#Amy Steinfeld
taintedarabesque · 2 months
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me core
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lizzieblopaz24 · 2 months
Emily and Amy manip, I have a scene like this planned for my fic
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I’m wondering if Paramount/Sega is casting their Sonic movie universe via the characters’ most popular fancasts. Because I distinctly remember Idris Elba and Keanu Reeves being popular fancasts for Knuckles and Shadow.
If that’s the case, then I’m wondering who’s gonna be Amy Rose. Because on myCast, the most popular fancast for Amy is apparently Anna Kendrick. Hailee Steinfeld is up there as well.
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blkmxrvel · 8 months
alright y’all i need help finding a fic again 😭 i’m not sure who is was for but it had to be for florence, amy or yelena. R was from a poor family, and Yelena or whoever was royalty basically. There was a debutante contest or whatever that was being hosted by the royal family (mainly the grandmother) and R won! R and Florence/Yelena/Whoever began liking each other and eventually dating. R was set to marry this one guy, but eventually ends up outed, and i think the women end up happily ever after.
PUHLEASE the fic was so good it just popped into my head again and now i can’t let it go until i read it 😭😭 i’m tagging every possible character sorry in advance
sidenote: there was also this really good knight!natasha (who no one knew was a woman) x princess!reader series that was tewwww good too
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kaitlinj16 · 9 months
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Pitch Perfect 2 (2015)
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livingdreams97 · 5 months
Emily Junk - "The New Bella." (Part 2)
Emily Junk x fem! reader/oc
Summary: Emily is a newcomer to Barden College and her dream is to be a part of the group acapella the Barden Bellas. She entered the house of the acapella group in order to fulfill her dream, but she ended up falling in love and living an experience that she had never imagined.
Words: 2.392
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We've been at the Treblemakers party for a while and Beca still hasn't come home from work. Which means that Chloe is asking me every time she sees me about her and if she has responded to any my messages.
Which I deny, saying I don't know anything and escaping the situation as quickly as possible. I just hope that Beca tells Chloe about the job sometime soon, because it's her first day at the production company and I can't take the stress of keeping the secret anymore.
Stacie: It seems like the new one is flirting already.- she says, shouting close to my ear because of the music, pointing to a place at the party with her finger.
I look amused at where she points, seeing Benji move very strangely and talking to the new Bella.
Amy: They would make a good couple, they are just as weird. - She laughs, joining our conversation.
Cynthia: I don't know.- she denies with a grimace on her lips. -I feel certain vibes from him, you know what I mean.- she comments with an amused smile.
Y/n: I think they would make a slightly awkward couple.- I laugh imagining it. -Besides the fact that we're talking about Benji, I doubt he could even tell her his name, much less ask her out without getting stuck every two words.- I assure them and they all laugh in agreement.
Stacie: You know that from experience, right? - she asks me amused, moving her eyebrows suggestively.
Y/n: Shut up.- I growled, embarrassed, hitting her on the arm. -That was the most uncomfortable moment of my life and I prefer to forget it completely.- I admit sincerely.
Amy: It's true, the weirdo asked little Mitchell out.- she remembers laughing, putting her arm around my shoulders and bringing me closer to her.
Y/n: Amyyyy! - I complain like a little girl when he continues with the topic.
Cynthia: That's why I'm gay.- she assures us proudly.
Stacie: I couldn't be gay.- he shakes his head. -I can't reduce the hunter's prey in half and there are times when a good cock cures everything.- she explains to us without any shame and we all look at her with some disgust.
Y/n: Stacie, too many details.- I say with a disgusted face.
Amy: As far as I know, little Mitchell here doesn't have a dick. - She reminds her with curiosity and amusement at the conversation.
Stacie: She don't need it.- she assures her winking at me. -Besides, the toys are there for a reason.- she comments amusedly and I open my eyes in surprise.
Amy: Wait, what? - she asks with surprise and trying to suppress a laugh, putting on her evil smile. -Does little Mitchell have a harness?- she asks, looking at me completely amused.
