#All the people I censored are celebrities too don't worry
womanonthehill · 1 month
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Few more pics of mileapo from the denim and Giordano fashion shows from 2013
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souryogurt64 · 2 years
since we’re sort of on the topic: can you explain the whole hating band guys’ wives/gfs from fans and why it happens? i probably am thinking too much on this, but is it just because of teenagers’ fantasies wanting to be with their 30+ idol and that 00.1% of being with them dies with it if they have a partner and even kids? is it them trying to project their ships if they’re into rpf and them dating a girl kills their yaoi fantasies lol. not saying you have to 100% stan their partners or even like them like with what we see on the opposite end of the scales with fan accounts dedicated to wives which is uhhhh but some ladies who do nothing but exist get ruthlessly talked to shreds and their husbands put on pedestals
Yeah I think it's a lot of factors including the ones you listed. I've been a band girl stannie for over 10 years and I feel like I've seen things come full circle from vitriolic hatred to intense stanning to vitriolic hatred of all women. People do stuff like censor Lynz in photos of her and Gerard because she's "problematic," which is very 2009 Livejournal behavior and something Gerard is very strongly against.
Like twenty people are going to unfollow me and I'm going to get 200 angry anons but the line in Foundations of Decay "He gets to die a saint but she will always be a whore" is very clearly referencing gendered double standards. However, no one in the fanbase interprets it this way because acknowledging Gerard even has a wife and has opinions about women deeper than "Don't show your tits to get backstage" would shatter everyones brains and ruin their perception of Gerard as this gay trans icon that is so gay he doesn't get anywhere near icky problematic women. So their fans keep censoring their wife in photos and censoring captions acknowledging they're a couple because she's so horrible you can't even look at her.
Obviously Gerard uses they/them pronouns in addition to he/him and has spoken out about their feelings about gender identity and those intetpretations of his lyrics are important to acknowledge too but that line is pretty obviously talking about gendered double standards.
Obviously Lynz has done some things that really aren't cool, but her chief actual sins seem to be art theft, racism, and being friends with Jimmy Urine, which are all things Gerard has been at least of accused of too-- he was collaborating with Jimmy Urine as recently as 2020 and Jimmy Urine was in the Danger Days music videos but everyone just closes their eyes and points at Lynz.
But anyway, I think some of it is sexual jealousy and some of it is frustration that acknowledging they're into girls too means not every FOB song is about Mikey, maybe 1 or 2 are about his actual former wife. But I also think some of it is misplaced anger and frustration that no matter how smart you are or how good of a musician or artist you are or how successful of a career you have or whatever as a woman, male celebrities are almost always going to go for an influencer or model that's probably 10-15 years younger and wants to have six kids starting at age 22, and even if they want to make music with a girl they'll still pick a 19 year old ten years younger they can easily take advantage of or mistreat, like CS with Victoria and Black Cards with Bebe Rexha. And it can be easy to resent people who happen to be that pretty and happen to get lucky and be in the right place at the right time when they're very, very young and be born rich.
Also like sometimes band wives do really shitty things-- I believe Sarah Urie told an extremely racist joke while Brendon was on livestream. Mike Dirnt's wife is an antivaxxer and a vitriolic transphobe and BJA's wife participated in cyberbullying a teenager her son sexually abused And it sounds like Olivia Wilde prioritized her desire for Shia LaBeouf to be in Don't Worry Darling over Florence Pugh's safety and comfort. But before that ever came out people were calling Olivia Wilde an ugly pedophile because she was dating a 28 year old man-- famous guys date much younger than that all the time and no one ever blinks. But like Meagan doesn't do anything and has no online presence and people just fucking hate her because she's a lady that exists.
I don't really know where I'm going with this but people just hate women so much it is insane-- people get worked up over acknowledging Victoria existed in Cobra at all when Gabe made the same types of offensive jokes she did constantly and he was actually accused of emotional abuse by a female ex band member. Everyone just closes their eyes and points at Victoria.
It's so bad that a lot of band guys tend to be more feminist in this regard than their mostly female base as a whole even though theyre all like shitty and support Johnny Depp lol
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papirouge · 5 months
There’s something about every alpha masculinity account that screams “fed” to me. I really think these account are fake and ran by the fbi to monitor men online and who would be likely to commit mass violence. Other times it’s bots.
But really, look at how they cry about how men are gods on earth for women to forcibly worship them (idolatry God will strike down every man who calls himself the lord) and the need to protect children from leftist but will welcome Kevin spacey and man who preyed upon children openly all because they don’t believe in “cancel culture” unless it’s them. This is such a insidious agenda happening and it requires a lot of attention from Christians to avoid this.
