#Alibis & Paybacks
animalpayback · 1 year
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keldae · 8 months
C. A moment’s respite.
The Last Light Inn was a small bastion of safety in the shadow-cursed lands, the darkness held at bay by Isobel's magic. It was a welcome reprieve for the party of adventurers seeking to take down the Absolute and the cultists in Moonrise Towers – the fairy’s blessing had provided protection from the shadows, but it still was good to have a safe harbour to retreat to.
Having tucked herself away in a corner, Devi sat on a rickety chair, watching the tieflings, the Harpers, and her friends mingling about the inn’s common room. Every once in a while, she could hear Karlach's laughter as she conversed with Dammon, or a shout as Wyll cleaned some other hapless dice player out of their gold with a good-natured grin. Yet her gaze kept travelling back to the wizard in the next seat, sipping on a cup of wine and intently reading a scroll that he had found on one of the bookshelves in the inn. Gale appeared to be completely lost in thought, a little furrow lining his brow, his hand sometimes abandoning his wine cup on the table to stroke his beard as he considered something.
It made for a lovely picture, the wizard so lost in thought, focused on the words before him and not on his surroundings. A man reading really shouldn’t have been that interesting – and yet, Devi found herself transfixed. Something about the angle of his brows, or the set of his jaw, or the way his long fingers moved in the lamp light made her want to study him, committing him to memory.
Because Mystra ordered him to become a memory, a little voice in her head muttered. When we find the Absolute, he's going to follow her damned orders to blow himself up taking it out. That made her look away, gazing into her own wine, lips pressed together tightly as though she could avoid having them tremble, betraying her feelings on the matter. Damn the gods for throwing them all into this predicament, and damn Mystra in particular.
A nudge to her side got her attention. Her heart leapt when she saw Gale's smile at her; he'd apparently lost focus on the scroll. “I'm surprised you're not playing against Wyll again,” he commented with a chuckle.
Devi snorted. “And lose even more gold pieces to him? That bastard’s too damn good at dice.”
Gale smirked. “Have you forsaken your goal of winning the pants off of him in payback?”
“It's taking a temporary pause. But I will say, if his left boot goes missing tonight, I had nothing to do with it. I'll get one of the tiefling kids to give me an alibi.”
That got another chuckle from Gale. “Ah, the mark of a wise criminal. As I would not like to have my own boots stolen in payback, rest assured, I'll keep your secrets intact.”
“Smart man.” Devi grinned and sipped her wine, then gestured to the scroll with her cup. “Find anything interesting in that?”
“Not as much useful information for our predicament as I'd hoped for, but it’s still very fascinating reading.” Gale looked back down at the scroll. “Apparently, if we can make our way to the cellar of the inn, we may be able to find a Selûnite refuge, hidden away from the Sharran Justiciars. The former innkeeper, before the shadow-curse took over, was apparently sympathetic to the Selûnites.”
“Huh. Interesting.” Devi nodded thoughtfully. “Shadowheart might get a laugh out of it, at least. I’m just happy she and Isobel haven’t had a spat yet.”
“Yet being the operative word,” Gale muttered. “Still, Shadowheart does recognize that not all of us have the protection that Shar lent her, or the pixie’s blessing, and Isobel is invaluable for everyone’s safety. Regardless of their… disagreements on their goddesses, they’ll keep the peace for now.”
Devi nodded again, watching as Gale rolled the scroll back up. “Sorry if I’m distracting you from your reading,” the thief said. “I know you love your books.”
“Think nothing of it,” Gale chuckled. “You are quite pleasant company to have around, even if you are quite a bit quieter than usual tonight. A gold piece for your thoughts?”
“That’s the most anyone’s ever offered to hear what’s in my head,” Devi laughed. She looked over at the sound of dice clattering, and Wyll gracefully accepting a rare loss with a seated bow to a triumphant-looking tiefling, raucous laughter drifting over to the corner. “My mind’s all over the place tonight. I’m just…” Thinking about you and how unfair it is that Mystra’s ordered you to your death. No goddess deserves that level of devotion! Forgiveness isn’t worth that much. “I’m thinking about how good it is to see everyone relaxed and safe for the moment.”
“It is pleasant to see,” Gale agreed, looking away from Devi to survey the rest of the inn’s common room. “Would that we could see this more frequently, with everything happening to us. The tadpoles, the Absolute…” He shrugged. “But it could be argued that the rarity of these moments of respite make them that much more valuable, when we do get them. We more fully appreciate them.”
“I think I’d appreciate them fully, even if we got them more regularly,” Devi grumbled. She heard Gale chuckle, then looked back at the wizard. “So… found any more interesting reading?” Usually any books that she found while exploring were immediately handed to Gale or Shadowheart – Devi could read, but she struggled in making sense of the markings on the pages. She lacked Gale’s ability to easily comprehend the written words. Education was more valued for a wizard prodigy and not a back-alley Baldurian thief.
“Quite a bit,” Gale said with a smile. “I have a small library growing in my tent from the books that we’ve found on our travels. If you would like, I could read some of them to you.”
“Would you?” Devi perked up, interested by that prospect. “Any chance that book you mentioned about, uh, stimulation is in your library?”
Gale chuckled. “Alas, no – that particular book is in my tower in Waterdeep. However, I do have a few other tomes in my collection here that may be of interest to you.”
“Consider me intrigued,” Devi said with a grin. She finished off her wine, watching Gale set his own empty cup on the table. “Shall we go investigate?”
“Precisely where my thoughts were, my dear.” Gale grinned and stood up, offering her his arm like a proper gentleman. “We’ll leave the others to their revelry for now. Time spent with you is always a pleasurable experience.”
“Even when we’re both covered in blood and gods-know-what?” Devi laughed and took Gale’s arm, letting the wizard lead her out of the inn and back towards the party’s camp, set up on the lawn outside – all the rooms in the inn had been claimed by Harpers or tieflings.
“Even then.” Gale’s smile made Devi’s heart skip a beat. “Although a peaceful moment like this is always preferable.” “You won’t hear me arguing that.” Devi smiled, savouring the moments she could spend in Gale’s company, in relative peace and quiet. Gods help me, I will talk him out of sacrificing himself to destroy the Absolute. He deserves to live, and I want him to live. She offered up a silent prayer to any god that would listen (except Mystra) – let Gale live. Even if he never loves me the way I do him, let him live.
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dukedhillan · 8 months
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** CURIOSITY KILLS THE CAT ** ⟨ rahul kohli, he/him, 38 ⟩ We just saw ⟨ duke "payback" dhillan ⟩ entering ⟨ the red rose casino ⟩. I heard through the grapevine that their loyalties lie with ⟨ jabberwocks/law enforcement ⟩, and that they also go by ⟨ payback ⟩. Be careful, they work as a ⟨ lawyer/undercover detective ⟩ and are known to be ⟨ impulsive ⟩, ⟨ impatient ⟩, or ⟨ resentful ⟩. However they’re also known to be ⟨ innovative ⟩, ⟨ high-minded ⟩, and ⟨ quite suave ⟩. – ⟨ taylan, they/them, cet, no triggers ⟩
burned out lawyer. gifted child torn down by a system of foster care. burdened with a mass of medical bills and college debt. divorced, not over it. leather jacket and black hoodie admirer. knows how to handle his guns. son of an imprisoned jabberwocks money launderer and an imprisoned jabberwocks business associate. forced to step into his parents footsteps, but always wanted to. loyal to the jabberwocks. avoids the jolly rogers at all costs.
tw; terminal illness (cancer), loss of a child (child death), grief, emetophobia
"How's your son?" The nurses' eyes dart around in confusion before they finally settle on Duke, and he looks just as confused. His confusion isn't rooted in this mix-up, though. -- It's quite obvious he's not hers. Visible in his soft, brown eyes, is a kind of hurt women like her could never cause, anchored deep in his core, meant to be covered by helpless smiles, because that's all he has now. Duke is not young enough to be completely unaware - ten, to be exact - but also not old enough to fully grasp what's happening with his life. Where are my parents. Where's my Mommy. (Jailed up. Not getting out of prison anytime soon.) The foster system isn't kind to Duke, but it's also not at it's worst. At least, that's what he keeps telling himself as he gets put into new foster homes from time to time, just to never stick anywhere. There is no home. There is no family. His family is gone, and what he remembers of them is brief -- which also means there's nothing holding him back when he graduates and gets accepted into Oxford Law. It's not a dream. It's a threatening, constant voice in his ears that calls gethemback getthemout. He doesn't get them out, and he also doesn't get them back. His parents are just gone, dark shadows on his shoulders, one on the left and one on the right, just waiting for him to break, to fail, to be weak. He never is. Until. "How's your son?", asks his wife a family friend on their wedding day. He's 25 - a fresh Law School graduate, with honors that make his shoulders heavy. (Because what else is there, except studying? Meddling in your own thoughts? Depression?) Duke has become a working animal -- it's when he cuts himself on a shard during a party, just for a nursing major to come and fix him up, when he is weak. (Or rather, vulnerable. But where even is the difference?) Her family is massive. Loving. Sweet. She is everything his isn't (because if a family isn't there, it cannot be anything at all). That's not what gets him, though. She's just there, and she's perfect -- the proposal happens after four years, the wedding after five, and finally, there is something. Someone that's not just an idea. "How's your son?", asks his colleague a few days after he's born, and the grin on Duke's lips barely seems to leave until four years later, when his wife calls him from her workplace (which she's only ever did once, when her mother got into the accident that put her into a wheelchair). By now, he's a trained agent, and the things he's seen are bad. But they've never left him the way this one phone call did - the realization sinks in when he's crying in the bathroom, gagging cause there's nothing left to throw up anymore. Leukemia. Chemo sessions are hard. Harry's too young to understand how sick he is, and Maeve is done with Duke by the time he is undercover for two years, and drowns himself in his work, avoiding drowning himself in his feelings. The divorce papers are on their kitchen table when he gets home late one night, and he signs them two weeks later, right after Harry turns six. We don't tell him, is the promise. And they never do. "How's your son?" Empty. There's nothing left to give, and nothing left to say. The words don't leave his lips, not yet - four years of fighting and disaster and desperate prayers, just for his ex-wife to wake up with him dead in her arms. Duke gives a gentle shake of his head. He will tear down the Jabberwocks in a merciless payback, he will see their king dead.
