#And Snaters think we have problems
severussnapemylove · 1 year
Worst Snater take I’ve seen is “Well I was abused too and I don’t behave like that.”
Well good for you, a real person with free will and ability to heal and grow, acting morally superior to a fictional character.
A lot of people in the Snape fandom have been through the shite and are also healing and getting better. Doing well does not mean you can’t have empathy for a character who never got the chance or help to heal.
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moonlightdancer26 · 3 years
Not gonna lie I think Snape was justified in revealing Lupin was a werewolf. Bro,when you're in your werewolf form you turn into a rabid killer unless you take a potion that gives you control of yourself and you don't take it. No one died that night because they all used plot armor to protect themselves. Not only that, but Lupin witheld information on how someone he believed was a mass murderer was able to sneak into a castle full of children because he didn't want ruin his reputation in Dumbledore's eyes. He literally chose his reputation over the safety of children. Not someone I would want as a teacher for my kids if I was a parent.
He 100% was.
Remus didn’t tell Dumbledore that Black, who Remus believed is a mass murderer who betrayed James and Lily and murdered Peter, and who’s after Harry, is an illegal Animagus. The dude literally endangered Harry and everyone else, just to save his ass from one stressful conversation with Dumbles. He neglected taking his Wolfsbane potion and always waited until Severus left the room, and one night FORGOT IT which led to him nearly killing/eating three children. He kept secrets from Dumbledore merely because he cared about his own image, more than the lives of the staff and the children at Hogwarts.
Hell, even when I was a little kid I always knew to fucking take my meds, and y’all are telling me that a GROWN. ASS. MAN. can’t fucking remember to drink a potion that prevents him from turning into a rabid, bloodthirsty monster?
I will never understand why people blame Severus for that, it was literally because of Severus perfectly brewing him Wolfbane potion every month that Remus got a comfortable teaching job he loved in the first place.
And Severus did not directly tell anyone about Remus’s—er—furry little problem until the end of the year which was the responsible thing to do. If I was a parent, and a werewolf was teaching, eating, and sleeping under the same roof as my CHILD, I would definitely not want my child staying there.
Many people forget that if Severus had not outed Remus, something else would have had to happen to get Remus out of that cursed post. Remus was lucky he was allowed to resign; he could have been Obliviated, burned to death or whatever was the fate that awaited the DADA professors at the end of the year. The fact that Remus managed to not get fired and only resign after ALL THAT is fascinating and it certainly shows how merciful Albus is to his precious little Gryffindors. (-_-)
In my opinion, Severus practically did him a favour. If Severus truly wanted to hurt Remus and really screw him over, he could have said he, the werewolf, almost murdered The Boy who Lived. Oh, but apparently meanie Snivellus is not as petty and evil as Snaters try to make him out to be, since he didn’t reveal very interesting information that would’ve definitely put Remus in real danger. Severus is making parents aware that a professor is a danger to their children. Severus allowed Remus to resign, the safest and sanest of all the DADA professors we’ve seen at the end of a year. And let us not forget that Remus himself states that the news would’ve slipped out anyway, so how about we chill with the Snape bashing?
Terribly sorry for rambling on, I have a lot of emotions when it comes to this particular topic, and Remus in general but whatever.
Boy, I love Remus but I gotta say, I missed posting anti content about him.
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wellpresseddaisy · 4 years
A List of roughly chronological Snape Crimes
(henceforth known as Snimes) as referenced by Snaters, annotated, and rated on the Snime scale* which I have just made up.
*Severity is rated by Trevors, Entertainment Factor is rated by jars
Reposting with some edits for clarity.
Spied in Lily Evans, aged 9, from a bush
0 Trevors, 1 jar
Is every Snater an obnoxious extravert who bounds up to new people, hand outstretched for a firm shake? A shy, poorly socialized, or introverted child may need some hanging about in a bush time. And if you sexualize this behavior at all, that's a you problem.
The jar is for an early reference to his penchant for dramatic entrances. A boy has to start somewhere.
Dropped a branch on Petunia
0 Trevors, 3 jars
It was accidental magic and Petunia wasn't hurt. Honestly, if I were a child with poorly controlled magic due to heightened emotion, I'd have dropped a branch on her, too. Tuney was a pill.
The only way to make it funnier would be for Severus to call her 'Pisstunia'.
Knew more 'dark magic' than any other Slytherin at age 11
0 Trevors, 3 jars
Probably didn't know any, unless he had some quick tutoring sessions with Lucius Malfoy right after sorting. Would a child actually have the power to control any of the known Dark Arts spells? This smells of Gryffindor propaganda and ass covering. Potentially somehow convinced Sirius that he did, though, so 3 jars for the effort. 
Are we sure the 'dark magic' wasn't just pretending to throw a stick and hiding it behind his back instead? 
