#asteroid run: no questions asked
hpowellsmith · 3 months
Choice of Games titles in the Steam Summer Sale!
I hope you're having a good week! If you fancy a little treat for the weekend, titles from Choice of Games, Heart's Choice, and Hosted Games are on sale on Steam, including my and my wife's games...
Crème de la Crème (40% off): Climb to the very top of the class at your exclusive private school for socialites! Will you study hard, find a perfect match, or embrace scandal? A 440,000 word interactive novel.
Noblesse Oblige (40% off): Spark romance amid secrets in a crumbling mansion! What will you sacrifice for love? Can you trust your own heart? A 180,000 interactive gothic novella.
Royal Affairs (40% off):At your exclusive boarding school, will you rule the roost or be a royal disaster? Court publicity, sway the fate of nations, and find love! A 440,000 word interactive novel.
Blood Money (35% off): By the power of your blood, you and your ghosts will take over your crime family! A 290,000 word standalone dark fantasy interactive novel.
Heart of Battle (35% off): Battle for love as a gladiator in this epic romance! Win glory, victory, a better life - or spark a revolution! A 220,000 word interactive novel by Fay Ikin.
Asteroid Run: No Questions Asked (35% off): captain a freighter across the Solar System and keep your mystery cargo and your crew safe in the face of corruption, cultists, and revolutionaries! A 325,000 word interactive novel by Fay Ikin.
And while you're on Steam, please wishlist Honor Bound, fourth in the Creme de la Creme series, which is coming soon!
Enjoy, and I hope those of you in hot weather aren't getting too overheated!
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I saw the white/blue/gold in the other ask and my mind immediately went to this dress:
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Senator Shockwave could have taken a picture of himself where his plating's color is so hard to determine that it accidentally starts a controversial discussion all over Cybertron.
You can ignore this, it was just a fun thought.
“Oh my gosh ye— wait. That’s probably not possible because…science.” <- my initial reaction
Reality aside, that would be hilarious.
But also! Imagine this: The Senate had an account on whatever social media network existed at the time.
Each senator was given access to it when it was their turn, and it was their job to make the Senate look good in some way during their time running it. (A month, a quarter of a year, whatever)
Being more than a little vain with a revolutionary streak, Shockwave had other ideas. lol
Dai Atlas: Remind me again how you got banned from running the Senate’s account?
Shockwave: Supposedly, I was posting “personal content” too often. My frequent posts about my paint jobs weren’t well received. Neither were my “inappropriate” posts about interesting things and people who caught my eye.
Dai Atlas: …I see.
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vampirebutterflies · 2 years
your tags have bewitched me body and soul 😬
Sometimes I’m good at not shutting the fuck up 😌
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tinydefector · 2 months
Hello tinydefector!!! I wanted to say that I admire your work, especially the book "Human's effects". So could you please add Skids and Rodimus to the continuation of the book, I would really like to see them. Thank you for your attention.
Chaos on board - Human effects
Human effects masterlist
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: workplaces issues in space
The Ambassador walks into the Ultra Magnus' office to see Megatron and Magnus both glaring at Rodimus and Daniel. "What have you two done this time? Did they go out asteroid surfing again? " They ask while making their way towards the table. As Megatron glared daggers across the table, Ultra Magnus heaved a long-suffering sigh at the newcomer's inquiry. "Worse than that, I'm afraid. It seems Rodimus and Daniel decided simulated space warfare was an... appropriate pastime." Magnus' field pulsed annoyance. 
Rodimus waved a dismissive hand, uncowed. "Aw, c'mon Mags! We were just having a little target practice in the hold, no harm done. How were we supposed to know the booster rockets were still online?"
Megatron growled deep in his intake. "You were supposed to conduct comprehensive safety checks on our cargo!." His field roiled with barely-leashed rage. 
Daniel scratched his head sheepishly. "He's, uh, not wrong. Things may have gotten a teensy bit out of hand" The ambassador pinched their brow ridge. "Let me guess. uncontrolled explosive devices in an enclosed space led to..."
"Minor structural damage and several singed circuits, yes," grated Magnus. 
A humourless smirk curled Megatron's dermas. "Appropriate punishment is in order, I believe." His tone left no doubt over the two delinquents. They were all just happy the third member of their party hadn't been present, less they all had to deal with Ratchet's wrath. 
Rodimus gulped. Daniel sank lower in his seat. The Ambassador groans in annoyance. "Daniel get back to the crew room. Your on restroom cleaning duties for the next Orn. And don't think complaining to David and Kyle is going to save you" they state. Daniel scurried from his seat, hands raised placatingly. "Yessir, right away sir! No complaining, got it." He backed towards the door, casting Rodimus an apologetic grimace. 
Rodimus merely flashed his signature cocky grin and finger-guns, to his friend. But Megatron's responding snarl and Magnus' deepening scowl boded ill for the speedster's fate. "Really, Rodimus, must you continue pursuing chaos and mayhem?" sighs their ambassador wearily. "One of these days your antics are going to get someone hurt, what were you thinking?"
"Are you questioning my leadership?" Rodimus shot back, before shrinking back into his seat as the other two mechs shoot him with a glare. Megatron loomed over the desk, a deep rumble echoes from his chassis as he does his best not to lose his temper at the prime. "Questioning implies there was leadership to begin with." He states it's not quite a sneer but his disappointment shows. 
Magnus nodded stiff agreement. "Reckless endangerment of crew and ship cannot be tolerated. You may be Co-captain of this vessel but the Ambassador and myself are responsible for the safety and security of all on board your vessel." Rodimus paled, grin faltering at the prospect of real punishment, Their optics held no mercy as sentencing began in earnest. Another incident to log in Rodimus' ever-growing file.
"Look Rodimus I don't really care what you do in your spare time but don't drag my crew into it. I'm responsible for each and every one of the humans on this ship. Do you realise how easily something could have gone wrong?" The Ambassador states while looking at the captain. Megatron growled irritably. "Spare us your coddling, Ambassador. Rodimus' 'antics' endanger us all. He's reckless, refuses to do his documentation, finds every opportunity to disappear from proper duties, Ultra Magnus and myself are the ones running the ship due to his inability to stick to a task."
Ultra Magnus nodded solemn agreement. "Recklessness cannot continue unpunished. I suggest confinement to quarters for the foreseeable future, with duties suspended."
But Rodimus' smile falls. "What! You can't just ground me. I'm not a fragging Sparkling! I said I was sorry, what more do you want?" He shouts out optics frantically looking between the three. Megatron's engine snarled. "Respect. Responsibility. Traits you've yet to demonstrate, Captain." He spat the title like an insult. 
"Enough!" The Liaison calls out loudly. "Rodimus you have been acting up recently, rather badly, why? It seems every time one of us turns our back you are sneaking off, tonight was my night off. I was having drinks with my crew and got called here because of this" they accuse, trying to find out what had Rodimus acting up. This wasn't  the first time either he had both Daniel and Traxies looped into his antics but so far been the most dangerous.
Rodimus shrank back slightly under the barrage, facade cracking. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Look, I know things have been... dicey lately. And yeah, maybe I've been pushing boundaries a bit more than usual? But I'm trying to enjoy myself, make others enjoy travelling with me. It's boring! I feel like I'm going nuts cooped up at a desk all cycle."
"So endangering lives is acceptable?" Megatron crossed his arms severely. 
“Have you any idea the amount of violations you have committed,  have you even read the list to your name?” Ultra Magnus grumbles, Rodimus looks at the table like a scolded child before the human sighs as they move closer. " Rodimus, can you actually read?" They ask, it was a slight hunch they had that he was acting up because of something with their reports and records. But he was showing signs similar to dyslexia and adhd. 
Rodimus stiffened. "What kind of insult is that?! Of course I can read - I'm the Prim- friggin' Captain, aren't I?!"
Megatron snorted slightly amused. "A fact that continues to astound and dismay in equal measure."
But the human ambassador remained focused on Rodimus. "Then perhaps the issue lies not in your duties, but how you process them. Reading reports and records can be tedious for some."
They pulled up a datapad, flipping through screens. "Let's test your comprehension. Can you summarise the contents of this supply requisition?"
Rodimus grimaces at the screen, he hates it. "Aw c'mon, do I have to? That stuff's so boring" 
Magnus rumbled a subtle warning but their ambassador kept Rodimus pinned with a stare. With a huff and whine from his engine, Rodimus gave in and began squinting at the pad. Silence fell as they watched him struggle to parse the words, tangling meanings and figures alike. 
"OK, so paperwork is hard for you, why haven't you brought this up to one of us?" They inquire this time not as annoyed. The move to sit down on the table near him. Rodimus shifted uncomfortable under the others' piercing stares. His plating flared in embarrassment as never before. "I didn't... it's not like..." He vented harshly, the truth forcing its way free at last. "Reading's always been hard, okay? The words jumble and my processors ache if I have to focus too long." 
He refused to meet their optics, ashamed to show such perceived weakness. "Why did you not come to us for aid?" Megatron asked, the anger in his voice had faded. "There is no shame in acknowledging limitations, Rodimus, but causing chaos over something that can simply be solved with changing who does the documentation."  
Rodimus' intake worked furiously. "Because... because I'm the Prime, the Captain! I'm supposed to have it all together, be the fearless leader. How can they follow me if they think I'm.. Everyone except me too know everything! I'm not Optimus. Im out here to not have to be in his shadow! ” he finally lets out before he sulks into his arms. 
The others go quiet as they watch the dishevelled speedster. 
"I'm willing to help you with taking inventory and trade bargains, but no more dragging Daniel or Traxies into your silly endeavours, understand?, are one of you able to help him with reports to cybertron and earth over different routes for trades and out travel logs" They inquire firstly to Rodimus and then to the other two mechs. 
He straightened with surprise. "You...you'd help me? Really?" His optics darted between the human and his Co-captain and enforcer. 
