#And he travels with Arcade and Veronica and others in the process.
ruby-static · 1 year
Another update on my first NV playthrough:
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new-vegas-reacts · 3 years
How do you think the companions would react to a lower int courier showing them blatant trust? Like they just give a little suggestion and the courier basically takes that as an order and does exactly what thet only suggested. You could maybe sprinkle in some angst with the courier just not trusting themselves at all.
I feel like this turned out a bit messy I'm sorry! 💚🤎
Arcade: We've all seen how Arcade is with a low intelligence courier. He really does try his best to not offend you and he really does just want to help. When he makes small suggestions, you take them to heart and practically make it a mission. At first he's honored you agree with his ideals, but then grows uncomfortable when you seem to trust him unconditionally. Not all his ideas are steller, and it scares him a little that if he made a wrong call you would do it anyway. He tries to talk to you about it, but you just brush it off that he's obviously the smart one, why shouldn't you listen to him? Then you let it slip at how little you trust yourself and he understands a little more. He makes a deal with you, if you give him more ideas, he'll make the final call. That way you learn to trust yourself a little more.
Boone: At first he thinks it's because he has expierience as a soldier. If your courier is on the young side it makes sense to him, younger people in the NCR followed his lead all the time. But how you did it seemed a little different. If he found out it was mainly because you don't trust yourself, he'd be very awkward about it. "You made it this far." He doesn't understand how deep it runs until later on, especially if it's a side effect of getting shot in the head. Sometimes his dry humor will be confused by you as an order, and he'll have to put a hand on your shoulder to hold you back. It helps him keep and eye on you, and also helps you identify when he's just being sarcastic. Soon he starts giving clipped explanations about why he's giving the suggestions. He hopes that will help you gain confidence in your own thought process.
Cass: She was weirded out by your attitude towards her. You didn't show any reservations about trusting her, even after crawling out of the Mojave Wasteland. It got worse after she started traveling with you, you listened to every opinion she had like it was fact. Maybe she should have been honored about how much you trusted her, but this didn't feel like trust. It felt like blind faith. She tries to keep bringing it up casually, but you just change the subject. She can't decide if it's an accident or not. Eventually she forces you to answer why, and feels a pang of guilt when you explain that you don't trust yourself. "Look I get it, but I can't do all the heavy lifting. We'll split the orders even, yeah? This is a partnership afterall."
Lily: This definitely causes some mischief. Lily is absent minded (an extreme understatement), and if you take all her orders you may wonder in circles in the middle of the Mojave. You're gonna have to make decisions, but it's obvious you're extremely nervous. Even Lily can see that you're questioning everything you say. "Don't worry dearie! Grandma will protect you!" She assures you no matter your orders.
Raul: He instantly knows something is up. At first there's some jabs to try and make you talk about it. "C'mon boss, gonna listen to everything the old man says? Aren't you supposed to do the opposite?" But you just keep brushing him off and taking his orders like they're gospel. Eventually he forces you to talk, not moving until you do so. If you try and brush it off again, "No, Boss. The truth." When he finds out you don't trust yourself he doesn't really no what to feel. He's felt self doubt and self hatred, boy has he felt those, but he doesn't necessarily know how to help. "Boss it doesn't matter if you're smart. You seem pretty good at other stuff anyway. You made it up to Black Mountain, I think you can trust yourself a little."
Veronica: She doesn't mind that you have 'Low Intelligence'. You seem like a genuine person and after her time in the bunker that matters more to her. She was suspicious on why you were hopping on any suggestion she gave, even the ones that weren't that good and seemed to be throw aways. "We could just go charging in, guns blazin'. Wait no I didn't mean it!" If she finds out you don't trust yourself, she's quick to reassure you that you've made good calls in the past, and that she'd tell you if something didn't seem like a good idea.
