#An Affair Of The Heart
rinriya · 1 month
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Oh wow Mr Holmes, what are you doing to them? I also want to be able to drive men crazy like that. I need to learn that from my Sherlock.
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arrapso · 10 months
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For best girl @doriana-gray-games c: , year 2
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fandom-trauma · 2 years
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oscararcane · 2 years
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I wanted to try out rebelle 5, so I made a portrait of my Sherlock for @doriana-gray-games's story. He's a bit of an ass, but not on purpose. He tries his best. u_u
Very likely to romance Lestrade. Love a grumpy character with a heart of gold. <3
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Just for reference, how I imagine "my Holmes" so far :3
Ludia "Sherlock" Holmes
While a natural redhead, she prefer wearing a wig of black hair, as it doesn't stand out as much. Her hair, one way or the other, tied in a bun. Her eyes are grey and sharp, and the dark rings below them are evidence of the many long nights she has had during cases. She also has a beauty mark below her right eye.
She may seem delicate, while of average height her features make her look smaller, but she can very much hold her own if needed. Though her strength is, of course, her sharp mind and knowledge of... nearly anything that could ever be useful. Even religion, some murders do have a religious motive, after all! It helps to know at least how to tell a catholic and a protestant Church apart.
She also knows a lot about birds, probably had some as pets before, back in her childhood. At least, she cared sometimes for carrier pigeons and also liked to observe bees and help out their beekeepers when she was out in the countryside.
Both more reliable than any human she knows, with maybe two exceptions.
On that note, she does get better along with animals than with humans. Luckily, animals don't care if you have the charm of a sack of potato's. They also tend to act more logically than humans anyways. While she is good at acting, she prefers to not take any role that requires too much charisma. Someone more subtle suits her better.
Would never wear a dress if it isn't absolutely necessary. And even then, she will only do so with obvious apprehension. Her usual clothes are simple pants, white shirt and copper waistcoat. She is not one for accessories, though she does sometimes wear earrings. She also always carries a ring she got from her brother, of course not just a normal ring. "For self defense". She also wears gloves quite often, not just because of her work, but also because her hands have some chemical burns and discolouration from her occasional experiments.
These are not her addiction though. Those are drugs of all kinds. She does sometimes justify it by noting that, in her profession, it is useful to know all kinds of poison and early on, she excused her habit with "building up a resistance, just in case". Watson didn't buy it.
Her apartment, as opposed to her more distant and calculating personality, is quite cozy, if a bit messy, her piano fitting in nicely. At least as long as you didn't ask Mrs. Hudson, who needed to hear more than once Ludias experimental playing on the piano strings. First time, she nearly thought she was hearing a Banshee screaming in the middle of the night. God knows how she tolerates it.
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videogame-ocs · 2 years
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My IF MCS #3:
Mary Holmes- Sherlock Holmes: An Affair of The Heart by @doriana-gray-games
Happy birthday Sherlock Holmes! Since it’s Holmes’ (generally accepted) birthday, I thought I’d introduce my Sherlock from the fantastic Sherlock Holmes: An Affair of The Heart, an IF that had actually help inspire me to go ahead and start to write my own Sherlock Holmes story that I’ve been planning for years.
Mary originally started as a reference to the Mary Russell books but then I remembered that John’s wife was called Mary (I have no idea how I managed to forget that) and I learned that John was a RO and whilst I’m not a Sherlock/John shipper genuinely, I fell for John’s personality, so Mary Holmes became a bit of a mix of Sherlock Holmes and Mary Morstan. Anyway see under the cut for more details if you want!
Artbreeder close up
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Small music playlist:
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duahauuoplanh · 1 month
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Thomas and his love for May
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scarefox · 3 months
We are in such a good QL drama timeline
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hpowellsmith · 3 months
Choice of Games titles in the Steam Summer Sale!
I hope you're having a good week! If you fancy a little treat for the weekend, titles from Choice of Games, Heart's Choice, and Hosted Games are on sale on Steam, including my and my wife's games...
Crème de la Crème (40% off): Climb to the very top of the class at your exclusive private school for socialites! Will you study hard, find a perfect match, or embrace scandal? A 440,000 word interactive novel.
Noblesse Oblige (40% off): Spark romance amid secrets in a crumbling mansion! What will you sacrifice for love? Can you trust your own heart? A 180,000 interactive gothic novella.
Royal Affairs (40% off):At your exclusive boarding school, will you rule the roost or be a royal disaster? Court publicity, sway the fate of nations, and find love! A 440,000 word interactive novel.
Blood Money (35% off): By the power of your blood, you and your ghosts will take over your crime family! A 290,000 word standalone dark fantasy interactive novel.
Heart of Battle (35% off): Battle for love as a gladiator in this epic romance! Win glory, victory, a better life - or spark a revolution! A 220,000 word interactive novel by Fay Ikin.
