#And I love Will as a father to Abigail
ssaseaprince · 1 year
I'm going to say something controversial that I hate, but is completely true.
Will and Abigail barely knew each other. Their relationship was born solely out of a trauma bond, not any kind of love or substance. The obsession Will has towards her does not correlate with how weak of relationship they actually have. If Abigail saw anyone as a father figure, it would've been Hannibal because she barely knew Will. Will loved Abigail because she was such an important tool in his becoming. He didn't love her because he loved how passionate she was about dance, or how smart she was, how amazing her humour was, or how witty and sarcastic she was, or any of the things that made her who she was. He loved her for her darkness, and that's all he knew about her. Will's level of obsession with her did not match the depth of their relationship, and he did not love Abigail for the girl that she was, he loved her as a killer that complimented his own darkness. And I think it's sad that nobody ever truly loved Abigail for who she was fully.
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idyllghost · 5 months
Thinking about writing a “time travel” fic where after the events of rdr1 John doesn’t die but instead wakes up on the cliff side of colter after being mauled by wolves. He has a chance to fix things, to save people to save himself for his family. But most importantly he gets to coddle and adore a 4 year old Jack because “oh my god my boy is so small I can’t believe I didn’t appreciate him at this time”
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Justice for Abigail Adams in 1776!!!
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She is by far one of the most underrated people I’ve ever seen in the musical/movie 🤕🤕
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marsobars · 11 months
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Lots of people draw sad things for Wendy's birthday and I am here to change that BOOM Post-Constant Birthday with a happy Jack Carter doing his best to give his beloved daughter the best celebration he can :D
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willyhoos · 2 months
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redraw of something from the king wilson au...
sometimes a family can be an escaped convict arsonist, a creepy psychic ghost girl, and a mad scientist trapped in the shadow realm. this is not one of those times however
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cedarbranch · 8 months
something that i find interesting re: murder family dynamics is that i think abigail is the only one who would actually prefer using ranged weapons. will's pretty well established his distaste for guns lmao and hannibal is hannibal but i don't think abigail has their desires for intimacy or creativity... what she wants is agency. power. she told will that it felt good to kill nick boyle because she was ending it all. she told him she wanted to kill her father for what he did to those girls, and what he did to her - vengeance, essentially, for his violence and how he tainted her with it. helplessness is an integral part of abigail's character: we see it play out in her interactions with freddie, with hannibal, even with will to an extent. she feels helpless and she will do anything not to be.
the only other thing she wants so badly is to not be like her father - so i think she'd want her kills to be invisible. anonymous, neat. like lightning striking someone down. she will no longer play the lure for her dad: she will be the killer instead, and she will never be seen coming. but she won't kill like him either- she'll fire from a distance and avoid getting her hands dirty, avoid feeling love for a victim the way he did. it's easier to be detached when you can't feel the heat of a body. so where will finds power in proximity to death, in literally taking it into his hands, abigail finds power in distance from it. she can take a life without warning or acknowledgement of their humanity. it's an intense, heady sort of power, the ultimate form of control over herself and others - her way of playing god.
imo this is only reinforced by how we only ever see her using knives under duress in canon. three instances come to mind... 1) gutting the deer (at which point she is clearly thinking about her father doing the same to girls like her, in horror and disgust). 2) nick boyle (an unintentional, messy death, another moment of helplessness in violence rather than power). and 3) her father's corpse. (that one is about reclaiming agency, but i feel like it's even more about releasing her father's influence - it'd be the final time she'd use a knife, not one she'd want to repeat).
in conclusion: abigail's a distance killer. Give Her A Rifle. and introduce her to chiyoh, please.
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viccharine · 1 year
abigail hobbs looks like THIS half the time and bitches eat it UP
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deerabigailhobbs · 4 months
Ok hear me out:
Adamgail siblings x inbred by Ethel Cain. Thoughts?
Oh, how I love analysing song lyrics :D
So I had listened to Inbred before this ask, and I'd actually say it's one of my favourite Ethel Cain songs, but I had sorta taken it at face value. "Oh, this is a song about an inc*stous relationship between siblings" and honestly, that's not something I'm comfortable talking about, especially with characters I see a lot of myself in. But after looking the song up online, seeing others interpretations and analysing the song myself, I think I've found an angle I'm comfortable enough discussing.
