#Alcina about to arrive and wonder where her girls are
twilidragonrin-art · 5 months
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This was based on a conversation I had with someone on AO3. If you haven't begun reading works from InfiniteWriter7, I highly encourage to check them out.
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willalove75 · 1 year
Alcina's New Maid. Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
This idea has plagued my mind for almost two weeks and I need to get it out of my head so I can function😅😂
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu brings you in as one of her maids, at least, that's what you thought she brought you to the castle for.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: flirty, fluff, slow burn, smut.
Notes: This might be a few parts idfk I just need it out of my head NOW 😅😅
Click here for the rest of the series
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It's the early hours of the morning, the sun has just risen and you're out in the back tending to the garden. You bring the mornings harvest into the kitchen and greet your aunt and uncle, both sitting down at the small kitchen table.
"Good morning." You say.
"Good morning dear." You aunt says, your uncle grumbles at you. "Are you off to get the children ready for the day?" She says, less asking and more telling you.
"Yes, I was just on my way to take care of them."
You walk into the bedroom, three young girls in a deep sleep in their beds. You begin to wake the oldest, Ana, who is about 10, and make your way to the middle and then the youngest, Elena, the youngest in the family at only 4 years old. You help them get dressed and send them down for breakfast, you make your way into the other bedroom where the two twin boys are still fast asleep. You wake them up, dress them and accompany them into the kitchen. You prepare their food and serve each child, you try your best to personalize each meal for each child, although your family is not wealthy by any means, you make do with what you have.
Once the children are fed and the kitchen is restored to its usual state, you bring them outside as you sweep the cobblestone path leading up to the house. The children are running around in the yard and in the street, kicking up dirt and rocks as kids do. As you're sweeping you hear the bells, you drop your broom and rush over to the children and begin to quickly usher them into the house.
The bells are only rung when the Lady of the castle comes through the village in her carriage. You've never seen her before, but you've heard rumors of her ruthlessness, many of those brought into her castle are never to be seen again. To avoid her, or her daughters, who are rumored to be worse than the Lady herself, the townspeople ring bells throughout the village to signal her arrival. All of the villagers rush inside and lock their doors, fearful that if the Lady or her daughters even see you, you will be whisked away, never to be seen again.
You hear the stomps of hooves a short distance away as you try and wrangle the children and get them inside, one by one they enter the house and you realize you're missing one. Fear shoots through you as you look into the road and see Elena, bending down in the road, picking up the rock she was playing with. You see the carriage, mutant-like horses pulling it, hurdling towards the child. Before you realize it, you're sprinting towards her, just before she's trampled you dive into the road and knock her out of the way, the two of you tumbling away from the carriage. The horses rear, bringing the carriage to a halt. You scramble and scoop the child into your arms, cradling her close to your chest as you sit in the dirt.
"Oh Elena," you say breathlessly, "are you hurt?"
Aside from a few scrapes, she is fine, but more scared then hurt and begins to cry.
"Shh, you're okay." You whisper to her.
You were so focused on Elena, you didn't realize someone emerged from the carriage until you see the hem of a cream dress and black stilettos standing just a few short feet in front of you. You slowly follow the dress up with your eyes, by the time you expect to reach the face of the person in front of you, you realize your eyes are only up to their waist. You strain your neck up and finally reach the top of the woman in front of you, her face shielded by a shadow cast by her large hat. You wrap your arms around Elena tighter as you're frozen by fear, realizing you're sitting at the feet of the Lady herself. Her one hand draped across her chest, her elbow resting on her arm with a long cigarette holder sitting between her two fingers, a lit cigarette sitting on the end of it.
"And what do we have here?" Her sultry voice taking you by surprise.
You sit there, still frozen in fear, your throat suddenly dry.
"I do not have the patience today to be ignored." She says, leaning down towards you. Piercing yellow eyes emerge from the shadow as she moves.
"I- I am so sorry Lady." You say bowing your head. "The child- she- she's just a child." You say with a shaking voice, your arms wrapped tightly around Elena as you try and hold back tears of fear.
The Lady says nothing, you can feel her eyes burning into you as she stares.
"Please," you say as you sheepishly look up at her. "Please don't hurt her."
She stands up straight and the shadow covers her face again. She says nothing for a moment and then speaks.
"And what if I want to?" She says, her voice sending chills down your spine.
"Hurt me instead, whatever you want to do to her, do to me instead, please, I beg you, don't harm her."
You hear her smirk, even though you can't see her eyes you know they haven't moved off of you.
"Is she your child?" She asks.
"No ma'am, she is my cousin."
"And you would be wiling to die for you, cousin?" She asks as if she's more surprised at who you would be willing to sacrifice your life for than the fact that you're willing to sacrifice your life at all.
"Yes ma'am, my purpose is taking care of them, if anything were to happen to them, I would never be able to live with myself."
"Your purpose?" She asks.
"Yes ma'am. I serve no other purpose than to take care of the children, without them, my life has no meaning." You say sincerely. Since your aunt and uncle took you in, you've taken care of the children, you have no job, you're not suitable for marriage, you truly believe that the only purpose you have in your life is to care for them.
"How pitiful." She says. You look away and stroke Elena's hair, still trying your best to comfort the terrified child. The Lady bends down, you look up and she brings her hand to your chin, you close your eyes, terrified that she's just going to kill you where you sit. You feel a soft gloved finger under your chin, she lifts your face and you open your eyes and look at her, a shadow still mostly covering her face. "Pitiful that such a beautiful maiden is nothing but a servant for children. Children that aren't even hers."
Taken back, you stare at her, you know what you heard her say, but your brain cannot process it. "Beautiful? Did she call me beautiful?" You think to yourself.
"Tell me draga, where do you live?"
"Just across the way." You gesture to the small house behind her.
"And who cares for you?"
"I- I live with my aunt and uncle." You say, unsure of why she's asking you these questions.
"Bring me to them."
You nod your head and stand up with Elena still clinging to you. You walk past the cart and take notice of a buzzing noise coming from the inside.
"Girls," you hear the Lady quietly growl to the cart as she walks past. "Behave."
The buzzing quiets and you walk up to the house, your aunt and uncle standing at the door with horror on their faces.
"Oh Elena." You aunt says as she takes the girl from your arms and carries her inside.
You stop at the door and turn and look at the woman, unsure of what to do next, she stands taller than the ceilings inside, you don't think she'd be able to fit.
"Well are you going to invite me in?" She says, looking down at you.
"Yes, of course." You say and make your way inside.
"Girls." The Lady says and turns towards the carriage.
A massive swarm of flies emerges from the carriage and three girls emerge, all dressed in black robes, one with blood stains on her cheeks. The Lady removes her hat and hands it to one of them.
"Stay here." She commands them.
"Yes mother." They reply in unison.
She bends down and enters the house, kneeling on the floor inside. Finally able to see her face, you're almost taken back at her beauty, her inky black hair curled and held in place with pins, her blood red lipstick, glowing yellow eyes, you're less afraid and more fascinated. She looks over at you and sees you looking at her, you quickly look down as your cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
"How may we help you Lady?" Your aunt politely asks, a little afraid.
"Your niece," she says gesturing to you. "She tells me the only purpose she serves is caring for your children, is that correct?"
"That's all she's good for." You uncle says.
She slowly turns her head and glares in his direction.
"And why is that?"
"She has no skills, she's an orphan with nothing to her name so she's not suitable for marriage, no man will have her, and besides being a burden, all she can do is care for the children."
You look down at your feet as your uncle speaks, although you've heard those words your whole life, they still sting. The Lady purses her lips.
"An orphan?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Her parents, my sister and her husband, perished in a fire when she was a child." You aunt says, you hear the three girls outside of the door giggle. "Our only choices were to take her in or-" she pauses and doesn't finish her sentence, everyone knows what she would have said, all orphans are sent to the Lady's castle.
"I see." She looks back over at you, you keep your eyes on the floor. "Well, if she is such a burden, I will gladly take her off of your hands." You look up at her with fear in your eyes.
"And who will care for our children?" Your uncle asks with anger in his voice.
"You're their father, are you not?" She snaps at him, he doesn't speak but he still has anger in his eyes. "If losing her will be an inconvenience, I will pay you handsomely for your troubles. Much more than a marriage proposal would fare." She laughs as she finishes her sentence.
"How much are we talkin'?" You uncle asks.
"Uncle!" You say in disbelief, you know he was never fond of you, but you never thought he would sell you, especially to her.
"Silence you wench! You have no say in this matter." He shoots daggers in your direction. You look at your aunt, tears filing your eyes, she looks away from you, not able to look you in the eyes.
The Lady's glare becomes more intense as she watches him reprimand you. She turns and looks at the girls out of the corner of her eye.
"Girls, my bag please."
"Yes mother." One of them says, disappearing into a swarm of flies, they fly over to the carriage and return, the girl emerging from the swarm with a large, leather purse in her hands. She hands it to the Lady and she pulls out a large pouch, handing it to your uncle.
"That would be half. I shall have one of my maids bring you the other half in a few days."
You uncles eyes light up as she drops the bag in his hands, it looked so small in hers, but easily fills both of his hands.
"Deal." He says, his eyes not leaving the large pouch in his hands.
"Uncle please," you beg.
"Enough, pack your things." He says.
You run into your room and lean against the door, tears falling down your cheeks, trying to stop the hyperventilating. You hear a small knock on the door, you take a deep breath and turn to open it, you aunt and Elena are standing there.
"How could you let him do this?" You say through tears. "She's going to kill me. You're sending me away to my death."
"I'm sorry, there was nothing I could do." She says, her eyes watery. You were never particularly close with either your aunt or uncle, you were always looked at as lesser than them. Although your aunt was kinder than your uncle was, maybe because you looked so much like your mother, regardless, neither of them seemed to care much for you.
"Don't go y/n." Elena says, tears in her eyes. You lean down and hug her.
"I'm sorry love, but I have to. I don't want to leave you, but I have to." Her little hands grab at your dress and you hold her close.
You aunt pulls Elena off of you and you pack your things. You don't own much, so everything fits into a small bag. You walk back out into the living room, your hands gripping the bag, trying your hardest to stop them from trembling.
"My Lady," you aunt says, breaking the silence. You uncle stares daggers at her, while the Lady looks at her curious of what she's going to say. "What can we do to ensure her safety? I- I don't want harm to come to her."
The Lady laughs, her deep laugh shakes the walls of the house, a terror fills your chest.
"You have my word, no harm will come to her." She says as she caresses your cheek with one of her gloved fingers. "And I am a woman of my word."
Her touch sends shives down your spine, the corners of the Lady's mouth curl as she feels the effect she has on you.
"Say your goodbyes. We must be going."
You turn and hug each child, you get to Ana and hold her tightly.
"Take care of them, okay?" You gently say. She nods her head with tears in her eyes and hugs you.
You get to Elena and you wrap your arms around her and kiss her head.
"I love you, please listen to Ana, okay? For me?"
She cries and nods her head, burying her face into your dress.
"Be brave." You say gently.
"I'm scared." She cries into you.
"I'm scared too," you say, looking into her eyes, "But we have to be brave when we're scared, when we have to do things we don't want to. Okay?"
She nods her head and hugs you again.
"I love you y/n."
"I love you too Lena."
The Lady clears her throat and you take a deep breath and let go of the child. You wipe her tears away and kiss her on the head again. You stand up and hug your aunt and turn towards the lady and nod your head.
"And what? You don't have anything to say to me?" You uncle says angerly. "You ungrateful, useless-" he stands up and walks towards you, the Lady reveals one of her sharp, long claws and puts it to his neck. You all gasp and your aunt tries to cover the children's eyes.
"I surely hope you treat your daughters better than that." She growls. She must have put the fear of the Black God into your uncle because for the first time in your life, he's silent, and terrified. She retracts the claw and looks at you.
"Let's go."
She backs out of the door and takes her hat from the girl holding it and places it back on her head. You follow her out the door and she leads you into the carriage. You look back at the place you called home once more and wave to the kids before climbing in. The Lady climbs in next to you, the carriage leaning to the side as she gets in. A massive swarm of flies enters the carriage and the three girls appear across from you.
"Oh mother she looks fun!" One of them says.
"Oh yes, mother can we play with her? Please?"
The third one grabs your arm, staring intently on the cut you got when you were saving Elena.
"She smells delicious mother, can we have a small taste? Please?" She begs.
"Girls, enough." She commands, the three girls immediately falling silent, the one releasing your arm. "She is going to be one of my new personal maids." She says, looking over at you, you feel her eyes on you and you keep your eyes on the floor.
The girls giggle and begin to chat amongst themselves. You hear whispers of them talking about a dungeon, who they were planning on taking down to it, whispers of hunting, you try your best to keep your nerves under control but the Lady seems to pick up on them immediately.
"No need to be afraid," she says looking down at you. "As long as you're obedient and you behave, you will never have to experience the dungeon, or worry about any of them." She says gesturing to the girls. She gently pats your leg, her hand can practically wrap around your entire thigh. The thought sends chills down your spine and you look out the window to distract yourself from thinking about it.
You reach the castle and you look out the window in amazement, you've never seen it up this close before, it's as breathtaking as it is ominous. You get out of the carriage and Lady Dimitrescu leads you inside.
"I presume you know how to clean, and well given you've watched after so many children for so many years?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Good, I will introduce you to the head maid and she will give you your assignment and a uniform. You start tomorrow morning, I suggest you clean yourself up and get a good nights rest tonight." She says, eyeing the dirt stains on your dress from earlier.
"Yes ma'am."
She leads you into the kitchen and introduces you to the head maid. She excuses herself and you're lead to the maids quarters, you're shown your small room, although it's still bigger than the room you had at your aunt and uncles house. You're given fresh uniforms and the head maid hands you a sheet with your duties.
"You will begin in the library tomorrow morning, I will show you around for the first few days, but after that you must remember where to go on your own. It is also very important that you do not, under any circumstances, enter the Lady's study or chambers without her explicit request, understand?"
"Yes." You say, looking over the list of chores.
"I can't tell you how many new maids I've lost due to them wandering in there, either on accident or to snoop around. Do not do it. Understand?"
"Yes. Understood." You say, looking up at her.
She leaves and you shower and put on the clean pajamas that were left in your wardrobe. You lay down in bed, surprised at how comfortable it is, and before you know it, you're asleep.
You wake the next morning and put on your uniform and pull your hair back. You grab your supplies and meet the head maid. She gives you a quick tour as she leads you to the library, you do your best to remember which room is which. You make sure you engrain into your mind which room is the Lady's study and which is her chambers so you never accidentally end up in there. You get to the library and the head maid leaves you to work. You look over your list, you have to dust, polish, return any stray books, sweep and mop the floors. The library is large, but you figure the floors are going to take the longest. You begin by putting away any books you see laying around, carefully replacing them to their correct spot.
You hear a faint buzz across the room and the sound of giggles, it's incredibly unsettling, but you do your best to ignore it and keep working. You hear books falling to the floor, the sound echoing across the room and it startles you. You walk towards the sound, the closer to the mess you get, the louder the buzzing gets. Out of the corner of your eye you see movement and turn around, you see one of the daughters giggle.
"Oopsies." She says, covering her mouth as she laughs and disappears into a swarm of flies.
You kneel down and pick up the books and return them to their shelves. "Well, it's not much more different than dealing with the kids at home." You think to yourself.
Once the mess is cleaned you return to dusting and polishing. As you're cleaning you hear the shrill laughter of the girls as they buzz through the castle, although much more frightening than the laughter of children, you quickly get used to the sounds and eventually you don't even notice it.
You hear the laughter enter the library and you do you best to keep focused on the floors. You hear footsteps behind you and you turn to see the three girls, the redhead running up to you and getting right into your face, examining you closely.
"Daniela please, let the girl do her work." The blond says.
"Get out of the way!" The brunette says, pushing the read head away. "I want to get a closer look at her." She says looking you up and down. "Oh I bet you taste sweet," she says, licking her lips. "I would love to get just a little taste." She holds up a sickle. "Just a little taste."
"Cassandra mother will kill you if you lay a finger on her." The blond reprimands her.
"Ugh." She says lowering the sickle. "You always ruin the fun Bela, I wanted to make her squirm!"
The girls still tower over you a bit, you don't even notice the smile that crossed your face as they bickered, reminding you of the kids you practically raised.
"What are you smiling at?" Bela says, looking at you curiously.
"Oh, nothing, sorry." You say as you look down. "You guys just reminded me of the kids a little, that's all."
"Oh, were they bad?" Cassandra asks with wild eyes.
"No, not at all, they were amazing."
"Well that's no fun." The Daniela says. "I can't wait to see what mother has in store for you."
You look at her, unsure of what she meant.
"Oh Daniela hush, you don't even know what mother wants with her." Bela says.
"All I know is that if she ever brings you down to the dungeon, I want to be there so I can get a taste of you." Cassandra says, licking her lips.
"Do you know why mother paid to bring you here?" Bela asks.
"Honestly, no. I have no idea." You say.
The three girls look at you curiously, none of them seeming to know the answer themselves.
"Well, it was lovely talking to you girls, but I really should get back to cleaning, I wouldn't want to fall behind on my first day and anger the Lady." You say.
The three girls look up and giggle and disappear in a swarm of flies.
"I should be offended that you would think it takes so little to anger me." You jump when you hear the voice behind you.
"Oh, Lady Dimitrescu, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were there." You stutter. "I didn't- that's not what I-" You fumble with your words, trying to save yourself.
She chuckles. "Oh draga, I am not offended. Not this time."
"Oh," you look down at the floor, avoiding eye contact. "Thank you."
She steps away and takes a seat on one of the chairs near you and crosses one of her long legs over the other.
"Is there anything I can do for you ma'am?" You ask, your eyes still focused on the floor.
"You are allowed to look at me dear." She says.
You look up and she leans forward, your eyes go to her massive chest as she leans forward, her dress perfectly showing off her impressive breasts. You immediately snap your eyes up, hoping she didn't notice. Her lips curl into a smile, "damnit. She noticed." You think to yourself. She sits back into the chair and opens the book you never noticed in her hand.
"There is nothing I need from you draga, not yet." Her yellow eyes feel like they're piercing your soul. "Please, continue, don't allow me to distract you from your work." She smiles at you and you shyly smile back.
"Oh, okay. Well, if you do need anything, please let me know." You say.
She turns her attention to her book and you go back to finishing sweeping the floors.
As you're cleaning you swear you catch her watching you, you try to focus on doing the best job you possibly can even though your nerves are extremely heightened at her presence.
You finally finish in the library, you look around and realize that Lady Dimitrescu is no longer in her chair, you didn't notice that she left, you're not entirely sure how long it had been since she left, but you're grateful that you were able to do a good enough job where she didn't say anything.
You gather your things and head back to your quarters to look for the head maid to see if there's anything else you needed to do since it was only the afternoon. To her surprise, there was nothing left for you to do so you had the rest of the day to yourself. You showered, changed into a new outfit and hung out in your room until dinner.
Once dinnertime came you made your way to the kitchen and got in line to eat. You could tell there was a pecking order amongst the maids, made up between the highest-ranking ones and the ones who have been here longest. You did your best to not step on anyone's toes as you waited in line. You could tell there were cliques among the maids, you tried to make yourself as invisible as possible as you tried to find an open seat with your tray in your hands. You notice a maid stuck her foot out to try and trip you, you carefully walked around her and avoid looking at her as you pass.
"You think you're better than me?" You hear someone say.
You had no idea who they were taking to, but you didn't think they were talking to you so you kept walking.
"You, new girl." You hear her say. You turn around and realize she was talking to you. "You think you're better than me?" She asks, anger in your eyes.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were talking to me. But, no, I don't not at all." You say.
She walks up to you and smacks your tray out of your hand, your meal scattering across the floor.
"Know your place bitch." She growls at you. "Now clean up the mess." She says as she walks back to her seat.
Stunned, you stand there for a second before cleaning up what was going to be your dinner. You look over and realize that there wasn't much left and you head back to your room. You lay in bed, your stomach growling. "How was it easier to deal with the three girls than it is dealing with the other maids?" You ask yourself. You finally roll over and fall asleep, hoping there won't be any more issues with the other maids.
The next few weeks are about the same, the one maid knocking at least half of your meals out of your hand. You eventually figure out when she gets to the kitchen for meals and try to get in before she does so you can actually eat, it angers her, but you do your best to ignore her. You have more run-ins with the girls, they seem fascinated by you, and you couldn't help but be a little fascinated with them too. Lady Dimitrescu pops up a few times throughout each week in whatever room you're working in, it strikes you as odd, but you try not to think too much of it. You can't imagine that she has time to visit every maid as frequently as she sees you.
You were eventually given the task to take care of requests that the girls ask of you, although they really didn't ask for too much. You removed blood stains from their dresses, cleaned and polished their weapons, usually their sickles, helped them remove blood stains from carpets their mother specifically asked them to not get blood on, the usual, at least the usual for this castle.
One day you're cleaning the main stairway, leading from the foyer to the second floor. You hear the usual buzzing and giggles and you smile as the girls run amuck through the castle. A swarm of flies appears in font of you and Daniela appears.
"Y/n, I need your help!"
"What's up Daniela?"
"You have to tell Cassandra that I'm less messy than she is. She doesn't believe me!"
"Daniela, respectfully, I am not getting in the middle of whatever you and Cassandra have going on today. Plus, it's not nice to lie." You say with a smile.
You hear a laugh from the second floor and you look up to see Lady Dimitrescu staring down at the two of you from the balcony. Your cheeks turn red as you return your attention to your work.
"Ugh!! Mother! Make her tell Cass!" Daniela whines.
Lady Dimitrescu descends the stairs towards the two of you.
"She's right Daniela, it is not nice to lie."
Daniela bursts into a swarm of flies and angerly storms away and you try and hide the smile on your face.
"You're very good with the girls, I know they can be," she pauses for a moment to carefully pick her words. "A handful."
"They're not so bad, plus, they're like any other siblings, they all bicker the same, just over different things."
She smiles at you and gently hums as she walks down the stairs past you. You pause for a second to listen, you never realized she was able to sing, no less had such a beautiful voice.
"What else is on your to-do list today?" She asks as she reaches the bottom of the steps.
"Once I finish the stairs I just have to dust and mop the hall up here."
"And you are off tonight, correct?" She asks.
"Yes, my next night shift is tomorrow night."
"Delightful, I am going to need your assistance tonight."
"Oh, uh, yes of course."
"Meet me in my chambers after dinner."
You freeze for a second and look down at her, she looks up at you with a smirk on her face.
"In your, uh, chambers?"
"Did I stutter?"
"No ma'am. I'll be there."
She walks away and you take a deep breath. You continue the stairs and try to finish as quickly as you can while still doing a thorough job.
Once you finish you shower and change into a fresh uniform, you hurry to the kitchen and quickly grab your food and eat before the maid that has it out for you throws your dinner across the kitchen. Luckily you're able to finish by the time she shows up, she sees you cleaning up your plate and she shoots daggers at you. You have no idea why she seems to have it out for you, but you try your best to ignore and avoid her. You go to leave the kitchen and she goes out of her way to walk past you with her tray in her hands. You look forward and try to ignore her, as you pass you feel a sharp pain across your arm and you yelp and put your hand over you arm only to realize you're bleeding. You turn to look at the maid and you see her turn her kitchen knife back in.
"Oops. Sorry." She says sarcastically.
You hurry to your room and wrap a bandage around your arm, you realize you have a little blood on your dress but you don't have time to change. You rush out of your room and make your way to the Lady's chambers.
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House Heisenberg: Karl Heisenberg- Grey Eyes
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Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x Lord Heisenberg
Pov: Lord Karl Heisenberg
Warnings: fluff, smutish, falling in love with the wrong person, disapproval, falling in love, hiding, kissing. Making out/up, a Little bit of fighting, bela being disgusted with men, Karl being a dick, lady dimitrescu disapproval, enemies to lovers.
Summary: Karl loves being an asshole, so the only thing he does is makes Alcina Dimitrescu furious. He'll make her oldest daughter fall in love with him.
A/n- @ firefly - graphics for dividers, Smut is under the divider.