BAD AT LOVE (0/1) -- Ever since his divorce, it's been easier to keep things simple. It's been one night stands, brief flings, brief flings ending in ghosting. This one stuck around, though. TWIN FLAME? (0/1) -- Someone he met in foster care. Either at a foster home, or in an orphanage. Not siblings by blood, but siblings by choice. EX-WIFE (0/1) -- Has been called Maeve (down for changes), around his age. Nurse/Former Nurse. Met at a college party. Had a shared son named Harry, who got diagnosed with Leukemia at four, passed away at eight. Would be nine/ten now (as of 2024). They divorced when their son was six. SOMEONE CALL A DOCTOR (0/?) -- Medical people he met either during his son's treatments, or through his ex-wife. OH, SO YOU DO HATE ME? (0/1) -- Your relationship has been weirdly tension-filled from the start. It's the good, the bad and the ugly, but mostly the ugly; attempts of tearing each other down in a way that even you can't quite comprehend. There's no rules. Or is there?
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
TODAY in: Comic character fans I am feeling sorry for! Jason Todd, actually.
Damn, boy. I know I made a post about how dramatic and funny it was that Jason, a grown man, dramatically ripped his shirt off to reveal he was wearing an adult-sized version of his Robin suit to fight a high schooler. Like. The visual of that was really, really funny.
But holy shit. What in the world was that.
I’m wondering when I will get to meet Jason without him being kicked around by a fellow Robin?? Dick and his meeting in the Outsiders run went the same. And now Tim and Dick came and beat Jason up. Just. Unprompted. There was a crime so we suspect him. He has an alibi. He still gets kicked in the balls by Tim before the two leave (and okay, to be fair to Tim, that had been payback for the above mentioned dramatics and following beating).
Do... Do writers just really-really hate him? Is that it? Where does the Jason who gets... I don’t know... a personality?... live? First time I met him was in his Urban Legends story and that was so nice on his characterization. And now I’m meeting his past and all I can think “holy shit everybody thinks he’s The Violent Robin... so they start beating him up even totally unprovoked? Makes... Makes you guys kinda look like The Violent Robin, tbh???”, so yeah...
My condolences to Jason Todd fans. Y’all really lived through the early 2000s somehow, huh.
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very-sleepy-head · 2 years
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Gallavich Kinktober day 2: “Oh honey, you know, you really shouldn’t tease me” @gallavichthings
Tease me, baby on A03
Summary: Mickey being a tease and Ian fucks it out of him
Tags: Teasing, Top Ian / bottom Mickey , anal sex, light BDSM undertones
Basically 1,466 words of porn with feelings
It began when they woke up in the morning.
Mickey rubbed his ass against Ian's hard on, lightly but just enough to wake him.
Ian loves morning sex, Ian loves his husband, Ian loves morning sex with his husband.
But as soon as he started kissing Mickey's neck and reached to remove his boxers, Mickey got up and our of Ian's reach.
It was nothing bad, just harmless things, like texting him dirty words while they were talking to other people, moaning as he took a bite of his burger during lunch, rubbing Ian's thigh as he was driving.
But Ian wasn't willing to give him any reaction.
So went they went to the Alibi with friends that night, Mickey decided to up his game.
He went to grab himself another beer and when he returned he sat in Ian's lap. He noticed Ian's hand tightened around his beer bottle.
“Are you trying to chock that beer?” he taunted. Ian took a deep breath and kept engaging in the conversation around the table.
Mickey moved in his lap, knowing it's going to distract the red head.
No reaction.
Fine. Mickey will wait.
Only after a minute he can feel his hot husband's breath on his skin, followed by "Mickey..."
He ignored him.
Payback is a bitch.
“Look, whatever you're doing. I suggest you stop.” Ian whispered into his husband's ear.
Mickey debated saying 'Make me’. but decided against it. He wants to make it home. He has to play it smart.
"Don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Gallagher." he replied loudly. Ian sighed.
"One more beer and we're going home, Mick." He said sternly.
"Three more and we'll go." Mickey argued with a smile.
He could see Ian was close to his breaking point, "One more beer and we're going."
“Can’t wait to get in my pants, can you?” He asked teasingly, as he kissed behind his ear.
Ian unlocked the door and Mickey smirked as he shut the door behind him, entering the apartment.
He was so going to get punished for this, and it's exactly what he wanted.
Mickey kept an innocent expression on his face, knowing it would only rile Ian up. He watched Ian take his coat and shoes off, not even looking in his direction.
"What a boring night, huh?" Mickey said, pretending like his husband's cool behavior went unnoticed. He took his coat off and hung it.
Ian said nothing. He turned to look at his husband as he unbuttoned his shirt. Oh yeah. "Are you tired, red?" Mickey asked.
Ian maintained eye contact as he came closer, "You're such a cock tease." He glanced over Mickey's naked chest and pinched his nipple.
Mickey needed some control back.
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, Gallagher. "
"Oh honey, you know, you really shouldn't tease me."
“Or what, tough guy?” Mickey was digging his own grave. This could go one of two ways.
“Or, I’m gonna tease back.” He will pay for this teasing, that's for sure.
Game. Fucking. On.
"Whatever you say, big guy."
"Bedroom. Now."
Mickey reached for Ian's neck and pulled him into a kiss. "You gonna put me in my place?"
"Do as you're told." he warned and kissed him briefly. But he didn't give him the chance to follow instruction, Ian stooped down and picked him up, threw Mickey over his shoulder and slapped his ass.
Fucking hell, he loved it when Ian got like this.
As soon as they reach their bedroom, Ian pushes Mickey on the bed and kisses him roughly. He groans at Mickey’s whimpers, mickey's hands desperately pushing down his jeans and boxers.
Ian stood, “Does my baby need my cock?”
Ian opened his jeans but didn't bother taking them off. Mickey couldn’t help but moan when he saw Ian’s hand moving under his boxers. Mickey wanted to see it.
The contrast of Mickey being completely naked on the bed while Ian was standing above of him, fully clothed, turned Mickey on.
“Beg for it, baby” he smirked down at Mickey.
“Please, Ian. Please fuck me"
"I will. Eventually." Ian dropped his jeans, "Come here."
Fully naked, Mickey kneeled by Ian's feet. "Done with the attitude for tonight or do I need to punish you?"
"I'm done! I'm done! Can I...?"
Ian took his boxers off and began stroking his cock. Mickey could feel his own cock leaking all over his stomach, but he wasn't going to risk annoying Ian.
Ian has such a gorgeous cock.
"After teasing it all day, now you want a taste?"
"Yes, come on..."
"Mmmm... too bad."
"You had me on edge all day... Got me hard under your ass at the bar... Do you enjoy knowing what you do to me, baby?"
"Yes," he panted.
He was desperate to taste the giant dick in front of him.
"You love me mouth? You love how well I suck you, right? Red, let me make you feel good!" He had to play dirty.
Ian groaned, "Love your filthy mouth. Show me how much you want me." He stop stroking himself and leaned forward, pre-cum smeared on Mickey's bottom lip.
More. He needs more.
Mickey took him into his mouth, giving his partner a show, not using his hands. Licking and sucking just how Ian loved it.
"So good, Mick," Ian couldn't help but moan when Mickey moved lower and took his balls into his mouth. "Holy fuck!"
He took in the sight in front of him and noticed how painfully hard Mickey's dick looked. He pulled away from his mouth. "Get on the bed, Mickey. On your back."
Mickey tried getting up, his legs shaking. "Does my baby need a little help?" Ian helped him get on the bed and reached for the lube.
"Do you need me to finger you first, huh?" He slicked up his fingers, "Get that tight little ass ready for me?” He pushed one finger in.
“No. Now. Now. Want you now-”
"I think you're confused, baby." He added another, "I decide when. And you're just going to accept whatever I give you." Ian kept fingering him lazily.
Mickey moaned, "E!" Without missing a beat, he withdraws his fingers
"Think you're ready for me, sweetheart?" his degrading tone doesn’t skim over Mickey's head, but he can't do anything besides nod feverishly, "Hmm, what was that?"
Fuck. Use your words, Mickey. You know he's not going to do anything until you say something.
Ian took Mickey's hand and placed it on his cock, “Is this what you wanted?” He asked in a low voice.
When Mickey didn’t answer, Ian slowly stroked himself with Mickey's hand. His gaze fixed on the hard cock.
“Still with me?” the taller asked with a smile. Mickey eyes snap to look at his face, nodding.
"Ian, please. Fuck me." Mickey groans, "Ian..."
Ian shivers at Mickey’s desperate whine, "You're so beautiful, Mickey. I love when you beg for me."
He grab the lube and poured some on his cock, "Are you ready?"
"Yes, please," Mickey was almost scared he was going to cum as soon as Ian was inside him.
Ian held himself above his lover and adjusted himself at his entrance.
Ian pushed in until he was balls deep and Mickey arched his back off the mattress.
Nothing else was on his mind, just pure pleasure. With Ian inside of him he felt whole.
Ian felt fingernails dig into his biceps, Mickey needed him closer, he kissed his neck "Gonna cum?"
The muscles around him tighten, "Let go, Baby, I got you," he encouraged his man.
As soon as he heard it, Mickey let his orgasm take over. Ian kept nailing his prostate and his whole body jerked.
The overstimulation made Mickey whine, "Cum in me! Ian! wanna feel you!" and then he felt the man on top of him tense. Not a moment later Ian's cum filled him.
Ian still held himself from collapsing on top of Mickey, could hardly move, but he was pulled down quickly.
It felt so good to be pressed into the mattress by his husband.
Ian was kissing his neck and he was petting his husband’s hair slowly.
After their breath evened out, Ian rolled on his side and laid next to Mickey.
“How’re you feeling?” Ian asked.
"Good. So fucking good."
Ian tilted his head to kiss him, cupping the back of his neck and kissing him slow and sweetly, soaking in the feeling. Mickey pulled back and he mumbled “I love you…”
“I love you too,” he said, pulling him close.
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forbiddcnsirvn · 2 years
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She has retaliated against those talons that had molded her, and it brought nothing but absolute peril to the one she was supposed to protect. 
