#Alliances diamant
amantysjoaillerie · 25 days
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Initiation gratuite à l'essentiel du diamant (BORDEAUX) 
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 4-6 Cours de l'Intendance, 33000 Bordeaux
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calirra77 · 4 months
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bijouterierian · 2 years
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newnlovesjennie · 4 months
one piece au where literally nothing went wrong everyone is alive and happy hc's
belle mere is still alive obvi
the attack on her island was less of an attack and more of like a alliance? like the fishman pirates pulled up and were like hey we need a hideout can we pls use ur island. and they were like yeah offer us protection and in turn u can use our island! no violence no blood nothing!!
in this au fisher tiger is still alive and the fishman pirates are still what he envisioned before his death, so he’s the captain, not arlong
speaking of arlong he’s like hella toned down. he got the jinbei affect in the sense that koala changed him and showed him humans aren’t all bad. yeah sure he’s more radical and unhinged than the other pirates but he’s just like the weird conservative uncle you tolerate at thanksgiving not a real threat
hachi and nami bonding!!!
nami never develops an obsession with money, she gets to put her full effort into map making and exploring that talent
she makes maps for the fishman pirates completely out of her own free will
she joins the movement for fishman human equality woohoo!!!
yeah in this au that movement actually gets taken seriously instead of played off and the fishmen actually make progress in equality 
koala visits sometimes! koala and nami bonding time!!!
doflamingo is toned down like 1000% in this au he’s not a family killer in this one he’s just odd
like seriously idk how the logistics would work but maybe somehow after the whole “doffys family becomes human” thing the humans don’t persecute him? so in turn he just kinda is pretentious and misses being rich instead of holding a particular grudge against humanity?
either way he’s also just the weird conservative uncle you see at thanksgiving 
corazon is number one dad ever did he offer law henny for his 8th birthday yes does he know how to do laundry or cook not at all but he is trying his best!
LAW BABY FIVE AND BUFFALO AS COUSINS. PLEASE!!!! dellinger too maybe idk if he’s a kid or not tho
the executives like trebol diamante whatever the fuck also aren’t as evil either they just tryna do their own thing yk just black market deal in peace but no unnecessary killing 
donquixote family stays pirates instead of going and trying to take a whole kingdom (took a shit ton of convincing for doffy to accept that)
the whole pirate warlord thing gives doffy enough prestige he don’t need to be a king necessarily 
law eats the op op fruit, doffy tries to get him to make him immortal, corazon slaps him, doffy changes his mind
(i am taking so many liberties in this au omg)
kuina didn’t fucking fall down a flight of stairs!! yippee!!!
their whole competition abt who will be the greatest swordsman is still on
they venture outside the dojo and become pirates
both bounty hunters maybe
kuina is so so gay
hear me out…. kuina x tashigi? LET ME COOK
yeah zoros just there
they find their way to mihawks island without the whole kuma blasting zoro to a random island thing
they beg mihawk to train them but he’s like wtf get out of my house but they show potential and he’s like ok fine ill train y’all 
persona is also there bc i said so FUCK MORIA ALL MY HOMIES HATE MORIA she left him and somehow ended up with mihawk he also let her stay for some reason (he needs to stop adopting kids)
hear me out…. perona x kuina? or at the very least they become besties
once again zoro is just there
olvia and saul are still alive
all of her island is still alive, don’t ask why the world government is ok with that they just are shhhh shhhhh 
robin grows up an archeologist but decides she needs to find the poneglyphs and discover the truth of the world
so she becomes a pirate and joins baroque works, led by crocodile
he respects her (WHAT) doesn’t try to kill her (WHAT) and they actually have a fun friendship a friendly lil boss secretary relationship its adorable
she helps crocodile get with doffy because god knows he couldn’t do it himself
ok if this is how this au is going robins gotta be besties with bon clay come on. mr three hello?? 
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1000sunnygo · 1 year
Law really thinks the love Doflamingo shows for his Family is 100% superficial doesn't he.
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"You vile human, you only gather people you can use as tools and you had no love for your brother"
"Fine, i have no love for my brother - If that helps you sleep at night."
It's just not true.
There are countless evidences against the assumption that Doflamingo sees his family as mere tools. Doflamingo cares them, pampers them - he feeds Diamante's ego, protects Baby 5 from local creeps. He saved abandoned children and raised them (most of whom were scared away by Corazon). He'd kill anyone for laughing at his family's vulnerable sides - their muteness and "funny voice". he took Rosinante back in the crew without a question even though Rosinante was suspiciously absent throughout his entire childhood. He studied Flevance's history immediately upon Law's arrival and was the first person to berate the superstitious ill treatment Law received for his disease, forgave every major failure of Baby 5/Buffalo/Trebol/Sugar/Jiolla during the alliance's raid. These all can't be fake. Doflamingo may sacrifice his Family member as last resort but he does not want that.
Doflamingo is a narcissist sociopath, but there are people who he wants to treat right, as best as he can - an influence that erases empathic outlook towards the world but offer protection and a safe home. If you're a useless coward with weak resolution like Bellamy, you're a nobody. But if you're capable in Doflamingo's eyes, he's got your back.
Law himself subconsciously took advantage of Doflamingo's care for his Family when he halted Doffy by blackmailing Jiolla.
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Whether it's due to Doflamingo's experience throughout the "peasant life" or a hint of goodness passed genetically from his parents, Doflamingo's love exists and has a quality compared to as seen in other nobles/world nobles ie. Saint Rosward or Outlook lll.
But it's selective, and Doflamingo can't stand betrayal.
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Law despises Doflamingo for doing something he didn't want to.
Whether Doflamingo is by birth a narcissist sociopath or no, he was wronged by his environment and family.
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Doflamingo's "family" is a small circle of people, yet he was betrayed within this circle repeatedly. Homing did it first. Then Rosinante. When Doflamingo killed his brother, he had to come in terms with the reality that his blood family are his enemies.
And finally, Law did.
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Law overheard Doflamingo's statement that rightfully made him lose his respect and trust. But, once again, it's not what Doflamingo wanted to happen.
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Doflamingo's value of "nakama" isn't the same as Luffy or Law's, it doesn't transcend personal goals. He fully endorses his role of a captain, a King, protected by an army who'd lay their lives for him. It's not selfless but doesn't make him as big of a scumbag towards every single human as Law (and Rosinante) assumed he is. If Corazon didn't betray him first, he would've been alive.
Now, what would it be like, if Law and Doflamingo's paths ever cross again?
While Doflamingo remains irredeemable for the crimes he committed in general, imo, his redemption for killing Corazon (in particular) had been resolved once Dressrosa (the people who Corazon wanted to save from Doflamingo) were freed. The final arc is building up antagonists that can't be taken down by a single group of pirates. There will be full-fledged war. If Law and Doflamingo do encounter each other, they'd be on the same side against the same enemy.
Doflamingo's connection with the ones "up higher" is vague at best. There are missing details as to what happened when Doflamingo returned to mariejeoise with Homing's head, how he discovered Imu and/or the national treasure. It's likely that Doflamingo learned the details of Ope ope fruit specifically because he knew Imu's history.
Donquixotes have been repeatedly pitted against Celestial dragons' belief and traditions. Mosjgard being a Donquixote is an interesting detail, probably added as an afterthought for some reason.
Oda wouldn't have made Law a "D" if he isn't meant to play a pivotal role against the Celestial dragons, especially now that it's vaguely confirmed it's his fruit that made Imu immortal. We don't know why Law's family kept the D hidden and what the hidden name "Water" stands for.
Law right now is dragged into another potential revenge subplot but we know blackbeard isn't his to beat. Oda might've separated Law from his crews to directly incorporate him in the Imu plotline instead of the race for One piece.
I think Law's future role doesn't involve combat, at least, it won't be the main focus. Law losing his sword reinforces this assumption.
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All these considered, a temporary collaboration of Law and Doflamingo for Imu's downfall isn't entirely off the table - Doflamingo knowing what can be done and Law possessing the "what" that can be done.
Looking forward to their return, hopefully soon.
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envihellbender · 1 year
Golden Deer boys’ turn to be yandere pluuuuus the princes from Engage? (Alfred, Diamant, Alcryst and Fogado) :3c
Fire Emblem: Yandere
(Male, Golden Deer House & Engage Princes x GN Reader)
Content: stalking, abuse, feedee/feeder
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Golden Deer
Claude keeps tabs on from the moment he first meets you. As soon as you’re enrolled in the Officer’s Academy he’s got his sources and agents finding out everything they can about you. You don’t notice at first, and Claude seems nice enough. Sure he seems to show up everywhere but he’s the sociable kind, right? So when he’s always joining you on the dining hall, in the training yard, and always hanging around the market place you never really think about it.
It starts to get weird when you realise just how much he knows. He knows facts about your family life you’ve never told him, he lets out facts about your past you’ve never told anyone in the Officer’s Academy. You assume he just does this to everyone he knows, he’s a lot more cautious and thorough than people realise. It’s the small things that results in you starting to see what’s happening. He brings you a pastry after you went to the bakers that morning to find they had none left, the bakery was empty, and you got up absurdly early. He replaced your bow string before you could tell anyone it had snapped. You don’t know how to feel, sure these things show he cares but… you can feel him watching you constantly.