Made friends within Slytherin house
0 Trevors, 9 jars
Where, pray tell, is he meant to make friends? Outer Mongolia? With the Potions lab jars? Should he ostracize himself? Never speak to another Slytherin so as to free himself of the taint of evil? (Please see Eddie Izzard bit on ambition and the British) Consign himself to a life of sad, unseasoned boiled potato as he's unable to speak to anyone even to ask for the salt? Given that a Potter and a Black are gunning for him from before Sorting, taking the protection of a Malfoy is a savvy move from an up-and-coming young man. (And you DO NOT refuse Lucius Malfoy taking you under his wing). 
The jars are for the amusement of imagining Lucius having to deal with a near-feral Cokeworth child. I'll bet he went wailing to Narcissa about it.
Spied on some prime assholes the Marauders, tried to get them expelled
0 Trevors, 3 jars
As his tormentors eventually had a magic map, the efficacy of his spying can be debated. However, he is within his rights to want the people torturing him gone, especially as the adults have decided he doesn't matter. And last time I checked, the penalty for being nosy is not Death by Werewolf. (If anyone wants to try 'But James saved him' think of this - James didn't care one bit for Snape's life, but Remus or Sirius could have been in worlds of trouble. I'd wager he was more concerned for Remus than anyone else.) 3 jars for the mental image of wee babby Sape skulking about behind things.
Flung Mudblood at Lily, apologized later
3 Trevors, 0 jars
Look, we shouldn't be using slurs toward anyone, but a canonically single use of the word is hardly the worst thing anyone has ever done (see Malfoy, Draco). Given that he was restrained upside down with his underclothes on display to most of the school after being choked by soap and she smiled a bit before trying to help him, one can see why he might be a titch out of control. Apologizing after was a good thing to do, despite Lily's reaction. Also, Lily owed him an apology she never delivered (You don't call someone by the cruel name his tormentors use and cast up his poverty at him without apologizing). 
Was generally a nasty little bigot/called Muggleborns Mudblood
0 Trevors, 0 jars
We know he was acquainted/dormmates with Avery and Mulciber. We also know Avery and Mulciber tried to do something Gryffindor deemed 'dark magic' to Mary MacDonald (I posit most  of them wouldn't know dark magic if it played the tuba in the Common room). We don't, however, know exactly what Severus was doing at the time. 
There's no canon proof that he used mudblood frequently. The Mudblood usage accusation is either hearsay or evidence of Lily being a giant hypocrite. We don't know how he felt toward Muggles in general, although I would guess 'not positively' is a good base. We do, however, know that Lily seems fine with James and co. hexing/jinxing other students as long as it's not 'dark'. Mighty fine line, there.
Joined the Death Eaters 
8 Trevors, 0 jars
This one is just sad and a bad decision. We don't know precisely when he joined, probably post-Hogwarts. We also don't know what he did. I doubt he was joining in on the pillaging front with wild abandon, given Bellatrix's reaction to him. Brewing, maybe? Some light snooping? He was apparently pretty low-level until the prophecy.
The Prophecy debacle
3 Trevors, 0 jars
I'm going to level with you - if my boss was able to read minds/see my memories and I'd overheard the start of the prophecy, I'd tell him too. He didn't hear 'will be born', so I'm giving him a pass on 'was willing to kill a baby!' Like most normal people, he probably thought it was about an adult. It's not as if he sent Voldemort a collated list of any possible targets, complete with addresses, pithy observations, and a map detailing the easiest apparition points. He wasn't Voldemort's secretary.
And once he found out just how bonkers Lord V was, he did his best to mitigate the fallout, at great personal risk. (To be clear - his actions set in motion Harry's blood protection. He was also under no obligation to care about what happened to James Potter, especially since 15 was only 5 or 6 years in the past.)
Bullying every single student he ever taught/being a monstrous abuser
2 Trevors, 6 jars for shoving Harry's potion off a desk once and going 'Oops!'
We know Severus Snape bullied precisely two students in nis career: Harry and Neville. He, in all respects, seems to be a highly-regarded member of staff. He didn't mark any other house down and he didn't keep children from learning. He also really cares about the students' health and safety (see his reaction to Ginny being taken). Wouldn't you think that if he actually bullied every single student ever some Weasley would have complained?
Also, having Harry rewrite and catalog the record of his father's wrongdoings is objectively hilarious. And kept him safely in one place where he could be watched. And as the potion destruction didn't really affect Harry's final grade, it's just hilarious pettiness.
The toad and boggart issue
1 Trevor, 5 jars for giving me the name of my eventual pub (the Toad and Boggart)
I would like to remind everyone that Remus Lupin coached Neville into visualizing his boggart. It could have been his Gran. Also, he was more sheepish than terrified and he smiled. Please reread and give Neville more credit. He was hardly a shaking lump or terror.
