#Also no organization just chaos
hadourhandstied · 2 years
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I posted 1,851 times in 2022
That's 753 more posts than 2021!
43 posts created (2%)
1,808 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 372 of my posts in 2022
#disney - 17 posts
#taylor swift - 12 posts
#tangled - 12 posts
#haikyuu - 9 posts
#encanto - 9 posts
#personal - 8 posts
#i love this - 7 posts
#actually phobic - 5 posts
#new dream - 5 posts
#this is cool - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and i think maybe a good measurement of it is how often i think something along the lines of kinda want to be thrown off a cliff oh wait no
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello all! The animal today is a black cat in accordance with Halloween and (more importantly) Midnight's release in less than a week! I think we have an exciting week ahead of us, eh? So I want to know, what is your favorite thing about release week? Mine personally is being surprised by all the little fun things Taylor does during the week! And of course getting new music (duh?) So what is yours?
Let's share what we're most excited for this week and remember to tag animalanon (if so desire) so we can all share our excitement for this new album and show Taylor (and each other) some love! And remember, each of you are wonderful and deserving human beings who are very much loved 🥰. Now let's have a party!l (squirrels are not invited) 🥳 🥳🥳.
-animal anon
I think just the experience of adding to all the memories and connections I have of/with Taylor, her songs, and the fandom is my favorite! I have very specific memories of listening to each album throughout the years and I'm excited to see where Midnights will fall in my life story. What moments will it soundtrack? Which songs will mean one thing on Friday, and something else entirely to me next year? Which one will be my best friend's favorite? What will the rest of this era look like? Every new thing is exciting. (Also, super cool that it's coming out just 2 days after my birthday!)
3 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Sometimes I read fiction with a protagonist who has a phobia of germs (or OCD that presents similarly) and everytime I'm struck by how relatable they are. I don't have those conditions, but I do have my own phobia. Sonething about it just hits. These characters withstand their own battering thoughts, cope with the same actions over and over, and feel the tide of anxiety that rises and falls without notable cause. It just makes me feel less alone, I guess? Like it isn't just me who's haunted by my own brain and tires myself out seeking safety.
5 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Every time Taylor mentions being an outcast as a child being the root of her current actions, I am over the moon. There's something so close to my heart about her acknowledging it. This shared experience is what drew me to her in the first place, the way we both sat at that lunch table and nobody wanted us there! The way we looked at girls with shiny, perfect hair and felt some mix of jealousy or fear. The way every kid like us grew up, and now we're all adults. Adults who carry those responses and fears and coping mechanisms everywhere we go.
6 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
My Lover anniversary hot take is that people who criticized the album's focus on romantic love while saying Soon You'll Get Better doesn't belong on the album should shut the fuck up
6 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Obsessed with Taylor having friends who will defend her. We all know we'll be here, doing that, til the end of time. But it's nice to see the celebs and artists around her join in too
30 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I know it goes against the whole point of the story of TLOU but I want to see Sarah survive. I want to see sarah and joel navigate this new broken world that is slowly repairing itself into something not quite mundane but the closest it can get over the first few years after the outbreak begins. I want to see sarah grapple with this new side of her father she never knew existed and that is exists solely to keep her safe in a world where death is always inching closer. I want to see them go from suffocating military outposts to abandoned houses in the middle of nowhere where they jump at each noise. I want to see Joel teach Sarah how to shoot a gun and ready herself for the kickback because she’s still so small and he doesn’t want her to get knocked over from it. I want to see joel struggle in his role as a protector to try and keep his sweet little girl young and innocent as long as he can but he can’t. She’s experience the horror just the same as him and changed because of it and one day he looks at her and realizes she isn’t the same little girl that woke him up on his birthday because he slept through his alarm, and she never will be. I want to see Joel get into an argument with her because shes buying into the firefly propoganda just like Tommy and god damnit he can’t loose her too. I want to see them shouting at eachother before they go dead silent and sit next to one another and he pulls her into his arms as tears run down his face because she’s all he truly has left. I want to see these two settle down in that shitheap apartment in the QZ and Sarah doing whatever she can to make it feel like home. 
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two-of-tails · 1 month
Hey Tails, how clean do you like to keep your lab?
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I'd like it... cleaner than it is right now.
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xisanamii · 2 months
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liu wei featuring his homie (gay) and homie (platonic)
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
looking back on all my y7 comics is so funny but now im compelled to organize them 'chronologically' and see what that looks like
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karagna · 1 year
you never mentioned you are hot
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ssreeder · 6 months
Hi! Thank you so much for posting the new chapter :) I can’t even put into words how much I love your work. It feels crazy because I have been following liab for over a year now and I think I’ve never been this consistent with anything in my life :D i don’t know if it’s a secret but do you have the next chapters already planned out? And do you know how many chapters this part is going to be? Thank you for you hard work!!
