#Also to be extra clear this IS uncontrollable laughing
littlegreenwyvy · 6 months
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A lot of the more 'drastic' effects that I got within the first few months of HRT have mostly subsided.
But one thing that seems to be 'staying' is that I can giggle myself into a laughing-fit the likes of which I and my friends have never seen. "Are you laughing or crying?" is a phrase I hear at least once a week, and which goes unanswered for a good several minutes before I'm able to regain my composure (the answer typically being 'both' by that point).
Being happy is cool :>
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wizardofrozz · 11 months
hi, Rozz!!! from the kiss prompts, can I please request:
"i'm sorry, i had to." with Sawbones (simping uncontrollably for him tbh)
can’t wait to see how the mean one handles a first kiss 😅
Love It When You Hate Me
OC Sawbones x reader, Original Clone Troopers
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: mention of injury, Sawbones being an asshole. I think that's it lol
A/N: Thank you for the ask Sev 🖤 I get so unbelievably happy when anyone simps of Sawbones lmao I got a little carried away with this but I don't even care, it was worth it 😂
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Before the war, you hadn’t traveled much, staying busy in the emergency wing of Coruscant General. Then Geonosis happened, millions of troopers materializing out of thin air to fight a war most people hadn’t even been expecting. That was how you ended up working for the GAR, traveling around the galaxy to lend your medical knowledge to the troops that needed it most. You had visited several medical centers and worked alongside combat medics across numerous battalions.  
The Ord Cestus Medical Center was your most recent assignment, offering an extra set of hands after a large influx of troopers came in. You smiled at the clone stretched out on the bed before you as you checked his vitals. You didn’t even know his name but it didn’t seem to matter to him. 
“Am I gonna make it, doc?” he asked, a smirk lifting the side of his mouth. The trooper’s arm was secured to his chest, his right shoulder still healing after being violently ripped from the socket. 
“Mm, I don’t know,” you teased, smiling when he laughed. It was a welcomed sound in a place so steeped in pain, meaning you noticed when it cut off abruptly. You checked for any sign that he was in pain but his expression gave nothing away; you followed his eyes across the room and held in a sigh. 
As a civilian, you hadn’t been sent into combat areas, making relief missions your most common assignment. Most of the time you spent with a battalion was fleeting but there was one that was an exception: the 104th battalion, the Wolfpack. General Plo Koon’s men still fought infantry battles but they also spent the most time rescuing other troops or offering aid to civilians. If it was by accident or due to a request from the general, you were called in, along with a few other civilians, to offer their medics a few extra hands. 
Now, seeing one of those medics, most notably the chief medical officer, wasn’t what you were expecting.
Sawbones looked just as stormy as ever despite the crutches he was hobbling around on. You had heard the stories, the things he’d done in the name of the Republic but your inner idealist wrote them off as exaggerations. Although, when he trooper beside you shifted uncomfortably, glancing at you, it made you wonder. You followed Sawbones’ journey across the room, letting your eyes linger when he stopped at another Wolfpack member’s bed. You huffed under your breath and turned back to the trooper you were treating, gently patting his arm. 
“Get some rest,” you ordered with a smile. The trooper flashed you a tense smile before shuffling down, stretching out on his bed. The next patient on your list was a few beds down, closer to where Sawbones was still lingering and you slowed your pace. You had your fair share of run-ins with the Wolfpack’s mean CMO and while his attitude made you want to steer clear of him, there was something about him that had your mind wandering back to him.
Sawbones was harsh on a good day but you had also witnessed a side to him that you’d almost consider...soft. He threw nasty comments around, scaring off anyone who dared get too close but he cared for his injured men with a gentle hand. You had a feeling his threats weren’t empty, but he wanted to help more than hurt, even if he had a funny way of showing it. 
Sawbones turned his head slightly as you neared your next patient. His beard was neatly trimmed and you could only remember seeing it long and unruly out on the field. Now that you thought about it, that was the first time you had seen him in anything but his armor; the starchy, gray scrubs made him look softer, less abrasive. You offered the trooper, Dodger, a smile as you approached his bed. It was hard to miss the anxiety lining his expression and you hoped the simple gesture helped a little bit. Dodger’s jaw flexed but he squared his shoulders, taking a deep breath in preparation. 
“How are you feeling, Dodger?” you asked, perching on the corner of his bed near his feet.
“Been better,” he mumbled, pointedly not looking at the hip-to-ankle cast he wore. You could feel eyes on your back and ignored the curious glances as you reached for his hand. Recovery was going to take some time but there was nothing unrepairable. 
“Enough babying them.” You jumped at the voice from over your shoulder, twisting around to find Sawbones leaning on his crutches, his face twisted in a scowl. “They’re soldiers, not children.” There was a tense silence as you just gaped at him, taken aback by the bitter edge to his voice. Endless, dark eyes bore into yours and it took you a second to shake off the shock.
“Excuse me?” Sawbones arched a brow before shifting his attention to Dodger over your shoulder.
“You live to fight another day. Congratulations,” Sawbones said, his tone flat and uninterested. Dodger blinked a few times before letting out a long, slow breath, and slumping down in his bed. 
“Uh, thank you, sir,” he murmured, nodding at the medic. Sawbones grunted before making a slow turn, heading back across the room and all you could do was stare after him. When you looked back at Dodger, there was a half-smile on his face that only grew when he caught the flabbergasted expression on your face. 
Then the anger started to build, swelling like an impending storm and you stood so fast you staggered. Dodger tried to get your attention but you were already stalking toward the door Sawbones disappeared through. Finding him was easy, seeing that he could only move so fast and you picked up your pace. You could only imagine the look on your face but it must’ve been ominous enough for any passing staff to step out of your way. 
You caught a glimpse of Sawbones disappearing into one of the smaller labs scattered around the medical center and hurried after him. There was one other clone sitting at one of the benches when you stepped inside, the pair turning to look at you. 
“Leave,” you ordered, stepping away from the door. The clone hesitated, glancing at Sawbones and it only made your anger spike. “Out.” Sawbones leaned against the workbench, taking some of the weight off his broken leg, his head turning to follow the other clone as he stomped out of the room.
“What?” he asked, arching a brow. 
“How dare you," you hissed, storming across the room, carelessly invading his personal space. “I am not one of your subordinates that you can talk down to. You had no right to step in like that.”
“And?” The unbothered air around him made you seethe; any crush you thought you might’ve had on him got shoved to the back of your mind. You ground your teeth together, taking another step closer.
“I don’t care what your problem is. I don’t care why you act like an asshole as if it’s your job but you will not treat me like some incompetent moof-milker.” You jabbed a finger into his chest, relishing in the quiet grunt he let out. “I’ve worked my ass off all my life and if you’re so emotionally constipated that my kindness bothers you, then I’d suggest sucking it the fuck up.” 
Sawbones blinked at you, his eyes flickering down to where your finger was still pressed into his chest; when his eyes lifted again they seemed shadowed and it sent an involuntary shiver down your spine. Suddenly, you felt your confidence withering as his expression darkened, his head tilting down, bringing your faces closer together. Just as you were about to take a step back, Sawbones surged forward, slanting his mouth against yours as he cradled the back of your head.
Your eyes widened comically but it didn’t deter him and before you knew it you were melting against him. His mustache tickled your skin and you found that you liked it, closing your fist, tugging him closer by his scrub top. Sawbones rumbled deep in his chest, parting your lips to slip his tongue into your mouth and you whined involuntarily.
It was just a kiss and yet it felt more erotic than any other kiss you’d shared with another person. The movement of his tongue was a mockery of what you desperately wished his hips were doing and it made you shiver. Sawbones broke the kiss so suddenly your head spun and you swayed closer, following his lips before you could catch yourself. 
“Sorry,” Sawbones panted, his hand sliding down to your neck, “I had to. I like it when you get mean.” 
“I shouldn’t be surprised,” you whispered, still trying to catch your breath. “You only speak one language: asshole.” It felt like a monumental accomplishment when Sawbones laughed; it was a sharp, harsh sound but it brought a smile to your face nonetheless.
“I speak another language too,” he murmured, bumping your noses together. 
“Yeah? What’s that?” You barely finished the sentence before he pulled you into another dizzying kiss. Yeah, you would happily speak this language too.
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @trixie2023 @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino @commander-sunshine @dukeoftheblackstar
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Jikook in RUN BTS Next Top Genius Special Part 2
Full Episode Here:
You can find Part 1 here. And again, I won't be talking about the full episode or sharing my thoughts over the whole thing, this is just about the jikook moments within the episode.
Playing a dice lying game and JK basically called everyone a liar every single time and was willing to just hang out at the start in order to troll his hyungs. Lol and Jimin with his uncontrollable giggles saying he can't lie because of JK 🤣 and then in an effort tonmake the trolling stop they all proclaim their undying belief in whatever he says so he finally moves forward and hopefully let's them do the same. Lmao Jimin going "I believe you" and JK looking right at him and lying more extravagantly with the biggest smile 🤣🤣
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JK objecting to Jimins number roll again and Jimin just going "do you really need to do that" both of them in such a teasing tone 🤣
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The way they made the exact same face when they both objected but failed! Lol
The members all going into a booth to secretly Answer yes or no about if they would share points with the members and after Jimin being oh so confident that JK answered yes (he was correct). Lol and the shoulder grabs still too. Also cute how when they are no longer in their chairs and freely standing, jikook *somehow* ended up right next to each other again 😍
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Vmin answered "no" though and therefore each gaining 35 points. And their celebration of cutely dancing RUN BTS choreo together. Lmfao and JK in the back with utter disappointment and zoning right out, shook 🤣
The final game being a rock paper scissors match between vmin with the others being split into their teams randomly. Jikooks handshakes always turn into small hand holds. Lol it's so cute. And the way Jimin smiles up at him too 😍
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JK with like 5 seconds left in the last round shouting to Jimin to just "trust your gut" as he rearranges cards after he spent the entire time "helping tae" and playing spy. Lol cute. And then how he walks to Jimins side at the end and they flash back to his "clear eyed traitor" face after he tells Tae what to do everytime lmfao SNEAKY SNEAKY
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As well as the way he catches and holds Jimins hand breifly when Jimin is giving his teammates little handshakes. So cute. Again, their handshakes always are breifly hand holds too.
Lmfao the way JK was saying he never lied to Tae when giving hints because he wanted to be trusted but only gave hints that were only *so* helpful it seemed. JK wanted to survive ultimately in the end.🤣 he cracks me up. The most successful he has been at being sneaky ever during run bts. You go JK!
PLUS you see JK in the background while Jimin is freaking out over possibly trusting the wrong people (yoongi and hobi) while Hobi tries convincing him he actually WAS AND IS on his team. Lol shoes flying and everything. JK just smiles fondly at the chaos and protects JKs tiles over his answers to make sure they stay hidden and just taking care of his things. Which is so cute.
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Jimin winning and ending up the final most points. JK giving him celebratory spanks and calling him genius-min with a cute little smile!
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His little smile watching Jimin give his silly acceptance award speech 😍
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Jimin bursting out laughing at how JK ending the show. Lol (idk why this captain said scolding. But it's what I've got!)
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Jimin just guessing JKs answers left and right on this show lol (from the extra bonus content at the end)
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And Bonus, like I said above, they activated their magnetic field and drew towards each other as soon as they had time to just stand around and wait and were in their chairs for a game. Lol and before they joined Tae in doing the run bts choreo for a bit, we just see them, chilling and relaxing in the background a bit. Not doing anything. Just hanging out close by.
Such a fun episode(s)! I loved it and always have such a good time watching them all play together and laugh together!
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wonkyreads · 2 years
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If You Could See the Sun by Ann Liang
9 white rabbit candies out of 10
Alice Sun has a problem: her parents can no longer afford to pay for the tuition to her elite Beijing international boarding school. Oh, and she’s started uncontrollably turning invisible. I could give more summary here, but honestly this is enough to get the vibe and I feel the more I say, the less fun the journey is. Just know that she allies with her academic rival in an attempt to get rid of both her problems at once and make the best out of a bad situation. Also, shit gets wild. Like… truly wild.
To me this book felt like the weirdest, most endearing version of Ouran High School Host Club. Honestly? Just replace the reverse harem bits with one of the best academic rivals to lovers storyline I’ve read in a long time and add a dash of crime. It’s got the same kind of setting and the same sense of whimsy and the message is not only clear, but important. I felt so much for these characters. I teared up, laughed, and grinned so hard watching Alice stumble through her obstacles, so determined to get where she deserved to be.
If You Could See the Sun delved into a setting I have no experience in and connected it to issues that were easy to feel in my heart. It spoke to experiences and fears I’ve had myself, though Alice and I have basically nothing in common. It was just such an enjoyable read, honestly. One that I felt in my gut.
The main issue (that half star), however, is one of personal enjoyment. As much as I loved the whimsy of this story, sometimes it went a little too far for me. Some jokes just didn’t land and characters acted in unrealistic ways that managed to pull me out of the narrative. It didn’t happen often, but when it did it was notable. I recognize, though, that for some that extra step of comic relief is desired.
It’s only mid-January that I’m reading and writing this, but it’s the best book I’ve read so far this year and an easy recommend for me.
{those white rabbit candies are so good, but I’m also biased because milk candy is my favorite}
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lacroixqueen · 3 years
how sevika fucked you (18+)
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Sevika always fucked with intent, with purpose.
She wanted you to feel like she is the best you’ve ever had. 
It may be an ego thing, but she never asked you outright. She could tell. 
From how you arched your back when she hit your most sensitive spot,
From how your legs shuddered uncontrollably when she kissed your inner thigh,
To how your sweet moans ricocheted off the walls.
Your moans. They were her greatest incentive.
Nothing motivated her to fuck you harder than how you whimpered into the bedsheets as she rammed relentlessly into you.
Or how you gasped when she ground deep, sensual circles into your insides. 
Or how you whined when she would grab your hair, yanking it back and forcing you into a state of submission. 
She would grunt too, watching you mewl and purr for her when she pounded extra deep into you.
Sometimes she would smoke while she fucked you, allowing the gray, musky clouds to float all around her.
Exhaling out in triumph when she saw the way you leaked all over, a clear sheen running down the inside of your leg.
When she was finished, she would push the burning end of the cigarette into the soft dip of your back, using you as an ashtray and causing you to whine even more than you already were, begging her to stop. 
It would leave a small, perfect little circle that she would kiss over while she fucked you even harder. 
She also loved wrapping her large hands around your neck, asking you silly little questions and watching you struggle to answer them.
She left red, pink, purple bruises all over your body when she was done with you. 
Giant, scarlet patches all over your ass from when she spanked you while she railed your poor pussy into oblivion earlier. 
Smaller, violet hickeys that peppered all over your collarbone.
She wanted to leave lasting, reminding spots on you that marked you as hers and hers alone. 
She loved watching you try to fuck yourself on her lap. It was adorable, really. 
Seeing how your face would contort in frustration as you tried to stimulate yourself the way she did. 
She might even nurse a glass of whiskey and sip on it as you bounced up and down, while she sat perfectly still. Watching you was like free entertainment.
You would have to start begging her, tugging at her shirt collar while grinding on top of her lap. Gasping and moaning and pleading pathetically into her ear.
She would smirk to herself as you did this. It is exactly what she wanted.
She was always so prideful. She knew you could never cum all by yourself. You needed her to send you over the edge. 
And she loved the power trip she got from it. 
Eventually, she would give in, pushing you down so you looked up under her. She would start slow, making sure you soaked in every single pump, and then go faster, causing your mind to go wild.
Sometimes, she wouldn’t let you cum, and would laugh at you as you got on your hands and knees and pleaded with her to please finish fucking you.
Other times, she would let you cum. And those were the nights you were grateful for. The orgasm would wash over you like an ocean wave as you squirted all over her fingers. 
Nothing gave her more satisfaction than watching you lay breathless, flushed, and shaking after she was done with you. 
She might even light another smoke, laying back and feeling quite pleased with herself. 
Until she decided she wanted to go for another round. 
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Practicing - Steven Hyde x reader
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"Oh, hi, it's Steven, right? Steven Hyde. Didn't know you were also a fan of this spot" I said, attempting to radiant confidence but failing. "-We have chemistry together. As in, the class, chemistry, I wasn't implying that we have, like, chemistry between us, tho, we might, but who knows, I mean, this is, uh, this is actually the first time we ever interacted, so, uh, hi, I'm... making a complete fool out of myself, Donna" I said, looking at my ginger friend who I was pretending is my crush. She was laughing uncontrollably, but I would be too instead of her.
I liked Hyde for a while now, and when his friend noticed me staring at him, she recommend to step back and never make a move, yet two months later, we're here in my room and she is helping me practice for the interaction I will eventually have with him. She insisted, “If you do it, do it right. He could use a girl to straighten him out. Who knows, maybe behind all the wrinkles in his personality, it is beautiful”. That’s how we got there: in my room as I’m trying to make sentences make sense.
“How about…” I start, and take a pause to clear my throat, “hey, your name is Stanly… no, Steven, right? Steven Hyde? You’re in my chemistry class” I smiled at Donna’s thumbs up. “You’re doing great so far, sweetie” she said, and so I continued, which turned out to be a mistake. “I’m (y\n), (y\f\n)” I said. Donna cleared her throat and spared her legs, leaning forward in an attempt to mimic a more “masculine” figure, and started speaking in a low voice. “Okay, and why should I care?” she said, and I was torn between getting offended and laughing at her “man-voice”. “Well. I just thought that I would let you know incase you’ll ever need like, help with homework and stuff…” I said, trying to stay calm. “Cool, so I can copy your homework tomorrow before class?” Donna said, perfectly in character. “That’s not what I meant but like, sure, yeah-“
“NO” Donna cuts me off, “no letting him use you, that’s a gateway for never getting that smooch, okay?” she said, and I looked at her confused. “Wording was a bit odd, but you get what I say, right bro?” she said, and I nod to confirm. “yeah, no, you’re totally right” I sigh, giving up at his point. Maybe I’m just never going to be able to communicate with him, and that’s fine.
I sat down at my usual spot in chemistry class. It was the day after practicing with Donna, and I was so ready to embarrass myself, but the curly haired boy was nowhere to be found. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t unlike him to be late, but the thing is, I was already a late. The teacher came in just a second after me, I passed her in the hallway while running to class.
The minutes passed, but he never came, not until it was five minutes before the bell. He looked like shit. Not really, I mean, he was still handsome, but he looked very… upset. “Oh, well, if I’s no Steven Hyde” the teacher smiled, “what have we done to be as lucky as to see your face?”
Her tone was slightly mean, but he didn’t snap back. No snarky comment, no flipping a middle finger, no nothing. That’s when I knew something was wrong. “No sarcastic comeback? No curses? Well, if you’re in such a good mood, why won’t you stay here with (y\n) and she’ll help you catch up?”
Seems like the teacher had the same thought as me, see, It is normally his last class but I have a blank one and then I have my extra credit, so I’m always staying here to go over the new stuff we learned. It was not a punishment for me, it was a favor. She knew that I’m always here alone, and got me some company, and just the one I wanted.
His eyes searched through the class, trying to understand who this mysteries “(y\n)” is. Finally, those sunglasses turned my way and I raised my hand. “Fine” he sighed. No fighting? What the hell is wrong with him?
The bell rang and the class soon emptied itself, expect for the two of us. “You know, her next class is in a different floor, you can go. I won’t snitch” I said, “just wait a few minutes so we know for sure she’s far, far away”. “I appreciate the offer, but I really don’t give a shit on weather I get caught or not” he said, turning around. Just as he said it, the door was slammed and a click sounded. “you are not getting away with this one, Mister Hyde, you need to start caring about school” the teacher called from the other side.
“Well, shit, looks like you’re stuck with me” I said, “I promise I’m decent company” I added, laughing lightly. “Yeah, I guess so. You hang out with Donna sometimes, right? She’s cool, we’re tight” he said. “…what?” I think to myself, but let go of it. “So, you actually going to force me to learn, or can I roll myself, or better yet, us, a joint?” he asks. “Oh, I don’t smoke” I said, “on school property” I add when he raises his eyebrows. He laughs, “it’s never too late to start” he says, and so he started working on a joint.
“You know, (y\n), you’re actually cool. Thought you was a nerd, but I was wrong” he admits as he lights up the blunt. “Thanks, I guess” I say, “you’re alright too”. “Just alright?” he says, “nah man, I’m fucking awesome”.
And so the minutes pass by, and we’re talking, and laughing, and it finally seems like maybe I actually made it. Sure, he called me man in the past half an hour more than I was ever called by friends my entire life, but that’s a small detail, who cares? At least he called me something other than my current choice of wardrobe.
“Man, this is nice, we should do it again. Do you know Eric?” he asked. “Forman? Hell yeah, we used to be really close a while back, but then this one time I came over and I almost walked in on him… coming. Somewhere else. And ever since things are just… weird” I confessed. “You’re barging girl?!” Steven called out, laughing. “Yeah, I guess I am” I joined his laugh. “So you know where to come when you finish with your choir” he said. “How do you know that’s my extra credit?” I asked, and he looked at me a bit confused. “Oh, I guess Donna mentioned that. You got the song you’re working on stuck in her head” he explained. I mean, it checks out, she told me that herself.
“So, if you know something so deep and personal about me… can I ask what happened? I mean, you were hella late, and Ms. Tyler was right. It is weird you didn’t say anything cynical back at her” I say, looking at the floor since I’m not brave enough to actually look at his reaction. “Well, it’s not much, just… my mom’s being a shitty mom” he replied. “oh” I say, since for the first time in my life I find myself speechless.
“She ran off yesterday, I’m still trying to figure shit out” he keeps sharing, and I am surprised and from what I know, u should also be flattered he is letting me in like that.
Weeks passed, and now we’re here: I managed to befriend my crush, and even gained back my friendship with Eric. I told him about my feelings for Hyde, and after I dismissed his brain surgery offer, he offered to help me ask his close friend out, and now we’re in his room, practicing.
“Hey, Hyde, I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime, like, to grab something to eat, maybe” I say, and Eric nods with a very focused face. “Like… grab it and then run?” he asks eventually. “Well, I was thinking more like.. Sitting at a coffee place as in like a, date. What do you say, wanna go out sometime on like, a date?” I try again. “Well, fine, but you’re paying” Eric says, and just when we shake hands we hear the door slamming.
We left it open. Someone closed it. Which means someone heard my asking out rehearsal. Embarrassed, I peek to see who it is, hoping for Eric’s mom or one of the girls, just please god, don’t let it be Steven. He’s been staying at the Forman’s place for a while now, but we thought he was out smoking or something.
I see a curly haired figure at the edge of the hallway, looking right back at me. “Hey, Steven” I smile at him, waving. “(y\n)! Come over here for a sec” he calls at me, and so I walk over. “Didn’t know you were into Forman” he whispers at me. “Huh? What are you talking about-“ I ask, confused. Why would he think that, I was clearly practicing asking him out. “I heard you asked him out, and he asked you to pay? Dick move. That’s something that I would do, not him” he says, and I laugh. “What’s so funny?” he asks, his tone implies he’s… offended?
“Steven, I mean, Hyde, Eric just helped me practice asking you out on a date” I explain before I can really think it through and regret the decision. He looks at me, confused. “Man, that’s sad” he says, and for a second I want to cry, “not the practice thing, that part was cute” he adds quickly as he noticed my eyes looking away. “What’s sad is that my friend think I’m some dick who would only date a girl if she’ll pay” he says, and I laugh. “Well, I mean, you did say you would do it just a second ago” I say, and he shoots a half smile at me.
“By the way, yes. I will go on a date with you. And you don’t need to pay” he says, giving out his hand for me to take. “We’ll just-“ “run off without giving them a penny” he completes my sentence and confirms I was guessing right. I took his hand as he spoke, and we start walking off to have our first date, hopefully, first one out of many.
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chippedaxe · 3 years
I love your writing and i was wondering if i can request how mcyt would react to a demon s/o also if you want you can make it nsfw if your ok with that :)
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. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Title: Demon s/o Hc's
Warnings: NSFW is included, there will be a warning when it comes up in the fic. Demons mentioned, maybe a bit of religion, praise, degrading, sub reader (dom reader for George and Karl) , maybe a bit of dumbfication idk
Pronouns: They/Them, non specified genitalia.
Synopsis: The reader is a demon and this is how their s/o (the mcyt's) react to that.
Word count: 1.3k
Note: I am not doing requests in order btw, I'm just completing the ones I feel like doing first.
The reader has demon horns, a spiked demon tail and fire powers.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
c! Dream
- He finds it cool and amusing to have you as his demon partner, he appreciates how warm you keep him in the winters too by the way.
- He would probably flick your tail randomly while you two are just chilling together.
- You'd use your fire to warm you two up in the winter, your body heat would be enough to warm Dream up normally however.
- He would miss that warmth very much when he's in the prison, he would feel somewhat comforted by the prison's lava however as it reminds him of you.
c! Sapnap
- He would drag you places by the tail if you were refusing to go, he would also pull on your tail to get you out of bed.
- He would snuggle up with you and collect your body heat whenever he's cold, he would be pushing you away and avoiding you when he's hot though.
- He gets so hot and sweaty around you sometimes and it'll come to the point where he has to kick you out of the room and it'll upset you.
- He of course feels bad and invites you back in immediately after, but you refuse since he made the room smelly :,(
- You can basically turn a whole pool into a sauna and he loves that, not when he's trying to cool off though.
c! George
- I feel as if he wouldn't really notice at first to be honest, he'd only figure out that you're a demon when he wakes up and you've destroyed his pillow with your horns "When'd you grow horns?" George asks.
- He will cuddle up with you at night to keep warm, his body just curling up around you and sleeping peacefully.
- Your tail sometimes rips the sheet so you have to tuck it into your pants when you go to sleep.
- You have to be extra careful while sleeping or your horns will ruin the pillows again and George won't be very happy with you..
c! Eret
- She treats you like a little pet, he will have you sitting beside their throne and will ignore you unless they need something. She will glance over and give you a bit of affection by petting your head.
- "I'm a demon! Not some pet!" you growl "Of course, dear" Eret smiles "Don't patronize me" you cross your arms and pout. Eret really does warm your fiery demon heart.
- You will obliterate and burn all that he wishes, if someone is up to be executed then you will set hellfire on them.
- Eret enjoys the way your tail wags like a puppy when you're happy "you're absolutely adorable, dear" Eret strokes your cheek "I'm not cute! I'm a brute! I'm a demon!" they laugh at you.
c! Karl
- You milk your demon privileges to the maximum "I can't go near water, I can't wash the dishes!" you lie and he believes you "I can't wash the clothes, I never learnt how to do all that in hell, sorry!" you get yourself out of many chores by doing this.
- He would probably touch the tip of your horns and then cry immediately when it pricks him, you then kiss his boo boo better "why'd you touch them?? They're sharp!" you wail "They looked shiny!"
- You're literally immortal so Karl could visit you at any point in time and you'd be there!
c! Punz
- He’d probably find you dangerous at first, worried that your fire would also be something he needed to take caution if but he calmed down when he first spoke with you.
- Your fire would be splattered uncontrollably, things would be set ablaze by accident and Punz would need to put it out (or leave it to burn if he simply didn’t care about it)
- Both if you are usually very warm people in temperature so you two being together would create some weird type of infinite heater (this also means that you two get very sweaty very often however)
c! Dream
- He would grab onto your horns and use them as support as he thrusted into you, he would also flick your tail to tease you since it’s so sensitive.
- He would have burn marks and scratches all over him by the time you two are done, you will also almost always be leaving a trail of smoke when you’re done cumming.
- He’d enjoy the large bloodied marks he gets from your teeth sinking into him during sex.
c! Sapnap
- He would use your fire and body heat to indulge in some of his temperature play fantasies.
- He would stroke your tail and kiss your ears while railing into you, he’d be praising you and telling you how good you’re being.
- if you prefer degradation than he’d be pulling on your tail and shoving it between your teeth as a gag to keep you quiet while he fucked you dumb “dumb little slut.. aren’t you meant to be a demon?”
c! George
- You know how I said that the bed would get ruined from your demon features? Yeah a lot more than just the bed would be broken by the time you two are done fucking.
- You’d ride George when he’s feeling tired, his hands would be groping your warm flesh and he’d whine at the feeling of your sharp fangs just gently gliding over his skin and nibbling on his collarbone.
