#intutive reading
dondeeee911 · 21 days
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How would your FS treat you while you are pregnant? 🧸🍼
1> 2> 3
Pile 1
   I’m getting that your FS could be a highly respected person with an active life or career. Someone who never really considered children, until they met you! Their fear of fatherhood could make them somewhat indecisive at times, but that’s only because they want to be and do perfectly in your eyes. Your person would want to make sure you are comfortable with ALL your needs met. A yes man? ouuu okay! This person would take pride in providing and protecting you at all times, making sure you and the baby have a healthy pregnancy, and many many luxuries at that! I’m talking spa retreats and romantic dates on the occasion; did someone say baby-moon or push gifts? I think we know the vibes lol. Aww, I see your FS purchasing parenting books, maybe a parenting class, or asking close relatives with children for advice. It’s a scary but exciting journey with you, but they are willing to be that perfect lover and father all in one. They’re always busy and you could long for quality time. Just know it hurts him more to be away from you than to be with you and the little one. 
Pile 2
  You both could have suffered from an actual loss of a child or numerous miscarriages. This pregnancy is seen as a miracle, a situation that wasn’t necessarily planned but ordained, either way, it’s made you and your FS closer than ever. A lot of time will be spent at home and around close family. I see that you two come from supportive backgrounds, having relatives who are willing to pitch in and help, whether that be emotional, finacial, or just taking over the normal house duties that were left unattended to. Your FS would admire the unique changes in your body, foot rubs, back massages, and reassuring affirmations letting you know how strong and great of a mother you are to be. Relax, lay down, you don’t have to do much sweetie; everything will be taken care of. He would want to do a lot of home renovations for you just so that you could feel renewed and satisfied in this phase of motherhood. A lot of faith and prayer goes into this relationship when it comes to the support of your health and the baby’s. One of you could want to take a more holistic approach or an at-home birth. Doula maybe? 
Pile 3
   Your FS will love it when you get all dolled up! They think pregnacy makes you look so adorable they can’t help but spoil you. There might be a day your person decides to take you dress shopping, buy you new makeup, or arrange these cute little photoshoots! He would love to wear matching outfits or pair up similar attire for the day. How attentive is your person!? He could be into decorating or hosting themed pregnacy parties for you and your friends. A collection of home films and photos will be taken of you while you immerse yourself into this newfound you and motherly energy . Oh, how he admires you! As long as you’re happy and looking like his sweet little angel, that’s all that matters. 
Copyright © 2024 dondeeee911. All rights reserved.
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vitaminseetarot · 5 months
PAC Pick a Fruit: Something To Look Forward to in 2024 ❄🎁🎊
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Sup y'all, I'm finally back again! I have not been as active on this blog as I've wanted to be these past two months, but hopefully that will change a little bit as the year settles to a close for winter.
I'm also excited to use my Tarotwave deck which just arrived in the mail this past week. I'm grateful to have backed it on Kickstarter! I know this is gonna be one deck of cards I'll be very amped to use on this blog. It's like an early Xmas gift ^^
2023 has been a bumpy ride for many people (and yours truly), and the biggest thing most of us want to know is how our next year is going to be, and if there's anything good in store. So I made sure to focus on asking for only the most positive and beneficial things that will bless you in this reading, because I want 2024 to be exciting for you and I wanna hype you up.
Pick one of the squishable fruits below to find out a hint or two about what you have to look forward to in 2024.
1 - Strawberry 2 - Orange 3 - Banana
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Pile 1: Strawberry
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Queen of Cups + VI The Lovers, IX The Hermit, Eight of Wands; Trillion, Anything is Possible, Guidance
For you, pile 1, 2024 is gonna be filled with pleasant little surprises that could appear out of nowhere. The Trillion card is connected to Aquarius and talks about living by ones own truth, but the zodiac is also connected to Uranian forces, helping us receive out-of-the-box insights to whatever challenge we're facing.
I think this pile has spent a great amount of time working on themselves. I don't know if you relate to the word "shadow work" or not, but this feels like you're in the tail end of that cycle. You've grown a lot in emotional maturity over the past months, and perhaps have released some form of major karmic or generational baggage that was weighing on you emotionally. Now it's going to become easier for you to express who you are because the extra emotional burden will not be there as before.
I'm sensing a vast expansiveness to this pile as a result, a willingness to be open to life. It's a calm and steady feeling. This is "come whatever may" energy. 2024 will be a chance for you to settle into the quiet, because that's where the miracles will appear. I feel like this is a quiet that's been anticipated, more relieving than boring. This is a space of being in the flow with life and being ready for whatever comes next without mental resistance.
For some, this could be a romantic reading. I tend to think of strawberries as a rather flirtatious fruit! And we have the Lovers here too. Typically the Lovers talks about decisions, but I don't feel here like you're in a position to be making some kind of clear cut choice at the moment. This is more emphasizing on loving the feeling of love itself. This is a carefree disposition to allowing your heart to guide you when things look overwhelming on the surface.
There's no need or pressure to rush into any kind of decision even if there's an eagerness to do so. You're being encouraged to fully take time out and explore your feelings so you can create a better alignment with the type of person you desire in your life. You're allowing yourself to be curious and open minded without the unnecessary input that others may give you unsolicited. The Hermit is in an empowered position here.
I think 2024 will give you time to lean back rather than pursue, which is not the same as being avoidant. We have the eight of wands here; when the opportunity strikes, it can strike hot! But the key is that you're taking in this energy rather than chasing it. In the meanwhile, you're filling up your cup and learning how to be fulfilled with this peaceful space, and you'll find it easier to be patient when it comes to finding whatever you've been seeking.