That's an interesting theory
I also heart the one saying that the incel movement was incepted by old scrote trying to make younger men look as stupid & insane as possible so that women of their age be repulsed by them and instead consider dating older men on the basis they won't be as unhinged. It would make sense if older redpiller weren't as much demented as the younger ones. And it's not like they were good concealing their "opinions" those scrote are unable to have a normam conversation with a women not involving sex, breeding, female's "role" or some other redpill bs
These old scrote are much more cunning and calculating than they will admit. Andrew Tate proudly admits he has no issue lying and deceptive tactics with the girls he's trafficking so why his fans think he wouldn't do the same to them? 🤔
Now to come back to your theory, I definitely think the redpill movement is indeed a psy-op to divide society. What irks me so bad is that so called 'free thinker' media wil have no issue seeing this when it comes to race, and call the BLM movement "divisive" and breeding hate among society, but will say absolutely nothing about redpiller and their visceral hate against women. I'm thinking about Vigilant Citizen especially.. it's been a while I realized dude was shady but I realized he was definitely full of shit when he made an entire article to dunk on Barbie and its feminist propaganda that will destroy society🙄 (btw I didn't forget he never approved my comment on that article calling him out lmao Mind you, he's one of those whiny people asking for more fReEdoM oF sPeEch/truthers are cEnsOreD, but is unable to apply that freedom of speech on his own website🤡). Meanwhile he has yet to address the redpill movement and the well documented femicide attacks/shootings perpetuated by men who explicitly expressed their hatred against women. Is that enough to finally call the redpiller/mra movement "divisive" too?
VC loves making articles pointing out the occult symbolism anywhere he can, so...why didn't he say shit about Andrew Tate Russian guru who happens to be a black warlock? Or Tate xitter handle being COBRA Tate? If you look into it, dude has whole thing going on with snakes... What about his weird triangular hand symbol too. VC would've a field day making an article developing the theory that Tate is actually a plant seeking to breed chaos and gender wars - it would have made a lot of sense bc there's a lot of shady shit going on with Tate and how he's being wk'ed by the Conservative right when he's a British pimp living in Romania. Also wasn't his dad CIA? Reaaal shady shit going on... But VC won't cover that shit bc he's of his bias.. but don't worry he'll make a 567th article about celebrities hiding one eye and the awful LBGT+ propaganda because lf *checks notes* rainbow on a note book🙃
You'd think the way these people talk about feminism women were out there turning society upside down, hounding & harassing men....but nope. IDK for being so dangerous & radical, feminists seem to be very quiet 🤔 there's a reason those men have to look into movies and video games to claim oppression. The so called oppression they get from women doesn't translate IRL.
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phoneybeatlemania · 2 years
Sorry to discourse at you, you can ignore this if you want. Regarding George's humor, this is a big area where I struggle to like George. Particularly in his relationship to Paul, but also just overall. Like, my sisters and I will make some pretty mean jokes about each other, but we would never make them in front of our extended family. There's a public/private divide with that kind of humor. If that makes sense? And I try not to be too hard on George, because maybe when you're that famous (2/2)
Anon Ask 2: ...it stops being fair to ask someone to censor the sense of humor. But I just get uncomfortable knowing that George knows that some portion of the audience will take the joke seriously and telling it anyway. And I feel like this is particularly prominant with Paul, who he has also said bad stuff about publicly in a non-joking way. I don't actually know what I'm asking here. I'm just blurting this out to you because engaging with how George's humor interacts with his celebrity is hard for me.
Reference to my post and original gif set which sparked this discussion
Hiya anon! No worries about sending an ask, Im happy to talk about this topic in a little more depth :) 
So something I didn’t really touch upon in my last post was that I do actually believe there were some Bitchy (for lack of a better term) things George said to Paul, particularly throughout the early 70s, which I think clearly went beyond harmless joking and were legitimately Mean Things to do or say. It’s not that I think these moments between George and Paul should be looked at in isolation, because there obviously was a long history between the two (and as well, the early 70s was just Complicated in general for everybody), so that should be accounted for if were going to criticise George for this. But despite the long history, I still think a lot of these things were unnecessary, and we should recognise that (and to be honest, not feel like we Always Have To Justify Everything? Sometimes people just do shitty things, and we can say that, and not have to victimise or vilify them for that). 
