#Also her fashion sense is superior to me she is a lot of black and blues and when I write her that's the palette I feel like her words have
uroborosymphony · 1 year
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* aesthetic builder! . . fill in with either a. your character’s favorite or b. what describes your character best.  / tagged by @kamipyre / tagging @rippleofwords @mythvoiced (Sarang) @eclavigne @jeoseungsaja (I would love to see Saja's oh my god)
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zepskies · 11 months
So, how would Ben react if he and the reader went clothes-shopping for him and he overhears the saleswomen talking to themselves about how insanely hot he was (and how they’d climb him like a tree, because hello!) While he’s flattered, he sees the reader overhearing them, and she’s visibly annoyed/upset by it? Up to you if she calls them out on it, or spirals and says nothing, or whatever!
Ooooh thank you for this request, my friend!! ❤️❤️
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Female Reader Word Count: 1,100 Warnings: 18+ only! A little smutty towards the end. 😘
Imagine: Getting jealous over this man. 💚
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"My clothes are fine," Ben is still insisting, even as you hold up a crisp, black buttoned-down shirt up to his chest in scrutiny.
"You need more stuff in this decade, baby," you tell him. You just think he's taking issue with you picking things out for him.
He doesn't often like to relinquish control, but he's tacitly agreed that you just have a better sense of what's fashionable now. He doesn't mind standing out, but he doesn't want to look out of place either.
And as much as he'd never admit it, he wants to look good.
So you and Ben have been at the mall browsing for the past hour. Express for Men has some interesting finds; you already have a large pile of shirts, jackets, pants, and jeans set aside for him to try on.
Ben has strong opinions, especially on pants. He blatantly refuses skinny jeans, for which you begrudgingly concede. You have to pick your battles with your boyfriend, and this one's not the hill to die on, you think.
So you put down the tight pants in favor of some tasteful dark wash jeans. He eyes this pair also with wariness. "Why the fuck do they have holes in 'em?" he asks.
You have to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing. "They're ripped jeans."
"On purpose?" he asks.
Oh lord. "Yes, Ben. They're distressed."
"Christ on a cross, so am I. This is what goes for fashion nowadays?"
God, give me fucking strength, you think. But you still smile. "You're gonna look good, I promise you."
So Ben gathers the pile you've created for him, and with a deep sigh, he heads over to the dressing room. There are two saleswomen stationed there. One visibly breathes in at the sight of him as she subtly taps the other one on the hip. Both greet him with bright eyes and smiles. "Hi there! Need a room?" the first one asks.
"Yeah," Ben nods, and she dutifully lets him into the biggest one. It has a cushioned bench and plenty of hooks on the wall for hanging the shirts and pants.
"Need any help laying these out?" she asks. He shakes his head. "No. I'm good, sweetheart."
She giggles a bit, like he's said something funny. "Okay! Well just let me know if you need any help. Like a different size, different color, if you need a belt, or anything like that."
Ben spots her blush and can't help but smile at her indulgently. "Sure." He has no intention of taking her up on her "help," but he knows the effect he has on women. Once she leaves, he closes the dressing room door and starts trying things on.
He's surprised to find he actually likes a lot of what you picked out for him. But then his superior hearing picks up what the women out front are whispering to each other in excitement.
"Oh my God, it's a criminal offense to have that jawline," says the one who helped him. "And that beard? Cut to perfection."
Ben smirks, both in amusement and with a well of pride welling in his chest. Still got it, fuckers.
The other scoffs. "Honey, I'd climb that man like a goddamn tree."
They snicker together, trying and failing to be quiet. "He looks so familiar though, I swear to God."
"Psh. Maybe in your dreams," one teases. The other hums. "Well, he'll definitely be making an appearance tonight...maybe when I'm still awake." Ben raises a brow at that.
"Hmm, looks like he's got a girlfriend though. She picked out all that stuff for him."
He then perks up a bit at the mention of you.
"Ehh, come on. She's gotta be a sister or something. Look at her."
"Aww, don't do that. She's cute."
"Cute doesn't bag a man like that." The other one chortles in response.
Ben frowns. He knew women were petty, but this takes the fucking cake. You're a New York "10," even in your old sweatpants and a bare face.
"What-fucking-ever, bitch. I'm gonna slip him my number. See if he needs any further assistance." Cue more obnoxious giggling.
The other one chimes in. "Ooh, you're bad. But I'm here for it. Get your man, girl."
"Excuse me." Oh, shit. Ben's brows raise of their own accord. That was your voice.
"Yes," one of the saleswomen greets you more professionally.
"I just want to check on how my boyfriend's doing. He's in that room, right?" you ask. Ben hears your tone though. It's clipped, direct, and intentional. He knows then: you definitely heard those twittering broads.
"Yes, right back there," one of the women directs you.
"Thank you," you reply flatly.
Ben smirks as he hears your brusque steps approaching. He checks himself out in the mirror real quick (the white shirt and black pants are simple, but they go well with the black jacket, he thinks). Then he unlocks the door and opens it, right as you were about to knock.
You blink up at him with surprise, and the remnants of a frown.
He leans against the doorframe, looking down at you with a charming smile. "Hey there, beautiful."
Your lips start to form a smile, but it doesn't reach your eyes. "Hey." You take in his current outfit with interest and approval. "Ooh, I like this. You look good...how do you feel in it?"
"Good," Ben says, but his eyes are focused on you. "Come 'ere."
He takes you by surprise when his hand guides you inside the dressing room by the waist. He locks it behind you. You look up at him in askance. He grasps your chin and tilts your face up to him.
"What's the matter?" he asks knowingly.
You raise a brow at him, shaking your head. "Nothing. Come on, did you try on this other stuff?"
Ben keeps a stubborn grip on your chin, so you can't turn away from him. "Don't tell me you're letting those maneating bimbos get to you."
Your eyes go wide and you raise a finger to your lips, reminding him to keep it quiet, but he doesn't give two fucks about that. He sits down on the soft bench and pulls you down with him. You sit across his lap and give him a rueful smile, stroking his cheek.
"I'll let you in on a little secret though," Ben says. Your expression crosses between amusement and intrigue. He leans in close your ear. "Jealousy looks fucking hot on you."
You guffaw in response, playfully smacking his arm.
"Hey, easy on the jacket," he smirks, but he claims you with a kiss. His fingers go to the button on your jeans, undoing it and slowly, torturously, guiding down the zipper. You suck in a breath.
"Ben, we can't," you say. But you're already moaning softly in his ear when his thick fingers begin to rub your pussy through your underwear. You blush at the naughtiness of this, even though the thought just turns you on even more.
He soon moves your panties aside to find your wet, soft heat.
You grip his hair tight, trying to bite your lip against a gasp as his fingers enter you, and begin to pulse inside. Your lower belly coils with heat, especially when his thumb finds your clit.
"We're paying customers," he says, with a deepening smirk. "We can do whatever we damn well please."
At the moment, you find it hard to argue with his logic.
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
SB Tag List:
@melancholictearz @katherineann83 @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @tipthejar @ajjustice @thewritersaddictions @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman
@mrshalverson2021 @iprobablyshipit91 @agalliasi @venicesem @waters-2567 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @mimaria420 @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @skyesthebomb @this-is-me19 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore
@agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesdeanvessel @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @emily-winchester @tearsfortheyouth @solo-pitstop-vibes @romaka344 @dope-trope-105 @liuope @beautyvaliant @xxlaynaxx @ades106 @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @tmb510 @iamsapphine @fabimaou
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luck-and-larceny · 9 months
She was going to stop seeing him anyway.
He didn't know that, of course. As far as he was concerned, things were going great. 
Things weren't going great.
She wasn't a nice person, not by any stretch of the imagination. Insincere, fickle, teasing, and difficult, Malika was never more invested in someone more than she was invested in herself. She was selfish and unbothered by it. Everyone, to her mind, would be a lot happier if they allowed themselves to be more selfish.
And this guy she'd gone on a handful of dates with was certainly selfish.
But he was also mean.
And it was a boring, unfun, unpleasant sort of meanness. Being mean could be entertaining! Malika'd always enjoyed a good biting back and forth between two shitty people who clearly were having a good time with their horribleness. But the participants had to enjoy it or what was the point?
There was nothing joyful or entertaining about this man's meanness. He didn't seem to get anything out of it but anger and an inflated sense of superiority. He brought the mood around him down with it. That was the exact opposite of fun and Malika was only ever invested so long as there was fun to be had.
Oh, sure, he was attractive. He had the prettiest brown eyes she'd ever seen. And she'd never dated a Viera before so that was novel and exciting. But there would be more pretty brown eyes out there for her to marvel at and he wasn't the only Viera in the world. Maybe the next one would at least have fun when he was being a bastard. 
Tassilo was always particularly shitty when it came to fashion. On every one of the four or five dates she'd gone on with him, he'd commented on how little the others around them seemed to care about their appearance. He'd criticize color choices, material choices, shoe choices, jewelry, hair styles– really anything at all– as though it were fascinating conversation that made him look particularly gifted at fashion himself. 
It didn't. He looked fine. But his snide, angry comments actually made him look less fashionable and less attractive, not more.
So she had no choice. She had to end it. 
And if she was going to end it, she was going to have fun with it.
Why do anything at all if it wasn't fun?
He'd invited her to a fancy art gala. He'd told her he'd bought a new, tailored outfit for it. He would be wearing new, expensive boots. He couldn't wait to see what she'd wear.
She looked forward to showing him.
He did not appreciate being shown.
"How do I look?" she asked, turning in a circle to give him the full view from all angles. "I worked hard on it."
"What have you…" his face was red either from anger or embarrassment, perhaps both.
"You don't like it?"
'It' was a literal burlap sack– well, several burlap sacks that she'd fashioned into the most shapeless dress imaginable. It hung, unflatteringly, straight down, somehow managing to avoid every sensual curve of her body in the process. It was completely shapeless. She'd worked hard on that and was genuinely quite pleased to have accomplished it. With it she wore gray shoes she'd fashioned from cheap felt. They were extremely poorly made, given she had no experience making shoes, and they hardly functioned at all. In fact, she had to wait to put them on once she'd gotten close to the date spot because she knew they'd be too ruined to be effective otherwise.
She'd chopped her long black hair to her shoulders. She'd done it herself with no measuring and no care. It did not look good.
Her nail polish was chipped.
Her jewelry was cheap and did not match.
She wore no makeup on her face.
He had no way of knowing how much effort she'd just spent to look like she'd made no effort at all.
"You've done this on purpose," he said matter of factly, but there was a dangerous chill to his voice.
Oh. Ok. Maybe he did know!
"You've done this to embarrass me."
Wow. Damn. He was surprisingly perceptive. Credit where credit was due. 
"So…" she said slowly, playing stupid, "You're saying you don't like it?"
"I was excited to see you. I've been excited all week. And you ruined it. You ruined it!"
She smiled. "Yeah. Ruining stuff is kind of my thing. I'm very good at it.”
"You can't go in there."
"Oh, I bet I can." 
He bristled. "You can't go in there with me. I won't let you. It's not happening."
"If you go in there," she said sweetly, "I will find every excuse to stand next to you. If you are embarrassed now, I urge you to consider just how embarrassed you'll be if I make a scene."
He stared at her.
She stared right back.
He'd always had a million things to say before. Now he couldn't even think of one. Defeated, he relented. 
"Ok. Let's go in together."
"Wait, what??"
She hadn't expected this response. 
"You win," he said. "Let's go in together. Let's have this last date. We'll look at art. I won't comment on your clothes. After, we'll go back to my place where I'll angrily take them off you. In the morning you break up with me the right way and steal one of my favorite shirts. You suffer for several moons while your hair, which you hastily chopped off just to spite a guy you knew for one moon, grows back. I spend the same amount of time resenting you until I realize you're not worth resenting because you're an insane, petty bitch."
So he was capable of being interesting while being mean.
This was, in fact, the most interesting he had ever been and she loved it!
She absolutely loved it.
She grinned. It was genuine. "Ok," she said, taking his arm,"You'll have to point out your favorite shirt to me though. I've only known you a moon. I haven't figured it out yet."
He chuckled ruefully and led her inside, "Of course. I'd hate to make the break up difficult on you, after all."
They would date for several more moons until he eventually broke up with her for being insincere, fickle, teasing, and difficult. She still stole his favorite shirt. And left her burlap dress behind in his closet as a souvenir.
