#Also this moment was so quick but SO cute
lilacstro · 1 day
messages from someone(channeled messages pac)
hey, I wanted to post a pac for a while, so i did haha. It was hard to decide what topic should it be on, so i decided delivering messages from people who would want to come through, hoping it resonates
lmao all three piles were so different than one another, I enjoyed doing this tho. I hope you could resonate with this <3 leave suggestions and feedback in the comment or asks :) remember its a general reading and you dont have to take it if it doesnt feel right :) i love you :)
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decks used: cupid says oracle, biddy tarot deck
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
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Pile 1
this doesnt seem to be a romantic pile specifically, feels like someone who you felt like family with, a sister, a female best friend or mother coming through, did they betray you in some way? doing something behind your back to pull you down, maybe criticizing something you wanted do or create. someone who could have cut you off or blown up on you for putting your side of feelings forward, some kind of argument could have occurred too. could be someone who thought you are doing to well, or, going after what you want, was too ambitious or man like? could be jealousy infact. Could be that they didnt intend to do so maybe? maybe it was heat of the moment? take what resonates. I see them wanting to come forward and apologize so much. Someone who is ready to rebuild what was gone, and take things forward with you, especially apologizing and creating a new emotional start, probably meaning wanting to leave everything that has happened in the past, It is in their heart to give you an apology, they might even have nightmares about it, they know they have to do it sooner or later and they have this realization. They want to take a quick-impulsive action too. They just know they have to do it. If its been a while, this person seems ready to come forward very soon.
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channeled messages: I am confused this isnt a phase it still hurts i love you more take a leap its getting very dark and cloudy as i am reading this pile.
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Pile 2
awww this feels like someone who has a crush on you. I was feeling very anxious while reading this pile trying to make meaning out of the cards even before they fell out or the spread was complete. So they might be overthinking everything(thats so cute) Also, as soon as i finished laying this deck down, the sun came back again lol.
This feels someone who you are either dating or wants to date you. Some possible scenarios I am getting are (since this is a general reading) being in an online/long distance connection or you might have not met this person yet, or atleast even if you know them they definitely seem at a little distance from you, even emotionally. Could also be cultural differences.
This person feels like someone who is walking away from something in their life. Going into the unknown, starting something new. Apart from this, they definitely want to start something with you, slowly even if its small, I see confidence issues here, feeling of not being good enough. This person wants to give you queen treatment pile 2 , but i feel they have this subconscious belief of wanting to be better, to be able to provide for you and give you what you deserve. Some of them might also be thinking what other people might think, they just dont want you to suffer with them in any way, they want the best for you before they can come forward to you. Financial stability is major here, maybe you or them have experiences or wounds around it. This person definitely is giving this a lot of time and serious thought
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Channeled messages: I think about us a lot Make me believe(yeah man ig you need to because this person is very hard on themselves for even if they deserve you) I am yours the time is now
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Pile 3
Ok so this feels like someone who has unfinished business with you, This screams to be a ex lover but could be a situationship/toxic old friend. Someone who is up at night thinking about how they couldnt give you what you deserved, not realising they slept on their chance to do that. I see it is someone you had a lot of love for, maybe you expected that the love was reciprocated but it rather caused you some kind of heartbreak. Some possible scenarios coming through are someone who probably left you without explanations, making you rely on other people for help or information, or someone who acted on what their friends or family told them to do instead or someone that caused you some kind of shame in front of people, making you some kind of "gossip topic" in the end. It could even be that you or them heard something from other people that could have caused trouble. Number 3 might be significant to someone, it was coming up a lot. Third party? 3 friends? 3 chances? March? could be, but its a general reading so take what you only believe could be confirmation
This ending could have been very fast and hurried and unexpected as well. It could be that this person chose you over thrill and enjoyment in their life, OR they were over committed to two things at once, both of which needed their time and passion. They were struggling to create a balance is what I see. This person has so much to say to you its insane, they think and reflect on this a lot. But I see this person isn't ready to take the fight as such, they have so much to say to you, so much apology for not being able to give this what it deserved, yet they are afraid of coming forward and saying what they have to, They keep on thinking and wishing, I wish I could, not realizing they are literally sleeping on their chance to do so. What a weird person lol
However what I see is this person making a choice, and a plan, to do something. I wonder how fast is that going to be because i see so much pain and doubt in this person, they don't really feel that you would take this. But I still see them contemplating and making some plan. Could be you have gone through similar some cycles with this person. You could have been hurt yet compassionate to this person it seems yet very uproar and mad and visibly upset about it (understandable tbh) In such readings I am adamant to say that they love you, because this absolutely isnt love imo, Its called guilt tripping and gaslighting but your situation might be diff. However if anyone loves you, they would not be so wishy washy and "oh I wish..." about it, They would just not want to lose you, even the second they knew or even had a realization. These kinds people irk me tbh. They do miss you a lot (more like seems the fun with you but whatever) though and do hope for a second chance. They somehow even find you even more attractive/addictive and dont seem to be over of what has went down yet.
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Channeled messages: I want you you are incredible do you know that what do you want from me i can help it i feel so guilty lets go on an adventure have I been here before? feels like deja vu we need to talk
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tsu-kitty · 2 days
𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶 𝒾𝓂𝒶𝓰𝒾𝓃ℯ
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♡ wc › 1.0k
♡ contains › tsukishima x reader, fem!reader, volleyball player!reader, reader get hit on by a random guy, tsuki rescues reader. reader and tsuki are in their second year.
♡ summary › it's the interhigh tournament and you're a member of a girl's volleyball team at karasuno. tsukishima saves you from getting hit on by another player.
♡ a/n › my first fic on this blog! i hope everyone likes it. not proof read.
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Don't get involved… Don't get involved… It's none of your business…
Having chosen to use the furthest bathrooms from the main courts of the Interhigh Tournament in order to avoid lining up, Tsukishima expected the halls to be deserted. And they were initially, but on his way back to the team, Tsukishima heard an obnoxious male voice and a quieter female voice echoing from a nearby turn off.
“I'm flattered, but I'm not interested, sorry,” said the quiet female voice.
“Oh, come on, sweetness,” replied the male. “I'm hot, you're hot, we'd make a great couple.”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes as he passed the hall the voice came from. He hated guys that were full of themselves. He pitied the poor girl this arrogant guy was hitting on. She should just tell him to piss off.
“I'm serious.” Her voice shook ever so slightly. “I'm not interested.”
“I can make you interested,” said the guy.
Tsukishima paused just before the left turn where the two voices originated. Don't get involved, Tsukishima.
Curiosity got the better of him though, his eyes flicking down the hall as he walked past. Despite intending not to stop, the sight of the girl made him freeze. Her uniform was black and orange with a bright white number 6 on the back under the words “Karasuno High School”.
It was you.
Whilst most of the Karasuno girls team barely crazed the tip of his consciousness, you were somewhere floating in the middle. Not someone he thought about all day everyday, but someone that made semi-regular appearances in his life.
This was mostly due to the fact you were in his class both this year and the last. There were other moments that made you memorable, though. Like the first time you met, when you quite literally walked into him on the first day of school. Or the time you tripped down the stairs and fell onto him midway through the year. Then there were the times you and your team cheered on his.
Tsukishima and you had interacted enough for him to know that you were somewhat shy and awkward, but nonetheless kind and joyful. You weren't the type to like obnoxious guys like the one currently hitting on you.
You also smelt like strawberries—real ones, not the artificial flavouring—which Tsukishima really liked. Not that he'd ever admit that.
Watching you now, the way you tugged your shorts down and crossed your arms over your torso, the way your weight shifted from foot to foot, Tsukishima could easily tell you were not enjoying the interaction. That was enough for him to decide to intervene.
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“You're so cute when you're nervous,” the unknown boy snickered. “It makes me want you more.”
Your stomach churned with anxiety. “Please go away. I'm seriously not interested.”
“Don't say that, sweetness.” He reached his hand towards your waist.
You flinched away before he could touch you, but to your shock and dismay, you hit a hard body. Eyes wide with panic, you spun, ready to make a quick apology then run for your life.
“Is this guy bothering you, Y/N?” It was Tsukishima Kei, the blonde boy that sat behind you in class.
This boy… you seemed to always be—quite literally—running into him. Not that you minded too much. He was undeniably handsome: fair skin, sharp jaw and nose, short and slightly wavy blonde hair, gorgeous amber eyes behind a pair of black rimmed glasses. You had to admit, you'd had a small crush on him since first year.
A wave of relief washed over you. His timing couldn't be more perfect.
As well as his intelligence and height, Tsukishima was known for his sour attitude. He was witty and sharp-tongued, borderline rude at times, but that was exactly what you needed right now.
“Yes,” you breathed. You met Tsukishima's gaze and hoped your expression conveyed your desperate situation to him. “Yes, he is bothering me.”
Behind his glasses, Tsukishima's eyes flicked between yours, reading the silent panic in them. He broke the eye contact to cast a disdainful look over the unknown boy.
“You hear that, pipsqueak?” Tsukishima said, tilting his head to the right. “You're bothering her. So, piss off.”
You couldn't help but smile at the insult Tsukishima threw at the other boy. He wasn't really that short, about average height maybe, but Tsukishima was easily a head taller than him.
“Pipsqueak?” spat the boy. “Who the hell are you calling pipsqueak?”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes. “You, obviously.” Then he smirked and your heart skipped a beat. “You're not very bright, are you?”
The other boy's face turned tomato red. “You little shit.”
“How intelligent,” Tsukishima deadpanned, turning away. “Come on, Y/N. Let's get out of here.”
He started walking and you tried to follow, but a hand on your wrist stopped you.
“Wait up, sweetness—”
In one long step, Tsukishima was back at your side, ripping the stranger's hand off you. “How thick is your skull? You're bothering her, so we're leaving.”
The glare on Tsukishima's face sent a shiver down your spine. Placing a gentle hand at the small of your back, he made sure you were a step in front of him as he guided you away. The warmth from his touch radiated throughout your body. For such a boy with such a cold personality, he was surprisingly warm.
“Thank you, Tsukishima,” you said quietly as the two of you walked.
“You need to work on rejecting people,” was his curt reply.
You almost snorted. “That sounds awful.”
Tsukishima scoffed. “Not as awful as watching you get hit on.”
For the second time today, your heart skipped a beat. What did that mean? Awful as in pitiful? Awful as in gross? Why would it be awful? What about seeing you get hit on was awful?
“Y/N! Tsukishima!”
You had reached the place where your teams had set down their bags, both your captain and his waving you over. Tsukishima retracted his hand, quickly tucking it into his pocket. You turned your head to him, but he was gone, mumbling to Yamaguchi and throwing his headphones on.
