#Also him getting back in touch with Nijimura after everything that happened after he left is a whole other convo
active-mind-15 · 10 months
I was re-reading the KNB Replace novel and Extra Game, and something I noticed was that in the Replace novel story where Nijimura meets Himuro in LA for the first time, it mentions that Nijimura tried to distance himself from the GoM + Kuroko, and that's why he would only hear about what they're doing from other people. But in Extra Game, when Kiyoshi is talking about the Jabberwock vs Vorpal Swords match, Nijimura says that Akashi told him a little bit about it. Going by the timeline, it implies that Nijimura didn't give any of the GoM or Kuroko a way to contact him after he graduated (or maybe he did but he didn't talk to them much), but as all the former Teiko members got back together and started hanging out again post-Winter Cup, they managed to somehow get back in touch with him and now they give him life updates from time to time, which I think is super cute.
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ruluxe · 6 years
The Space Between Us
Pairing: Aomine Daiki / Kise Ryouta Fandom: Kuroko no Basket Chapters: 2/6 Warnings: Character Death, Pacrim/Gundam crossover (of sorts), Violence, Smut in Passing Summary: Ryōta and Daiki have been partners for a long time, both inside their Gundam suit and out. With Mars attempting to recover after the war against Earth, their captain sends them on a mission to stop an advancement of pirates determined to cut off all Earth resources to the red planet. Daiki has his mind set on this being their last battle and Ryōta can't seem to shake this bad feeling. Notes:  @digimondestined dared me to write this and well, it was supposed to be short but it's turned into a chapter fic. That being said, they will be short chapters! Also I apologise for the gundam/pacrim thing, it's more of a mashup au than specific canon crossovers.
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Chapter II: Metres
At an altitude of roughly two-hundred and twenty miles above Mars orbits the international space station, Phobos. Named in honour of the red planet's largest moon that is now a thin ring of space rocks circling it, Phobos serves as a bridge between Mars and Earth, responsible for maintaining peace and order.
The two planets have been involved in an interplanetary war for some time, and only just recently has there been open negotiations. A few months ago, an eco-organization reached out from Earth to provide a platform for discussions on improving trade and development for Mars.
There were concerns that rebellious factions would attempt an interception, or worse, a hostile takeover. Daiki's most recent job was to provide protection detail for this organization, as he is not only a pilot but an enforcer as well. Ryōta was apprehensive of the mission at first, knowing that Daiki would be gone for a long time and that there was potential for injury or worse but he completed the job successfully. Even when a meteorite burned through the atmosphere and coincidentally crashed into their craft, Daiki still came home in one piece and for that, Ryōta is thankful.
However, now their captain has called for another mission briefing so soon after Daiki's return. Ryōta can't deny the excitement he's feeling to be finally back in action but he can't quiet the alarm bells ringing off in his head.
He waits with his partner quietly outside the captain's office, watching Daiki nervously chew on his bottom lip. Ryōta has to wonder if anything happened on the last mission that he wasn't aware of, or if Daiki is just nervous about this one. Not knowing what it is, Ryōta can't really offer any words of comfort but he does close his hand around Daiki's and gives it a reassuring squeeze. He needs it just as much.
Then, they're called in. Daiki's hand slips from Ryōta's as he heads in first. He takes a formal military stance in front of Captain Nijimura’s desk and Ryōta follows suit, putting several feet of distance between them as he brings his hand up to his forehead in a salute.
“At ease,” Nijimura commands. “I hope you don't mind but time is of the essence so I'll need to be abrupt. You two and three other teams will be heading to Mars to stop the encroachment of a rebel faction under the name Fukuda. Our reports state that the captain's name is Shōgo Haizaki and that their plans are to obliterate everything in the newest sector, including the eco-organization, Seirin, that had previously landed. They're close, so all of you will need to move quickly. We can't have this new project destroyed... it's Mars' only hope."
“Permission to speak, sir.”
“Permission granted. What is it, Aomine?”