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hastingshwang6 · 2 years
Replica Handbags Evaluation On-line
Everyone dwelling longer young, so an excellent tote bag should have a practical performance, wild fashion resistance, superior quality feel and long-lasting recognition. Today in the beneficial list of all of them may be shoulder bag Messenger can be lightweight and small, work and leisure right this type is essentially the most practical everyday bag. Tote bag shall subtle magnificence, additionally with gown or casual wear. This collection of baggage with a lot of type Mix mix and match, whether or not it's to create a punk style, candy woman sense of informal road fashion, and even commuting Look, are shot by way of an ideal interpretation of the Star Street. The new model new Replica Chloe Bags Tess handbag in autumn and winter continues the shape of the saddle bag. The iconic ring makes you plant grass at a look, and the wide shoulder strap adds a classy and handsome! 2015 style tendencies, the Nineteen Seventies and Nineteen Eighties popular retro elements, choose a bag which may be wild with this trend? Replica Chloe tote bag that is the brand Marcie series baggage, its design inspiration from the folks fashion of the Nineteen Seventies, and clothes with retro elements of nature and natural. "Being on set was like attending to relive faculty again, however pleased," Cara says. "Trying to be an grownup and be mature for thus long, I'd type of forgotten how young I was replica chloe bags." Though she first took the stage in a preschool play, she doesn't fake to a lot in the method in which of method. "I'm no Method actor. I've tried staying in character, and it's simply exhausting. But after playing Margo, I broke up with my boyfriend in a totally Margo method. I wrote him a letter and left. That wasn't me chloe sale cheap 2015, it was Margo." Whenever you purchase a replica you'll find a way to choose the standard of the general work by looking at how neatly and cleanly the brand is stamped or embossed onto the bag. In the case of this specific bag, each the stamp on the outside of the bag as nicely as the one within the inside pocket are accomplished very cleanly and in my humble opinion are actually flawless. French designer trend home Chloe was based within the 1950’s. If you want to buy an enormous bag recently, this Aby Lock bag can be a very good selection. Not solely is it one of Replica Chloe Handbags hottest bag models, but the lock can also be from the brand’s most Iconic lock bag, Paddington, and the style is definitely not bad! Some younger ladies want to purchase a big-name bag, but they ca n’t find a appropriate one, especially afraid of being too mature. A pissed off Lucifer explains that Reese is responsible for his own actions and convinces the man to try and be more up entrance and trustworthy with Linda. Listening to the advice, Reese goes to Linda's workplace and apologizes for being a nasty husband. While Linda additionally apologizes, Reese is pissed off that she nonetheless will not get back together with him and tries to explain all that he has carried out for her, together with making an attempt to poison Lucifer. Linda attempts to name the police, however Reese pulls the telephone away from her, accidentally injuring her. Shocked by his own actions, Reese tells Linda to name the police, and he might be waiting for them in his office. chloe bags replica Reese Getty was a senior reporter on the Los Angeles Telegraph. In addition to the Pixie, which can be used in each the back and the hand, there's another model of Pixie on the fashion present that may be very eye-catching. The complete purse is surrounded by a spherical steel ring, and the metal handle is adorned with a younger leather-based strap for the again. And the mannequin of the model on the flyover, holding the strap around the hand, is the entire shape. How can such a wonderful shoulder bag from the celebs of the people who adore it, a lot of stars have been conquered. Fashion blogger Caroline Daur a white coat with a black mini Faye Backpack strolling in the streets of Hamburg, provides a cool elegance. Replica Chloe Paraty Shoulder Bag Paraty sequence purse design easy distinctive, customized triangular profile and iconic design tough edges, very delicate. The character is accompanied by a novel and stylish romance, which is superb. In a flashback throughout season three, some time during season 1, Reese discovered that Lucifer was sleeping with his ex-wife. Even though he and Linda had been separated for two years, he wanted revenge on Lucifer. wikipedia handbags He followed Lucifer to Lux, the place Lucifer, misunderstanding his intentions, satisfied Reese to be inventive together with his revenge. Reese then satisfied his boss to let him work on a story about Lucifer's job with the LAPD, with the intent on publicly humiliating Lucifer and the police division for working with him. The next day, Reese confirmed up on the police division and began interviewing officers about Lucifer, only to study that Dan was the only one who disliked him. This bag also has ample house, making the Tess handbag an ideal carry-on bag. In addition to the numerous calfskin types, this tess saddle bag has a extra special version, which is an embroidered pony, especially designed. The sense, the craftsmanship details are very lovely, both fashionable and advanced, and we are going to introduce them subsequent time. China and the world woman on this “pig” enthusiasm is actually excessive, for a reproduction bag tote may be turbulent global style circle? Zhang Li recently exposed a bunch of road shoot photograph, a nude colour coat with a white shirt, hand carry white Faye Mini shoulder bag, elegant good-looking shape within the waves of spring breath. We might have been used to Replica Chloe bag scraper, earlier than the small pig bag Drew, Faye can also be a rapid introduction of the fashion circle, occupy the most important stars of the street taking pictures picture. However, Chale’s present creative director, Clare Waight Keller, who has created these classic single products, has announced that the contract is now not renewed and might be left in March after the release of the 2017 autumn and winter show. In the longer term, we are able to solely look ahead to Chloe Once the inventive director to convey extra exciting works. The new chloe tess saddle bag detail design, materials and hand-made particulars are not refined? There the fabric sheepskin, calfskin and python skin, etc., dimension into giant, medium and small three colours together with classic black, Mocha, coral pink and sky blue. Replica Chloe BagsPixie handbags as the principle fall and winter 2017, trend business 17 autumn and winter a model new spherical of IT bag is none apart from her. Pixie purses selected dark green this time, as the brand new shade of Chloe handbags, can be the main colour of the official web site and posters, the thing is particularly dark, at first glance it is considered black. The capability is superb, with a zipper pull buckle, adjustable shoulder straps, metallic handles to decorate, seems fairly like a smiley doll is quite love.
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demircarlson3 · 2 years
hermes crocodile kelly 4
Kelly Bag When shopping for a model new Hermès fashion, it’s finest to reach out directly to shops and boutiques, who will assist your search. Be affected person – you might wait months or years for the right fashion to become available. A new Gen-Z viewers – used to associating shortage with desirability – has been gained over by the bags’ limited production runs. Exclusivity has been key to the success of these luggage from the beginning – none of them are easy to pay cash for, but the opportunity to snag a one-off iteration that nobody else has provides one other stage of appeal. Does anyone know the way to see the date stamp on a crocodile Kelly reduce clutch? My pal was asking me what is the 12 months of manufacture of my crocodile porous Kelly minimize clutch but I don't know . Prices for most hermes crocodile on 1stdibs are negotiable. You’ll see a "Make an Offer" button on the merchandise particulars web page, indicating that the vendor is willing to suppose about a lower price. It’s not unusual for purchasers to get 15–25% off the record worth after negotiating. On common, a hermes crocodile on 1stDibs sells for $42,519, while they’re usually $853 on the low finish and $499,925 for the highest priced variations of this merchandise. Long pockets in matte patina alligator in light green with 12 credit card slots, 2 bill pockets, zipped change purse, external pocket and palladium ’H’ tab closure. Long pockets in matte patina alligator with 12 credit card slots, 2 bill pockets, zipped change purse, exterior pocket and palladium ’H’ tab closure. The Kelly bag gained its namesake of at present from the beautiful movie star Grace Kelly. During filming of ‘To Catch a Thief’ Hitchcock’s costume designer purchased numerous Hermes accessories. When in 1956 she held the bag as a lot as protect herself from the flashing paparazzi bulbs that plagued her throughout her being pregnant to husband Prince Rainer of Monaco. One picture found itself on the duvet of Life Magazine. In 2016, a 2008 Birkin made from white Himalaya crocodile with 18-karat white gold and diamond hardware was bought at Christie’s Hong Kong’s thirtieth anniversary auction for £208,a hundred seventy five. The following yr, an identical Birkin from 2014 bought for a jaw-dropping £293,000. The Birkin has appearing as an achingly glamorous “mum” bag for the likes of Kate Moss, who carried a pristine white type on one arm in the early ’00s, her then baby daughter Lila Grace within the other. Are you searching details about the Hermes Bag Prices? There are a lot of Hermes Bags to collect and there are a couple of that aren't easy to seek out, just like the Hermes Birkin Bag and the Kelly Bag are each restricted editions, and sometimes even their prices are saved secret. Amazing Post, All baggage are very lovely and superior. A sq. stamp next to the emblem denotes alligator pores and skin. This is a matte malachite alligator; see how good its scales are without a single pinhole? The Gift-Wrapping service contains the unique Hermes brown ribbon and orange paper bag. That makes these baggage even more difficult to get, and due to this fact, much more fascinating. Tsang believes “there are perhaps three pieces on the earth nonetheless out there to sell in an Hermés store,” primarily based on her conversations with clients who journey the world on the lookout for baggage. The bag showcases a way of undeniable fashion, yet is notably one of many finer and more refined luggage in the marketplace, a bag you carry on your arm to fancy occasions quite than toying round downtown with your folks. And whereas the bag is remarkably similar to the Hermes Birkin Bag, the Kelly has its own sense of fashion with a firmer rectangular shape freed from slouching. wikipedia hermes crocodile kelly The Kelly is also handcrafted with a single handle quite than two. This bag is produced from exotic crocodile pores and skin, making it super valuable and coveted. The black shade makes it extraordinarily versatile and straightforward to coordinate with any outfit. The gold hardware accentuates this bag to perfection. Don't miss out on this gorgeous Kelly bag by Hermès and make a powerful trend statement everywhere you go. This extraordinarily rare VIP Birkin is in a combination of five completely different leathers and an alligator skin with palladium hardware. The physique of the bag is in white matte alligator; the front flap, handles and strap are in white leather-based;... In latest years, some pawnshop chains in Singapore, together with Maxi-Cash, ValueMax and MoneyMax have turn out to be somewhat of a “secret” hang-out for savvy, eagle-eyed shoppers. crocodile hermes bags This time, the bag is a monochrome brown manufactured from Coated Canvas with a particular LV emblem motif. The measurement is small and the shape is type of distinctive. The LOOP – Monogram Coated Canvas kind LV bag is priced at IDR 30 million. As seen in one image, Roxy has no less than three 35cm dimension Birkins – considered the most popular bag on the planet amongst trend collectors. Jared Leto, 50, flashes his toned chest in a mesh top paired with red rhinestone gloves as he attends a particular screening of Morbius in Berlin . That said, not every little thing in a pawnshop comes at a discount. For those who aren’t fazed about price, these institutions may also be hidden troves of restricted version or discontinued items. It has by no means been easier to acquire designer arm sweet in your wardrobe in a sustainable way. You probably already know of resale platforms, rental services and Carousell. Has been rigorously kept by collector proprietor in its... Mightychic offers an Hermes Birkin 35 bag featured in coveted Porosus Crocodile in Black. Porosus Crocodile is probably the most unique created from the the smallest scales. Hermès Birkin 35 Blue Electrique Crocodile Porosus PHW The Hermès Birkin is world's most covetable bag, and this explicit version is a collectors merchandise. AS NEW, VERY EXCLUSIVE Hermès Birkin 35 Crocodile Porosus Black GHW Get your self essentially the most unique crocodile bag on the planet with this Hermès Birkin.
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batchelorhahn2 · 2 years
Real Valentino Bare Rockstud Slingback Black Replica Buy Luxurious Objects,get Further Coupons Now!
Just like women’s clothes, we update lots of new kinds each season. How can we get a trend versatile and practical big bag this year? For instance, this model, with a simple shape and a large capability purse, with rivet decoration, fashion sense immediately went. And this one may be very appropriate for OL, take you as a strong girl within the fuel subject. Our Valentino pretend purses are classier copies of the original version with the same luxurious feel, texture and look of pure and wealthy leather. They fit like a glove in all your outing ventures completely, be it for normal use or for particular evenings and, night time outs. If you are acquainted with brandy, you may know it's a candy, fragrant brown liquor that smells like a candy fragrance all on its own. There are many variations of brandy, like blackberry, peach, vanilla, and apple. This addition of the fruit makes it even sweeter, straightforward to sip on, and nice to incorporate in a cocktail. And apparently, it's the proper base for a scent. It smells like the heat of the solar in your pores and skin at dusk. KK, the long-legged supermodel, can’t wait to carry it out of the street. Also sharper is the basic black, very refined and superior gasoline subject, it appears to be much more thrilling than the common black bag. No, Viktor&Rolf isn’t restricted to its bestselling Flowerbomb perfume . As a particular treat for men, the Spicebomb carries with it a cool spicy scent to break away from the tried-and-true heat woodsy scent. As certainly one of Sephora’s most-shopped-for men’s colognes, Jo Malone London knows what it’s doing with the Wood Sage & Sea Salt. It’s the sort of fragrance I need more of, the type of scent I need everybody to make. Vanilla Diorama is a spicy tackle vanilla that makes you feel comforted, cozy, and attractive. The model will tell you Spell On You "conjures the ecstasy of love, blending sensuality and lightness," and I love any fragrance impressed by love as a result of perfume is so tied to emotion. Add to moodboard Venue Owlpen Manor Gloucestershire Country House Nestled in a valley in the spectacular Cotswold. Add to moodboard Venue Smallfield Place Surrey Country House Beautifully located within the leafy Surrey countryside, the. Add to moodboard Venue Shooters Hill Hall Shropshire Country House With its charming countryside location in the coronary heart of. I even have a pair of the Kaitlyn Pan excessive heel RS within the black patent / nude and loved them so much I ordered a second pair within the lower "kitten" heel fashion in patent nude/nude . Another plus for the KPs is that they're easily returnable. I'm glad that so many members have discovered this post helpful, and a few of you contacted me for assist buying Rockstuds from Annie after studying my evaluation. All the Vostok cosmonauts toured extensively, however Tereshkova most of all; she made 42 journeys abroad between 1963 and 1970. On 1 October 1963, Tereshkova arrived in Havana, Cuba, and met Fidel Castro. She toured the country which at the time was dealing with results of Hurricane Flora. Before we delve into the aesthetics of beautiful Valentino replicas, enable us to provide slightly heads up on the person who brought this model to life in plenty of apparels – Valentino Clemente Ludovico Garavani bio. valentino garavani replica It is her constant companion and her, fashion quotient. And, talk about Valentino’s purses and totes, she is overwhelmed by the deluge of choices she has. However, these wishes to own one die slowly when price tags loom giant. By 1976, Tereshkova was a colonel in the Soviet Air Forces. In April 1977, she earned a doctorate in aeronautical engineering and underwent the medical examinations to qualify for spaceflight when choice of a brand new class of girls cosmonauts was announced in 1978. Although she did not go to space once more, she remained an teacher at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. Of course, the female star of Datian Dynasty doesn't present weak spot. Domineering like Fan Ye, the queen of the goods, “Yang Mi”, and the fashion flower Song Jia have was their true love powder. Speaking of the Rockstud Spike purse, this is additionally the model new work of artistic director Pierpaolo Piccioli, in order to lead the brand’s new creative direction. At the base, you may discover amber, vanilla, sandalwood, musk, patchouli, benzoin , and cypriol . If you are not conscious of Kayali, you should get acquainted. Since launching in 2018, they've rolled out some really stunning fragrances. Invite Only Amber 23 is among the newest of their current slew of hits. It opens with the recent, earthy notes of bergamot, juniper, and pink pepper, with rosemary, sage, and cumin (?!) within the middle, and a woody base of sandalwood, cedar, and vetiver. One of the most important launches of 2020, Valentino Voce Viva, was followed up fairly rapidly by its first flanker, Voce Viva Intense. The fragrance locks itself down with pores and skin musks, cashmere woods, and vetiver. The Nude Collection is not stuffed with "pores and skin scents" however gentle, mild scents that put on close to your body and, to me, are made to make you feel sensual. wikipedia handbags This perfume is a stunning, contemporary, aquatic scent. Sole is darker and has a little purple colour bleeding from the edge. Includes some beveling as in the unique, however not very a lot. The Valentino stamp is way shallower, and the scale stamp indicates Chinese sizing somewhat than EU sizing . You’ll probably wish to put non-slip soles on these guys. Annie’s higher is extra flexible and KP’s have a little extra padding, however both are pretty comfy. So, it's not least surprising to find a majority of women go gaga over Valentino handbags and different apparels. From then, there was no looking back for Valentino. He later launched an entire line of not just clothes however apparels like purses and sneakers too. Vintage Valentino Garavani black leather bolide bag with shoulder strap, V logo, a fringe. After her spaceflight, Tereshkova turned a nationwide and worldwide function mannequin.
