#Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi
mote-historie · 1 year
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Sandro Botticelli, Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist, detail, c. 1470–1475.
Musée du Louvre, Paris, France. 
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Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi (c. 1445 – 17 May 1510), better known as Sandro Botticelli or simply Botticelli, was an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance.
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beautyofaphrodite · 16 days
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The Birth of Venus
I’m starting a series of sorts where I go in-depth about some art depictions of Lady Aphrodite. Many of these will technically be depictions of Lady Venus, and I know they’re different but in art they are often depicted the same.
The first art piece I’m covering is The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli.
Sandro Botticelli
Sandro Botticelli was born around 1445 and died on May 17, 1510. His actual name was Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi. He was an Italian painter of the early renaissance, famous for the Birth of Venus and Primavera, both of which are displayed in the Uffizi in Florence. Botticelli also contributed to the artwork in the Sistine Chapel.
Description of the Painting
This painting depicts the birth of Venus as she emerges from the sea. She is fully nude and standing on a scallop shell. To the left of the painting, Zephyr and Aura blow her towards the shore, where a woman, most likely the Hora of Spring, welcomes her. Venus is depicted with pale skin and long, orange hair.
Creation and Style of the Painting
The Birth of Venus was painted on “two pieces of canvas, sewn together before starting, with a gesso ground tinted blue” (Wikipedia). The dimensions of the painting are 172.5 cm × 278.9 cm (67.9 in × 109.6 in). Though Venus’s pose is classical, many elements of the painting are more of the Gothic style. Botticelli was never completely committed to naturalism, and some parts of the painting (especially her pose) are very unrealistic. Venus’s appearance was modeled after Simonetta Cattaneo Vespucci, a noblewoman from Genoa or possibly Porto Venere. This painting was likely commissioned by someone from the Medici family.
I hope you learned something new, I certainly did and I think I will enjoy this new series! If you have any suggestions for art (paintings, statues, etc) for me to try to create a post similar to this, please let me know! Also let me know if you notice any errors in this post and I will do my best to fix it!
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portraituresque · 1 year
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Sandro Botticelli - Self portrait
Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi ( c. 1445 – May 17, 1510), better known as Sandro Botticelli or simply Botticelli, was an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance.
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rosareversa · 2 years
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Sandro Botticelli Primavera (c. 1480) Tempera grassa on wood, 207 x 319 cm   The Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Highlights from around the web 💫
✨ Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi (c. 1445 – 1510), known as Sandro Botticelli, was an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance. Botticelli's posthumous reputation suffered until the late 19th century, when he was rediscovered by the Pre-Raphaelites who stimulated a reappraisal of his work. Since then, his paintings have been seen to represent the linear grace of late Italian Gothic and some Early Renaissance painting, even though they date from the latter half of the Italian Renaissance period. [1]
✨ The nickname Botticelli, meaning "little barrel", derives from the nickname of Sandro's brother, Giovanni, who was called Botticello apparently because of his round stature. A document of 1470 refers to Sandro as "Sandro Mariano Botticelli", meaning that he had fully adopted the name. [2] 
✨ This painting, usually known as the Primavera [or ‘Spring’] depicts nine figures from classic mythology advancing over a flowery lawn in a grove of orange and laurel trees. In the foreground, to the right, Zephyrus embraces a nymph named Chloris before taking her; she is then portrayed after her transformation into Flora, the spring goddess. The centre of the painting is dominated by the goddess of love and beauty, Venus, chastely dressed and set slightly back from the others, and by a blindfolded Cupid, firing his arrow of love. On the left, the three Graces, minor goddesses with virtues like those of Venus, are shown dancing in a circle. The composition is closed by Mercury, messenger of the Gods, recognisable from his helmet and winged sandals, as he touches a cloud with his staff. [3]
✨ Although the complex meaning of the composition remains a mystery, the painting is a celebration of love, peace, and prosperity.  The dark colour of the vegetation is in part due to the aging process of the original pigment, but is lightened by the abundance of fruits and flowers. At least 138 species of different plants have been identified, all accurately portrayed by Botticelli, perhaps using herbaria. The attention to detail confirms the artist’s commitment to this piece, which is also evident in the sheer skill with which the paint has been applied. [4]
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ibarbouron-us · 9 months
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Virgen de la Galería
La Virgen de la Galería, también conocida como Madonna della Loggia, es una pintura datada aproximadamente entre los años 1.466 d.C. y 1.467 d.C., perteneciente al arte renacentista.
Fue pintada por el pintor italiano Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi (también conocido como Sandro Botticelli).
Se conoce que la Virgen de la Galería pasó en el año 1.784 d.C. a formar parte de la colección de arte de la Galería de los Uffizi.
Localizada en la ciudad de Florencia, situada en la región de la Toscana, en Italia.
