#Although she's gained a new perspective on a lot of things she still doesn't feel guilty abt killing sinners
deathinfeathers · 1 year
//I love that you guys have enough faith in Lute to assume she doesn't actually enjoy the ghastly shit that she does...and I hate to tell you that that faith is toootally misplaced.
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blaque-honeyy · 3 months
*sigh* I have so much to say about The Bear S3.
I think s3 exists in this type of limbo where there are soo many things happening but none of it is really moving the story forward. My confusion lies in not knowing if this was intentional or not.
I feel dissatisfied, but I'm slightly okay with it (?) knowing that we were told some of these events were going to happen and it wouldn't be authentic if these problems were resolved within the season. Whether or not I remain okay with the events of this season depend on figuring out what the purpose of s3 was.
There is this parallax effect happening throughout the entire season: where Syd & Carmy start out AGREEING to go through this together but once Carmy starts slipping into old behaviors, their perspectives on how to get to that goal become different. Opening the restaurant was supposed to be a big point of unity and fulfillment for them but it has only created more distance and promoted an unequal power balance between them. They are stuck and it feels like chaos moving in slow motion.
The silence between them is so damn loud it's unbearable. Watching the individual descents of both characters is so rough and exposes the toxicity of trying to create something new without addressing unhealed wounds.
I think the restaurant is a toxic relationship for Sydney. She loves and admires Carmy so much, and doesn't want to walk away from something that she's put so much effort into, but there's only so much compromising you can do before you start losing yourself. Syd is rightfully scared that she will forever live in Carmy's shadow.
Carmy is spiraling, blinded by tunnel vision to reach "success", and has lost the fucking plot. It was so interesting to see flashbacks of his career and seeing how compassionate and nurturing his mentors were and instead of trying to embody that, Carmy, DEEP in his trauma, is actively imitating the one man he accuses of destroying his physical and mental health.
Of course he still cares about Sydney. He wants to make her happy, give her the star she wants. But in his obsession to gain that success, he has completely pushed her (and everybody else) aside. His mission to prove himself individually (based off insecurities around his competency as a chef/business owner & not being able to provide for his friends & family) has taken precedence over his commitment to her. As painful as this evolution of their relationship is, I do like the direction and I think it was handled pretty well.
Points of contention for me:
I couldn't give two shits about Claire–sorry. The fact that they retroactively added soo many scenes from when they were together seems contrived and looks like another bid to put another relationship above Syd & Carmy's. Neil telling Claire "you're the peace"???? DON'T PISS ME OFF.
Is this The Bear or The Fak Show? There were a lot of Faks introduced in this season and their banter seemed like it was created to fill in dead air. It was very annoying at some points. (John Cena was great though I can't say anything bad about that man.)
Adding too many tertiary characters. The Faks, the old employees of The Beef to help Ebra. Adding all these characters instead of fostering interactions between the core group.
This might be a hot take but they spent WAY too much time on Nat's pregnancy before the birth. Also, she had this baby and NOBODY but the Faks came to see her in the hospital?? BYE.
Things that I solidly liked:
T's episode! Her struggle with unemployment, losing hope, and then meeting Mikey was easily the most endearing moment of the season for me. Then watching her start to develop her own ideas and creativity in the kitchen was just 🤌🏾🤌🏾🤌🏾.
Again, although I'm team SydCarmy, I like this stage of their relationship. Exposing the flaws, and exploring ways they need to improve for themselves and for each other. I WANT Syd to leave The Bear because 1) it would be good for her health and to see how a good restaurant is supposed to operate 2) I firmly believe that will be the catalyst to making Carm get his shit together. I want him to PANIC. I want him to BEG. I want him to CRY. 😊
As you can see, the latter list is not long enough. There were plenty of things I didn't touch on but that would make this post 5x longer.
I can see how s3 could be the low point of the series. A lot of these episodes would be considered fillers in plenty of other television shows. I appreciate the change of pace but would like it more if it was handled better. And I'm mad that I have to wait a YEAR to get REAL story development after this.
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fumbliesthots · 2 years
2022 Review + Rezzo 2023
This post is almost a week late because I was trying to take it easy after my Bali meditation + fam vacation trip. This year end trip really made me appreciate the slow life where I was really trying not to overthink and over-plan. (Also, geez, what happened to me? When did I become this sort of person?)
It's only been 2 days into the new year and I'm beginning to feel tired of the super-fast pace of work life again. I must remind myself to take it down a notch, as John Green says. I'm not working in a hospital – nobody will die if my job doesn't get done.
But first, let's recap some things I'm really grateful for in 2022, in no particular order -
Gratitude list 2022
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1. My parents: They are not perfect but they are always doing their best to care for us the ways they know how. I'm learning new things about their outlook in life recently. My mom is an optimist that makes the best out of every sucky unexpected situation because she just wants everyone to feel ok. I think I probably got that from her. My father cares a lot about the world at large. Although we have different views of what "good" is, I appreciate that side of him.
2. National Library Board: Ok nerd. I feel like somehow I'm reading more books than ever this year. And really starting to get back more into physical books. Although I still love Libby for its convenience, sometimes reading on digital devices can be distracting. So I really appreciate having such a great library system in Sg – I can choose either to hang out at a nearby air-conditioned library or just to lie in bed and scroll Libby on my phone. It's the top perk of being Singaporean IMO.
3. Authors: I cannot not mention the people that wrote those books I enjoyed so much from the library. Some of the books that moved me last year:
Jon Yates - Fractured: Why Our Societies Are Coming Apart and How We Put Them Back Together Again.
Brene Brown - Braving Wilderness, Dare to Lead, Atlas of the Heart (also her podcasts have helped me so much last year)
Hank Green - I don't read enough fiction so these YA books were a surprise pleasure for me: An Absolutely Remarkable Thing, A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor
Yanis Varoufakis - Talking to My Daughter About The Economy
4. The 3-Headed-Oracle: We completed 2 more writing challenges this year! I really appreciate the way we kept so consistent with this habit through the process, and got to know how each other thinks. I enjoyed learning how we see the world through different lenses, having their perspectives was really valuable and precious.
5. Workshops attended: Learning new self-awareness, critical thinking and communication skills at 2 in-person workshops which both happened at Common Ground - Facilitating Conversations for Change (by Shiao-yin), and Seeing & Shifting Systems (by Studio Dojo). These courses were so perspective-expanding that I wish more people would have the chance to attend. So I'm also grateful that my company has L&D funds for us to upskill ourselves.
6. Vipassana: Renewing my meditation practice at a 10-day course, and getting to disconnect from the world temporarily. Really amazing to have the opportunity to do that again after more than 6 years, such a privilege. This is my third time doing it but I somehow still gained new understanding and wisdom this time around.
7. XD Summer Offsite: Something about work - Meeting all my XD colleagues in person at our offsite in Prague. Even though this trip was expensive (they flew all of us in SG down) it was also necessary to at least start the process of gaining trust and building connections in the newly re-organized team.
8. Standing up XD Ops: Finally given the opportunity to upstand this new function officially in the group. I also learned that sometimes the right thing to do is to actively ask for things and not just wait for them to drop from the sky. Unsaid expectations and unset boundaries will just cause resentment. This is a huge theme this year for work. Clear is kind.
Intention review 2022
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So what did I say I wanted to do last year? Balance? I regretfully say I did not achieve that. I was too busy balancing other people's priorities while neglecting my own. I was reading and learning a lot more, desperately trying to get more information about why things happen the way they do, trying to get more tools that could help solve the problems I see. As a result, I was feeling quite burnt out at some point, and people around me noticed.
I guess that was what pushed me to sign myself up to do a 10-day silent retreat again. I have to forcefully shut myself away and disconnect from the external world to find out what is happening inside myself.
A lot of things came up for me during my time meditating - the past, the future, imagination of things that has yet to come, assumptions of how things came to be. I have to remind myself, all these are anicca, impermanent. Stories in my mind that arise and will pass away. I am not the same person just 1 millisecond ago, what for carrying this baggage forward? What is more important is the choices I can make in the present moment, which is to sit here and observe my breathe and my body sensations. That's the only true thing.
Knowing all these theoretically is one thing, but the benefit of having these 10 day silent protected time is for us to actually start the process of rewiring our brains and stop the habitual impulse reactions of daily life.
But still, I guess these 10 days are not enough. I was refreshed and ready for the new year, yet, just 2 days in, facing all these unread emails and to-do lists leftover from last year, I'm starting to feel tired again. This won't do.
Intentions 2023
1. Spend more time practicing meditation. From past experience of previous retreats, my self-discipline has not been very strong when it comes to daily sittings. This a new strategy this time is to join a regular group. I've put a recurring event on my calendar to attend a weekly group sitting. Hopefully, this will help me maintain my practice.