You're learning that you have all the time you need to stay in this calm state, and that rushing with everything doesn't always speed up fate. The sense of having more time to sleep and nurture yourself will greatly benefit you when the time comes to receive this incredible spiritual insight, love, or blessings in the material world.
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Pile 2: Orange
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XI Justice + 2 of Cups, 4 of Cups, 5 of Swords; Single, What You Seek is Seeking You, Stories
For pile 2, the biggest keyword here is Clarity. If you've been in the fog about something for a while, that may start to clear up in 2024. Something that seemed difficult to tackle before will be greatly simplified for you. The Single card is Mercury energy and talks about beginnings in a conventional sense. So you'll look forward to starting over with something next year, perhaps from scratch, so it'll be better than before. You can deal with issues with a fresher mindset.
This is a specific message for a few, but if lately you feel like you've been involved in rumors, gossip, or some form of negativity spread through word of mouth, I see this dissolving in 2024. It will swing back around. Perhaps whoever is spreading the rumor will receive one in return. No hexing done here, but it looks like karma will put in the work to show that you or someone you know is innocent. If someone you know is gaslighting or spreading lies, they will feel the brunt of this. Any negativity sent to you will simply spin around and cancel itself out. So don't worry about other peoples' perceptions in 2024, they will undergo a big shift.
For others in this pile, you may have had some disagreements with your love or even business partner. Either one large disagreement that's been on the back burner for a while, or it's little ones that add up. It'll be different amongst you. But in 2024 these tiny issues will be more easily resolved. Things won't seem to complicated to untangle once any given situation is figured out.
Your energy is spent a lot more here on moving forward and looking for something new next year than dealing with conflicting relationships. With the four of cups, you're ready to move past whatever company or crowd is messing with your mood because you know better shit is on the way and you don't want to waste your emotional currency on anything draining or inherently unsatisfying.
You would rather move into what is right for you than deal with the drama, though I think there will be times when it circles back around and you may have to confront it again… It won't be as difficult as it was in the past, however. You're not dealing with so much confrontation in 2024, especially if you're actively prioritizing healthy relationships and practice healthy boundaries with others.
This may look to be the year where the art of setting mental boundaries is perfected. Mental boundaries means choosing what you'd rather think about than let your mind run loose. No longer trapped in the undertow of other peoples' nonsense, you're starting to get your life fully together. This will spill outwards into the outer world, and this will greatly help ease off the kind of bothersome encounters with people that may have popped up in 2023.
Some of you may identify as people pleasing, which is something that I see less of for you next year. It's almost like the vibe of seeing a kid watch a bunch of other children bully each other during recess, only for that lone kid to decide to go their own way and read a book. He might even make a new friend that way, who knows? 2024 will give you the chance to shrug certain expected worries off your back like water off of duck's feathers. Citrus is clean and refreshing. You can expect only the simplest and cleanest interactions moving forward (yes, I have Simple and Clean inside my head now, oof). It's all about keeping your eye on the prize that awaits ahead.
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Pile 3: Banana
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9 of Cups + XIV Temperance, XVIII The Moon, 7 of Wands, Prism, Projections, Power
Wow, so much lunar energy in pile 3's cards! I see bananas as lunar because they're shaped like crescents (and to go bananas is to be a lunatic!). Then you got two different version of moon cards on top of one another!
In this deck, the Moon has a softer and more subtle approach than the RWS. There's a greater emphasis on dreams and intuition with this card. Have you been connected to or manifesting with the lunar cycles? Or creating a dream journal to track your visions? If you've been interested in doing so, now would be a good time to look into it, as a confirmation. You're in alignment to receive!
This pile is really feeling the buzz of desires fulfilled and is pushing beautiful energy out into 2024. I'm not seeing specific desires listed here, just the overall potency of manifestation magic. This could possibly be a big year for you even. Just try not to get too carried away with the need to make 2024 into a particular kind of good year. Even if great things are lined up, allow room for the uncertainties to occur. These moments will happen to test you, and you'll need to stand your ground and be firm with what you want without your worries getting the best of you.
Pile 3, with Projections and Power? You are gonna look forward to 2024 being like a canvas for you to paint on. You can decide to paint whatever you wish, for a window of time as brief as the full moon. That's why your other three tarot cards are trying to slow you down a little bit, lol. Even if great luck is offered to you, be careful with how it factors into your life. You're being asked to have modesty, which must mean you're set to achieve or receive something very nice. But yeah, a sense of humbleness and gratitude will really help you here.
You're being reminded with the Moon that you don't have all the answers right now, and it's okay. Oftentimes the wish doesn't get granted until we lose our attachment to it or get sidetracked with life, then it's able to come in more easily. When we try to act resistant and overly arrogant with the seven of wands, it can bite back against us.
I'm also getting a message here about being humble with your blessings so to not attract unwanted attention from people. You could end up in a position where some may throw a lot of projections on you, but you will need to remind yourself of your Prism qualities. Prism is like pure spirit, it's the card of being spiritually aligned with one's self. You will be reminded that beyond good and bad fortunes, the pure spirit of self doesn't change. That is your power source.
Another thing you may look forward to are psychic upgrades. If you've been working on your psychic talent, you could receive a major boost this year. You may experience more clairsenses or messages in your dreams. These experiences and abilities will allow you to find the right time to act or wait on certain choices in your life. Your intuition is being greatly sharpened and amplified in 2024. Use this power with great care.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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enchantingseer · 1 month
Ask me Question
Holi Special 🦚🌸
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Rules to Participate
Answer this question
If you could break one thing what would it be if you could make one thing what could it be !
Four pictures with a mini reading; Note : Reading is intuitive so if you have not many messages from the divine I would not force the energy to have one because it will reflect your current moods not the overall energy ! 🌱 ( Career + Theme + Partner ( Generic) + Color ) ☕🌼 Follow me, Comment what made you follow me with honest reasons and Reblog ! 💖
No Repeated Participation Please, I would not delete the posts for the same !