It gets worse when he becomes the head of the alliance. He offers you a very lucrative and powerful position in Riegan territory, and as twenty year old from a fairly typical merchant family you can hardly turn it down. When you get to his estate however, you realise the true cost of accepting the role. Claude keeps a tight grip on you, he trusts your word and opinions but only within the walls of his home. You are no longer allowed to leave, Claude wants to make sure he can access you at any time and that no one can hurt you. You have servants to bathe you, dress you, feed you, and give you everything else you could possibly need. Claude needs to know everything you do, and the few times you try to escape or evade his eyes… well, you still have the scars.
Ignatz seems nice enough, a very polite young man who you see quite often. He’s always say in your eye-line with a sketchbook, always stealing glances at you. It takes you a while to realise, at first you justify it by saying he must paint everyone he sees or maybe he’s painting the building. It’s an impressive monastery and it is always in different places. However, when you spot his paints you notice the specific colour he has, the exact shades of your hair and eyes. You take a deep breath and ask what he’s painting a handful of times, he always stammers and blushes and doesn’t give you a straight answer.
You feel anxious being constantly watched and studied by Ignatz’s gaze, even if he isn’t constantly painting you he is constantly watching. Eventually after staying late in the library, you see he has fallen asleep with his sketchbook to the side as he was studying battle formations for class. As quietly as possible you take the sketchbook and flick through it, you find your chest tightens and you can barely breathe as flick through and see picture after picture after picture of you. Of you in the library, the dining area, the garden, the training yard… and then finally it gets worse. There are paintings of you asleep in your bed.
You try to tell yourself that doesn’t mean he is breaking into your room. Maybe he just used the other pictures of you as a reference, you think. You try locking your door but you notice as you wake up the door has been unlocked, you sigh in irritation as you remember Ignatz’s picklocking skill. One night, you stay up in bed pretending to be asleep, and you hear the clicking of the lock pick in the door. You wait until he settles and lights a candle, you see his hand move quickly over his sketchbook. Your eyes snap open and you stand up to see him looking at you in shock. You expect him to try to defend himself, maybe run from the room… instead he delicately places the sketchbook on your desk, he stands up, and before you can scream at him to get out he places a potion soaked rag against your mouth.
When you first meet Lorenz is, simply put, an arsehole. He seems convinced that since you are a ‘commoner’ it is his duty to protect you. At first it begins with things such as taking hits from bandits for you, which as an archer is hardly a problem. However, it starts to go further. He begins criticising your sparring partners by saying you’ll be hurt, and eventually intervened to ensure no one who didn’t match his specifications would be willing to train with you. You yell at him, but it doesn’t make him stop. In the final argument he calls you an uncivilised beast who doesn’t know how to converse with a noble. You hope that’s the end of it.
Lorenz stops trying to interfere with your training after you take the matter up with Claude. Unfortunately however, he has a new mission - he is determined to spend as much time with you as possible. He invites you to tea party after tea party, and when you can’t avoid them he spends them as etiquette lessons. He tells you that no noble would ever marry you unless you gain some manners. That sends a chill up your spine, why would he say that?
When you are forced to leave the Officer’s Academy you are greeted with an ostentatious horse and carriage with Lorenz waiting for you. He grabs your arm and pulls you in without a word, you can’t say goodbye to your friends. He doesn’t even take your belongings saying he will by you much finer things than that. You beg him to let you leave, he simply laughs. When you first get to his estate you can’t leave your bedroom, he says you cannot lay with him until you’re married. It’s a relief that he is giving you your space, but you are terrified for what he has planned. You can’t remove the ring he fuses to your finger, it burns to the touch.
The day Raphael discovers what a good cook you are is the day you catch his eye. He is so delighted when it’s your turn on kitchen duty, it makes you smile to see him enjoy your food so much. You sit across from him and ask him what his favourites are, you always make sure to cook him extra portions and you revel in seeing his eyes light up when you bring him a few extra boxes to take away.
You start to notice Raphael’s gut is growing, he’s getting bigger and bigger as the weeks pass. The signs are small, the buttons pop on his shirt, his belly pours out underneath it and his trousers no longer fasten. It starts to be alarmingly obvious when he manages to break the bench with his plentiful, adipose ridden arse. It splinters beneath him and his behind hits the cold floor. He only complains when he discovers he can’t reach the plates on the over side of the table. You run over to help him, lifting up the plates to his mouth so he can shove his face into them like they’re a trough.
As he gets bigger and bigger he starts to get more and more demanding. He insists you feed him everyday, and rub his gut afterwards. He summons you to his quarters with your food and you find yourself unable to deny him. You start to get frightened when he insists you stay with him constantly, feeding him, bathing him, and curling up to sleep on his belly. You are now far too gone to defy him, you need him as much as he needs you to fill his stomach.
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Alfred is immediately far too much. He hugs and cuddles up to you almost constantly, demanding your attention from everyone else and sulks when you don’t focus on him enough. It starts of as a cute little quirk, but soon it spirals. You can no longer speak to friends without him present.
He doesn’t seem to understand your boundaries, he will cuddle and pick you up suddenly when you ask him to stop. He’ll grab your hand tightly and kiss your cheek when you’re in the middle of a task like training or speaking to someone. He doesn’t like you to go anywhere without him, you can’t have a moment without him right there by your side.
He doesn’t trust you to leave the Palace once you’re engaged, you can’t go to the marketplace without an armed guard even though you are quite capable of handling yourself. Even with this unnecessary measure when you return home he is red eyed with nails bitten down to finger. He can’t stand to be apart from you, he delivers your breakfast in bed personally so you don’t interact with too many servants, and he insists on supervising your baths.
Diamant doesn’t show his affection very easily, he shows it in how protective he is of you and that’s when he starts to get terrifying. It starts small, a scowl and a sharp word to the merchant who is trying to rip you off or someone who doesn’t use the correct manners when speaking to you. You tell him it’s unnecessary but he just frowns and stays silent.
It starts getting worse, you don’t quite notice at first but when you’re married and living at the palace it’s even clearer. The servants avoid your gaze, and wince when you try to speak to them. You overhear a maid talking about the strict orders not to speak to or even touch unnecessarily the new spouse of Diamant. You try to speak to him about it but he dismisses it as idle gossip about how protective he is. Then you notice the stable boy who you had grown fond of no longer chats to you as you retrieve your favoured mare. He has a bruise on his eye so serious he can barely open it.
No matter what you say to Diamant he doesn’t listen, he starts grabbing into your arm far too tightly when you’re out in public. You start to worry he may raise his hand to you, but you don’t truly become terrified of him until the day one of your old friend’s visits the palace. It’s refreshing to have someone who isn’t scared to look you in the eye and show you affection. You chat for hours and hours. You’re sad when he leaves and await his letter saying it arrived home safely, it never comes. Instead there’s a report of how his body was found on the road leaving the city. There’s no evidence of what happened but you know, and you never invite a friend to the palace again.
Alcryst was anxious about you from the beginning, he never understood why you chose him as the recipient for your affections and he was convinced you would he taken from him. He wanted to know where you were at all time, determined to keep you safe, whenever he perceived a danger he dove in front of it saying he would die for you if he had to. You tried to be patient, you stroked his hair and smiled saying everything was fine when he did this whilst you were sparring with his brother. He clung to your waist and scowled at Diamant.
He begins to calm down as your relationship progresses, he no longer constantly apologises and begs you not to leave him. He does however not drop the habit of being your shadow, he enjoys being around you and being the target of your affection far too much. If you don’t give him enough of it he starts to slip into old habits. He still worries about you being out of the palace, there are so many bandits out on the streets and he wants to make sure he can keep you safe or sacrifice himself for you.
You’re delighted when he proposes to you, and you hope it soothes his anxieties… but quite the opposite. As the consort to the prince he now expects you to stay home as much as possible. He can handle any duties required for the outside and you are given two retainers who are to stay by your side at all times. Whenever you complain about how he’s slowly taking away your freedom he panics, convinced you’re about to leave him. You learn you can’t have a happy, content husband, and voice your concerns. You learn to live with the world that grows smaller every day,
No one expects the carefree, happy-go-lucky Prince to be quite so possessive. If anything you expected the opposite, for him to be off on so many trips and at so many parties that you never see him. He still goes on them, but he always expects you to be stuck to his side. He insists you always stay next to him, at parties he wants to introduce you to everyone not for you to mingle alone. It’s small things at first, you dismiss it as his simple worries, until it escalates.
He starts to get irritable whenever you speak to anyone new, anyone who he couldn’t vouch for. He said that it was dangerous being so kind and open with strangers. One evening at a party, a man asks you to dance, you politely decline and the man begins to get forceful. Fogado arrives to rescue you and insist the man is thrown from the building. You cling to him gratefully, you try not to wonder why the man was slipped some coin when he is escorted from the room. At every get together from then on Fogado clings to you reminding you of that one man even when it’s been so long you can’t even remember his face.
You begin to notice a pattern, when you start to get more confident around strangers again - you’re mugged in the marketplace. Fogado is a great comfort who hunts down the perpetrator. When you find yourself able to leave the palace again, bandits attack your carriage. The fifth time it happens you notice one of the attackers masks slips, the bandits are the same ones Fogado had killed the previous time. When you confront him he is offended, he can’t believe you think he’d put you at risk. He speaks of how you’re clearly too vulnerable and at risk to be leaving the palace at all. You start to doubt your own memories, maybe he’s right, you think.