Now, why, pray tell, was Trevor even in a Potions lab? No one else has a visible pet. Is Crookshanks having a nosy about the storage cupboard? No. Is Scabbers having a snooze in an empty cauldron? No. Then why is Trevor even there? Because health and safety standards don't apply to Neville? Why isn't Trevor nice and cozy in his terrarium? While threatening a child's pet in the guise of motivation is a 100% dick move, he may also have been motivating Neville to leave the toad in his dorm. Where it belonged. 
1 Trevor, 0 jars
He shouldn't have made the crack about her teeth, but when life hands you a chance to prove you hate Gryffindors to your Voldemort-groupie students to secure your rep for spying, you can't turn that down. Hermione was also not that bothered and turned the situation to her own advantage. She'd wanted to change her teeth magically.
He was perfectly justified taking points when he did (those times when he took points for H disrupting class) - Hermione had a bad habit of ignoring any teacher's rules she didn't agree with in the moment. She was warned to stop and didn't heed his warning, ergo points loss.
Remus Lupin
2 Trevors
This one gets brought up over and over. I'm just going to say that if my colleague, already on thin ice due to him bullshitting around the Wolfsbane potion (it's implied he delays taking it and seems to enjoy toying with Snape), forgot to take his potion and nearly killed me and three students, including one I had sworn to protect, I would be livid. While it's not nice to let lycanthropy slip, Remus had resigned prior to this. He was leaving before there was any parental or Board reaction due to his own irresponsibility. Snape bears 0 responsibility for any legislation barring werewolves from employment, as well. 
Submitted by M. McGonagall
Snaffling all the chocolate Hob Nobs and chocolate caramel Digestives from the staff room biscuit plate and charming the Garibaldi biscuits to look like them
10 Trevors, 10 jars (perfect Snime)
Severus Snape is clearly a perfidious reprobate, incapable of feeling any remorse for his biscuit Snimes. 
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sneverussape · 3 years
One of the things that irk me, is that in SWM fans read the line when james says and I think I'm paraphrasing "it's just that he exists" and not find that troubling, also, how people make out lily to be the understanding, very nice, very just person? I mean if my friend or even former friend was hanging upside down by a bully who just said those words I would smack that bully even if it got me expelled even if my friend/ former friend said bad words to me like I would be upset I would say something back true but not in front of everyone and not something which he has no control over and that obviously would hurt him even more.
Like, lily is a flawed character who is obviously isn't interested in social justice and I hate when people make her out to be one she is just as selfish as all the other characters and that scene shows it to me.
Srry for the rant, (T_T) I was just thinking about it and wanted to see what you think about this?
that's the trouble when a character is barely developed: people build up headcanons that end up getting used a lot, and eventually those end up being the more widely accepted view, never mind what canon actually says (or doesn't say). lily evans and james potter are two of the more popular ones where fanon > canon, and ngl it drives me nuts too sometimes, especially if it's james because, unlike lily, there's actual evidence in the text that james was a prat. it was also backed up by his mates on several occasions, not just snape's memories (which actually shouldn't be a problem, because pensieves give an objective view of the event, not a subjective one, but i've seen plenty of snaters who dismiss snape's memories so they can believe that james was the victim or whatever so i won't even try).
i spoke of my view before on lily and it's here. like you, i've thought that way about her before! but meta done by other people and, i guess, a bit of maturing changed my view of her. it's hard to justify one's actions if you don't know their context or where they're coming from, both for real people and for characters. as i stated in my previous answer, i imagine lily as someone who was not very well-off and who didn't fit seamlessly into hogwarts. we don't know what her and severus' relationship was like in fifth year. by the time SWM happened, the werewolf incident had also already happened to snape. between that and SWM, they had had at least one conversation that discussed snape's dislike of the marauders and lily's attempt to give them the benefit of the doubt, which understandably may have estranged them (further, if not started the divide). so during fifth year, in the world of the cokeworth duo, you had an angry and traumatized teenage snape who was sworn to secrecy about the werewolf incident by their own headmaster and also surrounded by baby death eaters in his house on one side, and lily, who had no idea what had happened to him and why he was so angry, and also brainwashed by her house that 'all slytherins are bad, especially the greasy git who's so good at the dark arts he scares us' on the other. she may have also had her own problems at this point: OWLs, their fast-approaching graduation, and a future which she didn't know how to plan for, because extremism was already taking root at that point and being a muggleborn would have been a bane, not a boon.
that's why i don't write lily off as quickly these days as someone who was selfish, etc. i think, at the core of it all, she was a child trying to survive in a world that was fast making it known to her that she was unwanted and didn't belong.