I feel like this is the type of point where George fans are gonna read it and think “okay so she *hates* George” and vice-versa with Paul fans—but to be honest, this isn’t really an area where I feel like its necessary to take sides. I feel like there can be a tendency to forget, especially when we’re trying to Psychoanalyse or Understand [or whatever you wanna call it] celebrities, that they’re all just human beings. Like everyone has said nasty things to other people, and everyones had nasty things said to them—but a period of hostility between two friends isn’t necessarily representative of what their relationship is really like, if you catch my meaning. My point I guess is kind of that, 50 or so years on, we should be able to recognise that Sure That Was Kind Of A Shitty Thing To Do, but theres a difference between recognising and critiquing something, and then actually passing judgement on an individual and Taking Sides, which often leads us to trying to justify Everything one person did while critiquing the other to excess. And real judgement seems fairly pointless to me in the case between George and Paul, because I think at the end of the day, they both just did Shitty Things to one another—but try being friends with someone for 15+ years without that happening. Im not saying that it means we should ignore aspect to their relationship or that it makes it licit, but I suppose what seems to be of more importance to me is that I think they both eventually tried change an adapt for one another.
I see what you mean as well when it comes to a public and private divide with humour; there are jokes you’d make in front of your closest friends/family, but wouldn’t make in front of other people. In this specific case though (with the “Paul has no good songs of his own” comment), I honestly just think this was Something Funny that came to Georges mind in the moment, and he wasn’t taking into the wider contexts, i.e music critics. And while I don’t want to Project or anything, just speaking from my own perspective I can say that irl Im the type of person who will say just about anything that comes to mind for me in the moment if I think its funny—and I get that impression from George too. I just feel like me and (probably) George are the types who just like to joke a lot, and are always looking to make other people laugh (as well as ourselves)—which kind of leads me to believe that when George makes a joke like “Paul has no good songs of his own left”, I think his expectation is that Paul is in on the joke, rather then just the butt of the joke. I guess thats really up for your own interpretation though (and as aforementioned, I think there were jokes in other periods of their lives where I wouldn’t feel this really rings true). 
I think as well, George must have known the music industry well enough by this point to be aware that sure, there were music critics and people sitting at home watching who genuinely would have Thought That. But again, if we’re speaking about intentions, I don’t get the impression that this was it, because as I mentioned before, I don’t feel like there was even any real intention behind the joke; I really just think it was a funny thing that came to mind for him; whether that makes it okay or not is up for debate (and to be honest, its your call really). Lowkey as well, I actually kind of think the people who Actually Believe Paul had no good songs of his own left (and so was Practically Forced to use some of Johns 😩) are really the butt of the joke? Like it rubs of as very dry, sarcastic commentary on those types of critics to me. 
I guess also if you look at most British comedians, a lot of humour relies on deprecating other people—especially on things like panel shows. Again thats obviously a different situation to the one George was in, but I think the general point is that when you have a very dry and sardonic sense of humour, you’re very prone to mocking other people, and that can be malicious—but at the same time, for a lot of people it really is just their way of telling jokes, and no Actual Offence is intended. 
But to return to the original point, I do hear what you’re saying in that ‘he has also said bad stuff about publicly in a non-joking way’, and I don’t really disagree. But what I was thinking with my response to that post specifically was like, there are genuinely mean things he said to Paul that I think are very-much worth discussing, but this imo just isn’t one of them? Like the way Im seeing other people respond [and this goes out to both the Staunch Paul Defendants AND the people saying “George was telling the truth!!” btw] just feels like an overreaction to me. So yeah—obviously I have no idea who you are anon, but tbh, I think if you wanted to get a discussion going about Georges treatment of Paul, theres a lot of room for that and Id be interested to read it! I just don’t feel that the joke we’re discussing here today greatly exemplifies your overarching point. 
But thats just my thoughts on this :) and tbh, I think I feel especially defensive of George in this specific instance just because Im Well Aware that his joke is the exact sort of thing I would say to people irl. Maybe its just a Sibling Thing, if you see what I mean—I think if you have a big family, everyones always trying to get the last laugh in also feel like this is an Irish Catholic Family thing but maybe thats a talk for another day lol.
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
And if you noticed a lot of celebrities not just z and t have abandoned twitter because the negativity is amplified there and you can't control comments as much as you can on insta. I see some t or z fans complain about how they've been abandoned on there (mostly in jest) but I don't blame any celebs that quit twitter. Especially if T truly went through it as much as we think he did during Feb 2020. Also fans can think they're just being jokey joke but forget that we don't truly know these people so we don't know what they consider a joke or what would hurt their feelings. Sorry I'm on my essay shit too coz I agree with you so much lol
No worries! I love long essays lol 😆 🙃
I totally agree w/you. 💯
Fans need to remember that we don't know these people personally, and we don't know what they consider "funny". It's one thing for your best buddy or your costars who actually know you to be joking with you, but when it's someone you don't even know, and who doesn't even know you like that, it can be offensive.
