#And Vy is still in shock their little star is mad at them
izayoichan · 3 years
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Flynn: And can you stay here the rest of the night? River: of course I'll stay with you tonight. I'm not going anywhere. And I think we can help it…
He looked at the whimpering dragon and sat on the bed, making room for Flynn and patting the bed. The little dragon watching them, something River noticed. 
River: I was sent there to kill it, you know. Not just check on it. It had killed two mages and I was to kill it. But then I saw the eggs... Someone did something horrible to it... And it's angry at the world for it. I think with time and dedication it might work. I mean, it stopped. It could have but it didn't kill you. Those claws could have killed you. But it did not. I think, deep inside, it wants help... 
He let his fingers run through his son’s hair, he really did remind him so much off Rylan right now. Vy stops. Watching his child run away. Eyes wide as the guilt wraps around their heart. He closed his eyes, wanting to chase after their son, explain to them why he had done what he did. Make it clear to him, but his words stung and hurt for Vy felt them too. He felt the guilt of having hurt the dragon, but he had to. He had to protect his family
Vy: L-let them rest a little... I'll... I…
He fidgeted with his fingers and turned around walking to his side of the house, tears pooling up in his eyes. Chris put hand on Vy's shoulder, having easily caught up to him when he walked, pulling Vy into  his arms and just hugging him. 
Chris: They don't mean it, you know that, its fear and shock that's talking. And they may not realize it, but they need their mom.
He smiles at Vy, it felt oddly good to be back home, and be able to be there for these moments. 
Chris: They are in my and Hayle's bedroom if you choose to. Vy: I know I was mean. I know they asked but... They don't understand. Dragons don't harm children, only monsters and beasts do that... It's dangerous, I know what it was planning to do. I needed to make sure it wouldn't try to hurt them again...
He fidgeted with his fingers, thankful for the hug, thankful for Chris's words. He didn't want to think that his son might hate him now.
Vy: I want to go to them. But they hate me right now... I know they do.  Chris: They don't hate you, they're shocked, scared and confused and shouldn't be alone right now, they need their parents to sit down with them and talk.
He hugs Vy again, seeing how nervous they are. 
Beginning - Previous - Next
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kpop-cakepops · 5 years
When The Party’s Over // Yoon JeonghanxFem reader
//Here is my first post… it’s kinda angsty y'all, sorry lol. It took a lot for me to finally post it, so please be nice to me. Thank you. Hope you enjoy//
This was inspired by “When The Party’s Over” by Billie Eilish.
Word count: 1,747
Warnings: drinking, cursing, mentions of… kinda cheating??? Putting that in just in case.
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The party had been as all parties were. It was loud, it was packed, it was stuffy, and it reeked of alcohol and weed… but it was also one thing you wanted it to be more than anything else. It was a distraction from him. Although he partied a lot too, you made it a mission to be at every party he wasn’t, avoiding him like the plague… and it had worked.
Until now.
You had been moving around the crowded “dance floor” not really dancing, not really standing, just letting yourself be dragged and groped between the group of what seemed like almost 50'ish people. Sweaty limbs meeting your skin and while you usually would rather no one touch you, your low levels of intoxication made it bearable.
That is until he walked in. Swinging the door open in a very Jeonghan manner, 2 24 packs of beer in his arms and a pretty woman trailing not too far behind him. Everyone cheered… except for you.
A soft huff left your lips as you wriggled around people making sure you weren’t seen, looking over your shoulder every few moments only to find that he was already being crowded by friends and admirers that wanted to get any type of interaction from him. Funny how a month and a half ago you would’ve also been up front in that crowd vying for his attention.
You grabbed your thick jacket from the couch you’d set it on and covertly walked toward the sliding glass doors that led to the backyard of the large house, not before managing to take a 12 pack with you.
A soft ding announced the arrival of a text message, but you didn’t care to look at it. You were too busy finding a place around the empty backyard to sit in and ending up choosing one of the lounge chairs by the pool. Any other day, the backyard would have been full with people running around ass naked and drunkenly cannon balling into the warm water… but that day there was snow piling on the grass around it. No one would want to come out when there was heat and dancing and Yoon Jeonghan inside.
No one but you.
You took a beer from your freshly stolen pack and leaned back on your chair staring up at the night sky, no stars in sight, only the moon and the reflection of the artificial city lights. It was peaceful enough; drinking beer alone out in the cold while looking at the fake lights… it wasn’t much different than being inside drinking in the warmth and surrounded by fake friends… you were alone in either of those scenarios anyways.
“Well look who decided to show up.”
That voice sent a chill down your spine but you’d managed to hide any feeling well. Could you say you were surprised that he’d manage to find you? Not really. It was in his nature, no matter how much you hid, it was Yoon Jeonghan that would find you.
“Look at you trying to be edgy alone, drinking by the pool while it’s 15 degrees out. It’s fucking cold-”
“Then go back inside” you managed and opened another beer. “I don’t recall asking you to come out here. Matter of fact, I don’t recall talking to you at all.”
There was silence and then the crunch of snow underneath shoes. To your dismay they were coming closer instead of going away. “So you’re still mad at me.”
A sigh left your lips and you sat up taking your phone out and texting your friend Wonwoo to pick you up from the party if he wasn’t too busy.
A small chuckle left Jeonghan’s lips as he watched you ignore him. It was like seeing you angry made him happy. You weren’t sure if that pissed you off or broke your heart. “Wow, it seems like you use your brain now too… get lost Jeonghan.”
“When will you get over it? I slept with Lina almost what? 2 months ago? I haven’t seen her since.” He said. A small cloud of smoke making it’s way towards you causing you to scrunch your nose.