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ottogatto · 3 years
Hey Honey!! What are your opinions on people saying about giving Malferret a redemption arc?? I honestly hate his character!! What are ur opinion?? + Who are ur favourite Golden Trio Era Characters excluding Severus cuz we know he is ur fav!! P.S - I am a marauder+Severus stan together!! Is that a bad thing??
Hi! Thanks for the ask.
I don’t like Draco. Reading what he did to the Trio triggered me one day (I was bullied for years and he did something to the Trio that my bullies used to do), which had me try to sleep off an afternoon suddenly. There’s no sense in claiming he deserved a redemption arc. If you need a redemption arc, you’ve done horrible things, you are a horrible person, which is why you need something to repent from. But his fans say he deserves a redemption arc because they don’t acknowledge Draco did horrible things, or at least don’t care about the impact. They don’t see him at fault. Which should normally mean that he doesn’t need a redemption arc. But Draco has canonically been a horrible character in canon, one that did not repent in a thorough form. Draco fans (at least part of them) don’t understand the logic of a redemption arc. I’m pretty set on it: Draco didn’t have a redemption arc, and that’s what matters in the end. If his fans are so ashamed to have him as a fav character, knowing he’s so shitty they whine he lacks a redemption arc, it’s pretty sad. It’s almost as if they don’t love Draco, uh. They want a Snape, they just don’t want the mainstream unpopularity that comes with it, and they want to have Drarry etc. They crave the brilliance of Snape’s character. Why do you think they’re so jealous Snape got a redemption arc and Draco didn’t? So I find this pathetic as a whole on their part. Draco is at best a character I don’t care for, at worst one that I do come to hate, like this time he triggered trauma-related reminiscence in me (while Snape never did). Whether they give Draco a redemption arc in their fics or not is not really my problem. What matters to me is canon and their behavior to Snape fans.
Other than Severus, I like Luna and Percy.
Of course being a marauder + Snape stan isn’t a bad thing. The issue never was being a fan of the marauders or Snape in the first place. It’s the harassement and idiocy that comes with snaters, who often are marauderfen. Idiocy, because they completely lack reading comprehension (often times literally as they haven’t read the canon books), and twist canon into something unrecognizable (one of the main marauderfen even did a slip/lapsus and admitted that if Rowling participated into a marauder era film, they wouldn’t follow the fans’ headcanons and would make the marauders recognizable as full-blown, inexcusable bullies). The other problem is the constant Snape hate amongst marauderfen, while amongst Snape fans, you don’t get constant marauder hate. You criticize the marauders and explore their darkness, instead of turning them into shiny rainbows to feel better about loving a gang of bullies with privileges (I mean, Snape is a bully, one hell of a bastard, but I don’t need to turn him into an angel to love him and excuse everything he did, on the contrary I like to explore his brokeness on normal circumstances). You counter marauderfen because they’ve kept harassing Snape fans for nothing. The fact the Snapedom is more honest, closer to canon, but also less hateful, is the reason (I think) that explains why there are quite a bunch of marauder fans who joined the Snapedom instead of the marauder fandom (so you’re definitely not alone here). If you look for recent posts in marauder tags, often it will be flooded with Snape and Snape fan hate. Simply put, the Snape fandom is less toxic by itself, and you won’t get shit on for seeming to pull a legitimate defense for a character (whether a marauder or Snape), while you will get bullied by your own if you dare do so for Snape in the current marauder fandom. Remember. Loving a character never was the problem; the fans’ reactions are. And I know I seem pretty anti marauder (it’s true I can’t stand James Potter or the sirius-lupin ship), but it’s a matter of 1) personal opinions, 2) Snape defense that often requires pointing out the marauders’ flaws. Neither of them should dictate whom to love or not. I have no right to tell you you’re wrong for loving a character. And you know what? If you start to make marauder content that is Snape neutral or pro Snape, I’d be supportive. I recently said in a post that I found it so sad, the way the marauders lost their potential amongst the marauder fandom, especially when it’s getting lost to hysterical, nonsensical Snape hate... to snaters. That it would be so good if everything could be reconciled; if there was a sort of... new marauder fandom that was born from the Snapedom (= more canonically accurate). So no, I’m not gonna throw a fit just because you happen to love characters from two fandoms in "war". I don’t see the point. Never think you’re bad for doing so. I find it even cool, brave and healthy, because you go exactly against a war that shouldn’t have been born in the first place. You’ll definitely find people who agree with you in the Snapedom (and way more peaceful/polite than me)!
Sorry for the long post, I don’t really know how or what to express, but I hope you understood? If you’ve got any more question, you can always ask again!
