#Also can I just say tummies are the cutest part of the human body?
thecurioustale · 9 months
Let's GLORIFY OBESITY: Why Fat Liberation Is Way More Important and Timely Than You Think
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I'm quite certain that one of my most controversial convictions is that fat people are awesome. Not just valid and worthy of dignity and rights and access to society—that's a given and not open for discussion—but actively incredible and awesome.
Now, of course, this isn't unconditionally true: There are always bad eggs in any basket. Don't take away from this essay the idea that I am saying that fatness gives someone an excuse to be horrible.
But what I do mean is that fatness does not inherently detract from a person's intelligence, personality, beauty, vibrancy, ambition, etc. Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, I also mean that:
Recognizing the integrity and awesomeness of fatness, fat people, and fat bodies isn't something you have to fake.
You can appreciate fat bodies for their own sake. You can dig the softness, the heft, the squish, the jiggle, the warmth, the "fluffiness." You can admire the aesthetics of fat bodies in motion and at rest. You can perceive the world differently through the firsthand or secondhand experience of fatness, much like how learning a second language or having a disability enables you to see things in our society that you were blind to before. You can draw from the wellspring of power and jubilance that is the lifestyle of a body that does not pathologically reject and ration food—the sharing of meals, the ecstasy of eating, the exultation in fullness. You can even let yourself see fatness as a badge of character, for no fat person goes through life on Easy Mode when they are a member of a persecuted class, so if someone is fat it means they're like a war veteran: They've seen some shit, and probably dealt with no shortage of dark pathways in their own minds.( Such is the power of internalizing a societal bigotry.)
There are so many ways to dig fatness. And doing any of these things—admiring fatness in any way—is an important polarization against injustice.
I'm into fat people, myself. It's an orientation in my sexual identity. I like being fat. I like fat partners. I like seeing fat people in daily life. Fat people are hot! However, I say that fat people are awesome, and I live that philosophy in my life, not only because fatness is a part of my own sexual orientation, which was how I first got introduced to the wider world of fat admiration and fat liberation, but because doing so is a preemptive attack against the bigotry and dehumanization that is marshalled against fatness. If you're fat or know someone who is, then you know the horrible things that so many people say about fat people and do to fat people—including about and to themselves if they happen to be fat personally. Some of the worst anti-fat bigots are fat people and ex-fat people! 😢
Anti-Fat Bigotry Transcends Partisan Alignments
I often judge a person's character by their attitude toward fatness, because anti-fat bigotry is not in the national discourse and is not politically aligned. While fat liberation and fat admiration do have their intellectual home on the political left, and the fat community composition is significantly more liberal than conservative, it's still a very niche community, and doesn't attract allies and supporters from the broader mainstream left the way that social justice movements against sexism and racism and classism do. In fact, anti-fat bigotry is one of the most powerful bigotries in the world where mainstream progressivism still hasn't yet identified the bigotry as bigotry, and therefore doesn't recognize it as an injustice. We still have tons of left-wingers sounding like straight-up fascists when they talk about how fat people are diseased and need to be legally penalized and societally erased. Hence the usefulness of a person's attitude toward fatness as a judge of character.
By the way, this exercise of judging character isn't just useful in advancing fat liberation or in knowing who your allies and enemies are on a personal level. When you find a progressive like this, who hates fat people, you know that they are an unreliable ally and don't actually understand the reasons that left-wing issues are valid and important. You know this is someone to learn from and be wary of as an example of those who are at high risk of betraying the movement down the road and doing great harm to liberal causes from within.
Fat is not a traditional partisan issue. Across the political spectrum and beyond it, there is a widespread failure to empathize with fat people regardless of how one identifies politically. We expect proud, gleeful hatred toward innocent groups of people from fascists, but it's very disappointing when it comes from liberals—and it makes their language about inclusiveness, humanization, and peaceful coexistence sound hollow and sanctimonious when these same mouths spout hateful lies and slander and violent rhetoric against fat people.
By the same token, you sometimes see fat acceptance coming from people on the right—perhaps an indicator that one is ripe for deradicalization and deconversion out of the right-wing worldview.
The Bigotry Itself
In my experience, almost everyone—including among fat liberation activists, let alone the general population—suffers from a great deal of internalized fatphobia and holds prejudiced views against fat people. Most people still regard fatness as both inherently bad and a voluntary choice, and from that ethical boondoggle of a combination most people proceed to grade fat people as reprobates who should be punished for their ethical crimes by being cut off from society: no disability accommodations or healthcare except whatever a fat person can pay out of pocket; no right or even a reasonable expectation of gainful employment, romance and love, and meritorious social standing. Fat people are written off as unworthy in every respect, and are often disparaged as ugly, stupid, smelly, selfish, wasteful, greedy, and so and so forth.
Thereby does the bigotry reveal itself: The state of being fat doesn't inherently tell another person any of those things. All of these judgments are pre-judgements, or rather prejudices, and are all done without actually meeting the fat folk in question, saying hello to them, getting to know them a little bit, and learning the first damn thing about their actual lives.
And so the anti-fat bigot, or anyone who is under the spell of fatphobia, misapplies to fat people the same ethical condemnation as we would rightly impose upon fascists and murderers and traffickers. Most of the time, the rhetoric about fat people is that they are subhuman, and it carries the implicit or sometimes even explicit desire for fat people to die. That's another dead giveaway that we're not dealing with a rational hatred: Fat people as a group haven't done anything remotely deserving of the death penalty.
Most anti-fat bigots don't see their view of fat people as problematic. Unsurprising: Most bigots never see their bigotry for what it is. And when we fail to empathize with others, we seldom recognize that we are failing. We don't recognize that there's even something there to be failed!
And I hate to break this to you, Gentle Reader, so gird yourself and turn off your auto-defensiveness reaction. But if you are seeing this, you are almost certainly a part of the problem. Because virtually everyone who isn't an ardent fat liberation activist—and even many of those who are—is a part of the problem. You have learning and self-realization and empathizing and personal growth ahead of you.
A (Brief) Rebuttal of the 4 Main Arguments Against Fatness
There is nothing wrong with being fat.
No, stop: I can see you disagreeing already. Just stop. There is nothing wrong with being fat.
I know what you want to say: It's bad for a person's health. It's a drain on the economy. It's destructive to the environment. It's a sign of poor character.
These are the four classical arguments against fatness. In one form or another, almost every anti-fat slur and condemnation comes from at least one of those four sources.
I'm not here today to do battle with these arguments. Ultimately, the stance I am laying out today is that even if all four arguments were completely true it still wouldn't matter: Anti-fat bigotry would still be wrong. It's a red herring to spend time and energy debunking these arguments. The haters are never moved by reason or evidence, and the rest of us don't need to waste time on the sideshow of invalidating the illogic of their hate.
Yet there is something in the human spirit which has a knack for recognizing elephants in the room, and I think if I didn't address these arguments at all it would be interpreted by many people as a sign that the anti-fat bigots actually have the truth on their side. So, here is my very quick crack at it:
All four of the arguments against fatness possess elements of truth, but are imprecise to the point of being functionally false. And while a whole book's worth of rebuttals could be written on each of these four arguments, I'll just deliver the bottom lines:
"Health" is complicated, and the intersection of fatness and health is much more ambiguous in the medical literature than we popularly believe it to be. Many fatphobic and fat-bigoted professionals within the academic community and healthcare sector obscure this fact further by abusing their authority to conduct unsound or unethical research or misrepresent valid research on the basis of their warped worldview.
If you delve into the research literature—and I have looked at hundreds of studies in my lifetime—you see a few consistent themes emerge, and for convenience I will contextualize these as I go:
Most research suffers from poor variable control and/or poor survey setup or experiment design, and therefore can't tell you what it is really saying. In other words, it isn't necessarily saying anything. (This is a problem across science, not just on this issue.) And when this happens, you'd be amazed at how much a ubiquitous societal prejudice can skew the data. You might think "Individual studies may be bad but they can't ALL be bad, right?" And you'd be forgiven for thinking that, but in fact, when prejudice is concerned, they absolutely can be systematically bad (if not universally bad down to the very last study).
Anti-fat bigotry in the medical and scientific establishment absolutely does corrupt a lot of research. For instance, there were a number of studies that came out during the pandemic pointing out that overweight and obese people made up most COVID hospital patients in the US—roughly 78%. That's such a bad number that they listed obesity as one of the major risk factors for COVID complications. Except for one little thing: The incidence of overweightness and obesity in the US is about 73%. If fatness had no bearing on COVID complications whatsoever, we should expect 73% of hospitalizations to be among overweight and obese people. So 78% isn't far off. And when you factor in that hospitalizations overwhelmingly skewed older, and that older adults on average are heavier than younger adults, the relationship is actually inverse! Being overweight or obese meant you were slightly LESS statistically likely to be hospitalized! But no one reported on that, and no one in the medical establishment seemed to notice it. Instead we got the narrative that COVID will kill yer fat ass dead.
When you ignore the media coverage, and the studies' own titles and abstracts, and look at the data themselves, the data do not generally support the claim that "Being fat harms your health." The claim that they actually support is "Being fat is generally associated with health problems at a higher rate than not being fat is." This isn't semantics; this is a critical distinction. It's like the difference between claiming that "Being black makes you a criminal" versus "Being black is generally associated with higher rates of criminality." The latter phrasing—which is what the research literature can actually support—opens up a whole world of epiphanies when it comes to wrapping our minds around the fact that the societal prejudice against fatness has completely distorted how we see and interpret fatness in our society. This is a very deep topic, but the bottom line is that we are oversimplifying both the concept of fatness and the concept of health, as well as severely underestimating the sociological dimension present. The true interaction between fatness and health is very complex in ways that substantively bear on how we should conceive of the issue.
One notable exception to the above is that the research literature does seem to suggest pretty persuasively that fatness itself—adipose tissue in the body—produces hormonal outputs that exacerbate inflammation in our bloodstreams. And this exception is a great example of the rule I was just laying out: Here we have a case where fatness, itself, directly harms people's health. Except it doesn't! It's not the fat. It's the inflammation in the blood stream caused via the hormonal products that fat cells produce. You see what I mean? Anti-fat bigotry defines "fatness" qualitatively as an essentialist, fundamental aspect of a fat person's identity. But it's not. Fatness is just the top-line label we give to a much more complex system of biochemistry and biomechanical phenomena. And the reason this is important is that, given that weight-loss diets are so ineffective and life is better anyway if you're able to eat well, it's a lot easier to imagine "Let's do something about those hormones or about the inflammation directly" than it is to imagine "Let's 'solve' fatness itself." We already know this works: Controlling for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, for instance—which are associated with fatness—drastically reduce the health problems that are also associated with fatness, all without actually changing the fact that the person is still fat. Advances in medicine and equitable healthcare can go a very long way toward treating the health problems associated with fatness without actually forcing fat people get thin and stay thin.
The actual health penalties that are associated with (if not actually caused by) fatness are not nearly as significant as commonly believed. The data show that if you're 20 or 50 or even 100 pounds "overweight" by normative standards, you're still likely to live more or less a full natural lifespan and have more or less the same use of your body that you would have otherwise. The losses to both lifespan and "health" more broadly are marginal. Age, not fatness, is the great predictor of health problems. And that's not surprising: Our bodies literally fall apart as we get old. That's what they've evolved to do. Also, while there is an argument to be made that losing even one year of life, or one year's worth of mobility, is no small thing, not only is some of this recoverable through other health management measures (such as physical activity and good nutritional intake and the reduction of life stressors), but it's also not what anti-fat bigots are claiming. They're not saying "Oh, you're gonna die at 71 instead 72." They're saying, of perfectly healthy 30-year-olds, "Yep, that person's got 5 years left max." Even the very fattest people, the ones who get dragged through the mud the worst of all by the haters, don't fit the stupid delusional worldview of the haters. Extremely fat people, 500, 600, 700 pounds, are still a lot healthier and live a lot longer than we generally believe—especially if any health conditions they do have are well-managed and they have a good social support system and access to good healthcare. Same as for anyone! And, for the record, the percentage of people who actually weigh that much is vanishingly small. Most "obese" people are in the high 100s and low-to-mid 200s.
Fatness is also associated with numerous positive health effects. By the same logic, we can't read too much into this without getting deep in the weeds, but don't think it's a strictly one-way street. Fatness exists in the first place as an evolutionary adaptation, and evolution is famous for piggybacking multiple benefits onto a given physical trait. Fatness does more than just feed us in lean times and keep us warm in the cold and cushion us from rocks. To some extent it potentially has protective influences on our joints and organs, on our bones, and even on our mental acuity and mood. Haters love to point out that being fat increases your risk for other types of cancer (or, we should say, "is associated with an increased risk"), but there are other types of cancers where the trend is reversed!
I personally do think that it's likely that having a moderate amount of excess fatness in some people, and having a massive amount of excess fatness in most people, does cumulatively "use up" the body faster. Not much faster, not unless you're really, really big or have underlying health issues that would have given you problems even if you'd been thin. But a little bit faster. And to that I say: So what? Like, really: Whose business is it but yours? We mustn't fall into the puritanical trap of valuing the state of being alive over the quality of life and our freedom to be true to ourselves.
The bottom line: All of the above is a red herring because one's health status has no bearing on their worth as individuals or on their right to expect equal treatment in society.
The basis of this argument is that being fat costs the economy a lot of money. If you look at sensationalist studies, that number is positively goofy, usually in the hundreds of billions or sometimes even trillions of dollars annually in the US alone. This is despite the average American adult weighing only 25 or so pounds above the top of their "optimal BMI" (ugh) range, and the total of all healthcare spending in the US being estimated around $4.3 trillion. Doesn't add up, does it?
The economic costs of fatness, to the extent they actually exist—and this is almost certainly far lower of a number than the ludicrous ones that are commonly cited—are often incurred not in the way that bigots think. What bigots think is that fat people are getting sick all the time and therein missing work and needing more healthcare. I'm sure this does happen, almost certainly not nearly to the extent the haters believe. For one thing, fat people get sick for reasons that have nothing to do with being fat, and once they enter the healthcare pipeline they are exposed to higher costs at every turn.
Systemic injustice is expensive in all the ways that are so well-documented with other persecuted groups, in terms of the mental anguish of community and institutional discrimination; the economic exclusion of discrimination in hiring and the workplace; and the mistreatment of fat people by healthcare professionals and stigmatization of fat people by society, such that fat people often put off their healthcare needs until those needs are more severe and thus more expensive, only to then be screwed with by their healthcare providers leading to further costs and delays in their proper treatment (if you're fat you've probably experienced what it's like to come in for a bad flu and be told that what you really need is to lose a few pounds).
Fat people have a harder time attracting clientele, venture capital, performance bonuses, and yadda yadda we've heard this before for queer people, female folk, people of color, and so on. And fat people are marginalized more often and more readily, again with results very familiar to us from other marginalized groups.
The economic argument also has a headwind to fight in the macroeconomic perspective. To the extent fat people do consume more, they are drivers of the economy, not drains on it. If they're going out to eat more, that's a lot of jobs created.
One of my favorite examples of anti-fat bigotry in the economic context is the tale of airplane seats. We've all heard this story: Some hater comes along and is like "I had to sit next to a FAT person and they were flowing all over me and took up half my seat! Fat people should have to pay for two seats!"
First of all, that's already the policy of most airlines: If there isn't an empty seat immediately available, fat people will usually be rebooked on another flight or asked to purchase a second ticket.
But second of all: Do you know what I say to people who tell that story: "You should thank fat people, because they are subsidizing the cost of your plane ticket."
It's true. Airliners shrink seats to ghastly dimensions, as small as they can realistically get away with, in order to maximize the number of passengers they can carry per flight. This allows for tickets to be sold at a lower price. But by literally squeezing some people out, and forcing those people to have to buy two seats, what the airlines are doing is setting airfares artificially low at the expense of fat passengers.
You can't morally censure your customer base; that's not capitalistic. Your customers are your customers, and if they're fat then they're fat. By designing seats too small for a great many of them, you're making fat people pay for a percentage of other people's tickets every time they are forced to buy a second ticket for themselves.
Of the four arguments, I think the economic one is probably the stupidest of the lot, because no matter how you look at it, it just doesn't add up. Any economic drain that does exist is basically just a reflection of anti-fat bigotry against people at a societal scale.
Hater: "Look at how expensive fat people are for society!"
Me: "Look at how expensive society makes it to be fat!"