Y/n: No, no, no. - I deny quickly, getting out from under the blonde's arm and practically fleeing the place listening to the laughter of my aka-sisters.
I see Jesse sitting alone and decide to go with him. On the way I pick up a glass of pineapple with alcohol inside and take a sip, noticing the strong flavor of gin.
Y/n: I come to keep you company.- I tell him, when I sit next to him and he looks at me funny.
Jesse: To keep me company or to run away from the girls? - he asks me with amusement, pointing with his head where my friends are and where I came from.
Y/n: I can do both at the same time.- I reply amused, taking another sip of the drink.
Jesse: What was it this time? - He asks me, amused.
Y/n: They were embarrassing me.- I respond with a pout and crossing my arms.
Jesse: Were they messing with little Mitchell? - he asks, amused, hugging me by the shoulders. -Do you want me to take care of them?- he asks again, but this time with a fake Italian accent and feigning seriousness.
Y/n: After the competition, right now we need all the bellas.- I answer him and he bursts out laughing at my answer.
Beca: Hello! - she exclaims, appearing out of nowhere and scaring us.
Jesse: Hey, you've come.- he says while they kiss and I pretend to vomit.
Beca: Are you jealous? - she asks me amused. -Don't worry, I have kisses for you too.- she assures me, sitting on my lap and leaving several kisses on my face.
Y/n: Stop, stop, stop! - I exclaim, amused, trying to push her face away, while Jesse laughs at our attitude.
Jesse: Well, how was internship? - he asks when my sister stops still.
Beca: Very productive, yes, they are not up to fooling around.- she tells us, taking my glass from the small bar and taking a sip.
Jesse: Chloe asked where you were.- he tells her.
Y/n: Many times, I have been asked about you MANY times.- I say looking seriously at my sister.
Jesse: Why haven't you told her? - he asks his girlfriend, confused.
Beca: She's very busy with the competition and all that, it wasn't the right time.- she responds, moving her hands nervously.
You see, when I'm nervous or hiding something, I scratch my eyebrow and my sister gesticulates excessively with her hands. So it's very easy to tell when Beca is nervous or hiding something, because her hand movement during a conversation increases by 80%.
Y/n: Beca, you have to tell the girls, I can't hide it anymore and it's only been one day. - I plead to my sister, scratching my eyebrow for the first time all day and feeling some relief.
My sister, seeing my action, sighs with some guilt and grabs my hand so I don't scratch myself anymore.
Beca: I promise I'll tell her soon.- she assures me, placing a kiss on my right eyebrow and hugging me by the shoulders.
Y/n: By the way, we have a new member.- I told my sister, hugging her around the waist.
Beca: But the dean said that we can't do auditions.- she comments with confusion.
Y/n: Apparently she is an heiress and we are obliged to let them audition or something like that. - I explain, shrugging my shoulders since I do not understand the situation myself.
Beca: Okay.- she says, shrugging her shoulders like me and changing the subject.
The three of us talked about everything for a bit, before getting up and joining the rest of the people on the dance floor.
Emily POV
We meet at the car show, where the Bellas are supposed to perform and because of Amy's issue with the president, they gave it to a German group.
Flo: Explain to me again what we do at a car show? - she asks with confusion in front of me on the mechanical stairs.
Chloe: There is a reason and it is very obvious: study the competition. - she answers seriously her.
Emily: Knowing who we are facing will help us win. - I support the co-captain of the group by understanding her point of view.
Chloe: Okay, let's find out where those tour stealers are.- she says confidently, when we reach the end of the stairs. -Stacie!- she calls her when she sees where our aka-sister is.
When we get off the stairs, we all notice Stacie who is perched on the hood of a red car posing and some guys are taking photos of her.
Beca: Don't be a cock-warmer.- she says amusingly to our partner.
Amy: Stacie!- she exclaims, approaching her and causing her to get up from the car. -I bet that made you horny Y/n.- she accuses her evilly.
Y/n: Oh my god! - She exclaims, hitting her forehead in embarrassment and begins to walk faster and  away from the group.
