hope so… The Weretiger can be pretty useless when it comes to using that part of his brain.
“  All you care about is killing whatever or whoever is in front of you!  ”
He closed his eyes, before turning back to the stars of pure gray.
He could only hope.
He could only hope that the Weretiger could move on, unlike him.
He wished to move on…
But sometimes, the only thing a person can do is drink themselves to oblivion, far worse than Chuuya ever could…
Atsushi felt his heart skip a few beats at the sight of his new partner, a tall green/brown haired Alpha that was now seated next to him. After Kyouka had decided to partner up with one of the other girls in Office, one he knew she had taken a liking too, an Omega at that, Tagami Machiko, he was partnered up with one of the Alphas that had gone over seas for an investigation.
Akiyuki Nosaka smiled at him when he entered the room, followed with the question of him being Atsushi Nakajima, and his heart fluttered.
And it didn’t stop.
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vjstudios · 1 year
{DOLOR PT 3: A!Akutagawa X O!Atsushi}
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Three Months After November 8th…
Atsushi was sitting on the floor with a book in his hand, eyes switching from reading the words to checking on Akachan and Shiro, who were both asleep in the omega’s lap, and he would sigh in content every time. His sunset eyes never really left either of his pups, and he didn’t know whether or not to be embarrassed. Some of the other people from the Office, and even Kyouka have all said he was way too attentive to the twins. But the Office Manager had actually said he was just doing what any other Mother would do.
And this Manager, Enomoto Seifu, who had the ability of reading and controlling emotions, could tell that he was just protective, and scared.
And Atsushi was.
Now that Akachan and Shiro were born, what would happen next?
Not only his life as a parent, but his job, {Even if working here surprisingly made more money than he could ever make in a lifetime in Yokohama, not that he didn’t miss the city} and then his mind was wandering to a certain clothing manipulating Alpha, who was stationed in Port Mafia’s Yokohama.
He was not ready to tell him, but how long before he would be found out?
After all, he had missed his six month deadline.
Atsushi sighed, his head ache increasing as he continued his brain-storm, when Akachan yawned, causing him to freeze, hold his breath, before curling into his thigh, lightly bumping her head into her brother’s forehead, causing Shiro to stir, before curling towards her. Atsushi smiled, and he sighed in content, just as the door opened, revealing Kyouka, who had gone to get something at the other side of town at the Mail Center.
“Hey, welcome home!” He said, and Kyouka instantly smiled back, and walked over to the coffee table.
“Sorry I’m late. Miss Seifu wanted me to check out a supposed burglar case over there while I was there.”
“That’s alright. I’m just glad you got back safe. What’s that envelope?”
Kyouka froze, having slipped the envelope into her kimono, hoping Atsushi wouldn’t notice.
She gripped the letter, before smiling.
“Just spam. Nothing important.”
Atsushi raised an eyebrow, before chuckling, and shrugging his shoulders.
“Alright. I’ll go put these two down in their cradles and I’ll reheat some dinner for you, yeah?”
“...Yes please.” They both smiled, before Atsushi picked up both Shiro and Akachan carefully, making sure not to wake them, and heading up stairs towards his room.
Kyouka smiled at the staircase, before glaring down at the envelope with a golden seal and began to rip it apart in a small rage.
“At least someone from the ADA sent it instead of him finding our address…”
Higuchi thought Akutagawa was losing it.
She noticed that he had first acted like a frightened child anytime the ADA were mentioned, then he acted like a kicked dog, then he was obsessed with finding the Weretiger, who had apparently moved away from Yokohama, before disappearing for a whole two months, and now he was back.
And he was far worse then before.
He was barely keeping himself from being irritated at anyone and everyone, including Gin, who seemed to be just as shocked as her, and began to work himself to the bone, and now, currently, there was a million empty envelopes scattered about his desk, a large bottle of whiskey next to his arm. He was so far away it seemed.
“Akutagawa sir… Is there something wrong?” She had asked earlier in the week, and had earned a large enough cut that it needed stitches.
He has answered:
“Shut up, don’t talk to me about if there’s something wrong! Leave me be!” 
Higuchi didn’t say anything, not even when he took a fifty second drink to take a long swig of the whiskey, and then proceeded to continue trying to write whatever he wanted to send to whoever had caused this kind of turmoil.
Although Higuchi had a good idea who it was.
She was standing in the corner, watching his struggle, before asking.
“Sir, are there any new missions we need to conquer?” 
At first, it seemed Akutagawa hadn’t even heard her question, and she stood quietly, looking at the floor, before she perked up at his soft, almost desperate voice as he answered:
“No… There are none for us… I’ll call you back if that changes…” 
Never had Higuchi’s heart broke at her Boss’ voice, but this changed that.
So she left.
She walking down the hall, finger pressed into her chin, before her beta senses caught the Alpha’s scent behind her. She turned to Chuuya Nakahara, who had just returned from a long trip somewhere near Nagano, and greeted him with a bow.
“Good evening Mr. Chuuya.”
Chuuya seemed to not have noticed her until then, looking up from his phone, and gave a friendly but superior smile.
“Hello Higuchi. No new mission tonight huh?”
“No sir.”