You stared back up at the sky and closed your eyes wishing he hadn’t mentioned that again. Yet him saying only managed to transport you back to the day.
Walking into your apartment to find clothes scattered around, some clearly belonging to your best friend, Lina, who you’d allowed to crash in your place while she found a place to live. The same one that you’d spent countless of nights telling about the love you felt for Yoon Jeonghan, your childhood best friend. 
You had sat in your living room unable to do much other than sit and wait it out as they made a mess of your room. You hadn’t even been able to cry about it. You felt shocked and disgusted and used.
The first to walk out of your room was Jeonghan, around his neck was the very necklace you’d given him when you were kids. A tiny paper airplane that had meant a lot to you both. One identical to his hung from your own neck. And yet, he had it on while he had sex with another woman in your home, on your bed. 
“Oh… when did you get here?” He had asked.
“Get out.” You softly said as you stood and walked past him and towards your bedroom where Lina was standing wrapped in your sheets and looking at the ground. “Both of you. Leave.” 
“Y-y/n. I can explain.” She managed. But you weren’t going to hear it. With a fistful of her hair you dragged her towards your front door not caring if all she was wearing was the only set of bed-sheets you owned. You were going to throw them out afterwards anyways. 
“Hey! Hey! Y/N Chill” Jeonghan’s voice only made you see red. 
“Get the fuck out. Don’t fucking talk to me. Get out!” You yelled shoving him out behind Lina. “Don’t ever show your face to me again asshole.”
You were brought back by the slight shift of your chair. Jeonghan had taken a seat right by your feet and he was staring at you. Dark eyes tracing your features. “You cut your hair.” He noted “and you lost weight… are you not ea-”
“I thought I told you I didn’t want to see your face again. What do you want?”
He leaned back and smirked. “For you to stop acting like a baby and start talking to me again. You’ve missed out on some really good parties.”
“Thanks for the offer. But I’ll pass.” You answered as you stood from your seat and grabbed what was left of the 12 pack you’d smuggled out of the party. “Here, keep these, you kinda ruined my drinking mood.” Dropping the beers onto his lap you started towards the sliding doors again, only to be brought to a stop by Jeonghan’s grip on your arm.
“You and I, we weren’t dating.” He mumbled. “You have no reason to be mad at me.”
It took you a few seconds to collect yourself. Were you ready to have that conversation? Did you really want to have that fight?
You did.
“You fucked my best friend, Jeonghan-”
“So what? I’m not your boyfriend. You know how I am.” He grit through his teeth. “It’s no secret that I don’t want a relationship.”
“I wasn’t fucking asking you for one.” You shoved him away from you and glared at him. “I never fucking asked to be your girlfriend… you know how I feel about you, you always have known. I’ve never made it a secret, and although I knew you would never give me what I wanted from you, I expected you to at least be a half decent human being. I expected you to respect me at least a little. Just little enough to not fuck a girl in my own house, on my own fucking bed Jeonghan.”
You were crying. Why were you crying? Jeonghan reached his hand out to you, eyes softened as he realized there was tears on your cheeks. “Y/N-”
“Y/N what?! What now?! You’re gonna push your bullshit ‘I’m bad for you’ agenda again?! You’re gonna say that you warned me? That I should’ve stayed away from you? Fuck you Jeonghan. You keep telling me all these stupid things but you somehow never take responsibility for shit.” Once the words start, you can’t stop them. “Since we were kids you’ve done what you want, you’ve gotten what you want, said what you want without regard for anyone but yourself. You’re selfish, you’re spoiled, you’re a fuckboy, you think you know everything there is to know and somehow I still pushed my feelings away and gave you my friendship… but you don’t know shit about friendship or love. You don’t know shit Jeonghan.”
“What the fuck am I supposed to do?! That’s who I fucking am, Y/N-”
“SAY YOU’RE SORRY JEONGHAN” your voice is loud and shrill and gross, but you want to be heard. “You never say you’re sorry! You never admit you’re wrong Jeonghan!”
His chest is rising and falling as he watches you wipe at your face in anger. “It’s not my fault…” he musters quietly.
You scoff in defeat and stare down at your feet. The chain of your airplane necklace suddenly felt heavy and hot and suffocating. You fingers gripped at the dainty thing and tugged on it hard enough to break the clasp behind your neck. “Yeah… it never is your fault.” You said throwing the necklace at his feet.
“Pick it up.” He ordered.
Behind you the glass door leading to the house opened.
“Y/N?” Your friend Wonwoo was behind you now calling for you, ready to take you back home.
“Pick it up, Y/N.” Jeonghan repeated himself.
You didn’t say a word and made your way towards the familiar form standing next to the house you’d walked out from. “Let’s go” you mumbled between sniffles.
“That’s enough… let her go.” Mumbled the taller man before following you back into the house leaving Jeonghan angry and kicking at the chair you’d been sitting in only moments before.
The tiny paper airplane in the grass reflecting the moonlight almost mockingly while Wonwoo’s words repeated in his head like a mantra.
“Let her go.”
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//I can’t believe I did it. I am willing to post a second part to this if you all want. Also will be posting a drabble list soon for you everyone to choose from! Let me know what you think!!//
Part 2 is now up!
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lilymanaged · 5 years
just a little bit of your heart
hello its me, ya girl, back with fic
okay so this was originally supposed to be part of a longer fic, but I lost the motivation because I moved tf on (there was a boy, he sucked, I began to write, then I realized that he was not worth my energy so I stopped), but I really kinda like this bit so here is it! in the original fic, there was supposed to a redemption arc, but obviously that isn't going to happen. enjoy anyway!
It started when she was fifteen.
