#aaoth watson
fandom-trauma · 2 years
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arrapso · 7 months
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Hamish/John rivalry (1892, colorized) a continuation of this post X
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rinriya · 1 month
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Oh wow Mr Holmes, what are you doing to them? I also want to be able to drive men crazy like that. I need to learn that from my Sherlock.
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beezified · 4 days
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"Put him out of your mind. And I'll make sure it never happens again. Would you do that, precious? For me?"
Guess who's back?
I had a digital poster competition and had to focus on that but now I can freely draw HAHA! (I have exam on monday this is one last time before going back to studying)
Anyways, this is what John Hamish Watson look like in my head and I may have overanalyze every single tumblr post whether it's a fanart or an ask on @doriana-gray-games tumblr so I don't draw Watson wrong(with the additional headcanon on my head such as the mole)
Scene from the Sherlock holmes game IF made by the wonderful @doriana-gray-games !!
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itsbluesaint · 4 months
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Why flirt in front of Watson, Sherlock tsk tsk.
Characters are from aaoth by @doriana-gray-games
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passerime · 2 years
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Watson-Adler love triangle anyone? 👀 (characters from @doriana-gray-games, plus my own MC August)
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doriana-gray-games · 3 years
Watson fakeout makeout thingy
It's about half past 2 am... I really wanted to get this out tho for Watson day (hey, it's still Watson day somewhere)!
This is a continuation of this Lestrade fakeout-makeout post
it's a little raunchy, (but not in the way you probably hope :P), anyway, I'm setting a +16 rating on it—please let me know if that's not how age ratings work, because tbh I still don't really know despite having tried to learn them.
How very new this is.
It would not be the first time you have had to dress up like this, to assume an identity, and lie to solve a case. However, it is the first time you have had to enter such a site of sights—
Bodies, tongues, and sweaty skin.
A place of easy business and expensive pleasure. Seemingly, the victorian morals went out the window with the bustiers—quite remarkable what you have seen, still only in the foyer.
"Are you quite sure you are ready for this, Watson?" You look to your companion, whose eyes dart between the fabric-covered walls and carpeted floors.
They nod enthusiastically, their face blank and slightly sweating. "Uh-huh." They croak while peeling off their coat, unveiling unusually divulging clothes on their firm frame. "I'm fine—I'll be fine, Sherlock."
—Time to put on a show.
You do as Watson does and follow suit, and with fewer layers, the air feels cool on your exposed skin—which you notice their eyes lovingly trace.
"So—" they clear their throat, "we are here to confirm that Mrs Herringford was... attending, on the night of the murder, by searching the room she was in, is that right?"
And it seems Watson's blushing has already begun.
You suppose you'll have to take the lead today. "I suspect so. If that is the case, the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place—"
But your talks of topics best kept quiet are interrupted—a not very prim, yet very painted lady enters the room. "Welcome." She smiles widely at the both of you. Her glazed eyes roam your figure as she sways to your side. Her hand coming to linger lightly on your waist. "How very welcome you are, darling. What fun, new faces, very pretty ones at that—"
But you are pulled into Watsons side, by their hand coming around your back, and in doing so, replacing the woman's hand with their own. You almost stumble by the force, but are steadied by your companion's tight grip. "We're good, madam. Thank you." The clipped tone in Watson's voice feels even more foreign than their hand on your waist.
The lady looks a little disappointed but says nothing and leaves the room with a curtsy.
What in all damnation—"What was that?!" you whisper loudly.
Watson, yet holding on to you, still seems hard and determined. "I did not trust her. This is safer. I'll pretend to be your... intended or your..."
"My lover?"
Again they nod enthusiastically.
"Alright... I suppose that is a plan..."
"Good." They let go of your waist and instead take hold of your arm, leading you further into the establishment.
The next room is larger, with even more lush fabrics lining the walls and some bodies pressed against them, if not sprawled on sedans or chairs.
"I believe the older woman in the corner is the madame. We need to strike up a conversation with her."
"Got it."
"And Watson?"
"Do I have your permission to act?"
"... Do, please, use some sense."
"I'll take that as a yes—"
"OH, MADAME!" you shout across the room as your partner stiffens. "My lover and I need a word with you—it is most urgent!"
Her eyebrows lift a little, and as you walk towards her, Watson in tow, the woman gestures towards a doorway obscured with drapes and beads.
"Th—thank you, madam—my lady—I uh..." Your companion struggles.
"Madame is quite alright, pet." She winks.