Chuuya nodded, and wished her a good night, about to pass her when she called out to him again.
“Mr. Chuuya! There’s something I need to speak to you about! It’s important!”
Chuuya stopped, before turning back to her with a bewildered look on his face, before tilting his head towards his office not far ahead.
Eventually, they both were seated, him behind his desk, her in the guest seat, and Higuchi tried to find the right choice of words, pressing her hands into her lap and biting her lip nervously.
“So, Higuchi… What is the problem?” Chuuya asked.
Higuchi blinked, before saying.
“Mr. Chuuya… There’s something wrong with Mr. Akutagawa…”
“Well, what is it?” He tried to keep his calm cool, trying to not attack her verbally, seeing her worried state sending him on edge.
Six Months After November 8th…
Atsushi was almost enjoying the attention that his other fellow agents were giving his babies, who were playing with little baby blocks in Miss Seifu’s office, which was separated from the rest of the office with a large pane of glass. He watched as some of the females cooed, and the others all were laughing at how adorable Akachan and Shiro were.
Kyouka had been sent to Yokohama for the day, and so without her help, Miss Seifu had agreed to watch them for a few hours before lunch. She was already a babysitter at heart, having taken care of little children when she was younger, so she was the perfect choice other than Kyouka.
Plus, the twins liked her as well.
Atsushi was signing off a paper for the aftermath of a case when he heard a large wail coming from the office, and something inside panicked.
He was up and through the door, despite the fact someone had said that Akachan was such a crybaby in an adored manner, and he was sure they were right when they said he worried to much. 
Akachan had fallen over, and had started to wail like one of those fire trucks, and he could only sigh as Miss Seifu, who had been at the desk before this was next to her with a light laugh. Atsushi walked over slowly and laughed too, before taking his baby into his arms, causing her cries to turn into sniffles as she snuggled closer into the crook of the Weretiger’s neck.
“She’s upset she couldn’t get back up.” He laughed softly, looking to Shiro, who looked on with big curious winter sunset eyes, and sighed in content.
Miss Seifu smiled as Atsushi ruffled Shiro’s hair, with his free hand, and she knew he was better than before.
At least she wouldn’t have to worry about his mental health anymore, he wasn’t as bad as he was during pregnancy.
He was happy, even if a bit lonely.
Chuuya knew it was bad when he entered Akutagawa’s office and had not found him after his conversation with Higuchi.
When he had called Gin, she had answered that he had not come home when he got off work. So Chuuya was left to find Akutagawa’s location through the data base of Port Mafia, quickly finding him somewhere odd.
Akutagawa wasn’t the type to stalk of his own accord. 
Chuuya had found him, despite the many hour difference walking to the ADA from the base, and quickly saw Akutagawa simply standing away in the shadows. He had a flask at his belt, since when did the Alpha drink?
When had he gotten a high tolerance?
Akutagawa was taking small swigs every now and then, and seemed to be waiting for someone to cross the street from the ADA building.
“ He has been acting weird since the news of the Weretiger being transferred from the ADA… “
“So that’s what this is about…”
But the reaction seemed more from the Alpha than Akutagawa himself, and Chuuya, remembering that the Weretiger was an Omega, wondered if that was also a problem.
Chuuya was careful in approaching Akutagawa, who noticed him when he came from his blindside, causing Rashouman to growl from his shoulder. Chuuya lifted his hands, hoping not to cause something unnecessary, such as a full on battle between Rashouman and Upon The Tainted Sorrow in the middle of the street of Yokohama, right in front of the ADA’s right side no less.
“Whoa there Akutagawa. It’s just me.”
Akutagawa didn’t lower his guard, just seemed to become stiff and swiftly stopped the growls of his black beast by returning her back into his clothing.
“I’m sorry sir…” He took a second, trying not to slur, before asking, failing at that very task he assigned himself.
“...I… What are you… Doing… Here?” Chuuya shook his head and approached Akutagawa’s side, hands in his pockets as he simply shrugged.
“Your sister and Higuchi were worried about you. They decided I’m the best candidate to help you with whatever’s going on inside your head.”
Akutagawa scowled, went to refuse when Chuuya asked, making any snarky remark that he had died on the tip of his tongue.
“Your problems got something to do with a certain Weretiger, correct?” 
It went silent, even more silent despite when Akutagawa simply took another swig from his flask and passed it to Chuuya. 
They both watched the ADA building with quiet gazes, before Chuuya turned to Akutagawa again.
“What has got you so irritated about the Weretiger that you’ve decided to take up drinking as a hobby?”
The other didn’t say anything right away, didn’t look away from the ADA.
Akutagawa could only think of one thing. The cries of an Omega, the hurtful feeling of letting the Alpha take full control, of the pleasure coursing through his veins as he corrupted Atsushi. His hand gripped the fabric of his pockets, glaring into the brick of the ADA building. He was disgusting. It was disgusting.
Letting himself take the Weretiger like that.
He only wanted to kill him, but now he had only wished to hear that the Weretiger had accepted his apologies, to all the letters he would leave for Kyouka to pick up.
For something comforting to the sin he hadn’t meant to commit.
“I raped the Weretiger. During his heat…”
Chuuya blinked, before looking at Akutagawa in shock, seeing the regret in the other Alpha’s eyes.