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emblematicemblazer · 8 months
World building and theories of Engage
Leisure in Brodia
In the Somniel the recreational activity associated with Brodia is fishing. Of course fishing for food has a practical and an essential element but people also fish for sport. There is a competitive factor, as demonstrated in the scoring in the fishing mini game. You get greater rewards for rarer and bigger versions of fish. Fishing can be undertaken any time and the result will be different varieties of fish. 
Fishing can be a solo activity, a family activity or a shared experience. The conversation between Saphir and Alcryst demonstrates how fishing can accommodate a parent and child dynamic. Saphir teaches Alcryst to fish, which in turn helps to build his confidence. The fishing lessons will help him cook a meal for his mother. 
Fishing can also be a source of pride. When Saphir is challenged to a seafood cooking competition by Goldmary, she has great pride in her catch, a rare and sizable fish. 
Feasting seems to be a popular way to celebrate important events, including victory in battle. King Morion proposes having a feast to celebrate his potential victory against King Hyacinth. The feast doesn't happen due to the unforeseen circumstance of being sacrificed and turned into the corrupted. For the nobility and royalty, feasting was not just about the food, it was an elaborate showcase of power, wealth and status. It was also an opportunity to lift the spirits of family, friends and important knights.  The bounty of Brodia would be showcased as well as exotic ingredients from foreign kingdoms. Food was not just for eating but served as entertainment. Giant, ornate moulds, magical tricks and lighting alcohol would all be used to entertain. It would be a time to indulge in excess. King Morion is mentioned to be a big water in Alcryst and Saphir's conversation. 
When Alear arrives at Brodia castle, King Morion proposes a battle tournament. Tournaments could serve as a celebratory event, or a way to greet foreign guests or just for entertainment. A tournament could be a chivalrous competition or a mock battle. King Morion wants to partake in a mock battle where Alear transforms into a 'mighty dragon'. Other tournaments include: strenge, melee, jousting and archery. 
Citrinne mentions her fondness of balls. Balls in Brodia would be important as a place for the nobility to relax, as well as an opportunity to form political alliances and matchmaking. Not every noble enjoys these events. Alcryst goes to a 'Pandreo party' and, at first, he struggles to cope with the lawless environment. He is accustomed to Brodian balls where there are rules on how to behave, well rehearsed, uniform dance routines and dress codes. The colour of garments and choice of adornments all have a different meaning. At a Pandreo party he can do whatever he likes without judgement. 
Competition is encouraged throughout Brodian society, it is no wonder that it serves as entertainment as well as training. This is demonstrated when Alcryst challenges his brother to an archery contest. Note that none of the other royal siblings challenge each other in such a way. The other royal siblings are not shown training together, even if they are supportive, they still have different ways of performing their royal duties and different attitudes towards them. Both Diamant and Alcryst's roles are similar; protection, battle prowess and diplomacy. The similarity of their roles and dispositions, (they both want to be strong for Brodia,) means that  'rough housing' makes sense. 
Jade is a best selling novelist. Her novels are comedy based, very slapstick and physical stunt orientated. This indicates that there is a reading culture in Brodia mainly focussing on plot related works. 
Adventuring and battling monsters might be an 'Amber only' source of fun. The activities both make sense in an environment where there is competition and status via strength. Defeating a powerful monster would definitely encourage the same sort of pride as catching a big fish or winning a battle contest. The fact that Lapis can defeat bears is used as a way to demonstrate her strength.
The commoner has less time for leisure due to the manual and time consuming nature of their jobs. Commoners could be required to perform extra tasks to feed themselves such as foraging or hunting. They might not be able to simply buy new equipment and would have to be inventive to repair or cheaply build a replacement. Lapis's crafting skills are both out of necessity.
If you are a Brodian noble then there are many extravagant events to entertain you however a Brodian commoner would have less time for recreation and many 'hobbies' were born from survival.  
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ada-tan · 8 months
Dynamics Between the Nations of Elyos
Was gonna make this a thread on Twitter, but uh. It would have ended up WAY too long. So... here we go! The dynamics between the nations of Elyos, and my personal understanding of them from story/support dialogue, flavor text, and exploration lines scattered throughout the game.
Long post incoming!
Firene and Solm
Everything is prefaced with the non-aggression treaty between Firene, Brodia, and Solm. Firene and Solm have always had generally good relations, as stated by Alfred early in the game. The border between them seems easy to travel through, with Solm's Azure Coast being a popular tourist spot for Firenese visitors. (Alfred's comment on the Azure Coast map.)
Which is beneficial for Solm, as through tourism and trade, they can benefit from Firene's wealth and abundance of resources—particularly foodstuffs (crops, dairy, etc), teas, medicines, and dyes.
However, this relationship isn't quite so mutual, as Firene's bounty makes the country incredibly self-sufficient; in Fogado's support with Celine, he paints them in a somewhat isolated light, business-wise. Since they don't require resources from other countries, they don't do much in the way of importing, which is likely a detriment to Solm's economy.
As a desert nation with rather inhospitable conditions, it's perfectly sensible that Solm's prosperity and wealth is dependent on trade with other countries, hence their trade-based economy, and commitment to neutrality—it wouldn't be good for business to make enemies, and it falls in line with the Solmic ideology of living free, by your own rules, and being yourself.
Brodia and Firene
Brodia and Firene's relationship comes off as a bit more... tenuous. There is a connection there, as the Firene royals have visited with the Brodians in the past. But Alfred and Diamant's estrangement implies that, before the war, there had never been many chances for the two nations to form a proper friendship.
They have an alliance, but not one without tension. Alfred states early on that it "took some doing" for his mother to hash out a peace treaty with Morion, as he—and Brodians, as said by Diamant in his Alfred support—is known to be incredibly ambitious. Brodia has a reputation for warmongering and claiming surrounding territories, one of the primary motivators for their ongoing war with Elusia.
This violent reputation has existed long enough that it's even recorded in history books (Diamant & Framme support).
As such, they're likely seen by Firene and Solm as a potentially dangerous, unpredictable threat. Solm doesn't have as much to worry about as Firene would, due to its distance from Brodia, and lack of valuable resources. (Still, Solm is wary enough to actively spy on them.)
But Firene is the most abundant land in Elyos, and a veritable breadbasket. Similarly to Solm, Brodia is situated in very inhospitable lands. And even though that land hones the self-sufficiency and strength of its people (Amber/Merrin support), poverty and starvation is a prevalent issue amongst the common populace.
If Brodia ever turned its aggressions away from Elusia, then Firene could be the next prime target. The non-aggression pact, of course, prevents that. For now.
Even Diamant cites this as a possibility in his supports with Alfred, one he worries for and genuinely thinks is possible, due to the ambitions and needs of his people.
What's likely deterred Brodia all this time is Firene's connection to Lythos. As the nation most devout to the Divine Dragon, Firene and Lythos have an incredibly strong alliance and friendship. So no matter how tempting their territory might be, it wouldn't be the smartest idea to launch an invasion on a country that has the backing of the all-powerful Divine Dragon.
Brodia and Elusia
Brodia and Elusia's relationship is the one that probably gets the most focus in the plot, and will be the one people are most aware of without having to dig into supplementary dialogue and information. Still, that makes it no less interesting—even though Brodia is painted as an ally, and Elusia the enemy, I genuinely think their conflict is far less black and white than that.
Let's be clear. Brodia's primary reason for invading Elusia IS to claim the nation's territory as their own. They are the aggressors of the war between them, and it is unequivocally wrong. Not exactly the actions of a heroic nation, and definitely in line with the classic Red Empire archetype of Fire Emblem.
But there's also another reason, a motivator that definitely varies in sincerity—the Elusians' worship of the Fell Dragon, and Brodia taking it upon themselves to keep that worship in check, while Firene, Solm, and Lythos are far more tolerant of the Elusians fostering their beliefs (whether they agree with them or not; Alfred himself admits that it's "concerning").
For many ambitious Brodians (particularly the nobility, who are often painted as a problem in Diamant's supports), I feel as though the Fell worship offers a convenient excuse for them to continue and push for the war efforts, lining their own pockets in the process.
But also for many, I think the fear of Elusia, their worship, the Fell Dragon and what both are capable of is very much real amongst the Brodian populace. Of course, that fear is shared in Elusia, with one example being that children are taught to watch out for Brodian armor (Ivy/Alcryst support).
As for Elusia, one would think that people who worshipped an evil dragon were inclined to villainy and violence. And with Elusia's incredibly insular culture, it's easy for those sorts of rumors and perceptions to spread.
In some cases, it's true. There are sects of the Fell Dragon faith that are extremely violent, in the brainwashing and abuse of their followers, their glorification of pain, and tendency toward blood sacrifices. You see it in how its warped the perspective of people like Griss and Marni, in the comments of the characters in locations like Destinea Cathedral and Elusia Castle (centers of deep Fell worship), where they often note the unsettling sight and smell of blood.
But in many cases, it's not. There are certainly those who worship the Fell Dragon and are more adjusted in their lives, merely viewing it as an alternative faith to others they either don't believe in, or have been disillusioned by. And there are Elusians who don't worship anything at all. Alfred himself points out that not all Fell worshippers should be lumped under the same brush.
It's implied that Brodia's continued aggressions pushed Hyacinth into unsealing Sombron (and influences from Gradlon and Zephia as well), which leads to his return and a war that engulfs the entirety of Elyos, using the Elusian army as the main force.
Both countries have done deplorable things, but neither are fully evil—there's a level of humanity to each, exhibited in the characters that hail from each nation, that certainly paint the situation as more nuanced than it appears on paper.