“How is it that we missed them? As soon as we landed, we secured the area and posted two mobile suit teams for security outside the Emerald Sector. Once we left Mars, proper communication and surveillance protocols were followed and no threats were detected.”
Ryōta glances over at Daiki, wondering if this was what he was worried about. Perhaps the mission didn't go as planned, as Ryōta had thought. It takes every ounce of him not to reach out and touch Daiki, to reassure him — or even himself  — that everything went the way it should have and that Daiki survived what could have been a disaster. He quells the urge by wringing his hands folded behind his back, grateful that no one else can see.
“You didn't miss them. Until now, Fukuda has been laying low just outside a pirate craft that had been deemed harmless by the interstellar officials. After a separate recon mission, we were informed of a coup d'etat rising amongst several of the military ranks. They've joined forces with pirate divisions across the galaxy, with the elitist faction Kirisaki Daīchi at the head. This revolution’s main goal is to cut off all resources to Mars from Earth so that the planet and its inhabitants wither away.”
As the captain says this, Ryōta can't help feel somewhat relieved. At least Daiki won't be undergoing any punishment but that's not really what has him so anxious. It's this new mission. He's never been involved this deep in war activities.
“Kise, have you been through the latest flight simulations?”
With his mind wandering and suddenly being brought back to the present, Ryōta jumps a little before answering, “Y-yes, Captain.”
“Very good. You're one of the best pilots we have, which is why I chose you. I know you're fairly inexperienced with enforcement missions but you’ll have Aomine with you. I trust both of you are still capable of simultaneously entering the neuroplane?”
Ryōta steals another glance at Daiki, only to be met by his grinning gaze. “Of course,” Daiki says without taking his eyes off him. His gaze is soft and loving and for a minute Ryōta wishes they were the only two in the room. Maybe for Daiki, they are. Warmth blooms in his chest and heat spreads across his cheeks. What he wouldn't give to be able to taste that emotion off the other's lips.
The captain clears his throat and Ryōta snaps out of it, huffing a breath as the tips of his ears flare and his skin prickles with embarrassment.
Nijimura hands them each a sealed envelope. “You will be flying under the Generation Miracles fleet and answer to acting captain, Seijūrō Akashi. Your other teams will be enforcers Taiga Kagami, Shintarō Midorima and Atsushi Murasakibara. Their partners are pilots Tetsuya Kuroko, Kazunari Takao and Tatsuya Himuro respectively. Soldiers Kuroko and Kagami will be joining Seirin once you manage to defeat the rebel forces. They will remain stationed there indefinitely as our eyes and ears, so make sure they have safe and clear passage."
“What happened to Kagami’s team? He used to be partners with Himuro. I only ask 'cause it's our asses on the line and havin’ two teams with —”
“I hope you're not questioning my decisions, Aomine.”
Daiki opens his mouth but then shuts it and looks down at his boots. Ryōta doesn't miss the anxious shuffle of his feet. He reminds himself to ask Daiki about Kagami and Himuro's partnership and why it concerns him.
“No, sir. My apologies.”
“Good.” Nijimura gives them both a steely look before his body language changes and he appears more relaxed. His hands fit on his hips and he nods. “All the information you need is in your envelopes. I know I haven't given you guys much time but unfortunately, time is a luxury we can't afford at the moment. You have one hour before departure. I suggest you get to know the rest of the fleet. Dismissed.”
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tokikurp · 7 years
Inspired by Jonghyun’s Cocktail- well actually the lyric, “You’re my cocktail,” did. 
Summary: “I hate vodka and never had a cocktail. But I’d order you, because you’re my cocktail.” Nijimura whispered as the stranger smirked.
“Someone fucking remind me why I came to this damn event?” Taking a sip of his drink, Nijimura looked around the crowded room.
He sat at the bar, staying away from all the “fancy” people, as he called them, as they talked about god knows what. Probably what recent yacht they bought or what expensive trip they had taken recently. He noticed a group of women talking, probably gossiping or who they had paid thousands of dollars to make their dress. He rolled his eyes and took another sip of his drink.
“Rich people.” He mumbled. “Wasting so much goddamn money like it’s nothing.”
