#Alex Sherman
queeraspirates · 1 year
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beep-stuff · 10 months
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soapbubbles511 · 1 year
Alex Sherman, literally the minute the WGA strike was over:
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edscuntyeyeshadow · 8 months
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ofmd-ann · 8 months
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Oooof Alex liking this (by @naturalshocks)
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ofmdrecaps · 2 months
07/18-19/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys & Rosie; Samba Schutte; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi; #FirstMateFriday: Con O'Neill; Vico Ortiz; Linds Cantrell; Alex Sherman & Alyssa Lane; Kristian Nairn; Rachel House; Erroll Shand; Jes Tom; WBD Status; ; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Stede & Ed; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; Love Notes ; Daily Darby / Today's Taika;
Hey crew, sorry for the delay. I was going to finish yesterday's recap this morning, and then my draft got nuked again due to my computer crashing, so yeah two day it is!
== Rhys & Rosie ==
Rhys and Rosie are out at the AllBlacks Rubgy game! They're super excited for AoNZ vs Fiji!
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Source: Rhys & Rosie's Instagram Stories
== Samba Schutte ==
So some of the news that came out of Florida Supercon last weekend was Samba revealed in a panel that there was supposed to be an official OFMD Podcast and it was in the works until WBD said they "ran out of money". You can read the Full Article here
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== David Jenkins ==
Chaos dad came out and had some commentary as well regarding it-- and Samba had more to add.
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Source: David Jenkins' Twitter
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika out and about!
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Source: Rosie Matheson's Instagram
Annnd Taika just being goofy!
Source: i_licaoni's Instagram
The associated Press released another interview with Taika and Jemaine!
and yet ANOTHER interview with Taika and Jemaine, this time with Brad Gilmore!
Source: Brad Gilmore's Instagram
== First Mate Friday: Con O'Neill ==
There's a new trend this week! Folks on twitter have started up #FirstMateFriday in honor of Con O'Neill! There are so very many lovely tributes to him! I was only able to fit a few in, but they're all beautiful, and full of so much heartfelt love, and I'm sure he is out there basking in it all right now! Thank you to everyone who sent him some love today (and thank you to the lovely folks below for letting me share them!) Also, special thanks to RudestFish on twitter for coming up with this love fest for Con!
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Source: RudestFish's Twitter
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Source: lividturkeys Twitter
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Source: wndrngnomad's Twitter
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Source: 1chloreen1's Twitter
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Source: Tayleafy's Twitter
== Alex Sherman and Alyssa Lane ==
Our beloved writers/co-producers Alex and Alyssa were out in Mexico City! So nice to see them out and having fun again!
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Source: Alex Sherman's Instagram
Alex also popped in to appreciate our darling @fidisart on twitter!
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Source: Fidisart's Twitter
== Long Post is Long, Lots under the Cut ==
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico wants to wish everyone a Happy #NonMonogamyVisibility Week! They shared a lot about their history with polyamory and lots of Garlic Soup on their Instagram Stories as well!
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Source: Vico's Instagram
== Linds Cantrell ==
Lindsey Cantrell is the biggest sweetheart by the way and she's been so happy to be interacting with everyone in the OFMD community-- it was just nice to see her feeling included and loved (she shared this on her IG Story). If you don't already follow her on IG, please do, she always has super cool stuff to share, even if it's not OFMD related. <3
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Source: Linds Cantrell's Instagram
== Rachel House ==
Rachel was out seeing Bob Tidicue!
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Source: Rachel House's Instagram Stories
== Erroll Shand ==
New Episode yesterday of The Twelve on Binge!
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Source: Binge's Instagram
== Jes Tom ==
Jes was featured on the "GOOD BOYS" Podcast: Episode 2: Model Behavior! Wanna listen in? You can check out their linktree.
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Source: For Them's Instagram
Some photos from Jes' recent comedy show with Tessa Skara: Corporate Pride.
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Source: TessaFuckinSkara's Instagram
== Kristian Nairn ==
Kristian is the special guest at Van Love Fest in Elvington Airfield, York!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== WBD News ==
So many of our crewmates on twitter have been highlighting some big news with WBD. It sounds like they may actually be doing a split in the upcoming future. Lot of articles below with more info.
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Warner Bros Discovery drafts break-up plan
Warner Bros. Discovery might split itself into two pieces
Cord Cutting Today Warner Bros. Discovery Selling Max? Here is What We Know
Why Warner Bros. Discovery Stock Jumped 15% This Week
David Zaslav's Come To Jesus Moment
Sources: Meowzawowza, Never Left Podcast, Ashley (seven_sugars), MrButtons294 on Twitter
== Trends ==
Always nice to see!
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Source: Never Left Podcast's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Naureemum S. was another one of the stand-ins in OFMD according to https://ofmd-crew.com/ - Thank you to @melvisik for giving her a spotlight!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
Are you going to be at San Diego Comic Con on July 25-28? Well keep an eye out for these free bookmarks from Our Flag Means Fanfiction!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I hope the end to your week was good to you! A lots happened in the last 48 hrs, and I apologize I'm so late sharing some of it. Please let me know if I missed anything! I love how much people are really stepping up the love for cast members after all the Emmy stuff that went down. I see everyone just aggressively (I say affectionatly) loving so many of them and it's so heart-warming and uplifting. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but your love and kindness is so incredibly impactful. You may never get to see the fruits of your love (although the cast and crew does tend to show us they hear us) but know that every little bit builds up. Maybe someone was having a bad day, and seeing how much we love them gave them that extra boost to get through it-- you never know! There is an old greek proverb: "A society grows great when [folks] plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in."