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gomezcullen8 · 2 years
Latest Style Chole Replica Luggage
I didn know the ramifications of the experiment until years later. Folks, there's going to be a "multimedia program" on "Sex, Identity and Intimacy in a Porn Culture" at Dickinson College on Sept. 3. The occasion shall be free and open to the common public, and sponsors inform us there will be examples of "explicit images" from movies, TV, magazines and other media, so examine your calendar now.. Hi, I know the street, its known as Norfolk murderway, it has killed more individuals than enough. However, three issues and I even have and still experience bikes after 50 years, The man says yet does nothing. Yes he was going too fast, he should have slowed down particularly when the automobile got here onto the proper flip lane with no obvious indication, with out stopping or in reality paying scant regard to something, he had not even stopped when the bike hit the automotive. There are leather and python skin, color to black, brown, grey and different colors primarily based on the basic materials. Although this bag is a shoulder bag, but also designed a detachable deal with, transportable or brief in the shoulder can be on the shoulder or back, straightforward and free. So stunning shoulder bag how cannot be beloved by the stars tide, a lot of stars have been conquered. And for the second, chloe low cost luggage sale she seems to be considering one thing apart from beating her retreat. "You've obtained balls, babe," Cara says on the prospect of another stranger, one other puzzle chloe low-cost luggage online. As mentioned on virtually each evaluate on this weblog, should you ever buy a replica you need to pay attention to the stitching quality as this is amongst the key indicators as to how good of a replica you may have purchased. The stitching on the Chloé Faye bag I bought may be very clear and neatly done. It can also be stitched at even intervals, indicating robust craftsmanship. The Chloé Faye bag features a small brand stamp proper on high of the place the O ring is hooked up to the bag. Whenever you buy a replica you probably can choose the quality of the overall work by looking at how neatly and cleanly the brand is stamped or embossed onto the bag. In the case of this particular bag, each the stamp on the surface of the bag as well as the one in the inside pocket are accomplished very cleanly and in my humble opinion are actually flawless. French designer trend home Chloe was based within the 1950’s. However, when it comes down to spending 4 figures on a handbag, that transaction hasanxiety assault, remorse, and omg how am I going to pay my rent? When you aren’t a millionaire, adulting in luxury style is hard. Luckily for me, I was able to find a Chloe Faye-inspired online! The product evaluations had been mixed, so I didn’t have excessive expectations. Everyone residing longer younger, so a good tote bag must have a practical performance, wild style resistance, superior high quality really feel and long-lasting reputation. Today in the beneficial listing of all of them can be shoulder bag Messenger could be lightweight and small, work and leisure correct this style is probably the most sensible everyday bag. Tote bag shall delicate class, also with costume or informal put on. This collection of bags with plenty of type Mix mix and match, whether or not it's to create a punk type, sweet lady sense of casual street style, and even commuting Look, are shot through a perfect interpretation of the Star Street. The new brand new Replica Chloe Bags Tess handbag in autumn and winter continues the form of the saddle bag. The iconic ring makes you plant grass at a look, and the extensive shoulder strap adds a stylish and handsome! The Chloe model founded by the 2 Parisians Gaby Aghion and Jacques Lenoir within the year 1953 and ran it effectively till 1985.Chloe truly broke the stereo kind fashion of haute Couture clothing meaning Made-to-Measure clothing. wikipedia handbags This high fashion was only inexpensive by a few and the the rest of the lot was left with poor clothing fashion. It was during this time that Gaby by way of her Chloe model invented the concept of Ready to put on clothes made of soppy and fantastic quality fabric. His work interfered along with his marriage to Linda Martin they usually separated. However, Reese desperately needed to get again together with Linda. Likewise, clickbait reviews and articles from this operation achieve advertisement income. According to Professor Lynda Walsh of the University of Nevada, Reno, some hoaxes – such because the Great Stock Exchange Fraud of 1814, labeled as a hoax by modern commentators – are monetary in nature, and successful hoaxers – such as P. A typical hoax is an email message warning recipients of a non-existent threat, normally forging quotes supposedly from authorities such as Microsoft and IBM. In most instances the payload is an exhortation to distribute the message to everybody in the recipient's address e-book. Thus the e-mail "warning" is itself the "virus." chloe paraty bag replica Sometimes the hoax is more dangerous, e.g., telling the recipient to seek a specific file ; if the file is discovered, the pc is deemed to be infected unless it's deleted. In reality the file is one required by the operating system for correct functioning of the pc. The O shaped ring and the chain are the key hardware parts as properly as the sides of the bag the place the strap attaches. Some lazy replica producers fail to get this proper or low cost out by providing light hardware. If you may have a Chloé Faye replica you can decide the standard of the bag simply by assessing the weight of the hardware compared to the unique. However, by method of baggage, it continues the custom of naming luggage with the names of girls in alphabetical order. The new Replica Chloe Handbags designed by Natacha Ramsay-Levi is more handsome than before. I want to purchase Leather Chloe Tess Bags Replica that a minimal of is very related to the actual one.
0 notes
power25bachmann · 2 years
hermes crocodile kelly
Shop The Hermès Birkin & Kelly Edit The silhouette is rectangular and the highest handle is short but really stylish. So, if you're a bag aficionado, than you do know that this Kelly Cut bag at all times exists within the fashionistas purse vocabulary, hence its demand could be very high. This Kelly, within the Sellier type, is in Bleuet Ostrich with gold hardware and has tonal stitching, two straps with front toggle closure, clochette with lock and two keys, single rolled deal with and removable shoulder strap. This Kelly, within the Sellier fashion, is in Gris Perle Ostrich with gold hardware and has tonal stitching, two straps with entrance toggle closure, clochette with lock and two keys, single rolled handle and removable shoulder strap. Hermes Fuchsia shiny niloticus crocodile Kelly Cut with gold hardware. Roxy's closet can be residence to the ultra-rare crocodile pores and skin Birkin, which may retail at anyplace between $70,000 and $435,000. I suppose she appears fantastic and her carrying such a bag reveals that she is growing some taste. Britney is younger and is “new money”, she wasn’t raised in a familial culture of appreciation of things basic or refined. Let’s be glad that she’s carrying a lovely, sensible bag and that she is dressed a bit extra modestly than in other shots. I also don’t assume it’s awful that she wears those boots a lot- I think it reveals how “down home” she is at coronary heart. https://skel.io/replicas-hermes-bags/hermes-crocodile-kelly.html She has favorites which may be snug and isn’t sporting them to impress. But the record also consists of Chanel, Bottega Veneta, Dior, Fendi, and Judith Lieber. Every Himalaya bag is unique, styled to the client’s choice, she says. Some choose more of the bag to be white than others. Made of leather and canvas, the Herbag Zip comes full with a Kelly design with added staple lock closure, but additionally comes with a detachable zipped pouch and an exterior pocket. Birkin makes use of calf, crocodile, ostrich and lizard leathers, colours obtainable are white, black, gold, orange, navy blue, olive green, pink, purple, brown and baby blue. Every inch of the Hermes Birkin Bag is hand made in France, from the attractive exterior out there in a variety of genuine skins and colours to the roomy, matching interior. The bag boasts saddle stitching which embraces its roots from the beginning of Hermes, back in the 19th century. Finished with a shocking gold plated lock and key, the Hermes Birkin Bag is undoubtedly the staple of success and trend. We will automatically post your remark and a hyperlink to the information story to your Facebook timeline on the similar time it's posted on MailOnline. To do this we are going to hyperlink your MailOnline account with your Facebook account. wikipedia hermes crocodile kelly We’ll ask you to verify this in your first submit to Facebook. 'It's like paintings for me - it is a sense of accomplishment,' she told viewers of her bags in her TV particular I Am...Roxy. Although created in 1936, the bag didn’t actually turn out to be well-liked until 1956 when Grace Kelly showcased her alluring bag. It was at that moment the Hermes Kelly Bag would rise to its reputation and turn out to be the fashion must-have it's today. Thank You for sharing this Informative Blog.I hope that you'll share extra blog in Future. As you're fashion lover so i would like to share you this superior website “Lingwuasia” the place you'll get Beautiful Hand-crafted Leather Handbags In Different Styles And Hues. Choose from our wide range of enticing and unique designs at present. For other fee association, please contact us to debate. There is an upfront fee of $99 for our Bag Concierge to find this particular bag which is credited towards the purchase when your bag is discovered or refunded instantly if the requested bag hasn’t been found within 72 hours. If you are wanting to rotate your collection, develop it, or sell - Jane will personally work with you and share her expertise to perform your goals. This image became popular across the globe and was on the entrance cowl of quite a few magazines. Kelly helped the bag become a status symbol amongst celebrities, and was even more wanted by fashionable girls throughout the United States and parts of Europe. Newlywed, she didn't want to make her pregnancy known immediately; so the Princess' beloved Hermes bag helped her conceal it. The item should be returned in the identical situation as when it was offered. In a famous photograph taken in 1956, Grace Kelly is proven carrying this Hermès bag. Clients began ordering this bag, asking for the “Kelly bag”, referring to the gorgeous princess of Monaco. The high demand for this bag has been unfailing and in 1977 Hermès officially renamed the bag. The interior is lined with Rose Scheherazade chevre and has... This Kelly, in the Sellier type, is of Bleu Baltique shiny Porosus crocodile with palladium hardware and features tonal stitching, a front toggle closure, a clochette with lock and two keys and a single rolled handle. The inside is lined with Rose Extreme chevre and... In the Seventies, Hermes formally changed the name of this handbag to Kelly to commemorate this story. Christie's Hong Kong's autumn auctions started this week, and delivered beneficial outcomes. Luxuriously wealthy burgundy colored with tonal high stitching. Condition - In excellent publish Hermès Spa condition. Hermès Birkin 30 leather-based purse, “never worn,” £13,108, available at Vestiairecollective.com. Hermès Kelly 28 leather-based handbag, “never worn,” £17,499, obtainable at Vestiairecollective.com. Hermès Kelly 28 leather handbag, “never worn,” £21,000, available at Vestiairecollective.com. Hermès Kelly 32 leather-based handbag, “never worn,” £8,950, obtainable at Vestiairecollective.com. The Constance is on the market in micro, mini, 24 and a more moderen version known as the Elan . You can find other discontinued sizes like 23, 25 and 29 on the resale market. Prices vary from $4,000-$9,000 for traditional leather-based choices, nonetheless the Constance has additionally been made in rare portions within the unique leathers like alligator and crocodile. This will drive the price anywhere between $15,000-$30,000 on the resale market relying on the fabric and condition. The Mini Kelly 20 is a discontinued model that is extremely sought-after by collectors.
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peachsayshi · 3 years
Chapter 4 - Domain
Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Tags: Friends with Benefits, Smut, Teasing and a little bit of Fluff. 
Summary: Gojo returns from his trip, and while the two of you are hanging out you ask him to show you some of his powers. Unable to resist himself, he breaks a rule along the way.
A/N: Thank you so much for the likes and reblogs! I pretty much only have this updated on AO3 but am slowly trying to add all the chapters onto my Tumblr.