Status : Closed
Happy Holi !!
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polarcoconut · 7 months
What celebrity (or celebrities) is your future spouse like? closed
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game idea that i gave my sister that i’m now doing lol
using tarot, shufflemancy, intuition, and bibliomancy
tell me if there’s something you prefer i not use from above
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jupitersdoll · 8 months
Pick a Pile: New Moon in Virgo🤎
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✨ I hope everyone’s enjoying their Virgo season! This reading is for the New Moon in Virgo. Coming after a potent Super Blue Moon in Pisces, this is a great time for manifesting and setting intentions for what you want to see in your life for the rest of the year. Close your eyes, breathe, relax, and pick the photo you feel most drawn to for your special message during this time. ✨
Paid Personal Readings are available!
♡ 1: It feels like the people who chose this pile are coming out of a very heavy time in their lives. Maybe this summer wasn’t as exciting as you wanted it to be, and instead, you had to focus more on your responsibilities. I could also see that you had a time of uncertainty about your career or direction in education, and you weren’t prepared for it. This new moon would be a great time to set the intention for recovery. Just because summer’s over does not mean you lost the opportunity to relax and enjoy the life you worked so hard for these past few months. It’s always there. You just have to find something that gives you joy and take it up, even if it means that some of your responsibilities have to take a pause for a moment. See that movie with your pals and catch up, have dinner with your boo, bring your camera on that hike or nature walk, anything! The rest of the year feels very much like the light at the end of the tunnel. If you needed a sign that you’re going to be ok, this is it. Things will always be heavy, but you have to remember you first.
♡ 2: Heavy romance vibes here! It feels like the people who chose this pile had or are going to have an unexpected situationship, or perhaps a friend has confessed that they had feelings for you, and you may feel confused about how to move forward. This connection feels very dream-like, and it may have been the first time in a long time that you felt like this for someone. They prioritize you in a way that you’re not quite used to. It feels exciting and authentic, and for the first time, maybe ever, you want to keep it private to protect it. However, as fall approaches and life gets back to the mill, you may be worried about how to keep this connection going without things like friends, family, career, and school getting in the way. It’s getting harder and harder to keep things going the way they are in such a private and protective manner, but it’s not impossible. I’m picking up that you have always been good with keeping things in order with your life, so a connection that’s so emotional is scaring you, but you got this! They will be there for you because they care for you. If this is a friend-turned-lover situation, they know exactly how you are outside of this connection, so they know how to carry themselves in this situation. Don’t overthink it. 
♡ 3: I instantly heard, “It’s time to get back to business.” for this pile. I think that this summer has been very enjoyable for you, maybe even beyond your own expectations. It was a well-deserved time of relaxation and fun for you; perhaps you’re having a difficult time going back to your routines. Getting back into your sleep schedule, workout routine, or keeping up with deadlines may be difficult at this moment, but you need to sit down and figure out a way to do it. It feels like falling out of your routines has started to impact you in a way that makes you feel very defeated and sad, so you may be avoidant of your responsibilities. It’s a good time to sit down with yourself and map out what has been bothering you and how you could fix it so those issues don’t keep impacting your routines. If that means falling back from distractions, it would be worth it. You know exactly what you want, and while the road may be murky, you still see what’s on the other side. It’s time to get to it. You got this!
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sunisglowing · 10 months
(sidereal cancer)
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
PILE 1 »»————>
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I see that some of you have had financial issues. Some of you may find a passion or opportunity that will help you rise up from that.
Trust the process. If you are doubting that you will ever find a way, trust me you will. Just give it more time.
Please be private about your passions and the opportunities that come your way. Don't speak about it so soon and just take action for it. Keep chasing it until you see it in your hands. Spend time with your family or who you consider your group or community. Take their support and help.
PILE 2 »»————>
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Something you have been desiring and hoping for will come true or come to fruition. You might also be walking away from something. Some of you will be overcoming deep seated fears. Many of you are making new plans and strategies regarding your career or studies.
Remember to not spend your whole time making plans though. Set a small amount of time aside for planning and then decide how you will go about your plans. Make realistic and achievable plans and then you put in the work regularly. You are starting period focused on work and you will be busy.
A lot of you might be pushing aside your emotions to solely focus on work. It's a good thing but don't totally neglect yourself and become a working machine.
PILE 3»»————>
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A lot of dissapointments and heartbreak from family that you feel like you just wanna leave. For some of you, it could also be that you might have to leave your family and that's why you are sad.
I also see that some of you might feel that you have to leave your family for Someone. I mean to say that you might be in a position that you feel that you have to choose between someone/something and your family. This someone/something might hold a lot of power over you and even controls you in a way. Could be a person or a habit. You may feel so attached to it that you may find it hard to let go. For others it may be something your family doesn't approve off. You may find this thing very appealing.
You are in state of confusion. You may decide to put in the work or effort (whatever it maybe) to achieve it. You may be
PILE 4»»————>
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Something really significant might have had happened or will happen in your life. A sudden change or event may take place. It might have or will make you guarded or untrusting. Something really heartbreaking might happen. You may have lost someone in your life.
You are very slowly but surely moving on from that. On the other hand, I see you saving up and building up your money. You are building a stable foundation for yourself.
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zhalalala · 1 month
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Exchange and paid readings available now
Dm me to get started!!!!
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publicmuse · 8 months
ᴍɪɴɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ ᴍᴇꜱꜱᴀɢᴇꜱ ✉
𓃭 Hello, welcome! There are 3 options to choose from below. Use your intuition to choose between the posters to reveal your message. This reading is timeless and general. I appreciate all feedback!
𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚛: 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢. 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕, 𝚙𝚜𝚢𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕, 𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚕 𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚜.
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From left to right 1,
*Credit to the rightful owners for pictures/media used.*
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⚀ One
{VII of Swords, The Lovers VI, The Start XVII, The Chariot VII, Ace of Swords}
You can feel the changing energy whisking in as the seasons come close to changing. I can see that you've recently gone through an overwhelmingly taxing time that has shaken up your perspective on a situation. This could be some endeavor or project that you were grateful to make progress towards but soon realized that you might have taken on too much. This probably caused you to become discouraged because you had to put some goals on the back burner. You could also simply not be putting in the best effort that you thought you would've been able to when you first started. I can see that if everything hasn't come to a settled point quite yet, it will soon. You were forced to be realistic about your situation, bringing you to a happier, stabilized place in your life. This could also be that you finally have come to a place where you can see the self-reinvention paying off for you. You've come to a conclusion of the best ways for you to manifest, and you are diving head first into using these tactics to your life's advantage. Now that you are set in your groove, I see you moving at an even faster pace with no sweat or interference. I see you coming to a point where you have accomplished a large chunk of your goals, giving you the ability to start planning the next stages. You could feel that you're in an in-between period currently. I can also see that you are confident in your speech and very direct with others at this time. Making sure you stay in this confident energy is what is going to keep everything balanced so that you don't feel like you're falling back into the 7 of Wands energy.
{VI of Swords, The world, III of Swords Rx, IX Swords, Knight of Swords}
You have moved out of the constant chaos. The overbearing people, places, things, or ideas have finally taken you to a breaking point. Due to how much was weighing on your shoulders, the universe forced this change to rebalance your life. I can see that you collected yourself before descending into a potentially deep depression. Your highest self and the universe are so proud of you for being alert and on top of your emotions and reactions. You have noticed you're getting better at spending more time creating your own pathways instead of being stuck going down past roads that no longer serve you. I am telling you that after this transition period comes to a tail end, you will get a confirmation of some sort. The confirmation will come from the universe in a way that you won't be able to miss. For a lot of people reading it's going to be in the form of a message, email or someone physically communicating something to you. They will be passing off information of some sort that will point you in your next direction. You have come out of the broken heart stage and taken responsibility for your own happiness. The world is soon to reward you.
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𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢.
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⚁ Two
{Queen of Swords Rx, V of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, VI of Wands Rx, King of Cups}
Have you started to fall back into some old patterns? During the time I'm writing this reading, Mercury is currently retrograde; This could be the cause of some of this energy. Whoever/ whatever is to blame, causes you to feel that you're not totally happy with yourself because of these old habits or ways of thinking it brings. You could have recently connected back with someone that you left behind in the past. You moved away from this energy for protection. I'm seeing you bump into and chat with this person for a while. A part of you decided to let this person back into your life because you felt that they have changed or maybe had elevated in some fashion. This person has grown and learned some lessons, but I see that the core problems are fundamentally still alive and well. It could be the simple fact that you and this person are just different and don't end up mixing well after a while. If you haven't reconnected with this person because you are having trouble figuring out if they're genuine, then this is your confirmation to proceed with caution. I believe this person has a problem with running their mouth to others. You are someone who tends to keep your life private, and this person knows that is a comfort of yours. This person could be a parental figure or just someone you grew up around but ended up cutting off for some time. I can see that the situation you had in the past was a dreary time. This was a person that was very close to you but against you, maybe you caught this person talking about you in a negative light. I see you're nervous about letting this person back in emotionally due to how much effort you've put into your healing. It's never a coincidence that the people who have brought you down decide to come around when you're at your best. If this is a significant other, I can see that this recent run-in has brought back a lot of intimate emotions from the past, and this has you debating whether to take this person back. You're scared it's too good to be true.
{The Chariot, Page of Swords Rx, The High Priestess Rx, Temperance, VI of Cups, The Devil }
The key in this situation is to listen to your own intuition. If you're picking up on past patterns and red flags, you need to take that information into consideration. This person is still going to be at the core themselves, and you know them like the back of your hand. I can see that for most it is going to take a lot of strength to leave this person behind, but I do feel that it is best to do so. If you were dealing with someone who was purposely planning and setting up situations for sabotage and failure, then you need to know that they haven't given up their past agenda. Love this person for the parts that you cherish, forgive them for past hurts, but do not become attached under this person again whatever you do!
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𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢.
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⚂ Three
{V of swords, Page of Wands Rx, V of Pentacles Rx, X of Wands}
Past burdens are coming back up for you currently. You are specifically being guided to reflect on how you represent yourself to the outside world. There has been major work done internally (Congrats!) so now it is time to apply what you have learned in solitude to the test with the surrounding public. I see that there may have been a time when people were comfortable throwing you under the bus and speaking to you in hateful language and tones (you’ve never deserved to be treated that way, I’m sorry). These people felt that they had some kind of control over you, or that it was their right to use you in whatever capacity they wanted. This is someone who had some sort of authoritative position over you. This could also just be whoever you’re dealing with is a narcissist who thinks everyone is inferior to them. I’m getting directed to two masculine energies that have been around you. I mention it in this manner to show that they could be two different people you’ve dealt with at two different points in time. The Five of Wands image shows two men who are focused both on their own despair at a loss to the transformative woman figure at the forefront of the card. This could be a father and/ or significant other(s). Maybe you have recently started reflecting on your dating life and have realized why you attract masculines who show these same toxic traits as an unhealed father figure in your life. This could also be not having a stable masculine view, meaning you may not have a clear picture of the masculine energy that coincides with your feminine (or vice versa). There is a need to sit down and truly think of the traits that you would want in a partner or anyone around you. This will help you to understand what you won’t sacrifice when it comes to the way you deserve to be treated. It all stems from the way you see yourself.