Magnus nodded. "Orders and logs require diligent documentation. Traversing trade routes necessitates mathematical prowess. I am equipped to handle them." 
Megatron gave the barest nod. "And I am...familiar with navigating bureaucracy. Of log reports and records" 
The meeting concludes after a while  the human stands there waiting for a moment. "Rodimus walk with me" they called out to the speedster waiting for him to begin walking beside them. Rodimus glanced up from shuffling pedes. "I...yeah. Yeah, okay." He nodded, falling into stride beside the human. His fields pulsed anxiety and gratitude in equal measure. 
Silence fell as they walked the halls, Rodimus casting furtive glances at them as they flick through the data padin hand. "You're not the first person I've worked with who has trouble reading or even understanding stuff" they remark as they begin heading to Swerve's. It takes Rodimus a little off guard that they were going to the bar. "Plus you owe me drinks after pulling me away from my night off" the human tease.
Rodimus perked up in surprise as they angled their path towards Swerve's bar. His cooling fans kicked on at the human's casual revelation and teasing quip. "Wait, seriously? There are others who struggle like me?" He asked slightly shocked. They hand the pad to Rodimus. “have a look at the screen and tell me if having a dark mood helps with being able to read stuff.” They tell him. He accepts the tablet as they walk into the bar. Optics flick to them watching like hawks as they find seats. 
“ it's easier to read some stuff still going to give My processors a short circuit tho” he grumbles slightly. They nod in understanding. “ we will working something out but that's for tomorrow” they hum as they both pull up to a table. Rodimus lifts them up to the bench where they fall into one of the human sided seats on the table. 
 "Look, about earlier - I really am sorry I dragged your crew into that mess. You deserve a break." Optics in the bar shoot to Rodimus and the Ambassador. All of them watched with vented breath after the earlier drinking session with the human's. Rodimus' plating twitched self-consciously under the weight of so many curious stares from within. But beside him, the human ambassador didn't seem fazed by the stares. 
Rodimus leaned in close. "Seems everyone's watching us. Primus, you'd think we spawned a sparkling the way they're gossiping!" He grumbles looking into the drink swerve slides in front of him before the mini bot disappears. The ambassador chuckled. "Don't mind them. Think everyone's letting the high grade and energex go to their head" the Ambassador states. "Plus my crew were here earlier having drinks and got a little out of hand, Nadia was talking about 'taking a mech for a ride' " they chuckled into their own drink.
Rodimus sputtered on his energon, cooling fans kicking into high gear at the risqué implications. His plating rippled in scandalised delight.  "Taking a mech for a ride, huh?!” His fans kicking on had made a few other mechs snicker from other tables. Across the bar, curious optics remained glued to their table, The speedster leaned on an elbow, optics filled with wonder.
"So which poor mech caught the little lady's optic?. " it was barely above a whisper. His engine rumbled warmly. “she had her eyes set on Swerve, I honestly think she was just trying to get free drinks" they call back in amusement.  But it makes Rodimus' processor go wild at the thought. The humans were just as interested in bedding a bot and the rest of the crew was with the humans. 
"Clever little thing, your Nadia! Far be it from me to judge creativity in scamming a drink or two." He mumbles, feeling the energex hitting him hard. He had suspected that Swerve must have given him a triple boost. 
So many of the other bots in the bar are still watching him and listening in on the conversation, eager to see if the rumours Kyle had spread earlier were true. "Oh Nadia is a very clever schemer. I'd say watch out for her and Millian they're thick as thieves kinda like you Daniel and Traxies. Just as much trouble makers" they chuckle as they finish their drink.
He cycled a gusty vent and pushed his empty cube away, coming to a reluctant conclusion. "As much as I'd love nothing more than to keep yakking all night, you should probably call it and get some recharge. You looked tired. I'm going to have one more round before I head to berth. Magnus is gonna have me on inventory or worse with him tomorrow," Rodimus shuddered theatrically at the thought.
 "But we should definitely do this again real soon. This was nice, and um thank you. For you know helping me" it's a rather shy reply which has them giving him a smile. "Enjoy your night captain, I'm most likely heading back to my room soon. Getting late and I plan on actually sleeping in my bed and not a desk tonight" they state while standing up. Joints popping slightly.
Once Rodimus had helped them to the ground they flahs him another smile “Good night Rodimus I'll see you tomorrow " they state as they make their way towards the door of the bar. He's sat there for a moment his spark fluttering as he watches them. before he gets a ping from swerve and other bots asking the gossip. He goes to get up and leave the bar before be can get bombarded with questions only to get cornered by Swerve. 
"A-hem! And just where do you think you're off to in such a hurry, Captain?" Swerve's cheery voice broke Rodimus from his musings as the gathered bots closed in, optics alight with curiosity and engex-loosened daring. A blush swiftly rose in Rodimus' plating, though he straightened with false bravado. "Just turning in for the night, mechs, as should you all” 
Catcalls and laughs erupted from the crowd. "Aw, no need to play coy, Roddy!" laughed Tailgate. "We all saw you chumming it up with the Ambassador - spill the goods!"
Rodimus cycled a sigh. They'd get it out of him one way or another. Best tell it himself and save some shred of dignity intact. "Alright alright, you buzzards! I'll tell you what really went down..." 
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white-00-7 · 5 months
The fallen
Lucifer x reader
( after Adam died)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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It was a regular day in the hazbin hotel. Charlie was doing redemption exercise with Angel Dust. Nifty was running everywhere to dust the place up, Vaggie was close to Charlie to help her , Alastor was in his chair as in the lobby could be heard a soft jazz song. Lucifer was in his apple tower. His room and workshop when all of the sudden a bright light illuminate his room and a crash sound outside the hotel making it to tremble a little.
When thwy all go outside to see what happened they see 2 angels fighting. One was an exterminator the other was strange. Her wings were a fuze of colors as the univers with stars, her black hair as the night was tied in loose braid. She was dressed in a royal blue dress that was covered in purple armor. She had a spear next to her but she was using her fists to fight that angel. She was speaking in a language that made then wonder what is she talking about. Even Lucifer haven't heard it before. After she threatened the angel she took their halo and broke it in her hands then get up and throw then away as they angel flow to the portal to heaven the one with wings of a galaxy was screaming at them something that was like swears and threats. After the portal close she sigh then took her own halo and look at it. Then in a fit of rage she broke hers to. She turn around to see demons in front of a building and took her spear and point it at them.
"Cine sunteți? De ce va uitați așa la mine?" (Who are you? Why are you guys looking at me that way) she speaks in that strange language again. Charlie come closer the the angel and ask her "Are you ok? You look hurt....your bleeding". The angel look at her smile as she understood what language to use to speak with them. "Hello. Yes I am good. But I want to ask you if you could show me the way to Charlie Morningstar? I heard that she can help me in a way to accept that I'm in hell. But first to tell you my name." She bows softly but with elegance. "My name is Y/n. I am the angel of galaxy. First to be created by the God and the last. Queen of dreams and hope and protector of balance".
Y/n pov:
'They are looking at me like I'm some kind of ghist or something. Hell. It is because of my wings?' She thought and hide her wings in her back. The girl with red circles on her cheeks and a big smile looks like an angel....is she the daughter of my little morningstar? "Hi my name is Charlie. Why don't you come in and let us help you patch up? I think you have a story to tell and maybe you will want to stay here" she said and approach y/n and she accepted Charlie hand. She made her spear disappear then walk into the hotel followed by the rest. Charlie sat her down on the couch as the rest sit around to listen.
"Ok so as I said I am y/n. The queen of dreams and hopes and protector of balance. I was the first and last angel of galaxy that God created. To protect humans by all kinds of threats from space like asteroids or black holes, to put stars on the night sky for them and to go to the dreams realm to fight with the nightmares who terorise humans. Being just me I dress differently as you all can see. I like white but my skin is already made of moon light and stardust. Dress differently speak differently and think differently. They thought that I am the problem. When I find out what they did to my little morningstar when I was gone I started to ask why and to find out, but they sended me on a mission again. I came back a week ago and when I find out finally when they did with Samael then here in hell killing innocent demons I started to question then to press them to stop. I told the whole heaven what they did and finally when you guys saw me I was fighting and destroyed the exorcism. I'm sorry it took so long to come here. Truly." She looks at all of then embarrassed then at Charlie and what she thinks it was her little star. Samael but now Lucifer.
Lucifer was startled to hear his other name then look at her puzzled. Charlie had tears in her eyes but then Angel Dust spooke "What do you mean by your little morningstar?" She smiled at then and blush softly as then sigh and open her palms. A soft light that sparks with a light so beautiful that made you feel warm and comfortable. "This is what humans called the star of morning. The first star to appear on the sky and the last to go. My little morningstar. This star is under Samael name because God wanted it to be so." She looks at Lucifer and smile as he was almost in tears. She put the star away and when the light disappeared she looks at all of then then wince and cover her right side of her stomach. Gold blood was gushing out and she started to breath heavily. "C...can someone carry me to a room? Preferably at the top of this building and to stich me up? Thanks" after those words she fainted.
Third person pov:
Y/n fainted as soon as she finished talking and Lucifer caught her body in time before falling. He looks at her puzzled and feeling strange after hearing her story. He knew of her name. Never seen her before tough. He looks at Charlie and she got up and started to walk upstairs where she thinks is the best room for her new guest. Lucifer placed y/n on the bed and snap his fingers to make some pijama pants and shirt appear. She give then to Charlie and told her to call Vaggie and change her clothes and dress her wounds as he leaves the women's alone.
(Not my art)
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timeagainreviews · 3 months
Dust and Darkness Prevail
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Panspermia is the theory that human life was seeded by comets, asteroids, meteoroids, and space dust falling to Earth. Directed panspermia is the idea that an unknown third party purposely seeded life onto this planet through similar means. These are perhaps the most ancient of aliens. For whatever reason, be it propagation, a future food source, or simply contamination from an explorer’s boot, somehow, we were created.  It’s easy to see why mankind looked to the stars for parentage- we are made of star stuff, after all. As our understanding of the stars grew, so did our desire to understand them in relation to ourselves. Staring down the concept of being a mere dust mote floating within sunbeams, some of us began to wonder if the Gods we abandoned weren’t actually a different form of sky daddy. In the words of Giorgio A. Tsoukalos- “Aliens.”