The bottom line: Fat people work. The whole schtick about them being slovenly and lazy is a slanderous lie. Fat people go to work, put in their hours, and come home. Even many fat people who are too fat to do most jobs still usually find jobs to do, at rates comparable to that of the general population. We work, we pay in, and we demand our due.
"How can you eat that cheeseburger when there's a climate crisis on?! Didn't you know that cows are the leading cause of global warming!?!?!?!"
Ah, the environmental argument...perhaps the most disingenuous of the four arguments.
As an advocate for affordable access to meat that is raised with at least a modicum of humaneness, I often come across the anti-fat argument in the context of meat's impact on the environment. That's a topic for another day, though I will say that meat is not as bad for the environment as you probably think, because that point is relevant here.
The core of the environmental argument against fatness is that fat people consume more food and food production is bad for the environment. Both of these statements are generally true! What isn't true is the conclusion that anti-fat bigots draw: Therefore, fat people are bad for the environment.
This is because it's a matter of absolute scale and of lifestyle priorities. If fatness is harmful to the environment then everything we do beyond bare subsistence is harmful to the environment. The key question is "How do we manage and mitigate our footprint?" Environmental stewardship is critical, but there will always be a cost to our presence here on Earth.
Using computers and phones, or driving cars, or having children, or keeping pets, or playing video games, or buying local food (with all of its environmental inefficiencies), or using hot water...all of these things put strain on the environment.
You can't with a straight face say that fatness is environmentally wasteful and then go about your life drinking wine and petting your dog and flying on airplanes to spend weekends at ski resorts. If you do, you're both an idiot and a shitty person.
In the grand scheme of people's ecological footprints, there is actually relatively little wastefulness in the extra calories that fat people typically consume and the extra clothing fabric and other goods that fat people typically go through as a result of their size. We do far more harm to the environment by throwing away food that we let go bad than we do by fat people eating more food than thin people.
I say this often because I find it so compelling, but one of the very first things that people do when they are coming out of third-world poverty due to economic development or immigration is buy more and better food. Of all the things they could do with their money, more and better food is consistently one of the very first things.
That says a lot to me about what humans really, truly need in their lives. It is a horrifying line of thinking to imagine that humans should deprive themselves to the barest level of subsistence on something like food. That is no way to exist, and the people who call for it are usually not good people.
The bottom line: Is there room for us to be more environmentally-friendly concerning our food consumption patterns? Sure! But that's irrelevant. The environmental argument by the haters is not that thin people are bad for the environment. It's that fat people are bad for the environment. And that argument is crap. No we're not. On the list of things that humans do that are bad for the environment, "being fat" is way, WAY down the list.
Lastly, anti-fat bigots will often attack fatness as an inherent character flaw, and will usually associate it with other traits like being dumb, lazy, smelly, etc.
Let me give this argument the consideration it deserves: Hate is hate. And anyone who makes this argument is a hater. And that's the end of the story.
There is no credible argument here. The one kernel of truth to it is that, yes, some fat people are horrible. Because some people are horrible. Fat or thin, there are always bad people out there. And sure, in some people their horribleness can manifest in the form of fatness among other things. But it's not particularly common—and certainly not on the level that you typically see in works of fiction, where fatness is often a stand-in for villainy. There's nothing about liking to eat that really plugs closely into a failure mode of character.
In my experience in the fat liberation and fat admiration worlds, some of the fat people there are horrible. But it's not because they're fat. It's because they were horrible people to begin with, and in that community are able to use their fatness to achieve power and attention and authority. They often have a lot of internalized fatphobia, leading them to be particularly cruel to those who are close to them. But that's not a blight on fatness: That's just the tragedy of the human species.
The bottom line: Being fat doesn't say anything about a person's character.
We Need to Glorify Obesity
So, once more with feeling: There is nothing wrong with being fat. Unless, I suppose, you want to argue that humanity itself is a blight on the planet and we should all be exterminated, in which case you're probably even worse of a person than if you had just stuck to being an anti-fat bigot.
Like I said before, I come into the fat liberation movement by way of sexual identity: I think fat people are sexy. I enjoy being fat, and I have always preferred fat partners. A significant minority of humanity feels the same way; that's diversity for you. You don't have to be into it yourself, but liking fatness is a valid identity to have. And there are all kinds of non-sexual reasons for liking fatness too, which I mentioned earlier.
Yet on the subject of fat sexuality, I have seen bigots compare liking fatness to liking cancer. I have seen it characterized as slowly committing murder, or of growing fat oneself as slowly committing suicide. And on top of that, whenever anyone says that they think fat is sexy, they are invariably and immediately lumped together in the minds of bigots with those occasional lunatics who we see on the news who use fatness as a pathway of abuse in their relationships—as if abuse never occurs if fat people are not involved, or as if one bad egg in a group means that every egg is bad. The fallacy and stupidity of these illogical mindsets speak for themselves. There are definitely abusers and criminals who are into fat. Just like there are abusers and criminals who aren't. But fatness—including the celebration of fatness and the pursuit of overeating and/or weight gain—are perfectly normal and healthy in the context of a mutually respectful and consenting relationship. It's not the subject of this essay, but let no one say otherwise.
The actual reason I mention my own background here is that most fat liberation activists aren't fighting for anything positive. They're mostly female fat folk who've been worn down their whole lives at the intersection of being fat and female, and just want fair treatment and to be left alone, and maybe even occasionally be called beautiful when they put on a nice new outfit. Most of them are not actually pro-fat and in fact harbor a great deal of self-loathing and internalized fatphobia—as shown by how derisive many of them behave toward other fat people, and how hateful some of them become if they do manage to lose weight. Most of them have no love of fatness whatsoever, and are merely forced into it by virtue of being unable to readily lose the weight, and are fighting not for the advancement of a cause but rather to break free of the hate and prejudice inflicted upon them.
That's no way to center a movement. Sexual equality doesn't come by chanting "Women aren't horrible!" Racial equality doesn't come by chanting "Black and brown people aren't horrible!" Fat people, it shouldn't have to be said, aren't horrible! And, obviously, the voices of victims and survivors of anti-fat bigotry need to be heard and prioritized as a central pillar of the fat liberation movement. But "We're not horrible"! is the beginning of the conversation, not the end of it, and the testimony of survivors isn't sufficient in itself to lift us beyond the negative: We need fat pride, fat acceptance. We need, as the bigots are always morally panicking about, to glorify obesity!
And for that we need to hear from the people of all sizes who have good things to say about fatness: good things to say about people who happen to be fat (many of whom live rich and full lives and whose fatness is often a reflection of that or even an active factor in achieving the good life); good things to say about fatness itself (the softness, heft, warmth, comfort, and size); good things to say about particular fat bodies (fat bodies can be strong, attractive, powerful, majestic); and good things to say about the experience of life as a fat person ("I'm here and I take up space, and I'm a pretty cool person!").
Once again, a broader movement has essentially failed female folk by forcing most of the work onto them. Fat liberation isn't just for female-bodied or feminine-presenting fat people. Fat liberation is for EVERYBODY: all sexes and genders, all races, but more importantly all shapes, abilities, sizes, and weights. Thin people need fat liberation too, just like males need sexual equality and white people need racial justice. Whenever prejudice persists, we all get hurt, both directly and collaterally and through seeing the people we care about get hurt.
What Can You Personally Do?
This essay isn't a screed and it's not meant to just be an interesting curio for reading. I would hope you contemplate these ideas and take some of them with you into your daily life. Here are some things you can do to advance fat liberation and fat admiration.
Let's start by talking about "pride." I can already hear many of you saying: "But I don't want to be proud of being fat. Being fat isn't something that one should be proud of."
To which I would reply: In the long term, I hope we can deprogram you of that. Because being fat is definitely a valid thing to be proud of! Think of it like hair: A great big head of hair, lovingly grown and groomed, is absolutely something for others to be proud of in themselves and admiring of in others, even if you personally don't like long hair and wouldn't want to have lots of hair yourself.
And in the more immediate term, you don't have to pretend to be proud if that's not where you're at. One is not required to be proud of their fat.
But what you can do is not get in the way of other people's fat pride. If you engage at all in fat pride discourses, be a signal booster and not a signal jammer.
Also, spreading fat pride has another benefit besides the pride itself: It disrupts bigotry channels. It's like community activists singing over the voices of fascists at a Neo-Nazi parade and drowning them out. If the claim of anti-fat bigots is that one can't be proud of being fat, then pride neutralizes their rhetoric on the spot. It also normalizes fatness and the celebration of fatness among impressionable young people whose minds are still coalescing into a worldview. Will they learn to hate their bodies and spend their whole lives at war against themselves, or will they learn that their bodies are an immense source of strength and satisfaction?
Fat pride is about more than letting your belly spill out of a bathing suit at the beach. It's about setting an example to others of what is possible and what life has the potential to look like.
Support Fat People in Public
Praise, compliment, and support fat people in all the ways you would do if they were thin. In practice, this often involves fat people's clothing and their willingness to "put themselves out there" in public.
Encourage fat people to do things that they would otherwise want to do if they were thin but don't because they are ashamed of being fat. Life is too short not to be true to yourself! Go on that bike ride. Go to that beach party. Go to that buffet. Assuming the logistics are workable—i.e. that they're not going to be institutionally excluded by things like seats that don't fit—be an ally and champion for fat people in public. And when there is institutional fat discrimination at work, do what you can to find out about it in advance and find workarounds so that your fat friends, fat family members, or fat self won't be excluded from events on a functional basis.
If you are dating a fat person, I cannot stress how important it is to be proud of them in public, and to be for them and supportive of them. The top complaint of fat people about their romantic partners is that their partners are embarrassed to be seen with them; this is especially true in mixed weight relationships where the female partner is the only fat one. Don't you dare be embarrassed to be seen with your love in public. Pride the shit out of that! This is someone you love; they are more important than the sneers and jeers of a thousand random strangers. And don't put the onus on your partner to stand up for themselves: Be a partner in legitimizing their existence in public spaces.
Don't do anything that is going to feed into a fat person's internalized fatphobia or their fear of social backlash. Instead, provide solidarity. If you're at a party or a dinner and they want more food, then have more food together with them. If they're afraid to be seen in their bathing suit because it's too revealing, then make sure your bathing suit is revealing too.
Treat people on a case-by-case basis first and foremost, but here are some general rules of thumb, especially for how you interact with strangers, casual acquaintances, family members, and colleagues:
Don't treat fat people like they have to pay for admittance into the community. Don't check fat people's health, diet, or lifestyle. It doesn't matter if they eat nothing but salads or nothing but Twinkies. It doesn't matter if they run five miles a day or can't even walk across their own house. Don't validate the prejudice that the only good fat is "healthy" fat. Fat people are allowed to be unhealthy at no penalty to their community standing or their value as individuals.
Don't call foods or dietary habits "healthy" or "unhealthy"; that's all a bunch of normative bullshit that is so inaccurate as to be useless. All foods are healthy in the right context, and all foods are unhealthy in the right context. And fatness and weight gain are not inherently unhealthy.
Don't question people's movies or reasons for being fat, staying fat, or getting fat.
Don't try to exploit new or existing fatness in people's bodies as a deviation that makes them unworthy of belonging and acceptance.
Don't ask people their weight. Don't attach people's real or perceived weight loss to compliments on their appearance. Don't ask people who've gained weight if they are pregnant.
Don't validate diet culture or weight loss rhetoric. Diets do not work; more than 90% of people who lose weight eventually gain it back. Sure, if you live in a country with an active famine, then there's nothing you can do; you don't have a choice. And if you're in the military or the fire department, or if you're a marathon runner, then sure, it's probably worth trying to maintain a lower-body weight for the time being. But these are the exceptions. Weight loss is not a valid solution for most people; stop treating it like one.
Don't celebrate or glorify weight loss. Don't antagonize it either—it's their body, and if they lose weight that's their business—but don't reinforce unethical social norms that value thinness over fatness. Don't participate in that.
There are a lot of don'ts here, and that's not a coincidence: The rule for gatekeeping in general is "Don't." Let people be as they are. Find something to judge in them that's actually worth judging, like their political views or their participation in community-building.
Most of all—this is the most important thing—shut down anti-fat language and stereotypes. "Diet talk," "self-fat-shaming," "food shaming," anything that validates the prejudices against fatness. Shut it down. Don't just refuse to participate in it: CALL IT OUT. Shut it down.
We all know fat-shaming when we see it. It can take courage—and sometimes the battle is not worth fighting; I get it; but don't let "sometimes" be "all the time." Be present as a pro-fat force; be a shield and ally to others. And be harsh in your judgments of fat-shaming speech and behavior. When you hold back, the haters win.
Discrimination retreats when haters fear that they are outnumbered and unpopular.
Fat Positivity
One of the easiest and most affirmative things you can do to support fat liberation and fat admiration is to to cultivate positivity in your life surrounding fatness.
I've long called myself a "tummy elemental." I love tummies; I think they are impossibly cute. I tend to like all the same things about tummies that most people hate about them. And because of my consistency and flamboyance about it, my friends all know that I am the person to turn to when they have pro-tummy sentiments that they want to share.
There's a lot you can do to cultivate fat positivity in your life. You can make mealtimes a no-shame zone, and deliberately eat till you are content and encourage others to do the same. You can boost fat voices and messaging in your social media circles. You can (with a little common sense and restraint) compliment fat people in public when they're looking great or doing cool things. Basically, any negativity vector surrounding fatness has an opportunity to become a positivity vector.
Look in the Mirror
Last of all, if you're fat, and you struggle with self-acceptance, all of the above applies not only to your treatment of others, but to how you treat yourself.
It's not a lie, or fake, to treat yourself like a human being. If you have a fat body, that's your body. It's YOUR body. All the power and personality you will ever have, all the beautiful ideas and moments, will all travel through your body. Your body is YOU. We don't actually have separate souls living off in La La Land. Our bodies are 100% of who we are. And if your body has a lot of extra fat on it, or just a little bit, then your relationship with your fatness is really just a proxy for your relationship with yourself. Do you love yourself? Or do you hate yourself?
Many people are meant to be fat, perhaps even most people. In lieu of food scarcity and intense physical toil, our bodies naturally grow an abundance of flesh and hang onto it. In this case, your fatness says that you are living in good times. That's not a bad thing! And for everyone else, for the people who aren't meant to be fat: If you remove the stressors and hate from your life, the excess fatness will probably mostly go away on its own. You can't do that through dieting and make it stick, but if fatness is your body's response to hardships in your life, then stop treating your fat like it is personally responsible for all that. Focus on making life improvements elsewhere, and the fat will take care of itself. And don't hold it against the people who are supposed to be fat for continuing to be fat.
We all have our bad days. The days where we wake up and feel ugly. Those are unavoidable. But the rest of the time, you're gonna have to learn how to look at your fat body and think that it's one of the most beautiful sights in the world, and treat it with love and respect. Because to not do so is nihilistic and desolate. Your body is you. Your fat is you.
Support Fat Perspectives and Representation in Fiction!
Some of you reading this may not know that I am an author! I write science fiction and fantasy. You can learn more about it here.
I am primarily here on Tumblr to build enthusiasm for my creative work, and if you enjoyed this essay I would love it if you checked out some of my other posts, which usually aren't so overtly political, and if you were to stick around if you like what you see.
I try, very hard I do, in my fiction to be a voice for bringing fat liberation and fat pride into focus. Fat issues are almost completely absent from our science fiction and fantasy. I raise these issues from many different angles in many different lights, and I incorporate a great many fat characters into my work, some of them quite prominently. I don't try to speak for anyone else on this Earth who has their own experience to share, but I do serve as a cheerleader for fatness and as a scourge of the bigots who for too long have been able to get away with their vile hatred with no accountability. And fiction is a powerful way to do this. I don't write "pro-fat fiction" per se; I write "fiction written by a pro-fat person." Fatness isn't what the plotlines of my stories turn on. But it is just quietly, beautifully there, challenging assumptions and breaking down preconceptions.
I am also mindful of the fact that there are not enough male voices in this space. Like I was just saying, fat liberation is increasingly seen as a "women's" issue. It's not; it's a human issue that also happens to intersect with misogyny. We are all caught up in it. We all have a responsibility to do something about it.
I may be agender, so I can't actually help to make fat liberation a men's issue from within the masculine world, but I am male-bodied and am taken for a man whenever I am seen, and that's close enough. If you're a man or male-bodied, know that your voice in this can carry far.