Asteroid Run: No Questions Asked (35% off): captain a freighter across the Solar System and keep your mystery cargo and your crew safe in the face of corruption, cultists, and revolutionaries! A 325,000 word interactive novel by Fay Ikin.
And while you're on Steam, please wishlist Honor Bound, fourth in the Creme de la Creme series, which is coming soon!
Enjoy, and I hope those of you in hot weather aren't getting too overheated!
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Yeah I, I got those palpitations. Those boom, boom, booms…
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skippiefritz · 3 months
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Bertha Wooster, the world's most introverted flapper
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gaily-daily-musings · 2 months
Here, have another abomination of an idea:
Anakin works at a nursing home. He's a vampire. It's easy to drain and eat people there. No one suspects someone is killing the elderly because they are already on their deathbeds. It's the perfect job. Obi-Wan is a 70 year old man at said nursing home. A surprisingly attractive 70 year old man.
(Yes I was thinking about iwtv when I wrote this why do you ask?)
“Good morning Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan groans. He hates mornings. His back cracks as he sits up. Anakin helps him to the bathroom. Obi-Wan waves him off.
“I can do it myself, Anakin.”
“So you've told me, but you fell last week.” He reminds the old man.
Anakin took care never to let someone fall or hurt themselves on his watch. It would look suspicious if too many people died around him. It had to appear random.
Obi-Wan grumbles as Anakin helps him.
“Way to make me feel older than I already am.”
Obi-Wan takes a seat on the toilet and Anakin gives him his privacy. Once finished Obi-Wan struggles to get up and over to the sink. His hands shake as he washes them. The Parkinsons was getting worse.
Anakin hears the sink going and opens the door. He clicks his tongue. “You didn't tell me you were finished.” He pouts.
“I can pull up my pants by myself, thank you!” Obi-Wan normally isn't so grouchy. In fact he liked Anakin. They had a report. But he'd woken up feeling particularly bad today. He's almost always in pain now, but it varied.
He dries his hands. Anakin comes over and wraps a strong arm around his waist. He steers him out of the bathroom into the little room. It wasn't standard for nurses to touch patients in this way. They had certain procedures they followed. But Anakin was handsy. Obi-Wan chalks it up to him being overly friendly, but then again he's seen him with the other residents. He doesn't hover the way he does Obi-Wan. Probably means nothing.
Obi-Wan groans as he's lowered into his chair. Anakin's brows furrow. He knew the poor guy was in more pain this morning. He'll have to slip a little more drugs into his oatmeal. Obi-Wan didn't have any family and couldn't afford a higher treatment. Good thing Anakin was here to take care of him.
Anakin was amiable with all the folks and staff here but it was Obi-Wan he liked talking to the most. He wasn't insistently chatty the way Karen was. Neither was he sexist like Todd or Clark. And he certainly wasn't racist like any of the frankly alarming number of people. He was personable. He was kind. But his soul felt sad. It called to Anakin.
He didn't have to pretend to be interested whenever Obi-Wan talked. He told him so many stories of his youth and his life. It was strange. Anakin has been removed from humanity for so long his mask has started to feel like his face. He feels Obi-Wan's loneliness as if it is his own. A mirror.
He listens to stories of Obi-Wan's dead wife, Satine. How she'd been fierce and strong. How he'd supported her and her entire career. How they'd had a son together. How Korkie had been killed in a car crash at 17. How they'd never recovered from the loss. Anakin could listen to him talk for hours. He has listened for hours.
“What I'd give to be 30 again.” Obi-Wan sighs. “Not to mention I was so much more handsome back then.”
“You're handsome now.”
Obi-Wan snorts. “Lying does not become you, Anakin.”
“I'm serious. You're like a silver fox.”
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes.
Obi-Wan has a dream involving Anakin. It's half remembered and blurry, but he'd heard Anakin call to him. He'd come helplessly, unable and not wanting to resist. Their bodies had twisted and melted together. The heat of Anakin’s stare and scorching touch of his hand burned like a furnace.
Obi-Wan can barely look at Anakin the following day. Too ashamed. Anakin holds a secret smile like he knows what he's thinking but that's impossible. Nevertheless, he pushes the memory down. He was much too old for wet dreams. And much too old for Anakin for that matter.
Anakin guides him out of the bed to the chair in the corner so he can sit and watch his programs. Anakin's hands linger around him, pressing close. He inhales like he's smelling him. Like Obi-Wan was delectable and not stinking of chemicals. It's nothing new. Anakin always lingers. But this time his mind wanders to the dream.
He stiffens, flinching away. Anakin doesn't seem to be offended by it.
“It's okay to rely on me.” Anakin whispers. “Whatever you want, just ask and it's yours.”
