#Alec Volturi imagine
Dating Volturi guards headcanons
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- Jane likes watching movies with you, even horror, but as soon as it’s something to do with witch burning she refuses
- Jane didn’t have much of a childhood and lived where people feared her so you always try to do more fun and wholesome things with her
- Winning her prizes in a claw machine. She pretends it’s silly but really she treasures it so much!
- Takes her a while to let her guard down but you become the one person she tells everything to
- She’s surprisingly good at braids and it’s one sweet thing she loves doing for you
- Difficult for her at first to accept she has a mate but you go slow together
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- Demetri loves camp versions of vampires, Dio is his favourite
- Always tries to find fun things for you to do together at night that isn’t just clubs and dinners. Markets, outdoor movies, camping etc.
- Lavish gifts, from perfume to jewellery and clothes
- Lots of whispered praise and hand kisses
- He gets really turned on when you start learning Italian if you don’t already know it
- Making vampire jokes and he actually loves them, makes him laugh a lot
- Staying up late together exchanging stories
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- Love the headcanon that Felix was a gladiator and honestly he would role play that in the bedroom. You’re his prize for his victories
- So many piggybacks and shoulder rides everywhere!
- He is your guard dog. From grocery shopping, to concerts, no one is hurting you
- Puts his coat around you all the time
- Loves when you steal his clothes
- Absolutely hates historical inaccuracies in movies and will let you know. Takes you twice as long to get through movies sometimes because he goes on rants
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- Loves taking you to different museum expos and telling you about his life at that time
- Alec is usually pretty quiet but once he’s comfortable with you he loves to tell you stories
- Always has to act tough but honestly loves being praised and taken care of by his partner (both sexually and not)
- Don’t ask me why but I can see Alec secretly loving old cinema, from westerns to blonde bombshells
- Keeping an eye out for old movie screenings to go to together
- Finds himself always reaching for you
- Will fight anyone in the castle who thinks you don’t belong
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vulnerable bliss 𝜗𝜚 ׅ ۫ alec volturi x reader
warnings: none!!
tag list: @your-next-daydream @agirllovespancakes @icefrozendeadlyqueen @iloveslasher @julesofvolterra
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Laying on the couch in the common room, you messed with the phone in your hands. It wasn’t yours, obviously, you weren’t allowed any sort of technology however that didn’t mean you couldn’t take other peoples. You sighed to yourself as you managed another failed password attempt. It was only a matter of time before Demetri realises it’s gone and-
You hear the click of the door and you freeze, ready to be scolded for stealing from his room yet again. It was only when the familiar stare of Alec entered your frame and you relaxed with a deep sigh of relief. You smiled happily, admiring him as he stood above you.
“Hi, baby”
He remained silent, his eyes trailing up your figure until they reach your eyes. His gaze bore into yours, and upon closer inspection you noticed the distant look within the crimson irise. Face dropping to a frown, you let go of the phone and allowed it to fall onto the sofa next to you. You cringed when it clattered onto the hard floor.
“Are- are you okay?” You tilted your head as the question left your lips and you heard a huff of air before he stalked towards you. You grinned and opened your arms as he climbed over the arm of the sofa, dropping himself onto you - albeit a tad more careful than he would anyone else. He did not want to squish you.
His face instantly burrowed into your neck as you felt him inhale a few times, arms wrapping around your waist as yours moved around his back. A hand lightly reached up to scratch at his scalp, just the way he liked. You earned yourself a high pitched noise from him, much resembling a whine.
“Tough day?” You speak softly, receiving only a hum. You frown again, not liking when he wasn’t himself and you press a kiss to his head. “What can I do for you?”
“Just hold me…”
His voice was sad, dropping an octave. You had even heard a slight crack, the tone having an undeniable sense of vulnerability that made a tug at your heart.
You did just that, tightening your hold and humming softly to him until you felt his muscles relax. Stroking his hair back from his face, you placed a hand on his jaw to coax his head up. He protested with a soft growl, though made no move to stop you as you smiled at him sweetly, pressing a soft kiss to his nose before allowing him to lay his head back down. You both lay in content until the door suddenly flew back open.
“Y/N! I swear to gods if you’ve-“
Demetri immediately shut up as you shot him a menacing glare, wrapping both arms higher around your mates body, across his head to hide his face (because anyone who knew Alec knew he was not clingy) when you heard him groan into your chest. He settled once again when you kissed his head delicately, turning your attention back to Demetri who was moving forward to scoop his long-forgotten device from the floor.
You mouthed an apology followed by a whisper of a smile. The suave vampire nodded once in acknowledgment, shooting a worried look to the boy atop of you before leaving and closing the door quieter than when he almost flung it from its hinges. Completely focused on your mate, neither of you needed words, for you simply opted to bask in the quiet peace of the room. A smile graced your lips. With your help, he’d be back to his sadistic self in no time at all.
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volturiprincess · 7 months
Alec Volturi x vampire mate reader
Summary: Alec has been distant from y/n, will his mate forgive him Warnings: Slight curse words, angst to fluff A/N: You know the satisfaction of finishing a one-shot is beautiful. Im also glad Alec is my second one, love this man of a vampire. Also whenever I write for the twins, they are aged up. Enjoy :)
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(This scene is perfect, that eye movement was everything, I could watch this GIF for hours if I could. But like sir who let you look that good?)
I was sitting in the library with Felix and Demetri just talking about our latest mission that the three of us had recently.
“You know the satisfaction I had when I sunk my teeth into that human, she was such a pain in the ass, and it made it better that her vampire mate was watching, but….. I got to say Felix the amount of times I have seen you rip heads off, it's always more satisfying than the last one”
Felix smirks “Thanks y/n, you know it never gets old either and you are right that human girl was annoying, glad she got what she deserve”
Demetri spoke up “I never understood how a human and a vampire can be mates, it's just how can that be you know, like I feel if they ever had intimacy or something that poor human would be dead in a minute”.
We burst out laughing at his comment, “Dem you never fail to make me laugh” 
He shrug his shoulders “What can I say it's a talent”
I roll my eyes at his comment and Felix says “Where’s your mate and Jane, I thought you were going to spend the day with him anyway or something”
I said casually with a hint of sadness“I was suppose to be with him today, but he canceled last minute, he said he had to do something important”
Both guys looked at me and Demetri was the first to talk
“More important than you? y/n that's been like the 10th time he has canceled on you this past month, how in the world are you not pissed at him, when was the last time you two spent quality time together?”
I thought about it for a minute trying to remember but then I realized it's been a very long time, maybe a half a decade already. We haven't even had sex in that time either. I looked at the boys
“Um…maybe a couple of years?”
Their eyes widened at that “A couple of years?” they responded in unison.
I nod hesitantly “I didn't even realize it's been that long, son of a bitch, has he been avoiding me or something?”
Felix shook his head in disapproval “You know that's not fair for you y/n, have you even brought that up to him”
I shook my head “I mean I just….You know your right Felix, this cant be going on like this, maybe I should I give him a piece of my own medicine”
Demetri eyes widen like a child who was given a treat“Oooo I like the sound of that”
I smile slightly but then I sense Alec entering the library which causes me to internally panic. I ignored him sitting next to me and instead I went to the bookshelves and looked for a book to read. In the corner of my eye I see that Alec looks at me with a bit of a confused look but then an idea pops up. My power is being able to move things with my mind but I could also telepathically talk to others. I use my power and send a message to Felix to improvise with the upcoming plan I'm about to do.
“Felix? Can you help me get that book that's up there?”
I look at the mountain of a vampire who is instantly by my side. “Of course cara, which one do you want?” 
I could see that Alec’s eyes have narrowed at the sudden interaction “That one called Philosophy of Athens”
Felix nods and reaches over me to grab the book and I just look up into his face when he is reaching up, he looks down to me with a devilish smirk and I just wink in return. I knew Alec will be fuming with anger but he deserves payback. Felix hands me the book and he slightly brushes his lips on my jawline which catches me off guard for a minute but I fake an innocent look at him while he just winks and walks back to his previous spot. I stand there for a minute and I see that Alec has disappeared. I look around the library and Demetri speaks up
“He left after Felix gave you the kiss, you should of seen his face, if looks could kill, Felix would of been six feet under”
I roll my eyes and ask “Should I go after him or…?”
Demetri shakes his head “Y/n you got a reaction out of him, you need to keep going so he is the one that comes up to you, he is the one that has been pushing you aside, now it's your turn”
I nod “Your right Dem, this is the start of a new era”. They both smiled mischievously.
