#Also I made this into a au now so fack off
m3char0b0l0v3r · 2 years
ok so I was making a fake scenario in my head and accidentally made up a Crossover where TMNT, Tales of Arcadia gang and Transformers accidentally meet while trying to fight or idk but I’m just thinking they meet in some alley way after trying to hide away from the public
Like, they just fought off sum evil ppl and people come to the spot where they fought off and they run to hide somewhere and they just see eachother and they’re gonna be just like "OH HEY! THIS IS A COSPLAY! YEAH WE WERE JUST DOING OUR NORMAL HUMAN THING" expect the transformers who just say "it’s a illusion it’s in yo head" smt like that and yeah
Also It’s transformers armada, the teenage mutant turtles movie just right after they defeated krang and got Leo w/ them and where trollmarket haven’t got taken over n Vendel is still alive just like probabavvabably it’s a few episodes in the series and yeah
I bet that both Donnie and red alert would talk about technology while Donnie ask questions abt it and show off his inventions to him and both of the gangs. I mean both of them. I mean Donnie would yk show his mystic power and show his mystic guns?? In the movie or something simple like probably "hey I’ll show u a purple gun rq here 🔫" and red alert would tell him to stOp before he accidentally shoots and leave the base with a hole
Then we have Leo with Hotshot/Sideswipe or Jetfire and the wingman’s (if u don’t know it’s Toby n Arrrrgh ehe) They all would probably talk and show off how superior r they. Probably Leonardo would show his mystic power and make a portal while Toby just show how daMn light or heavy is the mf hammer but at some point Jim comes in with the sword of daylight and accidentally attracts Leo and Jetfire w/ the bro bots wouldddd probably show off their blasting or aiming skills and Hotshot would ask Jolt to get his aft here so they can superlink together and show off the cannons
Blinky would ask Optimus abt transformers history and sometimes cut him off to say abt of troll history or Vendel would also talk to scavenger abt the transformers war or smt plus Draal with Blurr they would probably exchange tactics or smt more of battling?? But it’s only probably serious things
Ah yes then we the humans with their size robots and another human with a teleporting dogcAt? and a Wizard with a chef boy with a magical sword. They all would probably talk abt their friends first before themselves but I bet Jim would talk how a mf oldass Wizard made a amulet and choose people to give trauma until they die and sometimes Claire would cut in to say abt Morgana and how she stole her damn wand thing
The tf humans talks how they found the transformers and still blames themselves how they accidentally start a war again and stills feel guilt abt it, they hug their robot friends or hold their hands while talking abt them and they hold their hand back
April would be last bc she is busy on the phone until they say "what about u??" and basically talks how dum r the turtles before she talked how they found Mayhem and hidden city and how Donnie fucked them up into jail bc of science and moogic and says how a evil mutant lives on top of her apartment and made the evil mutant work as a lunch lady and basically works a lot but always gets fired yk
The turtles basically says that they were made by the evil mutant that April mentioned but they’re dad is a rat but he was human and was a actor and knows how to beat mutant asses
Basically that’s what I have and it’s a first time I made this so bye🏃🏼‍♀️
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animeschibia · 4 years
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I worked on the better part of the week on and off trying to design and name these fuckers, the one on the right especially. God damn hair and name-
Also, made them chibis because they’re easier to draw, and I wanted to get the characters down on paper without having to worry about anatomy-
Anyways, these are the two main characters (and then twinsies) of the story I was trying to come up with for a certain set of cast members for quite a while now, way before even Ever Wonder. It finally hit me after I came up with a Hazbin AU and it got me going like “Wait, this can be its own story.” idk what to call this story rn, maybe it’ll come to me at some point. Either way, this is gonna focus on the relationship (not romantic) between these two as well as all the people they will meet after they meet each other.
So here we are. Two of the main characters and the twin Familiars of one of them. Let’s begin.
So the one on the left is named Winnifred (last name pending), or Winnie/Freddie/Freda/Win/Fred for short, the two lil’ animals in the middle are her twin Wolpertinger Familiars Anton (the one flying) and Torny (the one just standing there at the bottom), and the one on the right is Honey Pot. In a lot of ways, Winnie and Honey contrast each other. Where she is naive, upbeat, a bit shy, and sweet, they’re loud, crass, street smart (and in a lot of other ways I hope to demonstrate in the story), over all sly, and just in general a bit of a gremlin. Yet in other ways, they have quite a bit in common, namely their self esteem issues and how they both try to hide it.