WC: 8.3k
Resi 8 Master List // House Heisenberg Mater List
Green Eyes
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She was just so damn tempting. She made my blood boil, and why not fuck around with her. See how long it would take to make the anger bubble up in her. There's no better way to fuck mentally with Mega big bitch than getting her daughter to fall for me. Just can't let the lines blur.
She was just so damn tempting. She made my blood boil, and why not fuck around with her. See how long it would take to make the anger bubble up in her. There's no better way to fuck mentally with Mega big bitch than getting her daughter to fall for me. I just can't let the lines blur.
Well, fuck if the lines didn’t blur almost automatically. She let me chase after her. She wanted me to chase, and run after her in the hallways of distraction. Twists and turns at every corner.
I was running on a wild goose chase with Bela Dimitrescu. Out of no other reason than to send a rather painful reminder to Alcina that she isn’t and will never be the favorite.
I could ruin anything for ‘mother Miranda’ she’d love me and still pick me. That’s how the tables rolled no matter the reason why. I knew that chasing after Bela was a fucking trick It was all about the chase the thrill of it for her I could plainly see it on her beautiful face. Plainly see how she tried desperately to look over at me at the wide dinner table. Her bitch of a mother sat her girls so far away from me
As if I was more poisonous than her. I could hear the mutter of bullshit when the four of them arrived. I didn’t give a shit where the hell I was so I treated every place as if I owned it. My boots were perched up on the side of the dining table. Boots crossed at the ankle, a rather calm tone to my entire behavior.
The daughters sit so far away from me, but for now, my attention is drawn to their mega bitch of a mother. Alcina Dimitrescu was a little too loud, and a little too bitchy for my tastes. She was the ideal show of what men hated in women. Or, at least that’s how I always saw her. Alcina wanted and never gave up without a bitching session. Dinner did not go by smoothly, for a moment. Only for a moment did I wonder if it was because of me. 
The thought came and passed just as quickly. Mother Miranda is here, she’s boasting about just how wonderful Alcina is. For hosting, for making this marvelous meal. Let’s be honest Alcina didn’t cook shit, and she’s not eating either. I swallow back a grunt and disapproving roll of my eyes. I eat in silence as I watch the others. I watch Alcina’s oldest. She’s looking, gazing. Bela is practically gawking at me from across the large dinner table. Alcina is just so wrapped up in Mother Miranda, in being her pet. I watch more closely, with a mental image of her oldest face burning into the back of my eyes. She’s beautiful, she’s much better looking than her mother. Bela Dimitrescu is the definition of perfection. Does she know that? She looks my way, I won’t back down. I can't help the way she catches my attention, all of my gaze. It’s all at once. She’s going to get up and walk out of the dining room. I would look around if I cared, but I can still hear Alcina buttering Mother Miranda up with her glossed-over words. 
I try to be quiet as I look around the maze of the castle Alcina has for herself. I can hear the distant clicks of heels. I run my boots and hit the marble floors harder than I intentionally mean. I slow down. I let the sounds guide me closer. I let her guide me like I’m blinded in the dark. She’s so innocent looking. Bela has a look in the back of her eyes that send me chasing after her even more. The chase is getting my heart, and cock thumping. Bela is bringing me someplace where we won’t get caught. I’m not lost, my factory is a maze in itself. Finally, there’s nowhere else for Bela to run.
I do the only other thing I can think of. I trap her against the hard wall behind her, and me. She won’t be slipping through my fingers any time soon. She won’t be going anywhere if I have a say in it. I can’t help the thought of tasting her soft and precious skin. I want to know what she tastes like. I want to know how she bucks and moans at my touches. I don’t give her time to understand, or how to get out of the trap I’ve set and now caught her in. 
Her hands don’t know what to do, so they fly through my hair. I feel the way my hair flops to the floor. I don’t give a shit anymore. Bela is right here stuck between me and me only. She’s got her skin laid out for the taking. The tops of her breasts are beautiful and the skin is so soft that it makes me want to drool. She moans at the touch of my hair or the way my tongue flicks between the valley of her pushed-up breasts. I don’t care which just that both options are being caused because of me. 
I lick a straight line from her neck to the top of her dress. My tongue makes haste to get near her ear once again to suck a deep and large bruise. I let my mind go haywire as I lick and suck at her skin more. When I suck at the tops of her breasts I can feel her rapid heartbeat up against my lips and it drives me to want to thrust up into the tiny space I left between us. 
I can’t wait any longer. Bela is too innocent. She’s so moldable. I move my hands that have caged her in against the wall. Now the only thing that stops her from running is me. She can’t process what’s going on, the fastest I’ve ever moved my arms. One second her feet are planted on the marble floor. The next I’ve got her pushed into the wall with all my might. I fear for only a quick second that I might have gotten us caught. The thought is pushed out automatically, all due to a little moan that slips out of Bela’s mouth. Her head falls back, eyes shut. 
I want to make her make that sound again. 
I wanna hear more of it. 
I wanna be the only one that makes her sound like that. 
A drop of walls is happening all too soon. This was only to fuck with Alcina. Now all my mind can think of is fucking Bela. Is taking her for my own. Ruining her for anybody else. As if anybody else will get her like this. She’s limp in my arms. So fucking confused, but her face looks like she’s ready to be fucked out. 
Her moans haven’t stopped as I pushed her further into the wall. “Oh, doll, aren't you a vocal one?” She blushes and tries to look away from my gaze, but her Grey eyes are stuck in my mind now. She’s not shy, but she’s not confident. When Bela finally does look back at me there’s a smile hidden by lust and a blush. It’s as if we’ve known each other for eternity. It’s as if Bela been making me chase after her, just to let me fuck her in the dark depths of her mother’s stupid fuckin’ castle. 
Had I chased after her intentionally? Most definitely I had chased after her with purpose. Like a predator with its prey. Except this was more like I was playing with my food. My food was playing right back into my hand. She wanted me, and I wanted her. Even if that reason had started off much differently in the beginning. 
I had met a few women in my lifetime already, but nothing like her. What, how many men had touched her like this? How dare they touch what’s always been mine! The duke, he’d be the only man that Alcina would allow to enter the castle. But Bela, poor sweet tasting Bela would never go after The Duke. He’s great but not as good as I am. Sure he might be good with his fingers, but well… I am good at everything else. 
God, if god was real. She must have created Bela with the best of everything. Bela was so much smaller than me. Her body was practically engulfed by mine. She smelt of roses, and the summertime. She felt happiness, god her skin tasted like I had died and gotten out of this fresh hell. I didn’t give a shit that Bela was smaller than me. I cared about how she rocked her head back as I sucked further hickies into her skin. Hidden at the base of her dress. Popping the shoulder of the dress to the side. A few on her shoulder, when I brought my teeth out her knees gave out and her legs dropped. 
Hastily I grabbed her legs and wrapped her legs around my hips. I wanted her to stay right there always, and forever. She liked the teeth, so I grazed my teeth over a few deepening bruises, near the back of her neck. Her hands dug into my back. I groaned out in satisfaction. Her eyes are wide with pleasure, and anticipation. I buckled forward, and the feeling of her soaked pussy hit the front of my clothed cock. My jeans will most definitely have a wet spot on them, from who? I’m not sure at this point. 
I don’t reach down to touch. I just tease her. From the bite of my lips to the words falling out of my mouth. Bela looks so fuckin’ innocent, as if she’s never been touched, or never touched herself in any possible way. ‘Such a wet little pussy you’ve got. Can you feel it?” Her eyes roll into the back of her as I dry hump into her pussy. 
There are too many fuckin’ clothes in the way. I wish I had taken her clothes off, and stripped her right there in the dark corner of the castle. I just should have taken her for what was able to give me, then taken more.
Bela is mumbling a mess in front of me. Her eyes are shut tight, but the half smile on her face shows she’s more than enjoying the friction I’m causing for the both of us. For some reason to watch her, to watch her enjoy being right here in my arms. Watching her enjoy getting off with me makes my heart pump faster and all that blood rushes down my already hard cock. Restrained by jeans. 
“I… You… We can’t.” It’s a plea. For more? Or for less, I don’t know, and couldn’t give a fucking shit in the world. She stays in the mumble mess, she tries to push into the dry thrusts. “Oh, are you enjoying yourself? Are you enjoying the way my cock is teasing at your pussy?” It’s the best fucking question I’ve asked her tonight. I want her to respond. 
I’m coaxing her. 
Stubborn I can see it in her eyes. She won’t give me answers. She won’t let me see past the thousands of walls she created. I sense a rather annoying presence. “GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER THIS INSTANT.” I can hear Alcina yelling, and screaming. I try to bite back the groan that wants to fall from my mouth, I stick my head, and bury my head into Bela’s shoulder. I breathe in the scent of roses. I try to steady my rapid heartbeat. Alcina will blame me, we all know it. I scoff as I hear the tapping of her shoe against the marble floor. 
I don’t care how she’s found us. I care more about the way that the second I look up at Bela her eyes say it all The pain she goes through with her mother, how degrading her mother is every sense of horror. I can see her pain even through her grey eyes. I bite down another bout of hateful words. I wink instead and set her down on the floor. Gently almost like we hadn’t ever gotten caught. 
There isn’t time to kiss her properly. There isn’t time for my hands to gaze at the small of her back as she moves quickly almost being dragged by her mother. I watch as Alcina talks to Bela. Degrading me in every word, then slapping it in Bela’s face. It causes a raging fire to grow in my belly. 
It’s not quite soft. Alcina is loud on purpose so I can hear her talk. Talk about me to her daughter like I’m not even there.“I can’t believe I told you, Bela. I told you never to talk to this man, or even go near him. Just as always, you’re the one that acts like a damn fool. Curses the Dimitrescu house name.” Alcina says loudly in her daughter’s face. She grabs hard around her wrist, and it’s takes everything in me to not stab Alcina in the heart. 
With what I  don’t know but for sure don’t care enough. 
Alcina is dragging her away from me. I continue to watch. I reach down and grab my hat dusting it off. Figuring i’ll make it out unscathed for the most part. Bela turns she’s looking over her shoulder. Eyes gleaming, asking for help. Yearning to be back in my arms all over again. 
“As for you Lord Heisenberg, you are to never come back to my castle. I will tell Mother Miranda what you’ve done. Do you understand? You absolute traitor.” It’s her way of stabbing me with shabby words. Shabby threats. She forgets I’m Mother Miranda’s favorite. 
I look over my shades one last time. Our eyes connect. For the first time, a first clear time I’ve seen her eyes. Dark, almost like burnt charcoal. She’s enticing in every possible way. I go back to the factory with a cock that’s chub up. Hard against my irrating jeans. I travel faster than ever before. I nearly don’t get my jeans off before I land in front of my sink. 
My hand wraps around my cock. My hands are cock compared to just how hot my cock is. The mirror is dirty, and with a few broken cuts through the glass, I can’t see myself. I don’t need to my eyes are closed. My eyes are closed, and thinking of Bela. Thinking of Bela kneeling for me, with her mouth caught open and waiting for me. Waiting for everything I have to give her. 
I bring my thumb over the head of my cock and let my precum act as lube. The head of my cock is red and swollen. I can still feel the way that Bela’s skin feels, I can still smell her all over me. I imagine her in my head. Her lips came down around the top of my head, engulfing her warm mouth around my head. I work my fist faster, and pump quicker. My eyes roll into the back of my head. My hand squeezes the sink and I can hear the porcelain almost break. 
I can feel the tip of my cock hit the back of Bela’s throat. I can hear her gag, as she tries to keep up with me thrusting into her face. Nothing would be better than getting Bela right here and right to finish what was so rudely interrupted. I yearn for Bela to be back in my arms, for Bela to be laying underneath me, to hear her moan again. 
My head falls back, and the moan that falls out of my mouth is godly. My load shoots out and covers the sink along with my own hand. The aftermath of coming on yourself is cause for showering. I drop my shades and hat onto the bed and let the water run until it’s hot. I clean my body with haste and make my way toward my bed. Getting into warmer clothes. I don’t bother with factory toys tonight. All I can see is Bela’s face. All I can see are her eyes staring back into mine. That’s what I dream about that night, but the morning is shadowed by the feeling of Alcina’s words finally hitting me. 
I can hear the banging on the garage door, and rage fills my heart and stomach. I get up storming up toward the garage doors. Mother Miranda is standing there, in all her fake glory. “Mother Miranda to what do I owe this pleasure?” It’s a fake voice, the fakest use, and only around her. With excitement written on her face which is more than scary. “I’ve heard the story from Lady Dimitrescu. Is it true that you and Bela are lovers now?” She asks with curiosity. I swallow hard. “I’m sure Lady Dimitrescu told you a whole story worth the truth,” I said blankly. “Oh this is wonderful, I will see you tomorrow at the church. I have the best of ideas for you and Bela.” Like that she’s gone a puff of hundreds of blackbirds. 
Always for Mother Miranda. She always has what she wants, but the thought of it sending Alcina into an overdrive of rage is a laughing stock in itself, And seeing Bela again sends a shiver down my spine. I start to think about her all over again. My pants grow tight, and I distract myself by building new toys to play with in the factory down below. 
I distract myself for the rest of the day. Tinker here and there. I don’t worry about Bela. I don’t worry about the growing admiration that I have for Alcina. In a fucked up way to make an effort to have Mother Miranda hate me. She loves me, for whatever fuckin’ reason. 
The next day comes quickly. The sun sets and rises with haste. I try to curve my beating heart. As I walk towards the Church. I know I’m already late, but Mither Miranda will never start until I’m there. She starts the second I sit down. My shades and hat are still on, and Alcina has forced Bela to sit on the side of her furthest away from me. I laugh internally at the notion, Alcina has no idea what’s about to come into her mind. 
Her precious girl is mine. Mine is for the taking with Mother Miranda’s signature written all over it. “Alright, I have heard you Alcina. I do think that in efforts to be the best he possibly can be, along with your sweetheart of a daughter. They might have come up with the most brilliant wonderful idea.” The shock written on Alcina’s face was like the rain had finally come down during the horrible summer months. Alcina’s face shows anger, and complete and utter frustration with everyone involved. I’m trying desperately to not laugh. I have to keep my face blunt, relaxed. All in the same way my insides are churning, burning at the bit to know that Mother Miranda is more then okay with the entirety of the situation. My shoulders come to lay against the back of the churchs unused pew. As if the lord just won’t give me what I so desperately want from life. 
Alcina just can’t keep her mouth shut, she needs to fight with mother miranda. She just has to get the last word in, thinking she might win an already lost fight she’s put herself in. “What are you talking about… Mother miranda you must know that Lord heisenberg isn’t actually trying to do shit right?” Alcina rips out. Her mouth can’t move fast enough to get ehw rods out. I’m used to the way that Alcina talks about me. Talks about me as if I’m not in the room, as if I’m just a child in need of discipline. 
I scoff, it almost turns into a laugh. Of course I’m not doing, not shit for Mother Miranda I do what I want, when I want. I take what I want. Alcina doesn’t seem to understand that stuck behind the rules and plans that Mother Miranda sets out for us all. I try to look for Belas beautiful face, but once again I’m stopped by Alcina larger then life body. 
Mother Miranda speaks with authority and it rips through the broken church building. “Now if you’re done. I have a new plan for finding myself a new daughter. I think that your daughter. Bela, and Lord Heisenberg should have this grand of a new relationship. I think this might work out very well for all of us.” Mother Miranda is gone. As always she needs no introduction, or exit. I swallow down a yawn, this whole conversation had been redundant. Mother Miranda could have simply brought Bela to my garage door instead, but she was always about the formality of things. 
Needed things to go prefectly. 
I was more then excited to get back to the scene we had been taken out of. I cracked my neck, standing and stretching my sore muscles. My back ached, and the more I listened to Alcina mumble on about how ‘how dare’ ‘Mother Miranda do that me’ I was growing rather massive headache. I was never afraid of this mumbling women. I stood up walking towards the both of them. Standing in front of them I waited for Alcina to throw her fit. Her traumatic fit that every three old had when they weren’t given what they wanted. 
As Bela sat there. Her ankles crossed in a beautiful dress that gave a few things to the imagination. I wondered what she looked like under her dress. Under the confinement of her tights clothes. I dropped my glasses just enough to be able to see Bela under better light. She looked so innocent, warm, and bright under the morning glow. Alcina on the other hand was raging. Red in the face as she fought with the idea of running towards me or Mother Miranda. 
Mother miranda had made her choice and it went agasint everything that Alcina believed in. i winked at Bela before turning to speak with her mother. “So alcina are you in the helping mood for Mother Miranda?” I question her. She scoffs, practically get’s up and throws me across the room. It’s all in her eyes, she doens’t. Alcina face changes, going from anger, and red around the tips of her ears. To a softness, and white glow. “Anything for Mother Miranda isn’t that right heisenberg.” are words a supposed to be deep throat cutting. If anything Alcina knows what I am, but I know what Alcina is. 
Leaving it there. I leave the church without saying anything else. I gather myself as I walk towards my factory. Like magic Mother Miranda is back infront of me. Her eyes are wide with excitement and a fringe of happiness A scary look on her almost regal attitude. “So Heisenberg, what are you’re plan with our dear Bela?” It’s a rather pressing question since i’m not sure what Mother Miranda wants to hear. “Depends on what you need me to do, Mother” I say with ease. 
Best to get the roundabout of what she wants. I can figure it’s only a small list. “I want nothing more for the two of you to be happy. It would be wonderful if the two of you could manage to give us a child. A wonderful family. Both of Dimitrescu blood, and Heisenberg blood.” Mother Miranda starts to walk, walking towards my bridge and factory. “Just a little project for me. Everything else would of course benefit the two of you” Mother Miranda speaks with such a grace, and I follow next to her. She stops short of the bridge 
“I will have bela at your door in the next few days. Then she will be staying with you Lord heisenberg. We don’t need her abbdoning this plan.” Mother Miranda said, a serious look on her face. She was truly and hopefully wishing that this endevor came with a wonderful surprise all for her to use to gain what she wanted. I smiled, a tight smile. “Yes Mother Miranda.” It was all that was said between the two of us before she walked away and exploded into a few hundred black birds. 
Days passed with horrible slowness. Every fuckin’ moring I think of Bela moans, and her beautfil innocnet face as I push her upagasint the wall. I feel the hard on that grows in my tight jeans. I feel the way that my heart aches for something that wasn’t supposed to turn out like this. 
I sit on the side of my bed. Thinking, imagining how Bela would look on her knees, her fingers working magic has they wrap around my cock. I imagine how Bela eyes, oh her grey eyes might light up in excitement, in fear. As I slip my cock into her tight pussy. I pump my cock, soft rhtymes of my plam. Each morning I jerk off to the thoughts of Bela. Each night I jerk off to more thoughts of Bela. 
I think of her sopping wet pussy, as I dive my head between her thighs. How she would squeeze my head harder and harder until I wasn;t able to breathe anymore. The taste of her cunt, as my nose bumped up agasint her clit. How’d she pull my hair was pleasure and scream out my name. 
My thoughts run wild for days as I wait for Mother Miranda to show up with Bela. My thoughts die down after I wait for four days, and three nights. There’s banging on the garage door and I hope that it’s not a freadily stop from Moreau, or a crazy call from Beneviento. I get up from the messy work bench that has my next craft on it. I’m not fast, but not slow. I try to not be crazy about how normal I have to walk towards the garage door. 
When it does finally open. Mother Miranda there with a rather happy smile on her face. Bela is standing next to her. A dress similar to her other, but she’s layered as if she needs an protection from the burning sun that is casting down. 
Mother Miranda is the first to say a word between the three of us. “Ah, Lord Heisenberg. You and Bels are going to make a lovely fa… a lovely couple.” I bow my head at her sinetly and she’s gone. Then it’s just the two of us. Tanding inside and outside. A ying and yang sort of feeling is happening. It’s the first time i’ve seen her since the church meeting where I meantally undressed her, wished that I had fucked her right there. 
So her mouth could see her precious daughter get ruined by none other then me. Regardless I remember my manners. She looks so terrified, she’s a young women who’s been sheltered by her mother. Bela been told her whole life how horrible men are and here she is with such me. She sutters, but nothing comes out of her mouth. I walk closer, and out into the daylight. I take her hand. Her hands are warm to the touch, and mine are in contrast so cold. Being able to touch her without hte confinements of worrying about Alcina or anyone else brings a level of excitement into my old bones. 
I struggle to not harshly drag her behind me into the garage. I try to be gentle, as gentle as my rough hands can get. “It’s not great, but it’s home Buttercup.” The nickname slips out of my mouth without meaning. I turn and look, Bela’s mouth is gaping open. Light blush on her cheeks, and the tips of ears. 
I want to call her buttercup now more often. I wanna hear her call out my name, not that stupid title Mother Miranda gave me. I wanna hear her call out “Karl” with excitement, with anger, with love. I want it all, and I want all of her. I slow down my beating heart. 
Bela has yet to say anything yet. I wonder about the reading but soon the thought passes and I notice that I’m still holding onto her wrist. “Also, the names Karl. None of that Lord bullshit, or Heisenberg bullshit.” My words aren’t to harsh, it’s just a rule that I want. No need for bullshit in a place of rather quite simplicity. 
She still isn’t speaking, so I add something else. “Bela I assume is still okay?” She hum, but isn’t looking up at me. She instead is looking down at my hand. It’s still wrapped around her wrist, so I move it gentle into her palm. 
Hand to hand. 
The silence is killing me, but she still looking. I wonder for a moment if i’ve made her uncomfortable. So I let go, there’s a look on regret on her face. But I’m quick to move on. I walk towards the door leading down to the next further part of my factory.”I’m going to show you around the factory. MInd you this isn’t your perfect little cushy castle you’ve got up there. This place is dangerous and you can get lost and hurt easily. I do not need either women I hate tearing down my walls looking for you. Do you understand?” I’m trying to sound like her mother. Make her understand just how dangerous this place can get. I want her by my sides a all times. 
More not responding. I wonder again for a slight moment how much she doesn’t speak. She’s so different now that she’s here. She even more quite, and she’s even more scared. I swallow down my pride and ego. 
“Do you understand?”
A long moment of silence then her beautiful voice shines through. 
I wunder lor…” I give her a look. An arched brow of annoycne over a stupid title. 
“I understand Karl.” Bela says softly. 
I start the tour with ease. I bring her down and around into each room. Reminding her to stay close, but I guess I’m moving to quickly for her. Everytime I move from one room to another. If the soldats move or creak Bela is up against my arm. Her smalls wamr hands wrapped around my bicep or hand. All over again I have to get my breathing and heartbeat under control. 
It isn’t until I route us back up the upper level of the factory does Bela let go of my arm. I sadden at the loss of her warm hand on my arm. “Why do you always wear your glasses?” She asks. God it’s the first questions she’s asked since arriving here at the factory. It causes a second beat in my heart. I can’t help but be a shit head towards her. See if she’ll play back into my hand. “Why Bela?” It’s a short questions to another question. 
I don’t really care what I’m asking. I rather care more about how she reacts. She rambles to get something out of her mouth. “I… you… I just think you’d; You’re eyes are very pretty is all. They’re all I think about, ever since that night in the castle. How you looked at me in the church.” She doens’t mumble any of it out, but rather she tires to get her words out like she’s trying to stop before she can anything else. 
 I still can’t help being a shit head. “You like the way I look at you.” I drop my voice. It’s deeper, thicker like a curse. She turns red, bright red in the cheeks, and she plays with her fingers as she tries not to look at me. Bela isn’t paying attention enough that she doens’t even notice me move frantically across the room, and in front of her. 
“Look at you a trembling, wordless mess Buttercup.” I coax her. She looks up at me, hums like it’s the only things she’s got. I’m within reaching distance, not yet wanting to give in to her needful look. She closes distance between us. Chest pressed against each other. Hearts almost beating at the same time. 
She throws sass into the small space between us. “I asked you a question Karl.” Bela says my name again, straining my knees to almost give out. I push my glasses down, and then off completely throwing them off into the far distance of the room. More sass gets thrown out into the conversation, but from my counterpart. “And I asked you one, now are you going to answer?” I ask. I look down at her, lust is driving every single emotion of mine. I try to not lock my lips with hers for right now. 