But relations are certainly hostile between both.
Elusia and Solm (& Firene)
If Elusia had a positive relation to any other nation before the war, then it would seem to be Solm. And even then, it's more of a neutral, transactional relationship, seemingly based on trade.
At Givre Port, Bunet will mention that he often sought out food sent from Givre to Solm (likely to his hometown, a port city), establishing a relationship of trade between the two countries. But unlike with Firene, it seems to be mutual. Where Firene doesn't have to import because of its bounty and self-sufficiency (Fogado/Celine support), Elusia—being a cold, harsh land—very likely has to. And that, of course, benefits Solm.
Past that? They don't appear to have much of a relationship. The royal families don't seem friendly, and Solm is actively spying on Elusia (as they are with the other countries), so clearly there isn't much in the way of trust, despite the appearance of neutrality.
For Firene and Elusia, Alfred says so himself: there's very little that Firene knows about Elusia due to their distance from each other, and the latter's insular culture. What knowledge they do have seems to be from hearsay, mostly regarding some of its more notable features: the cold climate, and leaning towards Fell worship.
Neither Firene or Solm has stepped in to interfere with (or stop) the war between Brodia and Elusia, and with the recently established non-aggression pact, that possibility becomes even slimmer. I wouldn't be surprised if Elusia feels something of a distrust for the two because of it—it's certainly given them no qualms in invading both nations for their rings.
Solm and Brodia
Similarly to Elusia and Firene, both Solm and Brodia are extremely far from each other, so there's very little connection. They are members of the same non-aggression alliance, and the Brodian royals have visited the country in the past... but despite their similarly inhospitable lands, the two nations share very little common ground when it comes to ideology and values. (Saphir's comment in Tullah Desert)
I can only assume that, at the very least, both countries do trade with each other. After all, Solm is known for its spices, and it's a staple of Brodian culture to put spices in tea...
Plus, Solm's love of meat roasts? And Brodia having a deluxe brand of beef as a popular export? Where do you think THAT'S going.
But anyway, it isn't until the Fell Dragon war that more of a relationship is established, through the developing friendships of Diamant/Timerra and Alcryst/Fogado.
Lythos and Everyone
Last, but certainly not least, the Holy Land of Lythos! It is the center of Divine Dragon worship on the continent, where the ruler of Elyos resides, and a neutral force amongst the nations.
With Firene, Lythos has a very close relationship—it is the nation most devout to the Divine Dragon, with Lumera and Queen Eve having shared a friendship. This was likely the case for Firene's king as well, and the royals who came before them. Firene's throne room is specially built to accommodate Lumera's dragon form during visits.
Brodia and Solm, while respectful of the Divine Dragon, even having churches of their own, seem more neutral. Solm is stated to be a very secular culture, not deeply religious, but still fostering love and respect for Lumera as a ruler and dragon.
And Brodia respects the Divine Dragon as well, often accepting Lumera's invitations to visit the sleeping Alear at the Somniel. Diamant even states that it was through Lumera's help that Brodia was able to be established (Diamant/Framme support), so clearly they hold a certain level of respect for her and her faith, even if they aren't extremely devout followers.
With Elusia, there seems to be an indifference to the Divine Dragon at the very least, or outright rejection at most. So much that Ivy's worship of the Divine is something she sees as rebellion, and feels she has to keep secret. Some who live there are disillusioned with the Divine Dragon (Mauvier/Ivy supports), and others simply grew up with the Fell faith.
Like with other nations, Lumera is said to have invited Elusia to Lythos in order to visit with Alear (Ivy's wake up lines), but those requests were declined every time.
Though... Lumera, a living 'god', doing nothing to prevent Brodia's attacks likely did her little favors in that regard.
This is all my personal perception, of course, formed from different lines and bits of flavor text in the game. I personally think there's a lot to digest in Engage, while still giving us room to interpret and extrapolate, as long as you care enough to look.
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amantysjoaillerie · 1 month
NOUVEAU À BORDEAUX: Participez à une initiation à la gemmologie
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Joaillerie Amantys vous propose chaque semaine une initiation à la science du diamant naturel. Au sein d'un laboratoire dédié, découvrez les caractéristiques qui le compose (Carat, Clarté, Couleur, Coupe et Fluorescence) et comprenez leur impact sur le prix de votre bijou sur-mesure. Gratuit et ouvert à tous, ce moment privilégié allie théorie et pratique.
*IMPORTANT* Places limitées 
S'inscrire maintenant   URL : https://bit.ly/initiation-gemmologie-bordeaux
Retrouvez notre Showroom au coeur de Bordeaux. https://g.page/r/CVE9fG9EoR6nEBE ;
 4-6 Cours de l'Intendance, 33000 Bordeaux
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nelithic · 21 days
"Wow... Lady Nel, you look amazing!" The sentence slipped out of his lips before an actual thought formed on his mind. He did not regret speaking it as it was a fact, how the suit embraced her figure and the colors of the design were a perfect match, no doubt on that.
Besides being literally otherwordly to his Elyos, Lady Nel and her brother were of beauty unmatched. Good looks ran on their blood and Alfred wasn't going to complain about that.
He shook his head swaying away those thoughts, this wasn't the reason he approached her! With both hands to his hips, Alfred smiled and let the compliment be but a part of his thoughts. "Ahem! I was wondering if you'd like to chat a little bit or maybe dance with me?"
LEVITY AND JOY GREET HER FROM BEHIND, attached soon to a familiar face she seems to still have all too recently beheld still suffering. this was a different prince alfred who had not yet supped of elyos' rot ; yet, to see him smiling, the lines of his face unbent by war and the expectation that had made him cruel, gives her satisfaction indeed. this world's alear truly came from a blessed place. may their future never follow her own. "thank you for the compliment ; however, i cannot fully accept it. this ensemble was selected for me by another."
as she is eyeing over the prince's own simple yet elegant attire, a blend of the academy's uniform and firene's vibrant hue, he continues further — extending an invitation she had not thought to expect.
a dance. . . ? it was not that she stood opposed, but it was a bold offer from elyos' representative royalty. in any past hall, this brief exchange alone would have drawn suspicious eyes, and days later cast aspersions on firene's intentions. no doubt alfred would have been warned gravely by his advisors, or she plotted against by his retainers in the night.
. . . and yet, this world's alear came from a blessed place.
perhaps it is her caution that is old-fashioned ; she thinks of diamant, who in spite of brodia's well-founded hatred, was possessed of enough trust to show her alliance and friendship without question. is it quite so simple, here? her knowledge of nature and necessity says no — but then, no longer are there fell dragons to wreak havoc and divine war, to re-sow the apple of discord. none but herself, and an innocent veyle, and the reformed rafal. nel turns herself fully, and presents the firenese crown prince her hand. "i will agree to a dance. you will need to excuse me, if i am unfamiliar with the steps."
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history would forget and bury their ills. the memories of humans were infinitesimally brief ; this very forgetfulness may yet be where hope made its nest.
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bijouterierian · 2 years
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flydotnet · 3 months
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where I give myself stupidly niche requests according to this marvelous card... or something. It's been three years dawg. (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled).
You dislike me, Princess Ivy? We each have our tastes, I suppose, but…this makes me sad.
It's a bit of an unorthodox take on "Take Me Instead" that's tailored to my tastes, but what is fanfiction if not an expression of a thing you like? Yeah, exactly.
I may have lost myself during the making of this fanfic. Got lost in the sauce, you could say. It's very verbose and static, and I lost sight of what this fic was originally going to be about. Or was it ever about anything that wasn't writing an interaction vaguely based on a bond conversation that amused me? I'm not sure of either.
This is probably super OOC because I already don't write Camilla in a canon-compliant way, so… watch out for that! It was fun to write anyway. God I love Kagetsu so much, he truly is babygirl-coded.
The title is a bit random. I honestly didn't have better that wasn't a title I saw used elsewhere, so… oops.
Rice Vinegar
Summary: Camilla has a discussion with Kagetsu after a very rough battle against the Corrupted - out of concern and misunderstanding. Self-sacrifice is a truly ugly thing.
Fandom: Fire Emblem Engage
Word Count: 2.8K words
AO3 version available here.
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo.
Camilla has never been a stranger to death and bodily harm – quite the opposite, really. When she was alive, she often was the one inflicting this harm onto others, either in self-defence or in a genuine attempt to take down her enemies. It was her father’s overly ambitious mistresses, it was a mindless shell of a soldier threatening harm on her brother, it was – they all died, or died again, to her hand, her axe, her wyvern. And she had no regret about it whatsoever.
Nothing and nobody was ever sacred, when she was alive. Even alliances could fickle and she’d draw blood again. She had grown up in an environment where it made it all too easy to justify violence for all sorts of reasons, selfish or selfless, with or without consequences. It never came to pass, thanks to her dear Corrin, but the fear was here until the end of her days.
Camilla has, however, never been a stranger to self-sacrifices – mostly from other people.
She gets it, in essence. She, too, felt unconditional love for her siblings and her children, knew when to risk in a hit to save a friend, heard all of the speeches – a brother sacrificing his health for his country, a sister always ready to help anyone out of the kindness of her heart, a neighbour country’s values of honour and solidarity at times trampling a need for self-preservation. Duties and passion, abnegation, causes worth losing a life for.