That is really true about kindness and support and love too. You are sowing the seeds and roots of a better tomorrow, even if you yourself never get to see the branches and fruit that love produces.
Never let the harshness of the world dim your light lovelies. Your kindness and love moves mountains tiny bits at a time.
I hope you all have a wonderful, fairly uneventful weekend (unless you want it to be eventful!) and get some good rest <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
There is no theme tonight! Just Rhys being ridiculously hot, and Meow blessing us with this adorable Taika smile. Happy belated Meow Day! Rhys Gif by @ofmd-ann and Taika Gif by @blakbonnet!
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mxmollusca · 1 year
A close up of the layout of Stede's quarters from Alex Sherman's latest Twitter post
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lizluzz · 2 years
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And that's a wrap!
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
Alex Sherman BTS: 03/05/2024 Part 2
Alex Sherman (the Butt) and Kevin, the Arm Under the Butt.
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queeraspirates · 11 months
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Alex Sherman: It wasn’t even sunny. They just knew how cool they looked. 😎 #OurFlagMeansDeath
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Hey, lovely souls. Just here to spread a kind word for anyone who's feeling (understandably) down today🩷
So OFMD has been officially cancelled. Is this the end? Of course not. It will never be.
I mean, even if we'd got S3 there would have been an end to it too. Is it unfair that our awesome cast & producers didn't get to finish what they started in the way they envisioned it? Of course. Is the tv industry absolute shit? Hell yes! So many good shows are cancelled every day, and so many more never even get to exist. We got OFMD for two seasons, a blessing none of us ever expected, that changed our lives in so many ways, that saved so many lives. And if you think about the ending, even though the last episode was rushed and budget was cut and all, we still got such a wonderful, poetic ending, Ed and Stede are together in their inn, love in their eyes, they're safe, they're happy, honestly I couldn't have asked for anything better.
The thing is, things in life are limited (apparently), but the underlying truth to that is that things that truly matter are infinite.
How so? I'll tell you a scientific truth: time does not exist, at least not as we understand it. Because time is just like space, ever-present, every moment in time is actually forever alive. Nothing can ever truly die.
Which leads to another truth: we are infinite, just like the Universe, for we are Universe too. We are stardust and love, and Love is infinite.
We are all one, you and I and everyone out there, we're one same thing. There is no end to something that was created with love. And damn, I've never seen such an outrageous, wonderful outburst of love in my whole life! There is true magic in what we created together, fans, cast, crew, producers... we healed one another, we came together because one day someone just as crazy as us envisioned this absolutely mad world of kindness and inclusion and diversity and sheer joy and against all odds the moment we saw it we jumped on the ship without thinking twice. We made it possible for this show to get a second season, and more than anything, we built this wonderful world around it.
Stories are so much more than imagination, they're not just actors playing a role, there is a point where it stops being just a story and becomes a world on its own, and that world translates into our world, and when that magic happens, when that bridge is created, something so much bigger emerges that forever merges both worlds. It's magic and it's a blessing and I can't but be thankful for it.
My loves, I know you're sad right now. I know we all are struggling for one reason or another, we're all fighting our own battles, be it about physical or mental health, work, study, family, discrimination, or anything else. And OFMD has fought by our side and helped us win so many of those battles already. So when you're in middle of the darkness and can't imagine there could ever be light outside, remember this: we are all with you, right here, right now. Wherever you are, we are with you, and OFMD is with you. Because the things we love do never truly leave us.
We keep saying that OFMD changed us, right? That means that it's become a part of us.
OFMD is and will forever be a part of who you are—and in you, it will live on forever. Be grateful, be immensely grateful, for gratefulness is the vibration that heals the fabric of the Universe and makes miracle happens. Crew, we got something we could never have imagined to begin with!! We are so, so lucky to have had this blessing.
Take the time you need to heal, cry, let out all your pain. But then please be brave and choose kindness, just like OFMD has taught us to. Choose to raise your vibration to that of love and gentleness and dare to believe that life has wonderful things waiting for you. There is hope, there is light, there is magic in your future, a whole life just waiting for you to have the courage to take the next step.
What do you think the crew of the Revenge would have done if they had been told their ship was going to forever stop sailing? They would have thrown another Calypso's birthday party just to celebrate the chance they had to spend so much time there together, and they would have looked forward, found new reasons to be happy, and a new life. Open an inn, for instance!
They would not want us to cry, they would like us to smile and be happy because of the journey we've shared. Or at least, smile through our tears!
You are loved, you are important, your very existence is an absolute blessing to this world. Please never stop being your awesome, beautiful, magical self, because the world needs you exactly as you are- that is why you are here!
Cheer up Crew - we have been so immensely blessed. Can only be thankful 🙏💜🏴‍☠️🖤
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londonspirit · 11 months
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edscuntyeyeshadow · 8 months
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alex’s twitter likes are keeping me alive honestly
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ofmd-ann · 9 months
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Please Alexxxx
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ramsaybaggins · 11 months
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Oh no.
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