Freddie here is half Nephalem (which are half angels half humans) and half Cambion (half demons half anything else, but usually humans).  Her dad (name pending) is a Nephalem that finds himself as the guardian of the country the story takes place in. A bit of a self absorbed dope, but he’s pretty friendly and protective. Her mother Regina is a Cambion that built up a reputation of basically not taking shit from anyone (debating on whether or not to give her political power).  Because her mother was a Succubus Cambion, Winnie inherited shapeshifting abilities, so that’s why she goes around being only 6′6. Even at her true height, though, she’s considered... very runty of someone that’s half Nephalem. She’s a very sheltered young woman due to her parents being very protective (which I want to get to in her story). It doesn’t help that Torny and Anton are also pretty protective of her. She lives with her parents even still and only just recently got around to exploring the world around her, leading her to meeting the other main character.
Honey, meanwhile, is just a human. I haven’t really figured out the entirety of their family structure, and I won’t get too much into their backstory because I do want it to be a surprise. I will say, though, that they were never given a formal education, as in they didn’t go to a proper school. So by the time they left home, they ended up having to sell themself on the street to make do. After a while, they would earn the attention of their current boss and taken in for their... talents... They are a lot smarter than you would think, though. Even if not entirely academically. After a while of traveling with their boss and coworkers, Honey ends up in the city where they would meet Freda.
As for Torny and Anton, they met Fred when all three of them were young. As Familiars they were to serve magic users they felt a connection too. My canon for Familiars and how they work is a bit complicated to explain. That’s its own post. But for now, all you need to know is that more than one Familiar being born of the same parents at the same time are only born when there’s the same number of of sentient creatures born to the same parents are born on the same day, if it makes sense. And Winnie just so happened not only to be trying to learn how to use magic, but also was supposed to have a twin sister, but that twin was a stillborn. She met them when she wandered off on her own without her nanny knowing (and yes, her parents did freak out and fire that nanny) and ended up in the forests, where she met them. Issue was, they both felt a connection to her, and, unable to choose between the two, took them both home to see if there was a way to make them both her Familiars. Little to say, there was, I just haven’t worked that out yet. But anyways. They’re her Familiars now. 
Both of them are also a bit of gremlins, although Torny moreso. She’s like the bad influence big sister to Anton. And while she’s a bit mischievous, she is also strangely mature. She’s also very protective and not as trusting as Freddie or Anton.
Anton, meanwhile, is a soff boi and gets attached about as easily is his and his sister’s master. Good boi, protecc.
Anyways, that’s about it.
I’m now torn between focusing on this story or Ever Wonder. This story takes place further in the future than the last planned story for Ever Wonder. On the one hand, oooo, I’m feeling this story! On the other hand, the worldbuilding for this story is major spoilers for a major event that happens way late in the Ever Wonder series.
Edit: Ended up taking out some things I felt would be spoilery, as I decided I wanted the reader to learn as the story progressed.
Also the story is called Eye of The Hurricane.
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she-is-tim · 5 years
I love hating you | Elu enemies to lovers AU | Ch.13
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Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Lucas is an angry, closeted and frustrated gay teenager, while Eliott is the handsome, smart and popular guy in school. They hate each other… but not forever.
Minute by minute
Lucas was in the flat, laughing his ass off on the couch as he watched Mika, Lisa and Manon trying to play twister. They were suffering here for hours now, Lucas even posted a hilarious photo on instagram. They always switched places on the couch, since they couldn’t let Lucas be the one who spins all night. He was having a lot of fun, drinking some beer while watching his flatmates getting their limbs intertwined with not much hope to get them free anytime soon. He noticed that his phone was buzzing in his pocket, so he put down his beer, checking who texted him. He started to breathe faster as he opened the message. It was a picture, a screenshot of an instagram post. 
sofalaoui I don’t know what’s up with him, but Eliott just posted this
Lucas got up from the couch so fast, he almost stumbled over his flatmates. He grabbed the armchair and trying not to fall over. The others looked at him confused. His chest started to hurt like hell, eyes filling up with tears. He didn’t have time to explain, so he just ran to the door, putting on his jacket and his shoes, then he left with his keys in his hands. 
As he was sitting on the bus, he decided to text Lucille, he wanted to make sure that Eliott was okay. He needed information about him, anything. He could feel his heartbeats thumping in his ears, making it impossible for him to listen to the sounds around him. When he recieved a text, he almost jumped in his seat. He was on his nerves, worrying about his boyfriend more than anything. 