- He’d probably grab your horns if he wanted you to either slow down or go faster.
c! Eret
- She treats you like absolute royalty in the sheets, their hands will be all over you and praising you “you look so gorgeous, so perfect for me darling~”
- if you prefer degrading than he’d be tugging on your horns and pulling at a collar around your neck, they’d pull you to the floor and have you suck her off “you’re demon scum. You think you’re above me? Get down and suck.”
- He’d be petting your hair/ pulling on your hair while either fucking into your or having you ride them.
c! Karl
- Karl would touch your tail one day and then wonder what happened, he was tossed to the bed and was now getting fucked by you.
- Your tail coiled around his body, your hips shuddering as you rode his cock. “Oh god!” Karl moaned out “I’m a fucking demon; not God” you’d remind him.
- There’d be many marks on you, your arms and shoulders would be covered in scratches, your neck would be covered in small bites and your lips would probably be a bit sore.
c! Punz
- SUCH A BIG MESS. You think that being a demon automatically makes you the dominant one? Punz doesn’t fucking think so at all.
- it’s a constant fight of who is the top or bottom in your relationship. You’ll be riding him and then he’ll suddenly be trying to ram into you, there’s never a clear winner!
- Tie his hands up with your flexible tail when he’s being naughty, let him grab onto your horns and fuck your face, spit fire at him when the pleasure gets too much and you’re just not able to control it anymore <3
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sunwoo-hoo · 3 years
↣ the boyz reaction to s/o feeling stressed
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↳ a/n: hello my lovelies! we are back with another tbz reaction! side note, with every reaction i get it’s going to be canon with my ‘as your boyfriend series’ so keep that in mind when requesting. this is for the lovely anon who requested this. i hope you enjoy it. ☻ 18+ due to language
↳ genre: fluff? slight angst? i don’t even know someone tell me
↳ requested? yes
↳ send me your requests here!
↳ word count: 3.4k
↳ the boyz x fem reader
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「 Lee Sangyeon  」
you normally weren’t one to get stressed out often but when your job decided to give you a promotion you weren’t expecting the extra workload it would bring
you got assigned to one of the major projects your company was working on and slowly but surely you felt your energy draining with each day passing by
even though sangyeon was extremely busy as well he was worried about you  
after coming home from a long day of practice sangyeon noticed when you weren’t in the front foyer to give him his welcome home kiss like you usually did
as he walked to your bedroom he saw you sitting by the desk typing away at your computer
as he made his way towards you he squatted down slightly to give you a warm cheek kiss
“hey baby, how about you take a break huh? you’ve been working so hard, let me cook something for you” he insisted
“hmm? oh.. okay, i’m sorry sangyeon, work has been driving me up the wall lately i didn’t mean to shut you out” you mumbled
he gave you a small smile as he stroked your cheek before replying “don’t worry about it baby i just don’t want you to overwork yourself” he said
during your break sangyeon is cooking you dinner, listening to all your troubles and even trying his best to help you with your project. by the end of the night expect a lot of cuddles and kisses.
「 Jacob Bae  」
stress was something you’ve always experienced, especially being a university student finishing your final year
jacob was super supportive of your dreams always helping you study in any way he can
sometimes even distracting you to get your mind off it so that you wouldn’t burn out
but as final exams were just around the corner you were so stressed to the point that you cried and threw your book across the table in frustration
jacob turned his head and quickly took notice since he was only a couple of feet away reading a book which he swiftly set down and rushed to your side
“oh babe, don’t cry please, i promise it’s going to be okay” he whispered as he wiped your tears away  
you completely broke down sobbing uncontrollably onto jacob’s sleeve as he held you close giving you hushed praise
“how about we go and rest for a little? a nap would be good for you” he softly asked as you simply nodded
jacob helped you up as you made your way to your bedroom where he made it relaxing as possible turning on the air humidifier and lighting a lavender candle. he also made sure that the curtains were closed so that the room was dark enough to fall asleep to
soon enough your drifting into a calming sleep in jacob’s arms.
「 Kim Younghoon  」
it had been 3 months since you’ve started dating kim younghoon, your relationship was everything you could’ve dreamed of. it was absolutely perfect with no flaws what so ever.  
with all that in mind you started to wonder why you both hadn’t exchange i love you’s. you knew younghoon felt strongly for you, always making sure you were taken care of, constantly hugging and kissing you.
the whole situation started to stress you out and make you second guess everything
you loved younghoon but you had to admit you were a bit apprehensive on saying it first, since you didn’t know what younghoon’s response would be.
he could’ve said it back, or worse, not say anything at all.
one evening when younghoon was sleeping over your place you decided then and there that you were going to muster up your courage and finally say the three words you’ve been stressing over.
as you both were watching t.v his arms draped over your shoulders you looked up over at younghoon who was fixated on the drama that was playing. you cleared your throat
“younghoon.. i have to tell you something… something i’ve been wanting to tell you for awhile now” you announced hesitantly
as he looked over at you he adjusted his body to fully look at you face on
“really? i actually have something to say as well” he replied
your ears perked as you continued “how about we say it at the same?”
he nodded smiling before counting down “3…2…1..”
“i love you” you said “i’m in love with you” he whispered
you breathed the biggest sigh of relief before sliding in his lap giving him the softest kiss as you felt younghoon’s arms around your waist
「 Lee Hyunjae 」
your relationship with hyunjae was many things, exciting, passionate, intense. never in a million years would you think it would be stressful, or let me rephrase: you never thought it would be this stressful  
you received a text message from hyunjae one afternoon saying that he needed to talk to you and that it was important
at that moment your mind was going through so many options on what it could be, your thoughts becoming worse and worse.
oh god is this it? he wants to beak up with me
did he cheat on me? i’ll fucking kill him if he did
oh my god what if he’s not in love with me anymore?
as your mind was going a mile a minute you finally broke out of your daze when your friend who you were out to lunch with told you that it probably wasn’t all that bad and that you should trust hyunjae.
when the evening finally  rolled around you went to visit hyunjae just right when he got home from practice.
“hey baby” he smiled giving you a peck on the lips, giving him a small you replied “hey” back as you two sat on the sofa
“so what’s going on?” you asked as you were rubbing your palms against your knees trying to get rid of the sweat
hyunjae instantly noticed your anxious aura and grabbed your hands holding them tightly giving them a kiss
“well, we’ve been dating for almost a year now and i think it’s time.. for you to meet my parents” he said proudly
you blinked a couple of times as your brain still hadn’t registered the information he just said
“i want them to meet the girl i’m madly in love with” he continued
when you finally heard his words your first instinct was to hit hyunjae’s arm
“ah! hey! what was that for?” he shouted rubbing his arm
“jesus christ hyunjae i thought you were breaking up with me!” you shouted back
he laughed grabbing your waist pulling you close on his lap putting his head in the crook of your neck “i could never” he whispered giving your neck a light kiss
「 Lee Juyeon 」
to say that you were having a bad week was the understatement of the year.
it all started when you caught the flu, you felt horrible. it was constant sneezing, throwing up, runny nose, all of it.
you started to feel stressed when juyeon risked his safety getting sick to take care of you. you especially didn’t want him getting sick when the boyz comeback was nearly a month away.
you told him that you could take care of yourself, but juyeon didn’t take no for an answer.
you had to admit even though you were sick you couldn’t deny that you loved having juyeon with you 24/7 he was being the perfect boyfriend getting you tea, wet cloths for your forehead, and making sure you took your medicine every night.
“open your mouth, good girl” he praised putting the spoonful of medicine in your mouth
“you know if i wasn’t sick you would be saying those exact words another way” you teased coughing slightly
juyeon smirked and kissed your forehead in response
slowly but surely after a week you were starting to feel better but then your sickness hit juyeon as predicted delaying the comeback for nearly two weeks.
「 Kevin Moon 」
it was a hard month for kevin, the boyz comeback had just started and he was stressing over all the performances and interviews wanting to make sure that each one was up to his standards
it was so bad that all his stress levels were slowing creeping up on you making you become stressed yourself
it was starting to effect your relationship and you knew you had to do something quick before you and kevin would get into a fight you were not mentally prepared for
the comeback was closing in on it’s last week and you had decided to make one evening extremely special pampering kevin.
you decided to make his favorite meal, wearing your sexy yet tasteful red dress, with your black lacy bra and matching panties for later activities.
as kevin walked into your apartment he noticed you immediately smiling at your attire
“hey babe, what’s all this?” he asked pointing to all the candles and dim lighting
“what do you mean? can’t i do something special for the man i love?” you replied innocently walking up to him giving him a soft kiss on the lips
as kevin deepened the kiss your back found it’s way to the cold wall behind you as kevin started to trail kisses along the side of your jaw making his way down to your neck
you were excited it wasn’t often that kevin was a dom but you had pressing matters to attend to first
“k-kevin wait… i want to talk first” you whimpered as he finally reached your sweet spot
kevin stopped immediately to your words and gave you a quick peck on lips before nodding
you grabbed his hand and made your way to the dining table where the food was most likely cold by now and sat down on the chair
“kev, i just wanted to talk about how you’ve been so stressed with this comeback and everything it’s.. it’s starting to effect our relationship” you mumbled
he sighed and agreed “i know it has, and i’m so sorry for that babe” he said grabbing your hand as he continued “i’ll promise to be better about it, you know that i don’t want to ruin what we have. i love you”
you smiled feeling 100 times better about the situation giving kevin a kiss on the cheek  
you lightly laughed as you pulled apart “the dinner is totally cold now by the way”
“let’s just order a pizza, it probably wasn’t that good anyway” he teased before you shoved him playfully in response
「 Choi Chanhee 」
what was suppose to be a relaxing day off spending it with your boyfriend choi chanhee it drastically changed into a nightmare
you both decided to spend the day shopping for some new clothes together
at first you thought it was a cute idea, thinking you would get matching couple outfits so that you can coordinate for the upcoming summer season
but it quickly turned into a stressful day when chanhee wanted you to try on every shirt, every dress, and pants, you were starting to regret this little outing until you finally snapped at him
“love, you would look so cute in this why don’t you-”
“no!” you yelled quickly covering your mouth at your sudden outburst in public
chanhee gave you a puzzled look not expecting your sudden change in mood
you quickly apologized not wanting to start a fight in public, pulling him to the side of the store where it was secluded from prying eyes
“chanhee… i’m sorry it’s just i’m tired i thought this would be fun but it’s stressing me out, it’s all too much” you sighed looking down at your shoes
chanhee pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear and lifted your head up with his index finger
“oh love, don’t apologize i should be the one apologizing i’m sorry for being excited, i just wanted to have a fun day with you, let’s go home okay?” he reassured kissing your temple
「 Ji Changmin/Q 」
you had it all planned out, you were going to introduce your friends to your wonderful boyfriend ji changmin
you ultimately thought that they should finally meet him after dating for nearly 4 months
at first you had no idea why you decided to wait this long, considering you already met all the members and were close to each of them
you were extremely nervous and stressed for their first interaction you just wanted everything to be perfect with smooth sailing
changmin was going to meet two of your closest friends who were also a couple themselves
it was a chilly fall day when you all decided to meet up at a nearby cafe changmin’s hand in yours trying to warm it up blowing on it while pressing kisses
“don’t worry babe, it’s all going to work out fine” he smiled easing your nervousness
when you finally made it to the cafe your friends were already waiting and quickly made introductions  
they easily took noticed when changmin ordered your drink he knew you loved and paid for everything with his card as your friends gave you hushed whispers
“wow, he’s such a gentlemen” she gushed “yeah, and he even knew your order by heart” he replied giving you a thumbs up
you smiled when changmin returned with both of your orders giving you a cheek kiss when he sat down
to your surprise the conversation between the four of you went smoothly changmin easily wooing them with his charms and cheerful aura
your friends especially had a million questions when it came to his idol life out of general curiosity
changmin didn’t mind at all answering every single one with ease even laughing at the humorous ones
your heart melted at the interaction when you realized in the end you had nothing to worry about
「 Juhaknyeon 」
you knew juhaknyeon always loved your home cooking as he was always excited whenever he came home from practice knowing he would have a hot meal ready for him
but this time was different, you weren’t just cooking for him but cooking for his parents who so happen to be visiting you two
you met juhaknyeon’s parents before who were very down to earth and humble people always making you feel welcomed
but you had to admit you were a bit stressed trying to live up to the expectations
it was less than a couple of hours away before they would be arriving and you were running around the supermarket with juhaknyeon on your tail
“babe, slow down your gonna run out of energy” he grunted breathing heavily
“juhak you don’t understand your parents opinion mean the world to me, i want them to love my cooking” you said looking down at your hands trying to decide between the beef or pork belly
juhaknyeon gave you a side hug pulling you close “they are going to love whatever you make, because i love it too” he promised kissing the top of your head
when you finally made it back to the dorms and cooked up a storm that would’ve fed all 11 members juhakyeon’s parents finally made an appearance
after the quick greetings and the light scolding from juhak’s mother telling him to keep his room neater she finally took in your food spread
“wow! it all looks amazing [name] i’m sure it taste wonderful too” she smiled warmly pinching your cheek lightly
when you all finally sat down to eat you anxiously waited for juhakyeon’s parents comments
after a couple of bites juhak’s mother proudly exclaimed “it’s delicious [name] really! everything taste amazing, i’m so happy our son found someone who can feed him like this” she praised
you bowed your head thanking her for her positive comments as haknyeon grabbed your hand under the table squeezing it giving you a wink
「 Kim Sunwoo 」
you loved your mother dearly, but she was starting to text and call you nearly everyday about when you and sunwoo were finally going to get married
even though you loved sunwoo and were dating for a year and half you told her that it wasn’t a good time yet. sunwoo had major responsibilities when it came to his idol life
not to mention that you and sunwoo were still very young and just wanted to enjoy being together before you had to tackle even more responsibilities like marriage
you were laying in bed when you got off the phone with your mother after another hour long call
you sighed staring at ceiling fan feeling pressured and stressed when sunwoo walked in the bedroom
“hey babe, have you seen my adidas hoodie?” he wondered as he saw you looking emotionless at the ceiling
he hovered over you waving his hands across your face trying to get your attention
“hm? oh sorry it’s behind the door in the bathroom” you mumbled
sunwoo swiftly climbed on top of you resting his chin on your chest “what’s wrong babe? who was on the phone?” he asked
you hesistantly replied “it’s just my mother, she keeps wondering when.. well.. she keeps asking when we’re getting married” you laughed lightly
sunwoo smirked “oh really? close your eyes” he instructed
confused you did as you were told as you felt sunwoo get off you hearing the sound of the dresser opening
“okay now open” he said as you saw sunwoo with your own two eyes on his knee with a black velvet box in his hands
“sunwoo oh my god, don’t do this to me i-i’m” you stammered as you felt your hands begin to shake
he smiled and open the box where you saw a gorgeous sterling silver infinity ring with a small diamond in the middle
“[name] this isn’t an engagement ring, it’s a promise. a promise to always love you and cherish you, and to always respect you. i am going to marry you one day, when we’re both ready. i’ve never loved anyone as much as i love you” he vowed putting the ring on your finger
you then felt the tears flow grabbing his face with both your hands giving him a longing kiss falling back on the bed with him on top of you
as sunwoo began to take off his shirt that’s when you saw his necklace with the same infinity symbol as your ring
you smiled as you grabbed his necklace pulling him back down for another kiss
「 Eric Sohn 」
it was official you wanted to kill eric, he knew you were afraid of heights. yet he manage to persuade you on getting on an airplane to go to okinawa for a weekend getaway trip
you loved that he put so much thought into your weekend, making sure to pick the nicest hotel with a view by lots of restaurants and attractions
but you were beyond stressed, the only time you’ve been on an airplane is when you were little and moved to seoul from america, you barely remember the experience sleeping the entire trip
your body was shaking as you walked up the ramp finally boarding the airplane going to your seats
eric put away your luggage above the overhead bin and took the window seat hoping you would feel more comfortable being in the middle
as you took your seats your heart started to beat extremely fast and you started to breath heavily
eric took your hands in his “babe i promise it’s going to be okay flying is one of the safest ways to travel” he promised rubbing the side of your arm trying to calm you down
you nodded “no yeah your right i need to face my fears sometime” you bravely said
when the flight finally took off your nerves managed to subdued until you hit mild turbulence which freaked you out all over again
eric quickly grabbed his sleeping mask putting it over your eyes and large headphones with loud music trying to mask your senses which worked wonders as you lay your head on his shoulder
he held your hand tightly when you finally landed getting off the 2 hour flight
as you made your way to the hotel you were in awe of okinawa absorbing all the buildings and the mass of people walking by
you looked at eric “thank you eric this is amazing, i don’t think there’s anyone else i would trust to help me face my fears” you said bashfully
he leaned over and kissed your jaw “anytime babe” he murmured
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* © sunwoo-hoo 2 0 2 1  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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jishyucks · 3 years
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[8:29] Renjun twiddled his thumbs as the soft hums of the guitar played throughout the gymnasium. The cloth that was draped over his chair was sliding off, he could feel it, but he paid no mind to it. He paid no mind to anything, not even towards the couples who swayed happily to the slow love song straight from the 80’s. At this moment in time, his thumbs were most interesting.
“Why are you here alone?”
The voice startled him, proving to himself that he could actually focus on a single thing without paying attention to his surroundings. Renjun jumped and looked up from his hands, eyes wide. He finds you standing directly opposite of him, head tilted in confusion.
“You look extra handsome today, by the way.”
“All my friends are out there with their dates,” he sighs, trying not to self-pity himself, “And thank you. You look gor– very beautiful today.” That was when he realized that you also weren’t dancing with a date, “Why are you here alone?”
You chuckle slightly, familiar with the situation. Of course, it was familiar, it was Renjun. The classmate who would question almost anything you’d say or do in order to keep the conversation going. It was an uncontrollable habit of his, but that’s why you were so fond of him.
“All my friends are out there with their dates,” you replied slyly. After standing in front of the boy for a few more moments, you search the proximity for a chair before pulling one that looked vacant next to him, sitting down.
“Sucks to be us,” he laughs nervously. Renjun didn’t exactly know why you were sitting with him. You guys were simply classmates, nothing more. You could be out there talking to someone who you were closer with, someone who was friends with your friends… but instead, you were here sitting with him.
You hummed and nodded, “Why do you look surprised?”
“I’m not surprised…” he replied, shaking his head, “I just– never mind.”
You nudge him and groan, “C’mon, Junnie… tell me!” You gesture out to all the couples dancing in the centre of the room, “You see, they’re all having their own, secret conversations. Why can’t we?”
Renjun twiddles his thumbs once again, nodding at your point, “I guess…” He clears his throat and looks up at you, “I’m just curious about why you don’t have a date.” He feels his stomach flutter out of nervousness, “I-I heard that you were getting a lot of proposals.”
You didn’t reply, listening to the song reach its second verse. It was going by slower than any of the other, upbeat, songs; it was as if it wanted you to dance to it.
“It’s funny,” you giggle.
“What’s funny?”
“I did get a lot of proposals,” you start, “But I purposely rejected them all, not even the ones that anyone would have said yes to because I already had someone in mind who I did wanna go with.” You shrugged as if it were a small deal, but secretly, in your perspective, it was a big deal.
“So, where are they?” Renjun’s head tilted to the side, curious, “I’m sure they asked you.”
“Turns out they didn’t, which is why it’s funny…” You swing your legs to accompany your sheepish laugh, “I would have asked them out myself but I got scared.”
“But you’re Y/N,” Renjun breathes, “You shouldn’t be scared. Anyone would say yes to you.”
You feel your heart flutter, glancing over at Renjun before smiling, “You really think so?”
Renjun nods before he twiddles his thumbs once again, ”In all honesty… I was going to ask you to the dance.”
“Why didn’t you?” You were straightforward, a tone of genuine curiosity evident in your question, “Why didn’t you ask me out?” You wanted to laugh at the foolishness of the entire situation.
Renjun avoided your gaze and, instead, raked his attention through the crowd, trying to pick out Donghyuck, Jeno, and Jaemin, who were nowhere to be seen. Feeling his posture worsen within each passing second, Renjun wasn’t sure why he was telling you this. He probably looked like any other of your fanboys, in a desperate hope of grabbing a chance to go out with you, “I heard you already had so many proposals… I didn’t want to be a burden and add to the pile.” Not when I knew I didn’t have a chance.
The end of the song’s chorus leads it into the bridge.
“You should have asked me out,” you say nonchalantly. You keep your eyes forward, afraid to look at Renjun.
“M-me?” Renjun’s ears perked up and he felt the beat of his heart skip a few before it started racing at lightning speed, “Why me?”
You nod, “Because you were the one I wanted to go with.”
Renjun let the thought simmer, trying to understand the situation, “I-I’m the one you said no to all those proposals for?“ He sits up and turns to you, “You’re lying.”
“I’m not lying,” you scoffed, “If I said yes to someone else, I wouldn’t be sitting here with you.”
The current song had finally found its end, the DJ effortlessly rolling it into the next song. It was a bit more upbeat but slow enough for couples to know that their time together wasn’t over. Renjun’s time with you wasn't over.
Without you noticing, Renjun looks around for a stray flower, only realizing that the only one at his reach was in his boutonnière. Pulling one out, he sticks it out to you as if you two were young kids at the edge of the sandbox, the same look of innocence on both of your faces, “Is it too late to ask you now?” One corner of Renjun’s mouth perked up, “C-care to dance?”
You smile and take the flower delicately, “I would love to.”
song: sinatra by forrest nolan
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b0ba-chan · 4 years
gentry of hermatige
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zhongli x fem!reader
cw slight spoilers, mentions of blood, soft service dom!zhongli, size kink, cunnilingus, slight teasing, over stimulation, fat dick zhongli, unprotected sex, reader passes out, mating press, reader is an adventurer, i also dont know how housing works in genshin so the funeral parlor is homing for employees too
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after the passing of the archon morax and the defeat of osial, liyue has never been more busy than before. the lantern rite has made your workload almost triple, running to do additional commisions given out by the guild. you always end up coming back to your home city all haggard and beaten up.
you trudge the trail back, yawning as you go to sit on the edge of the cliff to look over the harbor. taking a break, you rest your sore legs while humming the soft tune you heard a street preformer sing. a glaze lily starts to bloom as the sun sets in the horizon, blooming in your face while shining a vibrant icy blue. by plucking it off its stem, the sweet scent swarms your nose as you are reminded of the scent of the man you see around the wangsheng funeral parlor.
he tends to have a sophisticated aura around him while standing with respectable posture, knowing almost everying that has happened in liyues history. you had done some of his commissions, but he did follow along each time.
zhongli joined you while you did his errands, seemingly odd as he is paying you for something he can easily do on his own. but every time he was around you, he told extravagant stories about the history of liyue and how it came to be. it left you hanging onto every word he says that now, you try and visit whenever you can to see him at the parlor. and whenever you seem like you were going to be a bother, he was already waiting for you with a second cup of tea.
you stare at the flower in hand before wincing at the feeling of sharp pain running up your arm. the bandage wrapping your arm was soaked red which signals that you should go back to the pharmacy and get checked up.
your tired legs drag you back to walking the trail, making way to your destination. but before you can tell where you were heading, you open the front door of the parlor. his eyes were already looking at you, though a client was standing befor him while talking business. you tiredly smile and wave at him, flower still clutched in your hand.
“excuse me,” zhongli politely waves off the client, telling him that he is off work for the day to tend to your needs. before he says anything, he reaches a hand up to your red cheek with a look of concern plastered on his face. his hand lifts your wounded arm to take a look before leading you up the stairwell to his respective room.
once the door closes behind the two of you, it hits that you realize that you have only been his office but never his room. the room glowed a warm amber from the many lanterns that lit up the area.
“little miss, you must be more careful with yourself. the bubu pharmacy would have been a better location to visit than me,” zhongli sighs and sits you down on the cushioned seat. he takes out whatever material he has to clean and heal you up.
your face turns red as he uses his teeth to pull each at the glove off of each finger, gently folding to place them on the table. zhongli removes his coat and hangs it up before taking a seat next to you. his slender fingers undo the wrapping on your arm and gently wipe down your wound. you were too focused on how close he was to you.
you didn’t realize how hard you were chewing on your bottom lip until a metallic taste dribbled onto your taste buds. zhongli looks up after finishing his wrap and watching you touch your bloody lip.
“i barely told you two minutes ago to be careful with yourself,” he huffs out a breathy laugh and places his clean hand on your cheek, thumbing away the blood. it was suffocating how dense his aura is, feeling as if he was going to swallow you whole right there.
“why not take a bath, refreshen a bit. don’t mind if you get the bandage wet, i can always replace it.” his hand comes to rest on the top of your head. you blush and nod, accepting the extra clothing he hands over to you as he ushers you to the bath.
he lets you have your time alone to wash up, letting the hot steam seap beneath your skin. you havent felt a comfort of a bath in what felt like ages. though you have hopped in some clean springs to wash up whatever you could, the warmth of an indoor bath never felt better.
you clear your mind over how flustered you were earlier, it wasn’t like you to act this way around zhongli. he always felt more like a good friend you could just sit around with for a while, but now you felt as if there was tension between the two of you. maybe you were just overreacting and he’s just being kind.
you sigh and hop out of the bath, drying yourself off with the towel he had provided you. after completely dry off, you slip on the loose fitting clothes he had offer you. you find him still sitting at the table, this time with two cups of tea.
“thank you, for taking me in.” you take a seat and smile at him, cheeks still red from the steaming bathroom, and possibly from how he made you blush earlier. zhongli nods and takes a sip from his tea, enjoying the comfortable silence. you didnt realize his eyes were on you while you sipped your tea.
“why is it that, once you finally get a break, instead of taking a rest, you come to me.”
the question took you by shock and if you weren’t speechless then, you definitely are now. turn to look at him and his eyes bore into yours, and they started to look like they were glittering gold, brighter than his usual self.
“i- i don’t know, i’m sorry.” you stutter as you advert your gaze away from him, shying away from his intense stare.
“there is no matter in apologizing, i am simply curious to why you enjoy my presence,” zhongli gently pinches your chin between his index and thumb to force you to look him in the eye, “though i may know why you come to me now.”
it happened so fast - zhongli’s lips were against yours leading you. it was so gentle yet firm, making sure you know he was in charge. you felt almost breathless the way he kisses you; his fingers were still holding your chin while his other hand holds onto your thigh, squeezing the flesh gently. he suckles on your tongue, peaking his eye open a little to see you dazed and flustered.
a trail of spit connects your tongues as he pulls away, retracting his hands as he prepares to apologize. your hands grab his wrists and whine, trying to tug him back.
“don’t go, please. i need more.” you whine, letting your guard down as his eyes grow softer. you were in such a needy state and had made all this way just to join him. so it didn’t take much convincing for him to lift you up and take you to his bed.
you have spent nights camping out, having no time to go back home and rest up. when coming in contact with the silk sheets has you melting in the soft comfort. not only were the sheets were bringing you comfort, but zhongli’s lips could rival the softness of the bed.
he kisses down the column of your neck, nibbling the skin to draw out your pitiful whines. your arms loop around his neck to keep him close, not wanting for you to leave you cold and alone in the bed, but it was evident that he wasn’t going to be leaving any time soon. and there was that familiar scent again; glaze lillies and the hint of silk flowers made it all more comforting.
“is this alright?” zhongli fumbles a bit with your clothes, only to continue when you nod in confirmation. he undoes your clothing, taking every piece off gently as he knew you were still injured. his kisses were placed intricately onnyour skin, making sure to place more gentle kisses on your injuries. you felt rather embarrassed, being the only one half naked, pushing his shoulder gently.
“speak up, you have to tell me what you want.” he pulls away, taking place between your thighs and massaging the soft flesh under his bare hands. your hands reach out to grab at his tie, tugging on the fabric.
“please take it off, please. this is embarrassing.” you whine as your face flush a brighter red. he laughs a bit and undoes his tie, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt.
“you just had to say so, darling. besides, i would not say no to you.” he shrugs off the rest of his clothing, undoing his pants right in front of you. you stare at his chest, a gold tattoo in a geometric pattern was centered on his sternum. it was as if your hand had a mind of it’s own, coming to touch the somewhat glowing decal. he was warm under your hand, heartbeat thumping normally compared to your own anxious heart. his hand comes to rest on top of yours, pressing it closer to his chest.