It’s a noble feeling, even if noble isn’t exactly… what she’s been known for. But she gets it, she truly does – the urge to sacrifice something, that is. Her own life, though? That’s another thing. How could she protect her siblings and fight for her kingdom if she was dead? Sacrificing someone else was fine, as long as it wasn’t someone she had to protect, including herself.
Evidently, the person to who she’s been assigned doesn’t see it the way she does.
She came to learn that when in the heat of battle. They were all surrounded by flows of the Corrupted, unrelenting, the distant cackle of Griss coming to her hears. Kagetsu himself was flanked by Prince Diamant and Princess Ivy, his own liege, sword drawn and ready to strike, while flames burned in the distance and smoke stung his eyes. Despite the fact he had just exhausted his power to engage with her, she could still feel the way his legs cramped, the twitch in his sword arm after using it for so long and, most of all, the pain of the one injury he had sustained.
She couldn’t communicate with him much in this context, so she could only worry about him and the way he wouldn’t ask Princess Ivy for a quick heal with the staff she carried on her back – while she was busy blasting away with Bolganone in hands, Diamant could keep the Corrupted away for long enough so Ivy could patch her retainer.
He then froze. An archer had his eyes set on Ivy. She had her eyes somewhere else. A bleeding wound adorned her right thigh.
She couldn’t quite see Kagetsu’s face with the smoke and the way she had to hover without obscuring his vision, but what she felt spoke more than enough for him. Adrenaline pulsed in his body, so did an urge to protect his friends, and no thought was spared to his own safety. Like a good retainer, he’d throw it all away for the sake of his liege, exchanging his life for hers.
No, don’t take Princess Ivy! She heard his heart cry. Take me instead!
He rushed ahead, what was left of his ponytail dangling in the wind, blood already flowing from his left leg yet leaving no limp behind.
Diamant’s voice acted before his body ever did.
“Kagetsu, wait—”
But it was too late. His blade had already struck the archer, and an arrow had already lodged itself in his abdomen.
It’s since then all crashed down on poor, poor Kagetsu, who got sternly recommended to keep the bed by a child maybe half his size. Unable to protest in his state, he was no match for the youthful resilience of Jean, doctor in becoming, with assistance from stubborn Steward Framme. It’d have been cute, if she didn’t feel concern and so much of Kagetsu’s shame through the bracelet he was still holding on to.
Even now, watching over him in bed, she feels the shame, watches him try to toss and turn, only for his teeth to grit together. It’s an upsetting thing, even with her experience; they’re friends, and friends don’t ever like seeing their friend suffer in any way.
“I don’t understand it,” he tells her, even if it comes off as thinking out loud.
“What don’t you understand?”
Through their bond, she can tell he is upset – anxious, even, which comes off as a foreign concept to someone like Kagetsu. Moral pain like this is something that clashes with his usual personality. Perhaps there are more layers to him than she’d have thought?
“I don’t understand why Princess Ivy and Prince Diamant were so… upset. It’s like I did something wrong and it’s hurt them!”
Ah, figures.
Camilla did easily read the anguish on Ivy’s face, yes. She could tell with one insisting gaze that she was going through a lot of emotions, and while she isn’t able to tell with perfect accuracy due to not being linked to her at the moment, she can hazard a very solid guess as to what she was thinking – if just because their experiences haven’t been so different and because Kagetsu, ever the social butterfly, sees his liege a lot of the time and chats her up into unveiling some information about herself.
Although, there may be very little guessing on her part required to begin with, when she had the aftermath of the seemingly senseless sacrifice play out before her very eyes.
As soon as Ivy had finished defeating the Corrupted obscuring her view and flanking her, she had glanced back at her retainer, who now had an arrow in his side – a feat rare enough to be cited, both for the very fact it wasn’t in an easier area to reach, and for it to have lodged itself between two ribs.
She was about to scream his name, from what Camilla could see near the bracelet; but her voice was caught in her throat before she could, right as Kagetsu folded like paper onto himself.
The staff she was clutching in her hands was on the verge of rupturing, Diamant was bleeding from what Camilla could guess to be a deep gash in his side, but he insisted on her using it on Kagetsu, by virtue of him still standing and the swordman not, spotting the arrival of Framme.
So Ivy used the remaining energy left in the staff on her retainer, the tool breaking into dust as his eyes fluttered back open, an extraordinary weight to his eyelids preventing them from opening fully. His leg wound was now doing better, but the arrow remained in his chest. Right as she asked him, almost without a breath, how he was doing, his sole answer was smiling.
“I’m glad you are fine, Princess Ivy,” he said before falling back asleep.
Ivy wasn’t handling it as well as one whose father and concubines led a life of debauchery and deadly power games should’ve, in Camilla’s eyes, but she understood it. Beruka and Selena were far more important to her than political games, at the end of the day. Associate a name, a voice and a personality to a body, and then you’re suddenly much more affected by their blood flowing from their wounds. Figures.
Still, she carried on nonetheless: she brought Kagetsu on top of her wyvern to safety, watched the battle end by Diamant’s side, asked about the way he limped, scrutinized his denial, asked Framme to look at it. Kept an eye on Kagetsu. Almost refused treatment to be bedside vigil. Discussed his stillness with Zelkov, who didn’t even bother hiding all sorts of concerns. Let Jean take a look at her wound, in silence. Remained there once it was bandaged. Still watched over Kagetsu, stoic anguish never vanishing.
“Why did he do such a thing?” She asked, thinking out loud, at long last. “Putting himself in harm’s way on purpose… How reckless of him.”
There was no surprise in her voice.
“I suppose he did so to protect you,”
There was also no surprise in Zelkov’s as he replied.
“I can defend myself just fine.”
Diamant stared at the scene in silence from where he sat, nearby, face distorted.
“As any retainer would do,” he commented, eyes squinted, nailed into the form of his colleague.
“Then may he never do that again,” she immediately retorted, clutching her arms even closer to the rest of her body. “I’d have survived that without issue. He didn’t need to kill himself over me.”
The protest wasn’t a matter of pride, or else, Zelkov might’ve commented on it.
“I’m afraid it might happen again in any upcoming battle,” he told her instead. “Kagetsu and I have the mission to serve and protect you.”
“Even at the cost of your life?”
“Yes, even if it might cost us our lives.”
“Absolutely repulsive.” She was on the verge of crying. “Is he going to be fine…?”
“He should be,” Framme chimed in, now that she was done with Diamant’s leg.
“Should be?”
Framme’s shoulders shot up, stiff.
“It’s, uh… never certain. But he really should be okay! Jean’s just gonna check him over once he can and he’ll be able to go on his merry way! After some rest, of course.”
“He better be fine after this is all said and done. I won’t let him throw his life away for… such pointless reasons! I can’t… lose anyone again. Not after Hortensia and I had to…”
She didn’t finish her sentence, but judging by Zelkov and Diamant’s reactions, she didn’t need to.
Grief may’ve been the one thing linking the three of them together.
Once more, this doesn’t seem to be how Kagetsu views it – or perhaps he lacks knowledge of it. Losing blood and going through intense pain does tend to tinge someone’s memory or even bleach them away. Let her see how he conceives it, then.
“You didn’t do something wrong per say,” she starts explaining, for a second picturing a sister’s confusion at their brother’s upset. “But you did something that would bring pain to those who’re closest to you, dear.”
“In what way?” He sounds so genuinely confused, and in that moment, Camilla can only understand Ivy’s pain even further. “All I did was defend my friends. Princess Ivy could have been severely hurt.”
“What about Prince Diamant? I recall you being injured as well even before the arrow struck, Kagetsu.”
“He could have gotten hurt too.”
He ignores the second part entirely, then.
“But he was just as qualified as you were to take the enemy down before they could struck Princess Ivy.”
“I’m Princess Ivy’s retainer,” he chews back, even if it lacks strength (very much because his body has all sorts of protests against the exertion). “It’s my mission to keep her safe. It is not Prince Diamant’s mission.”
Camilla wants to ask if this could apply to Zelkov as well, only to bite back on it because asking seems to be a bit of pointless endeavour.”
“Then I suppose I can only hope to make you understand why they both were so upset, Kagetsu.”
His face lightens up.
“Oh, pray and tell! It sounds like very useful information to know.”
She shifts, crossing her arms and float-sitting on the empty chair next to the bed. Framme left a little while ago, but not without a promise to come back soon. It was something about a potion and reinforcement, if she recalls correctly, but this isn’t the focus of her thoughts.
“I too had retainers in my lifetime. They were both very dear to me, to a point where it pained me when they’d get hurt, especially on my behalf.” She sighs. “Of course, protecting one’s liege is the most important mission of a retainer, and both Princess Ivy and I understand that. Still, it didn’t mean I didn’t feel guilt for letting them get hurt on my behalf – or getting hurt at all, come to think of it.”
“You would feel… guilt?”
“Among all sorts of negative emotions, yes.”
“But then, why feel upset?”
“Because they were people who I cared deeply about, and like you, I didn’t like seeing my loved ones hurt in any way. I’ve killed for them, and I’d do it again even today.” He looks slightly horrified, which prompts her to let go a little of the bloodied details of a life long past gone. “Princess Ivy cares about you in a similar way, so even if you think you did good protecting her, she’s been upset to see you hurt – just like you’d have been would your positions have been inverted.”
“So, I caused Princess Ivy pain because she cares for me?”
He remains silent for a moment, leaning back into the pillow. He looks defeated.
“Then, if I had avoided that arrow… She would not have been hurt.”