The silver eyes looked blue.
“The alpha just…Took over… Wanted to take care of the Omega… And… It just happened…. It wasn’t supposed to…”
Chuuya blinked a few more times, before turning back to the building.
“Think about it this way Akutagawa…”
Silence filled as Akutagawa stared at Chuuya, listening to his next words carefully.
“It’s likely… That someone as perceptive as him will know how you feel….” Akutagawa stared at him for a moment longer, before turning up to the sky instead, following the sudden change in Chuuya’s gaze.
He didn’t feel angry about the Alpha, he didn’t want to tell him to forgive the Alpha or himself.
It made him feel just a bit better.
“I certainly hope so… The Weretiger can be pretty useless when it comes to using that part of his brain.
“  All you care about is killing whatever or whoever is in front of you!  ”
He closed his eyes, before turning back to the stars of pure gray.
He could only hope.
He could only hope that the Weretiger could move on, unlike him.
He wished to move on…
But sometimes, the only thing a person can do is drink themselves to oblivion, far worse than Chuuya ever could…
Atsushi felt his heart skip a few beats at the sight of his new partner, a tall green/brown haired Alpha that was now seated next to him. After Kyouka had decided to partner up with one of the other girls in Office, one he knew she had taken a liking too, an Omega at that, Tagami Machiko, he was partnered up with one of the Alphas that had gone over seas for an investigation.
Akiyuki Nosaka smiled at him when he entered the room, followed with the question of him being Atsushi Nakajima, and his heart fluttered.
And it didn’t stop.
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sskk-ao3feed · 9 months
akutagawa and atsushis time at the park
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/hrvpg4K by Mewsworld atsushi and akutagawa have sex at the park Words: 455, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs) Relationships: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: dead dove, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Dry Humping, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Public Sex, Gay Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Phone Sex, Pizza, Incest, Bone Breaking, Moaning, whimpering, bsd, bungo stray dogs - Freeform, Genshin impact, genshin - Freeform, akutagawaxatsushi, Akutagawa x Atsushi, Death, corpse fucking, headless sex, Wound Fucking, Eye socket fucking, ability, tiger - Freeform, playground read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/hrvpg4K
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bus4nsea · 2 years
fav partners
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eyelessjaxtr · 3 years
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torusb1tch · 4 years
pleaseeeee ( ˶ ❛ ꁞ ❛ ˶ )
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dn07sworld-blog · 5 years
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First 'AkuAtsu' uploaded
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seiinaaruakkuuma · 5 years
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junjichi2212 · 1 year
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A new drawing for BSD's ss4!
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vjstudiosnumber2 · 1 year
{DOLOR: A!Akutagawa X O!Atsushi, OMEGAVERSE}
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{Part Two}
Atsushi never thought that his life would change drastically so quickly over night.
Atsushi and Kyouka had packed everything and had left by 4, in a private car heading to Chino Nagano, and from what the file had stated, they were heading to the outskirts due to the fact that it was likely that the child was going to have his ability. (At least that is what Ranpo had assumed.)  
The ride was long, and Atsushi wanted to ask if they could stop for a few minutes, feeling nauseous, and like his stomach was about to hurl even the child within. But he didn’t say anything. Instead just taking deep breaths, watching the world pass by, leaving him and this infant between time, left with visions of how this all had started…
Akutagawa had the look that showed he’d never ever felt this way before. 
Atsushi gave off a scent, whimpering underneath him, panting and red faced. Akutagawa snapped his hips, and Atsushi’s knees buckled, face pressing against the stone cold ground. The older male groaned, took a deep breath, before repeating, earning another moan from between the Omega, the Weretiger’s, lips, which were bruised red and purple from where Akutagawa had snapped, biting onto those thin, pretty plump lips, begging for harsh treatment.
Atsushi hadn’t even made a sound of disapproval, which only encouraged the Alpha.
“Taking… Ah!” He groaned, close to the edge, about to knot him.
And even then, Atsushi never seemed to notice the seriousness of the situation.
“AGH! Ak- Akutagawa….! Akuta… Gawa….! OH GOD AKUTAGAWA!” Atsushi arched, and Akutagawa growled, wanted to bite, but instead simply pressed his wrist gland against the omega’s neck gland, and groaned.
“Such… Such… Mmmm, such a good boy!”
The car had stopped in front of a small cottage based home just on the outskirts of Chino, Nagano, causing Atsushi to look at the meadow, the grove with a tree in the middle, even a pond at one side of the house, with a long line of forest on the farther side, with no end of treeline in sight.
It was breathtakingly beautiful, even Kyouka was left silent.
“This is where you’ll be staying Mr. and Miss Detectives.”
“What?!” Atsushi was left in shock.
The inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside, with shining oak walls, and everything that anyone in a normal household would have and even more.
The porch with carved holding, keeping the porch’s roof stable, led to the door, which had a stained glass window right in the middle. Atsushi almost felt like an intruder, but this was his new home. He opened the door, and just as he had imagined, it was far more beautiful than the outside.