You are on a path to cut out all the negativity within your relationships, no matter who they were, are, or supposed to be. I’m getting that you have already moved on from this energy physically, but it seems like it keeps following you in all your relationships due to a lack of letting go emotionally. These people are just trying to hypnotize you in some way so that they can put all their responsibilities onto you. They will try to put on a façade to manipulate you into letting them back into your life the way it was before. I see you gracefully shutting these energies down, whoever they may be to you (place the energy where it applies in your life, use discernment). These people clearly watch, lurk, and check up on you. They know that you are currently moving onto something new with the fall equinox on the horizon, bringing you into a new moment. This is a situation where you’ve been putting in the work this Summer, going from being in a previous 4 of swords state to success. Now the people around you can see that all that work is about to pay off for you. They didn’t think that what you were working on was of any value until they could physically see that whatever it is, is clearly making you happier than dealing with them. Basically, you did the inner healing this cycle and they didn’t, so they want to blame you for their current misfortune. Please tell these people to eat their words and go mind your business elsewhere. I want you to be confident in this new endeavor and waste no time thinking of these people because they could never handle getting attacked by the same sewage they put out, they would literally disintegrate.
{III of Wands, IX of Wands, The Hermit, VII of Wands}
All 4 of these cards depict a lone Feminine. I’m interpreting this as living in the truth of your intuition. With the Hermit and 3 of Wands, you have decided to listen to the voice in the back of your mind and deep within your soul. You believe now that you can confidently live without these energies. Keep finding your own answers and solutions because you don’t need to consult anyone else. It’s all within you, and I think you truly know that now. You will look back; you will reminisce, and you will even think when things get hard that maybe it was worth keeping the situations the way they were. This stage in the transformation process is always the hardest, due to feeling like you could easily be knocked off balance. Your life really needs you to fight off the urge to give up on yourself and what you’ve built. If you are around people who are bothered by you pouring into yourself, do it even more. Whoever you're dealing with, you need to start setting the boundaries now. If they can get over their pride and come around to respect you, then they are worth rebuilding a relationship with. Using the boundaries you’ve set as starting points for a new foundation. Protect yourself and show these people who you are for real!
P.S. > I feel the need to tell you these events may be sudden, but will also pass chaotically fast.
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𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢.
𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜: 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚜 𝚄𝚜𝚎𝚍: 𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚆𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚎, 𝙴𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚢 𝚃𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝 𝙿𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝙻𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚜: 𝟷| 𝟸| 𝟹
© 2023 Publicmuse
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psychicreadsgirl · 3 months
hii can you please do a reading on nicola peltz and brooklyn beckham relationship? thank youu
They share a lot of interests and respect/look up to each other a lot at this time. However, as they get older, I feel that Nicola will feel frustrated with Brooklyn in some ways, specifically his idealistic ways. Brooklyn isn't a very realistic person; he has a lot of ideas and dreams. However, he doesn't really take steps to follow through with these ideas. Sometimes he isn't really willing to put in the hard work to fulfill his dreams and other times he honestly just lacks talent in the area(s) or he gives up too easily after facing a few setbacks. Brooklyn isn't really resilient to failure. He gets discouraged rather easily and he always goes off to his parents for help, especially his mom. As a result, Nicola will eventually feel that he is not successful enough for her.
Nicola, too, is very reliant on her family. She also has not had to work as hard as the average person to achieve goals due to her family's strong background and wealth. This doesn't mean she is very lazy by the way. It just means she is fortunate to be able to get help from her family. I do see her running to her family a lot when there are problems in the marriage. She has a strong bond with her dad in particular and he spoils her a lot, almost too much.
Both Brooklyn and Nicola have lived a rather cushioned/sheltered life, so they do not really grasp the reality of other people's lives. They will often come off as being living in their own world and out of touch with the world's events/problems. They are both rather immature and very dependent on their own families, so when it comes to issues in the marriage, they have trouble solving them by themselves.
I can sense some conflict in the future when they try to start a family or if they do start their own family. Brookyln and Nicola are not ready mentally/emotionally to have a child and raise one. Both of them don't really understand responsibilities because they have never really had to be accountable for their actions. Their parents (esp Brooklyn's mother and Nicola's dad) do all they can to wipe away responsibilities/problems. They are both rather irresponsible at times.
I do think this marriage is premature for them. They would be much better if they were fully independent (i.e. like not rely on their family for their career etc) and matured more before they got married.
Nicola also is very idealistic. Nicola has a more controlling/fiery/angry side to her. She can lash out on others. She can throw things when mad. She gets triggered rather easily and has trouble controlling her temper.
Brooklyn likes her hot and cold. He does enjoy some drama. He can also be fiery during arguments with her. I don't see him being violent with her physically. I do see him just running out of the house and then going out to party.
If they do divorce, the divorce proceeding may get nasty.
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tabbstarot · 1 month
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dondeeee911 · 6 days
How would your person feel if they lost you?