Why are you so elusive, Tsukishima?
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etdanger · 1 day
hear me out.
red flag bf cheol manipulating you into loosing your virginity to him
we both know this is the basic, a whole plan forms in his hand after the third time you tell him you’re not ready yet. because the first time he can endure it, even if he really wanted to fuck you that soon into the relationship it’s actually good to keep with his fake good boyfriend persona, the second is okay-ish, it’s a you thing… but the third? it’s been months without anything! in the end of the day he’s just a man, y’know? he needs it. can’t hide his frustration as you push him away again and once he looks at you and sees you feel bad and hears the shakiness in your voice saying “but… but i could help you” the gears start to turn on his mind, quick to deny it but you insist, so it’s not bad, right? it’s not on him, you are insisting on that, he didn’t do shit. has a blast watching you take his cock in hand, even if you’re all gentle and not really knowing what to do, he comes fast just because of the sight.
starts thinking about other ways to use you then until getting the chance to fuck you, the perfect reasons to make you feel guilty, and jerking him off soon becomes him fucking your thigh, it makes you feel so dirty, his cum all over your skin, which soon leads to blowjobs and him making you swallow every drop because he insists on coming in your mouth but again, it’s you, didn’t you complain about finding it gross? it wouldn’t be a problem if you simply let him fuck you but since you don’t want that there’s only one other way to fix it! he is just a pro in making the most absurd things seem like logic and you just sit there feeling bad because well, he is right :(
when it happens, he doesn’t warn you or ask you, he simply takes and plays dumb after. it’s making out that turns into you on his lap, his hands roaming over your body and once you whimper his name, to say it’s too much, he just shushes you, telling you to trust him, he won’t do anything you don’t want. it’s only a matter of time before you’re basically riding him, one hand guiding your hips back and forth while the other keeps your sleep shorts out of the way, your pussy covered only by your underwear which doesn’t do much as you are wet and his pre cum is all over it. he obviously knows what he is doing, purposefully getting you closer to the edge, getting you distracted enough to also pull your underwear to the side and nestle his cock between your lips, satisfied smile on his face at how wet you are, how warm you feel, switch turning inside him as the head of his cock nudges at your entrance and you jump, wide eyed, so cute trying to move away from him but he is much stronger, keeping your hips in place and groaning so loud as he slides inside you. he anticipated this moment so much that he basically doesn’t need to fuck you, bounces you up and down a few times but hearing you cry and call his name, your walls adjusting to his size and squeezing him, it’s enough to make him cum deep inside. wipes your tears and plays with your clit, encouraging you to be good, to come for him because “daddy needs to feel you, come on, just give me that”.
manipulative bitch, soooo good at pretending it was an accident, he couldn’t help it, couldn’t resist you, that he is so sorry for doing that, understands you not trusting him anymore, all the things he knows will make you feel bad it, as if it’s your fault because look at him now he feels so guilty, that never would happen if you just… had sex with him.
had to add some daddy kink and now can’t stop thinking about dadbf!seungcheol oooh save me deranged man who gets off by being called dad and calling his gf daughter.
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bruhnze · 2 days
I hope i didn’t crush you
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Summary: Ona says Lucy is not tall, Lucy didn't like that. Ona finds out there is more to Lucy's insecurity. (Idk actually, but something like that)
Warning: Mature content, sexual content
Please note that this is pure fiction!
Word count: 3522
Since the poll showed everyone likes these stories, i wrote another, idk how these other girlies do it cause i actually feel filthy after writing this, but ok, i like reading them too, i'll admit it, and with the lack of new ones i took it uppon myself to contribute, this is for all my Luna shippers!
I hope i didn’t crush you - Lucy y Ona
It was late in the afternoon, they had just gotten home from a busy day with morning training, treatment, then lunch with the team, in the afternoon they had done some media stuff, the team had to record videos for different companys and deals. After that they also had an meeting with the staff and Jonatan.
Now they were finally back home for siesta time.
‘’Pfft, that was tireing’’ Ona sighed as she flopped onto the couch.
‘’I know’’ Lucy said ‘But you also had some fun right’’.
‘’Yeah i had fun, you too it seemed, what are Lucia and you up too anyways?’’
Lucy laughed ‘’Corrales? .. Oh nothing, i think she is just like me when i was young, i’m trying to teach her some lessons, but today it was just banter really, she is jokes’’
‘’I love how you always involve everyone and make everyone feel at ease’’ Ona smiled ‘’But i haven’t seen you all day’’
Lucy now stopped with the thing she was doing, cleaning up some lost dog toys and putting them in the dog toy bin, and walked to the couch sitting next to Ona who was laying down with her head on a few pillows.
Ona smiled ‘’Hola bebé’’
‘’Puedo besarte?’’ (Can i kiss you?) Lucy said as she came closer.
‘’Mhm, siempre, especialmente si hablas español’’ (Mhm, always, especially when you talk to me in spanish) Ona sighed.
‘’Te gusta cuando te hablo en español?’’ (Do you like it when I speak Spanish to you?) Lucy leaned in to kiss Ona.
Ona grabbed Lucy by her shirt and tried to get Lucy on top of her. Lucy noticed and positioned herself lying between Ona's legs, holding herself up on her hands, still not breaking their kiss.
Lucy licked Ona’s lower lip en pulled it between her teeth, then she gave a few quick kisses on her mouth and went to Ona’s neck, kissing it softly.
Ona closed her eyes from the sensation and groaned while strangeling Lucy with her legs trying to get them closer to eachother.  ‘’Sometimes i feel like i can’t get close enough to you’’ Ona said ‘’I hate that we have to be in public so much, wish we could just stay in the house for a few days, i want to cuddle with you for hours’’
Lucy, who had now stopped with the neck kisses, held her face a bit away so she could look at Ona. ‘’aw baby, i wish that we could, i love cuddling with you also’’.
Lucy lowered herself and now completely laid on top of Ona, nudging her face in Ona’s neck.
They were laying there cuddled up for a while when Lucy started snoring softly, Ona had put her hands under Lucy’s shirt, scratching Lucy’s muscular back.
Ona took her right hand away from Lucys back and scratched Lucys neck now, at the part where her hair starts, below her bun.
Ona loved sleepy Lucy, with her being the supposed tougher more dominant person in the relationship, it was cute when Ona could cuddle Lucy for a change like the occasional moment when she was allowed to be the big spoon. And just like this moment now, where Lucy is completely relaxed and Ona got to play with her hair.
After some time Lucy seemed to wake up, groaning lightly against Ona’s skin.
‘’Good sleep?’’ Ona asked.
‘’Mhm’’ Lucy got a bit more awake, ‘oh, i hope i didn’t crush you’’ pushing herself up.
‘’no, stay’’ Ona hugging her legs tighter around Lucy ‘’you can’t crush me, i’m very sturdy and you’re basically the same size as me anyways’’.
Now Lucy was fully and wide awake. ‘’Pardon’’
‘huh’ Ona said innocently.
‘’Oh i thought i heard a pretty little lady say something completely ridiculous’’ Lucy said, now getting up.
Ona laughed ‘’6 cm is not very much Lucy’’
‘’Oh yeah, for double that i’ve gotten you moaning like there was no tomorrow though’’ Lucy scoffed.
Ona blushed ‘’Luce, im just joking’’ Ona sat up and squeezed Lucy’s bicep. ‘’But i like the sound of that’’.
‘’Yeah i bet you do, don’t know if you deserve it now, do you?’’ Lucy said in a teasing voice.
Ona now got behind Lucy who was sitting on the edge of the sofa and massaged her shoulders, and wispered in Lucy’s ear ‘’My tall strong muscular and beatifull girlfriend doesn’t want to have her way with me?’’
Lucy whimpered. She took Ona’s hands a pulled them infront of her, so Ona’s arms were now around her and Ona put her legs around Lucy instinctively. Lucy stood up easily and walked them too the bedroom.
At the bed she dropped Ona on from her back onto the bed, resulting in a laugh from Ona.
‘’Do you think this is funny?’’ Lucy scoffed
‘’Ah Luce, you’re too easily offended’’ Ona laughed.
‘’Oh yeah, lets see how long you can continue your jokes’’ -Lucy
Lucy pulled her shirt off and got on the ground to do some push-ups, then she did some sit-ups.
Ona stared at the women, what the actual fuck, she thought by herself, what is she doing.
After a few more exercises there were beads of sweat on Lucy’s back.
Ona was enjoying the sight from her place, now sitting up on the bed.
Lucy walked over to the other side of the room, getting up the spin bike, which had actually become more of a decor lately rather than Lucy used it, like she frequently did last year to get some extra cardio in.
Lucy was pedalling fast now, breathing heavy, sweat on her forehead.
Ona had no clue what Lucy was trying to do but she did know that the view of Lucy’s abs was something she didn’t mind at all, she actually got turned on by it. And with the sweat and grunting it was an erotic sight really.
Ona shifted and now sat with her back against the headboard of the bed. Eyes staying on Lucy.
Lucy was sitting in her shorts and sportsbra on the bike, after 15 minutes she thought it was enough and walked to the bathroom, she walked in and left the door completely open, knowing Ona could see into the bathroom from the place she was sitting on the bed.
Lucy discarded of her clothes and leisurely threw them into the laundry basket. She took her time, now naked, to walk back in to the room to grab a towel from the closet, knowing full well there were still some in the cabinet in the bathroom.
She felt Ona’s eyes following her every move but she didn’t budge.
Walking back to the shower she glanced over at the bed, she didn’t know if she was seeing it right, so she stood still and took a good look.
Ona got red, removing her hand from her pants.
‘’No, go on then’’ Lucy said ‘’I don’t want to disturb you’’
‘’Luce’’ Ona said with a husk voice ‘’I need you-‘’
‘’Nah, it seems you have everything under control baby, you don’t need me’’ Lucy said, now getting closer to the bed.
‘’I want you’’ Ona tried again.
Lucy laughed ‘’Yeah, but naughty girls don’t get what they want, do they’’
‘’no’’ Ona admitted ‘’I wanna be a good girl for you Lucy’’
Lucy smiled on the inside, and was satisfied with the state Ona was in now. ‘’undress’’ she said calmly.
Ona quickly did so and sat back again, looking at Lucy with doe eyes, waiting for the next order.
Lucy looked at Ona’s body, she was really beautifull, the freckles, which she had all kissed one by one, the muscles, the veins. Ona was sculpted by the gods, her face was so pretty that even on a bad day Ona looked flawless in every picture that was taken of her.
Lucy’s eyes scanning her body made Ona weak, the lust and also love that she saw in Lucy’s eyes made her wanting Lucy close, she needed Lucy’s touch.