A small five foot length and width hall led to a large living room and kitchen, separated by an emerald colored top counter, the kitchen was just as large as the small hallway, and the living room even more so. The Living room had a simple brown leather coach, with a coffee table in front, with a large TV with a shelf on either side of it, waiting to be filled. The double glass doors led to a large picket fenced off backyard with a small door, a path leading into the forest for little strolls. 
Atsushi looked up to see that the roof above grew higher as the second floor’s stairway {which was on the other end of the hallway beside him, which had three doors} led to a middle sized game room, with a hall on either side. 
Atsushi couldn’t believe this.
And the driver said that this was being given to him and Kyouka {For as long as she stayed}. And this was his new home. Him and his children. 
Atsushi looked to Kyouka, who smiled at his shocked face.
This was their home now.
A cradle was placed at the foot of his bed.
The house was becoming more of their own as the weeks went by. Both of them were working part time at the Chino’s Police center, the detective Agency still filing papers for Atsushi Nakajima’s enlistment and transfer. The Living Room’s shelves behind the couch and beside the large TV were beginning to fill with books, then the kitchen was used for cooking Chazuke {Tea On Rice} and boiled Tofu.
The bathroom was full of medicine for pregnancies involving omegas, smelling shampoos and conditioners, stuff that Atsushi never really thought of using at all.
The Washing room was surprisingly used often, and the office room across was filled with papers for Atsushi to file out for work the next day.
Kyouka living in the spare room across the hall was filled with beautiful kimonos and even her own little books and trinkets of fake gold on the shelf.
Atsushi grabbed the railing of the cradle, other hand lightly rubbing at the bump, smiling softly, and he felt the weight of the creature within become less of a burden and more of something to look forward to. He sighed in comfort, before looking out the large window.
During the Second Month…
Akutagawa was shopping, like he always did when Gin asked.
Today, it was simple ingredients for Udon, and he was just moving to the last destination of his shopping list, only to meet someone he wasn’t sure he was ready to meet. The Weretiger stood at the very front of the next shelving, and they were face to face in an instant.
Akutagawa froze, watching the Weretiger’s reaction to his presence.
Atsushi froze like a deer in headlights, staring in shock, like he had never met him before, and Akutagawa didn’t know whether or not to say anything.
The Alpha within wanted to hug him close, having shared a minor bond within Atsushi’s heat two months prior.
The scent of panic filled Akutagawa’s senses, and his flinched as Atsushi suddenly yanked whatever he was looking for in the shelves, and rushed past him.
Akutagawa couldn’t move for a second, unsure if he should follow.
Perhaps it was really nonconsensual.
And it made something inside feel panic, from the alpha, and a sickness and self-loathing from Akutagawa.
He had taken advantage, didn’t bother to take the omega’s feelings into consideration during sex, and hadn’t stayed long afterwards. No wonder the Weretiger ran away.
And he couldn’t leave it at that.
He turned the corner just as Atsushi was beginning to head towards the counter.
Atsushi didn’t reply, simply ignoring him, pretending he wasn’t there, and continued to pay for his items.
Akutagawa thought of how to get the attention of the omega, and just when he thought of approaching him, Atsushi’s eyes met his, and his heart froze, melted, and then froze again. The tears falling down the Weretiger’s cheeks made Akutagawa sick, and he took his hand back to his side,  having tried to reach out to the omega.
Atsushi didn’t bother, instead, running away to wherever he was heading this time, and left Akutagawa’s alpha to wallow in misery and regret…
Don’t leave, I need to talk to you…
But no words were spoken.
Atsushi had been shy about checking the child’s gender, not ready to know anything, still getting used to the fact that he indeed carried an actual child inside him.
Well, he wasn’t expecting this!
“Are you sure?!” He almost shrieked, Kyouka next to him looking on in similar shock at the doctor.
She smiled.
“Yes. I can see them clearly.”
One boy, and one girl.
A pair.
Atsushi slumped in his seat, placing a hand onto his stomach, the bump pressing into his palm as he took the information in. Kyouka rubbed his shoulder, blue eyes meeting sunsets, and then Atsushi sighed.
“I… I can’t believe it…” Was all he could say, the other hand gripping the chair handle as the doctor smiled at him.
“At first, I didn’t know what I was looking at, I’ve never seen twins, but after asking one of the Head Doctors, I’ve come to the conclusion you're having twins Mr. Nakajima.”
Atsushi took another deep breath, before looking at the ultrasound pics that had been handed to him earlier.
He gripped the fabric of his shirt, before nodding, and stood up with Kyouka’s help.
“Thank you Miss.”
“Of course. Come by in two weeks for a check-up alright?”
“Yes, we will.” Kyouka nodded, and grabbed Atsushi’s bag, despite the boy protesting lightly, but in too much shock to fully say no.
“Good. Get home safe alright?”
“Yes. Thank you.”
“What do you mean he’s been transferred?!” Akutagawa looked Dazai in the eyes with shock as the taller man simply shrugged, not being curious about Akutagawa’s sudden obsession with seeing the Weretiger.
“I mean what I’ve said. He’s been transferred. It’s classified.”
“Dazai! Why would he leave this city?! Is it because of work?! Was he sent away on a mission?!”
Was it me?
Akutagawa and Dazai shared a glance, and Dazai almost looked impressed with the other Alpha’s defiant look.  