Whatever your sex or gender, fat liberation and fat pride are a cause you can join. If you're a progressive and believe in justice for all, then it's a cause you are ethically compelled to join, whether or not you have a single nice thing to say about fatness. And if you are just a decent human being who wants to alleviate the suffering and injustice inflicted upon others, fat lib and fat pride are also worth your attention. Anti-fat bigotry doesn't usually get counted among the world's biggest prejudices, but it absolutely is. The harm it causes is very widespread, and wounds very deep in the people it strikes.
It is so hard, I have learned, for most people to take a principled stand on the right side of history, because in day-to-day life people are motivated by their vehement tribal affiliations and their desperate need for belonging. If you are capable of reading this and parsing what I am saying, you are already well ahead of the general population. You have an opportunity to rectify your failure to empathize. You can question your beliefs, confront your biases, deprogram your prejudices. The cause is always worthy and it isn't going anywhere. But you can help speed it along.
And in addition to standing up in real life, you can support artists like myself who work to advance justice through the realm of fiction. So forgive me a shameless Patreon plug; I am not rich and every little bit of support helps.
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Vacation on Isle Esme
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Word Count: 6,712 Demetri x OC Part 8 - Final Part. Warning: Fluff, NSFW, Angst.
The following morning Felix, Santiago, Jane and Alec were in the training room with the lower and transitory guards when Demetri and Ally arrived “Newborn Alert” Santiago called out playfully; the vampires in the room turned to look at Ally, some whistled, others murmured “Wow! She’s hot” Demetri felt a mix of pride and jealousy hearing the guards comments about Ally, if she was human she’d be blushing, her new hearing allowing her hear their comments.
“The masters don’t normally allow newborns in the castle so how come Alyssa’s allowed in the castle, she’s a newborn?” One of the transitory guards asked “They made an exception for Ally as she is Demetri’s mate and she’s a new Mom. She’s also quite calm for a newborn, not to mention she is Marcus’ step-daughter” Jane answered “That said, Felix being the strongest vampire in the castle means he is the ideal opponent to test Ally’s newborn strength” Alec added smiling “I bet you €20 Ally beats Felix” Demetri says confidently to Santiago “I’ll take that bet” Santiago replied shaking his hand.
Felix ran at Ally and she dodged him with ease; spinning around she ran and jumped wrapping her legs around his neck and flipped him to the floor, rolling out of his way and getting back to her feet quickly. Felix reached out and grabbed her arm pulling her into him; her back against his  chest, Ally leaned forward slightly flipping the giant vampire over and onto this back, Ally quickly pinned him to the floor “Got you” Her quick victory was brief as he flipped them over so she was now pinned beneath him “If you wanted to be on top BFV all you had to do was ask” She said low winking at him; chuckles filling the training room and before Felix could apprehend what was happening Ally bought her leg up and wrapped it around the front of his neck and using her newborn strength pushed up so he was now pinned beneath her again; his back to the floor, her sitting on his chest, leg against his neck still and his arms held in place by her small but strong hands “Ally wins” Josh calls out.
“God that was hot! The way she wrapped her leg around his neck…then pinned him down. I mean wow…Demetri is so lucky” One the transitory guards said to Alec smiling. Demetri felt proud of Ally in that Moment ‘With the exception of my children, Ally is my greatest creation’ he thought to himself smiling; knowing it’s his venom running through her entire body. He made his way over to Ally and Felix and offered her his hand helping her up “You were amazing cara mia. I love you” He said awe evident in his eyes “Thanks Dem. I love you too.”
The twins are a week old when they say their first word. Demetri picks up Catalina from her crib when he hears her soft cries, before she can wake her brother “Hey, hey, sshh, sshh. Daddy’s here” He says softly as he holds her to his chest making his way back to his bed where Ally was reading. “D-Daddy” He hears a soft little voice and looks down at his daughter smiling “What did you say little one?” He asks softly; the soft little voice replies “Daddy” His heart fills with pride hearing her first word “That’s right little one I’m your Daddy. I love you so much” He holds her closer listening as her breathing evens out as she falls back to sleep in his arms. “Did you hear that Ally? Her first word was Daddy” He says grinning “Yes, babe. I heard her” She replies quietly smiling at him.
Later that day Demetri is holding Galen in his arms whilst Catalina is cuddled up against Felix’s chest whilst Demetri reads aloud “Mommy” Galen calls out softly holding his arms out towards Ally as she comes back into the room; Ally stops surprised to hear him talk so soon “Mommy” He repeats curling and uncurling his fingers in her direction; Ally walks over and takes her son from Demetri holding him close “Aww such a clever little boy” She says softly and he coos at her. “You know Catalina said her first word this morning too” Demetri says to Felix smiling “Really?” He asks “Yes, hers was Daddy” Demetri replies “Such clever little ones” Felix says amazed at the little half human/half vampires babies in front of him “Oh before I forget I bought the twins a little something” Felix says handing a gift bag to Ally; she opens it to find a pink all in one suit with black fins on and a matching blue one “They’re going to look to cute in those” Felix says grinning “They are. Thank you Felix” Ally replies.
The twins learnt to crawl the following week “God I can’t get over how quickly they’re growing” Ally says looking at her Mom “I know me neither. They’re two weeks old and crawling. I hope you’re taking plenty of photos” Renee replied “I am Mom don’t worry. I have a baby book for each of them” Ally responds smiling “Carlisle did say that they will grow and develop quicker than human babies due to their vampire side” Demetri added “I know but it’s one thing to hear it and another to see” Ally replies.
A few days later Demetri was sitting on the floor playing with the twins “If we place these blocks here as a base, now you build upon them” He said softly helping the twins build their little creations using their building blocks “Look Daddy it’s a house” Catalina says smiling “That’s great little Cat” He replies smiling proudly “Look cara. Our kids are amazing, so clever for three weeks old” He calls out to Ally as Galen adds the final block to his castle. Demetri moves back towards the sofa where Ally is sitting to get a better look at his kids’ creations when he suddenly freezes at the sight in front of him; Catalina is pulling herself up using the coffee table taking a few steps whilst holding on to it before letting go and walking a few shaky steps towards him “Daddy” She calls and holds out her arms to him; smiling proudly he scoops her into his arms “Clever little Cat” He purrs fingers gently tickling her tummy eliciting little giggles from her. Not to be out done by his sister Galen pulls himself up using the armchair and takes a few shaky steps of his own to Ally “Mommy” Ally smiles with pride too as she picks him up “Such a clever little boy” She holds him close breathing in his scent “They’re growing so fast cara mia” Demetri says looking at her over his shoulder.  
A few weeks later Demetri was getting ready for training duty when Catalina came into the bathroom “Daddy, can I come watch you work please?” “Afraid not little Cat, the training room isn’t a place for children” He replied softly looking down at her; she gave him the cutest little pout and looked at him with doe eyes through her lashes ‘she gets that look from her mother’ he thought to himself “Please Daddy, I promise to be good” She continued to use those blue eyes of hers against him “Pleeease” “Oh ok, but you do exactly as I say” He replied softy picking her up “Thank you Daddy” She smiled wrapping her little arms around his neck and kissing his cheek “You big softy” Ally teases him “I can’t help it. It’s those baby blues of hers Ally, it makes it hard to say no” He says smiling, knowing his little girl has him wrapped firmly around her little finger “And she knows it Demi” Ally replies and Catalina just smiles and nods.
“You know she learnt that ‘doe eye’ thing from you Mom right?” Galen says looking up at Ally “Is that so?” Ally asks “Mm-hm” Catalina hums in response “I think it’s funny Daddy can’t say no to either of you” Galen adds smiling up at Demetri “Have you tried saying no to these two?” Demetri asks him looking between his wife and daughter “Tried it with Mommy last week about bath time and lost that one as she pulled rank” Demetri laughed “Yea fair enough. Mommy does out rank you little one” “I tried getting round Mommy once like Cat does with you but apparently my ‘doe eye’ impression doesn’t work on her” Galen replied nodding in Ally’s direction “You’re obviously not doing it right Galen, come I’ll show you how to do it properly” Catalina says as Demetri puts her down. “Seriously, are our kids plotting against us already?” Demetri asks “No Demi. Catalina knows how to get around you. It would seem she is now teaching her brother to do the same with me” Ally replies “In my defence I love my girls so much I just want them to be happy and as a result I can’t say no to you or our daughter” He replies taking Ally into his arms and kissing her “If I’m honest I struggle to say no to Galen too” Ally admits, the twins hear this “Yes” and high five each other.
Ally decides to spend some time with Renee as Demetri takes the twins to the training room “Didn’t realise it was ‘Bring your kids to work’ day” Felix said laughing as Demetri entered the training room with the twins “Cat got Daddy to agree by doing that ‘doe eye’ thing Mom does” Galen said smirking ratting out his Dad to Felix “Thanks son” Demetri says messing up his son’s hair slightly. “Hey little Dem want to spar a bit?” Felix asks Galen using the affectionate nickname he’s given him “Na, not sure you can keep up old man” Galen replies smirking “So he doesn’t just look like Demetri, he speaks like him too. Huh” Santiago laughs “That’s my boy” Demetri answers proudly.  
A few days later Demetri and Felix were watching TV with the little twins “I wonder where your Mommy is” Demetri says looking at Catalina and Galen “I know where she is” Catalina replies; getting up from the sofa and takes off running to find her Mom, Galen following her. “Hey, wait up you two” Demetri calls as he and Felix run after the twins. Catalina finds Ally sitting in the library with Aro and Marcus “Mommy” She calls out and runs towards her and Ally lifts her onto her lap just as Demetri and Felix enter the library; Galen ran straight to Marcus. “See Daddy, I said I knew where Mommy was” Catalina says grinning “You did and you found her so easily. How did you do that little Cat?” He asks crouching down in front of them. “I just thought of Mommy and I knew where she was”
This piqued Aro’s interest as he had been waiting to see if the twins were gifted like their parents. “It would seem like our little Catalina may be gifted” Aro says smiling “What does he mean I might be gifted Daddy?” Demetri gets up from the floor and sits beside Ally turning slightly to face her and Catalina “Well you see some vampires have gifts; Mommy is a shield; this means she can shield herself from psychic attacks and I am a tracker; I can pick up on the essence of someone’s mind and can follow it like a scent over any distance. To be able to do this I have to either have met that person physically or anyone who has met the person in the past. Although I cannot track Mommy due to her shield” Catalina nods “Wow! Daddy your gift sounds cool” She says “Mommy’s gift sounds cool too” Galen adds smiling; making his way over to Demetri who lifts his son onto his lap. Demetri and Ally smile hearing that the twins think their gifts are cool “Are you able to track me and Cat Daddy?” Galen asks curiously “Yes. I can track you both and it would seem that your sister may be able to track Mommy” Demetri answered.
The twins smile wide at their Dad “Can we a play game, get Mommy to hide and see if I can find her? Please Daddy” Catalina asks excitement shining in her blue eyes, Demetri looks at Aro and Marcus and they both nod “Yes, we can. Sit with me and Galen whilst Mommy goes and hides. Just don’t think about her for a few minutes” Ally kisses her daughter’s head and places her on the sofa beside Demetri. Ally gets up and kisses her son and mate before exiting the library to go hide. “I’ll count to 20 mi amore and then we’ll come find you” Twenty seconds later Demetri smiles at his daughter “Right let’s see if you can find Mommy” Catalina nodded and thought about Ally and how much she wanted to find her; she quickly climbed off the sofa and started for the door “Come on Daddy” She called out and Galen got off Demetri’s lap and took off after his sister. Demetri got up and followed them out into the hallway “They’re fast for little ones” Aro commented as he ran after the twins with Demetri and Felix.
Catalina ran into one of the guest rooms in the east wing of the castle “I found you Mommy” Demetri heard his daughter declare just before Ally giggles “Yes you did, my clever girl” She bent down and scooped her up in her arms “Well done little Cat, you did great” Demetri says smiling at his daughter; placing a kiss on her head before kissing Ally’s lips “Looks like you can track me after all my love, as long as you’re with our daughter” She smiles and winks at him “I’m ok with that cara mia.” “My sister is so cool” Galen says smiling “That she is” Felix replies lifting the boy into his arms.
“I’m curious though, can you find Daddy sweetheart?” She asks Catalina and she shrugged “I don’t know Mommy, I’ve never tried” “Demetri go hide so we can find out” Aro says curiosity clearly showing on his face and Demetri left the room to hide. About 10 seconds later Catalina thought about Demetri and how much she wanted to find him “I can’t sense him Mommy” She sounded sad “Try me little Cat” Felix said smiling, using the affectionate nickname Demetri had given her, before leaving the room too. “I can’t find Uncle Felix either. I know that we left Grandpa in the library but I cannot sense him Mommy. Sorry Aro” Catalina looks at Aro with a sad look on her face “Don’t worry about that my dear girl. Try and think about Renata, can you sense her?” She thought for a Moment before replying “Renata is in the North facing garden” Aro’s face lit up with a smile and pats the girl on the head gently “Well done little one. Let’s go find Demetri and we can tell him what we discovered” He says smiling.
Demetri stepped out of a room a few doors down having heard this conversation “Ah Demetri, my dear boy. It would seem your daughter does have a gift and it is similar to yours. Where you can track anyone in the world with the exception of people with strong psychic shields; it would appear that Catalina can track those with shields like Renata but also those with strong psychic shields like Ally” Demetri looks at his daughter in his mate’s arms with a proud smile on his face “That’s my girl” He says as Ally approaches him. “I wonder if she can pick up the tenors of someone’s mind like you or if she has her own way of tracking people Demi” Ally says curiously “I’m not sure Ally, but we have plenty of time to find out. Although it would seem our little Cat’s gift fills in the blanks of my gift in relation to tracking strong psychic shields” He wraps his arm around Ally placing a kiss to her temple “Are you ok with that?” She asks “Of course cara. It means when she is older she will be able to help track the people I can’t. We’ll be an unstoppable father and daughter team” Demetri says smiling proudly and placing his hand on her cheek. “That you will be. Her gift means she will be a part of the elite guard along with her parents” Aro says smiling wide.
Later that evening things were quiet in the twin’s room; too quiet for Demetri’s liking so he went to check on them only to find them cuddled up on Galen’s bed asleep “They look so cute like that” Ally whispers as she wraps her arms around him from behind “That they do” He whispers back, he feels her hand move lower rubbing him “Let’s take advantage of the fact they fell asleep early” She purrs in his ear taking his hand in hers walking backwards across the hall to their room.
Demetri kicks their door shut as Ally continues to lead him to their bed; Ally removes her dress then sits on the edge of the bed; Demetri removes his top and climbs onto the bed, a leg either side of her cupping her face in his hands capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. Ally wraps her arms around his neck, fingers playing with the hair at the base of his neck; laying back on the bed she pulls him down with her, he rolls his hips against her “Demi” She breaths; he does it again and feels her nails lightly scratch his back, he growls in her ear as he unzips his trousers pushing them down; taking his hard cock in one hand whilst the other moves her lace panties to the side he thrusts into her “You’re so tight baby” He purrs; a breathless moan leaves her lips as he builds to a fast pace, pounding into her roughly, when all of a sudden there is a loud scream from the floor below and the sound of a tray crashing to the floor “What the…?!” Demetri growls frustrated; another loud scream echoes through hallways, Demetri and Ally stop what they’re doing, get dressed and run down to the floor below.
“What’s going on Gi…” Demetri is cut off when he notices a large Snake in the hallway poised to attack Gianna and lots of little Snakes surrounding the big one “H-Help. D-Demetri. Pl-please” She stutters fear clear in the voice as she steps backwards “How did they get in here Dem?” Ally asks as he steps closer to the big Snake but before he can do anything or answer Ally the Snakes disappear; he hears the sound of giggles and the pitter patter of tiny feet from the other end of the hallway; Demetri can’t help feeling proud when he hears his daughter’s voice “Th-that w-was so cool Galen” Cat says giggling “Thanks Cat” Galen replied.
“Hey you two, what are you up to?” Renee asks as she passes them “Just on our way to see the twins Nana” Catalina replies smiling holding her brother’s hand “Ok, be good” “Always are” Galen replies and they take off running. The twins find Jane and Alec in the throne room with Marcus and Aro “May we come in please?” Galen asks “Of course little ones” Aro says smiling and the twins make their way over to Jane and Alec. “Do you know what Gianna was screaming about?” Aro asked the younger set of twins but before they could answer Demetri and Ally enter the throne room “Sorry masters. I need to have a word with my son, if you don’t mind” Demetri asks “Of course not. May I ask what the little one has done?” Marcus asks curious “It would appear that my son decided to scare Gianna” Demetri added “How did he manage that?” Aro asked “It appears he is able to create illusions…very realistic illusions I might add” Aro’s eyes widen as he looks over at the little boy “Guess the human’s more scared of Snakes than we thought” Galen replied with a wicked grin; his sister trying not to laugh “And they call us the Terror Twins” Alec mused; Jane was smiling proudly at the little twins.