Lucy gathered her thoughts and focussed back on what she was doing. She was still stood next too the bed, naked.
She walked to the empty side of the bed and laid down, prompting her pillow up a bit and putting her hands behind her head, she spoke again ‘’Lets see what that pretty little mouth of you can do then, besides spouting nonsense’’.
Ona got up, this was not a punishment for her, she loved tasting Lucy. She got inbetween Lucy’s legs and kissed the insides of her tighs before slowely working her way to Lucy’s centre.
Lucy looked down at Ona’s head between her legs, seeing Ona’s butt stick up in the air behind it. ‘Damn’ Lucy mumbled.
Ona heard it but didn’t look up, she was orderd to make use of her mouth, so she was gonna do just that.
Licking and sucking Lucy’s sex she felt the woman getting closer, she now entered Lucy with her tongue, resulting her nose to rub against Lucy’s clit.  
Lucy groaned. A bit more stimulance from Ona caused her to climax. She rested her head back on the pillow while Ona lapped a few more times at her folds.
Ona kissed Lucy’s thighs and sat up, now waiting for a next command.
‘’Think i’m going for a shower’’ Lucy spoke up.
Ona looked at her with disbelieve, she put her hands on Lucy’s legs. ‘’No’’.
‘’No what?’’ Lucy smirked ‘’Seemed like you had things covered earlier, i’ll just let you to it’’.
‘’Lucy’’ Ona sounded desperate now ‘’i-
‘’Okay then’’ Lucy said and got up ‘’I’ll help you out, maybe i can fuck some sense into you’’.
Ona nodded, happy she was gonna get something but unsure about what Lucy meant by that. Looking at Lucy going trough their drawer.
Lucy turned back to her now wearing a strapon, Ona got even more wet from the sight, she laid back and parted her legs.
‘’No’’ said Lucy ‘’turn around, get up’’ while lathering up the plastic cock with lube.
Ona did what Lucy said, and got on her hands and knees, with her back turned to Lucy.
Lucy ran her fingers through ona’s folds. ‘’Yeah that’s what i thought’’ she grunted ‘’You’re so wet for me, you love this shit’’.
Ona whimpered and shuffled a bit more towards Lucy, now feeling the strap against her.
Lucy didn’t waste a second and pushed inside, earning a moan from Ona. She put it in completely, her hips now connected with Ona’s butt.
Lucy first thrusted slowely and then graduadly worked to a good rhythm, she slapped Ona’s perfect looking butt, earning another loud moan. She grabbed Ona rough and held her steady whilst fucking her, filthy sounds filling the room.
Ona felt really good but she needed more, she wanted Lucy to reach around and circle her clit for her, but in this mood Lucy would probably not do that for her. She reached down herself.
Lucy noticed and grabbed her wrist, pulling it behind her back, Ona nearly lost her balance, now resting on only one arm.
‘’what do you think you’re doing’’ Lucy said into Ona’s ear, she kissed down Ona’s back and slowly stopped thrusting, then she pulled out. ‘’Do you want to do it yourself again’’ she flopped onto the bed and sat against the headboard.
Ona looked at her trying to get what she should do next.
Lucy patted her lap. ‘’Come on, show me how good you can make yourself get off then’’
Ona smirked and climed up on Lucy, lowering herself on to the strap. She moaned, throwing her head back and closed her eyes.
‘’Look me in my eyes bub’’ Lucy said.
Ona listened and couldn’t help but hear a desperate tone in Lucy’s voice. Was she as riled up as her right now?, Ona asked herself.
Ona was now riding Lucy, holding herself up with her hands on the headboard, Lucy´s had put her hands on Ona´s hips lightly, not helping her, just resting there.
Lucy was loving this view, a moaning Ona grinding on her lap, she saw Ona getting closer ´´touch yourself baby´´
With her right hand Ona reached down to provide just the last bit that pushed her over the edge.
She hid her face in Lucy´s neck and called out ´´Luce´´
Now Lucy held Ona´s hips more firmly, helping her ride her through her high slowly.
´´ Quiero que me folles ahora Ona´´ (I want you to fuck me now Ona) Lucy wispered shyly.
Ona was brought back to reality immediately by those words. This was not usual at all, the strapon was only worn by Lucy until now.
‘’If you would want to do that too ofcourse’’ Lucy added even more quietly then her last words.
Ona crawelled of Lucy and nodded eagerly, ‘’ofcourse Luce, i just didn’t know that was something you were interested in’’
‘’I just hadn’t thought about it really’’ Lucy said ‘’But a few days ago i had a dream about you, where we did that and ever since then i can’t get it out of my head’’.
Ona was now grinning wide ‘’You dream about me huh?’’
Lucy blushed and playfully pushed Ona ‘’Yes sometimes’’ ‘’But it’s your own fault, you’re just too hot’’.
‘’Bueno’’ Ona said, walking to the drawer ‘’maybe we should use this one first then’’ holding up their smallest piece of the collection.
‘’mhm’’ Lucy nodded ‘’have you done this before?’’
‘’Yeah i have, but it was a long time ago so we’ll just go really slow for the both of us’’  ‘’Have you done this before?’’ Ona asked.
Lucy looked away, getting even more embarrassed ‘’No not like this, but.. penetration in general… yes…’’  
Ona laughed, ‘’I know’’ she waved her fingers demonstratively.
Lucy now laughed aswell ‘yeah but i mean with a toy, but that was really long ago and it happend like 3 times’’.
Ona got closer to Lucy, taking of the harness from Lucy, Lucy lifting her butt from the bed. Ona asked Lucy ‘’Why? Didn’t you like it?’’
Lucy anwsered without looking at Ona, ‘’yeah i kinda did, but i felt a bit vulnerable and the person i was with didn’t help with that, so i never tried anymore really’’.
Ona now cupped Lucy’s chin. ‘’I’m sorry baby’’ and kissed Lucy. ‘’We can just have the same rules that we use for me’’.
Because Ona liked it a bith more rough in the bedroom, the couple had spoken about their boundries extensively. For Lucy it had took some getting used to before she fully owned the dominant role with saying the sometimes even degrading comments that really got Ona going.
But in this stage of their relationship they were having a very good dynamic in the bedroom, she had become more confident and all Ona's needs were met, Lucy’s too, but recently these thoughts had started to arise, and only because she felt so comfortable with Ona, Lucy had dared to bring it up.
‘’Yeah’’ Lucy smiled ‘’That is good’’
Ona was putting on the harness and walked to the bathroom were she threw the attached dildo in the sink and now put the smaller one in the harness.
Lucy was watching her every move, feeling nervous but also turned on.
Ona walked back to the bed and asked Lucy ‘’have you thought about how you-
‘’Come here’’ Lucy said streching her hands to Ona. Ona climed up on the bed and kneeled inbetween Lucy’s legs, she reached over Lucy to the nightstand and got the bottle of lube and put some on the rubber dick.
Lucy watched her and parted her legs slightly more.
Ona turned to face Lucy and carefully studied her face, she saw expectation but also a little bit of hesitancy. She kissed Lucy softly and wispered, ‘’Just talk to me baby, if you want to stop, we stop’’
‘’Mhm’’ Lucy nodded ‘’thank you Ona’’ and kissed her back.
Ona guided the strap with her hand between Lucy’s folds, she rubbed a few times up and down. Still looking a Lucy, Lucy gave a small nod. And then Ona slowly put the head in, watching Lucy’s reaction.
Lucy whimpered and closed her eyes.
Ona slowely put it in completely, she lowered herself more to Lucy and started thrusting slowly, her breast now brushing against Lucy with every thrust.
Ona couldn’t say that she hadn’t thought about this happening, but she didn't want to get carried away on this first time, especially not after what Lucy had just told her, so she steadily kept to a nice pace and focussed on making Lucy feel good.
Lucy was moaning now, she’d opened up her legs a bit more so Ona could get closer to her and tried to reach Ona’s hips to pull her closer.
Ona kissed Lucy’s neck, wispering ‘’Do you want try and ride me now?’’
Lucy groaned ‘’mmh’’
Ona smiled softly ‘okay i am gonna pull out now’’
Lucy whimpered at the loss, and got up on her knees. Ona sat in the middele of the bed with her back against the headboard, Lucy already climbing on top of her. She held Lucy’s hips while Lucy guided herself onto the strap again.
Lucy was now in control of the pace herself, going a bit faster she hid her face in Ona’s neck.
Ona reached one of her hand between their bodies and started stimulating Lucy´s clit giving pressure so Lucy was grinding against her thumb.
Lucy was now panting heavily and her rhythm became even faster, Ona could tell she was getting close ´´You´re doing so good Lucia, come for me buba´´
With this praise Lucy got pushed over the edge, with a few more up and downs and she came hard. She cried out a moan in Ona´s neck, after a few seconds she got off the the strap and sat on one of Ona thighs, placing her head in the nook of Ona´s neck again.
Ona positioned them so they were more laying down now, rather than sitting up like before. She started tracing Lucy´s back with her nails lightly and with one hand she went back to the hairs in Lucy´s neck, like she had done earlier this afternoon.
They layed there for a few minutes when Ona felt Lucy kissing her neck.
´’Did- ‘’Tha-
They spoke at the same time and chuckeled.
‘’You talk baby’’ Ona said.
‘’No, you, what did you want to say’’ -Lucy
‘’I wanted to ask, Did you like it, Did it feel good?’’
She felt Lucy smile against her skin ‘’yeah, it felt really good’’
Ona smiled, ‘’ i’m glad Luce, now what did you want to say?’’
‘’Ah nevermind, it was nothing’’ Lucy kissed Ona’s neck and pushed herself up a bit to face Ona ‘’i love you’’.
Ona’s face became soft ‘’Luce, i hope you feel that you can say anything to me’’. Only now she noticed Lucy’s watery eyes. ‘’heyyy baby, what’s up’’ pulling Lucy’s head to her chest ‘’tell me, you don’t have to look at me while telling’’.
Lucy sniffed her nose, ‘’No, it is positive Ona’’ ‘’initialy i wanted to say thank you, but that is maybe a bit weird, but what i mean by it is thanks for making me feel so safe, i felt as though i could let go completely, honestly i have never experienced a orgasm like this one, it was such a different feeling, very nice’’.
Ona caressed Lucy’s head, ‘’i’m glad baby, maybe we can do it more often like this?’’
Lucy looked at Ona, wanting to read her face, ‘’Did you like it aswell?’’