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When Gojo texted you to let you know that he was at his apartment, he did it with a devious prank in his mind. He informed you that you could let yourself in as the door was unlocked but chose to turn off all the lights and hid in one of the closets.
Then he waited.
He heard the patter of your footsteps and a soft “hello”, before creeping out from his hiding place and lightly approaching you. He was quiet enough for you not to hear him, the shadow of your frame slowing down and he could tell you were getting nervous.
She’s going to kill me, he thought to himself but refused to back out now that he had already set things in motion.
He towered behind you, noticing you freeze in place by the unknown and proceeded to wrap his long arms around your waist before pulling you into his body.
“ Boo !” he exclaimed in your ear, earning a well deserved shriek on your part.
You elbowed him in the stomach, forcing him to let go of you as a fit of giggles escaped his lips.
You marched over to the light switches, flicking them to illuminate his large penthouse apartment and you furrowed your brows at the six-foot-three goofball who was covering his mouth to hold in his laughter.
“This is how you greet your friends after coming back from a trip?! By scaring the shit out of them?! Who the hell does that?!!”
Gojo tried to contain himself but the image of your jump scare was perfectly etched in his brain, replaying over and over again. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry …” he said in between laughs, breathing in to regain control of himself. “I couldn’t help myself but you should see your face!”
“Ugh, you immature , asshole!” you grumbled, throwing the bag that you were holding in your hands in his direction.
Gojo had superior reflexes and caught it before it flew over his shoulder. He took a minute to calm himself down, extremely pleased that his plan went accordingly.
Meanwhile, you tossed your purse onto his coffee table, huffing to yourself as you plopped down on his black sofa. You folded your arms across your chest, unable to even look at him because of how irritated you were.
Gojo glanced down at the bag in his hand, the clear plastic enclosing a number of rainbow colored candies on the inside.
He bit his bottom lip out of guilt. “Okay, I’m sorry …I mean it this time…”
You scoffed, “are you? Because you still seem pretty content with what you just did.”
“I’m not going to lie, seeing you react like that was worth it…”
You scooted away from him as he took his seat next to you.
“What if you were some kind of murderer?!”
“Now why would you think a murderer would be in this apartment when I  invited you over in the first place? You’re smart, use a little logic…” he teased as he tapped your temple lightly before proceeding to open the bag of sweets.
“That’s it, you don’t deserve Rina’s candies...”
Gojo clasped his chest in disbelief, “ you don’t mean that… ”
You snatched the bag away from him, a satisfied smile spreading across your lips as Gojo frowned.
Deep down inside he was really happy to see you. Playful banter and all, your presence was the recharge he needed after his trip.
The two of you met eight years ago at Rina’s candy shop. At the time, your best friend was just starting her own confectionary business which you were helping her with by working part time while you were still studying at university. Gojo couldn’t get enough of her sweets, earning himself a reputation as a repeat customer. You and Rina constantly joke that he practically kept the business afloat during the early days.What you didn’t know is that he also had his eyes on Rina’s pretty friend. Unfortunately for Gojo, you were taken and oblivious to his advances.
He didn’t care; just because you weren’t interested in him in a physical sense, didn’t mean that you both couldn’t be friends. Gojo is the type of guy who would confidently socialise with anyone around him. He knew not everybody took to his personality, especially when the words “narcissist”, “egotistical” and “arrogant” were constantly used to describe him. You knew all this about him but still chose to maintain your friendship. How you put up with his petty behavior and childish ways often had him wondering why you stuck around but he was grateful that you did.  
After all, you were his closest friend - the only person he relied on after Suguru died.
Gojo pouted his lips, singing your name as he leaned forward to you and softening his tone. “If I get down on my knees and apologise will you forgive me?”
“Hmmm…” you pondered, “I think that’s a fair punishment and you’re buying dinner tonight, which I’ll be choosing so you can’t make a fuss about it.”
Gojo nodded his head and shifted his position to plant his knees onto the floor. He placed one hand on his chest, his other lifting up his blindfold so he was peeping at you with just one eye.
“I sincerely apologize for the hurt I caused you. Will you please, with a cherry on top , forgive this idiot who is on his knees?”
He noticed your lovely smile, amused that he was the reason behind this reaction.
“Okay, you're forgiven,” you replied, as you extended the bag of sweets back to him, offering him to take his pick.
Gojo returned to his sit next to you, his fingers dipping into the candy mix before pulling out a ruby colored square and popping it into his mouth.
“Mmmm…” he moaned, as the flavor burst along his tongue, “ this is good.. .”
“It’s a fresh batch. She made it this morning,” you replied, picking up a piece of candy for yourself. “Now that we can be civilized. Tell me how your trip went…”
The two of you spoke briefly about his trip but Gojo wasn’t eager to disclose the headache he is currently going through trying to uncover the fingers of a one-thousand year old curse. Instead he shifted the conversation back to you, asking how your morning with Rina went instead. He was only back for twelve hours before he had to leave again. The two of you wanted to see each other but agreed that you would hold off on “grabbing drinks” until he returned three days from now.
However, Gojo noted how good you looked seated right in front of him. Before all this started, you would usually show up at his place in casual clothes, paying no attention about how you looked but tonight he realized that you made an effort.  
You made an effort to look nice for him.  
He appreciated it, because the pair of denim jeans you had on fit in all the right places that he loved paying attention to. Your white t-shirt revealed a hint of the lace bralette you were wearing underneath and the man wondered if that was a deliberate fashion choice on your part just to tease him. Your lips were painted in crimson, practically forcing him to focus on your mouth. He had to remember that the rules were there for a reason. The rules ensured that the two of you maintained the boundaries of your friendship. The rules were there because you two needed to make sure that this didn’t influence your existing relationship in any way.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah, but I can’t promise an answer…” Gojo cheekily replied, popping another sweet in his mouth as he grinned at you.
“Can I see your… domain ?”
“Is that supposed to be a code for my dick or something?”
You rolled your eyes at him, “you keep telling me about all these powers you have but I’ve never seen any of it.”
Gojo squinted his eyes at you, “why are you so curious about me all of a sudden?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you were asking me a lot of questions about work just now, which you usually don’t do, and now you want me to show you my skill set…”
You fidgeted in place, your fingers tapping nervously against the fabric of your jeans. “I don’t know, I think it’s weird that we have been friends for so long but I still don’t know the real you…”
Gojo paused, taken aback by your statement, “of course you know the real me.”
“Not the parts of you that you keep hiding from me.”
It’s for your own good, he thought to himself.
Gojo pressed his lips together to stop himself from saying those words.
“You already know about my Six Eyes…” he light heartedly replied.  
“There’s more to you than that! I guess I’m just curious to see what else you can do. Besides, I’m starting to come up with theories about your powers. Starting with the fact that you have to wear this blindfold at all times otherwise you’re going to start shooting blue laser beams at people.”
“No laser beams, I can promise that,” Gojo replied with a nervous chuckle.
“Then show me the you that “claims” to be the strongest jujutsu sorcerer…” you said, poking him gently on the shoulder. “I just…want to see something …”
Gojo pondered for a moment, sighing to himself as he was not quite sure what he could possibly do that wouldn’t risk putting you in danger. A few seconds passed before he stood up, taking the bag of sweets from your hand and placing it near your purse.
“I want you to stand in front of me,” he requested as he walked around the sofa and found a spot in the middle of the room.
You did as he asked and motioned your way to the position that he had requested. Gojo extended his arm out, ensuring that you were a good distance away.
“Alright, now give me a hug.”
You arched your brow, “seriously?”
“Just do it…” he insisted.
“If this is another stupid prank…”
“I swear it isn’t. Now give me a hug, I’m trying to make a point.”
You walked over towards him, taking your time until you were a few inches away from him. Your arms looped around his waist as you embraced him, but you stared up at him in confusion waiting to see what Gojo was planning next.
“Now what?”
“Okay…” Gojo placed both his hands on your shoulders, before motioning you back until you were an arms length away from him again. “Now I want you to try and push me,” he commanded.
“Push you?”
“Yes. Try to knock me down.”
You scoffed and he could tell that you probably thought he was messing around with you again. Just to play along you nonchalantly placed both your hands up and moved over to shove him, only this time Gojo did something that he’s never done in your presence.
Your eyes widened, your hands pressing into the air that was separating your touch from his body. The force like iron poured over concrete, incredibly powerful and completely protecting Gojo from you.  
“Wait… why…” you voice shook, as your frustration got the better of you. Your hands started to tremble and Gojo noticed you increasing your force as you tried to fight the barrier of his infinity technique.
“ Why can’t I touch you?…”
You were using your legs to push now, every ounce of energy going into fighting the invisible cloak that shielded him.
Gojo smirked before dropping his infinity.
You felt the barrier lift, the pressure giving way as you hurled into him. Your body collided into his, all that pent up energy crashing into the sorcerer as you fell onto the ground. Gojo braced your fall but your face was planted into his chest and your arms lay flat on the ground besides him.
“Are you okay?” he asked, a hint of worry in his voice.
You gathered your senses, pushing yourself until you were sitting upright to face him. A puzzled look masked your face as you patted Gojo’s chest lightly before clutching shoulders and massaging your hands down his arms. “I can touch you now!  How…how did you do that?…”  
Your gaze lifted to meet his own both shocked and amazed by what just happened.
With his blindfold on you couldn’t tell that he was looking at you with wonderment.
Gojo straightened his back so that the two of you were facing each other. You shifted your legs, adjusting your position so you were straddling him. Your hands were still pressing his arms, gripping onto them as if you were trying to prove to yourself that you were indeed touching him.
“You asked me to show you something. So I did...” he said with a shrug.  
“Was that your domain? Are…are you the domain?!”
Your innocent question made his heart swell, and a laugh escaped him.  
“That’s not how it works! It's more complicated than that but this is just one of my techniques that I use to defend myself.”
“That’s… pretty cool …”
“Does it satisfy your curiosity?”
“A little.”
Gojo felt you finally let go of him. He glanced down to stare at your hands which were slightly red. He winced at the sight, bringing his fingers to wrap around your wrist as his thumb circled the center of your palm.
“Did I hurt you?”
“No, this is from smacking the floor when I tripped.”
“Technically still my fault, I should have warned you that I was going to drop my infinity…”
“When I tried to push you it was the weirdest sensation. Like, I was touching something but feeling absolutely nothing at the same time. Has anyone ever broken it? Your infinity?”
“You forget I’m the strongest,” Gojo smugly replied, “nobody can touch me unless I want them to.”
You hummed to yourself but Gojo could see that you were lost in your own thoughts. You took his statement into consideration but he could tell you still had more questions you wanted to ask.
“Thank you for showing me,” you replied softly, choosing to let it go for now.
Your eyes locked onto his, your cheeks a little flushed when you realized how close your faces were to each other. Gojo could sense your pulse increasing, your chest rising and falling as seconds passed between you both.
Right now, all he could think about is kissing you.
His lips brushed yours, a breathless sigh escaping you as you broke the silence that hung in the air.
“ Maybe, we should order some dinner…” you suggested, your eyes shimmering with anticipation.
“That’s an idea,” Gojo murmured, his eyes from beneath his blindfold dropping to your lips.
“I was thinking maybe we can take away from that place-“
His lips locked onto yours, interrupting your thoughts as he gave in to his desire. His hands moved to your hips, tugging you forward against him so he was holding you closer. He bit your bottom lip, before licking it and sliding his tongue into your mouth. Completely entranced by what he was doing, he didn’t notice your hands trailing up his chest until it circled around his neck. This kiss was different, slow and passionate as Gojo took the time to explore your mouth. The taste of sugar dance across your tongues as he deepened the kiss, and he could feel himself getting hard as your chest rubbed against his. One of his hands snaked it’s way up behind your back, tangling his fingers in your hair. His other hand began lifting your tee from the front, sliding underneath it as he slowly began rubbing the flesh of your midriff. You broke away from him, taking a second to catch your breath as you pressed your forehead into his and hoping to calm things down before they escalate.
“We shouldn’t…we said we weren’t going too…”
“You’re right, we probably should stop…” Gojo agreed, but his lips spoke otherwise as he returned a kiss instead.
“ Satoru… ” you whined, but he could sense the heat between your legs as your hips naturally bucked into him. “We said we wouldn’t…not tonight..”
“Then tell me to stop.”
“What about the rules…”
“Tell me that you want me to stop, and we can go back to what we were doing.”
His lips trailed to your neck, where he nipped and sucked at your skin with every intention of leaving a mark.
You whimpered, tilting your head instead and giving Gojo better access to continue what he was doing. Your silence spoke volumes and gave him the consent he needed to continue.
“Rules were meant to be broken,” he whispered in your ear. “And tonight, sweet girl, you’re all mine …”
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paranaturalpop · 3 years
I rate your pnat ships by how well they work as foils
I’m Professor Pops, welcome to Literature 405: comparing and contrasting in pnat ships. Love is in the air but all that really matters is narrative symmetry!
Tumblr media
Mina and Agent Day (submitted by @anxanhh)
two women on missions who need a confidante. 
Mina is a calculating woman of science with a tender, vulnerable heart deep down that she guards. Day is a fun, giggly love goddess but beneath the surface she is just as calculating.  
They are both focused on their prospective goals to the point of subterfuge. 
They have similar missions, to solve the many mysteries of Mayview, but they’re at odds instead of working together. Will these lone wolves learn to let their walls down and work towards a common goal? 
