#Ali Pasha and Kyra Vassiliki
pedanther · 1 month
The Calendar of Monte Cristo: Chapter 77
1808: Marriage of Ali Pasha of Tepelena and Vassiliki Kontaxi. [H]
1817: Birth of Haydée, daughter of Ali Pasha and Kyra Vassiliki. [R]
24 January 1822: Death of Ali Pasha. [H]
1822: Vassiliki and Haydée are sold into slavery and transported to Constantinople. Vassiliki dies at the end of the journey; Haydée is bought and educated.
c.1830: Haydée is sold to Sultan Mahmud II. [R]
183?: Haydée is bought from Sultan Mahmud II by the Count of Monte Cristo.
July 1838: After visiting Danglars, Albert continues on to visit the Count of Monte Cristo. The Count introduces him to Haydée and has her tell him her life story, with a few key omissions.
Although Haydée herself is fictional, her parents were real historical figures. Ali Pasha died more or less as the novel describes, allowing for dramatic licence. Vassiliki was taken to Constantinople as a prisoner, and lived until 1834, by which time Greece had won its independence and she had been allowed to return home.
If Ali Pasha and Kyra Vassiliki had any children together, I haven’t found any mention of them. Ali had three sons already when they married, the youngest of whom would have been around 15 years older than Haydée. All three were executed shortly after their father.
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suetravelblog · 3 years
Benaki Museum of Greek Culture Athens Greece
Benaki Museum of Greek Culture Athens Greece
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gemsofgreece · 3 years
The exhibition ΕΠΑΝΑΣΥΣΤΑΣΗ '21 :ΗΠΕΙΡΟΣ (hard to translate as meaningfully in English) will be a short term exhibition in the Silversmithing Museum of Ioannina, Epirus for the celebration of 200 years of Greek Independence and it will feature treasures of huge national significance. Here are pictures of a few I found!
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Weapon belonging to Ali Pasha of Ioannina (1740 - 1822), a controversial yet powerful Ottoman Albanian ruler that technically was working on creating an independent state incorporating regions of West Greece and South Albania. While he was not friendly towards the Greeks, his activities helped weaken the Ottoman Empire which benefited the Greek ambitions for Independence.
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Purse belonging to Lady Vassiliki (1789 - 1834), Ali Pasha's last and seemingly favourite wife. It is believed she was influencing Ali Pasha in favor of the Greeks and was probably contacted confindentially by the secret organization for Greek liberation "Society of Friends".
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Flag raised by the Epirotes in the Greek War of Independence.
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*Looking at this almost makes me emotional* Vest belonging to Yannis Makriyannis (1797 - 1864), Greek military officer of the Greek War of Independence, later also a politician and great author of his memoirs from the Greek Revolution.
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*Heavy breathing* Chess belonging to Alexander Ypsilantis (1792 - 1828), the Greek prince of the Danubian Principalities, senior officer of the Imperial Russian Cavalry in the Napoleonic Wars and of course the leader of the Society of Friends, the secret organization that planned and coordinated the beginning of the Greek Revolution.
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*heart attack* Seal ring belonging to Theodoros Kolokotronis (1770 - 1843), the General and pre-eminent leader of the Greek War of Independence.
Source in Greek
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dariobrainandheart · 5 years
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Reposted from @thechilicool - ~ Me, looking to the infinite and beyond. ~ Ogni principessa sogna il suo castello, una finestra sull’infinito da cui vedere il mare e lasciare i pensieri liberi di spiegare le ali. Un viaggio è prima di tutto un percorso dentro se stessi, ed il mare è il più fedele degli alleati. Così, quando mi sono seduta qui, dall’alto del castello di Ali Pasha, tutto ha assunto i contorni di una diapositiva perfetta. L’Albania è stata per me una scoperta, fra palazzi, locali alla moda, un mare da cartolina e lui, il castello. Ogni luogo sembra uscito da un racconto diverso, ma il castello di Ali Pasha ha una storia degna del più romantico dei romanzi. Le leggende narrano infatti che Ali Pasha, temuto condottiero in lotta contro l’impero ottomano, abbia fatto costruire il castello per la sua amata Kyra Vassiliki, quale pegno del suo amore. Il consiglio che darei a chiunque voglia lasciarsi rapire dalla magia è questo: andateci verso sera, quando si avvicina l’ora del tramonto, sedetevi e lasciatevi rapire dalla magia. Durante il tramonto, è un luogo silenzioso, sospeso nel tempo, dove ogni favola può diventare reale. • • • Ph. @travel_lovers_balkans #suppliedby @travel.brain.and.heart @miriamchilante - #regrann (presso Porto Palermo Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlenEolebi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ie2yy6we6dhs
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dariobrainandheart · 5 years
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Reposted from @thechilicool - ~ Me, looking to the infinite and beyond. ~ Ogni principessa sogna il suo castello, una finestra sull’infinito da cui vedere il mare e lasciare i pensieri liberi di spiegare le ali. Un viaggio è prima di tutto un percorso dentro se stessi, ed il mare è il più fedele degli alleati. Così, quando mi sono seduta qui, dall’alto del castello di Ali Pasha, tutto ha assunto i contorni di una diapositiva perfetta. L’Albania è stata per me una scoperta, fra palazzi, locali alla moda, un mare da cartolina e lui, il castello. Ogni luogo sembra uscito da un racconto diverso, ma il castello di Ali Pasha ha una storia degna del più romantico dei romanzi. Le leggende narrano infatti che Ali Pasha, temuto condottiero in lotta contro l’impero ottomano, abbia fatto costruire il castello per la sua amata Kyra Vassiliki, quale pegno del suo amore. Il consiglio che darei a chiunque voglia lasciarsi rapire dalla magia è questo: andateci verso sera, quando si avvicina l’ora del tramonto, sedetevi e lasciatevi rapire dalla magia. Durante il tramonto, è un luogo silenzioso, sospeso nel tempo, dove ogni favola può diventare reale. • • • Ph. @travel_lovers_balkans #suppliedby @travel.brain.and.heart @miriamchilante - #regrann (presso Porto Palermo Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwldWQTnLVn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3ke2e6qhoay5
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