#Alien Industry
alien-industry · 9 months
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0sbrain · 4 months
alternatives for ai to design ocs
hero forge
the fucking sims 4
your local furry artist
shitty photoshoped collage
DeviantArt bases
making edits of your favorite character
searching "dress up game" on the app store
learning how to draw
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theabigailthorn · 5 months
I just read a pilot for a TV show that two incredible people are trying to get made and HOO HOO! OH HOH! I can't tell you who either of them are or what the show is about but DAMN! I hope this gets made! I hope I get to be in it! HAHA, EXCITING! SICK, EVEN!
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bedrockfactory · 7 months
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Industrial light ⚙
An experiment I made to see if I haven't forgotten how to make illustrations in my style.
Also it represents tovoxran cities' vibe and aesthetic (idk if it's cringe to use that word or not), basically steel beams, gears, metal scaffoldings and pipes everywhere. Just industrialism and utility.
The drawing itself is showing a heat generator in one of underground tovoxran cities on Tillturn (their homeworld). In the past they used to build their cities around active volcanoes or lava lakes for heat, because the whole cave system is cold, covered in ice and snow. Now they can build everywhere, as their technology allows that.
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theyautjaarchivist · 11 days
I am begging on my knees for some of the Yautja Fanboys to stop embedding their discussion on female Yautja with their internalized misogyny.
No, Female Yautja aren't less prone to combat. They literally are just in charge of everything else and it's less likely for them to leave to go off planet for such a long time. It's canon that they will sometimes break male Yautja's bone during mating when they get too excited/throw them.
And most importantly, they do not just look like giant sexy human women with more reptilian traits! There is canon variation in their build and appearance outside being bipedal and sometimes the presence of breasts, but they aren't bigger human women with some paint and scales slapped on!
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hauntingfaerie · 10 months
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starrysharks · 1 month
i want to delete my twitter account so fucking bad
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disease · 10 months
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℗ 2002 uppity cracker records. made in the usa. don't make us come to your house and fuck your dog in the ass.
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beeb-oob · 9 months
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"Do you feel safe now?"
i feel the burnout gnawing at my ankles so i'm trying something different to scare it off
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randomidiocyncrazies · 6 months
i see posts where people want Till to regain his fire for Round 7 after Round 6, and joke posts about Till beating Luka up etc, but realistically I think Till's final rebellion would be to stay silent and not engage from the start; the aliens are here to watch them perform for entertainment, and there's no entertainment to be found here. It'll be the most anti-climatic round ever because he refuses to give them a show, and he gets to be free (die) at the end of it after denying them their pleasure.
(This however makes it boring for us too, so I think Luka is probably going to get a song with Hyuna instead of with Till, since they have history together. I honestly think Till is going to stay catatonic unless he reunites with Mizi and hopefully learns to see her for who she is now, instead of the idealized image he has of her in the past.)
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crownedinkcomix · 4 months
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alien-industry · 9 months
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violetbudd · 6 months
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warhead · 3 months
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bedrockfactory · 3 months
What's the tovoxran(?) society like, is it comparable to how it is or was anywhere on earth?
Thanks for asking! Sorry for extremely late response too, I needed some time to think about it.
I think Tovoxran society can be comparable to that of humans to a certain extend. Here are some facts about it, the first ones can be about their overall civilization tho:
- First of all, the term "Tovoxrans " is pretty much how humans and a few other species call them. The original name of their species (and how they call themselves) is "Tharr". This is totally not a trial to change their name
- Mainly before they invented technology for space travel and colonization of other planets, they lived in large, densely populated cities built around volcanoes. Later, their technology allowed them to build gigantic heat generators instead of having to settle around volcanoes.
- Due to their economy (and kind of their whole civilization too) being heavily industry-based, their cities and pretty much their whole planet is extremely polluted. Their planet's nature has always been the last thing they cared about, hence their civilization' expanding has forced various animal species to retreat from their natural habitats.
- They were forced to enter the space stage for various reasons, the main ones being massive overpopulation and a shortage of resources on their home planet.
- They have a council-based government, which was supposed to rule the whole Empire, but in practice, their management is limited to their home planet and a few closest colonies. The vast majority of the Empire's territory is ruled by corporations and industrialists.
Bonus illustration of a Tharr factory
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  Now some facts more regarding their society:
- Underage Tharr (I'm now going to be calling them like this I hope it's not a big problem) is raised by one parent, usually of the same gender as them (son is raised by his father and a daughter is raised by her mother). There can be exceptions, for example when the parent of the same gender as the kid has died or can't take care of a child from another reason.
- They are a gregarious species and tend to stick together. A Tharr leading a completely solitary life is a rare sight.
- Their society and way of thinking is extremely ultilitarian, hence they tend to avoid to produce or use things that aren't that much necessary for their lives. It also means that for example, there aren't multiple brands producing bottled water or things like this. Water is water after all.
- Majority of their population inhabits mining colonies on various planets belonging to the Empire.
- Tharr society is still very stratified and divided to 3 main classes. 1st class are the most educated and important individuals, including industrialists, exceptionally important scientists and diplomats. 2nd class are mostly Tharr with more common jobs and service proffesions. Main occupation for the 3rd class with only basic education is usually a soldier or a "workforce" like an industrial worker, like a miner, factory or refinery worker (don't forget that Tharr supply many other Empires with raw and refined materials so it's kinda necessary). Also the class doesn't necessarily define the respect an individual receives, it's more like a division in terms of living conditions. In most cases 2nd class and 3rd class are very similar.
- Individuals getting the least respect from others are definitely the ones unemployed from choice. They are considered lazy and unnecessary by others.
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
I still can’t get over Lukas alien looking like a dick
right. im so sorry but that inferiority complex and insecurity is warranted. how are you going to look like that and also be a massive creep.
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