Obi-Wan shivers. It was a good thing, he thinks, that he had Parkinsons and could simply blame his reaction on that. He licks his dry lips and tries to find his words. He can't. Instead he nods.
Anakin gives his arms a squeeze before releasing him. He turns back around to grab Obi-Wan’s lunch.
“Lemme me know when you're done. I'll come get the tray.” He winks and leaves the room.
Obi-Wan breathes out a shuddering exhale. The thing is, it had felt real. The dream. Anakin's hands had felt real. He looks down at his legs and swears he sees bruises in the shape of fingers. He's old. A light breeze can bruise him. He'd probably tossed in his sleep and done it himself. And yet…he puts his hands over his thighs where Anakin had had his mouth on him. It’s almost like a memory half forgotten rather than a conjured dream.
Anakin wasn't on duty when Obi-Wan has a stroke. He rushes into work the second he hears. By the time he finally arrives Obi-Wan is in bed dozing peacefully. The doctor has already checked him out. His chart hangs on the end of his bed. Anakin doesn't need to consult it or anyone else about the incident. He already knows Obi-Wan's heart was giving out. He can hear it stuttering in his chest. It wouldn't be long now.
Anakin feels real panic settle into his bones. He has not felt this way in a long, long time. Not since…well…
He's never made another vampire. Never wanted to curse anyone to this kind of existence. But he wants Obi-Wan. He needs him.
He gingerly sits beside the bed and places his hands over Obi-Wan’s soft ones. He can't imagine never hearing that accent again. Never seeing those blue eyes hold his image within them.
So many people desired Anakin. He's had so many partners. People wanted him. But they did not cherish him the way Obi-Wan did. Obi-Wan looked at him like he loved him. Like no one ever has before.
Obi-Wan’s eyes flutter open. His gaze locks onto Anakin’s. There's confusion there. Disbelief too. But also a familiar little swelling of love as his pupils dilate.
“Obi-Wan,” Anakin whispers, his voice soft. Too soft. Like he's scared. “I can offer you eternity.”
He strokes a thumb over the back of Obi-Wan's hand and listens to his soft breathing.
“Be with me and live forever.”
The confusion is still there. He probably thinks Anakin is not real. That he's not here and this is yet another dream. That's fine. Let him think this is his imagination. Anakin will take it.
“Forever?” He asks.
“Are you an angel?”
Ankain smiles. More like the Devil come to steal his soul out from heaven.
“No, I'm a vampire.”
Obi-Wan blinks. He processes this. Anakin leans closer taking his face in his palms.
“Please accept my gift. Accept me. I promise to love you the rest of my existence. Until the stars burn out.”
Obi-Wan lifts his hands and places them on Anakin's. He exhales sadly, a smile on his lips.
“Darling, you never had to ask."
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delulu-with-wandanat · 11 months
International Affairs | Last Part
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Reader Description: Masculine style, They/He, AFAB, International Student, 20 Years Old. Sometimes will be describe using masculine terms (man, boy, handsome, etc)
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x InternationalStudent!Reader
Warnings 18+: Specified age gap (Wanda is 34), cheating.
Words: 5,077
Summary: Y/n and Wanda unexpectedly meet at the local fair being held in Westview. Wanda reveals her true feelings, and a third party gets involved
Did I really have to be that stupid? Y/n thought to themselves.
It has been 2 weeks since they confessed their love, from then on the two haven't interacted with one another. Albeit it was Wanda's request, but Y/n had also been avoiding her. Nevertheless, the woman still plagues their mind. Her smile, her personality, her sweet and caring demeanor, Y/n missed her dearly. It's such a shame that the feeling wasn't mutual, as Wanda was still very much in love with her husband.
"I get that you got rejected, but come on man..." Kate said as she returned to his side now holding an ice cream, Y/n rolled his eyes at his friend.
"Shut it, Bishop."
"Plenty of hot girls in NYU too y'know." Kate paused for a second, "And professors." Y/n snorted at that.
"You mean like Professor Belova?" Y/n teased her, Kate's face turned bright tomato. She playfully shoved them. The two friends stayed silent, just enjoying the atmosphere at the fair. Watching people playing games, trying to win a prize for their date. Families enjoying their time together, kids trying to drag their parents to the ferris wheel.
It was nice. Y/n glanced at Kate who was enjoying their ice cream, "Can I have some of that?"
Kate narrowed her eyes, "Get your own!"
"Bitch- I'm gonna tell Mrs. Vostokoff that you got the hots for her daughter."
Kate's eyes widen at their statement, "Professor Belova is her daughter?"
"Apparently! I'll tell you about it later, I'm gonna go buy some food." They walked around the fair to find whatever food they are craving at the moment. Y/n wondered if maybe Wanda was also at the fair, Westview is a small town, surely it would be easy to spot her. However, he didn't know if seeing her would be a blessing or a curse. As much as Y/n misses her, she made it clear she didn't want any interaction between the two of them.