“i will explain more on a later date, i know you do enjoy my stories. for now let me take care of you.” his fingers intertwine with yours as he leans down to kiss your inner wrist where your pulse is felt against his lips. you nod, preferring to wait for the story on a later time, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him close.
your feet kick up when you feel his clothed cock presses against you. you can already tell that he was thick as he grinded up against you, drawling out sweet whines out of your mouth. he trail soft kisses down your neck, kissing between your breast and palming them in his hands. his mouth was then met with the heat kf your clothed cunt. though you were separated by your panties, you could feel his hot breath fanning against you.
zhongli looks up at you, silently asking for permission and once you nod, he slips off the panties. tossing it to the side, he hooks your knees over his shoulders and runs his tongue through your folds gently. your eyes widen and your hands were immediately clutching at his hair.
he hums as he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves. you were already bucking your hips against his mouth, moaning uncontrollably. his hand comes to your mouth and slips his middle and ring finger into your mouth. you moan and suck on them immediately, one hand freeing his hair to grip his wrist.
he pulls away and spits on your cunt, as if you were soaking the bed underneath you already. the hot liquid melds with your slick, running down your cunt. he takes his fingers out of your mouth, a trail of spit connecting your lips to the tips of your fingers. cooing at your embarrassment, he slides a wet finger into your cunt.
“a-ah.” you stutter out, gripping the pillows behind you.
“alright, do we need to slow down?” he rubs your thigh lightly, goosebumps growing on your skin under his palm. you shake your head and grind down against his hand to urge him to continue.
he kisses your clit as he continues to tease you with only one finger, trying not to laugh when you whine. you couldn’t even voice out your needs, only squirming under him.
once he finally slides the second finger, it already felt like perfection. he had his lips still attached to your pulsing nub as he scissored you open, curling his fingers a bit and holding your hips down with a firm hand when you get to squirmy. the familiar tight knot was already forming in your core, gummy walls clamping around his fingers as you try your best to grind your clit on his tongue.
he watches with hooded eyes as you ride out your orgasm, even pushing you past the brink to draw tears of pleasure out of your glossy eyes. only when you start to nudge him off he pulls away, looking down at you flustered body and heaving chest as you try and catch your breath.
your eyes wander down his chest as you try to catch your breath, seeing the noticable buldge through his boxers.
“don’t need to worry about me, darling. this is enou-.” before he can finish his sentence you weakly tug at the hem of his boxers, whining.
“no, need you too, please.” you plea, pushing down the clothing. his hard cock slaps his thigh, hanging heavy and hard from watching you lose yourself on his tongue. he doesn't flinch, but you do; you were shocked by his sheer size. you blush and look away when you catch yourself staring, whining when you hear his low chuckle.
“you wanted this, now don’t look away.” zhongli grabs your face to force you to make eye contact with him. he smiles in satisfaction, releasing your cheeks from his grips so you can watch him grab the base of his dick with the same hand. it was obvious that he was bigger than others, thicker than average, but when he slaps his cock gently against your sensitive cunt, it made it all more obvious.
“this little cunt of yours, so small. will you be good and take all of me?” zhongli leans in to whisper in your ear. shivers run down your spine as you whine out a small yes, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer.
he laughs a bit and positions himself, letting his top nudge at your hole. your breath hitches as he pushes past the first ring of muscle, going tense from the uncomfortable stretch. zhongli knows his size, pausing every once in a while.
he does, however, enjoy how cute you get when he wont hurry up. he sometimes hold his positions for you to adjust because he says he knows what you need. but once he bottoms out, you felt the air knock out of you. your vision goes white as you convulsed under him, thighs tightening around his waist.
zhongli coos as drool dribbles out of your mouth, feeling your walls barely clamp around him. his hand gently pats your cheek, squishing them to shake your limp head. he starts to roll his hips, watching you squirm.
“thats it, good morning, dear.” he smirks as you blink your eyes open. he was trying to hide the fact that he was proud that he made you pass out on him because of his sheer size, but it was evident on his face. you gasp as his tip kisses your cervix, grabbing his shoulder to find some stability.
his thrusts were smooth and slow, letting you adjust to him. but you start begging for more and more, only making him follow your needs. from soft to brutal, his hips were bruising up your thighs with every thrust. you were rendered speechless under him, only squealing when he pushes your knees up, folding you into a mating press.
“sh-shoo deep! t-too deep!” you cry put, clinging to the pillows as he ignores your pleas. he grunts as his bangs cling to his sweaty forehead. your eyes cross and toes curl as hes reaching farther than before.
you couldn’t tell if it was your imagination but you saw a faint golden glow coming from the tip of zhongli’s hair. but it wasn’t the time to think about the cause of light, only having the brain power to go dumb on his cock.
“doesn’t seem like you’re complaining anymore. good girl, i know what yok need.” zhongli growls animalistically, causing you to clamp on him tighter. you squeal and cum once again, squeezing to urge him to cummin you. he groans at the tightening feeling as he releases into you. he continues to thrust to ride out each other’s orgasm, mainly focusing on you. each thrust, more of his cum overflows out of you, making an absolute mess out of each other and the sheets.
you two are panting to the same rhythm, holding onto each other as if it was the the last time you two would see each other. he nudges his nose against yours, pressing a soft kissagainst your lips. you barely could kiss back, letting him do whatever he wanted. he pulls out out of your puffy cunny, flipping over onto his back to hold you to his chest.
“maybe it was the best idea to visit me instead of the pharmacy, my cure seems to be better than anything baizhu could come up with.” zhongli laughs a bit, grabbing your wrist before you could playfully slap his chest. he holds you close for a while, hair still glowing but dimming down as the mood dies down.
“zhongli wha-.”
“how about i explain this all while we take another bath. this slimy feeling is bringing back horrid memories, lets wash up.”
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anxiousgaypanicking · 3 years
Logan but getting pumped full of everyone's eggs
DRLAMP (Janus x Remus x Logan x Virgil x Patton x Roman) Warnings: oviposition, overstimulation, inflation, aphrodisiac, tentacles, monster fucking, double penetration, marking, biting, plugs, restraints, sex, crying, bleeding, breeding,  degradation, venom, hair-pulling, finger sucking, cock and ball torture, choking Word Count: 9600
A heavy weight plopping itself onto Logan's midsection is what wakes him up. He's confused at first, before the blurry sight of someone atop him comes into view, illuminated only by the small amount of light leaking into his room from the hallway.
Logan groans as he reaches over to the nightstand and grabs his glasses, sliding them onto his face. He also sneaks a glance at the clock while he's looking that way, and sees that it's two in the morning.
He looks back to the figure on top of him, who's now rolling their hips against Logan, and sees that it's none other than Remus.
Specifically, a naked Remus, who's tentacles are out and writhing, and Logan can see that they're even leaking, drops of whatever substance that is getting over Logan's shirt and his sheets.
"What do you want, Remus?" Logan asks, voice groggy. At the sound of his voice, Remus's crimson eyes snap open, and his tentacles all seem to freeze mid-air. He lets out a mix between a laugh and a pant after a moment though.
"My- my tentacles," he stammers out, still grinding against Remus's body. The tentacles sprouting from Remus's back, and the one between his legs, go back to squirming. Although now they move towards Logan, feeling over his calves and lower thighs, while Remus's tentacle cock uncoordinatedly rubs at Logan's boxers.
"Your tentacles?" Logan inquires, needing more than just that as an answer.
"They need to breed," Remus explains, in between short breaths. "I need to breed. I need to pump my eggs into you, my nerdy fucktoy. Fill you up and breed you so good. My tentacles are all practically bursting with eggs and I need to empty them inside of your tight hole."
Logan's face was pink, but he just sighs as he asks "at two-am? You couldn't wait?"
Remus rapidly shakes his head, before he leans down so that he and Logan's lips were almost touching. "Please? Pretty please, Logan? Let me fuck and breed you, baby, come on!"
"Hush, Remus," comes another voice from the doorway, and Remus snaps his head towards the voice, slightly unhappy someone was disturbing his precious time with Logan.
The silhouette of the figure steps into the room, and as he moves closer, it's revealed that it's Janus (sans hat and cape).
He strolls up next to Logan, and clicks on the lamp on his nightstand. Janus barely glances towards Remus, before looking back at Logan. As Logan stares back, and scans over his body, he can tell that Janus is very hard in his pajama pants.
"Not you too," Logan says, receiving a soft laugh in return.
"I'm afraid I don't have much of a choice in the matter," Janus states, eyes shining with amusement. "I need to empty my eggs and, well, you're the only one around who doesn't experience this."
"Piss off, J-anus," Remus growls. "I got here first!" Remus pulls Logan up by his shoulders, his arms and tentacles wrapping around him and holding him against Remus's chest. The substance they're covered in is seeping through the material of his shirt, and the skin on his back gets weirdly hot and sensitive.
The tentacle between Remus's legs is doing the same thing to his crotch. It's been rubbing at his boxers, and now the liquid is seeping through, making Logan's cock uncomfortably hard and leaking.
Janus tuts, as he crawls on the bed and moves behind Logan, wrapping his arms around Logan's midsection, and burying his face in Logan's neck. His teeth are trailing over the skin there, but he's staring at Remus.
"He belongs to all of us," Janus reminds him, with a hum. "You have to learn to share."
Remus narrows his eyes, only for Janus to nibble on Logan's earlobe, whispering "can I bite you, darling? Inject you with venom? You know it'll feel so good."
Logan's breath hitches at the mere thought, and he's quick to nod and blurt out "yes, please."
With a grin, Janus doesn't hesitate to bite down, Logan gasping as his skin is broken by Janus's fangs, only to feel Janus's venom being injected into his body. He can hardly get out Janus's name before he begins feeling it's affects; his body grows increasingly hot, and his face flushes. His cock strains in his boxers, and as Janus's hands start to roam over Logan's body (or, more specifically, the places that weren't covered by the tentacles), Logan found himself arching into the overwhelming touch.
Each gentle stroke or light scratch drew rather pathetic whines from him, and when he opened his eyes - which he doesn't remember closing - Remus is staring at him like Logan's his helpless prey.
Janus is whispering in his ear. Thing's along the line of "we're gonna fill you so full of our eggs" and "you'd like being fucked and bred, wouldn't you? Our good little slut," are slipping out of Janus's mouth, and Logan is whimpering and agreeing with each one.
Before they can do anything, though, there's a knock at Logan's open door, and when the three of them look over there, there's Patton. He has green splotches over his face and arms, and just like the other two, he's visibly hard through his comfy pants.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Patton says, with a flush to his cheeks. "But it appears that I'm in the same predicament as the both of you."
"How fortunate," Janus mutters, bitterly, and Logan would snicker if the thought of Patton on him too didn't make him let out a needy moan. Patton seems to process this, and smiles as he moves closer, wiggling between Remus and Logan, much to Remus's dismay. He plops himself in Logan's lap, and Logan eagerly leans up to kiss him, his head growing more hazy and horny by the second, thanks to Janus's venom and the chemical from Remus's tentacles seeping into his skin.
Janus hisses and Remus growls at the fact Patton got first kiss, and so the moment they pull away Janus grips Logan's hair and roughly tugs his hair back, and pulls him into a kiss of his own.
They're all fighting amongst each other for Logan's body and attention, and another knock on the door irritates them all.
"Uh... I can see that this is a bad time," someone, who they then see is Virgil, says. His nails are noticeably sharper, even from this far away, as are his teeth - his canines long enough to protrude his lips. Beneath his bangs are his normal eyes, and below those are a couple smaller eyes, all blinking in tandem with Virgil.
He's staring at Logan, hard as well, but despite the desperation clear in his voice, he seems willing to leave the other three with their boyfriend and find a way to take care of himself alone, up until Logan moans out "Virgil!"
Virgil's head snaps towards Logan, momentarily caught off guard by how pathetic Logan sounded. He stalks closer, and he and Janus hiss at each other as he wiggles next to him, grabbing Logan and holding him protectively. Logan immediately leans back into Virgil's arms, his head laying back on Virgil's shoulder and exposing his pretty, pale neck, bare aside from two puncture marks where Virgil can obviously tell Janus pumped him full of venom.
"The others all want the same thing I do, huh," he says, quietly, nibbling lightly on Logan's earlobe and causing him to draw in a sharp breath. "To pump you full of my eggs and breed you properly."
Logan moans at his words, attempting to roll his hips up against anything, desperate for friction.
"Why did no one tell me we were all meeting up with Logan?!" a dramatic voice shouts from the door, and no one needs to look to tell that it's Roman. Both because only he is that loud and dramatic, and because he's the only one not yet in the room.
Logan does look though, and if he was in the right mind, he'd be more intrigued by the fact Roman has his tentacles out. In a contrast to Remus's bright green, uncontrollable tentacles, Romans were red and were more steady with their movements, although they still seemed to drift towards Logan.
Like the others, he's visibly horny, and probably in need of getting his eggs out if he's so willing to show his extra, writhing limbs.
Roman has openly expressed his dislike for them, especially because it's another thing he has in common with Remus, but at the moment Logan stared at them in open arousal, desperately wanting them inside of him. Actually, he wanted anything inside of him. He'd take what he could get.
"Ugh, they always leave me out of the loop, mi amor," Roman coos, as he moves closer, and he and Remus growl at each other as he forces himself to sit next to his brother.
Remus's tentacles, having been able to sense Logan's desperation, had already started to slip under the logical side's clothes best he could. Patton in his lap prevented them from getting beneath the boxers, so with a glance between each other, Roman scooped Patton up and gently tossed him to the side, giving them free access to do what they wanted with Logan.
Now it'd just be a fight over who gets him first.
"Logan- Lo, baby," Remus grunts, hardly resisting the impulse to slam Logan down where he was and fuck him senseless. "Let me... let us," he growls that bit out bitterly, clearly unhappy that everyone wanted to use Logan when he got here first, but he supposed there was no getting rid of them now, "use you," he finishes. "Please? We need you so bad."
Murmurs of agreement came from all around him, and whether it be due to the venom in him, or his desire to be bred, Logan nods and blabbers "use me, please! I need it; I need all of you. Want all your eggs inside of me, please!"
Patton coos at his desperation, and Virgil and Janus don't hesitate to move out of the way just enough so that Logan can be pinned to his back against the mattress.
Shooting a knowing look towards Remus, Virgil pushes up the sleeve of his pajama shirt just enough to expose his wrist. He bends his arm so that it's positioned towards the headboard, and Janus speaks for him.
"Logan, dear, if we do absolutely anything that makes you uncomfortable, or if you want to just stop, what do you say?"
"Yellow," Logan grits out, flushed as Remus's tentacles writhe over his body, easily pulling his shirt up and over his head. The article of clothing is discarded in moments. "Or red, in the sit... situ... event I want to stop," he finishes, managing a small smile amongst the arousal, so that Janus and Virgil could be eased knowing that, for now at least, he was comfortable.
Remus pins Logan's hands above his head, before he shifts them slightly so that they're up against the headboard, and Virgil takes that as his cue to shoot a string of webbing from a tiny hole on his wrist and basically tie Logan's hands to the headboard. The webs were strong, strong enough that Logan wiggling his arms didn't budge them at all. Someone would have to cut through them in order to free him, but for now that was just about the last thought on anyone's mind.
Remus quickly works Logan's boxers off with his hands, before his wrist is suddenly grabbed by Janus.
"Wait," the deceitful side begins. "Who gets him first."
"I want him first!" comes Roman's dramatic whine, only for Virgil to growl at him.
"Back off, Princey," he snarls, with a glare. "Last to show up doesn't get the first taste."
"Oh! Can I get him first? Pretty please?" Patton begs, scooting closer to Logan and receiving growls from the four others in response.
"First come first serve," Remus spits, as his sharp nails dig into Logan's hips. "I was here first. I get to breed him first."
"That's hardly fair!"
"Piss off Roman. Or I'll knock you out and you can skip getting to empty your eggs in him at all." As he speaks, Remus's and tentacles have been slithering over Logan's body, and the tip of one teases his lips. Logan obediently opens his mouth for it, and it slips in, more of the  sweet substance it's coated in dripping down his throat and making his body increasingly hotter.
Remus moans as Logan starts sucking on the tip. Despite the fact he's had Remus's tentacles in him before, he was still always caught off guard by how they felt - the suckers occasionally getting stuck to his tongue, and the easy way that the appendage slipped down his throat. He didn't gag - they'd done this enough that he was pretty confident in his deep throating abilities - but it still felt weird. Weird and good.
And it made Remus tighten his hold on him. "Fuck... what a good boy. You know just what to do with your mouth, huh? Slutty bitch."
"So, are we going on the order of arrival, then?" Janus asks, with a hum, as he works to pull the rest of his clothes off of his body. The others follow his lead as their clothes are quickly tossed off the bed and towards the floor. Any embarrassment towards them being naked is discarded and instead replaced with utter lust and the urge to breed.
Although annoyed he doesn't get to go first, Janus is content with getting Logan second. He was patient enough to wait a bit, although he was sure the others couldn't say the same.
Roman stomps his foot at the mere notion. "No! That's not what we're doing. I demand we come up with a different order."
Remus ignores him, and Janus merely rolls his eyes. Virgil was near last too, but he bit his tongue, and smacks Roman upside the head instead. "Patience, Princey," he hisses, clearly annoyed with Roman's usual flamboyant nature. His impatience was going to get him beat
Patton just grumbles out an unhappy but accepting agreement, and Remus is pleased that they've worked all that shit out, allowing him to finally direct a tentacle towards Logan's hole.
The chemical substance that has been making Logan's body hot serves as a lubricant too, so it easily slips into his hole, drawing a moan from Logan. If any of the others weren't so  worried about depositing their eggs into him, they'd probably take up fucking his mouth.
But, since it was unoccupied, a thinner tentacle, presumably one with out eggs, slides towards Logan's mouth, and Logan opens right up to accept it.
His tongue works over the suckers, and Remus moans at the feeling. "Fuck, Logan, your tight hole and hot mouth feel so good around my tentacles. Slutty bitch, you'd suck eagerly on whatever slips past your lips, wouldn't you?" he grits out, as he guides another tentacle to Logan's hole, and then shoves that one in too, Logan jolting at the feeling.
He mumbles something muffled around the tentacle, and they're assured that it's not something bad due to the fact he remembers the safe motion, even when his mind his hazy with horniness.
The word "red," three taps, or three snaps, and he'd be unrestrained and they'd all baby over him despite their intense urge to breed, but they cared about him.
Chances are it was some sort of beg, and as much as they'd love to hear those, Logan seemed insistent on sucking the chemical off of the tentacle, and reacting positively as it made his body hotter and hotter, and clouded his mind with more and more pleasure.
The tentacles writhing in his ass buried themselves deeper, seemingly focused on feeling his insides, before one of them brushes up against his prostate, earning an eager moan, Logan's thighs spreading further apart.
"Oh... Logan," Remus coos, as the others watch him with a mixture of interest and desire. A glance at his cock would show it's already leaking, and out of courtesy, Patton reaches over to grab and slowly stroke it. Logan bucks his hips best he can into the touch, and Remus shoots a glare at the moral trait, but he doesn't tell him off. Logan might as well be touched, especially because he's willing to let them use him like a good boy, although it might not be good to stimulate him that much so soon.
A whine comes from Logan as one of the tentacles slithers out partially, but he cries out around the limb in his mouth as it roughly thrusts back into him, hitting his prostate and sending pleasure throughout his body. He clenches instinctively around the tentacles, and they both wiggle in presumable delight.
Wanting his hands on Logan as well, Janus tugs Remus's tentacle out of Logan's mouth, stroking over it with his own hand in order to coat it in the chemical, before he traces his thumb over Logan's bottom lip.
Logan eagerly licks where Janus's thumb swiped, before opening his mouth obediently, his tongue hanging out of his mouth in hopes he'd taste more of that addictingly sweet substance.
Janus coos at him, before he shoves his pointer and middle finger into Logan's mouth. Logan immediately closes his mouth around them, licking and sucking eagerly over Janus's sweet tasting fingers, and whining as Janus massages his tongue.
"So eager," Janus purrs, and Remus grunts from behind him, as his two tentacles speed up their thrusts into Logan's ass.
"So whorish," Remus corrects him. "He's a fucking slut, Janus. Willing to let us use and breed him like he's just a dumb fucking incubator."
"A hot fucking incubator," Roman murmurs, affectionately, as he carefully slides Logan's glasses off his face. He sets them back on his nightstand, and takes to brushing Logan's hair out of his face. Virgil takes to feeling him up, his claws dragging over Logan's chest, until they dip down and run over his balls. Virgil squeezes his sack and Logan jolts in pain, crying out around Janus's fingers.
It makes the three dark sides grin, while Roman and Patton watch Logan with pursed lips. They know he likes pain, but they still want to make sure he's okay.
"Pain-slut," Virgil grits out, as he quite roughly hits Patton's hand away from Logan's cock in order to smack it around himself.
Logan's mouth curls around Janus's fingers, his teeth firmly keeping them inside as he sucks desperately around them, and cries out pathetic moans and whines whenever Virgil's hands smack around his cock or squeezes his balls.
Roman and Patton sit off to the side, watching with great interest, but pouting over the other three getting to touch and play with their beloved toy.
Waiting their turns would be rough.
Especially because they could see the base of six more of Remus's tentacles swelling with what they presumed to be eggs. Roman would no doubt have the same ordeal, which is why Virgil, Janus, and Patton all internally sighed in relief that he'd have to go last.
Although, they're somewhat thankful when Remus suddenly groans, his cock coming over Logan's thighs. Small bulges of presumable eggs slide their way through Remus's two tentacles that have stilled in Logan's ass, and Logan cries out pathetically around Janus's fingers as he feels the eggs start to deposit themselves into his ass, as well as more of the chemical being emptied into him too.
Virgil quits slapping at his cock in order to firmly grasp it, and then he starts stroking rapidly, causing Logan's hips to buck as he moans, and then suddenly comes over Virgil's hand and his chest.
Virgil merely tuts, before wiping Logan's come against his own face, which makes him whine but otherwise just stare at Virgil with hazy, half-lidded eyes.
With all of the aphrodisiac coursing through his veins, thanks to Janus's venom and Remus's tentacles, Logan's body is still hot and he's still horny, and Patton takes over very slowly stroking his cock in order to work him quickly back up to full hardness.
After Remus's two tentacles are done emptying themselves into Logan, they pull away, but they're not done with him. One of them curls around the base of his cock, sliding past Patton's hand in order to lube his cock up with aphrodisiac, before it pulls away. Patton hums as his hand tingles, sliding his hand at a slightly quicker pace over Logan's now leaking cock.
The tentacle then slides down to Logan's ankle, with the other going to the other ankle, and they pull Logan's legs further apart.
With his legs spread further, two more tentacles slide towards his hole, and almost immediately push in afterwards, squelching around the eggs and come. They don't need to fuck him like the other tentacles did, now that they made sure most of the eggs were pushed deep into Logan, so they just bury themselves inside him and empty their contents as Remus rapidly strokes his own cock.
"That's right, baby," Remus grits, as he brings himself to another orgasm, spilling over his own tentacles and Logan's thighs again. "Taking in all my eggs and come. Gonna breed you so good. Look at your stomach? You're already so full. Can't wait to see how full you're going to look after we've all fucked our babies into you."
Logan moans as Janus shoves his fingers deeper into Logan's mouth, and would be begging to be bred if it weren't for Janus finger fucking his mouth. He does want to be bred; he wants them all to fill him up with eggs, which is why he jolts and moans when Remus's last two tentacles push into him too.
They only slide a little of the way in before the tips open up and the tentacles come into him again, more small eggs sliding into his small body, and Logan comes again, thanks to Remus's slow stroking and sliding the pad of his thumb over his slit, dirtying Patton's hand and adding to the pool of come already on his chest.
As his two tentacles pull out, Remus's fingers slide in, keeping his come and eggs packed up inside, his horny mind believing that Logan needs to keep it all packed inside to make sure they're effectively fertilized.
"Janus, get over here," Remus nearly grows. "Fuck him real good, Jan. Make sure not to let any of my eggs or come spill out, okay? And breed him like the slut he is." Although he didn't like the idea of other people breeding Logan, he might as well encourage them. Logan looked so pretty with his stomach swelling slightly with just his eggs; he could only imagine how thoroughly fucked out and full Logan would look after all of this, and boy was he getting hard again at that mental picture.
Janus grins, and scoots over towards Remus, one of Remus's tentacles quickly wrapping and pumping Janus's cocks. The chemical sliding over them works to lube them up, but it also sends pleasurable heat through his cocks. Janus slides closer now that his cocks are lubed up, and as Remus's fingers slide out, Janus pushes one of his cocks in.
He's thrilled feeling Remus's come and eggs already packed inside of him, and Logan moans out "Janus!" when he feels Janus's second cock rub against his own.
With Janus no longer gagging his mouth, Logan was whining and babbling out incoherent pleas spurred on by the aphrodisiac circulating his mind. All he thought about was being fucked and filled, just like they promised he would be.
Patton grabs both Janus and Logan's cocks and rubs them together, before Janus takes hold of his second cock and eases it into Logan's hole, making him jolt at the stretch. "Janus- Janus!" Logan whines, drool dripping from the corner of his chin. "So big! Feel so full; want to be full of your eggs Janus!"
"Don't worry, darling," Janus purrs, just barely thrusting into Logan, hardly enough to provide Logan with pleasurable friction, but Janus himself can't help groaning at the way Logan clenches down on his cock, as if trying to milk the eggs and come from his cock. "You'll get them soon enough."
He pulls out about halfway, before slowly pushing back in, earning a breathy gasp from Logan, who's immediately trying to roll his hips down on Janus's cocks. He wants more; he desperately craves more, and yet Janus was going slow with him. The glint in his eye showed that he was doing it solely to be a tease.
He leans over Logan as he pulls out a bit again, slowly pushing in again just like last time, feeling Remus's eggs move around his cocks. He presses his lips to Logan's, forked tongue sliding easily into Logan's mouth and tasting around the area. Logan leans up into the kiss, mouth open eagerly as his tongue presses curiously against Janus's. They'd kissed multiple times, but even while mindlessly horny thanks to aphrodisiac, Logan still slid his tongue between the fork in Janus's, and Janus couldn't help but think it was rather cute.
The others watched with mildly annoyed expressions, although some of them tried to place their interest above it. Of course Janus would go achingly slow; he liked to be a tease, and issue things out when they're most unexpected, and hearing Logan beg for him is no doubt getting him off.
When Janus finally pulls away, Logan chases after his lips desperately, and whines when Janus merely coos at him instead. He resorts to trailing kisses down Logan's jaw instead, kissing over the bite mark he already made, before sucking a dark, purple mark into Logan's skin. The sight makes the others hiss in disapproval, but causes Logan to tilt his head to the side.
He's too horny to care about his pride, as he instead begs "Janus, please, mark me up more! Need them, need you, please!" He sounds utterly pathetic, but it causes Janus to lick his lips, and grin.
"Don't worry, kitten," Janus purrs, as he trails his kisses down to Logan's shoulders. "I'll make sure to mark you up good. Show everyone that sees you that you belong to me," he promises, before he sucks another mark into Logan's skin.
"Belongs to us," Virgil corrects him, trailing a sharp nail over Logan's jaw. Logan looks up at him with cloudy eyes, and as Virgil's finger traces over his lips, Logan's mouth opens and his tongue lolls out, as if inviting Virgil to do what he pleased with it. Virgil grins, and the urge to thrust his cock inside Logan's waiting mouth was immeasurable, but he wanted to empty his eggs in a place his horny mind believed they could be fertilized, even if they logically couldn't.
So, Virgil does what Janus did and shoves his fingers inside Logan's mouth, albeit rougher, and Logan gets right to sucking and tonguing over them. Roman, feeling a little left out, scoots to the other side of the bed near Remus, and when Janus's kisses and hickeys start start trailing lower, Roman greedily takes up licking and sucking over Logan's neck. Remus, with his unlimited stamina, is touching his own cock, but he's filled with the urge to come over Logan's body. He wants to mess him up and ruin him, more than he's already ruined.
His hair is disheveled and matter to his head in sweat, with his own come quickly drying over his stomach. Janus licks some of it up while simultaneously trailing his fangs over his body and causing Logan to whine around Virgil's fingers at the thought of being bitten and pumped full of Janus's venom again.
He'd be high off the aphrodisiac for a while, but if they saw it wearing off in the midst of their breeding session, Janus would just bite him or one of the twins will feed him chemicals again to make sure he can continue coming throughout their playtime.