Her eyes are wide and so grey. Almost silver how they bounce between each of my own eyes. I can’t let my mind mangle with what is important and not important. “I’m sure you’ll figure out soon enough. I want to get back to what was rudely interrupted by your mother.” I say harshly into Bela ear. I pick her up. Not caring about how she yips at the forceful move. 
“What do you think Bela, huh?” It’s a rather grand rhetorical question. Not something I actually want Bela to answer. I grab her ass in an effort to keep her close in my arms. Her legs instinctively wrapped around her around my hips. Bela was getting more comfortable with me I was hoping that. 
I walked us towards the back bedroom. It was a messy conglomerate of clothes, old and new parts of metal, dirty clothes that are devoted to Bela in a strange and creepy way. My cock is begging to feel her wet pussy. My cock knows what’s happening. My mind knows what is about to happen. My heart is beating faster then I can possibly understand. I wonder if Bela can feel the growing erection in my trousesr. I wonder if she knows how much I want her right now. She wraps her arms around my neck, and moans into my ear, in the same motion she grabs at my hat and throws it off. 
She runs her fingers, her smooth small fingers comb through my hair. It sends shivers down my spine, makes me wanna melt down to the grounds na d praise her for the rest of my long life. It causes a misstep in my walk towards my bedroom. I have to calibrate myself, let go of the tension that finding it ways to my shoulders. But the moan still falls, the moan out of simple pleasure that Bela gives me. 
She doesn’t understand how much I’ve thought about her. How many nights I’ve sat here in my bedroom and burnt the imagine of her face into the back of my head.  Iconiune once I level out from the moan and groan that Bela is trying to pull out of me. I throw her down to her bed, there’s no need to be gentle. Mother Miranda words come back out in my head. 
“She won’t be leaving anytime soon” 
Bela is utterly mine in every single way. 
My bed is big enough for me, and another person. Another person to be sprawled out, legs pinned out and arms pinned out. I wanna see Bela starfished out and in no way able to get away from me. I don’t let my fantasy go to far away from me. I’ve got her right here and right now. I look down at her. 
She’s beautiful, she’s perfect in every way and I want to tell her. But she’s just so fuckin’ mischievous. There’s a look in her eyes, written all over her face that tells a rather lustfilled story. “You’re such a brat you know that?” I ask her, yet again it rather rhetorical question. She doens’t answer, but she shakes her head in protest. 
I grab at my zipper on my jeans. Sliding the zipper down grabs Bela’s attention. She watches as my jeans fall to floor. Bela stares with intensity, her eyes widden as the bludge in my boxers gives nothing to the imagination. Her eyes fill with wonder then worry almost automatically I sooth the worrying thoughts that are passing throug hehr innocent mind.
“Oh don’t worry buttercup I’ll make it fit.” The way it comes out is so rough and tight. It comes out less like a promise and more a good threat. One that has worth and meaing behind it. I breathe slowly and with purpose. I take myself out of the boxers, my cock loves the feeling of the cold air that pumps through the factories walls. I’m begging her in my mind to just wrap her mouth around just the tip of my cock. 
Even just a little will do it for me. She gasps as she sees just how huge my cock is. There’s nothing for her to compare it to, nothing for her to by disappointed or underestimated by. I smirk the effect that Bela has on my body in mind controlling. Is an effect in a whole different way. It pushes further into my already larger ego. 
“You know how to suck cock right?” I graon out, I can feel my cock anticpating her mouthg or her hand or any touch. She mumbles quietly alkmost to quite “No”. Poor innocent soul that this girl has never been treated to a good ole cock. Might as well be my cock that take her thraot virginity. I roll my eyes. I wodner for a moment, and regret the action that I take next. My cock goes back up into it confinements. Boxers rough fabric rubbing against my hard on. 
“WAIT don’t… could you show me please Karl?” She begs, she says it so softly so genuinely innocently. My mind pauses, and then starts up again. I breathe, and look down at her beautiful face. My hand coming down to rub her cheeks gently with my thumb. “Fuck buttercup… alright I’ll show you” I mutter between my teeth. I get as close as possible, Dropping my boxers back down. 
“Don’t you dare close your eyes at all. I want you looking at me during this entire thing okay.” I say strongly. Bela shakes her head with great eager. “Open” I say simply, she follows along. Her mouth isn’t open wide enough for my fingers nor my cock. So I do what any goodman would. I use my fingers to widden her mouth just a little bit more. When I bring my fingers out, she tries desperately to follow them. 
I chuckle at the thought. But I’d rather have her follow after my cock. She licks her lips like she’s waiting her the best meal of her life. Okay relax your mouth, and take me slow buttercup.” I encouraged Bela. She did, and taking me fully for the first time being a cock sucker I eyes rolled into the back of my head. Groaning out in pleasure. I wondered if she really was a first time cock sucker. I can’t help the graons and bucking that happens. Bucking to Bela face. 
“Fuck, I told you slow buttercup. But whatever you want I see.” It’s said in a breathless chance as I feel her tongue lick around the sides of my cock, and towards the head of my cock. I let my head roll back, and let myself feel the way Bela’s mouth works my cock. 
I want to feel her hand, her pussy. I wanna feel eveything. 
In every single possible way. 
“Fuck…Shit” “Fuckin’ hell buttercup.” The curse that drop from my mouth are hardly quiet, this way that Bela has her mouth wrapped around my cock is sending me into insanity in the best fuckin’ way. I reach down, my hand grabbing a chunk of her hair. Soft at the first touch, but I can’t help to drag my finger through her hair and tug hard. Her mouth is like heaven, sucking and grazing her teeth softly over the ridges of my cock. “Fuck, Buttercup!” I can’t helpt but mumble out. The overstimulation is hard to ignore, I have to pull my cock from her mouth before… 
As I pull my cock from her mouth she wasn’t having it and let mind over mouth win. Bela followed with not only her mouth but all her hands. I wasn’t able to warn her as I felt the knot in my lower stomach explode. I continued to fuck her sweet, small mouth as I rolled my head back over the back of my shoulders. 
Her eyes roll back into satisfaction. She was hot, and warm. Sticky to the touch, as I fumbled with my trousers. Trying to get both the jeans and boxers off my boots covered ankles. Throwing clothes off into the distance, and my boots alone with them. I stood and stared at her. 
Comparivlty she was beautiful. In every single way, she cleaned off her chin, and mouth with her delicate fingers. “Fuck, Karl can I get out of my dresses. I’m hot as shit, and I need!” She begs, Bela begs for me to undress her. Undress the clothes that have kept her body so far away from my touch and gaze. 
I stumble, and have to catch myself as I stumble towards her. “Fuck yeah. Sorry. Give me a second.” I plead with her. To barely strip the rest of my clothes, my shirt still buttoned up. I ripped down through the buttons, not giving a shit about my torn clothes. All while I’m stripping from my clothes I can’t help but keep my gaze on her grey eyes. They’re glowing in the afternoon light that is streaming into the room. 
When I’m finished, I come up to her small body. I jut my thumb out and run them over her lips. Her plump and delicious looking lips before diving my thumb into her mouth. She suckles and plays with the tip of my thumb. 
I sigh in contentment. “Such a good girl.” I encourage her, She vibisly melt. Unfortunately to get her clothes off I have to reseed my thumb from her warm mouth. I rip into her dress, I’ll get her more. I doubt she doens’t have more. But as the dress falls and get’s scattered across the room. The more the realization hits my forehead. I would love to see Bela prance around my factory naked as the day she was born. I’d love to be able to suckle at her skin, or slap her ass. 
Her breasts come falling out, bouncing out. Her nipples don’t get the chance to react to the coolness of the factory. My mouth is already on them, I can’t help the need to taste her skin once again. I need her to be closer. I don’t know what to do if she’s not close enough to me. 
Skin to Skin 
Her skin makes my knees shake. Her moans as I nip and tug at her taught nipples. The crane of my neck hurt but anything to have her right next to me. To have her in my space. I look up at her even with the crane in my neck I enjoy the way I see her neck fell back against her shoulders. Her gaping mouth left opened, as she lets loud and breathless moans fall from her mouth. 
“Fuck buttercup. Such a good lookin’ pair of tits you’ve got. So tiny and squeezeable.” I mumble into her breasts. She giggles just a little, and breaths deeply. I play with breasts in an effort to keep her moaning. I would love to coniute to suck at her flesh, but the urge to get her on my bed. Finally get her to let me between her legs. Her warm flesh, her legs squeezing me tighter around me. 
She falls with a sort of grace onto the mattress and I can’t wait any longer. I’m on her in seconds of her back hitting the mattress. I can feel her thigh, wet and thick pressing up against my already hard cock. My cock has been hard and tick agasint my trousers since Mother miranda dropped her off earlier. The more we walked in the deeper parts of the factory the harder my cock got restrained in my trousers. 
Everything is on the edge of something great. 
At the edge of loud moans, and the slap of skin. 
A dream I’ve only dreamt a few times in my whole life. 
I want to feel her lips pressed up against mine. For the first time I want something fully for myself and myself alone. 
“Karl” She says sharply. It takes me out of everything happening. I worry for the spilt second before I’m falling back into the rythme. “Such a pretty girl. Such a pretty girl that’s all mine.” I manage to get out. My weight shifts as I cage her in against the mattress in an effort to keep her close as possible. 
I want to feel more, so I take advantage. I run just the tips of my fingers down one side of her body. Down the side of her breast, down her rib cage, until I hit her hip. I remove my hand from her skin, and let the surprise of my padded, and rough fingers that play with her pussy. She reacts in the best way. So responsive that I almost cum right there just from her on-going noises. 
I’m tryin’ not to be rough with her. I’m trying to soft, gentle and slow for her benefit. She rolls her eyes as if I’m not working hard enough. I scoff at the attitude even if she isn’t talking to me directly. Bela is looking down between the two of us. I figure that I must a mess. I can feel my hair stuck to my forehead. My tongue juts out of my mouth stuck between my teeth. I look down between the two of us. 
I continue to play with her soaked pussy. I play, and play until I feel like Bela will be able to take my cock. I nudge the head of my cock up to ther soaked enterance. There’s of moment of resistance between her legs like Bela is trying to close me in, or rather get me out the words that drip from Bela mouth are shouted at me. 
“I’M A VIRGIN, HEISENBERG.” She screams out at me. I don’t stop fully. I take a moment to look up at her, there’s a feel of hesitation in every single movement now. “I was assuming so Buttercup, do you not?” I go questions Bela, there’s an answer automatically, “NO I do want you cock. I promise I just you… I just wanted to tell you before…” That’s was a proper scream for a good ole fuck.  
I make her words die in the back of her throat. I thurst forward, and hard into her spongy pussy. She screams, and out comes the panic. “Fuck, Shit… Karl… that hurts…” She mumbles out. Tears are brimming in her eyes, but the way she’s squeezing my cock makes me dizzy enough to almost fall and leave my whole weight on her. Before that can fall I wipe them away on her cheeks. She blsuhes and looks away. “I’ll move in a second. I just couldn’t wait any longer. I should have just taken it back in that big dumb castle. Should havelet your mother find me fucking you. I wanna hear your moans. I wanna hear my name on your breath Buttercup.” Its a bare whisper into the cusp of her ear. 
The pain subsides as I see tears turn into her eyes rolling back into her head. 
“I want…” Bela mumbles out 
“Yeah what do you want” I encourage her. 
“ I want you to move please… please just move already Karl” She begs me, bucking into my pelvic bone, fucking herself on my cock. A new layer of fresh tears fall. I wonder if the tears mean something new now. Tears of joy, you know that saying. “Alright, calm down. I’ll start movin’ now Buttercup.” I whisper gently into her ear before kissing the shell of it. I back up and rest my hand on her hip dips. My finger sprawled out for some sort of advantage. 
She so fucking soft, all over. Compared to me. 
It’s the soft vs rough 
I remember hearing her screams of pain, passion, and lust all in one. I remember feeling the flex in her body as she arched her back off the bed, and tried desperately to get even more close to me. I remember the half crestan moon she made with her filed down nails into my skin. I remember how tight she felt as I filled her pussy with cock, and cum. How Bela skin marked up with such beauty. How my name floated off her lips and right into my pussy drunk mind. 
Most importanly i remember Grey eyes looking back up at me. I remember how she kept looking at me as I rolled my own eyes back. Her pussy keeping me close by and not letting me go just yet. I remember how she hugged me tighty when my arms and legs gave out. I remember how fast her felt against my own. 
Grey eyes was what I remember as I fell asleep and when i woke up the next morning they were still there.
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Posted on: 04/05/23
Completed on: 03/29/23
House Heisenberg-
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Forty Two
RE8 | Wintersberg | Romance, Slow Burn | Action, Sci-Fi
Sequel of Winters and the Beast, a Resident Evil: Village Story
Table Of Contents
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Karl knew they would be making a horrible, gambling mistake if he forced Eva and Ethan to yank his brother from the Mutamycete and put him into the world right there in the parlor at 3am.  He knew , logistically, that they needed to plan things.   
But the want, the soaring hope, was there, and he’d insisted on taking the crystal to the master bedroom–his former room–even though he couldn’t touch it without an unpleasant, painful sting that made his head and ears ring and seep black fluid.  Eva put the crystal on a high shelf above an ornate wall mirror that, until today, Karl had ignored completely.   
He now stared back and forth, between his own scarred face in the mirror, and the slightly luminescent crystal on the shelf.  Imagining having his brother there, in the flesh-as it were.  Heisenberg’s mind surged with possibilities.  He’d rarely dreamed about anything this recklessly; he was almost buzzing with happiness.  Not even his frustration with Ethan being a constant threat to his own health, or his distaste at Alcina’s arrival could rile his spirits.  
For once, Karl felt something different than bitter resentment or righteous anger surging through his charged veins.  It was new, wild, out of control.  Hope.  
Karl passed out on his former bed while Ethan quietly left the wine and glass outside Alcina’s door with a quiet knock.  
Heisenberg didn’t wake up when the blond crawled in bed beside him and also fell into a deep sleep.  
Salvatore was content to take the sofa, and passed out as soon as the rest of the group departed.  
Donna picked the dark-haired child up and carried her as she moved toward the hallway.  She paused, unsure where she should take the girl, and Eva supplied from behind her with a supportive smile, “I’m sure she’d love to stay with you.  You made her very happy with the horseback ride.  Do you feel comfortable taking care of her tonight?” 
Donna beamed, and then hugged the heavy bundle of limbs and torso that draped over her.  “I do. She feels so familiar to me. Maybe she reminds me of Claudia.  I’m not sure.” 
“I sense a bond between you two,” Eva affirmed.  They began moving toward the staircase, and Donna hesitated, wondering if she could speak.  The calm, friendly face of Eva spurred her forward, and she exhaled quickly, “I….do you…sense, something else?”
“What do you mean?”
Donna actually paused, and lowered her voice as she glanced around the hallway.  She wasn’t sure where the others were, and didn’t want anyone to overhear them.  “Ever since we returned from the field, I feel…something is wrong, different.  It’s not the child,” she added quickly, stroking the girl’s long black hair with her pale hand.  “And it is not anything I can place within myself or another.” 
“I do feel dread,” Eva admitted, her very Miranda-like eyes narrowing in thought as she considered.  “I suppose I attributed it to my mother’s actions tonight…the chaos….” 
“It’s not that,” Donna said more resolutely.  “I know her moods, her…effect on others.  This is different.  I feel something dark, brewing from within.  Perhaps the Mutamycete is….” Dark lashes fluttered closed.  “Dark water, flowing over rocks, smooth, but deadly.  Like a ghost within us, a tearing curtain, a growing void.  Something is missing from us tonight, or else, something is coming toward us.” 
Eva’s expression was grim, and she gripped Donna’s other hand.  “I understand.  I believe you.  You can sense these things best.”  She seemed to consider something else, and then added, “You used to see such things, even as a child, did you not?  You were treated, given medication, due to visions and prophecies.  This is a part of you.” 
“Yes,” Donna’s voice was even more hollow and sad than usual; her mouth pulled into a sorrowful frown.  “Sometimes I have feelings…or see things…before they become reality.  My mother called it our gift, but the village elders and pupils were not kind about it.  It was seen as heresy.”  She left out the most egregious part, which Eva had already witnessed long ago–Miranda had sent Donna away, to a cruel institution, for a time to “cure” her of these visions, feelings, and claims.  
The wind howled outside.  Eva brought Donna’s hand into both of hers.  “I believe you, Donna.  I am glad you told me.  Let us work on finding out what this means, after we sleep.” 
“Yes,” Donna said again, and gripped Eva’s hands tightly.  
She realized, as they exchanged one final uncertain smile, that she'd never spoken as an adult about her visions.  Miranda’s ‘treatment’ caused Donna to cease speaking about them altogether.  That she could share was comforting, in the face of a foreboding unknown.  
Karl felt two things when he awoke, bleary-eyed, and peered through the shadows of not-yet-morning darkness.  One was freezing cold hands exploring his thighs and hips, delicately-but not too delicately.  The other was Ethan’s groin, lodged so closely behind him that they were practically melded together–specifically, the other man was hard, and was not hiding it as he pushed his hips forward again.  
Karl grunted in discomfort, not at the touch, but at how frozen Ethan felt.  He was unnaturally icy.  When Karl glanced down, he could barely make out blackened tips of fingers.  The engineer was uneasy, but said nothing.  The night had been a lot for all of them–time would hopefully help.  
“Still mad at me?” Ethan whispered when he realized Karl was awake.  The brunette relaxed at the soft voice, dropping his head back onto the pillow and closing his eyes again.  “Yep.” 
“Can I make it up to you?” 
Ethan must have been just as exhausted as Karl; he moved within the brunette slowly, lazily.  He’d entered him from behind, and they stayed curled in the embraced position while Karl’s sharp, breathy notes matched the blond’s indulgent strokes.  The engineer only spoke once, a rather strained utterance of Papa , which drew Ethan toward the plush lips, where he expressed his hunger, his tongue invasive, commanding, and bitingly cold.  
After the early reprieve, (so early that dawn hadn’t arrived, as they were still cloaked in darkness) Ethan kept his body wrapped around Karl, stayed inside of him, and buried his chin into the wide shoulder.  
“Less mad?”
“Mhm.”  He sighed, his voice heavy with sleepiness and post-orgasm haze.  Karl didn’t even have the energy or will to drag either of them to the shower.  He would just lay here until he fell asleep again.  Last night was a long night, too long.  But as he began to drift back to sleep, content with the chill of Ethan around and even inside of him, something changed.  It was like a wave across the bed, a cold blast of air.  Heisenberg’s eyes slowly opened again and he glanced uncertainly around the black room.  Had it been this dark a moment ago?  The curtains rocked gently, as if there were a breeze.  But the windows were closed.  
He’d thought the blond was asleep, judging from the shallow breaths.  But a strange monotone issued, lips behind Karl’s ear. 
“Tell me what you did with it.” 
Heisenberg didn’t have to ask what.  The conversation had come up in the parlor.  Ethan wanted Heisenberg’s crystal fragment.  It was a failsafe for his consciousness, maybe.  He knew that Ethan saw it that way.  To create a person from a piece of a separate, powerful crystal, had never been done by Miranda or anyone after her.  But Heisenberg didn’t dare shoot down the blond’s inhuman resoluteness; it was a solid theory.  But it didn’t matter–the one topic that Heisenberg refused to approach was anything related to that fragment.  
“Ethan,” Karl sighed, burying his head back into his pillow, trying to loosen himself from the chilly grip of the mold man.  “Everything is fine.  I can’t do this….Not now.” 
“Now,” Ethan said in that same even, un-Ethan like tone, holding on tightly to Karl.  He’d clutched the older man like this before, though not in a long time.  After they first became intimate, there was a certain desperation that erupted from Ethan sometimes, an overwhelm of need for physical reassurance, and Karl had always been content to let it manifest.  He didn’t mind consoling the pillar of family strength.  Ethan had been through a lot.  
So he relented, allowing the clinging posture across his form.  Heisenberg sighed, and settled into the mattress.  Despite his high tolerance for-maybe sometimes, his enjoyment of–physical neediness, nobody could out-stubborn him, not even Ethan Winters.  Telling Heisenberg to do something was the fastest way to ensure that it would never happen.  His eyes closed.  Just as a brief period of silence lulled him into false relaxation, the blond rolled, moving on top of him, and pushed Karl onto his back.  
The brunette’s eyes opened and he stared, confused, as the dark silhouette of Ethan rose on top of him.  Ethan pushed down forcefully on his shoulders. 
Something wasn’t right.  
Ethan’s weight was too much, too strong.  Heisenberg, who had plenty more strength than normal men, couldn’t even toss him aside.  And his hands, pressing into Karl’s body, were freezing.  He could feel razor sharp nails digging into his skin.  Ethan didn’t have long nails, never had.  Heisenberg was sinking deeply into the mattress as though the weight of ten people were on him. 
“Ethan– Ethan, get off me.” 
“Tell me –”
Karl used his powers to turn on the lighting in the room; orange oil lamps flooded the shadows, revealing Winters and his feral expression.  Karl had hoped that the light would bring some clarity back to the blond, but Ethan simply leaned forward, his eyes still wild, hazy.  His gaze went past Karl, as if he were blind-he stared into nothingness.  Ethan’s skin was too pale, Karl marveled; it looked chalky and textured.  When Miranda had transformed into whatever the hell she became, her skin looked similar.  He had examined Lycan corpses that also did this–it seemed to be a symptom of the mold’s quick metabolism.  Heisenberg interrupted his own frightened thoughts with, “Get OFF.” 
“I can’t lose you,” Ethan said in the unnerving monotone.  His voice sounded thin, faraway.  The words would have tugged at Heisenberg’s heart, had he not been furious about being pinned.  “Tell me, and I’ll bring him back.”  
This infuriated Heisenberg, but he didn’t have the presence to argue about it.  However, the many tools in his room began rattling.  “And…” Ethan’s voice changed entirely with his next words.  It deepened, sounding more like a rumble of thunder, or an earthquake than his own voice.  ���The Black God wishes to be restored .” 
“Ethan!” Karl snapped loudly.  He struggled again, this time thrashing as much as he could–which wasn’t a lot.  Ethan was completely focused on incapacitating the brunette, which is why the distraction worked.  When Ethan, black-eyed and shadow vein-covered, opened his mouth to demand or plead again, the industrial sized pipe wrench from the nearby workbench slammed into the side of his head.  
Ethan crumpled immediately.  This second was all Karl needed to tuck and roll away from underneath.  He landed on his feet beside the bed.  The blond made a strained noise, holding his head in his hands.  Karl held his hand out for the wrench, which was pulled into it; he caught it deftly.  He waited to see what the other would do silently.  The engineer noted his own coldness toward Winters, and acknowledged the survival instinct that this act had awakened in him.  
Karl had been in self-preservation mode far longer than he’d been living…however he’d been living for the last few months, and it was an unwelcome backslide.  He’d cheered Ethan on when the other infuriated him before.  But this was different.  It wasn’t Ethan. 
Was it? 
Ethan slowly sat up in bed, and when his eyes opened, he stared at Karl in confusion.
“What the hell–what…why are the lights on?”  He paused, his eyes widening as he saw Karl standing out of bed, the lights on, saw the wrench in Karl’s hand and the deadly, instinctive look across the usually animated face.  Ethan still clutched a palm to the side of his head where he’d been hit with the metal.  Karl had used enough force to kill an ordinary man.  After Karl didn’t answer, a well of tears sprang up behind the hazel eyes.  This tone was the saddest Heisenberg had ever heard him, a tremble similar to the one he’d used when saying what he thought was his last goodbye to Rosemary months earlier.  
“What did I do?”
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
If RE8 requests are still open, do you think you could do one where the reader is the partner/spouse of four lords (separately, not poly) who went missing years ago and they thought us dead. But then surprise!!! We’re alive!!! And just the whole aftermath of that? Sorry the description is kind of bad😅 (if you could include cute moments with the daughters in Alcina’s section that would be cute cause the girls need that sweet parental love lmao)
Okay so these are super messy and all over the place since i wrote this back to back with other hc’s so they’re unedited and make literally no sense but pls enjoy some angsty fluff with lots of lovin’ and huggin’
Alcina Dimitrescu
Alcina is startled by the sound of a knock at her door, placing her book down on the coffee table as she walks to the door, curious as to who is there. She wasn’t expecting visitors.