From Lucille He is fine, sleeping on the couch, why are you asking? 
To Lucille Can I have some alone time with him?  I’m heading to his place now
From Lucille  Sure, I’ll be waiting for you, then I’ll go out and watch a movie
To Lucille  Thank you
The bus ride seemed like an eternity to Lucas. He was extremely nervous, trying to plan what to say or do when he meets Eliott again. He had to be convincing, he had to do something serious. His boyfriend, because he still wanted to think of him like that needed to know that no matter what happens, Lucas is not going to leave him, that he will stay with him. 
When the bus finally reached the right stop, he basically jumped off, running towards the building where Eliott was living. He couldn’t stop himself, he felt like he had to hurry, even if Eliott was safe. Everything happened so fast on saturday and sunday, he wanted to just hug him and whisper kind things into his ears. 
As he got to the place, Lucille was waiting outside with a soft smile on her face. She was wearing a long, grey coat. Lucas remembered seeing that on her when he thought she was Eliott’s girlfriend back then. She looked stunning, like always, wearing just a small amount of makeup, her hair was curly and shiny. Unlike the boy who was now sweaty and exhausted, barely catching his breath. And even if he was disgusting, the girl pulled him into a soft hug, which almost made him cry. He hugged back, wrapping one arm around her waist. 
“I’m so happy to see you.” Lucille said honestly and Lucas tightened his arm around her.
“I’m happy too.” he mumbled and let her go now.
“You can go up, the door is open. He’s sleeping on the couch, not sure when he’s going to wake up, but be patient with him. He was really grumpy and moody in the last few days.” she explained and kissed the boy on the cheek. “See you.” she chimed and walked away.
Lucas took a deep breath and entered the building, climbing up on the stairs to the third floor. He was nervous as he stood in front of that so familiar door. So many things happened to him here, so many good memories. He slowly opened it, walking inside as quietly as possible and closing the door behind himself. He took off his shoes and his jacket, walking to the living room. He felt like someone punched the air out of his lungs when he saw the tall boy laying on the couch, sleeping somewhat peacefully. 
He looked pale and the living room smelled like weed. The first thing that catched his eye were the drawings on the coffee table. He gasped, walking closer and picking up one. It was a hedgehog playing the piano. He grabbed another which showed a crying hedgehog in a hotel room. He looked at the sleeping boy with a painful expression. He was thinking about Lucas all this time, drawing him in different situations, but mostly almost being sad and that broke his heart. He didn’t wanted Eliott to think that he was sad because of what happened. 
He knelt down next to the couch and stroked Eliott’s hair gently. He only moved a little to this, but didn’t wake up, which get out of Lucas a relieved sigh. He didn’t know if he could form any decent sentence or even speak to this gorgeous human being. He was so perfect, even with that growing stubble on his face and the dark circles around his eyes. It was almost painful how much he missed to see those steel blue eyes, all the feelings Eliott could press into one intense stare. 
He looked behind now, at the piano next to the bookshelf and had an idea. He found a nice piece of music not so long ago that he was practicing in the common room. He actually planned to play it for Eliott, since it was called I love you. Yes, a bit cheesy, but also kinda romantic, and his boyfriend was a sucker for romantic shit. He got up now, looking for the music sheet on his phone. When he finally found it, he walked to the piano, placing his phone down with the sheet opened on it. He opened the lid and ran his fingers through the keys, enjoying their coldness. It was such a long ago since he touched this piano, but now it was the time. 
He took a deep breath and started to play, sometimes glancing at the sheet to make sure he’s playing the right notes in the right order. He totally got into the tune, moving his body only slightly to the music as he kept going and going, until he started to reach the end. When the piece was done, he turned around and was just a tiny bit shocked by the fack that Eliott was staring at him. His eyes were beautiful, just like he remembered. His face was pale, but he still looked like a fucking model. Lucas swallowed and let a smile appear on his face.
“You know what this music is called?” he asked softly, avoiding the awkward greeting and “How are you” stuff,just straight to the point. 
“No.” Eliot murmured, voice sounding still sleepy and he even rubbed his eyes, which was inface, very cute. “Could you tell me?” he asked and the softness in his voice was melting the short boy’s heart. He loved to hear Eliott talking to him like this, it was like nothing happened between them. 