Janus leaves a few hickeys down Logan's chest, before he finally pulls out nearly all the way and thrusts all the way back in, roughly jolting Logan's body and earning a loud moan from him. He lets out a muffled cry of Janus's name around Virgil's fingers, before his teeth lightly close around the digits. He doesn't want Virgil's fingers to pull away like Janus's had, as his tongue eagerly slides over the fingers and coats them with his saliva.
Logan's legs close on instinct when Janus thrusts against his prostate, so two more arms emerge from Janus's sides and take hold of Logan's thighs, spreading his legs further apart and keeping them there. He's met with little resistance, and just to feel Logan up a bit, he squeezes and gropes Logan's chubby thighs.
His manicured nails dig into the muscle as his thrusts get harder, mercilessly abusing Logan's prostate and causing Logan to let out frequent moans and cries of pleasure, mixed with the occasional gag as Virgil shoves his fingers deeper into Logan's mouth. His nails briefly scratch against his throat, but the discomfort of such is quickly forgotten due to the constant pleasure he's receiving.
With Patton's hand still softly working his cock, he comes again, eyes rolling back into his head as he gags around Virgil's fingers, a choked moan barely audible. His hole clenches around Janus's cock, earning a groan from the deceitful side.
"Logan," Janus moans out, his nails digging hard into Logan's thighs, puncturing the skin and drawing blood that drips across Logan's thighs. The blood catches Virgil's attention, and he licks his lips as the red droplets spill down the muscle only to stain Logan's bedsheets and completely go to waste.
One of his eyes twitch, before he slips his fingers out of Logan's mouth, allowing the moans he's letting out to be louder, before one of Virgil's hands grab Logan's throat, squeezing tight. His nails lightly scratch over the skin, and Logan gasps as his hands tug on the strong webs around his wrists.
Janus's thrusts get more sporadic, still fucking into Logan's prostate and working him back up to full hardness yet again. Patton's hand has moved down to lightly fondle and squeeze Logan's balls, as Roman had moved his mouth to Logan's cock.
He was sucking over the tip, and occasionally dragging his teeth over Logan's shaft whenever his head bobs down, which earns strangled moans and whines from Logan. Logan would buck up into his mouth if Janus's hands didn't keep his bottom half planted.
"Going to fill you up, darling," Janus gasps out, as he feels a pit of warmth pool in his stomach. "Can't wait to see your stomach bulge once you're full of my eggs. All of our eggs." His words are breathy, before he suddenly thrusts deep into Logan's ass and comes, both of his cocks pumping out eggs and come that fill Logan further, and Logan's back arches as he moans, relishing in the feeling of being filled even more.
Janus has significantly less eggs than Remus, which is to be expected considering Remus had multiple tentacles that needed to dispense eggs, but his eggs are a bit bigger, which makes Logan's legs shake as he comes again. He's driven to climax by that feeling mixed with Roman's tongue stimulating his slit. He's getting oversensitive, which amuses them greatly.
It'd be joyous to see how thoroughly wrecked he'd be by the end of this.
"Patton," Janus calls, his cocks still buried inside Logan. Patton looks away from Logan's throat, where Virgil's hand had eased up and had instead turned to dragging his nails over Logan's chest, occasionally scratching hard enough to draw blood that Virgil then eagerly licks up, looking utterly euphoric just from tasting Logan's blood.
Patton scoots over so that he's between Logan's legs, gently rubbing over the scratches Janus had caused. This time, one of Roman's tentacles slide over Patton's cock in order to lube it up, and Patton shyly moans at the feeling.
Then, as Janus slowly pulls out, Patton slowly pushes in, in hopes nothing spills out of Logan's ass. Luckily, by the time Janus is pulled out fully, nothing seems to have spilled out, and Patton moans as he feels the other two's come already packed tightly inside of Logan.
"Oh... oh gosh..." Patton gasps, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of Logan around him. He was excited to finally get his turn with Logan, and that shows through in the way he bites his lip and rather firmly squeezes at Logan's thick thighs.
Remus meanwhile motions Janus over, both of them currently satisfied with emptying their eggs into their cute little incubator, so they can cuddle. They both sit nearby, and with the pleased expressions Logan's making, they both knew they'd undoubtedly end up hard again, but all of them knew how pretty Logan looks when he's utterly drenched in their come.
Patton's significantly softer than all of them, so he takes his time to allow Logan a peaceful respite, although Roman continues to mouth and lightly bite at Logan's cock and the skin surrounding it, and Virgil had taken to marking up Logan's neck.
The anxious side's fangs pierce his skin with every new bite, and Virgil greedily sucks over every new bite in order to ingest Logan's delicious blood.
"Patton," Logan whines, now that his mouth is unoccupied, and Patton's lets out a moan at just the sound of Logan saying his name. Tears are brimming in his eyes as Roman deepthroats his cock, purposely going quite slow, but still teasingly working his tongue over Logan's slit and practically tempting him to come again.
He's oversensitive, the chemical being fully digested and absorbed into his skin by now, which left the aftereffects of oversensitivity and heat, and he was easily being driven closer to climax by just a few bobs of Roman's head, and Patton's cock resting motionlessly inside of him.
Janus nudges Remus as he notices, and Remus scoots closer. "Open wide, Logie," he purrs, and Logan obediently does what he's told, whining as one of Remus's tentacles slip into his mouth.
Already, more aphrodisiac is being graciously sucked down by Logan, the suckers on the tentacle briefly attaching themselves to Logan's tongue as he laps at it like he needs it, and with each greedy swallow of the chemical, Logan grows more and more mindless, and his stamina is briefly boosted.
His body is still sensitive, and tears drip down his face as the tentacle squirms further down Logan's throat, causing him to choke around it, but he doesn't stop eagerly sucking what Remus has so graciously given him.
Instead, he sucks and sucks until Remus pulls it out of his mouth, and even so he tries to follow after it with his mouth, whining when some drips onto his face and rolls down his cheek, eventually landing on the bedsheets and going to waste.
By now, Roman's head has come to a stop at the head of his cock, focused and intentionally stimulating his slit in hopes of making him writhe, and is utterly successful.
Virgil's hickeys move down to his shoulders and collarbone, and that's when Patton decides to finally start his thrusts. They're slow, and careful, and strangely caring. Sex with Patton always feels overly intimate, even in the kinkiest of times, but right now, the way he bit his lip and gripped a bit tighter at Logan's thighs every time he thrusted into him was a sight that made Logan moan, even in his hazy state.
Morality doing something that was perceived to be the farthest from innocence, and doing so with a red face and a quiet but confident nature had him moaning, and his legs wrap around Patton's waist as if encouraging to thrust deeper, harder, and to completely ruin and fill him.
"More, fill me, please," he whines out, rolling his hips in an attempt to fuck himself back on Patton's cock, desperate to be filled with his eggs.
"Baby, baby, shhh," Patton shushes him, leaning down to press an all-too-soft kiss against Logan's lips in order to keep him quiet. His pleading was cute, but if he kept begging then Patton might just have to give in.
But, Logan's lips part obediently for Patton, allowing Patton's tongue to slip into his mouth. Their lips move fluidly against each others, despite the fact Logan was insatiably horny.
And, despite Logan's pleas between kisses and touches, Patton continues a slow and steady pace with him.
Such a pace makes Virgil hiss where he sits, and he quite forcibly pulls Roman's head away from Logan's cock in favor of going back to ruthlessly stroking him. He knows it probably won't do much to convince Patton to go faster and get his turn over with, but he might as well please Logan while they wait, and his nails dragging over Logan's shaft while his free hand squeezes at his balls makes Logan cry out in pain, as tears fall down his cheeks.
However, he looks near euphoric when Patton moves his lips away from Logan's, and the more Virgil slaps around his cock and balls, the more Logan writhes and cries, with a few pathetic moans still slipping out of his mouth.
A part of Patton wants to encourage Virgil to be nicer, but as Roman starts nipping and sucking over Logan's skin, only adding to the pleasure the logical side is feeling, Patton finds he's too invested in Logan's pretty noises and expressions to care much about how they hurt him. As long as Logan liked it, he liked it.
Janus and Remus are both unsurprisingly getting off on the sounds Logan's making too. Remus likes seeing him in pain, and likes making fun of him for enjoying it so much, which he doesn't hesitate to do. Janus, on the other hand, is praising and teasing Logan for the way his body jerks and shakes with Patton's hard thrusts, and yet the way Logan moans for him to go faster because Patton treats him too sweetly.
Mixes of "painslut, I bet you enjoy Virgil clawing at your stupid little cock. I bet you wish he'd cut it off. It's not like you need it anyway; you'll never get the chance to fuck any of us. Stupid bottom," and "what a good boy, taking what he's given. You should be more grateful to Patton though; he may no be going fast but with the way your legs are shaking, I'd say he's making you feel real good, isn't he, kitten?"
And Logan's responses are just as mixed, with eager cries of "yes, I'm a painslut! Don't need my cock- just need my hole to be filled!" followed by whines of "thank you, Patton. Feels so- so good! So close; love your cock, Patton! I want your eggs, please!"
He didn't sound like his normal, proper self, but that was too be expected when someone was pumped full of a literal horny chemical.
"You'll get them soon enough, baby," Patton assures Logan, followed by a soft shushing noise. He loved how noisy Logan was, but his voice was starting to sound strained from all the moaning he'd done already.
He still had two more loads to take, not counting the load Patton was about to give him.
Logan suddenly jolts as Patton thrusts hard into his prostate, legs trembling due to how much pressure he'd already sustained tonight. He had unlimited stamina, thanks to being a figment of Thomas's imagination, and could come as many times as they wanted him to, but it took a toll on his body thanks to the fact he was created to be human-esque.
Which means the others get to watch adoringly as Logan's body shook with sensitivity, and the way his hips bucked when Virgil suddenly squeezes tight around the base of his cock, before rapidly stroking it, causing Logan's back to arch as he cries out Virgil's name, before suddenly coming over his messy chest and Virgil's hand, but Virgil keeps going.
"Better hurry up and make Patton come," Virgil says, sounding confident and rather harsh. All the dark sides were rather mean during sex; they liked to be in control, and they especially liked torturing Logan with that control.
Logan's hands tug pathetically at the webbing around his wrists, tears falling down his face as he chokes on his own drool. "Patton!" he cries, hole clenching tight around Patton's cock. "Come in me, please! Need you, need you so bad..." he starts to sound like he's sobbing near the end, and with a slightly more worried look, Virgil's free hand grabs Logan's chin.
"Tell us your colour," Virgil orders, although his voice comes out comparably soft, and Patton's thrusts get softer as he awaits Logan's answer.
Through a hiccup, Logan says "green... 'm just so sensitive," and it was about what they were expecting. Roman scoots closer to Logan's head, and kisses at the tears falling down Logan's face, before Patton's thrusts pick back up. Roman, admittedly, was excited at the prospect of Logan being near incoherent when it was finally time for him to use him.
Dumb and horny; the perfect little incubator.
Remus and Janus's hands speed up on their own cocks, determined to come around the same time as Patton, and both Roman and Virgil's cocks throb at the broken moans Logan was letting out. They both needed him, and they needed him soon.
Though, as Patton's breath gets more audible, moaning and groaning more often, the two left are assured that he's close. To further confirm their suspicions, Patton ends up gasping out "Logan- Logan I'm close."
Logan moans at Patton's words, legs shaking as Patton gropes the fat muscle and keeps his legs spread. Logan was pushing against him, unintentionally, of course, as he instinctually wanted to close his legs and pull Patton closer.
Virgil's hand, which hadn't stopped its assault on Logan's cock, squeezes harder as his free hand moves to Logan's balls instead, going back to scratching, slapping, and squeezing in order to make Logan cry more. The pain causes Logan to clench around Patton's cock again, and Patton moans as he thrusts into the tight heat.
With a few more thrusts, Patton comes with a moan into Logan, a large amount of tiny eggs and come spilling into his body. Patton grinds against Logan's hips as he rides out his orgasm, before looking at Virgil as he pants. Virgil immediately moves his hands away from Logan's genitalia, and scoots to where Patton was, leaving Logan whining and bucking his hips, desperate for more friction to bring him to yet another orgasm, despite the fact he felt like he might pass out if he came again. Still, he doesn't safeword; he knows he can take the rest of their eggs. He wants to.
Remus and Janus also end up coming again, come shooting over Logan's chest, and some of Janus's come even managing to get over his face. Logan hardly seems fazed, though, and just whines at his own desperate urge to come.
Just like last time, one of Roman's tentacles slide over Virgil cock, lubing it up, so that when Patton pulls out, Virgil can quickly, and rather roughly, thrust his cock into Logan's hole.
Patton moves to cuddle against Janus's side, one of Janus's arms sprouting from his side so that he can pull Patton close to him. One round was all it took to tire Patton out, so Janus rubbed his side as the moral side watched Logan with half-lidded eyes. Although he was ready to lay down and cuddle, he knew Virgil and Roman needed to breed Logan too, and he wouldn't miss seeing Logan shake and moan for the world.
Hands tightly gripping Logan's legs, Virgil sets a fast pace with his thighs. He's not normally so impatient, but his cock has been achingly hard nearly this entire time, and he needs to empty his eggs into their cute little logical side soon, or he might just burst.
Roman's whining and pouting all the same, although he's tried to occupy himself with licking and sucking Logan's nipples. His body has been pretty thoroughly covered in hickeys, both from the side's mouths and from the twin's tentacles, whose suckers were constantly latching on and sucking against Logan's skin.
As Virgil fucks into Logan, one of Roman's tentacles slide back up to his mouth. It doesn't go inside, despite Logan opening his mouth for it and trying to lean his head up in hopes of at least suckling on the tip, but the tentacle just moves further out of his reach.
If Roman was aware of it, he would have generously given Logan the tentacle to suck on, but he was mindlessly occupying himself with sucking around Logan's nipples to give him even more stimulation.
The tentacle dripped the horny chemical over Logan's face, only getting into his mouth if Logan held it open, and often times still missing, which prompted Logan to stick his tongue out. It was leaking an incredulous amount, drips pouring one after the other, and dripping down his chin and fortunately down his throat, and serving to give him a bit more energy, and a lot more stamina.
Virgil's hunched over Logan's quaking body, lips reattaching themselves to Logan's collarbone. His sharp teeth are digging into Logan's skin as his thrusts grow needy. He's so pent up, just from watching the others have their way with him.
Logan can't really do much else but arch his back when Virgil's cock rams against his prostate, and cry out something near incoherent due to his mouth hanging open in an attempt to gather more oh the aphrodisiac.
It sounds vaguely like Virgil's name, but none of them can be sure at this point. Drool is running down Logan's chin as his body jolts with each thrust into his severely overstimulated body. His mind was basically empty except for sex, and both Virgil and Roman's hands were running over his stomach, which was noticeably larger due to the eggs and come packed inside of him.
There was so much, and Virgil's cock driving into him just served to jostle the eggs around. He'd be more scared about them breaking if he wasn't being so mind numbingly pleasured.
"There's just me and Roman left, L," Virgil assures him, pulling away from Logan's now bleeding collarbone with the red liquid present on his lips. "Think you can hold all of our eggs? You're going to look so full by the time we're done with you. Our good boy; our good little incubator."
Logan's nodding before Virgil's even done talking, although his tongue stays out of his mouth. Roman pulls away from kissing and nipping at Logan's chest and finally notices that the logical side is trying to get more aphrodisiac from the tentacle. Not wanting to risk wasting eggs by coming down Logan's throat (and potentially choking him in the process), Roman slides his hand over his tentacle, coating his hand in the aphrodisiac, before moving his fingers to Logan's mouth.
Logan eagerly sucks them in, before his tongue is working over Roman's fingers, and as Roman adds more into his mouth, Logan obediently sucks more aphrodisiac off, making his body hotter and giving him a bit more energy to push onwards with.
The tentacles then continue to mindlessly rub over his body, even curling around one of Virgil's wrists at some point, and drag more of the chemical over Logan's already sensitive body. One of them even ends up sliding itself around Logan's cock, sliding up and down it, while occasionally squeezing, serving to give Logan a mock handjob.
Virgil's cock finds his prostate moments later, and Logan near comes just from the pleasure he gets from it. He sucks harder on Roman's fingers as he cries out around them, and when Roman finally pulls them out, Logan's babbling for Virgil to keep hitting that spot and making him feel good, and going on and on about how he's so close, which earns insulting words from Remus and degrading muttering from Virgil, who's leaned in close to Logan's ear.
"Our good little slut; going to come again?" Virgil purrs, before nipping at Logan's earlobe and drawing a pathetic whine from him.
"Yes, yes," Logan gasps out, voice shaking as Virgil repeatedly thrusts into his prostate, his nails dragging over Logan's body before tightly holding his hips, leaving behind bright red marks that pop against Logan's pale skin.
Virgil himself was close; hot and horny just from watching the others have their way with him, and also due to a desperate need to pump his eggs into Logan. If Roman wasn't waiting to go after him, Virgil probably would have thought about going for a second round.
Oh well; there's always tomorrow.
His teeth are nipping and biting over any skin that hasn't already been marked up, as his thrusts grow more sporadic. It was probably pathetic how close Virgil was already, but as Logan comes again with a cry of his name, Virgil decides he doesn't really care. All he wants is to fill Logan up and breed his boyfriend.
His nails dig deeper into Logan's hips, holding hard enough to potentially bruise him, as Virgil's thrusts get harder. Logan's eyes are squeezed shut, with tears flowing constantly, and Virgil's getting off on it. He cares about Logan, of course, they all do, but watching him cry because he was so wracked with pain and pleasure was admittedly a guilty pleasure of theirs.
"Virgil!" Logan cries, voice strained. "Come in me, please! I want your eggs; I want them so bad!" He sounds like he's pleading, although it was clear Virgil planned to come inside of Logan anyway. It's what he's been craving doing all night.
And, well, Virgil can hardly resist giving his baby what he wants. With a few more hard thrusts, Virgil's emptying his eggs into Logan's ass, Roman pulling back slightly to watch with half-lidded eyes as Logan's stomach expands even more, filling up as Virgil's come and eggs are deposited into his ass. Virgil rides out his orgasm, thrusting hard throughout it, and stimulating Logan all the while, while Logan cries and shakes as Virgil comes.
Roman's eager to get his own turn, and Virgil ends up guiding the tentacle around Logan's cock to Logan's ass, and it wiggles in alongside Virgil's cock before Virgil slowly pulls out. He and Roman switch positions, before Remus ends up roughly grabbing Virgil's midsection and pulling him close, and in for cuddles.
Virgil hisses at him, but let's Remus hold him tightly regardless, Janus also reaching over to soothingly rub Virgil's thigh.
Roman eagerly situates himself between Logan's legs, cooing softly as he pushes a second tentacle into Logan's ass. Logan's hole spreads easily around his tentacles, and the tentacles were slick enough they went in without trouble.
Roman groans at the tightness, and Logan whines at the prospect of being stuffed full of Roman's eggs, and finally being bred by all of his boyfriends.
"Finally," Logan hears Roman mutter, as his tentacles set to a fast pace of wiggling and thrusting. They worm their way around the eggs all stuffed inside of Logan, mixing the other's come around and causing Logan's stomach to shift and move as the eggs are hit with thrusts.
The rest of Roman's tentacles are restless, sliding over Logan's legs and leaving more sucker marks over his ankles and calves, attempting to occupy themselves as they're forced to wait in order to empty the eggs that's been stuffed inside of them for the past night.
The two inside of Logan are constantly rubbing against each other and seem to shiver in pleasure whenever Logan clenches around them; very clearly responding positively to Logan's pleasure.
Similarly to Virgil, Roman's extremely close already. His tentacles have been swelling with eggs, and his tentacles have been rubbing over Logan since he's been in the logical side's room, so they were eager to come inside of Logan and breed him fully.
"You look so beautiful," Roman gasps out, as his tentacles are stimulated while they thrust into Logan's ass. One of his hands works his own cock, while the other squeezes and gropes at Logan's thighs, as everyone else had this evening.
They all like his thighs; groping them and squeezing the fat makes them all happy, and Logan likes the attention, regardless of what form it comes in.
With no warning, the two tentacles inside of Logan suddenly come, as does Roman, as he moans out Logan's name as his come splatters over one of his tentacles and one of Logan's thighs. His eggs slowly push through his tentacles and into Logan, come spilling out with it, and as those slip out, two more efficiently slip in. They're fucking into him just like the previous to, and Roman bends down to kiss Logan sweetly, and whisper sweet words in Spanish when they part.
Normally, Logan would respond with something also in Spanish, as he'd taken up learning it for Roman's sake, or he'd respond with a simple thank you at the compliments Roman often tossed his way, but right now he was too dumb due to the overwhelming pleasure he was feeling to respond in any way other than a moan.
The only thing Logan knew was that Roman soothingly speaking another language to him made him happy, and the tentacles inside of him, which had found his prostate and have been continuing to thrust and rub against it, made him overwhelmingly horny.
He moans relentlessly against Roman's lips, the spit and drool coating them smearing over Roman's chin as they messily make-out. Deciding to give Logan even more attention, when Roman's tentacles come again, and in turn when he comes again, Roman uses his come as lube to stroke Logan's cock. His pace is steady and rather sweet, while his last two tentacles slide themselves into Logan.
They don't thrust, more so just writhing, as Roman sucks on Logan's bottom lip and then kisses down his chin. They're both moaning and panting; Logan's babbling out incoherent pleas, as he tugs pathetically at the webbing keeping him stuck to the headboard, while Roman's mumbling praises between his own sounds of pleasure.
Roman's always been known to be vocal, and his noises of pleasure ultimately spur Logan on, as he begs with broken words for Roman to fill him up with the rest of his eggs.
"I need them, please!" Logan begs, as tears continuously pour down his face. He hiccups in between talking, and his legs shake as he attempts to spread them further apart, as if further enticing Roman to come in him. "Please, please, please, Roman, I want your eggs so bad!"
He sounds utterly pathetic, and the four sitting to the side all feel their breaths get caught in their throats.
Logan was rather hot when he was mindlessly horny and without a filter; they liked hearing him pathetically beg and cry for their eggs and come. If any of them could, they'd be hard again, but instead they just watched with extreme interest as Roman grits his teeth, the tentacles wiggling inside of Logan suddenly beginning to thrust, harshly slamming against his prostate, before Logan suddenly cries out Roman's name, body trembling as he comes for the final time, Roman's hand stilling almost immediately in hopes not to overstimulate him further.
His eggs slide through his tentacles, and after the last of the eggs and come are pumped into Logan's ass, Roman looks over at Remus and Janus, knowing they'd understand.
Janus is the one who ultimately ends up moving, much to Remus's dismay, and after sorting through Logan's nightstand, Janus shows off a silver buttplug. He hands it over to Roman, who lubes it up with a tentacle, before sliding it into Logan as the tentacles pull out.
Janus then summons something to cut through Virgil's webbing, thus releasing Logan's wrists from the tight hold they were in.
The deceitful side kisses over the laceration marks, before he glances at the others, unsure of where to proceed from here.
Patton scoots closer, brushing some of the hair from Logan's eyes, and Logan's breathing heavily as he leans into the hand Patton eventually rests against his cheek. "How are you feeling, Logan?" Patton questions, voice soft.
"Tired... good..." Logan responds, eyes closed. His voice is quiet and raspy, but he's clearly happy.
"Do you want to shower?"
Logan's quiet for a few moments, before he shakes his head slightly. "No. I don't think I can stand. Wipe me down, please?" He'll shower tomorrow, with the help of his boyfriends, but for now he'll lay happily, and contently rub his full stomach. The idea of having to empty himself sometime soon is saddening, but hey.
There's always next time.
i... kind of went overboard. sorry this took so long, but i hope it was worth it!
also, reminder, if you check my blog, i have a post involving a kinky things bingo, which is a bunch of kinky prompts. im taking recommendations for ships to do with certain prompts, so if youd like to see me write a specific ship with any of those prompts, then lmk ;))
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petri808 · 3 years
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For my tumblr bestie @random-rave 🔥⭐️ a Nalu birthday gift of smut 🎁
Before opening her birthday present from Levy, Lucy read the attached card. She was quite curious about its contents ever since she’d been warned to open the gift at home and not at the guild where she’d received it.
‘Follow the instructions on the potion for a kinky fun surprise. I’ll tell you later how I found it. Have fun you two!’
Kinky surprise? Lucy’s brow raised. She opened the box next and pulled out a small green bottle filled with an unknown liquid.
‘Draconian elixir for mages only. Drink contents to transform into a faux dragon slayer. Heightens sense of smell, taste, and touch along with physical features. Magic possessed by the user may be intensified. Effects are temporary and will wear off in 12 hours.’
“Why would Levy think this is kinky?” Lucy wondered aloud until a recent conversation jogged her memory. Right... she’d mentioned the biting thing... Lucy laughed and tucked the bottle into her pocket. This will make for a very kinky surprise indeed! Natsu was due to arrive home the next day from a quick mission a couple towns over from Magnolia. So, that gave Lucy some time to prepare a delectable meal they’ll never forget. ‘Happy birthday to me!’
When Natsu arrived at Lucy’s apartment, he found a note on the dining table that simply read: Meet me at your cottage and tell Happy not to follow. Well, he knew what that meant, but why his cottage? He shrugged it off for the time being and informed the Exceed who had plans of his own anyway with Carla.
It was a curious thing to meet at his cottage now that they’d officially become a couple. He’d moved into her apartment while his home remained a storehouse for his collectibles and her growing book collection. Though the second part of Lucy’s message made more sense since the cottage provided a lot more privacy for their rambunctious encounters.
The closer he got, a brighter bounce in his step took hold as his imagination ran wild. Once they’d made the leap to a romantic relationship, it opened a whole new world to them. It’s true Lucy had to explain a few misunderstandings, like the where human babies actually come from thing, but what came surprisingly naturally was the sex. It was as if his dragon instincts were awakened, and primal urges became his teacher. They were both nervous in their first encounter, but once the pheromones had hit, it was all over.
Wait a minute! Natsu paused a few steps outside of his cottage and put his nose to the air. Lucy’s scent had changed somehow, stronger, headier, with a bit of dragon essence woven in. Was there someone else inside?! Another slayer?! His eyes shifted into a serpentine pupil and a growl escaped his lips as he raced to the door and threw it open. “Lucy, what’s go—!” Natsu stopped dead in his tracks.
“Welcome home, Natsu,” the blonde grinned, flashing the longer fangs the potion had given her.
The scent was coming from Lucy?! “Why do you smell like a slayer?!”
“Well,” she sauntered closer, “Levy found a temporary potion that gives me some slayer features for 12 hours and these,” she tapped a fang, “resulted from that.”
“Anything else?”
Lucy shrugged, “my senses are also heightened, but I’m mostly excited for the fangs because now I get to do some marking of my own.”
So, of all the things they’ve tried out, biting was a kink Lucy never realized she’d like receiving or Natsu in giving. When he bit her the very first time and broke through the skin, they were both washed over with a strange sensation akin to the connection she’d felt when she had written in the END book. But when she’d asked Levy if they’d had a similar experience, the answer was no. Lucy surmised she and Natsu’s bond was much deeper than they’d ever realized.
“Awww,” he pouted, though a smirk stilled curled at edge of his lips. “That’s my thing.”
“Pfft, well too bad.” Lucy grinned and ran a finger down his chest, then trailed it back to his neck. “I’m gonna make sure to put one right,” she presses on his nape, “here, so everyone will see it like you’ve done to me. Property of Lucy.”
“Mmm,” his own fang flashed, “that’s kinda turning me on.”
“Oh, yeah? Then why don’t you show me just how much?”
Natsu swept Lucy off her feet and walked to the back of the cottage where a bed was set up, placing her down while pulling at her clothes and coveting her lips. Hands were everywhere, both sets yanking and stripping away fabric to reveal the flesh beneath like a runaway train with no intention of stopping. Her excitement that afternoon was increased, be it the potion itself or the exhilaration it brought. Though his scent was something she’d come to love, it was toxic this time due to her heightened sense of smell. Oh, how the taste of his smoky saliva made her salivate and her fangs almost tingled! She moaned against their molded mouths in bursts, chasing his tongue with her own and mewling when he sucked the hot flesh.
Her passions and mixed scent served to fuel a new wave of lust in Natsu as well. He would have shredded Lucy’s clothes if he didn’t wanna hear the ending of it. His growls and grunts melded with her purring rumbles like two wild animals in ardent throes to rival a fight for dominance. Natsu wasn’t sure if it was the potions effects, but she was sure straining his muscles tonight to stay in control! He pinned her down momentarily. “I won’t let you win!”