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'Annunciation' (Cestello annunciation, detail), 1489
#SandroBotticelli (Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi), 1445-1510
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, İtaly
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bicheco · 2 years
Spigolature storiche
Correva (e anche forte) l'anno 1480 quando Livio di Pescasseroli incrociò al mercato Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi* e in tono scherzoso gli fa: "Ciao Sandrone, oggi è il ventuno Marzo, mi son sempre chiesto: ma te, sinceramente, cosa ne pensi della primavera?". E il pittore gli rispose: "Non ne penso una beneamata sega, tuttavia mi hai appena fatto venire un'idea. E bravo Livio!".
È così che nascono i capolavori.
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ancruzans-blog · 23 days
Sandro Botticelli y el primer Renacimiento
“El arte no consiste en representar las cosas tal como son, sino tal como deberían ser.” Sandro Botticelli. Autorretrato Sandro Botticelli nació en Florencia el 1 de marzo de 1445, en una familia de curtidores. Su nombre real era Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, pero se le apodó Botticelli por el mote de su hermano mayor Giovanni, que era gordo o bebedor. Se formó como pintor con Fra…
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michelangelob · 7 months
1 marzo 1455: nasce Sandro Botticelli
Il 1 marzo del 1455 venne al mondo in quel di Firenze Sandro Botticelli, al secolo Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi. Chi l’avrebbe mai detto che di lì a qualche anno, quel bambino sarebbe divenuto uno dei più grandi pittori del Rinascimento e che avrebbe legato per sempre il suo nome a opere divenute iconiche come la Nascita di Venere e la Primavera? Figlio di un conciatore di pelli,…
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dixvinsblog · 8 months
Les grands peintres : Le quattrocento italien –Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)
Sandro Botticelli 1445-1510 C’est à la fin de l’hiver 1445, que nait dans la belle ville de Florence, Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, le plus jeune frère d’une fratrie de quatre enfants. Il deviendra l’un des plus grands représentants de la Renaissance italienne, et l’histoire se souviendra de lui sous le nom d’Alessandro Botticelli. Filippo Lippi (1406_1469) Très jeune, il développe…
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artemartinpietro · 1 year
El magnífico maestro del Renacimiento: Sandro Botticelli
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De vez en cuando, el universo nos regala un genio creativo cuya brillantez artística trasciende el tiempo. Sandro Botticelli, el ilustre pintor del Renacimiento italiano, es sin duda una de esas raras joyas. Con cada pincelada, Botticelli insuflaba vida a sus lienzos, regalándonos obras maestras intemporales que siguen cautivando e inspirando a generaciones de artistas. Su inventiva, su destreza artística y su estilo inconfundible lo convirtieron en un titán absoluto del mundo del arte, cuya influencia sigue siendo palpable en el arte contemporáneo.
Nacido como Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi en 1445 en Florencia, el camino de Botticelli hacia la grandeza artística comenzó a una edad temprana. Bajo la tutela del estimado pintor Fra Filippo Lippi, Botticelli perfeccionó su prodigioso talento, convirtiéndose rápidamente en un notable artista por derecho propio. Su genio no pasó desapercibido, y pronto empezó a trabajar bajo el mecenazgo de la poderosa familia Médicis, que sería su más ferviente apoyo a lo largo de toda su carrera.
La obra de Botticelli desprende un encanto que, francamente, no tiene parangón. Sus pinturas vívidas y etéreas nos transportan a un reino fantástico, tejiendo historias de belleza divina, amor y mitos. Cada obra maestra de Botticelli es una carta de amor a la expresión artística y la emoción humana, que capta sin esfuerzo la esencia de sus temas. Esta increíble capacidad para conectar con su público a un nivel tan profundo es, sin duda, lo que le distingue como uno de los más grandes artistas de la historia.
La magia etérea de “El nacimiento de Venus” y “Primavera”
Cuando nos adentramos en el genio artístico de Botticelli, inmediatamente nos vienen a la mente dos obras maestras icónicas: “El nacimiento de Venus” y “Primavera”. Estas resplandecientes obras de arte son testimonio de su asombrosa creatividad y libertad estilística, con sus figuras etéreas, líneas fluidas y seductoras paletas de colores. Ambas obras están impregnadas de mitología clásica y muestran la propensión de Botticelli a inspirarse en fuentes antiguas añadiendo su toque mágico y único.
“El Nacimiento de Venus”, en particular, es una sobrecogedora visión de la belleza de otro mundo, que encierra la esencia misma del Renacimiento. Cuenta la historia de la diosa Venus, que emerge del mar en toda su exquisita gloria. La delicada figura de Venus, barrida por el viento, con el mar y el cielo como encantadores telones de fondo, es un deslumbrante testimonio de la capacidad de Botticelli para transmitir movimiento y emoción. Esta obra divina sigue siendo un símbolo perdurable de amor y belleza, que resuena en el público hasta nuestros días.