Their spectral energies are complementary colors!!!!!!!!!!!! 
9/10 so different yet so alike. They should kiss and also develop as people.
Where's that post about paranatural having what my hero academia wants?
These two had interacted in cannon only once before we found out they were dating, power move on Zack’s part
The cousinhood and the consortium seem to have bad blood…. Enemies to lovers????
As teachers, Garcia is tired and phoning it in while spender is energetic and committed. But when it comes to mystery solving Spender is burning himself out while Garcia keeps him grounded.
Garcia does things like pack spender lunches with little hearts drawn on the bag but was surprised to be called his boyfriend. He acts chill but inside he is deeply invested in spender but also knows about spender’s isolating tendencies. 
8/10 there's a reason these two have been off and on again for 6ish years, they’re walking a tightrope of vulnerability.
Imaax (submitted by Rubyya)
The Destiel of Paranatural. No I will not elaborate.
Here’s a pnat history lesson, the original ship name was Maxaac, but Zack weighed in on twitter with a much better alternative: Imaax. Also sometimes called Team Lightning Rod. 
Black and blue colors, just like the emotional bruises they leave on the people around them. 
Isaac wants to be seen as heroic and Max wants to be seen as aloof. It presents in different ways but deep down they both really care what other people think.
They both fear sincerity. Isaac protects himself with theatrics and Max with sarcasm. 
Isaac puts on a big show of having strong ethics but he’s a little mean on instinct. Max puts on a big show of cutting people down with his snark and devil-may-care attitude, but when push comes to shove he’s kind and cares how other people feel. 
Max immediately insults every person he meets and they still want to be best friends with him, while Issac tries so hard to be cool and nice but people just can’t stand him. 
The meta tension between Isaac, who wants so badly to be the protagonist, and Max “magnetic personally” Puckett who is exhausted with being the protagonist, is delicious. 
There’s a reason official art tends to portray them together. They bring out the best in each other. Isaac brakes through Max’s performative pessimism and Max brings Isaac down to earth. 
10/10 these two were written as a pair and it shows.
Suzabel (submitted by Rubyya)
One of my fav tropes is ‘enemies to friends’ where the enemy part is completely one-sided. Isabel probably thinks she and Suzy get along great. 
Both the heads of their respective clubs, but with very different leadership styles. 
Isabel only studies her grandfather's spectral style to please him and is a near master of it, while Suzy is incredibly self-motivated even though her actual skills are lacking. 
Isabel is at a crucial time in her life where she’s learning to distance herself from adult authority figures in order to take on more personal responsibility. Suzy is already blazing with independence and could help her adjust. 
Inversely, Isabel could teach Suzy a thing or two about treating your club members with respect and doing the emotional labor necessary to prevent future conflict. 
Red and pink! Valentines colors! 
Isabel could kill you but would never, Suzy would actually try to kill you. 
Investigative reporter/person living mysterious double life is a great dynamic.
Back when Izzy had Eightfold they had the ship name ‘Paper Girls’ which is awesome
7/10 Don’t ask me how I know this but they would kill at karaoke together. And they’re ok foils.
Max ‘too cool for clubs’ vs a boy who defines himself by his tight knit group. 
Max is learning to be less passive aggressive and johnny is learning to be less aggressive aggressive. 
Max’s entry to spectral life was when he injured Johnny and saw a shade of a doctopi on him, and Johnny's first shade was Max's doctopi after the hit ball game. 
Johnny refuses to commit to not bullying max anymore even though he really likes him, and max is working on being nicer but he’s still gonna be snarky with people even though they’re his friends. Old habits die hard. 
If he hadn't seen that shade, Max might have joined Johnny's gang. He has the style, the stunts, the snark. 
8/10 Just two bros whose lives are changing forever.
Isaac and Dimitri (submitted by Rubyya)
Here’s my pitch for a ship name: Brainstorm
Orange and blue are complementary colors. 
Isaac hurt Dimitri accidentally somehow. Hurting others accidentally is the central theme of chapter 5. 
Idealist/pragmatist is a classic dynamic
They both have relationships with their spirit partners that are rooted in fear. 
Dimitri’s self concept is overly dependent on his sense of intellectual superiority, and Isaac’s on ethical superiority. 
7/10 have not directly interacted in the comic yet but the narrative symmetry is there
Johnny and Isabel (submitted by Rubyya)
Burnhound Vs Shockadile
These two are natural leaders who know how to treat their friends with respect.
These jocks are both lethal weapons, but while Isabel is a master martial artist, Johnny is a passionate but blunt instrument.
They’re both going through similar identity crises.
Isabel is struggling to reconcile her violent and disciplined upbringing with a good, gentle heart and Johnny is trying to reconcile his violent and self-centered lifestyle with a developing respect and empathy for other people.
Johnny dies his hair red, so he would think it’s cool how Izzy emits a fiery red aura when excited.
8/10 there's a reason these two were the team leaders in the hit ball arch.
Violet and Lisa (submitted by Rubyya)
People have been theorizing about what kind of cryptid Lisa is since day one meanwhile Violet gives off big normie energy.
Lisa is very plugged into all the Mayview weirdness as the queen of the school underground, while Violet was the only person who thought to go get a teacher during the hit ball arch. Lisa was also the only one who really spoke openly about how something was clearly very wrong with Jeff, everyone else talked around it and played by the so called ‘rules’. Lisa’s secret brokering Vs. Violet’s ‘sunlight is the best disinfectant’ attitude presents two different approaches to trying to survive in a school run by a mysterious shadow organization within a town that contains several other mysterious shadow organizations.
“If you were, I’d have to be jealous too.” just two middle schoolers pinning over their crushes.
7/10 two girls against the world.
Isaac and Johnny
ship name: Firestorm?
Just 2 fiery redheaded mediums with anger management issues that command primal forces and wanna be best friends with max
Johnny chooses to have red spiky hair, Issac has had red spiky hair thrust upon him.
Both met Maxwell Pucket and decided they needed to change for the better.
I’ve said this before but Johnny and Issac have equal and opposite philosophies. Johnny doesn't care about the greater good, he just cares about a small group of people who he loves. Issac cares about the greater good, but can’t connect with individuals and ends up hurting them. Together they form one GoodTM boy.
Both their spirit partners want revenge on Spender. This spells trouble.
If there’s anyone to teach Isaac about unconditional friendship, it’s Johnny
Isaac has sworn off violence and Johnny worships at the altar of it.
9/10 they’ve only interacted in canon once so far but I’ve think we’ve got a big storm coming.
Suzy and Collin (submitted by Rubyya)
The Bakudeku of pnat. I will continue to not elaborate.
Suzy once stole Collin's phone which prompted Collin to try to cut her hair which prompted Suzy to stab Collin and at no point did either of them think to move to a different bus seat. As different as they are they are also very much the same.
Collin is the definition of mouth service (constantly disapproving of suzy’s antics but going along with it anyway.) while suzy is all action.
Despite their different attitudes they both seem genuinely passionate about the journalism club.
Fashion icons. Suzy’s sunglasses and legwarmers, Collins sweater vests and wrist bands, this duo could walk for Paris fashion week: middle school edition.
We’ve gotten an indication that Collin cares a lot about what Suzy thinks of him (taking off his wrist bands when she made fun of Max's) but we haven't gotten any sign yet that the feelings are mutual.
5/10 I think their story is yet to be told and we’ll get to know more about how they compare/contrast to each other in the future. Maybe brought on by Dimitri's betrayal?????
Cody and Isabel (Submitted by @a-bitchtm)
Cody is gay by WOG but that doesn't matter here since we are evaluating thematic compatibility, not romantic compatibility.
Red Vs. Blue
Izzy’s arch about stepping into her role as leader through communication and honesty contrasts Cody’s role as the secret class president. Izzy finally told Isaac the truth about the consortium, while Cody blatantly lied to max about being president.
Both seem to have generally good motivations and the skills/talent to back those motivations up.
Isabel is in the process of unlearning the ‘firm hand’ philosophy that she learned from her grandpa and Cody’s dad straight up tried to mind control him into murdering a toddler.
They were both taught to fall back on their capacity for violence and intimidation but those teachings conflict with the people they really want to be.
6/10 just two kids who are being led astray by authority figures trying to learn to be themselves.
Cody and Collin (Submitted by @gatortavern)
They both like vests.
Both beholden to blood thirsty predators
Collin is a journalist, Cody is a vampire/leader of the shadow government. It’s a huge power move on Cody’s part to hang out with Collin.
Cody’s support of his friends is enthusiastic while Collin would have you believe Suzy has kidnapped him.
4/10 they hang out for a reason but those reasons have yet to be fully developed
Isabel and Max (submitted by @Paranatural-goofiness)
They’re both people who have learned to put up walls to keep people out. Isabel through violence and intimidation, max through sarcasm and mockery. T
he other side of this is their mutual journey to let their walls down and connect with other people more genuinely, starting with each other.
Their search for acceptance and identity has led them both to become incredible athletes. Spectral fist martial arts = shred eagle stunts
As we saw in the hit ball game, Izzy faces things head on while Max is all about evasion. However we’ve seen how Izzy has actually learned to be evasive and guarded about her feelings while Max is a little more forthcoming.
8/10  Never has there been faster friends.
Isaac and Cody (submitted by Rubyya)
Drama kings
Isaac wants the likability Cody has.
Parallels of power: Isaac with power he didn't choose and cant control vs. Cody who also didn’t choose to have his power (elected), but wields it like an instrument.
Involuntary anime hair and involuntary glowing monster eyes
These two definitely both fall under the category of “lawful”.
I can see these two ending up on opposite sides of a conflict because they both have such rigid personal codes and an intense sense of duty.
I know I’ve been approaching almost all of these platonically but Isaac probably really wants a cool vampire boyfriend deep down
 7/10 Unstoppable force, meet immovable object. You two should watch anime together.
Hijack and PJ (submitted by @gatortavern)
They both wanna join the activity club so bad
Both have immature ideas about heroism and villainy. 
Both aspire to heroism while at the same time understanding that they aren't that yet and maybe never will be. 
They both, like many people in this comic, wanna be friends with max.  
5/10 Two supernatural babies who should play wii sports together
Stephen and Isaac (@Gatortavern)
Two boys who are easily overwhelmed
Lawful vs. chaotic
Isaac has enough secrets to give Stephen his conspiracy fix for a long time. 
In their own ways they both just want everything out in the open. 
Isaac is Stephen's dream, someone actually living a secret double life, and Stephen is Issac's dream, someone with a cool scar who would think he’s actually very interesting. 
5/10 these two are both very intense in their own way.
Johnny and Ed (Submitted by @theevilbrainman)
Two souls lost in the wind
Two people for whom friendship and loyalty is central to their character, and they’re both struggling with personal growth because of it. Johnny is afraid to change because his friends have always liked the person he already is, and Ed is struggling to even define himself outside of Isabel, the person he cares about the most. 
Both impulsive and uninhibited. 
They both live lives free from expectation. Johnny’s wild bully persona means no one is surprised by his antics or cruelty, while Grandpa Guerra doesn't really care if Ed takes up phantom fist like Isabel. He actually calls him a freeloader. Not having much expected of you can feel free but it’s also lonely and can warp your self-perception. 
6/10 these two crossed paths at exactly the right time.
I didn't cover every submission because even though only 9 people submitted you sent in 34 ships between you. Pnat’s fanbase is small but very dedicated. 
Honorable mentions: 
Johnny and clear sinuses, submitted by @gaul-the-unmitigated
Isaac and therapy, submitted by both @squidgeons and @somethingfishysgoingon
PJ and Johnny, submitted by @gatortavern, who seems to be under the impression that Johnny Would protect PJ and not destroy him just by breathing near him.
Day and Scabs, submitted by @gatortavern, because funny.
Special thanks to everyone who sent in ship between people who have never interacted in cannon, which was a lot of you. My eyes are opened now, so many possibilities.
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dianapana · 3 years
SH Day 2: Fashion Statement
Modern AU, OOC
Bullies exist everywhere you look, in school, at work, on the street and most of all, on the internet. Countless bullies hide behind the anonymity the internet provides them in order to bring down strangers for no apparent reason. But there is always a reason, jealousy, an inferiority complex, a superiority complex, or plain and simple the bully is a pile of trash and no one should call it a human being. One of the worst things one can do when being active on social media is read the comments, because no matter how many positive comments there are, one bad comment outweighs them all. Scrolling through my Instagram I see the perfect example of this issue. Hinata is barely an acquaintance, I have not seen her since middle school almost a decade ago, she’s not active on any social media, or at least she wasn’t until today. The picture in front of me brings back all of my past thoughts of her, how pretty her face looked, how refreshing and pleasant her lower voice tone was; out of most people I was aware of at the time, she was one of the least annoying. The only thing that bothered me at times was her meek demeanour, how easy she’s fold under the pressure of bullies; and it would appear that she had not changed in that particular category.
The picture was there, I liked it, I looked through the comments, I saw all the negative ones, I saw them misgendering her due to her short hair and baggy clothes, I saw them calling her names; and then there was nothing, because the picture no longer existed. Much like in school, the bully applied pressure on her, and she caved in on herself and chose to hide.