Y/n continued to walk around, they spot a food stall that caught their eyes. Classic American hotdogs doesn't sound so bad, they thought. He approached the stall but accidently bumped into a small figure.
"Oh, sorry mister!" The child apologized. Y/n looked down and was surprised to see the little boy.
Damn he's basically a carbon copy of her, "Tommy?"
Tommy's eyes widens in relief, "Y/n!" the boy then hugged him tightly. Y/n had met Wanda's kids before, during the time Wanda was still hiring him he would teach them guitar, baseball lessons, even babysitting them at times. Therefore, the boys had formed a strong bond with Y/n.
"Hey buddy!" They hugged the boy back. They glanced around hoping to see Wanda, but she was nowhere to be seen. "Where's your mom?"
"I- I can't find her. Can you help me look for her?" Tommy asked with teary eyes, no wonder he was so happy to find someone he was familiar with.
"It's alright bud, I'll help you find her." Y/n gave them a pat on the shoulder. "Come on, now you hold on tight alright?" He said as he held Tommy's hand to ensure he doesn't lose him. Tommy nodded his head, he trusted Y/n. The two then went on to search for Wanda after Y/n sent Kate a quick text explaining the situation.
He merely got a, "I've read this story before ;))" from Kate. Whatever the hell she means.
Meanwhile, somewhere at the fair, Wanda was pacing back and forth frustratingly. "How could you lost him?!" She asked her husband.
Vision looked up from his phone, he doesn't seem concerned that one of his sons is lost. "I thought he was behind me."
"You were supposed to watch over them. Vision, for fuck sake get off the phone!" He sighed and reluctantly put away his phone. "Where did you lost him?"
"I don't know-"
"YOU don't know?!" Un-fucking-believable.
"Wanda, I told you, I received a text from work-"
"I don't want your bullshit excuse!" The two continues to argue while their other son, Billy, sits on the bench looking around for his brother. The poor boy had to deal having his parents constantly fight, on top of that, watch how neglectful his own father was being.
Billy loves his dad, but at times it feels like he was just some stranger to him. Billy tried not to focus on their conversation and instead observes the people around him. Suddenly, his mother approached him with a frustrated look. She tried to muster up a smile for him, "Come on, honey. Let's look for your brother."
He glanced at his dad who was now talking on the phone, "Is dad not coming with us?"
"He..." She was unsure of what to say, "He has some business to take care of, but don't worry! He'll join us soon enough."
"But we have to find Tommy together!" Before Wanda could respond the boy approached his father, tugging on his shirt to catch his attention. "Dad, dad!"
Vision looked down at his son, "Sorry buddy, I'm on the phone."
"Dad come onn! We have to find Tommy." The young boy pleaded, wanting to spend more time with his father.
"Billy, I'll join you and your mother in a second alright-"
"But Dad-"
"BILLY I said not now!" Vision raised his voice, Wanda's heart broke at the sight of her son's excitement dropping. She immediately went to held his hand.
"Come on, Billy." She said with a gentle smile. Billy looked away from his father, visibly disappointed. Wanda gave Vision a look of disdain. "Don't bother coming home." She snarled at Vision at a volume only he could hear.
Before Vision could respond, Wanda turned to walk away with Billy. Seems like Vision couldn't care less, as he continued to talk on the phone.
On the other side, Y/n and Tommy searched tirelessly for Wanda. Y/n glanced at the little boy, surely enough he looked like he was about to cry. Y/n stopped their track and bent down to his level. "We'll find your mother, Tommy. I'll make sure of that." He said with a soft smile.
The boy nodded with teary eyes, Y/n glanced around and saw a game stand where you throw a baseball to knock down a bunch of bottles. He guided the little boy to the game stand and pulled out some money, "One throw says we'll find your mother AND win a prize, how's that?" They asked Tommy, trying to cheer him up.
"One throw? But you get 3 chances?"
"One chance is all I need bud." Y/n said confidently. Tommy's face lights up.
"If you fail you treat us all food!"
"Challenge accepted." Y/n grabbed the ball and focused on his target, come on Y/n don't let him down. And then they throw.
All 6 bottles falls down, the two boys whooped in excitement. Y/n gave Tommy a high five. "Impressive throw." The girl who's guarding the game stall complimented him. "Is he your son?"
"Nah, I'm just... babysitting." Y/n lied. The girl seems relieved to hear that.
She handed him the prize, "One more and I'll give you my number?" She asked him with a flirtatious smile, ok she's kinda cute.
Y/n smirked, "Put in another plushie and your number, I'm down." The girl gave him another ball.
"Do your thing, tiger."
Tommy observed the two's interaction and can't help but giggled. He pulled down Y/n to whisper, "I think she has a crush on you."