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maybeshesnaped · 4 years
Acid trip anon,
First of yes let's have the whole 'let's put you to bed mee maw' attitude is good for the mauruaders stans who don't want to acknowledge accountability but also wishes every morally Grey charecter that is mentally fucked up to do so. (it kind of reminds me of the whole arguement where people go 'get therapy and stop projecting your problems!!!' and this is told to someone who dead ass lives with limited resources and when you ask for more ways to help the person they then pull the arguement of 'you don't deserve help because you were a shitty person' and then again shout 'get therapy' like how tf does that make you a better person???? did you sniff your purity cocaine???? did you get the approval????)
Second, regulus black being seen as a slytherin hero despite him being a hero cuz he pulled a lord of the rings move (elf fucker) will always make me cackle. He's a bit confused but sure he's got the spirit.
I tried explaining to my mom the whole hp plot and when I started introducing jily she straight up eye rolled ( like I said it's a bland trope and not many people find it comforting in real life becuase if someone did that in real life you automatically I personally put them in the list of 'will that turn out to be a shitty marriage and should I be concerned')
Finally, I think the clear distinction between the snape fans and mauruaders stans is that despite both of us having a deatheater in our team one of us straight up can understand why people can be displeased by snapes cruel actions and say :yes! What he did was a shitty thing and if you ask me why he did it or what caused him to act that way since I enjoy this charecter, perhaps I can give some reasoning but that being said I whole heartily agree it was a shitty thing' while the other cannot fathom that you can hold people accountable and still like them (and also that people who like charecters that are not generally accepted or seen as problematic but most importantly will have literally no impact to anyone's life and to anyone who did not read or watch hp deserve death threats and apparently executed anyways ciao)
Another clear distinction is when asked ' what would you do differently if you were snape if you knew this his how he turned out' you can automatically assess whom is whom. Because collectively everyone who enjoys severus snape straight up went : okay so we all agree that Hogwarts was not a safe place for him, despite it claiming to be a welcoming space for all. He grew up isolated, bullied and with limited resources. that straight up makes him vulnerable to be exploited, he had no one to actually help him and was in an environment that was downright miserable. the obvious solution is to clearly GTFO, out of Hogwarts or England go anywhere else choosing to stay in a place that makes you feel unsafe is ridiculous. Give this man a scholarship make him leave and not be relevant to the plot of pain!!!! Basically let's give him less trauma :).
While every mauruaders stan in the block went :I would simply not hate on harry, not be someone's boggart. Yall you are tripping how the fuck did you miss the point. You literally went I don't care if this man had trauma if I were him I'd be normal I'm built different ya you built like a clown first of you straight up complain that this man is not sane or stable despite us telling yall that there most likey is a REASON why he's like that. and when given the choice to do something different on the same charecter that you know wish not to acknowledge (or maybe you did acknowledge) had a difficult life,,, your choice was to make him go through all of that and also be normal. Just say you hate mentally ill people who have unhealthy coping mechanisms because it doesn't fit with your purity mentality / your bad boy good girl rom com where you change the person in one full month ma'am you are not a 2001 make over movie that person still has depression.
"just say you hate mentally ill people who have unhealthy coping mechanisms because it doesn't fit with your purity mentality / your bad boy good girl rom com where you change the person in one full month ma'am you are not a 2001 make over movie that person still has depression."
so true bestie!!!
I've said this before, the reason Snape antis hate him to such a degree, and the reason they simultaneously wouldn't bat an eye if you told them you love Bellatrix, Voldemort, Satan, even Umbridge herself, is that Snape feels real while the others feel cartoonishly evil.
It's exactly because he's both good and bad that they have this need to bash people for liking him. If he was a straight up villain, who had only done bad things, nobody would say anything; irrationally enough, the fact that he also did good things and thus gives us things to love him for, makes people go crazy over said love.
And another thing that you mentioned, snaters being like "I simply wouldn't be Neville's boggart" etc... That argument that Snape overrules even Neville's parents' tormentors in how much he scares Neville...Do people realize that that scene couldn't work with someone else other than Harry having a high stake boggart? The whole point of the scene was to underline Harry's boggart, how would having Neville have Bellatrix as a boggart help? It had to be something trivial like all the others.
Also thank you for the videos you sent me, Rick Astley always helps during mental. break downs 😌
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chibiinuneko · 4 years
Don't let the muggles get you down
Well, I’m over with all this… I’m too tired of damn snaters and just wanted to say that all the strength and patience every pro-Snape has should be greatfully rewarded. I know that getting ride with this everything is both tiring and hurting, and means a psychological lost, so I just wanted to thank all snapedom for having so much patience and will to refute all the nonsense snaters think and for making the world more wonderful and enjoyable. Your loyalty to Sev and the bravery that means confronting so much hate and silliness is truly admirable. I think that every pro-Snape person I know is marvelous, and you should have all nice and good things in this world, so thank you so much for all your kind effort and specially for existing! You’re all extraordinaire and I love you <33. Please don’t let anyone make you feel bad under any circumstances. You know that nobody deserves to be judged for enjoying with a character, less being insulted or difamated for that, and people that do exactly this are complete morons or even bullies, and I wouldn’t like you being hurt because of that shitty humans, nor thinking that there exists a problem with you our your likings, there’s absolutely no problem at all with it. You can love any character you want in total freedom, and everyone here knows why we love Severus Snape. If there’s something he showed us is to be loyal and brave, even if we only get hate and crap as exchange. So I want you to know that you’re not alone in this, that we are with you and that we’re going to fight next to you any moment when it’s needed, OK? Always.