Ona grinned ‘’yes, very much, it was even hotter than i had imagined’’
‘’Did you imagine this?’’ Lucy questioned
Ona spoke softly, ‘’Yeah i did, i mean i love being on the receiving end, but there is something about using the strap on someone else, it’s hot, but i had just assumed you weren’t up for it, we should’ve talked about it, because i had liked to know that you had these bad experiences before Luce, then we could’ve talked about that’’
‘’Not just this’’ Ona said while pointing between her legs ‘’but also other things, trust is very important in the bedroom’’. ‘’I hate that you didn’t always have that’’
Lucy grabbed Ona’s hand and laced their fingers. ‘’I love you’’ she said once more.
‘’Do you want to tell me about it’’ Ona asked
Lucy smiled softly ‘’I actually discussed it with my therapist also, so you don’t have to worry that i was bottling it up, what do want to know, or should i just tell you the whole story’’
‘’Yeah tell me everything’’ Ona pressed a kiss on Lucy’s head that was laying on her chest ‘’tell me it all love’’.
‘’Okay but the subject contains information about exes and i don’t want you to spite them.. , so maybe i’ll leave out the names?’’ -Lucy
‘’Why, i wont do anything, i don’t even know your exes, only one’’ Ona questioned,
‘’Yeah’’ Lucy sighed, ‘’That’s true, okay i’ll start from the beginning….
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crazyunsexycool · 3 days
My Little Love
Chapter 35
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader
Word Count: 3.0k
Warnings: fluff, Lottie being a cute, Henry being sweet,
A/N: This is just a filler chapter and I'm not super in love with it. I wanted to set up Sugar and Honey's future friendship. Also because Honey and Steve are not a thing yet in this series Lottie gives Honey a nickname of her own...
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The new house was almost completely furnished so it was a no-brainer that you’d moved in already. The master bedroom was a dream come true with a giant walk-in closet, en-suite bathroom and a private balcony that looked out to the back yard. You loved that it was still on the compound grounds but separate. The best part was that Tony was having one made for everyone on the team so it would be like a little community with just your friends. Most of the houses were halfway finished too.
You had been surprised when Tony offered your father a position as a part time instructor for the agents in training. Eddie had been in the military and had the knowledge so he accepted, he even took your old apartment. He’d decided to rent out the family home since it was just him now. Luke and Molly of course had their own place. Josh and Sofia were still in college and living in the dorm rooms. Living at the compound made more sense to Eddie and now he was closer to all of his kids. It would be best for him since he wouldn’t be as lonely anymore. Not since Lorraine disappeared, to them at least. You knew the truth and you couldn’t stop thinking about how you’d tell your family or how you would handle the situation once she was found. 
There’s a dip at the end of the bed that pulls you out of your thoughts. You close the book you stopped reading a while ago and look up to see Bucky crawling his way up towards you. He smiles before giving you a quick kiss and then settling down over your lower half. Bucky snakes his arms around your hips, his head rests over your midsection and his eyes close as he sighs peacefully. You run your fingers through his hair, down his shoulders and back up. Bucky groans at the sensation. The engagement ring catches your eyes for the thousandth time that day and you can’t help but smile. 
“We should get married.” You say after a moment of silence. 
“What do you think the ring was for?” 
You giggle. “I mean we should start planning.” 
“Sugar, as long as it’s me and you in front of an officiant I don’t care where or when we do it. We can have a big wedding or we can elope. The final choice is up to you as long as you become my wife and no one objects because I really don’t want to murder anyone on our wedding day.” 
“You can’t murder anyone on our wedding day.” 
“I can’t make any promises. But what I can do is help plan. Just say the word and I’ll do whatever you want.” Bucky says confidently. 
“What about the rest of our lives?” 
“I’ll definitely help with that. Let’s see, we have jobs and a house.” Bucky starts saying.
“What about kids? We have two already.” 
Bucky shifts slightly so that he can look at you. “Do you want more kids?” 
“I’d love more kids.” 
“How many is ‘more’ to you?” You tilt your head to the side. 
The conversation gets put on hold when Lottie stops in the hallway.
“Hey.” Lottie calls out from the doorway with a little pout on her lips. “Wanna cuddle too.” 
“Then come up here.” 
She jumps on the bed and you point at Bucky’s back. Lottie giggles before throwing herself on top of Bucky. He grunts when she lands on his back. Her little arms fall around his sides and she even tickles him. You can’t help but chuckle as Bucky pretends to feel ticklish for his daughter's sake. Henry steps into your bedroom a few seconds later with Alpine in his arms. He takes one look at whatever is happening on the bed and furrows his brows in confusion. 
“Bubba help.” Lottie yells with a laugh when Bucky flips her off his back and tries to grab her. 
Henry places Alpine down and  jumps on the bed and then on Bucky. 
“Aren’t you gonna help, Sugar? I’m being attacked from all sides.” Bucky says from under the two kids who have now overpowered him, supposedly. 
As you reach for Henry he turns invisible and takes Charlotte with him. All you hear is the echo of their footsteps and laughter. They even taunt Bucky from somewhere in the house that he can’t get them. Bucky props himself up on his elbows and looks at you with a dreamy look in his eyes. 
“I want more of that with as many kids as you’ll give me.” Bucky answers the question you’d asked him before Lottie walked in. “I don’t care if it’s one or four or ten.” 
“Not ten.” 
Bucky chuckles. “The point is that whatever happens, however many kids we have, I’ll be more than happy to share all of that with you.” 
You smile softly at him then lean forward and kiss him. 
“We have some kids to catch.” You say against his lips.
Bucky huffs a laugh, his eyes and nose wrinkling. He gets up and holds a hand out for you. 
“Ready or not, here we come.” You announce loudly, receiving a scream from Lottie. 
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You were panting, hands on your hips and sweaty. Even though you weren’t an active member of the Avengers anymore you still kept up with your training, just in case. It was a beautiful day outside so you opted for a run. You’d just finished and were catching your breath when Bruce’s lab assistant walked up to you. She played with the pearl necklace she was wearing as she moved closer. 
“Hey.” You say her name and smile.
“So I hate to do this but I was wondering if I could get your help.” She states.
“Well I can try. What’s going on? Are Bruce and Tony up to something?” 
She shakes her head before placing her hands in the pockets of her lab coat. 
“There’s this piece of equipment that was brought from the tower but they couldn’t get it into the building the normal way. It doesn’t fit through the hallways. Tony was able to get a window off the building but it’s getting complicated.” She sighs in frustration. “I was wondering if you could, you know.” She brings a hand up and wiggles her fingers. 
You chuckle but nod your head. 
“Lead the way.” You turn to see that Henry and Lottie are standing beside Bucky while he’s putting the recruits through some training. The kids are cheering them on and even handing out water bottles to some. 
You stood at the far end of the lab where Tony had the glass pane removed. Outside on the lawn sat a pretty big machine wrapped up in a tarp. With your hands on your hip you consider how to best move this thing. 
“Where do you want this?” You turn back and look at Bruce’s assistant. 
“Here would be fine. If it’s not too much trouble.” She answers while pointing towards a corner of the room. 
You take a deep breath and close your eyes while concentrating on the machine below. Slowly and evenly the machine starts to levitate and then move higher until it’s at your level. Then you manipulate it to move toward the building. 
“Does it look like I can actually pull it in?” You ask as you survey the entry point. 
“You have enough space to bring it in without hitting the other windows.” 
You nod and walk backwards, pulling the machine in your direction until it’s in the room.
“Can you take the cover off before I set it down?” 
She rushes over and removes the tarp with a small smile. It’s obvious she’s excited about this because you don’t see her smiling that much. With whatever this machine is in place you finally set it down. She inspects it and nods in approval.
“Thank you. Tony was taking forever in getting his bots to fly this up.” 
“You���re welcome.” You smile at her. “Listen, I was if I were to invite you for dinner-“ 
“No.” She said way too quickly it almost made you chuckle. “Sorry I just- I’m not good with the whole friend thing.” 
“It’s ok. I was just going to invite you to dinner on Friday night at my place. Steve will be there too, if it makes you feel more comfortable. Don’t feel pressured to go but the invitation stands. Not just for Friday but any day.”
“I uh-“ 
“Mama.” Lottie calls out for you with a sing songy lilt to her voice. The double doors slide open and in walks your daughter with a smile on her face. “Oh hi mama.” She turns and greets Bruce’s assistant. 
“Hello Charlotte. I saw you training the recruits.” 
Charlotte’s smile grew brighter. “Am helping dada.” 
“Well you’re doing a good job.” 
“Tank you.”
“Well the offer stands.” You said softly. “Even if it’s just for coffee or if you need anything at all.” 
She gives you a small nod and thanks you again for your help. 
“Alright sweet Angel, say goodbye to doc.” 
“Duck?” Lottie looks confused. “Mama is no duck.” 
“I said doc like doctor, sweet Angel.” 
“Oh, duck is cute, wike a duckie. Can be my duckie?” She looks up hopefully at the other woman. 
She puts her hand on her chin like she’s thinking about it for a moment. Lottie is practically holding her breath.
“Ok you can call me Duckie. But only you.” 
“An bubba?” 
She smiles. “Sure and bubba but no one else ok?” 
“Ok, Duckie.”
“Alright sweet Angel let’s go. I need a shower.” 
“Yeah, mama you gots stinky butt.” 
“How. Dare. You?” You said, acting shocked. 
Charlotte’s eyes grew wide before she started laughing. You moved to grab her but she ran. 
“I’m gonna get you and make you all stinky.” 
Charlotte lets out what sounds like a mixture between a shriek and a laugh before running toward the sliding doors. You smile and say your goodbyes before leaving. Charlotte runs back into the lab.
“See you Fwiday. I see it, bye.” She calls out before leaving again.
The newly nicknamed Duckie stands there amused at Lottie’s behavior. 
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Friday had arrived rather quickly. Bucky has kissed you goodbye about ten times already and he jogged up the porch steps one more time and gave you two more just to keep the kisses even. You laughed and pushed him toward the car you used to get to and from the compound. 
“Dada wait!” Lottie ran out of the house and stopped him as he started to reverse. 
Bucky parked and got out of the car to meet her. 
“What’s up, Doll?” 
“One mo’ hug.” She stretched her arms out in order for Bucky to hold her. 
“There’s always time for one more hug.” 
He kisses her all over her cheeks and forehead before letting her down. 
“Good wuck dada. Lobe you.” Lottie waved him off from the porch. 
Just as you were about to turn to head into the house the sound of a golf cart got your attention. 
“Duckie!” Lottie cheered as Bruce’s assistant got out and stood at the bottom of the steps.
You said her name with a smile, “I’m glad you came by.” 
She had her hands in her pockets and she looked at the floor before giving a small nod. 