Usually, Akutagawa was always to scared of standing up against Dazai, but today, he was too desperate to even care. He needed to see the Weretiger! There’s no way he was transferred. He needed to speak to him.
“Why do you want to see him?” Dazai asked, and Akutagawa simply replied, gripping the heart of his jacket, Rashouman fluttering from the seams of his jacket’s shoulders.
“Because I… I need to apologize…!”
“... He said something happened between you too. Was it his heat?” Dazai awaited, and Akutagawa was quick to answer, simply hoping to see the Weretiger, in hopes of apologizing to him.
“Yes…! I… I knotted him and I need to apologize and see how he is and-”
“There’s no point. He wouldn’t forgive you.”
That didn’t sound like the Weretiger.
“But Dazai-”
“Afterall, he requested being sent away due to this incident.”
Akutagawa knew there was something Dazai was hiding, but the Alpha, hearing that the omega, his own omega, the one he wanted, had left because of him.
And without a word, even though he knew that Dazai was an extremely good liar, but not having bothered trying to actually pretend he wasn’t lying this time, the alpha retreated, feeling broken.
Even though he knew it wasn’t the truth, or at least the whole truth, Akutagawa could only understand that the Weretiger had left because of him.
So he returned to the dark…
Atsushi was sitting on one of the chairs, basking in the sun as he rubbed the bump with ease, eyes closed, a small smile forming on his lips as Kyouka continued to grab some drinks. It was during the summer, and soon enough it time, after this month, he’d be hitting the filth month. They would be one step closer to being within the world.
Kyouka stepped pit of the house, and smiled at him, enjoying the sight of her friend finally enjoying his free days off. It was soothing, and reassuring, seeing him enjoy himself and smile.
She handed him a water bottle, and just in case, a bar of Meiji Milk Chocolate.
It had been his obsession for the past few weeks since moving into Chino, and it was clear that the pregnancy was really starting to kick in, the cravings and cramps, everything.
“Thanks Kyouka!”
“Of course Atsushi.” She took her seat in the other chair, and both sat in silence, a light breeze flowing as they looked over the large field, the green grass swaying lightly, the trees shaking leafs making it a calm, but almost excited atmosphere. 
“I still can’t believe it…” Atsushi stated, taking a bite from his candy, other hand still placed palm pressed into his bump, eyes dazed, far away as he looked up into the clear blue sky.
He could feel Kyouka’s eyes on him, and he elaborated. 
“That’s it’s not one, but two. Despite what he did, he gave me something in return. Two little children that will give me a personal hell. But… I can’t help but thank him…”
Kyouka blinked, before laughing. 
“I suppose there is one thing he did that was good. Creating two innocent lives… It’s quite the feat.”
Atsushi nodded.
When thinking of someone like Akutagawa, he didn’t seem like the type of person to even get close to anyone intimately, but he had, and Atsushi was carrying proof. But there was also a guilt.
He never told Akutagawa about the pregnancy.
Atsushi hadn’t been marked by the Alpha, so he thought it was proof enough that the other didn’t want him. But even so, it was cruel to have left him in the dark. Atsushi had thought about it, about the regret on the Alpha’s face after he had aided him in his heat,  and wondered how he would have reacted, knowing he was the Father of the children inside Atsushi’s womb.
Atsushi sighed, and they fell into silence again.
Now was not the time to regret.
And there was never going to be a time.
Not when he had two young children who needed him more than he needed to know the reaction of something never to happen.
Atsushi and Kyouka continued to allow themselves to enjoy the scenery, and forget regrets, even if they would only come back…
Akutagawa had gotten his hopes up in the Weretiger returning back to Yokohama.
It crossed his mind more than he’d admit. That was the Alpha talking,  it wasn’t him wishing the return of the Weretiger, but he simply wished to apologize. Was that so hard to ask?
He sat at his desk, grey eyes scanning the once again attempted hack, and was quickly washed out of the ADA’s system, likely by the hacker ability known as Katai.  He gritted his fangs, eyebrows furrowing.
He was losing his patience.
He wanted to speak with the Weretiger.
Privately, the phone, or even a letter would suffice!
But the ADA refused to give away his location. It was making his skin crawl. The Alpha was begging, and Akutagawa simply wanted it to stop. To apologize for what happened and get on with his life, {If the Alpha doesn’t stop wanting to contact the Weretiger, then he needed help} and give the Weretiger closure.
Even if Akutagawa hated him with all his jealousy, he had never wished to take advantage of the Omega. 
He growled and his fingernails scratched into the wood of his desk, new marks that would either need shaving or polishing, not that it mattered to him too much.
He stared at the screen as the ADA’s profile  search disappearing, and cursed.
He sighed, placing his pale hands into the palms of his hands, elbows pressed into the surface of oak, and rubbed around his sunken eyes. He had been struggling to do this for over 7 months now. Trying to contact the Weretiger, trying to at least tell him how he felt of the situation and apologize.
Was that not enough?
Was it that horrifying?
Was he that disgusting?
Those questions had been plaguing him since the moment he knotted the poor Omega, and he felt himself getting sick.
Did he really want any answers?