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Something I find...fascinating about snaters is their vehemence in which they swear Snape is racist, abusive, and evil, esp when assessing his teaching style and interactions with students.
We literally have a prime example of a teacher (or an authority figure to be more precise) who IS abusive: Umbridge.
We literally have several instances of teachers being abusive or threatening harm, McGonagall, Hagrid, fake moody (who ppl believed was real moody), etc.
We see Snape (potentially) harm a student once due to a trigger. From what I can recall, Snape literally doesn’t threaten students or harm them. With the Trevor situation, he literally could’ve made an antidote and probably wouldn’t had followed through with it.
I mean, didn’t McGonagall teach a lesson where students had to transform their animals into other things, which is or could be considered animal abuse?
The problem with Snape wasn’t that he was mean or “abusive”, it was that he held Harry and co to the same standards as other students.
If Snape was truly “that bad”, why didn’t any of the students, including Harry, rebel against him. If he was “that bad”, why did various characters defend him at times and/or give him the benefit of the doubt?
Because, it appears that despite Snape’s bitterness, the only one with the issue was Harry and, with reason, but for most, it appeared that Harry took his hate to an obsessive level. People weren’t afraid to question, reject Snape’s opinion, or call him out—including students—just they draw they line at his supposedly abusive behavior. Harry and Ron have literally sassed Snape to his face, unafraid at that.
I think the worst that they were afraid of was detention. Harry thought that Snape was trying to kill him based off of incorrect conclusions and obsessiveness, but they don’t have any triggering responses to him.
But, lastly, I’ve had teachers like Snape and, Merlin, many of you are overdramatic. Abusive/bullying teachers DO exist, but in my experience with sarcastic, bitter, and stern teachers, you:
1. Do your work
2. Pay attention in class
3. Follow directions (academics)
4. Adhere to class rules (guidelines)
5. Ask questions for clarification
If they aren’t abusive and are simply: stern, bitter, and sarcastic, you’ll get along just fine in their classes.
I know kids will be kids and sometimes screw around and aren’t responsible, but teachers are also there to teach you accountability and hold you accountable. If you’ve proven yourself to listen and be a reliable student, regardless of grades, these teachers typically are patient and understanding. They do want you to learn, understand, and know the work.
With the issue of Hermione, she wasn’t adhering to rules three and four. Hermione consistently wrote over whatever the allotted amount was. If you’ve ever spoken to a teacher or college professor, reading and grading papers is time consuming, esp when you’re grading a lot at once. Your eyes become tired and strained; you’ve set a rhythm, and then this one kid is consistently fucking up said pattern because she has to prove how smart she is, which you already know.
Secondly, her always having to answer questions. My 8th grade teacher, who’ve I’ve literally been friends with for 13 going on 14 years (we went to a play together a month ago), literally told me to stop raising my hand so that she could see what the other students knew. She flat out ignored me during one of her questions during class before explaining sometime later why she did that.
Snape’s annoyance with Hermione isn’t because she’s a muggleborn that’s smart, it’s because she doesn’t fucking listen. We’ve also seen him offhandedly compliment Hermione (and Ron) while insulting Harry.
We also know that he is capable of teaching his students at an advanced level. When I say capable I mean that he can successfully teach most of his class advanced work and they can absorb it.
As far as him supposedly being racist, we literally have no proof via Hermione or any other muggleborn that his treatment of them is due to race.
In conclusion, disliking Snape isn’t the same as him being an evil, abusive, racist teacher.
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snapeaddict · 4 years
People say that Draco shud have gotten a redemption arc coz Snape who ,according to snaters , did not deserve it) got it too . What are your thoughts on this ?
Well. That's the thing I hate with the Draco redemption arc discourse. He always is compared to Snape, and not only in the fact he "deserved" it more than Severus did, but also to show his actions were much less serious than Snape's actions. I mean. First of all I think Draco is far worst as a child and teenager than Snape, and I won't explain how the fact he's rich and good looking seems to make people forget it, and how privileged he was (which does not prevent abuse). But anyway, I hate that things get to be compared. Both situations have nearly nothing in common, and one situation cannot be used to justify or minimize the other. The whole point of Snape's character is his change of heart, is his journey to redemption; it isn't Draco's. Snape redemption arc is one of the plot's central point and the may characteristic of his character, the growth: not Draco's.
