#Alice in the wonderland
burningpinkcandle · 1 year
Фильм: Алиса в Зазеркалье
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amicus-noctis · 2 months
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“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams — this may be madness. Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!” - Man of La Mancha
Painting: from the picture book «Don Quixote» by Svetlin Vassilev
This quote is often incorrectly attributed to Miguel Cervantes book Don Quixote but it is actually from the musical "Man from la Mancha" from 1965, which is based on Cervantes book.
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bonbow · 1 year
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Twinkle Lily on IG
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spideysirens · 1 year
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MAD as a HATTER 🎩☕️
Finally, my design for Jervis Tetch in my Batman AU, I always liked the idea of him having some kind of prostethic screwed into his skull connecting his brain to the Mind Control tech inside the hat
Who should I draw next?
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andrea-non-sa-tornare · 7 months
Camminando per le vie del centro,finalmente l’ho incontrata.
I nostri sguardi si sono incrociati per un secondo.
Chissà cosa avrà pensato lei in quel momento!?
Per me quel secondo è stato infinito.
Mi hanno letteralmente travolto un turbinio di emozioni.
E’stato lo sguardo più dolce che abbia mai visto,uno sguardo che ti rapiva l’anima e ti scaldava il cuore.
E cosi lì mi sono perso.
Aveva ragione il Bianconiglio su quanto tempo è per sempre…a volte solo un secondo.
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clockworkbee · 29 days
Love how Holly Black takes the most obvious and typical plots from fairytales and then twists them in her books, only to then end them at some absolutely cliché scene 🤌🏼
I am sorry, which ones? I cant see them in Holly Black books
Hmm. Okay.
I’ll start by clarifying (for you, anon, and anyone else who comes across this post) that when I say fairy tale, I don’t just mean the Beauty and the Beast category, I also mean those children books like Goldilocks and Pinnochio etc. as well as the many stories I've never read but heard from my dad or grandmother in my childhood (in urdu—not that they’re relevant in this post) and I’ll tell you why I thought so/saw (see) it as quoted in your ask, but just because I did doesn’t mean everyone would—and this isn’t to convince you either (but it low-key is, lol)
SPOILER WARNING: the books mentioned in this post may or may not contain minor/major spoilers about the plot but do include more information than the synopsis so if you haven’t read Holly Black’s books and would prefer knowing as little as possible before going in, I think it’s best you save this post for later <3
The Folk of the Air: My first books by the author were tfota, and the world, plot, and characters were quite refreshing to read, but then on my first read, when I read about the prophecy and the curse within the series, it hit me that within this ‘faerie’ story was an aspect of the ‘fairy’ ones, kinda like ‘beauty and the beast,’ ‘a cursed prince turned into a frog,’ or another that's mentioned in the 3rd book, but then, the way to break the curse was not so typical in my opinion, and I loved that. And of course there’s the famous parallels between Jude and Alice from Alice in the Wonderland; a human girl in a fantasy land where she doesn’t belong. (If you’re interested, you might like how it’s shown here by @rosiethorns88 and the third and second last paragraphs written here by @sensenoi unless you’re interested in reading the whole post, that is) As for the cliché ending here, I think those cheesy, happy dialogues in tqon are exactly that.
The Darkest Part of the Forest: in this standalone (which I wished so hard that I’d read before tfota), there’s a prince who’s banished and (I think, can’t remember, sorry) also cursed to sleep. So again, this was like Aurora sleeping after pricking her finger or Snow White after biting the apple, however, the way to wake up that prince wasn’t his true love’s kiss and he doesn’t love the person who finally breaks him free either, so I kinda liked that twist; the boy getting the prince instead of the girl. (You know, like a change of perspective in a fairytale retelling such as Maleficent’s pov showing love instead of hate for Aurora, I guess)
The Modern Faerie Tales (Tithe + Ironside): the story of a faerie raised as a human finding herself lucky enough to earn power over a royal faerie. For this ship, there was this storyline of ‘win your love by completing a quest’ and that’s what felt fairytale-like to me. Only, it was a bit twisted because faeries can’t lie, and that made the quest tricky.
The Modern Faerie Tales (Valiant): In this one, the ship and the insta-love were kinda it (fairytale-like), but then there was this scene where the girl almost lost the one she loved and the way she tried to delay that happening and then saved him was what actually hit like a Faerie fairytale to me.
The Stolen Heir (duology): sooo, I loved how the story started with a girl wishing for more in her life, wishing for magic, and then in a way, having that wish come true, only it’s a Holly Black story so of course magic only mostly brings horrors instead of sparkles, leaving one of the most common messages/warnings from fairy tales, ‘be careful what you wish for.’ I also loved that our fmc was made of sticks and snow, which again, is something I’d heard before in a fairy tale as a kid (I think it’s also mentioned in a grishaverse short story, the witch one? I don't actually remember, but yeah.) The twist added here was that, unlike those stories I heard where a girl who was made this way could be unmade by other people just as easily ‘if someone did this or that,’ (or maybe it’s still a part of the books, I can’t recall), Holly made Suren extremely powerful and almost invincible, and I loved that a lot. (Also, I didn’t see the Snow White story stuff here until I read this post by @of-the-way-and-wildflowers , but after reading it, I definitely do see it, and absolutely love it!) The cliché ending here, I suppose, is the way Suren came back?
I hope you got from this the answer you were looking for, anon. I don’t think I ever made a post on how I see fairy tales in these books before, so thanks a lot for this ask!
—bee 💗
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whatsuruning · 3 months
“In the hallway…Getting closer.”
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shedoesntshareherlove · 2 months
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Alice in Wonderland 💌
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zoudeer · 7 months
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The dress is made by @ruusenkvitten
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burningpinkcandle · 11 months
Фильм: Алиса в Зазеркалье
Movie:Alice through the looking glass
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cosmonautroger · 1 year
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Alice In The Wonderland
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realisticfantasy · 1 year
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Alice in the wonderland
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sapphiccyanide · 2 years
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loneeevee · 2 years
A pair of Kirby characters in one post
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The left is a bunny Taranza designed by Alexis on insta and the right is Mahkota, @mell0w0dyssey's fan child oc
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