She had known him before, of course - hard not to know someone who lives just across the common room from you, who was so visible at all times, who was so beloved by students and teachers alike. He was the star of the Quidditch team already, lapping the upperclassmen in skill and devotion. He was the top of the class, naturally smart and hardworking. He Was...and she Was Not. And that’s just the way it was.
Something had changed that day, mid-January, Charms classroom. It was bitterly cold outside, but the castle was warm and bright.
Maybe it was the light from the fire lit behind Professor Flitwick’s desk, or the snow falling gently outside the castle, or maybe Lily had just tilted her head to the perfect angle that her hair fell off her shoulder to reveal her neck in an appealing way, but he approached her as she was packing up her things, halting her movements. She looked at him, wide-eyed, and he smiled charmingly down at her.
“Hey,” James said, voice deep. She shivered. “I’m sorry to ask this of you, but I am really just not understanding mobility charms. You know, summoning, banishing, those kinds of things. Would you mind helping me out a bit later? You’re the only person here who seems to get it.”
Lily’s mouth responded before her brain could catch up. “And what’s in it for me? I don’t reveal my secrets for just anyone, and definitely not for free.”
He chuckled, eyes alight with mirth. “Name your price.”
Lily blushed, stepping back a little. He shifted his weight forward, almost following her, and watched intently as she gathered her books into her arms, pressing them against her chest tightly in a vague attempt to force her heart to slow.
“Flying lessons,” she said, shocking herself a little. “My secrets for yours.”
He nodded, stepping fully into her space. At this point, they were the only ones left in the classroom, the rest of the students on their way to lunch already.
“My secrets for yours,” he repeated, reaching out to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. “You’re dangerous, Red.” Lily’s eyes widened, staring up at him in disbelief. His gaze shifted downward, searching her face and causing her flush to deepen.
“Dangerous?” she replied, voice faint.
“Yeah,” he breathed, eyes locking with hers. “Dangerous. For me. I’ll see you later.”
With that, he stepped away, looking over her one more time before turning and exiting the classroom. Lily slumped back down to her stool, placing her books on the table and pressing her forehead to them. She struggled to catch her breath and slow her erratic heart, cursing James Potter mildly in her head, dreading what might happen later.
What she had originally written off as a minor crush, maybe a physical attraction, soon bloomed into full-blown infatuation. Their study sessions stopped being study sessions very quickly, turning into conversations that left Lily shaking slightly under his intense attention. James was nothing if not engrossed in everything she had to say, and she often felt herself losing focus when his eyes met hers, burning with curiosity or confusion. Although they never got anywhere with the flying, really, Lily felt herself being less reluctant to share her so-called secrets as time went on. As long as James kept looking at her that way, he could frankly have whatever he wanted from her.
Which is why, come March, she had given him almost every piece of her heart, despite his lack of asking nor any confessed desire for it. Lily would all but float up to her dorm after spending time with James, gushing to Marlene and Dorcas about every word he said, every time his hand brushed hers, while Mary looked on warily.
“Lily, has he asked you out?” she asked one day in April, eyebrows knit as she sat next to Lily on the window seat of their dorm. The turret looked out onto the grounds, and Lily was looking over the grass, eyes glazed over dreamily, ignoring the book situated in her lap. They were supposed to be studying for their upcoming exams in June.  
“James, Lily. Has he asked you out yet?” Mary continued, eyes searching Lily’s face.
Lily’s brows knit together, and her smile dropped a bit. “No, Mare. He hasn’t.”
“Why do you think that is?”
Lily shifted in her seat, refusing to meet Mary’s eyes. After a moment, she looked up, tears in her eyes. “I don’t know,” she replied, exasperated, voice thick. “I don’t know.”
Mary turned toward Lily, pulling her friend into her arms. She allowed Lily to cry, stroking her hair gently until the sobs subsided. After a while, Lily pulled away, standing up.
“I think I’m just going to go to bed. Can we study tomorrow?” Mary nodded, and Lily walked away. She climbed into bed, pulling the canopy curtains closed abruptly.
The next morning, Lily was hyper-aware of James, and actively forced herself to be positive around him, upbeat. He sat beside her at breakfast, laughing at all her snarky jokes and playing with the ends of her hair. She felt Mary’s eyes on her, and resolutely ignored her, choosing instead to focus on the positive: James was right beside her, and it felt like she was bathing in his warm glow. Internally, she felt pathetic, vying for any scrap of love he would throw her way, but she was also resolutely ignoring that feeling.
Lily was focusing on the positive.
She was positive that this was going to crush her when it was all over.
And then, everything was fine until it wasn’t. The next year passed in a blur, and nothing changed between them. Lily watched as James dated other people, anyone who wasn’t her, while still calling her his best girl, holding her close and yet an arm’s length away. She tells herself that he is scared - scared of the depth of emotion between them, the absolute understanding that exists when they look at one another. He calls her dangerous to him, a minx sent to drive him crazy, tells her that she’s worth a million of him, places her on a pedestal when all she wants is for him to reach over and take her, choose her, love her. And yet, he never does quite pick her.
A little after Christmas of their fifth year, Lily gets mad and starts to date too, fueled by a desire to show him how it feels, show him what he is missing. Bertram Aubrey, a Ravenclaw in the year above them, agrees to a date to Hogsmeade and, before she even realizes it, she actually starts to like him. Spending time with Aubrey takes her away from James, and the horrible, heartsick feeling he represents. Bert is kind to her, attentive, enjoys her company. And so, she lets it happen.
She is happy with Bert, she realises one day in early April. The feeling takes her aback — she didn’t know she would really feel happy with someone who wasn’t James — and she decides she likes it. She tells Bert, and he is elated, kissing her breathless in the hallway in front of everyone. She smiles brightly at him, and ignores the lingering sensation of guilt in the back of her mind.