"Really?!" Y/n asked, pretending to be oblivious. Tommy nods excitingly. "I guess I'm going to have to impress her." Y/n took their position again... then they throw.
All bottles falls down again, the boys fist pumped the air. The girl gave them another plushie and a piece of paper. "When you're done babysitting, come find me." She gave them a wink, Y/n smirked.
"Maybe I will..." He quickly glanced at the paper, it had her number and name written on it. "Cassie."
Y/n took both of the plushie and gave it to Tommy, "Here, for you and your brother."
"Awesome!!!" He exclaimed.
"Now let's look for your mom again." Tommy held Y/n's hand again, but it didn't take long until Tommy was slowing down because of tiredness. "You tired buddy?"
Y/n then bent his knees, "Get on my back, you'll be my eyes up there." Tommy excitedly followed his instruction, when Y/n stood up on his feet again the boy couldn't help but laughed excitedly.
"I could see the world from up here!" He said dramatically.
Y/n laughs at Tommy's statement, "Alright captain! Tell me what you see." They continued to walk around the fair with Tommy on his shoulders being his eyes on the crowd. After a few minutes of walking, Tommy tapped his hair rather excitedly.
"I see them! I see them!" He pointed in their direction. "MOM!!!" He waved his hand, trying to get her attention.
Wanda noticed her son, considering he was getting a piggy back ride, it was easy to notice him. "Tommy!" She quickly dragged Billy with her, she hadn't noticed Y/n due to the crowd.
Tommy was too excited, Y/n had to put him down from their back. Tommy was quick to dragged them with him. "Come on Y/n!"
Fuck this is nerve wrecking, Y/n wasn't sure how Wanda would react seeing them again.
After running through the crowds, the family was finally reunited. Wanda immediately hugged her other son, "Oh thank god!" Wanda pulled back to look at him with concerns. "Are you ok?? Did anyone hurt you? Did a stranger tried to talk to you?"
"I'm ok mom. I was with Y/n!" Tommy said, pointing at the figure behind him.
Wanda inhaled sharply at the name, there he was. Y/n gave her a shy wave. They were the one who found Tommy, and took care of him, making sure he found his way back to his mother. Wanda stood up, before Y/n could say anything, Wanda hugged him tightly.
"Thank you..." She said, Y/n hesitantly hug her back.
"No worries." The two pulled back and stood awkwardly, "Well I guess I should-"
"And mom, mom! Look what he got me and Billy." Tommy showed her the plushie they had won earlier. Wanda glanced at Y/n, waiting for an explanation.
"We were looking for you, and he seemed sad so we played a quick game." Y/n explained.
This young man, whom she had an affair with, seemed to cared more about her children than her actual husband. "That's very kind of you, Y/n."
"Can he come with us??" Billy asked excitedly, the boy was bouncing on his feet.
"Yeah mom! He can win us more prizes!" Tommy added.
"Oh so I'm just invited to this outing because you guys want more toys huh?" Y/n asked playfully with their arms crossed.
"NO!" The twins said simultaneously while glancing at one another.
Y/n snickered at the boys, Wanda gazed at him for a second. They were better at interacting with her boys than Vision ever did, well you saw how he was. "It's family time boys, I don't want to intrude."
"But Y/n IS family! Right mom?!" Tommy asked, Wanda glanced at her sons again. The two seems eager to have Y/n join them, and deep down, Wanda wants him to join too.
"Y/n... Would you like to join us? I don't mind." She said kindly with a smile, fuck that damn smile again. Y/n couldn't say no to that.
"Well alright then!"
The boys cheered in unison and was quick to drag him by the hand, "Boys slow down!" Wanda said with a laugh, seeing how excited her boys are made her happy.
Y/n sent Kate a quick message, telling her that he'll be joining Wanda and the boys instead.
To which our dear Kate respond with, "Damn, use protection-" we love a supportive friend.
The four of them played a bunch of different games, mostly the ones that would get them prizes. Y/n being the athletic person that they are, manages to win them all. Wanda mostly watched, albeit, she was mostly watching them.
Wanda tried not to, but the young man decided to take off their jacket at one of those hammer games to reveal their sleeveless shirt. And holyshit did she missed those strong toned arms. Honestly, it made her mind wander to their previous escapades.
"I could feel you staring." Y/n teased her as they continued walking, keeping his voice low just for the two of them.
"It's hard not too. If I'm being honest, I think you're doing it on purpose."
"And if I am?"
Wanda lets her eyes roamed their body shamelessly, "You won't hear any complaints from me." she said with a smirk.
It's like as if the conversation from their previous night never happened. The four kept walking, honestly, Wanda had a much better time with Y/n than with her husband who was constantly on his phone. Y/n was also very attentive towards her kids, like when Billy asked for a piggy back ride because his brother got one. The sight made her heart melt. Perhaps if time was on their side, they would've been a wonderful family...