When she’s all nestled with those half-pints she has, somehow, managed to deliver so closely, she now lets thoughts shrill like a twist of waterfall and thinks it’s time she just let it go. Tranquility isn’t necessarily its prominent alibi, for one molded with bristling sinews knows that chaos is forever meant to pursue the desolated boulevard without ease and without an end, but it’s less troublesome to not chase the rims of the claw marks any longer. It was a process so to speak, as riot used to impulsively bathe her bones, and if it were not for a certain one’s strained reprimanding there would have been a manhunt perched in every corner. It’s easy as flicking her wrist to set up a payback — but what good does it do when all she can see is its root continuing to furcate, because it’s just what Lieseil does, like fucking mold or stains on unhinged doors, and she knows now that her waste of energy will eventually end up being her downfall?
The marionette has severed off its strings, and that’s all that should matter.
She knows more than she lets on and it perhaps makes sense that it’s enough to keep her undaunted. If there’s one string of rumors which she can affirm is the hushes about her lacking empathy — she could witness the world throttle in ashes and she wouldn’t bat an eye towards anyone other than those who she feels are crucial to her. She can name a few, glides them off the brim of her tongue like it’s always been made to hoist the same monikers over and over again — and she doesn’t give a single damn for anything else. In short, she knows secrets and she knows these leering ghosts carry them but it’s none of her business. Live a life confined in the cubicle she had been born in and you’ll be able to say you have observed, chugged more unnerving fragments in life than a bunch of passersby ambling around sporting masks.
Lieseil would sputter off decadences like they are all she is and all she will ever be — a deceiver, one who gnawed off the hand that fed her, a betrayer, and while some of those don’t venture away from the truth, she has never perceived what she had done as a betrayal as much as a wake-up call. Reborn entirely anew, freed of the cages, her loyalty is never meant to be lacerated unless there’s a good reason for it and those ancient chokeholds surely had bestowed an immense one. Soaked in deceit, she has never looked back ever since and has now instead sloshes around her current faction — more familial than anything she could have possibly tasted prior and laden with signs of affection and protection. She isn’t for any of those things, doesn’t think her body was sculpted to welcome warmth — but it works, somehow. There has not even been an ounce of urgency to turn any other way, and she’s content with it, she thinks she has discovered her place with these people — curt and standoffish as she often presents herself to be.
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lehufflepug · 4 years
Ah-HA I KNEW IT. You fudgin' SNEAK WEASEL THROWING OFF THE TRAIL. I had it right the first time!
Okay with my newfound confirmation I can't not post the original version of that last bit:
To that one anon... Since I have at least three solid mutuals on here yes I shall take the "don't tell anyone" bit too seriously, cause if it's who I think it is you know what a dramatic fudg I can be.
That said.. 1. But dearest, what about the place cards? 2. I'm certain at least two people would have to be involved for legal purposes. Like we'd need both help and a serious alibi, assuming all goes according to plan. But if you got the swords I'll bring the rest and it should be fairly straightforward from there. (Plus we'll have bail at the ready cause you never know, and I know a handful of folks who could help at that point.)
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bollur · 3 years
Relationship headcanons for Vox Machina pretty please?
a/n: this is so long but i don't wanna apologize for it actually because it's so sweet and i loved doing this.
you're literally two left shoes
people are surprised to find out that Vex is his sibling and not you
the shit-talking among you two is so thick that outsiders think you hate each other
sometimes the party are still unsure if you guys are being serious, then you both burst into laughter
sometimes you end up waking up piled on top of each other like a couple of kittens
always dragging each other into one anothers shit
you do everything together
recon mission? you don't even ask – you just get your shit ready
got caught and need an alibi? your 'husband' is coming to save your ass
giving the party double the heart attacks because of the life threatening shit you do? he wouldn't have you any other way
it's funny watching you train together because it's always just you trying to avoid him while screaming bloody murder because he's 100% capable of kicking your ass and doesn't hold back
you swear its payback for the fact your burns are better than his
and you may or may not have participated in a couple rounds of ball tag that you weren't invited too
you found out it counts as five points if you knee someone in the balls and you haven't let go of that since
you never fail to tell each other how lucky you are to have one another
you couldn't imagine life without the other
she's the right shoe to your left
honestly the anchor to your whole ass wreck of a ship
does not hesitate to scold you furiously when you do something to put yourself in danger, even if it was her brothers idea
you know better than to do it – or at least you should
has held you in tears before because she wasn't sure if she was happy you survived or so moved by the fact you would risk her life for her brother
she told you one time she was going to make you scream louder than Vax ever could
you had been extremely confused
you were torn between flushing, crying, screaming and vomiting out of nervousness from that one statement alone and the million things you tried to decipher it meaning from the unreadable expression on her face
that's when she joined in on you and him training, you realized quickly what she meant, and you were sure all of Exandria could hear you that day
if Vax was 100% capable of kicking your ass, then Vex was 200%
she was determined to make you more capable of handling yourself
sure you could literally fireball someone ass off the face of this earth leaving only a scorch mark in remembrance of their existence
but that did you no good in close combat and if you died she'd personally killed whoever did it, bring you back and then kill you again for leaving her
you were the sister she never knew she wanted but was beyond thrilled to have
even if your studies were expensive as fuck
she's cried over paying for them before but you've kept them alive in sticky situations so many times she knew it was deserved
it took a lot of work to get your relationship with him to where it is now
for him to admit he doesn't feel at least a smidge of jealousy at how pure your relationship with everyone else is would be a lie – he wants that
not that he'll ever tell you
when you smile at him like he's the only person in the world, he would die for you
you like to come and watch him tinker with things and it's the most comfortable silence he's ever found himself in
sometimes he finds himself showing you how to do a few things
he loves watching you practice new spells even if you don't always notice he's there
looks forward to the nightly wine sessions that somehow became a thing from weekly but you'll never hear him complaining
loves that he can have conversations with you over refined subjects sometimes
if you have no idea what he's talking about on something, you listen to it with actual interest
he may or may not constantly think about the fact you told him one night that you love how cute it is when he gets passionate talking about his interests
also absolutely does not think about the night you were completely trashed over trying to keep up drinking with grog and told him he was the prettiest snowflake you'd ever seen and had the audacity to 'boop his snoot'
nope never
you give this man like 7 silent heart attacks a week with the shit you get into
he's threatened to wrap you in bubble wrap before
it's just his reserved way of telling you that he wants to keep you safe and he absolutely adores the smile that crosses your face every time he makes a salty remark about your recklessness
there's not a single soul in this world you wouldn't absolutely demolish for her
honestly the same goes for you
you're family to this little gnome and she values that more than anything
just like scanlan you give her head pats whenever you can
there's so much reading of tusk love together that sometimes the party gets concerned when one of them hears the words coming from your mouth with in her room
one time you both lied and told them you were aiming to become a famous smut story writer and Pike was your critique
but then cackled and assured them it was just the two of you enjoying some tusk love
honestly no one was sure which one was better
always teases you when she has to heal you up after the multiple sparring sessions you go through on a weekly basis
sometimes you and her like to lie your way into fancy parties just for an excuse to dress up like ladies and get free 'fancy shots'
you just need an excuse to dress up like a princess and she loves seeing you happy for something so silly
which when she found out how easy it was because you actually had quiet the reputable family name to use in your advantage for these occasions
she was 100% into all the way
the two of you were always down to fuck shit up
to be honest the first few couple time the party had been in the thick of it this man thought you were absolutely useless
but then he thought maybe you were a lot like Keyleth – not fond of violence and insecure about yourself
but then this dude, during one particularly bad encounter, watched you stand up, eyes glowing, raise your hands to the sky and fucking balls of fire came raining down upon your enemies
he wasn't sure if he had been aroused or terrified but it was probably both
it was definitely both and after that he respected you a lot
you'd never be his Pike because you were taller and obviously not Pike, but he adored you
this man bugged you for 4 days straight to practice burning hands on him after he heard you telling Percival all about it
you spent 5 hours explaining to him how and why that was a horrible idea and you might actually vomit if you ended up hurting him and he got severely offended and didn't talk to you for awhile
somehow you ended up with him several feet in front of you and pike slightly behind you and obviously everyone else behind you because who was gonna miss this
what you really thought would end up with him never asking for you to do it again ended up with him wanting to spar with you all the time which, was worse than doing it with Vex or Vax, you quickly found out
you have been teaching him how to paint to the surprise of the group
he was actually really interested in it and ended up painting a beautiful picture of him hacking someone in half in one swipe
you didn't hesitate to frame it and have it put up on the wall
in return he teaches you how to handle you ale, something you're still failing at miserably
your relationship with this gnome was a special one
on the outside it looked like it was all harmless flirts, jokes, and shit-talking
but you two confided in one another for a lot and it was more than just what you thought of his latest musical work
it was actually very therapeutic to find yourself in his room at 3am both of you throwing your hands around, talking about nothing and everything
there had been several times you had to be told to shut up because you got a little too loud while everyone was sleeping
you couldn't ask for a better and more understanding person than this small king
even if he tried to convince you into a three-some every friday night
you'd always ruin it by telling him you didn't feel like dealing with chlamydiae, making his paid date either horribly offended or disgusted and leaving
you'd think eventually he'd stop
nah – he's convinced you'll come to your senses eventually
you pat him on the head every time you walk by him or get a chance
there's an unspoken bond between two people who reach for things without even having to be asked and that is your bond
you've totally sang with him before
of course you were incredibly drunk and ended up puking on a bunch of people and getting yourselves thrown out of the pub
he rated it a 10/10 and would be damned if it didn't happen again because watching you have that much fun was what he lived for
there was nothing in this world you wouldn't do to protect Keyleth
she was your soft friend
you loved disappearing with her for hours on end to just enjoy the world around you
she would tell you all kinds of things about plants and animals and you there was nothing more you wanted to do than sit and listen to her
she taught you how to make flower crowns
after that the two of you always had one on tbh
you better believe she always brought it back to life if it started to wither because she was going to cherish it until the day she dies
sometimes she came to listen to you and Pike read tusk love
you all kept that a secret for the sake of her shy heart
this chick loved having conversations with your fluffy familiar and tbh it spent more time around her than it did you
not that youd ever admit being sad about that because it would make her sad
a sad Kiki mad you a mad magic user
she was the reason it started getting easier to become a morning person except on the mornings you drank hard
sometimes youd wake up to find out you had passed out in her room if no one had escorted you to yours
she didn't mind – you'd just crawl up onto her bed and you'd sleep like puppies until it was all better
586 notes · View notes
code names and call signs | chapter 1. incidental introductions | hangman x reader
jake "hangman" seresin x reader
word count: 4.9K warnings: violence, blood, injury to reader, injury to others, strong language, hangman tries and fails to flirt
cn&cs!masterlist | AO3
(If you follow me for my hetalia fanfic on my other blog and you're seeing this, I swear to god, 'It Will Come Back' chapter 11 is on its way, mind ur business.)