Science fiction has a rich history of depicting ancient Gods as alien lifeforms. Doctor Who is no different. Sometimes these extra-terrestrial visitors are used to explain odd phenomena, and other times, they’ve been used to outright undermine the achievements of ancient civilisations. One of the most popular ancient alien theories is that aliens helped build the pyramids. Some Egyptian-themed polyhedron-obsessed aliens influenced ancient Egyptian culture. You can see it in movies like Stargate, or in television stories like the 1975 Doctor Who serial “Pyramids of Mars.” Recent books like Erich Von Daniken’s scientifically dubious “Chariots of the Gods,” or numerous documentaries narrated by Rod Serling had garnered interest in ancient astronauts. A year after “Pyramids of Mars,” aired, NASA released photos from their Viking 1 orbiter that would only feed these theories. The black and white photos of the Cydonia region appeared to depict a carved facelike structure and gigantic pyramids on the planet’s surface. Needless to say, some people let their imaginations run wild.
While many of the concepts explored in the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens,” have been labelled pseudo-science or even racist, some of these concepts still crop up in popular media. A more benign example would be Marvel’s own Thor and Loki. Sure, they call them Gods, but they are very clearly from advanced alien civilisations. It feels appropriate then that Doctor Who returning with Disney money might also explore one of its own ancient aliens in Sutekh the Destroyer. Considering the build-up with the Toymaker and the Maestro, it all seems fairly obvious in hindsight. But what does this have to do with Ruby Sunday? In seeking out her own parentage, might she also benefit from looking to the stars?
One aspect to this season of Doctor Who that I feel has actually fallen a bit flat is the question of Ruby Sunday’s parents. Considering that the fandom has been interacting more with the question of the identity of Susan Twist’s character, it’s safe to say I’m not alone in this. It’s just not a very interesting question, and I think it’s partly because we already know the answer. Doctor Who’s official Twitter recently asked fans who they think Ruby’s mother really is, and only a few people actually got the answer right. It’s Carla Sunday, obviously. I find this whole question to be as flawed as the conversation around it. Ruby uses words like “abandoned,” to describe herself. And while I can understand the desire to know your roots, I know my adopted siblings were never abandoned. They were found. They have a family who love them. My mother who was also adopted had a mother in my grandma. My greatest hope with this storyline is that this is what Russell T Davies has been leading up to all along. Ruby’s real mother is the one who changed her diapers and cleaned up scraped knees.
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Speaking of family, “The Legend of Ruby Sunday,” begins like a bit of a family reunion. Yasmin Finney is back as “Rose.” As are Gemma Redgrave as “Kate Lethbridge-Stewart,” Bonnie Langford as “Mel,” and Alexander Devrient as “Colonel Christofer Ibrahim.” Also returning is the Vlinx, with a shiny new chassis. Strangely absent is Ruth Madeley as UNIT’s scientific advisor “Shirley Anne Bingham." In her place is Lenny Rush as “Morris Gibbons,” a boy genius with a taste for excitement. We’re also introduced to Harriet, UNIT’s newest lead archivist. More on her later. The light tone of this family reunion is much needed as the majority of this episode is Doctor Who at its most bleak.
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Something I have completely failed to mention this season has been the TARDIS’ weird groaning. It’s not as though I hadn’t noticed, there have just been so many things to talk about lately. I had meant to bring it up last week when the Doctor told Rogue the TARDIS doesn’t like bounty hunters. I figured then that it was the Doctor ignoring a bigger problem. Speaking of which, it does strike me as a bit odd that the Doctor hadn’t addressed the issue for such a long time. The TARDIS has been groaning and sliding into landings like a football tackle. I understand that the Doctor has a lot on his mind, but it would have been nice if they could have shown the Doctor showing any kind of concern for the TARDIS. He’s been flying her for thousands of years, he would notice any slight change. This isn’t a huge issue for me, though it does feel a bit out of character. But who am I to complain? Even I forgot to bring it up.
The Doctor does have a lot on his mind, which is what brings him to UNIT HQ. It was nice to see the Doctor lay all of his cards on the table for a change. You don’t often see the Doctor outright asking for help. Luckily, UNIT was already on the case. The woman the Doctor keeps seeing also exists in modern-day London as Susan Triad. I found it a bit odd that the Doctor would know a politician from an aborted timeline like Roger ap Gwilliam, but not a tech industry giant with her name on a skyscraper. Even Colonel Ibrahim recognised it as an anagram of TARDIS, so what gives, Doctor? 
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Part of their gathering intelligence on Susan Triad has been using Mel to infiltrate her organisation. When I had heard they were bringing back Mel, I was excited. Mel has never been a fan favourite, and even I took a lot of time to warm up to her in classic Doctor Who. But bringing her back feels like a no-brainer. She’s a tech whiz and Bonnie Langford is a great actress. There is only room to grow with her character, and grow she does. Not only have they given her a bit more backstory with losing her family, but we also get to see her acting as a double agent and puttering about on her scooter. Seeing Mel in this capacity is a delight. I am really enjoying how they have built up UNIT to be more like the ‘70s (or was it the ‘80s?) with recurring characters. Instead of Yates and Benton, we’ll now have Ibrahim and Sullivan. I really hope they continue this trend, though I would appreciate it if they stopped haemorrhaging scientific advisors.
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Despite around-the-clock surveillance, the most UNIT has managed to gather on Susan Triad is that she’s a seemingly nice human woman with no underlying alien traits. Her company’s upcoming event will announce that she is making the Triad OS free to the world, which seems like a weird flex. Ubuntu and Fedora are both free operating systems, so this is nothing new. What’s even more perplexing is that UNIT would integrate Triad into their own systems. Call me crazy, but if I were a government organisation spying on a tech giant because their name is an anagram of an alien time machine, I might opt to use Windows or Mac. The whole storyline was giving shades of “The Sontaran Strategem/The Poison Sky,” or even “Kingsman: The Secret Service,” wherein miracle technologies are secretly deadly. We still don’t know the ramifications of the Triad system’s worldwide rollout, but I imagine we’ll find out next week.
Something a friend pointed out to me that feels important happens during the Mrs Flood scene. According to Kate, the Triad press conference was scheduled for fifteen hundred hours, or 3 pm. What’s odd is that when Ruby and Rose show up to Ruby’s home, Cherry’s digital clock reads 15:08. At first, I had misremembered this scene and figured it must take place during the events at UNIT HQ, but the inclusion of Ruby and Rose implies that it’s not. I can think of three possible explanations for this. One explanation is that it was a continuity error. The production crew simply goofed. It happens. Another explanation is that Cherry’s radio is like my coffee machine in that the digital time display is incorrect. That’s possibly the most human answer. But television doesn’t often allow for such realistic discrepancies as they can confuse audiences. Seriously, how often do you see fictional stories where two characters share the name John? One of my closest friends is also named Natalie, but that wouldn’t usually work in fiction. This leaves us with a third explanation which is that it was done on purpose. Either something wibbly wobbly is happening, or they goofed.
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As expected, Mrs Flood appears to be someone. With the reveal of Susan Triad being Sutekh, my hopes of the Rani have been dashed against the rocks of reality. Or have they? In explaining regeneration to Ruby, the Doctor describes it as a way to hide away with a new face. When Ruby fetches Mrs Flood to mind Cherry while Carla joins them back at UNIT, Mrs Flood mentions hiding herself away. While Mrs Flood was a bit rude to Ruby and downright hostile toward Cherry, these could be the actions of a bitter Susan Foreman, aka the Doctor’s granddaughter. However, I am reticent to call her Susan for a couple or reasons. For starters, Carole Ann Ford was present at the premiere for the 60th anniversary specials. Sure this could have simply been due to her history with the show, but it could also imply she’s been filming things for the RTD2 era. You could speculate that the only thing she actually filmed was a flashback regeneration scene into Mrs Flood, but that feels like a waste of a much-needed reunion. My money is on the Rani, but mostly because I want her to be and because Carole Ann Ford deserves her moment. If they bring Susan back, there’s only one person I want to see play her.
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Ruby and Rose fetch the surveillance tape from the night Ruby was left on that church stoop. I loved that Carla joined them the moment she learned that Donna was involved with UNIT. It’s nice to see that at least one character hasn’t forgotten who Ruby’s real mother is. This also gave rise to one of my favourite Doctor moments of the episode when he says "Yeah but it’s Carla. Come on," in response to the claim that not even the prime minister has access to UNIT HQ. I loved the exchange between the Doctor and Kate about their possession of a time window. They claim they don’t have one, the Doctor knows they do. Classic. It’s the Doctor knowing of the existence of the Black Archive all over again. Even further, I loved the Doctor laughing at the way UNIT has “lashed together,” the time window. I doubt he really feels that way, but the Doctor needs to remind UNIT not to get too comfortable. Undercutting their achievement is a reminder that these items aren’t toys. It’s a subtle way to establish himself as an authority while also reminding UNIT of their limitations. The Doctor’s aim isn’t to belittle UNIT, but to instill a healthy fear of these technologies. As it turns out, the Doctor’s fears were well-founded.
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The time window is a large room capable of viewing moments in time. The Doctor refers to time as a memory which is a bigger Whoiverse change than people are giving it credit. I always thought of the TARDIS as a supercomputer that stores moments throughout time in its memory like files. It makes sense that time and memory mingle like this. The effect of the VHS degradation on memory is one of the coolest visual effects in Doctor Who. It’s nice to see that Disney money coming into play. I also have to tip my hat to Lenny Rush for his performance as Morris here. Lots of UNIT characters were given little moments to shine in this episode like Harriet and Colonel Chidozie. The latter of whom we’re given a bit of background information about so that when he meets his demise, we care a little bit more. He’s just a Manchester lad with a cheery disposition. It would be a shame if something were to happen to him.