“Well Charlotte said she saw it and Steve encouraged me to come over.”
“That’s good, come on in.” 
She walked up the steps and let Lottie take her hand. Lottie pulled her into the house while you reminded your daughter to be gentle. After leading her newest friend with you Lottie disappears into her playroom. 
“Want anything to drink? We have water, soda, beer, wine and juice boxes.” 
She smiled before asking for water. You placed a glass in front of her. 
“So…” you both say at the same time. 
“Go ahead.” 
“How did you and Steve become friends?” She asked. 
“I called him out on his bullshit immediately and will continue to do so happily.” 
She nods in agreement. “Good plan.” 
“How about you? How did you two meet?”
“I walked into my lab and found him alone. It was about a month after you had been taken. He was really upset about it.”
You nod and give her a tight lipped smile.  “Thank you for being there for him.” 
Henry walks in and stops when he sees there’s a guest. While he’s now used to having people around he still gets shy around unexpected guests. He smiles shyly before taking his place beside you and asking how he can help. You have him set the table and then get himself and Lottie cleaned up.
You sat at the dinner table with Henry and Duckie. Lottie was on your lap but you didn’t mind. Since you came back whenever Bucky had to go on a mission she would cling to you whenever possible. That didn’t stop her from playing little hostess though. She made sure to ask Duckie questions and even extended an invitation to a tea party later. 
“Habe some mama.” Lottie holds up her spoon, offering some dessert to you. 
“Mmm, that’s so yummy. Thank you for making dessert bubs.” 
“Henry, you made this?” Duckie asks. 
“Yeah. Mama taught me how to make a lot of things.” 
“He’s a natural in the kitchen. I just taught him the basics. He’s learned a lot on his own.” You smile proudly at your sweet boy.
“Amazing. You should be really proud of yourself. I can’t cook to save my life. So thank you both for feeding me.” 
“Well you can always come here to eat, right mama?” Henry looks at you for confirmation.
“Absolutely. Especially for Henry’s pastries they’re to die for.” 
“Yeah, is so yummy.” Lottie adds before spooning more dessert into her mouth. 
Once everyone was done you cleaned up the table, being joined at the kitchen sink by Duckie. She was glad to help with washing dishes.
“You’re a good mom.” She says quietly.
“Thank you.”
“I mean it.” She says and it makes you stop to look at her. “I know it must’ve been difficult at the beginning but I see that you truly love them and they love you.”
You could tell there was something behind the statement but you didn’t want to push her. 
“The beginning wasn’t easy but they just needed some patience and love and I do love them so much.” 
She gives you a small smile and you both turn to finish washing up. Just as the last dish is done you offer some wine which she accepts surprisingly. The two of you talk for a little longer, keeping the conversation light. You both share more about your jobs and how you got started. 
There are quick steps down the stairs, which you now know is Charlotte. You turn just as she stops in front of the door. A few seconds later Bucky is walking in with Steve following behind. 
“Dada.” Charlotte launches herself into Bucky’s arms. 
“Hi doll. How did you know I was going to walk in just now?” He asks in almost a joking manner.
“I see it.” She smiles proudly. “Hi Steebie.” 
Bucky gives Lottie a kiss on her forehead before handing her over to Steve. Henry surprise attacked Bucky by jumping on his back while invisible. 
“I thought you had a three day mission. What happened?”
“Halfway there we were informed that local authorities had raided the warehouses. Apparently they had been doing an undercover investigation for about a year.” Bucky shrugs before making his way to you and giving you a quick kiss.
“Good, we missed you already.” 
Bucky greeted your guest before excusing himself to change into something more comfortable. 
“We have leftovers, I’ll make you a plate. Steve, are you staying?” You tell him.
“If it’s not too much trouble.” He smiles at you before turning to his newest friend. “I’m glad you came over.”
“Yeah, it was nice.” 
You smile and give them a moment alone by heading into the kitchen. Lottie follows you and offers to help somehow. She’s just happy that Bucky and Steve are back. 
Just as the microwave is done Bucky makes his way back out. He’s dressed in a black t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He takes a seat at the table and Lottie makes herself comfortable in his lap. She rested her head against his chest while he and Steve ate. 
The four adults and Henry are talking and joking around. You’re happy to see Duckie opening up around you a bit more. Although you know it has to do with Steve being here. 
“She’s asleep.” Bucky says softly while looking down at his daughter. “I’ll be back. I’m going to put her down.”
“I should be going. Thank you for having me.” 
“Of course,” you say to Duckie as you walk her out. “Remember you’re always welcomed here, for whatever you need.” 
“Thanks. Good night.” 
“I’m going to go back home too.” Steve says before giving you a kiss on the cheek. 
“How convenient.” You murmur loud enough for Steve to hear.
He rolls his eyes but heads out anyway and offers to accompany Duckie back toward the main compound building. 
Upstairs, Bucky sets Charlotte down and then helps Henry get settled for the night. 
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You’re writing something down in your notebook as Bucky walks into your room and settles down next to you . He’s watching as you continue your writing with a smile.
“What’s that smile for?” You ask without looking up.
“I’m glad that I could be home instead of out on that mission.” 
“We’re glad you’re home safe too.” You finally finish writing and set the notebook down before turning all of your attention to him. “What do you think about the end of August?” 
“For what?” 
“For the wedding. It would be before school starts and warm enough that we could have an outdoor weddingng.” 
Bucky smiles and nods. “That would be great.” 
“How about a small wedding?” 
“That could work.” 
“Alright,” you lean in and kiss him. “Let’s plan a wedding.” 
Ch. 36
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kikikittykis · 2 days
Wearing His Jersey To a Game: Koushi Sugawara
Fandom: Haikyuu
Pairing: Sugawara x reader
Summary: Cute HC's and one shot on wearing Suga's jersey to a game
So you had asked Suga if he had wanted to hang out and study for a bit before his game the next day
While you were “studying” at his house and you secretly swiped his spare jersey from his room since he’s already packed his main one
You let his mom know you had it just in case but you did not let Suga see since it was going to be part of a surprise for him
Which wasss……….
That you were gonna be at the game the next day!!
Wearing his number!! 
Supporting him when he needs it
When Suga went up to serve you started cheering for him
He saw you wearing the Number 2 jersey with a large #2 written right on your cheek too!
After that his serve and playing for the rest of the game had improved significantly!
Obv due to you being there for him!
“You’ve got this Koushi!!!” Sugawara heard a voice yell from the stands, He immediately knew who the voice was. As he started preparing to serve he took a quick glance to the stands where he was quickly able to find you clad in an Orange and Black Karasuno jersey that had the number 2 on it, his number! He also noticed that you even sported a #2 on your cheek. Suga’s mood and confidence were immediately boosted as he grinned at you before quickly turning his focus back to the game in front of him and his serve. Which went perfectly leaving Karasuno one more point closer to winning the game.
Karasuno won the game with flying colors winning both the first set and the second set one directly after. As soon as the game finished up you ran down to the team to congratulate Suga on his win. “Y/N!!” Suga yelled seeing you coming towards him and he ran towards you engulfing you in a big sweaty hug. “You actually were able to come,” Suga said as he looked at you and took your looks in. Taking in you wearing a jersey of his and the large 2 on your cheek.
“Of course I was Koushi, You guys were amazing today!” you gushed at him smiling from ear to ear.
“Nice one Sugawara-senpai, giving her your jersey to wear for the game. Man, I wish I had a girlfriend who would do that for me.” Nishinoya said and came over to the two of you with Tanaka in tow.
“Actually, Y/N how did you get my jersey since I didn't know you were coming to my game today?” Suga asked you, confused as to how you had his spare jersey.
“I may have swiped it from your room last night while we were hanging out, after you had packed so I took the right jersey, Sorry for not telling you I took it, I was making it a surprise for you,” you said to Suga hoping that he wasn’t upset with you though you knew that likely he’d never be upset at you for this.
“No, no worries Y/N, I loved the surprise so don’t worry about it!!” Suga said, he reassured you, then gave you another hug. He leaned over to give you a sweet kiss on your cheek, which held a number 2 on it in Black and orange, his number. Both you and him knew from that moment on that you were his biggest #1 fan forever.
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hannamoon143 · 24 hours
Perfect, like the moon in a dark night
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Genre:Fluff,Comfort,a tiny little bit angst
pairings: Bf Felix x Fem. Reader
Warnings: none i think
summary: you and Felix drifted apart in the last weeks because you were both very busy,but maybe a night with shining stars and a mesmerizing moon could reveal your feelings and thoughts .
a/n: yes i wrote another little fanfic(sry it's very short tho),i am relly getting into writing now,i think i will write more often,and try to improve my writing.i would love to get some feedback<3 Now enjoy this little fluffy story<3
not proofread
As you came back to the apartment that you shared with your boyfriend,you didn't expect felix to be home.He never came home before 10 p.m. But it still made you a bit sad that he wasn't there.
Usually you stayed up till your boyfriend came home,so you two had at least a little bit time together.But today you were just so exhausted.You had a lot of things to do during the whole day ,and your boss snapped at you because you made a mistake in a presentation.
Tired you dragged yourself to the bathroom.You took a quick shower and then put your pajama on.You let yourself fall into the bed and scroll a little bit on your phone.You were planning to wait for felix,but you slowly drifted off to sleep
Felix went inside your shared apartment.He knew he neglected you in the past weeks.It was because of his new tight schedule.He could tell you didn't like it,and you both wished that you would spend more time together.But you never complained about anything,cause you knew how much felix's career ment to him.
Usually you were awake when felix came home.You always said you stay up late anyways,but your boyfriend knew you only wanted to wait for him.He said you didn't have to but you did it anyways.So felix couldn't blame you when he found you sleeping in your shared bed.You still held your smartphone in your left hand.
Felix kneeled down in front of you,laying his head on the edge of the bed.He noticed your exhausted gaze,and the bags under your eyes.Also with these details of exhaustion,you looked beautiful like you always did.
Suddenly guilt and something different hit felix.Also if you both had tight schedules and deadlines,he knew it was mostly his fault that you two didn't spend so much time together like you did before straykids comeback needed to be prepared.
He admired your face a little bit more,and then placed a soft kiss on your lips to wake you up.You immediately opened your eyes and looked in his soft gaze.He felt a little guilty for waking you up,when you clearly were exhausted. "You are back",you said with a sleepy smile on your face.
He gave you a warm gentle hug,that you really needed after your tiring day.You nuzzled into the crook of his neck,when you suddenly heard him say something.
"Wanna go for a walk?",felix asked with his soothing voice,returning a cute smile.Also if it was 2 a.m. you didn't hesitate for a moment as you nodded.