“It’s called I love you.” he said proudly, turning fully around on the bench now to face Eliott. His cheeks started to heat up now as he tried to continue with his plan. He hoped that he won’t get rejected. “You know why I played this piece?” he asked softly and saw the nervousness on the other’s face. He tried to keep calm and not freaking out. He have to keep going with this and pour out his heart to this wonderful person in front of him. When Eliott shook his head, he took a deep breath and looked down at his hands on his lap, then back at the tall boy. “Because I love you.” he finally said it, a soft smile crawling its way on his face. He saw that Eliott was tearing up and all he just wanted was to run over there and pull him into a tight hug. 
“I love you too.” he whispered now and Lucas couldn’t believe his ears. His smile quickly turned into a happy grin, tears rolling down on his cheeks. Then in the next moment he gasped as Eliott picked him up, wrapping his arms around him tightly. He laughed a little and grabbed his shirt, pulling him even closer, burying his face into the warm chest, taking in the smell he missed so damn much.
They were standing there for long minutes just hugging each other, crying and giggling at the same time, but then Eliott pulled back, stroking Lucas’ hair softly. There was a sad smile on his face which made the short boy feel something not really good in his stomach. 
“Listen, Lucas... I think this can’t work between us.” he started and the boy looked at him in disbelief.
“Excuse me?” 
“I know what I just said... and what you said... but these feelings might not last forever.” he mumbled, locking his eyes at the floor. “But my bipolarity is something that is not gonna go away... it’s something you have to deal with and to be honest, I don’t want you to have to handle it.” he continued and now looked at Lucas, eyes red, ready to cry at anytime. “I want you to have a happy life, with someone who’s not gonna yell at you or ran off naked at any point. Someone you don’t have to worry about all day, someone who is able to look out for you and not needing help.” he finished now, breathing heavily through his nose, trying to read the expressions on the boy’s face. Lucas closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. A lots of emotions were running through his brain at this exact moment, but he just took a step forward, placing his hands on Eliott’s cheeks, looking straight into his eyes.
“Listen here, bad things might happen and yeah, I might get sad or angry... but you are not the only one who will yell or try to close things out. I have a lot of flaws.” he said and smiled a little. “I even punched you in the face, Eliott. And you still decided to stick with me. You have no idea how happy you made me with that.” he said softly, leaning his forehead on the other’s. “You can upset me, scare me or make me cry, I don’t give a shit. I rather feel all that, than live my life without you.”
Eliott was quiet and Lucas would give everything to know what is going on inside his head. He wanted him to feel good, to feel loved and he had no intentions to become his babysitter. Of course, he was worried, scared and wanted to protect him, but on the top of all, he just wanted to make him happy, love him unconditionally. He felt his heart skipping a beat when a soft smile appeared on Eliott’s face. His own face lit up to that and cupped the other’s cheeks softly.
“We don’t have to take big steps.” He whispered softly into the space between their lips. “We can do it day by day.” he continued and his smile grew bigger. “No, I think we should do it minute by minute.” he said now proudly and rubbed their noses together. “Minute by minute, okay?” 
“Minute by minute...” Eliott softly whispered and closed his eyes, nodding his head just a little. “Okay, I can do that.” he sighed. 
“You know what are we doing in the next minute?” Lucas asked, softly rubbing away a tear with his thumb that started to roll down on his boyfriend’s face. Eliott shook his head slowly and the boy leant closer. “We’re going to kiss.” 
And so they did. Eliott wrapped his arms around Lucas’ waist, pulling him close as their lips met. It ws slow first, searching, like they were kissing for the first time. The short boy ran his fingers into Eliott’s wild locks, grabbing on them, making him let out a groan. He used this opportunity to deepend the kiss, sliding his tongue inside, playing with Eliott’s. Things got sloppy and wild pretty quickly, hands grabbing everywhere, teeth bashing into teeth making them laugh between kisses. 
When they were out of breath, they decided to just get on the couch and rest for a little. Lucas sit at the end, so Eliott could lay down, resting his head on his lap, which was just super cute. They were like this for a while when Lucas grabbed his phone and took a picture of Eliott. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, voice slightly sleepy. 
“I wanna post it on instagram.” he explained with a wide smile, hoping that his boyfriend is not going to protest. And he didn’t, he just chuckled and shook his head a little, but then started to shower Lucas’ palm with kisses that was resting on his face since a while now. The short boy chuckled and enjoyed this a lot. 