1 week later..
It's been a week since the library incident and Alec still has not come up to me, I know the game I am playing is dangerous. I mean come on he's one of the infamous twins who are the most intimidating and ruthless and yet here I am ignoring and pushing him away. It has been so hard to be this way with him, I love him so much that just being like this is torture, I think I would rather have Jane use her power on me then have to be like this with Alec and that is saying something.
On Alec’s part he still is acting the same, he has not even dared to look me in the eye or even been in the same room as me for long. I also noticed that recently I have been aching for Alec more than usual, I literally want him to be with me again, at this point I would take anything from him even if he just looks at me. 
I miss his piercing burgundy eyes that always leave me in a trance or how his jawline tightens when I would brush against him slightly. Even to how he stands so elegantly when we are at our guard meetings with the Kings. Or how his smirk can literally make me feel weak in the knees but I would never give him the satisfaction in telling him the effect his smirk gives me because I know he would tease me for years to come. I miss how we cuddle either in our shared chamber or under the willow tree I am currently laying down, it was our spot that we would spend hours at.
I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice someone was calling my name until someone slightly kicked my foot and I finally sat up and snapped my gaze to the person. It was Jane and she had that emotionless look as usual, she was the one to speak first 
“Why are you here alone, I thought you were going to train the newborns with Felix and Demetri?”
I was going to do that today but the guys knew I was not feeling it and noticed I am not in a right mindset so they gave me the day off
“They gave me the day off”
She nods slightly “Still does not answer my question”
I look down defeated “He doesn't want me anymore, he won't even look at me anymore or even leave those little love notes in my favorite books”
There was a silence and I thought she left but she talked again “You think my brother does not want you anymore?”
I nodded and if I could cry I would at that moment “He doesn't even come into our private chambers as often”
There was that tense silence again “Have you spoken to him about this?”
I shook my head “How can I when I don't even know where he is half of the time and he wont even come to me anymore, he keeps canceling our date nights also”
At that point I wanted to shake Jane to get her to tell me anything about Alec, I was that desperate but I used my telekinesis to hold me down so I didn't actually jump her.
She spoke up again “I don't know what is up with my brother, he won't say but I can tell there is something wrong, I would assume you would have an idea because when we part ways i thought he would always go to you”
When she said that my gaze snapped up to her again in shock “So not even you know what is up with him then?”
She shook her head and I said “Jane, if I asked you to do something for me would you do it?”
“Of course, you are my sister-in-law after all, your the second person I genuinely like, first being my brother”
I nod “Can you use your power on me?”
I saw her eyes widen at that and she instantly shook her head “No I will never do that to you, why would you ask such a request from me?”
I let an unnecessary sigh out “I don't feel anything Jane, Alec has been distant for a couple of years already, I can feel that sudden small rip in our bond, it hurts Jane, it really does, and at this point I don't think I can even go on in life without him, even when I spend time with Felix and Demetri, I just fake it so they don't question me to much”
She got down on her knees and what she did next would shock others but not to me, she hugged me tightly. I just let her hug me while I just sat there dully, she soon pulled away and said “Y/n I can't bare to see you like this, I haven't even realized that you and Alec have been like this for so long, I don't want to see the two most important people in my life like this anymore”
I don't respond but nod along mindlessly
“Wait here, I will be back”
She left before I can look at her, I decided to lay down again and closed my eyes as I felt my eyes burn with venom, the thing that sucked of being a vampire is not being able to let real tears out, I just feel this burning sensation in my eyes but I haven't felt like this in centuries already. Alec has always made me feel loved and happy, the way that man with only just a touch has me melting for him or when he did those rare smiles I love so much. If I had a heart it would be beating out of my chest every time we are together.
When me and Alec were told we were mates by Marcus, we absolutely loathe each other, we could barely be in the same room without one of us getting annoyed by the other. It took us a good year until we started to tolerate each other. Soon after that year I started to feel the bond with him, I couldn't stand to be away from him for long and I knew he felt the same way because the minute we were apart he or I would go search for the other.
One day he decided to take me on a walk in the gardens, and as cliche as this might sound he kissed me under the moonlight. The moonlight was literally on us when we were kissing, at that moment me and him accepted each other completely as mates. We were inseparable, we started to share a room together and the Kings were more accepting of me and Alec going on missions together without the fear we might rip each other's throats out. 
It felt like we were in wonderland or in cloud 9, when he moved I moved, or when I moved he followed along. We also had a very long honeymoon phase where we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves, every time when we were hanging with the other guards, me and Alec would sneak away and have our intimacy or when we were in the hallways he would give me kisses out of nowhere against the wall, we been caught various times but that didn't stop us from doing it again.
We have been mated for centuries, and not a day goes by that I don't fall in love with him all over again or feel tired of him. He really is my other half but with the lack of Alec in my life it has taken a toll on me, it almost feels like HE is sick and tired of me.
Just that thought could break my non-existent heart, I would end up like Marcus in a way. If Alec were to leave me it's way worse than him being dead. I would still have to see him and be in his presence but not be able to actually be with him.
My mind must have wondered again because I didn't realize a certain someone was sitting next to me. I opened my eyes when I realized it was Alec from the pull of the bond. From that I sat up and he looked right at me, watching me carefully and intensely. He still has that stone face that makes him look so gorgeous, he really is the reincarnation of some Greek god. We stayed quiet watching each other for a while when he finally spoke, hearing his voice again would have made me shiver if I could.
“So you and Felix, huh?”
Even though it feels amazing to hear him talking to me, that question threw me off and made me change moods in an instant.
“Seriously? After months and months of not having full conversations or paying attention to me, you have the audacity of asking a question like that?”
He stayed quiet and I could tell his mind was blank because I couldn't hear his thoughts.
“Why would I ever get with Felix when I have a mate that I love deeply? words cannot describe the love I have for you”
That for sure caught him off guard because he blinked a bit from shock and he spoke up
“Just wanted to hear you say that and get a reaction out of you” and then he winks.
That bastard winked and it was so smooth that I didn't even give what he said a second thought, he left me flabbergasted.
“You really are bipolar, you never fail to surprise me after centuries of being together”
He smiles slightly at my comment 
“And you don’t fail to amuse me with your words”
“Don't think with your wink and smile will make me forgive you that easily”
“Forgive me? For what?”
The way he genuinely looked surprises at my accusation really did set my mood off
“Are you really asking me that? Have you not heard what I said earlier or noticed the lack of us?”
I saw his facial expression shift to tense “So I was ignoring you then?”
 “Obviously, do you remember the last time we went on a date?”
He stayed silent and I knew he was trying to remember and at that moment I can also tell everything that what has been happening these past few years was hitting him.
“Too long ago…”
I nodded “And even then when we made plans you would cancel or say you forgot or are to busy”
He looked down in what I could assume was shame.
“Even if we didn't go on dates, you have been avoiding me like the plague, you don't even look at me as much or even hug me, you can't even bare to be in the same room as me for long, it's as if we are back to when we hated each other before accepting each other as mates all over again but worse”
His mind was still blank 
“I have been miserable without you, I even asked Jane earlier to use her power on me because I don't even feel anything anymore”
He looked at me with shock “You really asked her to do that? But…”
“I did, but she refused of course”
He nodded “Cara mia, I been so stupid, I never meant to hurt you in anyway”
I looked at him “If you really never meant to hurt me what made you act like this toward me for so long?”
He took an unnecessary breath “I don't know, I felt like these past years I was feeling…..off, I felt like being away from everyone but I didn't even realize its been going on for a while until Jane came up to me and smack me and ordered me to come to you”
 “You could of just came up to me and talked or let me into your mind if you can't form words, I have always been there for you Alec”
He looked at me with remorse and in a soft voice he confessed
“I didn't want to be a burden to you or bring you down with me”
I reached reach for his hand
"Alec you will never be a burden to me, we go together in our darkest or lightest days as we always did in the past, there's no I in us”
He squeezed my hand “I never wanted to make you feel unwanted, I just wanted to figure this out alone but I realize I can't without you”
I nodded, “How could you let so much time go by like that without trying to get help from me or saying anything?”
He shrug his shoulders “We been immortals for so long that time kind of blurs for us in a way but that still does not make up for what I done to you, you are my whole reason for being here, my center and life, mi amore ti amo, I will never to this to you again, and if I do then I give you permission to slap me or something because then I would of broken my promise to you”
“Oh Alec come here” I reached for him and he instantly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his laps to deepen the hug.