“Not only do you have a mate who is a shield. You have a daughter who can track people with shields and a son who can create illusions and both at such a young age. Truly fascinating” Aro said looking Catalina and Galen with awe. “You Demetri have a very special family and I am very pleased and proud to be part of it” Marcus adds smiling at the tracker, and then glancing over at his grandchildren. “I must go and inform Caius of Galen’s gift” With that Aro takes off to find Caius. “You may just be Aro’s new favourite” Felix slaps Dem on the back laughing “That is all thanks to my gorgeous mate. God I love you Ally” He looks at her with a look of pure adoration on his face “I love you too Dem but I cannot take all the credit, this ‘special family’ is just as much to do with you as it is me” She replies wrapping an arm around him as she looks over to their children smiling; Demetri wraps his arm around her and can’t help smiling upon hearing his son tell Jane and Alec how he scared the castle secretary and seeing the ‘wicked’ glint in his eyes as he did so “It was so funny Jane, she screamed so loud Mommy and Daddy heard her from upstairs and she dropped her tray” Galen said laughing “But the best part was her begging Daddy to help her ‘H-Help. D-Demetri. Pl-please’” Catalina adds imitating Gianna before she doubles over in a fit of giggles; Jane and Alec were laughing now too “Sorry we missed it” Alec said “It’s ok. I’ll get her again” Galen says smiling “Oooh Spiders, use Spiders Galen. I hear she hates them” Catalina encouraged her brother. ‘My own little set of Terror Twins. Who would have thought?’ Demetri thought to himself shaking his head. “They’re going to be little terrors Dem” Ally says looking up at him “Yes they are” He replied proudly “But at least no one will mess them” “Little terrors yes, but imagine the fun we can have with them” Felix says with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
A few days later Galen and Catalina overhear Heidi and Afton talking about them, their Mom and Dad and their Nana Renee. “I can’t believe Renee is still human. I thought Marcus would have changed her by now, be a shame if something happened to her next time she left the castle on one of her trips” Heidi muses “I thought you were stupid for trying to attack Ally; all because you were jealous of her” Chelsea says, a smile creeping on her face as she remembered her friend being jealous of a human “I mean Demetri nearly took your head off then and there…but then you attacked Renee…just to try and hurt Ally only to find Renee was Marcus’ mate; his second chance at love. I just can’t believe that being locked in a tower and starved for two months has taught you nothing” Chelsea added before walking away.
Heidi turned to Afton “You can’t tell me you aren’t fed up of the special treatment that Demetri gets for being Marcus’ bodyguard?” She asks “But what can we do about it now that Demetri is a part of Marcus’ family thanks to Renee and Ally?” He asks. “Well whilst I was in the tower I saw Renee take the little twins out on Wednesdays for a few hours whilst Demetri and Felix train Ally. It’ll be easy to ‘set’ something up that’ll separate the family” She replies “What?! The twins are just kids and…I… you…you know Demetri will rip you apart if you harm his kids” Afton says sounding concerned “Don’t worry we’re not touching the little twins. Are you in?” Heidi asks “If they work out that you’re behind this they’ll surely have your head this time” Afton warns “If we work together and are careful we won’t be caught” She smiles, Afton nodding in agreement.
The following Wednesday Heidi and Afton’s plan was put into action. Renee took the twins to the park for an hour and then treated them to a cake each before making their way back to the castle. As they passed the alleyway near the church that was beside the castle a man dressed in grey ‘bumped’ into Renee before walking away quickly. Renee’s hand let go of Galen’s and went straight to her stomach and when she pulled her hand away, it was covered in blood “Nana” The twins called out seeing the blood soak through her coat; Galen and Catalina managed to get Renee into the alleyway sitting her down “Nana, are you ok?” Catalina asked “N-no I-I don’t th-think I am” Renee stuttered her reply “Galen what do we do? Nana’s really hurt” Tears started to roll down Catalina’s cheeks. “Sorry Nana, this may hurt a little” Galen said softly looking at Renee, tears threatening to fall down his cheeks too. He lifted Renee’s arm, pushed back her sleeve and bit down on her wrist; Renee cried out in pain, Galan licked the wound shut before moving quickly and biting Renee’s other wrist “Sorry Nana” He said again, tears now falling.
The twins sat beside their Nana and each held a hand in theirs “This is what Afton and Heidi were talking about” Catalina said looking at her brother. Just then Renee’s phone rang and Galen answered it seeing his Mom’s name flash on the screen “Mommy, it’s Nana. She’s hurt, I-I had to bite her” He rushed out “Calm down sweetie, where are you?” Ally asked “In-in the alleyway near the church” He replied through his tears. “DEMI” Ally called running down the hall to the training room “DEMI! Track the kids now!. Where are they exactly?” Demetri didn’t hesitate; didn’t ask why, he just focused on his children “The alleyway to the left of the castle. Why?” He replied “Mom’s hurt, Galen bit her and the twins are crying” Ally answered and ran out of the training room; Demetri and Felix were right behind her. Afton was smirking hearing that Galen had bitten Renee in public.
Demetri arrived first as he was the fastest “Renee? Renee? Open your eyes. Can you hear me?” Renee didn’t answer him “Daddy she’s bleeding, Galen bit her twice to try and save her” Catalina said through her tears; Demetri looked down at Renee’s stomach and could tell instantly she’d been stabbed and then looked at her arms noticing a small crescent shaped mark on each wrist. “Demi is-is she ok? Are the kids ok?” Ally asked voice shaky “Your Mom’s been stabbed, it’s bad cara. Galen bit her to try and save her, I hope it’s enough” He answered her “I-I tried Mommy” Galen said rushing into Ally’s arms “I know little one, I know” She held him close. “We have to move her now, please. Marcus needs to see her” Ally begged him her eyes filling with tears she can’t shed “Felix” Demetri called and Felix moved quickly scooping Catalina up into his arms and moving backwards giving Demetri plenty of room to pick up Renee “I’m so sorry Renee. Forgive me” He said picking her up off the floor; she winced in pain “It-it burns” “I know, I know” He responded low holding Renee closer.
Once back in the castle Felix took the twins to his room whilst Ally stayed with her Mom in Renee and Marcus’ shared room. Demetri went to the throne room and Marcus’ heart broke when Demetri told him what had happened to Renee, but couldn’t help feeling a little hopeful when he heard that Galen had bit her twice in an attempt to save her. “Go to her brother. She needs you” Aro told him, Marcus nodded and sped back to his room with Demetri “Oh Renee. I’m sorry wasn’t there and I know that this isn’t how we planned things but I’m happy our grandson was there to save you” He kissed her lips then rested is forehead against hers holding her in his arms “Did Galen do enough Marcus?” Ally asked “Yes, my dear and it is passed the point of me being able to replace Galen’s venom with my own” Marcus answered her. “I’m sorry master” Demetri offered placing his hand on Marcus’ shoulder “Don’t be. If it wasn’t for Galen, Renee would not be here now. I take comfort in knowing she was changed by a member my family” Marcus smiled at Demetri and Ally.
After what Afton and Heidi did Galen and Catalina decided they needed to be taught a lesson and Galen knew just how to do it; his sister Catalina encouraging him “Go on Galen they deserve it after what they did. I’ll be there with you” She holds his hand in hers and walks with him to the throne room waiting outside, hidden, for just the right Moment. Catalina nods and Galen created the illusion that the throne room was empty just as Afton and Heidi entered the room and the events that followed noone could have predicted…not even him.
“That was amazing Afton, did you see how quickly things went down, poor Renee forced into her immortal life sooner than planned” Heidi said mockingly “And to think the so called elite guards weren’t around to help her or to clean up the ‘mess’” She added laughing “Honestly it has annoyed me for a while that all four elite guards get special treatment from the kings so it’ll be good to see at least one of them bought down a peg or two” Afton said smirking “Definitely. After the events of this morning Demetri will no longer be in the King’s favour and there’s no way that he won’t be punished for Galen’s actions” Heidi said grinning “You know that I heard the little twins are to be given a place with the guard when they’re older or should I say were. There’s no way they’ll let them join now especially as little Galen doesn’t even have a gift” Afton says laughing “At least the Witch Twins are useful to the Kings. And another thing they mock me for my gift but at least I have one unlike Caius; he’s the most useless one of the Kings” Afton adds still laughing, Heidi nodding in agreement; laughing too.
Demetri, Felix and the older twins all gasp at this last comment waiting to see and hear Caius’ reaction “Why would they say that stuff with everyone in the room?” Alec asks low. Demetri quickly realises what is going on and feels incredibly proud of his son “Just watch” He says low in Alec’s ear. “HOW DARE YOU?!!” Caius roars loudly just as Galen drops the illusion causing Afton and Heidi to freeze like deer caught in the headlights. “Well done brother” Catalina praises; Marcus and Demetri both feel proud of the little boy as Afton turns to see the little twins standing inside the throne room smirking at him and Heidi “Why you little…” Afton is cut off by Demetri grabbing his arm and roaring at him “You lay a hand on my boy and I’ll RIP you to shreds, consequences be damned!” “M-Masters…I-I c-can ex-explain” Heidi stutters out as Caius and Aro move closer to her, Marcus moving to stand beside Demetri “JANE! You know what to do!” Caius shouts and Heidi drops to the floor in pain “I’m only going to ask you this once, were you responsible for what happened to Renee? Your future Queen?” Caius asks holding Heidi’s jaw tightly in his hand; Heidi didn’t answer “Jane” Caius said again and the pain Heidi felt doubled “Answer me!!” Caius roared “Y-Y-Yes. I-I hired…someone” Heidi managed to stutter out “FELIX!” Caius shouts and he is beside him instantly “Master” Caius looks toward Marcus who nods “I want her head” Caius growls and with that Felix beheads Heidi and her body falls limp on the floor.
“Demetri keep hold of Afton” Marcus says calmly “Of course master” Demetri replies grabbing hold of Afton’s other arm “On your knees now” Marcus says still sounding calm, before Afton can react Demetri kicks his legs out from under him and watches Marcus, smiling “Noone messes with my family and gets away with it” Marcus says as he removes Afton’s head “Burn them both! She’s had more than enough chances this past year and he well, he insulted my grandson” Marcus orders and watches as Caius sets both vampires alight.
“Come here Galen” Galen does as Marcus asks “I am very proud of you for saving Nana and I for one love your gift and I encourage you to use it” He says smiling at the boy as he lifts him into his arms and whispers in his grandson’s ear, knowing that Demetri could hear him “Especially for pranks.” Galen nods “I promise Grandpa”
Catalina walks over to Caius “Master Caius, I know Galen bit Nana outside…but…but…please don’t punish Daddy or my brother because he saved Nana…he…he was just protecting her in Daddy and Grandpa’s absence” Caius bent down and picked her up “I would never punish your Daddy or Galen for protecting their family” He pushed a lock of curly hair behind her ear “Thank you” She wrapped her arms around his neck before pulling away “S-Sorry…I know you don’t like hugs” “Don’t apologise little one” He reassures her before handing her to Demetri. “Look after them Demetri. I am looking forward to seeing their gifts develop and become members of the guard” Demetri nods at Caius “Thank you.”
Renee’s transformation took three days to complete and Marcus had never felt so anxious; Demetri, Ally and the little twins were there waiting with Marcus on day three “Will Nana wake up soon?” Catalina asked “Yes, little one she will” Marcus replied “If you listen carefully, you can tell her heartbeat has slowed down” He added “Nana’s heartbeat is barely there” Galen pointed out “You’re right Galen and that is how I know she wake up soon.” Ten minutes later Renee’s heartbeat stopped and her eyes opened; her now ruby eyes searching the room until they found Marcus’ “I love you mi amore. Thank you for staying with me” He said low as he took her in his arms “Always my love. I love you too” She replied hugging him back carefully. “May I hug my grandchildren?” She asked looking at Demetri “Yes, but it must be a quick hug as Marcus and I want to take you hunting as soon as possible” Demetri replied, Renee gently cuddled her grandchildren “Thank you Galen for saving me” She kissed his cheek “Anytime Nana” He replied kissing her cheek in return.
A few days later Galen and Catalina were in Felix’s room quietly plotting to scare Gianna “Remember she hates Spiders Galen” “I know Cat, we just have to pick the right ones and the perfect Moment” He replied “Don’t forget to tell Jane and Alec as they want to see you mess with her” Catalina reminded her brother “Go get them and I’ll meet you by reception” Galen responded, Felix raised an eyebrow and he watched Catalina leave his room but said nothing as he guessed she went to find the older twins.
Meanwhile Demetri and Ally were enjoying some alone time together as Felix offered to babysit. Ally climbed off the sofa and knelt on the floor pushing Demetri’s legs apart and reached for the waistband of his lounge pants; he lifted himself up slightly to help her remove them. Once his hard cock was free Ally wasted no time in taking him into her mouth “Ahh…baby” She licked him from base to tip letting her tongue swirl around the tip; moving her head up and down his hard dick building to a steady rhythm, he threads his fingers through her hair and grabbing a handful thrusts his hips forward his dick hitting the back of her throat “Mmm” He moaned breathlessly as she continued sucking and licking him; Ally’s own arousal building, she dragged her teeth over his length and she felt him twitch inside her mouth “Oh…baby” He purred as she swallowed everything he gave her. His hands went to her waist helping her up from the floor and laid her on the sofa swiftly removing her panties and entering her “Ahh” She breathed out feeling full and at one with her mate. He thrusted into her repeatedly being a little rough with her; she tugged his hair a little “H-harder…Demi…p-please” She begged; his thrusts then became quicker and rougher filling her deeper with every thrust “Demi” She screamed his name as she came; her walls clenched around him as he came for the second time “Ally” He held her in his arms kissing her neck but before they could go for another round they were interrupted “Hey you two get dressed you’re not going to want to miss this” Felix called through the door. “Now what?” Demetri growled.
Catalina found Jane and Alec on route to the throne room “Galen is about to prank Gianna if you want to watch” Catalina said smiling at Jane and Alec “Of course, sounds like fun” Alec smirked. Galen was hiding in a side corridor by reception waiting for Catalina, Jane and Alec to arrive; Gianna was at her desk and she flinched when she saw something move from the corner of her eye “I hope you aren’t starting without us Galen?” Catalina asks “Of course not” He replies. Both sets of twins watch as Gianna gets up from her desk and walks to the filing cabinet; upon opening the top drawer they hear her scream “Arghhh!” and notice lots of little spiders crawl out of the drawer and down the side of the cabinet. Both sets of twins started to laugh low as Gianna moved back towards her desk only to discover a huge hairy black spider sitting on her keyboard surrounding lots of spiders; varying in size and species “Arghhh!” She screamed again “What are you up to little ones?” Demetri asked as he, Ally and Felix crept up on the twins “Sc-scaring…G-Gianna” Catalina answered between giggles “H-Help…S-someone…A-anyone” They heard Gianna cry out as she was frantically looking around for someone to help her; when suddenly a gigantic hairy brown Spider dropped from the ceiling landing at her feet, the blood curdling scream that followed had all seven vampires laughing so hard that Gianna heard them but before she could say anything Galen and Catalina stepped out into the main corridor opposite reception laughing as the spiders disappeared entirely “Gotcha!” Galen says laughing “Little terrors” Gianna said not sounding amused.
“Is it wrong that I am proud of my little Terror Twins?” Demetri asked “Not at all Demetri, but you’ll need to come up with a new nickname for us” Jane said smiling “I’m proud of the little ones and we now know that the castle will never be boring as long as Galen’s around” Alec added smirking; before he and Jane made their way over to join the twins, Felix following.
Demetri and Ally stood watching as both sets of twins and Felix were discussing who to prank next and laughing about Gianna’s reaction “I thank the gods everyday for bringing you into my life Ally, I love you so much” Demetri says smiling pulling her into his side “I love you too” She smiles back at him ‘who would have thought that one little human could have changed my life so much and for the better. I truly am a very lucky man’ He thought to himself smiling; he was looking forward to spending eternity with his Ally and their little twins.