I just watch as she gets ahead of everyone, feeling how breakfast stirs in my stomach at the blonde's comment and knowing that the two have some kind of relationship.
When we get to the performance room, I don't realize that I am between the two Mitchells.
During the performance, I can't help but focus on the warmth radiating from the body to my right and the smell of pear with something floral that I can't make out.
Emily. You smell very good.- I whisper to her without thinking, opening my eyes mortified and she looks at me with confusion.
Y/n: Excuse me?- she asks, approaching me.
Emily: That they seem good.- I say quickly, feeling my heart beating wildly and my hands starting to sweat.
Y/n: Yes, they are.- she nods agreeing with me and returning her attention to the performance.
I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, trying to calm the fast beating of my heart and wiping the sweat from my hands against my pants.
I take a deep breath, focusing on the performance and trying not to think about the interaction I just had with my bandmate.
When the performance ends, we applaud politely and look at each other without really knowing what to do. None of us imagined that they were going to be so good and that they were so synchronized.
Kommisar: The Bellas of Barden, have you come to see us? - she asks us when they approach us. -Is it because you are a little... as they say to American children? .... in heat - she says and I open my eyes surprised at the comment.
Chloe: We're not in heat. - She denies with her lips together.
Kommisar: We should thank you for giving us this tour, you know, with your clumsy inaptitude.- she tells us seriously. -Should we send them something, something like a fruit basket?.- she asks the boy next to him.
Pieter: Yum yum.- nods agreeing.
Kommisar: Or would you prefer some sweets? - she asks us this time with a smile.
Beca: Hey, we haven't come to fight with you, we just wanted to see you before the championship where we're going to crush you.- she assures the Germans with a smile.
Kommisar: You? - she asks, approaching the brunette co-captain. -Are you going to crush us?- she asks, amused, remaining a few centimeters away from her.
Beca: Well yes.- she answers, moving in her place with some nervousness.
Kommisar: What little thing, like an elf or is it a fairy, a little fairy? - she asks before saying something in her language to one of her companions.
Pieter: Troll.- he responds with a strong accent to whatever she is asking.
Kommisar: That's it, you're like a troll.- she says and I feel how they gently pull me aside.
Beca: And you are physically perfect, and I don't like you at all.- she assures her and we all look at her confused.
Kommisar: Thank you.- she thanks you with a smile.
Y/n: What you really are is a poorly educated bully. - She responds to her sister's insult by placing herself in front of the blonde, who looks at her with a raised eyebrow.
Kommisar: And you are? - she asks with a more defensive posture.
Y/n: I'm the one who will kick your German ass if you insult her again.- she assures her seriously and I can't help but bite my lip at her authoritarian tone of voice.
Chloe: You don't scare us, because when we step on stage we're going to rock it. - she assures them with a smile, changing the subject and trying to lighten the tension in the atmosphere.
Pieter: With what? - he asks sarcastically. -Showing flabby Abby's rabbit.- he says, looking at the blonde with disgust.
Amy: That's not my name. She denies something uncomfortable.
Pieter: I don't know your name, but I can improvise.- he assures her with amusement. -Malena the whale, Lisa the plump one, the bale cow...- he begins and with each name I can see Y/n's body tense up more.
Amy: My name is fat Amy and I have salchichem like you for breakfast. - She says, approaching him in a threatening manner.
Pieter: Your team is like a chicken coop without a rooster, and without a rooster you are poor untied chicks who, as soon as a rooster crows, another rooster crows at them. - he says with that horrible accent.
Kommisar: Girls, follow my advice, don't try to beat us: you can't, we're better. - she assures us with an evil smile, staring at Y/n. -And now I have to go rest my neck, it hurts to look at you from above.- she says, looking this time at Beca with superiority.
I see how Y/n is about to jump on her, so I grab her arm and pull her hard towards me, avoiding any type of altercation.
Beca: Okay, just because you make me feel sexually confused doesn't mean you scare me! We have nothing to lose! Literally nothing! - she exclaims, moving her hands and watching them go. -Aka-fidersen bastards.- she says goodbye, moving her hands above her head.