Plus, we have to also keep in mind that we don't know what some of these actors/actresses deal with on a regular basis due to their jobs. Being an actor in the acting business can already make you feel pretty insecure in the first place. You're told "no" all the time, or you go for parts and don't get them.... 😔 Just like the #MeToo movement, we really don't know what some of these ppl are having to deal with bts on a regular basis! We just don't know.
The least that fans can be is supportive, if you consider yourself a FAN. That doesn't mean you have to kiss someone's butt, or act like everything they do or say is perfect. But it does involve simply just being a decent fan and treating others the way you would want to be treated.
It's one thing for one person to be bashing you, but when it's a gang of people online doing it, it doesn't feel good. 😔
I'm not surprised in the least if some celebrities have checked out of Twitter most of the time. Tbh Twitter can be pretty toxic, and like you said, there's fewer ways to censor what comes your way on there. 🥴
I like that IG gives you the option to turn off comments on your posts if needed. I bet most don't even read the comments. It's too weird, and it can get you feeling bad if some are saying negative stuff.
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themoonispurple7 · 3 years
When it comes to the scandal going on with rappers and rpf/rps in Korea, it is really, really complicated. I understand the desire to villainize khip hop artists, or anyone else, who publically condemns rps or wants to 'censor women'. But there is a lot going on in the background that's feeding the controversy.
There's a bit of a gender war going on in South Korea right now. Of all the developed countries in the world, SK has some of the worst statistics around gender wage gap, sexual harrassment in the workplace, distribution household chores, sexual violence against women, spy cameras, cyber sex crime etc. The birth rate is going down and according to many women it is because they refuse to live the lives of their mothers and are fed up with the societally engrained misogyny that continues to affect their lives. Last year, the horror of the 9th room scandal became international news. (If you or anyone is sensitive, please be cautious if looking up details of these crimes. They are very disturbing and you might read about things that will affect your mental health badly, just speaking from personal experience). Many women and allies demanded that laws be changed to enforce stronger deterrents to sexual crimes. There have also been several high profile prosecutions in recent years involving politicians and celebrities (for example, the burning sun scandal). Before he was elected in 2017, President Moon Jae-In promised to become ' a feminist president'. Efforts have been made to promote female representation in feilds of ministry, education and education. (Plans have also been proposed to incentivize female hiring/advancement in the corporate sector).
With all of this, there has also been a strong backlash against feminism, notably among young men who fear being wrongfully accused of harrassment or beleive that they are paying for crimes perpetrated by older generations of men. Out of a recennt pole of 1000 people, 76% of men in their 20s and 66% of men in their thirties 'oppose' feminism. Compulsory military conscription of men in their 20s adds another element to the battle, with many young men claiming it as a form of gender discrimination and saying that it gives their female competitors an advantage in advancing their careers in SK's ultra tough job market. Anti feminism ideologies are on the rise and if they were to be exploited by, say, a rising politician, things would get very complicated (see, right wing groups in European politics). The poorer and more disenfranchised young men are, the more likely they are to espouse anti feminist beliefs. So with the backlash against rps, I get it. I don't agree with it, but I get where they are coming from. Young men who believe themselves to be the punching bags of feminists and 'female first policy' see rps and are like 🤯🤯🤯.
In the past week, 2 high profile young celebrities have taken their own lives. One was a very controversial rapper who once trained with Big Hit and was in the running to debut with Bangtan. Another rapper was taken to the hospital after very worrying behaviour on a live stream. A lot of rappers and artists in K media are in crisis. Mental illness and addiction are arguably even more stigmatized than in the west. I am not saying 'o woe to them', or 'poor rappers who hate rps', just that they too are human beings and that they too feel backlash from those who disagree with them.
Needless to say, the issues are very complicated and life for millenials and gen z ers in South Korea is not easy. Men and women in their 20s or 30s do not generally feel like 'members of the establishment', professionally, economically, or otherwise. The age heirachy is another factor that may lead to a sense of dispair and disenfranchisement. Maybe trying to understand where people are coming from, even when we profoundly disagree, is the best policy.
Thanks for this anon! I have to say I wasn’t familiar with all of the details. It’s... fascinating, at the very least. Regardless of what these rappers or anyone has done, bullying is never the answer and if the suicides are connected to the case that’s really horrible. 