As you walked along the river where you always used to do picknicks together,and also where felix confessed to you,finally felix's voice broke through the silence.
"y/n...i'm very sorry that we don't spend so much time together anymore,i know i neglected you,and i didn't want to-"
"Felix" you said with a slight trembling in your voice "We are not perfect,but that is not only your fault.I also could have put more effort into our relationship.But felix...we don't need to be perfect."
After a little silence finally your boyfriend said something.But you didn't expect what he answered "Do you remember why I call you my Moon?"
"cause stays call you sunshine?",you said with a light giggle.
"No y/n not only because of that.I call you that because you call me sunshine.And because sometimes i need something of your calm,and mysthical personality,and you something of my energetic,lighthearted personality."
"And y/n...you are right,we are not perfect,but in my eyes you are perfect.You are perfect because of your mesmerizing eyes,because of your pretty smile,because of the way you laugh.Cause we are perfect for each other.And for me you are perfect like the moon in a dark night"
"Wow Felix, that was beautiful. You are beautiful."
He looked at you with so much love and admiration in his eyes that you just wanted to be with him for the rest of your life.You also must have looked like that cause with a sweet smile he asked you "why are you looking at me like that?"
As if it wasn't him who had the sweetest lovingly look on his face,you thought.
"Because you not only have the stars in your eyes,the sunshine in your lighthearted personality,and the milky way mirrored in your beautiful freckles.You have all these things also in your soul.And that's what makes you perfect for me"
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herpartnerintime · 13 hours
user @chaosmaxine on twitter helped me worked something out that has been bothering me. So I wrote this post on why the fandom sees Max as a lesbian and I was just having some of the very common 'bi vs lesbian' headcanon argument with people, and I was kinda stumped on something. Why do people so universally see Chloe as a lesbian, but not Max? Max's journal and SMS for starters paint quite the picture, from ignoring Warren's texts to constantly going TTYL while she flirts with Chloe and responds within minutes "Marry me!" "Illegal in Oregon for now" Her journal has an alarming number of entries about not being into Warren, from writing Eww about Dana saying he liked her, from accepting the drive in then writing she sees Warren as a brother and hoping he doesn't make a move on her. She can think boys are cute a few times in the game, and yet her 'can't find a groove with boys' comment seems to possibly have something to do with how the moment they have feelings for her, the discomfort sets in. But she can kiss him. It's true. And yet that doesn't really erase everything I said above. The kiss is quick, with the most Max saying she wanted one kiss from a boy she cared about if she was going to die. But that's all. She goes back to expressing very deep romantic feelings for Chloe and her journal also reveals she couldn't care less about Warren kissing anyone in her nightmare - it's only Chloe kissing others that's upsetting. But here's where I was stumped. Why was the fact Max could kiss Warren proof of her bisexuality in spite of other evidence, when Chloe Price does WAY more than that with boys and yet people see her as a lesbian? In BTS we learn she was hooking up with Elliot. She was having sex with him. That's kisses and way more than kisses. In Lis1's canon this is referred to as her 'boy toy' phase. In BTS, she also writes about being into this male character's smoulder, before Pris took over as she rubbed one.
This is showing attraction in the same way Max felt attraction to boys (thinking of boys as cute). And yet most people can understand Chloe was in the process of working out her sexuality, but most people don't think Max was working out her sexuality. Chloe can kiss boys, think they have a smoulder, and have sex with them several times, but yet, universally agreed a lesbian experiencing comphet after people played bts and Lis1. But Max? She thinks a few boys are cute, can have a quick kiss with one, has multiple journals where she writes about being uncomfortable with being liked by a boy, but like she's bisexual, obviously. And then @chaosmaxine pointed out lis fans love their stereotypes, and are more likely to see Chloe as a lesbian despite Elliot because she's more masculine and mean and rough, whereas Max is soft and artsy and despite also showing no real interest in men in a similar way to Chloe in the end, because Max doesn't meet those same lesbian stereotypes as Chloe, she MUST be bi. It all kind of just fell into place for why so many think Max is bi. I think maybe straight and bisexual people don't really understand what it's like for a gay person to experience comphet, and the way in which we can be in relationships with the opposite sex long before we realize who we really are. Which means yes, we can think the opposite sex is cute and kiss them and have sex with them before we realize something isn't quite right about it all. Max's journal seems to be already suggesting an internal confusion over why she can think boys are cute, but seems discomforted by their attraction. And while she can kiss Warren, that doesn't automatically = bisexuality in light of other feelings Max was also having. I guess what I'm trying to say is, while neither is confirmed, Max was still working out her sexuality like Chloe had done in bts, so the fact she can kiss Warren doesn't negate other details about Max that could be painting a picture towards a lesbian dealing with comphet. I confess maybe this has been on my mind again given the new game is coming, and so far, going from the stream they only showed Amanda when talking about romance and maybe she'll be the only romance (given Max should be locked out of romance on Bae), but with fans speculating about a possible male love interest for her, I suppose I wish Dontnod had just been honest about what they see her as because I don't know how decknine is going to interpret things. Bts makes me suspect, given they gave Chloe a one sided romance of her own that they connected the dots with Max. I guess I've just always seen Max and Chloe as both lesbians who both experienced comphet and had to work out why they could struggle to feel things for boys, but not for girls.
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mirai-e-jump · 21 hours
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Murakami Erica Photobook: Admiring Erica (select pages and translation below)
Publication: May 29, 2024
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Erica's Story
An ordinary high school student who was suddenly scouted one day in Harajuku, won the Grand Prix of an audition, and quickly became a "ViVi" model. After that, she also expanded her activities as an actor, and by taking on the challenge of the Super Sentai series, Erica became the nation's "princess" loved by people of all ages and genders. Including stories about her beloved family and work, this is the beginning of Erica's true story, which can only be told in a photobook.
"Congratulations on the release of your photobook 💛. What were your thoughts when you heard about it?"
Somehow, I always thought about wanting to publish a style book or a book related to beauty someday, but I never considered a photobook at all! I was surprised at first, and I couldn't imagine how it would turn out, but I knew that if I teamed up with ViVi, it would definitely be stylish, so I was really looking forward to it!
"How did it feel to actually shoot?"
The moment we started shooting, I was so excited because the photos were so stylish and had an atmosphere that only ViVi can create!!! The clothes were cute and had alittle bit of an emotional vibe to them but with the lighting that's so ViVi, ViVi is the best~ 💛.
Family Stories
-Talkative and mischievous. I'm a lively girl who grew up carefree in Fukushima-
"Erica is loved by her family, fellow models, staff and co stars. What kind of child were you during your childhood?"
I did things at my own pace from the moment I was born. I wouldn't shout, and was the kind of baby who would look around at the new world with wonder. I've been talkative and mischievous since I was young. I was a lively child, running around at the front while dragging my younger sister, younger brother, and the neighborhood children along with me. I grew up carefree in the rich nature of my hometown, Fukushima, so of course I was good with bugs. I loved to play pranks, and would catch grasshoppers and cicadas and release them at home, where my mother would often become furious with me. In elementary school, I did swimming, karuta, and piano……Since I had plenty of energy, I was able to learn a bunch of different things. From middle school, I started to dress up alittle more, and became interested in fashion and cosmetics. I'd wear the magnetic earrings I bought at the general store, and borrow and try out my mother's eyeliner without permission. In middle school, I joined the Soft Tennis Club, and while leading a club centered life, I became addicted to "Detective Conan." Mori Ran-chan was so cool, that I even tried karate for a brief time (laughs). I fell in love with the scientific field because Haibara Ai-chan was so cool, and she made me aspire to become a science researcher. From that time on, I had an otaku mind set, and would always get completely into whatever I liked.
"You must've been an actively curious child."
I was always active! I was always willing to try anything without hesitating, and even now I'm still the type of person who's curious and quick to act on whatever I want to do.
"Your father is originally from Canada. Did you go to Canada often?"
My grandfather and grandmother lived there, so I used to go there often when I was younger. When I was in middle school, me and my younger sister would spend our Summer vacations in Canada. I'd speak English together with my father, so I was able to speak it when I was a child, but I regret that I gradually became less interested in English. Now, I think I want to study English again.
"Being blunt, were you popular?"
Eh, not really (laughs). The only story I can tell you that made me alittle bit excited was when I was in high school, a friend told me that a boy from another school wanted to know my contact info. Unfortunately, I don't have that many stories of bittersweet love 💛, as I tend to become friends with the opposite sex pretty quickly.
"What kind of girl were you in high school?"
I decided to seriously pursue a career in science when I was in my first year of high school, so I went to cram school and studied hard in order to focus on entrance exams. I was involved in club activities, such as baking sweets in the laid back Family Life Club. If I got a job, I'd probably return to my hometown, so I wanted to go somewhere where I could do what I loved while being a college student, I even though, "Maybe I can study abroad!" So, I guess leaving Fukushima was the image I had in mind for my life plans. Rather than saying, "I definitely want to go to Tokyo!" I just felt like college in a city would be more exciting. I hoped that in the future I'd be able to work for a company involved in the development and research of cosmetics.
-I can be my most relaxed self when I spend time with my siblings 💛-
"Are you close with your siblings?"
My younger sister is 1 year, and younger brother is 5 years apart from me, and the three of us used to play together when we were in elementary school. When I started to enjoy fashion in high school, I lent and borrowed clothes with my sister. Since moving to the capital, I've been spending more time with my sister and brother whenever they come to Tokyo, and we often play together. It's probably because I'm the eldest daughter, but I have a strong desire to do things for my younger sister and brother. I lived with my sister when I was in college, so we were together alot. My brother's a spoiled brat and would call me to say, "I'm going to Chiba tomorrow, let's go to Disney together!" or "I want to eat sushi," and so I'll go with him. My brother has been in Tokyo since April, so I'm planning to take him to lots of places. I can be my most relaxed self when I'm spending time with my siblings.
"Do you ever fight with your siblings?"
When I lived with my sister, she often scolded me about not doing housework. My sister got angry with me when I was too busy and put off doing the laundry or dishes (laughs). Even now, I feel really bad about that. My sister was the kindest, cooking dinner for me when I worked late at night and prepping my bath. When I complained about how tired I was from work, she just let it slide in a nice way. I appreciated that as well. She knows how to treat me. Of course, when I was really having a hard time, she'd be there for me and listen to me seriously at dinner. She's my younger sister, but she's become like an older sister to me and supports me emotionally. My sister is the one who gives me the most objective opinion. She's the only one who'll say, "Onee-san, you don't look good in that outfit."
-I'm working hard at my job to show my family good things!-
"Erica loves her family."