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
Headcanons of the boys with a pregnant mc??
1/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do™ "Holy shit, you're pregnant?" he yelps out of nowhere. Truth is, you don't know wtf he's talking about.
Sniffs the air around you and then gets those dog zoomies in human form. He just runs around the house and comes back into the parlor, looking at you and saying "I'm going to be a fucking father!"
When he calms down and sits, you ask him wtf is going on and he says "I can smell your hormones and you're pregnant?"
You might pass out but no, not with the Super Dad™ looking out for you.
After you actually confirm with a very disgusted Ethan saying something like "ew you both fucked" and leaving, he's going to be overprotective of you.
No running down the stairs. No hard training, just jogs. Not too much. No swords, missy! No running in the hallways, no beer, no to staying in cold baths like you do, no getting sick, eating is a MUST and he's going to play with you in wolf form so you're never down, no stress too, if you want some space, your man's got you, he'll go do something. You're going to have to eat even if you're a chalice.
He will hunt more and eat animals to save your blood and just drink to complete his diet. He might even give you some of his blood once a month.
Gets super excited when the baby moves. Loves them because they kick Ivan's head when he tries to listen to your tummy.
When you're about to give birth he also senses first. Whimpers like a puppy and scoops you up, taking you to the room and doing as planned. Won't leave your side and when he sees your baby's first ever blink, he cries quietly. Will thank you so much.
He's also going to put up the cutest room of all of them. There will be some flowers, nice windows and many fur comfy sheets and the crib is bigger than him. No one knows why.
He is 2/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do™. He was under the suspicion that something in your body was changing. He just couldn't put his finger on it.
But then in one night where you both were sleeping together he turned his face upwards and he started to think about how calm the last days had been. His hand caressed your waist lovingly to soothe you when you stirred a little in bed. Your shirt rode up and he was a little weirded out by how your skin seemed thin to the touch.
Almost as if your belly was growing. In fact, he noticed that it was, but it was so little...
He sat up with his back straight like the wall and gasped.
He decided to try and find out without alarming you, but his mind was already making scenarios where your baby would grow up to be an amazing adult and you'd love a great life together.
Is super careful with you, makes sure you're always lively and he chooses some of the softest fabrics for the baby. Sometimes he smiles to himself and closes his hand where the baby moved.
Gets scared when the baby makes weird shapes on your tummy and then giggles. They're so energetic and seem healthy!
When he sleeps, he is always looking forward to meeting his kid again and again, even if they still didn't make it to the world.
Will read you so much poetry and try to make you relax as much as you can.
Will be silent during the birth. Just whispering how proud he is, a wavering smile on his face and tears of pure joy staining his cheeks. When he feels the baby's face, he will gasp. They're so small and delicate. Even if he could see, he could never capture with him brushes how pretty his child was.
3/3 that Knows What Might Be Happening Before You Do.™ He's a demon, for God's sake! (ba doom tssss)
I headcanon that Beliath can feel people's life energy because if demons such as him and Leandra don't know which prey is worth all the power usage and time, life would turn dangerous. It's a basic power to a demon: feel how many people there are in a place by their energy. He will sense your mood swings and most importantly, he will sense a change in your energy.
He's going to be final about it when he gets in the kitchen after helping with the garden to find you sitting with a very creeped out Aaron in the kitchen, eating a beef bigger than your head like your life depended on it even if you had no urges to eat anymore.
He would try to feel for your energy and then he'd sense something like a second presence.
He'd frown deeply. "Aaron, come closer to me." He'd say looking at the floor. "I don't know what's happening to them. They just said to bring meat back home and forced me to make this stew." He said.
"I wash hoongry!" They snarled with their mouth full. Beliath, however, was paler than usual. When Aaron moved, the presence didn't fade. It was inside of his s/o.
You'll be the prettiest pregnant in the world. You'll get jewelry, healthy meals, massages, pedicure, hair care, pretty clothes and he'll even do your makeup when he senses you're close to give birth. He's always making sure you're treated like royalty and you'll never have to stretch your arm out fully.
He'll be very loving and protective. After you give birth he'll find you to be the prettiest person he's ever seen and that's final.
When you're giving birth he's going to be your biggest motivation. He will squeeze you hand and tell you to keep going. Someone like you can pull this off without any doubt.
He doesn't cry much, just a few tears. He's just too mesmerized to ever focus on crying. Your baby is the epitome of beauty. And they smile often. He laughs at their gums.
Part 1/2 of the Clueless Until Something Weird and Fucking Scary Happens™ crew.
He'll only realize when your tummy is growing. He will think you're getting chubby and will blush: you'd look so cute and soft.
but then, in one of these nights where he rests his head on your tummy, it kicks his face!
The both of you will tell almost like the "Stop! I couldda dropped my croissant!" Dude. Now he thinks you're sick!
That is until Ethan, with his eyes bigger than saucers bc he was deceived with the story that you have a strange illness comes to check up on you and then he just rolls his eyes and deadpans, "So, you've knocked MC up and now you want to say they're sick?"
After that, he is even more worried. Looks at himself in the mirror every day for the next nine months thinking that he is going to be a god-damned father. But doesn't let up. Your kid will have a room ready in five days. Seeing him and Beliath putting a crib together is priceless. Bel gets his head smacked with his part of the wood pieces often.
"love, there's paint on your hair. Over here." He's never going to be composed. He's blushing and rushing to the bathroom to clean it.
When the baby is about to come into the world, he's going to ball his eyes out. More than the baby. The baby might give him a stank face for stealing his moment.
Sole member of the group "I Knew From The Start But I Just Denied It Because How Tf Will A Crazy Bastard Like Me Help My Pregnant Partner Raise a Whole Entirety Of a Child?"
He's trying his best to brace himself to be a father. But he just can't imagine not making it harder for you. How was he supposed to teach a kid how to live if he wasn't prepared to go on after 80 years himself?
One day after lost sleep, he will look at himself in the mirror thinking he's just that war doctor that isn't mentality stable. But then it will click: he IS the war doctor. He had made many difficult choices and saw life fade in front of him. He always made the difficult choices. Always chose who was going to live. And he was going to do it again. His child would fucking live. And he was going to make sure of that.
Getting exercise just the right amount, eating right, waking up early and resting early under Ethan's supportive and determined gaze, that's how it would be. Even if he was always taking care of you, he was bracing himself for the possibilities, for be your doctor when you gave birth, for watching over the baby. That's all he could do as he didn't know how to be more than a friend to your baby. If your baby ever loved him.
But as the months ran long and short at the same time, he watched your every gesture. The way you talked to the baby. The way you'd caress and poke your tummy lightly creating little rhythms when you sang. The way you'd mock him when you didn't realize he was there and say he was such a worried and careful father. Saying things the baby would love about him.
Was it possible that even without him seeing a good father on himself, you were actually... Excited?
After that, he went softer still. He'd be mesmerized when the baby moved, when he imagined their tiny hands closed in fists as they ran through the house. Would they be a troublemaker? They could definitely get along. He found himself closer to you, earning and waiting to see what they could do. How they'd change his perception of things even more.
He might not know what he wants for your baby, but he knows what he doesn't want for them and you're definitely with him in this. That's a start, right?
The kind of dad to say the kid's tummy looks like a watermelon. Scares you saying he's giving him some ugly name. Laughs a lot at you and says he's so happy.
Part 2/2 of Clueless Until Something Weird and Fucking Scary Happens™ crew.
You see, you know when there are these pregnant women that have really small tummies and then the baby suddenly punches some room for themselves out of nOWHERE and grow? That was it.
He was like "aww look at ur tummy hehehe kiss kiss cute!"
But then in one of these days, he rests his head on your tummy and the baby is like "oof get off of me I'm sWEATING" and then they jAB HIS HEAD.
He jumps up so high and out the bed that you would mistake him for a long ass frog. He points at your tummy and yells "ETHAAAAAAN"
Ethan isn't even rude seeing how terrified he is. Aaron barges in and then suddenly is full of grow ass men watching your man-kicking tummy. Turns out you were just pregnant. Maybe he'll try yahoo answers? Goooosh, this is hard.
When he collects his thoughts, will be more responsible, shy and clingy. He planned this once in his life before, so he's very happy that this happened now that he's sure of you. You put up with him this whole time, he is sure you're gonna be a good mommy too.
With every single piece of clothing the others bring, he gets more and more excited. Confides in Aaron a lot and when he tells the wolf that he can be the godfather, he literally howls and lifts him up. They might cry in the woods.
He is very soft and he will give you support when it's time for the birth. He just won't cry like Vlad bc after the baby cries and Ethan sighs blissfully he passes out in relief. Ethan groans. But takes care of him anyways. He suddenly got softer after the announcement. He seemed to bond with Ivan... But dONT TELL HIM THAT.
He's also going to make u listen to classical music for your child to be born Smart™ and a Person Of Culture™.
Actually very serious and emotional. Vladimir could never with all his crying.
Your kid is gonna grow up very sweet, but not the type to sit down and be bullied or dismissed bc they'll only know that from their father honestly. I stan your baby
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floyd leech (in merman form) eating a mermaid. lots of teasing, tummy play, licking lips
This was my first same size vore fic and um.... I went overboard. It’s so long but I think it’s really good. I made up the mermaid and her tiger shark attacker but I left hints of a gender neutral MC in there as well cause I can’t not add “Shrimpy-chan~” giving Floyd tummy rubs. Also please tell me what you think cause I’m new to this. Thank you! (also I can’t name anything so please excuse the ridiculous title).
Contains: same size vore, non fatal vore, safe vore, non consensual vore (but it’s chill cause he’s just trying to protect her), burp kink, belly kink
   Slimy Save
   The ocean was peaceful and calm. No fish swam by and not a single other living creature was around. It was boring. Floyd took a moment to pout at the sea's uneventfulness before deciding to turn around and head back home. His long snake-like tail twirled to help him change directions. He almost took off at speeds that no normal merman could achieve when he spotted something extra shiny on the ocean floor. Was it a trinket from the human world? Maybe Azul could help him sell it to the foolish merman who thought it was treasure. The dumb fishies would gasp in surprise and practically hold an auction for it depending on how rare it was considered under the waves. Floyd snickered at the thought of toying with the small fishtails before diving down to retrieve whatever the object in question was. 
   He came to a disappointed halt however when he realised it wasn’t an object from the surface at all. It was simply one of the fishtails scales. He hadn’t known that fishtails lived around these parts but it wasn’t unusual to find a shed scale or two where one had been. Floyd frowned that it wasn’t something precious and felt slightly annoyed that fishtails just left their scales wherever they went. He never shed and if he did it would be troublesome but he would pick up after himself. Though he supposed that could be hard if the fishtails weren’t aware they were shedding. His tail was long and smooth and never shed. It was durable, functional and fast and it didn’t leave a scale trail. Unfortunately his tail wasn’t very shiny or as attractive as the fishtails usually were. He thought about how dull his tail was very often since a merman's tail was what usually found them a mate. With the tail of a slimy eel it would be very hard to find a mate since other eel merman were rare and eel women generally went after other species with more flashy looks out of instinct. The eel merman/mermaid population was thinning because of this which was unfortunate since any eel man would love to have an eel woman and reproduce many times.
   A loud cry broke Floyd from his thoughts. He shook his head and made to swim away back to his home reef. The cry came again and he realised it was a female. As a part of merman culture nearly everyone was raised to treat women with respect and kindness. They are very important because of the part they can play in regrowing the limited population of fishmen. Too many humans didn’t understand what they were in the time of the sea witch and many fishtails were killed. It could have been very easy to turn around and pretend like he hadn’t heard anything but fortunately for the damsel in distress Floyd was feeling generous today. 
   The source of the sound wasn’t far Floyd found. A mermaid had been the one to call out in fear. She had a short body and tail, but her hair was long and a pale orange color. Her skin was heavily tanned and gold scale spots decorated her face and shoulders, (the underwater equivalent of freckles). Her tail was a shimmering coral which flashed as it reflected the sunlight. She was truly beautiful as most mermaids are but Floyd had to admit that she would look prettier if she was smiling instead of having a panicked look on her face. And panicked she was, rightfully so considering her situation. Thick ropes of giant kelp wrapped around her tail and twisted around her arms. It tangled with her hair and left her thrashing in order to get it undone. A male mershark circled casually around her from slightly above. His gaze was dark with hunger and his toothy smile was chilling to all who could be considered prey. 
   In school, Floyd recalled, children were taught that all merfolk should generally respect one another since there was no need to be violent in peaceful times. They were also taught, however, that there were no laws preventing different species from attacking and killing one another, or even eating them. When Floyd had explained this to his shrimpy-chan they had stared at him in disgust and called it cannibalism. It would never make sense to a land dweller but under the water where many call home a mershark eating a fishtail is the equivalent of a shark eating a fish. Now it wasn’t like fishtails were the only source of nutrients a mershark could get since most merfolk ate what their respective sea animal origins ate but it also wasn’t frowned upon to eat each other. If the shark wanted to eat the mermaid he had a right. Floyd had no business stepping in since technically no one was in the wrong. Yes it was shameful for certain merfolk to go after someone weakend in defence or restrained as is now, but that was simply the shark way. 
   The eel merman made to turn around when he decided this was the excitement he had been looking for this afternoon. Floyd shot forward through the water and grabbed the mermaid before the mershark could get any closer to her. The kelp tightened around the fishtail before snapping in half as if the eel man had pulled her from spaghetti. The intense speed that Floyd swam surprised the girl almost as much as her sudden rescue. Confused the mershark hesitated before taking off in the same direction intent on getting back his meal.
   Sights whizzed past in a blur as Floyd carried the mermaid to some place where they would be safe. A small grotto came into view and the teenager banked a hard turn and zipped in through the hole in the wall. He held a hand up against the mermaid's mouth to keep her quiet as he checked outside. No shark was faster than a slippery eel but he would eventually catch up and find them. That would be an issue. 
   Floyd let the mermaid go and held a finger to his lips before snickering, “you fishtails need to watch where you’re going. It’s a good thing I was there since that tiger shark was gonna eat you for lunch.” As if on cue when he said lunch his stomach let out a low growl signaling that it was time for food. *BWoOOorgLE* Floyd looked down at his belly and shushed it. “Hush tummy this isn’t the time to snack, besides there’s no-” He paused and shifted his gaze to the mermaid in front of him. She watched him with fearful eyes as he drifted closer to her. She flinched when he reached an arm out and pulled on the kelp still stuck to her body. “Let me help you,” he said in a toneless voice that sent chills down the mergirl’s spine. 
   She let him unravel the kelp, but stayed wary of his movements as he circled her again and again to undo the sea vines. Tense the mermaid let him pull the last of it from her and sighed when she was finally free from it’s lifelike grasp. Floyd smiled eerily behind her and his eyes widened with excitement. The little fishtail had relaxed too soon. Quick as an eel (haha I crack myself up), he wrapped a large webbed hand around her mouth and another around her torso in order to hold her in place. She began to squirm again but the eel man's grip was much stronger than the kelp. How could she possibly escape him when she couldn’t even break out of the sea forest. He snickered at the absurdity of it. Merfolk have gills so it was impossible to squeeze the breath out of them meaning that Floyd would have to swallow this fishy while it was still kicking. He grinned at the thought of feeling her squirm the whole way down and then continue to move once she was in his gut. 
   She attempted to elbow him but was stopped when he squeezed her tighter. “Hush little mermaid, don’t say a word. I’m gonna eat you and that’s for sure.~” Floyd sang to the tune of a lullaby he heard on land once. He couldn’t understand why the fishtail had to struggle so much though. It wasn’t like he wasn’t gonna let her out. That much fat would make it hard to swim. She just needed to sit in his tummy for a while until the shark guy was gone. He contemplated telling her that but decided that it would be more fun if she struggled on the way down. 
   “On the way down make sure to squirm. Slick as a seal and smooth as a worm.~” Floyd finished his small tune and ran his tongue along his lips. Fishies always taste good but this one just smelled so sweet he knew it was something he had to savor. “You look so tasty, little fishy. Do you think you’ll be sweet or sour? Hmm… oh I know I’ll just tell you.” The mermaid froze up as she felt a long tongue slide along her cheek. It took it’s time to coat the skin in sticky saliva as best it could underwater. Then it flicked back into his mouth and the eel hummed thoughtfully. 