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Eliott smiled like an idiot, still laying on the couch with Lucas. He obviously unblocked the boy both on insta and in his contacts. When he saw the new post he was incredibly happy and just couldn’t stop smiling. And he thought he was the hopelessly romantic one out of the two of them. Turns out Lucas is also going for that title with much success. 
“I’m staying here with you.” Lucas said suddenly, looking down at the boy, caressing his cheek softly. “I’m not going anywhere.” he smiled now and leant down to place a gentle kiss on the other’s forehead. Eliott let out a soft giggle and he reached up to touch his boyfriend’s face. 
“I don’t want you to go either.” he said smiling. Lucas smirked and kissed his fingertips before reaching for his phone again. Eliott shot him a confused look. “You wanna take another picture?”
“No, I’m going to text your sister.” he smirked and opened his chat with Lucille, typing a quick message.
To Lucille Is it possible that you leave us alone for a couple days? Pretty please
From Lucille  Sure, I’ll go to a hotel. No big deal
To Lucille  Thank you so much
From Lucille  Just make him happy, that’s all that matters to me
To Lucille And to me too 
Somewhere around the evening Eliott decided that he’s feeling well enough to make dinner for both of them. Lucas tried to talk him down, convince that they can also order some takeout, but he was so determined there was no point in trying to stop him. So he followed his boyfriend to the kitchen and sat up on the table, just like he always used to, so he won’t be feeling so small. He watched Eliott in his sweatpants, black shirt and hoodie preparing some vegetables, cutting some potatoes. It was endearing to see him like this, they haven’t been in this kitchen together since a long time now and Lucas missed moments like this. 
It took him not more than thirty minutes to put together a nice dish with steamed chicken breast, some vegetables and mashed potatoes. Lucas’ stomach was growling just by smelling it which made his boyfriend laugh. He put the food on two plates, walking to the table and giving the short boy a kiss before he got off and sat down on one of the chairs instead. Everything was so calm and perfect, like there weren’t a week long pause in their relationship. And it was good like this, because they belonged together. 
“This is really delicious.” Lucas smiled softly and stroked his boyfriend’s arm. They were sitting close enough that their knees were touching, making both of them feel safe and comfortable. 
“I told you I can cook.” Eliott said proudly and grabbed the boy’s hand, placing a soft kiss on it. “I would do anything for you.”
“I would do anything for you too.” Lucas smiled softly and ran his fingers over Eliott’s soft lips. The boy smiled and grabbed his index finger with his teeth, licking the tip slowly before letting it go. The short boy felt his face heating up, but he couldn’t tear his eyes from his boyfriend. 
“I love you.” Eliott whispered, pulling him closer by the waist until he was sitting on his lap. Lucas smiled happily, placing himself into a comfortable position and wrapping his arms around the other’s neck. 
“I love you too.” he said happily and gave his boyfriend a soft peck on the lips, then he kissed hs jaw, his cheek, his nose. “So many things I love about you.” 
“Tell me, please.” Eliott started and smiled softly at his boyfriend’s confused look. “Tell me when did you know you fell in love.” he asked, finger caressing the skinunder Lucas’ shirt. He sighed and knocked his forehead to Eliott’s, closing his eyes, trying to think about the answer. Trying to pinpoint the exact moment when he felt like “Yes, this is the one I wanna live the rest of my life with”. And he felt like he knew the answer.
“When I saw you in the common room, when we painted the wall together.” he explained and opened his eyes, smiling brightly at him. “I think that was the moment when I realized how deep my feelings were. How much I loved you.” he said, softly caressing the other’s cheeks. “And I had no doubts since then, my feelings are stronger than ever.” he finished and gave a soft kiss on his boyfriend’s lips, who was now smiling like an idiot.
“Maybe that common room is the symbol of our love then.” he said when their lips parted. “Because I fell for you when I saw you playing the piano there.” his voice was soft, like warm honey, making the short boy feel tiny butterflies in his stomach. “I had a crush on your for a while, but both because of my bipolarity and my fear of relationships, I was being mean to you...” he admitted, which actually made sense now that Lucas was thinking back to it. Sometimes Eliott was annoying or even a real asshole, other times he was flirty and soft. 
“Yeah, I remember that you laughed at me in first year when I slipped on ice in the school yard and called me a “clumsy idiot”.” he said smirking and enjoyed to see his boyfriend’s face turning a little pale. 