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I'm lost without youuu😮‍💨
1> white heart 2>green heart 3>Gold heart
Pile 1
   I’m hearing “You hold the keys to my heart 🥺”. Your person would be feening for every ounce of you, you are their drug! Temper tantrums, vandalism, cursing their peers because you are out of their reach. A whole mental breakdown! You name it, possible lack of sleep, no appetite, a snotty nose, consistent calls! Erratic behavior is prominent in this pile, Wheeew someone’s got themselves a hothead!🤭🥵 “I need you and only you, I’m sorry baby please!” I see your person hyperventilating. WOAH, your person needs a dose of your intoxicating love.😳 
Pile 2
  Dang🙁, your person knows there is no coming back from this tragedy. Standing there, still, frozen, in a state of shock. “It’s over, she got away”🥺 only because they know they don’t deserve you. Seeing no way around their truth and not having many words to say to win you over is making your person go insane. I see your person sitting with themselves in a dark room or in their car accounting for every possible fuck up they dished out to you.  Guilt and uncertainty conquer their mind. “Did I ever make you feel loved?”  They know they took advantage of the unconditional person they know you are, trust me THEY KNOW.😒
Pile 3
    Your person could be a mature, composed individual, willing to have an effective conversation with you to resolve this breakup. 💪🏽They would want to take you out for breakfast, or lunch, or meet up outdoors to converse. Face to face, they want to see and feel all the pain they’ve caused you. A need to focus on the now and not the past is what they are driven to commit themselves to for the sake of having you back. OKAAY! your person wants to accommodate you in every way needed, even better than you last experienced them. “Baby let me upgrade you!” Vibes. 💍🤑
Copyright © 2024 dondeeee911. All rights reserved.
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vitaminseetarot · 6 months
NaNoWriMo PAC: What Character Could You Write Into Your Next Story?
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Hey y'all, arriving to the party fashionably late for my last installment of the PAC marathon. I've decided to take up the NaNoWriMo challenge this year and wanted to use some cards to generate new plots and protagonists for my fanfiction novel. Then I figured, why not pull up a few cards to see what kind of characters you could fit into your own creations? It could be for the month long challenge, or for something you're writing on your own time. It's just interesting to see what the cards bring up!
(Trust me, this PAC was planned! I'm actively working on my writing as I type, I swear ;D )
To help you choose between the piles, I have chosen four images representing a few of my unique gel and ballpoint pens. Pick a photo to find your mystery character below. Note that each pile allows for a variety of options as everyone writes a different story. I also included "MBTI" types as keywords though not all the types may be represented in these piles, it's chosen on intuition.
Pile 1, Black Pen - Clear Quartz Pile 2, Blue Pen - Mermaid Pile 3, Green Pen - Prickly Cactus Pile 4, Rainbow Pen - Cat
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Pile 1: Black Pen - Clear Quartz
(Visionary, Sagitarius Moon - Optimism, The Sentinel, 71. Aplomb, Mix Tapes, Shadow, Mirage; 8 of Coins, XIII Death, 9 of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, 5 of Cups, 6 of Swords) MBTI Energy: ENTJ, ENFJ, ESTP, ESFP
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Pile 1, your character is very likely the main character. Even if they become a supporting cast member, their personality has a chance to steal the show. Even if they're in the background, they may become the dark horse. Plucky is the word that comes to mind with their personality. They have a way of seeing the world and no one is going to mess with that level of clarity. This character is the type to see something through to the end, without cutting corners. They are the pollyanna type that smiles in the face of adversity and laughs in the presence of fear. They're full of life and fury, and will not let tiny things slow them down, though major obstacles may force them to come to a screeching halt. They have the inner fire to dry themselves off from a bad rainstorm and head out the next day as if it never rained.
This is the kind of character who leads or is somehow the representative of an empire or big league corporation. For all their power and potential, they still live in the shadow of someone greater, like siblings competing to be the best violinist, or a young woman becoming CEO of her mother's company. How they approach this issue is up to whether they become the Face or the Heel. A great fortune or privilege could be passed down in the form of inheritance, to which your character must deal with the backlash of being associated with such a predecessor. In spite of your character's perceived confidence, this challenge will inevitably slow them down and prevent them from being more help than they could be with their various resources. Events will have them rethinking their previous position and actions regardless of moral outlook, not wanting to deal with the harsh consequences that may come from making a wrong move.
There's a good chance this character will be dropped into an environment outside of their comfort zone, to a place or state that looks bleak, when it seems like it can't get worse. Their job may just be to hold light and offer comedy relief, though it won't be the comical character that makes a fool out of themselves. If others don't believe them, they will at some point, and they won't expect all this wisdom and profundity coming out of such a person. Your character may see something for what it is and offer relief and advice, or will learn how to use their expansive perspectives to help them out of difficult chapters. Other characters may or may not wish to take their advice. Comic relief is not to be confused as a two dimensional being who never feels sad or who can't acknowledge the dimmer aspects of life. There may be times where they even show grief and must find ways to work around said grief and bring their light forward for healing and community strength.
When the people of their community are ready to move on, this character will be there to wave the banner and forge the new path to follow. This is the energy of Moses leading people out of Egypt, except your character can't help but wisecrack along the uncertain and foreboding way. Whether main or side character, they'll be the type to shout "well, what are you all waiting for? Let's get to it!" and move out before anyone else takes the first step. They're the first in the audience to clap when they see something they know they like, not waiting for another's opinion. Whether they elevate or step down from their positions by the third act, they can offer boons to other characters in the story. They, in the end, can be accounted for their unique contributions, if not in resources then in sheer wit and boundless tenacity.
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Pile 2: Blue Pen - Mermaid
(Warrior, Taurus Moon - Exaltation, The Diviner, 41. Nostalgia, Passing Notes, Pickle, Waves; II High Priestess, Queen of Cups, 2 of Swords, Page of Wands, Knight of Coins, 3 of Swords) MBTI Energy: INFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, ESFJ
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This character isn't just a warrior, but one with a big heart. Like a guardian of something sacred. I'm seeing Princess Mononoke and yet I'm hearing Xena: Warrior Princess theme music. This seems like someone who has strong psychic power or influence in nature or the community. They are not necessarily an expert at what they do, but it comes naturally to them. This power could have something to do with retrocognition, or understanding pieces of the past. It could also have to do with growing new things, planting abilities, or even a form of conjuration (manifesting from thin air). The power may be channeled through your character for them to pass on information to their tribe, their power may be simply transferring messages from another source. Or they could receive messages from another source on how to use their powers, and a special connection is formed in between.