   “You don’t taste bad. You’re kinda too sweet though, like someone accidentally poured too much niceness into you. I personally like a sweet fish that has a sour hint and flavorful aftertaste, but I suppose I can’t expect that from you. Only my Shrimpy-chan back home can taste like that.” He took a moment to think about the kind of face his Shrimpy-chan would make if he told them how they tasted. It was unfortunate that they wouldn’t be here to rub his tummy when he was done eating, they would have made the cutest noises and blushed to their toes. Floyd shook his thoughts from his mind and sniffed. The tiger shark was getting close, if he was going to eat the mermaid now was the time. He giggled one more time before twisting the mermaid around and opened his jaw as wide as he could.
   Two rows of sharp teeth and a distinct smell of festering fish was the first thing that the mermaid noticed. The distance between the eels two jaws however quickly became her main focus as they stretched farther apart than she had ever seen any creature do. An unusually long, thick tongue flicked excitedly and his gut gurgled in joy as if it knew what was coming. If you could drool underwater Floyd would be doing it. As soon as there was enough space for the mermaid to fit he hoisted her up and into his mouth.
   She tried to scream but no sounds came as she was pushed into the slimy cavern that reeked of yesterday's meal. Slowly she was moved further and further into his mouth. Floyd stamped down a squeal as her head reached the back of his mouth. Just one more push and a swallow and she would be on her way down to his stomach. He pushed hard and swallowed thickly and felt her head pop into his throat. 
   The eel mermans neck bulged grotesquely as the mermaid slid, head first, into his gut. Floyd swallowed again and her head moved into his chest. Her upper body was almost completely inside of him. On the outside, however, her tail whipped around frantically, trying to find any means of escape. As it got closer to him the mermaid's tail flipped back towards his face and the tail fin sliced his cheek. He paused for a moment before growling and using one hand to grip the mermaid tail tightly while he used the other to grab the wall for support. *GUURK* *GLUUCK*. 
   In two easy swallows he pulled most of her inside of him. After the second one he felt his stomach swell as her head was the first part of her to reach the final destination. Now that she wasn’t squirming as much Floyd took this opportunity to lap at her scales with his tongue. She tasted well enough as he had said before but the feeling of smooth fish scales on his tongue reminded him of his unsatisfied hunger and inspired him to finish up his meal. Grunting he pushed the last of her tail into his mouth and snapped his jaws shut. He brought one hand up to push at his neck to help her go down. If he wanted to he could have easily sent her down using the muscles in his throat that rippled every time he swallowed. But that would have hurt her and he wanted to let her back out in one piece so he opted against it and took the hard way. 
   One last swallow and the rest of her slipped into his stomach. She thrashed and screamed as best she could without accidentally getting digested fish slime in her mouth. The whole thing stank like no one could ever imagine and if she took a breath that was too deep she would start coughing. It was the type of smell that you couldn’t escape, the kind where you could taste it, it was so strong. She whimpered and pushed at the slimy walls to try and upset the eel man's stomach. The lining of her current location was smooth and slick. It pulsed in beat with the drum that she heard above her. She assumed it was his heart. A thick sludge sat in the bottom of the dark pit and the mermaid was thankful that she could not see because she feared what it would be that he had eaten before her.
   When the mermaid finally landed in his stomach, tail and all, Floyd let out a loud moan and shuddered with pleasure. It had been so long since he had been this full. It felt amazing. His tongue hung from the side of his mouth as he panted trying to catch his breath. With so much extra weight the eel man sank to the ground and leaned back against the stone wall. He looked down with lidded eyes and saw that his stomach had swelled out a good 3 feet in diameter. He knew it could stretch more though so he wasn’t particularly worried about the fist shaped dents that appeared repeatedly on his large gut. In fact all the wiggling and struggling that the mermaid did felt like a deep massage for his inner organs. He sighed again and waited for the merwoman to calm down. A particularly strong punch in his gut dislodged a pocket of air that must have been lingering from his time on land. 
   The mershark was not in a good mood. He had found the perfect meal and then suddenly some random eel merman had snatched her and took off. He was in every right to eat her and he was going to eat her, no hero playing amature was gonna stop that. If only his shark senses were sharper. The tiger shark sniffed again and growled still the same old scent. They were close but he couldn’t pinpoint exactly where they were hiding. 
   A ridiculously loud sound alerted the mershark to a small hole in a wall where he realized was the area that the mermaid and eel man were hiding. As he got closer he could hear the eel man talking to the fishtail. “Oh excuse me. That was a good one, must have been the soda and mentos experiment Shrimpy-chan and I did before I left. Didn’t realize there was still air in there. Shrimpy-chan needs air when they're inside me but a mermaid doesn’t.”
   The tiger shark paused. What in the seven seas could ‘inside of me’ mean? He shook it off and continued forwards to the entrance way. He swam through in time for Floyd's next loud eructation.  
   The eel man frowned and looked back down at his stomach. “Well that wasn’t big at all.” The mershark took in the eel and his eyes widened in shock. What once must have been a slim and fit torso now bulged out enormously. The giant gut wasn’t perfectly round either, it was lumpy in some areas and the shape faintly resembled…   The mersharks blood froze in his veins and he listened closely. Sure enough behind the wall of flesh he could make out the mermaid's frantic screams. The tiger shark looked back up to the eel man's face and met his eyes. They were wide and the pupils were small giving his face an eerie look. Deciding that he didn’t want to find out what that look meant the mershark booked it, leaving Floyd alone with his fishtail snack. 
   “HIC-UUUARRP! Ahh- hah ngh! Stupid bubbles in my tummy won’t come out” The teen groaned, wrapping his arms around his distended middle section. “Hey fishy, could you move around a bit more to help me get that before you come out of there?” The mermaid paused her panic as best she could. “Y-you, you’re gonna let me out?” she spoke timidly. Floyd giggled, “course I can’t HIC- leave you in there. I wouldn’t be able to swim home. Then I could eat lots of other wriggly fish and make my tummy full again for Shrimpy-chan to enjoy.” The mermaid shivered with disgust, how could anyone enjoy this? Either way if he was gonna let her out then she might as well help him. The sooner this was over the sooner she could take a mud bath and rid herself of this sludge smell. 
   With all her might the mermaid flung herself around and pushed her tail against the fleshy walls as best she could. A loud gurgle came from all around her and she felt the eel man lean forwards when the pressure finally got tense enough to be released. Floyd placed a hand on his full stomach and pushed back as hard as he could, pressing the air out of him.
   A burp of gigantic size and magnitude erupted from his lips. The force of it made the whole place shake and rock pieces fell from the walls. It lasted about 8 seconds and was tripled in volume and length due to the echo from the cave walls. The mermaid was jostled and shaken from her position inside his gut. When it finally came to a close and the sound stopped bouncing off the walls Floyd let his head fall back and he panted, trying to get his breath back. The disturbed fishtail didn’t move for several moments while the eel man gathered his bearings. When he did manage to catch his breath he laughed loudly as if the whole thing had been the most hilarious thing. His laughter cut off into an after burp which ended with a hiccup and a sigh.
   “Wow fishy that was a great one. Shrimpy-chan will be sad they missed it. I feel so much better now~” He said cheerfully. “Speaking of Shrimpy-chan…” The eel man cut off and a thoughtful expression crossed his face. He wondered if Shrimpy-chan would like to be inside of him, giving him inner tummy rubs, and helping him force out belches. The only time he had eaten them was by accident when they got into the shrinking powder, thinking it was a spice. He hummed at the thought of them sitting full size curled in his stomach, comfortably filling him while also being given the opportunity to live out their fantasies. Floyd pinned that thought somewhere else in his mind and decided he would have to go back to it at a later date. He looked down at his still engorged gut and frowned.
   Pushing his hands underneath, the eel man hoisted his gut up and attempted to sit up with it. He simply sank again however and dropped the mass of bloated organ back down into his lap. The mermaid made a noise of complaint and then it hit him. “Hey fishtail~ I’m so tired after protecting you from the sharky. If you do a good job rubbing my belly I’ll let you right out after I wake up, k?” The mermaid hesitated for a moment before resigning herself to her fate. She stroked the walls of his stomach as best as she could with the position she was in but it seemed to do the trick cause she heard the eel man yawn and his shifting stopped. 
   Floyd would have to figure out how to get the mermaid out of there at some point, but right now he could use a nap and the tummy rub from the woman inside him was nice too. Next time though, he decided, it would only be Shrimpy-chan allowed in his stomach, where he could squeeze them in only a way he could. “Shrimpy-chan…” he mumbled quietly before his eyes slipped closed and he fell asleep. He dreamed that his stomach was nice and round, filled with wriggly fish, and he was squeezing Shrimpy real close as they soothed his gut with tummy rubs and listened to it churn and gurgle lulling them into a soft sleep. “Goodnight, Koebi-chan…”
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Legend of the White Snake - Episode 5
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Just generally speaking, before I continue on watching, I want to stress out again how beautiful is this drama in terms of visuals. I am actually really impressed by all the costumes, the special effects, the sceneries, everything. They did a really good job on that so far and it makes the legend even more... you know, I really feel like I am seeing magic. Also, the actors so far are all doing a good job, especially Yu Menglong as Xu Xian, his facial expressions are always on point and he has such a good chemistry with Ju Jingyi as Bai Suzhen. It makes overall even more enjoyable.
So the centipede wants to eat Suzhen’s core so it will become more powerful, but as it is about to attack Suzhen, the lady fights it from inside. She must have really liked her daughter. I am really sad for her. I really enjoy seeing mothers being portrayed as capable of overcoming everything for their child. Because I really believe that a mom is truly the most powerful being on Earth.
Okay, so now the monk is working along with Qing Er without trying to kill her. Anyways, the centipede knows they are no match to that monk and wants to flee, but lady won’t, she has to save her daughter. So she pulls out the centipede’s spirit out of her body. So the monk fight with the centipede and Qing Er even helps him. Suzhen tries to recollect the soul of Chang Sheng and the lady spits some gem out of her body, so the soul has been recollected. Suzhen crosses the bridge to send Chang Sheng.
Monk and Qing Er seems to have become friends? Whaaaat? Why? How? He doesn’t think cultivating creatures can become nice. What he is going to do? Use her before killing her? But I must say, that monk is pretty bad ass.
Brother-in-law called for Xu Xian’s help and he takes care of the poisoned guards. But then he notices that this place really isn’t somewhere to raise centipedes so he observes the room and notices something different about the painting on the wall. So it’s probably behind. But then they can’t budge the painting.
Suzhen sends successfully Chang Sheng’s soul away but then gets pulled back as she tries to come back. Jing Song tries to help. As they are done with the centipede, Qing Er jumps in to help too. Fahai remembers what his master said and decides to help too. Wow. I am impressed.  But then, I really don’t understand how the rest of the story is going to unfold? Oh okay. So for this time he’s letting them go, but next time, he’s taking them down.
Finally, Xu Xian and brother in law saved the kids. Suzhen then sees Ruyi coming in and holding Xu Xian’s arm. Awww poor thing, she looks sad. Then as they leave, she faints which makes Xu Xian worried and he wants to help her as he is a doctor, but Jing Song won’t let him touch Suzhen.
After Chang Sheng died, his mom tried to commit suicide. Then Suzhen and Qing Er just comes in. They both can see Chang Sheng’s spirit in the room and then going to his mom’s tummy. So Suzhen tells her not to do anything stupid like that again because she is pregnant. So she asks Xu Xian if she’s truly pregnant. Xu Xian runs after her to ask how she knew without taking the pulse that the lady was pregnant. Suzhen seems disappointed that he came after her just for that, so she tells him girls and boys are different, of course she would know a lady is pregnant.
Suzhen is just the cutest. She asks Qing Er advice on human’s behaviour and Qing Er tells her that humans are sly and you can’t trust them, what they maybe is not what they mean, the best way to know of a human’s heart, is to look at them while there’s nobody. So Suzhen wants to spy on Xu Xian. Since she thinks it’s fun, Qing Er agrees easily even though her invisibility abilities are not completely good enough: Suzhen will help.
So Xu Xian is examining girls and obviously they aren’t sick, they just want to lure him. However, he’s not buying it, tell them to wear proper clothes before going out and rejects their invitation. They leave dejected. Seeing that, Suzhen believes he’s a good man of principle. Then Ruyi comes in and forbids him to let the girls consult with him. He says as a doctor he should treat anybody who asks and that those girls are very pitiful. Seeing this, Suzhen realizes she misunderstood them.
Even so, they keep on following him everywhere. Then pretend to be two man who lost some taels. Xu Xian just gives it back without taking it. Suzhen is mesmerized by him.
Xu Xian’s sister wants to invite over Suzhen and makes Xu Xian in charge of going deliver the invitation. However, no matter who he asks, nobody knows of the place Suzhen lives and he can’t find her. Then, it starts raining really bad, there’s a storm just as he asks the gods not to let him down like this. I am super excited about this. It’s stupid but well. Scenes under the rain, I like that. He’s like I didn’t mean to blame you. Awww, they both hides from the rain under the same pavilion. Cheesy, yes, but I crave on sweets and cheesy moments.
He’s so cute and shy. Last time, he just wanted to talk a little more with her. He gives her his handkerchief. The one she gave him to wrap his wound at the lantern festival. Aww, as the rain stops and Suzhen wants to go. Xu Xian doesn’t want to part, obviously, and offers to send her home. Since he has nothing else to do, Suzhen finally agrees and they can take the opportunity to show him where she lives since it’s hard to find. He looks so genuinely happy.
Back home, Jing Song is worried about Suzhen and wants to take her back to E’mei mountains. Qing Er won’t let her go and they fight about it. Guys, I believe she won’t follow either of you. First, she can decide by herself. Second, she has found someone worth of staying with.
As they get there, he invites her for the next and she doesn’t want him to go, so she makes it rain and offers him to have a cup of tea inside while waiting the rain stops. He looks so happy. Both of them. They are so naive. It’s cute.
Right inside, Qing Er and Jing Song are fighting. They almost hit Xu Xian while throwing objects and Suzhen saves him very last second by transforming the objects into birds. Qing Er won’t let Suzhen in before she cleans and when they open the door, Xu Xian looks devastated by seeing Jing Song. Is that a love rival? I would worry about Qing Er too if I were you. A lot of people like Suzhen... Then Xu Xian asks if there are anybody to clean the place and Jing Song transforms randomly some animals into a human form. You can imagine the results. So Suzhen to take them away faster pretends that she’s unwell and Xu Xian wants to have a look, but Jing Song won’t let him touch her, anyways he’ll take care of it. So Xu Xian thanks him and then... It’s funny, but poor him. Jing Song says there’s no need to thank because of his relationship with Suzhen. Basically, it’s like implying that they are married. That poor Xu Xian’s face.
A great way to end the episode. I think I am falling for that actor. Got to love him.
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andthentimestops · 6 years
“to love something that cannot love in return”(pt 7) [Captain Allen X Android!Reader]
A/N: This was 10 pages on google docs holy heck. Also, thanks @magical-musical-imagines for reading this as I wrote it and for giving me awesome suggestions!! Thanks @imagine-me-writing for being the cutest bean <3
@gespirida @blu42nj @sternenreigen @sethrine-imagines @yallgotkik @doot-doot-doottt @catwoo @nikkidawnlight @captain-winter-wolf-aehs @deviantprescott @sadmine @aeryntheofficial @wayablack @lionhearted-soldier  @qtmeryr @heartsarecompatible @connorshero @ev3e @liveloveandbekind
What were you afraid of exactly?
Losing him?
But he wasn’t yours, was he?
Not yet, anyway... You were quite clear about that the day Captain Allen almost died for you.
You felt your heart twist painfully when you recalled how you’d stopped his confession, cut him off before he could profess his love to you. A part of you wished you’d let him continue, allowed him to continue to live in such a delusional state— a state in which he believed he’d truly fallen in love with you so quickly.
However, another part of you knew that you’d done the right thing. He didn’t love you, at least not yet. It wasn’t realistic, even for soulmates, to fall in love so quickly.
But what the hell did you know about humans and soulmates anyway?
What if he really did love you?
What if he didn’t ever say he loved you ever again?
What would you do?—
Captain Allen hissed in discomfort, the sharp sound shocking you out of your thoughts. Your hands jerked in surprise, eliciting a louder groan of pain from your soulmate’s lips. He gripped the fabric of his bedsheets harder, his knuckles had turned almost white from how hard he was clutching onto the blanket.
You felt a stab of guilt in your chest as you forced your previously distracting thoughts into the back of your mind, trying to focus solely on the task at hand.