2. Help my family be more healthy. In both body and mind. My parents are getting older, and although they are actively doing exercise by themselves, I think they would also benefit from learning Vipassana and begin the reduce their mental burden of growing old (and having the worrisome baggage of 3 single adult children lol). I'm also seeing how my bro is suffering from health problems because of an unhealthy lifestyle. He too could benefit from being more mindful of his habits. It may be a tall order to have them sign up for a 10-day meditation course, but hey, I've done harder things! 3. Turn things down a notch. I know it's counter-intuitive to say I have a deadline, but I've told my boss that I want to leave for my postgrad studies by the next year. So during this timeframe, I'm going to try my best to see what things I can create automated or self-running systems around, and maximize things that can be left undone. In short, how can I make myself dispensable? 4. Continue to serve others and build relationships, but be less "bottom". I used to think that there is a freedom that comes with being invisible and ego-less, and have used that easygoingness to get people to trust me and thus get what I need to be done. But I am starting to learn that doing things this way can be effective earlier in my career, but does not scale when I reached a certain level. Sometimes the right and kind actions are to actively set boundaries, keep clarifying situations, and align expectations. Don't try to be everything for everyone, instead, how can I help others learn how to help each other and help themselves?
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memoriescut · 8 months
meta + selfcare
even though her concept of selfcare could be summed up with "she should drop her mom already", there are some habits that have been part of pudding's routine for years, and while some have evolved with time here they are:
on cacao island she'd get 8h of sleep every night, waking up very early due to having to set up her café before opening. there's a lot of running around involved with working in restoration, which is pretty much the only physical activity she does.
when she finally sets sails, her sleeping schedule is still 8h but more scattered throughout the day due to pudding being a bit of a night owl. as for physical activity, she enjoys walks / runs in the woods, and does a bit of yoga every morning since with her new career she spends a lot of time sitting at a desk.
well, as we know already a lot of pudding's emotional needs were either met in half or not at all - her anger was weaponized and fed at every chance BM had. she never got to talk through her inner turmoils and was instead spoiled with clothes and stuff as a way to keep her quiet.
a huge part of pudding's true awakening comes with the awareness of self, which is something she obviously had difficulties with at first due to her upbringing. living with the three eye tribe helped find ways to channel all her suppressed emotions into something to feel proud of - she writes, paints, tried to learn an instrument and even attempted pottery! art has been quite useful in her journey.
before the disaster wedding, pudding's social life wasn't the best neither with her family or the citizens of cacao island although with the second most of the time she was obviously using her powers to stay in their good side. she's respected in her workfield but still, it's quite a lonely life she leads.
the true awakening has put a lot of things in perspective. pudding actively tries to build connections with her siblings as they are the only family she has left - it works better with some than others but now she doesn't feel bad about it anymore. she's actually interested in the lives her coworkers lead - learns names of their kids and loved ones, keeps up with things that matter outside of her life even though she gains nothing from it. at the same time, she's finally learned to set some boundaries and do what makes her feel good rather than what she thinks would please other people.
before the awakening pudding had never really tended to her spiritual needs since BM didn't believe it would actually be of any use. well, jokes on her!
after the awakening, due to the many voices and new feelings and dreams, pudding has started journaling - by the time she's a little older there are so many piles of worn down notepads and diaries full of thoughts, recipes, pictures... memories, just a different way than what she's used to see them. she meditates a lot and loves to spend her time surrounded by nature - the woods are pretty much her favourite place in the world and it's not unusual to see her find some peace and quiet over there.
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johannasachs · 2 years
My learning experience:
This is a long one, but I have a lot of thoughts… (please expand post)
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I wanted to add this photo because I truly think it explains my learning experience and I admit that sometimes I too am too quick to judge- rather than understanding. Although I still don't agree with the people and posts I have looked deeper into, I think I gained a deeper insight to their side and perspective of things. I don't know where Andrew Tate comes from and how he was brought up. His core message in the video was that women should all be wives and have children and will never be career driven people because if one doesn't have children, one will never be happy. This is not mentioning women who aren't able to have children, women who have lost children. It is not something that everyone will relate to because it can be incredibly hurtful. There is a difference between Andrew and I because we just do not agree on this topic the same way. Like I mentioned above, I do not know how he grew up or who his family consists of and what traditions they may have, and it would be equally as unfair for me to judge him based on that.
Similarly, I feel that this happened to me with reading more of the comments on the “Anti-vax movement” Reddit post as well. Why is there a difference? Because morally I do not agree with the anti-vax movement, but there were solid points made in the comments. Did I change my mind about it? No. Did I gain a deeper understanding on why people choose not to get vaccinated? I did. I understand that the main point of the post is that people who choose not to vaccinate their children are lagging in either science education, are old school, or distrust the government. I understand why people aren’t fully able to trust the government in this time, but with vaccines being scientifically proven to be safe and effective, there is little reason to believe otherwise. For others it is about control and power and that again is a personal thing. It is reasonable to say “Hey, can you give me some more info on this” or “I don’t feel comfortable because I don’t know enough and haven’t been properly educated on it”. This was an interesting read for me with many different opinions in the comments.
For my next journal entry, I am not sure if I really changed my mind. I did a bit of looking into and reading about Elon Musk in general and I will say that he must be an intelligent individual- there is no doubt about that. Do I think he spends his money wisely? No, I can see better ways, but he did work for his success, so it is up to him! Although there were negative comments about him becoming the new CEO of twitter, I would wait it out and see how things go instead of making assumptions about how it will go. I think there is a difference between us because if I were to put myself into his shoes, with his money and success, I would put it toward a greater good. But it is okay for us to be different that way. My initial thought about him was that he is another white man that comes from money, but now I know that he is intelligent and has worked for his successes.
For Meghan Trainor’s song “All About That Bass”, I have changed my perspective on it. When I first heard it- up to when I did my journal entry, I thought it was hypocritical and wrong. Our difference is that she was upset that many magazines, runways, society, etc., were only showing off and romanticizing “skinny” people. I do agree that one does not have to be a size 0 to be beautiful, however in her song it was almost like she was saying “if you are a size 0 then I’m going to judge you.” It felt like she was projecting, and I got upset over it. For it being such a popular song, I didn’t take other people’s perspectives into consideration. “Bigger” people often do get more hate, and I know that she didn’t mean harm by the song. I do think that she was trying to protect herself and people around her and have a positive outlook on her body (even if I don’t agree with the message, it brought across).
“Why schools are banning yoga”.. Ahh. One that I am still trying to understand. I am an understanding and open-minded person- no doubt about that. I do often try to see things from different perspectives and be empathetic toward people and situation. This one I am not sure I can get behind. Yoga to me is relaxing your body and mind. I don’t think about who invented it, who practices it or what religious or spiritual aspect there is to it. It is exercise and it is healthy for the body and mind. I know the main difference lies between my religious views and parents’ religious views. I can understand if people don’t want their children learning about certain topics in school if they find it is inappropriate. I also did not think about religious views when it comes to yoga in schools- maybe that’s on me. This is one topic I’d still like more insight on, because respectfully, I do not fully understand it just yet- but am always willing to learn. :)
Next is my Roe v. Wade caricature. This one is controversial and interesting, and I know many people have different opinions and I could talk for hours. But here goes: while I do not agree that abortion should be illegal, I do understand why people do. While I do think that every woman has the right to do with her body as she pleases, I understand that there are people who think otherwise for various reasons. This could be religious, moral, or societal reasons. Many people get villainized for being pro-life – like in the photo. That is not the case for everyone who is pro-life. Some people may have had bad experiences with birth, some may not understand the concept fully and choose a side. The one thing that bugs me is that men get to decide what a woman does with her body. This being said- no, I did not change my mind about it, but I do understand both sides.
Finally: Waco. This mini-series was an incredible and emotional watch for me. Where do we differ? Same as before- I simply do not understand the religious viewpoints of this series and would still like more information. This being said- I do understand what it feels like to really believe in something. To have faith. This was important for me to remember because that is what these people’s lives are based off, faith. Although there are many aspects of the series that I cannot imagine in my own life, I do see how and why the Branch Davidians were part of their cult. It had to do with belief, upbringing, friendship, faith, spirituality, etc. It was a great watch and a great learning experience for me. Instead of saying “this is messed up”, say “this is something I have never seen before, but can you imagine believing this strong something?” It’s okay to let people be who they are if they aren’t hurting anyone.
I did learn a lot from this experience and think it gave me a deeper understanding of some of the topics I’ve read or watched. I always appreciate learning more, especially about other people. As an empathetic person, naturally I like to put myself in other people’s shoes and I am okay with having my opinions challenged!
CropticaL. (2022, June 11). Andrew Tate brutally reality-checks western women. YouTube.
CBC/Radio Canada. New twitter CEO Elon Musk floats charging $8 a month for Twitter verification | CBC News.
Wong, A. (2018, September 20). Why schools are banning yoga. The Atlantic.
MeghanTrainorVEVO. (2014, June 11). Meghan Trainor - All about that Bass (official video). YouTube.
R/science - despite overwhelming scientific evidence that vaccines are safe and effective in preventing childhood diseases, a significant minority remains skeptical, such as the anti-vax movement. mathematicians show this may be due to "hysteresis", where an effect persists despite changed initial conditions. reddit. (n.d.).