But they could, couldn't they? Exactly what was stopping her?
Y/n had confessed their love, and at this moment, Wanda... maybe felt the same???
She was conflicted. But after seeing how neglectful Vision was, how dismissive he is to his own son. She knew he wasn't the man she would want for the rest of her life. But is she truly ready to let another into her heart so quickly?
They're sitting right there? What are you waiting for?!
"Wanda." Y/n's voice snapped her out of her thought. She glanced at them and was greeted with a gentle smile. The four of them decided to sit on the bench, exploring the fair was quite tiring so they decided to get some food. "It's getting late, I think they're getting pretty tired."
Surely enough her boys looked sleepy, she checked the time and to her surprise it was already 9.45. "Right. Come on boys, let's get home." They twins gathered their last energy and stood up from their seat. They walked to the car and Y/n accepted Wanda's offer to ride back, considering Wanda's house was near Mrs. Vostokoff's, he only needed to walk a few blocks. However, before he could get into the car, a girl called out him.
"Hey! I didn't think I'd catch you here." The girl on the baseball stall, Cassie, smiled at him.
"Cassie! Hey, yea I was just about to head back." Y/n chuckles.
"Already? I didn't even get your name." Her tone was rather flirty, Wanda did not like this one bit.
"Y/n." Wanda called to him, she tried to hide it. But Y/n could tell there was some undertone in it.
"That's my name." He kept his gaze on the girl.
"You have my number. See you round..." She said, leaning her body closer slightly in a flirtatious manner. Once she was out of sight, Y/n smirked to himself and got into the car.
They looked over to the side and to their surprise, Wanda was clenching her jaw. Is she ok? Wanda started the car and drove out of the parking lot. They stayed quite for a few minutes until Wanda broke the silence.
"Who's that?"
"Just... some girl from one of the game stand."
Wanda hummed, "She seems very smitten of you."
"I mean... yeah I guess? I don't wanna be too cocky." They chuckled. In their mind, Wanda had no feelings for them whatsoever. So to them the whole flirty banter was all platonic, like maybe that's just the nature of their friendship.
However to Wanda, who was now settling with her feelings, felt betrayed. All that banter and moments they shared a few minutes ago was nothing to him? The ride to her house was rather quick, she parked the car on the driveway and wasted to time to get out. Ok... she seems pissed?
He got out of the car as well, moving onto the back seat to grab the twins who were sleeping soundly. "Leave the toys, we can get them later." Wanda instructed, they nod and picked up Tommy. They followed Wanda to the twins bedroom on the second floor.
Wanda was already tucking Billy on his bed, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. He could hear a soft whisper, "Good night, Billy." he smiled at that.
They gently did the same with Tommy, tucking him in, opting to softly pat his shoulders instead. "G'night buddy."
The sight was perfect, like two parents tucking their kids to sleep. Wanda realizes she never shared this moment anymore with Vision, here she is sharing it with a guy she just met during the summers. The two walked out of the twins bedroom and made their way back to the living room. They locked eyes with each other, the atmosphere between them was rather tense. As memories of their last meeting came flooding back, the rejected confession, Wanda's hurtful words, Y/n's broken heart. It was weird how they wind up back where they left off.
"Well uh... that was quite the coincidence, but it was nice seeing you again." Y/n said, trying to break the tension.
"Likewise." Wanda looked down at her feet.
Wanda was distant once again, well, I guess there really is no chance. Maybe Y/n was just hoping for too much. Hoping for something that would never happen.
"I'll see myself out, enjoy your night, Wanda." He said kindly with that smile of his. Don't make the same mistake.
They turn to leave. Now. Y/n slowly walks to the front door. For fuck sake-
"Y/n, wait!" Oh thank christ-
"Yes?" They turned to face her. But Wanda's words got stuck in her throat. What did she even wanted to say? Did she truly loved them? She certainly don't want to be Vision anymore, but are they really the one? She only knows Y/n for a few months. How will she know if Y/n won't just end up the same as Vision.
"I-" Fuck why couldn't she say anything?
So Y/n decided to speak up first, "I had a fun night, if you still want to keep our distance I'll gladly accept that. But I do want to say, I'm glad this time we ended on better terms." He said kindly.
"Yes... I'm- uh..." Just fucking say it Wanda.
Y/n waited patiently for her to speak whatever she wanted to say. But for some reason she couldn't utter a single word, "You don't have to say anything. Goodby-"
His sentence was cut off by her lips. She gently cupped his face, getting on her tiptoes slightly. Y/n was shock, beyond shock. What is happening? Is this another one time thing? Did she liked them back? Their mind was going for a million miles an hour.
If Wanda couldn't pour out her feelings in words, she might as well pour it out through her actions. She loved him by cupping his face gently. She missed them dearly by the way she pressed their lips rather harshly. Her body yearned him by the way she lets him pulled her closer by the waist.