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noirreservoir · 4 years
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To celebrate thirty years of Piratey Zombie-Monkey goodness, I was looking to make a video showcasing the impact the series has had on you - the fans of the series. It may have been over a decade since the last game appeared, but the love for the series certainly hasn't died. Maybe Ron no longer has access to the series, but that's no reason we can't give a resounding thank you to him for three decades filled with our lovable Mighty Pirate, Guybrush Threepwood.
So how can you get involved? Simple!
I'm just looking for a short clip of you voicing your love for Monkey Island. What exactly are we looking for? Well, if you could answer the following questions, that would be a great step - don't worry about answering them all, although the more the merrier, eh? Some of the things you could talk about are:
• What was your first Monkey Island game?
• What is your favourite Monkey Island game?
• Who is your favourite Monkey Island character?
• What is your favourite island in Monkey Island?
• What is your favourite Swordfighting Insult?
• What would you give to see Monkey Island continued?
• What do you think is the Secret of Monkey Island?
• Anything else Monkey Island related you want to say.
I'm still trying to gauge the best way to receive all of these videos, although my YouTube e-mail is [email protected]. If you want to send me a video, clip or your message to be read out, you can send it there. If there are concerns of size, then I typically use websites such as WeTransfer to help transfer videos. This allows you to send larger files to this e-mail. You can also attach your name, alias or even YouTuber name and I'll be happy to add that in too. You don't need to if you don't want to, however.
If you would rather not send a video, then I can certainly also accept a voice clip. Likewise, if you would rather not have a voice clip or that might present difficulty, you can also send me a message and I'm happy to read it out for you. Here's a little things I would need you to keep in mind:
• No foul language. LucasArts games have often been family friendly, and I'd rather this not be an exception. If you do swear, I might need to omit your submission, or at the very least censor the swear word out.
• I'd need you to send your message in English. I adore each and every one of you who come from all parts of the world, but to make sure everything is kept appropriate, I'll need you to send a message in English - I'm just not quite multilingual yet, so I would need to ask that you do this.
• Try and keep things positive. We're here to celebrate the Monkey Island series and its contribution to video games over the past 30 years. Let's try and keep this a happy video.
• Please don't send extremely long videos. I already mentioned about the size of videos, but as much as I can talk about Monkey Island for hours at the time, I'd rather not have to sift through hours of content about why Monkey Island 3 didn't meet your expectations plot wise.I'd ask that you perhaps keep it between 30 seconds and 1 minute. 2 minutes would be the maximum preference, based on the number of people looking to get involved.
We're also interested in including some of the media that you lovely fans have made. This will include fan-art and fan music, such as covers of some of the most iconic Monkey Island themes, or even remixes (from yourself please. We want to make sure we have full permission). It may also be fun to include some YouTubers who have discussed the series.
If you have any suggestions or want to help, please also let me know. If you know someone else who might be interested in participating, the more the merrier.
Let's make this a big happy video to wish a resounding Happy Birthday to one of the finest point and click adventures to grace the seven seas.
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hoochy-coo · 4 years
I agree with you that we need a new pop girlie/actress/socialite to really shake everything up a little. These LA streets are dry af. The whole popular crowd is boring and uninspiring while also seeming more polished. We need someone who's a little bit of city girl, like a little rough around the edges, and doesn't have media training lol.
I feel like many people in the industry especially the young ones play it very very safe to the point where we don't know if they even have a personality? Like I understand internet culture is big and no one wants to risk getting canceled.. but we just need someone who doesn't give a fuck really you know? Like obviously not like an azealia banks level of problematicness but a little bit of edge here and there is fine?
+ it really boggles my mind why some really big, I mean huge celebrities still give a damn what the internet thinks? Like I understand you need a level of caution with the public, but they act as if they're always on the verge of being cancelled? Like sis you are so big at this point you don't need to tip toe around your words.. like I understand why newcomers still need to have a bit of a filter and play safe? But once you have a stable fanbase and your basically so big, twitter kids shouldn't matter to you anymore, btw do these celebrities really know that cancel culture doesn't mean that much? Like of mel gibson still has a career..... Don't worry you'll survive lol.