Lucy cocked an eyebrow with a hedonistic grin, “challenge accepted.” Oh, she has no plans to physically dominate him tonight, her goals were simpler, to leave the first and last marks of the evening romps. Of course, Natsu didn’t need to know that. She wrapped her legs around his thick thighs and pulled his pelvis flush against hers, relishing in the heated length pressed against her core. “Now get on with it, dragon.”
“Tch,” he smiled back, “impatient, are we?”
“I feel him throbbing, so don’t act like you ain’t feeling it too.”
That was true. Natsu’s inner dragon wanted nothing more than to fill its mate up and re-stake its claim. If it had its way, Lucy would be spread multiple times every night until she fell asleep with him buried all snug inside. Their mating had truly released an inner beast in Natsu that only by willpower he could control... but not tonight with how fucking amazing she smelled. “Don’t blame me if you can’t walk tomorrow.”
She giggled, “I don’t have any other plans.”
“Well too bad.” Natsu moved in faster than Lucy could react and bit down on his mark. Despite gaining extra abilities, she didn’t have the same kind of control he did.
“Damn yo—” the words cut short from a burst of heat flooding her body and an overwhelming wave of lights dancing behind her eyelids. Heaven help her, the bonding effects were so much stronger! She couldn’t even think straight, just abject lust surging through her body. Lucy ground her hips desperately to rub herself against his cock, smearing the growing slick coating the area. “Burns…” she mewled, but in a delicious way. Things weren’t going to plan!
When he let go of the skin and kissed his way down her chest, Lucy took note that Natsu’s eyes were turning serpentine. The last time she’d seen this change was their first time. “Na…tsu…?” she moaned in a slow questioned tone repeatedly.
He stopped and looked up, unsure why Lucy was trying to get his attention. “Yeah?”
Tit for tat, Lucy caught him off guard and latched her mouth onto the junction of his neck and shoulder causing Natsu to cry out, a moaning growl as her fangs sank deep into the skin. “Fu—ck—” ‘Wow!’ His hips buck uncontrolled as her bite triggered a stronger reaction by his inner dragon. Without waiting for her to pull away, Natsu let his dragon take control and maneuvered his hips, pushing his cock in through her folds to the hilt. His eyes rolled back a second, relishing in her warm embrace. It felt so much better connected like this!
Lucy broke away and head craned back in a deep moan, but Natsu didn’t let up. Seated and grinding, he bit her a second time to ensure a longer euphoria, then coveted her lips, licking at the iron-taste coating them. Was it weird to taste his own blood? Somehow, it only added to the high. No thoughts, just carnal instincts taking control as he fucked her hard two ways. His pelvis pivoting slow, but rough, and his tongue stealing every moan leaching out from Lucy. He usually paid her other body parts some attention, but not this round— not when the only thing that could satiate his dragon was a good fucking.
“This is your fault…” Natsu growled heady and low as his lips teased along her jawline towards Lucy’s neck. He licked at the marks on her skin, already turning an angry red, rocking his hips so hard in an upward angle it lifted her clear from the bed, gaining a small yelp. “This is just round one.” He leaned in nibbling her ear as he spoke. “Don’t be surprised if you end up pregnant after this.”
“Worth… it,” she moaned in response. “But you know what?”
Lucy opened her eyes to reveal they’d turned serpentine too. Semi-surprised, Natsu grinned at the change, but was caught off guard again when she suddenly grabbed him, wrapped her legs, and flipped them over in a power roll. His eyes flashed wide in a mix of shock and awe— Hell yeah! Now on top, Lucy locked her heels around his thighs to hold her position and bit down a second time. Natsu responded by grabbing hold of her pelvis. He wasn’t about to lose his stride! If she wanted to bite, let her, because he had something else to finish.
He continued pumping his hips from below, chasing his end. But the position hit upon Lucy’s buttons too, and the more he rocked, the harder it was for her to maintain control over her senses. Something feral inside broke free and she started biting sloppily along his neck and shoulders, wherever she could reach. Being on top was supposed to be a power move for Lucy, but the combination only fueled each other to drive harder and faster towards the inevitable conclusion.
Natsu grunted when he felt the squeeze against his shaft and Lucy’s body enter a spasmodic stiffening. Her moans and hyped-up pheromones made the area surrounding them thick, stifling like breathing in drug-laced air. That was it for him. He quickly rolled them back over and pounded fast and rough, timed with each milking pass until only a dry heave remained.
“Where’d Levy find this stuff again?” Natsu panted out as his body dropped onto Lucy’s in exhaustion.
Still trying to catch her breath too, Lucy giggled. “You like it, huh?”
“Fuck, yeah.” Natsu leaned down and kissed her with a gentle pressure. “Happy birthday baby.”
Lucy returned the kiss with a brightened smile. “Best birthday ever.”
“Oh, it ain’t over yet.”
Natsu flashed a cocky grin. “Round—s…”
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lobakmerahs · 3 years
Warm Words (Parent Levi)
Summary: Levi and reader’s experience of hearing the first words of their fraternal twins. 
It was almost late in the evening at that time and you were already in your room, just finished taking your bath with your 10 months old son and daughter. You laid them that were already fully clothed on your bed, and quickly took the extra comforters from the wardrobe and placed them on the shiny floor, layer by layer. The reason of your doing was to let your babies on them so they could do their babies’ activities; your son surely loved to crawl and your daughter knew how to crawl but always preferred to roll her body from one end to another. So, you always let them do their activities on the floor because you had no energy left to keep catching them from falling off the bed. 
Comforters were ready, you placed a few soft pillows on the comforter before you brought your babies down as well. You let them sat carefully on the comforter and started to play around with them using their toys, talking to them and sometimes nudged their faces softly with their toys which earned you a cute giggle from the babies. Both of your children hadn’t started talking yet but both you and your husband, Levi always talked to them about your day, works, wheather and the world that you lived in as an early encourangement for them. At the moment, Levi was out to town to buy you the necessities that just ran out and you offered to take care of your children. 
You watched attentively to your children who was sitting opposite each other;  your daughter was doing the cooing here and there with hands moving around and your son listened and replied with his cute baby laughs as if there was anything funny that came out from his sister’s mouth -- they could be planning on taking down titans by you wouldn't understand anyway. Then, one of them started to stand on his four and crawling on the soft comfortable which then followed by your daughter. You let them did their things so they would learn while you just had to make sure that they didn’t hurt themselves or take something that was dangerous for them. Not only that, but it was also to make them tire themselves so it would be easier to put them to sleep the whole night. Nevertheless, the Ackermann blood was running inside their little veins in their little bodies, so....... We're talking about a lot of time and energy to finally get them tired which lead to Levi putting you and his children to bed all the time since you fell asleep nearly at the same time that your children would. 
Suddenly, soft footsteps started to creep in and then the bedroom door was opened softly by Levi. Both of your babies stared at awe before they started to babble while crawling to their father. Levi didn’t waste another second before he scooped his twin into his muscular arms and kissed their small black-haired heads alternately.
“Hello, you.” You greeted him with a smile and he moved his face slightly, exposing more of his cheek to you as a sign for you to give him a kiss on it-- which you did. 
 “Did the kids behave well?”, he asked which you replied with a nod and Levi sighed in relief as well as rewarding you with a loving kiss on your forehead.
“It’s okay, you can put them down and take a shower. I’ll handle them.” You suggested, knowing full well how much Levi needed a shower after returning from anywhere. Levi slowly put the twin on the bed but both of them quickly grabbed his shirt in their tiny hands, not wanting to let him go all while trying to mimick a crying sound. You shook your head- little actors, you thought to yourself. 
Levi chuckled upon his children’s clingy behaviours before he commented; "this reminds me of you. You clinged to me like this whenever I get too busy and arrived late. Not allowing me to shower, saying that you loved my scent while hugging me”, he said while smiling like a smug at you. 
You rolled your eyes while cheeks became hot with hint of pink blush. GO TAKE YOUR BATH-- you mouthed at him. As Levi was successfully released from his children’s holds, he went into the bathroom and you started to tickle the twin’s round stomachs to get their minds off of Levi for awhile. Then, you took turns to blow raspberries at their stomachs which caused the babies to laugh uncontrollably. Little full mouths were opened widely, crinkles from their laughs appearing at the end of their closed eyes and voices of their laughs became melodies to your ears as to fill in the time while Levi took his bath.
All eyes were glued on Levi when he stepped outside from the bathroom and already put on his plain t shirt and sleeping pants. The babies immediately making sounds to attract their father's attention while the said man was busy folding the comforters and keeping them back into the wardrobe and you were just enjoying the sight before your eyes. Levi carefully climbed onto the bed, laid on his back and rested his head on your lap. Then, he placed the twin to sit on his stomach.
Your fingers moved instinctively into his hair, playing with it and gently massaging his temple which caused Levi to closed his eyes in relaxation. Then, you rested both of your hands on either sides of Levi's shoulders and Levi turned his head to kiss one of your hands before he turned his face upward again. Your son was too busy pinching Levi's veins on his arms while your daughter crawled quickly at one of his shoulder, used her tiny hands to slowly peel away your hand that was on one of Levi's shoulders. Levi noticed the movement and slowly opened his eyes to watch both you and his daughter's interactions. After that, your daughter crawled to her father's other shoulder and did the same thing on your other hand, silently making a clear statement of not wanting you to touch her father which was your husband. You watched in delight while undeniably feeling slightly offended.
"Excuse me, young lady. This is my husband and you're not letting me to touch him?", you asked your daughter which she replied with her baby coos while waving her hands vigorously at you.
"Levi...... I'm slightly hurt." You looked down at him with a slight pout and Levi who was already staring at you just chuckled at your words.
"Don't be." He said before he raised his one free arm to pinch your cheek. Slowly, Levi rose from his lying position while keeping his twin in his arms. Then, he moved backwards to rest his back on the headboard of the bed. You followed his movement before you settled one side of your face on his hard biceps, facing your happy looking son. Upon seeing your face, your son grabbed your nose with his chubby hands, then moved to pinch your cheek and started to use his fingers to dig your mouth. Meanwhile, your daughter was too busy examining her father’s handsome face with her tiny hands which was actually one of your favorite routines to do with Levi. 
“Be careful there, you’re going to hurt your mom.” Levi warned his son in a loving manner, amused with his son’s curiosity but kind of worried that he might hurt you. 
“Mo---mmmmmmyyy”, your son replied while patting your face repeatedly with his baby palm. His short words ended him in a huge smile that made his naturally pouty lips became thin and automatically exposing his four tiny baby teeth. His reply earned a cute laugh from his sister that was sitting just next to him. 
Wait, what? WHAT? 
You immediately lifted your head and turned to Levi. At the exact time, Levi did the same thing and looked at you. Eyes widened, lips slightly apart and breath stopped forawhile. 
“Did he just say mommy, Levi? Did you hear that?” You excitedly asked him, eyebrows slightly frowned since you were actually at the edge of tears. Levi broke into a loving smile at you, he himself felt so vulnerable at the sweet moment that you both were sharing right now. 
“Yeah, I heard it too. Let’s try making him say it again, shall we?” He said encouragingly which made you lend your chin on his shoulder. Both of your hearts were beating fast from the excitement. Levi took a deep breath and attempted to make his son repeated his first word.
“Okay little brat. Try to say mom-my...?”
“Mo-mmmyyyyyyy.” He said excitingly, hands moving up and down and laughing. At the same time, his twin sister watched him while putting her chubby hands into her tiny mouth.
Levi quickly turned his head towards you while breaking his lips into a warm smile, he was just as happy as you. He saw you immediately put your hand to cover your mouth and quickly hid your face behind Levi’s shoulder to laugh, cry, hide your scream all in one. You were too happy, your heart wanted to burst. Levi just chuckled calmly upon seeing your reaction. 
“What about you, young lady? Do you have anything to say?,” you asked your daughter after you calmed down and stretched your hands towards her so you could put her in your arms. Now, your son rested in Levi’s arms and your daughter was in yours. Your question was replied with her showing her tongue repeatedly, no signs of her first word to come out yet. 
“Did you have fun checking on your daddy’s face just now? You sure are not letting me touching my husband, didn’t you?,”  you said with a slight pout, she just smiled to show her baby teeth at you excitingly as if she was teasing you. 
Then suddenly, 
“Tch.” Your daughter shocked you with her new word. 
Hah? You blinked a few seconds. Then you looked at your partner who was just as surprised as you. You used one of your free hands to grab Levi’s arm and let out the laugh that you had kept inside you which was followed by the twin as they also cracked their baby laugh together with you. 
What on earth just happened to your little family tonight? Out of all the words that she could say, that’s her first word? Well well, isn't that just interesting.
You caressed your nose to your daughter’s and smothered her tiny face with your kisses.
“You’re so funnnnnyyyy. Instead of saying daddy or dada, you went for ‘tch’, didn’t you? I’m sooo going to tell Hange about this!” you said in between the kisses. Then you moved your face closer to your son and did the same thing while saying; “thank youuuu baby! For saying mommy as your first words, that was really unexpected!” as you planted kisses on his soft face.
At the same time, Levi was watching you attentively, the way you interacted with the twin, the kisses, the nuzzles on the noses, the way you smelled their scents on their necks and the praises. His heart swelled with contentment and love for the humans that were sharing the bed with him at the moment. He was also waiting for his turn to get his face showered with kisses from you but it seemed to him that you were too busy congratulating your son and daughter on their new words.
“What about me?”, Levi asked, couldn’t control the sliiighhhtt hint of jealousy in his voice. 
"Huh? What about you?,” you nonchalantly asked. 
“You got mommy and I only got ‘tch’. Don’t you think I deserve some of the kisses too?" Then he looked down before mumbled; "You know, as a reward or whatever.” He said, eyebrows slightly frowned and you swore he was slightly, just a little tiny pout of lips. 
“Auwwhhhh Levi, is that jealousy that I am smelling?,” you joked and acting like you sniffed around trying to smell something.
From the way Levi’s lips moved, you could tell that he was about to “tch” you but he stopped and the both of you broke a huge smile at the exact same time while exchanging an understanding look. Then, he leaned his face closer to you which you obliged loyally and left kisses on every inch of his beautiful face. 
Levi’s face searched into your hair and his lips stopped by the ear before softly whispering; 
“Thank you, for bringing such incredible gifts to me.” His deep husky voice entered your ears, bringing the butterflies in your stomach to life and melted your heart.
“It wouldn’t be possible without you.” You whispered back with a wink. 
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Hello! Could you possibly do hc's for the demon brothers (seperate) where they're on a date with Mc, and Mc's ex just happens to be there and they try to hit on Mc but when it comes apparent Mc is in a new relationship, the ex is like "with this looser? I'm way better than him!" And Mc just. Fucking laughs. Like uncontrollably. And when they calm down a lil they're like "oh God you were serious? Oooh man that's a lil awkward"
This kind of requests directly hit my soft spot so here we go ^^ POV: MC and demon brothers on a date in the human world
Everything is so fine and calm and wonderful... what’s that noise?
Okay, let’s hear what this person has to tell you.
Is amused, entertained, and NOT ANGRY YET.
He actually enjoys the way your ex gets angrier and angrier as Lucifer just smiles at him.
Doesn’t even listen to that babble. But enough is enough.
Calmly takes your ex by the chin and looks him straight in the eyes. 
You don’t hear what Lucifer says but you see your ex getting extra pale. Like paper-white.
Places his hand around your waist and leads you further by the street, leaving a trembling ex behind.
“Huh? What did I do to him? I just gave him advice, why?”
At first, he’ll be kinda torn in between. On one hand, he wants to destroy the guy immediately - but on the other, he doesn’t want to upset you.
May also feel slightly insecure because the boy is really doubting himself all the time.
Looks at your face, sees that you are not happy at all and that helps him make a decision.
Simply knocks the guy down before he even manages to say a word.
Squats down, grabs the guy by his hair and explains that his presence near you is not desirable and that he, Mammon, will be now keeping an eye.
Hugs you by the shoulders and loudly says “C’mon baby”.
Makes sure your ex HEARS THAT.
Oh, that’s a kawaii cafe! 
Is totally blown away by the menu and the design so doesn’t notice at first.
Huh, who’s that human? Why so close? What’s going on?
Oh it’s YOUR EX.
Secretly observes him to understand what attracted you in the past and how he, Leviathan, compares.
Comes to the conclusion that even Mammon is better than your ex.
At first is upset and kinda confused by your ex laughing at him.
Rage starts building inside.
You know he is the third-born, after all.
Asks your ex to leave and somehow sounds scarier than Lucifer. Also has something scary in his eyes.
Once your ex leaves, immediately blushes, apologizes, and grabs the coffee mug to disguise shaking hands.
Was really excited to visit this cute little bookshop until he hears someone's annoying voice.
Oh, it’s your ex? Really? Pathetic.
Patiently stands in the doorway waiting for this fool to leave.
Also makes sure you are fine.
Finally had enough.
Approaches the fella, grabs him by the shoulders and silently whispers in his ear.
The guy turns pale.
You blink because for a moment, it seemed like you saw claws, not fingers with nails.
Your ex suddenly remembered he is in a hurry. That was unexpected, huh?
As soon as he learns it’s your ex, his jealous and scary side shows.
Like, did this guy really try making fun of the most desired and gorgeous demon? Really? Oh and did he also try making fun of you?
You don’t recognize Asmo and to be honest, you are kinda scared. You’ve never seen him like that.
Approaches the guy with a poisonous sweet smile.
His posture is full of rage and anger and his demon side truly shows.
Loudly and clearly explains that no mere human as such can even raise a voice at Asmodeus, not talking about making fun of him or of you.
 “Do I make myself clear?”
As soon as the ex vanishes, turns to you with his usual sweet smile.
“Do I deserve a kiss?”
At first, he is kind of confused. Like, why did this person start talking to you?
Nobody actually talks about Beel like that so he really doesn't get your ex.
He gets that you are slightly upset though.
Like, he doesn't like getting in fights but this person seems like they don’t understand the simple talk.
Easily lifts your ex from the ground and asks whether they wanna take their words back.
No surprise they do.
As soon as Beel releases his grip, your ex is gone.
Your bad mood is gone too.
Is kinda distracted by you being around and by the human world wonders so doesn’t notice your ex at first.
Oh, so it’s not a homeless begging for money? Weird because he looks like one.
Pisses your ex off by mocking him, making impersonations and overall not taking him seriously.
Acts like a fool but you know the storm is coming.
Suddenly grabs your ex by the arm and squeezes it.
“You sure you wanna continue?”
#obeyme #obey me shall we date
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quinncupine · 3 years
Hiiii quinn! I never realised you did requests but if it would be fine (and also because its my sole goal) could you do a boom boom boi and izubby with having their own cat or dog as a pet??? I'm seriously thinking that boom boom boi would be both a cat and dog person, don't u agree? (Ily lots and don't feel pressured to do this if you have a lot of stuff going on!)
Hi Dorki! I'm finally making my way through my requests and I was really excited to write this one! Okay, hope you like it!
Quinns Masterlist
Wanna request something?
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The Boys with Pets
Word Count: 1,750
Featuring: Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo!
Warnings: dogs, cats, cursing
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Izuku Midoriya
Now Izuku loves pretty much all animals, but I can totally see him getting a dog. Dogs are loyal and full of energy just like a certain green-haired hero. The perfect duo.
He would probably rescue one from the pound, the one with the biggest, saddest, cutest eyes because how could he not? But someone has to go with him because he'd try to rescue them all if there was no one there to stop him. Once a hero, always a hero I suppose.
I'm thinking for names, he would definitely pick a name that reflects his favorite heroes. Don't be surprised if he names his dog something super cheesy like Mighty or Rocky…
Wait, okay, I've decided, he names his dog Mighty and that is the hill I will die on.
The life of a hero is quite busy so when he goes off on long missions, he drops the dog off at his mom's house. Inko has fallen in love with this sweet pup, so much so that she sometimes begs him to stop by with the dog for a visit. It's the closest thing she's got to grandbabies at the moment, she'll take what she can get :)
Now, this cute pup draws in the attention of just about everyone so he's gotten an influx of attention and a few numbers slipped in his hand during their walks, much to his flustered surprise.
Best wingman ever.
This dog goes on regular runs with Izuku and sometimes even helps him with training. I'm thinking a Collie or an Aussie would just be the perfect fit for him to keep up with his personality and lifestyle. He needs an active dog!
I can see it now, he goes on his daily morning runs with this cute Lil furry training buddy and they race the whole way! A few regulars on the trail know about this and it's become sort of a tradition to cheer the two on as they pass.
The morning air was crisp with the slight scent of the coming autumn, the perfect morning for a run. Izuku, dressed in his usual training wear, had a steady rhythm going for the last forty minutes, letting out even, controlled breaths. This was the easy part of the run, a warm-up if anything, and he hadn't even broken a sweat yet. The canine jogging by his side was enjoying the dewy morning air as well, tongue happily flopping out the side of her mouth. The shared morning ritual between man and man's best friend: Mighty.
Her tail picked up speed, wagging uncontrollably as they neared the bend where the giant jagged rock towered over the path. It was the place marker to start the race. A three-mile run to the top of the hill located at the center of the park. It was also Mighty's favorite part of the morning.
"Ready girl?" Izuku grinned down at the ecstatic dog who barked in reply.
The instant the two of them passed the big rock, they both broke out in full speed, leaving behind a cloud of dust. Happy barks filled the air as she gained the upper hand. Izuku laughed as the dog turned to look back at him lagging behind her. He always did these races without his quirk to assist him. It was only fair and it helped him work on his natural stamina in case he was ever in a situation where he couldn't use his quirk. Always good to be prepared.
He watched as she bounded up the first steep hill on the trail. There were a few small hills on this route, but this one was the hardest to climb and Mighty had the advantage with her four legs so she always managed to pull ahead first. She stopped at the top and barked him on before quickly disappearing over the crest.
When he reached the top, he stopped for just a second to take in his surroundings. This part of the park was a heavily wooded area with numerous trails that many people used to hike or run. It also served as a great view of the city skyline and he couldn't help but stop and admire the rising sun from between the foggy buildings every time. Then Mighty barked to pull him out of his thoughts.
"It's not over yet!" He called after her and raced down the hill, putting on an extra burst of speed to easily close the distance.
Tail wagging, she nipped playfully at his feet as they sprinted along the path, side by side. There weren't many people out this early so he usually had the trail to himself. The only sounds were the wind in the trees, the leaves crunching under feet and paws, Mighty barking beside him, and his own unrestrained glee as they ran together.
These were the mornings he loved. Just the two of them, away from the stresses that came with pro-hero work. He wouldn't trade being a hero for anything, but sometimes it got to be too much so coming here to clear his mind with a little run was always a cathartic release, only made better by the furry companion by his side.
The short bridge that arched over the creek signaled the last mile. Getting more serious, Izuku pulled ahead of Mighty, not able to hold back the giant grin as he streaked across the bridge, startling a few birds off the railings which Mighty barked at as she came up behind him.
Up ahead was a large open meadow with a small duck pond near the center. A few benches were scattered about the path and he saw the same elderly couple sitting in their usual spot with a bag of rice and seed to feed the plethora of ducks waddling around their feet.
"You got him this time Mighty!" The old man looked up as the two of them zipped down the path towards the couple.
"Show 'em what girls can do!" The woman cracked a smile, waving her hands.
"Morning Mr. and Mrs. Fujino!" Izuku waved as he passed. "Don't count me out yet!"
Mighty barked her greeting and took a detour, herding some ducks closer to the couple then with a quick lick to Mr. Fujino's hand, she sprinted back to catch up to Izuku.
The Fujino's marked the last leg of the race. The only thing left was to climb the top of the largest hill in the park to the old oak tree at the top. That was the finishing line. It was always a gamble as to who finished first every day, but Mighty sure had a competitive spirit.
Izuku pumped his legs as he steadily made his way up to the dirt trail, Mighty just behind him before she suddenly veered left and disappeared into the shrubbery. He was so focused on the tree that slowly came into view just around the curve as he neared the top that he didn't notice.
Just as the path leveled out, almost to the finish line, he glanced back to see no sign of his dog. The tree was a few feet away when a furry mass ambushed him from the side, knocking him clean off his feet. The pro hero landed in the grass with a heavy Oof. Sitting on his chest was Mighty, looking quite proud of herself.
"Cheater!" He laughed, trying his best to hold back the slobbery licks she was determined to give him. "Okay, okay, I'll call it a tie!"
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 Katsuki Bakugo
Now Katsuki on the other hand would totally be a cat person. Not that he has anything against dogs, but cats are more his style. They don't need constant attention and are pretty much self-sufficient. Just the way he likes it.
That being said, Katuski would go all out on toys and the latest gizmos to take care of his cat. Has a self-cleaning litter box, a waterfall bowl, an automatic feeder, etc. You get the picture.
Oh, and toys galore. If he has space, this cat is getting a personal jungle gym that lets him walk up to the ceiling. S.P.O.I.L.E.D.
Doesn't like to tell people just how much he actually loves this cat because he's never been one to express emotions, but this cat just gets him to his core. They share the same wavelength and he appreciates that. The cat is the only one he trusts to open up to, so sometimes you might catch him ranting to the poor thing who just stares back with big wide eyes and occasional meows. Yup, totally gets him.
I see him with a super chill cat, like maybe a Ragdoll or a Russian Blue. Something that tolerates his constant screaming and explosions.
This guy is just as bad at names. It'll definitely be something long and dramatic like Lord Cat Explosion Demon God of Furballs. Yep. He doesn't take criticism so most people call him Lord Furballs, much to his disdain.
Katsuki won't ask for attention from the cat, but the little furry feline is a total cuddler and will often find itself curled up in his lap or even on his neck if Katsuki's sitting on the couch. You better believe this guy won't be moving until that cat decides it's time to move. He's been late to meetings with friends because of this cuddly cat.
He's a hero so this cat is definitely being treated right. Katuski is no slacker when it comes to caring for his lil buddy. The vet is on speed dial should anything ever happen.
Did someone say a custom-made collar that matches his hero costume to a tee?
He's never loved anything more.
"Uh, hey Bakubro, why is your cat glaring at me?" Ejiro asked, staring down at the feline.
"What?" Katsuki didn't even bother to look up from his laptop.
"Your cat. It's giving me the evil eye. I thought it was supposed to be friendly." The red-haired hero frowned, not able to break eye contact with the cat. "I don’t think it likes me."
The small furry creature had lazily curled up in the sunspot next to Katsuki's feet, purring away without a care in the world. It seemed harmless enough, except for the heavy glare it was shooting Ejiro's way.
"Heh," Katsuki finally glanced down and crossed his arms. "He's not glaring. That's just his face."
"Ah," Ejiro nodded, "like father like son."
"What the hell's that supposed to mean!?"
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Taglist: @thecindy @peachsenpie @awilddreamerwrites @miriobaby @kiyoobi @dragonsdreamoffire @amive2567 @justscar @kenmaskitten10 @freckledoriya
79 notes · View notes
bvidzsoo · 3 years
Poison (Part 4)
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Pairing: Kim Mingyu x female reader
 Warnings: lots of cursing, blood, mild violence
 Word count: 18, 095
 Summary:  It seemed like Sana only brought more complications to your relationship with Mingyu and now you weren’t even sure where you stood with him. Finals hanging around were only adding on to your stress and your bad habit of building up your emotions finally blew up in your face, causing mayhem. 
 Taglist: @chal-kagyu​ @taeyongandfree​ @cheolliehugs @3rachaonlyfans 
 A/N:  Part 4 is here everyone! Get buckled up because this one is a rollercoaster of feelings, but you know, life isn’t just rainbows and sunshine, sometimes it gets dark and rains too. If you would like to be added onto the taglist, just click here and leave a message. I hope you enjoy this part!