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chapter 1. incidental introductions ----------- Incidental: something that happens as a minor part or result of something else: something that is incidental — usually plural
When you get to San Diego in the morning, you don't waste any time. With your mission files and a perfectly plain-looking sedan given to you by your team, you take to one of your favourite pastimes, people watching. 
Most of your subjects head right for their quarters on base. You watch for Lieutenant Reuben Fitch, a.k.a  Payback, who arrives at his quarters with his WSO, Lieutenant Mickey "Fanboy” Garcia. They chat for a bit inside before heading out to grab some stuff. You decide not to follow them on their grocery run. Next to arrive is Lieutenant Natasha Trace, otherwise known as Phoenix, who quickly meets up with Fanboy and Payback. 
Most of the other recruits named in your mission files aren’t due to arrive for another couple of hours, so you take to keeping tabs on the ones that have as the head off base. After checking in with command, Phoenix, Fanboy, and Payback head towards the Hard Deck, a common watering hole frequented by navy officers, says the brief about the bar included in your notes. 
You follow the trio a respectable two cars behind, and your subjects have no idea they’ve caught a tail. However, the unmarked car tailing you isn’t so lucky. As you turn away down a road, abandoning the three people you’ve been following, you look into your rear view mirror to watch the grey SUV take its 3rd turn after you. You shake your head. 
“And here, I expected better,” you sigh. 
You recognize the men following you as low-level baddies from your last assignment. You’re surprised they were so determined that they followed you back state-side but knew they wouldn’t take long to lose. 
Tightening your grip on the steering wheel, you step on the gas, your new friends following after you. You take sharp, sudden turns, doubling back on yourself, and driving through parking garages. You thank your past self for studying a map of the area on your flight over here because your pursuers can’t seem to keep up. Soon enough, you’ve lost them entirely, turning down a narrow alley on the opposite end of the beach, far from the bar you’re headed to. 
You take an alcohol wipe from your bag and wipe your fingerprints from the controls, steering wheel and other touch points. You ditch the clothes that you’re wearing, throwing them into the back of the car and changing into different ones. 
Then, you grab a bottle of lighter fluid and spray it all over the inside of the car, then take a cigarette from your shirt pocket and light it. Placing the cigarette so it hangs off the side of an ashtray, overtop the lighter fluid, you make a timed incendiary device. When the cigarette burns down, it will tonight the lighter fluid under it, setting the car on fire. 
Rudimentary, but great for lighting a car on fire and giving yourself an alibi.  
You exit the car, slamming the door and locking it but leaving the windows open a crack so the fire doesn’t suffocate before it had the chance to spread to the rest of the car.
You text a number on your phone. 
 The sun beats down on you as you walk down the alleyway and out onto the sidewalk. You keep your head down and walk towards the beach. You plan to walk along the water towards The Hard Deck, hoping that you’ll avoid being spotted by your tail. You reach the sands of the beach and reach down to pull off your sandals before walking down the beach. The sand is soft under your feet, and the salty breeze rustles your hair and clothes. The sun is starting to set over the pacific and it's peaceful. 
When you arrive at The Hard Deck, you see another face from your files. Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchel is standing on the beach, peering in through a window. You approach behind him, and he doesn’t notice you. Maverick is watching Rooster on the piano with a look that is obviously nostalgia mixed with sadness. 
A footnote in your file on the two men said that Maverick was the one that pulled his navy application. It seems they still haven’t smoothed that over. 
“Excuse me,” you say softly to him, pulling Maverick out of his thoughts. He mutters an apology, not really noticing you, and walks away. You slip inside the door and are faced with a rowdy establishment. Rooster continues playing his heart out on the piano, he and the rest of the bar shouting the words to “Great Balls of Fire” with no clue as to the moment that’s taking place outside. The patrons are dancing, some tipsier than others, and the floor vibrates under your feet. 
Everyone assumes that CIA officers are elaborate, suave, and charming when undercover, like James Bond, but really, picking a cover is influenced by what the agent needs out of it. Sometimes, a flashy memorable character is perfect for infiltration and distraction. But right now, you need to be forgettable. 
Your clothes make you look like any tourist. You’re wearing light wash denim and a muted linen shirt. A basic black purse hangs off your shoulder, filled with just enough pocket trash to make it seem like a real person used it. In reality, every card, id, or receipt in it is fake.  The only proof that you exist is the fact that you’re standing there. 
You walk up to the bar, shooting a timid smile to the bartender. She comes over and introduces herself, even though it’s not necessary. You already know who she is. In return, you offer her one of your many fake first names. 
“And what can I get you?” 
“Just a vodka soda.” 
It’s not your favourite drink but you can’t stand the taste of beer and you didn’t come here for drinks. Penny nods and steps away to make your drink, and you scan the bar. All of the TopGun pilots selected for the mission are here. Most are gathered around Rooster at the piano, singing along with him. Some are still left behind at the pool table. As your eyes pass over them, you notice that one pilot, who you recognize from the blond hair and broad shoulders to be Lieutenant Jake Seresin, is staring at you. You don’t let your eyes meet him, hoping that he’ll ignore you, and turn back around.
Penny sets down your drink, throwing another subtle nod at Penny before you head to a table tucked away in the corner, empty and with a perfect view of the whole bar. No one should bother you there. You weave through the crowd and pull yourself onto the stool. You continue to watch the pilots make their way through the bar. You take note of how they interact together between pretending to scroll on your phone. 
You watch Hangman and his friend, Lieutenant Javy "Coyote" Machado talking closely together. They smirk, and look from each other to you and then back, before talking more. Then, Hangman slaps his friend on the shoulder and starts walking. 
So much for going unnoticed by anyone. It seems that Hangman’s ability to pick out women in a crowded bar outperforms your stealth. 
He walks over to you, with that stupid smirk stretched across his stupidly attractive face and you grit your teeth, still pretending to be lost in your phone. You hear his footsteps on the wood floors and the pressure of his presence entering your space.
“No,” you say, looking up. Hangman is staring down at you. His eyes are a shade of light green and they are filled with smug charm.
“I haven’t even said anything yet.”
“That’s because there isn’t anything you could say that I haven’t heard before.”
He still looms over you, his fingers softly tapping on the table in front of you. “Are you a mind reader?”
You scoff. “I might as well be.”
He raises an eyebrow so you indulge him. 
“First you were going to introduce yourself, say that you’re a soldier in the military and that you saw me from across the room, thought I was beautiful and wanted to say hello. Then you’d offer to buy me a drink, try to flirt with me, I’d politely say I wasn’t interested, you would keep trying, and we’d go around in circles until the bartender kicks us out.” 
Hangman smiles even wider, laughing. “Well, you’re wrong about one thing.” 
“And what’s that?”
“I’m not a soldier in the military, I’m a pilot in the navy.” 
You knew that, but you just roll your eyes and let him think that you and a team of CIA operatives haven’t been monitoring every move these guys have been making since they were put on the list to be brought here. 
Hangman continues talking. “What would’ve happened after?” 
“What would’ve happened after Penny kicked us out of the bar?” He leans closer, his eyes darkening ever so slightly. 
Now it was your turn to laugh. “No.”
He raises an eyebrow. “No?”
“You’re not actually interested.” 
“You’re so sure?”
“I am, because I know guys like you. I’m new. I’m a shiny mystery on legs that you can chase. The only reason you are over here is because your friend at the back-“ you give a wave to Coyote who’s doing a terrible job of acting like he hasn’t been watching the two of you like a hawk. “-has bet that you couldn’t be able to get me into your bed. But the fact of the matter is, you couldn’t handle me,” you finish, taking a long sip of your vodka soda. 
Hangman smiles, his eyes flickering down your face and then back up. “The least you could do is tell me your name,” he says softly. 
You lean in so close that he can feel your heat. “Not tonight, blondie.” 
You lean back into your chair, taking another sweep of the bar, and freeze when you see who’s walked through the front door.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Hangman is confused at your sudden change in demeanour. 
“What? What’s going on.”
The three men that were following you earlier in the day were back. As you try to see if you can hide somewhere, you make eye contact with the three men from across the bar. They’ve spotted you, so there's nothing you can do.  “It seems that you’re not the only man that’s come to bother me tonight.”
You look around at what you have at your immediate disposal. You’re right by the jukebox, Rooster’s just finished his impromptu performance. Perfect. 
“If you’ll excuse me Lieutenant Seresin, I need to take care of this.” You give him a wink and push yourself off your chair. 
“Wait a minute, I didn’t tell you my-“
You reach down and plug the machine back in and slide in a quarter. You punch in a number as your new friends make their way through the crowd. The familiar first bars of an AC/DC song play and you crank the volume all the way up. 
The music blares through the small bar, startling everyone but you. The blood roars in your ears like an angry crown during a cage fight, your heart pounds like the stomping of feet on a stadium floor. This is it for you. You were made for this. 
“Let’s do this,” you mutter to yourself. “Remember your training. Be fluid, be fluid.” 
You walk through the crowd, meeting your adversary head-on.
“Hey buddy, how’s it going.” You smile, and before he can get over his confusion as to why you’ve decided not to run out the back, it’s too late. Grabbing the beer bottle out of some poor cadet’s hand, you swing hard and smash it over his head. The force of the blow throws him into the bar and then crashing onto the floor. 
The second guy doesn’t stand much of a chance either. He pulls out a serrated hunting knife and points it at you. You roll your eyes. 