Clever Prototypes, L. L. C. (n.d.). Log into storyboard that: Storyboard that Login Page. Storyboard That.
"Waco", I watched on Netflix but I don't see it on there anymore.. it was developed by John Erick Dowdle and Drew Dowdle, and premiered on January 24, 2018, on Paramount Network. Here's a link to the Wikipedia page talking about the series: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_(miniseries)
The Roe v. Wade picture I found on google images which came from this link :
The photo I used for this post is from pinterest found here:
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silverisbestboy · 4 years
Sonic Boom x Reader
Requested by @blackace1993: Conversation was accidentally deleted but from what I remeber of it, they wanted hc for the Sonic Boom characters who has a partner who frequently gets into trouble and/or captured by Eggman. They didn't specify which character they wanted so I just did all of them minus Tails. Hope you enjoy!
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There's no denying it
Sonic was smitten
The moment you set foot on the island Sonic was taken aback by you
To him, you were drop dead gorgeous with a great personality so I guess you could say it was love at first sight for him
This boy is a fool for you
It's actually quite funny watching him zip across the island at the slightest remark that you need something
"Man, you what? I'm feeling kind of hungry"
"Say no more!" He'll say as he zooms away and reappears seconds later with a chili dog in hand
But, unfortunately for you, being in any sort of relationship with Sonic is not wothout complication
Eggman sees you as a new oppurtunity to best Sonic and ends up taking you hostage on a regular basis
The first time it happens, Sonic all but destroys Eggman's fortress looking for you
But after it continuously happening, it starts getting kinda old
"Greeting Sonic! I see you've come to rescue your little girlfriend"
"Yeah, yeah. Can we just we just get to the part where I clobber you?"
It gets to the point where Sonic starts teaching you how to defend yourself so you can hold your own against Eggman
Not that he doesn't mind rescuing, it's just he can't always be there to protect
With the amount of times they've had to save you, the team are already very familiar with you and consider you apart of their friend group
But as you get better is self-defence, Sonic officially announces you as part of the team and you start joining them on missions
While Sonic does tend to stick to your side more than his other teammates during battle, he's glad to have you fighting alongside them
After all, he's happy to spend as much time with you as possible, even if that means having to bash Eggman's robots to do so
You're not a bad person
So what if you have anger issues
So what if you get into fights from time to time
So what if you've been in trouble with the cops before
Doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means you've.... got some issues
One day you're not in the best mood and have already had a pretty shitty day, and you're just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode
So it's no wonder that when a big guy bumps into you and causes you to drop the tray of food you're holding, you go off on him
Unfortunately for you, this guy is huge, a tall red echidna with bulking arms that looks like he could punch you into next week
But you're not one to back down from a fight, you've beaten up guys twice your size before and you're not afraid to do it again
"Woah, hey, sorry about that, didn't see you there."
What, is he dense?! Who does this guy think he is barrelling into anyone he pleases just because he's big? You bet he was just gonna walk off without even helping you. Well, you'd show him!
Without warning, you lunged at the echidna with the intent of knocking him over the same way he almost did to you
But you underestimated his initial strength and reflexes and he caught you midair with your legs kicking and your hands clawing for his face
"Woah, dude chill! I said I was sorry!"
He just kinda holds you up in air at arms length with you kicking and screaming until you eventually tire yourself out
The echidna stares at you cautiously
"Are you good now?"
After a moment, you reluctantly nod, and he gently sets you back on your feet
He then carefully leans down without takong his eyes off you and grabs your burger which is still wrapped in foil and reaches it out to you
"How about we start over? I'm Knuckles."
You thought after that encounter, that was the last you'd see of him
But one day, you've gotten yourself into another fight, and to say you're losing would be an understatement
It's once again, a guy twice your size and he's absolutely beating the crap out of you
But by some miracle, Knuckles happens to be walking by and immediately notices you
He steps in to save you, and the guy you're fighting knows about Knuckles being part of Sonic's team and doesn't even bother attempting to fight him
Knuckles takes your half conscious body to Tails's work shop where they fix you up
After that, Knuckles refuses to leave you alone
Even if you try to leave, he always ends finding you to make sure you don't get into more trouble
He helps you find outlets for your anger by sparring and working out with him
You grow a soft spot for Knuckles that you'd never thought you'd have for anyone
He's your big goofball that somehow always manages to calm you down and get you out of whatever trouble your in
Though it's beyond you why anyone would want to put up with you, eespecially a lovable ray of sunshine like Knuckles, you're so grateful that you have someone like himin your life to keep you in check
A/N: Might make more hcs for that because I absolutely love the idea of big, strong goofball Knuckles having a little ball of pure rage as a partner.
Amy Rose:
Some would say you're a pacifist
Some would say you care too much
Some would say you're too nice
But you like to think that you're just trying to do good in the world
You're definitely the type of person that hates conflict and wants everyone to get along, and you're more often than not a bit of a pushover
You like to give people benefit of the doubt and prefer to see the good in people, although sometimes, this affects you negatively
A kindly looking (or at least in your opinion) wolf with a showman's top hat and a certain glint his eyes one day stops you in your tracks and asks you ever so politely if you would kindly lend him some money to help feed his family
Of course, you're quick to help, but little do you know that this is none other than T.W. Barker himself, and he's been watching you carefully for some time
He notices the way you jump at the oppurtunity to help someone in need, and he being a con man at heart, decides to take advantage of that
But before you can lend the man all the money you have in your pocket, a certain pink hedgehog decides to interfere
"Hey, you leave her alone Barker! Go find your own ATM machine!"
Amy Rose herself stands not far behind you, hammer in hand and ready for trouble
"N-now, now, let's not be too hasty. I was simply accepting a generous donation from this unsuspecting-- I mean self-less young lady."
"Yeah right. Beat it before I hammer you into next Tuesday, punk!"
You're in utter shock as the seeming wolf in sheep's clothing (pun intended) makes his escape
"Gotta look out for scumbags. Seems this village is getting more and more of them everyday. Anyways, I'm Amy, what's your name?"
Since then, Amy keeps a close eye on you to make sure you don't become prey to anymore scam artists
Now Amy will never admit she has anger issues, but she does get... irritated from time to time
On more than one occasion, you're there to help her calm down and have a sleepover planned or a spa day for when things get particularly rough for her
Whenever she needs help choosing which paint to redo her wall with, or which dress she should wear to a party, she calls you up, because no matter what you're interests are or how inconvenient the timing might seem, you're ready to help a friend, even with mundane things
Amy has you become a part of the Sonic family, and while you never do join them in battles, you help keep the peace between the team whenever there's an argument
And Amy always makes sure your overly caring attitude isn't being taken advantage of
No matter the time or the place, Amy knows she can always count on you, and you know she's always got your back
Well this is quite the predicament you've gotten yourself into
A lot of people would descibe you as clumsy, but you knew you just bad luck
And to prove just that, here you were dangling upside from a rope trap after deciding to take a liesure stroll through the forest
What are we, nomads? Who sets out traps in the middle of the woods anymore?!
After about 20 minutes, the blood is rushing to your head and you're starting to feel faint
But just as you think that your bad luck will finally be the end of you, figure bursts from the bushes with a fierce battle cry
It's a badger girl with a boomerang clutched in her paw, ready for a fight
But after a moment she realizes just who's gotten caught up in her trap
"Hey, what's the big idea?! Why're you in my snare?"
"Why am I in your snare? Why did you put out a snare you loon?!"
After about 5 minutes of arguing, Sticks reluctantly cuts you down, begrudgingly explaining that she set out a trap for any woodland monsters
You run into her again on another walk, crossing a small stream before tripping on one of the stepping stones and almost falling in before a furry arm wraps around your waist
"You outta be more careful out here. The wilderness is no place to be a klutz."
"Hey, I'm not a klutz. I just have bad luck is all."
And what more to gain the attention of a superstitious badger than the possibility of supernatural forces at play
"You could've been hexed by a witch. Or worse, there could be a vengeful spirit after you! We gotta get you an exorcist!"
"I'm fine, I'm just unlucky. Always have been always will be."
"We should still burn some sage in your home just to be sure."
You let Sticks do what she wants with you, after all, her superstitious perspective is a nice change from everyone just thinking your clumsy
You think her attempts to "cleanse" you are endearing, she tries something new everyday, and you end up learning a thing or two about survival and the corruptedness of politics from her
Weeks later, her attempts slowly dwindle down, and she just comes to accept she's just gonna have to keep an extra close eye on you, especially when she sets out booby traps
The time y'all have spent together, although it was somewhat motivated by Sticks not wanting to get whatever curse you exposed her to, lead to y'all having a close bond
Everyone has their quirks, she's paranoid and you're clumsy, but you two always manage to work things out
And that's the beauty of a relationship
A/N: Sorry I haven't been that active lately, so take this as an apology. Four hcs for the price of one!
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drazavonia · 4 years
For the majority of Avatar the Last Airbender, Aang "accessed" the Avatar State in moments of immediate and genuine danger.