I wish I had taken a screenshot of the picture to post myself, but that would have been an invasion of privacy. She looked older and more mature, her hair was much shorter than in middle school, almost a buzz cut. She had always worn baggy clothes, but her style developed to streetwear, all in all, the picture was, in my opinion, a work of art. But as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. I can’t explain why it bothers me this much the fact that she took it down, but it just does.
I hate all the entitled fucks that think people own them anything. Females do not own them femininity, males don’t own them masculinity and gender non-conforming people don’t own them an androgynous appearance. Gender and fashion style are different issues, they can reflect each other or not. People use clothes for various reasons, as art, as means of expression, or they use them to hide. We talked about this during one of my courses in gender studies in university and it fucked with my brain how many people, young people that are supposably ‘woke’ heard that for the first time. I was shocked how many were unaware of things that I consider common sense.
I have the urge to reach out, assure her that the shit those incompetent fucks commented is the furthest thing from fact. Maybe I also feel guilt, because I was aware she was bullied in school and never helped, my apathy always made me so sure that it had nothing to do with me. It wasn’t my issue to fix, it wasn’t my battle to fight, and this isn’t either; but I’ve also learned to understand that being quiet might not be as hurtful as actively attacking the person, but it’s damn near close enough. So, I click on her blank profile and shoot her a short message. ‘the pic looked nice. U didn’t have to delete it just cuz some ppl don’t know what style is’
It was partly to comfort her, and partly to prove to myself that I’ve become better even in the slightest. I press the lock button on my phone and the screen turns black, I put it screen down on my bed and leave the room trying to fool myself and the universe that I don’t care if she replies or not.
I return to my work desk, continuing this charade, I am actively trying to not think about it, but the more I try not to think about it, the more I think about it. There is something about a 24-year-old Hinata looking the way she does, yet listening to haters, that just doesn’t sit well with me. I’m still in deep thought about the issue when my laptop dings, letting me know I received an email. I half expect it to be Hinata, but it’s work-related and my focus turns to that for the time being. Work keeps me busy for the remaining of the day, enough to push the whole issue out of my mind for real. In a blink of an eye over 9 hours have passed.
I wasn’t able to fully finish everything I wanted, due to some issues but I have to call it a day, since I worked overtime quite a lot. I go back to my bedroom and pick up my phone ready to order some delivery for the night when I see that Hinata responded.
“That was very thoughtful of you, thank you for the kind message.”
“I agree that I shouldn’t let myself be brought down, but it’s devastating in the moment.”
“I’ll try again.”
Her last message makes me click back on her profile to see that she reposted the picture with the caption saying ‘fuck you’. A sense of pride flows into my body, and I can’t fight the urge to comment as well, ‘fuck them all’. I go back to our little chat.
“Im glad u decided to post it again.”
I’m trying to formulate a compliment that doesn’t sound weird, I don’t feel like we are close enough for me to call her beautiful or pretty without it sounding like I am flirting, stunning sounds extreme, sexy and hot feel somewhat disgusting; yet all these five adjectives describe her, because she is beautiful, pretty, stunning, hot and sexy. I’m in the midst of this internal battle when I receive a reply.
“I am too. Thank you again”
I don’t feel like I deserve thanks, so I decide not to write back ‘you are welcome’, but I still want to compliment her so I click back to look at the picture, seeing whether having the picture in front of me will help. I’m lowkey annoyed when I get a notification that I have a new message from her, I am hell bound on finding a compliment and she is hell bound on stopping me. Either way, I click on the message, but upon reading it, my annoyance dies.
“I’m actually in Konoha for the first time in forever. I was thinking…if you maybe want to meet up? I’m here for a month, let me know if and when is a good time for you 😊”
Under normal circumstances, an invitation to ‘hang out’ from any former classmate be it elementary, middle or high school would annoy me further and I’d turn it down immediately. But for some reason, the idea of meeting Hinata after so many years, seeing what she is up to, interacting with her now as adults, makes me oddly enthusiastic. I reply before I can overthink the issue.
“Sure, we can meet, I’m free every Wednesday and throughout the weekend.”
Her reply is almost instant. “That’s perfect! See you Saturday” Reading her message makes me forget what day it is, so I have to look at my phone’s calendar; Saturday is the day after tomorrow, in less than 48hs I will see Hinata. My feelings are conflicted, they lay somewhere between nervousness, which is new, and giddiness, which is even newer. In order to calm myself, I do what I always do, set a goal. By Saturday I’ll have an appropriate compliment for the picture and her, it will have more impact if I say it face-to-face anyway, yes that’s the reason I want to see her, so I can feel as if I completed this little mission of mine, no other reason…
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imagines-mha · 4 years
〰️💖 What your favourite in class 1-A says about you 💖〰️
Izuku: you’ve probably been bullied, a sucker for his cute voice and squishy cheeks, really fuckin root for him as the main character. You always cheer for the underdog, and u r probably a super sweet person. 10/10 would hug you
Bakugo: you probably have issues with your self-esteem, overly supportive of his aggressive fighting style too. You’re also good at arguing and you want him to tell you to get on our knees and beg
Todoroki: you have daddy issues and appreciate the representation. You’re that friend with the funniest sense of humor, and you hate being called cliche or mainstream. Every time he smiles you have a new reason to live
Uraraka: congrats for being the BEST AT HUGS. you’re probably really easy to get along with, down to earth, and also a super good listener. You fuckin love her energy and the fact that she’s both strong and feminine energiZES UR BEING
Asui: cottagecore lesbian. probably listen to people like Dodie, Tessa violet, etc. You love frogs. You’re probably rlly dedicated to a certain aesthetic. The babie friend. You love how she’s so TINY but also fierce as hell. You’ve thought abt that tongue tho don’t lie to me
Iida: every time he’s onscreen u clutch ur heart and try not to die of cuteness. Everything he says makes u wanna marry him. You like the 50s. He’s ur dream husband. You r angry he doesn’t get the love he deserves. The mom friend
Momo: you got a lot of self-doubt. Ur super pretty n u like clothes. You think she’s so adorable when she gets all excited. You are INSANELY smart. You originally liked her for her beauty but fell for her whole personality instead. Mom friend also
Jirou: ur bi. Tiktok is ur new life and you don’t know how to handle it. You cannOT process affection ur a disaster. You wanna dress like her cus she’s so dope. She’s 100% the most relatable character in the show and u just want her to make u a spotify playlist
Mina: you have got SM energy and ur so funny. U relate to her a lot too. You can probably do smth cool like skateboard and u have SO MANY FRIENDS. You’re hella social too and everyone fucking adores u
Kaminari: you were in love with Austin Moon ur entire childhood. You have failed multiple tests. You think he’s the prettiest in the show and would risk ur life to cuddle him just once. U say the dumbest shit and have complete crackhead energy
Kirishima: you need to be protected from every bad thing this world has to offer. You have a bit of a sad past but you’re trying to push past it now and he inspires u sm. Ur the type of person to bake for ur friends. Literal positivity angel
Sero: honestly u just want someone who’s gonna treat you right. U radiate sunshine and ur probably a skater. You either get high frequently or WANT to. The best friend anyone could ask for and everyone likes you
Aoyama: overdramatic as hell. You did french in school and think u both have a connection cus u understand him. You probably mask ur raging anxiety with overbearing confidence. Relentlessly supportive of ur friends. Appreciate fashion
Ojiro: you like gym boys. You’re so supportive and accepting of lit everything. You prefer background characters bc they’re rarer and thus more precious to love. You want kids. you’re pretty quiet. Dr Phil stans Ojiro
Hagakure: you listen to Taylor Swift. Ur super peppy and energetic and you LOVE THIS GIRL SM. you have sm cute clothes and ur favorite color’s pink. You can’t sleep without a stuffed animal. Soft, kawaii aesthetic
Kouda: SOFT SOFT SOFT. You listen to cavetown, alec benjamin, etc. you love animals so much and are highkey jealous of his quirk. You just wanna give this man a hug. You probably also love gardens in summer
Tokoyami: you never recovered from ur emo faze and you still know every word and beat to the black parade. You probably like poetry. You love the stars and want a man who will treat you like a queen. You think he’s the most beautiful thing to exist and ur right
Shouji: you’re literally superior and deserve a medal. You love affection and you think he’s the closest thing to prince charming UA will ever have. You wanna be fucked by him too lmao. You’re really calming and sweet asdfghjk ily
Sato: you kin vanellope von schweetz. You LOVE scary looking boys who r actually super soft on the inside. You love baked goods. You’re sensitive as hell and blush way too easily. Probably shy too. You think he’s adorable as all hell and wonder how we got smth so good
Mineta: you think you’re edgy cus u like Mineta. You highkey hate the hate he gets bc he’s a well-made comic relief character and IF HE WAS HOT YOU KNOW BITCHES WOULD BE SIMPING. you’re a rlly honest person n I got respect for u bro
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a-yellow-book · 3 years
Three Meals a Day
In which Hwa-pyung and Yoon live out their happy ending, one meal at a time. 
This is set in the aftermath of the drama, in a world where same-sex marriage is legal in South Korea and no one bats an eyelid at an ex-priest being married to his silly adorable husband. I know I'm rather late to this fandom, and just want to write a cute little story for my fav ship~ 
[read on ao3 instead]
“Daddy! Wake up!” 
Hwa-pyung felt rather than hear Seo-jin’s wake-up call when her bony elbow poked his ribs as she wiggled her way under the blanket. “Ahh! Ahh!” He squeaked, “I sensed a little lost duckling!” 
“Heheheh!” she squealed and wiggled further under the blanket, trying her hardest to climb over Hwa-pyung to get to Yoon. (She liked to burrow under the warmth of the blankets and in between her dads. It was the best spot!) 
“Hmm, is that my Seo-jinnie?” Yoon yawned, petting the blanket for the Seo-jin-shape lump. 
“Papa!” She giggled, finally managed to flop over Hwa-pyung and rolled next to Yoon. “I’m hungry!” (She tucked herself to his side, ravelling in the warmth and the familiar scent of his cotton shirt.) 
“Yea?” Yoon said, pulling their four-year-old daughter into a bear hug. “Your daddy should get up and make us breakfast, hmm?” 
Seo-jin’s enthusiastic “yea!” overrode Hwa-pyung’s grumples. “You two are so good at bullying me,” he said, sitting up and stretching. 
“If you’re up for burnt rice for breakfast, then I will be happy to oblige,” Yoon teased. 
“Pffff, I know you can cook, mister,” Hwa-pyung leaned over to give Yoon a quick kiss on the cheek. “Love you.” 
“Love you too,” Yoon whispered back. 
Between them, Seo-jin giggled and reached out to poke at Hwa-pyung’s nose, “Breakfast, daddy!!!” (She loved her dads so, so much!!!) 
“Of course, your highness,” Hwa-pyung tried to do an over-the-top bow but got tangled in the blankets and ended up on his side instead, sending Seo-jin and Yoon into another giggle fest. 
Finally, when he’d untangled himself from the cozy nest and away from the two adorable gremlins that were his husband and daughter, Hwa-pyung padded into the kitchen to get started on making that breakfast. 
Once he got the rice cooker started and the stew bubbling away on the stove, Hwa-pyung put the coffee on. These days, he relied on the caffeine to kickstart the day instead of the ungodly amount of cigarettes he used to smoke. 
In the background, Hwa-pyung could hear Seo-jin’s giggles and Yoon’s gentle voice trying to coach her to brush her teeth the right way. It was the morning routine for the Yoon-Choi household: Hwa-pyung would make breakfast and Yoon would help Seo-jin with her morning hygiene. According to Yoon, Hwa-pyung was too lenient with his teeth-brushing instructions. But if you ask Seo-jin, she would say it was because he had a “disappointing” fashion sense and couldn’t help her pick out her outfit for the day. Hwa-pyung had no idea how Yoon beat him in this arena considering he was a priest for a good part of his life, wearing nothing but black shirts and slacks. He knew that Yoon’s culinary skills were barely passable at best, and inedible at worst. So better not to waste food. The one thing that Yoon was clearly superior to Hwa-pyung was his masterful hair braiding skill and Hwa-pyung swore that Yoon won a lot of points in Seo-jin’s eyes for that alone.  
For all the grumples over house chores and the right way to brush one’s teeth, Hwa-pyung couldn’t help but send a silent thanks to his ancestors and all other higher powers out there for allowing him to have this. When he set out to hunt down Park Il-do, he didn’t expect to have come out alive, let alone building a future with a husband (!) and a child (!!). 
“Yummm!” Seo-jin said as she ran into the kitchen, breaking Hwa-pyung out of his reverie. Her  teeth were freshly brushed and hair neatly tied up into two little braids. She was rocking her favorite pair of jeans overalls and a Pororo shirt. 
“Ohhhhh, look at my beautiful little duckling!” Hwa-pyung cooed as he helped Seo-jin settle in her chair. 
“Daddy, daddy!” She said, waving her hands in the air, “We’re going to visit the babies today!” 
“Yea? Are you excited?” Hwa-pyung asked as he set the table. 
“Are you going to read to them from your storybooks?” 
“Yea! Papa said I can show them my favorites!” 
“Papa also said you can bring one of your favorites,” Yoon clarified as he walked into the kitchen. 
“Okay!” Seo-jin nodded, eyes sparkling with mischief. (She wasn’t going to bring one. She was going to bring three!!! Daddy helped her pack them up in her backpack last night!) 