Well that might be true, but Nijimura was just very frugal when it came to his money.
“Oi, bartender. Another old fashion.” The bartender nodded as he filled another order. “You’re the only good thing about this damn event.”
“Then why did you come?” The bartender asked with a raised eyebrow.
“My boss said I had to because otherwise I would be sitting at home and ordering take out. Said I needed to be social because for the past “five months I’ve done nothing but work and haven’t taken any of my vacation days”. Something like that, hell what do I know. Thanks by the way.”
“What do you do and how did you get in here? All of these people are big business and politic people. Who are you?” The bartender, Himuro Tatsuya was his name, asked. Nijimura looked up from taking another sip.
“Me? I’m a doctor, an oncologist to be specific.” The doctor replied as Himuro whistled.
“Then you have to be making a six digit number salary.” The bartender smirked as the doctor shook his head.
“Everything goes into savings. I barely touch it. Only to pay my bills and feed myself.”
“So no one special to spoil it on?”
“I’m a doctor who works twenty-four, seven. I have no life, let alone a social life. My job is too important to date.”
“Now I see why your boss sent you here. At least try and enjoy the night, some of these people aren’t so bad.”
“Right, sure. I’ll get asked what I do, how much I make, how fancy my house is, then get asked what the hell I spend it on and blah, blah, blah. Plus everyone here is old, far older than me.”
“Well...I did see someone young. Probably about twenty-four, twenty-five.”
“Oh great, a spoiled brat.” How he hated those types. He didn’t have to deal with them in his apartment, but his fellow doctors had a lot of stories to share about those kind of people.
“Actually he was quite polite, patient too. Not bad looking either, he had red hair and eyes. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” Himuro chuckled as Nijimura rolled his eyes taking another sip.
“Sure. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Bartender, a martini and fast! I’m in a heated discussion about a new possible deal!” Looking up from his phone, Nijimura saw a man in a gray suit standing next to him. The doctor rolled his eyes, he could tell this guy was a CEO just by the way he spoke and his suit.
“Here you go.” The man took the glass, nodded and walked away. Nijimura watched and scowled.
“Could have at least tipped him, you ass-”
“I apologize for my father. When he gets into a discussion about a new deal, he forgets his manners. A cosmopolitan cocktail please.” A new voice came.
‘Oh so it’s the son of the CEO asshole. Well at least he has some manners-’ Nijimura turned back around to get a look at the son and what he saw, he wasn’t expecting. Instead of someone looking just like their Father, he looked different. Instead of a suit, he wore a white button up shirt with a vest instead of a jacket. His red hair was nothing compared to the dark hair of his Father; the older man’s hair was slicked back and this guy’s looked like it hadn’t been touched. He also had red eyes that matched his hair. Was that guy Himuro had been talking about?
“I’m used to it. No need to apologize.” Himuro spoke as he placed the drink down in front of the redhead.
“Still it was rude of him to run off without tipping.” The redhead spoke as he pulled out his wallet to tip the bartender. The bartender accepted the tip and glanced at Nijimura, who was still staring at the redhead. He smirked and looked back to the man that stood in front of him, taking a sip of his cocktail.
“By the way, this is the guy I was telling you about.” Nijimura snapped out of his gaze and turned to the bartender, who had a smirk on his face. The redhead looked toward Nijimura.
“U-uh, is it? Well, okay.” He was caught off guard by that, was he expected to talk to the redhead.
“I’m sure you don’t want to go back to where your Father is and you need to listen to your boss and socialize. Chat, complain, anything at this point.” The bartender insisted as the two strangers looked at one another.
“Well, he is right. I’d rather not listen to my father screaming about this deal, that could potentially help the business.”
“Yeah, I can understand. I wouldn’t be surprised if I got yelled at because I didn’t socialize and he sent someone here to make sure I do. Ah hell why not.” Nijimura shrugged as he picked up his glass. The two walked over to a table by the windows, away from the crowd of people.
“So, what are you doing here?” The doctor asked as the redhead rolled his eyes.