Just being in his arms again was the best feeling. I fell in love with him all over again at that moment, he is my reason for being and I would not want it any other way. 
A/N: This one was longer than the Felix one (it does not mean I love Felix less 😬) but Its cute. Anyways, Im debating to either do Jasper or Caius next. I have a Jasper one in the drafts but its not that good, I will see who's next.
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Am I Good Enough
Summary: You were on a solo trip to Italy taking a tour of an old castle when everything changes, but will this random guy accept you for who’s and what you are?
Pairing: Alec Volturi x human f!reader
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Taking a trip to Italy was a last minute decision, firstly needing a break from my boring life and for some reason Italy always just called to me, like there was something waiting there for me
After a long tire some flight I finally landed in Italy, stepping out into the hot heat, waving down a taxi before anyone else could cut infront of me, only traveling with my backpack for easy travel, I told the driver to take me to Volterra, only an hour drive from the airport, seeing pictures of it on a guide and thought it would be a beautiful start to my trip
Finally we arrived in volterra, I paid and now standing infront of this beautiful castle, the town was fully stone built, it was beautiful unlike anything I’ve ever seen before, as I was walking down the street I got stopped by a woman, her hair luscious, he skin was flawless, her eyes so beautiful even though they must be contacts since they were such a rich red, her smile enticing
“Hi there you seem like a girl who’d love a good tour and I just so happen to be showing the castle right now for free! Does that interest you at all?” Her voice was so melodic like she was a siren I was pulled in nodding immediately watching as her smile grew, I followed her to the castle like a puppy meeting up with a group of other tourists
She led us through the castle not stopping to tell us about anything interesting we passed, finally we got to a set of big wooden door that looked like they weighed a ton but she pushed them open with ease, there beyond the doors was a huge room, marble and tile covered every inch, three thrones sat on the pedestal further back in the room, where three men sat seemingly looming over us all, others stood around the room watching us like they were ready to pounce, the doors behind us slammed soon hearing the first scream of many, it was a blood bath as the people dressed in black went from person to person until I was the only one standing
“It seems we missed one brothers and sisters”
“I’ve got her” a tall man said as he started right for me before he was stopped by the older man that sat on the throne
“WAIT” his voice boomed through the chamber, everyone stopping to look at him
He got up off the throne seemingly weak as he glided over to me
“Dear child it seems someone here has been waiting for you for a long long time” he smiled as he turned to a guy who was the most ethereal beautiful person I’ve ever seen, everything about him lured me in, he eyed me the same way and in an instant he was infront of me
“My Lord are you sure about this, she is my mate?”
“Yes child she is your other half”
“But she is human, this can’t be”
“It was meant to be, don’t over think this, it’s the best gift the universe could give you”
“Come we must talk” he said as he led me back out through the doors, silently walking through the vast halls until we finally made it to a huge room decorated in black and ruby red, books covering the walls
“Sit” he demanded as he gestured to the bed
“You haven’t said a word this whole time you must be in shock” he said sitting opposite of me on the bed
“No……surprisingly I’m the calmest I’ve ever been, but I still don’t know what’s going on”
“I must admit you are cute, most beautiful human I’ve ever seen” his words made the blood rush to my cheeks making him smile
“I’d say the same for you but I don’t quite think you’re human….right?”
“You’d be right my rose, we are vampires some much older than others but we rule over the vampiric world, we enforce the laws so the humans don’t become suspicious about our kind”
“Then why are you telling me, why didn’t you just kill me like everyone else in the room”
“Some of us vampires have special powers, the one that talked to you was Marcus one of our lords, he can sense the bond of those who are mated to each other, he could sense that we are meant to be with one another” my heart was racing fast, I was sure he could hear it
“Mates? That’s…..are you sure I mean I’m just a human am I good enough for you?” His eyes softened for the first time
“We will figure this out this isn’t the first time a vampire has been mated to a human, I just got lucky enough to get such a diamond”
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It’s been a month now and it’s been well……amazing I didn’t get a lot of alone time with Alec seeing he had a lot of guard duty but when he’d wake me at night so I could curl up to him as he held me, sometimes he’d leave cute notes in the books I’d be reading that always got my heart beating, sometimes leaving red roses on the table for me whenever he had to work late, he made me feel like a goddess, giving me a love I’ve never thought I’d feel before…….well until today
Walking into the library to grab another book hoping to find something more intriguing than the books Alec had collected over the years
Looking on the second balcony I stopped when I heard voices on the main level, Alec always warned me of some other vampires, newer to the Volturi that may not have a reign on their blood thirst as the older vamps, as their voices got louder I recognized them as Jane and Demetri
“You seem more cruel than usual Jane, something the matter?” Demetri asked, I stood completely still as I listened to the conversation
“Alec won’t stop going on and on about that….that rat, complete filth of a human, I mean what fates put them together, she’s just a lowly human, I could kill her in a second and her life would mean nothing”
“Jane don’t be so harsh have you even spoken to her, she’s quite the girl, she’s perfect for Alec”
“No human is good enough for Alec” she scoffed before she stormed out, the doors slamming behind her, I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding
My heart felt like a ton of bricks, maybe I wasn’t enough for Alec I mean it’s been a month and we haven’t moved past just holding each other in bed, or a little pec on the check, maybe I’m over thinking everything but there still that nagging at the back of my mind that Jane might be right I mean she’s his twin she knows him best
I ditched my journey to get a new book and headed back to Alec’s and I’s room hoping to just clear my head and try and forget about this gut wrenching feeling
I threw myself down on the bed when a voice shocked me out of my fleeting moment of peace
“What seems to trouble you amore?” I shot up in the bed looking across the room to where the voice came from seeing Alec sat on the couch looking beautiful as ever
“Oh umm it’s nothing just tired” in a flash he was kneeled infront of me at the side of the bed, his hands holding mine
“Amore you know you can’t lie to me, I hear your lovely heart race everytime, now tell me”
“I just…..I don’t know, I feel sometimes that I’m not everything you need we haven’t even kissed yet and i know the others think this too”
“My love, you are everything I have waited for, you calm me down when I feel my anger rise, you thaw my cold dead heart, and for the other I haven’t kissed you yet because I wanted to take this slow for you, I’m quite into courting if you haven’t noticed, this is special so I’m enjoying my time with every little moment” he smiled running his thumb over my hand soothingly
“I….I love you Alec, and I know I can have my doubts sometimes but I really do, you’ve made me feel more loved than I ever have before” I said placing my hand on his cold cheek
“I love you to my angel, and I want you to never worry about my I devoted love for you, nothing with ever change than no matter if your human or a vampire, I’m yours till the end of time”
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More alec oneshots are on their way
Story inspired by @kimi240302 Alec story go check it out!!
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simpfordemetri · 4 months
The Volturi guard giving the mate a first kiss ⁉️⁉️
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He neves kissed anyone before,so it was also his first kiss.You two were having a hard time accepting the mate bound due to him being a Volturi and you being a Cullen.
This was supposed to be just a dumb fight like you two always had,but you started to get nervous about some things he was ranting about.