This really isn’t what Camilla wanted him to conclude. What a stubborn soul.
Unfortunately, before she can disprove his flimsy theory, he continues.
“I wish my strange powers would not be so useless. If they were not, then perhaps… perhaps I could have seen it coming, and I could have protected Princess Ivy without upsetting her by getting hurt.”
“This isn’t what I wanted you to understand,” she replies. “Your powers may’ve stopped it from happening this time, but it wouldn’t fix the issue.”
His eyes, which are still slightly glazed over, grow wider, before his face hardens again.
“What would fix the problem, then, Camilla?”
He asks that with a flame in his eyes and no chill going down his spine – a far cry from a moment ago. The bright smile has always hidden a sharp blade underneath, and now, it’s pointed towards her, light lining its edge.
“Sometimes, you can’t avoid getting hurt, especially in combat. Ivy understands that as much as you do. However, what hurt wasn’t that you were in pain.” She marks a pause. “What hurt her was that you got hurt in her stead, when you were already hurt and actively hiding it from her. She blames herself for what happened, and combined with the concern it caused her, it was painful to go through. I’d even go as far as to say she’s wondering if you trust her.”
The lack of bite tells her this is finally dawning on him.
“I know you tried to do good, and deep down, I know Ivy understands that as well. She only got concerned, but that’s why you can’t always jump in front of danger and take hits for other people. What if you had been more grievously injured than you thought? Or worse, what if the blow had been fatal?”
“I see… how that would cause a lot of bad things.”
“Ivy cares about you as a person, and by doing that, you hurt her by accident, just like she would if she got injured in front of you. It’s a fine line to walk, because while you had good intentions, most of the consequences were the complete opposite of what you wanted. You also need to think of your self-preservation, when you think of taking a hit for someone else.”
“I am starting to see…”
“I don’t expect you to learn all of this in one go. If your culture is anything like Hoshido’s, it promotes sacrifice for the sake of the greater good. At least, this is what I got from fighting alongside Hoshidians.”
“Oh, please tell me more! I am curious to know about-”
A knock on the door.
“It’ll have to wait until next time, I’m afraid. It seems like you’ve got a visitor.”
“Oh!” He lightens up. “Come on in, friend!”
The door opens to unveil a slightly less anxious Ivy: her shoulders are hanging lower, her eyebrows are unknitted, and her hands aren’t fiddling as much as they did when Framme was looking over her retainer.
“It’s good to see you’re awake, Kagetsu,” she says with a timid smile. “How are you feeling?”
“A little sore, but I am alive, and soon enough, I will be full of vigour again!”
“I’m certain you will,” she chuckles, but the laugh disappears quickly. “There are things I want to discuss with you.”
She sits down, gaze unfaltering, at which point Camilla decides they deserve some privacy.
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nowis-scales · 7 months
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Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
General Warnings: N/A
Fandoms: Fire Emblem Engage
Relationships: Diamant/Ivy
Additional Tags: Awkward Crush, Dorks in Love, Secrets, Fire Magic, Political Alliances, Fluff, Flirting, Love Confessions, Shyness
Story Word Count: 2,403 words
Story Summary: Diamant once helped Ivy face her fear. Now, she’s returning the favour.
[Read it on AO3.]
@diamivyweek — thank you so much for a great week! This was super fun to write for :D
Diamant cannot remember the last time he trembled in front of someone.
As the heir to the Brodian throne, showing such weakness in front of anyone was unthinkable. To show that vulnerability was to show his unsuitability for ruling. Even if terror had been struck directly into his heart, he had to remain firm. Sweaty palms, rapid heart rate, and jelly legs all had to be tucked away, to be considered at a later date. Nobody could see them — especially not an Elusian.
Diamant has trained himself in this principle since the day he first lifted a sword, and since that day, he has defeated an intense amount of fears. Spiders, his father’s anger, public speaking, talking to girls… All of them he has conquered with relative success. He makes his father proud, he makes his people proud, and so long as he can keep that one little thing under wraps, it doesn’t matter what else he can do. If he can just pretend to keep it together, then maybe things won’t be so bad. He’ll be able to make it as king of Brodia. Ushering in a new era of peace, he won’t have to worry about his tiny, insignificant fear ever again.
He wants to believe this, but the moment he divulged this fear to Princess Ivy, he knew there would be no turning back from it.
It was a strange relationship, the one that the two of them had. Not to say that Diamant didn’t like it — gods, no, he loved it — but it was so different than anything he’d had with anyone else before. At his age, there had been talks of marriage and several suitresses, but nothing concrete. There were a few girls his father favoured, ones from good families with strong warrior’s spirits to match pretty faces, but Diamant himself had never found himself inclined. He liked them, of course, but he cared for them as he would care for a friend. At the time he had hoped he would at least be lucky to wed one of them as a friend — the greatest hope some royals could get as apart of an arranged marriage — but that was before he met Ivy. Was it cheesy to say that he didn’t know what such affection felt like, until he got to know her?
Something about her made his heart beat faster. At first he thought it might have been adrenaline. After all, she was the heir to the throne of an enemy kingdom. Only months ago, if the two of them were to have met on the battlefield, she would not have hesitated to take him out. Now, however, they are allies, linked by a bond to the Divine Dragon herself. How strange it was to think, this girl who was at least somewhat responsible for… a great deal of his and his brother’s pain, could come to make him feel as he had never felt before. When they would meet in the Somniel, he thought for sure that it was their history that made him nervous.
As time went on, however, he could not stop himself from lingering upon her. The soft curve of her plum-coloured lips as she smiles, the beautiful lilt of her shy laugh, her determined, graceful gestures as she casts spell after spell… There is so much about her to admire, and Diamant finds himself finding new things every day — and even then, that is only considering the things that pertain to her looks. Were he to talk about her intelligence, her candor, or her kindness, he fears he would be talking all day.
Perhaps these feelings are the reason why he admits it for the first time. He just can’t get Princess Ivy of Elusia out of his head. She’s the last person anyone in Brodia would have wanted him to tell, and he’s sure that Citrinne will have a fit when she finds out, but it felt right. She had become so important to him, and had been honest enough to trust him with her fear, so it only felt right to confess to her.
He just didn’t realize that it would leave him trembling once more.
“You weren’t lying,” she murmurs, her bare hand sliding down his wrist. Her touch is warm, and pleasant — but he can still feel the magic buzzing beneath her fingertips. A more childish part of him longs to yank his arm away, afraid that she will unleash it upon him.
Fire magic.
They discussed this beforehand, when he’d confessed his little secret. She was the one who had offered to help him. While his gemstone for protection might have worked for her, most would agree that ghosts were a much less present threat than fire magic right now. Considering Sombron and the Four Hounds were still at large, with the day of reckoning slowly closing in once more, Diamant needed to overcome this. They couldn’t risk him getting hurt on the battlefield because of fear.
“I don’t know what I would do if you were hurt because of something like that,” Ivy had told him before they started. It was said with the utmost sincerity, and Diamant had to fight not to let his cheeks turn cherry-red. The only other person who ever spoke of him with such worry was Alcryst, and Alcryst… he adored his baby brother, but the boy worried about everything. Hearing his concern was normal, though Diamant did always take the time to try and soothe him.
Hearing it from someone as reserved as Ivy, however… that was rare. It made his heart flutter, like she felt for him the same way he felt for her.
“N-No, although I wish I was,” Diamant mutters, almost afraid to meet her eyes, “Fire magic… really… I’d prefer any other kind.”
“Not unreasonable.” She half-shrugs. “Of the many types, it is among the most destructive.”
Diamant winces as Ivy’s hand moves further down his arm, her fingers just tracing his palm gently. “And the most painful, too.”
To this, Ivy actually giggles slightly. “Prince Diamant, I understand your apprehension, but I assure you that no magic has left me yet.”
His cheeks burn at her announcement. He knows that, but it’s like he can’t help himself. The mere prospect of it being anywhere near him makes his stomach tie itself into a knot over and over again. “My apologies… I hadn’t…”
Ivy laughs again, her fingertips tracing gentle patterns into his palm. It’s nice. Tender. Few people ever touch him so freely, and no one this gently.
“At ease, Prince Diamant. I would never hurt you,” she purrs, so close to his ear that it almost makes him shiver. Does she know how impossibly coy and playful she’s being? “Just do your best to trust me.”
He swallows thickly. “I’ll try.”
With little more than a nod, Ivy continues tracing circles on his hand for a few more moments, until finally she lifts it up, turning so her palm is hovering just above his own.
“Are you ready, Prince Diamant?”
Her voice is low, but calm. Even. It’s the only thing that inspires confidence. Every other part of him longs to run away, but as his mouth turns dry, he reminds himself of the woman right next to him. He focuses on the sound of her soft breaths right next to his ear, and pictures her face in all its beauty. Violet eyes focused, brow furrowed ever so slightly… or is there perhaps the hint of a smile playing at her lips? It would be so like her. She had the complete and utmost respect for him, but would never let him live down the moments he seemed so shy. She finds it cute, he thinks. She’s just about said as much.
“I… I think so,” he murmurs, watching her hands intently, “Whenever you’re ready.”
Ivy’s voice is like caramel beside his ear.
“Are you certain you want to do this?” She pauses. “I won’t force you.”
He licks his lips and tries to swallow around the lump in his throat. “Yes. Yes, I want…” he pauses. “I trust you.”