“I was dragged here by my Father to meet “his people” as he says. Saying that one day I will have to talk with these men about the future of the business. All he’s done is get into discussions about future plans and now a new deal. This always happens and I never meet them unless it’s through a meeting.” The redhead sighed as he sipped his drink. “And you? What do you do? I know you’re here because you don’t socialize enough.”
“Tsk. That’s what my boss thinks, I talk to the doctors I’ve befriended. I’m an oncologist.” Nijimura responded.
“An oncologist, huh? Interesting I have to say, I don’t think I’ve ever meet one before.” The redhead responded as he leaned back against his chair. To be honest, he was very interested in the doctor’s occupation.
“You could say, I really got into it because of my father. He had been sick since I’d been in middle school and my family and I traveled to get him help. I didn’t originally want to be an oncologist, had no idea until he passed away when I was in college. After that, I wanted to help people and their loved ones while they go through this struggle because well...I’ve been through it.” Nijimura explained, his eyes staring at the floor before he closed them and took a sip.
“Sometimes we learn what we want to do for the rest of our life through something tragic.”
“Yeah, you could say that. So you got into business because of your Father?” The doctor asked as he looked up from his glass.
“It’s a family business. Well, at this point it’s a corporation, but it’s been in my family for generations. I’m next to take over when my father steps down.”
“Damn, long time huh?”
“Yes. You could say my life has been set since my birth, but the pressure to be this “perfect” son makes me wish I could have come from a normal family. A family that doesn’t make millions and millions of dollars each year or have the pressure to understand the inside and outside of the business so it doesn’t fail when you take over.” The redhead groaned, taking another sip of his drink.
“Well...why don’t you? Study something you wanted to study, let someone else take over the business.” Nijimura suggested as the redhead moved his eyes toward the doctor’s gray eyes.
“I would but I am the only heir to my father. But even if I had a sibling, I wouldn’t want to put the pressure on them.”
“Only child?”
“Yes. My mother passed away when I was young. You?” He sighed, his red eyes growing sad for just a moment before closing them.
“Younger brother and sister.”
“Must be nice.”
“They’re a pain in my ass...but I love them. They recently moved back to Japan with my mom after my dad passed away. Now they’re closer to family and also me,” Nijimura started before he chuckled. “Mom was worried about me being overseas for medical school. Hoping I was alright and that I was eating. Now she’s back, I’m always getting text messages from her asking if I’ve eaten and how much sleep have I gotten.”
“She must really care about you.” The redhead smiled softly.
“She has always made sure we had everything we need. Putting a brave face on during the tough days while Dad was in the hospital. She worked two jobs to make sure there was food on the table. She never complained, unlike me.” Nijimura chuckled before looking at the redhead. “What about yours? Do you remember anything about her?”
“...She was my moral support. She’s what made my harsh childhood somewhat bearable. She always had this gentle smile on her face, that would make my day so much better. The way she held me, it made me feel safe and made me forget what kind of day I had. But she passed away when I was in elementary school and...things didn’t get any better. My father became stricter than he already was and there was no freedom. I felt some relief when I was away from home but the stress never left. I didn’t have a lot of freedom to do much. I’m sure if she was still alive I would have had more freedom than I did.”
“Holy shit, that sucks man. Sorry about your mom, by the way. I can tell she meant a lot to you.” Nijimura’s eyes had widened. This guy’s childhood had to suck if he had no freedom at all and his Mom had been his moral support. Now he really didn’t like his Father.
“It’s alright, it’s all in the past now.” The redhead sipped his drink and then placed it on the table. “So, do you have a significant other or are you too deep into your doctor work?”
“Nope. I’d be lucky to find anyone, who would be able to deal with my crazy schedule.” Nijimura groaned as he leaned back while rolling his eyes. The redhead chuckled and leaned forward, a smirk crossing his face.
“I’m sure your boss wouldn’t mind finally giving you those vacation days if you had someone to spoil.”
“Probably, hell he’d be more than happy. Have a celebration that I finally took my damn vacation days.” Nijimura laughed. The redhead chuckled as he looked out the window toward the nightlife of Tokyo.