“You think my plan was to being mated to a dumb and useless human?Not to speak about the fact that you are a Cullen”
He shut his mouth surprised by his own words and turned to look at you,just to capt a tear running down your face
In less than a second he was holding you to him whispering apoligies to you,and you werent planning to forgive him
Until he lifted your chin with his thumb,making your lips meet for the first time in a short but full of feelings kiss,that was all you two needed to accept your future together
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You have been staying in the castle for about two months now,everyone was quite polite to you and you started to made good friends like Felix and Marcus
However,even though you knew Demetri and you were mates,he didnt seem to take the step of taking you out or actually confess his feelings
And you werent going to take that step,that is on him,but you were starting to get tired
What you didnt expect were to saw your shared bed covered in rose petals when you opened the door
When you raised your sight,there was him,with his charming smirk
Music started to play and he took you by the hand to slow dance with you,and suddenly your heart started to beat very fast,and he could hear it of course
With that,he inclined his head and kissed you passionately,grabbing your waist and pulling you to him
“You seemed nervous and that were a good tachtic to calm you down,right?”He whispered
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He never felt shy about flirting with someone,until he met you,he met his mate,and suddenly whenever he tried to flirt and make a step in your mate bound,he felt like the cat ate his tongue
So actually you came near him this time,he were sitting in the park of the Volturi castle,looking at the sunset
His skin were glowing due to the sun that still were left out and honestly you thought he had never seen that good
And you accidentally said that out loud,making him giggle and be by your side within seconds
You felt embarrassed but he calmed the situation by laughing and telling you how cute you actually looked
It took you by surprise when you looked up to look at him and he was already looking at you
Without warning he leaned down and gave you a little peck
When he was about to pull away in case you did not like it,you grabbed him by the neck of his t-shirt and gave him the best kiss he ever had
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As same as her brother,she never kissed anyone,those things wasnt really a priority for her
Until she met you,her mate
She was aware of the lack of contact between you two,even though she started a relationship with you two months ago
She couldnt help but felt some fault,but you always tried to reassure her telling her there was no pressure
But suddenly a simple Friday everything changed,she took you on a walk enjoying the rainy day
Until you two arrived to a small park in the centre of Volterra,where ir seem there were many couples
She noticed the PDA between those couples and out of nowhere she decided to kiss your cheek and give physical affection a try
But as a reaction you turned your head at the same time making your lips connect
And you two stayed like that for a few seconds
Small and quick,but a cute first kiss
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volturissideslut · 4 months
Hiii can you pretty please write about Alec Volturi having a human mate who ends up finally getting the chance to go out and ends up having a crazy night out while he’s away on a mission and being stress cause shes a party animal lol
𝕬𝖑𝖊𝖈 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎
I think the poor thing would be so stressed out for you and by you. He's already lost too, too much and all he really has is his sister, his loyalty to his masters, and now you.
He's not budging when it's your safety in the balance. And so the only way for you to get the night out you want is to sneak away while he's on a mission. And when he hears of it the man is livid.
Not with you, no. With you he's actually upset and maybe even a little disappointed that you would be so haphazard with your own safety.
But he's furious with the lower guard because what do you mean a massive group of over a hundred vampires who happen to always be everywhere at every time with vampire senses and everything... didn't notice a human - his human - leaving.
And secretly, he's a little proud that you did that. Not that he's gonna tell you for a while but the pride is there.
When he knows your back safe (he's also almost there because he rushed the mission to come back) his chest is not as tightly wound as before.
But you know who is stressed? The lower guard that was on the door.
You know who else is stressed? Aro. If Alec wants to kill them for their incompetence than fair do's, so long as he trains the replacement so that Aro doesn't have to deal with it.
Best believe you are on lock down for a while until he trusts you not to be 'stupid'.
And if you really really want to go out then just tell him, he'll come with you. Just please don't put yourself in unsafe situations is all he asks.
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imaginingmanyfandoms · 4 months
the volturi guard when their mate is missing????? can you IMAGINE felix???
i think it's time to rebrand and redesign this blog... but for now lets get back to the good stuff - volturi guard headcanons <3 also sorry it's just the boys im rusty
All characters are 18+ before the turn!!! always!!!
for all of these scenarios, you're kidnapped by a vengeful coven
he would be inconsolable
he would kill anyone that got in his way, and he would ensnare anyone in his dark mist that he thought would know anything at all
jane would be beside him, happy to torture info out of anyone
he would have demetri tracking you, but he wouldn't be patient enough for that
when they found you, he'd be suffering waiting for the ok from aro to wipe them out
and he would okay it because anyone willing to attack a guards mate was a problem
and he wouldn't even need any help
he would rip them limb from limb for touching you
and when he finds you tied up he'd be furious, like frothing at the mouth kind of furious
but as soon as you were in his arms again, he'd slump his shoulders and just fall into you
he wouldn't wait for any kind of back-up or clearance
when he found your room empty with no trace of you, he just had this feeling
but not just like you weren't where you were supposed to be
like you weren't where you wanted to be
and he would feel sick, like placebo nausea in that he just couldn't handle it
you were meant to be with him, by his side, under his care and he failed, he failed to keep you safe
he would be on the move, tracking you across the world if he had to
and when he found you, he'd be seeing red
anyone even in proximity of you would be held accountable
and when you were free, and he had taken you miles and miles away from where you were held
he would hold you bridal style, close to his chest, tightly in his arms
"my petal, i'm so sorry..."
if he could cry, this is when he would
when you were safe again, cooing that you loved him and you were okay
he knew something the wrong the second he stepped foot in your room. there was no evidence but he just knew
he would have demetri by the collar, screaming about finding you
if demetri even tried to crack any kind of joke, felix would punch cracks in the wall beside his head
and demetri would do as he's told because there would be something worse than murder in felix's eyes
even demetri would be lowkey scared when they found you
because felix would really rip them apart
and he would coddle you, get you somewhere safe, and the leave you with demetri
"stay with demetri please darling, i'll be right back."
and then he would burn that coven to the ground.
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twilightt-fantasy · 1 year
wounds [alec volturi]
description: Heya love can I request 26, 28 and 29 for Alec x Injuredfemreader?
prompts: "i'm sorry you had to see me like this" // "no one ever cared about me like you" // "do you know how to use a first aid kit"
requested by: @candypop1611
warnings: curse words
i haven't written for alec in so long, this is weird haha,, thanks for requesting!
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"Ah, fuck." You hissed through your teeth, throwing your head back as you pressed your hand into your abdomen.
You had been struck hard in the stomach with one of the objects the Guard was using in training, your momentary lapse in judgement putting you too close to the action and in Demetri’s way. Hot tears pricked your eyes and you felt your breathing increase, your body trying hard to fight back the pain that was slowly growing.
As the only human the Guard looked after, you were allowed in on training sessions, but only if you stayed out of the way. Your conversation with Jane had distracted you too much.
“Are you okay?” Demetri asked you, pulling your hand away from your stomach as he approached. You heard him inhale deeply before you turned to him, his lips curled up in disappointment. “You’re bleeding pretty bad.”
“Get out of the way.” Alec was the next to you, shoving his coven mate away from you to take his place. His crimson eyes assessed the situation quickly and he turned to give Demetri a nasty look before putting his attention back on you.
“I’m fine.” You insisted, though you were feeling lightheaded from the knowledge of how severe your injury was and the sharp pain in your stomach. You were close to hyperventilating but refused to show that kind of weakness in front of them. “It was my fault, I know not to stand too close.”
Alec huffed, moving to place his hands under your body to pull you close to him. “Demetri should’ve been paying attention.”
“We both should’ve and we’ll know better for next time.” Your mate was more stubborn than you most days, which made conversations like this difficult. You felt better next to him though, but refused to look at him with tears running down your cheeks. “Now, do you know how to use a first aid kit?”
Alec stood then, holding you close in his arms as he flashed away from the training room. You huffed to yourself, knowing you’d have to go and apologize to them all for Alec’s overprotective nature. It had been a few years since you had met him and still he had not changed his ways - though, your being human didn’t help your cause. It was a wonder the kings or Alec hadn’t forced the change upon you yet.
Upon returning to your shared rooms, Alec set you on the bed and went to retrieve the first aid kit from the bathroom. You pulled your shirt up slightly, hissing when you saw the deep gash and the blood. Of course, being the only human around, you were prone to injuries. But this one looked particularly bad and you wondered if you should go to the hospital wing.
Your eyes were still watery and your nose was stuffy, so you kept your gaze downcast when Alex finally appeared again. He held the first aid kit, placing it next to you on the bed before opening it to reveal wound cleaning supplies and things needed for stitches. You pulled your lips in a grimace, not looking forward to the needle piercing your skin.
Alec said nothing as he poured the antiseptic over the gash, but he rubbed his finger against your hand at your soft gasp. His fingers moved with practiced ease as he cleaned up the blood and began to move the needle and thread through your skin to stitch you up.
Your tears had slowed, the initial panic from the situation wearing off and leaving you feeling tired, though your stomach did still hurt. “It hurts.”
“I’ll get you some medicine once I’m done.” Alec said gently, finishing the stitch before grabbing a big bandaid and covering the area.
You were quiet for a moment before you whispered. “I’m sorry you had to see me like this.”
You hated to cry in front of Alec - it made you seem weak and less than him in your opinion, since you were only human and so fragile. Alec pushed your head up with his thumb, his eyes gentle as he stared at you. “Don’t apologize for anything, love. I can’t imagine the pain you felt and you’re strong for dealing with it so bravely.”
Your lips quivered again, tears rushing to your eyes for a whole different reason. “No one ever cared for me like you.”