“Yeah... that was a shitty thing to say.” he admitted and looked away. Lucas chuckled and kissed his cheek a couple times to get his attention back.
“Hey, that was a long time ago, I am not gonna bring up things like that again, okay?” he whispered softly, keeping his lips close to Eliott’s as the boy turned back and looked into his eyes. “We are together now and that’s the only thing that matters.” he said with a soft, reassuring smile.
“Do you think there are a Lucas and Eliott who weren’t as dumb as we? That they maybe got together right in first year.” he asked curiously, running his fingers through the short boy’s hair. Lucas chuckled as he thought about it, he totally loved how from his silly idea, the parallel universes became their thing. 
“I’m pretty sure there is a Lucas No.635 who saw his Eliott on the school halls one day and thought to himself “Woah, that is one really attractive human being.” he said smirking and kissed the other’s lips gently. “What about Eliott No.795?” Lucas asked softly, enjoying this silly talk a lot.
“Hm...” Eliott was patting his index finger to his lips as he was thinking and then smiled. “Eliott No.795 transfered to school for his third year, after some inconveniences he had in his previous school. On his first day he felt like everyone was watching him, the mysterious new guy. Then he entered the school and a group of boys passed by him, one of them bumped into him, making Eliott to turn away. Then he saw Lucas No.837 talking to his friends with so much enthusiasm that he didn’t even notice that someone bumped into him. And Eliott just watched him until he was out of sight.” he told his little story with so much confidence and fondness, that Lucas just wanted to kiss him until one of them passes out. Instead he just cupped his face, placing soft kisses all around his face, making the tall boy giggle and damn if that wasn’t the cutest thing he had ever heard. 
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Lucas is smirking at his phone and then back at Eliott. They are now sitting in the armchair, well, the tall boy is sitting there and Lucas is on his lap, resting his head on his boyfriend’s chest. Eliott posted the picture a while ago now, but he still kept getting notifications from it. They thought it will be funny and the short boy almost melted when he saw the caption. His boy was so damn romantic and he loved it. 
“So, I am the love of your life?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. They haven’t talked since an hour now, just sitting there quietly, enjoying each other’s presence. Eliott glanced at him from under his beautiful eyelashes with a cheeky smile on his face. 
“Of course you are. Who else would be?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. 
“I don’t know.” Lucas pretended to be dumb. “Shouldn’t it be someone you are with since years now?” he asked playfully, tracing little circles on his boyfriend’s chest over his shirt.
“I don’t have to be with him for years to know that he is the one.” Eliott replied with so much confidence it made the short boy blush. “I might even marry him at some point.” he whispered into his ear now that sent shivers down Lucas’ spine. He gasped and looked into those steel blue eyes, seeing that this time Eliott wasn’t rambling or joking.
“You think he would say yes?” he asked with a playful smirk, sliding his hand up into the tall boy’s messy hair. Eliott blinked at him surprised a couple times before he let out a soft, heartfelt laugh. 
“I really hope so, otherwise I wouldn’t know what to do.” he said smiling and kissed Lucas’ forehead gently. “And I really think he would look beautiful in a white suit.” he added, hands roaming around the short boy’s waist, wandering under the soft material of his shirt. Lucas let out a soft sigh, burying his face into the crook of Eliott’s neck, taking in his smell. 
It was so good to be back here, not just in this apartment, but in his boyfriend’s arms, knowing that he loves him back, that he called him the love of his life. So unreal and at the same time the most real thing he ever experienced at the same time. All the soft touches, the kind words, hearing Eliott laughing and seeing his smile made him happier than ever. After so much suffering they’ve been through together, all that time apart, agonizing days and wondering what to do, it all faded away after each kiss they shared. Lucille once told him that there will be bad days, days when they will feel like it’s never going to end, but all of it will be worth to get through when the better days follow them. And she was right. Lucas wanted to capture these happy moments and put them into a jar, saving it forever. 
Long fingers dragged him out of his thoughts as they started to tickle his sides under the shirt. He tried to suppress his laugh by burying his face into Eliott’s shoulder, but as he didn’t seem to stop anytime, he just grabbed the boy’s biceps, laughing loudly and fidgeting in his lap, trying to get away from the tickling fingers. Eliott seemed to enjoy this, letting his hands run up and down on his boyfriend’s sides, then he just stopped the tickling, starting to pull up the shirt slowly. Lucas was wiping the tears away he had because of all the laughing and let out a surprised squeak as the tall boy forced him to raise his arms so he could take off the shirt and throw it on the floor. 