“So are you dating anyone?”
“No. Father has kept me so busy that I haven’t even thought of a significant other. I didn’t even date anyone while I was in university because I was so busy.” He chuckled as the doctor looked at him surprised.
“Holy shit, you haven’t even dated anyone? Not even kissed?”
“Sadly no. I know I sound pitiful.” The redhead chuckled while shaking his head. “A friend of mine is always saying I need to get laid at least once.”
“Are they offering?”
“No and even if he was, I would refuse. He isn’t my type. And I’m sure his significant other wouldn’t be so pleased that he went and had sex with one of his friends.” He chuckled as he took another sip. The doctor noticed there wasn’t much left in the redhead’s glass, maybe a sip. As for his glass, he had the same amount surprisingly.
“So you’ve never been kissed, went on a date with someone or had sex. I think out of the two of us, you’re the one one who needs the social life.” Nijimura chuckled. “Guess we need to change that.”
“Oh? Are you offering now?” The redhead straightened up just slightly and smirked at the doctor. Nijimura chuckled as he leaned forward.
“I might be.” He smirked.
“Well,” The other man looked right into the doctor’s gray eyes and put his hands onto Nijimura’s cheeks; tilting his head up just a bit. “Then I accept.”
The music somehow got louder or had it always been this loud? Nijimura couldn’t remember as he felt the stranger’s lips on his. The doctor opened his mouth and licked the redhead’s lips, asking to enter. It was granted and his tongue slipped in. He could taste the alcohol in his mouth, the vodka from the martini. He wasn’t a fan of the drink, but it tasted better in the stranger’s mouth. He stood up and put his hands on the redhead’s cheeks as what was supposed to be a simple kiss turned into a make out session. He lean forward, pressing the stranger into the wall. A moan emitted from the smaller man, he hadn’t noticed how short he was compared to the doctor.
The kiss lasted until they needed to breath, a vital part of living and they parted. They panted while staring at each other and staring, did that actually happen? Did they just make out in public? Yeah...yeah they did.
“Well...that escalated quickly.” Nijimura finally said after he caught his breath.
“Yes...yes it did.” The stranger agreed.
“Sorry about that, but how was that?” Nijimura asked as the redhead wrapped his arms around the doctor’s neck and tugged him down, his lips close to his again.
“I couldn’t ask for a better first kiss. I could taste the whisky.”
“I hate vodka and never had a cocktail. But I’d order you, because you’re my cocktail.” He whispered as the stranger smirked.
“Oh really now? Well then,” He pulled away and picked up his glass, taking the final sip before looking at Nijimura. “I’m expecting that date now.”
“Name time and place, I’ll be there.” Nijimura smirked as the stranger nodded. “Nijimura Shuzo by the way. Nice to meet you.”
“Akashi Seijuro, the pleasure is all mine.”
“Akashi, huh? Nice name for a cocktail. I like it.”
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tenacityreturns · 7 years
This is not how them meetong again was suppose to go. It wasnt. It wasn't suppose to bring up memories of him and tatsuya, or memories of aomine and kagami laughing but it does and his fingers hover over the send button before taking a deep breath. Sends it to kagami. "Hey, look at this picture of all four of us i found while cleaning. figured you could send it to those two.",
context: my hc for future verse aokaga is them going off to america when they’ve finished high school, and being in a relationship at this point. then stuff happens and they decide to split up, but they meet every so often as friends w/ benefits, usually when their teams play against each other, and they THINK they’re airy and chill and have a fun sexy relationship but really they’re both sad and no one feels quite perfect for them as aomine to kagami or kagami to aomine. but they’re not just gonna TELL that to each other, even tho they both kinda KNOW they feel the same. it’s embarrassing. it’s been too long. so they just exist. and occasionally make out. also, aomine & kagami, and nijimura and tatsuya used to go out for double dates ALL THE DAMN TIME.word count: 2408genre: fluff? angst? it’s angst. but soft! soft angst.