And everything is fine, until it isn’t.
Because now, here she is, standing by the Lake after their Transfiguration OWL, staring James down. He’s laughing, and his friends laugh with him. Snape is shouting abuse, and then she is too, telling James to leave Severus alone.
He will, he says, smile widening as he looks at her. It’s a nice smile, and Lily’s heart beats a little faster when she sees it. She quickly admonishes herself, waiting for the punchline.
“....if you go out with me.”
She starts, face heating up, and the words hang in the air between them. He’s making fun of her, she realises, playing on the love that she keeps tucked away inside herself, Lily’s worst kept secret. Lily feels whatever is left of her heart inside her chest break, shatter into a million pieces right in front of his eyes, and shouts at him for the first time.
James stumbles back as if he had been smacked in the face, and Lily gets a little thrill in her chest at his shocked expression. She blacks out a little, emotions high as the exchange continues and Snape ends the last remote traces of their feeble friendship.
When she finally walks away, surface emotion a disgusted rage - at Snape, at James, and mostly at herself for thinking anything would ever change. She frantically makes her way all the way to her dorm, throwing herself on her bed, and unleashes all the pent up frustration and hurt. Her roommates return about a half hour later, presumably after hearing every detail of the big showdown, to the room absolutely trashed. Lily allowed the magic to flow through her, and it resulted in slashed curtains, broken pillows, shoes and clothes littering the floor. Mary and Emmeline curl themselves around her in her bed and Marlene and Dorcas put the room to rights, and Lily cries until she falls asleep. Later, when she looks back on that afternoon by the Lake, Lily recognizes it as the true end of her childhood — any lingering optimism or romantic hopes had shattered the moment her heart did.
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deliciousscaloppine · 5 years
The Blood is the Life (Part 2)
Vampire AU. Nie Mingjue is captured by the vampire coven of Qishan and turned into a vampire so he can wipe out the monster-slaying Nie Clan of Qinghe for them. Meng Yao is his mortal lover, a witch’s son and a witch himself who covets his vampire gift of immortality. And Huaisang is the empath prince who observes their relationship through his trained birds vying for recognition and affection.  Also Huaisang’s girl harem from their arrival at Sun Scorching Palace is in this one too. Also some good old “I don’t know” Huaisang.  
He at first thought the ruckus had been a sudden storm. He had jumped out of his silken bedding to see his wall of cages in a frightful disarray, some had even fallen on the floor. And every single bird was screeching and fluttering like mad.
“Prince!” Biyu had said and moved closer to him, unseathing her sword.
All of them in an instant had  grasped their swords and circled his bed as if to protect him. Dressed as they were in their nightgowns they made for a fearsome sight, from some fearsome tale.
“What on earth is going on?”
“It's some creature” Fengfang said wildly. “It has breached the fortress!”
“That's impossible” Huaisang uttered, his eyes falling on the mad birds in the fallen cages, clawing and screeching frightfully. Could it be true?
“Do not be afraid, help me stand” he said and rising he moved closer to the door that led to the courtyard.
“Be careful, prince, you are unarmed” Mingzhu urged, but followed him nonetheless with her sword in hand.
Truly Huaisang could sense the great spiritual upheaval from the other residents of the fortress. There was truly an intruder, but under such close scrutiny he had no hopes of entering the mind of the creature. He opened the door and peered, the guard had set several torches to light the darkness that was surrounding them from every side.
Not even the moon or the stars shone in the sky. That was truly suspicious, only the Qishan coven could blacken the sky so with thick smoke. If his brother had been here they wouldn't have dared though. A wave of Baxia could split the very clouds, raining heavenly light on any vampire creature that approached. And the moon of Qinghe, unobstructed and illuminating the desert plains was as fearsome to them as the sun.
There was great turmoil underneath as a heavily armed guard approached ready for battle with this invisible intruder. But then a great silence followed. They formed themselves in neat rows as if for some exercise, and patiently waited even though they were terrified.
“We should go back inside” Fengfang said.
“It's no less dangerous inside than it is here” he offered and it was true. If a vampire creature had managed to infiltrate the Unclean Realm, then it would slaughter them all, but he didn't share this depressing truth with the rest of the girls.
Suddenly a frightening roar could be heard from the central hall. Huaisang would have sworn it was his brother's voice. He had heard his cries of battle many times, but this didn't sound like such a cry. It was almost a wail as if someone had struck him. He could feel every human in the Unclean Realm shiver with fear then. Such collective emotion was so strong it easily overpowered his mind. But then he felt something else, something indescribeable, something he shouldn't be able to sense. An individual.
It was impossible for him to feel a person individualy, especially in such a turmoil, but there it was sharp as a blade. Someone was in tremendous agony. Oh no, he thought. Even though he was not sure what was his distress about this. Then the door of the great hall opened, and out of it stumbled Meng Yao, as if seeking air. He wore a strange gown patterned with red blotches, he had never seen him wear before. He seemed in agony, but what Huaisang felt wasn't him. In fact the harder he tried to pry his mind, the more impossible it seemed to him. Then he saw it! Meng Yao's neck had received a brutal blow, and he was bleeding. The blotches on his clothes were not patterns but his own blood. 
Pale and bloody Meng Yao collapsed before the court and Huaisang cried in terror. As if what had injured him, was now after him too. In fact he felt that urge, a blind urge to kill coming from the fearsome creature inside his brother's hall.
Meng Yao's eyes followed the scream to him and he quickly rose. “Protect the prince” he growled and then fell again before the elderly steward arrived to help him.