The Avatar State is the pure cosmic power of Raava that greatly enhances Bending Capabilities.
However, as the reincarnation cycle went on the spirit of each Avatar became tethered to Ravaa, giving them their connection to each succeeding Avatar.
During Aang's time as the Avatar, when the Avatar State activated, the previous Avatar spirits took control of his body. They use the current host as an "Avatar" to exercise their power and control acting as a defense mechanism for the Avatar.
The best example of this would be in Book 1 Episode 8. After learning of his goal from Roku inside his chamber, Aang was about to be assaulted by a firestorm waiting outside so Aang/Roku activated the Avatar State. 
Once shot with fire, the spirit of Roku blocked it and returned fire. Roku used Aang as his Avatar to protect him from mortal danger.
In Final Fantasy VII, Mako crystallizes into Materia. “The knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients is held in the materia. Anyone with this knowledge can freely use the powers of the Land and the Planet. That knowledge interacts between ourselves and the planet calling up magic... or so they say.” -Sephiroth
“Materia is crystallized Mako. Metaphysically, Materia calls upon the wisdom of the Lifestream to manipulate nature manifesting as the phenomenon of magic for most Materia, although other Materia enhance the user's abilities.” 
In Final Fantasy IX, a Crystal is the progenitor of every world. An entire world’s existence begins with the crystal and its’ entire lifespan is recorded within the crystal until its’ death. This includes the individual lives and memories of all living things inhabiting said world.
**In Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII, after Bhunivelze is defeated, all of the souls Lightning collected and used as a sword, had traveled to “The Void” and culminated into a crystal. **Once Lightning, as the Savior, touched the crystal of souls, all of the memories of the XIII trilogy played through her mind. The original world’s history or memories were recorded and preserved in the Crystal through the rescued souls. The Progenitor Crystal then bursts heavenward, sending the souls contained within to the new world to be created.
*In Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, the warriors called upon by Materia and Spiritus left behind their memories in a crystal by touching it. Spiritus was able to give shape to these memories in the forms of the characters. In cutscenes that take place after their creation, these “doppelgangers” act no different from their true counterparts. They also talk about themselves and the events of their games as if they were participants. In other words, these memories were all that was necessary for creating completely new replicas of the main protagonists, minus a heart/soul. After Spiritus gave these “vessels” containing previous memories form, Materia gave them souls in order for them to “exist”.
This theory may only make sense for now if Nomura is using similar thematics and lore of the crystals from Final Fantasy.
In KH3R, it was revealed Xehanort had crystallized Kairi’s heart in a similar fashion to Serah in XIII. When Sora gathered all seven of Kairi’s crystal heart fragments, to assemble them, all of the guardians were needed. Using their keyblades, the hearts of the guardians transferred their light to each of the heart pieces, forging Kairi’s heart anew. 
I think this may be the equivalent of the guardians touching Kairi’s crystallized heart, and immortalizing themselves as a part of Kairi’s heart.This includes the memories and experiences of their entire lives.
Sokai’s joint situation command is called One Heart. The name implies Sora and Kairi’s hearts are intertwining to become two halves of a whole or literally becoming one heart that they share when they are together, like melding.
The wings and feathers of One Heart consist of memories. The memories that are the main focus of the attack are those consisting of Sora and Kairi. However, 13th Vessel found that within the code of ReMind, the wings consisted of memories and experiences from the other guardians who helped put Kairi back together.
This would explain how Melody of Memory could take place from Kairi’s perspective, from within her heart. Kairi traversed her heart to find a clue about Sora and that heart contained the memories of all the Guardians of Light.
When Kairi got to the end, her final heart fragment took the form of Xehanort as a response to Kairi’s desire for information. When Xehanort  overwhelms Kairi, he initiates the final blow only for the Kingdom Key to appear in Kairi’s hand followed by her transforming into Sora. 
I don't believe this to be the heart of Sora, because right after that scene Xehanort states, “Your voice can’t reach us here. Now I’m certain of where your heart is.” And it was essentially confirmed by the end.
The figments that appeared within Kairi’s dream were, The Memory of Sora and Xehanort. 
Similar to how Aang was the Avatar for Roku’s spirit to come through and protect him in episode 8 of Book 1, Kairi became the Avatar for Sora memories to come through and protect her in the Final World.
Kairi is a princess of heart, being one of the only seven remaining hearts consisting of pure light. This is a lot like Raava, the spirit of pure light and all good in the world.  
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In KH3 it was even confirmed that the pure lights of the princesses can be passed on to new pure hearts, just like the Avatar reincarnation cycle.
Aang couldn’t go into the Avatar State willingly, each time the previous incarnations of the Avatar would take over Aang’s body when the Avatar State activated in response to whatever mortal danger Aang was currently in.
Aang eventually opened his seven chakras, proceeding to let go of his romantic feelings for Katara, allowing him to enter the Avatar State by will (only once before Azula killed him). Aang gained control of the Avatar State by the end of the series, and revealed he could enter or exit at his behest.
Kairi’s memories of Sora manifested as his Keyblade first, then her form changed to Sora. 
So, here are some of the ways this new Memoria power could be shown:
All of the abilities Riku gained while traversing the sleeping worlds were still his to use. Sora and Riku were able to use the Dualism Blade from the sleeping worlds as well.
Kairi’s princess powers pretty much break a lot of the conventional rules concerning darkness. She was able to restore Sora’s true form as well as project her light from within the Heartless Storm to guide him through.
This makes me think that she can either project her memory powers the same way keyblades are simply materialized, as formchanges or as links from KH3.
Essentially form changes for Kairi. However I would compare the way these could possibly work to Drive Forms.
Kairi’s usd Sora’s fighting stance as a base for developing her own fighting style. 
From the fights we’ve seen her against with Xemnas and Xehanort, Kairi is a very close quarters fighter. Much like Terra, melee is her main focus, but unlike Terra if you pay close attention to her, she kinda just attempts to wail on her enemies, forgoing a lot of defensive maneuvers. Kairi doesn't have a refined fighting style.
Through training with Aqua, I’m sure she’ll be able to iron out her base combat, but if she does go on a world tour, similar to the Dark Road Mark of Mastery Exam, she would have to gain new skills and use them repeatedly on her journey to refine them. (Like us, the player.)
In MoM, Sora’s Kingdom Key materialized first. This could mean that like Xion originally, Kairi can either produce copies of the guardians’ keyblades or she can transmute keychains out of them. Either way aside from maybe enhancement abilities or shotlocks, they’re essentially just basic keyblades for her. No transformations or forms from the keyblades themselves.
Memory Links
The new Memory Links could start as Rage Form* situation commands. When her HP dips into red, she can call upon the memories of the guardians to take over for her. This would unfortunately mean that we’re not necessarily playing as Kairi, but all of the other guardians. 
Alternatively, they could mechanically work as Links/D-Links. Kairi channels these memories, summoning them as the guardians to aid her in combat.
As she grows into her own, instead of having to rely on the guardians to bail her out of trouble, just like Aang she can learn to gain control of these Memory Links to use as she wants. Kairi could gain experience in the different fighting styles of the guardians, kind of like the bending forms (preferably cutscenes, but I couldn't see them taking it that far).
Artist: GeorgePg
The Memoria Forms would be the final evolution of her memory powers. Instead of summoning the guardians to fight by her side or take her over completely, Kairi could weave the Memories of the Guardians into form changes or drive form like power-ups blended with her light powers. 
M-Form (Sora): Second/Limit Form
M-Form (Riku): Dark Form
M-Form (Aqua): Spellweaver/Water based form
M-Form (Ventus): Wingblade/Wind based form
M-Form (Terra): Rockbreaker/Earth based form 
M-Form (Axel): Firestorm/Blaze based form
M-Form (Roxas): Dual Wielding(I'd imagine having a heart that literally cannot be defeated darkness would make it capable of wielding two keyblades. The Duel Attack Reaction Command/Generates OKP & OBV keyblade projections.
M-Form (Xion): HOLY?
M-Form (Mickey)?: ULTIMA?
Artist: GeorgePg
Essentially, The Final Form equivalent for Kairi. I stated the concept in another theory, but it would be the Namine Fusion Concept from Dead Fantasy.
If Kairi can use or project the keyblades of the guardians, then perhaps by the end of her training, she can materialize all of them at the same time.
There’s also The Nameless Star and the power/memory she could pass on to Kairi if she chose to reside in her heart.
It’s entirely possible that this power is limited to her dreams. It’s also possible that this could’ve been a one time thing with no further significance. But apparently none of that stopped me from putting way too much thought into this theory. 
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dtrhwithalex · 3 years
TV | Loki (102)
D: KATE HERRON. W: ELISSA KARASIK. Original Air Date: 16 June 2021.
Non-spoiler-free recap and review of the second episode of LOKI, which airs every Wednesday on Disney+.