“Why don’t you put that away before you hurt yourself.”
He yells as takes a couple of stabs at you. You dodge the first and block the second but can’t stop his head from smashing into you. His forehead connects to your nose with a sicking crack and you stumble and shake the stars from your vision. You throw a punch in the side of his head and send a swift kick to his knee, causing him to cry out. 
“Fuck you,” He growls before lunging at you, trying to stab you again. You grab a wood bar stool to your left and raise it. The blade plunges through the seat and gets stuck in it.
“Fuck me?” You say, before spinning around and slamming the stool into his body, breaking the chair apart and sending him flying. “Fuck you!” You spit out, warm blood dripping down your face. 
A sudden force makes impact with your body. You yell out and are shoved into the pool table, tumbling over it and knocking someone over. 
“Sorry,” you grit out to Payback, pushing yourself off of him.
“Do you need help?” Asks one of the other pilots. They look shocked.
“No thanks, I’m just finishing up.” You say before you jump back over the pool table.
The last man left standing laughs and you sneer. 
“Alright sweetheart, let’s see what you're made of,” He taunts you.
You smirk. “Believe me Handsome, you won’t make it that long.”
You reach back to the pool table behind you and grab the cue ball from its place on the green velvet and catch the eyes of a shocked-looking man with glasses. Bob.
“I need to borrow this,” you say, smiling. Bob nods, more out of fear than an understanding of what you're saying. Probably because, with all the blood that must be covering your teeth, your smile looks like something out of a horror movie. 
Then, as quick as lightning, you hurl the cue ball at your opponent. The heavy white ball collides with his face with a loud ‘crack!’ and he falls back unconscious.
The other two men are still unconscious on the ground as well, which means that you get just a second to process everything. The bar is silent. Someone, Rooster actually, turns down the volume on the Jukebox so that the ending guitar of ‘Back in Black’ continues at an appropriate volume. You hear the soft clink of glasses and your own breath in the air. Everyone in the bar is either looking at you or the massive damages you’ve caused. 
“Well, shit,” you whisper between breaths before you shrug and start walking back to the table you were at. Hangman is still standing where you left him, his mouth hanging open in excited surprise. 
“Who are-“
“Don’t bother asking,” you say, reaching for the drink you left at the table. “Because I won’t tell you the truth.”
You lift the glass to your lips while making eye contact with him. You gulp down the cocktail, the taste of vodka mixing with the taste of the blood that’s dripped onto your lips. You grimace, half from the burn in your throat and from your nose bridge where you were head-butted. You set the glass down on a coaster and nod to Hangman. Then, without a word, you grab your purse and turn away.
You weave through the chaos that your fight left behind and step up to the bar. The brunette bartender, Penny, doesn’t look happy. She looks quite horrified, her mouth is wide open in shock and she looks at you. 
You try to give her a smile, which from the view of her and all the onlookers doesn't look too friendly. You can feel the blood gushing from your nose and dripping from your chin onto the bar. 
Yeah, you don't think your bloody smile will smooth this over. You reach into your bag for your wallet and place a large wad of cash onto the bar.
“For my tab, and everyone’s next round.” 
Penny is shocked, mouth still open as she takes the money, nodding slightly. As you turn to leave, you say, “And some people will come around tomorrow morning to repair the damages I’ve caused, don't worry about paying them. You have a nice night, ma’am.”
You reach the door and the bartender seems to come out of her shock. The sound of Penny ringing her bell and the erupting cheers of drunk soldiers follows you as you close the door behind you. 
You smile and shake your head, gently wiping at the blood that covers your lower face. You slide your shoes off your feet and begin your walk back down the beach towards where you're staying. You turn back towards the Hard Deck, and from the window, illuminated by the inside lights, you see Lieutenant Seresin, with his stupidly handsome smirk, watching you retreat down the beach. 
You give him a mock salute, which he laughs at, and then you turn around to pull out your burner phone. 
“Hey, Vinny! Yea it's me. I’m gonna need a clean-up crew right away... Yea, some friends will be waiting for you here.... And when you fix up The Hard Deck tomorrow, I want you to bug it.”
You hang up and continue your trek down the beach, holding your shoes in one hand and humming a sweet jazz melody as the taste of your own blood lingers on your tongue. 
--- The apartment the CIA gave you is nestled above a shop downtown and your bed has a great view of the sun rising. That night, you sleep well, the fight at the bar working out any stress you were holding in. The next morning, you start your day the way you always love to. You get yourself ready, putting on cloths, makeup and tucking your gun into the back of your waist band, before walking into town. 
You find a mom-and-pop diner with a cheap breakfast and take a seat in one of the dated booths at the back of the restaurant. The diner is perfectly quiet. An older lady comes to take your order and pour you a cup of coffee. 
“Someone had a rough night.” The waitress says. You laugh. While you’ve certainly looked worse, even the poultice your mom had shown you how to make and an ice pack couldn’t keep away all of the bruising. A dark purple bruise covers the bridge of your nose, and the ones under your shirt are pretty uncomfortable. 
“You should’ve seen the other guys.”
You order your food and wait, sipping your coffee and looking out the window.  Your phone buzzes on the table and a text message appears. 
You smile and shake your head as the waitress sets down a plate of French toast and fruit. You eat your breakfast alone and watch the cars go by. When you finish, you wait for a minute to drink the last mouthful of coffee before looking out the window again. 
True to Vinny’s word, a government issue, all-black SUV pulls up in front of the diner. You stand and walk to the counter to pay your bill, wishing your waitress a nice day and leaving a generous tip, before stepping out the door and walking towards the car. You open the back door and are greeted with a familiar face. 
“Ma’am.” You smile. 
Alexandra Cross, your unit chief and longtime friend, gives you a nod and a slight smile. “Agent (L/N).” You slide into the car, smoothing the fabric of your black slacks and silk shirt as you settle into the leather seat. “I trust you found your way back stateside with little issue.” She says.
“For the most part. There was a small hiccup.”
Alexandra is an older Hispanic woman, in her late 40s with medium brown skin and salt and pepper hair. She nods at you, with a knowing glint in her brown eyes. “Mhm, yes. I heard. We have those men in custody right now, heading back to a holding centre. And the bar?” 
“While I didn’t plan on making such a memorable scene, it did allow us access to the building. After Vinny is finished this morning, we’ll be monitoring all chatter taking place inside the establishment.” 
She nods and shares a smug smile, fiddling with the gold band on her left finger. “I do love that man,” she says. 
Your driver comes to a stop at the entrance to the Airbase, where he’s greeted by armed guards. 
“Roll down the back windows please, sir.”
The blacked-out windows come down and you and Alexandra looks out to the soldier. You hand her your credentials. She leans forward, the silver streaks in her dark curly hair catching the sunlight, and hands him the clearance cards. He brings it to the computer and when he scans it, his eyebrows raise in surprise.
“My apologies for the wait ma’am. You’re free to go.” 
 He nods at the two of you before your driver rolls back up the window and drives through the gate. Alexandra turns back to you. 
“When we arrive, we’ll meet with Vice Admiral Simpson and his men. We’ll go over everyone's roles in the mission, and protocol on base. The rest of our team arrived this morning and are waiting for us. I’ve been told specifically that we aren’t authorized to conduct any surveillance of inside the walls of the base.”
“Vincent will be disappointed.” 
“He’ll live with it. We need to be on our best behaviour for this one.”
“You expect there to be difficulties?”
Alex signs. “Our unit is known for being a tad unpredictable and Admiral Simpson is known to be a hard ass, so even though we are both vital to the success of the others’ missions, I’d rather we kept the peace between our organizations.”
“This might be difficult, Alex. Servicemen are often overly cocky, especially pilots.” 
Alex smiles at you over the rim of her shades and says, “Well then I trust you to be your charming self.”
The car rolls to the front of the Air Base and comes to a stop. Alex leans back towards her driver. “Wish us luck, Rick,” she says and the two of you step out of the car. 
The California sun beats down onto you, heating the top of your head and making you squint through your shades. On the pavement stand Hondo and Warlock, who great you and your supervisor. 
“It’s a pleasure,” you say, stepping forward to shake their hands
“We can finish our introductions with the Admiral. the rest of your team is inside.” They say. 
You are led inside, through a hall filled with pictures of TOPGUN alumni. From around the corner, someone appears and walks beside you, then another. 
It’s Nichole Woods and Teresa, your technical engineer and analyst, respectively. 
“Thank god you’re here,” Terri says. 
“How was your flight in, ladies?” 
“A nightmare, you know I hate packing,” Terri says. “TSA is always a nightmare.” 
“You could always pack lighter. You should have seen the shit she brought. ” Nicky says. 
“Everything I brought is vital to my performance on this team! Don’t talk about my babies like that.” 
You turn down another hallway, and stop as a man dressed in a Navy uniform joins you. 
“Admiral Simpson, these are the CIA operatives that we're assigned to.”
Before Cheif Cross can be introduced, she steps forward. 
“Alexandra Cross, with National Clandestine Services. It's a pleasure, sir. I’ve heard much about you and TOPGUN.” She reaches over the desk and they shake hands. 
“There’s another Cross on your team swell. Any relation?” Cyclone looks at your boss with a look the both of you recognize. He already knows the answer to this. 
“You’re referring to our lead technical engineer, Vincent Cross, who is also my husband.” 
“I see,” he says, without much emotion. Alex wasn’t wrong, this guy feels like a stick in the mud. 
 He begins walking with, you talking as you go. “We’re setting you up in one of the classrooms next to the one our pilots will be in. I’ve been told that your analysts have brought a lot of their gear.”
The admiral turns and opens up the doors to show a large room, with rows of chairs and a large screen at the front. 
“I hope this will do.”
Terri looks around the room, checking the outlets on the side of the screen before nodding to Alex. “We’ve made do with much less, Admiral. This will be fine.”
“ Good. Your team comes highly recommended so I’ll be interested to watch your people work .”
“Thank you, sir.” 
“For the rest of us,” you say. “We’d like to know if theirs a shooting range on the base, and a place for us to conduct weapons tests.” 
“I beg your pardon, agent.” 
“Our engineers have experimental equipment that we often test run, and some of these things shouldn’t be tested inside. Is there an area outside that would be suitable for them to use?”