ED-E: His protocols require him to follow orders primarily. To travel with someone who seems to not want to give orders is definitely not normal. It's hard to communicate with ED-E so you're gonna have to give orders, but you might stay back behind him in fear that you didn't make the right call. ED-E is fine with this of course, just as long as he knows where to go.
Rex: Much like ED-E communication is obviously difficult. When you give commands and seem uncomfortable, Rex will be sure to brush up against your side to reassure you. He'll stick by your side no matter what! The King entrusted him to you so that must mean you're good!
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Hello there. First and foremost I have to say I love theses reactions, specially Cowgirl Wifey who I feel you are spot on with. Now for my question: Companion reactions (including Christine, Blaze Man, Follows, Cloud. Not want to be werewolvie Vulpz) on the Courier having a kid. Example: Cass finding out that she and the Courier are going to have a kid just a week or so after 6 goes off to the Divide/Courier had a night of fun and got babied and Veronica finds out. That so of thing...
I’m not gonna lie I like, don’t really understand your example, so I’m just gonna roll wit it lol
Arcade: The Courier didn’t have to tell Arcade directly that they were pregnant, he noticed the signs. “You’re pregnant aren’t you.” He asked without a question mark. The Courier just nodded in response. Arcade gave a drawn out sigh. He knew that he’d end up being the one doing most of the parenting. He shrugged, “well, not much you can do about it now. Don’t worry, I’ll stick with you... two..” 
Boone: The Courier and Boone had been walking together in silence for some time. They decided to break the awkward silence, by admitted to Boone that they were pregnant. When the Courier looked up from the ground, Boone was already looking at them, they weren’t sure what his expression meant. Boone took his hat off his head, and rubbed the top of his head. “For how long?” The Courier shrugged. “You can’t keep traveling the wasteland like we are now, not for long anyway...” he trailed off. Maybe mapping out where would be the best place to settle. He continued to walk, without talking, still just thinking about their situation. 
Ed-E: Just another thing to protect
Lily: When the Courier told Lily they were pregnant, Lily was thrilled. She clapped her hands in delight, “I can’t believe I’m getting a great grandchild!” Regardless of if the Courier was happy about it or not, Lily would be excited for the both of them. She became extra cautious about touching the Courier. 
Raul: Raul was in the middle of one of his long winded complaints, something about how no one knows just how much worth a lot of junk has. The Courier cut him off but telling him they’re pregnant. Raul was silent for a few seconds, “haha good one boss.” He didn’t believe them, but their silence was enough to tell him they weren’t joking. He chuckled, “boy, the wasteland just keeps on giving me surprises.” He put his hand on the Courier’s shoulder, “You better name it after me.” 
Rex: Well, he’s a dog so he doesn’t understand what, “I’m pregnant,” means, but Rex senses it and protects the Courier far more fiercely than before.
Cass: “You’re WHAT?!” The Courier broke the pregnancy news to Cass, and her expression read astonishment. She rubbed her temples for a moment, inhaled as though she were about to say something, then went back to rubbing them. She sighed heavily, “how did this even happen?” The Courier explained that they had quite the night in one of the strip’s hotels. All Cass could do in response was laugh. She slung her arm around the Courier’s shoulders, “Can’t believe I just lost my drinkin’ buddy!” 
Veronica: “You been acting weird lately, is something wrong? Did I do something? Should I leave?!” The Courier just laughed and told her that they were pregnant. She sighed, “oh is that all..... wait you’re WHAT?!” The Courier could practically see her conflicted feelings on her face. She was equally excited and scared. She weighed the options in her head. On one hand, she loves kids, on the other, it’s hard to raise kids in the wasteland. She shook her head to wake herself up, “whatever, aaAH congrats!!?!? I think??!”
Christine: The Courier admitted that they were pregnant to Christine, and all she did in response was make a face at them. The Courier waited for her to say something, but she just kept holding this face until they explained themselves. She laughed, almost in an exasperated way. “Boy you thought the wasteland was out to kill you as an adult.. Can’t imagine what it’s gonna be like with a kid.” It was almost like she was talking more to herself than the Courier. She gave a quick sigh, and turned to the Courier. “Well, let’s just see how this goes!” 