“Ooh visitors!” “I wonder who is there?!” “Could it be Uncle Karl? Or maybe it’s the Duke?”
Alcina would have scolded her daughters for being impatient if she wasn’t asking herself the same questions. However he mind is wiped blank when she opens the door to see who is standing on the other side.
There you are, standing in front of her after all these years. God how she had missed you. You hadn’t changed much at all since she last saw you and it made Alcina feel like she was hallucinating.
“Hello, my Lady-“
You can’t finish your sentence before you’re tackled to the floor by three teenagers. Cassandra has her arm slung around your neck as she plasters herself to your side while Bela is practically balled on top of you in a bear hug so tight it could almost kill you. Meanwhile Daniela has her face hidden tightly in your shoulder on the opposite side of Cassandra with tears streaming down her face.
Eventually with their mother’s persistence, the three daughters let you go so you can see their mother but not before you wipe away any of their tears and kiss all of them on the forehead.
Your heart skips a beat as you prepare your list of apologies to Alcina. You could only imagine what it would have been like for her when you disappeared without a trace.
The words never leave your mouth as she brings you into her arms and kisses you with a desperate ed’s that you matched. Your arms cling tightly to the fabric on her shoulders, never wanting to let go as her arms tighten around your waist.
You spend the rest of the night curled up on the couch in Alcina’s arms, she hadn’t let go of you once as you explained to her the nature of your disappearance. None of it really mattered though as you were just happy to be reunited with your family.
Donna Beneveinto
Your heart feels like it’s breaking out of your chest as you walked towards Beneveinto Manor, it had been literal years since you had seen your beloved Donna.
Walking up to the huge red gate, you see the familiar words “Give up your memories” on the plaque. With unsteady hands you place the photo you kept of Donna, Angie and yourself down by the waterfall into the letterbox.
When you eventually arrive up at the Manor, the seconds leading up to the door opening are gruelling. But your jaw drops when you see Donna. After all these years she hasn’t change except for the large scar that covers her right eye.
She instantly falls into your arms and begins sobbing as you hold her close. You place a soothing hand in her hair and whisper to her that it’s all okay, you’re here now.
When her sobs become little sniffles you bring her back to look into her eye, your hands on her face stroking her cheeks and simultaneously wiping away stray tears that fall.
“I’m sorry I left you…”
You bring her in for a gentle and tender kiss, one that is full of sorrow and heartache but is cut short by a screeching sound which you learn is Angie flying down the stairs.
“Now where’s my hug silly?!”
After hugging Angie, who now sits on your shoulder, Donna’s hand interlinks with yours and brings you inside. She shows you all around the house, what’s changed and what hasn’t as well as the new dolls and dresses she’s been making to keep herself busy through your disappearance.
You three end up on the balcony together watching the waterfall on the little wooden bench, Donna curled up to your side and your arm wrapped protectively around her.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore was making his way around the docks, checking for maintenance or anything that needed immediate fixing. It was just another ordinary day for him, just another activity for him to keep busy.
“I think you’ll find the oil for the boats need changing.”
Salvatore screams as he’s startled by you coming from behind, having not heard you at all. In the process of it he slips and lands himself in the water.
You lean down and pull him up by the wrist but after he’s out he doesn’t let you go. Sal stares blankly at you for a moment, not believing his eyes before he pulls you to him for a bone crushing and slightly wet hug.
Your shirt is now just as soaked as his but you couldn’t care less as you returned the hug. After five minutes he still doesn’t let you go, chuckling to yourself, you bring him closer to you.
“I missed you too Sal”
His face is mushed into your shoulder, mumbling about how he doesn’t think it’s real but you only remind him that soggy clothes are difficult to imagine.
You spend the rest of the night huddled under warm blankets in an effort to get dry and end up watching a movie before you fall asleep together, all the matters of your disappearance could wait as Sal is just happy to have you back in his life again after so long.
Karl Heisenberg
Karl is standing in the front of his factory, sifting through old bits of scrap metal to begin making a new design on the Soldats when he hears the gate open. There’s only one person who had the key other than himself… but you went missing a long time ago.
Thinking nothing of it, he places a cigar in his mouth to chew on something nervously, an uncomfortable feeling settling in his bones.
“Need a light?”
Karl’s head swivels to see you standing there with a cocky look on your face. His head dips forward till his glasses rest on the bridge of his nose and he nearly chokes on his cigar at the sight of you.
The item falls onto the floor as his jaw falls open, left completely forgotten as he approaches you and takes your hand in his.
“Is it really you?”
You don’t miss the way his voice trembles slightly but you can’t blame him. Karl had been alone almost his whole life before he met you and then he lost you too.
When you nod slowly it’s like a wall is broken and he falls into you, pulling you against him for an embrace.
“I thought I lost you…”
The words are whispered against your neck as he leans in for as much physical contact as he can get. Your hand comes to lace itself in his hair and you rub slow circles on the nape of his neck, weaving in and out of the strands there.
You stand there together for what feels like hours before you finally get to come inside the factory. In the living quarters, you and Karl are wrapped up on the couch together as you tell him all about what happened to you. All of Karl’s work plans are left untouched for an entire week as he refuses to do anything but spend time with you.
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The Gentle Heart of the Monster
Alcina Dimitrescu x female reader 
Bela, Cassandra and Daniela Dimitrescu 
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu and her daughers take care of a very pregnant reader. 
Warnings/tags: pregnancy, slight pregnancy kink, talk of impregnation, some sexiness, Lady D and her daughters are so caring, personal attention, caring for a pregnant woman, wholesomeness
A/n: For the sake of the fic Alcina carried and birthed her daughters so she has extensive knowledge on vampire babies/pregnancy. Let’s say they are fraternal triplets to make things simple. No father involved just witchy baby magic just let me have this please! 
y/n=your name
b/n=future baby’s name 
“Ugh! You’re close to overstaying your welcome b/n!” you groaned as b/n gave your ribs a firm kick. You were seven months pregnant with still two months to go and you were over being pregnant. As if being pregnant wasn’t hard enough, having a human-vampire spawn growing inside of you was an entirely different animal. Alcina had come to you with the request of you carrying her next child a few years after you had come to live in the castle. You started as a servant, then her personal hand maid, then her lover and now her brood mare. Lady Dimitrescu would have trusted no one else to carry her next child. You had initially refused her request. You deeply loved Alcina but not enough to have some Dimitrescu man rut you like a rabbit in heat. Lady Dimitrescu had laughed, given you a very sly look and then explained how the conception would happen. You had listened mouth agape closing it after Alcina was done explaining. When you were told SHE would be the one impregnating you your decision instantly changed to a resounding yes. The rest was history. 
“B/n hurting my dove again?” Alcina cooed kneeling down to take your shoes off. You grumbled in response. You had spent most of your pregnancy in one of the lounge rooms upstairs. It had the most comfortable chairs in the castle accompanied by equally comfortable foot rests. It had a fireplace and an adjacent balcony with a lovely outside dinette set. The doors leading to the balcony were made of glass so you got plenty of sunshine and had easy access to fresh air. Lady Dimitrescu had joined you every day as often as she could in your little sanctuary. She would often read in the chair across from you, rub your feet, neck, shoulders and back or you would curl up in her lap so you and her could caress your growing bump. Even the first two months your pregnancy had been challenging due to the circumstances. You had been around countless pregnant women in your old village and none of their pregnancies resembled yours, in some aspects yes but most aspects no. 
“B/n, you little shit, stop hurting your mother,”Alcina chastised the baby inside you. You chuckled. It always made you laugh when Alcina and the girls would talk and vaguely threaten b/n. Alcina sat on the floor, placing your shoes to the side and began rubbing your feet with her inhumanly strong hands. You sighed in relief. You settled further into the chair placing your hands on your stomach as b/n continued their assault on your insides. 
“Ow fuck!” you cried as b/n dragged their foot along the length of your stomach as if they were trying to rip your skin. You sat up doubling over. 
“My dear sweet y/n,” Alcina said placing a comforting hand on your head stroking your head. She glared at your stomach and as if the baby could see her terrifying glare b/n finally settled and stopped moving. You lifted your head and slumped back into the chair. Alcina gave you a delicate smile and continued to rub your sore feet. 
“I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up my lady,” you confessed tears forming in your eyes. 
“I know I know dear one. Growing a vampire baby is a daunting task. The girls were fist fighting even in the womb and look at them now! Ah, but alas my body was more than equipped to handle the pregnancy.” Alcina admitted. She had been in her same form she was now when she had been pregnant with her triplet girls. You however, were still a feeble human so just one vampire-human baby was more than enough for you. 
“I’m so weak and fragile I’m too-” you were cut off by Alcina placing a hand on your stomach. 
“My dove don’t start...” Lady Dimitrescu trailed off. You simply nodded in response wiping your eyes. You hated how emotional you had become. Alcina hated when you tore yourself apart especially now since you were carrying her fourth child. Alcina and you had discussed the mechanics of what a vampire pregnancy would entail making sure you were fully aware of what was ahead of you. You accepted the task because you would literally die for Alcina Dimitrescu. You had also discussed that if b/n were to almost kill you coming out she would turn you no questions asked. 
“Would you like me to rub your neck and back draga mea?” Alcina asked breaking your recollections. You nodded leaning forward as Alcina moved behind the chair. She could fully sit on the floor and still be tall enough to reach your neck and back comfortably. “You look so beautiful cel mic, I love how you look with your child growing inside you, our child. I must admit I’m going to miss you looking like this when b/n arrives,” Alcina fawned as you gave her hand a quick squeeze. “If you weren’t hurting sweet one I would take you right here and now,” Alcina purred into your ear. You twisted your neck meeting your lips with hers. During the first few months Alcina hadn’t held back making love to you in your early stages but now you were too sore to entertain the idea.
“You flatter me so Alcina,” you said licking her lips before deepening your kiss. Alcina reached down snaking her hand over your belly rubbing it softly. She moved her hand and ever so gently touched your swollen breasts. “Oh my dear lady,” you moaned into her lips. Lady Dimitrescu moved her hand down your stomach again and was just passing your hips when the doors to the lounge room flew open. You and Alcina jumped apart breaking your tender moment. 
“LUNCH TIME!” Bela announced pushing a tray full of delicious food and snacks. Her sisters followed in behind her pushing another tray of herbs and drinks. 
“Oh thank you my loves,” you thanked as Bela, Cassandra and Daniela presented the spread to you. Cassandra began mixing the herbs into a liquid which she poured into your tea. It was mix of supplements and pain relievers. You gladly gulped the tea as the almost instant effects settled into your aching body. 
“I have water, more tea, juice and milk,” Cassandra offered. 
“Thank you Cassandra just set it down for the moment,” you said. 
“So you have bread, that’s...feta and brie cheese, tomato slices, ham, salami, fresh basil, I picked it myself,”Bela boasted.
“But I have grapes, strawberries, almonds, roasted chicken and chocolate cake,” Daniela boasted back glaring at Bela. Since you had been pregnant the girls had been competing to see who could take care of you better. 
“You’re feeling better aren’t you y/n because of my herbal mixture right?” Cassandra asked pushing past her sisters. 
“I can rub your feet!” Bela offered kneeling down and getting right to work. 
“Well I can rub your neck and shoulders,” Daniela barked bulldozing her mother out of the way. Alcina looked sternly at her daughter in response. 
“You two didn’t ask her what she really wants! What would you like me to do for you and b/n y/n?” Cassandra asked sweetly. Alcina could see her daughters were overwhelming you. 
“GIRLS!” Alcina bellowed making all three girls freeze. “You’re going to make y/n go into early labor if you don’t quiet down.” Alcina continued in a low and deadly voice. You spoke up to diffuse the situation. 
“My lovely caring girls. All three-four of you,” you started looking up at Lady Dimitrescu, “are doing a wonderful job taking care of me and b/n. You all have made this pregnancy so much easier for me and I don’t know how I’ll ever be able repay the countless hours you’ve devoted to us.” You finished eyes welling up with tears for a different reason this time. 
“AWE Y/N!” The girls squealed in delight as they gathered around you hugging you lovingly but gently because they knew if they were the slightest bit too rough with you mother would have their necks. You gave them each a kiss on their heads eliciting even more squealing. You glanced over at Alcina who had a single tear running down her face. She quickly wiped it away and cleared her throat. 
“I can clearly see you and b/n are well taken care of here so I’m assuming I’m not needed,” Lady Dimitrescu teased. You rolled your eyes as the girls removed themselves from you. 
“Oh no my lady, you’re job is to be the most beautiful view for me,” you teased back as Alcina leaned down kissing you chastely. “Now my angels you can each take turns rubbing my feet and then when I’m finished eating you can take turns rubbing my neck, shoulders and back. Does that sound like a good plan to all of you?” You finished with a feigned tone of exasperation. 
“Yes!” The girls said in delight and just before they could bicker about who was to go first you exclaimed “Bela you can be first, then Cassandra and then Daniela and that was the order that popped up in my head,” you assured before any of their feelings could be hurt. Bela knelt down again as her sisters sat on the floor waiting their turn. Alcina walked over to the chair opposite you and picked up her book from where she had left it the other day. She took a seat admiring the beautiful picture of her pregnant lover and her three daughters so eager to attend her. 
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
The dimitrescus, Donna and Mother Miranda x 👨 reader. Reaction when reader is working out shirtless? (Love your works by the way, can't stop reading all of it!💕)
Broken Truth (Looks at Ask): This is interesting...LET'S GO!!!
- Alcina Dimitrescu -
Alcina was walking around the castle, looking for her lover.
When she woke up - he was not in bed.
When she went to the kitchen - he was not there either.
She searched the garden (He loved tending to the flowers), the library (He would read there with Bela), the armory (Daniela loved showing her father figure all the weapons she had), and the study (He would pat with Cassandra) - he was not in any of those places and none of the girls had seen him.
Then she remembered that her lover had been having a hard time lately when Mother Miranda commented that he didn't look like much and wasn't worthy of being by Alcina's Side.
He spent most of his money on him - none of Alcina's - to purchase metal contraptions to 'become worthy of his wife'.
He had been in that room for hours on end for about 5 months now.
'He might be in there.' Alcina wondered as continued down the hall to her Husband's Workout Room.
The closer she got to the room - the door was open and the light was on the room - the sound of grunting and metal clanking together got louder and louder.
She ducked her head a bit and walked into the room - holding her hat to make sure it didn't fall off - and rose to her full height. She opened her mouth the speak but once her sight was no longer obscured by the brim of her hat, her jaw dropped, her face began to warm up, and her body tingled.
Before her - her husband stood: his back was to her and he was wearing nothing except his boxers - his very tight boxes; she would see his defined butt and it was amazing.
In his hands were large weights that he lifted and flexed his muscles - Alcina could see every muscle flex.
His skin was shining with sweat and the smell of his musk was driving Alcina crazy - she wanted to jump his bones. So very bad.
What she didn't know was that her beloved had developed a sense to detect her and knew she was watching him...so he decided to tease his Lady and Mistress.
He dropped the weights in his hands and raised one of them opened palmed to the sky before summer suiting forward and landing on that hand to where his feet were pointing to the ceiling before beginning his set of one-handed push-ups. This time - facing her.
Alcina's eyes widened at her lover's chiseled body - the drops of sweat flowing through the cracks of his abs and biceps...then she made the mistake of looking up and saw the large bulge in his tight underwear.
That's it - she had enough.
"Beloved." She called out, making the man look at her with a smirk - her face was bright red and she was biting her bottom lip.
"Alcina, My Love. When did you arrive?" He asked faking confusion.
"That doesn't matter. I need you to accompany me to our bed chambers. Now."
"Our Bed Chambers?" The man asked as he flipped him to stand upright. "It is breakfast time, is it not?" He raised an eyebrow as he walked closer to the tall woman - his scent flooding her nose.
"Well..." Her eyes glowed dangerously, "I'm having Blood Sausage for breakfast."
She grabbed his wrist and marched to their room with him in tow, locking the door, and refused to leave that room until she was pregnant with the Latest Dimitrescu Spawn.
- Bela Dimitrescu -
Bela was bored and in need of some cuddles so she went looking for her lover - the only man-thing her mother and sisters approved of.
She looked at the grandfather clock and saw it as around 9:45 - her lover would be in his workout room to burn off any extra energy before showering and going to bed.
She floated down the hall to her husband's workout room and walked into the room without knocking - it was her man and she could do whatever she wanted regarding him.
What she wasn't prepared for was the sight on the other side of that door.
Her Husband was boxing with the sandbag.
In nothing but his boxers.
She could see everything - from the singular drops of sweat that ran down his sculpted body to every single flex of muscle with every move he made.
If the sight didn't have her done it - it was his smell.
The room was filled with the smell of musk that he was giving off and it was intoxicating - it radiated power and it was making her hungry.
"Darling?" His deep voice returned her from her fantasies of all the ways she wanted him to rock her world but the fact she could see his imprint from his shorts sent her mind back into the gutter. "Bela, is there something wrong?"
"Do you always...working out like this at night?" She questioned as she walked slowly to her man.
"Yes, it's hard to move in clothes; I keep my boxers on just make sure I don't scar any maids."
"Scar Them?" Bela tilted her head with a dangerous gleam in her eyes. "What do you mean by that?"
"Well...the one time I worked out naked, a maid came in without knocking and she looked like she saw a ghost."
Bela was pissed.
"A maid saw you naked?!" She hissed. "Where is that harlot?!"
"Your Mother turned her into wine 3 nights ago."
'Good, I won't have to kill her myself. As for you..."
"NGH!" He clenched his teeth as Bela's hand wrapped around his throbbing manhood.
"You're going to learn to lock your door when in this room...and punishment for failing to inform me about that whore."
The Next Morning - Bela & [Y/N] weren't at breakfast.
- Cassandra Dimitrescu -
Cassandra would already be with her beloved because they were each others' sparring partners.
Cassandra would be doing push-ups while her beloved would be jumping rope.
She would look at him and smirk - she loved the way his body moved during intense workouts and the smell he gave off was perfect; it made her hungrier and hungrier with each passing moment.
When it would be time for the spar - her lover would use one arm to test himself more than he needs to for he wanted to be worthy of dating a Dimitrescu Daughter.
While sparring - Cassandra would try to pin him and have her ay with him - whether that would be drinking his blood or having him devour her like a full course meal.
This time - it was different.
She threw a punch at him but it was grabbed by his free arm and used against her to wrap around her neck, once he was behind her, he used his knees to the back of hers to make her fall to them and then lay on the mat.
Once his other hand was free, it snaked around her body and into her shirt, where it grabbed and twisted one of her nipples - making the girl squirm under him.
"D...Darling? What are you...?" She began but was cut off when his teeth locked into her neck.
"Every time we train, you make me submit to you. This time - you're mine, Cassandra Dimitrescu."
And his was exactly what he made her.
Daniela walked down the hall looking for her sister when she heard moaning coming from behind the door leading to the training room - she leaned in to listen and went to find her mother.
"Yes, Dear?" Alcina asked as she looked up from the book she was reading.
"Why didn't you tell us Daddy was coming to visit & he brought presents?"
"Darling, you don't have a father."
"Then why did I hear Cassandra saying "More, Daddy! More!" in the training room?"
Alcina went wide-eyed as the glass in her hand shattered and the one thing she thought was...
'I'm too young for grandkids...'
- Daniela Dimitrescu -
She smelled something delicious and followed that smell to her lover's training room and found him completely naked with the exception of his undergarments, shadow boxing himself.
He looked like a full snack with the sweat making his body glaze and his muscles looking like beefcakes - he was just begging to be bitten and that's exactly what she did.
"Daniela? What was that for?" He asked her as he looked over his shoulder at his wife - who was clinging to his back like a koala with her fangs in his shoulder blade.
"I couldn't help it, love. Your scent was driving me crazy and I was in the mood for a snack." Daniela tried to say but her fangs were still in his skin.
"Dani, I was training, and as much as I would move to be your mid-morning meal; I need to get back at it if I want to keep the form you love so much."
"I love you for who you are - the body is just a plus. I don't want you to train, I want you to take me to bed and cuddle me."
"Do you love me?" Dani asked.
"Yes, without a doubt." He answered.
"Would you do anything for me?" She asked again.
"Without question." He said.
"Then I want you to stop training and take me to our bedroom so that we can cuddle and make little vamp-babies."
- Donna Beneviento -
Donna would be walking around Beneviento Manor - looking for the man who stole her heart. Who accepted her and her dolls and loved them all equally.
He wasn't in his normal spots but she did remember that he recently got interested in getting in better shape and asked her if there was anywhere in Beneviento Manor she would be alright with him making it into a workout room - she gave him one of the rooms on one of the floors under the house floor.
Donna walked down the hall without Angie as she followed the sounds of something grunting in effort echoing down the hall's walls.
She reached the opened room but didn't want to just walk in and disturb her love so she peeked around the corner and her eye widened while she let a gaspy moan escape her lips,
Her lover was laying on the weight bench with a long metal bar in his large hands - giant iron circles on each end.
She looked closer at the circles - 500 Pounds. That made her shiver - she knew he was strong but to be able to bench that much was...alluring.
She looked at his shining skin.
Listening to her man's grunts with each lift of the bar.
The define lines in his muscles with each movement he made.
It made her hot. She rubbed her legs together before she hid behind the wall completely and pressed her forehead against the cold wall.
She needed to get a hold of herself - she was like she had no control of herself but when she was around him, it was like she forgot all she was and wanted nothing more than her man.
She was so focused on keeping herself from relieving herself right then and there that she didn't notice she was no longer alone until a familiar weight pressed against her back and she was completely pressed against the wall.
"It looks like you have a very serious itch, My Love." his voice growled as his hand moved closer and closer to her throbbing organ.
"I...I can explain..." She blushed in her weak, gasping voice; she was embarrassed but having her lover so close with his body radiating power made her weak.
"Let me...help you with that, My Lady." He growled before one hand reached the buttons on the top of her dress and the other was cupping her womanhood while she bit her lip in hopes of being silent.
A few moments later - he had her on that same bench that was still drenched in his sweat and scent, her hands gripping the metal poles that held the long rod over her head' sweat dripping from her body as she was stretched apart.
She was pleading for him to continue to Beneviento Bloodline with her.
Begging him to make her family's bloodline stronger than it ever was before.
Crying for him to make her a mother.
Who was he to deny his lady what she wished?
- Mother Miranda -
Miranda stood n her lab, looking at the results from the latest experiment and possible host for Eva but once again - it wasn't good enough and it makes her angry.
Once again - so close but so far away.
"Miranda? Love?" A familiar male voice called out to her.
She looked up at was met with the shirtless, bare-chested, sweaty body that was the man she entrusted her heart to.
He stood there in the doorway with a towel around his neck while one hand used an edge of the towel to wipe the sweat from his face.
The Village Leader blushed but then looked away from him to keep from looking upon her face.
"[Y/N]. Darling. I thought we talked about you walking around the lair like that. It's rather...distracting." She said.
"I do hope you'll forgive me but I sensed that something was bothering you and I wanted to make sure you were alright." The man said as he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her stomach and pulling her back into his bare chest.
"Your...concern for me is welcomed, Darling, but I must return to work. Please, do prepare yourself for dinner; I shall be down in a moment." Miranda said as she reached for a book, only to her lover's hand to stop her.
"Miranda." He turned her to face him - worry and compassion in his eyes. "You've been working on this for over a week straight; you haven't taken any time for yourself...or for me." He was sad - afraid his lover had forgotten about him.
"My Love, I'm sorry I have made you feel this way but...I'm so close, Darling. I can return her to us and...MPH!" She was cut off by a deep kiss. She melted into it before he pulled away from her.
"Enough of this for one night, My Love. Let me take care of you...and make you see you don't need to Cadou for a child. Just...me" He kissed her again and she wrapped her arms around him; submitting to his command and desire.
It would be a year later that Miranda would invite the Lords to meet Eva and Ethan Winters arrived in the village - only for his wife and child to be given back to him and escorted out of the village; never to be seen again.
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alcinadimitrescuwu · 3 years
So a prompt! This is my first time asking for something like this so im a lil shy heh...