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We open this episode in what looks like the medieval period, but turns out to be a Renaissance Fair in the 1980s. Another TVA team has been deployed in the search of the rogue Loki Variant and is promptly attacked by said Variant. Taking control of HUNTER C-20 (SASHA LANE) similarly to how we have seen Loki do during THE AVENGERS, the Variant eliminates the team and leaves the Fair through a time-window, taking C-20 with them.
Hunter B-15 and her team, as well as Mobius and Loki travel to the event to investigate and reinstate the sacred timeline. During the investigation, Loki plays at analysing his rogue counterpart, but Mobius sees through his stalling for time, and calls for the timeline to be restored. Hunter C-20 is declared MIA.
Back at the TVA, Mobius meets with Ravonna Renslayer to discuss the failed mission and the risk Mobius is taking with using Loki to find the Variant. Mobius insists Loki is, if not trustworthy, still useful to them. He tasks Loki with researching every Loki variant that has ever existed and "bans" him to the archives. Begrudgingly studying the files, Loki eventually tires of reading the exact same thing over and over again, and attempts to read up on the secrets of the TVA. However, his attempts are foiled by the Archivist, who only allows him to read one file -- his own.
However, in reading the file, Loki finds out about the events of RAGNAROK and realises that this is the key to finding the Variant. Disrupting Mobius' lunch to explain his theory -- and ruining Mobius' salad in the process -- Loki convinces him to go to an apocalyptic event such as Ragnarok to test the theory that, because of the complete destruction, nothing able to create new timelines would actually register as such. Reluctantly, Mobius agrees and takes him to Pompeii in 79 AD shortly before Mount Vesuvius erupts. Despite Mobius' warnings, Loki does as he does best: he creates chaos. He frees goats, throws things around, tells the people of the imminent eruption, that he is from the future -- and to Mobius' surprise, none of it registers as a deviation from the timeline.
Returning to the TVA, Loki and Mobius attempt to narrow down the specific apocalyptic event the Variant may be hiding in. However, it is not until Mobius remembers the child from the French church, that they are able to do so. Using the specific brand of chewing gum the Variant gave the child to create a specific time-window, Mobius and Loki find the one plausible catastrophe: New Haven, Alabama in 2050, destroyed by a hurricane.
Once on location, Loki is paired with Hunter B-15, despite Mobius' objections. While Mobius and the other Hunters take to the refugee camp, they search the store and come upon a single shopper. Touching him he drops to the floor and the possessive energy is transferred to Hunter B-15. Loki realises that this is the Variant, using their powers to, essentially, make ventriloquist puppets out of other beings.
While Loki tries to find out what it is the Variant wants, and offers up his own secret plans -- infiltrate the TVA, gain their trust, be granted an audience with the Time Keepers and take them out, ultimately wanting to rule the TVA himself -- Mobius and his team find the traumatised C-20. Although strongly disoriented, C-20 is able to reveal that she gave up the location of the Time Keepers to the Variant.
Meanwhile, Loki discovers that the Variant has been rigging the entire store with the time-reset devices. As they go active and vanish through individual time-windows, the real Variant reveals themself to Loki: the VARIANT (SOPHIA DI MARTINO) is a blonde, female version of Loki. Shocked by this revelation, Loki watches as the Variant opens another time-window and vanishes. Hearing Mobius and the Hunters approach, Loki makes a decision and follows the Variant through the time-window, which closes before Mobius can reach it.
As the time-reset devices vanish, the TVA registers anomalies and the agents monitoring the screens watch as multiple new timelines branch out of the sacred timeline, leaving only one conclusion: the timeline is being bombed. Watching her own screen in shock, Renslayer grabs her Hunter gear and leaves her office.
There were quite a few moments in this episode that I really loved. I adored this vibe of 'Loki Has A Day Job'. His whack-a-mole fight with Miss Minutes was a lot of fun. I loved the scenes in the archive, his somewhat flirty attempt at getting the Archivist to let him read classified files (also shushing the lady behind him? Hilarious). His chaotic energy and great Latin speech in Pompeii was absolutely fantastic too. God of Mischief indeed.
And I just adored all the banter scenes with Mobius. They have such a great buddy-cop dynamic, I really love it. The whole salad scene was just A+ comedy (also big yay for Casey!!). Their conversation about existence and free will was so good, too. And I adored the scene where Loki explains the difference between the two powers of projection. What a nerd. I love him.
I thought the reveal of Sophia di Martino as the Loki Variant was amazing. I think it's really interesting that this doesn't seem to be a version Loki himself was expecting to meet, which I'm sure will make for some great moments between the two in upcoming episodes.
Oh and, of course, lest I forget: setting the opening fight between the Variant and the TVA team to Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out for a Hero"? Whoever made that choice is an absolute genius.
I mean, Loki, duh. But I also really enjoyed Ravonna Renslayer in this one. I am really intrigued by her character and I can't wait to see more of her -- especially in action. Also I am very curious about her and Mobius' relationship. I smell history.
Do all Hunters know the location of the Time Keepers? Or did the Variant have to keep nabbing them until finding C-20 who had the information they were looking for?
Also I am not entirely sure about the Variant being played by another person. I mean I get it from like a visual storytelling perspective, that it is easier to have two different faces when Loki and the Variant interact, and like, from an acting perspective too. I get that Loki is a shapeshifter, so whatever body he assumes does not necessarily have to look like himself -- in this case Tom Hiddleston -- and I guess some people would have complained about him playing a female version of himself as being drag or a mockery thereof or something, but... I don't know, I am just not entirely sure about it. It just feels very gendered, somehow, if that makes sense. A very "gender is tied to body" kind of thing. But I'm gonna wait until I see more of it before forming more of an opinion.
An absolutely brilliant and compelling second episode of this show. I am enjoying it tremendously. I completely adore the Loki we get to see in this show and the character dynamic between him and Mobius is so funny and so well done. Loved the reveal of Sophia di Martino as the rogue Loki Variant, and I cannot wait to see more of her in this role. Next Wednesday cannot come soon enough!
[still image taken from imdb page of the episode]
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optimisticme · 3 years
I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see I swallow immediately
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.
I am not cruel, only truthful ‚
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.
It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long
I think it is part of my heart. But it flickers.
Faces and darkness separate us over and over.
Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,
Searching my reaches for what she really is.
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands.
I am important to her. She comes and goes.
Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.
In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish.
Sylvia Plath wrote "Mirror" in 1961, shortly after having given birth to her first child. Written from the point of view of a personified mirror, the poem explores Plath's own fears regarding aging and death. The mirror insists that it objectively reflects the truth—a truth that greets the woman who looks in the mirror each day as a "terrible" reminder of her own mortality. She searches the mirror for an image that reflects the way she sees herself and feels inside, yet finds only an increasingly older woman staring back. "Mirror" was first published in The New Yorker in 1963 and later appeared in Crossing the Water, which was published posthumously.
The poem is told from the perspective of a mirror, who starts by describing itself physically as silver-colored and precise. The mirror insists it has no predetermined notions or assumptions about anything, and instead simply takes in whatever stands in front of it right away, exactly the way it is, unclouded by any feelings. The mirror isn't mean or harsh, but simply honest. It's like a small god's eye, only with four corners. For the most part, the mirror focuses on the pink, speckled wall that stands across from it. The mirror has been staring at this wall for so long that it thinks the wall is in fact an essential part of itself. At the same time, that wall goes in and out of focus as people and darkness pass in front of it—and into the mirror's line of sight—again and again.
The mirror becomes the reflective surface of a lake over which a woman leans, looking intently into the water's depths for some hint of who she is inside. Not finding it, she directs her attention to the candle she holds or the moon—sources of light that she thinks must be lying to her by not showing her who she really is. The mirror watches the woman's back as she walks away, and reflects it accurately. The woman thanks the mirror by crying and wringing her hands in distress. The mirror knows that it matters a lot to this woman, who comes back to look into it time and again. Every day starts with the woman's face taking the place of the darkness that the mirror reflected all night. The young girl she once was will never look back at her again, having been metaphorically drowned in the mirror. Instead, as the days go by she sees only the old woman she has become approaching her like an awful fish.
Time, Aging, and Mortality
The poem describes a woman seeing herself growing older and older in a mirror each day—or, more accurately, it describes a personified mirror looking on as the women’s youth fades. The woman clearly resents getting older and losing her beauty and youth—two important social currencies for women living in a male-dominated society, especially in Plath’s day. The poem thus illustrates the anguish of aging, as the woman confronts her mortality in the mirror each morning.
The first stanza illustrates the objectivity of the mirror, which is only capable of reflecting what it sees. The mirror describes itself as “the eye of a little god.” Like a god, the mirror sees things exactly as they are. The mirror has no intentions of its own; it has no desire to make the woman feel bad about herself. It doesn’t exist to flatter or insult, but only to reflect appearances truthfully.
The woman, on the other hand, experiences the mirror’s objectivity as a pointed reminder of her own mortality. As time passes, she ages and becomes further removed from her youth while getting ever closer to death. The mirror is “important” to the woman, perhaps because women in particular are so often expected to conform to rigid standards of beauty and youth. Unfortunately, then, the very parts of the woman that patriarchal society deems most valuable are also the parts of her that have a time stamp; they are quickly fading.