Then, I don't understand the meaning of "he deserved". I don't know what deserving a redemption arc means. Does it mean you, as a fan, wanted him to have one? That he "wasn't that bad"? That he was set up for one? I do think, especially after HBP and DH, that he was written in such a way a redemption arc would have been the logical next step for his character's construction. It's not about deserving it or not, we have to stop talking about fictional characters as real people - it's about being written in such a way a redemption arc has purpose in characterisation and plot.
So I do think Draco was written in a way a redemption arc would have been interesting. I don't think it was essential or the main problem, however, and I have nothing against the fact he did not receive one; I even like it, as despite his doubts and hesitations I do not see any moral change in his character, which would be slightly utopic to expect from a character who was raised in blood supremacy anyway. Him getting a redemption arc would have been, in my opinion, rushed and a little simplistic. Redemption is about understanding what you did wrong and trying to make things right, to repair your mistakes or pay of them: I think this is a long process which does not fit with the books timeline. I think he was, however, written to eventually come to this point unlike other characters. It would make more sense if he got a redemption arc as an adult, much later, for example in Cursed Child.
So, I like the fact he did not get one. I think it was a wise choice, which does not mean I don't think he should not get one in the end. But I also like the eventuality he never gets one. It would be... Realistic.
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severusnape101-blog · 7 years
Any kind of questions that people could have on this blog along the way: How can you excuse what Snape did?!? The favourite of Snaters. Liking a character doesn’t mean one excuses their actions. I know perfectly well Snape was no angel, thanks. But I can still like him. Shocking for sure. How can you like such a grey PROBLEMATIC TOXIC GROSS CREEPY asshole?! (and all the tumblr fashonable buzzwords, ups, I forgot friendzoned, silly me!) Because I can, that’s why. I see people fawning over Bellatrix, I don’t see why I can’t like Snape, along other characters. Are you obsessed about Snape? You dedicated an entire blog to him. Uhm no? But I like reading headcanons about my favourite characters. And yet Snape’s tags and in general Snape’s discussions are so full of haters, fake news and discourse I decided dedicating a blog on a favourite of mine wasn’t that bad in comparison. I mean, there are entire blogs dedicated on hating Snape, why not one dedicated to discussing what actually happens in the books, as opposed to inventing falsehoods and clogging the tags with hate? Why you don’t tag your posts with ‘Snape-hate’ ‘Ant-Snape’ etc.? Because I’m very tired myself of going on the Snape tag and finding basically nothing but hate and jerks who purposefully put hate there because they’re obsessed with the thought of people not knowing about their opinion about a fictional character. So I refuse to do a ‘war’ on Snaters, despite the blog name; I’m just interested in having a little corner of tumblr to finally talk about this character in peace, without having to recite a ‘mea culpa’ first or having to refute for the 50th time the fact that Snape was in fact not a stalker.
 Hey! Your post showed in the tags dedicated to Snape hate anyway! Liar!
Well, first check my original post and see how I tagged it, there’s a huge possibility that tumblr decided to be a little shit and show my post even in tags I never tagged. Yeah, tumblr can show posts in some tags even if you don’t tag it, so, for example, if I wrote a post that says ‘Snape is a hero’ and tagged it ‘Snape-love, snape-positive, let-kill -snape-discourse, yes-we-know-he-bullied kids-omg, no-not-hermiones-teeth-again-please’, chance is that this post could still show on the ‘Snape-hate, snape-dislike, snape-sucked-voldys-nose-pass-it -on’ tags, just because it contains Snape’s name. There’s not much I can do about that, so this is an issue that remains, sadly. But if I mistagged I apologise, my bad; sometimes I’m tired and ranty (not randy, don’t misread, just ‘ranty’ as in a ranting mode, lol) and commit errors. Let me know and I will correct the tags! People can dislike whomever they want! It’s not your place to tell them what to hate/not hate! Yeah, totally right.That’s not what the blog is about. This blog is about me being fed up with Snaters. Since people can dislike whatever they like, I can say I dislike gross headcanons about a character I like. Writing counterarguments and reminding people Snape was not in fact a pedophile doesn’t equal to me telling people they can’t hate Snape. It just means that I’m not buying into this crap headcanons.  Do you differentiate between Snaters and people who dislike Snape? As a matter of fact, yes, I do: Snaters to me are usually the kind of people who believe nonsense written about the character just to further hate on him, especially if said nonsense is not canon, totally bs, doesn’t have any linking to canon and is so outlandish it’s ridiculous. They’re the rude jerks that write on fanarts and fanfictions ‘Omg how can u liek Shape he was a nazi lol’ and send anon death threats to people who just said they like Snape. Basically they’re trolls/bullies who take the Snape hate excuse to harass people/vent their personal problems.  