Joshua: Joshua directly asked the Courier if they were pregnant, they don’t know how he knew. They told him the truth, and he groaned quietly. He didn’t mean for that to be audible. It’s not that he’s never been around children before, but he was never particularly great with them. “You’ll have to talk to Daniel about this. I believe one of the Sorrows would be able to assist you with this.” The Courier could tell he didn’t really want anything to do with this. 
Follows Chalk: Chalk was walking close behind the Courier, when they decided to tell him about their pregnancy. He didn’t respond right away, “Wow. an equal curse and blessings, isn’t it.” It wasn’t quite the reaction the Courier was expecting. Chalk inhaled deeply, “I won’t be much help. Haven’t been around kids much myself, but I’ll be there if you need me.” 
Waking Cloud: When the Courier told Cloud they were having a child, she gasped quietly, and gently clapped her hands. “What news!” She was smiling. “I would be honored to assist with the birthing process.” There’s probably no better person to be with than a midwife, who has had kids herself! 
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mitsybubbles · 4 years
What's the eventual outcome of Dead Money? Like, what happens to the companions and Elijah (only if it's not too spoilery!)
I won’t give away what happens to Elijah (sorry! It’s a spoiler ^^’). Let’s just say he dies lol.
As for the companions, everyone survives and leaves the Madre. Though not together lol. Arcade and Miranda only leave with Christine. They don’t meet the others again until much later in two separate events.
As for Christine, I was thinking she reunited with Veronica, and then she decided to travel for a little bit on her own to process everything that happened to her and figure out what she’s gonna do with herself from there. After some time she’d return to Vegas and properly reconnect with Veronica. It’s been a very long time since they last talked- I think they wouldnt instantly start dating again cause they both changed a lot. They’d need time to reconnect and stuff.
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lady-daydream · 4 years
Fallout New Vegas Companions Reactions/Thoughts on Classical Music
As requested this ones for you @winged-light-collectors-posts , I'm sorry it took so long, I hope this is okay, the reacts aren't as long as I would have liked however I found that got stumped by a few of the characters. If I missed anyone please let me know. And also you seem like a lovely person and your love of classical music was really refreshing :)
Once again I apologise for spelling error, I am horrible at spell checking. If anyone has any imaginations or reactions from fallout 3-4 or new Vegas just comment or send a request. Hope you all enjoy and have an amazing day -Love you all <3
Btw if anyone cares I listened to Tchaikovsky 1812 overture with cannons, Clair De lune Ethereal remix, and chop in Ballade No.4 in F minor ethereal remix while writing 
Arcade: It wasn't the first time he had heard Classical music, due to some of the enclave radios having classical music paired to their broadcasts. Surprisingly, despite the memory of the music being attached to his past he enjoys it. Even commenting to you once or twice when he would recall his mum listening to certain songs when she was alive. He also preferred the soothing factor to classical which he found made it easier to focus compared to some of the limited other choices available. So whenever you both are resting or are setting up camp the both of you may be found relax doing your respected activities such as repairing weapons and reading while Tchaikovsky or Rachmaninov plays in the background.
Boone: He didn't have a strong opinion on what music the courier listened to while traveling with him. While serving he learnt that music of all different genres helped soldiers relax, or reminded them of happier times or just of home. Though he did wander from time to time what the genre of music said about a person.However he normally didn't think too hard about it or just didn't want to go down that rabbit hole of a thought process. Through travelling with you over time he slowly learnt to warm up to some songs, with calmer songs such as those by Chopin being his favourites though he would never tell you. And on rare occasions when you both are travelling and he can see the night sky, the classical music helps him relax enough to close his eyes even for a moment without his own ghosts haunting him.