Huaisang didn't have time to register what was happening. Several soldiers of came up the stairs, pushing him and his lovely companions back inside, driving them deep, almost to the corner with the fallen cages. There they remained, everyone even the soldiers shivering with fear, even as they clutched their weapons, pointing them at the door.
They stayed like this all night until the sun came up. And only when the rays of the sun touched the windows of his rooms did anyone relax. In fact collectively they all slumped onto the floor sighing with relief and beginning to talk amongst them. Huaisang was so exhausted that he fell asleep right there among the soldiers and the maidens and the swords. He didn't wake up before afternoon and he was a little surprised when he discovered Biyu, Fengfang and Mingzhu also piled up and huddled on the same quilt as with him.
It would have made for an exciting turn of events had he not the clarity of mind to worry about state affairs. He disentangled his limbs carefully as to not rouse the girls, and dressing quickly he descended to the courtyard clutching in his hand his favorite fan. Everything was as orderly as it was the day before. As if nothing had happened the previous night. Nothing betrayed the great crisis, other than the drowsy expressions of some guards. 
He hurried to court expecting to find his brother seated on his throne, somehow having appeared and resolved the whole thing for them, but to his misfortune the court was entirely empty. Not even a captain or a steward appeared.
It was the most shocking thing of them all. Had his brother been here, everyone would have been in their positions, offering their reports and bickering over trivial details for a little recognition. The throne of Qinghe was empty. Its court gone. Huaisang had never before experienced such existential terror. To whom would he address his petitions from now on? Not even Meng Yao was there. But of course why would he, he had been injured the night before.
Huaisang darted outside, seeking through the labyrinth of the court officials' residents, the room that belonged to Meng Yao. He had never walked to it of course, he remembered it only from the many times he had his moths and birds visit it to spy on him. But even if he had never been there before, it wouldn't be difficult to find it today. It seemed like part of the court had flocked to it. He saw many officials on his road there, and some of them were even assembled before his door talking in hushed tones.
They all parted respectfully as he approached. That was a first. It wasn't that he was disliked, but even at his age he was still very much treated like an eight year old child. Not that such a thing did not come with its perks, it was easy to get his way around them, and easier to have them ignore him when it came to distributing important government tasks. So today was a new day indeed. He recognized immediately the two students of the chief physician, politely remaining outside in kneeling positions before the door as their master inside undoubtedly treated Meng Yao.
He almost climbed over them to get to the room. Meng Yao palid and exhausted rested seated before a desk, where a written report with a red seal was opened. The physician, sitting next to him took his pulse before summoning one of his students to attend them. Meng Yao was the first to take notice of him, at the door. He nudged the physician aside and without speaking reached for the report on his desk, only to offer it to him.
“You are now the king of Hejian. Lord Nie Mingjue has ordained your succession.” he said achingly yet still managed to bow to him as if he was before some great lord and not silly, oblivious Nie Huaisang. 
Huaisang couldn't believe it. He took the report on hand, and there it was in his brother's handwriting an order of succession, sealed with his his own seal, the one he took with him on journeys and battlefields to sign official commands.
Huaisang had to seat somewhere, even if that was the floor. Was this witchcraft or reality?
“But where is my brother?” he managed to ask after a while.
Meng Yao straightened himself with some difficulty as if perplexed by such a question.
“Is it not enough that he has made you king?” he asked with the same perplexing honesty.
They physician bowed to them both.
“Assistant Meng Yao has been greatly abused this night. We must allow him to rest before he is to answer your lordship's questions.”
Huaisang made sounds in his throat as if he would have liked to ask more questions, but the physician had already stood up from his position, and with every respect he was gently ushering him outside. If Huaisang was really king, shouldn't he interview any servant he liked? Or was his behavior such a gross display of insensitivity that was unbecoming of a leader.
He didn't know what to feel. He only remembered Meng Yao's eyes curiously trained on him as if he was seizing up an enemy.
The physician took him outside where it was bright and sunny like any other day, and soon he found himself in the company of many court officials who gently but suredly shepherded him towards the throne. He was made to sit upon it and receive not only piling up reports, but also the many questions of unaware officials who wanted to know his opinions on important matters.
All through this ordeal he could not but mutter: “I don't know, I don't know, I really don't know.”
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danipopplers · 6 years
Mirrored Masks Chapter 2 is here!
You can read it on AO3 and FF.Net as well!
It was months before Reiner had another chance to interact with Krista. Late summer had drifted in early winter over those months, bringing in a cold that chilled them in their bunks, but had yet to produce their first snow. After their late return during that field test, Ymir had shadowed Krista’s every move, and hadn’t left her side during another field test. She sat next to her at every meal and traded chore assignments with others to maintain their proximity. Whether out of concern or to keep her to herself, Reiner couldn’t tell. Not that he noticed. He had his own goals to worry about.
Reiner was quickly climbing the ranks of the trainees. His brute strength combined with his tenacity and previous knowledge was aiding him. Not everyone had trained exhaustively for years prior to entering the military. Excelling at every test they threw his way, he was surpassed only by Eren’s friend- that stoic freak of nature, Mikasa. Not that he minded. The goal wasn’t to be the best- just top ten. Just good enough.
Reiner was a little shocked to find he was actually enjoying his time in the camp, and he and Bertolt were gaining the other trainees trust at a rapid rate. He was, however, finding it increasingly difficult to maintain his distance emotionally from the other soldiers. They shared every waking minute together, from eating to washing to sleeping. Trainees told him the stories of their home, many of which were devastated when the wall was invaded all those years ago. When they broke the wall. The closer he got to them, the easier it became to just shove the warrior part of himself back in his mind. He smothered it during those moments so that he could maintain his composure. If he didn’t, he would scream every time Eren began to rant, railing at the stories of horror and loss internally. So Reiner became the soldier during the day, if only for some respite from the howling in his mind.