They pulled back breathlessly, gazing deeply into each other's eyes. "Wanda?"
"Y/n I-" She shook the last bit of hesitation, "I- I don't know how I feel about you, but what I know is I missed you dearly. The thought of not having you in my life, it- it makes me feel sad. I regret my words, everything I said to you. You're... not just a plaything, you're everything. You are everything and more to me."
Y/n's heart started beating rapidly. They had a hard time believing her words.
"I know I hurt you, and you have every rights to walk out of that door right now. But-"
"Then why did you say those things?" Y/n asked sadly.
"This is not an excuse for me to be a bitch, but truth to be told I think I was just... afraid. Y/n I'm a married woman falling in love with a 20 year old man. I have two sons and a husband. Even if, now that I think of it, the only thing holding Vision and I together is merely our marriage. Everything is just so complicated." She started rambling. But one word that caught their ear the most, was love.
Y/n inhaled sharply, they were at lost for words.
"When you talked to that girl, I realized, I didn't want to see you with another. I just wanted you to be mine, mine only." Her hand was still cupping his face, she rest their foreheads together. "If you had been just a casual fling, I wouldn't care so much. Yet that's not the truth. Because the truth is the thought of you with someone else makes me sick."
"I know it's not fair. It's not fair at all, to want to keep you to myself when I'm still conflicted with my own feelings. But- Hmpf!" Her rambling this time was cutoff by a kiss, god how much she missed to lips.
Her hands wrapped around his shoulders, pulling them even closer. The kiss was... different. Rather than lust, it was full of love. A new found love that they now shared with one another. After a few seconds they pulled away from each other, yet still holding each other close.
"You don't know how glad I am to hear that." Y/n said with a smile, eyes glistening slightly. Wanda couldn't help but to let out a soft laugh before pulling them into another kiss.
"There's still so many things I need to hash out. But if you'll have me... would you be willing to wait?" Wanda said against his lips.
"I would wait for you until hell freezes over. Take all the time you need." Y/n responded genuinely. Wanda felt her heart blossomed, is this what it feels like to be properly loved? To have someone love you just as much as you loved them?
Perhaps it is. The love she yearned for. One that her husband couldn't provide, one that was lost over the years of marriage. Something tells her it'll be different with them. That it would be a start of a wonderful thing for years to come.
If only the universe is on their side.
The front door flew open, and the two of them pulled away immediately. Shit.
"Wanda, have you found him? I'll go to the police station tom-" Vision stopped his sentence as soon as he saw Y/n. Wanda is scared shitless. They both are.
"Who are you?" The venom in his voice was very noticable.
"I'm-" Fuck what do I say?
"Vision..." Wanda started.
"Is this what you've been doing behind my back?"
"Just- Vis, please-"
"After everything I've done for you, Wanda!" He yelled. Vision approached her with an angry look, Wanda took a step back. "I bet you had so much fun being fucked like the whore you are didn't you?"
Wanda was surprised to hear her husband speaking to her like that. But if we're being completely honest, she wasn't completely innocent either.
"Don't talk to her like that!" Y/n spoke up.
Vision whipped his head in their direction, "And you" he snarled. He then walked closer to Y/n as if sizing him up. "What makes you think you could sleep with a married woman?"
Y/n gulped, yes their whole relationship was messed up. Y/n knew damn well that she was married, yet he still continued to pursue her.
"What you don't have a fucking mouth?" Vision shoved him. Y/n stayed quiet, not wanting to escalate the situation. "Not so fucking tough now, are you?!" They clenched their jaw.
"Vision, leave him alone." To their surprise, Wanda spoke up for them. This moment required caution, but to be honest Y/n felt their heart swell at Wanda's defense.
"What?" Vision narrowed his eyes at her who was now standing on the side between the two of them.
"It's late, and you should leave. I specifically asked you not to come home tonight."
Vision let out a sarcastic laugh. "You're defending him?"
Wanda sighed, their marriage was complicated. But at this point there was no love between them. She had her heart for someone else, and Vision doesn't even care about his family. "You and I both know we're only together for the sake of our kids. Let's not pretend there's anything between us."
Vision scoffed, "You are unbelievable..."
"Oh don't act so innocent, I've seen the text between you and your assistant." Wanda spat. Vision tensed slightly at the sentence. Shit things just got better. "Leave."
"You can't kick me out of my own house, Wanda."
"The house was passed down from my parents, it's under my name. Leave." She asked one last time. Finally, Vision walk towards the front door. However, it seems like he had more to say. Before he closed the door on his way out he looked back at the two of them with a disgusted look.
"This fucking kid has no status in this country, he works a minimum wage job, he's still in college struggling to pay his own tuition. What makes you think he can provide you with everything you need?" He snarled.