“Much better.” he mumbled, pressing his lips on the short boy’s chest, kissing it gently. Lucas could feel his skin heat up where his mouth touched him, but also felt his cheeks burning. They haven’t done anything like this since the hotel, and he couldn’t deny the fact that his body was craving for it. To feel Eliott’s skin on his, the tender kisses and to hear his moaning. 
“Eliott...” the name just came off his tongue so much more erotically than he wanted it to, but hearing the boy’s satisfied groan resonating on his chest made him excited. His long fingers were circling over the waistband of his pants, stopping over the button, while his lips wandered up through Lucas’ neck towards his ear, biting his earlobe. 
“Can I?” he was basically moaning into his ear and even if he wanted to say no, which was unlikely to happen, he wouldn’t be able to. Not when his boyfriend sounded like an animal in heat. 
“Yeah...” that was all he could force out, feeling a soft cloud taking over his mind, making it impossible for him to think straight. But who would want to think when there’s a hot guy trying to take off your pants? 
Eliott smirked and within a few seconds, he was pulling off the short boy’s pants, throwing it to the floor next to the shirt. Now he was sitting on his lap with only his underwear on. He turned his body to be face to face with his handsome boyfriend, knees resting to the arms of the armchair. Their smirked at each other before they started to make out wildly. Hands wandering everywhere on their bodies, searching, grabbing, scratching. Lucas pulled Eliott’s hair just a little, making him groan which sent shiver through his whole body. He slid his tongue between the boy’s parted lips, inviting his to a wild and wet dance. He could feel the bulge on Eliott’s crotch growing, rubbing against his own hardness. It was almost infuriating how the boy under him was still fully dressed. So he let his arms roam on the soft, warm torso down to his waist, pulling up his shirt slowly. He could see the cocky smile on Eliott’s face as he pulled the shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. Then they continued kissing. 
After long, sweet moment of making out, they finally got to the point where even Eliott couldn’t bear that he still had his pants on, so with some struggles and Lucas’ help they got rid of it without getting up from the armchair. The short boy moaned into his boyfriend’s mouth as their crotches rubbed against each other only being separated by the thin material of their boxers. Suddenly they were both aware of what was about to happen, so Eliott looked into the boy’s eyes, hands grabbing his waist gently. Lucas felt the clouds disappear from his mind, leaving more space to his thoughts about the handsome boy in front of him.
“You sure you want this?” Eliott asked carefully, looking up and down on Lucas, while licking his lips. He was clearly ready to go further with this and the short boy smirked at that, it was good to see how much this guy wanted him. Him, out of all those people out there. 
“I want you more than anything, Eliott.” he whispered, their lips just an inch away from each other. “I am all yours, my soul, my heart and my whole body.” he continued, fingers sliding up to cup the tall boy’s cheeks as he gave him a tender kiss on the lips. “You have to deal with the consequences.” he finished smirking, biting Eliott’s bottom lip playfully. 
“Fuck, Lucas...” he groaned and his hands slid down, grabbing the boy’s butt wildly. He let out a soft whimper, but was still smiling happily. “I will never let you go.” he whispered into his mouth before kissing him with such passion that Lucas felt like he sucked out all the oxygen from his lungs. He wrapped his arms around Eliott’s neck, ready to continue this to the very end. 
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Lucas was laying in bed, smirking at his phone. He only got out of bed to check out on Eliott and he happened to take a paparazzi photo of him while he was shaving. He had to post it out, because it was just a cute moment and of course he had to show off his boyfriend. Now he could understand why was the tall boy so obsessed with posting about them on insta, it was addictive. 
Now his boyfriend was back in bed with him, resting his head on Lucas’ shoulder as he checked his phone. He laughed at the instagram post, looking up at his soft boy, kissing his jawline a few times before he started typing a comment. Lucas rolled his eyes when he saw it and playfully bit Eliott’s nose, who let out a surprised squeak. That was so cute. 
“So, you’re stalking me in the bathroom now?” he asked, squinting his eyes a little. Lucas smiled and played with his hair now, eyes locked on his boyfriend’s face.
“Yeah, I guess you had no idea what you have to deal with when you agreed on being with me.” he winked at him smirking. 