The sense of guilt and self-disgust filled him up to the brim for the 100th time, and he closed the laptop, and rubbed at his eyes as he sat in the darkness of his office, and breathed in deeply.
He didn’t know if he wished to have the answer, and so he left, for another night alone, suffocating from the guilt as it crushed his throat.
He’d try again tomorrow.
Even if it broke him more than he already was shattered. 
“Kyouka, have you seen my new package of rice anywhere? Maybe I just placed it somewhere in one of those hazes again.”
Kyouka was leaning against the counter of the kitchen, blue eyes watching in almost glee as Atsushi continued to search for his main ingredient for his favorite meal.
He blinked in confusion, and tried to search all the places he had already thoroughly checked as Kyouka spoke about a different subject altogether.
“What would happen if you got a letter?”
“A letter?” Was this another shenanigan of hers?
He always decided to humor her, even if he was busy wondering where the hell he had put the rice!
“Depends on who it’s from.”
“From someone you hate. But what if they apologized?”
“...” Atsushi didn’t know what to say, simply stopping what he was doing and looking into her sudden serious eyes, and thought about it carefully.
“Well… If it was someone who I hated, I wouldn’t want to forgive them. If they wanted to apologize for something they did, I wouldn’t believe them. There is clearly another agenda. If they sent a letter, I would burn it. Does that help?” He smiled nervously at Kyouka, who blinked slowly, before shrugging it off.
“Yes it does. Thank you Atsushi.” 
What he had forgotten, likely for the best in his opinion, was that he would accept a letter of apology from him, but didn’t say anything about that.
He nodded, and continued searching the cabinets, when Kyouka suddenly interrupted the silence again.
“And Atsushi…?”
“I stole your rice. And I’m feeding it to the birds outside.”
Let’s just say, half the rice was used to feed the birds, and to make Tea On Rice, and the last little bit ruined both their hair.
And Atsushi never noticed the ripped up letter in the trash can that Kyouka had discarded.
It was during the seventh month he decided to call the closest friends to the Weretiger, his own student, Kyouka. He was starting to get desperate, and even Kyouka had noticed how persistent he was in asking for her presence when she had returned to the ADA with information on her and Atsushi’s “mission”.
She decided to meet him in the darkness of the alleyway Akutagawa had chosen.
She stepped into it, suspecting foul-play, but was surprised to see Akutagawa make himself noticed before she said anything.
“Kyouka. I’m glad you decided to meet me here.” He kept his distance, either for her own insecure feeling or his own, she didn’t care.
“You wanted to speak to me about Atsushi. Why?”
Akutagawa hated that.
He hated how she was able to see through him instantly, it annoyed him that he was easy to read. He coughed, and leaned against the wall for support. Kyouka raised a brow.
“What happened?”
“That is none of your concern Kyouka…” He panted.
He shouldn’t be out of bed, not after his surgery, it could hurt his lung all over again.
But he had to give this to the Weretiger. There was no two ways about it. He coughed again, and placed his hand into his coat, stopping for a moment seeing Kyouka tense, before pulling out an envelope. He tossed it to her, which she easily caught. Kyouka blinked in clear confusion.
“That is… For the Weretiger. It’s… Nothing he should be afraid of.” He stated loudly.
He coughed, and turned, feeling the Alpha inside feeling uneasy, like he was missing something, would miss something if he walked away. He ignored it.
“Tell him I’m sorry. Just like that letter will.” He walked away, leaving Kyouka speechless, and leaving an angry, confused feeling inside his stomach that made him nauseous. 
Not the surgery, it was something the Alpha was trying to tell him.
He continued to walk away, leaving behind his only chance at figuring out what the Weretiger had been dealing with, without force. 
At least he was able to give away the letter that would have never been read.
But he didn’t know that.
The kicking was painful.
It had Atsushi awake all night, and he continued with it for all of the day, through the office and he couldn’t even eat lunch with Kyouka or the other people around them. It was just to painful.
So after work, with the help of Kyouka, headed to see his doctor.
Which lead to now.
“8th month correct?” She asked, typing something into her computer.
Atsushi nodded.
“One week now starting tomorrow.”
“Well, Nakajima, don’t be alarmed, but they might come a bit earlier. It seems to be genetic, and that would explain how your smaller then most omegas. So I’d expect it to be at the end of this month or the first week of the last month when they are ready to enter the world.” Atsushi nodded, and decided to keep it at that.
He had been stressed for the entirety of this pregnancy, but he was getting better, Hopefully that didn’t have anything to do with it. 
He smiled gratefully and nodded.
“Thank you.” 
“You're welcome. Now be sure to come back next Friday so we can be sure.”
“Yes Madam.” 
On their way out of the hospital, Kyouka asked.
“Think maybe they're hungry? Maybe they’re mad at you.”
“Kyouka, I eat twice as much as I use too, and you know how much I eat. But I’ll keep that in mind.” He laughed, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and they both laughed.
Atsushi was glad to have Kyouka.
He wouldn’t know what to do if he had to go through this all alone. People waved at them and they waved back, and were quick to get onto the slow motorbike, and were on their way home.
Atsushi turned to the setting sun, and smiled.
They would be born by the end of Fall.
