#Alabama Story
deramin2 · 5 months
I'm seeing "Alabama Story" at the Very Little Theater tonight. It's a play about a librarian in 1959 fighting a ban on a children's book about a white bunny and a black bunny getting married because it promoted interracial marriage (a sinister plot to overthrow American decency and good order according to the critics).
Incredibly depressing how utterly relevant this story is 65 years later. Conservatives are up to the exact same dehumanizing bullshit seeking to label anyone outside of a white cishet patriarchal norm as inherently political, deviant, and unsuitable for children. We fought them before and history remembers them as villains. We'll keep fighting them today.
Can't wait to be emotionally wrecked again tonight after watching Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) (another story about queer people and Black people surviving bigotry together in Alabama) and Critical Role E91 yesterday.
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Daniel Villarreal at LGBTQ Nation:
Alabama’s legislature is advancing two censorious anti-LGBTQ bills: H.B. 130 would ban LGBTQ+ flags in classrooms and expand the state’s “Don’t say gay” law to include grades 6-8; H.B. 385 would jail librarians for giving “sexual or gender-oriented material” to minors without parental consent. Both bills were approved in the Alabama House of Representatives this week and now head to the state’s Republican-led upper legislative chamber.
Alabama’s current “Don’t Say Gay” law says that K-5 classrooms “shall not engage in classroom discussion or provide classroom instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.” H.B. 130 would also remove the section “in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards,” banning LGBTQ+ discussions completely. The H.B. 130 expansion, which passed the state House on Tuesday, would expand the law to include grades 6-8 and also prohibit “flags symbolizing sexual orientations or gender identities” in all grade school levels. [...]
On Thursday, the Alabama House also passed H.B. 385, a bill would expand the state’s definition of “sexual conduct” to include conduct that “knowingly exposes minors to persons who are dressed in sexually revealing, exaggerated, or provocative clothing or costumes, or are stripping, or engaged in lewd and lascivious dancing, presentations, or activities in K-12 public schools, public libraries, and other public places where minors are expected and are known to be present without parental consent.”
The law would place libraries in the same category as “adult-only” stores, movies, and entertainment” in order to criminalize librarians who provide “sexual or gender-oriented material” to minors without parental consent. The bill would force school and public librarians to remove any books that other people find “obscene” or “harmful” to minors — though the law doesn’t specify who would determine what’s “obscene” or “harmful.” After filing a written objection to the library director or principal, librarians would then have seven days to remove the book from shelves. Librarians who fail to do so could initially face a misdemeanor criminal charge and a fine of up to $10,000 and a county jail or hard labor sentence of up to one year. If a librarian is convicted of a second or subsequent violation, they could face a class C felony charge punishable by up to 10 years in prison, The Alabama Reflector reported.
Alabama is getting closer to passing two anti-LGBTQ+ extremist and censorious pieces of legislation: #HB130 bill that bans LGBTQ+ Pride Flags in classrooms and expands the Don't Say Gay or Trans law to cover grades 6-8.
HB385 bill would expand the definition of "sexual conduct" to include K-12 public schools, public libraries, and other public places in a setting where minors are expected to be entering.
Both of these bills are based on the right-wing myth that exposure to LGBTQ+ content "sexualizes" and "indoctrinates" children.
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someonesdeaddaughterr · 7 months
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realsafari · 6 months
i forgot that certain types of jokes REALLY arent funny and i made 2 yesterday after being told the first time that it wasnt funny uhhh...
yeah um.
this week is not going so fun.
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if your conclusion after reading Hillbilly Elegy (and I don't think most people who say this did read it) is "J.D. Vance is from Ohio, he's not a real hillbilly and knows nothing about Appalachia," you missed the entire point of the book.
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jodiewoodz · 6 months
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shipwreckedcomedy · 1 year
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Oh, you thought Headless was only playing in TWO festivals the weekend of August 26th? Think again, and come see Ichabod and the gang at the Sidewalk Film Fest in Birmingham, Alabam at 10 am on Saturday the 26th as a part of the Episodic Shorts block!