The aforementioned babies (three little ones, all were just a few months old) were abandoned at the hospital in the neighboring town and brought over to the orphanage where Yoon worked. He was hopeful that they would find loving families to adopt the babies soon. In the meantime, he’d been bringing Seo-jin to the orphanage on the weekend to keep them company. 
Hwa-pyung nodded along but didn’t reveal Seo-jin’s secret. He placed a cup of orange juice and a small Pororo-adorned bowl of rice in front of her and gave her a little kiss on her forehead. “Do you want some strawberries too?” 
“Yes please!” She gave him a big thumbs up before taking a sip from her juice. 
“I’m going to drop off some things for haraboji before heading over to the market,” Hwa-pyung said, setting the two bowls of rice on the table for him and Yoon. 
Yoon nodded, grabbing the steaming pot of stew off the stove. “Oh, this smells so good.”
“Thanks, babe,” Hwa-pyung grinned toothily. 
“What are you going to bring to haraboji?” Yoon asked, sitting down and getting ready to dig in.
“He needs more rice and a few new shirts,” Hwa-pyung said. “We gotta make more kimchi soon to bring him some.” 
“Oh!!! I wanna make kimchi too!” Seo-jin piped up, spitting a few stray pieces of rice everywhere. 
“Aish, finish chewing before you speak,” Yoon said, wiping the two grains of rice stuck on her chin. 
“Can I help, pleaseeee?” She continued asking. 
Remembering the Kimchi Incident of last summer, Hwa-pyung hesitated. 
“You can help, if you promise your daddy and I that you will follow our instructions,” Yoon said, forever the diplomat. 
“Yes!!!!!” Seo-jin nodded enthusiastically, spraying more rice on her side of the table, making both Yoon and Hwa-pyung laugh. It was always hard to say no to their little baby. 
+    +
Pulling the car into the Rainbow Orphange’s parking lot, Hwa-pyung pulled out his phone to send Yoon a quick text. Here! 
Meet us in the garden? Yoon replied. 
Sure! Hwa-pyung grabbed the lunch box and headed around the back of the building. It was a beautiful day, and the crisp ocean breeze was so soothing. Pushing the creaky little wooden gate that led to the garden, he was greeted with Seo-jin’s excited squeal. “Daddy!!!” 
“Hi, baby!” He crouched down to give her a big hug. 
Yoon slowly walked over to them, smiling fondly. “How’s haraboji?” 
“Oh, you know, same same.” It had been rough, seeing his grandfather’s memory and health continued to deteriorate. 
“We should visit him next weekend,” Yoon suggested, giving his husband a gentle, reassuring look. 
“Yea, yea, let’s,” Hwa-pyung agreed, letting out a deep sigh. It would be better for Seo-jin to spend as much time with her great-grandfather as possible. 
“Ohhh!!!!!!!!! We’re going to see jeungjobo????” Seo-jin looked up at her dads, grinning. (She loved her jeungjobo! Even though he didn’t talk a lot, he always gave her sweets and showed her all the best flowers he picked.)
“Yup! He misses you a lot, little duckling,” Hwa-pyung nodded, booping her nose and making her wiggled it around like a little puppy. 
“Ok, well, who’s hungry?” 
“Me!!!!!” Seo-jin exclaimed. 
“Ha! I knew it! You’re a little hungry duckling, aren’t you?” Hwa-pyung teased, tickling her. 
Grabbing the bag hanging off Hwa-pyung’s shoulder, Yoon gestured towards the picnic bench, “Let’s go sit over there.” 
Hwa-pyung picked Seo-jin up, tickled her a few more times for good measure, before following behind Yoon. “I brought Mrs. Oh’s famous kimbaps. She told me to feed you two more since you’re both just, and I quote ‘skins and bones’.”
“Next time I stop by the market, I’ll make sure to tell her we’re barely holding on because of your abysmal cooking skills so she will continue to feed us,” Yoon said with a straight face. 
“OH! I am so hurt!” Turning to Seo-jin, who was reaching over the table for a piece of kimbap and completely ignoring her dads, Hwa-pyung asked, “Seo-jinnie, do you like my cooking?” 
“Uh uh,” she nodded distractedly. 
“See!! Seo-jinnie loves me more than my own husband! Oh the tragedy!”
[to be continued]
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tarlos-spain · 3 years
First day of Tropetember
1. Enemies to lovers
On AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/33617875 (English version)
On AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/33617737 (Spanish version)
Fandom: Charmed
Pairing: Harry/Jordan
TW: mild violence, but not on the first chapter
Summary: Harry owns a small antiquarian bookstore and hates its competition one of those trendy coffee shops where you also go to read. He hates the place and he hates its owner with all his hipster type. He hates it so much that he has never seen its face.
Harry Greenwood opened his bookstore at the same time as always, nine o'clock. Anyone could open at ten o'clock and not get up early, but Harry was convinced that the avid reader was the one who was at the door of Little England at nine o'clock waiting to see him appear to ask about the title of a book.
Those were the customers he loved to chat with and share opinions with, the ones who appreciated a leather cover as opposed to the cardboard and plastic now in use and he certainly wanted nothing to do with all those teenagers and college students, half of whom would never finish their degree, who spent hours "studying" and drinking coffee in the hipster place across the street from him.
"What kind of name for a business is Flavor of Literature?" Harry said to himself looking at the little group of schoolboys leaving the place with the huge cups that were more than coffee, hand cream, cinnamon, lots of sugar, and chocolate. That was neither a cafe nor was it a respectable place to sell books
For two years I had been putting up with the presence of that place, run by a certain Jordan Chase, whom I had never seen and who little by little had changed the life of that street. It had been imperceptible, a change so subtle that Harry had not been able to do anything to avoid it. A couple of college students had become ten. Those ten, into fifty who stayed to watch movies. Movies, coffee, and book sales? That didn't make any sense.
But in the end, Harry had accepted it, after all the types of people who went to the two businesses were very different, so he knew that Taste of Literature was not going to take away customers, so he made a great effort, like every day, he left behind that nightmare where they could never set foot and began to work on his daily chores.
Jordan for his part did not have time to notice when his British neighbor raised the shutter. Nine o'clock in the morning was one of the busiest times when all the university students passed in front of their two baristas to get their coffee before classes started.
"Have you seen? The bookstore grunt just opened up." Maggie said, leaning the binder full of notes on the table next to her.
"Just like every day Maggs."
"I don't know how you can stand those superior looks every morning."
"I honestly don't care, Maggie. I assure you I don't have time to worry about what some old-fashioned guy thinks of me. I've got exams coming up and I still haven't found the damn book the Roman law professor asked me for. Who wants a book written by a Roman guy two thousand years ago? Besides that, I've got a business to run."
"If you'd let me give you a hand." Smiled Maggie as she pulled her curly black hair into a bun.
"You don't know what it's like to get a business like this off the ground."
"Well, if you change your mind, you know where I am."
"In class, I hope."
Maggie glanced at the time on her cell phone and jumped in fright at the realization that she was late for her first class and ran out the door.
Jordan smiled as he watched her go. He liked Maggie and if he liked women, her friend would be his first choice.
He put the computer on the bar and started looking for the damn book, as if suddenly after looking through dozens of pages, including Amazon, he was going to find it as if by magic.
Nothing, no one was selling it second hand and certainly, no publisher had bothered to reissue it.
He closed the computer and hid his face in his hands. He couldn't believe he wasn't going to be able to get the honor's degree for not being able to have that book. There was no doubt that old Roberts had it in for him since he hadn't given him any other options to get that damn paper right.
"Have you thought about going over to that antiquarian bookstore?"
Jordan raised his head, Antonio was arriving with the computer and a few books in his hands. He motioned to one of the baristas to make him his usual.
"Are you serious?" Jordan burst out laughing and looked out the window to the window of the other business. "I don't think I'll find what I'm looking for in that turn-of-the-century hovel."
"Considering you're looking for a book from two thousand years ago, what better place to find it than a bookstore from that same century."
"I mean, this Greenwood guy is old, but..." Jordan thought twice. If he couldn't find the book anywhere else, maybe he had no choice but to eat his pride and the little desire he had to go to that business from beyond the grave.
He waited until lunchtime, it was when fewer people went for coffee and Harry Greenwood did not close even for lunch until now it was closing time at six in the evening.
He was eating a small sandwich on the other side of the counter on top of a huge tray so as not to stain anything.
Jordan breathed hard, entered, and went straight to the counter, he didn't want to waste time and go back to his cafeteria as soon as possible.
"Hello, good afternoon."
Harry looked up from his food.
You could tell he wasn't having a good day, he'd just had his rent raised, he leaked into the bathroom, and on top of that, he hadn't found a good ham to make himself a meal. The only thing he was missing was that the modern hippies who spent the day drinking coffee and reading new age books decided to make a tourist excursion to the bookstore.
"Good afternoon, it will be for you. You're the third long-haired guy who thinks they can find some magic book here like I'm the librarian from Buffy. what was his name?"
"What's sorry about?"
"Oh, right, make me feel old, which is just what I need today to make me feel worse." Jordan stared at him not knowing what to say, when he thought that guy was a curmudgeon, he couldn't imagine to what extent. "Sorry, I got carried away with your looks, you look like one of those insane college kids who spend all day drinking coffee and talking about impossible dreams that will never come true in that cafe, can you believe it, have a coffee and buy a modern novel, the kind that is one just like the other, how can I help you?"
Jordan was about to turn and walk away, but that man didn't know who he was. That guy hated the owner of Taste of Literature, not the student who was looking for an old book.
He gave him the title of the book he was looking for and Harry, of course, knew where to find it and told him that if he asked for it, he would have it in two days.
"Are you serious, could you get me the book in two days? That would give me time to finish the paper on time, even proofread it. That would be great."
"No problem, it's my job and I love the idea of a good mystery to find an old book, whose name shall I put it in?"
"Just George? Could you leave me a phone number? As soon as I get it, I'll call you."
Jordan gave it to him and Harry told him he was lucky, it might be ready the next day He thanked him and prepared to leave, but as he reached the door and heard Harry snort he turned around.
"I guess I'm sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, but...they say I'm good at reading people something tells me you're not having a good day."
"I guess it's not too hard to see that. Sorry, I haven't been the version of myself today. Sorry, I'm usually much much more polite."
"It's okay." Jordan approached the counter again. "I know it's silly and you can say no if you don't want to, but I got stood up tonight, I have a table at the brasserie around the corner, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"
"Dine with you?"
"Don't take it like..."
Harry held up his hand and smiled, he didn't want to put his young client in a bad light."
"Don't worry, I would never think that someone like you would want to go on a date with someone like me. So, I accept the invitation, I could use something to do other than lock myself in the house and have a thawed dinner."
Neither of them expected to have a good time over dinner. Jordan just wanted to meet him to tell him who he was and show him that Jordan Chase wasn't the jerk Harry Greenwood's pedantic asshole he thought he was. Being the owner of a coffee shop and having had the idea to sell books. Harry on the other hand, just wanted to forget about his problems, which were slowly eating away at him.
Harry arrived first, he always arrived first to places, they said it was because he was English, for him it was just politeness. Luckily for him, Jordan was only two minutes late.
They dined like two strangers getting to know each other, precisely what they were. Harry was cute when he laughed, Jordan suddenly thought looking at the bookseller and surprised himself at the thought.
"I have to apologize to you again," Harry said as the bartender set a couple of beers on the table for them.
"Why are you saying that now?"
"For this morning. I undervalued you in a very superficial way, just because of the way you were dressed, your hair, all messed up and..."
"My hair?" Jordan looked up. "What's wrong with my hair?"
"You don't know Buffy, but tell me you at least know who Sideshow Bob is."
"Hey, that sounds like an insult."
Harry shrugged and almost burst out laughing. Jordan tossed him the napkin and they both took a swig of their beer. They quietly ate their two plates of meat and continued to talk about totally inconsequential things. It was just what Harry needed to get rid of the black cloud over his head.
It was late by the time they finished dinner and they were almost being kicked out of the restaurant so they could close up. Harry didn't feel like going home or at least he wanted to go home alone, suddenly his perfect idea of an evening at home, watching a movie or reading a book with a cup of tea, sounded the most depressing thing in the world.
"You invited me to dinner. Let me invite you for tea or coffee or something at my place."
Also, Harry said it wasn't about a date. He didn't say he didn't want to be home alone, but he did say he didn't want to be alone, But he invited him to taste a turn-of-the-century cognac.
"Has anyone ever told you you're a bit posh?"
"That's because of Sideshow Bob right?"
Jordan shook his head.
"It's not that, I don't know anyone who drinks cognac and is under... no wait don't tell me how old you are. But okay, he accepted that century-old concoction."
Neither of them thought of that night as anything resembling a date, even after ending up at Harry's house, laughing on the couch, drinking and laughing some more. Talking about things a little more personal and getting closer to each other without realizing it.
"Does that bookstore of old... I mean antique books make enough money to live on?"
"Well, I won't get rich and I won't be able to retire in the Maldives, but I'm doing what I like, I talk to interesting people and who have the same tastes as me. I could say I'm happy with my job, what about you, what do you do?"
Jordan realized that by making up the personality of this George person, he wasn't the owner of his coffee shop that Harry hated so much and had told her hardly anything about himself.
"I'm studying law, I want to be a good lawyer and try to help the weaker ones.
"Sounds like a great idea, I just hope you don't lose that illusion when you get out of law school and face the real world."