           A day turned into two days; two days turned into three. Mingyu was busy with this sudden mysterious business everyone around me knew about, but refused to tell me; and I was busy studying for my finals with Seungcheol. Irene was nice enough to take one or two extra shifts to cover for my absence when I stayed up all night reading and reading for my thesis, and Vernon dropped by every day to drag me out for lunch to make sure I ate something at least once a day. I was beyond busy, and so was my brain overthinking every single little thing when it came to Mingyu. Yesterday, I noticed even the slight peachy smell combined with his cologne and it was enough to throw me off for the whole day. I was on edge every time I was around him and I hated it. I hated jealousy. This isn’t who I was before, with my other partners I couldn’t care less, but even just the thought of Mingyu with any other woman was enough to send me into an uncontrollable fury. It was a horrible feeling and it was bubbling up more and more inside of me, but I ignored it. For various reasons. First of all, I didn’t want to seem like a controlling, jealous girlfriend who jumps at other girls’ throats for daring to breathe in their boyfriend’s direction. Secondly, my pride wouldn’t let me tell Mingyu just yet, because deep down, I knew I was overreacting and that there was nothing going on between Sana and him. It was pure business, and I really understand that, but the way Sana acted around him; and he let her act like that; made my blood boil in my most peaceful moments. I’d randomly remember it in the middle of class and Seungcheol would give me a weird look, asking if I was okay, and I’d just nod wordlessly while trying to distract myself. Sometimes while on the phone with my parents, Sana wrapping her hand on Mingyu’s shoulder possessively would flash before my eyes, and my mother would point out the stress lacing my voice and I’d make a pathetic excuse that the cause were my finals hanging around. Other times, I’d be taking lunch with Vernon and Sana’s annoying voice would ring through my ears and I’d slam my spoon on the table too hard, creating a small commotion, but at least Vernon never questioned it. Vernon seemed to understand me without me even saying anything, and he never pushed me over the edge with his excessive questioning, like Seungcheol does. Even Irene noticed how tense my shoulders would be every day at 3:15, knowing well Mingyu was about to pass in front of the bookstore; which he actually stopped doing so often. My heart would jump in my throat every time I got a message form Mingyu and I’d have to stop myself from answering back aggressively. I even stopped texting him, afraid that I’d overshare how I was feeling without realizing. And that led to one or two things, which ended up with a pissed Mingyu and me screaming at him at 10 pm.
It started out as a normal night. I was sitting at the table in the kitchen, notebooks scattered around and coffee placed aside for another all-nighter. Seungcheol was on a last-minute notice business Jeonghan needed him to be at, so he skipped studying with me. I asked Mingyu to let Seungcheol off for two weeks, so that he can study for his finals, but Mingyu’s only answer was that ‘he’ll manage’. I was reading through my notes when the front door was unlocked, and of course, Mingyu walked in like this was his apartment. I was already in a bad mood, thoughts of how he acted towards me when Sana showed up swarm around in my head, and him showing up uninvited really ticked me off the wrong way.
“I’m studying!” I snapped from the kitchen, not bothering to welcome him like I usually would do. There was shuffling in the hallway and in came Mingyu, his shoes discarded at the door. His long coat clung to his body and he rubbed his hands together, beaming down at me.
“Where’s my kiss—”
“I said, I’m studying.” I said through gritted teeth, trying to calm myself down. I wasn’t being fair to Mingyu by not talking about what was bothering me, but I felt childish. I thought he’d laugh at me and even tease me about what was worrying me so much. I didn’t want to tell him, but it just made me feel worse.
“It takes only about a second to kiss me—”
“Mingyu!” I exclaimed, slamming my notebook on the table, “Can you leave me alone?!”
His eyebrows rose as I glared at him, hands shaking from anger but also fatigue. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and I gulped, almost spilling my frustrations.
“I don’t see you all day and then you blow up on me as if I did something wrong,” He said with a grimace, voice turning cold, “Thanks, my day was also amazing.”
I sighed and closed my eyes for a second, trying to stay rational, “I have finals next week, I need to study, my future depends on these marks, Mingyu. You can’t come by everyday unannounced and bother me! I can’t go on daily dates and act carefree when I have responsibilities to take care of! And you—you just—”
“I what?” Mingyu snapped, uncrossing his arms and storming inside the kitchen, “Is it so wrong I want to be with my girlfriend because I miss her? Because I think of her non-stop when I’m not with her? Because I like her so much, I want to be next to her all the time?”
“No, Y/N,” He snapped, eyebrows furrowing and I stood up, regretting my outburst, “I have responsibilities too! A lot, actually, problems that could kill lives if I don’t take the right choices! I am responsible of twelve people’s lives and other innocent civilians that get involved with us! Do you really think I have all the time in the world to run around you? Be with you always?”
I huffed and threw my hands in the air, “Then why did you do it for the past six months? Why were you there daily for me, when I made it crystal clear I wanted nothing to do with you!? I didn’t ask you to do it.”
Mingyu stared at me, jaw clenched, and I felt my hands shake more, “Why offer me so much attention when—when—business is more important in the end? When a—woman, any kind of woman—is more important than I am?”  
I didn’t even realize my voice raised louder and louder, until I was done shouting the question. And I felt pathetic, I saw it in his eyes too, how Mingyu frowned and looked at me like I grew another head. I wanted to cry right there and then, pinch myself for letting that slip.
“What woman, Y/N?” He whispered, lips in a sneer, “Why are you not answering my texts—no, why did you stop texting me?”
I shrugged not trusting my voice and looked away, clenching and unclenching my hands into fists, “Because I’m busy.”
“Busy with what?”
There was silence and I didn’t have the nerve to look at Mingyu, instead, I stared at the mug of coffee on the table. A loud, malicious, giggle bubbled out of Mingyu’s lips and my temper flared once again, “No, you are busy hanging out with Vernon for lunch dates. You are busy having fun with Irene at the bookstore, gossiping. You have fun with Seungcheol on your movie nights. And you have fun ignoring me and then blaming it all on me. I’m done playing this push and pull game of yours, Y/N, I’m sick of it all.”
“That’s not what this is about!” I was quick to defend myself, feeling sick by his words. They weren’t true, I really was busy studying, the others were just trying to distract me from losing myself and becoming overly stressed, “I study day and night, my finals are coming up! Okay, why would I lie to you?”
“I don’t know, that’s a good question, Y/N,” Mingyu scoffed and turned around, jaw clenched, “Why don’t you ponder on it and then answer it yourself?”
I gulped and watched as he walked out into the hallway, jaw clenching more, and I panicked. I didn’t want him to leave pissed and misunderstand the whole situation which I caused because I’m insecure and too stubborn to admit my jealousy.
“Save it, okay?!” His voice raised and I flinched, staring into his blazing eyes when he turned around.
“If you leave through that door,” My voice got shaky as I pointed towards the front door, “I’m breaking up with you.”  
The silence was deafening and I could hear my heart thumping loudly, as if it was in my ears. My skin tingled and when Mingyu stared back at me blankly, it made me more anxious. Why did I even say that? I didn’t want to break up with him, fuck, he’s probably one of the best things that happened to me in this life.
“Whatever,” He muttered and swiftly pulled on his shoes, his expression so cold, I didn’t recognize the man standing in front of me. I’ve never seen him so passive before, not even the night of our first encounter. He always showed some sort of emotions, seeing him like this was scarier than seeing him angry. I knew he was about to leave and I couldn’t stop the few tears from falling and I bit my lower lip, gulping down my pride for once.
“I’m so stressed, Mingyu, I can’t even think straight anymore, okay?!” I was shouting once again, but my voice was shaking and raw, “I tried to—not be like this, but I can’t when—Sana just shows up and you don’t even acknowledge me anymore! You let her be all over you and I’m just standing there like a fucking idiot! Like I’m not even your girlfriend but your maid! And these finals—I have to pass them, okay? You can’t interrupt me all the time, these are important, I really can’t—”
I choked on air, finally running out of energy to scream at him. I didn’t even know what I was saying anymore, I just needed him to stay and hug me. I needed Seungcheol; him to tell me everything would be alright. Mingyu watched me stunned, his anger still lingering, but he was more shocked than anything else.
“Sana, she’s not—”
“Whatever.” I snapped, wiping my tears away, “I have to study. Leave or stay, I don’t care.”
I turned to walk back to the kitchen but Mingyu held my wrist, “You have to talk to me, I’m not a mind reader, sugar.”
“Yeah, I’m not either, so maybe next time warn me when you have a woman over that wants to fuck you right in front of me.” I snapped and pulled my wrist away harshly, ignoring Mingyu’s sigh.
“Sana is not—”
“Goodbye, Mingyu.” A groan came from the doorway and I downed my coffee in one go, running my hands through my hair.
“If you think you can break up with me like that, you are stupid.” I scoffed and turned to look at him, not caring that he could see the redness in my eyes.
“Suck my dick, Mingyu.” A wide smirk spread onto his lips and I looked away scowling, my blood boiling once again.
“Text me when you’ve calmed down, sugar.” I flipped him off and he was out of my apartment, slamming the door shut. I scoffed and bit my lower lip, clearing my throat and glancing at the clock. I’ll have to buy some Sugus tomorrow for the kids staying next door and apologize to their parents for being so loud; it was out of the norm; I was a quiet person.
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           Leaned against the counter, eyes wide open, I stared down at the white pages covered in letters and letters that seemed to not make any sense anymore. I clenched my jaw and focused harder, but I couldn’t even read the words anymore.
“Y/N,” I jumped when a soft hand gripped mine, “Can you please blink, you’re scaring me.”
“I thought staring down at my notes will help me memorize it all—” I let a cry fall from my lips, “It’s not working!”
Laughter bubbled up from Irene and I sighed, abandoning the thought of studying anything for the moment, “I can’t do this anymore!”
“I’m glad you finally realized!” Irene exclaimed and quickly slammed my notebook shut, pushing it away, “I thought I would have to wrestle you away.”
“No…” I muttered and took a seat behind the cashier, turning towards Irene, lips pulled in a tight line.
“What’s bothering you?” She asked softly, pushing up her glasses.
“Ah, I just—” I sighed and bit down on my lip, Irene didn’t know about me and Mingyu, “Just, you know, I had an argument with…Seungcheol? Yeah, it made me really sad and now I’m just pondering on it, I guess.”
“You should both apologize,” Irene said with a shrug and I hummed, “Communication is key, Y/N, you have to speak in order to solve your problems.”
I sighed and looked down at my hands, “I suck at communicating about my feelings.”
She placed another reassuring hand on my arm and I smiled at her, “He’ll come around, he always does, doesn’t he?”
Yeah, Mingyu comes around after he cools down. I apologized after my outburst and Mingyu showed up with chocolate cake, saying that it was the magical ingredient you needed after you got into a fight. I argued that it was the magical ingredient if you piss off your girlfriend when she’s on her period, but eventually had to agree with Mingyu, chocolate cake was a good way of making up. We both admitted to having been wrong, even though Mingyu really didn’t do anything. He tried to bring up Sana again, multiple times actually, but I refused to talk about it again. It doesn’t mean I still didn’t think about it all. The outburst didn’t help much, my beliefs stayed the same about the two, but at least I could close my eyes before sleeping without seeing the two all over each other behind my eyes.
The door opened, letting a cold gush of wind inside, and Irene was on her feet with a wide smile.
“Hi!” She squeaked out and I looked at her confused, turning my head. My eyebrows furrowed when I ended up looking at Jeonghan.
“Uh,” I narrowed my eyes at him, glancing at a smiling Irene, “Hi?”
“Good morning, ladies.” He said politely, sending a small wink at us, “I come with good news.”
“Uh—” I looked between Irene and Jeonghan, “You know…Irene?”
“Of course!” Irene exclaimed, throwing me a small glare, “Jeonghan really likes to read, he comes around every few days, right?”
Jeonghan and Irene shared a subtle look and I furrowed my eyebrows at them, “Weird.”
“Yeah, Y/N, in my free time, when my boss isn’t breathing down my neck, I really like to read.” Jeonghan threw me a knowing look and I grimaced, rolling my eyes, “And I live two blocks away.”
“You what?” I exclaimed, eyes widening.
“Yeah,” He threw me a smirk before looking back at Irene with a soft smile, “I like taking walks from time to time—”
“Motherfucker.” I snapped, palms balling into fists. That’s why Mingyu stopped coming by so frequently, Jeonghan was right here to look after me when he couldn’t, and I didn’t even realize that. Holy shit, Jeonghan has amazing stalking skills if I didn’t even realize!
“Y/N!” Irene exclaimed, eyebrows furrowed in desperation, “Shut up!”
Jeonghan cleared his throat and looked at Irene with a charming grin, “So, I’m going clubbing with a few friends tomorrow…would you like to tag along?”
“Yes!” Irene didn’t miss a beat when she answered, eyes set on Jeonghan’s face, “Y/N is coming too! She’s been studying like crazy; she needs a little break.”
“Yeah…” I shook my head, “I’m not coming. I’m not exactly in the mood for—”
“My friend would appreciate if I brought more girls with us, he doesn’t take ‘no’ as an answer.” Jeonghan said playfully, but I understood the underlying message. This was Mingyu’s plan all along, that fucker. Irene threw us a confused glance before clearing her throat.
“Well, then, we’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Sure, Vernon will pick you up girls,” Jeonghan winked at Irene and she blushed; I sighed, “I’m working beforehand, otherwise I would’ve picked you up.”
“Vernon Chwe?” Irene’s eyebrows rose in surprise as she glanced at me, “You know him?”
Jeonghan chuckled and leaned against the counter, “He’s a good friend of mine.”
“What a coincidence…” I muttered with a glare and Irene nodded, not bothering to look at me as Jeonghan seemed to lean closer in towards her.
“Nothing is a coincidence, Y/N.” He said with a shit eating grin and I glared at him, “See you, Irene.”
“See you!” Irene said breathless and followed Jeonghan with her eyes until he was outside the door. I scoffed and looked at her, not believing what I just found out. Just what other things did Mingyu not tell me? I slapped Irene’s arm to get her attention, and she glared at me.
“What?” She snapped and I rolled my eyes.
“You are a smart woman, please, stay away from Jeonghan.” I looked at her with a serious expression, not wishing a similar fate to mine for her. She was a sweet person; she didn’t need someone like Jeonghan to taint her.
“Don’t worry,” Irene giggled and turned around, walking away, “I only want to fuck him.”
“What!” I shrieked as Irene laughed loudly, disappearing between the rows of bookcases, “Are you serious—wait for me!”
           And that’s how I ended up with Seungcheol, Irene, and Vernon in my apartment at seven in the afternoon, getting ready for the party. The boys were being loud in the living room; they were arguing five minutes ago who was the best team in Formula 1; while Irene and I worked quietly in my bed room, music filling the room. I asked her to straighten my hair for me and I helped her pull hers in a really tight, high pony-tail. We did our makeup and chatted about what our plans were for the upcoming spring break, our boss gave us a two week leave as he was going overseas for some conference. I attempted to sneakily study a little bit, but Irene noticed me taking glances at my notebook and she threw it in one of my drawers when I wasn’t looking. I shook my head at her but said nothing, she was right after all, I was stressing myself out even further. When we were ready, we quickly got dressed. Irene told me she would bring over a dress for me when I told her I didn’t have anything to wear for the party, and my jaw dropped to the floor when she threw the leather, black dress at me.
“You want me to wear this?” I exclaimed; eyes wide as I held the dress in my hands.
“Duh,” Irene said with a chuckle, not even glancing at me as she pulled on her black mini-dress which had a dangerously high cut at her right thigh. The long sleeves clung to her arms like a second skin and in a swift motion her high heel boots were on, and Irene was ready to leave.
“Stop standing there like a dummy,” She chuckled as she passed by me to get her phone, “We are supposed to leave in—”
“Y/N!” Seungcheol hollered from outside the bedroom door, knocking aggressively, “When are you done?”
“In five minutes!” Irene called back and I sighed, knowing I had no choice but to wear the dress now. I made a mental reminder to never trust Irene with picking a dress for me. Reluctantly, I pulled on the tight dress, groaning when it stopped mid-thigh.
“Why is it so short?!” I exclaimed, throwing daggers at Irene with my eyes when she giggled.
“Because you’re taller than I am!” I groaned and walked to the mirror, grimacing when I saw myself. The dress was off the shoulders and it clung to my whole body like a second skin. It had a belt at the waist that I tied tightly, and of course a zipper at the front, which was the only thing keeping the dress together. Irene grinned when she stopped beside me and patted my back.
“I knew this would look bomb on you,” I threw her a small glare and suddenly, her fingers gripped the zipper and pulled it down enough to expose the top of my breasts.
“What are you doing—” I shrieked and slapped her hand, trying to pull the zipper back up, but with a surprising force, Irene gripped my wrist and gave me a look.
“We are going clubbing, not to a grandmother convention.”
“This dress already is enough for clubbing! Why pull the zipper, Irene—”
“Silence!” She raised her hand, giving me a look when I opened my mouth to speak, “I won’t go if you don’t leave the zipper the way I did it!”
“You’re so mean.” I muttered with a pout and walked to my bed, picking up the red lipstick that I left there. I went back to the mirror and applied it on my lips, a grin appearing on them unintentionally. I looked really hot, cat-eyeliner looking amazing with this shade of lipstick. The more I looked at the dress too, the more I started to like it, but I would never let Irene know, I don’t want to see her shit-eating grin.
“Now…” I heard her mutter and when I turned around, she was bent down looking for something, “Where do you keep those leather heels you told me about…”
And then it clicked and my mouth fell open, “You!”
Irene glanced at me but continued looking wordlessly, the heels were resting by the wardrobe, “That’s why you picked this dress! Because I told you about my heels! I should have stayed silent—”
“Oh, quit whining!” Irene snapped, a victorious smirk on her lips as she held the heels in her hands and threw them in my direction, “Put them on, five minutes are almost up!”
I grumbled to myself as I pulled on the leather heels, coming mid-thigh, just below where the dress ended. The heels were sharp and tall, elongating my legs even more.
Irene squealed and threw me a mischievous smirk, “Everyone will want to fuck you tonight—”
“Irene!” I screamed, slapping her arm and making her hiss, “Stop saying stuff like that!”
I turned around, embarrassed, to grab my purse from the bed, ignoring the thoughts of Mingyu suddenly invading my mind. How will he react seeing me dressed like this? Meanwhile the red silk dress from the auction was definitely the look, this one is even better. This look, is my kind of look. It really brings out my best features and I feel really hot right now, I hope Mingyu will think the same. But not to the extent to ruin our secret…wait, who said Mingyu was even coming? No one, but by Jeonghan’s subtle words, I assumed Mingyu would show up too. After all, I can not imagine Mingyu not being there when his girlfriend is about to parade around a place infested with males. I just hope he doesn’t kill anyone who dares looking my way.
After turning off the music and shutting off the lights, Irene grabbed her bag, and we headed out of my bedroom. Vernon and Seungcheol were still in the living room, now having quieted down, speaking in hushed tones. I motioned for Irene that I will inform them that we are done and that we can leave. I walked carefully to create less sound, curious of why they were suddenly whispering.
“I’m not keen of mingling with the police.” Seungcheol’s voice was deep and low, as I peeked around the corner.
“That auction made us too susceptible, Mingyu knows what’s he doing—”
“Mingyu doesn’t know shit!” Seungcheol snapped harshly and Vernon sighed.
“I know you are his second-in-hand, but S.Coups, we wouldn’t be here if Mingyu didn’t pull all that shit years back—”
“Don’t you see he stopped listening to me?”
“It’s not like that—”
“Vernon, ever since he met Y/N, he’s…just changed. He does things carelessly; he fucked up two raids, for fuck’s sake, two! And now mingles with the police? Take orders from Wonwoo—fucking Jeon Wonwoo; Vernon! I’m sick of it all, I just want to—”
“What are you doing—” I yelped when Irene showed up next to me making me stumble a bit forward. Vernon and Seungcheol turned abruptly, heads shooting in our direction. My eyes widened and I shook my head at Irene, asking her to stay quiet. They definitely realized I was eavesdropping and I’m sure I wasn’t supposed to hear any of that. Seungcheol is Mingyu’s second-in-hand? What’s so wrong about taking orders from Wonwoo? Why did Mingyu change after meeting me? And why is a mafia leader getting involved with the police, isn’t that pure suicide? My head became dizzy from all the wondering and I cleared my throat when I realized all eyes were on me.
“What? Oh yeah, we are done.” I offered a small smile to Vernon and Seungcheol. Both men nodded, but remained staring at Irene and I, “Uh…what?”
Vernon giggled but Seungcheol’s eyebrows furrowed more, “Go back to your room and change out of that—”
“Are you her father, Seungcheol?” Irene snapped, glaring at Seungcheol, “Shut up and come on!”
“You look awesome, both of you!” Vernon exclaimed as he passed by us to put on his shoes. Seungcheol ignored Irene and walked up to me, eyebrows still furrowed.
“I have nothing else to wear.” I said with a shrug and Seungcheol scoffed.
“Do you want me to go through your wardrobe real quick?” He raised his eyebrows and Irene scoffed, hooking her arm with mine.
“Sorry, we’ve got no time for that,” She flashed him a fake grin and pulled me out into the hallway, where Vernon was typing on his phone, “Jesus, you never told me Seungcheol was so protective.”
“Why do you think I chose him to be my best friend?” I asked with a chuckle and Cheol scoffed from behind me.
“Obviously not with the intent of also listening to me when I want to do something good for you.”
“Oh, come on, Cheol,” I pouted and let go of Irene to grip onto my best friend’s arm, “I always listen to you, and if I don’t, I always take those words as advice.”
“Advice that kills you?” He raised his eyebrows and I threw him a glare as I let go of him.
“I’m not talking about Mingyu, again.” Vernon and Irene’s heads turned toward us in curiosity.
“He’ll be there tonight though.” Vernon raised an eyebrow and I threw him a questioning look before patting Seungcheol’s cheek.
“I love you, but shut up, Cheol.” He scoffed but a small smile slipped onto his lips.
“I love you too—”
“Good!” Irene chimed in, opening the front door, “Now that we are done with our early evening confessions, can we go?”
“We really should, Seungkwan texted me, they are already on their way there.” Vernon said as we all left my apartment and I locked the door, holding Seungcheol’s hand as we headed for the elevator. He gave it a reassuring squeeze and I grinned at him, pulling the leather jacket tighter around me. The weather wasn’t exactly fit for leather wear.
           I had no idea the whole SVT gang was coming to this underground party, so when four different flashy cars showed up in the parking lot, I was pretty surprised. Surprisingly, we arrived earlier as they got caught it traffic and we were waiting for the rest of the men inside Vernon’s car. It was cold outside and Irene and I weren’t dressed exactly appropriate for this weather, we didn’t want to catch a cold. Vernon got a text saying everyone was here, so we finally exited the warm car. Seungcheol was by my side instantly and I rolled my eyes when he intertwined his fingers with mine and threw a menacing glance to a guy passing by, who happened to look in our direction.
“Honestly, you have to stop doing that…” I trailed off with a look, making Seungcheol scoff.
“Right, I’m not gonna let guys ogle you the whole night—”
“I don’t think that’s how this works, Cheol.” I said with a laugh as we approached Mingyu’s Mercedes. Wonwoo was leaning against the car and Jihoon was by his side, talking about something.
“Seungcheol, Y/N!” Wonwoo exclaimed when he saw us and I offered him a small wave.
“Hi.” Jihoon gave us a nod and the three men did a handshake as I stood to the side. I looked around, searching for Mingyu, but I couldn’t see his tall frame anywhere. Irene was by Jeonghan’s side, giggling, and Vernon was leaning against his car, smoking a cigarette. I gave him a frown and he chuckled, making Seungkwan turn around with a frown. When his eyes fell on me, he gave me a glare and faced Vernon with a pout, making him burst out in laughter. I chuckled and turned back around, facing Mingyu’s car, eyes falling on the opened back door. Wonwoo held it with his hand as he typed away on his phone with his other; a leg was placed outside. My heart picked up and I looked at Seungcheol nervously, but he was busy muttering with Jihoon. Then, a hand gripped the edge of the door and out came Mingyu. Our eyes fell on each other and Mingyu’s jaw instantly clenched, making my heart beat faster. He wore leather pants, which hugged his long legs in all the perfect ways giving me a good view of his strong thighs; and he wore his leather jacket to match with his pants. I bit my lower lip, eyes running up and down his body, itching to go over and hug him tightly, to feel his body against mine. His curly hair was pushed back and the choker poking out from underneath his jacket made me gulp. Suddenly, Wonwoo cleared his throat, gaining my attention.
“You definitely didn’t miss the opportunity to dress up.” He said with a chuckle, glancing at Seungcheol, who happened to scoff.
“I’m never letting Irene dress her again.” He grumbled and I huffed, Jihoon started laughing loudly.
“Why not?” Jihoon asked once he calmed down, “She looks hot.”
I gulped and looked away from him flustered, watching Wonwoo grow amused as Mingyu slammed the door shut. I looked at him and he was glaring at an oblivious Jihoon.
“Irene picked your dress?” Mingyu finally spoke, eyes gazing at me intensely. I gave him a look before intertwining my fingers with Seungcheol’s again.
“Let’s go before he pisses me off.” I snapped and dragged Cheol with me, joining the other men that decided to enter the club. I felt Mingyu’s burning gaze on the back of my head and I had to bite the inside of my cheeks to stop myself from joining his side. I desperately wanted to touch him, but I knew I couldn’t when everyone would see us. To them, I still hated Mingyu, and Mingyu was still chasing me without any successful results. It sucked having a secret relationship, but I wasn’t ready to let everyone know. When we joined the line to enter the club, Seungcheol let go of my hand to go join Joshua at the front. Irene was waiting at the back for me, pouting when I joined her.
“Where’s your prince, huh?” I teased her and she nodded to where Seungcheol was.
“He got whisked away by that Joshua guy, I think…”
“Yeah, that’s Joshua.” I said with a chuckle and Irene crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Well, I hope he’ll stop bothering Jeonghan for the rest of the night—” Irene muttered and quickly smiled when Jeonghan glanced back at her. I rolled my eyes and watched Jeonghan beacon her over.
“Okay, that’s my sign.” She said with a smirk and pushed her way to the front where Jeonghan was. I huffed and remained standing alone at the back of the line, searching for Vernon to go and join him. When my eyes fell on him and I was about to walk over, a big hand gave my ass a hard squeeze and I hissed, whirling around, ready to punch the person, but it was Mingyu. My anger faltered quickly, until I remembered anyone could see us.
“What are you doing!” I snapped and glanced around, but no one from SVT was paying attention to us.
“You’re wearing all leather?” Mingyu muttered, eyes running over my body once again, and I felt my cheeks heat up.
“Yeah…” I muttered and didn’t step back when he closed the distance between us.
“Well fuck me,” He chuckled and pressed a hard kiss against my lips, making me whine, “Is this your way of getting revenge that I left that night?”
I rolled my eyes and raised my hand to wipe the red lipstick off his lower lip, “Don’t flatter yourself so much, Mingyu, if I really broke up with you that night, I wouldn’t be here.”
“You still think you can avoid me or ignore me?”
“So, what you are saying is that you’ll bother me for the rest of my life even if I end things with you?”
“You can’t end things with me, sugar,” His lips pulled up into a malicious smirk, “only death can do us apart.”
“Jesus,” I scoffed and stepped away, turning around to walk further inside the club, “I think this is the red-flag I’ve been waiting for.”
Mingyu’s smirk widened more and I threw him a glare as we reached the entrance. I went to take the money I placed in my pocket for the entrance fee, but Mingyu pulled out his wallet and threw a card at the guy selling the tickets. His eyes widened and he handed us two bracelets with a bow of his head, refusing to take my money when I tried to hand it to him confused.
“What was that?” I asked confused as we stepped inside the club, the music not quite loud as the party barely started and there weren’t many people around yet.
“Oh, that?” Mingyu asked cockily and I glared at him as I handed him the bracelet to put it on for me, “Nothing, just exerting my power onto others, of course.”
I huffed and smiled at him mockingly, “Don’t tell me literally everyone knows who the fuck you are.”
Mingyu raised his eyebrows and looked at me seriously, waiting for my reaction. When I realized he wouldn’t say anything else, realization dawned on me and my mouth fell open. He smirked again and I glared at him, ready to burst his cocky bubble.
“Well, to your information, if you showed me whatever the fuck you showed the guy, I still would have asked for money, because six months ago I had no fucking idea who you were, so…don’t flatter yourself so much, Kim Mingyu.”
“No, sugar,” He stepped closer, eyes fixating on mine, “That’s just who you are. Even if you knew me, you’d still not let me pass without paying—”
“You’re damn right…” I scoffed and crossed my arms in front of my chest, “You with your God-complex, Jesus…”
Mingyu burst out laughing and ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back again, my eyes following the movement. I wanted to run my hands through his hair too, but tonight I couldn’t.