Wanda crossed her arms, "That's none of your concern. I'm surprised you even cared about our family's needs when just tonight you couldn't careless about Tommy's whereabouts." Seems like she hit a nerve as Vision slammed the front door when he left the house. Wanda let out a breath of relief. She glanced at Y/n who looked deep in thought.
"Y/n?" She asked.
"Hmmm?" He looked up at her. Wanda could tell something was wrong. She approached them and gently cup their face.
"Don't mind what he said."
However, Y/n was now washed over with reality. Vision's words were hurtful, "But he was right..."
Wanda's heart shattered at the sight, "Darling, no." Y/n had a sorrow look. Wanda wanted nothing more but to kiss it away.
"Wanda... I have nothing to offer you."
"Don't say that... Please don't say that." She pulled them down so she could plant a soft kiss on his forehead lovingly. "You provide me with so much love and care." Y/n gently rest their hand on top of Wanda's, they gazed int each other's eyes. Love visible on either's side.
But he couldn't... Y/n had nothing. And Wanda deserved someone who could give her everything.
Slowly, Y/n pulled away Wanda's hand from their face with a sad smile. Wanda's heart shattered slightly. "You need someone who could provide more than that."
"What if I want you?"
"Wanda, I want nothing more than to be yours. But I'm just a broke college student. To make matters worse I'm an international student, I have no status here."
"You can apply for a work visa after graduation." She tried to reason.
"I'm only in my second year, it'll take a few more years to pay off my debts. And I don't even know if I'll get a job in the film industry knowing how competitive it is." Tears started to pool in Wanda's eyes. They were both too caught up in their little bubble forgetting the complication of their relationship.
Wanda had a family to take care of. Now that Vision was out of the picture, she had to figure out a way how to balance work as a single mother. She didn't made this decision because of Y/n, no, Vision turned out to be a deadbeat father. But if she did wanted another partner she would preferably want one who is in the same life stage as hers.
Yet her heart couldn't help but to call for Y/n.
"I love you, Wanda. But I-" Y/n kept holding her hand, he wants her. God he wanted nothing more than to be hers. To be able to provide for her. To show her love and care that she deserves. But as usual, time and the universe was not on their side. "You deserve someone better."
Wanda couldn't hold herself so she pulled them into an embrace, hiding her face on his chest. Their arms wrapped around her. Both of them cried for the life they wish they could have had with each other, but due to the circumstances, it couldn't happen. Yet.
"Just... hold me."
"Forever if I could."
Wanda stayed there, listening to their heartbeat. Her heart was torn. She wishes she could have a life with them, but she has a duty as a mother. As much as she knew she was capable of providing herself and her boys financially, deep down their relationship would be doomed if it continued. With Wanda being busy at work, taking care of the boys, and adapting to life as a single mother. Y/n focusing on their studies, after they graduate they need to focus on finding a job and adapt to adult work life. Not to mention handling all the paperwork and requirements as a foreigner.
It was too hectic. Too much complication already to their own complicated life.
But what if love was enough to conquer it all? Or is that just wishful thinking?
"Y/n." Wanda pulled back, gazing into his eyes.
"Yea?" Y/n responded. Wanda's hand reached up to tangle itself in his hair. She kissed his forehead, Y/n closed their eyes. Wanting to forget everything just for a second.
"I love you too." Wanda said softly.
Oh how their heart bloomed hearing those 4 words. Y/n couldn't help but smile at Wanda's confession.
"In another time, another life. I promise to love you in every single one of them."
Phewww, finally. I can move on to a new series, i hope you guys liked this shameless self-insert fic! Damn this last part was LONGGG I have a few ideas for Wandanat, and maybe another one for sum more Wanda x Readers :>>>
Anywho, Taglist! @dorabledewdroop @weptmango (lmk if you would like to be tagged as well for future Wanda x Readers works! (truth is idk how taglist works :'))
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sbrown82 · 1 year
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TINA TURNER (November 26, 1939 - May 24, 2023)
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Choices Book Bingo Event
Hi everyone! It's @peonyblossom here with a super fun fall event, Choices Book Bingo (fall edition) :D
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Check off a box by completing a Choices book that fits the prompt (current releases can count, as long as you're caught up on the book by the time the event ends, even if the book hasn't finished releasing)
Any book is fair game, but each book can only be used once
The event will run from September 1 - November 30
You can share bingo boards as you check off boxes, or you can wait until you have bingo to do so
I will reblog any bingo boards shared, but if it becomes too much I will switch to only reblogging boards with bingos
Tag @choicescommunityevents and/or @peonyblossom to submit
You can also use #ChoicesBookBingoFall24
If you have questions about any of the prompts, feel free to comment on this post or send an ask to @peonyblossom
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duahauuoplanh · 25 days
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I've heard not sweet enough.
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