Even more upsetting is the question of who she is when these parts of herself fade away. On the inside, the woman is the same person she’s always been, yet as she gazes into her reflection each morning, she sees “an old woman / Ris[ing] toward her, day after day, like a terrible fish.” This description suggests that the woman's reflection is disconcerting, as if the aging process has made her unrecognizable; her changing face feels shocking and unreal. And yet, the mirror insists that it is indeed real. This disconnect between how she feels inside and the harsh reality of the mirror highlights the horror and difficulty of confronting aging and—because aging inevitably leads to death—the idea of mortality.
While the poem is told from a personified mirror’s point of view, it’s really about the woman who sees herself in that mirror. This woman is preoccupied with her reflection, hoping to find in it “what she really is.” Even though the mirror itself is objective—in other words, it reflects exactly what stands before it—the woman looking at her reflection still cannot see herself in its image. This, the poem implies, is because people are so much more than what they look like on the surface; the mirror only reflects how things appear, not what they are.
The mirror at first presents itself as being totally neutral when it comes to bouncing images back to its subjects. It is “silver and exact," and doesn’t offer up distorted reflections that are “misted by love or dislike”—that is, reflections that are influenced by feelings. Instead, it presents clear and precise images and has “no preconceptions," meaning that it doesn't have an agenda. It’s not bending its image to tell a certain story, but simply reflects whatever stands before it.
The mirror, then, is trustworthy; one can count on it to tell the truth. The poem suggests that the mirror is “not cruel, only truthful.” This speaks to the fact that although people might not like what they see reflected in the mirror, this isn’t because the mirror is actively trying to hurt them. After all, it is only capable of reflecting what stands in front of it.
But the poem goes on to show the ways that the mirror’s objectivity is only skin-deep, reflecting just the surface of things. The poem metaphorically compares the woman looking in the mirror to a woman bending over a lake to see her own reflection. When she searches for this image, she can’t find “what she really is"—that is, she doesn't gain a true sense of self-understanding. The fact that she isn’t just looking at her reflection in the lake, but “searching [its] reaches” speaks to her longing to find out something important about herself—something the poem implies cannot be found in the mirror, no matter how carefully she looks.
Although the woman searches the "reaches" of the lake-like mirror, the fact remains that all she can see is a surface-level reflection of herself. This implies that, though the woman wants to discover something deeper about herself, appearances can only reveal so much. The mirror might present a seemingly objective representation of how the speaker looks (even reflecting her image "faithfully" when she turns her back), but it will never be able to reveal the whole truth about who she is as a person. There is, after all, much more to people than what meets the eye.
The poem's speaker is a personified mirror. This becomes clear in the first line, when the speaker says, "I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions." This description immediately lets readers know that the speaker is a literal mirror while also establishing the voice of this mirror, which is direct and straightforward.
This straightforward tone makes sense, as the mirror goes on to say that it "swallow[s] immediately" whatever stands in front of it, consuming it "just as it is." In other words, the mirror isn't capable of embellishment or misdirection—to exaggerate or conceal certain details would go against its very nature. This is because the mirror has no feelings of its own. It is able to provide an "exact" reflection that is untainted by "love or dislike." Unlike a person, the mirror doesn't project feelings onto what it sees. It has no purpose other than to show what is there.
The Mirror
The mirror in the poem symbolizes a few things at once. Most broadly, it represents the unavoidable reality of aging and mortality. The mirror's repeated insistence that it has no agenda or "preconceptions" emphasizes the fact that it is objective, forcing people to face the insistent, painful truth of growing older and dying.
That the woman doesn't recognize, or doesn't want to recognize, her own reflection in the mirror thus represents her own inability or refusal to accept that truth—to face her own mortality. Though the woman can see herself reflected "exactly" in the mirror, it's clear that something is missing: she can't find "what she really is," no matter how long she looks or how often she returns to the mirror. Her aging appearance doesn't reflect her inner sense of self. Part of the pain of aging, the poem thus implies, is that people may feel that their bodies no longer match up with their true selves.
On a slightly different level, the mirror subtly evokes the unrealistic and unfair expectations forced upon women by a patriarchal society. In Plath's day, women were expected to appear immaculate while also somehow running a household, caring for their husbands, and serving as full-time caretakers for their children. Since the mirror allows the woman to carefully scrutinize herself, it perhaps comes to represent the pressure she feels to look a certain way.
Unfortunately, it seems this pressure has led to a kind of obsession, as the woman returns "each morning" to pour over her own image. And yet, studying herself like this does nothing but frustrate her. The mirror thus represents the dangers of fixating on one's own image and the harmful nature of society's mysogynistic view.
The poem is told from the point of view of a mirror, so the whole poem is an example of personification. The mirror is made to think and speak like a person, giving voice to an objective account of the woman standing before her own reflection. Through this use of personification, the poem allows the mirror to comment on the woman's discomfort with her own image. This highlights the way women in male-dominated societies often end up objectifying themselves by ruthlessly scrutinizing their own appearances.
The use of personification also draws attention to the limitations of the mirror. While the mirror is indeed "truthful," it is not the whole truth—it can only see, and reflect, whatever's visible. The mirror compares itself to the "eye of a little god," perhaps because of the importance the woman places on it—she returns to it day after day, almost worshiping its ability to reflect her image. Yet, unlike a god, the mirror isn't actually omniscient. In other words, all-seeing isn't the same as all-knowing. The mirror can reflect the woman's outer beauty or her signs of aging, but it cannot reflect or know what makes her valuable; it cannot see her thoughts, beliefs, or feelings.
By personifying the mirror, then, the poem tricks readers (at least at first) into giving an inanimate object more power and agency than it actually deserves. The fact that the mirror speaks directly to readers creates the impression that it is capable of meaningful observation. This illustrates the misplaced faith the women places in the mirror to show her something meaningful about herself. In the end, though, it is nothing but a reflective piece of glass
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medialit-posting · 4 years
"My stand about Plagiarism, Piracy Bias Media, and the like.."
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We are living in a world where almost everything are readily accessible for all of us. We can easily research almost every information we desire and needed, we can download everything on the Internet; movies? games? music? name it! News and media information are readily available online, from journalistic article, news, blogs literally EVERYTHING is on the Internet and available online... Moreover we also have the presence of new and traditional media to satiate our endless needs. However, this usage lf Internet has its pros and cons. Various issues surfaced online, now I am going tp share to you my stand about my stand about Plagiarism, Piracy Bias Media, and the like... which are mostly issues surfaced in the digital world.
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Plagiarism is known as the theft and dissemination of other people's words and ideas, if a person commits to this kind of crime he or she uses other people's words and ideas as if itvis theirs. Plagiarism is a heinous offence. It normally earns you an F on your work at the university level. Or if your university is stricy enough you're not able to graduate or finish the course that you're currently taking which would cause to give you a bad reputation or worse a bad life. Given that a student can also get thrown out of the institution if he or she plagiarizes repeatedly, one must avoid in doing or committing this kind of offensive violations. The punishments sanctions and the like, varies from the university or institution that you're part with or the violator's.
Why is plagiarism prevalent across universities? Some of them are linked to the way we access information. Don't you know a question answer? Just google it! Just google it! So we are a little like the dogs of Pavlov. The way we study, the same behaviour. In high school, students sometimes don't have ample research skills and instead look at anything online. This googling culture has a negative influence on the self-confidence of students. Students start most assignments by hearing what others have to suggest rather than thinking about themselves. As a business, we have a responsibility to empower students to feel assured that they can be great critical thinkers. Only thus will plagiarism be treated correctly. If a person is caught plagiarizing, his or her reputation is definitely tarnished and that person might lose their work. We all should obey the law just because we are just avoiding ourselves in getting caught. If we value original thought, personal integrity, and scholarly research, then we will naturally want to avoid plagiarism. That’s why it’s important to cite your sources and know how to integrate quotations properly. But if you only aim to be stop being caught, you're in great danger because you need to follow the law already. You would of course want to stop plagiarism if you respect original thinking, personal integrity and scientific evidence. Therefore, it is necessary to quote your sources and to know how to properly incorporate quotes.
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Links for pictures :https://copyleaks.com/blog/how-do-plagiarism-detectors-work/
Due to what was discussed above, one might think they would never commit to this kind of crime or act (Plagiarism). Unfortunately, to some or most people who commit to this kind of crime they have a lot of reasons. Here are the possible reasons or factors as to why some good workers and students sometimes plagiarize :
Panic of the last minute
Feels of insufficiency
Incomprehension of what plagiarism is
Note slippery
Copying ideas blindly, often in the same order
Work on a job and handing out similar documents
Quotations from the bibliography, but not from the paper
Yet ignorance is no excuse even when plagiarism is unintentional and unintentional. You must quote your own sources and argue.
From the discussion above, now I can conclude that I myself, all of us should stand AGAINST plagiarism. There are a lot of ways to fight and avoid committing such offensive act. We can always paraphrase, put references and include citations or quotations. Together let's stand AGAINST plagiarism and the people who commit such acts.
