#All souls day
pol-ski · 2 years
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All Saints' Day & All Souls' Day in Poland
On 1 and 2 November, Polish necropolises are lit up with the glare of candles, which we light on the graves of our loved ones.
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inspiredbyjesuslove · 11 months
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champagnexowishes · 11 months
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All Souls Day
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3rdeyeblaque · 11 months
🕯💀 Happy All Souls Day 🖤🕯
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🖤💀 The Hoodoo Holiday festivities continue! Today we step into the shadow of deep healing work as we continue to welcome, celebrate, & venerate our Dead.
For those who are familiar with Catholicism, All Souls Day is dedicated to "all other loved ones" - non-Saints & those who are not of Elevated status. Thus, today we tend to the shadow work of our lineages; we uplift the Ancestors of our small egun (i.e.: our less than honorable ancestors, who died violently or suddenly, who remain in unrest, who lived hard lives, who endured great suffering, who perpetuated generational curses, who contributed to generational trauma, etc.).
Some differentiate this day from All Saints by focusing solely on small egun Ancestors; those who need elevating, prayer, healing, light, love, karmic debts paid, etc. & are open to receiving it - more akin to Dia De Los Muertos.
Others simply keep yesterday's tradition & festivities going (i.e.: tending to the graves of our Ancestors, communing with our Dead, getting the family together, enjoying leftovers, building family trees, prayer offerings, lighting candles, playing music, singing, dancing, etc.).
Regardless, however you choose to celebrate IS valid! May your Ancestors, - Big & small Egun - continue to be blessed. Ase. 💀🖤
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caitlynskitten · 11 months
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Fucking finally we are getting some All Souls Day stuff 😭😭😭
I miss my Mikey 🥺
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bad-moodboard · 2 years
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Black Vestment for All Souls Day, 17th century, Kremsmünster
More here: https://www.liturgicalartsjournal.com/2017/11/some-unique-black-vestments-for-all.html
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antikristvs · 11 months
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Graveyard angel
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I wanted from you– blood at its richest, most luminous, in that first moment it touches the air.
Alex Dimitrov, All Souls Day
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inspiredbyjesuslove · 11 months
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the-mercy-workers · 11 months
Prayer for the Dead
In your hands, O Lord,
we humbly entrust our brothers and sisters.
In this life you embraced them with your tender love;
deliver them now from every evil
and bid them eternal rest.
The old order has passed away:
welcome them into paradise,
where there will be no sorrow, no weeping or pain,
but fullness of peace and joy
with your Son and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever.
From the usccb's website
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Went to sung requiem mass today for All Souls’ Day, and I gotta say, us Catholics are very good at creating fire hazards.
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dlight98 · 11 months
I love reading about plenary indulgences.
You're telling me that once per day from Nov 1st to 8th I can get all purgatory time removed by praying at a cemetery? And I can only do this once per day? Sounds like something you do in an RPG to get a buff.
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caitlynskitten · 11 months
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She’s so hot 😭😭😭
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animisticpagan · 11 months
I hope everyone had a good Samhain yesterday! I didn't get to celebrate how I thought I would, but I had a wonderful time regardless! I went trick or treating with my brother and his girlfriend and had a wonderful time watching a play I had been search for earlier in the day. (That play being Venus in Fur, played by Hugh Dancy- my favorite actor- and Nina Adrianda!) Today, however, is Dia De Los Muertos! I couldn't make soup yesterday, so I will try my best to make it today for the stretched thinning of the veil across the holidays I celebrate- Samhain (Yesterday), Dia De Los Muertos (Today), and All Soul's Day (Today and tomorrow)! Even if I don't do anything, even if I don't make soup, simply resting, or doing work, or thinking of ideal devotional acts and/or festivities for these holidays- and any other ones you may celebrate- it was still a good holiday. You don't have to do anything for it to be a successful holiday. Holidays are meant to be times of comfort, times to be spent at the hearth, and even those brought to life with parades and communal gatherings, away from the hearth, still have the alternatives for those who cannot- or don't want to- leave their homes. For those who cannot participate in all the extravagant acts that come with the day- like trick or treating, or making soup, or even just getting a sugar skull, let alone setting an altar to the dead. Simply sleeping, restfully or not, or eating, or drinking, or laying down, or just waking up can be a perfect enough act of festive spirit for the holidays if you don't hold yourself to the high, picture-esc standard that is strewn about everywhere. Take your practice, and remember that you are at the center of it. Your practice does not exist without you, so make yourself comfortable in it, and make yourself loved within it. The holidays you celebrate in your practice are yours to celebrate, and while there are traditional ways of celebration, or popular, well known ones, that doesn't mean you have to do them. Take care of yourself, and have a wonderful Celtic New Year. May your ancestors bless and guide you through the thinned veil. Blessed be <3
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pol-ski · 2 years
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Jasło Cemetery, Poland. © Tomasz Kasprzyk
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