You were on your knees, situated in between Captain Allen’s thighs as he sat on the edge of his bed, shirtless. Your hands moved gently as you redressed his wound, trying your very best to cause him as little discomfort as possible. A task you had obviously failed, judging from how tightly he’d clenched his jaw and fists after, deep in your thoughts, your hands somehow made a particularly sudden movement that caused what seemed like immense pain to the man.
Your eyes shot up to meet his, your apologetic gaze went unnoticed as his own pair of eyes had closed shut from the pain. He breathed deeply but slowly from in between his teeth.
“I’m sorry,” you said, placing a hand on his thigh softly, “I’m sorry, I was distracted.”
“It’s okay,” Captain Allen huffed, his eyes fluttering open as he tried to smile. He looked down to meet your gaze and felt his cheeks warm up for the nth time since you’d started doing his redressing just 20 minutes ago.
You were in a rather suggestive position for something that was by all means innocent in nature. But since it was clear your android innocence thought nothing much of the fact that you were on your knees between his legs, Captain Allen didn’t bring anything up, not wanting to make both of you feel embarrassed.
You smiled sympathetically back at him before you went back to removing his old bandage. His wound had dried and so the gauze was stuck to his healing skin, making it difficult to remove in one smooth pull.
A few more minutes went by in which neither of you spoke. Your previous thoughts of Captain Allen’s past love life threatened to resurface but you would push them further into the back of your mind, your desire to not cause him more pain was greater than your need to have any more self-deprecating thoughts.
While you worked meticulously in front of him, the SWAT captain continued to watch. He observed your hands move with careful slowness as you gently tried to pry off the remaining pieces of cloth stuck to his body. The wound was healing well, that’s for sure, but his body was a long way from being back to normal.
Captain Allen eyes travelled from your hands to your forearm where, thanks to the bright ceiling light of his bedroom, he could very clearly see the neatly printed soulmate tattoo. He felt a pang in his chest as he read and re-read the two harshly spoken words that had been engraved on your skin:
“Get out.”
Too often the man found himself wishing he could turn back the clock and say something nicer. Your skin didn’t deserve to be tainted by such hateful words spurred on by his immaturity and recklessness.
You could feel his gaze burning into your face as you finally managed to clean his wound of any traces of cloth that could’ve lingered. You then carefully poured the prescribed disinfectant over the raw skin with a towel placed on top of his crotch to prevent any spillage.
It was truly only then you’d realised how strange of a position you were in; from how quick your soulmate’s heart rate was, it was clear he’d known how awkward everything was from the very beginning. While you felt yourself get flustered, you were glad that neither of you brought up the odd predicament verbally for it would have definitely caused your central processing unit to fry.
Captain Allen hissed once again, this time his hand gripped your upper arm instead of his own leg. It was as though he wanted you to stop but seeing as he didn’t say anything, you continued to use the proper amount of disinfectant to clean his wound.
Seemingly unaware of what he was doing, the man slowly leaned his head forward until it touched yours. For a few moments, he stayed motionless, breathing deeply but slowly as the sizzling pain of the disinfectant covering his raw wound started to fade.
Captain Allen continued to press his forehead against yours, you could feel his warm breath brush across your skin, the mere sensation sent shock waves all over your body. You felt your thirium pump regulator go into overdrive as you struggled to keep your internal systems in check. The sudden flurry of emotions caused by such a simple gesture was almost too much to handle.
You kept your eyes on his torso, not wanting to tilt your head up to look at him in case the movement accidentally caused something rather intimate to happen. His stomach rose and fell slowly along with his deep breaths; you noticed a thin sheen of sweat had started to form on his chest.
You felt thirium shoot up to your cheeks when you found yourself realising how... muscled the man was. You’d almost never seen him in anything other than his usual bulky SWAT uniform, let alone shirtless so it was only then you really had the chance to see his body.
Blinking furiously, you tore your eyes away from his abdomen, thanking god that from the way he was leaning down he couldn’t see your eyes so shamelessly scanning over his shirtless form.
“Can I re-bandage it now?” You asked softly, a breeze of cold air caressed your face the moment he pulled away. The warmth you unknowingly bathed in before was now gone, leaving you cold as you silently wished he would lean back down again.
Captain Allen nodded, his hands now rested upon your shoulders casually as you skilfully wrapped a sterilised roll of cloth around his midsection. Your arms had to circle around his waist several times to do so; each time you could feel him breathe against your neck.
When you were done, you stood up, about to take a step back before his arms unexpectedly locked themselves around your body. Before you could even blink, Captain Allen had pulled you against him as he rested his face against your stomach. You fit comfortably in between his legs as he hugged you firmly.
“What’s wrong?” You asked softly as you rested a hand on top of his head, your fingers lightly threading through his hair. He hummed lowly in response. You could feel your heart racing wildly, you were sure he could hear it as well. “You are oddly affectionate,” you observed out loud as you repositioned your arms so that you ended up hugging his head.
He felt warm.
“Are you going home tonight?” Captain Allen asked, his voice muffled from his face being pressed against your tummy. It tickled.
“I won’t if you don’t want me to,” you replied without thinking, though you meant what you said. If he wanted you to stay, you would without question.
“Stay.” Captain Allen’s arms tighten around you, pulling you even closer to him. It was as though if he didn’t hold on tight enough, you would disappear.
“Okay.” He let you go, eyes watching as you made your way to the other side of the rather large bed. You crawled into the bed in what seemed like the most awkward fashion possible. You couldn’t really blame yourself, though, your heart was still racing from before; in order for your body to have had enough energy to continue functioning at a minimal level, your central processing unit decided that sacrificing your motor functions was the best solution; thus, you ended up looking like a baby learning to move an all fours as you struggled your way to his side.
“Please, stop staring at me,” you pleaded the moment you realised that Captain Allen’s unwavering stare upon you only made you feel even more nervous. His only response was a light chuckle as he continued to watch your plight.
The audacity, you thought bitterly as you glared up at him, your attempt at being fearsome failing miserably since you then proceeded to flop ungracefully onto his huge-ass mattress. Didn’t the man live alone? Why did he require such a big bed?—
Unless he didn’t use to live alone.
—The lights turned off just seconds after you made yourself comfortable, leaving just you and Captain Allen side-by-side in the dark. You rested on your left side, your blue LED shining brightly in the darkness of his bedroom. You could tell Captain Allen was staring at it.
“Do you want me to turn it off?” You asked under your breath, just loud enough for him to hear you.
“No!” Your soulmate replied rather quickly, through the thick blanket of darkness you could see his eyes widen.
To him, your LED was rather distracting, yes, but too many times had he seen androids’ lights flicker into nothingness as their bodies turned into hollow shells. What if you turned off yours and it failed to light up again the next morning? He would’ve rather let the light blind him for eternity than to watch it fade away.
“Okay,” you responded gently, a stark contrast to Captain Allen’s own previous reply which was sharp like most of his words. “I’ll leave it on.” You then slowly brought your hand up to cup his face, your thumb caressing his cheek. You couldn’t see it but there was a faint scar there, you idly wondered how he got it. “Go to sleep.”
And within minutes, he did.
Once he was in deep sleep, you followed, swiftly entering Stasis Mode only to be rudely awakened from it hours into the night by the feeling of hands grabbing at your waist. Your eyes shot open as you panicked for a split second before realising that the hands belonged to Captain Allen himself. For a moment you believed he was awake and simply wanted to be weirdly affectionate again but his heart rate said otherwise.
He was completely and utterly asleep.
You felt your own calm heartbeat speed up as you allowed yourself to be pulled into your unconscious soulmate’s arms. Captain Allen locked his arms around you tightly as he rested his chin against the crown of your head. The man then proceeded to let out a particularly loud huff before going silent once again, now seemingly content that he had you in his arms.
A smile broke out on your face as you hugged him in return, shamelessly basking in the warmth that he emitted as you tucked your head underneath his chin. Shyly, you then tangled your legs with his, quickly discovering that you very much enjoyed being so physically close to him. It felt better than it should have, if you were to be honest, perhaps it was because you were simply making up for lost time…
Regardless, you stayed awake for an additional hour or two as you opted to relish in the feeling of being held by your soulmate with no desire to return to Stasis Mode. However, that was until, oddly enough, you began to feel just the slightest bit sleepy. You didn’t know that was possible but it was enough to convince you to re-enter Stasis Mode; you allowed yourself to drift off into artificial sleep, lulled by the sound of Captain Allen’s gentle heartbeat.
The next morning, you were rudely awakened by the sound of a call coming in. Your familiarly annoying ringtone sounded off in your head as you groaned before picking up the call.
“Good morning, (Y/N)!” Connor’s enthusiastically loud voice boomed in your ears. “I know it is a Sunday and that you are spending quality time with Captain Allen but your presence is required immediately at the station.”
“What? Why?” You asked, pulling your soulmate’s arms off of you as you continued to speak out loud, conveniently forgetting that Captain Allen was, in fact, still asleep and that your voice could easily awaken him.
“Captain Hewlette has information on the Zlatko case he would like to personally convey to you.”
“That’s ridiculously unnecessary.”
“I am aware.” Connor almost sounded as annoyed by the temporary SWAT captain as you were. “However, he insists on seeing you and childishly refuses to share with us the information unless you are present.”
“Fuck…” You cursed before exhaling deeply as you felt your internal systems begin to heat up from frustration. “Fine. I’ll be there in an hour.”
“Thank you, (Y/N).”
You then briefly exchanged goodbyes before you scrambled out of bed. As much as you didn’t want to go to work on a Sunday, you knew that the sooner you got it over with, the better. You cursed again when you realised you didn’t have any proper work clothes at Allen’s place and so, you opted to grab whatever seemed the most fitting for you before putting them on, ignoring the fact that the only other person in the room was wide awake and watching you bashfully.
“You’re not even going to ask?” Captain Allen spoke finally after you were finished changing. Luckily, while his words could’ve been interpreted as angry or annoyed, his tone was more cheeky than anything.
“I thought human men liked seeing their significant others in their clothing?” You asked innocently in return, watching proudly as his face turned red. “I’ll come back as soon as Hewlette’s done with whatever he’s up to—”
“Wait,” Allen cut you off, “Hunter Hewlette? That douchebag you said keeps eyeing you at work?”
“Yep,” you replied, ending off with a sigh that simply conveyed the message of: oh well. “Connor said he’ll only share what he’s gotten on the Zlatko case if I’m there so I gotta go, I guess.”
“What a little bitch.”
“I agree.”
You sat at your desk, deeply annoyed, as you waited for Hewlette to return from yelling like a spoilt brat inside Captain Fowler’s office. You’d arrived to work three hours ago, half an hour earlier than you said you would, and ever since then, you’d been waiting for the temporary SWAT captain to finally quit yelling at his boss and tell you what you needed to know so that you could leave.
You fiddled idly with a rubber band as your eyes continued staying glued to the, quite frankly, entertaining scene taking place just a few metres away. Hewlette was slamming his hands down on Fowler’s table as he shouted what looked to be demands that weren’t being met while the latter simply watched his subordinate throw a tantrum in his face. If you weren’t in such a hurry to return back to Captain Allen’s place, you would’ve hoped the debacle continued on for another hour or so just for the heck of it.
Just five more minutes, you thought to yourself, I’ll stay for just five more minutes and if nothing happens, I’ll leave— Oh for fuck’s sake!
Fowler, from within the comfort of his office, gestured at you to go over. You legitimately considered slamming your head against your table but since that was unprofessional, you simply released a loud groan of annoyance before making your way to the Captain’s office.
“Thank you for being here, Detective (L/N),” Fowler said apologetically the moment you shut his office door behind you. The previously furious Hewlette had stopped throwing a fit and instead was smiling at you as though nothing ever happened.
“It’s no problem at all, sir,” you lied, trying your best to ignore Hewlette’s relentless staring. His eyes felt as though they were trying to see through your clothes. It was more irritating than it was uncomfortable.
“Captain Hewlette here—”
“Temporary Captain,” you corrected, not caring how rude it was to interrupt your boss as you only felt a strong wave of satisfaction wash over you after noticing how, out of the corner of your eye, Hewlette’s smug smile fell.
Fowler squinted at you but proceeded to speak anyway, not bothering to correct you since you weren’t technically wrong. You resisted a smile upon seeing how Hewlette had begun to straight up just frown.
“He’s requested for you to be transferred back to SWAT.”
“Why?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows. “I don’t mean to be rude,” you said ironically, “but I don’t see why that’s necessary.”
“That’s exactly what I’ve been telling Mr Hewlette here for the past few hours,” Fowler replied, putting no effort whatsoever into pretending that he wasn’t annoyed. “However, he refuses to listen to me. He only seems to want to communicate properly with you so I was hoping you could reject him yourself.”
Captain Fowler spoke to you as though Hewlette wasn’t just standing by your side and you loved it. It was amazing how professional Fowler sounded speaking such unprofessional words. You nodded before turning to your colleague with a smile on your face, “I do not want to join you in SWAT.”
“You don’t have to lie just because Captain Fowler is here!” Hewlette replied a little too loudly for your taste. “I’ve seen the way you look at me, (Y/N). I know you want to be with me.”
You scoffed in disgust.
“What the hell are you on about, Hewlette?”
“Aw, c’mon, (Y/N),” he reached out to touch your shoulder, to which you responded with a grimace and a step away as you felt your skin crawl at the idea of him making any form of contact with you. “I’ve caught you looking at me so many times, just admit you like me—”
“You’re delusional, rookie,” a voice you totally did not expect to hear cut Hewlette’s borderline creepy ramblings off. You spun around, feeling a great sense of relief wash over you as your eyes met those of your soulmate’s. Captain Allen marched in, his eyes glaring at Hewlette in an almost predatory manner as he positioned himself between you and his temporary successor. “Both (Y/N) and Captain Fowler said no,” Allen nearly growled, “so back off.”
“Who the hell are you?” Hewlette spat at Allen, though his eyes remained glued onto you, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Soulmate.” Allen replied simply, ignoring the way Captain Fowler’s eyes widened in surprise but other than that he remained silent, quite honestly enjoying watching his SWAT leader tear down the child inside a man’s body.
“Oh, so you’re the one who put those disgusting words on (Y/N)’s arm?” Hewlette snorted, grinning when he noticed how Allen’s tough expression falter ever so slightly. “Shouldn’t Detective (L/N) be with someone who actually wants them, hmm? Someone who’s always seen them as a person? Judging from (Y/N)’s tattoo it seems like you had a hard time accepting them from the start, huh? Who’s to say you’ve gotten over that already, Captain?”
Captain Allen remained silent for a while. The tension in the office was so thick it was almost suffocating. Hewlette stared down at your soulmate with a disgustingly smug look on his face, obviously believing that he’d won the argument already, completely unaware of the rage building within you.
“How dare you?” You snarled, stepping out from behind Captain Allen before you pushed Hewlette backwards harshly. “You are a slimy piece of shit, Hewlette. The only reason why you stand here today as a temporary SWAT captain is because the obviously more capable, permanent one almost died trying to save me.
“You’re delusional. You don’t see me as a person, you see me as a piece of meat that you could use for your own pleasure. All the times I stared at you was in pure disgust because you couldn’t keep your eyes to yourself!” You shoved him once again. “Stop being such a spoilt bitch and just accept the fact that I will never join SWAT while you are captain. In fact,” you whipped your head around to look at a shell-shocked Captain Allen, “I’ll request for a transferral when David returns from medical leave.”
You turned back to Hewlette who honestly looked like he was on the verge of tears.
“Give Connor everything you know about the Zlatko case by tonight, got it?” He nodded slowly. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be returning home with my injured soulmate who should be resting.”
You grabbed Captain Allen’s hand before swiftly leading him out of the precinct, not saying a word the entire time. Only when you were a good distance away from the building did you slow down to match his pace. The both of you walked side-by-side in silence with your hands still interlocked; neither of you wanted to let go.
“Thanks for coming to ‘save’ me,” you finally spoke as Captain Allen’s modest neighbourhood came into sight.
“I didn’t even do much,” he chuckled, idly rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand as he spoke, “you were pretty cool back there.”
“So were you.”
The conversation didn’t carry on from there as the both of you simply opted to stay silent and enjoy each other’s company. Captain Allen began to swing your interlaced hands back and forth as you strolled along the pavement towards his home; every swing made your heart skip a beat.
It felt like the best moment of your life, just walking alongside your soulmate as you hold hands, swinging them around like little kids.