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In an almost cruel twist of fate, the visual of Ruby’s mother is obscured. Not just obscured, but seemingly darkened as if on purpose. The moment she walks close to the Doctor and Ruby, she glitches past them. It’s sad for Ruby, but I feel it’s important that Carla is there to witness this moment. She needs to see that the mystery of Ruby’s life isn’t just one of being an orphan, but that something is deeply and darkly wrong. I feel as though Carla’s involvement in this storyline is due a rather big payoff next week, and I am looking forward to that. The Doctor notices that the TARDIS appears more corporeal than a simple image from a video. He asks the tanatalising question “If time is memory and memory is time, then what is the memory of a time machine?” It’s a question I have been mulling in my head ever since, and I still don’t have a great answer.
Colonel Chidozie disappears around the same time a swarm of dark energy begins to incircle the memory TARDIS (omg I think I just figured it out). The MEMORY TARDIS! Ok. I see what you’re putting down, Russell. Carla refers to the dark energy as “the Beast,” as in, the devil. But who among us didn’t automatically think of the Beast from “The Satan Pit”? Hell, it’s not as though it would break the show if Sutekh and the Beast were one in the same. They’re both voiced by Gabriel Woolf. Furthermore, we know Sutekh takes on multiple forms like the doggo or Susan Triad. There are plenty of examples of gods taking on multiple forms. Christianity has the Holy Trinity of God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Hindu gods often have multiple forms such as Vishnu manifesting as Krishna, Rama, or even Buddha. It’s fully within the realm of possibility that the Beast is yet one more aspect to Sutekh. After all, the Fourth Doctor did refer to him as Satan at one point. Why not?
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Possibly the most interesting aspect of the scene is when Chidozie’s speaks out from the darkness. It’s not so much the fact that he’s in Hell or that his consciousness feels like it’s been hijacked like Angel Bob’s was, but rather the fact that he only seems to respond to Ruby. The Doctor tries to commune with the entity and gets nothing. Kate commands Chidozie to report and comes up equally empty-handed. It’s not until Ruby attempts to communicate with the entity that it responds. If Christianity has the Trinity and Hinduism has the Trimurti, perhaps Sutekh has the Triad. Perhaps there’s Sutekh, his doggo form, and Ruby Sunday. This might explain why Ruby’s birth mother has been obscured- she never existed. Whoever left Ruby at the church that day could have been a servant of Sutekh, or even Susan Triad herself.
The tone of the episode by this point is very gloomy. I think the last time Doctor Who gave me the creeps to this degree was “The Impossible Astronaut.” As a fan of dark and disturbing movies, I consider myself rather resilient to horror and dread in media. But there is something about turning the TARDIS into a malevolent force that chills me to my core. Bad Wolf Girl once said “You know the sound the TARDIS makes? That wheezing, groaning. That sound brings hope wherever it goes.” But here, the TARDIS offers no comfort. It goes beyond seeing our beloved symbol of hope twisted and perverted. We have seen what the TARDIS is capable of doing. We know how powerful it can be. We can also imagine what that power can do in the wrong hands. My dear late friend Quinn and I used to say that the cloister bell was the scariest sound the TARDIS could make. But this howling groan and sinister energy turning into a hound of Hell is like the cloister bell on steroids.
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The Doctor and Mel head off to S Triad Technologies in the vain hope that Susan might be the Doctor’s granddaughter Susan. It’s a last-ditch effort to gain insight into what is happening. Earlier in the episode, we see Kate telling the Doctor that he brings joy, but after Chidozie’s death, you get the impression that her view has sobered up a bit. The Doctor sees the fear in Kates eyes. He sees the fear in Carla’s eyes. He even let down his best friend Ruby. But it’s Mel who picks him back up. Mel who has seen him at his worst and knows who the Doctor is underneath it all. Only she can give him the tough love he needs in this moment and I loved that they gave this opportunity to Bonnie Langford.
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The Doctor makes contact with Susan Triad but there is no Time Lord recognition on either end. However, we’ve been here before. Maybe she has a fob watch she doesn’t like to look at. Maybe she’s hiding away. With her press conference due to begin, Susan is whisked away. But as she leaves the Doctor calls out asking if she’s ever dreamed of a girl named Lindy. Has she ever dreamed about a place called Pacifico Del Rio? Has she ever dreamed about being an ambulance? Out of context, he sounds insane. I mean, sure, I dream of being a sail barge, but that’s my special time. It’s enough to set things into motion.
At this point, we still don’t know the true identity of Susan Triad. She very well could still be the Doctor’s granddaughter. But the moment she walked onstage doing that awkward Theresa May arm thing, I knew she had to be evil. Historically speaking, if you want someone to appear evil in Doctor Who, compare them to a Tory. It worked in “The Happiness Patrol,” and it still works now. Could you imagine being the person who milkshakes Sutekh? I feel like throwing a sweet banana dairy concoction into the face of a terrible god would only resort in eternal suffering. While Susan Triad is having her public meltdown for all to see, UNIT’s own Harriet Arbinger is doing one as well. Once again we get another Harbinger. I’ll be honest, the H. Arbinger joke isn’t nearly as strong as RTD seems to think it is. But then again, Batman is the “world’s greatest detective,” and it took him a while to learn that E. Nigma was the Riddler.
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I had begun to fully suspect Sutekh by this point, but part of me was starting to wonder if Harriet wasn’t going to turn out to be Sutekh instead. It would have been a very effective misdirect. I was really liking Harriet up to this point too, so I was a bit sad she just turned out to be a servant of the God of Death. Her “I was born for this,” line had me a little hot under the collar. But it looks like she’s gonna get a lot to do in the next episode, so that softens the blow a little bit. As she names off the various gods of the Pantheon, I was very happy to see them reference the Mara as I am a big fan of both “Kinda,” and “Snakedance.” Some have also speculated that the threefold deity of malice, mischief and misery could be a reference to the Gods of Ragnarok. I really hope this is true because I’ve always thought they were cool.
I’ve seen some people complain that they seem to have somewhat retconned Sutekh. People have said it makes no sense to make him the god of gods. He’s an Osiran, not the most powerful god of them all, right? Well, if you think about it, in many ways, death is the ultimate power. If a god like the Toymaker can die, then of course he would run from Sutekh. Also, he’s a god, of course he’s going to claim to be the best. That’s kind of their whole deal. They’re quite full of themselves, gods. Sutekh’s whole deal is that he believes himself the only being worthy of life. Thus all living creatures are an affront to him. Where he treads, he leaves only dust and darkness. Sutekh demonstrates this by reducing Susan Triad’s poor assistant to dust much like he did to Chidozie. With the TARDIS commandeered by evil Anubis and the Doctor being next in line to receive Sutekh’s gift, things have never looked darker for our Time Lord and saviour.
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So who was Susan Triad? Was she always Sutekh? Harriet referred to Sutekh as “the mother, father, and other of them all.” I suppose I should start using they/them pronouns for Sutekh. But who were they? Did every incarnation of Sutekh know they were Sutekh? You could wager that they had a hand in a lot of what was happening, and a lot of what was happening could lead to death. The Space Babies were forced into existence and left to die. Roger ap Gwilliam and the Maestro were set on nuclear annihilation. Lindy and her lot were racists which often leads to death. And let's not forget the cold algorithm of the capitalistic war machines from Villengard. What’s even more interesting then is that if these are all aspects of Sutekh and death, then we know Sutekh is stoppable. In “73 Yards,” we’re shown that whatever Ruby’s follower said to Sutekh was enough to send them scurrying. Sadly, Ruby has no memory of this aborted timeline.
With a new episode of “Tales from the TARDIS,” in the pipeline, I expect we’ll see the return of the memory TARDIS in a big way. According to news sources, the new episode will feature the Doctor and Ruby discussing the events of “Pyramids of Mars,” so make sure to watch that if you need a refresher or have never seen the original. One aspect you might find interesting is that Sutekh initially manifests at a priory on the site of the original UNIT HQ. I have no idea if that will come into play, but it’s interesting that both stories are focused around UNIT, if nothing else. Even more interesting is the fact that in both stories, Sutekh is intent on possessing the TARDIS. I wonder if the Doctor will be forced to use the memory TARDIS to stop Sutekh since the regular TARDIS is compromised. We see Ruby’s memory begin to manifest once more when she and Sullivan enter the time window again. It’s entirely plausible.
I’ll be watching the finale like many others in the UK this weekend, at the movie theatre. The last time I got to see a Doctor Who episode in the theatre was in Kansas City when they simulcast “The Day of the Doctor,” at a local indie-theatre. I’ll never forget the feeling of a theatre packed with nerds cheering over Peter Capaldi’s attack eyebrows. I’m also going to see it in the theatre because, evidently, this is a big enough episode to merit a cinematic experience. I bought nine tickets, so it’s going to be a bit of an event for me. I’ll try not and let that colour my experience too much. All in all, I loved this episode, but we’re still waiting for the other shoe to drop. I loved “Fugitive of the Judoon,” but the lacklustre finale left me retroactively disappointed. But for the time being, RTD has my full attention. I can’t remember the last time Doctor Who left me this excited for what’s to come.
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interact-if · 2 years
I checked the rec list but didn't see this...
I'm looking for IF's where an RO has a crush on the MC right off the bat?
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Hi there Anons!
ROs with a crush on the MC coming your way!