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If a person has a limited knowledge, he or she might say thay piracy only happens in the confines of the Earth's ocean. If you're this person then you need help- you have to be aware and be knowledgeable about the fact that piracy doesn't take place in the sea or ocean - it happens everyday in our lives, in business world, media and most especially it happens online. We love free items right? I mean who would want to spend money on things that we can get for free. However, this kind of mentality might lead us to doing illegal activities such as piracy without even knowing it. According to economic times the definition of piracy is that "Piracy refers to the unauthorized duplication of copyrighted content that is then sold at substantially lower prices in the 'grey' market. The ease of access to technology has meant that over the years, piracy has become more rampant. For example, CD writers are available off the shelf at very low prices, making music piracy a simple affair." There have been several regulations to prohibit secrecy. Internationally, piracy laws are strict and punitive in nature in developing countries. It does not gain attention nationally in Asian countries, and more in India too, because of more engaging topics. However, the industry has been involved in stemming red, in particular IT and music industry. These organisations identify music piracy outlets and then carry out police raids. However, there are few convictions and the punishment is not sufficiently harsh to discourage.
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Link for the picture https://haulixdaily.com/2019/02/piracy-access-2019
Video pirates, cable piracy and DVD/CD piracy are achieved in several different ways. The film is made by a video-cassette without the correct permission of the right holder - i.e. producer. Video piracy takes place. Film producers also sell video rights to another group, who makes video cassettes for sale or loaning (typically after six weeks of release in theatres). The on sale video cassettes are only intended for home views. Cable piracy applies to illegal cable network transmission of films. Films, in particular new releases, are often seen via cable without the rights holder's permission. Piracy in satellite channels is an unusual occurrence, since they are structured and do not usually screen movies without purchasing right. Music piracy involves the illegal reuse of music cassettes, which flood the market until a new release is released. The sales of music companies hit hard by the influx of pirated compact disks and cassettes, as they are in store at considerably lower prices. In the foreign market there is DVD/VCD piracy of Indian films. The prints sent for film screening abroad are usually pirated at any airport in the Middle East. Prints of DVD/VCD are able to be sent to Pakistan. Such prints can also travel from Pakistan to Nepal and come by land to the country.
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link for the picture https://variety.com/2018/digital/news/piracy-survey-illegal-content-muso-1202829757/amp/
From the discussion given above, I conclude that me and you ; all of us should stand against piracy. Although we get to consume media products for a lower price or some are even free we should remember that the people behind these media products worked really hard fro their movies, songs or music etc. to get produced... We should enable and let humanity win against "practicality". Therefore I encourage everyone to stand AGAINST piracy and against the people who continues to commit this kind of crime.
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As time continues to pass by, our technology continues to get advance. However, the presence of traditional media is still very much alive and kicking as to this industry continues its best to be in the competition. We continue to use simultaneously the media products offered by both new and traditional media... Now the concern is are we really keen enough in making sure that what media products we consume are not biased? How do I stand in this issue and the like (other related issues regarding media bias, piracy and plagiarism.)
According to lumen learning media bias "Media bias is the bias of journalists and news producers in the selection of events and stories that are reported, and how they are covered." addition to thay according to them "The term “media bias” implies a pervasive or widespread bias contravening the standards of journalism, rather than the perspective of an individual journalist or article. The direction and degree of media bias in various countries is widely disputed." From this we can say that not all information presented in the media are the information that we have to believe to. We should not let ourselves be spoofed by these journalists, television programmers, broadcasters, writers etc. we should take time to analyze and even fact check the information that we have received. Information that you might have read online, heard on the radio, or even the news you watch on your favourite channel. We should analyze and think if the information or news is biased or not.
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link for the picture https://dailybruin.com/2019/05/09/the-quad-media-coverage-skewed-by-biases-of-journalists-american-society
"Practical limitations to media neutrality include the inability of journalists to report all available stories and facts, and the requirement that selected facts be linked into a coherent narrative. Because it is impossible to report everything, selectivity is inevitable. Government influence, including overt and covert censorship, biases the media in some countries, for example North Korea and Burma. Market forces that result in a biased presentation include the ownership of the news source, concentration of media ownership, the selection of staff, the preferences of an intended audience, and pressure from advertisers." (Candela, 2019). This is true and is happening in our country, based on what my teacher have said the a television channel is so biased in reporting, writing and heading of news towards the president and the government in general. She also stated how this channel has been violating laws in paying tax that's why it was forced to shutdown from giving its services. Since, I think highly of my teacher I think she really has a point and one might think that the closure of the said station if for everyone's good. We should not tomerate media bias, just like what happened to a certain news channel we should take action if we can to fight media bias.
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link for the picture https://thecord.ca/how-media-bias-effects-reader-perception/
There is an attempt to correct bias; the round table is a method used to prevent bias, in which members of opposing viewpoints comment on an issue. This approach allows different viewpoints to be expressed in the media in principle. The organizer of the report is also responsible, however, for selecting people who really represent the broad opinion, for asking non-detrimental questions and fairly editing and arbitrating their statements. A point/counterpoint may be as unjust as a simple biased article if done carelessly, implying that the losing party has lost its merits.
The disclosure of affiliations which can be viewed as a potential conflict of interest is another tactic used to prevent partialism. This is particularly obvious when a news outlet publishes a story that is important to the news organization or its owners or conglomerates. The laws or regulations regulating stocks and shares typically include this divulgation. Commentators on stock news stories are also compelled in these companies or in their rivals to reveal their ownership interests.
Overall what is my standing towards media bias (piracy and plagiarism) and the like... well just like what I have said in the previous paragraphs together we should stand AGAINST media bias, piracy, plagiarism and the like because it is the right thing to do. We should eradicate toxicity and evil in our world whether its digital or not. It is our jobs as human beings to spread humanity whether it is online or not, we should always consider going against issues like this so that slowly but surely we can change the world the we are currently live on for the future generations and for the betterment of all human beings.
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motherboxing · 7 years
my fiacee doesn't know who H*go Sch***zer is. Can you give a brief overview about this internet disaster?
urghhhh So H*go Schw*z*r was, back in like… idk, I feel like I started becoming vaguely aware of him around 2010-ish? I don’t know how long he was around in online feminist blogging circles before he started to become fairly prominent in those circles but it seemed fast to me at the time. He was for a while kind of the go-to guy for a White Dude Ally’s Perspective On Lady Problems Back When We Were All Calling Feminism “Lady Problems” Because Of The Brief Relevancy Of S*dy D*yle (who is probably a topic for another post about the sordid history and bullshit nature of the Professional Feminist Blogosphere). He wrote guest posts and did interviews for a number of feminist blogging sites (idk all of them but I think Feministing was one, as well as Feministe, and he was featured a few times on Jezebel and xoJane, etc) and he founded a website called the Good Men Project for ~feminist ally men~ to talk about how hard it is when we are not about me or whatever.
Early on there were problems with the way he conducted himself online. Numerous women of colour and specifically black women raised issues with how he talked about race, and when they did they often found themselves being harassed and bullied by white feminists in positions of relative social power within those scenes. This guy also often talked about his students - he made a big deal about how he taught womens studies at a university, although it later was revealed that he had no academic background in womens studies AT ALL, he was a history professor who basically taught a couple of classes on the subject of gender because the college he worked for didn’t have a proper womens studies department at the time - in ways that were patronizing, racist, sexist, and otherwise just troubling. (I can’t find it but I remember one where he talked about Latinx students of his and how “hot blooded” and sexually driven they were, which made the men sexist and the women vulnerable - stuff like that.) His writing and public speaking and etc all seemed like they were geared more towards establishing a cult of personality than anything else (ads with giant pictures of his face, his name everywhere, much more prominent than the actual subjects he was supposedly addressing, etc.) 
As he gained prominence he started writing more about his personal history with his girlfriends and ex-girlfriends, often going into humiliating details about their own sexual histories, their bodies, etc - there was an infamous article he wrote about pulling a tampon out of his ex-wife’s vagina, for example. He alluded to and explicitly talked about his “bad boy” past, implying or stating that he USED to do very bad things like sleep with young students of his, take advantage of women in vulnerable emotional states, etc, but that all of that was past him now because feminism had shown him the light.
A LOT of white, cis, upper/middle-class women with online presences that centered around a particular kind of reductive liberal feminist ideology REALLY ate that shit up. As I’ve mentioned, when he was criticized, they would close ranks around him. I think he served a few different purposes - for starters, he was privately sowing division and isolating women of colour by basically picking up on existing tensions between white women and some women of colour who were writing in the same circles, and going to those white women and being like, “you’re right, she’s crazy, you shouldn’t have to listen to her”. He was very good at manipulation, and he was good at picking up on who had how much social capital in any given situation. He would identify ringleaders of certain online circles and cliques, and present himself to them as a pilgrim seeking absolution from benevolent, ideologically pure (white) women. It flattered them and affirmed the sense of ideological superiority that a lot of them ultimately secretly (or not so secretly) harbored. 