I think my family is really close. I didn't have much of a rebellious phase, but when I was in middle school, I would pretend to be abit cool and listen to music by myself with earphones. My parents were the type to let me do what I wanted, so I was free to do whatever. On Friday nights, when my father came home alittle early, I'd fill a big bowl with my favorite snack, order pizza, and watch a movie together. My grandmother and grandfather took care of me when I was a child because both my parents worked, so I'm also very close with my grandparents. Even now, if I have two or three days off, I go back to my parents house and tell my family everything about work. I feel refreshed when I have conversations with them because I can talk with them while organizing my thoughts. They're so positive about everything I do, so if I feel like I'm lacking energy, or my self esteem is alittle low, I'll just video call them. No matter which one I call, they always come up on the screen, they're both adorable parents, always wanting to talk to me before anyone else (laughs). Once I've reached the point where I can put a pause on work, I'd like to take a family trip while my grandfather and grandmother are still healthy. The world is changing rapidly, even in just one year, so I'd like to give back alot while I can.
"What does family mean to Erica?"
It's healing. Part of me works hard because I want to show my family good things. Because I grew up in a close family, I long for marriage and want to start a family myself. I hear that many people don't want to get married these days, but I really do! (laughs), I feel like, "If you want to get married, come to my house." If there's anyone out there who's a good person, I'd like them to come and join my family.
Beauty Stories
-My private time is devoted entirely to beauty. "Erica's method" is to make a plan and keep at it for a long time-
"What's the number one thing you're interested in right now?"
It's beauty! I actually really love beauty. I love skin care and cosmetics, but I'm also interested in pilates, moxibustion, acupuncture, nutrition, diet, and anything related to health in general. I love it so much, that I now spend most of my private time on beauty.
"How long have you been into beauty?"
When I was in high school, my father had an opportunity to reevaluate his diet, and since I also had a weak stomach, we started together. The first thing I took care of was my eating habits. I started eating less additives and prioritized the vegetables from my grandparents garden. From there, I became interested in intestinal health, and since I like to do research, I got more and more into it. Since then, food and health have always been on my mind. I think that my family created the base for my healthy diet. When I was in college, I cooked for myself with vegetables from Fukushima that were sent to me, and even now I still cook for myself. Just recently, during the filming of "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger," I brought my own bento to keep myself healthy, including onigiri for breakfast and fruit for a snack. Food is important to maintain my figure, especially during busy times. But, when I go out to eat together with everyone, I don't worry about it and put priority on having a good time. I do care about it when I eat alone, so I like to find the right balance. Instead of making everything perfect, I try to be more flexible and make the best of what I have. The important thing is the long term, so I think it's those small steps and accumulations that have led me to where I am today.
-Occasional treats are OK! If I eat, I'll cover for it the next day with adjustments and exercise-
"How do you stay in shape?"
Honestly, when I first started modeling, I thought that if I gained weight, I wouldn't get any work. Currently I don't think it's enough to be thin, and I know that it's not everything, but when I was 18 or 19 years old, I was absolutely convinced that, "I should never be fat!" The idea of exercising never came up when I thought about eating less. I went without meals for about two days for my first swimsuit shoot, which was a complete disaster as I got heat stroke and felt sick. I learned to reflect on why I needed to be thin even though I was ruining my physical condition. Now, I think it's more beautiful to have abs rather than just being thin, and I've started to take up pilates not just to keep thin, but to improve my posture. I like pilates because it builds more flexible muscles than weight training. Exercise makes you more positive, and it's good for your mental health. When I have time, I sometimes go swimming. Now, I go to do pilates 2-3 times a week, and have incorporated walking. I love walking, so I wear comfortable shoes and try to walk around as much as possible when I can.
"What are you conscious of in your daily diet?"
I eat three well balanced and proper meals. If I don't take in enough nutritions, my complexion will be ruined. Now, because of the action in King-Ohger's stage play, I have to use alot of energy, so I eat sweets every time I take a break. So, I make sure to bring dried sweet potatoes, chocolate with at least 70% cacao, and fruit for snacking. I think it's important to know what to eat, not to refrain from eating. When I occasionally receive sweets as gifts, I enjoy them and try to move my body as much as possible. In my refrigerator is natto, mozuku, mekabu, and also dried wakame and koya dofu. The freezer is always stocked with burdock and beans. When taking meals on location, I just put bonito flakes and miso in a soup jar, add hot water, and I'm good to go. Miso soup is truly great. Speaking of, the miso by my grandmother is homemade. I heard that bacteria is important, so for awhile, I'd mix my grandmother's homemade amazake with yogurt.
"What's important in maintaining your figure?"
Of course, I don't always follow a stoic diet, if there's something I'm concerned about, I eat it, but I try not to do it continuously. People don't gain that much weight if they overeat for a day or two, but if you reward yourself every day and continue to do so for a week or more, it becomes a habit and will absolutely affect your figure. Swelling is a habit after all, so I'll take care of it on that day. Of course, not eating is also stressful, so when I eat, I try to exercise as much as I can. I used to worry about swelling, but now I don't. I'm more concerned about what kind of condition I want to be in on a regular basis. Rather than cramming everything together and doing alot of different things, I'd rather be in a state where I can make consistent progress every day and not have to do anything special. That's what motivates me, and when I want to have fun, I enjoy myself to the fullest and then make adjustments the next day. I guess that's the most like me.
-Always checking beauty care info while taking a long bath!-
"Tell us your at home beauty routine!"
At home, I use a foam roller to stretch and loosen up my muscles. I also use an easy to apply sticker type of moxibustion to warm up pressure points on my feet and improve blood circulation. When I'm tired, I love to use "Kyusoku Jikan Pressure Point Stimulating Gel Sheets" and going to bed because it makes my legs feel lighter 💛 also, it's important to take a long bath. I add bath salts like epsom salt and himalayan salt, and while soaking in the tub for 40 to 50 minutes, I'll search for beauty care info. When I want to warm myself up, I sometimes add sake. When I sleep, sometimes I'll wear medical compression socks. Also, I heard that it's good to sleep with a warm body, so until Winter ends, I put disposable hand warmers on my futon and wear "Nightmin Warming Earplugs" when I sleep. Recently, I bought a Zojirushi humidifier and it works great! It's good for my health and makes my skin feel soft.
"Do you take supplements?"
Honestly, I don't think anything can compete with food, but for this photobook, I also took extra of my favorite supplements. Recently, I've been taking Lypo-C in the morning and Lypo-CC+D at night. When I was alittle concerned about the condition of my skin, I got a prescription for coix seed from my hospital. I started taking it to treat water warts, but at the time, I got compliments on my skin, so I only take it before important events. Plus, I take Vitamin B for skin and fatigue, and glutathione for when I'm drinking alcohol. I heard that glutathione improves liver metabolism, and since I also like to drink, I always keep some handy. I'm currently interested in collagen supplements. As I get older, my problems will also change, so I'm always exchanging information with hair and makeup artists and beauty authors, and I actively try out new things that interest me. By the way, if I'm really busy, I can also rely on nutritional supplements. I use Chocola BB and Alinamin, and also the Orthomol that I bought from Korea, as they give me energy.
-I love acupuncture 💛 I also incorporate beauty clinics for skin care-
"Tell us what beauty places Erica goes to!"
I've been going for acupuncture once a month for about 3 years. I started going to improve my poor circulation, sensitivity to cold, and stiff shoulders, and I became addicted to how good I felt when waking up the next day. It seems to have a detoxifying effect that makes my body feel refreshed. The doctor is very knowledgeable about beauty and taught me some basics, like because I have a weak stomach, eating too many raw vegetables isn't good for my digestion, and that I should avoid coffee as the first thing I have in the morning.
"Do you go to beauty clinics?"
I go! Basically, my main focus is skin care, as I had rough skin around the time I moved to Tokyo, so I started looking for a beauty clinic to fix it, and then I started going to different ones. Laser toning treatments had visible results, and that's how I became hooked. Currently, I use a proper amount of both aesthetic and beauty clinics. I regularly go to "Aesthetic Salon CIEL" for facial contouring, where even sensitive skin can be managed. I don't do strong procedures that require downtime, but when I want to feel the power of medical treatments, such as toning or making acne scars less visible, I sometimes turn to cosmetic medicine. Recently, I heard that titanium lifting is a good thing, so I immediately made an appointment. I'm also interested in skin boosters. The idea is to not just slim down facial lines, but to have skin that looks healthy and tight.
-Beauty is my hobby. I always want to improve myself-
"What skincare regimen are you into lately?"
Since the beauty clinic will be thorough, my skin care regimen is basically protective. Currently, I love carbonated beauty. I like carbonated face washes, and use things like suisai's "Beauty Clear Fizzy Powder Wash," which I think as a side effect feels like it refreshes the area around my face! For a period of time, I was so addicted to it, that I used to make carbonated water with a "Soda Stream" and wash my face with it. I'll often use foam carbonation packs on my scalp. I also like fermented ingredients and will try out various kinds.
"What is Erica's goal with beauty?"
Smooth and soft skin! And above all else, health. Rather than wanting to be like someone else, I always want to better my image. Beauty for me is a hobby. It lifts my spirits and helps me "reset." It's my precious time 💛.
Work Stories
-I want to try something new! I dove into this world out of curiosity 💛-
"Now then, let's look back at Erica's work. When was the turning point?"
I participated in "High School Quiz" when I was in my second year of high school. I won the competition and was going on to compete in the national level, and while I was walking around Harajuku, excited to be in Tokyo for the first time, I was scouted by my current agency. I had previously been scouted in my hometown, but I turned them all down because I was preparing for exams. However, they asked for my contact info since I wasn't affiliated with an agency, and so we exchanged info. About six months later, I was recommended to audition for ViVi by the agency, and thankfully, I won the Grand Prix and became a ViVi model.
"Why did you decide to audition?"
I'm not swayed by trends, I'm just an ordinary girl. I had read ViVi before, but I was just a high school student who thought that the entertainment industry was a world I had no connection to, and that I'd just go on to higher education and find a job. Still, I like to try new things, and I thought it'd be simple and interesting, so I dove into this world out of curiosity.
"You auditioned as part of the experience and it changed your life."
I had a simple feeling about the audition, thinking, "I get to go to Tokyo, it's like a trip, it's going to be fun 💛." That's why I was really surprised when I passed. More than anything, my mother was happy. My mother's a huge fan of Hasegawa Jun-san, so when I told her about the ViVi audition, she was excited and said, "I think Erica will definitely become a ViVi model!" and I think she was more excited than I was when I passed. I was also happy to win the Grand Prix, but it was memorable to see how the many people around me, including my family and grandparents, were happy for me.