Your mate moved closer, wrapping his arms around you to bring you to his chest while trying to be aware of your wound. “I’ll be here forever to care for you. Human or vampire, it’s all the same to me.”
He kissed your head twice, squeezing you tighter for a moment while you twisted your hands in his shirt. You could’ve stayed with him in that moment for the rest of your forever, but your wound was aching and Alec must have known. “Now, I’ll run and grab you some pain meds and we’ll stay in for the rest of the night. Sound okay?”
You smiled into his shirt, moving back to kiss his chest once before letting him go. “Sounds perfect.”
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kimi240302 · 1 month
Come back to me
Part 3
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A/N: Before you read this, I want you to know that my native language is different. So I am very sorry for any mistake. Nevertheless, I hope you will like my story and enjoy it.
Summary: The love story between Alec Volturi and Y/N Swan, was an unexpected one. Both didn't know what to make of each other when they found out they were soul mates. But they worked on it and created a beautiful strong love that not even Bella's hatred for the Volturi could destroy. But as in any good love story, tragedy was impossible to avoid in theirs. It came as unexpectedly as their love itself, and made the Cullens and Bella seem to win, while Alec and the Volturi were losing their light in the darkness.
Alec Volturi x Swan!Female!reader
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Come back to me Masterlist
"I will meet you at the graveyard Where you lay down, where you stay now Faced up, cold heart, no longer by my side now Wish we were together, now I don´t know when I will see you" - Cleffy
Y/N smiled towards the sun and ran her hand through the high grass as she followed the man in front of her.
"It's still funny to see you in the sunlight." She laughed. "No one can see us behind the castle, the perfect place… what do you always say? To twinkle in peace and undisturbed ." Y/N nodded with a smile, pausing for a moment, thinking. She started to smile, then ran and jumped onto the man's back.
Gasping slightly in surprise, he placed his hands on Y/N's legs so he could carry her better and laughed softly. "You know you can't make me fall, right?" Y/N wrapped her arms around the black-haired man's neck, "It's still worth a try. I didn't realize there was so much space behind the castle and I've almost been here a year." The black haired one shrugged his shoulders, "You weren't supposed to know either since we were going to build you something nice on a piece of this land and don't get off topic. You're just too lazy to walk. That's why you jumped on my back." Y/N looked at the back of the black-haired man's head and stuck his tongue out at him. "Sticking your tongue out is for 5 year olds." He laughed. Y/N rolled her eyes and mumbled something that sounded like 'grandpa'. Before the black-haired one could say anything to that, Y/N interrupted him, "You said something about building and beautiful and for me."
The man did not answer, just shook his head in amusement, removed his right hand from Y/N's leg and pointed at something in front of him. Y/N looked up and couldn't believe it. She lightly tapped the man's shoulder, who understood her sign and let her off his back. "You're lying this isn't for me, is it?" Y/N looked at the large glass building in front of her, shaking her head in bewilderment. In the meadow stood a huge glass greenhouse, the kind she had drawn over and over again in her notebook.
"Go on," her companion whispered to Y/N. Smiling, she looked at him, paused briefly and blinked. Y/N looked closely at the man in front of her, but she could only blurrily make out his features, his eyes, his nose and his lips. Confused, she shook her head, but turned around again and walked towards the entrance. She paused in front of the doors, slowly, her hands trembling with excitement, she grabbed the door handle.
"What's wrong?" said the man behind her, "I'm scared." "Of what?" "Of the future." Cold hands wrapped around her waist. She was pulled against the black-haired man's body. "As long as I and the others are with you, nothing will happen to you. I will protect you for the rest of our lives. I love you Y/N." The young girl leaned against the body behind her, feeling protected, safe and loved. "I love you too."
The man released his arms from around her, kissing her cheek. Smiling, Y/N pushed the door handle down and took a step into the greenhouse. But as she took that step inside, darkness fell around her and the ground beneath her gave away. She fell as she was swallowed up by the darkness. Y/N screamed, but her screams simply echoed back to her. Just as the young girl thought she would fall forever, her fall was caught by the surface of a lake. Y/N floated on the same spot for a few seconds and looked around in panic. She didn't know where she was, just as she was about to scream for help again, she felt a tug on her ankles. Panicked, she tried to swim away from the spot, but the tug turned into a pull. Y/N's body was pulled into the depths of the lake, while the girl tried helplessly and with all her strength to swim back to the surface. Her lungs filled with water, her arms became limp and the cold of the water began to suffocate her.
Y/N woke up gasping for air and screaming. She immediately looked around in panic, relief spreading through her as she recognized the outline of her room. Y/N realized that it was just another one of her all night nightmares, which made the feeling of relief disappear immediately. Her hair was wet with sweat, her clothes were sticking to her body, tears began to stream down her face again and her breathing wasn't slowing down, it was speeding up. Y/N felt lost and exhausted. She wanted everything around her to disappear so that she could finally be at peace.
"Y/N!" Carlisle had entered her room and looked sadly at the girl. Wrapping her arms around her body, Y/N looked up and towards Carlisle. The tears slowly took over as she tried to form a sentence. The blonde-haired vampire didn't know what to do. Ever since Y/N had left the hospital and moved to Alaska with them, there were hardly any nights when she slept through the night. Every night the young Swan would wake up screaming, let herself calm down, only to spend the rest of the day hiding in her room staring or drawing. Carlisle's thoughts were interrupted when Y/N whispered barely audible to herself, "What's wrong with me Carlisle." She repeated this sentence over and over again, beginning to sway back and forth. The vampire took several steps towards her bed, sat down next to her and took the young girl in his arms. Y/N immediately clawed at him and hid her head against his chest. "I wish I could tell you." He whispered to her, tightening his embrace slightly.
"Do you hear that Bella?" All the Cullens were sitting downstairs in the living room, listening to what was going on in Y/N's room, as they always did. Rosalie had jumped up and was pacing back and forth. She could no longer bear the pain of the girl she loved like a sister. "It will get better eventually…" Bella tried to keep talking, but Rosalie wouldn't let her. The blonde turned to Bella, "Better? This has been going on for a year! It's not getting any better." "She needs time." Bella looked out the window, watching her daughter with Jacob and smiled. Rosalie followed her gaze and let out an annoyed snort. "What?"
Rosalie only shook her head. "When Edward left you, you suffered for five months. Nightmares, no hunger, no sense of life anymore. Now you have your happy ending. Edward by your side as a husband, a child that is not only protected by vampires, but also by a wolf. You live your life, while with a good feeling of conscience you let Y/N experience the hell you had to suffer for only 5 months. Y/N will not get better as long as you keep her away from Alec. It's going to get worse and the reason for that pain is you…." "Rosalie enough!" Esme intervened and tried to calm her daughter down. But she could no longer bear to remain silent, so she just kept talking. "Do you want to lock Y/N up forever and hide her from the world? I don't know if you've noticed Bella, she'll get older, we won't. Y/N will have questions. What do you want to tell her?"
Bella jumped up, "Y/N will have no involvement in this world anymore!" Emmett, who had let his mate speak, laughed, "That's not a decision you can make for her." "I've already made that decision." "That's right and look what you've done Bella." Rosalie literally spat out her name. "Y/N is unrecognizable. All life has drained out of her, any joy she felt has died with your decision, as has the future the universe had made for her."
Bella laughed mockingly. "You want me to take her to him? To that monster?" "He wasn't a monster, not with her." Startled, Bella looked at Jasper. "You too?" He nodded. "We all do Bella, we all think you didn't have the right to decide for your sister." "But…" Bella was interrupted. "Did you know that all the drawings your sister has done in the past year are of Alec? She only draws his outline, his hair and the contours of his face, never anything else. Because she can't remember his features, his lips, his nose or his eyes. That is exactly what hurts her the most. She sees him every night, every night he makes her feel whole again and then she wakes up and can't remember his face and the feeling of being whole again is gone."
Edward looked at his wife, he was always on her side but not this time. Bella sat down in defeat. "I can't leave her to him. He's a monster to me." "I was that to those around me too, until the day Alice came. Alec had changed for Y/N, as had all the Volturi. Just like I changed for Alice." Jasper looked at his lover and she placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him. "Besides, it's not about what you want Bella. It's about your sister and what's best for her." Emmett looked at her urgently. "How do you think I should do it, take her to Rome and drop her off with the Volturi?" "No, you've interfered enough, we all have. Let her go her way and don't stop her anymore." Esme walked up to Bella and placed a hand on her cheek, "Y/N and Alec belong together, the universe has foreseen it. Even if you don't want it to be true, you can't stand in the way of it. You see what this has brought you. One soul is suffering in Alaska and the other is suffering in Rome."