While Nijimura couldn’t act on his impulses to get with Tatsuya (Kagami could tell there was still bad blood between them), the redhead could. So, he did. Kagami spent a few days after meeting with his old roommate in inner turmoil over the past. He missed his ex, felt frustrated. So he hopped on the next flight to fucking Ohio to visit Aomine fucking Daiki, who Kagami was absolutely sure he was still in love with. How many years had it been since they were an official couple? Six? And how many times this year had they met up as FWB? Four? How many years had that been going on for? Six? Yeah. Clearly, Kagami had no real intention of letting Aomine go that easily. They said it was just physical, and because even though they didn’t want to date, they still felt attracted to each other. Maybe it was that. But no one else got Kagami as well as Aomine did. No one else knew exactly what made him tick (among other things).
It had started out pretty terribly. He’d arrived, unannounced, on Aomine’s doorstep. There were no excuses prepared, you’d have thought Kagami would have thought about these while on the plane. But no, he had nothing to say. What was there? They both knew what the situation was. His skin had missed Aomine’s, the spaces between his fingers had missed how Aomine’s fingers fit perfectly between.
Lips. Hands. Bodies. Sofa. Wall. Laughter. Bed. Soft words, softer touch. He could tell Aomine missed him too, though they never said it. That made it worse. Even though it made his chest swell when he discovered that he’d interrupted Aomine’s plans to go to a party (because that invariably meant making out with someone else), the words between the lines were uncomfortable and raw. I choose you, Aomine said but didn’t say. 
But distance made it complicated, their lifestyles made it difficult, their stubbornness made it worse. They’d settled into a rut of refusing to admit that they still loved one another aloud, after all this time, and now it felt like they were slowly convincing themselves. Except when their bodies touched, and insufferable fireworks interrupted their self-inflicted loneliness.
It was terrifying loving someone and thinking you weren’t meant to be together. There was an emotional block between them, and it never ended well when they’d try to discuss it to get passed it (mostly because neither of them wanted to). The last time they’d tried, they ended up arguing for over six months.
This was not how his meeting with Nijimura was supposed to go. It wasn’t. It wasn’t supposed to bring up old memories of youthful happiness. Maybe he could blame the dry spell, maybe he was due a meeting with his FWB, and it wasn’t Nijimura’s fault for reminding him about it at all. Not that Kagami blamed him, and not that he was really complaining. It was just… these ‘meetings’ with Aomine were bittersweet, because they could forget about everything for a few hours, but afterward, it’d be weeks until Kagami stopped thinking about him. Aomine was an old wound he had no intention of letting heal.
Kagami was laying in Aomine’s arms when he got the text. Early morning, the buzz of a new text woke the both of them up. Kagami retrieved his phone, but when Aomine spotted that it was a picture from Nijimura, he said some hollow threat about how it better not be a dick pic, before snatching the phone. He opened the image before Kagami had a chance to do anything about it, and suddenly they were face to face with a blast from the past. Moments flew in silence, both fixated on the image Aomine held high above their heads as they lay in his king-sized bed.
It upset Kagami, really. Everyone was a million miles away from that moment now. Nijimura had only just come back into his life, the same but different. Aomine seemed determined to reside in the back of his mind, but not pleasantly. Tatsuya didn’t make any effort to talk to him at all. Maybe it showed on Kagami’s face, because when Aomine broke his stare to look at the man in his arms, he immediately put the phone away. Kagami untangled himself, curling up and out of bed.
“Why’d he send that to you outta the blue?” Aomine asked, pushing up to his elbows. Kagami glanced over as he was shimmying into a pair of sweatpants from Aomine’s closet. Blue eyes were clouded by a gentle frown. “You talk about the old days a lot with him, or what?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He replied grumpily. Aomine groaned, but couldn’t get a word in before Kagami continued. “It’s not outta the blue. He came to visit a couple weeks ago.”
“Huh?” Aomine rolled over to lie on one side. “Just to visit you?”
Kagami shrugged. “Didn’t he come see you?”
“Nah,” a pause, “would you have sent that to me? The pic, I mean.”
