#Alma Mahler
sacredwhores · 8 months
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Ken Russell - Mahler (1974)
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scherzokinn · 5 months
Btw I'm serious when I say Sarek has a human fetish. This is how those with a fetish for a certain group of people act. Sarek being disgusted by Spock's human side while also marrying human wives is 100% because of a fetish. Sarek is just the Star Trek version of Alma Mahler.
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Bellissimo disegno in stile modernista in cui trionfa l'atavica contrapposizione donna gioiosa/uomo pensoso. Un'implicita condanna del sesso libero e consapevole della donna (la mela, il vaso di Pandora) come causa di tormenti per l'uomo. ❤ Cool.
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Alma Mahler's (1879-1964) - "Sämtliche Lieder" as performed by Charlotte Margiono (soprano) and members of the Brabant Orchestra.
Conducting and orchestral arrangements by Julian Reynolds.
"Die stille Stadt" (Richard Dehmel) Start "In meines Vaters Garten" (Otto Erich Hartleben) 3:13 "Laue Sommernacht" (Gustav Falke) 9:31 "Bei dir ist es traut" (Rainer Maria Rilke) 12:16 "Ich wandle unter Blumen" (Heinrich Heine) 14:43 "Licht in der Nacht" (Otto Julius Bierbaum) 15:55 "Waldseligkeit" (Richard Dehmel) 20:14 "Ansturm" (Richard Dehmel) 22:57 "Erntelied" (Gustav Falke) 25:06 "Hymne" (Novalis) 28:34 "Ekstase" (Otto Julius Bierbaum) 34:20 "Der Erkennende" (Franz Werfel) 37:00 "Lobgesang" (Rcihard Dehmel) 40:18 "Hymne an die Nacht" (Novalis) 43:55 "Leise weht ein erstes Blühn" (Rainer Maria Rilke) 47:24 "Kennst du meine Nächte" 51:37
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mioritic · 10 months
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Alma Mahler (née Schindler, later Mahler-Werfel, and sometimes referred to as Alma Gropius — Austrian, 1897–1964) on a deck chair, ca. 1910
Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin, Inv. No. 2006/114.10
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espejomonastico · 5 months
Gustav Mahler: Adagietto (from Symphony no. 5) (1902).
Jaap van Zweden, conductor
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Frugal air. The harp depicts a clear, still, and gentle waterscape. Suddenly, three ascending notes in the first violin. Mahler wrote them to be played with tenuto. Think of a three-syllable word and imagine your hesitation before the last one. This early line is, in my opinion, the most difficult moment of this adagietto. It's like attempting to speak and feeling your doubts surface, realising you have no other option. The truth must come out. C, D, hesitate on E, take a breath, and go with it: it's an E. Hold the note, endure the sound of your feelings, and convey your message. You're deeply in love. It's a challenging thing to admit. It's a magnificent thing to live by.
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schizografia · 8 months
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Le ho inviato ieri, tramite il mio amico dott. Pagel, un’immagine a grandezza naturale della mia amata,  che la prego di imitare fedelmente e di trasformare in realtà con l’impiego di tutta la sua pazienza e sensualità. Presti molta attenzione alle dimensioni della testa rispetto a quelle del collo, del petto, del tronco e alle misure degli arti.
E si prenda davvero a cuore il profilo del corpo.
Ad esempio la linea del collo verso la schiena, la curva del ventre. ...
La prego di rendere possibilmente godibili al tatto quelle zone in cui gli strati di grasso e i fasci muscolari lasciano improvvisamente il posto ad uno strato di pelle e tendini da cui poi viene in superficie un qualche osso, ad esempio la tibia, le ossa del bacino e del ginocchio, le estremità della scapola, della clavicola e dell’omero. ...
Vorrei che il ventre e i muscoli più grossi della gamba, della schiena ecc. avessero una certa consistenza e corposità. ...
La pelle sarà fatta della stoffa più sottile che ci sia, seta morbida o lino sottilissimo e dovrà essere modellata a piccole superfici.
Sto cercando di sapere da un chimico (forse il dott. Pagel scriverà al Consigliere Segreto prof. dott. Wilhelm Oswald di Grossbothen vicino a Lipsia) se la seta potrà essere trattata chimicamente in modo che aderisca all’ovatta senza che struttura e aspetto vengano alterati.
Si tratta per me di qualcosa che devo abbracciare!
Lettera di Kokoschka a Hermine Moos
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aschenblumen · 2 years
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Gustav Mahler, Carta a Alma Mahler de junio de 1909, compilada en Alma Mahler, Gustav Mahler. Recuerdos y cartas. Sobre los últimos versos del coro místico del Fausto de Goethe, que cito a continuación.
Todo lo perecedero no es más que una figura. Aquí lo Inaccesible se convierte en hecho; aquí se realiza lo Inefable. Lo Eterno-femenino nos atrae a lo alto.
Clave ineludible para entender la Octava Sinfonía de Mahler.
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minimaeclectica · 2 years
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Oskar Kokoschka - La novia del viento (1913-1914)
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miasmes · 1 year
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sixty-silver-wishes · 2 years
Alma Mahler was a controversial and inflammatory figure in the field of 20th century music history whose tumultuous life inspired both creative works among artists and debate among historians, particularly in how she should be remembered. This video essay explores the life, bigotry, controversy, and psyche of Alma Mahler, citing both primary and secondary sources.
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suetravelblog · 2 years
The Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra Bratislava
The Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra Bratislava
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Alma Mahler: Vier Lieder
Katherine Weber . Zemlinsky Chamber Orchestra
Flute: Mirna Ackers Oboe: Ella Botter Cor Anglais: Maud Busschers Clarinet: Bram Hospers Bass Clarinet: Femke van de Bergh Bassoon: Lily Simpson Horn: Christian Fisalli Violin 1: Phoebe Tarleton Violin 2: Karina Sosnowska Viola: Ruth Bosboom Cello: Daniele Lorefice Bass: Ebony Lim
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artisthomes · 3 months
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Home of Franz Werfel and Alma Mahler in Sanary-sur-Mer, France
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radiogornjigrad · 3 months
Žarko Paić: Deseta simfonija u sjeni ljubavnoga trokuta (Gustav Mahler- Alma Mahler-Walter Gropius)
Gustav Mahler Pikanterije ili ljubavni eksces tzv. nevjere kad je riječ o životima velikih mislioca i umjetnika kao što je to bio austrijski kompozitor Gustav Mahler, nisu ništa izvanjsko za stvar glazbe, već čini se da je katkad gotovo nemoguće ovu tjelesnu fiziognomiku izbjeći u pokušaju razumijevanja umjetničkoga djela. Tako je i s nedovršenom 10. Simfonijom. Autor priloga o tome, Jörg…
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mollykatebritton · 1 year
The Alma Problem
So, let’s talk about The Alma Problem. Alma Mahler was a woman who, in her lifetime, was involved with some of the most famous men in turn-of-the-century Europe. She became known as The Muse of Vienna, and what a muse she was. She inspired music, plays, paintings, and one incredibly creepy sex doll (though that is another story for another day). AUSTRIA – JANUARY 01: Alma Mahler…
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