"If he's suffering so much, why hasn't he ever been here to get her? Why did he just give up on Y/N like that?" Bella looked at Esme questioningly. "Because you confirmed his greatest fear. The reason being that something happened to Y/N that would cost her her life and even if it didn't this time, it could still happen from his point of view."
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Alec stood in the greenhouse, as he often did when he had no tasks. He could still remember the day he brought Y/N here for the first time. The first time she walked across the stone-paved path, smelling every flower that had been planted around her. He remembered how Y/N had reached the end of the path and looked with fascination at the fountain with the four pools. Alec remembered how she had jumped into his arms when he had shown her the little corner where she could sit down and paint, draw, read or write. He remembered the evenings he'd spent here with her, how often he'd come here after his duties as High Guard only to find her lost in a book or covered in paint because she'd spent hours drawing on a painting.
Alec had to smile, those were the good memories he associated with this place, but they were no longer the only ones. In addition, there were the bad memories, the ones he had never thought possible in this place, and with these memories Alec's smile disappeared again.
The vampire remembered destroying the fountain with his own bare hands, the same way he had ripped out every single flower when he realized that Y/N's laughter would never echo off the glass walls again. He realized that he would never walk in here again and find his mate covered in paint or so engrossed in a book that not even the end of the world could tear her away. He would never again be able to watch her sleep under the stars, would never again be able to feel her warmth.
All he had left was the greenhouse, which had been repaired after his rampage. But instead of the colorful flowers, it had turned into dark colors. Instead of the fountain, there was now a large pond with a statue built by Master Caius on a pedestal in the center. The statue bore the face of the love of his life, wearing a beautiful dress, while her hair perfectly framed her smiling face. On the pedestal on which she stood, the words "In memory of the sunshine that changed our lives forever and reached every cold heart" were engraved. Leaves with candles floated in the water in the pond, as they had done since the day the statue had been placed there. The greenhouse was no longer a place of joy, it had become a memorial to Y/N. Alec loathed it and yet he came here every spare second to stand in front of her statue and mourn.
"Why do you do this to yourself every day?" Alec flinched, but recognized the voice and relaxed again. He turned his head to Marcus, looking at his master, who was watching him with sad eyes. "Because by now it doesn't matter where I am in the castle, I see her everywhere." Alec paused, looking back at the statue. "I'm standing in the throne room, waiting for her to come in with her face and fingers stained with paint to pull Master Caius from his throne to look at her new painting or because she needs some urgent advice from him. I stand in the library looking for her bored face as Master Aro tells her the same story for the hundredth time. I stand in the ballroom expecting you to give her piano or dance lessons. I look through my bedroom window and wait for Demetri, Felix, Santiago and Y/N to fight and shoot each other with Nerf guns all over again. I walk past the secretary and wait for Afton, Chelsea and Y/N to scare her. I go into the kitchen and expect her to stand there with my sister cooking something for herself while she and Jane make fun of something." Alec's voice failed him. He turned to Marcus, looking at him helplessly. "She's not here and yet she's everywhere. Some days it feels like the walls of the castle are closing in on me, trying to crush me as they whisper her name."
Marcus took a step towards him and placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder. "It almost sounds like you're being haunted by someone who isn't dead, but still alive." Defeated, Alec hung his head. "I'm tired, Master. Ever since I left Y/N at the hospital, I've been wondering if I did the right thing. I just wanted to give her a second chance, as a normal person, to protect her. But the more days go by, the more I long for her." Alec stopped talking, which made Marcus look at him questioningly, realizing that Alec's next words were difficult for him. "Y/N and my almost forever. Will haunt me for the rest of my immortal life and I don't know if I can take it."
"Then why don't you do something about it?" "I'm afraid." "Of what?" "That she won't feel the same way I do about her, that if I take her back. Back to the world of vampires, especially the world of the Volturi, that this incident will repeat itself and she'll die this time." Marcus tightened his grip on the black-haired man's shoulder, looking deep into his eyes. "You loved her, she loved you and you'll never be the same again, we all know that Alec. If you feel that way and you can't get rid of these fears to bring Y/N back to us, then you have to let her go. Otherwise it will kill you. I had to learn that lesson the hard way." With that, Marcus let go of him, turned and left the greenhouse, while Alec sank to his knees and placed a hand on his chest just above his heart. Even though it wasn't beating, he felt it breaking in his chest again.
@kisekihany @sparklybuildingsdesign88 @alecvolturiswifeforever @rosedpetal @bofadeezs @xcharlottemikaelsonx @urgirlmoon @julesofvolterra @itsmytimetoodream @smiling2204 @demogorgon-master1 @megaprincesscakes @moonmark98 @silencionyx @valsobsessions @aylinbsx @nessjo @just-a-blue-nerd @lunajay33
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the-dawn-star · 1 year
May I ask for aged up yandere alec volturi where the reader is his mate and Bella's little sister and she is just such a cute cinnamon roll and is so oblivious so when their is a big fuss because alec wants her to stay in Volterra she is just like "ok!" With a smile because she over heard that it would affect him worst than bella and she was like "well I don't want anyone to be hurt." So they are forced to leave her and alec is just there holding her taking her to their room and is like "you can't leave without me." And she's like "can you bring my stuffies and get me some paint?"
A/N: Hello, lovely anon and thanks for the request. Hope you like it! Just to be safe, again !!Alec is the movie version, not the like 13-year-old book version!!
+ 400ish words.
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Alec felt the need to protect you the moment when he first saw you. And after a while he talked with Marcus and Aro who confirmed Alec’s suspicion.  
You were his mate and you needed to be protected from the evil outside world.  
So, Alec, Aro and few other guards took a trip to Forks 
You were sitting down on the Cullens couch with Bella next to you. Carlisle stayed close by, making sure that no one got upset. Aro and Alec sitting like they owned the massive house.  
Aro explained how you and Alec were mates and how you should come to stay in Volttera, at least to get to know Alec.  
For a moment you couldn’t say anything, still puzzled by the fact of mates.  
But your sister spoke before you could say anything, yelling how you were meant to be with your sister and your family.  
“Does it hurt you? I mean, when I’m not with you?” You asked while there was a second of silence.  
You remember hearing that if mates were away from each other for a long time it could get extremely painful.  
“Yes,” Alec responded quietly.  
“Well, I don’t want you to be hurt...,”  
So, you decided to go to Volttera with the vampires.  
Trip to Volttera was lovely and every second Alec got more and more possessive of you, but he was your mate so this must be a normal reaction of finally finding your mate.  
Alec introduced you to some of the higher guards, before taking you to your new shared room.  
You hugged one of your stuffed animals while looking around the room which was mostly empty.  
“I don’t want you to leave this room without me, okay?”  
I nodded and hugged the lamb stuffie harder.  
“I need to hear you say that you hear and understand me.” Alec said and walked in front of me so he could see my face.  
“Yeah, I get it...,”  
“You don’t need to be afraid of me, I’m just trying to look after you.” Alec’s voice softened and cradled my cheek on his hand.  
“It’s not about it...”  
“Then what is it?”  
“I was just thinking if I can bring the rest of my stuffies here, and maybe some nice paint, this whole place is really cold.”  
Alec had to smile at your words, he was expecting a lot worse.  
“Of course, whatever you want, my darling.”
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urgirlmoon · 8 months
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⇢Genre: Fluff
⇢AU: N/A
⇢Fandom: Twilight
⇢Warnings: No warnings, just straight fluff. nothing else.
Request: No
⇢Characters: Volturi, Y/N
⇢Pairing: Alec x Human!Reader
⇢Word Count:
This is mostly just a little drabble
You were in the castle with your best friend, Demetri, while you were waiting on your mate to come back from a mission he was sent on by Aro. You and Demetri always seem to get into some kind of trouble. Today you decided to play hide and seek. Which seemed kind of ironic to do it with the best tracker known to vampiric kind.
You didn't care. It was a challenge mostly. You both switched every time. He would always find you within 10 minutes. It was your turn again when you ran into your mate, Alec, and completely forgot you were looking for Demetri.