Who calls someone 'pet'? Completely abnormal, you think. As you pull Watson closer against you.
The new room is quieter, calmer. And you feel your mind finally formalizing the final part of the plan. "Madame," you begin, leaning into Watson as believable as you can when they are as rigid as a board, "my lover is very eager to get started—as I'm sure you can imagine. But, you see, we do not want what the rabble already have." You lower your voice, "we heard from Mrs Herringford, a dear friend, that you offer certain particular services, a special room, perhaps?"
At the mention of that name, she hardens. "Do we?"
"Do you not?"
You see it in her eyes. She does not trust you to be love-crazed customers. What she believes you are, you're not sure, but at this rate, you will never get your answers.
Time for drastic measures.
You lean into Watson as to whisper—"whisper something."
"Huh, what?" they whisper back.
"Oh, you rascal! You're positively rakish! Dirty bugger—not in front of the lady—" you smack their arm as you turn to the madame, "I beg your pardon, but I believe you see we're on the very edge here—unless you'd rather see us in flagrante—it might be best to, send us off, as it were."
"Oh, do go on."
"Luv, there's nothing I haven't seen—by all means, surprise me, and the room is yours." Her words are not too harsh, but her eyes are a different story.
Well, it is now or never...
You turn to your steadfast companion, who, to be perfectly honest, looks a little seasick. Whispering under your breath, "Watson, kiss me—"
"I—I, can't possibly—" they whisper back as a bead of sweat rolls down the side of their face.
"Watson, the lady, is looking at us—kiss me!"
They audibly swallow and, to their credit, lean in close. But not enough.
Oh, for god's sake—
You grab their neck and pull them in.
As their lips clash on yours. The moment feels fast and hazed, yet Watson remains as if frozen under your touch. Even their soft stolen lips remain set. Their eyes closed, and as you stop moving, nothing happens. Their hand is on your hip, and the other halfway to your face—
But you thought... you thought maybe... something more... not...
You remove yourself from them, feeling foolish for thinking—
As the hand that you had snaked around their neck loosens,
"No—" You feel their palm suddenly on your cheek, their fingers moving you, only for lips to meet again. Watson's hand on your hip pulls you in. Their hand in your hair. Yours in theirs. And how warm they are. And soft. And all you ever wanted.
Your breaths are gasping, and again, and again you meet.
What mission? No moment ever existed before, practically melting away. As their steady form hold you as you feel ready to—
"—quite enough, you two, you'll get slobber on the carpet!" a distant voice shakes your mind awake.
You release them, and they release you. But you can't look at them. Not now.
The madame looks impatiently and unimpressed. "Are you done? If you believe your display of youthful grabbing would shock me you are mistaken—so, I imagine we need have no further business as—"
You steel your voice, praying it won't waver, "We will need a room, of course, and as many pillows, as you can spare. Bring blankets, wooden planks, a broom, an oil lamp, a sturdy book, rope, and a bottle of champagne."
"...Very well, could I interest you in a room with a very spectacular view?"
"Whatever is good enough for Mrs Herringford is good enough for me, but we will only be the two of us for now," you say, finalising the purchase with the mission in mind—
"Excellent. Come this way," she says and smiles. And as you and Watson are led out the door and up the stairs, your companion stare at you with something akin to horror. "What, what are you going to do with—with all that! I don't even, I can't, I really don't think I am ready for—"
"We, you and I, are going to... build a pillow fort!" Your smile is bright and excited. "Oh, do not worry, I simply needed to shock her. A nonsensical inventory of items. Might as well enjoy the room as we wait out the hours. We could read together—under blankets, Watson!"
They, who looked frozen only seconds ago, now appear thawed. "Pillow fort, you say." Their frame leans against yours a little, their smile slowly growing. "I would love that more than anything."
"And..." Watson continues, "we could... practice our cover a little... perhaps. To be sure."
"Yes," you say, "to be sure."
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arrapso · 1 year
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'An affair of the heart' ROs X
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arrapso · 2 years
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For best girl @doriana-gray-games c:
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doriana-gray-games · 2 years
~ NSFW RO facts ~
A compilation of the NSFW facts of the ROs (+ X) if you missed them and are... curious ;)
Very adult warning!!!
... enjoy ;D
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doriana-gray-games · 3 years
RO Paintings
To start my *season of reblogging stuff that might have gotten lost or missed by new readers*
I re-present the RO portraits I have painted so far. I haven't really advertised these, or prioritized painting more, because I don't want to disrupt peoples imagination--but as a lot of people seem to enjoy hearing of my head canons (meaning, game non-canon) I thought I might as well.