Jordan knew the real world all too well. Harry was having trouble with his landlord, but Jordan wasn't faring much better. His landlord was saying his business wasn't serious and had started threatening to kick him out to put in something more serious.
Around the third drink, Jordan stared at Harry with a half-smile on his lips.
"Is there a Mrs. Grenwood?"
"And what about a Mrs. Chase? Although as usual, you're probably too young and don't even have a girlfriend."
"You're right about that, I don't have a girlfriend, but not because of my age. I assure you I've dated quite a few people, for my age, I just always date men."
"Oh." Harry settled better on the couch with a tense gesture, it seemed like it was the perfect day to put his foot in his mouth. "Shit, sorry."
"But you don't tell me if there's someone special in your life."
Harry shook his head.
"Single for as long as I can remember. The store's got me sucked in."
Jordan moved a little closer to him and offered him one more glass of brandy, then poured one more himself.
"And if you could have someone special by your side, male or female?"
"That's a very personal question isn't it?"
Harry accepted the glass and as he looked back at Jordan, he found him just inches from his face.
"You said you're single, you haven't dated in a long time. You're a much more interesting guy than I had first thought and for that, I also have to apologize to you. I've been shallow too."
Jordan had noticed a while ago that Harry was a very attractive guy. He didn't usually notice guys older than him, but Harry had something he couldn't quite put his finger on that no matter how different they were, ultimately made him attracted to the one who until that very morning seemed to have been his arch-nemesis.
"What... what are you doing?" asked Harry as he felt Jordan's breath almost on his face. "You've had too much to drink."
"I know. It's been a long time since I've had something as good as that brandy."
"You're... George, you're drunk."
"Why are you calling me George?"
Harry burst out laughing.
"Yes, you are drunk."
"I guess it's okay for me to do this then."
Without giving Harry time to respond, Jordan kissed him and pushed him back against the couch.
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jcpostsobsessions · 4 years
As my current obsession The King: Eternal Monarch comes to a close, I want to do a review of the drama with some things I’ve been thinking about. This is all random and coming out as I reflect.
OST that makes me think of the drama: Gravity by Kim Jong Wan. One of my favorite songs from the drama and when it comes on it suddenly brings me back to some pretty epic moments.
Favorite OST: Orbit by Hwasa. This song was and is on repeat throughout the drama for me. Although it wasn’t played alot towards the middle and last half of the drama, it’s still superior.
OST I Didn’t Really Listen To: I Fall In Love, A Quiet Night and My Day Is Full Of You. Nothing against these songs, they’re all nice and I am listening to one or two of them since the dreams ended, but it didn’t grab my attention as the other songs.
Favorite Lee Eul scenes: Gon feeding Tae Eul and her joking about sneaking out touched the domestic side of me and I am living for it. Honorable moment is the neck kiss. I’ve never seen a neck kiss or a kiss this intimate in a drama before. I know he did something similar in another drama, but for me this is the first. I just love how perfectly placed it was. Tae Eul literally gave him her neck to do this. And I researched that neck kissed are pretty intimate and initiates a pretty intimate follow up. Now if Gon was trying to say something, I’m sure we understood and so did Tae Eul.
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Favorite Kiss: The final kiss. The reason I like it a lot is because of how natural it is. Gon leaning down, smiles, Tae Eul leaning in and Gon swoops in. His lips pucker up to meet Tae Eul’s and the height difference is super cute even though she’s sitting on the table. They follow up with more kisses and the happiness on their face is what nails it for me. Honorable mention is the bedroom kiss.
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Funniest Moment: When Gon prepared leaves in case they get stuck in “that time period”. Tae Eul’s face 😂
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Favorite Side Ship: Eun Sup and Yeong. They are both so hilarious and off the bat had so much chemistry. They were definitely a side ship that I was invested and interested in. Their final scene together was their parting and it got me emotional because Yeong broke down his wall and gave Eun Sup a hug which says a lot about his stoic demeanor.
Favorite Ending Scene: Oh man. I remember watching this episode and it did not have the main couple together because they were parted for obvious reasons. I remember Tae Eul having a hell of a night and then everything happened so fast. Gon rode in on his horse, blood shed, tears fell, hearts broken, glasses shattered, epic soundtrack, announcement of future Queen and of course epic hug. And then it was out, next episode. I remember grabbing my phone and shouting noooo. I was on the edge of my seat and the final reunion of the two finally happened and the ending credits rolled in. This was an epic ending scene.
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Favorite Lee Gon Outfit: It’s the simple black look and overcoat, but the material and the way he fit the form, I just really like it. Also he did some pretty bada$$ things in this outfit. So I find myself always thinking about this look. Some honorable mention is the iconic diamond fit, simple white and black vest (when he takes the overcoat off; it looks extra handsome) and then the light colored fit during his dates with Tae Eul.
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Favorite Jung Tae Eul Outfit: Tae Eul’s fashion sense is simple and comfy. She is often wearing baggy and loose jeans, one color tone sweater and a long jacket. My favorite would be this look because she adds a bit of sophisticated with her dress white and black turtleneck.
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Most WTF moment: When Lee Lim killed his doppelgänger self after going back to try and warn him. I was so surprised how fast he beheaded himself.
Underrated Character: Shin Jae. He is the other only character where I was in invested in his story. Kim Kyung Nam did a great job acting the pain and angst of his conflict with his mom. It really brought his character out.
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Characters I did not care for: Lee Lim and Prime Minsiter Seo Ryeong. They both did were the anatagonist, but honestly did not impress me. I was never quite sure what Lee Lim was actually plotting and he just kept bringing people over and killing people. Sure he had the upper hand in some cases, but honestly his greed and lack of planning is what killed him. Idk what he was doing for the last 70 years or so. As for Prime Minister Seo Ryeong, nothing impressive about her. Although the only time she was tolerable was in the new timeline in the final episode where she was in jail and Luna came to visit her because it looks like they’re sisters now. They interaction was sweet and familial bickering.
Character I didn’t expect: Luna. I was looking forward to her character and how she’ll play into the storyline especially with how the cast members spoke about her during interviews. And honestly at one point I felt like she was one of the only one who shook Lee Lim’s core which was super entertaining to watch while it lasted. I liked how peeved he was by her and she just went about her way, unbothered. I also realized how the writer was creating Luna’s character to be good and bad. She poisoned Gon, stabbed Tae Eul, but didn’t kill her father, didn’t stab Tae Eul enough to kill her even though it looked like she did. Tae Eul trusted her enough to let her go and be with her own dad. Luna’s story is still a mystery.
Biggest Twist: when Gon realized that Shin Jae was actually from his world and said he was Shin Jae’s King. 🤯
Favorite Lee Eul Hug: This one. No need to explain. 💯
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Relationship that surprised me: Luna and Seo Ryeong in the new reality. I really enjoyed their “sister” dynamic in episode 16 where Luna had a name change and became a cop and Seo Ryeong was unfortunately in jail, but their interaction even tho they both pretended not to be close, they were. It was funny and the best performance from Jung Eun Chae. Quite honestly I feel bad about where her character eventually ended. Her greed got the worse out of her.
Favorite Side Character: Yeong. I really like his character with his side glances/ glares at Tae Eul and his love and dedication to Gon. I’m glad he kept his promise to himself to protecting Gon. Also Woo Do Hwan did a great job playing two characters.
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Plot I am still confused about: the little boy with the yo-yo. I wasn’t quite sure how he fitted into the entire drama. He definitely peaked my interest and he was obviously traveling back and forth, but I feel like his story never connected to the main plot. Honorable mention was Park Jiyoung, the pregnant woman. Like what was the point of crossing her over?
Character Death: Prince Lee Jong In, I had a feeling he’d died but also didn’t expect it. Honorable mention is Seo Ryeong’s mom. She was collateral damage. When Seo Ryeong called to ask her mom what she had for dinner a code for her doppelgänger, and she answered jajangmyeon, the chills.
Favorite Product Placement: CHICKEN! Man I can’t tell you how bad I wanted korean fried chicken because of the drama. LMH ate this at every chance he got and he made me crave it. They did a great job selling it to me. 😅 Honorable mention is the coffee drink that everyone dranked and man when they shot that scene where Yeong had to throw the drink to Shin Jae and still had to show the product name, lmao the commitment. 🤣
Worse Product Placement aka the one that was painfully noticeable: Okay; almost all were in our faces, but the painful was the one where Tae Eul was using the Kahi lipstick/cheek/moisturizer all in one stick. 🤣 when she explained the product to Jang Mi during a stake out I nearly passed out from secondhand embarrassment. And honorable mention is the CELLRETURN LED mask although when Eun Sup used it to be iron man that was cute.
Overall rating: 8.5/10. There were some choppy moments here and there and some loose ends and characters that I didn’t quite understand or had to really think about it. But it was never enough to say this was a bad drama. In fact it’s been a while I was this invested in a drama where I had to come up with theories and such. Not a lot of drama makes me do that. As a fan of BTS, theories comes as second nature 😅.
There were some moments that happened off screen and later on we’ll realized something had happen prior which at the beginning was hard to decipher, but once I realized the drama was doing that, I enjoyed it because sometimes it’ll be a pleasant surprise. I love how the drama hardly opened up each episode with how it last ended, they always gave us a backstory/content prior.
I think Gon and Tae Eul’s character had growth and progression, especially Tae Eul who had to unpack a lot of herself. The more the drama went on the more we got to see different sides of her which peeled some layers she built up as a detective and some described her as cold. I think with all that she went through definitely shaped her quite a bit. And Gon I felt started off the show strong. He had strong morals, grasped things quite fast, but was also caring, strong headed, dependable and responded rather than reacted. Of course he has his moments of being childish and playful, but it never strayed him from being off or uncharacter like. I think Tae Eul describes it perfectly in one of the episode that he knows when to joke despite a traumatic childhood. She is simply saying he’s grown into a decent man who doesn’t let a past define him, he lives it fully and that comes off in all his actions throughout the entire drama.
As for the other characters, I am glad we got to see Shin Jae’s character development as well. I’ve said it before, but he was one where I felt the writer went deeper into his story. Yeong would be the second, although he remains a mystery even until the end. I never quite understood where he stood except that fact that he deeply cares and loves his King, and in what context, only he would know. The writer has written strong second leads before and sometimes even third leads, but I would say wasn’t her best, but again it’s not so bad where you would say the drama was a complete failure or unbearable to watch.
And finally I can’t wrap up without saying something about the cinematography. Because man there were some beautiful shots, some CG works and some transitions or angles that really came into play to make the drama what it was. I don’t have it, but one of my favorite is when Gon is poisoned and falls down and it transitions to his younger self, that was breathtaking. An example of the angles and transitions is below and it was dramatic and the camera got to play with all its angles. All this for a dramatic handshake and of course my favorite soundtrack adds to the flare.
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dilfbatman · 4 years
do u have more headcanons for what percy wears (outfits/shoes etc)🙏🙏
YES YES YES I AM V GLAD YOU ASKED! i haven’t done percy hc’s in so long omfg time to go back to my roots <3
- he absolutely wears playboy & thrasher - THAT’S a skater kid through and through! catch him w ripped skinny jeans, vans (the superior shoe okay vans > converse) & he wears the ocean style ones! he also wears white ones that estelle has colored on bc they’re somehow very close and personal to him :’) he also wears diamond studs & trident industrials! and he has an eyebrow slit AND sometimes when he feels like it he puts his septum piercing back!
- i think percy is super casual and laidback - like his dad but w a better fashion sense LMAO - he’s sporting simple white tees, black tees, grey & blue tees with blue/black jeans & he likes to spruce up his fit w funky socks! he finds the WACKIEST ones he can when he goes out shopping w leo! they have water & fire designed ones respectively <3 he also wears a dark green hoodie like All The Time & a dark red one too! (like jason todd hehe) he wears his black hoodie when he doesn’t want people to talk to him and he makes sure he has his resting bitch face sorted so no one annoys him dkdjdjd that’s king behavior
- percy has lots of tattoos! arm tattoos especially and he has a tatt of a drawing estelle did when she was laying on his chest while they were watching tv and that’s now Immortalized on him bc he’s just that cute of a big brother! and he has his fav quote of sally’s from his fav book of hers! <3
- omfg so also he wears a friendship bracelet that hazel made for him like. always & he also wears a bunch of rings & he has a gold chain! and he has a dark forest green sweater & another henley of the same color and everyone within a 10 foot radius simply cannot stop staring! and he wears a baby blue sweater that hazel knitted for him (he sobbed when she gave it to him and he squished her cheek against his chest for a good 7 minutes while Sobbing about how much he loves her and his new fav sweater)
- also i think percy LOVES LEATHER JACKETS! he loves wearing them he feels like hot shit in them (as he should) and that’s definitely one of his staples!
- and he wears band tees too he DEFINITELY canon has a led zeppelin one! also catch him in crop tops too i think he for sure has the range and he looks amazing regardless! likes to wear eyeliner too!
- and when percy wants to be fancy he’ll wear an ALL black suit but he doesn’t wear a tie so he just has his first two buttons undone and he ofc is wearing trident cufflinks bc that’s the kinda boy he is
- (not me connecting everything to jason todd but they both have white streaks and i think they don’t dye it! they keep it as is!) until one time where leo was like huh. let’s dye it electric aqua blue & percy was like yeah lmao let’s do it bc they’re both best friends who share a singular brain cell and tbh? it was a look i think he looked very snazzy
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