It was really funny when he came into the library angry about him hiding for 4 hours only to see you and Alec cuddling by the fireplace and him reading to you. He huffed and sat with you both and you smirked at him and then kept your head on Alec's lap as he ran his fingers through your hair still reading.
After a while Felix and Jane joined, and were reading on their own as you fell asleep to the sound of your mates voice
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aquanova99 · 9 months
Hellooo how are you??? Could I request a Alec Volturi x fem! Mate/gf! Reader where Jane hates(despise) reader thankss don't forget to rest!!♡♡
I did do a fic like this here, but I am trying to start rewriting my old work in hopes to make them better 🤞
I think at the beginning he is going try and hate you. If his sister dislikes you it must be for a good reason. It will be in fact solely due to the fact that the volturi took you in almost instantly due to your own gift (anything mental, asphyxiation, matter manipulation, literally anything)
In fact he will be straight up cruel to you, and if he is extremely attracted or interested he will ignore you entirely
You have to offer no reaction or they will think they are in the right.
He would definitely not admit to Jane that he likes you in any way
He’s listening to your conversations, waiting for anything to prove you couldn’t possibly be as amazing as everyone seems to think.
But as he waits and waits he doesn’t see anything that would give him an actual reason to hate you
So he slowly starts to be in the same areas, at first he only speaks to the others. He finds he’s annoyed you aren’t speaking to him, but soon Jane comes and throws more vitriol your way and he sees why you would be wary.
He hates that when he goes near you you leave if there’s no one around, and he hates even more that you’re all he thinks about when he’s alone.
He eventually decides to at least try and be cordial when he is around you and see if anything changes
You only offer short responses, why would trust anything he says right now. You try to not let his hurt expression get to you, neither of them has been shy about threatening to use their abilities on you. They were lucky you didn’t use your own gifts on them for all the shit talking they did
Unfortunately one of these curt responses is caught by Jane, “I suggest you be more respectful to my brother.”
You roll your eyes and continue about your business, you’re surprised when you hear Alex speak up, “sister please. Everything is fine.”
“I don’t need you to fight my battles.” You start to walk away but then the pain wracks your body somewhere you hear a voice
“Jane. Enough.” Alec fails to hide the urgency in his voice. Jane stops immediately and while she knew some of the others would check on her Alec being the first next to her, the concern on his eyes infuriated her. She believed you were a poison. First the leaders and now her brother
Unfortunately for Jane this is probably when you’ve had enough and you give her a taste of her own medicine and when Alex says nothing to this well… the only reason she doesn’t try to kill you is because of the leaders fr
After that Alex apologizes for his part in what happened, and you decide to try and let him in, after all maybe he can help you not have Jane hate your guts
He starts putting more of an effort and as much as you’re wary he can be very charming and you can “fix” him
Then as for dating it’s mostly this once he is comfortable
Jane doesn’t try anything as long as Alec is there besides glare at you but Alec is hardly ever not with you and he knows he to have an arm around you and glares back. Jane is tempted to use her gift on him a few times but she knows better
The siblings have several arguments but at the end of the day you’re off limits now. He does try and get her to apologize but for awhile the best you’re going to get is indifference from her.
You’re going to have to save Alec’s life before she considers you a person so sorry, but while Alec still loves his sister he’s been waiting for and dreaming of a connection like this his whole life
He never thought anyone would see him as anything more than a witch twin and he is obsessed with you
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coven crest 𝜗𝜚 ׅ ۫ alec volturi x reader
warnings: none!
tag list: @your-next-daydream @agirllovespancakes @icefrozendeadlyqueen @iloveslasher @julesofvolterra @volturi-stuff
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Alec entered the room, a confused frown planted on his face, brows furrowed as he noticed the lack of you. Your name echoed as he called out to you. “Y/N?”
“In here!” He heard your sweet voice call from the bathroom, and suddenly he was in front of you. You squealed as your heart jumped. You turned and pushed at his shoulder when he laughed at your racing heart. “Stop doing that!”
“No” He teased with a cheeky smile, admiring the sour look he managed to gain from you and stealing a soft kiss from your lips.
“You’re so annoying,” You huffed, turning to go back to organising your side of the bathroom. He smirked, leaning down to kiss your shoulder gently - never would he pass on the opportunity to tease you.
“Annoying, huh?” Your skin flushed, frozen in place at the feel of his cold lips on your warm skin. “Mhmmm.”
Your eyes watched his own through the mirror. He held your gaze, tugging at your skin and releasing your shoulder in favour of sucking marks onto your neck. Shivering in delight, you fell back into his chest with your head falling back, turning to face him when he pulled away.
“You’re a little touchy today…” You teased with a smile, brushing you thumb across his lips to rid him of your tinted lip balm that was smeared across his mouth. He returned it with one of his own, leaning down to kiss your forehead. You rolled your eyes at his reply.
“Only for you”
“You’re such a sweet talker.”
He ignored you, leaning down to kiss you - managing to silence you and seduce you all at once. It was deep, teeth tugging your bottom lip and tongue soothing over the burning sensation of his venom. Your hands came up, resting on his chest when he pulled away to see your reaction. With flushed cheeks you avoided his eye, messing with the crest necklace that rested around his neck shyly. He laughed through his nose, loving the way you still remained shy around him and placed his hands over yours.
“My shy, sweet faced, little girl”
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volturiprincess · 5 months
Better than a cup of coffee
Alec Volturi x human mate Warnings: Just pure fluff A/N: This one is short and sweet, i apologize to anyone who does not drink coffee but as I was writing this I was drinking coffee and I'm a coffee person anyways. I wasn't sure if I was going to work on this today but I needed some fluff and well here is it. There will be a second A/N in the end. Enjoy 🤗
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(My love🖤)
I have never been a morning person, just the thought of having to wake up early makes me want to cry. I applaud the people who wake up early. But when I meet my mate Alec, mornings have officially become my favorite part of the day. What makes it so special, is Alec wakes me up with a fresh cup of coffee that he made just for me. I'm not sure how he picked up on how to make coffee or how to make it how I like it but I guess he really does pay attention to my every move in the mornings.  I have told him before that for me to function as a human I need a cup of coffee or else I will not be a delightful person to be around.
He unfortunately witnessed that side of me and has made it his mission to have that cup of coffee ready for me when I wake up. But that's not what makes it special, when he wakes me up, the first thing I see is his face. He has this small smile and his eyes are full of warmth and love that makes me feel like i'm in a dream still. He's like my personal fallen angel that I have the honor to call mine. 
This morning did not start any differently, the sunlight was gazing on me with its million mini rays hitting my face. I heard a small thud hit my nightstand, and I opened my eyes slightly to be blessed by the sight of my stunning mate looking at me already with his face slightly having that unhuman sparkle. His burgundy eyes also already having that intense but loving look he gives me whenever he looks at me, even if I probably look like crap he never fails to lose that look. 
With his small warming smile already on his face, he again blesses me with his soothing voice “Good morning sunshine, the earth says hello”
I make “grabby hands” toward him and he comes closer to lay on top of me with laying his face on my chest. I bury my face into his hair and mumble groggily 
“Someone’s been paying attention to the movies I make them watch”
“Always my love”
He tilted his head up and gave my neck multiple kisses, the temperature difference between his cold lips and my warm skin made me feel that familiar feeling of butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Being like this with him makes me forget there is a real world out there, almost makes me feel like we are the only two people on this planet. These small moments we share I hold dearly to my heart because I am the only person that gets to see Alec in such a vulnerable and relaxed form, not even Jane has seen him like this, the honor I have. While he continues to give me now soft kisses instead of multiple, I run my hands through his dark locks. I'm glad he has kind of long hair so I am able to run my hands through his hair. So soft and silky, makes me slightly jealous he has nicer hair than me but he tells me it's a vampire thing. The way his soft kisses leave me in a state of bliss that makes me mumble nonsense 
“Better than a cup of coffee”
He lifts his face to looks up at me with a pure astonish look and exclaims 
“Are you serious? But you said you always need a cup of coffee to be human”
I pull him into a deep gentle kiss that he reciprocates, I pull away and say with a small sleepy smile 
‘Your my cup of coffee now”
A/N: So cuteeee. I like how I did a little reference of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (2005), its actually my alarm sound 🤭. I just wanted to say that Im working on a Caius one-shot, this one is taking a bit longer to get done because its longer than my usual ones and I was thinking of doing a 2 part to it. But also I have my finals this week so I wont be posting to often, I may have part one of my Caius one-shot out this week but I been having some small difficulties with it and I keep changing my mind in how to write it plus studying keeps me occupied the majority of my day. But I.m happy to have gotten this one out in the open because its so sweet and adorable, I almost made it a Carlisle one-shot but as I kept thinking about this it just screamed Alec.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Yandere Jane and Alec Volturi and older sister.