They are done in Photoshop, and I based them on one of many head canons of the ROs. They were painted early on in the process and tbh if I redid them today I would change things. And yes, I hope to one day finish Hamish, and then do the girls (my big problem is that I am a slow painter and I am stuck on Hamish–He just never turns out right!)—And while these paintings do have apparent ethnicities and skin colors, the game does not. The only character descriptions that are canon are the ones in-game!
Oh, and I also tried to give them a little 1800s flare and gave them time appropriate frames, but I posted with and without them :)
(If anyone wants Adler without the paper texture, let me know!)
I'll keep them under a line so people who don't want to disturb their head canon are safe!—
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doriana-gray-games · 2 years
~ Historically accurate John Watson ~
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(It was for a discord meme, no judgy the quality)
I'm gonna pretend that Watson's spectacles are... more modern than is historically accurate in game... Don't worry D:
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doriana-gray-games · 3 years
I am currently utterly sick and was wondering what the RO would do to take care of a sick Mc?
Oh no, I'm so sorry 🥺 I hope you feel better super soon! ❤️ I hope this can distract you for a moment from the bad feelings 🥰
I feel that that this is the type of situation where Watson and Lestrade would shine.
Watson would be a very hands-on doctor. And they would either be very strict if Sherlock refuses to rest and take care of themselves or very comforting and careful if Sherlock feels terrible and wants/needs support. Just the biggest puppy dog eyes 🥺 if MC says stuff like “it hurts”, “I feel so sick, Watson”. But all in all, a very good person to have by your side at times of sickness. Would know all the tricks and helpful foods and medicines. If they know you like it, they will carefully pet your head or massage your stressed forehead. If the sickness were severe, they would be good at keeping calm (externally) and ensuring MC feels reassured and safe. Would probably sleep in a chair next to MC while checking up on them throughout the night.
Lestrade would bring Sherlock the best chicken soup. And the softest blankets and whatever else might help. But unless in a committed relationship, they would still utter some excuse for the food and the surprise visit. Like, “I was in the neighbourhood”, which makes no sense and even through your fever, you could tell. But they seem genuinely worried, so you don’t call them out on it (or if you do, nothing understandable croaks out of your harsh throat). They would probably lay down on a chair or sofa in the small sitting room outside your bedroom. Not wanting to disturb your rest. But they would never be able to sleep, always listening for any noise in your room. They would be nagging Watson constantly to check up on you, at every wince or suspicious silence. If the illness is very bad, they will hold your hand while they kneel by your bedside, praying for you to wake up, even if it is just to scold them for being unnecessarily worried or pathetically emotional.
Adler would be kind of bad at this… they don’t like sickness, and they don’t want to see you in pain. They would start with bringing flowers or brandy, or whatever they’ve heard is the customary gift. They would make a joke, but it wouldn’t land right. They would feel awkward and useless. Still, if Watson gives them an order, so they know how to take care of you, they would follow it to the letter. They would be good at messages or singing lullabies. Perform dramatic readings of your favourite books. Describing beautiful scenarios of what you and them can do and see once you get better. But if it got bad, if Sherlock gets very sick… they might leave. They might runaway and try and distract themselves from the pain. But they would return, eventually, before it’s is too late.
Hamish/Helena would probably bring some extremely expensive doctor and a pile of gifts. Watson would, of course, refuse entry for this other doctor unless they are in some way better than them. Again, H isn’t too good at this either. They would be strict with a Sherlock that misbehaves with their illness. But kind and caring to a Sherlock that behaves in a manner that helps cure their condition. They could read a story out loud in a soothing voice. They could convince you that rest really is the right thing to do. They even manage to convince you that the medicine doesn’t taste that bad. But If the sickness gets truly awful… they might lash out in anger. Not at Sherlock, but at whatever physician is currently “failing”. Then sadness, bartering, classic stages of grief. Maybe they would tell you things they had never said before, like, “I love you”, “I need you”, “do not leave me”. I could almost imagine crying, and then some sort of “I am leaking” type situation… (they haven’t cried since they were a child).
There is also this earlier scenario which is very fluffy and about a sick Sherlock: https://doriana-gray-games.tumblr.com/post/660692722773016576/hello-your-game-is-great-awww-i-need-to-say ❤️✨
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doriana-gray-games · 3 years
I've barely even started the game but im loving the character creator and you have no idea how happy it makes me to set my character as 'unattractive' or 'average looking' ...