It would’ve been the perfect moment if it weren’t for the high-pitched voice that yelled out David Allen’s name from a distance, causing him to freeze on the spot almost instantly. You glanced around to look for whoever had called for his attention only for your eyes to land on the lady in the picture.
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How Much Does Bark Box Cost a Month?
There are several more exciting things which are possible to teach your dog to do. If your pet will end up being outside in sunlight you then must take that extra methods to guard them from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Your dog demands special services to make certain it stays happy and healthy. Dogs are believed of as man’s greatest friend. Other dogs may be excitable or superior strung. Aging dogs must have brain games merely to continue to keep their minds sharp. Just about everyone loves to observe a sweet dog. After the dog is recent its typical lifespan, it normally shows a lot of the signs of human old age. The puppy has to find out how to have the smaller sized toys out. People that say that it’s costly to adopt pet canines may have observed the problems linked to an ill pup. There are certainly apt to be a great deal of techniques you may obtain your pet dog to avoid the behavior. I’ve always loved buying Klaus toys because his excitement is so apparent really. This is a pup who appreciates the actual fact that I purchased something for him really, or at least it appears enjoy it. Unlike my cats who actually couldn’t care much less about obtaining presents that aren’t edible. Obviously, when Barkbox reached out to discover if Klaus want to execute a review I jumped on the opportunity.
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bark box working
Let’s execute a quick run-down of what BarkBox is and what they provide; BarkBox is a regular monthly subscription box for dogs of all sizes. Each box comes with two bags of treats, one chew, and two toys. Everything is tied with a theme together. All of the treats are organic and manufactured in the Canada or US. BarkBox monthly is billed, and decreases in cost if you invest in 6 or 12 month plan. You additionally have the option to become listed on the excess Toy Club for yet another $9 per month. The first box ships immediately and subsequent boxes ship on the 15th of each month.
Klaus getting a whole box of things was the absolute cutest! He would take a toy, run over to the other side of the living room, set it down, and run back to see what else we had for him. The box he received was New York City themed. Actually “Poo York City! ” I must say i enjoyed all of the silly takes on on words within the package. “Pawsonalize. ” “Guaranpeed. ” “ BarkBox r Middle. ” So cute! He’s not really picky about treats so that it was no surprise that he loved those (As seen in one of the photos above, Professor was also very interested in the bag of treats. A few days later he would rip open the bag and try to steal them. ) The toys were a huge hit too. I’ve mentioned in the past how much Klaus loves squeaky toys so I was stoked to find that both of the toys in his box had squeakers.
I was a little bit worried about the toys not holding up for very long though. Klaus is a selective plaything destroyer meaning there are playthings that he shreds instantly but something of an identical quality might last for weeks for no particular cause. Been in regards to a couple weeks it’s, and surprisingly plenty of he hasn’t destroyed either plaything. Better still fresh is that he discovered a fresh favorite toy, a ball shaped like the statue of libertyHe literally carries it everywhere, and is constantly placing it on my arm in hopes that I’ll try to steal it from him. Mmm. I love soggy toys. He is currently laying beside me on the couch with that ball under his chin. When he finally does destroy that toy I could purchase him another from the BarkBox actually, which is a real way to buy toys and treats without the subscription.
Klaus really, enjoyed the complete experience really. So much to ensure that I would feel guilty not doing this for him every month honestly. Barkbox was strike! At the chance of sounding cliche, and using the same silly expression everyone who provides ever written an assessment has said probably, I believe Klaus would up give it two paws! xoxoBarkBox Review
If you keep running out of doggie treats and goodies, or maybe you get the wrong ones, you need help. Thanks to Barkbox’s monthly plans, your furry best friend could have all the treats it requires because of its size and age. Barkbox may be the ultimate monthly pet dog subscription box program that will deliver playthings and treats for the one you love dog when they require it most.
Why a Monthly Pet dog Subscription bark box is necessary?
Dogs, like individuals get uninterested in the same toys and treats just. Barkbox offers not simply a variety of items but also an array of canine themed goodies. Different every month, think of it as a doggie present box!
What Comes in a BarkBox? Toys and Treats?
The themed goody boxes come with at least two impressive toys, a chew, and two bags of all-natural treats. Every month, the pet subscription box holds a different surprise for your dog, which they will love!
How do you Bark Box get started?
We can see that you currently need to get started - it's the best option ever designed for dog fans and dogs! To get started with, you need to simply take one of the plans available that are detailed below.
This theme represents the miracle on the 34th squeak. It is the perfect festival package. If you forgot to get your honest and loyal furry dog a gift for Christmas, or you were unable to obtain the right present, this Barkbox: The Dogmans In The City awaits.
The featured toys for  BarkBox this theme include:
Howliday Spectacular Dancers
This is a tug toy with other toys in it. The dancers have safe and sound T-clothing rope for a good tugging and grip. It is filled with three traditional squeakers shaped like lighting which your beloved will receive a kick out of.
Holly, Jolly, and GabeShould you have a chewer in the homely house, permit this plaything indulge it. Holly, Jolly, and Gabe come in one size and perfect for small to medium sized dogs. They also have different squeakers perfect for sinking teeth.
But these three colorful heroes Holly, Jolly and Gabe independently don’t hang, they hold on a pup, tummy safe, t- clothing rope well suited for tugging and gripping. They shall light your pup ’s spirits.
Squeaky Wish List
Everybody knows that pup that treats toys just like the most complex puzzles ever created, right?
Why not fulfill BarkBox that dog’s curiosity with the Squeaky Desire List?
This toy includes a squeaker mat with irresistible crinkly texture, and also a space to cover up treats. Hiding treats in the envelope will keep your loved one captivated for hours definitely!
Dogsmas Tree Delivery
This multi-part toy supplies the right dose of multi-part joy. It includes a gentle and squeaky car and also a detachable, fluffy tree that is squeaky too.
Canine Carols Collection BarkBox
This is the healthiest treat your pup needs. It is free of wheat, soy, and corn. It also has options for sensitive tummies and allergies.
Other than the squeaky toys, every dog needs a chew-thingy. This Six-In . Duck Chew is all organic and made with US-sourced meat.The plans available for you start from as low as $20 monthly. The best part is normally that the goodies you will receive every month are valued at over $40! All the boxes cost the same amount, no matter what the size of your loved one. Other than the monthly plan, there are six-month and total annual plans, which you can cancel from at any time. Note that you get free Barkbox shipping for all Barkbox plans any place in the United Canada and Claims. For clients, your first container gets delivered out between 2-8 business times. Then simply because a normal Barkbox subscriber your boxes will be shipped from the 15th of each month.
For a month’s membership of Barkbox, you can pay just $29.
The six a few months ’ subscription costs $25 per Barkbox. This course of action needs you to pay in advance with a discount - six months would be $142 in advance.
The total annual plan will cost you $20 per Barkbox. Once again like the 6 month plan if you pay for the whole year to begin it will only cost you $239!!!If you would like to gift a box to another dog lover then Barkbox have you covered as well! They have the option to send one box as a gift which includes a gift note for
You need to remember that every time you sign up for a plan, you are getting into a commitment that lasts the entire duration of the program.
The plans are renewed in the event that you don’t cancel the program automatically. Cancellation is suitable, at any right time. Worth mentioning may be the truth that you cannot get yourself a discount if you join the 6 or the 12 months strategy but cancel it throughout the subscription.
This theme is filled with all sorts of dinosaurs that may arouse your dog’s interest once you open the box - your pet has been looking forward to 65 million human years for these treats so please usually do not delay them any more from these yummy doggy treats?
Some of the top prehistoric, never fossilized dinosaurs making up this theme include:
TOYS and  BarkBox
This is an adorable, squeaky, plush dinosaur that comes with a crinkly shell. This toy promises to make your canine friend the happiest dog around, regardless of the mood they were in before!
Herbert the Herbivore
The use of unique and safe materials to make this toy ensures that your dog has the best tugging experience. Herbert the Herbivore has a super-durable spiky bonus toy inside and a pull-through, stomach-safe t- shirt rope.
Airborne Archie
Sounds fascinate dogs, and this toy makes that special sound that will fill your dog with joy. Airborne Archie includes a crinkly mat body and an enormous plush head.
Jurassic Pork and BarkBox
You cannot vacation to the prehistoric times without visiting the Jurassic Park, is it possible to? This deal with is delightful and manufactured in the USA. It has sweet potatoes, pork, and pumpkin, and it is free from corn, soy, and wheat. Pawfect for your loved one!
Dinosaur Meat, Basically
Since not all dogs have the strong teeth of a T-Rex, this soft and easy-to-chew chicken is perfect. It is dried up for the maximum chewiness and sourced froYour dog deserves the very best quality toy, which bone may be the best chew it could get. It is long lasting, nontoxic, and made out of great focus on detail. Though hard, thisall-natural nylon chew is certainly safe, and a very tasty is had because of it smoky flavor.
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JUST HOW MUCH Does BarkBox Cost a Month?
dog chew toys
There are several more exciting things which are possible to teach your dog to do. If your dog will be outside in sunlight then you ought to take that extra steps to safeguard them from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Your dog demands special services to be sure it stays healthy and happy. Dogs are thought of as man’s best friend. Other dogs could be excitable or superior strung. Aging dogs will need to have brain games to keep to keep their thoughts sharp merely. About everyone loves to see a cute dog simply. Following the dog is former its typical lifespan, it shows almost all of the signs of human later years normally. The pup has to learn how to have the more compact toys out. Folks who say that it’s expensive to adopt pet dogs has experienced the problems related to an ill puppy. There are certainly likely to be a lot of ways that you may get your pet dog to avoid the behavior. I’ve always loved buying Klaus toys because his excitement is so apparent really. This is a pup who truly appreciates some of the fact that I purchased something for him, or at least it would seem like it. Unlike my cats who literally couldn’t care less about getting presents that aren’t edible. Needless to say, when Barkbox reached out to see if Klaus would like to do a review I jumped on the chance.
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Let’s do a quick run down of what BarkBox is and what they offer; BarkBox is a monthly subscription box for dogs of most sizes. Each box includes two hand bags of treats, one chew, and two toys. Everything is tied with a style together. All of the treats are natural and organic and made in the Canada or US. BarkBox monthly is billed, and decreases in cost if you invest in 6 or 12 month plan. You additionally have the option to become listed on the Extra Toy Club for an additional $9 per month. The first box ships straight away and subsequent boxes ship on the 15th of each month.
interactive dog toys
Klaus getting a whole box of things was the absolute cutest! He would take a toy, run over to the other side of the living space, arranged it down, and operate back to discover what else we'd for him. The package he received was NEW YORK themed. “Poo York City actually! ” I must say i enjoyed all of the silly takes on words within the package. “Pawsonalize. ” “Guaranpeed. ” “Barkefeller Middle. ” So cute! He’s not really picky about treats in order that it was no real surprise that he liked those (As observed in among the photographs above, Professor was very thinking about the bag of treats also. A couple of days later he would rip open the bag and try to steal them. The toys were a huge hit too. I’ve mentioned in the past how much Klaus loves squeaky toys so I was stoked to find that both of the toys in his box had squeakers. I was a little bit worried about the toys not supporting for lengthy though. Klaus can be a selective plaything destroyer meaning there are playthings that he shreds quickly but something of an identical quality might last for weeks for no particular cause. Been in regards to a couple weeks it’s, and surprisingly plenty of he hasn’t destroyed either plaything. Better fresh is that he discovered a fresh favorite toy even, a ball shaped just like the statue of libertyHe literally bears it everywhere, and is continually placing it on my arm in hopes that I’ll try to steal it from him. Mmm. I love soggy toys. He is currently laying beside me on the couch with that ball under his chin. When he finally does destroy that toy I could purchase him another from the BarkShop actually, which is a real way to buy toys and treats without the subscription.
dog toy box
Klaus really, enjoyed the complete experience really. So much to ensure that I would feel guilty not doing this for him every month honestly. Barkbox was strike! At the chance of sounding cliche, and using the same silly expression everyone who provides ever written an assessment has said probably, I believe Klaus would give it two paws up! xoxoBarkBox Review If you keep running out of doggie treats and goodies, or maybe you get the wrong ones, you need help. Thanks to Barkbox’s monthly plans, your furry best friend will have all the treats it needs for its age and size. Barkbox is the ultimate monthly doggie subscription box support that will deliver toys and treats for your beloved dog when they need it most.
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Why a Monthly Doggie Subscription Box is Needed?
Dogs, like individuals get uninterested in the same toys and treats just. Barkbox offers not simply a variety of items but also an array of canine themed goodies. Different every month, think of it as a doggie gift box!
What Comes in a BarkBox? Toys and Treats?
The themed goody boxes come with at least two innovative toys, a chew, and two bags of all-natural treats. Every month, the pet subscription box holds a different surprise for your dog, which they will love!
How do you get started?
We can see that you already want to get started - it is the best answer ever created for dog lovers and dogs! To get started, you need to take among the programs available that are detailed below simply. THE DOGMANS IN the populous city The miracle is represented by this theme on the 34th squeak. It's the perfect festival bundle. If you forgot to get your honest and loyal furry dog a gift for Christmas, or you were unable to obtain the right present, this Barkbox: The Dogmans In The City awaits.
The featured toys for this theme include:
Howliday Spectacular Dancers This is a tug toy with other toys in it. The dancers have safe T-shirt rope for a tight grip and tugging. It is packed with three traditional squeakers shaped like lighting which your beloved will receive a kick out of. Holly, Jolly, and Gabe Should you have a chewer in the homely house, permit this gadget indulge it. Holly, Jolly, and Gabe come in one perfect and size for small to medium sized dogs. There is also different squeakers ideal for sinking teeth. But these three colorful people Holly, Jolly and Gabe independently don’t hang, they hold on a pet dog, tummy safe, t- clothing rope well suited for tugging and gripping. They shall light your pet dog ’s spirits. The plans available for you start from as low as $20 monthly. The best part is certainly that the goodies you will receive every month are valued at over $40! All the boxes cost the same amount, no matter what the size of your loved one. Other than the monthly plan, there are six-month and total annual plans, which you can cancel from at any time. Remember that you get free of charge Barkbox shipping and delivery for all Barkbox plans any place in america and Canada. For new customers, your first package gets shipped out between 2-8 business days. Then mainly because a regular Barkbox subscriber your boxes shall be shipped out on the 15th of every month. The six a few months ’ subscription costs $25 per Barkbox. This course of action needs you to pay in advance with a discount - six months would be $142 in advance. The gross annual plan can cost you $20 per Barkbox. Once more just like the 6 month plan if you pay for the complete year to get started on it'll only cost you  If you want to present a box to some other dog lover after that Barkbox perhaps you have covered aswell! They have the choice to send one package as a gift which includes a gift note for  You need to remember that every time you sign up for a plan, you are getting into a commitment that lasts the entire duration of the plan. The plans are automatically renewed if you don’t cancel the plan. Cancellation is suitable, at any time. Worth mentioning is the truth that you cannot get a discount if you sign up for the 6 or the 12 months strategy but cancel it in the course of the subscription.
This theme is packed with all sorts of dinosaurs that may arouse your dog’s interest once you open the box - your pet has been looking forward to 65 million human years for these treats so please usually do not delay them any more from these yummy doggy treats? Some of the best prehistoric, never fossilized dinosaurs creating this theme include:
That is an adorable, squeaky, plush dinosaur that is included with a crinkly shell. This plaything promises to make your dog friend the happiest pet around, of the mood these were in before regardless! Herbert the Herbivore The usage of exclusive and safe components to create this toy means that your dog has the best tugging experience. Herbert the Herbivore has a super-durable spiky bonus toy inside and a pull-through, stomach-safe t- shirt rope. Airborne Archie Sounds fascinate dogs, and this toy makes that special sound that will fill your dog with joy. Airborne Archie has a crinkly mat body and a huge plush head.
Jurassic Pork
You cannot take a trip to the prehistoric times without visiting the Jurassic Park, can you? This treat is delightful and made in the USA. It has sweet potatoes, pork, and pumpkin, and it is free from corn, soy, and wheat. Pawfect for your loved one! Dinosaur Meat, Basically Since not all dogs have the strong teeth of a T-Rex, this soft and easy-to-chew chicken is perfect. It is dry out for the utmost chewiness and sourced from the Your dog deserves the very best quality toy, which bone may be the best chew it could get. It is long lasting, nontoxic, and made out of great focus on detail. Though hard, this all-natural nylon chew is definitely safe, and a very tasty is had as a result of it smoky flavor.
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