Basically fem reader riding Alcina's strap, while the Lady is sitting and the reader is facing her. Most of the work is being done by Alcina as she praises and coos at the reader. Just soft and passionate.
(Also if you can/want i wouldn't mind a bit of mommy kink sprinkled in)
Sorry for the long wait! I hope you enjoy!
You pause before your Lady’s bedchamber doors and draw in a deep breath. You had gotten a summons from her to come to her bedchamber immediately. You wring your hands nervously as your mind races, wondering why she would have sent for you so suddenly. You don’t remember doing anything wrong or anything that would have upset her.
Well, no point in worrying about it now. Might as well just find out. You slap your cheeks to muster up the courage and knock on the door.
“Come in,” says a velvety voice on the other side of the door.
You open the door and Alcina smiles at your reflection from where she is sitting at the vanity. “I was wondering when you would arrive, pet,” she purrs. “Come sit on Mommy’s lap. I’ve a surprise for you.”
You can’t help but be shocked. She called you all this way just to give you something?
Alcina frowns a little in annoyance at your hesitation. “I said, come here, dear. You aren’t going to make me wait, are you?”
“No, Mistress,” you say as you head over to her waiting arms. She presses a kiss to the sensitive nape of your neck as she holds you by the waist. You try and fail not to notice the neck of her dressing gown gaping so you can make out the shape of each breast.
“You’ve been working so hard of late,” she says, pressing kisses all up and down your neck. “I figure such hard work warrants a reward, don’t you? Here.” She hands you a velvet box bound in silk.
You look at the box and back to her. The corner of her crimson mouth is upturned in a sardonic grin as she nods encouragingly at you. You open the box with trembling hands and behold a strap, much bigger than the ones you are used to.
“What do you think?” Alcina asks, snaking a hand down to cup your breast under your uniform. You let out a little gasp as your nipples harden through the stimulation. “Do you like it?” “Yes, Mommy,” you rasp as you feel your thighs start to dampen with your arousal. “I love it.”
“Well, then” she says huskily, running a marble hand up your thigh as she works to unhook your garter. “Shall we perhaps test it out?”
You nod your consent enthusiastically and she chuckles. “So eager, pet!” she says as she sets you gently on the ground and stands up. She loosens the sash on the belt of her robe and it falls to the floor in a coil of silk, her heavy breasts tumbling out. “Would you be a dear and help me put it on?”
“Yes, my Lady,” you say as you take the strap and harness and secure it around her wide hips. She scoops you up in her muscular arms and presses her ruby lips to yours. You can taste the faint trace of tobacco on her lips. She settles back into her chair, settling you on her lap as she deepens the kiss, gently coaxing your mouth open with her tongue. You reach a hand out and stroke the areola of her now uncovered breast, eliciting a soft gasp from your Mistress.
She peels back your panties, still dripping from your arousal. “So wet for me, pet,” she croons. “Good. That should help things along nicely.” She takes your hips in her large hands and moves you down to her strap. You pause for a moment, hovering over the cock.
Alcina can sense your hesitation. “What’s wrong darling?” she asks, moving a sweaty strand of hair behind your ear. “Why do you hesitate? Would you like to stop?’
You shake your head. “It’s not that, my Lady,” you say, trying to choose your words carefully. This is terribly awkward. “It’s just that it’s so...big. Do you...do you think it will fit?” You feel your face redden in embarrassment.
Alcina leans in and kisses your reddened cheek. “Not to worry, pet. It will fit. We’ve had enough stretching sessions. I think you should be suitably prepared.”
You nod silently, and she lifts your chin up with her hand, her golden eyes serious. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes. I trust you.”
“Yes, what?’
“Yes, Mommy.”
She smiles. “Good girl.” She guides your hips down to her strap and you plunge in, letting out a sharp gasp as the cock fills your walls.
“You can take as much or as little as you want, dear,” Alcina says gently. “Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“No,” you choke out. “I can take it.” You push further in until the cock fills you completely. You can’t help but let out a cry of delight. You weren’t quite sure you would be able to do it. Alcina smiles indulgently at you.
You rest your hands on Alcina’s shoulders as you begin to ride your Lady’s cock. She gently turns your face to the mirror and you see your face is bright red from your exertions, your forehead clammy with sweat. “Look at you,” Alcina croons. “You’re taking me so well. I knew you could do it!���
You ride her faster as you feel your orgasm begin to build. You feel your thighs begin to get sore as you try to maintain a steady rhythm. “You’re doing wonderfully, dearest,” Alcina purrs. “Just keep at that pace for me. You’re doing so well.” She turns you back to face her. “Now keep your eyes on me, do you understand?”
“Yes, Mommy.”
Alcina runs her long fingers up and down your body and slashes open your blouse, taking a nipple from your exposed breast in her mouth and suckling greedily, the tip of her fangs faintly grazing your areola. That sends you over the edge as you climax into her lap. You lay your head on her shoulder, fully spent, breathing heavily.
“You performed beautifully, my dear,” Alcina praises, running a hand through your sweaty hair. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you,” you gasp out, still trying to catch your breath.
“Do you want to know something?” Alcina asks, running a finger along your cheekbone. You sigh and lean into her touch.
“Yes, my Lady?”
“You’ve always been Mommy’s special girl.”
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willalove75 · 1 year
Hey, I hope this isn't too complicated but can I request a fic where Y/N is going through heartbreak and Alcina is comforting her, angry someone could hurt the person she secretly cares about and loves the most?
Not complicated at all! Thank you so much for the request!💕
Tags: Fluff
A/n: My period is being an asshole again this month so here's something fluffy. I feel like shit so apologies if it's not my best but I hope you guys like it anyway💕💕
18+ Only Minors DNI (everrr)
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Alcina is making her way down the staircase when the front doors open and a large group of maidens walk in. Earlier in the day the group went out for the weekly trip to the village and are just returning home. She pauses as they make their way inside, hoping to catch a glimpse of you coming in. For whatever reason your smile is always it's biggest and brightest when you come back from the village and the happiness that radiates off of you is infectious. Not only are you secretly Alcina's favorite maid, she's been admiring you from afar. When she sees you so inexplicably happy she can't help but feel happy herself.
"Good afternoon Mistress." "Good afternoon my Lady."
The girls say as they walk past her with their eyes glued to the floor. Very few of them dare to look up. Those that do can't seem to make eye contact with her. The maids inabilities to look at her make Alcina feel powerful, but that was also one of the reasons why you were so different. Not only did you look at her and were able to hold her eye contact longer than any other maid, you never looked at her with fear. It certainly threw Alcina off at first but eventually she came to cherish the small smile you would send her way when you crossed each others paths in the halls.
As the last of the girls file in her brows knit together when she doesn't see you.
"Antonia." Alcina says, calling to the maid that chaperoned the trip.
"Yes my Lady?"
"Is there a maiden missing? It seems like there are less of you returning than there are when you left." Alcina says.
She doesn't want to make it obvious that she's looking for you, but there is a hint of concern in her voice.
Antonia thinks for a moment and turns to Alcina.
"Ah, I believe you're talking about y/n?" She asks.
Trying to keep up her façade, Alcina gives her shoulders a light shrug but Antonia sees right through it. Antonia has been one of the Lady's head maids for nearly ten years now and knows Alcina better than the Lady herself would ever admit to. She smirks at Alcina who narrows her eyes at her a bit.
"She was the first one out of the carriage when we arrived although she seemed to be in an unusually unhappy mood. I believe I saw her run off towards the gardens."
Alcina lips form a thin line and she nods at Antonia.
"Thank you Antonia. That will be all."
Antonia gives the Lady a slight bow and isn't surprised when she sees Alcina changing directions to head off towards the gardens. With a small smile on her face, Antonia heads off to complete the rest of the work she has for the day.
Fall has officially hit the village and Alcina's daughters have been locked inside the castle once again until spring. The wind blows through the courtyard as Alcina enters it, the ends of her dress whipping in the cool air. She looks around for a few moments before finally finding you. Your back is turned and you're looking out over the vineyard and the vast landscape before you.
Alcina can hear your sniffles and your heart beating irregularly inside of your chest. Concern and anger begin to wash over her when she realizes you're upset. She decides to stride over to you in silence but since she doesn't want to completely startle you, she makes sure you can hear her footsteps before she approaches.
Tears stream down your cheeks as you look over the vineyard. The snowcapped mountains in the distance are so peaceful, so beautiful, you wonder if your heart would still be in pain if you got far enough away from this god-forsaken village. The sound of heels clicking across the brick pavement pulls you from your thoughts. You know right away who the footsteps belong to and you try to wipe your tears from your cheeks and pull yourself together before she sees you like this.
Alcina takes her place next to you, looking out over the vineyard, admiring the beautiful scenery before her. The two of you stand next to each other in silence for a few moments before she breaks it.
"This is one of my favorite views in the entire castle." She says.
"It's beautiful." You say, trying to keep your voice from shaking.
Silence envelopes you both once more. Another tear escapes down your cheek and you try to wipe it away without her noticing. But she does, of course she does. Alcina has been focused on you out of the corner of her eye since she walked up.
Things between you and you Lady have been weird to say the least. There's been gossip that she's taken a liking to you but every time a maid brings it up you brush her off. Telling them that she's just being friendly - which in turn many of the maids look at you like you're nuts. "Friendly" is definitely not a word any of them would use to describe the Lady. But deep down you've grown to care for her. The way she smiles only at you and the way her eyes light up when you randomly - or not so randomly sometimes - see each other throughout the day doesn't go unnoticed by you. But your heart had already been taken by another, by your girlfriend in the village. The love of your life.
Without saying a word Alcina places her large hand on your shoulder and leans you into her. The small act of kindness and comfort was enough to break through the hold you had on your emotions and your tears begin to fall once more. Her grip around you tightens. When a small sob escapes from your lips, Alcina bends down to your height and pulls you into her.
You bury your hands in your face and lean into her shoulder as you cry harder. Alcina cradles the back of your head with one hand and rubs your back with the other.
If someone were to see the two of you right now she'd probably kill them on sight. Never has she comforted a maiden like this before. In all honesty she's never cared for a maiden like this before either. Although the fear of someone seeing Alcina be kind and gentle to a maid - something that could take away the power she holds over her staff since she usually rules with an iron fist - is present in the back of her mind, she's more concerned about you than that at the moment.
"Oh draga," Alcina whispers. "who did this to you my sweet girl?"
A strong breeze whips around you both and the chill goes straight to your bones. The jacket you were wearing was not thick enough for standing around in the cold.
"Come, lets go inside before you get sick." Alcina says as she strokes your hair.
You nod and Alcina releases her hold on you and stands up. The tips of her fingers just reach the back of your shoulders when she stands at her full height and she guides you inside. Alcina leads you to one of her personal sitting rooms. It's one of the few rooms in the house that is off-limits to everyone except the Lady, her daughters and a few hand-picked maids. You've never stepped foot in here before.
It's a beautiful room with a large floor-to-ceiling bookshelf lining one of the walls. It has a large, ornate fireplace, a table with a few chairs, one chair bigger than the rest to accommodate the Lady's size and a gigantic armchair, also suited for the Lady.
Alcina closes the door behind her and walks over to the armchair. It's facing the fireplace and like every fireplace in the castle in the fall and winter, has a warm fire burning inside of it.
She sits in her chair and you stand in front of her with your eyes trained on the ground. Usually looking up at her is never an issue, but since you're so upset you can't bring yourself to do so. Alcina leans forward and places one of her large knuckles under your chin and lifts your gaze to meet hers. When you look up you see her gorgeous yellow eyes, they almost take your breath away. You've never been this close to her before. Every detail of her face is on clear display; the crows feet in the corners of her eyes, her delicate laugh lines that decorate her beautiful smile. The way her mascara is clumped in a few of her long eyelashes, the faint strokes her makeup brush left behind in her foundation. You can also make out the fine details of her eyes; you never realized she has hints of slate grey and blue mixed into the bight yellow in her irises. She truly is beautiful, absolutely breathtaking.
"Tell me draga mea, what has made you so upset?" She asks.
Tears begin to fill your eyes once more and you can feel your heart breaking inside of your chest. You go to open your mouth to speak but all you hear is your voice crack.
Your words fail you and you begin to cry once more.
Lady Dimitrescu scoops you into her arms and sits you in her lap.
"Did someone harm you in the village?"
You can feel her grip tighten around you as she asks the question. She relaxes a little when you shake your head "no."
"But something did happen when you went into the village today, yes?"
When you shake your head "yes" you start to cry harder. Lady Dimitrescu cradles the back of your head once more and rubs your back.
"Oh fetița mea dulce, what on earth happened? You are usually so happy when you return from these trips."
She pulls you away from her a bit and cups your face with the hand she was using to cradle your head. Her large thumb wipes away your tears and she looks into your eyes.
"What happened?"
"My heart is broken."
Her eyes widen just a bit before she regains her composure.
"You had a lover in the village?"
"Who is he?" She growls.
"She was my girlfriend." You say, avoiding eye contact with the Lady. No one you work with knows you had a girlfriend. Honestly, not many people you know even in the village knew.
A faint blush crosses Alcina's cheeks. She had no idea you were interested in women and is a little embarrassed she assumed you were talking about a man.
"My apologies, who is she?"
"Her name is Bianca. She- I loved her more than anything. We've been, well, we were together for six years."
More tears run down your cheeks as Lady Dimitrescu wipes them away. When you look up into her eyes you see compassion and a hint of anger, but you can tell that the anger isn't directed at you. It's directed at whoever hurt you - at Bianca.
"I am so sorry draga. Sometimes these things just don't work out-" She says, trying to comfort you. You close your eyes and knit your eyebrows together and Alcina realizes that something more went on. "what happened?"
"Usually I tell her when I'm going to visit, but today I wanted to surprise her. She's been having a tough time lately and I thought if I surprised her it would make her feel better. So I went to her house and let myself in, she gave me a key a few years ago. It was still early so I figured she was still asleep so I went into her bedroom and found her in bed with someone else." You start to cry again and Lady Dimitrescu pulls you into her.
She holds you tight and rests her cheek against your head. As you cry into her she rocks you and whispers "shh draga, it's okay. It's okay."
"I loved her so much." You cry. "And she was mad at me for getting upset. She told me it was selfish of me to stop her from seeing other people while I lived and worked here at the castle. That it was my fault."
You hear a low growl rumble deep inside Lady Dimitrescu's chest.
"That is absolutely ridiculous. The nerve of that girl. Blaming you for her infidelity. You did nothing wrong draga mea, nothing." She comforts you more as you sob into her. "You deserve so much more than that, so much better."
"I loved her so much. She told me she loved me, that she wanted to be with me for the rest of her life." You say through tears. "And now I'm all alone, I don't have anyone."
"You're not alone draga, as long as you are here you will never be alone."
Alcina begins to rock you and starts humming. She closes her eyes and rests her cheek on your head as you start to calm down.
You've only ever heard Lady Dimitrescu sing once before and it was only an echo from down the hall. Now you can hear her voice perfectly as she hums above you. You can feel the vibration against your face with your cheek laying against her chest. Her voice is beautiful and soothing. Even though your heart still feels like its in pieces in your chest, your tears begin to dry and you start to relax in her arms.
Never in a million years did you think you would ever be here - laying in your Mistresses arms as she consoled you. Of course you've seen her at her worst, lashing out at other maids, hurting them, disfiguring them, you even saw her kill someone once. But for the most part, every time she did something like that it was more or less justifiable. At least what constitutes as justifiable here in the castle - in terms of the outside world, well, that was a different story. But she was always kind to you and you always obeyed, did your work, stayed out of trouble and did your best to help the other maids when you could.
It was those traits that made Alcina notice you from the start. She is very attentive, even when her staff doesn't think so. With her supersonic hearing she can hear nearly everything that goes on within the castle. The maids would be amazed at what she hears and doesn't act on. Usually when a punishment for a certain maid seems out of the blue, to Alcina it isn't because she knew what that maid had been doing or saying for weeks before she found an excuse to properly punish them. But she never heard anything bad about anyone, including herself or her children, leave your lips. You were always the first to help another maid when needed and you always did your job - and did it damn well too. When she realized you weren't afraid of her like the other maids were, that was just the cherry on top.
As your tears stop falling and your cries soften you feel exhaustion begin to take over.
"Feeling better?" She asks.
"Yes my Lady, thank you very much."
"When we are in private you may call me by my given name, Alcina."
"That's a beautiful name."
"Thank you, I am quite fond of it myself."
"Thank you, Alcina. For everything." You say.
"Of course draga mea."
You feel yourself start to doze off and Alcina notices. She adjusts you in her arms and you think she's going to put you down and send you on your way. To your surprise she cradles you in her arm so you're more comfortable.
Her eyes meet yours and she flashes you a warm smile.
"Rest, draga."
"Are you sure?"
A rogue tear rolls down your cheek and she wipes it away. She continues to rock you and hum and your eyelids grow heavier and heavier.
You don't know when it happened but at some point you lost your battle to sleep and drifted off in her arms.
Alcina watches you as your blinks become longer and longer before you finally fall asleep. She smiles down at you as you sleep in her arms and continues to hum. Her humming stops when she hears a soft snore escape.
"My sweet girl. No one hurts you and gets away with it. That dreadful woman will learn her lesson. You will never be alone, draga mea. That I promise."
Alcina brushes a stray lock of hair out of your face and caresses your cheek with the back of her finger. She rests her head against the back of the armchair and closes her eyes. She drifts off to sleep with a smile on her face as thoughts of what she plans on doing to the one that broke your heart dance in her head.
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067supremacy · 3 years
Ok! This has been a loooong time coming, but I finally got round to finishing it. This may have some mistakes in it as my lazy ass didn't check through, lmao. Anyway! I hope you enjoy :)
Her Maiden - Alcina Dimitrescu
Tw: Smut, smut, and some more smut.
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The dark halls of the castle stretch for miles; the place was a maze, but you had it memorised like the back of your hand. A cool chill runs down your spine, causing you to shiver and rub at the exposed skin of your short-sleeved arm.
You hurry along the stone flooring; the click of your heels do little to mask your panic, but when it came to this family, you knew better than to keep them waiting. You can already hear the impatient call of your name from the leader herself. Fear strikes you as you wonder if today was the day you received a punishment.
The thick red liquid you carry is heavy. The sloshing drink was a request from Lady Dimitrescu, which you immediately tended to. However, there had been a delay when you accidentally collided with one of the daughters. Your life flashed before your eyes, but to your surprise, they were lenient with you. They even went as far as to allow you back on your way without as much as a threat, which you had witnessed many times for far less.
As you enter the master bedroom, the place of rest for Alcina Dimitrescu. She exhales the smoke she was holding in and stands from her colossal seat. Her face doesn't look impressed, and you weigh the options of getting punished or running there and then. But you had heard the stories of others who ran; it became a game, almost like cat and mouse. The girls would chase and hunt you down until they could squeeze out every last drop of your blood.
"My dear, you had me worried that you would never come back, " Alcina Says in her sultry voice, the same voice that could run a chill down your spine every day of the week. Alcina seems surprised to find you panting and sweating from the effort you put into making it back on time. Seeing you like this brings other kinds of thoughts to her head; she was thirsty, that's for sure, but it was no longer for the wine; she wanted you. And what Lady Dimitrescu wants, she damn well gets. Not that you wouldn't accept what happens just shortly after this encounter.
"You have been such a good maiden, recently. How about a reward for my favourite pet?" Alcina struts to your position, eyeing you from head to toe; she loves your shy behaviour, and under her lustful gaze, you certainly feel shy. She takes the wine from you and takes your hand in hers. She kisses your hand and leads you to her bed; that candlelit room provides a romantic atmosphere. Alcina's sweet perfume is just the right amount to keep it from being too overpowering.
"Do you want this, pet?" Lady D breathes out slowly and takes a step back to admire your beauty and give you the required space to say no if necessary. But no wasn't an option; you wanted this, you want Alcina.
You nod in response, but that isn't enough for Alcina. She prefers to hear this type of thing, almost as much as she will love to listen to your whimpers when they arrive. Alcina tuts her disappointment at you shaking her head playfully while she is at it. Her long slender fingers rest at her hips, but how you long for them to be wrapped around your neck or maybe touching you in a place so sacred, you can only dream of the sensation.
"Tell me what you want, pet, " lady Dimitrescu whispers as she pours some of the wine into her crystal glass with the Dimitrescu emblem glossed into the side.
The way she intimidates you is the most attractive part. A woman of class and with great style. Her choice of music was always a pleasant one. The different types of perfume she wears are always delightful on your nose. She is beautiful from head to toe, and there is a lot of her in between. You weigh up the options you have, but the one thing you can't do is leave her waiting. Your answers run through your mind like a marathon runner, but eventually, you land on one that is sure to please the lady of the castle.
"I- I want you." you nervously say; you begin to play with your fingers and divert your gaze in any direction that doesn't include Alcina. Your speech was low, Alcina heard what you said, but for the prospect of bothering the game at stake, Alcina asks you to repeat what you had said.
"I want you," you say again, this time with more force behind your voice. You still hesitate to look her way. Soon, that isn't an option as she places a gloved pointer finger under your chin and raises your head to look her dead in the eyes. The eyes that hold so much passion, but something else twinkles in the depths of her eyes, love.
She softly coos while lowering herself to become face to face with you. The position seems uncomfortable for her, but for you, it was pushed aside immediately without a second thought. You are confident that if someone walks in now, they will find this picture highly amusing, although you doubt their eyes would remain in their sockets should they say anything.
It's the softest pair of lips you can imagine that make contact with yours, a feather flowing through the gentle breeze of a dream location. You sink into a place of bliss; all your worries disappear at the touch of her cherry red lips on yours. At first, you stand stiff while trying to figure out what was happening, but you relax and begin to kiss back as eagerly as Lady Dimitrescu is.
Alcina swipes her tongue along your lip, she doesn't beg for anything, but this was as close as it got. She so badly wanted to taste you on her tongue, a particular taste could wait, but for now, the tip of her tongue drags along yours as they meet in a glorious kiss. You moan slightly at the sensation which is captured in Alcina's mouth; the two of you move in sync with one another; Alcina is gentle, something you appreciate immensely, given her reputation. You feel her hand glide up your leg agonisingly slow; you throb with need, and Alcina can sense this, but the game is all too amusing now. Her hand was entirely up your dress, and her fingers reached the hem of your underwear.
"I could smell you, now I can feel you." Lady Dimitrescu whispers against your lips as she runs her index and middle finger over the damp fabric of your underwear. She teasingly massages you; Alcina soaks up every little sound you make as this gives her the ultimate pleasure. She can feel your blood heating up deliciously, something she takes a strong liking to.
"m-miss, P-please." you whine into the crock of her neck where she holds your head.
Alcina retracts her fingers at your beg, taking her gloves off to show this is moving forward and holds her two digits in front of your face; she taps your lips, and you instantly know what she is asking for. You open your mouth and willingly let her two digits rest on your tongue. You encircle them in the heat of your mouth and lathe your tongue around them; when you make eye contact with Alcina, she almost breaks face and crumbles in front of you, but she wills through your seductive actions.
Eventually, she pulls her fingers from your mouth and sets about going to her actual destination. With your spit slicked on her fingers, she pulls your underwear down and finally places them at your entrance. Alcina pushes into your tight hole; the tall woman is careful; she treats you like a fragile vase, but seeing you in pleasure rather than pain, she moves slowly, letting you enjoy the drag of her fingers against your sensitive walls.
"Fuck, t-that feels s - so good." you whimper out as her thumb plays with your clit. Her head moves to place her mouth on your neck; you know how dangerous this situation is. She could bite into your neck at any time, but being overwhelmed with pleasure makes the worry subside before it even starts. Her tongue swipes up the centre of your neck, making you shiver; she makes your body feel electric.
"Don't be quiet; make me proud, pet." Alcina husks into your neck. The more time goes on, the harder she pumps her fingers; the soaked sound emitting from your downstairs region is enough to make Alcina growl; she loves the sound of getting you closer and closer to your high. You don't disappoint the lady. You let out various high pitched moans to tell her that the spot she was slamming into was just right. You feel a heat rising in your stomach, a bubbling feeling that builds like a pressure gauge. The higher it gets, the better you feel. Your legs begin to shake, and Alcina's name sprays from your lips uncontrollably. Just as you are about to tip over the edge, she pulls her fingers from your soaked pussy and chuckles to herself at your need to be fucked.