Everyone plays it way too safe now because like you said, they don't want to risk getting canceled. In a way, the internet/twitter culture has made celebs wearier of doing reckless, ignorant things because they know their career could be on the line but it’s also bred performative activism and entitled fans who are convinced that their faves are naive/innocent. I completely agree with you that celebs are playing it so safe to the point where the GP isn’t even exposed to their personality anymore. Everything is pre-planned, everyone is media trained and prepped to say all the right things and interviews are way too censored now. I don’t know how management expects their client to attract stans and build a solid fanbase if they’re giving us absolutely nothing to be attracted/attached to. For example, Rih used to be shady as hell over Twitter and she wasn’t the classiest/nicest at times but at least the public knew she had sass and humor in her so they were encouraged to keep up with her. 
I get what you mean about huge celebs, like Beyonce doesn’t ever need to worry about getting canceled in this lifetime. She’s too big, she’s established a whole brand, she’s in for life-long relevancy. I also think a lot of it has to do with the times. Imo Mel Gibson isn’t really a good example because he was/is ridiculously problematic but a lot of celebs from his generation got away with a lot more and they were way less monitored in what they did or said. Not to say it’s a positive thing but people of the past generation were way more desensitized and they didn’t care enough about the celeb themselves to not go to the cinemas to see their movie just because they’re in it. If Mel Gibson did Lethal Weapon last year and did half the shit he did even after establishing as Hollywood’s fave leading man, I think he’d still be cancelled in a flash lol
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citycfangels · 7 years
TEXT: charlie ⇄  raquel
Charlie: good morning, babe. how was your night?
Raquel: Morning baby. It was good. Just wish I would have woken up next to you.
Charlie: i wish it too, but that would be too suspicious
Charlie: are you alone or is he there with you? just curious
Raquel: True or I could just make sure to still be stealthy.
Raquel: You actually think I'd go home with him after him being that drunk? No he's not with me.
Charlie: i would be worried if you did. he was really wasted last night, so i'm glad you're okay
Charlie: so, what are you doing now?
Raquel: In the words of a great disney icon I'm a big tough girl. I tie my own sandals and everything.
Raquel: I was going to shower and then look at emails my agent sent me. What are your plans for the day?
Charlie: nice
Charlie: i wish i was in that shower with you, but we'd waste water, am i right?
Charlie: so far, i will make myself some coffee and keep reading this business book
Raquel: You could always come over and shower with me.
Raquel: YOU'RE READING A BUSINESS BOOK? How is it? Is it hard to read? Can I help?
Raquel: Have I mentioned how happy and proud of you I am lately?
Charlie: i'm tempted, i'm really tempted to go there
Charlie: why are you surprised?! not really, this one is easy to read. plus, i have internet
Charlie: you haven't, and same goes to you. you haven't given up and you're still trying, and i'm sure something will come up for you soon
Raquel: well actually now that i know you're reading and that it's no too dense you should stay home. I can always send you something when you tell me you've finished a chapter just to motivate you.
Raquel: well maybe not surprise but just excited that you are.
Raquel: Then I should definitely say it more often because I really am. I'm not supposed to give up. This is the part where me being stubborn actually comes in handy.
Charlie: oh really? because i'm almost done with this chapter, babe. it seems like i'm getting my motivation reward soon
Charlie: i'm excited about this too. it's ambitious, but i can't wait to get this going on and open a bar. my own bar.
Charlie: i know you won't, one of your best traits is the perseverance. you'll get something soon, i believe in you
Raquel: Really? Well I sure hope you actually are reading and not just skimming the pages.
Raquel: It is a little ambitious with licensing and more people needing to be involved but it's something that you can do and if you're letting me help then we can definitely do it together. I just can't wait until my man has his bar with his name on it and other people get to see just how smart you are.
Raquel: Thanks babe.
Charlie: i swear i'm actually reading them, i'm not a cheater
Charlie: true, but it's worth the damn. i'm pretty sure it'll be rewarding once it's up and ready. of course, you can help and this will be our thing, babe. i can't wait for it.
Charlie: i'm so proud of you, you know that?
Raquel: right. I know you aren't.
Raquel: I didn't know if this would be our thing or just me being the supportive woman behind you. I would be okay with either. I just don't want you to think that this isn't yours.
Raquel: I've hardly done anything yet, but I still really appreciate it. You know you're the only one in my life that actually believes in me and I don't think you know just how much that actually means to me.
Charlie: i didn't mean that, sorry
Charlie: i like both options, i would be okay with either of them. you being supportive of me on this means a lot.
Charlie: not even nathan? how is that possible?
Raquel: no, it's okay. I might as well get used to hearing it. I did cheat and there's no reason why you should censor your words.
Raquel: I'm always going to support you. No matter what. You're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with so supporting you is supporting us and our relationship.