Instead of answering, the redhead left the room, scooping up items of clothes as he made his way into the living room. Aomine’s kitchen was primarily a gorgeous dark marble, and far too spacious for someone who only ate instant noodles and protein smoothies.
“Taiga,” Aomine called from the bedroom, following him out of the room. Kagami turned to discover the most gorgeous, fully naked man in the doorway and threw his bundle of jeans and socks at him.
“Put some fucking clothes on!”
“This is my apartment!”
“And you have company!”
“It’s just you?!”
“You’re way too casual with me.”
Aomine faltered. Kagami ignored the hurt he’d accidentally inflicted and made his way into the kitchen. There had to be something edible around here. Usually, Aomine bought supplies for whatever he wanted for breakfast, but since Kagami had just turned up, there was nothing in the fridge. Literally. Nothing in the fridge. Just fruit, and some yogurts. Kagami was not a fruit and yogurt kind of guy.
“Taiga,” Aomine’s voice had softened, and he was wearing jeans now. Kagami’s jeans, but they were better than nothing. “Would you have sent that to me?”
“No, probably not.” Kagami didn’t look at him for long. “What good would it have done?”
“What good has this done?” Aomine poked Kagami’s firm shoulder, but the point was lost on the redhead. Exasperated, he didn’t explain. “I’m not sentimental, but I would’a wanted to see that shit.”
“You’ve seen it. Besides, you were there! What good’s a photo if you remember the occasion perfectly well without it?”
“I don’t remember,” Aomine folded his arms, but tilted his head. He was closing himself off, while still (very much accidentally) showing interest. Kagami saw from his body language alone that Aomine reminisced about the past too.
“Shame,” everything had to hurt today, didn’t it? Kagami was taking it out on Aomine, but maybe it was his fault in the end. He tried to push past, with the idea of going out to get something to eat, but Aomine put a hand on his chest. Warmth. Red eyes lowered to full lips.
“No, Taiga,” the hand fell away, “no. Talk to me. I wanna hear about that picture.”
“I’m hungry,”
“Starve,” there was the contact again, but this time Aomine had extended his whole arm to prevent Kagami from leaving. Somewhere between annoyed and aroused, Kagami shoved the hand away.
“Summer. Do you remember how we used to go to the beach to surf? And how we’d always find Nijimura and Tatsuya either making out or arguing, and we’d try to—”
“Guess which one it’d be this time,” Aomine chuckled, “Tatsu said they used to do that about us, y’know.”
Kagami folded his arms and rested against the counter. There was a pause where Aomine must have been deciding whether or not Kagami would try to leave again, but he jumped up on the kitchen surface. Feet kicked below like he wasn’t a grown ass man.
“You said you loved me that day. For the first time. Properly, ‘cuz you were an idiot before you said it to my face.” He shoved his ex in the side, “Sayin’ it in your sleep, or when you thought I was asleep.”
“Hey, so I don’t throw it around! Why are you complaining? Bakagami. Surely that would mean more to you if I was so nervous to say it. Jeez. Think about things. Bonehead.”
When he looked over, Aomine was hunched over with his arms also folded, glaring at the floor. Blushes didn’t really show up on his skin, but it was obvious that he was embarrassed. Aomine’s nose was scrunching. He looked stupid and beautiful and, again, Kagami’s chest ached.
“I loved you too.”
“Yeah,” Aomine snorted, “but you said it all the time, it wasn’t as meaningful as when I said it.”
“That’s not how it works, you idiot!” Another shove: shoulder into shoulder the first time but a genuine push to knock him over this time. “You think it wasn’t just as hard to say at first? I thought it’d scare you off, then when it didn’t, I couldn’t help myself!”
“Cut it out, you’re turning me on!” Aomine laughed, grabbing wrists and using them to pull Kagami to stand in front of him. “I’m kidding, moron.”
“About what?” he snapped.
“The first thing. I’m still not good at telling people I love them, I used to— I still admire that you just can. I think it’s strong.”
“Oh,” the redhead pulled his hands free, but stayed near. His cheeks heated. “Wouldn’t be so sure about that, though. I suck at it.”