❤️❤️❤️ I’m so glad to hear that!
I have had a few asks about the attractiveness character setting for Sherlock. I’m going to try and put most of them in this post! :D
Let’s talk about attractiveness!✨
Some of this might be spoilers for romance routes and the reactions that will appear by choosing different attractiveness levels:
Perhaps I should first discuss what I would like to explore with this character creations option:
The world, especially in the 1800s, is a superficial place. While Sherlock's tremendous skill and relative fame do make a difference, some people will still, at first glance or for even longer amounts of time, judge or admire the MC by their physical appearance. 
And when that happens, I want the player to have a chance to react or counter this behaviour. I want the player to explore their own feeling about themselves and their looks—whether that be: disbelief in their attractiveness/unattractiveness, loving themselves, hating themselves, or relative uninterested in their appearance. And I want the player to be loved or admired no matter their attractiveness levels.
For pure gameplay mechanics, some examples for unattractiveness is: it will make certain choices easier to pass, and adding an advantage to staying hidden in plain sight or easily forgotten. 
While attractiveness will make it so that some characters react favourably or differently to the character, sometimes an add to charm stats, and will be more likely to be remembered or identified. 
RO changes:
This choice will change something with all RO romances, but less so with Lestrade (as they are quite blind to looks). And if Watson is flirted with, they will love Sherlock and have loved Sherlock, for a long time. So whatever their first thoughts were, that is now no longer how they feel about the MC and their looks. Hamish/Helena will have some differences, but not a lot. They mostly care for Sherlock’s mind and personality. 
As I have it planned now, the biggest change is with Adler’s scenes. They are shallow and will treat an unattractive Sherlock and an attractive Sherlock differently. But, they can be romanced with both characters traits—and if I may say so, I think the unattractive romance will make a more interesting journey in the end.
MC changes:
You still get to decide how your Sherlock thinks of themselves, but options might change.
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Not romanced Watson: 
A sort of, oh you sweet summer child look, and then feel that they have to explain to Sherlock what is happening and why. If Sherlock is then uncomfortable, they will relish the opportunity to act as MC’s saviour for once.
Romanced Watson: 
They aren't blind. They know what is happening and why... and maybe they would explain the situation, but they would also feel comforted by the knowledge that maybe if Sherlock doesn’t know how many people want them, they won't leave Watson for someone else.
Would be just as confused as Sherlock, unless Sherlock is very, very dense and the flirting is overt. Then they would get frustrated, flustered, and a little angry (not at Sherlock).
Would find it extremely amusing to explain it—and would take their time with it—preferable loudly, in front of a suitor, to increase the embarrassment of all parties.
They would probably not explain, and if they did, there would be words such as “idiotic single-minded deviants” and some victorian era version of “stranger danger”. H would order suitors to back off—they are unworthy/MC is spoken for.
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❤️ I thought the same thing! I feel like most games I have played have either a really beautiful MC or looks are not mentioned beyond RO flirts. I also thought that, when it is a choice, the later references to the characters looks feel so much more important and immersive :)
And, while everyone is beautiful in their own way, i think it can feel a bit false to ignore that less attractive people exist, at least in the eyes of society. And that, if someone is less attractive, that does not mean that they are not worthy of respect and love. Why does everyone have to be beautiful? Can’t being unattractive be okay and lovable too—Instead of just removing any mention of its existence? 
//...How obvious is it from the above paragraph that I am annoyed at “ugly-erasure”, and that I may or may not have been a late bloomer? 😅
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I will defiantly have a scene or two about this! 
W: supportive, loving, listening patiently. Wants to hug it better (but will respect a no).
L: Does not understand it... Will try and be supportive—might find the right words to say by accident.
A: (Attractive MC), will try and prove to the MC that they are attractive. 
(If love) (unattractive MC), understanding, self-hating for similar former thoughts, but would fight the world if they said anything bad about them. Would want to make sure that Sherlock knows that they love the MC’s looks and finds them extremely attractive. 
H: Would probably try and convince MC that looks aren’t everything (which probably wouldn't make them feel better). Then they would go on a long spiel on how sexy MC’s mind is, and by extension, MC’s body. Like... a thorough adoration rant.
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A little bit similar to the one above, but:
L: Back off! (angry)
W: Back off (politely, if possible)
A: Perhaps harass the suitor right back? If it would not work for that situation, pretends to be partners(=lovers) + back off (passive-aggressively)
H: Pretends to be engaged.