“Near our outdoor gun range would probably be best. I’ll have someone bring you there.”
The door to the classroom opens again and in steps a middle-aged, handsome man who you know to be Pete “Maverick” Mitchel.
“Good morning, sir.” 
“Good morning. Everyone, this is Captain Pete Mitchel…”
“The man who will be instructing the recruits on the mission,” you finish. You introduce yourself to the man and shake hands. “We’ve heard a lot about you, Captain”
“And I’ve heard a lot of you,” Maverick says. “Was it your team that discovered the base?”
“No. An asset in the UN found it and sent it to us to take care of, then we were told to bring the navy on board.” Alex says. “While your priority for this mission is to destroy the enrichment plant, our team is more interested in the Airbase that defends it. We hoped that our analysts would be able to access the base remotely and that we would be able to shut off the SAM Systems before your people begin the assault but there’s a problem” 
Maverick and the rest of the officers find seats as you gesture for Teresa to continue. 
“Normally, servers are connected to the internet when they run complicated software. A server will use the internet to share information across multiple locations and those internet access points allow us to hack a network remotely. However, because of the secret nature of this base and plant, its creators chose not to do this.”
“To hide the plant from prying eyes, they’ve put themselves back into the dark ages. Everything runs offline. The server, computers, surveillance, even the SAMS that defend the valley, are on their closed off, completely isolated network.”
“Meaning any access to those servers and their data needs to happen on location.” Maverick finishes. “Jesus Christ.” 
“Which is why we’re here,” Alex says.
You speak up. “Before your strike team is deployed, I will travel undercover and break into the airbase, retrieve any relevant info from their servers, and then escape the area on foot before the missile strike destroys the airbase.”
“With no backup.” 
“I won’t need it.” 
“If you’re delayed in the slightest, you would be on the ground while an airstrike is taking place up the mountain and tomahawk misses rain down on you.” Cyclone points out. 
“Then it’s good that I’m fast on my feet, sir.” You smirk. 
Alex continues for you. “We’d like to request that this portion of the assignment's details are kept from the recruits. At least until we’ve decided that they need to know them.” 
“Then what should they be told?”
“All they’ll need to know is that we are CIA analysts, here to provide accurate intelligence for the coming assignment.”
“They might believe that story ma’am, but they won’t believe that that one,” Maverick points to you. “Is an analyst. The pilots are still talking about the three men she nearly killed in town last night.”
You chuckle. 
“Whether they believe us or not, that’s the story they will be told.” Chief Cross finishes. “Will that be all gentlemen? Because my team would like time to get set up before we greet the recruits.”
Admiral Simpson nods. “I believe that’s all ma’am. He steps forward and shakes her hand. “I look forward to working with you.” 
“You as well, sir.”
“Captain Mitchel,” you nod. “I look forward to seeing you fly. I’ve heard lots about you.”
“You can just call me Maverick, and I’ve heard quite a few stories about you too.”
You smile. “I hope you haven’t heard too much, ‘cause then I might not be doing my job right.”
You watch as Cyclone, Hondo, Warlock, and Maverick leave, the door clicking as it shuts behind them. 
Alex turns back to you all, the smile dropping from her face. “Alright, let's get to work.” 
Nick is up immediately and out the door. “I’m gonna go get my stuff!” She calls behind her, making Terri chuckle.
“I’m gonna go help her.”
“Before you do,” Alex says. “What’s the status of our asset?’
“They went radio silent, ma’am. I can’t get a hold of them.” She says. 
“Then our job for today, along with appearing at the pilots’ briefing, will be to get that handled.” 
“Speak and it shall be done.” 
author's notes
alright! here it is! If you've made it this far, thank you for reading. I'm really excited for this fanfic.
First off, because I'm writing about the CIA it's important to know that the info about them isn't accurate. One major inaccuracy is that CIA "Agents" aren't a thing. They are called Operatives or Officers, and an "Agent" or "Asset" is a foreign citizen that supplies info to the CIA, like an FBI informant! However I've chosen to ignore that and just refer to the reader and her team as both 'agents' and 'operatives' because I think it sounds better. Another thing to know is that the National Clandestine Services is a Branch of the CIA that does the spy stuff. Just thought that was cool.
Sorry for the inacuracies, but I'm sure no CIA "Operatives" will care that I'm spreading lies, It probably helps them.
So far, this story will have 9 chapters. I don't know how often I'll update, as I'm not a very fast writer. I plan to add this Story to AO3 and when I do, I'll put this link at the top of the chapter!
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions, I'd love to answer them, just message me.
Scribe <3
Tag List: @srry-itshockeyszn, @saramaple
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writingwitharlo · 2 years
C, F, J, and U for Nick and Charlie! 💖
Tickle HC Alphabet Ask
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
Charlie can outrun Nick any day, under any situation and he will. Although Nick can run for quite a bit thanks to his rugby skills, Charlie is simply quicker.
Knowing that Nick is ruthless once a chase is on, Charlie will not even look back and stay a few feet ahead until Nick is worn out and cannot keep up anymore.
Nick, however, knowing Charlie will be able to catch up with him eventually, uses up all his energy right at the start only to be tackled to the ground moments later.
F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
I think Charlie is snarky, regardless of what end he is on. He enjoys verbal teasing and watching the big strong rugby boy crumble beneath him.
Nick is a bit more versatile. He's either all happy puppy and accept his fate or he'll curse like a sailor, no in-between. When he's the ler, he's either laughing along with his victim, reveling in their various reactions or pretending to be completely oblivious to the situation.
J: Joy | Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
I think for Nick, what it comes down to is physical affection. Is see him as someone who's mainly physically affectionate towards his friends and tickle fights just add a whole new level of mutual trust to that. Plus the wrestling/chase just before feels very therapeutic and cathartic for him.
Charlie is mainly in for it to torment Nick. Seeing this tall, bulky golden retriever of a boy fall to pieces by just a few simple touches is fascinating to him and serves as perfect payback for all the times Nick manhandles him any other day. He tolerates being tickled only because of how excited Nick gets; and it's a perfect alibi for getting Nick back later.
U: Unusual | Do they have some unusual tickle spots? Where?
These wouldn't be #1 spots but they are definitely among the list of effective spots
Charlie: back of the knees and wrists
Nick: between the shoulder blades, palms, the crease just below the hips where the thighs meet the torso (idk what you'd call that)
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ellienettie · 3 years
Maotif and Scarlet luck (pt 20)
Steph: What's the worst way to break up with someone?
Marinette: Tell them their ex is pretty then show them a picture of yourself
Steph, nodding: I'll use that
*Dick, Damian and Jason trying to prank Marinette and Tim*
Dick: So we steal their phones when they sleep, okay?
Jason: Do they though?
Dick: Do they what?
Jason: Sleep. Do they sleep.
Damian: tt. Of course they...do they?
Dick: ...I'm not even sure
Duke: This is a bad idea.
Marinette: I know
Duke: This is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard
Marinette: I know and you can't stop me.
Duke: who says I'm stopping you? Let's do this shit.
Marinette: Oh thank fuck. I've got Steph, Cass, and Babs in it. Alfred and Bruce know but won't do anything. Adrien's the alibi so run your story with him.
Duke: and Tim?
Marinette: *smirks* That's a secret~
Marinette, mid-battle: *dodges a hit from the akuma* I did NOT sign up for this. Unsubscribe me, right now.
Adrien: *flips* mood, but we can't.
Marinette: *hits one of the minions with her staff* Well that's kinda unfair. What, I get payed to almost die everyday? Meanwhile Hawkass is hidden in his stupid cave like a broody bitch all safe?
Adrien: *laughs and flips a minion* i mean, at least you get some fame?
Marinette: *whines* I don't even WANT fame
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heyitsspaceace · 2 years
Some of my favorite parts or songs in my favorite musicals
wow thats a lot of favorites (all the musicals have links to them if you wanna...listen to them idk
Moulin Rouge
Here's your ticket pack your bag Time for jumpin' overboard Transportation is here Close enough but not too far Maybe you know where you are Fightin' fire with fire - Welcome to the Moulin Rouge
In shut up and raise your glass around 1:37 when the ensemble is singing "slam slam oh hot damn what part of party don't you understand" under the leads
It's not in the cast recording but when Zeidler says "SHOW US YOUR ASS CHRISTIAN" in the pitch song
Yes it breaks my hea-a-a-a-a-art - Elephant Love Medley
A kiss on the HAND may be QUITE CONTINENTAL, a kiss may be GRAND but it WON'T PAY THE RENTAL - Only girl in a material girl
let me make you riiiiisssseeee, take you for a riiiiideeee - only girl in a material girl (i hate the duke but his songs slap guys)
El tango de roxanne, just all of it oh my god
the whole scene with the nuns and the boys in carrying the banner, it just sounds wonderful
what a face.... FACE THE FACT-- in watch what happens
just all of seize the day like yes its slaps
the "oh no's-" at the start of king of new york
also the tap in it bc it makes my ADHD brain go wee woo
obligatory poor guys head is spinning
we'll get your pay back and some PAYBACK! - i love clever word play guys im so easy to please
Catch Me If You Can
(if you haven't listened to this why...you're missing out)
the play boy bunny line in live and living color is so good oh my g O d
Tom Wopat's voice in pinstripes are all that they see
Yes, we're gonna hit the high life We've only just begun. We're gunna be together Frank Sr. and son. - Pinstripes are all that they see
Someone else's skin.???? more like the song i cry too ANYWAYS
I thought a love like theirs could never die....if that can fade away so can i! - Someone else's skin
SING IT NORBERT- if you don't think don't break the rules slaps you are WRONG
It's your turn, Dad Nah, you're doing great Oh, no, this, this is a duet It's Frank and me, It's not a solo act - butter outta cream
he's a kid??? He's a kid! - christmas is my favorite time of year
we should have carpe'd way more diems! Now we're never gonna see em! - the whole being dead thing
DIE! YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE! - the whole being dead thing
Look at these jugs! *beetlejuice walks in* - ready set not yet
im the b-to-the-double-e-j-u-f and jesus i can't spell
You ever stop to ask yourselves "why?"