“Ah, man, I don’t wanna hear about your other relationships right now.”
For some reason, that really riled him up. Did Aomine really think he’d bring up other people? He couldn’t hold down a serious relationship with anybody, let alone someone he’d talk to Aomine about.
“What other fucking relationships, you big, stupid fuck? It’s great for you, you can just go to parties and do supermodels, but this THING fucks me over.”
“You aren’t seeing other people?”
“Well,” he faltered, “Yeah, but it never works out ‘cuz you’re always THERE.” Oh, shit. That just slipped out. “I didn’t mean that.”
“You never say shit you don’t mean, not about that,” Aomine muttered, eyes low. “You did it again.”
“I wouldn’t have come over if I knew you were gonna talk about old feelings, asshole.”
“Oh YEAH? Like I give a shit about your feelings, but just so we’re clear, you’re in my way too. And it’s idols, not supermodels.”
“Go figure you’d get stuck up on whether it’s idols or supermodels, UGH, YOU’RE SO—-”
“How stupid can you BE? You said you still love me, I said I still love you. Why are you yelling at me?”
“I———–” Kagami had started his raging defence, but couldn’t get the words out. His mouth was dry, and he wasn’t sure if this was a good nervous or a really terrible one.
“Say something,”
“Uh. I didn’t say that. You can’t just do this. I was fine and now I’m gonna be thinkin’ about this for—”
“I want you to.”
“To think about it, about me. Damn, you’re really slow sometimes. OK, let’s try from another angle,” Aomine sighed as if he was a preschool teacher. Kagami let it slide this once, because he was so hooked on his words. “Do you believe in soul-mates, Taiga?”
The colour drained from Kagami’s tanned face, and he was vaguely aware that he was clutching the front of his own shirt in his fist. “You think I’m your soul-mate?”
“Ahhh, should’ve known you’d go all weird about it.” He rested back on his hands, doing his damnedest to look casual. “I know you are. We’re cut from the same… whatever the saying is. The same thing. We’re two halves of a whole. And you feel the same.”
“Don’t assume what I feel!”
“But you do! You said you’re stuck on me, and I could just about believe it ‘cuz every time I try to tell you I want you to stay longer, you go weird and distant, and I lose you again! Why else would you fly all the way out here knowing I’d drop everything to spend the night with you?”
“I wasn’t thinking.”
“You didn’t have to.”
There, sat in Kagami’s jeans, Aomine made everything crystal clear. They’d split up because distance made life difficult, it was too expensive to visit each other and their schedules meant that they couldn’t get online to talk every day. But Kagami had, on the spur of the moment, spent $200+ to come visit the guy because he was sad. And Aomine had, indeed, dropped his plans to spent the night with him.
They’d split up because all they did was train, and while Kagami liked downtime to include cooking and sleeping, Aomine partied. But Aomine had sort of calmed down by now, even if there was more alcohol than substantial food in the apartment. Maybe they hadn’t spent this long being bad for each other, maybe they’d spent it trying to convince themselves that they were.
“Taiga,” Aomine started again, softly nudging the baffled redhead. “Please don’t leave me hanging. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same, but I never wanna see you again if that’s the case.”
“Maybe I don’t feel the same,” Kagami’s voice cracked, “because I still wanted to see you, even when I thought you didn’t love me.”
“So you—?”
“Yeah, I do.”
It was Aomine’s turn to be rendered speechless, but he was more proactive about it. He pulled Kagami into a tight hug, which was quickly returned. There it was again, the irreplaceable scent of Aomine Daiki, completely encasing Kagami’s body. This hug felt different than the closeness they were more used to experiencing. It felt timeless, not tinted with the pain of having to leave and get over him again. 
Sure, Kagami would have to catch the next flight back to Chicago for practise, but when he did later leave, Aomine kissed him and smiled. It felt nostalgic, like they weren’t mid-twenties but mid-teens. Butterflies swarmed in his stomach, he felt as though he was walking on air as he made his way back home. It had felt RIGHT. Being with Aomine felt right. 
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