Affairs of the Court: Choice of Romance by Heather Albano and Adam Morse
All-World Pro Wrestling by David Monster and Jim Dattilo
Oscar in Asteroid Run: No Questions Asked by Fay Ikin
Marco and Shawnie in Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff
Firebrand in The Hero Unmasked! by Christopher Huang
Sailor in Checkmate in Three Moves by @checkmatein3moves
Raymond in Crimson Rose and White Lily by @manonamora-if
Fields of Asphodel by @asphodelgame
Wesley in Hollowed Minds by @shai-manahan
Sinners and Saints by @sinnersandsaints-linwrites
Rory in Speaker by @speakergame
Watson in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: An Affair of the Heart by @doriana-gray-games
Emerson in The Masked Defenders by @ian-lythe
Silas in The Moonless by @moonless-if
The Numbers Game by @thenumbersgameif
No Demo:
Weber in Monte Rosa by @monterosa-if
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outercrasis · 8 months
The Distance - Ch 12
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Pilot F!Reader (reader is petite/no other descriptors)
Word Count/Rating: 2.1k / T (will become M/E in later chapters)
Summary: Surprises rock the Chimera.
Warnings: Din puts his foot in his mouth<3
Previous || Series Masterlist || Next
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Alarms are blaring throughout the Chimera. Lights flash everywhere as you frantically flip switches and press buttons on the main console. The control stick trembles in your hand, unaccustomed to this level of speed and agility. She's a good ship but she's not made for these kinds of maneuvers.
You hear Din running into the cockpit only for you to yell, "I don't need you up here! Get into the gun well and start blasting at some of these rocks!"
Another asteroid nears the left side of the Chimera, forcing you into a tight turn that nearly throws him off his feet. You're thankful that he doesn't complain.
It's a mystery where this asteroid belt came from. It's not on any of your maps. You would have never dropped to sublight in this quadrant if it had. Your only stroke of luck is that the belt is relatively small, which greatly increases your chance of getting out alive.
Blaster fire reverberates from below you, turning some of the debris into dust. Not for the first time you’re thankful to have a Mandalorian with you. You’re not sure what you would have done alone or with someone who couldn’t couldn’t hit the broad side of a bantha.
The way out becomes easier with Din clearing a path. Rather than simply reacting, you’re able to press forward through the belt. Still, the Chimera shakes with the effort it’s taking to get through in one piece. Tex beeps wildly back at the center console, adding to the litany of noise going on inside the ship.
“I know buddy, I can see it,” you yell back. A massive asteroid is drawing nearer to the ship, an impossible to miss flash on the radar. 
You’re about to call out to Din when you hear him over the comm. “I’m on it.”
The blasterfire focuses to the right, firing faster than you knew the Chimera’s guns could. The asteroid starts breaking into pieces. Through the rubble a clear path out of the belt finally makes itself apparent. 
“Hold on!” you yell, wildly maneuvering the ship. Somehow, thankfully, Din also sees the path you’re taking and focuses his fire on keeping it clear. With one final hard turn to the right, the Chimera breaks free of the deadly field. 
You slam the controls and launch into hyperspace. There’s no set destination, but anywhere is better than the asteroids. You go over to the main computer, searching for any nearby planets with fully outfitted mechanics. There’s no temporary repairs that will fix the damage both the Chimera and N1 just sustained. Din comes up behind you, peering at the computer screen.
“How’s the ship?” he asks.
“Bad. Main functions are online, but we need to find the nearest spaceport or repair bay.”
"There," Din says, pointing at the map. His finger has landed on some nearby dustbowl planet in the Outer Rim. You look up at him, questioning.
It's only now that you register how close he is to you. You have to practically look straight up make eye contact with the black of his helmet, the chin of which is nearly bumping his chest. Warmth is radiating from his body and you're not sure if that's the vestiges of sleep clinging to him or adrenaline still coursing through his veins. You have no idea if this level of proximity was intentional.
"I have some friends there, one's a mechanic."
Good enough reason for you. "You heard him Tex, set course for Tatooine."
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There isn’t much time to prepare for landing. It’s nice to have a secure place to land on a nearby planet, but you have no idea what to expect. Din hadn't really elaborated on his friends.
Discovering that Din has someone that he would even consider a friend, let alone multiple on the same planet, was shocking in and of itself. Could they be Mandalorians? Distant family? Friends in arms? Past lovers? The possibilities make your head swirl.
The descent is relatively easy into Hangar 3-5. At the very least nothing falls off your ship, so things can't be too bad. Grogu also seems to grow in excitement, making you wonder just how much time Din has spent here for the small fry to recognize it.
Even more surprising is the loud and fierce voice that floats into the Chimera. "What did you do to my ship, Mando? She's one-of-a-kind, you can't go smashing her up!"
Stepping down the ramp, you're greeted by a small, wiry haired mechanic bearing down on Din like she's his mother. It's the closest you've ever seen Din come to being cowed by someone. 
"Don't go too hard on him. We were surprised by an unmarked asteroid belt," you call down.
The mechanic's sharp eyes turn toward you, analyzing you in half a second. A wide grin splits across her face. “Got yourself a girlfriend, Mando? Didn’t take you for the type.” You can feel your cheeks burn. 
There's a pause before Din speaks. “No, she’s… she’s just a pilot.” His words feel like knives. You don't let it show.
You step past Din and offer your hand out to her to shake. “And mechanic, occasional babysitter and medic. He forgot those.”
"Sounds about right. Peli Motto." Peli has barely dropped your hand before she's yelling out for her pit droids to start scanning the ships.
Before anything else can be said, you stride back over to the Chimera and start taking in the damage for yourself. At least, that's half of what you're doing. You refuse to let your emotions show before a woman you've just met and a man who apparently thinks of you as just a pilot.
You feel foolish, having heard him brush you off so easily. You thought there had been a change between the two of you. More fleeting touches, more shared looks that lasted just a bit too long, enough that at some point you stopped denying that they happened in the first place. You didn’t consider yourself his girlfriend, the label didn’t feel appropriate, but you were more than just a pilot. Or so you thought.
Peli walks up beside you, Grogu tucked into the crook of her arm. "Let my pit droids worry about this. I'll share their work-up with you."
You appreciate the gesture. There’s no doubt her sharp eyes have already taken note of the Chimera's many modifications. She's clearly a woman who understands the bond between a pilot and their ship. 
She nods her head at you and Din, walking towards the interior of the hangar with the clear implication for you to follow. Din’s long legs allow him to catch up to you quickly and his gloved hand brushes the back of yours as you walk. A couple hours ago a touch like that would have set you aflame, but now it makes your blood run cold. You ignore it, moving your hand away from his. 
Getting to the back of the hangar, you purposely sit across the table from Din. You don’t feel like dealing with any more accidental touches at the moment. Part of you feels childish for it, but your wounded pride is currently in the driver's seat. Just a pilot, what utter banthashit that is.
"Here you go." Peli places a glass of water in front of you and turns to Din. "I'd offer you some, but I know you won't drink it with your Creed and all that."
Din doesn't say anything and you thank her for the drink. You can feel the sweltering heat of the planet even in the shade. Sweat is already causing your clothes to stick to your skin. 
Grogu climbs out of Peli’s arms and sits on top of the table between you and Din. You wonder if he can feel the awkward energy radiating between the two of you. Peli seems oblivious to it, launching into a discussion with Din about current dealings on Tatooine. You tune them out. It’s not that the discussion bores you, normally you would listen with rapt attention to learn anything you can about the world you’ve landed on, but your thoughts are otherwise occupied. 
Why did he touch your hand just then? First he dismisses you, barely even acknowledging the sort of relationship that's built between you over the months, and then he moves for contact? Those aren't games you ever expected him to play. You aren't even asking for all that much, just a genuine acknowledgment of your role. Just a pilot, how dismissive. Even being called a crewmate would have been better than that.
A pit droid walking up distracts you from your sullen thoughts. He speaks to Peli and then immediately turns around, going back to the Chimera.
"Good news and bad news," Peli says. "Bad news for you, these repairs are going to take a few days. Good news, you can pay me to fix it."
"How is that good news?" Din asks.
"Good news for me." Peli stands and walks off, yelling directions at her droids, not giving Din a chance to argue. 
You're not sure what this means for you. Remarkably, you haven’t been fully grounded anywhere in years. There were a handful of close calls, but you always managed to make something work to get the Chimera back off the ground. This is unprecedented. The Chimera grounded and Din with no bounty to chase. What are you going to do?
Din gets up from the table and goes to follow Peli, presumably to talk about the timeline for repairs. You'll talk with her later about what actually needs to be done to your ship. You stay with Grogu at the table, only catching snippets of their conversation from afar.
"-too much."
"Do you know what it costs to-"
"-pay extra credits."
After some more back and forth, Din returns to the small table. Grogu turns his attention from you to his father. He grabs hold of one of Din's fingers and shakes it around a bit, which if the kid's reaction is anything to go off of, is a fascinating thing to do.
"What's our plan?" you ask Din.
"What do you mean?" He keeps his focus on Grogu as he replies, wiggling his other fingers for the child.
"I mean we're stuck here for a few days with nothing on the agenda, so what are we going to do?"
"We can go sightsee." 
Din puts the idea out there so simply and honestly it takes you aback. Din Djarin, the Mandalorian, sightseeing? You thought he was going to say something about finding a bounty, not sound like he was some mudscuffer on vacation in Coruscant. Is there even anything to go sightsee on this dustbowl planet?
"Sorry, what?" you ask.
"There's a little town to the north, Mos Pelgo. We can go there." Din sounds serious. The idea of sightseeing isn't some elaborate joke from him, he actually wants to go.
Peli reappears and must have heard Din mention the northern city because she asks, “Why would you go back out there?”
“There’s someone out there I’d like to check in on," Din says.
Interesting. This must be that other friend Din obliquely mentioned before. Someone close enough that they're worth visiting with your few days to kill. Maybe some paramour from his past? You've never considered that he could have previous romantic interests hidden around the galaxy. It would explain his rude and casual brush off of your relationship earlier if one is here on Tatooine. You try to ignore the pit in your stomach you feel forming while you consider the existence of some lover in Mos Pelgo, waiting for Din's return.