❝family ties❞
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✭ pairing : yandere jane volturi x unnamed reader x yandere alec volturi
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : jane and alec are possessive over their only remaining family member but it’s becoming too much and she wants to leave, unfortunately they won’t let that happen.
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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Within the ancient and mysterious halls of the Volturi castle, the air was heavy with a sense of foreboding. In the heart of the coven's ruling family, there existed a sinister trio of siblings - Jane, Alec, and their older sister, whose name was seldom whispered in the castle's shadowed corridors.
Jane and Alec, the infamous twins with their eerie abilities, were known throughout the vampire world for their cruelty and devotion to Aro's cause. Their yandere tendencies had turned them into merciless enforcers, but their obsession with their older sister was an open secret among the Volturi.
Their older sister, whose name had long been erased from official records, was a shadowy figure within the coven. She had once been a fierce protector of her younger siblings, but something had gone horribly wrong. She had become their obsession, the object of their darkest desires.
Jane's obsession with her older sister was rooted in a twisted need for approval and attention. She would go to great lengths to please her, often using her painful gift to torment those who dared to oppose their family. The thought of anyone coming between her and her sister filled Jane with a burning rage that knew no bounds.
Alec, on the other hand, was equally obsessed but expressed his devotion in a more subtle manner. He used his power to create an aura of irresistible attraction around their sister, making it impossible for anyone to resist her. He was always lurking in the shadows, ready to eliminate anyone who posed a threat to their sibling bond.
Their older sister, aware of their intense fixation on her, walked a delicate tightrope. She had lost herself in the dangerous dance of her siblings' affections, fearing both their relentless devotion and their unpredictable wrath.
As the days turned into years, the Volturi castle became a dark and twisted labyrinth of desire and obsession. The siblings' bond, once built on love and loyalty, had warped into a tangled web of possessiveness and torment. And within this volatile family dynamic, the older sister remained trapped, a pawn in their relentless game of yandere devotion.
The Volturi castle, shrouded in secrecy, concealed the dark drama that unfolded within its ancient walls. The older sister walked a treacherous path, constantly balancing her siblings' affections while trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy within the coven. Her own desires and dreams had long been sacrificed on the altar of her family's obsessions.
Jane's yandere tendencies became more pronounced with each passing day. She'd seek moments alone with her older sister, her eyes a mix of desperation and possessiveness. "You know you're the only one who truly understands me," she'd whisper, her voice laced with a chilling sincerity.
Alec's influence was equally potent. He'd subtly manipulate situations to ensure his sister's undivided attention. Those who dared to approach her too closely found themselves inexplicably drawn away, as if caught in an invisible web of his making.
Amidst the chaos of their twisted dynamics, the older sister found solace in fleeting moments of clarity. She longed for the sibling bond they once shared, the laughter and camaraderie that had been lost to their obsessions. But breaking free from her siblings' grasp seemed impossible; any attempt to distance herself was met with unfathomable anger and cruelty.
The Volturi coven, under Aro's rule, remained oblivious to the storm brewing within their ruling family. The older sister's pain and desperation remained hidden beneath her stoic facade, as she struggled to navigate the treacherous waters of her siblings' yandere love.
As time marched on, the older sister faced an agonizing decision. She could continue to be a pawn in her siblings' twisted game, or she could attempt to break free and forge her own path, even if it meant defying the Volturi's most formidable enforcers. But with every passing day, the cost of such a decision grew increasingly steep, and the fate of the Volturi siblings hung in the balance, suspended between love and obsession, loyalty and betrayal.
The tension within the Volturi castle grew more palpable with each passing night. The older sister's inner turmoil had reached a breaking point, caught between her siblings' yandere love and her own desire for freedom and autonomy.
Jane's obsession had escalated to alarming levels. She'd often corner her sister in secluded chambers, her crimson eyes filled with a manic devotion. "You can't leave me," she'd whisper, her voice tinged with desperation. Her power, once a means of protecting their family, had become a weapon of torment, a tool she used to ensure her sister's compliance.
Alec's influence remained insidious, his power constantly at work to keep their sister within his orbit. His manipulations extended beyond their immediate interactions, subtly controlling her relationships with other members of the coven. Anyone who showed her kindness or friendship found themselves inexplicably drawn away, isolated and alone.
Despite their overwhelming presence, the older sister yearned for a sense of agency in her life. She longed to be free from her siblings' suffocating grip, to explore the world beyond the Volturi castle. But the fear of their wrath held her back, like an invisible chain that bound her to her yandere siblings.
One fateful night, as the moon cast eerie shadows through the castle's corridors, the older sister decided to take a bold step. She gathered her courage and confronted Jane and Alec in the grand hall, her voice trembling but resolute.
"I can't live like this anymore," she declared, her gaze shifting between her obsessed siblings. "I need my own life, my own choices."
The twins' reactions were immediate and intense. Jane's eyes narrowed, and her lips curled into a snarl. "You belong to us," she hissed, her power crackling in the air. "You can't abandon your family."
Alec's expression remained eerily calm, but his voice held a chilling undercurrent of threat. "Think carefully, dear sister," he murmured. "Are you willing to risk everything for a taste of freedom?"
The older sister's heart raced, torn between the love she once had for her siblings and the burning desire to break free from their yandere grasp. Her decision would have profound consequences, not only for herself but for the Volturi coven as a whole. As the castle's ancient walls seemed to close in around her, she knew that the path she chose would shape her destiny in ways she could scarcely imagine.
The grand hall of the Volturi castle seemed to hold its breath as the older sister stood her ground, her resolve wavering under the weight of her siblings' intense gazes. In that pivotal moment, she felt the echoes of their shared past and the cruel reality of their present obsessions.
Jane's power crackled, ready to be unleashed in a storm of agony. The older sister knew that defying her would come at a painful cost, yet the yearning for autonomy burned brighter within her.
Alec's subtle manipulations were equally potent, but his influence extended beyond the confines of his power. He had always been the calm strategist, and his words carried a chilling warning that lingered in the air.
The older sister took a step forward, her voice shaking but determined. "I love you both, but this isn't love anymore. It's possession, and I can't allow it to consume me."
Jane's fury erupted like a tempest, her power sweeping toward her sister. But before it could make contact, a firm hand grasped her arm, halting her attack. Aro, the ancient leader of the Volturi, had arrived, his eyes reflecting an odd mix of curiosity and concern.
"Enough, my dear Jane," Aro said, his voice silencing the room. "Let us hear what our sister has to say."
The older sister's heart pounded as she explained her yearning for independence, for a life beyond the walls of the Volturi castle. Aro, ever the astute observer, considered her words carefully.
"Family loyalty is paramount, my child," Aro finally replied, his tone measured. "But so is personal growth and happiness. Perhaps it's time for a compromise."
Aro's words hung in the air, a ray of hope amidst the darkness of the Volturi's obsessions. The older sister couldn't believe her ears—could there truly be a way to find balance between her love for her siblings and her desire for freedom?
As the Volturi coven watched in anticipation, the fate of the siblings hung in the balance, teetering between the crushing weight of yandere obsession and the possibility of a new, more balanced future.
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simpfordemetri · 4 months
Voltrui guard with a mate who loves to cuddle without clothes or anything? Like loving the closeness of it 🤗
Volturi Guards Cuddling Skin to Skin
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Actually its his favourite cuddling position,he feel safe and on moments like these he will even be the little spoon,letting you scratch his hair and take care of him.Never turn into sex,for him cuddling like this its being vulnerable around you and its important to him,he feels in peace
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Normal cuddling was hard to get her to,so this was even more,she only stayed naked for sex so you had a long way of convincing her to this.However once you do she will spend days like this,even cancelling missions saying you were sick(she never told you this)
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He loves being close to you and also loves the feeling of your warm skin,so this feels like heaven for him.He will trace patterns on your thights but with him it can lead to to something sexual,just if you start it tho.He feels like he can fall sleep
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When he cuddle you like this he feels like you are made of cristal,he will be so delicated towards you and even afrait to touch you,gentle kisses are given by him and his hands rests on your lower back
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