“Y/N!” I sighed quietly as Seungcheol appeared at my side, watching me confused, “Why did you disappear?”
“Why did you leave me alone?” I fired back and he rolled his eyes, gripping my arms firmly.
“Joshua had something to say, you could have just walked with me—”
“Yeah, maybe if you told me!” I shrugged and Seungcheol threw me a small glare before turning towards Mingyu.
“And what do you want?” He snapped, raising his eyebrows.
“Ah, me?” Mingyu chuckled and raised his arms in the air as if he was surrendering, “Absolutely nothing…from you.”
Seungcheol’s glare returned as he started pulling me away from Mingyu and I giggled quietly, glancing back to see him following us.
“We booked a booth; you can leave your stuff there.” Seungcheol spoke as he led the way to the booth section, a sign saying only those could sit there who had booked one previously. I nodded wordlessly and noticed how Seungcheol abandoned his coat. He was wearing a sleeveless black tank-top with a high neck, it was tucked inside his high-waisted cream-colored loose trousers. And he comments about how I dressed, when he looks this hot.
We reached the booth and I scoffed as Seungcheol faced me, “Look at you scold me when you look like that!”
Seungcheol looked down at himself with a confused looked, Mingyu stopped next to me and took a quick lookover of the older male standing in front of us.
“I look…normal?” Seungcheol said finally confused, looking back at me.
“You look hot!” I exclaimed and people passing by glanced at me amused, Mingyu scoffed next to me. Seungcheol bit his lower lip piercing, trying to stop the smile from spreading onto his lips.
“Like…really fucking hot…” I emphasized it more and Mingyu scoffed louder, suddenly throwing his leather jacket off. Seungcheol and I looked at him questioningly but he ignored us and brushed past me, raising his chin high.
“What’s his problem.” Seungcheol muttered amused and I laughed, shrugging my shoulders.
“Maybe he’s jealous—”
“Please,” Seungcheol gave me a look, “Jealous of what? It’s not like you offered him sweet attention for the past six months—actually, I feel like you’ve gotten nicer to him since the auction.”
“I have?” I mused surprised, unzipping my leather jacket, “I don’t think I have; you’re just imagining it.”
“Am I?” Seungcheol raised his eyebrows and I stared down at him, I was taller in my heels, as I took off the jacket.
“Will you seriously ruin my night by mentioning Mingyu every five seconds?” I raised my eyebrows at my best friend and he shook his head, taking my jacket.
“No, no…” He approached the booth and called out for Soonyoung to take them and hand the jackets behind him on the wall, “Wanna take some shots now or when the party starts?”
“Y/N!” Two different hands grabbed my arms on each side and I jumped, looking at Seokmin then at Chan.
“Hi, guys,” I giggled and Chan offered me a small wave.
“Did I just hear shots?” Seokmin asked with a wicked grin and I nodded my head slowly, glancing at Seungcheol, who didn’t look very amused.
“Want to join us?”
“Hell yeah!” Seokmin exclaimed excited and I laughed, wriggling an arm free to wave over Irene and Vernon.
“Irene! Vernon!” I called loudly, catching their attention, “We are getting shots!”
Irene was instantly on her feet, Jeonghan forgotten, as she basically ran up to us and Vernon quickly stood by Seungcheol’s side to join us.
“Okay, let’s go then…” I grinned and Seokmin gripped my arm again as him and Chan started pulling me towards the bar eagerly, making me giggle quietly. It was a bit hard to keep up with their eager pace in these heels, but I stayed quiet as the booth wasn’t very far from the bar. Irene, however, was basically running in her heels and she got to the bar first, already speaking fast to order.
“Someone is eager tonight…” Vernon muttered as we got to her side, he leaned against the bar.
“Eager to choke on some dick, you mean—” Seokmin and Vernon burst out laughing as I gave my best friend a nasty glare. Chan muttered something underneath his breath as he gave Seungcheol the stink eye too, letting go of my arm.
“At least I’m getting some dick tonight, Seungcheol, unlike you—” Irene smirked sweetly at Cheol, “Who will be playing police and hunting down every guy that dares to come close to Y/N, am I right Y/N?”
“Sounds pretty right.” I nodded with a hum and Seungcheol scoffed, turning around and grabbing a shot glass.
“Shut up and drink.” He snapped and we all laughed, stepping forward to grab a glass each. Seokmin still held onto my arm and I didn’t question him. We clanked our glasses together and emptied the glass, throats burning from the strong liquid. Suddenly, another round was placed on the table and we all looked at Irene.
“What? I told them I’m here with Kim Mingyu and apparently everything is on the house—so, I ordered five rounds!” She said excitedly, another glass in her hand already.
“Five rounds?” Chan exclaimed, grimacing as he hesitantly grabbed another glass.
“Dude,” Vernon grinned as he watched Chan amused, “You are so getting shit faced tonight!”
“You’re telling me?” Chan whined as we all grabbed our second rounds, “I didn’t eat anything before coming here.”
“Me neither.” Seungcheol groaned out after we downed our second shots. I shuddered as the liquid traveled down to my stomach, burning my body from the inside.
“What’s with Mingyu though,” Irene spoke up as our third round got filled, “Everyone looked scared shitless when I mentioned him—”
“We are regulars here.” Vernon quickly answered her, before anyone else could, “He gets in fights sometimes, and uh, he’s a big guy, you know—people don’t exactly—vibe with him always, you know?”
“Ah,” Irene pouted and handed me my third round of shot, “That makes sense.”
“It totally does.” Seokmin said with a very serious expression, making Irene give him a questioning look.
“Who are you again?” She asked as we raised our glasses and downed the shots, “I forgot your name.”
Chan laughed next to me and Seokmin glared at him as my body shuddered again from the foul taste.
“Seokmin.” The bright boy said sulkily next to me and I offered him a small smile.
“I don’t think five shots are smart, because I’m starting to get dizzy—”
“This is a bad idea,” Seungcheol agreed with me, but his fourth round was in his hand already, “But I mean…we’ve only got two rounds…”
“Fair point…” I muttered as we downed this and then the next one, groaning at the burning in our body. I ordered some Sprite to wash down the foul taste but it only helped partially. Seungcheol walked to my side and threw his arm over my shoulders, grinning at me. I chuckled and glanced at Seokmin questioningly as he held my arm still.
“Oh, this?” He grimaced and only gripped harder, “I stop feeling my legs when I drink alcohol, I really need to hold onto someone.”
“Wouldn’t it be smarter to hold onto Vernon, Chan or Seungcheol?” I raised my eyebrows as Chan approached Seokmin on his other side, “They are more powerful, you know…”
“But your skin is really soft…” Seokmin muttered to himself and Irene’s laughter was loud as Seungcheol glared at the man.
“Take him away.” He instructed Chan and the younger boy did as told, dragging away a pouting Seokmin. I laughed and pulled Vernon into my side, gazing out onto the dance floor. The club was finally getting filled, music turned up to a louder volume now, bass reverberating off the walls and making our chests feel like they thumped together.
“I hope you both dance with me!” I looked at my two friends with raised eyebrows and accusing eyes. Vernon grinned and Seungcheol sighed, giving me a look.
“Of course, we’ll dance with you, Y/N!” Vernon pushed off the bar and pulled us onto the dance floor, “Why did we even come clubbing for if not to dance?”
“Definitely not for a one-night stand!” Irene flashed Seungcheol sweet eyes as she brushed past us, headed for the booth to probably coerce Jeonghan on the dance floor as well. Vernon and I laughed as Seungcheol glared after Irene, arm leaving me. Vernon turned me around, hugged me into himself, and started shaking us around. I burst out laughing as I tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he became more chaotic, totally ignoring the beat of the music.
“Stop!” I laughed as Seungcheol watched us with a glare, “I just had five shots, do you want me throw up on you?”
“Are you drunk already?” Vernon exclaimed alarmed and stepped back.
“No, but anyone would throw up if someone shook them around like that!” Seungcheol answered for me and I nodded with a shrug, Cheol wasn’t wrong. Vernon pouted and pretended to walk away from us, making Seungcheol and I roll our eyes as we intertwined our hands and stared moving to the upbeat song. Seungcheol started jumping around and I shook my head, as I watched Seungkwan surprised as he joined us. He threw me a small glare before facing Vernon and they moved around goofily, making me smile. The brotherhood these boys had was anything unlike I’ve seen before. In the six months I spent with them, I realized they were a big family before they were just a gang formed of thirteen members. They loved each other genuinely and supported each other when in need. Distracted by watching Vernon and Seungkwan, I almost failed to notice Seungcheol sneakily trying to grab the zipper of my dress.
“Are you trying to touch my boobs, Choi Seungcheol?!” I called out loudly, staring at him with my eyebrows raised. Seungcheol’s face drained of color and he shook his head violently, his grip leaving my hand, as he went to even shake his hands.
“No, no, no!” He exclaimed, panicked, “That zipper could be pulled higher, your boobs are kind of—”
“Spilling out?” Seungkwan intertwined, giving me a side glance, “That’s the charm of the dress, Seungcheol, let the woman have fun, Jesus…”
A big grin spread on my lips as I looked at Seungkwan, he had a scowl on his face but it wasn’t directed at me this time, and I felt grateful. He never really liked me, even though Vernon said he’d come around, Seungkwan never really did like Jihoon, Joshua and Minghao did. All three warmed up to me after I spent a little time with them, but Seungkwan was hellbent on always making fun of me and criticizing me. I didn’t understand why, but I convinced myself that was how Seungkwan just was. He showed his love like that, or at least I fed myself that lie to feel less worse whenever we met. His eyes fell on me and he threw me a small glare and I knew the little affection he showed towards me was gone and never spoken again of, so I stuck my tongue out at him and turned back to Seungcheol to shake my ass at him, knowing it’d piss him off. And it did, when I faced him, he was glaring at me and his arms were crossed in front of his chest.
“Five more rounds to make Seungcheol less tense and to get him to leave you alone?!” Vernon asked as he watched all three of us, eyes lighting up with mischief. I laughed and shook my head as Seungkwan took the offer.
“I’m good for now! Maybe later, but Seungcheol—” I threw my best friend a knowing smirk and he sighed, motioning for Vernon and Seungkwan to follow him to the bar. He loved drinking, especially if it was free, and so I knew he’d get drunk and I’d have to sleep over at his to make sure he didn’t get sick during the night.
Being left alone on the dance floor, I moved around to the beat subtly, turning to try and find our booth from here. Most guys have already dispersed around the club, only around four people remained in the booth, and when I saw Mingyu sitting there alone, I decided to approach him. I walked around people, pushed a few away, to be able to get out from the dance floor and the first thing I noticed were Jeonghan and Irene sitting at the edge of the booth, leaning over each other as they were talking about something.
“Y/N!” Irene exclaimed when I stopped next to them and Jeonghan gave me a smirk as a greeting, “I was looking for you!”
“You were?” I raised my eyebrows and Jeonghan chuckled, raising to his feet, “Didn’t seem like it to me!”
“She was!” Jeonghan said as he exited the booth, offering his hand for Irene, “Care to join us on the dance floor?”
“Go ahead, I’ll be there in a few seconds!” Irene offered me a wide smile, disappearing with Jeonghan onto the dance floor. My eyes fell on Wonwoo and Mingyu, the only people sitting in the booth. Wonwoo was on his phone, sitting to the side, meanwhile Mingyu sat in the back, in the middle of the long sofa, legs spread wide and arms resting on the back of the sofa. He wore a white sleeveless shirt with green vine-like prints on it, and his choker was white as it sat around his neck tightly. I took in his form and gulped down the excess saliva, resting my arms on the table and leaning forward. Mingyu’s eyes instantly left my face and rested on my chest, jaw clenching, before he slowly dragged his eyes back up. We made eye contact and he licked his lips, hands clenching into fists. It seemed like I wasn’t the only one struggling at trying to stay away from him tonight, but I sure as hell was doing a better job at not showing it.
“Do you plan on sitting there all night?!” I asked loudly, Wonwoo snapped his head up at my voice alerted, “Just sit and watch?!”
Mingyu licked his lips again as his eyes fell back onto my breasts and he nodded, “I like the view from here!”
“You sure do,” I rolled my eyes, and stood up straight, “but I’m feeling lonely.”
“Someone is being careless tonight!” Mingyu’s lips spread in a smirk and I returned it.
“Who says I’m inviting you to dance with me? I’m asking you to join us!”
“Yeah, I’ll pass on that offer, sugar.” I huffed and my eyes landed on Wonwoo, who’s phone was placed away now.
“And you?” I raised my eyebrows at him, “Will you stay here all night next to Mingyu like a guard-dog?”
Wonwoo’s lips pulled up into an amused smile and he glanced at Mingyu, getting to his feet and adjusting his pants before he spoke up, “Of course not, I was just waiting for a hot chick to invite me to dance!”
“Wonwoo.” Mingyu’s growl was low, yet we both caught it and both Wonwoo and I burst out laughing as he exited the booth.
“Yeah, sorry, Mingyu, but I came here to have fun so…suit yourself!” Wonwoo winked at his friend and I took his extended hand, turning my back to Mingyu; I made sure to sway my hips more than I usually would do as Wonwoo led the way to the dance floor.
           Time passed but the night was still young and I haven’t stopped dancing even for a second. I took three trips to the bar already, only doing three round shots this time, not exactly wanting to get drunk by the end of the party. I knew how to hold my liquor, I also knew when was the time for me to stop and right now I was right there, so instead of downing another round of shots like Irene and the guys were doing next to me, I instead drank from the Sprite I ordered. Soonyoung and Seokmin cheered loudly as they slammed their glasses against the bar, high-fiving each other for finishing the shots first and then they turned around and headed back to the dance floor. I laughed at them and turned towards Minghao when I felt him nudge me. He had a sour look on his face, eyebrows furrowed, and I offered him my Sprite to wash away the sour taste of his non-alcoholic drink with. He took it with a grateful nod and I looked towards Irene amused when she started cheering loudly. Her and Jeonghan have been drinking the whole time we’ve been here for, competing to see which one would get drunk first, and right now, both already were.
“That was my last shot of the night!” Jeonghan slurred, almost knocking over three other glasses as he slammed his down.
“You give up?!” Irene shouted with a grin.
“Unless you want to put me in a coma?!” I laughed at Jeonghan’s words and took the bottle of Sprite back from Minghao.
“I won then,” A smirk spread on Irene’s lips and she stepped closer to Jeonghan, holding his chin, “where’s my prize?”
“Right in front of your eyes.” Jeonghan smirked before his lips were on Irene’s and both Minghao and I turned away with a grimace on our faces.
“That was enough action for me tonight, I’m retreating!” He called with a tired voice, taking my Sprite bottle, “I’m stealing this, I hope you don’t mind!”
“I don’t, drive home safely!” I patted his shoulder; Minghao didn’t drink alcohol tonight; and Minghao gave me a small nod of goodbye.
“Take care of your drunk friend!” I nodded as he disappeared into the crowd of people. Seeing Jeonghan and Irene still making out, I sighed, and headed back onto the dance floor, eyes falling onto the booth to find Mingyu gone. He, himself, took a few trips to the bar during our time here, but I always kept my eyes on him and so did he with me. Not seeing him didn’t alert me very much, but I continued to look for him to make sure he was fine. He was a powerful and dangerous man after all, many people wanted to see him dead. Not seeing him at the bar and booth, I figured he’d gone to the restroom, so I ventured inside the dancing crowd but my eyes narrowed when it fell on Mingyu. Two females with short skirts, shorter than mine, clung onto his exposed arms and giggled at something Mingyu was saying. He was grinning down at them wickedly and my jaw clenched as I watched the suggestive way they continued gazing at him. I knew he was just doing his façade as the two of us basically weren’t a couple that others knew about, but as I turned down multiple men trying to hit on me, I expected the same behavior from him. Without thinking twice, the alcohol fueled my anger even more, I headed in their direction eyes set on them like a hawk. As the long, black haired girl raised her hand to place it against Mingyu’s chest, I caught it in a vice like grip. I didn’t even care anymore if someone from SVT saw me, I wanted their hands off my boyfriend.
“Having fun?” I shouted over the music, raising my eyebrows at the three people in front of me. The girl struggled to pull her hand away, but I squeezed it harder.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” The other one, who I wasn’t holding, took a demanding stance and laughter bubbled up from my lungs.
“Your hands on my boyfriend!” I stared the woman down with a death stare and when her lips pulled into a smirk, I thought I’d break the wrist of the woman I was holding. She yelped loudly and I released her arm, realizing I was hurting her, and she instantly stepped away from Mingyu.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know—”
“Who the fuck cares, Dahyun!” The other one still clinging to Mingyu provoked, “He never said he has a girlfriend!”
I was sure even my face got red and when I stepped forward, right hand curled into a fist, Mingyu stepped away from the woman and glared at her.
“Fuck off, both of you.” He snapped aggressively and both women scrambled away, not without the black haired one shooting daggers at me. I felt like I was breathing out fire as I watched them until they got sucked into the crowd, I didn’t even feel Mingyu approaching me. My eyes snapped at him when I felt firm hands gripping my hips tightly, trying to gain my attention.
“Calm down, sugar,” Mingyu’s voice remained soothing as he shouted over the music, “I wouldn’t have let them do anything! It would’ve been suspicious if I stayed in the booth all night watching you—”
“You let them touch you!” I snapped, still angrier than I normally would be, of course, due to the alcohol in my system, “I will break their fingers and yours too!”
Mingyu had the audacity to laugh in my face and squeeze my hips, pulling me closer to his body, his honey-like cologne invading my nostrils. My skin tingled and my heartbeat quickened, I wanted to touch him and feel him against me, kiss him. So, I leaned closer to him, lips almost on his, when he pulled away.
“Not here.” His voice was low but I heard it crystal clear, his eyes darkened as he watched my eyebrows furrow as I placed my hands on top of his.
“I can’t do this anymore!” I whined and desperately clung to his hands, “I want to feel you!”
Mingyu’s jaw clenched and he turned one of his hands, letting go of my hip, to intertwine our fingers, “Soon, okay?! We’ll make it look normal, pretend to go the restroom or something—but be patient!”
I sighed and nodded my head, eyes on his lips as I watched him talk, imagining the softness and the smokey taste they always carried around. Before I could answer him back verbally too, someone else grabbed my shoulder and I was ready to create a scene thinking it was Seungcheol, but when I looked to my right, it was actually Junhui. He had a smirk on his face and I watched him confused as he pushed me a bit forward.
“Come on, let’s go dance with Seungcheol!” He shouted over the music, not even sparing a glance at Mingyu, clearly uninterested in with whom I was. Mingyu’s grip turned dangerously tight and I hissed, squirming out of his grip due to the pain. I didn’t want to go with Jun, I wanted to stay with Mingyu, but I knew Jun would snitch to Seungcheol if I stayed here, so I shot my boyfriend an apologetic smile and let Jun lead me away and towards Seungcheol, Vernon, Irene, Jeonghan, and Seungkwan. Everyone was pretty tipsy, besides Irene and Jeonghan who were really drunk. They greeted us with grins when Jun and I stopped next to them and I waved at Seungcheol, who didn’t seem very happy that I arrived with Junhui. I was about to stand next to Seungcheol as Jun was still holding me and I wasn’t very comfortable with it, when I felt his hands shift to my waist and move me from behind. My brain went blank when I realized he was trying to dance with me and I didn’t know how to react, so I let him lead my hips to his own rhythm. I was feeling uncomfortable but I played it off, trying to put even a tiny little bit of distance between our bodies, but Jun held me tightly against him. I made eye contact with Seungcheol and he was glaring hard at Junhui as he started moving towards us, clearly seeing how uncomfortable I was feeling. I shuddered when Jun rested his chin on my exposed shoulder, his breath hitting my skin, and I decided that it was time I helped myself get away. I gripped his hands and tried to pry them off, shooting Seungcheol a look when he was about to raise his fist, as if to punch Jun.
“Hey! Let go—” He started shouting, but suddenly, Junhui’s body was gone and I turned around stunned. Seungcheol watched amazed as Mingyu held Jun back by the collar of his white shirt, with a gaze that could make you drop dead on the spot. He raised his forefinger at Jun as he started saying something to him, mouth moving fast. Seungcheol placed a hand on my shoulder and I offered him a small smile, watching Mingyu, scared he’d punch Jun or something and cause a scene that would attract more eyes than the ones already on us. Jun’s jaw was clenched as he glared back at Mingyu, but he just nodded twice when Mingyu finished speaking and stepped away from him, turning his back and walking off. Mingyu remained still for a few seconds before he turned around, eyes locked with mine, and then the next second I was pulled into his big body. Seungcheol’s arm disappeared from my shoulder and I didn’t feel it try to pull me away, as Mingyu’s hands held me against him tightly. I sighed and circled my arms around his neck, clinging onto him like I wanted to all night. The heels made me even taller than I usually was and I could feel his hot breath hitting my ear, making the hairs stand on my arms. One of his hands gripped my nape as the other rested on my ass, I didn’t even care who saw us and what they thought, I just wanted to be close to my boyfriend. Mingyu started swaying us to the rhythm and an excited grin appeared on my lips as we were finally doing what I wished for us to do all night. I could have been imagining it, but I thought I could feel the rapid beat of his heart as I pressed a kiss just below his ear, giggling at the way his hands squeezed me in warning, asking me to stop. I knew I had to stop, otherwise, we’d really blow our cover. If I was struggling this much at trying to ignore him all night, I couldn’t imagine what Mingyu was feeling having to see me dressed so revealing without being able to feel me. I pushed all worries to the back of my mind, all the explanations I’d have to come up with to the ones that saw what happened, and enjoyed the present moment of doing what I wanted all night. Moving with Mingyu, against him, and running my hands all over his body with the occasional swift kisses pressed against his skin, my night was complete.
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           Seungcheol was finally free after the party and we could sit down to study together. He had a lot of catching up to do, so we didn’t talk much, only asked each other if we needed help understanding something. I was secretly really happy that Seungcheol was too busy studying to even think about anything else, because I knew he wasn’t drunk enough last time to have trouble remembering events from the club. I knew it was eating him alive that he let Mingyu dance with me, as if that was some horrible thing, and I realized it this morning when Cheol showed up at my door with a big ass homecooked breakfast. He wasn’t someone who enjoyed staying in the kitchen, probably why he would always eat my leftover food, but when something really bothered him it was his way of unwinding. A weird habit, but it helped him clear his mind for a bit. And so now I was just waiting for him to bring it up, even though I really didn’t want to talk about it, but it was inevitable. We had placed two mugs of coffee on my coffee table in the living room and while I rested on the sofa with a notebook in my lap, Seungcheol was strolling around in my living room as he mumbled to himself whatever was written in his notebook. The atmosphere was chill and pleasant, like it usually was when we were studying, until, of course, Seungcheol opened his mouth and stressed me out with one single question.
“Why were you clinging to Mingyu last night?” I thought if I didn’t react to the question, he’d assume I didn’t hear it and would drop it, but when I felt my best friend’s burning gaze on me, I realized he wouldn’t let this topic slide at all. Seungcheol was angry and confused and wanted answers.
“Uhm,” I shrugged, glancing up at him with my heart thumping quickly, “I guess the alcohol messed with me. I get clingy, I think…you know that though.”
Seungcheol gave me a look and I looked away, attempting to continue studying, “You are not clingy, ever.”
“Why does it matter though?” I snapped, glancing at Seungcheol. He seemed outraged by my question as he threw me a glare.
“Why does it matter?” He scoffed and I stared at him with my lips in a straight line, “Because it’s Kim Mingyu! He will fuck your whole life up, Y/N, if you get involved with him. Please, listen to me, I’ve known him for a long time, okay? He’s not the person who he pretends to be, he just wants to—”
Seungcheol cut himself off and I raised my eyebrows, feeling a bit attacked, “Wants to fuck me? Then dump me and never speak to me again? Maybe taunt me a little bit, play with me for a short time then break my heart because he’s an awful person?”
Seungcheol gulped and nodded his head once, looking back down at his notebook, “Well…I know.”
The words didn’t feel right and I didn’t believe what I said. Maybe at the beginning, when I met him, I believed that, but not anymore. Not ever since we’ve spent so much time together and he let me see his vulnerable side. He didn’t share very much, but I figured he was being cautious, and he just probably wasn’t ready yet to lay his whole life out for me.
“If you know, stop associating yourself with him!” Seungcheol snapped and looked at me frustrated, “Every single time when he comes to you with a suicidal proposal, you accept it! It’s like you can’t wait until he shows up with something crazy! Do you understand what we do is dangerous? That you keep getting involved in things you shouldn’t? We can’t protect you always, I won’t be with you always.”
I grew annoyed at Seungcheol’s words and I placed my notebook aside, crossing my arms in front of my chest, “You do realize this applies to you as well? For five years, Seungcheol, I had no idea you were a gang leader’s or whatever’s second-in-hand. You were the first one to expose me, idiot, and now you keep blaming everything on Mingyu! Why is it always about him? Why is it never about you? Why will you not admit it, Cheol?”
My best friend gulped and he looked down, a guilty look crossing his features before he looked back at me, “Because you are my sister. I come form a shitty family, you know, I struggled my whole life with money because my parents couldn’t deal with them. I still have to help them, if it wasn’t for me, they’d be living on the streets right now. And SVT—I had to do many dirty things to become Mingyu’s second-in-hand, things that would horrify you—I’m—a horrible person and you make me feel a little less horrible. Like I have a normal life, like I’m just a simple university student, like I’m just Choi Seungcheol.”
I bit my lower lip, anger dissipating a little bit, as Seungcheol looked back at me teary eyed, “I know I’m selfish, okay? And I know I can be a lot to deal with sometimes but I just—really love you, okay? And I’m really scared of losing you, that’s why I hate you being involved with SVT and not just me. While it was just me, it wasn’t that dangerous, but now everyone—”
He sighed and my eyebrows furrowed, I watched Seungcheol expectantly and he just shook his head, “Now everyone knows you are Mingyu’s and that if they touch you, they are dead. But that also implies if they touch you, Mingyu is destroyed. And Mingyu has pissed of many people who’d like to get back at him and now—he offered them a perfect bait.”
I gulped as Seungcheol approached me, “I know Cheol, I was kidnapped within the first week of meeting him. And I think about it more often than you’d think…how easily I could disappear one day and end up dead without being able to say goodbye to…the people I love. But I chose to trust you, SVT, and Mingyu. Have a little faith in him, will you?”
Seungcheol grimaced as he plopped down next to me, cuddling up into my side, “When you kissed him at the auction, I thought I’d shoot his brains out.”
“You what?” I exclaimed, glaring down at my best friend. Just the thought of Mingyu getting harmed could send me into a panicked frenzy and when it was coming from Cheol, it made me even more upset. I would never forgive him if he harmed Mingyu.
“He planned it all, Y/N, did you never think of that?” Seungcheol’s eyes connected with mine and I looked at him confused, “He’s an amazing manipulator, Y/N. Whatever he said that made you kiss him, he planned it, he wanted that to happen. The people who were there wanted to ambush Mingyu that night and kill him, but he brought you along and changed their plans. Not because they care if an innocent life dies, no, because Mingyu changed routes. They didn’t know where the two of you would go after the auction and they couldn’t proceed with their plan. It was all a lead on, that’s why I was so damn angry and wanted you to stay out of it. Because I was scared, I’d lose you.”
I frowned as I in-took the information Seungcheol just gave me; he looked at me worried, as if he knew how this affected me. So…the auction was not only a set up to kill Mingyu, but it was also a set up to fool those people and also put my life at risk? It didn’t sit well with me and perhaps my blind trust in Mingyu faltered a little bit. How do I know what we have now is genuine?
“Who’s Hirai Momo?” I blurted out, remembering the tension between the old man and Mingyu. How smug he acted there, how tauntingly he said her name, how he owned the place. Seungcheol sat up straight, eyes wide.
If Mingyu was so horrible, he must have done something to them, I wanted to know what. Did he use the family, maybe Momo, like he used me for the auction? Was he using me now too? Would I suffer a similar fate to the Hirai family?
“Vernon—” I gulped as I maintained eye-contact with Cheol, hating that I was lying to him again, “I heard him mention that name and he looked…really sad…”
Seungcheol gulped and he looked away, scratching the back of his neck, “The Hirai family got involved with Mingyu at the worst time and they thought they could play him, so now Mingyu owns them for life. It’s a dirty world we live in, Y/N. Once you mess with a leader like Mingyu, you’re at his mercy.”