"You're in luck then, I fixed up a speeder bike while you were gone. Piece of junk like the other one you busted, but it should get you there," Peli offers.
Before Din can say anything, you cut in. "Just the one?"
"You’re lucky I fixed up that one."
“There isn’t another bike? Or a landspeeder?” This has to be some kind of cruel joke the galaxy is playing on you. Somehow, in all the piles of scrap Peli had lying around the hangar, she only has one speeder? And it's just a bike? Maker, your luck is terrible.
“You’re sure you can’t scrounge up another?” you press further.
“Look girlie, I like you but not that much. The one bike is all I’ve got,” Peli says, throwing her hands into the air.
“It’s fine,” Din’s gruff voice breaks up the small debate. “The one bike is fine.”
Din stands up from the table. "Peli, can you look after the kid?"
Peli looks a little shocked to be asked but scrambles to say yes. She picks Grogu up and holds him on her hip, as though she suspects Din might change his mind and take Grogu back. It's settled then. You're heading to Mos Pelgo.
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A/N: Long time no see! I'm not going to pretend like I'll be updating with any real consistency, but know that it'll continue to happen lol. Also, I'm ditching my taglist bc it's too much work. BUT you can always find this fic on AO3 and subscribe if you want alerts when I update :)
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Third Imposter: Undertaker
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Dressed in the gray suit
Undertaker is called onto the ship when the number of the dead begins to rise
Immediately cleared of any suspicion he’s expected to be a neutral party
Nutty but mostly neutral
Whether you don’t mind his morbid humor or you think it highly inappropriate
He’s planning to spend as much time with you as humanely possible
"Where ya' runnin' off to now Lieutenant? Can't I join ya?"
Even if the lieutenant and the Mortician don’t usually spend time together
But alas his laughter is the best payment and for someone with morbid humor like his 
He doesn’t mind lending a hand to the alien or galactic crime syndicate imposters
Especially if it gives him a good laugh
But the best way to have his help is by making sure his beloved lieutenant is beside him in the nosebleeds:
“Another body found…where was everyone?”
The body was in navigation. But as the only acting authority left it was up to you to continue the primary mission of ejecting the imposter. Your crew has dwindled into a smaller number since you and the captain began the elimination process; in which the majority decided who to be ejected for their crimes as imposters. Autopsies show that at least one of these imposters had been caught through this method. Now all that was left was to find their partner that continued to jeopardize the Skeld’s mission. 
“I was in electric with Ciel and Sebastian…”
The small voice of Elizabeth or more commonly known as  “Lizzy” twiddled her pink-gloved hands, shuffling her feet. At her testament, Sebastian and Ciel nodded their heads. The man in the black suit spoke with that ever-familiar smirk.
“While we were working on tasks, I did see Soma and Agni run by.” His crimson eyes trailed to the prince and his guard in their purple and green suits. “And seeing as neither are dead, I’d commend their innocence.”
You had nothing against that statement, you looked towards the agent in the grey suit–William Spears. He claimed to have been working on firing asteroids saying he ran into Claude Faustus who he thought was suspicious. Claude quite quickly refuted the statement with his own suspicions. They continued to bicker, making you sigh as you turned to the crewmate in white. 
Ash was an odd one…he was personally your top suspect. Too many times had he fumbled his location or left repairs undone. Too many times had he come to the defense of the ejected imposter promising that he was simply fooled but you thought otherwise. But even when you brought your concerns to your captain he was adamant in his defense.
“Lieutenant! I don’t want to hear this again! Ash has proven his innocence to both me and the mortician. I just wish you would realize the same.”
“I’m just sharing the observations I’ve made–”
“Lieutenant, I understand you want to be proactive but remember you are my student. And it’s entirely normal to make impulsive decisions.”
“No! For as long as I’m captain you will not be bothering this agent! Do you understand it?”
But your captain was dead…and you were in charge. Still, you were willing to hear him out if only for the nail in the coffin of your conviction. 
“I was busy, looking at the map and I think I stopped near what’s it called–ah navigation, yes!” 
You nodded turning to the next person. You had to keep it quiet until you were prepared to drop the info. 
Next was Hannah who said that she was organizing files in the command office. You weren’t alarmed when others asked their questions. She did seem to hesitate when Ciel further interrogated her but you guessed that was just how she talks. 
“So…where was the body actually?”
The meeting room was overtaken by a pregnant silence as they all looked at you. You let your eyes go to Ash as you spoke watching how the man’s pale face flashed a glare in your direction.
“The body was found in…navigation.”
Immediately an influx of accusations flew across the room. As everyone fought for and against Ash. You refused to participate, mirroring the behavior of your captain as a silent executioner and regulator as everyone made their decisions. With arguments coming to a head the ones on the chopping block were Ash and Hannah who so far had no other witnesses or reason not to eject either. 
Ciel turned to you already leading the charge for the rest of the crewmates.
“Whatever you decide, Lieutenant (Y/n). Though I’m leaning towards Ash.”
You wanted to agree with him. And you were going to until there was the sound of the air hissing as the sliding door lifted, revealing the gray-haired smiling mortician. 
“Ah ah, Lieutenant!” He waved his finger in your face and you sighed. 
“Ugh-Adrien…have you the results of the autopsy?”
“Aye! I was also curious as to who’s on the block this fine morning!” 
Sebastian spoke for you, while Adrien’s smile faded into an unsatisfied pout. 
“We’ve selected Ash and Hannah for the ejection…judging by your expression this is displeasing to you.”
“But of course! I know it’s definitely not Ash!” 
You let your composure slip as everyone asked the same question. The Undertaker’s smile returned giggling as he produced a bag filled with a bloody clump of hair, that was lavender in color. With wide eyes, you grabbed the bag holding it up to the horror-stricken Hannah. Slowly you turned to the undertaker, trying to stop the quiver in your voice. 
“Are…are you most definitely sure that this was…from Alois’ killer?”
The Undertaker gives his morbidly unnatural wide smile, as he nods. Despite her pleas and the weirdly triumphant smirk, Ash tried to hide the group unanimously voted. You encouraged the remaining crew to continue with their tasks. You let yourself be pulled by the mortician away from the meeting room. Looking at the back of his head you hoped that this was the right choice. 
You cursed at the electric shutdown of the lights as you darted down the hallway with your taser in hand. The imposter was not caught and you had been duped. You were livid, for someone who had been wrestling down their gut feeling only to be proven right when the Skeld was sabotaged once more-you had every right. Out for blood, you were making your way to the pod bay, willing to send your frantic crewmates away while you took down the infiltrating scumbag. You assumed you'd pass by your innocent crewmates foregoing the emergency call as it seemed to be glitching. But all you found in the light of your electric torch was the black cloak of the undertaker.
“Whoa! Look at you all ready to defend your crew. You’re just the cutest, my dear!”
His playful tone made you nervous. You turned on the taser letting the crackle of the electricity alight both of your faces in an electric strobe. His hair was pulled back, revealing an alluring lime-green set of eyes; squinting at you in amusement. It irked you. 
“Move. Adrian. I’m getting rid of the imposter. I don’t care if you think he’s innocent or not, this has gone too far!” 
The undertaker stood firm in the hallway, smiling with a more unhinged look on his face. You barely spied the odd wooden pillar he flung haphazardly to the side. Steeling yourself you prepared to charge forward.
“Awww (Y/n)! You’re still trying to protect a dead crew.”
Rather than questioning his words, you charged forward aiming the taser at his neck. He dodged grabbing your offending hand. Holding you up high he grabbed your other hand which was already curled into a punch. With great ease he threw you against the wall, pressing your face into a wall of glass; forcefully making you realize what makes up this specific hallway. He held you tight pressing the front of your body tight against the glass with his own, holding your struggling wrists. 
“Now now no need to be so fussy,” Letting his head rest against your shoulder he forced your own face to look at the cargo bay below.
“The show’s about to start!” 
As if timed perfectly the lights turned on showing the struggle happening behind the one-way glass. Your remaining crew seemed to be tied to the floor, even from far above you could see the splotches of red on and near their struggling and limp bodies. While some looked worse for wear you couldn’t definitively tell that anyone was dead. 
You made the mistake of sighing in relief to which Adrian took advantage. 
“You don’t think this is all, do you?” He whispered, letting his cold lips graze against the shell of your ear. You tried to back away only to find that you were simply letting his body cradle yours. Forcing you to look forward you watched Ash gesture widely as he monologued something to the tied crew, which couldn’t be heard through the glass. The imposter skipped, with glee, to the grand switch–a switch that would trigger the opening doors of the cargo bay.
“W-wait he’s not going to-”
“A-and you knew?”
“So…you faked that evidence?”
You turned away from the glass to look into the chartreuse gaze of the Undertaker as you asked with the deep pit in your stomach. 
“Adrian..why…why did you do that?” You lightly banged your head against the glass as you looked at the screaming crew. “How could you let this happen?” 
Closing your hands within his own he hugged you from behind. Puckering his lip in mock sadness as he nuzzled his head into yours.
“All for a good show, deary…anything is worth everything for a good laugh…” 
You heard the muffled blare of an alarm as the cargo bay doors began to raise revealing the starry vastness of space. Like clothes, on a windy day, the previously kneeling crewmates began to float with the pull of the icy force of the vacuum. Your legs buckled in defeat as you watched your crew’s respective ropes snap as they were each pulled into space. Thanks to your legs’ failure you settled into the rapidly raising chest of the undertaker; who was laughing hysterically. 
When the cargo doors finally closed and you officially remained as the last of the Skeld’s crew, you slipped into unconsciousness. Allowing Adrien to lovingly carry you as he mused with a chuckle.
“I’m just glad you got to watch with me…Believe me when I promise you there will be plenty more laughs between us. I’ve ensured that much.”
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skellyflowers · 3 months
Smuggle me gently
AN: Time for two!!!! Thank you for all the love! Hope you enjoy.