Ivy lets out a low hum, and Diamant can do nothing but stare down at her hands as she lifts them slightly, her fingertips just hovering above his palm. His whole body tenses. This is the moment. She will put a flame between them, and he will have to survive it. A childish part of him longs to yelp and yank his hand away, to tell her that he was wrong and that he never should have done this, or maybe that he just isn’t ready, but there’s no sense in backing down now. Not when she’s so close, not when he trusts her as much as he does. All he can do is swallow hard, drawing in a deep breath, and wait for it.
His eyelids flutter shut, and for a moment, he feels nothing.
And then, the warmth of an unknown heat.
“Open your eyes,” Ivy purrs, leaning into him, and just the sound of her melodic voice makes him feel brave enough to face what he’s feeling. He peels his eyes open with a high degree of difficulty, feeling a bit like a newborn babe, and when his eyes finally meet the most unbelievable sight, he can feel nothing but a rush of adrenaline and affection.
A flame flickers between his and Ivy’s hands, just barely licking his palm as it flows from the tips of her fingers. Much to his surprise, it does not hurt. Not even a sting or a blister. He supposes he shouldn’t be too surprised, given that Ivy is not actually touching him with the flame, but somehow he expected it to be… more alarming, as far as sensations go. The sight of the flames dancing so gently near his skin makes his heart’s thundering soothe ever so slightly. Even so, his hands don’t quite steady.
“Wow,” he breathes, barely able to get the words out as he watches the flame move, “This is…”
Shaky, shocked breaths spill in and out of him. The whole scene, the fact that he is able to do this… it’s electrifying. He never thought he would have the courage to do something like this. He expected to be tortured by his fear for the rest of his life. And now, because of this… because of her… Diamant cannot fight the smile that sneaks across his face.
“It can be beautiful, when you have the courage to confront it.” Ivy’s fingers wiggle like she is sprinkling magic across his flesh, and the flame responds in kind. Diamant loves it. He loves watching her long, slender fingers move, each change so calculated it is like a performance. What he loves even more is that he can feel not just the warmth of her flame, but the warmth of her body next to his body, feeling her weight pressed up against his own. Were he not so transfixed by the flame, he likely would have blushed. “When I was a young girl, it used to frighten me just the same. A girl of the snow would not do well with something that could melt her, I used to think. Same case for a man of steel, I would imagine.”
Diamant chuckles awkwardly. He doesn’t want to consider himself a man of the blade, not like the other Brodians do. Their past is one of great violence, much of it committed against Ivy and her country, so for her to… He really hopes she doesn’t think of him in such an unfortunate light. Or maybe she means something different by that comment.
“And how did you overcome it?”
Ivy is quiet for a moment, and her fingers cease their movements. He briefly fears that the flame will die, with him having offended her, and that the two of them will have found another reason to disconnect. They’ve found a million already. It doesn’t change how they feel about each other. Surely this couldn’t be the one, could it?
He is about to open his mouth to apologize, maybe assure her that he didn’t mean anything by it, when she pulls her body away from his. The loss of her heat against him makes his heart drop, but when she shifts only so she can meet his eyes, he finds rouge beginning to rise in his cheeks.
Her gaze is so sincere, maybe even loving. It keeps flicking up and down, as if afraid to look at him, but he can tell from the way that they’re shining that she has something she is desperate to say. He’s desperate to hear it.
“I faced my fear. I learned to admire it for what it was, and discovered that… it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” she murmurs, rose dusting the tips of her ears and her cheeks, “I lost sight of it as nothing but destruction, and grew to appreciate its strength, its passion, and its heat. It was so different from what I was used to, but that did not make it evil. It was…”
She pauses.
“It was the intention that mattered.”
Diamant swallows thickly. He’s never considered himself to be the most flirtatious, but right now, he… He was a flame to her, once. Something she feared. Yet when they truly met, found themselves in the same company of the Divine Dragon herself… She discovered his intention was something that was altogether different than expected, and that he was not going to be the force of misery that she grew to know.
It can be beautiful, when you have the courage to confront it.
Her words echo in his mind, his eyes stuck on hers. Part of him longs to reach out, to say something, but the words are dying in his throat. Emotion bubbles in the depths of his chest, and though he wishes there were something gentlemanly or smooth that he could say, nothing is coming. Instead, he can only break their hands apart, reaching over to brush her face with his finger tips. One movement of her hair, and she somehow turns even pinker.
“If your fear is your secret,” Ivy whispers, so sincerely that it almost makes him shiver, “Then this is mine.”
“It’s a wonderful secret,” he murmurs, “And it’s one that I share.”
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rainforestvag · 11 months
Summer TBR (so far)
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A Court of Silver Flames (ACOTAR series) by Sarah J. Maas
Nesta Archeron has always been prickly-proud, swift to anger, and slow to forgive. And ever since being forced into the Cauldron and becoming High Fae against her will, she's struggled to find a place for herself within the strange, deadly world she inhabits. Worse, she can't seem to move past the horrors of the war with Hybern and all she lost in it. The one person who ignites her temper more than any other is Cassian, the battle-scarred warrior whose position in Rhysand and Feyre's Night Court keeps him constantly in Nesta's orbit. But her temper isn't the only thing Cassian ignites. The fire between them is undeniable, and only burns hotter as they are forced into close quarters with each other.
Meanwhile, the treacherous human queens who returned to the Continent during the last war have forged a dangerous new alliance, threatening the fragile peace that has settled over the realms. And the key to halting them might very well rely on Cassian and Nesta facing their haunting pasts. Against the sweeping backdrop of a world seared by war and plagued with uncertainty, Nesta and Cassian battle monsters from within and without as they search for acceptance-and healing-in each other's arms.
House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City series) by Sarah J. Maas
Bryce Quinlan had the perfect life-working hard all day and partying all night-until a demon murdered her closest friends, leaving her bereft, wounded, and alone. When the accused is behind bars but the crimes start up again, Bryce finds herself at the heart of the investigation. She'll do whatever it takes to avenge their deaths.
Hunt Athalar is a notorious Fallen angel, now enslaved to the Archangels he once attempted to overthrow. His brutal skills and incredible strength have been set to one purpose-to assassinate his boss's enemies, no questions asked. But with a demon wreaking havoc in the city, he's offered an irresistible deal: help Bryce find the murderer, and his freedom will be within reach.
As Bryce and Hunt dig deep into Crescent City's underbelly, they discover a dark power that threatens everything and everyone they hold dear, and they find, in each other, a blazing passion-one that could set them both free, if they'd only let it.
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer
As a botanist, Robin Wall Kimmerer has been trained to ask questions of nature with the tools of science. As a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, she embraces the notion that plants and animals are our oldest teachers. In Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmerer brings these lenses of knowledge together to show that the awakening of a wider ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgment and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world. For only when we can hear the languages of other beings are we capable of understanding the generosity of the earth, and learning to give our own gifts in return.
The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
Her name is Dinah. In the Bible, her life is only hinted at in a brief and violent detour within the more familiar chapters of the Book of Genesis that are about her father, Jacob, and his dozen sons. Told in Dinah's voice, this novel reveals the traditions and turmoils of ancient womanhood—the world of the red tent. It begins with the story of her mothers—Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah—the four wives of Jacob. They love Dinah and give her gifts that sustain her through a hard-working youth, a calling to midwifery, and a new home in a foreign land. Dinah's story reaches out from a remarkable period of early history and creates an intimate connection with the past. Deeply affecting, The Red Tent combines rich storytelling with a valuable achievement in modern fiction: a new view of biblical women's society.
Orlando by Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf's Orlando 'The longest and most charming love letter in literature', playfully constructs the figure of Orlando as the fictional embodiment of Woolf's close friend and lover, Vita Sackville-West. Spanning three centuries, the novel opens as Orlando, a young nobleman in Elizabeth's England, awaits a visit from the Queen and traces his experience with first love as England under James I lies locked in the embrace of the Great Frost. At the midpoint of the novel, Orlando, now an ambassador in Constantinople, awakes to find that he is now a woman, and the novel indulges in farce and irony to consider the roles of women in the 18th and 19th centuries. As the novel ends in 1928, a year consonant with full suffrage for women. Orlando, now a wife and mother, stands poised at the brink of a future that holds new hope and promise for women.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Here is a book as joyous and painful, as mysterious and memorable, as childhood itself. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings captures the longing of lonely children, the brute insult of bigotry, and the wonder of words that can make the world right. Maya Angelou’s debut memoir is a modern American classic beloved worldwide.
Sent by their mother to live with their devout, self-sufficient grandmother in a small Southern town, Maya and her brother, Bailey, endure the ache of abandonment and the prejudice of the local “powhitetrash.” At eight years old and back at her mother’s side in St. Louis, Maya is attacked by a man many times her age—and has to live with the consequences for a lifetime. Years later, in San Francisco, Maya learns that love for herself, the kindness of others, her own strong spirit, and the ideas of great authors (“I met and fell in love with William Shakespeare”) will allow her to be free instead of imprisoned.
Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner
A memoir about growing up Korean American, losing her mother, and forging her own identity.
Michelle Zauner tells of growing up one of the few Asian American kids at her school in Eugene, Oregon; of struggling with her mother’s particular, high expectations of her; of a painful adolescence; of treasured months spent in her grandmother’s tiny apartment in Seoul, where she and her mother would bond, late at night, over heaping plates of food.