Watching Krista helped calm the madness. Her goodness, her purity was an anchor in his blustering mind. She became his North Star, as untouchable as the ball of gas billions of light-years away, but just as necessary as its location in the sky. As foreign and unreachable as that guiding light. So he forced himself to be content with observing her and letting her steer him from afar. If he hadn’t been observing her, he never would have noticed she had fallen during the field test that day, months after the first.
The instructors chose a different trainee to lead the drill each time, raffling through the names. Today, it was Ymir. She had scowled, eyes darting down to Krista for a moment, but in the end, protesting would do nothing but earn her a second run and no dinner. That had left Krista unescorted for the first time in months. Not that it would make any difference to him, he sternly reminded himself. He still had his own score to think of, and Krista routinely came in towards the end of the group.
“The drill today is 15 kilometers of hill running in full gear,” Instructor Shadis barked, ignorant to the groans it elicited in his students. Krista deflated slightly, and Reiner grimaced. Even for him, this was no short order. Full gear was a hard demand, and 15 kilometers was much more than they’d covered in gear. Training was starting to ramp up for them it seemed.
“Anyone who returns past dinner will not receive any, just like always. You should be used to that by now,” he growled, eyeing them down. Their breath fogged in the early morning cold of the yard. The day didn’t promise any warmer weather as they were beginning the slow descent from late fall to early winter. “Our leader,” he continued, with a sharp glance at Ymir, “will set the pace. Make sure it’s a quick one.”
Ymir had not let the instructor down in the slightest. The clip she kept them at was grueling, and the standard stragglers had already began to lag behind after 2 kilometers. Mikasa, Bertolt, Jean, and Annie were keeping pace with, if not ease, at least minor difficulty. Connie and Sasha lagged just behind them, too busy trading jokes about their exhaustion to be bothered with vying for first place. Armin and Eren had paired off towards the back of the pack, to keep each other company, and Krista was dead last, already panting with exertion. Reiner was more cognizant of that fact than he was comfortable admitting to himself. He struggled to maintain his spot in the middle, close enough to the front that Bertolt wouldn’t give him an odd side eye, but far enough back that he could watch her. The flush creeping up her neck to bloom in her cheeks, despite the sharp cold, bore witness to her effort. It was because of his proximity that he noticed when she went down.
If it hadn’t been for the root, Krista was sure she would’ve made it to the end just fine. It didn’t matter that her lungs were burning from exertion. She could’ve run through her small calves cramping in the cold. The sharp sting in her nose at every icy inhale could’ve been ignored and pushed through. But that damn root.
Her left foot snagged on it after kilometer four, sending her sprawling face first into the dirt. The frigid temperature and the trainees’ boots had packed the ground tightly, leaving nothing but a hard, flat surface for her to face plant into. Outstretched palms broke her fall, just barely, but she could still feel the way her face scraped into the dirt, tearing at the soft flesh of her cheek. As her chin smacked against the ground, her teeth bit down on her tongue. Blood bloomed in her mouth.
“Krista! Are you ok?” a deep, panicked voice called to her before a large set of boots filled her blurry vision. Then knees as the speaker knelt in front of her. Déjà vu.
“We have to stop meeting like this.” Krista smiled softly up at the concerned face of Reiner, before turning to spit out the blood pooling in her mouth. Very dignified. If only her relatives could see her now. He let out a nervous chuckle, and slung his pack off his shoulder.
“Well that answers my question,” he replied, and gently he reached over to right her. Even through her winter jacket, she could feel the heat of his hands on her arms, pulling her to an upright position. She hissed in pain as she sat back on her legs, and shifted to pull them out from under her. Nothing felt broken, but her left ankle felt funny. The sting in her palms and face were more pressing though, throbbing insistently as they demanded the bulk of her attention.
“What hurts worst?” Reiner asked, eyes roving over her face and form critically. It was clinical, devoid of a hint of arousal, but Krista felt her face heat anyways. Thinking of someone like Reiner looking at her like that made her stomach clench pleasurably. In response to his question, he held up her scraped hands to him, and stuck out her bitten tongue. She watched his eyes widen at the sight before he let out a sharp bark of laughter.
“’Oo asthed,” she pointed out, tongue still poked out of her mouth, before retracting it with a giggle. “My palms took the worst of it I think,” she amended.
Carefully, Reiner took her hands in his and turned them over to face palm up. Her icy hands fit entirely inside of his heated ones and she hummed in gratitude at the temperature difference.
“I can bandage these up for you,” he said, turning to dig in his bag. “But I can’t do anything about the tongue, I’m afraid.”
His eyes flashed with amusement as he shot a quick smile her way. He transferred both of her hands into one of his, and unrolled the bandage one handed, using his teeth to tear off the edge. With great care, he gently wrapped her palms, one at a time, and tied them up neatly. The throbbing decreased as he worked, settling to a dull ache by the time he completed his ministrations.
“Oh, that feels much better,” Krista sighed.
“You…have one more…” Reiner reached out a hand to cup her face. It took all her self control to not lean her frigid cheek into his scalding palm. Goosebumps swept up her arms at the sudden heat. She remembered how warm he’d felt the last time he’d helped her too. Maybe he just ran hot? A faint blush stained his cheeks as he tilted her head to the side to run a thumb over the gash. Krista started at the contact- she hadn’t felt that scrape with her hands protesting so loudly.
“I can’t bandage up that one, but I could clean it…if you want…” His voice dropped off to almost a whisper as he held her face. He stilled, eyes flickering to hers, waiting for her reaction. Silently, she nodded. She hadn’t noticed his eyes before. They were golden. Tawny and burning, like the sun. The intensity of them suited him, she thought. Reiner seemed like an intense person.