People who dislike Snape usually don’t need to invent bs about him, don’t have problems saying ‘Yeah he wasn’t totally black but I still don’t like him’, if they read something like ‘If Harry had been female Snape would have sexually assaulted her’ they laugh at its absurdity and don’t buy into it just bc it paints Snape in a bad light. Basically they base their hate/dislike on canon facts, without the need to invent/exaggerate/attack people that don’t agree. Why are you more angry when people say ‘I hate Snape because he was a stalker’ (fake)?  Because it’s fake. When a person says ‘I can’t like Snape he was a bully’ that’s a fact, I’m not going to object (I also didn’t like that part of Snape). When a person says ‘My opinion is that Snape was obsessed with Lily that’s not love for me (but that doesn’t mean he stalked or sexually harassed her)’ I won’t agree but it’s an open interpretation, based on canon evidence, and also this person can actually differentiate between idolising someone and harassing and stalking someone. But when someone says ‘Omg I hate Snape he stalked Lily when he was 9 hiding behind a tree!!!’ not only I’m not gonna agree, I will probably give you a wide berth bc wow, sexualizing a little kid? A dirt poor, socially awkward kid ashamed of being dressed with woman’s clothes, hiding not to be seen is considered a stalker now? That’s quite weird. To say the least.  Did you not know Snape was basically the ANTICHRIST and also he raped Lilly and stalkeddd Petunia and he ate Dudley omg and friendzoned Dobby and fondled the Squid without their consent, such a creepy obsessed stalkerrr!!!!1! (and basically every fake, fanon facts Snaters have invented during the years about Snape). No, as a matter of fact I didn’t know any of that. You know, I read the actual 7 Harry Potter books. The ones in which Snape never raped, sexually harassed and/or stalked anyone (well maybe the Marauders, but he was almost eaten as a result, so I think they’re even). But I’m sure the fanfiction you took these facts from is amazing and well written, not to say interesting and intellectually stimulating, I’m sure. Can you pass me the link?
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ottogatto · 4 years
Lmao snaters going “don’t excuse snape bullying children” but who go “marauders had every right to bully snape”
Snaters saying spy, Order-loyal, Dumbledore-serving snape “never changed” but say that canonically never-stopped bullying, already light-sided james/sirius grew up
Those who demonize snape’s friendship with lily when they stan blackmailing, catcalling, stalking, misogynistic, “i will stop only if you go out with me” james
Those who praise james as good for loving for lily but who negate the value of love and changing sides for snape.
Those who say snape was racist when he literally shouted “don’t say [mudblood]” the moment he was able to do that without risking his spy-role
Who call snape a death eater when he literally became a spy for 17 years, ‘til his death
Those who wholly ignore draco’s purist, bullying stance and excuse it for having a bad family, but who deny the influence of bullying, slytherin-house-and-death-eater pressure and depraved-toxic-household had on a young snape
Those who protest snape’s harsh treatment but who praise mcgonagall when she sent 4 boys to the forbidden forest, verbally abused most students, shamed them like neville and used a life-threatening punishment against neville for forgetting passwords; or praise flitwick against snape when he shrieked at students as well and, if i remember, threw trevor across the classroom in rage
Those who praise slughorn for being a better professor when muggle-born brightest-witch-of-her-age potions-talented hermione herself fails each of her classes with him because mister gives the wrong instructions, only seeks privileged students with good popularity, wealth or social connections, perpetuates indirect muggle-born/halfblood and poor-background-students discrimination, leading him to say “she was talented... for a muggle-born” which harry (who despite his problems with potions got an E) points out right away, and whose incompetency could have led to a student’s death
Those who think snape’s life was tragic only because he didn’t get the girl, or because he said always, but dismiss 85% of his story that would very well explain why his life was tragic
Those who say that snape didn’t have any trauma despite clear evidence, and retreat to “trauma don’t excuse this or this” when proven otherwise, and finally get back to ignore how we don’t excuse bullying
Those who praise narcissa or regulus as heroes for betraying voldemort once or twice, one dying for it, but who deny snape’s heroism for choosing to betray the winning side of the 80ies to follow with 17 years of life-threatening service to realize he gain nothing at the end, not even harry’s survival; assuming the former changed convictions completely, calling the later purist on the other hand
Those who are so desperate when they see that Harry, biggest former snape-hater, later named his own child after snape, and invent excuses for it, or stories to convince good-hearted, not-that-dumb Harry that he’s wrong — and refuse to see why he chose to honour his and his friends’ life savior despite their animosity
Those who excuse or praise other characters’ behavior using reasons that could apply to snape but deny them for him
Get your facts straight, stop the double-standards, and don’t bully snape-stans for loving a character whose bullying behaviour you use as a reason to despise him so much in the first place, despite snape-stans having every reason and every right to stan him
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