So, let me reiterate, because I think it's important. This song analysis is not about that kind of brother-sister relationship. I do not fuck with that type of shit. This is merely my interpretation of the song through the lense of the characters. Any references to love here, while dark and twisted, is strictly platonic.
Anyway, apparently in an interview, Hayden (the person behind Ethel Cain, for those unfamiliar) said that- quoting a Reddit comment here- "when she's using the word inbred, she's reffering to generational trauma. Trauma being inbred throughout the family." And I'd never seen this take before! Really opened my eyes and made me listen to the song in a completely different light.
The song is about a younger sister being dependant on her older brother. He's the only one she can fully trust. The father isn't mentioned in the song, but the mother is said to be "comatosed." I won't go through every single line of the song, but I'll do my best for parts I think are relevant to their characters. :]
Longgggg intro out of the way, now time to break down these lyrics.
"Watching him through holes in his door"
Now, I said that the father isn't explicitly mentioned on the track, but I do think this could be applied to Garrett Jacobs. Here, Abigail is watching him butcher the girls, perhaps he wants Abigail to retain some innocence, to him she's still his little girl. So he takes the victim(s) at night to his Cabin and carves them up. But Abigail is there, witnessing it all. Sort of a punishment she inflicts upon herself. She led the girls to their deaths, now she much watch the aftermath.
"Sucking on the back of his leg to stay warm"
The "him" now is referring to Adam. She's always by his side, so close that she could be "sucking on his leg" like some sort of leech, tight and unable to let go. He's the rock in her life. The only person she can feel safe around. There's also her "staying warm" and I like to think it of her as staying alive. The girls she sacrifices are simply one layer of protection, her brother being another. Perhaps she thought (especially in her younger years) that if anything were to go bad, if her father finally pointed the blade her way, Adam would come and save her. Keep her blood from spilling out and going cold.
"Older brother made a name for himself with the cops
Scumbag fuck, but I swear that he's not"
Due to their father's attention being solely on Abigail, their mother's presence all but absent, Adam would resort to other methods of getting it. That being: lashing out. Getting in trouble with the police, with school, with his parents, because even when they yell and hit him (more specifically his father), they're acknowledging his existence.
I think Abigail wouldn't understand at first. Just see her brother as a troublemaker. But as the years go by, all she sees is a boy in desperate need of love. And she can try her best, to give him that, to be there for him, but a sister's love cannot replace a parent's.
"He's so good to me and to nobody else
So you should watch yourself"
Pretty self explanatory. Adam may be a nuisance to almost everyone in his life, but he has a tremendous amount of love for his little sister. Although she can't replace a parent's loving touch, he still appreciates her for the love she can provide.
And to Abigail, Adam is like her knight in shining armour. He's there to protect her. If she were ever in immediate danger, she's sure he would be there for her, ready to defend. However, I can see her believing this less and less as she grew up, knowing her brother is just as helpless as she is.
"Mama's comatose, she can't leave the bed"
Their mother isn't literally comatosed, but with how absent she is in their lives, it's like she is. A person, alive, but not fully there. Unaware of what the rest of the family knows. (PSA: I do think Louise was actually a wonderful mother in canon, this is merely for the analysis)
"Something smells rotten and it's starting to spread"
A literal approach to this would be the smell of blood and decay from the victims. Another, the spread of crazy. Like Abigail said, "can you catch crazy?" Will her and Adam turn out like their father? Is it already spreading to them? Like a parasite, slowly infecting and taking over their bodies, until one day all they can see is their father staring back at them in the mirror.
"I'm bad, he's worse, we're already dead
We're already dead"
Abigail is bad for luring the girls to her father. "He's worse" isn't Abigail's thoughts on Adam, if anything she'd think he's better than her in a lot of ways, but what others (their town, peers etc) perceive him as. Abigail is the sweet, quiet girl who is "close" to her father. Meanwhile, Adam is a troublemaker who's the black sheep of the family. Due to the other themes of the song, I can see them living in a very religious area that isn't tolerable of what they consider "abnormal." So their hatred of Adam could also be due to other things, such as homophobia or transphobia (as I know trans Adam is a popular headcanon).