As she grew up, moving to the East Coast for college, finding work in the restaurant industry, and performing gigs with her fledgling band—and meeting the man who would become her husband—her Koreanness began to feel ever more distant, even as she found the life she wanted to live. It was her mother’s diagnosis of terminal cancer, when Michelle was twenty-five, that forced a reckoning with her identity and brought her to reclaim the gifts of taste, language, and history her mother had given her.
Cunt: A Declaration of Independence by Inga Muscio
An ancient title of respect for women, the word cunt long ago veered off this noble path. Inga Muscio traces the road from honor to expletive, giving women the motivation and tools to claim cunt as a positive and powerful force in their lives. In this fully revised edition, she explores, with candidness and humor, such traditional feminist issues as birth control, sexuality, jealousy between women, and prostitution with a fresh attitude for a new generation of women. Sending out a call for every woman to be the Cunt lovin Ruler of Her Sexual Universe, Muscio stands convention on its head by embracing all things cunt-related. 
Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
"Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species. Though the gifts of wildish nature come to us at birth, society's attempt to 'civilize' us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure, and muffled deep, life-giving messages of our own souls. Without Wild Woman, we become overdomesticated, fearful, uncreative, trapped."
In her now-classic book that spent 144 weeks on the New York Times hardcover bestseller list, and is translated into 35 languages, Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D., shows how woman's vitality can be restored through what she calls "psychic archaeological digs" into the ruins of the female unconscious. Dr. Estés uses her families' ethnic tales, washed and rinsed in the blood of wars and survival, multicultural myths, her own lyric writing of those fairy tales, folk tales, and stories chosen from her life witness, and also research ongoing for twenty years… that help women reconnect with the healthy, instinctual, visionary attributes of the Wild Woman archetype.
Glenstone Field Guide 02 Edited by Emily Wei Rales and Fanna Gebreyesus
This Field Guide intends to serve as a lighthearted, by no means exhaustive primer for the curious Glenstone visitor. Structured as an illustrated index, it is divided into three sections: art, architecture, and landscape. Each section includes related terms and entries written by Glenstone staff and collaborators. Collectively, these voices share the multiple ideas, histories, anecdotes, and facts that make up the Glenstone story, and offer a glimpse into what can be seen onsite. Integrated throughout are statements from founders Emily Wei Rales and Mitchell P. Rales that highlight the key principles of community, sustainability, design, integration, and direct engagement, which guide Glenstone’s mission. Glenstone exists for you, our visitor, and we hope you will explore, engage, enjoy, and return often. You are always welcome.
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inhushedwhispershp · 1 year
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Clan Parkinson
Nationalité : Britannique.
Origines : Melting-pot européen, certains ont des traits marqués d’un pays, et d’autres d’ailleurs, tout était bon pour garder le sang pur par le passé.
Nature du sang : Pur, s’ils ne le disent pas, ils apprécient que leur branche soit l’une des dernières ainsi. S’ils s’y accrochent un peu, ils savent pertinemment qu’ils finiront mêlés un jour. Le plus tard sera le mieux.
Corps de métier : Joailliers, mineurs et extracteurs de pierres précieuses.
Classe sociale : Aisée
Caractère : Beaux parleurs, vantards, menteurs, déterminés, travailleurs, moqueurs, créatifs, rigoureux, impulsifs.
Histoire : Souvent mal vu, les Parkinson n’avaient pas la réputation d’être le clan le plus droit d’Angleterre. Bourreaux des cœurs, enfants de part et d’autre du pays, on disait d’eux qu’ils étaient maîtres dans l’art de bien parler. Les femmes comme les hommes étaient souvent de grands séducteurs, et cela par leur profession de joaillier. Connus comme des traîtres pendant la guerre sorcière, s’ils ont survécu, c’est parce qu’ils ont vendu leurs bijoux en échange de leur survie auprès des moldus. L'appât du gain moldu les a protégés une dizaine d'années, avant que tout s’effondre et qu’ils supplient l’île et ses habitants de pouvoir trouver leur place entre les frontières de mer. 
Toujours profondément passionnés par cet art délicat, ils se sont réformés dans un métier moins brillant, mineurs pour trouver la moindre pierre ridicule et la modeler jusqu’en faire un dupe du plus joli diamant. Au passage, cela permet de récupérer de nombreux métaux nécessaires pour construire bâtiments et châteaux sur l’île. Petit à petit, ils font oublier leur passé proche des moldus pour s’intégrer complètement, en fabriquant notamment tous les bijoux et alliances des sorciers depuis près de cinquante ans. A leur arrivée, ils ont cependant profité du climat de confusion pour voler des artefacts et bijoux anciens aux gobelins, en les faisant identifier par les Shafiq, pour se partager le butin. Evidemment, les Parkinson ont conservé les plus belles pierres, et façonnent leurs propres biens avec des restants de leur récolte fructueuse d’il y a plus de cinquante ans. Un secret bien gardé, qui fait de cette famille l’une des plus roublardes de l’île.
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8-sinner-8 · 1 year
Platonic Law x GN reader
Chapter 1
The sound of gulls and waves lapping at the rocky coast could be heard in the happy town of Dressrosa. The sun warmed your skin and the sky was clear except for the singular news-coo in the sky. Straightening your posture you waved over the bird. Looking at the price in disinterest, "Did the price go up again?" The bird reluctantly nodded and you sighed. "The things I do for knowledge." Once again releasing a sigh you hand over the money slightly sad over the loss. Unfolding the paper you saw a familiar face.
Looking down at the paper with a small smile you sighed. It's been so long since you heard that name let alone seen his face. "Law, I'm glad you're doing well."
Closing your eyes you tried to recall the first time you meet the brooding doctor. It was sixteen years ago in the North blue, a garbage dump to be exact. Calling back the memory you sighed for the nth time. Remembering the filth that littered the ground and the unpleasant stench lingering in the air. Diamante and Trebol were next to each other facing Law.
You remembered hearing Law speak first. "Where'd the captain go?" Diamante scoffed, "You thing Dofy hangs out with every new recuit?" Next to speak was Trebol, God did you hate his voice. "Mmm, okay we know you're gonna die, EH! BEH HEH HEH!! When? Hey when ya gonna kick the bucket, EH?!" Law replied almost automatically, "Three years and two months." You don't remember exactly what was said after that but you knew it had to do with how he knew that. The next person you remember talking was Law "I want to spend the next three years killing as many people as I can and destroying everything!" You remember being disturbed, not believing a kid around the same age as you was so set on causing havoc. In a way it reminded you of young master, then again Law did say he wanted to be just like him with what little time he had left.
Realizing you got off topic you went back to the memory. "NYEE! TREBOL, DIAMANTE!!" "CORA'S BACK!" After Buffalo and Baby 5 finished talking in their annoyingly high pitched voices Diamante began to talk again, "See them? They're kids, but they're survivors." He stopped for a second then pointed to the two, "That's Buffalo and that's Baby 5. There's another 'round here somewhere their name is Y/N" Law spoke up sounding a bit perplexed, "Just Y/N..." He paused for a brief second "Why do they have such a normal name compared to those two." Law said as he stuck his thumb out pointing to the two behind him. Buffalo and Baby 5 gasped in shock. You weren't sure if Diamante didn't hear him or chose to ignore him, he turned towards the door that Corazon entered before starting to talk once again. "And that guy coming through the door is..." Only to be interrupted by Corazon falling on his back. Buffalo and Baby 5 erupted into a fit of giggles "HE FELL DOWN!!" "I JUS' KNEW HE'D FALL OVER."
That's when you rushed out of your hiding place to assist Corazon. You then reached for his hand to try and get him sitting up. He let go of your hand causing you to fall over, he got up on his own and and walked across the room stopping infront of Buffalo and Baby 5 he then kicked both of them, glad you only fell over. He walk to his chair sitting down. Baby 5 rushed over to hand him a cup of piping hot tea. Then warning him it was hot and despite her warning Corazon took a sip, immediately spitting it out and leaning back on the chair causing it to topple over. Baby 5 attempted to stiffle a laugh, you once again rushed to his aid pulling napkins out of your pockets and patting down his shirt to try and prevent his skin from getting burnt. He once again shoved you off of him and proceed to stand up and walk over to Law. Diamante chimed in, "Oh yeah, and he hates kids." Corazon picked Law up by his head and tossed him out the window. You remember hearing Buffalo and Baby 5 scream "AHH, HE'S DEAD!!" "HE FELL IN THE SCRAP PILE."
After that you began to run down the stairs wanting to check on Law. After falling down the last flight of stairs yo got up and brushed yourself off. Still in a rush you ran outside and found Law on the floor staring daggers at where a fire reassembled the shape of a man. Sweatdropping once you realized it was Corazon. Looking back at Law you saw he was bleeding. Pulling more napkins out of your pockets you handed some to him for his bloody nose and you tried to wipe up the blood coming from his mouth. Law the sat up to shove you, then completely stood up.
"What do you want?" Law yelled. "I just wanted to help. I'm sorry if I am bothering you. I didn't mean any harm I swear." You said trying to make sure he didn't hit you. "And what are you hoping to gain from this?" You flushed read embarrassed you got caught. After that you mumbled "friendship..." "Huh?" "Your companionship, I don't have much to offer but I hope you except." Covering your mouth once you realized how loud you said that.
Despite the slight flush on Law's cheeks he turned away, "You can leave then, I'm not here to make friends." Trying not to cry knowing this answer was coming you nodded. Refusing to leave his side.
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