Chloe: Leave it.- she asks her friend, placing a hand on her arm.
Beca: Oh what's wrong with me? I can't control my hands.- she growls nervously, brushing her hair out of her face.
Once the Germans have disappeared, the atmosphere relaxes a little and I realize that my hand is still gripping Y/n's arm.
I let go immediately, feeling the heat flooding my face and my heart starting to beat fast again.
Chloe: Okay, after this whatever it was.- she says referring to Beca, moving her hand around the brunette. -It's time to get our act together and rehearse until we bleed if necessary.- she says intensely and I look at her surprised.
Amy: Don't get too extreme redhead. - she stops her with a hand in the air. -I already have plans for today.- she tells her, raising an eyebrow.
Ashley/Jessica: Us too.- they say at the same time with one hand in the air.
Stacie: I'm meeting a boy for a class project.- she comments, looking at her nails.
Cynthia: And what is the job? About anatomy.- she asks letting out a laugh.
Stacie: Anyway, I'm leaving.- she says goodbye to everyone. -See you all at home!- she exclaims when he walks away from the group.
I watch her walk away, not understanding how she prefers to go with a boy when she has Y/n. That is, from an objective point of view and not at all personal, I would choose her.
Because I don't know what the boy will be like, but between the eyes full of life, the perfect happy smile, the silky long hair, the abs, the butt, the way she dresses and her personality, I will stay with Y/n a hundred times.
But all this from an objective point of view, I don't like girls and she is also my groupmate. But just because I don't like girls doesn't mean I can't appreciate them.
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Dance like no one is Watching
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bkenber · 1 year
'Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse' - Our Friendly Neighborhood Web Slinger Thrills Us Yet Again
Just when I find myself getting increasingly weary of superhero/comic book movies, along comes another “Spider-Man’ installment. This friendly neighborhood web-slinger has succeeded in maintaining a high batting average on the silver screen, and this continues to be the case with “Spider-Man: Across the Spider Verse” which has as much heart, soul and endless creativity as do the best entries in…
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INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE: A Milestone Discussion - Part Three
Finale of A MILESTONE DISCUSSION of #SpiderMan #IntoTheSpiderVerse in anticipation for #SpiderManAcrossTheSpiderVerse. Join me and @Kaitou_D_Kid as we discuss #NicolasCage, Kingpin, #SpiderHam, #PeniParker, #LivOctopus, and #SpiderMan2099's cameo.
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Spider-Man - Across The Spider-Verse (2023) (Animation)
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9362722/?ref_=tt_mv BUY & STREAM on AMAZON : https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Spider-Man-Across-The-Spider-Verse/0N7EAU0Y85VI5OO04TYKSXL85T BUY & STREAM on YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDvP1Hy8SM8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Man:_Across_the_Spider-Verse Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is a 2023 American animated superhero film featuring…
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porvidadesign · 1 year
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ca-tsuka · 1 year
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"Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse" is getting a second artbook in December: "The Official Movie Special Book". > Pre-orders < This new behind-the-scenes book will feature artworks & staff interviews :