"You can't win em all
Who knows how much longer
I'll lay on the floor
Touch me till I vomit"
I interpret this as Abigail finally meeting her father's blade, bleeding out on the kitchen floor. And all she wants is for Adam to be by her side. To hold her until she vomits up all her blood, slowly dying on the cold tiles.
"I'm not scared of God
I'm scared he was gone all along"
Another self explanatory lyric. Abigail's life has been nothing but misery, and she starts to question the validity of God herself. Or maybe wonders if he turns a blind eye to her pain and suffering.
"Who will take the fall
Who of us is stronger
You'll just want it more
If you could, you'd have fought it
But you know you're not
From the start, they knew you were wrong"
This part stumped for a bit (and still does, I'll be honest) but I thinkkkk I've got something. Who will be more like their father? Who will follow in his footsteps? Going back to what Hayden said about generational trauma, which of them has an inbred desire to kill? Who has bloodlust flowing through their veins? Both? And of so, who's strong enough to fight it off?
I think if we're going off of the lyrics, it's Adam. I mentioned this in a previous ask, but the thought of Abigail escaping her dad, going to her brother, only to find out he's helping murderers really sticks with me. He took the fall. He tried to escape, to fight off murder, and came right back to it. And now he knows he can't fight it. That he's just like their father, handy with a knife. Knowledgeable in opening people up and seeing their organs on display. The people back at home were right, he's wrong. He's worse.
Skipping the second verse because it already goes over some of what I've discussed and well... That part, but I do want to discuss one lyric.
"If he wakes up, he'll show you what I'm talking about."
I have an image in my head of Abigail, the events of Hannibal playing out after her father cut her throat, and all she can think about is her brother. He'll see her on the news, he'll be here any moment now. To protect, like he had in the past. Unbeknownst to her, Adam is currently rotting away in some bathroom, his skeleton finally starting to show underneath decaying skin.
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hannibalismos-jaaneman · 11 months
not one character in hannibal that i don't relate to. not one.
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winepresswrath · 2 years
I am haunted by Alecto the Ninth's potential to give me the awkward family dinner of all time. I can see it already out of the corner of my eye. With every glimpse my yearning intensifies, matched only by my fear that it would be too powerful and overwhelm the narrative and thus won't happen.
#if not for awkward family dinner then WHY is John rping family time with Gideon and Ianthe!!!#why the psychosexual dysfunction gang reminding us all that there are no takebacks on love?#why John wishing he was harrow's father and g1deon and Pyrrha feeling some kind of way about Gideon?#why is pash Gideon's cousin?#why is alecto john's ex-wife and harrow's first crush?#and pyrrha's lil bits all at once?#why Magnus making anniversary dinner and harrow's bone soup and Nona's book of family meals?#it has to be for the most excruciating food based family gathering of all time.#yes fine also for character development and some important thematic stuff#and an exploration of what it means to have a family and a place in a community & the contrast between how Gideon has always longed so#intensely for acceptance and a place in the universe where she can feel like her contributions are valuable and valued vs.#Harrow identifying so strongly with the ninth and her duty to it & the way she is its future because it's future was stolen to create her#and how what the ninth offers and demands is so monstrous and they can't escape it#they have to find a way to live with it- live with each other- if they're going to live at all#and how that's reflected in all the families we see#and we see this at its best with Magnus and Abigail and imo Pyrrha loving as best she can#but ianthe and coronabeth#palamedes and cam#oh man the eighth do we see it with the eighth#who are we to one another what do I ask of you what can I give you#see how I exist in the context of you; change that context and I become something new#and John and Alecto! he changes her so much. takes her out of her original place and purpose#makes her into something new. and he does it to himself#by doing it to her. and she changed him first. but still! it's terribly one sided#BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY FOR THE AWKWARD FAMILY DINNER OF ALL TIME
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books-apples-socks · 10 months
black sails got so deeply under my skin and so quickly that i really had to take a month to work myself up to the last episode of season two DESPITE the cliffhanger because i had a vague idea what was going to happen. and when i did watch it i had to pace around like a caged puma because i'm normal about john silver and i'm especially normal about his leg and i'm especially especially normal about feeling like the worst thing you can hear im life is that someone is going to take care of you
best television program ever i'd rather gauge my eyes out than see this again and i'd also rather drink acid than forget it