Your character feels passionate and greatly motivated about what they do; they may not be a master of using their power but they could be on a good career track in your story, with a chance for elevated status near the end. Part of the plot could revolve around their gradual development and growth, particularly during challenging chapters or acts. It seems like your character carries a lot of youthful, can-do energy in spite of their position and in the current climate of their time. They may not identify as female but hold a lot of powerful feminine energy, like a lioness who knows when to relax and when to attack for the pride's sake. Their sense of boldness and strength is married with their heart based decision making. They consider the effects their actions will have before proceeding. They put their loved ones and overall mission ahead of themselves.
There could be blockages that come along, preventing your character from using their abilities. If they are prophetic, they may have to share bad news and receive a blow to their reputation, or like Kassandra not be believed by those most at risk. As a conjurer, they could slowly wear down their energy or be restricted from using it by dogmatic authorities. Or they could even risk using it for their own personal gain in a desperate enough situation. As a hero, they could learn to stay true to their mission, or as a villain choose to turn away. Why would they turn? To run from the pain of the past, or to make good on what they do to help others? Either way, your character will be made to confront different sides of themselves. They will be able to glean deep insight into what's happening around them, in a way that may not make sense to other characters.
As a neutral and minor character, they could represent a person who offers resilience during a hard time, dispensing advice to the protagonist. They can offer protection and development for your protagonist. They could offer food, shelter, and clothing. They could be the leader of a small troupe of soldiers who relies more on strategy and perfect timing than brute force. They would lead in a spunky manner, I'm thinking of the Lost Boys from Peter Pan in particular. Someone who's had to prove themselves in combat to be worthy of an elevated position, but doesn't let the status get to their head. They can stay grounded in by addressing issues that may have been brewing for long periods of time through bringing other characters together with a plan.
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Pile 3: Green Pen - Prickly Cactus
(Rebel, Aquarius Mercury - Originality, The Painter, 38. Moving Forward, CDs and DVDs, Bubble Gum, Galaxy, Delivery Brown; Knight of Wands, 6 of Wands, I Magician, 9 of Wands, 4 of Wands, 10 of Swords) MBTI Energy: ENTP, INTP, ESTP, ISTP
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This pile couldn't be more clear about your character! They are so straightforward in their pursuits. This is the character possessing some kind of genius or mad scientist potential. They may have made some form of alien contact or gain hold of ancient or future technology. This could be the kind of character who creates avante garde material that disrupts a social order. This is a character who could invent something that twists how their community sees everything around them forever. Time or space travel could play a role here, very likely involving futuristic worlds or gadgetry. Wherever they found themselves, this is not someone who wants to or likes to look back on their decisions.
Chances are, your character has a strong bond to either what they have or what they do. They may have to relinquish something, or travel to a time or space that does not gel with their knowledge or personality. This could cause them to feel lost or outcast from society or the group. A character that comes to mind is Peridot from Steven Universe, who had a very clingy and needy attachment to her technology. This is something that could be greatly challenged during the story. This is an already dynamic person, but someone who could easily turn arrogant and dogmatic about their approach if not tempered with some kind of setback. If they're used to pride, they will learn humility. If they are a hermit who can't open up about their inventions, they may be put on center stage to showcase it regardless of whether they're truly ready for the attention.
This is also giving off a bit of starving artist vibes, or there's a situation where, if you character is a creator or inventor, they can't get their creations out to the world for some reason. Doing so could likely create some net benefit for others, even if they don't understand it at first, but to do so there must be some level of overcoming the fear or defeat or rejection. They could have someone actively keeping the technology or creation away as they know what it could be capable of doing. There may be risk or overusing, overextending, overcompensating, or overestimating how the technology or science will help the community involved. Your character may come to this realization and perhaps decide to shelve or retreat their innovation on behalf of a request or demand on part of other characters to fulfill.
As a hero, they may learn to work through rejection and embrace their nonconformity, like Happy Feet. They may have to help the community with their inventions as a major sacrifice. Or as a villain they may act more like Syndrome from Incredibles, using their incredible genius to attain fame and status. They may serve as a metaphor for the risks of abusing knowledge and technology. As a minor supporting character, they may assist the protagonist using their genius brain or skills with different tools. They don't have to be an inventor--they could work with technology in other ways, like piloting a spaceship or working alongside giant mecha fighters. They may focus their goals on awakening others and bringing important concepts to light, even if they're doing it by traveling through time. The possibilities are as limitless as their mind.
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Pile 4: Rainbow Pen - Cat
(Athlete, Gemini Moon - Adaptability, The Wise One, 18. Festivity, Arcades, Sunrise, Buzzfeed Yellow; 6 of Swords, King of Coins, King of Swords, 4 of Swords, 3 of Swords, Ace of Swords) MBTI Energy: ENTJ, INTJ, INFJ, ISTJ
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Wow look at all these swords and two kings! This particular character means business throughout the ups and downs of life. Whether they arrive to the story in the beginning or close to the end, they will be known for their seasoned experience and heavy dose of wisdom. This is the type of character who would mentor the hero through applying steady by-the-books discipline, or the hero who runs to the mountains to train for many years. This is the energy of someone who stops at nothing to see their ideas turn to results, no matter how long it takes or how many sacrifices they must make in the long run. In spite of their wizened abilities, however, they may need to learn how to slow down and approach matters with a more gentle and cheerful touch. This character is a graceful combination of brain and brawn, with a good dose of heart at times like Uncle Iroh.