It was barely the third week of the 8th and last month when Atsushi’s water broke. It happened while he was brushing his teeth, ready for bed, when the pain washed over him like a waterfall. Gasping, he dropped his toothbrush and grasped the sink’s edge. He took quick little breaths, gasping for air as the agony increased. He looked down to see a large puddle of water, and he felt panic.
It wasn’t for another week or two!
“K-KYOUKA!” He screamed, and instantly, the young female alpha was at the open doorway, and before she could even ask, she saw the puddle, and she had a small look of shock, before pulling out her phone as she dialed the doctor’s number as she went to help Atsushi stand up and breathe.
“Hello. Yes, I have a problem. My roommate omega is going into labor, and I’d like to request an ambulance.”
She told them the address on the way down the stairs, a strong firm grip holding Atsushi up as he cried tears of pain and distress, which was in his scent, making the Alpha uneasy.
“I’d like you to hurry. I think something bad is happening.”
She hung up and he screamed.
And it was one of the most painful screams he had ever let out in his entire life.
“Yes? This is the Yokohama Armed Detective Agency.” Junichiro answered, listening intently.
“Someone wishes to speak with the President? No? Just any agent? Well, please, put them on.” Kunikida looked annoyed.
“What is it Tanizaki?”
Junichiro didn’t answer.
“Kyouka? Hey, calm down! What’s wrong- What do you mean he went into- He passed out?! We’ll be there in two hours alright?” Junichiro hung up and called to Ranpo, ignoring the look of confusion from Kunikida.
“Ranpo! It’s Atsushi! Call the President!”
“Knew it would happen anytime soon!” Ranpo was surprisingly out of his seat, and he turned towards the President’s office as Dazai seemed to understand the situation and got up to call the main people who cared for Atsushi.
“Alright, Kunikida, Junichiro, Naomi, Yosano, Kenji, go pack some things! We’re heading to Chino to visit Atsushi.”
“What? What happened?”
They  had all learned of Atsushi’s condition, and listened closely for any news on him.
“He’s gone into labor! Just a few minutes ago! And he passed out too!” Junichiro exclaimed.
Now everyone else was uneasy.
Atsushi wasn’t in the usual place he would appear whenever he slept.
He was in a train, in the sky, flying towards nothing but open waters. He opened his eyes and watched the water ripple, like maybe he wasn’t in the sky, but in the water itself, and the ocean was sky. Would that mean he was upside down? He didn’t know.
He suddenly turned and was shocked.
He sat on the shadowy end of the train, towards the water, while the other side had open windows and pure white skies. There, across from him sitting in the window sill, was Akutagawa, who seemed to almost be asleep.
The coat flowed without any kind of snaps of the fabric, it was like it was flying.
Atsushi got up, almost ready to fight, but he suddenly felt the guilt he had harbored forever, ever since he left for Chino, ever since he had met him in the grocery store.
How he had never told Akutagawa about their children.
But he couldn’t say it.
“I’m sorry…” Was all he could whisper, the regret filling his sunset eyes with tears. 
Everything from the dark side he had awoke on began to swarm him and he cried out, seemingly awaking Akutagawa, who snapped his head in his direction, eyes wide as Atsushi screamed.
“I’m SORRY!”
Atsushi awoke to a bright sunny room, lights shut off likely to help his eyes adjust. He blinked, realizing it was a hospital room, and wondered how long he had been asleep.
Where was the pain? 
He remembered falling into the couch and everything turning black, Kyouka shrieking his name as the pain subsided into an upside down dream, where he and Akutagawa seemed to have been enjoying the sleep on a floating train that couldn’t figure out if it was in the sky or under water.
He breathed, and finally noticed the many people scattered about the room, and he felt a relief he didn’t know could flow through his veins.
Everyone, Kyouka, Junichiro, Naomi, Kunikida, Ranpo, and even Yosano were in the room, sleeping in chairs or sharing the couch. He sighed in that relief, buried himself in it as he sobbed lightly, wishing for a shower, a fresh set of clothes and such.
But most of all, he wished to see his two children.
His little boy and his little girl.
Just as he thought about waking up Kyouka, the door opening, causing him to flinch, and turn in that direction, sighing again at the sight of Dazai and Fukuzawa, smiling, before eyes widening at the two bundles, one black, one white, and he gulped in anticipation.
Both Alphas laughed at the look, before Fukuzawa allowed Dazai in, the alpha with dark brown hair holding both of them as he walked over. Atsushi didn’t make a move to grab them, and Dazai simply shook his head.
“You don’t need permission to hold them Atsushi. They’re yours, afterall. Who cares if Akutagawa isn’t here. All they need is you, I’m sure.”
Atsushi nodded, nervous as he reached out for the black bundle, holding them to his chest and riveling in the sheer beauty of his little daughter. 
He smiled, almost cried again as he held the sleeping infant to his neck.
She had fluffy white hair, like his, with long black bangs and pale skin, similar to Akutagawa. Atsushi was quick to grab the other twin, the young boy, and smiled even wider. This one was almost an exact image of Akutagawa, but the hair was longer, fluffier, and the white also hid underneath his nape and bangs, the nape being black for his sister.
“Who’s the older one?”
“The girl.”