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devouringyourson · 2 years
i like to poke and prod at will graham and louis de pointe du lac's sense of self in a similar fashion because at certains points in both nbc hannibal and iwtv they're defining themselves in contrast to lestat/hannibal the villains of their personal narratives while simultaneously ignoring the similarities that attract them to these estranged lover figures. louis is in his will series 2b era at this point in his retelling where he's trying to convince himself he's contrastingly different to lestat and distancing himself from any culpability or amoral actions like ah yes but I feel bad when I ate all those people and really loved claudia :((((( yeah will wanted to take abigail fishing or whatever like join the club mate
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sheepcreature · 5 months
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eddie bracken as orville wingait in summer stock (1950)
#don't get it wrong abigail whacking orville upside the head is during their comedy backstage 5 sec to Resolution ending rush#literal last minute conclusion crunch in unsurprising formatting lol; i chose a more peaceful gif to end on. note the prior one's [feet Up]#i hope this illustrates There Is Much Material. more clips than this & truly as good or better a role as any others to choose from here#summer stock#conveniently it's apparently wingait in the movie but via that casting news this (2023) role is wingate#tcm fancam life...we've all been there. akd talking abt meet me in st. louis like maybe i should rewatch lol. have to muddle through someho#anyways there's for sure room to like grab a little thread of plot and enhance it in this story. e.g. orville & abigail could talk Thrice#their B-plot / more idiosyncratic romance there is still >>>>>> the main JUDY & GENE one unsurprisingly even w/o a third convo lol#whoops the main guy is an asshole. judy/jane learns she loves show business so just kinda may as well be in love w/the show guy ig#like girl you don't have to be...but ofc already although her & orville's dynamic is pleasant enough she seems somewhat disinterested#while fascinatingly for our purposes though orville is framed a bit like [this NERD] he can't be too dunked on b/c [romantic B-plot]#meanwhile abigail's Undeserving Of Gene/Joe (she is but she's too good for him) qualities being just that she's been too Indulged so like#in her lack of protestant ethic farm work she's so conceited & sensitive that she wants to rest & not be yelled at???#smash cut to for real judy/jane on Opening Night like asking tentatively like oh romantic interest you're Not gonna yell at me..??#but she's been Hard Working so she will tolerate the physical AND emotional demands. but she's also more Talented than abigail#so joe need not be mean to her Anyways like. okay wild maybe we could rework that but congrats abigail for NOT ending up w/him fr#meanwhile orville's arc (joe has none to speak of save realizing he wants to make out w/this other woman now) is as clear as anyone's#extricate himself from otherwise only getting to be an extension of his father who is generally interfering / directing / demeaning him als#another ''well i don't know about that'' element in that when orville Does tell him to cut that out his dad actually just rolls with that#and becomes more amicable lol like well that does work out & it's unsurprisingly like cmon orv you can't LET him treat you like that...#and if you didn't? he'd just be like ''oh haha okay''...like is abigail supposed to be ''right'' abt uhh romance there but yet she's just#too sensitive to handle Tell Don't Ask / No Apologies? maybe; but they both end up getting to Not Stand For It lol. i think that that would#ofc still be fun to develop. whereas w/joe it's like uh maybe make him Not a huge asshole in the end / judy p much in love w/Showbiz....#abigail & orville out here decidedly Not About Nonsense....but still a bit zany ig such that after the [imagine the foley] hit: it's good#like i'm sure it's ''orville's still enough of a NERD to be chill w/that'' & ''abigail's still DIFFICULT enough to put her foot down''#['50 gender politics] we all know that couple whose flaws & idiosyncrasies allow them to Apologize & Ask & use their inside voices#and be all upset if someone's trying to demean them. unlike True Romance of the man who won't bully his wife if she earns it :')#joe could instead uhh be a harried director who's actually Wrong for being a dick to his gf (if we even include that) w/the various sources#of pressure to make a show Work but there's all this req'd spontaneity / flexibility anyways & he learns that even if he's clenching throug#it he can Not take it out on other people / Make it succeed by Making ppl do anything. & also jane reminds him of Passion for this.
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backpackingspace · 1 year
Consider Relcutant murder foster family where will ends adopting abagial, geogria, and that one boy who was going to murder his family
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karmaphone · 2 years
ok but this last episode of doom patrol really said 'we're doing uncomfortable camp bc even we can't keep up real quirky when it comes to fucked up relationships with fathers'
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