"Was there ever a moment during an audition when you thought you'd be accepted?"
Not at all. For the second round of selection, we were allowed to wear casual clothes, but I was told by my agency to "wear a white T shirt and shorts!" and I went to the venue as instructed, but everyone there was very fashionable. I thought, "Ah, I look completely out of place. This is the end." But, on the other hand, I think I stood out (laughs). Until the end, it never once crossed my mind that, "Maybe I'll be accepted?!" I felt like I'd just be lucky if I made it to the final round.
"The final selection was on the runway at the "Girls Award." Were you nervous about walking in front of an audience?"
To be honest, at the time I had no idea how enormous the "Girls Award" was. I was nervous, but I didn't really feel like I was standing on a big stage. It felt like, "There are so many famous people here!" If I failed here, I wouldn't have been able to study for entrance exams, and I wouldn't know what to do about going on to college.
"Tell us how you felt when you passed!"
Simply put, I was shocked. I received a bouquet of flowers from Yamashita Tomohisa-san and thought, "Ah, so this is Tokyo. I'm standing in the same place as a celebrity." I think I was rather calm.
"When did you finally realize that you had become a model?"
I commuted from Fukushima during high school, but at first I didn't get much work, and I guess I didn't really feel like a model. During my first year in college, I was so focused on my schoolwork to earn credits that I had very few jobs outside of ViVi. Toward the end of my first year, the amount of work gradually expanded, and I felt that my modeling work was becoming more and more fulfilling.
-Balancing schoolwork and being a ViVi model. My friends were there to help me get through it-
"Did you decide not to apply for college after being accepted as a ViVi model?"
I had always wanted to go to college, and I thought it'd be more fun to try different things and absorb different things than to follow one path. Since I suddenly became a model, I think I had the sense that college was my base, and I just happened to be lucky enough to be able to model. Since the path of modeling is a narrow one, I was determined to try to find a job if I were to stop modeling. I went on to study business administration at a science college, and what I studied has led me to where I am today, and as a result, many things have turned out well. The biggest change since becoming a ViVi model is that it's become easier to try new things. I think I've become more willing to try anything and everything without being afraid.
"Was it difficult to balance college with your career?"
In my first and second year, I prioritized my studies, and I didn't feel like I was doing that much work, so it wasn't hard. I was also living on my own for the first time and enjoying college life. In fact, I even talked to my agency about wanting to work more. But, it wasn't easy getting work, so I was prepared to do my best for when the opportunity arose. Around the beginning of my second year, I started taking more online classes due to the covid pandemic, which led to more jobs outside of ViVi, so I started to enjoy modeling more. Since that time, I've been trying my hand at acting during long vacations. The end of my fourth year (second semester) was honestly a tough time for me because I was balancing modeling, acting, and schoolwork. However, I think I was able to overcome these challenges due to having friendly competition with my college friends.
"What inspired you to start acting?"
It all started when I was asked if I wanted to audition for the drama "Black Cinderella." Everything was new to me, so I didn't know right from left, and it all happened so fast~. I did the best I could everyday, and afterwards I'd feel like I was burnt out. My first acting job was a bigger role than I expected, and the pressure was also intense. I had to memorize my lines and act. I started it casually, wanting to take on a new challenge, but it was harder than I imagined. I felt so tense for so long, that when the drama ended and I went to a ViVi photo shoot, I couldn't help but cry because I felt so relieved. I think I was able to overcome a large part of it because I was blessed with the right people. I'm still good friends with the Black Cinderella members, and my connection with its staff led me to my current job with King-Ohger. I'd like to help others someday myself, but I can't afford to do so yet. I'd like to return the favor someday.
"Did Black Cinderella inspire you to become an actor?"
Honestly, I felt I had to work harder because I couldn't do anything. I didn't have anything in mind for my next project, but I started attending private lessons that I found on my own, preparing for the day that would someday come.
-If I'm going to do the same thing for a year, I want to spend a year different from the one before. With this in mind, I challenged myself to Super Sentai-
"Erica's popularity has grown dramatically with King-Ohger, but how did it feel to take on the challenge of joining Super Sentai?"
When I was in my fourth year of college, I was asked to audition. But, to be honest, I wasn't sure if I'd accept the role at first. It isn't often you get approached for an offer for Super Sentai, so I think it was fate that I was asked. However, I talked to my parents about what to do since it was too different from the career I had been doing up to that point. At that time, my parents told me that I had once said, "If I'm going to do the same thing for a year, I want to spend a year different from the one before." I had forgotten those words, but when I heard them, I thought that was the way I wanted to live my life, so I made the decision to take it.
"What worried you the most?"
Honestly, Super Sentai has a tighter schedule than regular dramas, and you have to focus on your role for a year and a half, so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to work as a model. I thought that if I left for a year and a half, alot of new kids would come in during that time, and that once I went, I might not be able to come back. As you can imagine, I was hardly able to shoot for ViVi when filming for Super Sentai began. The number of projects decreased all at once, and there were months where I had no shoots at all, which made me feel very lonely. I couldn't wait to appear in ViVi.
"That was the most difficult time for you to balance both."
When the number of projects decreased, I wondered if ViVi no longer needed me. I wanted to spend more time modeling, but I also had to make sure I was doing my acting work, so I was really stressed out. I wanted to make ViVi my top priority in the past and still do. But, I didn't want to give up the acting career that I've secured. I was conflicted and thought, "I want to do both!" Moreover, I also had to give up modeling to take on Super Sentai, but my acting wasn't perfect, and it was really hard to keep up with everyone. I was also writing my college thesis at that time, so I was full of energy both physically and mentally. In my spare time between filming, I communicated with my professor and worked with all my might to finish my thesis.
"If you had to give yourself a score as an actor, what would it be?"
It'd still be a minus. However, I think it's a huge plus in my life. My values ​​have changed in alot of ways. At first, I thought I was a model and not suited for acting, but recently, I've come around to where I think acting might be kind of fun.
"What did you gain from working hard in modeling, schoolwork, and acting?"
It all comes down to experience and time, doesn't it? In both modeling and acting, you learn by doing things over and over again, so in that sense, I think the past year and a half has been really important. I tried to pick up everything I could, and absorbed lots of different things. Also, by trying to do many things and working hard, I don't focus too much on one thing, so I don't have to think about unnecessary things. Besides, people I've worked with in the past say they want to work with me again. In the entertainment world, you don't have a job unless someone needs you, so I feel like I'm able to work thanks to people like that. All of my work comes about through fortunate connections, so I want to cherish each and every one of those connections.
-Modeling and acting, I want to do it all. That's because I love it all!-
Please give a message for those who are struggling to balance multiple things they want to do!
If you have alot of things you want to do right now, I think it's okay to try doing both. Of course, there'll be hardships, but sometimes you'll find help from places you least expect. It's important to have goals in life, as it'd be a waste to spend time doing nothing. In my case, both modeling and my acting jobs have had a big impact on my private life. I feel that we can learn alot about how to live from our work.
"From now on, you'll work hard to balance being both a model and an actor."
Currently, I really enjoy working as a model as I did before. It's like I'm back 💛. I've had very little time off this year, but it's been so fulfilling that I don't find it tiring at all. I think it's best to have a job while you still can. Some models focus on acting, but I want to keep being a model and actor at the same time because I love it all. I love ViVi, and I'd like to increase what I can do based on that, and give back to ViVi what I've gained in other fields. Some people leave a group or graduate from a magazine to take the next step, but I think it's good to try a variety of things while staying in the same place, and I think studying and trying different things at the same time, rather than just one thing, fits my way of life.
"Since overcoming the challenges of balancing studies and a job, has your attitude toward work changed?"
In the past, I used to think that I had to be cool or be nice to get a job, but now I think I've become able to prioritize being myself. Even with ViVi, I used to follow the backs of my seniors, but before I knew it, I became a senior myself, and I felt I had to stand tall. Sometimes I think I need to be more firm with my juniors and show them that I'm good at what I do. However, I think it'd be better to be friendly and expose my faults, because then people would talk to me openly. Of course I do it when I need to, but I think that maybe it's more like me not to try too hard. I can't "graduate" when I haven't done anything yet. I feel like I want to be spoiled even more.
"What kind of place is ViVi to Erica?"
ViVi has a very strong sense of camaraderie, and I feel like we all look out for each other and help each other improve. ViVi is my home, my family, and a place that inspires me. Modeling is also where my roots are, so I'd like to challenge myself to various things without losing sight of my role as a model.
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shima-draws · 5 months
Even with context this is THE Sanlu GIF of all time
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chalkrub · 8 months
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svanhildr my beloved returns
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seventeendeer · 2 years
walk forward through the cold dawn!
sonic frontiers made me feel some kinda way about these friends, so here’s a lil cozy messy thing to celebrate ;w; <3
also turns out koco are way bigger than I drew them here but I didn’t realize until way too late so ehh whatevs. they’re cute in pocket size ..
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sysig · 11 months
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Butterfly kisses (Patreon)
#My art#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Lord Hater#Death Glare#Thinking like a Lot a Lot about Peepers' affection for Lord Hater lately#Specifically about Peepers' attraction to others in general but Hater in specific since y'know - that man is his everything haha#He is not subtle about it <3#There's also the impropriety of them being in a relationship but not caring since they're already villains and just hhh <3 The appeal!#I think it's still the contrast for me - not Just in their designs but yes also that lol#But in their highs and lows in general! They're so combative and mean but they can also be sweet and silly#There's a kind of mutual respect and admiration that's largely overshadowed by the other's arrogance or immaturity or perceived ineptness#And I love that for them! The fact that it still persists despite how well they know each other! They love each other!! It's cute as heck!!#Peepers is absolutely incorrigible - his big Heart Eye whenever Hater does anything remotely adept and evil#He is So obvious lol <3#But even Hater has his moments of recognition and realizing his own errors when he does wrong by Peepers and hhhhh it's just so good <3 <3#They need each other#These vectors are also still fun as heck to make lol they're quite quick! I like having a project done within a day :D#Having such strong stylism to follow makes it much easier ♥ Thank you cartoony aesthetic love you#The Skullship palette as well :D Love it all!#Peepers in specific is still the funnest to draw but how much of that can be attributed to wanting to practice him because I love him lol
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bluejaybytes · 7 months
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[Guy who has something wrong with him voice] this is the seventh sploon OC art I've drawn in the past three weeks.
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tecchan · 3 months
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Good evening to everyone except the person who decided to have Haru disappear from the home screen after finishing the game
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cheeriochat · 3 months
Those like little mini-verse little blind bag things are just Re-Ment miniatures for straight people.
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I said what I said.
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