Atsushi wished he had been awake, and would have felt embarrassed if he wasn’t nuzzling into his young babies, purring all the while, unaware of the looks from everyone who was beginning to wake up. 
“Well, better come up with names soon huh?” Junichiro smiled, and Atsushi wanted to hug him so bad, but his children filled both of his arms and he felt a rush of happiness he didn’t know could exist.
“They already have names.” Kyouka stated, and everyone perked up at that.
Fukuzawa walked over in order to hold one of the infants, and Atsushi simply did as he was told, being too exhausted to complain.
“What are they?!” Naomi exclaimed, walking over to Fukuzawa to see the young boy.
Atsushi smiled at Dazai, who leaned over and ruffled the young girl’s hair as the Weretiger said loudly, allowing Kunikida to wrap a blanket around his shoulders.
“The boy is Shiro… And the girl is Akachan…”
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pinklovu-blog · 5 years
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"Hey, wanna play with me?" . . #bungoustraydogs #dazai #bsd #cosplay #dazaicosplay #dazaiosamucosplay #chuuyacosplay #bungoucosplay #bungoustraydogscosplay #dazai #dazaiosamu #osamu #chuuya #nakaharachuuya #chuuyanakahara #osamudazai #atsushinakajima #atsushi #akutagawaxatsushi #akutagawaryunosuke #dachuu #dazaixchuuya #bungoustraydogsdazai #bungoustraydogsdazaiosamu #bungoustraydogschuuya #bungou_stray_dogs #bungou_stray_dogs_s2 #bungou_stray_dogs_2nd_season #bungou_stray_dogs_dazai #anime #soukoku https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu6n9RrA6xd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lkxsvw6g8sf4
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zweiinr · 6 years
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Nanbaka Stray Dogssssss Bungou Stray Dogs and Nanbaka Crossover
long time ago @madarashin and I made fun about Atsushi being jyugo's parent since he share the same voice actor as Jyugo (Japanese version) and also that atsushi has segmental heterochromia eyes which is purple and yellow, the same way i color one of jyugo's eyes everytime, and that both zakuro and akutagawa dont have eyebrows and many more etc etc
i guess you kinda can see it themselves
and btw, we also made fun that NatsuXLucy from Fairytail would be Uno's parents due to blonde and pink hair and that natsu and uno shares the same seiyuu XD
and i love seeing jyugo and zakuro as twins, kinda reminds me of Sora and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts.
who do you think is the elder brother there?
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kamishhh · 5 years
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#BSD #bungoustraydogs #bungostraydogsart #kyoukaizumi #akutagawaryunosuke #akuatsu #akutagawaxatsushi #art #fanart #drawing https://www.instagram.com/p/BuOTaIphKcI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fyjtc5vjlum3
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yesilovebsd · 2 years
Get to know me because why not
🌿 Nickname: Akira (I don't like to use my real name on the internet)
🌿 Birthday: 15 September
🌿 Languages ​​I can speak: Turkish, English, a little bit Korean and German
🌿 Sexularity: Bisexual
🌿 Pronouns: she/her
🌿 Zodiac: Virgo
🌿 Favorite anime`s: Bungou Stray Dogs, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
🌿 Favorite manga`s: Bungou Stray Dogs, Tokyo Revengers
🌿 Music: My taste in music is very mixed. But i luv; Jason Derulo, Doja Cat, Mitski, BTS, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Michael Jackson, Panic! At the Disco, One Direction, Marina, Gorillaz, Cavetown, Arctic Monkeys, IC3PEAK, 5sos, Lauv, SCREEN mode, Dreamcatcher, Mamamoo, One Republic
🌿 Kinnie Characters: Chuuya Nakahara, Baji Keisuke [I'm the kinnie of most ESTP characters]
🌿 My comfort character: Atsushi Nakajima [my fav is chuuya but atsushi is really my comfort character. I am truly consoled when I remember what he went through.]
🌿Ship`s [just bsd]: ChuuyaxDazai, AkutagawaxAtsushi, HiguchixGin, FukuzawaxMori, NikolaixSigma, NikolaixFyodor, FyodorxDazai, OdasakuxDazai, GinxTachihara, JounoxTecchou, KouyouxYosano, YosanoxRanpo, PoexRanpo, LucyxAtsushi, LucyxMark
🌿 Other ship`s: DecimxChiyuki, EdwardxWinry, RizaxRoy, HinaxTakemichi, ShinichiroxWakasa, DrakenxEmma, DrakenxMikey, KazutoraxBaji, KazutoraxChifuyu, BajixChifuyu, İzanaxKakucho, KokoxInui, MitsuyaxHakkai, MitsuyaxYuzuha,
🌿 Fav foods: Chocolate soft cookies and hot tea, I could live with these for the rest of my life
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efedekorasyon · 4 years
Ninja Köpek #ninja#ninjaköpek#karete#kungfu#tayboks#komikköpek#jandarnaköpek#polisköpeği#joh#akutagawaxatsushi#videoamazing#funnyvideo#komik#komikvideo#komikpaylasim#begen#begeni#takip#takipci https://www.instagram.com/p/CCIs5jjHFjW/?igshid=1jsxzdty84rzq
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