"Oh, honey. Not yet, I haven't even got to taste you yet."
Alcina brings out her steel claws; much to your surprise, for a split second, you worried about your life. However, she gently places the tip of her blade at the neckline of your dress and slowly slices down. She is cautious in this process, always making sure the dress is slightly lifted from your skin. She finishes her masterpiece; you lay there completely naked, sweaty and panting from the adventures, you spread your legs to give Alcina the best view, you see her lick her lips at the sight of your needy behaviour, how she loves this more than life itself.
With your dress cut in half and spread on either side of your body, you make the mistake of reaching your hand down to touch yourself. This wasn't well-received by the leader of the Dimitrescu bloodline. She quickly slaps your hand away and places a large hand around your throat. The look in her eyes had changed; this was a predator vs prey situation, and you knew your role in that. Her eyes were pitch black with lust but jealousy of the thought of anyone-including you- finishing you off. Your airwaves are trapped for moment, but Alcina knows what she is doing. It's just the right amount of pressure not to harm you but add the effect of danger. Retracting her claws, she gives your breast a harsh slap before soothing it out with her mouth. She sucks, licks, and nibbles, much to your pleasure. You throb with need; the wetness between your legs begins to drip down the curve of your ass.
Alcina takes pity on you, her needy little maiden. Still choking you slightly, she kisses down your perfect body until her warm breath is on your centre; she starts with a kiss, coating her lips in your juices; you chance to look down and catch a glimpse of her licking her lips.
"Mm, divine, my sweetheart." Alcina moans before licking your pussy with her enormous tongue. You fall into complete euphoria. Alcina is amazing; her tongue laps up your juice before entering your heat, the slurping sounds from down your body has your back rising as far as it would allow. Alcina places your legs over her shoulders to get the best angle for you and places both hands on your hips to steady you; from here, she shows no mercy. Fucking you like only she could, and God, does she fuck you. From quiet whimpers to loud screams, you put a smile on the cherry red lips of Alcina. Chants of her name echo around the room, and most likely the entire castle, it doesn't take much, but you are back on the edge you were hanging off of before.
You cry out what is to come, Alcina is far too aware of what is building inside you, but she wants you to let go. She sticks to her task, and before you know it, a burst of ecstasy shoots through your entire being; you shake like a leaf in the arms of the woman who took you in. Lady Dimitrescu builds her way up to your face, leaving kisses along the way. She pulls you into her chest and relaxes you completely. The last thing you hear before drifting into a deep sleep is, "I want to be the lady of this castle with you by my side."
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spicymotte · 3 years
can’t stop thinking about Moreau birthday party... he prepares everything and gets super excited, all his siblings will be there to have a great day!
Alcina gives in and takes the girls to uncle Moreau’s reservoir, where he prepared a huge table with all kinds of decoration and drinks/food. He’s so excited and wants everyone to have a great time. Karl arrives first, Donna soon after that and even though Angie is a bit rude, she keeps it together. Alcina and her girls aren’t that thrilled to be in the dirty reservoir but they do it for Sal.
Everyone brings a gift, Heisenberg got his hands on some new movies for Sal and Donna made him a new coat with pockets. Alcina just brought something from the crypts, probably a dagger or a sword, and the girls give him something handmade like jewelry made from bones.
They all have a great day and Alcina and Heisenberg even try not to fight too much that day. In the end everyone gets a little gift from Moreau, pretty things he has collected and put into little flasks (he does this every year). All of his siblings have a lot of those little flasks already, he gives them out every year on his birthday, but they all keep them!
It’s just a wonderful day for everyone, especially Moreau though.
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Slumbering Hearts (Alcina Dimitrescu/Reader, Soulmate AU) Pt. 3
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village
Rating: T for language, implied cannibalism (because Vampires)
Warnings: Aforementioned implied cannibalism
Summary: In a wicked twist of fate, you find out your soulmate is none other than your employer, Lady Dimitrescu. To your misery, she (at first) seems equally displeased, her heart already belonging to another. But in time, the two of you find yourselves wondering… could the universe be right, after all? Soulmate AU in which every person has a unique “soul mark”, which they share with their soulmate.
Notes: Features a cameo of sorts for my OC, Avaskian Caldwell. Not beta read.
Previous Chapters: 1: In The Shadow Of Giants, 2: Uncertain Destinations
3: Eat Your Heart
“Well,” Bela says, only moderately sounding hostile, “I do believe that marks the end of our tour. Unless you would like to see the dungeons? Perhaps get a proper look at where you might end up, hmm?” Resisting the urge to roll your eyes is more difficult than you would have preferred. Somehow you manage, though, and reply in a relatively relaxed tone.
“I think I’ll have to pass. After all, I wouldn’t want to be late for dinner, now would I?” You incline your head towards a nearby clock to emphasize your point. For a split second Bela seems surprised, as if she hadn’t been keeping track of time at all. But the look vanishes as quickly as it came about, soon replaced with a calculating gaze, and she gives a short nod. “Is it safe to assume that you eat together, as a family?” Another nod, this time accompanied by a small look of confusion. “Mmm, sounds wonderful. It’s been far too long since I’ve shared a nice family meal.”
That certainly wasn’t what Bela had expected you to say.
“Oh? I do hope that you can stomach the sight of blood, then. Otherwise it might not feel so nice,” she replies, after a slight pause. Her earlier confidence had returned, further bolstered by the resulting giggles from her sisters. They were a chaotic bunch. Regardless, Bela soon takes your wrist in her hand, pulling you towards the dining room, grip only tight enough to be slightly uncomfortable. Both of her siblings followed closely behind, occasionally whispering unintelligible jokes to one another. One in particular leaves Daniela pausing in the hallway, hunched over laughing, with an unnerving edge of something else you couldn’t quite place. A backwards glance in her direction leads you to make eye contact with Cassandra, who gives you a knowing smirk. Deciding that you didn’t want to know what she had said, you turned back towards Bela, and stayed facing that way until you reached the dining hall.
Inside, Alcina was already sitting at the head of the table, in a chair that would have seemed a throne to anyone else. On either side of her are two more seats, far less ornate than her own. For a moment the sisters and you hesitate in the entranceway. Evidently they weren’t accustomed to this particular arrangement, unsure where to sit. It’s not until Bela clears her throat that Alcina speaks up.
“On my left, dear,” she says, eying her eldest daughter, before turning to you. “You may sit to my right. I trust that you’ll find this agreeable?” Well, you weren’t exactly about to argue with her, so yes, you found it agreeable. Even if it meant sitting across from the more ‘direct’ member of your opposition. Though perhaps ‘judge’ and/or ‘jury’ was a better word for the Dimitrescu daughters. Regardless, you were going to have to sit with them, and in the end it hardly mattered who was where. As such, you semi-awkwardly made your way to your seat, hoping that you’d eventually feel less out of place. Soon enough Cassandra takes the spot next to you, giving you a concerning smirk as she does. What did she have planned? Before you can even contemplate her intentions, her mother is talking again, drawing both of your attention towards herself. “Splendid. I’m glad to see that you’re already finding your place here.”
It’s not hard, you think, when you’re directing my every step. Despite your biting internal commentary, you do not speak out loud, merely giving a polite smile and nod. Across from you, Bela gives her mother an affectionate expression before fixing you with a subtle disapproving look. Taking some small comfort in the fact that she wasn’t being openly hostile, you forced yourself to keep smiling, meeting her gaze with as much confidence as you can muster. Within moments both of you have your attention drawn elsewhere, thankfully, as servants begin carrying in various food platters. Most of the dishes appeared to be perfectly normal. But looks could be deceiving, and you knew that at least a handful had to contain less “traditional” ingredients. They remembered to cook something normal for me, right?
Soon enough your fears are somewhat alleviated, as one of the servants places an already filled plate in front of you. Admittedly you don’t recognize xer, despite xer oddly silver hair, or the red bandana xe wore. Something told you that xe wasn’t just another maiden, however, especially with the way xe brazenly made eye contact with each of the Dimitrescus. Before you could inquire about xer, you’re distracted by the arrival of Juniper, who instantly smiles when she sees you. In her arms she carries the last two side dishes and several empty plates, which the unknown servant gently takes from her. Together the two of them set the final items into place. Wordlessly, the grey-haired person removes a notebook from xer back pocket, handing it to Juniper with the barest sliver of a smile. Clearly having done this more than once, she accepts it readily, opening it to a bookmarked page.
“My Ladies, and our dearest, most esteemed guest, I present to you another fine selection of traditional Romanian dishes, for your sincere enjoyment. Today we will be drinking one of our more popular styles of wine, known as Febris Amatoria, meaning ‘fever of love’ in Latin,” she reads, only somewhat shakily. Next to her, the stranger inclines xer head to your employers, then does the same to you. At this point you have to assume that xe doesn’t speak, and that Juniper was serving as a translator of sorts. “Due to the unexpected nature of our guest, the dishes are not clearly marked in regards to their ingredients. You have my- as in Mx Caldwell- assurance that this will be handled by the next standard mealtime, where the shared dishes will be color coded. In the meantime, I- again, Mx Caldwell- will remain here, in order to prevent any… unintentional ingestion of human remains.” Gulping, Juniper returns the notebook to the stranger (Caldwell, apparently), then exits the room alongside the other servants.
“Isn’t Febris Amatoria also another name for a type of anemia?” Bela asks, slowly swirling the contents of her glass as she does. Caldwell, who had moved to stand several feet behind Alcina, gives a nod in response, and appears mildly amused.
“A clever allusion to our family’s nature, isn’t it? I know Daniela has certainly drained a number of ‘lovers’ over the years, perhaps causing a case or two,” Cassandra teases, much to her younger sister’s irritation. Personally you were surprised that she was willing to admit such a thing in front of her mother. Unless you were reading too much into the word ‘lovers’, due to the rumors you had heard regarding Lady Daniela. Nonetheless, the Lady in question is aggravated enough to sit up, looking ready to lunge across the table at Cassandra. As soon as Daniela moves (with frightening speed), her sister easily catches her wrist, using her other hand to wave a finger back and forth. “Ah, ah, ah, Dani, we have a guest. Do try to behave yourself.”
“Oh, because you’re the epitome of table manners? I’m amazed you haven’t already managed to spill wine all over your dress,” Daniela counters, before ripping her arm away from Cassandra. They both huff, but are quick to quiet down when their mother sends them a look. “Dinner looks delectable, as usual, Ava,” Daniela continues, after clearing her throat, accentuating the end of her sentence with a gesture of her wine glass. Then she takes a long drink from it, perhaps thinking that a little intoxication might make the evening easier to get through. Deciding that maybe she had the right idea, you take a sip from your own glass, relishing the subtle hint of lavender.
In the minutes that follow, things slide into easy comfort. Caldwell once more moves closer to the table, helping pass along side-dishes from person to person, quietly pointing out which ones you could safely consume, occasionally chuckling in response to the jokes that the daughters shared. A strange warmth built itself up within the center of your chest, heart yearning for age-old memories of your own family. Three months had passed since the last time you felt this way. Really, it felt so much like family that you didn’t catch the way Cassandra’s lips twitched into a smirk, or the way she met Bela’s gaze, or the way she pushed a dish just a tad further towards you than necessary. All it had taken was a single second of your gaze turned elsewhere… then you were reaching for the castle’s special variety of forbidden fruit.
“Ayye, nyet, nyet!” Caldwell snaps, voice oddly strained, hand wrapping around your wrist in an instant. All eyes are on you now, though Alcina’s soon flicker over to the servant. “Cass. Bad girl,” xe continues, going so far as to shake xer finger disapprovingly. Understandably, you’re rather shocked to see a butler be so bold with someone so dangerous. Even more shocking is the way that Cassandra backs down without a hint of a fight, refusing to meet her mother’s steely gaze, not even pretending that she hadn’t attempted to trick you. Satisfied with this outcome, Caldwell wordlessly fades back into the background.
Although you had almost committed an unwilling act of cannibalism, you managed to slowly relax again, content to listen in on (but not participate in) the conversations around you. ‘Twas somewhat awkward, admittedly, to be the odd one out in a family so close. Yet a part of you had gained a new sense of hope by meeting Caldwell. After all, if a human such as xerself could become so close as to chastise Cassandra of all people, why couldn’t you?
“Once again, I would like to… apologize, on behalf of my daughters,” Alcina says, rather softly, still keeping a gentle hand on your back to guide you along. “I must admit, I do not wish to dwell on what might have happened if not for Avaskian.”
“Believe it or not, I think I actually understand where they’re coming from. Though, of course, I am also grateful for Caldwell’s intervention. But really… your family has been together for several decades now, right? Any addition is guaranteed to stir things up,” you respond with a shrug. “Besides, I’m more than aware that I don’t exactly stand at the same level as your other romantic interest.” Suddenly both of you are halting in the middle of the hallway, unable to meet each other’s gaze, regret rumbling like butterflies in your stomach. You hadn’t intended to bring up your soulmate’s somewhat obvious affections for Mother Miranda.
“Hmm. So you are… aware of that,” Alcina murmurs, finally turning her head to look down at you. There’s no small amount of pain in her eyes, though you can tell she’s holding as much of it in as possible. “I would prefer it if we did not speak of this. I do hope you have no qualms with that.” For once, there is no hint of force or commanding edge to her tone. For once, she is letting you act as an equal, the first step towards actually accepting your role as her soulmate. It’s enough to make the corners of your lips turn up, if only for a moment.
“Alcina… I understand. I merely want to say that it won’t affect how I feel, or how I act. Love is a blessing, even when it ends in pain. I… have loved before. People whom I will never see again, people who never felt the same way, and maybe people who I really only thought that I loved. I’m trying to think of those experiences as lessons. Situations that taught me something about myself, or about what love is, that I can keep in mind and use going forward. Just as I promised to your daughters, I will try to love you. I will give you an honest chance, regardless of our past circumstances. Because we’re soulmates. Because this is the world offering us a shot at something amazing, and I’m not about to give that up,” you explain, placing one of your hands in Alcina’s. For a moment there’s silence, but you see both surprise and happiness in her expression. Still, there’s a hint of tension remaining in the air, so you do your best to dispel it. “Also your daughters threatened to kill me if I didn’t, and I’d hate to perish before lasting a full year here. I heard a rumor that one of the senior staff members makes cards to celebrate.”
Next thing you know, you’re hearing a beautiful sound, a light, genuine laugh from Alcina, who all at once releases the tension in her shoulders.
“Yes, I do believe Ava, or Caldwell as you said, still makes those. Always with strange little drawings of felines…” She trails off, voice fading into another chuckle, before at last resuming her walk, never letting go of your hand. “As much as I have enjoyed our chat, I do believe it is about time that I retire for the night. We will see each other once more in the morning. For now, I bid you goodnight. Sleep well, my dear.” With that, the two of you arrive at the entrance to the servants’ quarters, and you find just enough courage to bring her hand to your lips, for a brief kiss.
“Goodnight, Lady Alcina. May your dreams be as sweet as your company.”
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Hopes and Dreams II
First of all: HOW AMAZING ARE YOU PEOPLE?! You gave me so much serotonin. All the reblogs with added tags, all the comments and favs and all the new followers, you are amazing. I will add a taglist for future chapters, so if you wanna get tagged, hit me up, and you will be added to that list. Seriously, I love you guys. ***
“Will you be able to walk?” Alcina asked and you just shrugged and motioned for her to lead the way. You walked in companionable silence for a while, which gave her the chance to take a longer look at you. You were pretty tall, even though you were still rather small compared to Alcina. She was pretty sure that you were taller than Heisenberg though, and that made her feel odd. You held yourself with a confidence she wouldn’t have expected after everything that happened in the last few minutes, reminding her again that you were not unfamiliar with the supernatural. It unnerved her to no end, and she found herself wanting to solve the mystery that surrounded you. Where did you come from? Exactly what is it what you were doing here? Would you turn into a threat or into an ally? Alcina wasn’t stupid, far from it. She knew that Mother Miranda’s hold on the Lords was slipping, Heisenberg’s silent plotting was proof enough. Did Mother Miranda know that you were here? Alcina sure didn’t, and the other Lords didn’t mention a stranger roaming the village and the surrounding woods. Although Heisenberg mentioned that an unusual amount of Lycans had disappeared. 
Her eyes roamed your figure again. Your hair was kept in a neat undercut, colored in a hideous blue that still looked good on you. You were clad in a black Hoodie and equally black Cargo pants, as if the cold didn’t bother you at all. It was the middle of the winter and yet you strolled through the cold as if it was springtime. Which made her wonder if you were really just a mere human. Everything she experienced with you implied that you weren’t ordinary and that intrigued Alcina greatly.
“You could just ask me about myself, you know?” you said and smiled up at her knowingly. Alcina flustered and wiped some non-existent lint from her long dress. So, you were aware that she was watching you.
“We usually don’t see strangers in these parts, especially ones who seem to know more than they should. Which raises the question why exactly you are here?”
“Considering that we just met, my lady, it wouldn’t be wise to reveal my whole tragic backstory. And further considering that I don’t know if I’ll see the light of day ever again if I were to enter your castle, forgive me if I won’t trust you with my motives yet. All you need to know for know is, that I am a traveler and have been for my whole life. I search for artifacts, among other things, that my benefactor can sell for good money. He took me in when I was just a child and took great care in training me. He is the closest thing I have to a father figure, although most people think me insane for the trust, I have in him. And as for why I am in Romania, I don’t really know to be honest, or wasn’t when I first got here. It was a gut feeling telling me to come here, and I find that I can trust those feelings, whenever they arise.” You said and stretched.
“I won’t keep you locked in the castle if you don’t give me a reason to mistrust you. There is a reason why no one come to these parts, so I am very wary of strangers. I have daughters to protect after all.” Alcina said, musing about what you said. If you were a traveler looking for artifacts, it would explain why you look at the supernatural as if it was a normal occurrence.
“You will have to see for yourself then, but I can assure you, that I am not here to hurt you or your daughters. My last mission… Didn’t go well and I originally came here recharge a bit, if you know what I mean. Again, forgive me if I am being too careful, but I have more enemies than I have friends, and I really like living.” You said carefully and Alcina kept staring at you. You didn’t seem dangerous to her, how could you, looking like you did, but she was still wary. She felt the sudden urge to protect you from whatever enemies you were talking about, but you were strangers. That realization hurt her more than it should, but with your past lives, it was so different. She always knew who was in front of her, whenever she met you, but this time around was just so complicated.
She felt drawn to you, even with your boyish looks you were still immensely attractive to her, and the way your blood sang to her made you all the more alluring. More than ever before if she was honest. But that is the problem, you were still familiar to her, but not as much as before and it scared her. You still had the potential to destroy her, even if you didn’t know about that.
You could practically smell the curiosity rolling of Lady Dimitrescu. She was wary of you and yet there was something in her eyes that you couldn’t quite place, even though it made your heart soar to new heights. She was as much a mystery to you as you were to her, and you felt so drawn to her. Like a moth to the flame. You briefly wondered if it had something to do with her nature. She seemed like a careful person, but considering from what you heard in the village, you totally got that. Which is why her next question caught you quite a bit off-guard: “Do you actually have a place to stay or are you just roaming around the forest, picking fights with Lycans?”
“Are you offering, my lady?” you said, wearing a Cheshire grin and wiggling your eyebrows. The blush that colored the Lady’s cheeks was worth every punishment you could possibly get from that comment. You still valued your life though, so you said: “I don’t mean you any harm. I just enjoy some friendly banter and it has been ages since I felt comfortable enough to do so. To answer your question, no, I don’t really have a place to stay. I’m helping someone with their housework every now and then though, so as a thanks they let me sleep on their couch whenever possible.”
“What kind of housework?”
“Nothing much, some cooking and general repairs.” You shrug and the smile she gave you was positively sinful when she asked, “What else are you able to do with your hands?”
It was your turn to blush and blushing you did; you even felt the tips of your ears go warm and it didn’t help at all that Lady Dimitrescu started chuckling. Still, you weren’t one to miss an opportunity so you said “Well that’s for you to find out, my lady” with a smaller voice you would have liked. How had one woman such a power over you?
“Hmmm, maybe I will, my dear,” she said and winked, making your brain short circuit. You stumbled in your steps and her hand steadying you didn`t help one bit. Sparks shot through your arm when she touched you and you felt something niggling at the back of your mind. No one ever had such an effect on you, no matter how stunningly beautiful they were. Suddenly, shivers ran down your spine, and not the good ones, so you took a protective stand in front of Lady Dimitrescu and said “Careful. Someone is watching.”
And just as you spoke the words, a shadow descended upon you and your instinct started to kick in. Your knife was out in seconds, a voice in your head urging you to protect your Lady. So, when the shadow descended upon you, you had it pinned down, snarling furiously. You felt your fangs elongating and your sense grew ever sharper. Well, seems like the cat was out of the bag now.
“Let go of me!” the girl you had pinned to the ground snarled, but her attempts to flee were futile. 
“Give me one good reason to not kill you on the spot. How long have you been stalking us?” You snarl, feeling your blood start to boil.
“Let go of her, dear. She had no ill intentions.” Lady Dimitrescu said, and against all odds, you calmed. Huh. That had never happened before.
“Is this a new plaything, mother?” the girl asked, and you started snarling again, but a hand at the back of your neck made you freeze.
“Don’t be rude, Daniela. She is our guest, and she needs some medical attention. So be nice.” Lady Dimitrescu said and the girl, Daniela started pouting and muttering something under her breath. You were still on edge, bare containing the snarl that wanted to leave your throat. The hand around your neck tightened in warning and another shiver ran down your spine. One of the good ones.
“So, I was right about you. You are not entirely human.” Lady Dimitrescu purred, and you had the sudden urge to bolt and hide away. You noticed how much she must have hold back until now, the danger rolling of on her in waves was something you never once encountered.
“I told you that something happened to me. If you promise not to harm me, I will tell you what happened. But I can promise you that I am no danger to you or anyone else, if not properly provoked.” You said and dusted of your knees. She let go of you and turned to Daniela, conversing with her in Romanian. Daniela looked at you with sudden intrigue and a nasty smile. She practically screamed trouble, and you weren’t sure if you could handle it.
“Come now, it isn’t far anymore. Daniela will alert the castle of our arrival, to avoid any nasty surprises.” Lady Dimitrescu said and led you away. And sure enough, a few minutes later you reached the castle gate, three figures awaiting you. One you recognized as Daniela, so the other two must be her sisters. One of them looked at you with mild interest, while the other one looked at you with a spark of recognition in her eyes. Had you met before on one of your travels? You were pretty sure that wasn’t the case, but let it slide anyway, since you had bigger problems right now.
“Bela, would you please prepare the sitting room in the west wing? I will need some antiseptic and bandages, warm water would be wonderful too. When you are finished with that, prepare the guest room next to mine. We will talk later.”
The one who seemed to recognize you from somewhere left in a flurry of… bugs? What the fuck? 
“Cassandra, Daniela, please prepare a light super. I will talk to you two later two. Just bring the food into the sitting room when you are finished, yes?” The order was given gently and in another flurry of bugs, you were alone again.
“You can explain yourself when I am cleaning and dressing your wounds. Come now.” She said and led you into the castle. You were still processing the abilities of her daughter, so you followed her silently into the dimly lit entryway. *** Taglist: @imdreamingblo
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nightwishesworld · 3 years
Babysitting (Part 1)
You and Alcina are roped into taking care of your friend's daughter for a few days. Alcina is...less than excited about it. I mean, come on, a baby in Castle Dimitrescu? What could possibly go wrong?!
The warmth of the afternoon sun crept its way into the windows of Castle Dimitrescu. Both you and Alcina decided it was a beautiful day to take your afternoon tea in the gardens instead of the library . Blooms grew in newly fragranced air, the sweet petals that fluttered reflected by the honeyed-sweetness within. The garden birds always warm your heart. They bring so much joy just from watching them play and dance around the hedges. There are so many of them out today, large and small, brown, red-capped, and golden stripped. You love listening to their chirping, each singing its own beautiful song.