Both of you are super polite Middle class, suburban, and white Well, all of that is finished tonight Except for the white part.......Obviously -The fright of their lives
I AM STILL YOUNG - no reason
BJ pulling out more and more limbs during invisible reprise
pretty much all of say my name
i think i'll leave you all with this for now
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thelazyhermits · 3 years
Fortune said yes to someone taking her out on a date
Like lmao poor dude just wanted get some nice lunch with the pretty girl, instead he's being glared down by half the resteraunt who all seem to be dressed weird
hawks watching with holes in his newspaper
todoroki and midoriya wearing the same disguise they wore to save bakugou, midoriya is there to make sure todoroki doesn't, well, freeze everyone except fortune. And mayhap he wants to be there to see the guy for himself
Shinsou joins the todo deku squad and is wearing a blonde wig. Midoriya has to physically hold him back because he keeps trying to brainwash the server into spilling a drink on fortunes date
Bakugou and kirishima are there. One to wreack havoc, the other for damage control. Kirishima comes up with the idea to wear sunglasses and hats, and to dress up in suits. Bakugou angrily drinks his 5 pepper chilli smoothy while resisting the urge to blow something up. Preferably fortunes date.
Monoma couldn't make it. Vlad king refused to give him permission to leave campus. The other kids had permission from aizawa and were technically being supervised by him.
aizawa. He just sits out in the open without shame. Only raises an eyebrow and sips his coffee when fortune motions for him to leave.
Ending would be the date getting ruined, everyone gets caught. On the way back home, mayhaps, fortune gets a vision of aizasa kneeling down on one knee to pick something. Mayhaps, fortune sees miss joke showing up at the same time, only to start jumping for joy at aizawa proposing to her. Mayhaps, fortune allows this vision to happen. Mayhaps she let's loose a glitter bomb too.
Sorry this was just random stuff in my mind. Hope you liked it or got some inspiration from it.
- recluseanon
(Will reveal identity maybe. Feeling too shy right now)
I absolutely love everything about this. This is so on point and totally something I could see happening in the TABF verse XD
Hawks using the holes in the newspaper trick is so freakin funny, especially since with his Quirk he could easily spy on the date without even being in the restaurant.
Considering how chill he is, Hawks probably would only spy if he thought it would be entertaining since he's not really the overprotective type, unless of course he got the impression that the guy who asked Fortune out was bad news. I could see Hawks going along with like Tokoyami, though, to help provide Tokoyami an alibi while Tokoyami spies on the date lol
Midoriya and Kirishima being there for damage control is so accurate. While sure they would be curious about the guy who asked Fortune out, they'd be much more worried about what Todoroki, Bakugou, & Shinsou would do. Also love the mental image of them in those disguises XD
Poor Monoma, you know he'd wanna be there, but I can understand Vlad not giving him permission considering he knew Aizawa wouldn't stop his students. Things are crazy enough here as it is lol
Aizawa's role in all this is perfect. I could totally see him doing this XD
Yeah, I see this whole scenario ending in disaster one way or another. Love the proposal idea with Aizawa & Ms. Joke. That would be hilarious and a perfect way for Fortune to get some payback haha
Thank you for sharing this with me, recluseanon! I really enjoyed reading this and hope I'll get to hear more from you in the future! ^-^
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kueruzu · 3 years
People seem to enjoy my Villianess/Traitor(Still don’t have a name) AU, so here’s a lil post about it.
Villainess/Traitor AU first arc(?) First signs?
When Maka starts her plan she’s extremely thorough. She makes a mental note and physical list of everyone’s schedules. She doesn’t straight up ask for what they’re doing, instead observes and asks during conversations at lunch or afterschool. Eventually she has a thorough list of everyone who could be trouble’s schedule on hand. Blackstar was the easiest, Liz was the hardest. BlackStar trusts her like his little sister and Liz gets defensive so it was a struggle. She starts to busy herself with at least one person a week. Star, Kid, Tsu, etc. even other classmates out her main group. Just so no one suspects that she’s doing something strange when she says she’s busy constantly.
Soul also has to learn their schedule and Maka’s alibi’s. “Nothing too vague and nothing too detailed.” Soul is a bit exasperated with having to be so calculated but he manages(except once).
When the DWMA starts getting suspicious due to Soul slipping up, Maka starts leading people on. Liz and Tsubaki are the only ones who don’t get fooled completely. Kid and Star have too much trust, Soul is helping her so he’s not “led on”, and Patty isn’t paying attention. Liz is super suspicious and smart but Maka constantly proves her wrong so she has no evidence. Tsubaki just thinks she’s off and wants to help so no evidence either. She definitely doesn’t want to pry, y’know since she trusts her, but definitely wants to due to worry.
After they get suspicious enough to ask Maka questions, she’s already prepared. Not only has she grown up in the school’s system but she’s been taught it almost second hand from her father and Sid since they work in that branch and Maka had always been curious of them and their jobs.
They want to take her in for questioning but they have to deal with Medusa and then Medusa sends Kim away and requests Maka so they can’t afford to question her in favor of dealing with Arachnophobia. Plus, all her friends are vouching for her.
But aside from major plot, more ✨personal stuff✨
Maka is super conflicted. She’s also stressed out of her mind. She wants to trust her friends and find a better way to prove her worth but they keep diminishing it by the guise of jokes and she genuinely doesn’t know what else to do about it. Her skill set is in planning and plan execution so she tells her mind this is just one big plan to her goal of being an equal in her friend group.
Along the way it twists into an urge to be more than equal. She eventually becomes spiteful and upset. They called her weak and small and defenseless and she has to work so hard to just be an equal? At that point, she deserves the same that they have and more. She struggles so hard to simply be at their level that now her view is to be better and show them how she felt.
Soul doesn’t want to hurt the friends he made and treasured, but he also understands Maka’s points. He’s also watched the disrespect and has gotten fed up himself. Soul will tease her but never calls her weak or defenseless or anything along those lines. He treasures his friendship/partnership with her and sees her not only as an amazing meister but an extremely capable and respectable person.
At the beginning of their partnership he would teasingly undermine her abilities but after a brief talk about it and the consistent times she’s done terrifyingly cool shit, he’s learned his lesson. So seeing the others undermine her and anyone who doesn’t do it outright not stop it, infuriates him. Before the madness infected him, he would simply try to tell the others to knock it off and in private reassure her but after the madness he gets more insistent on Maka defending herself. She used to insist that hardwork proved people wrong in the end and Soul agrees but petty payback also shuts people the feck up.
So when Maka decides on her traitor of both sides plan and very cautiously approaches it to him, him and lil’ oni agree for once and hop on board. He’s happy she’s getting her recognition even if it’s not as petty as he wants.
When Maka throws her initial plan away in favor of power and petty payback, he’s thriving.
Both of them when Maka makes the decision to take Arachnophobia are conflicted. Soul more than Maka. Initially he was all for her getting payback for the hurtful shit they said and did over the years but seeing it in actuality and how it’s affected Maka’s mental state is a bit startling. Along with what will happen when(he’s pessimistic like that sometimes) the DWMA catches them.
Maka on the otherhand is conflicted in the sense that she doesn’t know how she feels initially. She wanted to probe the DWMA wrong but to what extent. She wanted to show her friends and teachers that she’s not just booksmart and follows rules. She wants to show them that she doesn’t need a protector on tougher missions. But she doesn’t want to go back to constantly having to prove herself.
Plus, at Arachne’s death, Mosquito(I can’t remember if he lives or not so don’t @ me)and other high ranks initially kinda rope her into it. Medusa attacks her, the other meister pair that I can’t name step in, but Maka/Soul & Monkey-Weapon pair get separated during the end of the fight because of Arachnophobia soldiers. (It’s not my most thought out plot point alright.)
Maka’s given the whole talk about how Arachnophobia belongs to her if she so chooses and she has to decide then and there because there is no going home and coming back.
So she does it. She takes maybe an hour max to think it over but at that moment she couldn’t care less about the DWMA. She killed a witch and took its soul and the rest of Arachnophobia are backing her up because she was a really good source of info before, well, killing Arachne.
That’s all for now! Mostly because the next stuff is all me and my i m a g i n a t i o n. But partly because i’m lazy. So bye for now!
Ps: Asking about stuff is like, hella okay if you like this weird au. I enjoy talking about it. I also enjoy others enjoying it.
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emmwutheunicorn · 4 years
The events of the November 28th streams
Finally taking the time to unpack the events of todays streams because oh boy there was a lot and forgive me if I've missed something but here we go
Tubbo & Ranboo: during todays stream Ranboo officially started that hes gonna be running against Tubbo and two others in the Feburary election and he and Ranboo came to an agreement that if Ranboo wins Tubbo will be his vp and if Tubbo wins Ranboo will become secretary of state. My first thought when I heard this was "oh presidential corruption arc pog??" Because then making under the table deals to put the other in power sounds p sus if you ask me
Tommy & Ranboo: while Tommy was dealing with the inferiority complex given to him by Ranboos age and height the two of them went off and caused mass amounts of chaos, most notably them robbing and vandalizing George's home before Tommy set it on fire. The two of them made a deal with Puffy and Niki that they would give them an alibi in exchange for them helping them build a flowershop
Ranboo and Fundy: I left partway through this stream so that's where I become more unsure of things but Ranboo and Fundy get the idea of building an ice cream shop and they decide the perfect location is to take over the build Puffy and Niki are making. Discourse ensues and Fundy and Ranboo bring Punz in on their side as a bodyguard/mediator for the conflict. During this discussion Puffy and Niki say that they may take back their promise of providing an alibi for Tommy and Ranboo regarding their involvement in George's house. (This is where I stopped watching
Afterwards (this is all info I've gathered from screenshots/clips): Dream builds new obsidian walls around L'manburg with noticeably smaller borders and when the residents notice and demand to know the reasoning Dream claims that the old treaties between his land and L’manburg have been left null because New L’manburg was taken in a hostile coup and that technically Pogtopia is in charge of that land. 