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II x Smuggler
“Alright crew, our next shipment is coming in today!” My boss shouts. “Tex, you and Sphinx are going to collect on the asteroid Xavis nothing less than 15,000 credits.”
Tex and Sphinx high five each other. Collecting is a simple task. Especially if Tex is the one doing it. Most people don’t want to fight when they see the Besalisk. However, collections are an entry level job. Sphinx only joined our group a few months ago.
“GX-5 you and Mora are repossessing a NCC-1717. Bring it to the Scrap yard and be sure to take out the shield generator.” Boss says before addressing me.
My usual partner is still recovering from any injury so I don’t expect much. IF I do leave it would probably be to drop off some information. Whatever, as long as I can get off the station for a little while.
“We got a special delivery. I need you, and the guy the client is sending to handle it.”
“What ‘guy’?” I ask. “What are we delivering that the client is so worried about that we need a ‘guy’ they hired separately?”
“Listen when you run blasters for the Hutts you don’t ask too many questions.”
“THE HUTTS!” What has he gotten us into?
Before I can argue more the station's proximity alert starts to blare. The bay doors open and a gunship lands. The ship looks like a Tantive IV. After the bay doors close the Boss and I head down to the bay. Tex and Sphinx joined after us.
The new ship’s loading bay door opens and a Mandalorian! He is in head to toe black armor with three red stripes across the face. He has a crest inlaid on his chest, it looks kinda like a bird. Once he is off the ship the boss walks up to him. Sphinx sits on top of a crate behind me.
“He is a little small for a Mandalorian.” Sphinx whispers to me.
I hit her with my elbow. I know that the boss is talking to the Mandalorian but I don’t know if he's paying attention to us. Last thing I want is to give him a reason to come back over some potential insult.
I see the boss waves me over when he is done talking. I slowly make my way over to them. I'm not excited to get close to the Mandalorian.
“Alright, he is going to move the shipment from his ship to our transport ship.” Boss explained. “After that you meet up with the client's contact, and drop off the package.”
The Mandalorian nods and turns back to his ship. I can see he had a rifle on his back. Boss hands me the key to the transport ship and we walk over to check the transport hull.
“I don't think I can do this.” I say.
“What do you mean? You're one of my best pilots. And you have the best people skills.”
“Ya, when I'm haggling a price or sweet talking a security guard. Not smuggling weapons!”
“This job is fast and pays a lot. You get this job done,  and we all can afford to take a long vacation. When was the last time you saw your parents?”
I turn away before I punch him in the face. I hate that he is using my family against me. He knows I have been wondering if I could get some time away. But I don’t want to be delivering guns to do so.
I sit in the cockpit to take a moment to calm myself down. After a few deep breaths I hear a voice in the hull. It's giving instructions so I assume it's my boss. So far the Mandalorian hasn't made so much as a peep. It's really off putting. 
As I walk back into the hull I see that the Mandalorian is there with my boss. There is a crate in the hull that wasn't there earlier. So that must be the shipment. 
I get the rendezvous coordinates from my boss. We are going to the fifth moon of Calcas. I better pack an atmosphere suit just in case. I don't know what to expect. 
When I'm finished packing I head to the ship. When I got to the cockpit my heart nearly launched out of my chest. In the co-pilot seat is the Mandalorian. He sits quietly with his arms crossed. His helmet tilts toward me when I yell in fright.
“I guess you're ready to go then?” I ask, trying to calm my heart.
He didn't answer, just like I expected. He did, however, nod his head. That is good enough for me. The sooner we leave the sooner we can get this over with.
The flight is smooth. Once we enter hyperspace we get to Calcas in a few hours. If anything it was a little boring. I'm not used to being around someone so quiet. I don't think he would have talked to me even if he wanted to. 
Once we get in range of Calcas I exited hyperspace. I did a scan of the moon we are meant to rendezvous on. It has a breathable atmosphere! Nice! Guess I wouldn’t need the suit.
A message came over my ship's comlink. As I expected it's the contact. The man on the other side gives exact coordinates for the drop off. We will find him in a crater. After a few minutes of looking we find the right crater. Just outside the crater I see a small drop ship. There they are.
The Mandalorian taps my shoulder. That was a surprise. When I look at him, he is pointing at the opposite side of the crater. I guess that is where he thinks I should land. I follow his silent advice and land on the opposite side of the cater.
As we go to meet the contact in between the two ships. I walk ahead of the shipment crate and the Mandalorian pushes it from behind. Once we are close enough I can see that the contacts are two Arkanian.
“That’s far enough. Back away from the case.” One says. “Degro, do a sweep.”
The Mandalorian moves the case between us. Then grabs my arm and pulls me behind him. 
“All clear Zendul.” 
“Alrighty, let's wrap this up.” says Zendul.
He walks up holding a data pad. I moved around the Mandalorian to see what was on it. The data pad is open to a camera. Both Arkanians stand next to the case. I guess they need a picture for their boss.
Once I take the picture the Arkanians head back to their dropship. Maybe my boss was right about this job. Not that I would tell him that. We are about 30 feet away from the ship when someone yells.
What is he yelling about? And why are they running toward us?
“What are you talking about? What you got is what we have.”
“LIAR! YOU'RE TRYING TO DUPE US!!!!!” He takes out his blaster.
“Whoa! Let’s calm down.” I say. I hands up above my head.
Before I can attempt to deescalate the situation one of the Arkanians explodes! I hear the other Arkanian scream.
“Get back on your ship! Or the next one is for you!”
I look over my shoulder and see the voice and shot can from the Mandalorian! Not only did he just kill that guy but he also said something. He is holding a pulsar rifle. No wonder that guy just exploded! 
Once the other Arkanian was back on his dropship the Mandalorian walks over to me. He quickly circles me. Seeing that I'm ok he brings me back to our ship. He seats me in the copilot seat and starts to take off. On the flight back I want to say something to him. But honestly I'm still stunned.
“Why did you do that?” I finally asked, after what felt like an eternity.
“You had no reason to be treated like that. I didn’t like it.” He answered. “Also your boss is paying me a cut to make sure you are unharmed.”
“We’re splitting my credits with you?”
“No. I'm getting his cut.”
That also leaves me speechless. I know that the boss cares about us. He often calls us ‘one big happy family’. He really proved that, if what the Mandalorian says is true. I’ll ask later.
We make it back to the station in no time. After we land the Mandalorian pushes something into my hand. It’s a commlink.
“What’s this for?”
That’s my link. If any of those guys come around press the button. I'll come back and kill them for you.”
After that he stands up and exits the ship. When I get off the ship I see the Mandalorian talking to the boss. He also hands the Mando a small case. That must have been his cut. He then leaves without even a second glance. 
I wonder if I’ll see him again. I secretly hope that I will.
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hpowellsmith · 9 months
Choice of Games titles in the Steam Winter Sale!
Happy holidays to all celebrating today! If you want a little something to enjoy, titles from Choice of Games, Heart's Choice, and Hosted Games are on sale on Steam, including my and my wife's games...
Crème de la Crème (40% off): Climb to the very top of the class at your exclusive private school for socialites! Will you study hard, find a perfect match, or embrace scandal? A 440,000 word interactive novel.
Noblesse Oblige (40% off): Spark romance amid secrets in a crumbling mansion! What will you sacrifice for love? Can you trust your own heart? A 180,000 interactive gothic novella.
Royal Affairs (40% off): At your exclusive boarding school, will you rule the roost or be a royal disaster? Court publicity, sway the fate of nations, and find love! A 440,000 word interactive novel.
Blood Money (30% off): By the power of your blood, you and your ghosts will take over your crime family! A 290,000 word standalone dark fantasy interactive novel.
Heart of Battle (30% off): Battle for love as a gladiator in this epic romance! Win glory, victory, a better life - or spark a revolution! A 220,000 word interactive novel by Fay Ikin.
Asteroid Run: No Questions Asked (30% off): captain a freighter across the Solar System and keep your mystery cargo and your crew safe in the face of corruption, cultists, and revolutionaries! A 325,000 word interactive novel by Fay Ikin.
Enjoy, and I hope you have a safe and comfortable festive season!
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aoxue · 2 months
AU ask game: Yi City peeps in space! What are they doing? 🤔
What are they doing indeed! There are so many ways to answer this prompt.... I'm going to go with a scifi setting with manageable interplanetary travel, in the vein of Star Wars or Star Trek (without the same major institutions). There are other alien races, but solely for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to say our quartet here are all human.
Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan are technically merchants, in so far as the work takes them all around the major trade routes through space. But they're not concerned about getting rich; Song Lan manages trade agreements and sales so they just have enough income to keep going, and their profits mainly come from wealthy markets where people won't miss the money. (Xiao Xingchen would give away their stock if someone in need asked him nicely).
Their focus is instead on helping people along the trade routes, especially in far-flung planetary systems that get less traffic and are a little more lawless. They offer aid, cheap food and resources, and useful equipment that might otherwise be hard to come by. They try to keep a low profile, but they're still wanted by several parties for interfering with their jurisdictions' affairs (powerful gangs, corrupt rulers, that farmer who owned the sand beast they killed because it was terrorizing the nomads on the Sand Planet, and who had ever heard of someone keeping one as a pet).
Other members of the MDZS cast exist in this world, too, but they're in more central places and positions of power, members of the Intergalactic High Council or whatever. By and large, they don't bother coming out to the fringes of Civilization.
Xue Yang is a mechanic on one of these far-out planets, and songxiao bring their ship to him for maintenance and repairs, and he doesn't ask too many questions. (Well, he'll ask to be annoying, but he doesn't actually care about the answer, or so he says, and will work with them regardless.) He runs his own operation and does good work for as sketchy as his shop might look. He gets business from some customers with pretty fat wallets, and a lot of that money does not come from savory places. But he keeps his nose out of people's affairs and the business keeps coming.