Raquel: Don't do that. I mean it. You're my biggest and only supporter. Nathan probably likes the idea of having a girlfriend that's an actress more than actually supporting one. He's good for my career and he has shown me a few things about the world, but that doesn't mean he is supportive or that I feel like I can lean on him. He's a mistake.
Charlie: still, i should have used another expression. all i wanted to say is that i'm following the rules and doing an exhaustive reading of this
Charlie: i like having a supporter. i like all of that.
Charlie: still, that's something an asshole does. i can't believe he doesn't do that, although i like the idea of being your only fan and supporter. well, the first of many, i hope
Raquel: Babe you don't have to treat me with kid gloves just because you used the word cheater. I knew what you meant. I'm fine.
Raquel: well now you're stuck with one so you better get used to it.
Raquel: He's not an asshole I just think we both didn't really know what we wanted. I do now. Hopefully. i don't want to be one of those celebrities with just a few fans. I'd be like the Paris Hilton of actresses and no one wants that.
Charlie: okay
Charlie: being each other's supporters is so good, and one of the best parts is that it brings benefits
Charlie: i really hope he's not one. nah, you'll have more than a few, you deserve them and it's not the fanclub president talking right now
Raquel: Benefits you say? I just might think that's the best part. Not that that's the only reason to be supportive.
Raquel: He isn't but it doesn't matter. Eventually he'll make someone happy and what we had was good. I think it's the fan club president and the whole being my man thing that is talking but that doesn't take away from any of it.
Charlie: not the only reason but it's a very attractive one, yes. like i'm the only one who gets to fuck you, or the one who gets to get nudes from you, for example
Charlie: yeah, you're right. it doesn't matter. well, no matter who's talking, i'm proud of you and you deserve success
Raquel: Is that a hint? You're the only one i want to fuck me.
Raquel: http://68.media.tumblr.com/dcc484e9f8edbc6b5f841327d881d116/tumblr_inline_o54tpvLQQw1tph66c_500.jpg
Raquel: Keep reading.
Raquel: My success means noting if you're not successful with me.
Charlie: damn
Charlie: yes ma'am, i've just started another chapter
Charlie: you'd be successful anyways but that's a nice thought you have
Raquel: you're welcome.
Raquel: good boy. You could always be rewarded with a lot more than pics.
Raquel: Babe if I want a life with you. A future I don't want us both to be happy and successful. If not his is going to get hard. I don't want to wake up one day and realize that I've lost you because we've outgrown each other. I want us to grow together and build a life together. I said before that I didn't see a future for us and now I just want a future. That's all I want for us.
Charlie: oh yes? what do you have in mind for me, babe?
Charlie: i don't want that either. i'd feel empty if we parted ways after all this time, i don't know. i can't imagine a future where you're not in it, even if i ended up opening this.
Raquel: I could always come to you. You can show me everything you learned and jot figures on my clit with your tongue.
Raquel: I think that's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me. I can't picture anything without you so there isn't ever going to be an empty feeling.
Charlie: as long as you sit on my face, babe. i feel like having you ride my face today, i don't know why
Charlie: besides, you could totally blow me and help me with this boner i have from seeing your pic. i'm almost naked already
Charlie: i don't know when i started to say romantic shit but that's the truth. i'm glad you see it that way.
Raquel: can this be an every day mood because I think I could be okay with that.
Raquel: I plan on taking care of that. Good to know I can still turn you on.
Raquel: Hey, I like the romantic stuff. At least I'm not the only one being Nacho around here.
Charlie: you're not the only one who'd be okay about that, so
Charlie: good girl. it seems like i'm going from just wearing underwear and reading with a cup of coffee to completely naked as soon as you get here
Charlie: hey, i'm not cheesy. i'm hot and badass, with an special emphasis on hot
Raquel: so I can get my throne every day
Raquel: you just described the best day ever. And deprived me of seeing you read without a shirt so you're definitely going to have to pay for that one.
Raquel: so are you saying you can't be all of the above?
Charlie: you can sit in your throne whenever you want, babe
Charlie: oh really? what are you going to do to me?
Charlie: well, i feel most identified with 'hot' and 'badass' than with 'cheesy'
Raquel: well you can't say whenever because then I'll never want you to stop going down on me.
Raquel: I'm planning on kissing you from head to toe. Kissing the tip of your cock before blowing you so hard that you're going to want to cum inside my mouth. But before you can, I'm going to lay you down and ride you until I cum all over your cock.
Raquel: you can be all three and add in sexy and intelligent.