Phil Lord & Chris Miller (producers/writers)
Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers & Justin K.Thompson (directors)
Shameik Moore & Hailee Steinfeld (actors)
Patrick O'Keefe (production designer)
Mike Lasker (VFX Supervisor)
Alan Hawkins (Head of Character Animation)
Avi Arad, Amy Pascal & Christina Steinberg (producers)
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100-sexiest · 10 months
Current list of nominations ready for voting to find the most goonable celeb of 2023. Further suggestions can be sent via DM to @100-sexiest and voting will begin Jan 1st
Addison Rae
Alena Shishkova
Alexa Bliss
Alexis Ren
Alice Chater
Alice Delish
Alla Bruletova
Amara Cordova
Amber Heard
Amelie Zilber
Amy Childs
Amy Schumer
Ana De Armas
Angela White
Anna Kendrick
Anna Nystrom
Anne Hathaway
Anya Taylor-Joy
Anyuta Rai
Ariana Grande
Aspen Mansfield
Asuna Yuuki
Aubrey Plaza
Autumn Falls
Ava Max
Avril Lavigne
Bebe Rexha
Bella Hadid
Bella Thorne
Belle Delphine
Belle Poarch
Bhad Bhabie
Billie Faiers
Breckie Hill
Britney Spears
Camilo Cabello
Cara Delvigne
Carmella Rose
Carmen Electra
Charli D'Amelio
Charli XCX
Charlotte Dawson
Charlotte Lawrence
Charly Jordan
Chelsea Healey
Cherry Crush
Chloe Grace Moretz
Chloe Khan
Chloe Madeley
Chloe Sims
Coconut Kitty
Corinna Kopf
Courtney Stodden
Daisy Keech
Daisy Ridley
Danielle Mason
Demi Rose
Dove Cameron
Elisha Herbert
Elizabeth Hurley
Elizabeth Olsen
Emilia Clarke
Emily Atack
Emily Elizabeth
Emily Feld
Emily Ratajkowski
Emma Kotos
Emma Roberts
Emma Stone
Emma Watson
Eva Elfie
Faith Seed
Foxy Menagerie
Gal Gadot
Gigi Hadid
Greta Thunberg
Hailee Steinfeld
Hailey Bieber
Hailey Sigmond
Hannah OwO
Hannah Palmer
Havanna Winter
Hayden Panettiere
Holly Hagan
Ichinose Asuna
Iggy Azalea
Ivanka Peach
Ivanka Trump
Jemima Robinson
Jenna Ortega
Jennifer Lawrence
Jessica Weaver
Jesy Nelson
Jordyn Jones
Jorgie Porter
Julia Burch
Kaley Cuoco
Kali Roses
Kate Mara
Kate Moss
Kate Upton
Katelyn Elizabeth
Katie Price
Katie Sigmond
Katy Perry
Keeley Hazell
Keira Knightly
Kelsey Calemine
Kendall Jenner
Kendra Wilkinson
Khloe Kardashian
Kiernan Shipka
Kim Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian
Kristen Hancher
Kyla Dodds
Kylie Jenner
Kylie Minogue
Lara Croft
Lauren Burch
Lauren Conrad
Lauren Pope
Lea Elui
Lele Pons
Lily Collins
Lily Easton
Lindsay Lohan
Lois Griffin
Lola Bynny
Loren Gray
Lorraine Ward
Lucy Hale
Lucy Mecklenburgh
Maddison Fox
Madi Teeuws
Madison Beer
Maggie Lindemann
Malu Trevejo
Margot Robbie
Maria Domark
Megan Fox
Meika Woollard
Mia Malkova
Mila Kunis
Miley Cyrus
Millie Mackintosh
Miranda Lawson
Mishka Silva
Molly-Mae Hague
Morgan Harvill
Natalia Fadeev
Natalie Dormer
Nicki Minaj
Nicole Demora
Nicole Scherzinger
Olivia Dunne
Olivia Ponton
Paige Thorn
Paisley Porter
Paris Hilton
Piper Rockelle
Pixie Lott
Polina Malinovskaya
Polly Marchant
Presley Elise
Rachel Brockman
Rachel Cook
Ramona Flowers
Renee Herbert
Ria Sunn
Rias Gremory
Riley Reid
Roberta Tubbs
Rooney Mara
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Rubi Rose
Sabrina Carpenter
Samara Weaving
Sarah Hyland
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Scarlet Johnasson
Selena Gomez
Sicily Rose
Skyla Jay Carpenter
Sophie Grace
Sophie Turner
Summer Glau
Sydney Sweeny
Tammy Hembrow
Taylor Swift
Tila Tequila
Vanessa Hudgens
Veronica Lake
Vicky Pattison
Violet Summers
Whitney Thornqvist
Willow Hand
Yor Forger
Zoe Sugg
Zoey Deutch
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femalestunning · 6 months
The most voted woman will be the Female of the Month of April 2024!
You can submit names for the next months here!
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kaitlinj16 · 5 months
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Pitch Perfect 3 (2017)
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