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dynamitekansai · 8 months
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Via Jade Cargill's Instagram Stories
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rubirosexx · 1 year
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quill-of-thoth · 7 months
Thinking about how stereotypes layer. In ancient Greece and Rome, the stereotype was that women are sexually insatiable - and therefore untrustworthy, not capable of leadership, easily convinced to go along with anything with a dick if they can get some. and to some extent that continued throughout the middle ages. Some time in the industrial revolution, the stereotype became that women are sexually ignorant. Naturally pure and chaste, incapable of lust - and therefore not capable of leadership, easily swayed by men's sexual desires, best kept out of the public sphere. But this obviously has only neatly applied to financially and socially secure women of whatever culture was dominant. (So, white women, but with the caveat that whiteness has always been a construct born of nationalism - racism, especially the stuff that started to be codified in the victorian era, has onionlike layers, where you can infinitely say that the people the next country over who you've inflicted a famine on are slightly better than the people a week's journey away whose empire is your rival, who are better than people on another continent.) For everyone else - the "bad" women - the older stereotype gets applied.
And now we appear to have yet another layer - the modern woman walking the line popularized by the breakfast club, where if you've had sex, you're a slut, if you haven't you're a prude. (And if you exist you're a tease) Not terribly psyched about finding out what new stereotype about the female quantum-superimposed libido will be in another 10 to 50 years, the way politics has been going in much of the world.
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kkkourtkkk · 8 months
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daughterofsarenrae · 6 months
2, 6, 12, and 15 :0!!!
2: what dish would you bring to a potluck with all your mutuals?
Answered here!
6: if money and social constructs were no object, what sort of clothes would you wear?
Oh man this stumped me. Idk what style is or how to label it u know. Ig just like. I mainly wear outdoorsy clothes? Very meh on clothes tbh. I would bring back cloaks tho
12: what animal do you know too many things about? Care to share some fun facts?
I am actively running a touch table with bird bones/feathers etc so ur gonna get some random bird trivia!
-If u take a pile of bird bones and a pile of bird feathers, the feathers would weigh more, sometimes by 2 or 3 times
-the biggest bald eagle nest we've found was 8 feet across, 18 feet deep, and weighed 2 tons
-kestrels only weigh 1/4 of a pound, so a stick of butter. Or 34 pennies
-Bald eagles can see a fish in the water from a mile up
-vultures are sometimes used to detect gas leaks- the chemical causing the gas scent is also part of that good carrion smell, so if you see a congregation of vultures around where a gas pipeline is and there's no food, the pipes should probably be checked
-bird eyes are spherical, theyre roundish at the front and flare out at the back & are held in place by a ring of bone. This gives them better eyesight at the expense of being able to look around without moving their head, hence the huge amount of rotation in their necks
-owl feathers have a fringed edge, letting them fly silently (but slowly). Other raptors have a smooth edge, letting them fly quickly (but loudly)
15: what was your first proper job? Do you have any interesting stories from it?
Oh boy it was a kennel tech at a uh. Shitty Vet in alabama. Very much a $ over pets kinda place. I only lasted like 2? 3? Months there. Most of my stories are more like horror stories than fun. I did get to walk a goat around on a leash for a while! That was fun
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ausetkmt · 7 months
Last Slave Ship Found on Alabama Coast Validates Descendants' Stories
The slave trade was abolished in 1808, but this ship, the Clotilda, sailed in 1860 and was sunk by its owner once he won his bet and sold his human cargo. Historian Sylviane Diouf discusses the discovery 
Apparently it is well preserved, even though the captain set it afire and sunk it to cover their deeds
Take a look at the inside of the clotilda from the enslaved peoples viewpoint
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queeraang · 4 months
I have been RPing the christian devil with a vague texabamassipi accent for five gregorian years now which is great, but it means that when I try to write a character from somewhere else the dialect is a fucking nightmare to wrangle because i backslide into satan out of habit
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librarycard · 1 year
Sooooo devastating listening to this podcast and realizing a quarter of a way through a story that i recognize it from some other time gus or geoff told it 5 or 6 years ago. this has happened twice in one episode
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jitendrasahu · 8 months
For complete information must read Book,
"Hindu Saheban! Nhi samjhe Gita , Ved, Puran."
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