Alcina held your hand over the table as she sipped her special blend of tea.
“Oh, Darling, did I tell you Cristofor and Lucia are going out of town? He says it’s for business but honestly, I think they just want to have a break from the baby. I mean, I don’t blame them, it’s their first kid and you know how hectic everything’s been for them lately."
Alcina nods. “Yes, well, it didn’t help that they were a little unprepared for baby Julianna. That’s her name, right? I remember we offered to buy a few things for them before she was born.”
“Yeah, that’s it, but I just call her Jewel. My precious little gem. I guess they’re gonna be gone for the extended weekend and need someone to watch her.”
Alcina scoffs. “I pity those they choose.”
“Oh stop it, Alcina, it won’t be that bad.”
She stops what she’s doing, nearly choking on her tea, and just stares at you. “You didn’t. You did not! Please for the love of Mother Miranda tell me you didn’t say we would take care of her!”
Your silence was all the answer she needed.
“Why would you do that? Castle Dimitrescu is no place for a baby!”
“Tell that to Cris! I tried telling him that and all he did was assure me that everything would be fine. They feel Jewel would be safest in our care; they were practically begging, Al. What was I supposed to say?”
“No?” You roll your eyes at her. “What about their family? Are they really not available?”
“Lucia said she would feel guilty asking her folks to do any more for them. They usually watch her every day Cris and Lucia are at work. Imagine that plus three straight days; I would want a break too.”
Alcina stayed silent.
“They’re gonna stop by in a few days with some stuff, like diapers and toys and things.”
Alcina huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m so glad you discussed the details so thoroughly with them.”
“I figured you would say no. Look, I’m sorry I went behind your back but they really need a babysitter and they don’t trust anyone as they do us. Besides, I’m Jule’s unofficial aunt, I don’t think I can say no to something like this. I know you don’t like kids, but-”
“What are you talking about? I love seeing little Julianna.”
“You do? Cause every time they come to visit you seem kind of...distant”
“I don’t...I don’t like holding her. She’s too tiny and fragile for someone like me to be holding.”
“Someone like you?” Then it dawned on you. “Oh, Alci. You don’t actually believe that, do you? You’re always so gentle with her.”
“Because if I’m not delicate I’ll crush her.” Alcina’s face held sorrow to it, not evident to most individuals.
“You wouldn’t crush her, Alci. I know you better than that. You literally came running into my study the other day because I screamed ‘spider,’ and then carried me out because I lost sight of it. You’re a lot more gentle than you’re giving yourself credit.You're a good, thoughtful, and gentle person Alci. Anyone who can’t see that is purely idiotic,” I muttered under my breath.
“I suppose it’s not the worst thing in the world, having a baby running around the castle. And we have time to babyproof everything.”
“That shouldn’t be too hard, love, she’s only seven months old. She’s only just starting to learn how to crawl.”
You were talking but Alcina wasn’t listening. She was too busy making a mental checklist of everything that needed to be done before baby Julianna arrived. “Hmm? Oh yes, of course, darling. Do you know where they got those baby gates? We’re going to need quite a few of them.”
“Alci, I don’t think we’ll need-” She’s already walked away. “ Hey, at least you’re embracing it?”
True to his word, Cris arrived at the castle three days later with a carriage full of supplies. You wanted to welcome them with Alcina, but the matriarch was nowhere to be found. The past few days for her have been spent deep cleaning the walls and floors, which really sucked, especially for Bela, Cassi, and Dani. They stuck doing the hard labor as Alcina bossed them around.
You greeted him with a tight hug. “Thank god you’re here. Alcina’s going crazy trying to babyproof everything. I don’t think the castle’s ever been this protected. Or this clean,” I muttered the last part under my breath.
Cris put a hand over his heart. “Oh, she doesn’t have to do that! Julianna can barely crawl five feet. Besides, I know for certain this place is much neater than our house, even on a bad day. She would have been perfectly fine.”
“I tried to tell her to not worry so much, but it just goes in one ear and out the other. Perhaps if she hears it from you she’ll finally listen,” I rolled my eyes playfully.
Cris nods. “And you wonder why I think Julianna’s so safe up here. I’ll be sure to mention it to Alcina. Do you wanna unload this stuff now or wait for her?”
You glance behind him to the carriage. There were a few large bags filled with miscellaneous items as well as a few larger things on the back seat not bagged at all like the playpen. “I don’t even know where she is, Cris. And I’d offer to have the girls help, but they’re hiding from Alci. Let’s just get started. We can put it in the lounge in the foyer until Alcina comes around.”
“Sounds like a plan. Some of this stuff I’ll bring more of when we drop her off, like diapers, you’ll never have enough diapers,” he says as he tosses you a bag.
“So you’ve said. Didn’t you have a nightmare about it once?”
“Before Lucia even went into labor. We ran out and every shop in a 50-mile radius was sold out. To date, it’s one of my worst nightmares.”
You laughed. “So where are you guys going? I mean, really going. You don’t actually think I believe that crap about a Mortician Expo, do you?”
Cris gave you a look of skepticism and stayed silent as if he were planning his next move.
“Relax man, I don’t actually care. Taking care of a baby is more work than I can imagine. I would want a break too!” The statement seemed to ease him.
“Nowhere special. We made reservations at a nice hotel a few hours south of here; it’s got a pool, hot tub, couples massages, the works!”
You nod, tossing the last of the bags by the lounge. “Nice! You guys deserve it, like I said, I can’t imagine how much work taking care of Julianna is.”
“You won’t have to in a few days,” he laughed.
“I’m excited now, but something tells me I won’t be in a few days. Just sleep deprived!”
“Nah you’ll love it. It’s just, well only slightly tiring! That’s all. Should we go looking for Alcina? I wanna go over Julianna’s schedule with both of you.”
“She knew you were coming so she should be here any minute now. I’m sure she just lost track of time bossing the girls around. The entire west wing has been baby-proofed and when I mean the entire wing, I mean the entire wing. She had Daniela take down all of the ornate weapons and armor from the walls while Bela and Cassi scrubbed everything. And that was just this morning.”
“I’ll be sure to thank them then,” Cris chuckled lightheartedly.
As if on cue, you can just make out the sound of high heels rushing down the corridor, only to stop abruptly just around the corner. Knowing Alcina she was probably adjusting herself to look like her usual well-presented way. Sure as rain, Alcina approached looking as elegant as ever. “Oh Cristofor, please forgive me. It’s been total chaos around here- I completely lost track of time and-”
Cris waved it off and took her hand in his, bringing it up so he could kiss her wedding ring. “Think nothing of it, Alcina. I heard you’ve been keeping yourself busy.”
The matriarch sent you a glare that you shrug off with a smug smile.
“You don’t need to worry about anything, Alcina. I know my little girl will be in the best care possible up here. There’s no one Lucia and I trust more.”
“That is one very generous statement, Cristofor, but a castle is still no place for a baby, especially this one.”
“That may hold some truth, but most of all that...messy business stays in the basement, right?”
“All of it does,” you answer for Alcina. “Even I’m not allowed down there and we’ve been married for three and a half years!”
“And for good reason,” Alcina says. “You know what goes on down there. Why would I put my wife’s life in danger?”
You were about to retaliate but Cris wrapped his arms around the both of you. “Let’s just get this stuff upstairs, huh? Far the fuck away from the basement and whatever goes on down there.”
Alcina opens her mouth but Cris shakes his head profusely. “Nope, don’t want to know. Let’s just get to the bedroom. Wow, the walls do look bare.”
“Indeed,” Alcina nodded. “It’s a good thing little Julianna is staying, I should have had the walls deep cleaned nearly decades ago,” she let out an elegant laugh.
“I hope you didn’t do all this just for us.” Cris looked in awe as the various portraits and ornate weapons decorating the walls became more scarce as they neared the master bedroom. It made this part of the castle feel abandoned. The chemical smell of cleaning solvents was strong, but it would surely be gone in time for Julianna’s arrival.
“Of course I did. You are family and you deserve nothing but the best possible care.”
Cristofor shakes his head. "You're a good woman, Alcina. I genuinely hope you know that."
She gives him a warm smile while holding the bedroom door open for him. "I try to be."
"So," he sets down his two large boxes of supplies to rub his back. "Where do you want this stuff?"
"At the foot of the bed for now," you shrug. "Alcina and I will organize everything once it's all here."
He nodded and kicked it lazily to the end of the bed and took a seat on the mattress. "If we wanna be lazy we could shove the rest of the boxes in the playpen and carry it all up in one trip."
"We can do that," you smiled. "Then we can start organizing everything."
"And while we're doing that I'd like to walk you through Julianna's schedule. Lucia made you a copy with a couple of notes on how to do specific things...it's all well let’s just say pretty detailed," he laughed.
A look of fear crossed over the matriarch's face for a moment. "Why don't I go grab it? Then you two can start unpacking. If I run into the girls I'll send them up as well."
"Oh leave the girls alone," you shake your head at the matriarch. "They're already hiding from you."
Alcina lets out an exasperated laugh. "Can you believe that, Cristofor? My own daughters are hiding from me!" Alcina exclaimed with a look of sheer amusement on her face.
"Nothing I'm looking forward to." You started unpacking the many boxes of  diapers and arranging them neatly on the already emptied shelves while Cris made himself comfortable sitting on the floor, unpacking blankets and clothes. He unfolded and refolded them in a perfect square and placed them on top of the hope chest. You smiled at each plush blanket bearing a different pattern and color.
"Where can I put her clothes?"
"Um, just on the bed for now. I don't know if Alcina emptied out a drawer yet. It would be that middle one if you wanna check."
You hear almost all the joints in his legs crack as he stands and makes his way over to the dresser. He grips the knobs but pauses before opening them. "I'm not gonna find anything dirty in here, am I?"
"Not in there, no."
He turns back to you with an arched brow and hung jaw. You only laugh at him.
"Is it cleared out?"
He nods, neatly organizing the various onesies and pajama sets.
He busied himself displaying various lotions and powders on the coffee table, which would act as your changing station.
“What can I do?” Alcina asked, staring down anxiously at the various bottles.
Cris thought for a moment before taking two smaller boxes out of the playpen and pushing them towards the vampire. “These are for bath time." He quickly scanned over the contents to make sure he was correct. "This box is shampoos, soaps, and toys. Julianna loves bath time; the more toys and games the better." Alcina smiled. “And this box is her special duck towel, washcloth- also a duck pattern she loves ducks, two non-slip bath mats for both inside and outside the tub, and a sponge.”
She looked a tad overwhelmed again taking in all the items but took the boxes nonetheless. “Good thing I cleared out cupboard space, right darling?”
You wanted to laugh but restrained yourself to biting the inside of your cheek instead. “Yes, dear.”
"Well, that's everything. Oh, and don't worry about a crib. Lucia and I are bringing it when we drop Julianna off."
Alcina shook her head and simply waved him off. "Oh don't bother, Cristofor. We have one she's more than welcome to use."
You gave her a confused look. "Um, no we don't."
"Yes, we do. I just have to grab it out of storage. If you'd like to wait and see if it's up to your standards you're more than welcome to." It wasn't so much of an invitation as it was a plea.
Cris laughed. "Alcina, I told you anything you have is probably way better than ours. I'm sure it's fine."
"It would make me feel a lot better," Alcina said with a hint of desperation in her voice.
"Alright, whatever it takes to make you feel better about this."
Alcina sighed in relief and rushed down the hall.
"She really is worked up about this isn't she?"
You let yourself collapse back onto the bed. "You have no idea. She's been fretting over everything since I told her three whole days ago!"
"I kinda figured she would be the calm one between the two of you since, you know, she's got three kids already."
You feigned a look of hurt. "Ok first of all, ouch my pride! Secondly, all three of the girls were turned when they were adults. Which is why I wanna know where this supposed crib came from."
He turned back to you. "And you know what you're doing?"
"Of course not, but one of us has to be calm about it."
Cris laughed, letting himself lounge back on his elbows. Any further down and he was afraid he would fall asleep. "I guess that's true. You're gonna be great though, both of you. Just the fact that you're worrying about all this stuff tells me you're really dedicated to keeping Julianna safe and happy here."
"Thanks, man. I think I really needed to hear that. Got any advice to help us prepare?"
He slaps a hand on your thigh and gives it a friendly squeeze. "Have as much sex as you can before she's here. Because once she is, you'll be way too tired to even think about it."
You sit up and look at him incredulously, which earns him a hearty laugh. "I asked you for advice on how to keep your baby alive and you tell me to bone my wife?"
"All I'm saying is Lucia and I haven't been able to do it since before Julianna was born," Cris whispered in all seriousness.
Alcina returned carrying what you can only assume is the crib covered with a sheet. Bela stepped in first to hold the door open for her.
"Thank you, darling. I found my one good daughter to help me. Not the rascals this time!"
Cris laughs. "I see that."
The blonde nodded and joined you both on the bed. "Hello, y/n. Hello, Uncle Cris."
"Good to see you, Bela."
“Alright,” you hop off the bed. “Let’s see this crib that we apparently have just laying around.”
Alcina rolls her eyes and yanks the dusty sheet away, revealing the most beautiful baby crib you have ever seen. Polished solid dark oak frame with solid gold detailing wrapping around the bars like vines. The Dimitrescu House Crest is shining proudly on both sides.
A smug grin plastered itself on Alcina’s face knowing she single-handedly put an end to your snarky remarks.
“Holy shit,” you finally say. “And you had this in storage…just because?”
The question made her uncomfortable, you could tell. A shadow cast over Alcina’s face. “I had it made a while back and forgot about it until now. I’m glad it stayed in such pristine shape. Any polishes used on it were water-based and non-toxic. Perfect for a baby to slobber on,” she chuckles almost a bit uncomfortably.
Cris shook his head as he ran a hand across the smooth wooden framework. “I don’t know what to say, Alcina. It’s absolutely gorgeous.”
“Only the best for our favorite niece.”
Cris clapped his hands together and pulled out a few pieces of paper from his back pocket. "Now, onto Julianna's schedule. Lucia tried to be as helpful as possible when writing it down, but she said if you have any questions just ask her when we drop her Jules off."
Both of you nodded as he handed them to you. Bela situated herself on your bed with one of the plushies he brought over just because.
 Daily Routine
7 am- wake up and bottle feed 8 ounces for about 20 minutes (doesn't have to be one the dot if she's still sleeping. It's a rare occurrence for her to sleep in, but it could happen
7:30- playtime on the floor or outside (we usually keep her inside this early in the morning but either is perfectly suitable)
8:00- breakfast (something solid-ish. Like oatmeal and fruit chunks)
8:30- more play 
Between 9-9:30- bottle-feed 6 ounces for 15 minutes then naptime
11:00- wake up and play (she loves her building blocks and rattle)
Noon- lunch (baby food! Fruit or veggie) (she'll probably refuse solids but don't take no for an answer! Even just a few are ok if she's especially cranky)
12:30- play (peek-a-boo in the mirror! she gets a kick out of it every time. 
1:30- bottle-feed 6 ounces and nap (Congrats! you're halfway there)
3:30- wake up and play (try using the hand puppets and engage her in nursery rhymes)
4:00- bottle feed four ounces for roughly 20 minutes
5:00- dinner (more baby food. Whichever one she didn’t have for lunch)! Same as the morning, she'll probably refuse)
5:30-play (maybe go for a walk if you haven't already?)
6:30- bath time! (see added note for specific bathtime notes. She loves hearing her little rubber ducky squeak)
7:00- bottle-feed 8 ounces then time for bed (good luck trying to sleep and getting her to sleep)
1:30 am- bottle feed again (she’ll wake you up when she’s hungry don’t worry)
Breastmilk can be refrigerated for five days and I’ve given you more than enough to hold her over. Protect it with your lives! Breast Milk is liquid gold!
 You read the note over a couple of times before handing it to Alcina who looked just as overwhelmed as you. "That is so much."
"Not enough," Alcina says at the same time.
Cris laughs. "Wanna see what she wrote for bathtime?"
Alcina took the second not from him.
 Bathtime Tips
Make sure the adhesive mats are set down before bath time begins. One in the tub one outside
Make sure you have everything you need nearby; towel, washcloth, toys (especially her duck), shampoos, lotion, clean clothes, and a diaper
It’s easiest (and less painful) to sit on a stool or something instead of standing and bending over
Take off any jewelry and be sure to wash your hands
Check the water temp with the inside of your wrist- it should be warm (not too hot or too cold)
Dry and dress her on the floor (hence the second mat) 
Squirty toys! (The duck is her favorite as it also squeaks)
Plastic boats that she can push around
Whale-shaped basin for rinsing hair
Once she’s all dry she can go right in her crib
 "Sweet Satan, Cristofor. This is a lot of information. I mean, the more the better but..."
You take her hand in yours and kiss the top of her knuckles. "It's alright, Love, we've got this. If anyone can manage this it's us."
She nods but doesn't really believe your words. You can see the doubt reflecting in her eyes. "You're right."
"It looks way more complicated than it is, ladies. You just put her in the tub, don't let her drown, clean her, and take her out. Boom, simple as that."
Alcina lets out a relieving chuckle and you thank him silently.
You lay awake that night unable to fall asleep. Alcina is awake too, but you don't dare speak to her. She's too lost in her own world to be bothered with your nonsense. But it was starting to eat you alive from the inside out. You looked over at it sitting across the room. Its existence is mocking you to the point where you can almost hear it laughing at you.
You finally break the silence. “Who’s even is it? You turned the girls when they were adults, right?”
“All of them?”
You hear her sigh. “Yes of course all of them. Now please, I don’t want to talk about this.”
“But you had to have a reason, Al. No one just has a crib as intricate as that made out of the blue.”
“It doesn’t matter,” her tone grew sharper. “We have it now for Julianna and that’s what matters.”
“I guess so, but…” you turn your body to face her. Her silhouette is laying on her back staring up at the ceiling. “D-did you try having a baby with someone else and…”
She turns to look at you with wide golden eyes. Not angry, but certainly not expecting that line of questioning. You immediately regret opening your mouth.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-“ Alcina silences your ramblings with a searing kiss. One you happily return.
“It’s nothing like that, my love. My only children are ours. I had it made last year when Lucia first told us she was pregnant. I remember how excited you were for them. You did so much to help her get ready, for both of them, really.” Alcina smiled and reached blindly for your hand. “And every time they come up to visit your eyes just light up when you see Julianna. You’re so good with her, iubirea mea.”
A shadow of guilt passed over her face. “I overheard you talking to Lucia about wanting kids of your own.”
Your heart plummeted down to the pit of your stomach.
“You love our daughters with your entire heart, but it’s not the same as raising your own flesh and blood. Every time I saw you holding little Julianna or singing to her I pictured you with our baby. So, I got all excited and, albeit, ahead of myself and had the crib made.”
“For our baby,” you finished with a genuine smile.
Alcina nodded. “I wanted to wait for you to bring up the conversation before saying anything about it, and” her voice cracks. “You never did. I didn’t understand why at first. You would produce such a beautiful baby with or without me.” Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes threatening to cascade down her cheeks. “Then one night it just sort of hit me; why would you want to share something as precious and innocent as a baby with a monster like me?”
Tears flowed freely from her eyes and sobs racked her body, it broke your heart. Without thinking you throw yourself at Alcina and wrap her tightly in your arms. The vampire happily buries her face in the crook of your neck and cries her heart out. You thread your fingers through her hair to help soothe her.
“Oh, my love, I’m so sorry. Don’t you ever refer to yourself as a monster ever again, do you hear me? You are no monster, Alcina Dimitrescu. How can someone as loving, and soft, and generous like you be anything besides an angel?”
“Oh stop pretending, y/n. I’m a genetically mutated freak! The baby would take one look at me and start wailing,” Alcina let out a frustrated huff.
“Stop it, Alcina. Our baby would adore you just like Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela do. Julianna loves you to pieces! She gets so excited every time you walk in the room.”
Alcina sniffled. “She does that with everyone.”
“Because she likes us, Al.”
A beat of awkward silence passed between the two of you until you finally felt her breathing steady.
“You want to have a baby with me?”
You couldn’t contain your smile as she nodded ever so slightly into your neck. “Why didn’t you say anything before? We could have talked about it months ago. The only reason I never brought it up was that I assumed you didn’t want any more children running amuck in the castle. Imagine if they turned out to be just like Daniela.”
That got her to laugh a little. “I wouldn’t mind a baby running around; especially if they look like you.”
“Well I don’t know about that considering we would have to adopt.”
A mischievous smile crept on Alcina’s lips. “Who says we can’t have a baby ourselves?”
“Um, nature? We’re both women, Alcina. I don’t think I have to explain to you how that won’t work.”
Alcina chuckles into your neck. “We’d have quite the brood running around the castle if it did.”
“Then you want to find a donor?” She detached herself from you just enough to give you a look of disgust. “Of course not; no one is allowed to touch my y/n except me.” She flips you both over so you’re pinned underneath her. “There are ways we could have a baby, you know?”
A blush covered your cheeks down to your chest. “O-oh?”
“Mmhm. The old witch in the village could brew something up for us, should we choose to carry.” She laughs at your dumbfounded expression. “It would be a sex change tonic of sorts. Temporary of course, I believe it only lasts a week.”
You blush furiously.
“And depending on the portions of ingredients she uses we could change the erm, size, if you catch my drift.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to respond, in real words at least. Something between a yelp and a whimper came out of your mouth instead. It gets a laugh out of Alcina at least.
“That’s really a thing we could do?”
She starts trailing kisses down your neck to your chest. “Oh yes,” her free hand comes up to pull your shirt down over your breasts. As soon as they pooled out of their confinement Alcina started circling one of your nipples with her tongue. “Would you like that, darling? To feel my cock pounding into you.”
Fuck you loved it when she talks dirty to you. But that turned you on more than you were willing to admit. You gave a shy nod.
Alcina rewards your honesty by taking your hardened nipple in her mouth and sucking. Her other hand moved up your body to rest on your other breast, gently kneading it like dough.
Alcina has always been fascinated with your breasts. Always burying her face in them when cuddling. She simply melted into them on bad days. Giving her a scalp massage at the same time earned you bonus points.
Her lips abandon your nipple, leaving a bridge of saliva still connecting you, and snuggled her face deep in between your breasts. She let out a long sigh and closed her eyes, letting herself get lost in the moment. Her eyes flutter open and you can see the corners of a smile buried in your chest. “What do you think, my love?”
“I think we should see how we do this weekend before making any big decisions.”
Alcina leaned forward only enough to kiss your lips. “Sounds like a plan.”
288 notes · View notes
yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
a little unconventional (part one)
[foster au]
this is set in America because i don't know how Romania works
rapture rising
“Alcina, my beloved sister, are you sure all of this is necessary?”
Alcina shot a glare over her shoulder at her toddling younger brother, who she was making carry in several boxes full of various items into one of the many rooms in her mansion. This one wasn’t one of the bedrooms, but rather a temporary storage room for all the things she had recently bought. She was going to have everything set up for the children to choose from when they eventually arrived. Just thinking about them getting to pick out their bedsheets and paint for their new rooms made a smile come to her lips, excitement rushing through her like dozens of butterflies flying for the first time.
…And then her idiot brother bumped into the doorframe and caused an avalanche of boxes to come down on top of him.
“Be careful!” Alcina barked, whirling around to him. She bent down to start picking the boxes up. “You’re lucky there was nothing fragile in here.”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking,” Heisenberg grunted, rubbing his head.
“And to answer your questions, dearest brother, yes, this is all very necessary,” Alcina said. “I need this to be perfect for them. This may be the first time those little girls get a real home.”
“Inflating your ego, aren’t you?”
Alcina stepped on his foot.
“I have the paints.” Moreau, Alcina’s other brother, shuffled inside, holding several cans of paint on his arms. If they were hurting him, he didn’t say anything. He seemed pleased with himself for being so useful.
“Thank you, Sal,” Alcina said. She took the cans from him and placed them against the wall. “Yellow, green, red, blue, pink, purple… Do you think that’s enough? What if they want, like, a mauve room?”
“Mauve?” Heisenberg echoed as he was crow hopping on one foot, still recovering from being stomped on.