Krista felt the loss of his hand when he removed it, but his eyes shifting away from hers was like a broken spell. She released the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding, blinking a few times to clear her still foggy vision. After a moment of digging, he pulled out a small flask, shaking it.
“It’s supposed to warm you by drinking it, but it works just as well for this,” he explained with a grin, which she returned it on instinct.  The strong scent of liquor made her scrunch her nose as he doused the cloth in the foul smelling liquid. Reiner was going to be last with her again, judging by the time he was taking to bandage her up, but when she mentioned it, he simply shrugged and wiped the cloth against the scrape on her cheek. She winced at the sharp sting, but didn’t cry out. Enough people thought she was too weak and useless to be a soldier- the idea of him thinking it also bothered her.
If he noticed her flinch, he didn’t comment on it. Instead, he returned the items to his bag and stood in one smooth motion. She was struck again by deja vu as he held down his large hand to help her stand. He must’ve noticed the eerie similarities as well.
“I promise I won’t yank you too hard this time,” he smirked. In a mirror of his rescue months ago, she almost fell again as he helped her up. Unlike last time, it was not a result of his strength, but her weakness. Krista gasped as white hot pain lanced its way up her left leg from her ankle. Reiner’s grip on her tightened in response, and he slid his other arm around to her back when her knees buckled.
“I guess it wasn’t just some scrapes.”
“I thought my ankle was hurt, but my hands were too distracting for me to notice,” she explained meekly. Holding the foot in question out, she glared down at it like it had personally offended her. Reiner maneuvered himself to crouch again in front of her, sliding his hands down to around her waist to steady her as she wobbled on one leg. Sparks flared down the trail his hands traced down her body, and she willed herself to ignore them. He was just being careful. He was just providing medical attention. What was wrong with her?
Reiner gave her ankle an experimental roll. Krista hissed at the movement, and almost pitched forward. She placed her palms his shoulders to keep her balance as he examined it. His shoulders reached almost past her waist, even with his head bowed. The tips of his ears pinkened as she watched from her vantage point. Was he blushing?  
“It isn’t broken, but I think it is sprained,” he explained, tilting his head up to look at her again. Tawny gold eyes searched her face. “Do you think you can walk?”
With a brave nod, Krista attempted to put weight on the limb. Had Reiner’s hands not already been ghosting at her waist, she would’ve fallen for sure. As it was, she felt his large fingers tighten around her in assurance. Her breath hitched at the sensation.
“You should just go on without me, Reiner,” Krista muttered. She was disgusted with herself for failing- again- but she wouldn’t be the cause of him failing too. “I’ll wait here. Just tell someone I’m here when you get back to camp.”
Reiner stared at her, mouth slightly agape and blinked. Once. Twice.
“You shouldn’t take the point loss just for me. If you hurry, you could probably even catch up with the group,” Krista continued. Why was he looking at her like that? It was like she was suddenly not speaking the same language as him.
The world tilted as Reiner stood, sweeping her legs out from under her as he did so. One arm slid between her back and her bag to grip her side and the other clutched her under her knees. He took extra care to not jostle her foot. Cradling her close to his chest- his very large warm chest, she couldn’t help but notice, he started off down the trail again at a surprisingly fast pace.
“What’re you doing?” Krista squealed in bewilderment. She didn’t try to wiggle away, for fear he might drop her, or trip like she did. Besides, he was so warm. She could already feel the tingling indicating her frozen body was beginning to thaw and was reluctant to give that up so soon.
“Carrying you,” Reiner replied simply.
“But this is against the rules,” she protested weakly. The urge to nuzzle her way closer to the warmth was difficult to ignore with the icy wind whipping around her form as he moved.
“We have almost ten kilometers to go before we reach camp. By the time I made it and sent someone back for you, you’d probably die of exposure. Besides,” he grinned down at her, “they may give me extra points for pulling the hero card. Who knows?”
Reiner willed his heart to still as he held her tiny form close. When she’d snuggled closer to him after a few kilometers, his heart clenched painfully. She was just looking for warmth, he told himself. When she fell asleep with five kilometers to go, he was sure that his heart would burst in his chest.
The trust she was showing him as she slept so silently in his arms was breathtaking. Him. The enemy. The traitor. Not that she knew any of that, to be sure. But she was still trusting him. Krista had such a pure, good heart. Surely she could sense the evil inside of him? And yet she slept.
Speech had failed him when she’d told him to leave her there, wounded in the cold. She wasn’t wrong, he’d probably earn a resounding failure when he showed up last with another recruit in his arms, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about that. At least not at the moment. At the moment, she was warm and soft and small. He was just pleased to have her in his arms, even if it was under special circumstances. His goal was to become an excellent soldier. His goal was to graduate at the top. Bertolt would chastise him when he returned. Annie would scoff at his sentimentality. And he would continue to lie to them and himself that this was nothing more than a ploy to earn sympathy and camaraderie from their fellow trainees, all to further their infiltration. But his pounding heart knew better.
When the lanterns from camp began to peek through the trees and the dinner bell could be heard echoing towards them, Krista began to stir. She rubbed her face back and forth against his chest, mumbling, causing his chest to constrict painfully. Sleepily she opened her eyes, and started at the sight. His chest in her face must not have been what she expected to see.
“Morning sleepyhead,” he chuckled, and then grimaced internally. Sleepyhead? Who said things like that? It was even dark outside! Idiot.
“You carried me this whole way?” He knew he must be hallucinating the awe in her tone, but her face looked so sincere. Her large, blue eyes shone with gratitude. Unconsciously, he straightened and puffed out his chest, tugging her closer.