I hummed and played with my fingers as Cheol glanced at me, looking uncomfortable, “But who’s Momo?”
“A woman.”
“What happened to her?”
Seungcheol refused to look at me as he rose from the sofa and took his mug, taking a sip from it, “Just a poor girl who—got involved with the wrong person—”
“Stop saying that!” I snapped, anger returning, “I’m fed up with hearing the same excuse over and over again! Just tell me!”
“She’s Mingyu’s ex, okay?” Seungcheol snapped, his anger seeming to match mine, “She fell in love with him and Mingyu played her, no, destroyed her for life. He exploited her and bent her to his wishes however he wanted. Momo can’t see Mingyu anymore, unless she wants to have another maniac episode. He traumatized her and now she’s suffering on her own, her parents struggle to keep her together every day. We don’t talk about her, so you should never bring her up again.”  
I gulped as I watched Seungcheol, not exactly knowing how to take in the information. Mingyu did something so bad to Momo that she’s now suffering? He literally drove her crazy? I bit my lower lip and looked away from my best friend, afraid he’d already seen the tears in my eyes. I had the audacity to waltz inside the poor family’s house and flaunt around with Mingyu. With Mingyu, who knew if Momo saw him, she’d get worse, no, he enjoyed the thought of her seeing him…and me there with him. Who was the person I was dating? Did I even know anything about him? Was I destined to have the same fate? Maybe worse? Would he drive me crazy or kill me when he was done with me? I was on the verge of breaking down and just telling Seungcheol that I was dating Mingyu, when loud knocking interrupted the silence of my apartment. I jumped to my feet, hands shaking from the shock of what I learned, and Seungcheol extended an arm.
“Stay here.” He muttered lowly as he cautiously headed for the front door. I saw him peeking out the window before he neared the door, undoing the locks one by one. Seungcheol’s shoulders were tense as he gripped the handle and swung the door open, unleashing hell.
“Move, fuck, move!�� Someone shouted and I jumped, heart thumping wildly.
“Where’s the fucking kitchen—”
“To the left, what the fuck happened!” Seungcheol’s voice boomed over the voices in my apartment and I was in the hallway, eyes widening at the sight. I gasped as I watched Mingyu half conscious, groaning at every step Wonwoo and Hoshi took. Chan looked frantic and when my eyes fell on Mingyu’s bloodied white shirt, I had to lean against the wall.
“What happened?” I asked faintly, not even noticing Cheol approach me.
“Go sit in the living room—”
“No, what the fuck happened!” I shouted, following after Wonwoo and Hoshi into my kitchen. Chan threw everything off my table, I didn’t care when a plate shattered, and Mingyu was laid on top of it.
“I need gauze, a knife, needle and thread, alcohol!” Seungcheol rushed past me, knocking into me, as I stood in the doorway with my eyes fixated on Mingyu’s pain covered face.
“A deal went wrong—” Wonwoo huffed out, tearing Mingyu’s shirt open as Chan rushed to wash his hands in the sink, Hoshi held Mingyu’s torso down, “Shootout happened, he got injured—”
Mingyu moaned loudly in pain and I watched helpless, that one time he returned injured after a week of missing and I had to dress him returning to my mind.
“Hurry the fuck up, S. Coups!” Chan shouted and I bit my lower lip, heart beating fast when Wonwoo slowly lifted the bloody material off Mingyu’s skin. Mingyu groaned again as he pressed his head into the table, eyes opening and falling on me.
“Sugar…” He panted, voice weak and raspy. I didn’t know how to react, my hands shook more, when Wonwoo beaconed me over.
“Is he—will he—die?”
“Not if it depends on me.” Chan said determinedly as Seungcheol rushed into the kitchen, everything Chan asked for in his arms. I shakily approached them and bit my lower lip when Mingyu grimaced again, squirming around more.
“Stop moving if you want the bullet out of your body!” Hoshi snapped and my eyes fell on the wound for the first time. I could see the bullet actually, it wasn’t in very deep, and it made me sick; his lower abdomen was all bloody and sweat covered his body.
“I told you to wear a fucking vest!” Wonwoo cursed, his deep voice raising at Mingyu and Seungcheol disinfected the knife and needle with the alcohol.
“Sugar…” Mingyu’s eyes searched for mine and I looked at him, not knowing what to do, “Now would be a good time to get a kiss…”
I huffed out a chuckle, shaking my head at him, as Chan took the knife in his hand, “Hold him down.”
Seungcheol grabbed Mingyu’s thighs, Hoshi held onto his torso and Wonwoo stood beside me, hands pressing down his shoulders.
“You can hold him too; he needs a little comfort.” Wonwoo muttered to me when Chan approached Mingyu.
“Stay still.” Chan instructed and I watched as he lowered the knife closer and closer to Mingyu’s ribs, poking the skin just underneath the bullet wound. Mingyu groaned loudly, sucking his belly in and I fell to my knees, taking his head in my hands.
“Look at me,” I said shakily and Mingyu’s jaw clenched as a groan left his lips, “You’ll be fine.”
His body was twitching and my eyebrows furrowed when I glanced at Chan, knife in the wound, pushing the bullet out. The sight made me sick and I looked back at Mingyu as he cried out.
“It’s almost out, Mingyu…” I whispered and he groaned, turning his head into my hold, closing his eyes tightly shut. Chan worked to wipe the wound with alcohol too and Mingyu cried out for the second time, his voice raw. My heart clenched at the sound and I knew he could feel the tremor of my hands when his eyes snapped open, the needle with the threat entering his skin to stitch him up.
“I’m fine.” He growled out, jaw clenched, the veins in his neck showing, as he pressed his head into my touch.
“Yes, you are.” I snapped, biting my lower lip when he attempted to chuckle, “Because…if you die…I don’t know what I’ll do.”
I needed so many answers, he couldn’t leave me. We’ve been together for way too little time; I couldn’t lose him now.
“A bullet can’t—” He hissed and I glanced at Chan to see him having finished stitching Mingyu up, “take me down, fuck.”
His body seemed to go slack, his muscles loosened when Chan stepped back, and the boys let go of him. I couldn’t, not when he was laying on my kitchen table injured and in pain. He nuzzled his cheek into my touch and closed his eyes as Chan cleaned up the skin around the wound as best as he could, pressing some gauze against the stitches.
“Who did this?” Seungcheol’s voice was deadly, low and menacing, and my head whipped in his direction to see him staring at Mingyu’s wound. Soonyoung shared a look with Wonwoo and he left Mingyu’s side, taking Seungcheol out of the kitchen with himself.
“Seungcheol told us it was a bad idea—” Wonwoo seemed angry as his palms turned into fists.
“And you said we should proceed still—” Mingyu spat, eyes blazing with fire as he opened them, glaring at his best friend. Chan remained quiet as he cleaned up and I continued to hold Mingyu’s head, stroking his hot cheek. And then I remembered the conversation I overheard Vernon and Seungcheol having, and I opened my mouth, not letting Wonwoo say anything.
“Since when do you take orders from Wonwoo?” I snapped, raising my eyebrows. The three men looked at me stunned, my voice was hard and the panic and anger slipped through, “Seungcheol is your fucking second-in-hand, not Wonwoo. Remember who you are, Kim Mingyu, and start acting like it.”
When I said those words, I didn’t know the weight they carried. I failed to notice the look Chan and Wonwoo shared next to me, the way they straightened up and looked down. Mingyu’s eyebrows furrowed, probably confused how I knew that, but I knew he got the message when his expression hardened. He raised his head and I lowered mine, pressing a kiss against his lips before Seungcheol returned. The questions remained, all the insecurities worsened, but when I looked at Mingyu, laying on my table in the kitchen injured, I knew those could wait. I knew I would forgive him, because I cared about him so much. So much, I felt like my own life flashed in front of my eyes when I saw him in pain and all bloody. I realized, no matter what this man did to me, I would always return because I cared about him. Because I wanted to be with him, because I felt something for him, I’ve never felt before. And maybe…I was the next Momo, but I couldn’t bring myself to walk away. And if I didn’t do it now, I wouldn’t do it later.
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           The boys stayed for two hours, letting Mingyu get a little rest while they planned how to get back at the gang that injured their leader. I cooked some food and fed the men, staying by Mingyu’s side, even though he asked to be alone. I couldn’t bring myself to do that, not when his face was scrunched up in his sleep, and he winced at the tiniest movement. Chan gave him some powerful painkillers but the effects kicked in later than they were expecting it. Seungcheol was too busy and tired to pay any attention to me as they were huddled around in my kitchen at the table, which we cleaned up already, discussing about something I wasn’t supposed to hear about. I took that as my chance to sneak into my bedroom, where Mingyu was resting, and study some more while supervising him and making sure he was alright. Mingyu had a fever, but Chan said it was a normal reaction. Apparently, Chan went to med school and he was SVT’s medic, in case something like this happened. He reassured me that Mingyu would be fine and in no more than just a week, he’d stop feeling any discomfort caused by the bullet wound. I trusted him and thanked him for doing his best as I closed the bedroom door softly, turning around to see Mingyu’s eyes half opened. He looked tired and in pain, my heart clenched. This was such a bad timing, I wanted to reassure him, but Seungcheol’s words hung around my head and I didn’t know how to act anymore. But when he extended his hand towards mine with a whine, I caved in, and walked up to the bed to hold onto him. He mumbled something that I couldn’t understand as he held onto my hand fiercely, his eyes finally closing as he dozed off with a long sigh. Tears gathered in my eyes once again as I looked down at him, confusion, fear, and affection mushing together all because of one man. I felt so lost sitting there, left alone with my thoughts, but my finals were tomorrow and I needed to study still. So, I grabbed my notebook and sat on the floor, holding onto Mingyu’s hand, as I distracted my thoughts by memorizing everything I could.
After Mingyu woke up and ate a bit, Wonwoo, Soonyoung and Chan took him away and thanked me for housing them for the time being. Apparently, my apartment was the closest and they knew Seungcheol was over, so they knew they had to come here. I was a bit reluctant when Mingyu whispered that he’d text me as soon as he got home, not wanting him to go just yet, but I nodded at him and kissed his cheek when no one was watching. That night, I hardly slept anything, and I ended up going over to Seungcheol’s, cuddling up next to him in his small bed. It helped a bit, but I wasn’t feeling very energized in the morning when Seungcheol drove us to Uni, let alone ready to take those finals. But I sucked it up, and did my best to get a passing grade. Before leaving, I messaged Mingyu to see if he was feeling alright and I got a swift text back, but I didn’t think much of it, he wasn’t very talkative in the mornings. I continued to send a few messages, like I usually would, while Seungcheol and I were going to Uni but I got no answer back, so I assumed Mingyu was just resting. After my finals, I messaged him once again with a few texts, checking up on him and letting him know that I was done with Uni and I would head to the bookstore, but I got no answer back. It made me a bit sulky, but I tried not to think much of it, he probably was just resting, like he should. However, it still worried me a bit since he stopped answering me since the morning. Seungcheol had to stay for longer at Uni today, so Vernon was the one picking me up, he called and told me was around and free if I needed a ride or wanted to have lunch. I told him that I couldn’t go to lunch today as I was working, so he offered to drive me to the bookstore.
It was warm inside the car and I sighed with a smile as I closed the door, smiling back at Vernon. He leaned over the middle console and we hugged each other before I put on my seatbelt, my backpack resting between my legs.
“How were your finals?” He asked as he drove out of the parking lot.
“Hard, but at least it’s finally over.” I muttered with a sigh, melting into the seat. I could finally do whatever I wanted and wouldn’t be stressed anymore.
“I heard finals are a pain in the ass.” I scoffed at Vernon’s words as he turned onto the main street.
“I was living on coffee and all I did for two weeks was an attempt to study non-stop…” Vernon hummed, turning up the radio when his favorite song came on. I chuckled and bobbed my head to it, unlocking my phone to check if Mingyu answered back. There was nothing though and I sighed as I continued enjoying the music, laughing when Vernon rapped along. He changed lanes swiftly and sped up a bit, crossing the light when it turned yellow.
“What’s bothering you?” Vernon spoke over the music, giving me a quick glance, “You keep frowning.”
I quickly evened my expression out and shook my head, “Nothing.”
“Ay, come on…” Vernon gave me another glance, “You won’t tell you friend what’s bothering you? Do you not trust me?”
“I trust you!” I snapped and Vernon chuckled, coming to a stop at the red light, “It’s just…”
“Just say it, it’s no big deal, really.” He offered me a small smile and tapped my knee reassuringly.
I pursed my lips and nodded, turning my head away from him as my cheeks warmed, “Do you know anything about Mingyu…”
Vernon remained silent as he turned the volume of the music down, “Like…am I supposed to know anything specific about him?”
I scoffed and gave him a look, “He was shot and I’m just curious if he’s fine.”
“Ah!” Vernon exclaimed, driving through the intersection once the lights turned green, “Yeah, we had a meeting this morning, he was fine. I mean…I’m sure he’s still in pain, but he had more energy than I was expecting him to have.”
“Really?” I muttered and sighed, looking out the window, “Is he resting enough?”
“It’s Mingyu,” Vernon scoffed and I glanced at him, “He never rests, especially when we are in the middle of negotiating with the police! I know he was with Sana today before and after our meeting—”
My head whipped in Vernon’s direction as his eyes went wide, “What?”
“Uh,” Vernon gulped and chuckled awkwardly, stopping at a cross, “No—nothing?”
“Mingyu was with who?” I pressed again, shooting daggers at Vernon’s profile as he started driving again.
“Sana.” He whispered guiltily and I huffed, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“That fucking asshole,” I snapped, voice growing loud, “I worry about him non-stop, wondering if he’s doing alright, but he’s out with Sana? Doing business, I assume? I’m so fucking fed up with him! Why did I even think dating him was a good idea—”
It was my turn for my eyes to go wide, and voice grow silent. Vernon didn’t say anything, a bit surprised by my sudden outburst. I cleared my throat and sneaked a glance at him, he was grinning to himself.
“What.” I muttered, glaring down at my own legs.
“Are you jealous?” His voice filled with amusement almost made me lose it again.
“I’m not!” I exclaimed, looking at him with narrowed eyes, “What makes you think that?”
“Well…” Vernon chuckled as he pulled in front of the bookstore, “I don’t know if it makes you feel better, but Mingyu is really jealous too. I mean…he told me right after the auction to leave you alone because you’ve been dating secretly for a while now.”
“That’s not even true!” I exclaimed as my eyes went wide; Vernon just shrugged, “We’ve only been dating for four weeks now…there was nothing going on between us before the auction!”
I undid my seatbelt as Vernon watched me with a pout, “I don’t want to get involved with your relationship, but…just be careful, okay?”
“Why?” I raised my eyebrows, opening the door, “Because I’ll end up like Momo?”
Vernon’s jaw went slack as his eyes ran over my face, shocked that I knew of her, “What?”
“Yeah,” I snapped sourly, “Mingyu had the audacity to take me to their house. He’s incapable of answering my texts because he’s currently with Sana. Maybe he’s already begun his process of breaking me, huh?”
“That’s not—” I scoffed and Vernon looked away from me for a second, “That’s not what’s happening, if Mingyu wanted to play around with you, he would have had his fun with you already.”
I hummed and exited the car, “Yeah…I don’t know what to believe anymore, Vernon. I know the whole auction was planned, Cheol told me.”
Vernon’s face turned pale and guilt overtook his features as I turned to look at him, “I’m not mad at you, don’t worry. I’ll talk to you later and—please, don’t tell anyone about Mingyu and I, especially Seungcheol.”
“I won’t, take care of yourself.” I hummed and closed the car’s door, watching as Vernon drove away. I sighed and looked up at the sky, questioning all the decisions I have taken lately. What was I doing? Was this the right path? Could I turn around? I couldn’t though, it was too late already. Maybe this was supposed to happen to teach me a lesson. With a sigh I turned to walk up to the bookstore, but my phone got a message notification. I took it in my hand and pulled down the notification bar to see a text from Mingyu. Then another and five more in just five seconds. I scoffed and put it back in my pocket as I headed for the bookstore, eyebrows furrowed and blood boiling. He has the audacity to say he was resting meanwhile he was with Sana. If he thinks he can fool me and make me bend to his wishes, he is fucking wrong.
           I was doing the shops inventory as I hummed along to the music. Irene had to leave to pick up a package that her mother sent for her from the train station, so I was currently alone at the bookstore. I didn’t mind spending my time alone here, today was a less busy day. I was checking the list of newly arrived books when the door opened, making my eyebrows furrow.
“I’m sorry, we are doing inventory right now—” When I raised my head and looked at the person standing in the doorway, my blood boiled. Mingyu wore a long brown coat that reached his ankles, and he held a bag in his hands.
“Hi, sugar.” He said with a smirk as he walked further inside, my jaw clenched. I didn’t want to see him.
“We are closed.” I snapped as I went back to checking the list, ignoring Mingyu’s intense gaze.
“You weren’t answering my texts,” He said quietly and I rolled my eyes, “I brought lunch.”
“I’m not hungry.” I muttered as Mingyu stopped on the opposite side of the counter, placing the bag on top of it.
“You didn’t have lunch today.” Mingyu pressed and I sighed, finally looking at him. He looked fine, besides the slight wincing when he moved.
“My appetite has been gone for days…” I told Mingyu and he raised his eyebrows, glancing down at the inventory list.
“I saw your finals went good?” I nodded my head, looking away when he searched my eyes, “We can finally spend more time together. I was thinking we could go on a trip—”
“I’m working still.” I shut him up quickly, grabbing the bag, and placed it behind the counter, “I haven’t seen my parents in a long time, I want to visit them soon.”
“We can go together.” Mingyu offered with a grin and I hummed, not very keen of the idea.
“Yeah…I’d rather not present you to them…” I muttered as I turned around to grab the box of newly arrived books. Mingyu scoffed and I threw him a glance, he was glaring at me.
“Why not?”
I scoffed this time as I slammed the box on top of the counter, “Because we’ve barely been dating for four weeks? Why would I take you home when the relationship is so unstable?”
Mingyu’s eyebrows furrowed and his jaw clenched, “What the hell are you saying?”
“You heard me.” I snapped as I opened the box with more force than necessary, glaring at Mingyu when he grabbed my wrist to get my attention. He hissed quietly at the sudden movement, pain painting his face for a second.
“What is your problem lately?” He snapped and I offered him an unamused smile.
“You are my problem,” I yanked my wrist out of his hold and for a second I felt bad as Mingyu winced, “I’m working, so please leave. The bookstore is closed for inventory.”
Mingyu scoffed and shook his head at me with a sneer, throwing me a glare before he turned around and stormed out of the bookstore. I sighed and leaned against the counter, closing my eyes. Is this the relationship I want? Constant fighting? Pent up frustration? No communication about my feelings? Since when did I become so closed off and unhealthy? Why do I feel for the first time like I’m inferior to a person?
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           Irene and I got to stay later than the we usually would at the bookstore as our boss came around to give us our salary. He offered to give us a ride home as it was dark outside already, but Irene had to be somewhere, and I didn’t want to bother him. He lived on the other side of the city so I reassured my boss that I would be taking a cab home, so that he would let me leave. After he closed up, we bid our goodbyes to each other, and all three of us went our separate ways. I held onto my backpack as I walked down the street, inhaling the chilly air of the evening. It was refreshing and it didn’t bother me as I needed something to clear and ease up my mind. Finals were over, yet I was still stressed because of Mingyu. I didn’t know how to bring up everything that was bothering me and it was stressing me out more. As I sighed, shuffling behind me caught my attention and I peaked over my shoulder subtly to see a tall figure approaching me fast. My first instinct was to start running, until I realized it was Mingyu’s brown coat that was flapping around. I groaned and stopped walking, turning around to face him.
“Why are you following me?” I snapped once he approached me, his eyebrows furrowed.
“It’s late, why are you walking home?” He asked, grabbing my backpack. I glanced down but didn’t let go of it.
“Because my shift is over, am I not supposed to go home?” Mingyu sighed and tugged on the backpack but I still held onto it, “I’m not giving it to you.”
“Would you have walked home if I didn’t show up to drive you?” I looked up at Mingyu with a grimace as he gave the backpack a harsh yank, almost pulling it out of my grip.
“I don’t want you to drive me home.” Mingyu just rolled his eyes before he stepped closer, forehead’s almost touching. I looked into his eyes instinctively, taken aback by his sudden closeness. His honey-like scent invaded my nostrils and I hated how it made me miss his touch. I didn’t even feel it when Mingyu untangled my fingers from the backpack, lost in his eyes, and he was already stepping away.
“Get in the car.” His voice was commanding as he left me standing on the sidewalk, his Mercedes a few feet away, parked where it wasn’t even allowed to. I closed my eyes and sighed, knowing I couldn’t just walk home now, so I went and sat in his car. My backpack was thrown in the back and the radio was turned off as I did my seatbelt, feeling Mingyu watching me. I didn’t look at him, I just turned my head to look outside the window and he started driving wordlessly. He wasn’t speeding like he usually would, he was driving at a slow tempo and it was pissing me off. He was doing it on purpose, prolonging our time together.
“I’m tired, I want to get home tonight, if that’s possible.” I snapped finally, biting the insides of my cheeks when Mingyu scoffed.
“Of course, you’re tired, sugar. Any excuse that gets you away from me is welcome.” I rolled my eyes but remained silent as Mingyu sped up just a little bit, changing lanes recklessly. I reached out to turn on the radio, but Mingyu’s strong grip made me stop and hiss.
“What are you doing.” I snapped and looked at him with a glare as I tried to free my wrist.
“Start talking, right now.” His jaw was clenched, stance stiff, eyebrows furrowed and lips in a tight line. I gulped and tried to tug my wrist away again, but Mingyu just held it stronger and I whined, pain surging up my arm.
“It hurts.” I muttered, but he didn’t react.
“Yeah, I’m hurting too, but you don’t see me whining like a fucking baby.” He snapped and I looked at him hurt, why was he making everything worse?
“Can you take my feelings into consideration for just one second?” I asked, eyebrows raising as Mingyu scoffed.
“You’re asking me to do that? What about you?”
“Why do you always turn everything I say around and blame me?” I exclaimed and a humorless chuckle left Mingyu’s lips.
“Because you always paint me as the bad guy!” He snapped back and I laughed, tugging my wrist finally away.
“Aren’t you the bad guy though?” I asked with a taunting chuckle, turning my body towards him as my eyes narrowed at Mingyu, “Everyone is telling me to stay away from you. Maybe they are right, maybe I’m starting to see what they’ve been warning me of. Maybe…it’s not late for me to walk away. Save myself from becoming another Momo.”
I gasped when Mingyu hit the brakes suddenly, sending us forward in the car. Loud honking came from around us and a few tire screeching sounds, but thankfully nothing worse happened. Mingyu’s eyes have darkened as he looked at me and I gulped, almost afraid. My heart was thumping wildly when he pulled over onto the side walk, the engine still running as he turned his whole body to look at me.
“What did you say?” Mingyu’s voice was low and a shiver ran over my skin. I almost looked away when his gaze found mine, but no, this was the timing I needed. Horrible, indeed, but if I didn’t tell him now, I wouldn’t later.
“I know everything about you and Momo, don’t even try to deny it. You played her, made her crazy—and you took me to their house? Knowing how she’d react seeing you there?!” My voice broke, emotions of shame and anger mixing, “You made me walk in there, waltz around—I’m fucking sick just thinking about it! And—and Sana! The way you treated me when she showed up? Do you think I’m a piece of shit you can push around, Mingyu? You call me your girlfriend but you let her be all over you? Kiss her on the corner of her mouth? In front of me? What game are you playing, huh?”
“I’m not playing any games, Y/N,” Mingyu growled out and I flinched when he swiftly grabbed my nape, pulling me closer, “Everything is in your head—”
“Oh, Momo being crazy is in my head?! You eye-fucking with Sana is just in my head?! You constantly pushing my needs away to satisfy yours are in my head?! Putting my life at risk by bringing me to the auction because you knew they planned to ambush you, is all in my head, right?!” I screamed at Mingyu, breathing hard and eyes filling with tears of anger, frustration, and hurt. He gaped at me, taken aback by my outburst, grip loosening on my nape.
“I—” He cleared his throat when his voice sounded weak, “I knew what I was doing—you—you would have never been hurt even if they proceeded with the ambush.”
I chuckled tiredly as tears escaped my eyes, my chest felt lighter and maybe the tears were of relief as I shook my head, “How can you know that?”
“I planned it.” Mingyu’s jaw clenched as he searched for my eyes.
“Like those two raids that got fucked because of you?” I whispered, biting my lower lip as I attempted to brush my tears off my cheeks. Mingyu’s face fell and he winced as he leaned closer, pulling me into a tight hug. He sighed and held me tighter when I didn’t return the hug, I didn’t have the energy, I was still crying silently.
“I would never put your life in danger if I didn’t know what I was doing.” Mingyu’s voice was filled with raw emotion and it made my heart clench, “I’m so sorry I made you feel like this…”
I hummed and weakly returned the hug, careful not to squeeze Mingyu as his wound was still fresh, “I’m so upset that you hid so many things from me. Why can’t you just tell me the truth? How can I trust you, Mingyu?”
“I promise to tell you everything from now on.” He reassured softly, running his hands down my back.
“You can’t even answer my texts, but you hang out with Sana instead of resting?” I scoffed and bit my lower lip, the tears have finally stopped falling, “How do you think it made me feel? I have never acted the way you do, around Vernon or Seungcheol, have I? I even told you they are like my brothers to remind you there was nothing going on between us. But you…I don’t know anymore. What if you’re sleeping with her behind my back? Why would you even be with me if Sana was there—”
“Stop.” Mingyu’s voice raised as he pulled back abruptly, holding my cheeks firmly, “Please stop saying so much non-sense, do you even hear yourself, sugar? I care for you so much; you can’t even imagine what it feels like. You are the only thing that fills up my mind. You’re constantly on my mind, so much, sometimes it drives me crazy. I would never—I will never do what I did to Momo to you, and I will never cheat on you or hurt you. Please, stop thinking it will happen. Just—trust me? Please, I will explain everything when this mess is over. Sana is just a person I’m doing business with and it’s a very important matter for SVT. I’m risking everything with this, please, don’t leave me when I need you most.”
I bit my lower lip again, refusing to tear up again, “I trust you. I’m just…so insecure. I want to trust you more but it’s hard when you switch from being like this into a person I don’t recognize.”
“I can’t show this side of me, the real me, to others, sugar. You have to learn to accept both, work with both. It’s still me at the end of the day, yeah?” Mingyu raised his eyebrows and I nodded wordlessly, finally letting myself melt into his touch. I missed him so much. I didn’t want us to get here. I should have voiced my fears a long time ago.
“I’m sorry, I—I’ll try to speak up about how I feel before it blows up. I just really suck at talking about my feelings.” I looked away and Mingyu smiled softly, leaning close to nuzzle his nose against mine.
“Yeah, you definitely need to stop doing that. I missed you a lot.” He muttered and I returned the smile, placing my hands on top of his.
“I missed you too,” I pressed my lips against his, warmness flooding my body at the sense of familiarity, “Stop leaning over the console, you’re hurting the wound.”
“It does hurt like a bitch.” Mingyu groaned as he pulled back, sitting back normally in his seat.
“You have to rest, okay?” I raised my eyebrows at him and he nodded with a grin, offering me his hand. I intertwined our fingers with a grimace, irritated by the smug look on his face.
“Stay with me tonight?” Mingyu asked and I looked at him wondering. Could I sleep over at his? No, Seungcheol would notice my absence and that would be bad. Maybe Mingyu could sleep over at my place?
I opened my mouth to answer him back, but his phone started ringing. With his left hand he took it off the dashboard and answered the call. I couldn’t hear what the person on the other line was saying, but it made Mingyu tense up, all tenderness gone from his expression. I watched him as he grew angry in just a few seconds, and I rubbed his knuckles with my fingers to reassure him a bit.
“Understood, I’ll be there.” He growled out and ended the call, throwing his phone back where it was. I raised my eyebrows as he threw me a look, shifting the gear into position.
“We need to make a quick stop, then we can go home and sleep.” He said as he started driving again, posture tense. I nodded and rested my head against the headrest, curious as to where we were headed. Mingyu drove at a high speed, but I remained silent. What has happened now?
Part 5
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