Charlie: oh, don't stop on my account. you know i love having your pussy on my face
Charlie: is that your idea of a punishment? because i can get behind that. as long as you let me cum too
Charlie: can we say you're the cheesy one and i'm the badass in this?
Raquel: and i love fucking your tongue almost as much as I love fucking your cock.
Raquel: sure is. I didn't mention letting you cum...
Raquel: I can be the badass. I'm totally a badass with a great ass.
Charlie: wasn't that the whole point of this? i read, i get informed of how a business works, you reward me for that
Charlie: we can be badass together, but you're the cheesy one on this
Raquel: Or I led you to believe that that's what the whole point of this was. It could have just been punishment all along for reading while I wasn't there to watch.
Raquel: I still don't accept it completely but I guess if we're together that's all that matters. And I'm aware that that was cheesy. Still doesn't prove your point.
Charlie: you're meaner than you let everyone think, babe. then there's no point on eating you out, unless i can make it up for it somehow
Charlie: true, it doesn't matter who's what in this. let's leave it at, well, we are hot and awesome. and very sexy.
Raquel: I'm absolutely evil, but you just said something about always wanting to go down on me so you can't take that back. You're locked in.
Raquel: I can agree to that one. Now let your sexy and hot girlfriend try to drive.
Charlie: i didn't know you could be that evil, babe. mmm, is there anything else i can do so you can let me cum
Charlie: good, my hot and sexy girlfriend can drive and she better arrive soon
Raquel: I can be even more evil. That was me being nice. I don't know. How about you try to give me some ideas.
Raquel: Your girlfriend will be there soon.
Charlie: nah, i really want to get laid, so no, no ideas for you
Charlie: be here soon, i finished a second chapter today and i want my reward
Raquel: well the ideas could actually help with you getting laid. Don't act like you don't have any.
Charlie: well, come up with any and tell me. or better, show me.
Raquel: hmmm you could always try fucking my ass seeing if that can make you cum. Bending me over and fucking me, or maybe even just putting me face down on your bed and having me take every bit of you. If not you can just try things and see what will make you feel better. I guess i can let you cum so long as you cum inside me.
Charlie: i miss fucking your ass
Charlie: don't get that shower babe, because a fuckfest is happening as soon as you get here. i hope you don't have anything to do later
Raquel: well you should have said it and it would have happened a lot sooner.
Raquel: guess I'll just have to shower with you later. Nope I have no errands and Nathan is on a boys trip out of town for the next three days and when he gets back we'll be over so it doesn't even mater.
Charlie: it seems like we're going to have three days to make up for the little time we had yesterday. except when we have to work, but three days are three days.
Charlie: we can do plenty of things in three days
Raquel: oh so you just want to monopolize my three days?
Raquel: I never said I was going to give you all three days. You'd probably break me before then.
Charlie: well, at least two of them.
Charlie: nah, i'm kidding
Charlie: i wasn't just talking about having sex like rabbits, but that's tempting
Raquel: I can deal with all three I was kidding. I'll be yours every day any day.
Raquel: as tempting as it is I think even we have to take a break sometimes. Speaking of breaks just know that you'll be doing all of the food breaks and going out to get us food.
Charlie: good, because we're having so much fun at my place. or yours, wherever you want
Charlie: why does it have to me be all the time, babe? can't we just take turns or something?
Raquel: i always like your place more than mine. I don't know why. It just feels more like home than mine does.
Raquel: Im going to pull the non feminist card and say that the man is supposed to do the "hunting" even if it is just going to go get our food.
Charlie: cheesy but nice. we both know you like my bed so much
Charlie: but think about this: you can go get food and find me reading and naked in bed, which is exactly what you missed earlier
Raquel: it's not just your bed but sure that is part of it.
Raquel: I thought about it and the whole point is to not miss any part of the reading not just come back to it so hard pass.
Charlie: unless we order food, i'll have to get up and cook something or go get take out food, so i wouldn't be reading then
Raquel: you going out to get our take out can be counted as your mental break. See I thought that one through.
Charlie: fuck, you really did
Charlie: well, i guess i'm in charge of the food, but what are you going to do for me instead?
Raquel: obviously I'm in charge of the mind blowing sex, back massages, random conversations and making you happy. Besides every time you go out you get to come back home to me which I think is always a bonus
Charlie: sounds like i'm in charge of the food, good sex and giving you sexy views then. sounds like a deal
Raquel: well good because that's the only deal you're getting 😜
Charlie: we'll see about that. now get your hot ass here so i can fuck you already
Raquel: Patience. It's a virtue you clearly don't have.
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