“It wasn’t that hard. You don’t weigh hardly nothing,” he replied, and jiggled her a bit for emphasis. She yelped in surprise, winding her arms around his neck in response. He could feel the blood rush to his face at her proximity. It was impossible not to smell her scent this close, sugary vanilla and sunshine. Damn it.
“Is that the camp?”
“Yeah, we’re close. We should be there in a few minutes.”
“You should let me walk the rest of the way,” Krista murmured, and Reiner could feel his fingers clench around her small form. She wasn’t wrong. They would both get in loads of trouble if they returned to camp in this state. As it was, they’d be lucky to avoid a lecture and get to eat at all. They were both popular enough with their fellow soldiers that they were almost guaranteed some scraps, but it was never as filling as the full meal. He was, however, reluctant to let her down.
Reiner continued to run in silence for a few more minutes, pretending to mull her proposition over. The lights glowed brighter as they neared the finish line. When they could nearly make out the entrance, he slowed to a stop, and set her down gently. She swayed in place for a moment, testing the feel of her weight on her foot. He knew he looked absurd with his hands hovering anxiously around her, but he didn’t want her to fall again. With nothing more than a grimace, she stood on both feet.
“I think I can walk from here,” she said and grinned up at him. “Thank you for carrying me.”
“It was no problem. Are you sure you can handle it?” Reiner knew he sounded nervous, but there was nothing to be done for it. For some inexplicable reason, the idea of her in pain bothered him immensely.
“I’m sure,” she replied, and began to walk gingerly towards the lights. She favored her left foot heavily, but she was making it. Each step had less of a limp than the one before.
“At least let me carry your gear-” Reiner tried but Krista shook her head insistently.
“You’ve done enough Reiner. I’m fine, I promise.” The way she smiled was so sweet it made his teeth hurt. She was an angel. He’d gotten to hold her in his arms for hours, and she was thanking him for it? Marry me.
Dozens of eyes swiveled their direction when they finally made it into the dining hall. Most were curious, a few were teasing, and at least 3 pairs ranged into hostile. They’d simply deposited their gear outside the door in their haste to make it to eat on time, and were the last ones in. Together.
“Look who finally made it back,” Ymir sneered, eyes narrowed at Reiner from her position at the end of her table. Krista shot him an apologetic smile as she made her way over to her spot next to Ymir.
Bertolt had the decency to look concerned as Reiner dropped heavily onto the bench across  from him. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were seated at the table as well. That was for the best- Bertolt couldn’t reprimand him in the open with them here. He could feel Annie’s eyes boring into him from the other side of the room. She never ate with them. It was considered safer that way. Less suspicion. Besides, he and Bertolt were the ones that were truly friends anyways.
“Why’d you get back so late?” Armin asked politely. “Eren and I thought we were the last ones until we noticed you and Krista missing.”
“Yeah Reiner! Why were you and Krista last?” Eren teased. It earned him a sharp elbow from Mikasa, and Reiner took the opportunity to tear into the bread with his teeth, allowing him some time to consider his answer.
“She hurt her ankle and needed some help on the way back,” he replied after swallowing. He said it calmly and without emotional inflection. No mention of carrying her. No mention of his growing infatuation. No need for details. He hoped Ymir wasn’t giving Krista the third degree at their table, although he was more than certain she was.
“I’m sure if you explained that to Instructor Shadis, he’d give you at least partial marks for the test,” Armin offered, but Reiner shrugged, taking another bite. The points didn’t bother him at the moment. The test had gone pretty damn well, as far as he was concerned.
“You’re becoming quite the hero,” Bertolt commented quietly. Reiner froze mid bite to glance up at him. Bertolt’s eyes bore into his, soft and insistent. An unspoken warning. Reiner huffed.
“Don’t worry Bertolt. I’m not.”
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izayoichan · 3 years
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Chris: Kids can get angry when they're scared and shocked, so keep that in mind when you go in there, and just sit down, and talk. 
He knew he and Hayle could probably talk to Fan and make them understand, but they wanted Vy to do it. Vy nods, looking at Chris.
Vy: They have never gotten mad at me before... I am going to speak with them. I need to explain, I can't have them mad at me and scared. I don't want them to be scared! 
He gives Chris a tight hug giving him a smile.
Vy: Thank you dad. 
With that they rushed after their son. Once he got to the room, he knocked at the door, a gentle knock.
Vy: Fannar? My little star? Can I come in? Can we talk? Please?
Flynn lies down on the bed next to his dad, as much as he didn't like to admit it, falling asleep alone in his room again was a little scary, even though he guessed the familiar would or could not do anything right now. He sighed and closed his eyes, still holding on to his dad's hand. 
Flynn: It stopped, and it looked... surprised when it saw itself in the mirror.. I want to help it, find a way to make it feel less angry and sad.... 
He wasn't sure if it was his dad being there and the room being generally quiet, but it felt like he was finally relaxing. River let's his son use his lap as a pillow, gently rubbing his back as he pulls a blanket over him. He gave Flynn a small smile. There he was, that creature had just tried to kill him and he was thinking about how to help it. 
River: Maybe it didn't like what it saw in the mirror or who it saw in the mirror. What did it look like? Flynn: I don't think it recognized itself properly.. as if they looked different from when they last saw that reflection.. 
He ponders for a bit, the comfort of a blanket over him, and the safety of a dad's lap took away most of the worry, and although he was tired, the painkillers seemed to dull down the headache as well. 
Flynn: Somewhat like uncle Vy but he looked like he hadn't eaten in a long while.. black hair..black and purple scales.. light purple skin.. and I didn't get a good look at their eyes, but they had a glow to them. But very very thin.. and sad.
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