It could be that they take up martial arts and act as an instructor for a group of students. They could be more involved in intellectual challenges like chess and be viewed by others as a paragon of the game. They could be a successful lawyer who uses both their wit and their many years of experience at the firm to win their cases. They could be a military general who finds new ways to train rookies into becoming indomitable warriors. In whatever career they find themself in, this character will be seen as competent and good at remaining cool in scenes where other characters would panic. They are reserved about dispensing their wisdom to others, only wanting to say and do as much as is necessary to allow events to move. There is a cold and somewhat calculated demeanor present in this character whether they align with good or evil.
They may have an intimidating cover that belies a more vulnerable disposition. It could be that their focus on career and proficiency has cost them a few relationships in their life. This is a very James Bond type of pile, in the simplest sense. Bond is very much the ace but also the inevitable loner wolf. It's up to you how you wish to subvert or deconstruct his tropes. I also see Sanji from One Piece in this pile. This is a type of character who, if emotions affect them in any serious way, it will be through powerful and difficult ones to overcome like grief, regret, and need for vengeance. They may be utterly driven to win in spite of who gets hurt. They could be the type to play very neutral, or even on the side of good, until push comes to shove, until someone they care about gets hurt. This is the kind of character who cherishes past relationships deeply because they are often the only thing they have to hold on to when they're used to leaving the rest behind.
This character knows how to easily move from place to place, finding a new undercover job to do or trying to stay on the run from evil organizations in hot pursuit. They may or may not necessarily enjoy the traveling, or constantly changing identities or lifestyles in order to accomplish their goals. They may travel from remote places to train, but miss something hidden in plain sight which will give them some important key to advance the plot. This hidden thing likely involves relationships, or healing from past trauma. This character must look into their own inner wounds in order to be the strongest kind of teacher or provider for others. Their heartache can give way to finding the heart to stand up for good, or consume them into a toxic side. But it will be a deciding factor in their development. This character is no stranger to hardship but it's up to individual choices that bring them to where they end up. If they do have a happy ending, they may finally get the chance to warm up and join the rest of the cast in their merry denouement, if they do not go the way of the noble sacrifice (but if they do they may be greatly honored for it).
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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enchantingseer · 20 days
Free Reading
Status : Closed
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Rules to Participate
Provide your name and explain the meaning of it on how you feel about it !
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Ask your question ( no short forms must be used and each question will only be answered per person )
Make sure to take screenshot of the messages as I might delete due to energy purposes.
Questions are channeled by feminine so despite of gender fallout I will address the energy in words that fit the feminine well.
If you feel questions are personally affecting you and cannot be asked, message me for the reading.
Due Respect leave your feedback it would help me build my experiences accordingly
Note : Kindly enter the event to receive the message inclined towards you without anything blocking in between
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polarcoconut · 8 months
Pick a Book
What subliminal should you use ?
hii! subliminals are music or other relaxing sounds that have messages that go to your subconscious brain. Pick a book to get a subliminal recommendation and an explanation!
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pile one -junie b jones
mental health/clarity
you have a busy mind! you’re worried about something. you base your life off your wants. resist temptations pile one!
pile two-magic tree house
reading comprehension
this will help with your work or school. should help you process your own thoughts better as well.
pile three- chrysanthemum
make him jealous/heal yourself
you have someone in your life who deserves to know how good you are doing without them. you’re almost over the situation but you need some more confidence.
pile four-clementine
take care of your body
you could be going through a period of suffering right now ; causing you to ignore your bodies needs. or you needs some encouragement to get started on a fitness journey.
pile five-dear america
life could be worse pile five! the universe wants you to learn your lessons so they can give you your rewards.
pile six-dork diaries
regulate nervous system
you hold a lot of negative energy in your body. you run based off your fears. let go of anxiety and take care of your body.
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jupitersdoll · 8 months
✨Jupiter’s Doll Paid Services✨
Hi, Jupiter’s Doll here! I’ve been studying and offering astrology and intuitive readings since 2015. I have a deep understanding of both Tropical and Sidereal/Vedic astrology. I’ve finally decided to dedicate a tumblr to what I’ve learned and observed over the years and I wanted to offer my services to you all here. Enjoy!
General Readings Offered:
One Question $7.77
Three Questions $17.17
Synastry $44.44
Career $22.22
Blockages $22.22
Full Natal Chart $77.77
Super In-Depth Question $50
Special Question Readings Offered: All $22.22
What do they think of me right now?
In-Depth Celebrity Question
Celebrity Crush
Future Spouse/Partner
What do I need to hear right now?
Confidence Boost Tips
Yearly Focus (Transits or Advice)
It is preferred that you request a reading through my email ([email protected]) but you can also request one through ask. Email is preferred to make sure all details are in one place and for quicker delivery.
When requesting a reading, please provide an email to deliver your reading as well as your birth details as MM/DD/YYYY with location and time if you have it.
Birth details for the other person is also required for synastry and love readings. Context also helps with the specifics of your reading.
You MUST have a Pay Pal to get your reading.
Readings have a 48 hour turnaround time as of right now. I will update this if that changes so please read carefully.
Urgent Readings require an extra $10 to get ahead of the queue.
No Refunds unless I have an emergency or other reasons which I will personally communicate to you.
For all intents, these readings are for entertainment purposes only. Energy changes so readings resonate when they are meant to. I am a straight forward reader so please do not take any offense with the messages. I am honestly communicating what I see in your chart and intuitively.
Feedback is definitely welcome and I genuinely appreciate you choosing me to read for you!💕
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txacyb · 1 month
You are dealing with people who are nitpicking everything you do. These people will not leave you alone. You are so close to accomplishing something you have been working on and these people might be trying to stop your progress. They have been very disrespectful towards you. You know the truth of the situation, and you are aware of what will lead you to your success. Your skills will bring you greatness. You deserve this.
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