“That is my line.” he said pouting, like actually pouting. The audacity this damn boy has, Lucas couldn’t believe it, so instead he just leant down, locking their lips together in a soft, loving kiss. He could get used to being like this forever, staying in bed with Eliott, kissing, complimenting each other. 
Okay, guys! I think this could be the end, BUT if you all want one more chapter of domestic Elu content with some sweet insta posts, let me know and I will start writing it. Also hit me up with AU ideas if you feel like it. I have one in mind, but I still need to work on the details and I might get inspiration from all of you! Also make sure to give me your opinions on this chapter. I LOVED to write it and I LOVE all of your from the bottom of my heart 
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btstrashxoxox · 7 years
Namjoon Con!AU
Okay so i was thinking of this okay
Ur a con artist, u take on identities and trick ppl into thinking ur someone ur not to manipulate and trick them for ur own advantage. And u do this shit easily, a manipulative liar who takes on whatever persona to match the characteristics of wat the ppl ur conning wants 
So like for an example u once conned this rich businessman who, after doing research, u found out was looking for a famous painting to cover the empty space on their wall and u conned him by pretending to be this renowned artist manager and make a random painting that u tell him is on extreme high demand
And u put ur 100% in ur cons, like not some half-assed shit
U rented a place and made it look like an art hall for auctions and hired ppl to pretend theyre participating in the auction and then u sent this beautiful invitation to the man inviting him to ur "auction" And so the man comes to the auctions and u hav the painting up on the wall and u start the auction and the ppl u hired are all bidding with high ass amounts and so the businessman is like shit this painting must be fucking amazing and he buys it for A LOOOOT of money 
And so yeaa
And then one day after a while u find ur next subject and hes this bachelor ceo whos apparently all haughty and u spend around 2 months observing him to get an idea of his character to decide wat persona u shud take on to con him
Abd honestly as hot as namjoon is, hes so fucking cocky he pisses u off and ur just like fuck i cant wait to con this man
And then finally after a lot of careful planning out u take on a persona of an extremely rich person whos about to be the heir of a big company, handed down from ur father, and therefore need extensive training to be the perfect ceo and therefore go to joonies company to get that shit done and u spend a lotttt of time detailing everything making sure everythings perfect for the big day 
And so u do ur con and during the time u do the con, namjoon starts to rlly like u and wen u finally do ur con and disappear on him hes mad pissed and devastated becuz u were so different and made him change a lot of things in his life and personality and then u betray him
So yea hes rlllly fucking pissed and starts to do everything to get u fucking caught which isnt an easy task to do
And then almost a year passes and ur in miami at the beaches just chilling and looking for a new person to con
And beholddd namjoon has facking found u
But of course hes as discreet as possible, doesnt want to alarm u and get u to escape before he actually catches u
And sooo he devises a plan and decides to get u caught.... with ur own methods
So he gets his good friend, jimin, to approach u 
And wen u see the guy u were like damn okay next victim 
And so u spend time with jimin and u take on a persona of the bestest friend
And a lot of time has passed while u were trying to get jimins trust wennnnn
Joonie reveals himself to u
And like ur too in to just abandon the con rite
So u just make sure to stay veryyyyy careful and stay away from him
But alas u dnt know that jimin is joonies friend and knows
And so hes always bringing u to joons place or to hang with joon
And at first u were ready to bolt
But joonie never rlly reacted and u were cautious at first cuz like wtf why isnt he trying to murder u rn (u dnt know that joonie is planning to con u too)
And then after some time u see joons not doing anything so u put down ur walls
And u see that joons rlly changed
And so u start to fall for him
And for joonie
Hes still rlly pissed and so hes planning on getting the money bak by getting u to fall for him and then stealing the money (basically wat u did to him)
And then one day u overhear joon talking about it with jimin and u get rlly sad cuz u rlly fell in love with joon
So u were just upset and sad and were like fuck it
And so u just got all the money u conned from joonie and put it in a bag
And left it at his place and then u left before anyone can see u
And then joonie comes home and finds the bag of money and opens it and reads the letter u left behind where u basically apologize but also call him an asshole, and then u tld him u loved him and that u just hope that he and u never see each other again cuz itd be painful
And now joonies like fuck cuz lbr he still had feelings for u, as much as he wanted to deny it
And so once again he looks for u and looks for u
He finds u!
And wen u see him u prepare urself to BOLT
But he catches u before u can and he tells u he loves uuu 
And yupp thats about it haha Thank u so much for reading!! Love u guys so much! <3 <3 <3
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