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Yes! :) And if I ever forget to add that in a scene, just let me know! :D
I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Thoughts, wishes, anything! :)
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passerime · 3 years
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don’t know what to caption just Watson taking care of his dumbass roommate (go play An Affair of the Heart if you haven’t already @doriana-gray-games )
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doriana-gray-games · 3 years
My favourite IF! ✨ Lestrade already has my heart. 💗 Like previous anons, I appreciate the unattractive option, thank you! 💞 ROs question: what are their love languages? Or how often do they say I love you to their partners?
💗 My favorite anon! 💗 :D
Ooh, I completely missed this question! I like this concept—however, I've never completely understood the love language thing. Like, you can have multiple ones, right? And is it what you want or how you act? I’ll do both, and I’ll answer it the best I can :)
How often do they say I love you?
When in love/deep-relationship I am imagining:
L: not often through words, but through their actions. All the little things that shows that they care. Every time they hold you. They also express their feelings easier in letters; in a letter there could be multiple words of love: “I love you”, “deepest devotion”, “Owner of my heart”.
W: As much as they can, when it is appropriate. A small whisper, a morning greeting, a mournful goodbye. It becomes a habit to say it across the room, when getting a cup of tea. When a case is finished. Sitting in the same room, reading a paragraph that reminds them of Sherlock, they look over the newspaper and say it while almost laughing.
A: In the beginning when the words of love were just a habit and not truly felt, they said it often, but used for some purpose. But when they started feeling love—being in love—they stopped saying it. Until it couldn’t be contained any longer. The first time the word returned it was as a shout. Then, after a time, it became habit again. Mostly they whisper it, they write it, they show it. They never forget it.
H: Rarely do they say “I love you”. It was not how they were raised—to show affection in that manner. Tbh love is... hard for them, I think. They probably only say it at the important moment in life where one has to. The confession, the proposal, the wedding. But they call MC those little words of love: love, beloved, darling, dearest. 
Love languages
Wants to receive:
(in the order of most wanted, to least)
1. Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch (starved for love and touch)
2. Acts of Service (sometimes you do for others, what you wish they would do for you)
3. Quality Time 
4. Receiving Gifts (Meh, unless it has meaning)
1. Quality Time
2. Receiving Gifts and Physical Touch (if in love)
3. Words of Affirmation
4. Acts of Service (would rather do this for someone else, than receive)
1. Physical Touch and Quality Time
2. Words of Affirmation
3. Receiving Gifts (they are often spoiled with gifts from suitors, but they often come with strings attached. A gift given with no expectations would be appreciated.)
4. Acts of Service (would very much depend on the service)
1. Acts of Service and Quality Time
2. Words of Affirmation
3. Receiving Gifts (hard to get gifts for though...)
4. Physical Touch (Only if close with MC)
Usually gives:
1. Acts of Service and Giving Gifts! (Sandwich and blanket!)
2. Quality Time (But they are kind of bad at finding the time though...)
3. Physical Touch (But mostly later on in a relationship)
4. Words of Affirmation (They want to improve, but the act makes them stumble)
1. Words of Affirmation (They are like MC’s cheerleader tbh)
2. Quality Time (Sherlock and Watson quality time is sacred )
3. Acts of Service
4. Giving Gifts
5. Physical Touch (really depends on how Sherlock feels about touch. If the MC likes it they would love to cuddle and hug constantly—while trying to keep some propriety as PDA is frowned upon...)
1. Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation (the words flow too easy to be entirely sincere... Could tell you they love you on a first date type person.)
2. Acts of Service (again, depends on the service.)
3. Giving Gifts (Likes to spoil a lover)
4. Quality Time
1. Giving Gifts (they might think they can buy peoples affection...)
2. Words of Affirmation (to MC)
3. Physical Touch (if MC wants them to)
4. Acts of Service and Quality Time (they don’t really have the time) 
Off topic, I’m sorry I've been so quiet for a while now. School and a lack of something to say is my excuse...
But I have a question for all you wonderful readers: we are super close to a new milestone. But I am not done with the 500 followers things yet—so would you be okay if we instead have a bigger celebration at 1221 followers? (referencing sherlocks famous 221 b bakerstreet adress)
Oh, and the community price promt will be lovecraftian/space themed (though not sci-fi). Why there is no voting on it is because this was the only promt I received
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