Hiii aww I’m so glad you liked the new chapter! & yeah wow I’ve been writing this fic for like 2 years I think, shiiiit what is time ahhh. Thanks for sticking with me so long <3
I actually have pretty much all the chapter planned out until the battle begins but my problem is I do them by events so it’s like I want this this and this to happen in a chapter but idk how long it’ll take to make that happen but I know what I want to write lol.
(& sometimes the characters don’t LISTEN & I say be nice and make this an easy talk and they’re like no fuck you author I wanna fight right now and the convo takes 1.5k instead of idk 500 words lol. )
I just posted chapter 15 & I’m going to GUESS we are about halfway done. In my mind we are halfway through the last book and that means we have roughly 15 chapter left to go then the epilogue.
I’m pretty good at estimating chapter count but horrible at word count estimation haha.
Thanks for the ask I hope you have an awesome day!!
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florrentine · 2 months
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also while i'm talking about emilia's apartments, nothing makes me giggle more going through all the artist/photographer aesthetic tags seeing pristine flowy dresses / puffy sleeves and neat setups knowing the only thing any of them have in common with emilia's process are bare feet and probably a glass of wine .... her hair's usually tied up and back or braided, and her standard 'look' is either her hanging-on-by-an-actual-thread pair of vintage levi's that she picked up in a thrift store or her denim overalls and a tank top.
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tachyon-omlette · 1 year
nearly finished with Armada and lowkey WHY is Unicron so got damb horrifying. whyd they have to do that and how did they do it so WELL
#g1's portrayal made it so you could understand just how limitless and powerful and (to tfs especially) incomprehesible he is#but ARMADA made it physically impossible for this giant robot to be a clearly cut giant robot#and in doing so really pushed the notion that Unicron is still to some extent mechanical but so completely Other from cybertronians#he's organic he's inorganic he's the moon he's omnipresent he can summon spatial anomalies he has hallways that look like arteries#(spoilers from here on out) he both is and isn't Sideways like how Jesus both is and isn't God which I think fucked with me the most#because when Sideways told Thrust: 'those who serve [Unicron] will be rewarded and those who stand against him will know his wrath' or smth#in the end the only person who was 'rewarded' was Sideways. who was Unicron anyway#Unicron was never going to reward anyone. and those who stand and fight only make him stronger BY fighting.#g1 gave us Unicron the Unfathomable but Armada gave us Unicron the Inevitable. Unicron the Insurmountable#and THAT is why Armada Unicron scares the piss out of me. g1 Unicron was a transformer god but Armada Unicron is a GOD god and they SHOW it#the kind of self-serving omnipotent force of chaos and destruction and death that haunts the narrative from the very beginning#and for a kids' show they pull it off SCARILY WELL#maybe that's another part of it. the entire show is so obviously curated towards toy sales EXCEPT how they handle Unicron#and that also works to make him feel distinct and unfathomable. in a meta sort of way. i like that
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yarrowleef · 2 years
it is very funny and very difficult for me to have any sincere opinion on the current riverclan conflict and whether or not the other clans should have tried to step in when “riverclan is clearly falling apart” because frankly I do not understand at all why riverclan is falling apart in the first place. 
Why is the problem presented as “patrols and chores aren’t getting done!!” how is the camp crumbling and food not getting caught?? the leader isnt even the one in charge of organizing patrols, a leader doesn’t even do that much on a daily basis. what is mothwing even supposedly doing that’s keeping her from work all day. the only thing they should be immediately missing is the ability to do naming ceremonies.
I feel like there have been many points in the series where someone is temporarily appointed in a leadership/deputy-like position when a leader steps out and it’s not even note-worthy because why would it be, do you also need a leader to remind you to breathe and go to the bathroom?? it is literally just the exact same set of repetitive monotonous daily chores that everyone has been doing on rotation for their entire lives. I don’t understand why a clan shouldn’t be able to go on cruise control for a couple months without concrete leadership. I’d get it if there was some major conflict with other clans that required leader authority, but this is just daily life. what is the problem here. how am i supposed to have a thought on what the correct course of action was in regards to the other clans response when the way the problem is expressing itself is so nonsense 😭 
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lush-mp3 · 10 months
zepotha could’ve been fun if goncharov didn’t outsell in every way
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wereh0gz · 2 years
The metal virus arc really does get worse when the zeti are introduced huh.