But eventually he started crossing the line publicly, in ways that exposed his ongoing private behavior. There’s the infamous piece he wrote about the time he tried to murder his ex-girlfriend after she was sexually assaulted, because he thought she’d been ruined by the assault - that was kind of the snowflake that triggered a massive avalanche of backlash against him, which ultimately led to people realizing that he was STILL sleeping with his students, and taking advantage of and manipulating many other women in many other ways. He was forced out of most online feminist circles, but not before a long, bitter series of debates between people who had always been critical of him and people who felt guilty about having defended him for so long (or were just unrepentant about it, as some were!)
Every now and then he pops up with some new public face. A couple years ago now he re-debuted on Twitter and me and a couple buds got into it with him, which was an intensely unpleasant experience. Today he’s publishing a lot over on Medium, including articles that graphically describe the sex he had with students who were upwards of 20 years younger than him at the time, and who he was actively lying to through their whole relationships. I’m not linking to any of this for obvious reasons - I don’t want to give him the traffic, it’s exploitative shchlock written by a guy who wants to profit financially off of his own sexual abuse of women - but it’s easy enough to google all of this and find it if you’re really curious.
Anyway tl;dr he’s a garden-variety abuser and rapist who learned some feminist jargon and briefly became a media darling and poster boy for Feminist Men, before it was revealed that he’s a serial sexual predator and attempted murderer. 
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scriptautistic · 7 years
Autistic people are often framed as having only a singular, heavily involved "special interest", or perhaps 2 or 3, to the absolute exclusion of anything else. While I know this is likely true for some, I can't imagine that every autistic person ever doesn't have multiple hobbies or interests pursued with varying degrees of engagement. The sense I get from the NT-written things I've encountered make autistic folk seem very one-dimensional. I'd like some help clearing this up, please!
This is one of those topics that hasn’t really been researched, as far as I can tell, so I’ll be sticking to my usual method of speaking for myself and inviting autistic followers to add their thoughts. I can in no way claim to speak for everyone, but am happy to share my perspective.
First off, let me explain how a special interest works for me with a simple metaphor: falling in love. When I first come across a new special interest, its eyes sparkle at me from across the room. I get a tiny taste of it, a fragment of information or a glimpse of a picture, and a spark flies, and a fuse lights, and a bomb of euphoria goes off in my head. This thing, this thing right here, is quite clearly the most amazing, important thing I’ve ever come across. This thing is frigging incredible, the best thing that’s ever happened, and the world needs to know.
I become obsessed. I gobble up information wherever I can find it. I learn everything there is to know as quickly as I possibly can. I become an expert on this thing in a remarkably short amount of time. This is LOVE, man. Well, more accurately, this is infatuation. Puppy love. That drug-like rush of chemicals in your brain when you feel you’ve found THE ONE. I talk about it constantly, much to the annoyance of those around me who just don’t quite understand why this thing, this one thing, is so amazingly great that I need to rant about it to the exclusion of everything else in the world. (Especially since they’ve heard it all before.) Just talking about it gives me a rush of euphoria. Sometimes I can see that those around me aren’t interested, but I just can’t stop. The words pour out of me, the excitement radiates off of me, I can’t be ignored, can’t be interrupted. This is like nothing that has ever happened before! Surely, if I can explain it well enough, everyone else will see, too, right? Right?
If you’ve never been in this kind of love, you might not have learned this lesson yet, but here it comes, folks: that kind of love doesn’t last. That euphoric high that results when your brain decides to take a bath in happy chemicals - it’s just physically impossible to sustain it. Eventually, the high, the firey passion, wears off. For me, this usually takes about a year. I’ve read and watched and learned everything I can about this thing. It’s been the center point of my life for a long time, the thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. And one day, suddenly, it just… doesn’t hold the same appeal. It’s not that I don’t love it anymore! I will always love it. But the love changes. It becomes the old, familiar love that comes with time. You don’t get that high from being together anymore, but that doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy each other’s company. You no longer try to persuade the world that this one is the one, is the best thing ever. You no longer need to. This love just settles into the back of your mind, always there, always a comfort, always ready to give you a hug when you need it.
The expertise I’ve gained from all my intensive research, that stays. I will always know just about all there is to know about that thing (at least, all there was to know when I was researching it). I’ll always be able to call that knowledge to mind later on, when it’s useful. And I’ve developed quite the reputation for being a “know-it-all”. I always seem to have some random, obscure fact right on the tip of my tongue, and it’s usually debunking some common misconception that my friends would just as soon keep on having rather than feeling like they’re constantly under attack by that one girl who just HAS to know EVERYTHING.
But it doesn’t feel that way for me. A key difference I’ve noted in communication between autistic and allistic people, and the source of a large percentage of our miscommunications in life, is this: allistic people communicate to bond emotionally and to establish and display power and dominance or submission. Autistic people communicate to share information. When I correct someone, it’s because I know that if I was wrong, I would want to be given the correct information, so I could stop being wrong. But when an allistic person is corrected like that, they take it as an attack on their status, a display of power, and a denial of their feelings. The “golden rule” doesn’t always work. It’s a constant problem.
In any case, I have always been described as someone obsessive. Someone who finds one thing (although it’s often two, three, even four things at a time) and just obsessively learns everything about it and won’t shut up about it for months and months on end. And that really does seem to be true, in a sense. I have very extreme levels of interest. Either something is amazing and I need to know everything about it, or it just doesn’t catch my interest at all. There isn’t much in between.
On the other hand, due to all the many special interests I’ve had over my more than three decades of life, I have built up quite a broad range of interests. I never lost any of them. All of those things still interest me now, and when someone brings one of them up in conversation, I still get a spark of the old obsessiveness deep inside. As a result, I now seem to have a wide range of interests, some of which I’m overtly obsessive about, and others which I keep on file, ready to pull out whenever they’re needed. When I was young, that probably wasn’t the case. It’s likely that I may have been viewed as somewhat one-dimensional as a child, obsessed with just a few things and completely uncaring about everything else. (And when my parents, trying to make me act “normal”, tried separating me from my special interests, the pain was as crushing as being forced to leave your True Love because the rest of the world doesn’t want you to be together - and only made my obsession stronger.)
What I want you to understand is that I don’t see that as a negative thing in any way. An allistic person might see that narrow range of interests and think “oh the poor thing, it’s like she lives in a tiny world and is missing so much of life!” But from my perspective, it’s allistic people who are missing out. Allistic people never seem particularly interested in anything, not by my standards. From where I’m standing, it looks like allistics just drift through life, dabbling in a little of everything but never mastering anything, never finding any real interest, never getting any real, intense joy out of any of their hobbies. An allistic person might say to me, “Yeah, I do a little crocheting, but I’m not really that into it.” And in my mind, I’ll think… then why do it at all? How horribly unsatisfying must it be to go through your entire life, never falling in love with anything you do? Never feeling that euphoria that I get to experience over and over again every time I find a new interest?
Autistic and allistic brains are specialized differently. Allistic brains are best at navigating social rules and structures and internalizing broad strokes and large categories. They look at a table for the first time and think: “That’s a table.” And that’s pretty much as far as they go. They might spend a few seconds to note the material or color or overall condition of the table, but that’s it. 
Autistic brains are specialized in details. It means we have more information to process, all those details without any mechanism for discarding the ones that aren’t important, but it also means we get to see everything about something. I see that new table and I can get lost in tracing the patterns of the grain for hours on end. Sure, it takes me longer, but I get a lot more out of it, and I get a joy from that which allistic people just don’t seem to get.
It’s similar with our interests. Allistics have broad interests, dipping their toe into the shallow ends of a thousand different pools but never really diving in. Autistics have narrow but intense interests. We absorb every detail, and in doing so experience an intense and wonderful euphoria. Honestly, sometimes I feel sorry for all the allistic people in the world who never get to experience that. The poor things… ;)
-Mod Aira
For me, I can have both special interests and normal-level interests. Just because I have stuff that I really really love and am passionate about doesn’t mean I can’t also have other interests, that I’m not quite as passionate about but that I like to dabble in from times to times or as a part of my routine. I do not feel however the urge or will to research them in more depth. There is joy that I can derive from it, but there is not the same “drive” to pursue it. I’d say that’s the main difference between a regular interest and what we call a special interest: a drive to learn about it, talk about it, read about it, build projects about it, engage with it, that is much stronger. So one person can have one or a few special interests, but I’d say it’s not always to the exclusion of everything else.
I think the intensity of special interests, their “obsessiveness” and whether or not the person likes to engage with other subjects that their special interests depends a lot from one person to the next. My special interests sound less intense than what Aira is describing, and I may have more varied non-special interests. So really I’d say this is something that depends a lot from one person to the next.
I also want to add that just because someone has a narrow range of interests doesn’t mean they’re one-dimensional: I’ve seen a special interest described as a lense through which you understand the world. The world is large, and even if you have only one such “lense”, that’s a lot of things to discover with that unique point of view.
-Mod Cat
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