Del mismo modo, “Primavera” es un fascinante retablo de mitos y alegorías. Con su exuberante y verde escenario y su elenco de cautivadores personajes, es una exquisita representación de la llegada de la primavera, rebosante de vida y sensualidad. Los intrincados detalles y vivos colores de esta obra maestra son una carta de amor al mundo natural, así como un testimonio de la incesante búsqueda de la perfección artística por parte de Botticelli.
Los mitos que rodean la vida personal de Botticelli sólo sirven para amplificar el encanto de su legado artístico. Las historias de su supuesto enamoramiento de su musa, Simonetta Vespucci, cuya belleza etérea se dice que inspiró muchos de sus cuadros más encantadores, han cautivado a los entusiastas del arte durante siglos. Aunque la veracidad de estas historias sigue siendo incierta, contribuyen a la mística de este artista excepcional.
El legado perdurable de Botticelli en el arte contemporáneo
No se puede exagerar la influencia de Botticelli en el arte contemporáneo. Su espíritu pionero, su creatividad sin límites y su estilo característico han dejado una huella indeleble en la historia del arte. En la actualidad, innumerables artistas se inspiran en su obra y rinden homenaje a su genio a su manera. Desde diseñadores de moda que incorporan sus encantadores motivos a sus colecciones, hasta pintores que se esfuerzan por captar la esencia etérea de sus obras maestras, el impacto de Botticelli sigue resonando a través de los tiempos.
La inquebrantable dedicación de este virtuoso del arte a su oficio, su incesante búsqueda de la belleza y su espíritu innovador son una fuente de inspiración perdurable para todos aquellos que se encuentran con su obra. Sus obras maestras son un poderoso recordatorio del poder transformador del arte y del ilimitado potencial del espíritu humano.
Al reflexionar sobre la extraordinaria vida y el legado de Sandro Botticelli, resulta evidente que su genio artístico trasciende las fronteras del tiempo y el espacio. Su impresionante obra es un testimonio vivo de su increíble talento y un faro luminoso para todos aquellos que se atreven a soñar, crear y superar los límites de la expresión artística.
En conclusión, Sandro Botticelli es, sin lugar a dudas, uno de los más grandes artistas que han pisado la Tierra. Su impresionante obra sigue cautivando e inspirando, dejando una huella indeleble en los corazones y las mentes de todos los que tienen el privilegio de contemplar sus obras maestras. Mientras seguimos celebrando y venerando el increíble legado artístico de este extraordinario maestro del Renacimiento, recordamos el poder intemporal del arte y el espíritu inquebrantable de la creatividad humana.
Originally published at https://artemartinprieto.com/on May 6, 2023.
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hzaidan · 1 year
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13 Paintings, scenes from the Bible, by The Old Masters, Sandro Botticelli, with footnotes #28
Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, known as Sandro Botticelli (c. 1445 – May 17, 1510), was an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance. He belonged to the Florentine School under the patronage of Lorenzo de' Medici, a movement that Giorgio Vasari would characterize less than a hundred years later in his Vita of Botticelli as a "golden age". Botticelli's posthumous reputation suffered until the late 19th century; since then, his work has been seen to represent the linear grace of Early Renaissance painting…
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Art,Paintings,Bible,Realism,Fine Art,Icons,Figurative,biography,History,mythology,religion,Zaidan,Sandro Botticelli,Jesus,Classical,Icon,footnotes,Christ,
Icon #Bible #biography #History #Jesus #mythology #Paintings #religion #Saints #Zaidan #footnote #fineart #Calvary #Christ
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ariezz-creations · 2 years
One of the puzzles I just did
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Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi (1445- May 17, 1510), known as Sandro Botticelli, was an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance. Botticelli's posthumous reputation suffered until the late 19th century when he was rediscovered by the Pre-Raphaelites, who stimulated a reappraisal of his work. Since then, his paintings have represented the linear grace of Early Renaissance painting.
They have been endlessly analyzed by art historians, with the main themes being: the emulation of ancient painters and the context of wedding celebrations, the influence of Renaissance Neo-Platonism, and the identity of the commissioners. Most art historians agree, however, that the Birth does not require complex analysis to decode its meaning.
While there are subtleties in the painting, its primary meaning is straightforward, if individual treatment of a traditional scene from Greek mythology and its appeal is sensory and very accessible, hence its enormous popularity.
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robertmatejcek · 4 years
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Other Worlds, Other Oysters - acrylic painting - 6″x6″ mdf - robert matejcek - 2019
“Sorry... my mind was wandering... one time it went all the way to Venus and ordered a meal I couldn’t pay for.” 
- Steven Wright
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Giuliano de’ Medici c. 1478-1480, Sandro Botticelli
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