A-Qing is a street kid (as usual) on one of these distant planets; could be the same one Xue Yang is on, and she annoys him but will still hide out in his shop when situations get sticky. She stows away on songxiao's ship one day :) They only find her when they're far away from her planet, and then they have to outmaneuver some thugs in a drawn-out cat-and-mouse pursuit through an asteroid field or something and then lie low for a while. And. Well, A-Qing lives here now
AU ask game
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ddagent · 2 months
As Margo left her apartment in Moscow as she did every morning, she clocked her handler's car parked outside. Brown, nondescript - an attempt to blend in with the other cars lined up along the street. Ever since she had defected to Moscow in '95, there had been that same car, in that same spot. Same driver, too.
This morning, however, Sergei Nikulov was not behind the steering wheel.
"Have you heard?" Sergei asked, as he appeared out of nowhere at her elbow. Like her, he was dressed for a Moscow spring. Unlike her, Sergei wore the layers well, unencumbered by the weight of gloves, scarf, bulky coat. Despite living here for eight years, a part of her still longed for Houston summers.
Margo shook her head at Sergei's question. "Heard what?"
"The asteroid. Kuznetsov has landed on it."
"Another win for you, I guess."
"Us, Margo. Us."
They didn't discuss Kuznetsov until they made it to the park. Margo went through her normal morning routine: first to the bakery, then her newspaper stand. Sergei would, once again, criticise her choice of breakfast and threaten to have his beloved mother cook her something not filled with sugar. Margo had no desire to make eighty-two-year-old Ilenya Nikulova make her dinner, so she agreed to eat something proper tomorrow. They both knew she never would. Both of them then bought newspapers and sat, close, on the same bench as they read. Over the years, they had gone through the song and dance of him sitting behind her, on a different bench, far away on the other side.
Now, they sat together.
"Will you go to Star City?" Sergei asked as he finished the story on the attempt to harness the asteroid Kronos.
Margo nodded. "I'll try Lenara again. I could be of some use."
"You could be of tremendous use, Margo. We did not recruit you for your language skills."
Margo swatted at Sergei with the paper. She tried to ignore his choice of verb. Recruit wasn't exactly accurate. Blackmail was more apt. But then, it wasn't his government that had tried to oust her. Wasn't his government that had sat on a mistake in judgement (a mistake in judgement that had saved lives - albeit Soviet ones) for ten years until Congress wanted the powerful, independent woman running NASA out of her job so they could pick over the carcass of her life's work. No, that was all hers. What had been hers.
She looked at the back page of the paper, at the crossword. Sergei passed her a pencil, as he did every morning. "We'll go this afternoon."
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solargeist · 6 months
I'm the anon who asked if I could write a fanfic inspired by your found family horror Evo au (that ask actually wasn't meant to be anonymous lol, doesn't really matter but you know) and I would like to say that I have written some ✨angst✨ and wanted to show you since you inspired it.
(Little clarification, this is with a different watcher from my au who still plays a very motherly role like Her from yours, but isn't meant to be the same person at all. Their name's Asteroid, their pretty much my oc, I love then very much.) (I also took the nickname Sunset for Grian from your au since it felt perfect and it gave me the opportunity to call Pearl Moonrise and give them matching sibling names, she doesn't appear in this scene but that's her cannon nickname in my au.)
Anyway, actual writing! Hope you like it.
Dang it. Grian thought. He'd been hoping to get out of here before they'd found him. This was going to be much more difficult now.
Asteroid looked Grian up and down, each of their many eyes had an expression of confusion as they saw all the bags he'd packed. The Watcher finally looked up at Grian's face, they opened their mouth for a second to speak, but no words came out.
“I'm leaving.” Grian answered their question before they could ask it.
“Why-” Asteroid's voice choked and Grian looked away so he didn't have to see their tears. He pretended not to cry some of his own.
“Where are you going?”
“I'm going to find a new server to live on.” Grian already knew the server he was running to, but he didn't want the Watchers following him if he could help it.
“How,” Asteroid looked to the side as if they knew the answer. “How long will you be gone?”
Grian silently turned away from the Watcher, spreading his wings for take off. “I'm leaving.” He repeated.
“…Ok.” They said quietly. Grian stopped and turned back to them. Honestly, he'd expected to be forced to stay.
“Come back if… if you can.” And then Asteroid turned around, as if not wanting to have to see Grian's face either.
Grian clutched his cloak and gritted his teeth. Part of him wanted to go back and stay in the void he'd lived in for a good portion of his life. The other part of him couldn't stand to be treated like a dumb child who had to be told everything twice because he just couldn't understand any longer.
“I won't.” And then Grian finally took off and began flying out of the void.
Just gonna cry about my own writing real quick. Thank you some much for inspiring this au, before I was just doing the "Watcher's are completely evil" thing but this take on them is honestly so much better in my opinion.
Your awesome, have a good day! (Or night in my time zone but we can ignore my noexistent sleeping schedule.)
"I won't." hes so bold !! grian ! be nice to your watcher parents !
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thank u ! glad to inspire !! hope u continue to have fun with ur au too !! yippie !!
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towerartt · 4 months
Handsome Jack 8, 12 ❤️‼️
ouhhh so sorry this took me so long to answer...
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I’ll tell you if you promise not to get mad at me💔
A big chunk of the fandom wrongly views him as the Capitalism Incarnated, while he is quite obviously simply a product of the psychopathy breeding system. Jack’s psychopathy is a reaction to a crime that is uniquely capitalistic. Angel’s kidnapping is a crime of greed. He is, as every Borderlands character, uniquely traumatised by the world he was born into. Borderlands shows what capitalism does to men. Jack is not much different from the psychos/bandits of Pandora. For both, the planet is a prison. Psychos choose to assimilate, and Jack chooses to destroy it. He is the universal threat; neither the poor Pandorians nor the elite are safe from him. 
But does the distinction matter? I believe so. This affects the narrative as a whole. 
We can choose to see Jack as Capitalism, and we get to kill him, and then we all go out for milkshakes. Simple and up-lifting, and very American. But to me, Borderlands is largely pessimistic. Honest people die, the leaders are either cowardly or evil, and the oppressed are often gross, stupid, and difficult to sympathise with. And we cannot kill capitalism, so we kill a scapegoat in its place. The world of Borderlands is fixed: Jack’s death does not affect the status quo; it only frees the tyrant spot for the new, yet-to-come aggressor. This is less satisfying, isn’t it.
(Possibly I am overanalysing a silly shooter game that isn't concerned with a critique of capitalism/colonialism deeper than a simple and straightforward “It is very bad.”)
And despise is a strong word. Interpret him however you want. What I truly despise is haters going "Why are you Jack's apologist?" because he activates my maternal instincts! Next question.
+ personal nitpick. The "Is he/is he not a tragic hero" debate. Girls NONE of you are using the same definition of neither hero nor tragic. I hope a huge asteroid takes out all of us.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I have soo many so I'll just drop a few here that I haven't talked about before mkay <3
Uncharacteristically (and unsurprisingly) squeamish about burnt flesh. Nisha once brought him a scorched hand after some village burning (it looked kinda funny she thought it would make him laugh how was she suppose to know he is so goddamn sensitive) and he started gagging when she dropped it on his desk. When she gets really mad at him, she dumps some burnt remains at his apartment (she loves him dearly btw)
He journals a lot. Partially because, in his opinion, it is a very Great Leader activity, but also because Angel cannot pry into what he has written down on the pages. He knows this deeply annoys her. She can see everything, and she knows everything except for her father's thoughts. Sometimes Jack makes Angel echo him and patiently wait while he finishes his entry to really rub it in. He sometimes draws her.
I hope this is comprehensible. Part of Jack’s mythos being that he only has scars on his front, kinda like Alexander the Great, because a real hero always bravely faces his enemies. But actually, his back is a mess of scars from childhood. Wouldn’t that be fucked up?? All his fanatics are like "Erm, Jack would never ever let anybody get him from behind because he is SUPER cool and smart, and he never runs away from a fight <33" I think this would add to his inferiority complex.
Thank you for this ask💕 Ouhhh I love talking about this guy
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friezaglasiencold · 8 months
Searched the blog and didn't find an ask similar to this one, so apologies if it's already been answered before. I've heard varying guesses as to how exactly you feel about your suppressed forms. These days you seem to stay in your true form more often than not (whether that's because you have fine control over its energy or because there's much less secrecy surrounding your ability to transform any more, I wouldn't know.) Given that information, I guess you could say this question is more about the past than the present. I found another post where you expressed a certain degree of distaste for form three, comparing it to a "gargoyle run through a taffy stretcher" and that was interesting enough on its own but I suppose I'm wondering if you see suppression as more of a stifling necessity or perhaps a convenience that helps you reduce your need to focus on how much you exert yourself. I don't exactly have any experience wielding enough power to slice a mountain in half or flick away an asteroid, but only being able to use my body to a percentage of its potential sounds infuriating to me. Curious about how exactly it feels/your experience with it in general.
I know I must have talked about it in some post somewhere... but I don't feel like looking for it, wherever it is, so today's your lucky day.
My temperance and control have both improved by leaps and bounds since my imprisonment in Earth's Hell. By the time I'd created my Golden form, my efforts were no longer focused on repressing my energy, but on unleashing as much of it as possible in the most efficient way I could; bearing those facts in mind, you can see how my lower forms were made quite obsolete.
That, and they were uncomfortable. Imagine wearing a suit that's just a little too tight and chafes in all the worst places. You can't run properly in it--not because you've lost the ability to run, but because the suit might tear with the strain of your motion, and your skin is so irritated by the itchy fabric that it would crack and bleed.
That's a rather juvenile metaphor, but you can extrapolate a feeling from there, yes? A mortal body isn't designed to contain the sort of power I wield. For most of my early life, suppression was my only choice. To unleash too much of my energy too soon carried risk not just for my surroundings but for my very person.
At least, that's what I was led to believe at the time. When I freed myself of those chains on Namek, I was delighted to find my person very much intact.
(...Until the end, anyway.)
I hope this answers your question. Do feel free to ask more any time.
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