“It’s a shade of purple,” Moreau supplied.
“I know what mauve is, asshole,” Heisenberg hissed. “I was just saying.”
“And I’m just saying, what if they want a lighter-colored room?” Alcina said. “This purple is dark. Should I go buy more?”
“You could mix white into the paint?” Moreau suggested.
Alcina thought it over, then nodded. “Yes, I could do that. Good idea.”
“Who wants a mauve bedroom, anyway?” Heisenberg muttered.
“Alcina!” A fourth voice echoed throughout the house, and Alcina’s sister entered the room. Donna looked uncharacteristically bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. She was clutching something in her hands. “Alcina, I have finished them!”
“When did you get here?” Heisenberg looked at her.
“Just now,” Donna said. “It doesn’t matter. Look!”
A beautiful doll was presented to Alcina. It was hand-stitched and dressed with great care. All the little details, down to the freckles and shiny eyes, were incredibly-made, and Alcina couldn’t help but pick it up tentatively, as though she were afraid of accidentally destroying it.
“Oh, Donna,” she said. “It’s beautiful! Thank you.”
Donna beamed. “I have also made stuffed animals and toy clothes for them. An entire wardrobe, in fact. Many selections.”
“Damn,” Heisenberg looked impressed. “Toys dress better than I do.”
“We know,” the other three said in sync, eyeing his ratty trenchcoat and old cowboy hat that he insisted on wearing everywhere.
“You weren’t supposed to agree!” Heisenberg barked like one of his dogs.
“Shouldn’t have said anything,” Alcina shrugged daintily. She looked back at Donna and smiled. “Thank you, Donna. I really appreciate your support. I appreciate all of your support. Even yours, Karl.”
“Sure, sure…” Heisenberg said, though Alcina didn’t miss the glint of fondness in his eyes.
“This is so exciting,” Donna said. “It’s a wonderful thing you’re doing, Alcina. Do you remember when we were all adopted by Mother?”
Heisenberg snorted. “I remember being kidnapped as a child and held for ransom, and then being one of the abduction victims to be actually found alive, only to discover that my parents had been killed while trying to get me back, to which I was then thrown into a home with you three.”
Donna winced. “Not…quite what I had in mind.”
“And you say ‘you three’ like we weren’t your best friends growing up,” Moreau pointed out idly, not looking at Heisenberg as he was helping unload some of the boxes. That one in particular held a wide selection of different bed sheets, ranging from leopard print to floral to plain blue.
Heisenberg raised his nose and huffed. “Well. Still.”
Alcina shook her head with a warm smile.
She vividly remembered life with her adoptive mother, Miranda, and her three other siblings. She was reborn from ash and flame after her old family estate burned down to the ground, smoldering the life she used to have and taking her parents with it. Yes, she could still smell the smoke, taste the embers on her tongue, even now, thirty-five years later. She was so small back then, only nine years old when the fire started, and she watched her home crumble to pieces right before her teary eyes. She thought it was over, that she had nothing, that she was going to be alone forever without her mother and father, but then a woman in a black cowl whisked her up into tender arms and took her under her wing as though she were the chicken to a nurturing mother bird.
She was the first of Miranda’s ragtag rascal children with harsh upbringings. For two years, it was just the both of them, reading books and watching movies in a beautiful countryside manor that quickly became her new home. Though the wounds had still been raw, the burns were very fresh, Miranda filled the void in her heart that her parents’ death left behind, extinguishing that eternal fire of survivor guilt and mourning.
And then the others came along.
At the time, Alcina had been rather indignant at the idea of having siblings. She was an only child with her birth family and she preferred to stay an only child with her new one, too, but she never voiced this opinion to Miranda. She grinned and bore it, even if it meant losing the attention of her mother.
Though, they didn’t end up being that bad…
The first of the “intruders” as she used to call them was Salvatore Moreau, a boy her age, though three months younger, and with a story similar to her own. He had been in a car crash after his drunken father got into a pretty nasty collision. The engine caught fire and it wasn’t long until the rest of the car followed. Moreau was trapped in the inferno, but managed to get out, running towards a nearby lake to extinguish the flames that were trying to make him its newest pyre. Unfortunately, the event left him badly burned, the scar still lingering all these years later, and nobody wanted to take in such a “disfigured child.” Miranda, however, stepped up to the challenge and fostered the boy, eventually adopting him fully later on.
Alcina was, admittedly, rather uneased by her new brother’s appearance at first, but she quickly got accustomed to him, even protective. There were several moments in school where she verbally (and sometimes even physically) pummeled any kids who dared to make fun of him, drilling into the bullies that he was not to be messed with while she was around. Some of her best retributions were when she threatened to leak unwarranted dick pics to the entire school, as it wasn’t uncommon for horny teenage boys to try to get into her pants, and that always shut them up quickly, especially when she loudly proclaimed details on their pathetic excuse for a penis, like the size and shape.
She and Moreau grew close rather quickly, much quicker than Miranda had been expecting. They both enjoyed more mellow things, like reading books and going on walks through the forest. Moreau was the sole reason she passed any English assignments done on Shakespearean literature, as he actually knew how to discern the confusing text, while she had to reread the same page over and over again to simply get a loose grasp on the grammar. He enjoyed cheesy romcoms, birdwatching, and swimming, the last of which he had a strong affinity for because of how the lake beside the car wreck very well could have been the only reason he survived. Now, he owned that very lake and made it into a popular fishing and boating destination for locals and tourists alike.
The second to arrive was Donna Beneviento, when Alcina and Moreau were both twelve. She was a full five years younger than the two of them and didn’t talk very often, at least for a good chunk of the first year she was there. She was put into the foster program after her parents commit suicide, leaving her with nothing but anxiety, trauma-induced selective muteness, and a doll named Angie.
It took time, but Donna eventually started opening up. First to Miranda, and then to Alcina and Moreau. Alcina strongly remembered a time when her little sister came to her room during a thunderstorm, lips quivering, tears glistening in her eyes, Angie clutched in a vice from her thin arms. She didn’t say anything, just stared from the doorway, whimpering and shivering.
“Alright,” Alcina had sighed. She flipped open her comforter, welcoming Donna. “Come on.”
Donna had brightened and skittered into the bed, snuggling right up against Alcina’s side. Alcina didn’t mind and resumed the book she had been reading before--Animal Farm, she believed. Donna pointed at the pages and then looked up at her curiously.
“Oh, this?” Alcina had said. “It’s called Animal Farm. It’s about these talking farm animals overthrowing their farmer to gain freedom, only to then be ruled by a communist pig.”
Donna blinked. “What’s a communist?”
“Well, you see…”
Her late-night explanation was certainly aided by the fact that they were in the middle of the Cold War at the time.
Overtime, Donna slowly grew out of her shell. Though she was still soft-spoken and reserved, she was also very kind-hearted and incredibly creative, which she showed through paintings, arts and crafts, and doll making. She would make dolls out of anything she could find--wood, thread, clay--so it made sense when she eventually became a toymaker once she grew up.
Finally, there was Karl Heisenberg when Alcina and Moreau were thirteen and Donna was eight. Right from the start, he was a loud, spitfire ten-year-old that broke the serene silence that used to hang over Miranda’s estate. He caused a great amount of mischief and mayhem, though Alcina would later discover it was to hide the fact that he was deeply traumatized by what exactly had happened to make him a foster child.
Even now, so many years later, Alcina still didn’t know the full story. Miranda said it wasn’t her tale to share and Heisenberg simply didn’t like talking about it very much. But from what she did know, Heisenberg used to belong to an incredibly wealthy business owner that ruled over their company with an iron fist. Due to the harshness his parents inflicted on their employees, it caused the workers to revolt against the abuse. A certain group took this way too far and kidnapped Heisenberg, holding him for ransom so they could get better treatment and pay at their work. Something ended up happening during the time between Heisenberg being held hostage and his parents paying up, and it left his mother and father in a way that he could never bring himself to explain. She only got snippets of the brutality of their deaths through brief moments when he would come to after vicious nightmares, one of which she actually stepped in to stop when she heard him struggling one night.
“Their heads, Alci,” Heisenberg had gasped, clawing manically for a desperate grasp on her arms, his body jerking and spasming in terror as his nightmare was still releasing his small, twelve-year-old body. “Their heads-- their brains were--” And then he stopped and keeled into her chest, sobbing in a way Alcina had never seen him do before in the two years he was living with her before that moment. Despite her occasional vex towards the boy, he was still her little brother and she was still his big sister, so she had wrapped her arms around him and held him close while he trembled and cried.
She never did find out what Heisenberg meant by “their heads,” but she had a hunch. Still, she never asked.
Nowadays, Heisenberg ran his own factory, where he treated his employees the way his parents should have treated theirs, learning from their mistakes. He also fostered all different kinds of dog breeds until they found their forever homes and rescued the more ‘vicious’ ones, like pit bulls and rottweilers, all of which he treated like royalty.
A freakishly tall girl, a burned boy, a selective mute, and a dog lover… They certainly weren’t the epitome of the stereotypical nuclear family, but they were family through and through, if not by blood, then by bloodshed.
“Do you guys remember the time Karl tried to clean the dishwasher with Kool-Aid?” Donna reminisced with a giggle.
“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?” Heisenberg said.
“Absolutely not,” Donna grinned at him.
“I still don’t know how you came to the conclusion that that would work,” Alcina shook her head.
Heisenberg threw his arms up into the air. “John said it did!”
“John also tried to steal a school urinal.”
“Also, you’re supposed to take all of the dishes out before you try to clean it with Kool-Aid,” Moreau spoke up. “You left all of the pots and plates and silverware in it.”
“And he didn’t even put it in the right spot!” Alcina joined, cackling. “You’re supposed to put the powder in the detergent dispenser. Karl, you just poured it out all over the dishes!”
“It wasn’t even the right powder,” Donna put in. “You’re supposed to strictly use unsweetened lemonade only. You used tropical punch!”
Alcina, Donna, and Moreau all burst into laughter, while Heisenberg crossed his arms and glared at them.
“John never specified any of that!” he blustered.
“Never trust John, dear,” Alcina tittered.
“Well, it happened!” Heisenberg said. “It’s over! What other boxes do you need to move!”
More laughter.
“I’m serious! I’ll get the boxes! Also WHAT IS THAT.”
They all turned to see a patchy tortoiseshell cat lazily strolling into the room with them. It looked like it had been run over, dismembered, run over again, and then put back together by a blind surgeon, but it held itself like it was the most pristine lion to ever walk the earth. It glanced over at the four siblings, meowed at them, then continued on its stroll to one of the empty boxes, which it jumped into and made itself comfortable inside.
“It’s a cat,” Donna said as if it should have been obvious, earning a snort from Moreau and then a glare from Heisenberg.
“It’s not funny,” Moreau said quickly after Heisenberg glared at him, too, but it was obvious Heisenberg’s leer was all in good fun.
“No, no. Tom from Tom and Jerry is a cat,” Heisenberg said. “THAT is an overgrown street rat.”
“Well, one could assume the same about you, but you don’t see us pointing it out,” Donna said breezily.
Another bout of laughter, this time with Heisenberg included.
“Okay, okay, you got me there,” Heisenberg said.
“Must you insist on reacting the same way every single time you see Tea Cake?” Alcina finally spoke up through the playful bickering. She crouched down next to the cat and stroked its back, which caused it to purr in content.
“It’s my trademark,” Heisenberg said with a shrug. “That old woman is still alive?”
“And kicking,” Alcina smiled fondly at her pet.
Tea Cake had been with her for a long fourteen years, witnessing more than a few existential crises and drunken concerts put on to chase off her lurking PTSD. That cat came during the worst part of her life, and Alcina owed everything to that little beast. She learned how to laugh and smile and genuinely feel again, not hide behind the facade that she was a strong, powerful woman who could take on everything and come out without a scratch.
And, yes, Alcina had known- still knew, that she had Miranda and her siblings, but sometimes they were not enough, not back then, not when she was filled with so much shame and self-hatred and disgust. Animals were different in a way people couldn’t be. Animals didn’t lie, they didn’t judge or think about how messed up you were in their heads. They didn’t share your secrets or give you false hope. They just--be there. They listened and lent their presence and, sometimes, that was all that was needed, and some people didn’t seem to understand that.
Tea Cake’s fur had dried more of Alcina’s tears than anyone else ever had because she never let them fall in front of others. Tea Cake didn’t get upset when Alcina touched her; she didn’t understand the concept of emotional trauma and sexual harassment and body image issues. She just cared, even if she didn’t quite get it.
Alcina would probably be dead if it weren’t for her.
Yes, she remembered that fateful night… The wind in her shaggy hair she hadn’t washed in days, the moonglow on her ashen skin, the tears burning in her eyes--all of it was so clear, even now. She remembered how horribly, hopelessly depressed she had been and how she drove out to a field with a note on the dashboard and a gun in the passenger seat.
At the time, nothing had helped her. Her antidepressants weren’t working, going out only made her feel unsafe, and her family’s presence no longer brought her comfort and happiness, rather guilt and shame. The only thing that ever helped was when she drowned herself in the alcohol she made for a living, drinking away her despair and trauma until her body tingled and the phantom hands went away. She was surprised her liver never exploded inside of her during those awful few months.
She had sat in her car for a while, leaning her head on the steering wheel and wallowing in silence and darkness. Then, she got out, made sure the note was visible, and grabbed the gun.
She considered calling or texting her mother and siblings, but that would make it hurt worse. It was better to leave them with their last memories of her than to have this sudden news of a goodbye that they wouldn’t be able to stop.
She placed the pistol’s barrel in her mouth and rested her finger on the trigger. Her life didn’t flash before her eyes like some movies or books say it did, and she was quite thankful for it. She didn’t want to relive the agony she had been put through that led her up to that point. She just shut her eyes as tight as possible in preparation for the bullet to pass through her brain…
Then, there was a rustling from the grass nearby.
Alcina hesitated. The metallic taste of the gun left her tongue and she looked in the direction of the noise.
“Hello?” she had called out in her best possible not-about-to-kill-herself voice.
A tiny meow answered her.
“Your roadkill wants you,” Heisenberg’s voice cut through the daze that had momentarily descended upon Alcina’s mind.
Blinking, Alcina realized that Tea Cake was gnawing on her finger and meowing. She smiled.
“It’s probably dinner time,” Alcina said. She stood up straight. “Come on, children. I have news to share.”
Curious, her three younger siblings followed her out of the room and to her kitchen, Tea Cake padding after them eagerly. Her house was a beautiful creation of the finest wood and the most luxurious stonework. Top-of-the-line appliances filled the space and every little detail, down to the hanging droplets on the chandelier and the grooves in the staircase railing, were customized to her preference. 6 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, 17,182 square feet, 14.99 acres filled by lush vineyards, and $5,500,000 later, and you had the Dimitrescu Estate.
And it was a barren prison.
It had always been there, ever since she moved in: that lingering loneliness that seemed to shroud every hallway. She had so much space, but nobody to fill it. Nobody except herself, Tea Cake, and her maids, of course. Lying awake one night, thinking about this issue as she often did, a solution had finally come to her.
After pouring some wet food into Tea Cake’s food bowl, Alcina grabbed a bottle of sweet butter wine out of her wine fridge and poured a glass for herself and each of her siblings, all of which were staring at her curiously. After taking a long sip, she finally began: “As you all know, I have plans to foster a child. And I greatly appreciate all of the support you three have provided me up until now.”
“Is this an award ceremony or something?” Heisenberg joked light-heartedly. “Can I have the award for most boxes carried? I think I deserve that one.”
“You mean most boxes dropped?” Donna giggled, earning her a playful poke in the side.
“No, it is not an award ceremony,” Alcina glared at Heisenberg without any fire in her gaze. She opened up a drawer in the stainless kitchen island they were gathered around. “Though, this may very well be an award…” She pulled out a blue folder packed full of papers and set it on the marble countertop, grinning brightly. “I just wanted to let you all know first that my training is done. I’ve completed all the classes.” Her heart swelled in her heart as she spoke her next words: “I’m a foster mom now.”
All at once, her younger siblings lit up brighter than the sun’s supernova, throwing their arms up into the air and letting out a celebratory shout. Donna and Moreau even raced around the island to hug Alcina, which she returned with a laugh.
“Oh, that’s so wonderful, Alcina!” Donna said, squeezing her with surprising strength. “I’m so happy for you!”
“Me too,” Moreau agreed.
“Sal, are you crying?”
“No!” Moreau yelped, then sniffled. “I just have something in my eye, that’s all.”
“You mean tears?” Heisenberg teased. He then looked at Alcina. “That’s amazing, Alcina. I’m really happy for you. You deserve this.”
“Aww,” Alcina crooned. “Is my little brother going soft?”
Heisenberg instantly steeled himself. “Me? No way! I was just saying what you would want to hear.”
Still being embraced on either side by her other brother and sister, Alcina chuckled. “I see.”
“Do you know your placement yet?” Donna asked, looking up at Alcina as though she were a child again.
“Placements,” Alcina corrected. She couldn’t help but grin again as she spoke of her future children. “Two. I’m getting two little girls.”
“Aww!” Donna and Moreau both cooed.
Heisenberg was nodding. “Girls. Yes. I can do girls.” He looked up at Alcina. “I’m getting them a puppy.”
“Oh, you don’t have--”
“I’m getting them a puppy,” Heisenberg said again, and it was clear he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
Alcina chuckled. “Alright. A puppy it is.”
Donna and Moreau began to join in on plans for being the greatest aunt and uncle, with Moreau saying that they needed to come to his lake for a swim and Donna listing off all the toys she would make for them. Alcina listened to them with a fond smile, happy to have such a supportive family. This was exactly what her daughters were going to need.
Just thinking about that word made her heart flutter in her chest. Her grin turned giddy. She was going to be a mother soon.
As she sipped from her wine glass, she thought about her placements. She had gotten the call four days ago and was scheduled to meet the little ones in the next two weeks. She could still hear her caseworker’s words in her ears during the conversation as she recalled it to her siblings.
“The first is named Daniela,” Duke had said. He was a studious, patient man with a warm smile and hands like chipmunk paws, keen on helping Alcina ever since she started her training to become a foster parent six months ago. “She’s a little girl and eleven years old. Her parents have, unfortunately, recently died due to a car crash. Her living relatives are unfit to take care of her, so she’s been placed into the foster system. Right now, she’s staying with her aunt and uncle, but she cannot be kept there much longer because of, ah…jealousy issues with their actual child.
The second is named Cassandra. Another girl, this one twelve years old. She’s been in the foster program ever since she was a baby when she was given up, as she was born from a teenager who couldn’t take care of her. She’s had…quite a few foster homes, all of which had given her up to someone else due to…issues. I understand if you don’t want to take this child. She’s been known to cause problems in her houses and pick fights. There is-- woo, that’s a lot of complaints… There are some notes on her left by her former families and-- Goddamn. They’re writing of her like she’s a monster or something…”
“Of course, I couldn’t turn down either of them,” Alcina concluded her retelling. “Especially the second one. Cassandra. The poor thing sounds like she needs a good home.”
“You’re so sweet, Alci,” Donna said, smiling at her.
“Think you can handle it?” Heisenberg asked. “I’m not doubting your abilities, but from what you said about the kid… Well, she just sounds difficult.”
“You were difficult,” Alcina said, grinning at him. “And everything turned out just fine, didn’t it?”
Her youngest brother’s concern didn’t diminish. “Yes, but… I don’t want anything to happen to you or my niece.”
Alcina, Donna, and Moreau all cooed. Heisenberg huffed.
“Oh, shut it! I have a heart!”
“You do,” Alcina’s smile lightened slightly. “But don’t worry: everything will be okay. I can do this. I need to do this. Those two little girls need a mother.”
Heisenberg considered her for a moment, then nodded. He smiled at her. “You’ve got a good heart, Alcina,” he said. “If you ever need any help, I’m here.”
“Me too!” Donna joined in.
“Me three!” Moreau piped up.
Alcina laughed. “Thank you. Really. This means a lot to me. Now…” She raised her glass. “Let’s drink before we have to cut back because there will be children around!”
Her siblings laughed and mimicked her gesture.
Alcina couldn’t wait.
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Hi! I really liked your firefighting fic where YN is a firefighter! Was wondering if you’d be willing to write one where YN does and how Alcina deals with the tragedy of losing her?
Since I cannot wait any longer to share this (even though it's unfinished), I'm giving out a sneak peek for this. And tbh it helps me understand what you guys like/don’t like more (even though I do the majority of my writing for personal enjoyment a lot of that joy comes from seeing all of ya’lls lovely comments)
Title (might change it later): Death’s sweet melody
What is death supposed to feel like? What does it look like? No one ever really tells you that; humans are just expected to know like it's this sliver of knowledge that creeps up on you from behind and whispers in your ear that it's time. This is it, and you don't even know it yet.
When you first met Alcina, it had been by happenstance, pure chance, and by sheer luck. You were traveling to Romania on the guise of a three-month vacation, time away from your life in the states. When in actuality you were just pulling a last-ditch effort to escape the news of the death sentence of your disease. You packed your bags, quit your job, handed over the lease to your apartment, and bought the first plane ticket to nowhere that you saw.
When you arrived at the little village in Romania it was nothing like you expected but everything you hoped. The town had a small library that was currently closed to the public because there was no one willing to work there, and you jumped at the opportunity to become their librarian. To live out your last year living in a small room above a pub—in a village that was almost as remote and hidden from the world as the cure for your sickness—and spending your days walking amongst rows and rows of books, smelling the aging paper and feeling the leather bindings under your fingers, seemed like a beautiful, peaceful way to go.
When Alcina had heard the news of the library reopening, curiosity clawed at her mind because why on earth would anybody wish to work there? The entire village knew that no one goes there for any kind of literature, precisely because the selection was so small, which is why they ordered imported books from the duke. So who in Black God’s name came to her village and took the position? “Girls, I'm going into the village for a few hours! I'll be back in time for dinner. Tell the maids to lock the castle and for hell’s sake do not go out while I am gone!”
When Alcina stepped into the dusty library at first, there was no one in sight. She walked through the entryway and smelled the incense of withering books, aging wood, and stale air. She was just about to turn and leave, promising herself never to let cheap town gossip rule her mind ever again when she heard the most beautiful, soft, fluttering sound.
It was a heartbeat. Light, fast, vibrating, and trembling with a tiny ferocity. It flowed through Alcina’s ears and set her own undead heart into a beating frenzy, repeatedly crashing against her ribs in painful bliss. She urgently looked about the open, spacious room and followed the tale-tale sign of your life form through the endless sea of shelves until she heard a gasp, wood creaking, and a loud crash resonate through the air.
“For fucks sake!” You shouted to yourself from the back.
Alcina’s eyes widened in surprise and wonder because to her; your voice sounded like the softest, most angelic, melodious tone that has gifted her ears since she first heard her daughters speak. Turning the corner, she stopped short to see what would have been to any other passer-by and possibly her if she wasn't so enamored already the most amusing sight there ever was. Your foot had slipped on a ladder rung while you were reaching up to stack a book and when you leaned over to grab ahold of the shelf’s edge to stabilize yourself the damned shaky thing collapsed under your weight and down you went. Somehow you had managed to pull down all the other panels and newly stacked books after that one and fell into a pile of wood and paper that blew up such a cloud of dust it clung to your hair and clothes like snow.
Alcina gaped at your state, at the furry of dust particles flitting around your body and past your waving arms, and at the mountains of books and wood panels piled haphazardly around your shorter form. She marveled at the sunlight reflecting off of your hair, how it caused the strands to look more colorful and silky than even some of her finest paintings. Alcina gazed at the freckles dancing across your face like stars, at your nose and how it curved gently up to your scrunched brows, at the tiny hairs doting the outline of your face, at the reddening blush that spread across your cheeks—why do they look so soft—and down your neck. Her eyes darkened at the unblemished skin and how it stretched over your frantically beating pulse. The countess looked up to see full lips pursed in agitation—oh they look soft and delicate, kiss them Alcina, wait for what? Alcina’s face contorted in confusion, and she blinked quickly to rid the haze of tempting thoughts floating through her mind. But when she finally laid her golden eyes on yours, all attempts to stem her emotions and desires went right out the open window.
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