My analysis/predictions of whats to come: While I personally think that it’s too soon for another war and that Tommy’s actions shouldn’t be made as big of a deal as they currently are the writing part of my brain has taken over so here’s what I think would happen. The cabinet of New L’manburg is gonna meet and Dream is going to force Tubbo to take action against Tommy and Tommy is gonna be kicked from being VP. Reasons this could happen is that Tubbo has expressed exasperation towards Tommy’s refusal to listen and Tommy is very much a wild card who acts out in ways that benefit him and throws his power around. Tommy’s stream with Vikk and Lazar are perfect examples of Tommy attempting to abuse his power while Tubbo tried to tell him off. Dream could use this to manipulate Tubbo into removing Tommy from office, or Dream could get back at Tommy and convince Skeppy and Bad to burn the disc as payback for Georges house being burnt. 
And you know what could tie this all together? When Tubbo and Ranboo made their deal over the next election, Tubbo said that Ranboo would be secretary of state because of course Tommy would be his vp. But if Tommy is gone from office, there’s nothing stopping Tubbo from making Ranboo his vp in Tommy’s place. Wouldn’t Tommy’s character be hurt by that? Through it all Tubbo has been by Tommy’s side for everything, but the second Ranboo joins the server he’s just been a reminder to Tommy about all of his insecurities and wouldn’t it just suck if Tommy felt like he was being replaced by his best friend, and if Tommy doubted the one thing he knew he could always rely on, his friendship with Tubbo?
That’s my dream scenario for where the roleplay could go but the less likely prediction I have is Techno, as one of the founders of Pogtopia, makes a claim for the L’manburg land just so he can destroy the land and the government *with* the power said government gives him and he uses himself as an example of the corruption and disasters governments cause.
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kozozaki · 4 years
Arson is a great pastime - Chapter 2
Y/n was on her way to L'manburg when she saw Tommy running in her direction. "Whoa, slow down Tommy, what's the hurry for?"
"I was, looking for you, actually," he seemed very out of breath. How long had he been running for?
“What? Can’t I just want to see a friend?” He sounded offended.
“Tommy, you always have ulterior motives," he scowled, knowing it was the truth.
“Fine,” Tommy huffed, “Y’know this new guy, Ranboo?”
She tensed for a split second, she was still wary of him. She should trust her older brother, but it was hard with everything he's done in the past, "Yeah."
"Well, y'know how George was nowhere to be seen during the- the war?" He hesitated, it had been over for a while but it was still a sensitive topic. She nodded in understanding, "I found out what he was doing! The motherfucker was building a house, in the middle of a fucking war!"
Tommy was outraged but Y/n couldn't help but laugh, "At least he wasn't sleeping for once!"
He smiled, "You laugh so fucking easily," he paused debating if he should say it or not, "Pussy."
Y/n instantaneously stopped laughing and looked up at the smug boy. She pulled her sword out of its sheath and positioned it so it would be only a few centimeters from his throat.
"Y/n, what are you doing with that sword?" His voice was shaky, obviously afraid. It was her turn to be cocky now, giving a sarcastic shrug,  expertly avoiding his neck. "Okay okay, I'm sorry! Just, please, don't kill me!"
"Hmmm. Okay Tommy!" Tommy looked incredibly confused at the girl's compliance. He quickly realized that it was all an act to scare him. They are only a few people who she wouldn't hesitate to kill given the chance, and he wasn't one of them.
"Okay, so follow me," Y/n did, and was lead behind the portal and to a cozy looking, mushroom themed home, "George was building a home, in the middle of a war."
"Are you fucking kidding me? Of course he would…" She said in a slightly upset monotone voice.
"I have a plan to get back at him! That's why we need Ranboo, so if we get caught we can frame him!"
"Tommy! We can't just frame people! Are you insane?! What are we even gonna do that'll warrant framing someone?!" She panicked, Tommy never thought anything through.
"Calm down woman, so many questions! Just doing some minor robbing," Y/n started walking the other way, " maybe a little, lighting fires, as well." She turned back around, her eyes wide. Of course, he had to mention fire. Y/n was a bit of a pyromaniac, so much so that Dream's nickname for her was firebug.
"Oh, you fucker. I'll help, but only if we don't frame Ranboo. He can help, if he wants. If he's blamed for it first we don't interfere, but if either or both of us get pointed out first, we don't pin it on him, okay?"
Tommy nods, agreeing to her terms. "Okay, let's find this Ranboo first.”
“Oh, I think I saw him in the nether actually!” Y/n ran towards the portal, Tommy accompanying her.
They arrived and saw him right by the nether portal. "H-Hey, Ranboo," Tommy looked at her startled, she was never one to stutter. She looked at him with a look that screamed ‘Did I just do that?’ He nodded slowly, still looking confused.
“Hey, guys.” Ranboo had no idea why they were looking at each other like that.
“Oh, hello, Ranboo. We want you to help us with something.”
“Jeez, Tommy, straight to the point…” Y/n muttered.
“Don’t doubt me Y/n.” He leaned towards her ear, only a couple of inches.
“Sorry, Tommy.” As she finished her sentence, Ranboo pulled out a book and wrote something. She was curious but didn’t want to be rude.
“What do you want my help with, Y/n and Tommy?”
“First off, it’s Tommy and Y/n, not Y/n and Tommy,” Y/n gave him a quick jab in the side with her elbow, he winced but carried on, ignoring her sharp glare, “Also, come with us to my house, we’ll tell you.”
“I don’t know why we’re going to Tommy’s house, but it’s safe, I’m pretty sure.”
“‘I’m pretty sure?’ Why aren’t you completely sure? Should I be concerned?” Ranboo questioned.
“What is with you guys and questions?”
“Nah, there isn’t really any reason to be concerned, just be on edge, who knows what the hell Tommy does in his free time.”
Tommy huffed in annoyance toward Y/n’s teasing. They were at Tommy’s home. Tommy asked Ranboo where he wanted to go, and he chose the lair. “Ranboo, I say we rob George.”
“I- Why would we rob him?” Ranboo asked. The h/c girl averted her eyes, starting to regret agreeing to this, or rather, starting to regret it more than she did a few minutes ago.
“Right, you’re new here. Just simple payback Ranboo. You see, we had a war almost 2 weeks ago, and George didn’t show up, at all. And, earlier today, I found out what he was doing, instead of participating in a war. He was building a goddamn house. Now, we won’t destroy anything, we’ll just steal a few things. Y/n will light a few fires, not his house though, just a few trees that are around, they’re far enough away from each other, we won’t start a forest fire. We just want minor payback.”
“That sounds, better? But, why do you want me to help?”
“Ranboo let’s face it, Y/n is probably sick and tired of me, she needs more friends.”
“That sounds incredibly sad, are you okay?” Y/n appreciated how genuine his concern was.
“Yeah, I’m pretty okay. My brother is kinda a psychopath, and the man that was like a substitute older brother to me was killed. Other than that, I’d say I’m doing a-okay, Ranboo,” she didn’t realize how that sounded until she looked up and saw Ranboo’s slightly perplexed posture. “I-I’m sorry! That sounded really bitter and sarcastic, I’m actually fine, those things are just, kind of hard to comprehend, still,” she talked slower towards the end of her sentence.
Ranboo noticed this, “H-Hey, it’s fine, Y/n, I understand, it didn’t sound as mean as you think, it’s okay.” He smiled, which she could hardly see through his mask, but she knew it was there. She smiled back.
“Okay, let’s go.” She said.
Once they arrived, Y/n strode towards a tall spruce tree. She pulled out her flint and steel and stared at it for a moment in dispute with herself. If she did this, what would happen? Would they actually be caught? What if Dream found out? She rubbed the flint against a rock to see if it still worked. A couple of sparks flew before it set the leaf she was holding with her left hand on fire. She hissed when the burning touched her skin slightly. She hadn’t done this for a while.
“No time like the present,” Y/n whispered to no one but herself. She took a step closer to the tree and with a swift cutting motion, the bark of the tree erupted into hot orange flares. She backed away with a sadistic smirk. She looked around for a brief second, surveying to see if anyone was near, only to see that there was another fire a few meters away from her’s. One that was burning parts of George’s home.
She ran into the house to see what they were doing. She saw crying obsidian on the walls, derogatory messages on signs, but most notably patches of netherrack on the floor, each covered in fire. “What the hell? This is why I was put in charge of the burning!”
“What’re you on about Y/n? I’ve got this!” Tommy sounded so sure of himself, unaware of what he had done.
“Obviously you don’t, George’s house is burning on the outside!” She yelled at him.
Tommy looked at her with wide eyes, she’s only ever been this angry at Dream. There was a long silence, during which she visibly calmed down, the look in her eyes was of lament, her body was visibly shaking, purely from her regret of everything that happened in the past 5 minutes. “Guys we have to go,” Tommy said quickly, exiting the grieved home.
Y/n nodded but didn’t move. Tommy was already over by the jungle trees waiting for them. Ranboo noticed Y/n wasn’t moving. He placed a hand on the top of her back, “C’mon Y/n, if we wait too long to leave they’ll know it was us, okay?”
“Okay, Ranboo,” she said just hardly loud enough for him to hear. They walked through the forest to avoid being seen until they go to Tommy’s base and inside his lair. They stashed everything they stole under the stone flooring.
“We should go talk to Niki and Puffy for an alibi,” Tommy suggested.
“You guys can go do that. Can I stay here for a while, Tommy? I don’t feel so good,” the girl said, her voice trembling.
“You can stay here as long as you like Y/n, don’t worry about it,” Tommy gave her a sad smile to which she returned, taking comfort in the pinkish-purple couch, which was surprisingly warm for being underground.
Tommy walked over to the ladder, Ranboo following him closely. Tommy was already above ground, but Ranboo waited at the bottom of the ladder. “Bye, Y/n. Don’t worry, if anything happens, I know it wasn’t your fault. Just don’t beat yourself up over it, please.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment before Y/n responded, “Thank you, Ranboo. I-I’ll try not to.”
“I don’t want to come back to you being gone, or having a panic attack. So please, avoid doing that.”
“Hurry up Ranboo!”
She laughed quietly and nodded, “Goodbye, Ranboo.”
“Goodbye, Y/n for real this time.”
She watched as he climbed up the ladder. If he was a spy, she would be more upset than she would’ve been originally. She doubted it though.
alkjfdakslfjkl, this took forever. But I’m actually kind of happy with how it turned out?
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