#ramblings#eggman didn't make a cure or vaccine and that's so dumb. he should've made one#starline wouldn't have gone asking the zeti for help if eggman did at least that#they already had the virus mutating and resisting his control#the stakes for him would be brought up if it mutates to resist the vaccine#and the only definitive cure would be like. idk chaos energy or something#ALSO later on sonic says that when he goes super he gets unlimited power but can't just do anything with it???? huh??????#and silver says chaos control is only capable of moving things a certain distance????#as if chaos control wasn't used for fucking TIME TRAVEL#messing with time combined with messing with space with the warp topaz#could've essentially reversed time on anything that got infected#turning them back to normal and separating them from the virus#instead of. idk what happened they like just pulled it off as if it was just a coating of metal??#and not basically fused with anything organic it came into contact with???#idk they didn't do a good job explaining what sonic and silver actually did so it feels weird#ANYWAY. if eggman had just made a vaccine the zeti wouldn't have been brought into the story#they could've stayed in lost hex like they should've#and the story would've gone in a different and more interesting direction i think#with eggman using the restoration's findings to make a definitive cure for himself and fucking the others over#he could also still 'fire' starline to take the warp topaz for himself seeing how it can be used in his favor#and because he gets sick of starline questioning his decisions#in the end it would've been what little remains of the restoration vs eggman and his army of zombots#instead of that anticlimactic battle with zavok#y'all still believe i like this arc right because i do#i love the concept i love the angst and the horror it's just the end that sucks#and eggman being dumb too#i gonna rewrite like the entire part where the deadly six get introduced btw that's why i've been re-reading this arc#anyway's i think that's enough talking about this arc for now lmao
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“b-but owen you played brd through MSQ how do you not understand?”
simple. i have smooth brain disease
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corruptedsilence · 2 years
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i cannot emphasize enough how satisfying it is to hear my coworkers say that how I manage things in our stations is not only efficient but also gets things done faster and smoother so we all get what we want and are happy at the end of the shift.
So today a coworker literally made a comment about how she was really grateful for what i did to help even though I did what I’d consider “bare minimal effort”. ie: doing tasks anyone could do and takes very little energy (lifting a pan and holding it out, placing said pan back. Grabbing bread, asking customers what their order is) very simple easy stuff. But it save her a lot of time and moving around because she can then focus on actually making the sandwich.
It’s all about equalizing the amount of energy/effort everyone puts into the work. If we all work an equal minimal energy things (simply based on ohw many people we have) should work smoothly. Not to mention how we talk about how things can work better and ask preferences of one another to ensure we all run things the way we want. But it makes everyone less tired, some people don’t exert more energy and get extremely tired/angry/cranky, and everyone shares the same amount of responsibility. which is the biggest issue in this workplace, they dont balance out the work between their workers and tend to put too much work on a single worker despite there being little to no reason for it?? which causes that worker to get upset and tired of it and complain and then nothing gets done.
You have to space things out between people so everyone does their job and no one gets tired. It’s why you dont have one person pulling a 100lb weight, it’s easier when there’s multiple people because it’s less of a burden on each individual and i think that’s how companies should run at least where I work since we’re all equal footing/standing at a non-experience needed job (this wouldnt apply to certain other jobs ofc lmao)
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Snap, ur basically a microceleberty on a tumblr blog. I would be surprised if your inbox WASN'T utter chaos with the amount of fandoms you're in.
dont call me a microcelebrity it's going to do irreparable damage to my ego and im going to become even more insufferable
#snap chats#HONESTLY ILL BE TBH RN something mustve shifted in the water cause only now are my RGG asks gettin wild#can we imagine the chaos if i actually did keep all my shit to one blog My Fucking God#see thats why i make new blogs tho to keep it all organized and so i can give the ecosystem time to heal before im found again :)#and then my inbox explodes#NO BUT REAL TALK REAL TALK i love how i can tell who's been on my trail and who legit just got here#cause people who Just Got Here ask me like#'actual' questions about the series or want to expand on a topic from the series#and then the people who been here are sending me asks abot king of skill and fire emblem#i love it it's a beautiful thing#but anyway to the 'microcelebrity' thing id hardly call myself that if i may be modest and/or an idiot#it never feels like it- i mean i get a lot of asks so that's one thing#i guess it's cause i never see myself mentioned outside my spaces which.#thatd imply im looking for people to say things about me..... which im not good god dont perceive me#at most i know someone reposted my DB animatic to reddit and that blew up#and i know the RGG reddit takes my posts a lot. So I've Heard#but thats about it- my bubble is generally still very small i never really get much attention outside of here#tho i wouldnt expect people from reddit to make a twitter or log on to twitter just to message me#idk where this ramble's going 'microcelebrity' triggered my brain and now im sharing every thought ive had bout possibily being one#feels conceited to say i am one tho. but it also seems facetious to /not/ partially admit to at least being recognizable in some spaces#ok NOW im stopping this ramble i dont know where im going i have class soon and i dont wanna go#i will tho. dont skip class kids
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viir-tanadhal · 3 months
love my team at work getting involved in helping out my coworker because he presumably hasn't done anything for 2-3 months and had 400 unread emails in his inbox and his process is all sorts of disorganized and absolutely insane all because he's going on vacation for 3 weeks. i get he ended up having to do 2 people's jobs and was finishing up his masters degree but DUDE omg. you should have gotten FIRED.
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