Cassidy: Similar to Boone, she was indifferent to classical music. Though every so often while travelling with you she may comment  that it reminded her of a few mornings she had woken up in bars across the wasteland, with a hangover stronger than an radscorpions sting. She did find it annoying whenever the courier seemed to stop and become engrossed in the music, moaning how they were burning daylight. However when the both of you are drunk, the both of you may try and make lyrics to classical tunes, curses and dirty lyrics included until the both of you are rolling on the floor laughing on the ground like idiots or somehow turn certain sounds in the songs into drinking games.
Ed-e: The both of you enjoy classical music, the robot bopping along with the courier whistling along side. It always made you smile when you would hear happy beeping noises whenever a certain song would comes on the radio. After travelling for a while, Ed-e starts to play certain tunes himself, some of which he must have recorded while Whitley was in the room, as sometimes a person humming or a small mutter or comment can be heard. You knew how important Whitley was, almost like a father to Ed-e as after a while the mans comments blend into the music itself . However you wandered if Ed-e recorded the two of you listening to music similar to Whitley as sometimes while stopping to set up camp for the night Ed-e seems oddly quiet while the two off you listen to your pip-boy. However even if he was recording you didn't mind, you were more happy that Ed-e saw you as important enough to him to want to remember your times together.
Follows-Chalk: Neither of you had really listened to classical before meeting, and Follows-Chalk hadn't heard it at all. However while searching for a certain radio station while travelling with him you stumbled across the classical music station. Follows-chalk instantly loves it. Whistling some of the tunes he had heard while you travel together. Sometimes commenting on the differences between the music he had heard from the travelling singer when he was younger as well as some of the songs his tribe would sing. He would sometimes even teach you some in return for playing some classical music. He always has questions about the artists and their meanings, which you would often reply that it was up to him and how the music made him feel. And so sometimes when the both of you are travelling you may share what the music makes you both feel and think of, helping you both understand each other better.
Joshua: Listening to it was a kick from the past, as memories of listening to it while he was living in New Canaan with his family long before Caesar come flooding back the first time he heard or listening to it. He tried to enjoy the music as much as possible,trying to hold on to the more positive memories of his family- of his father and mother listening to it while doing other activities, memories childhood friends and the misadventures of kids all while having classical music in the background as they all got up to mischief. These memories did leave a smile that hurt as it pulled at burnt calloused skin. However through listening he was also reminded of the absences.The new Cannans destruction, of his family's and friend death. How his love of the music had dissolved as he got closer to Caesar and further away from his childhood and home. You notice he gets slightly quieter when you play the music and If you ask him if he is okay he will comment on these memories, not going into too much detail unless questioned further, respecting your one associations of the music don't need to be shared with his. After travelling a while, slowly he would try and dissociate the music with his memories replacing them with more positive moments while travelling you or just letting the sound of the music flow through him. On very rare occasion he might even ask you if he may offer to dance, commenting that he learnt from a few dances and events the town had in his youth. Mostly however, he is just glad he was able to listen to the music with you, using the calming music to just focus on the two of you and the peace the music brought him.
The King: On first listening he didn't like it. He didn't mind you listening to it if he saw it made you happy; however, he would always recommend songs from ‘the king” on holotapes he had. Both of you at first choose to respect each other's opinions. After a while though both of you made a deal. For every song he listened to of your preferred genre of music, you would listen to one he wanted you to listen to. So it became a routine. Whenever he knew you had a long journey he would slip you holotapes with songs such as ‘suspicious minds’ and ‘stuck on you’ and in return when alone The king would listen to the radio station you recommended. After a while you both soften up to each others music and as the both of you got closer you both associate certain lyrics and songs to each other, with the songs ‘Can't Help Falling In Love’ and ‘Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No.2′ holding a special place in both of your hearts. When things get more serious, he might even sing small medley of songs from either genres that you stated you like more, and would even nickname you his ‘symphony’ or his “song bird” if you try to sing any of the songs he likes. 
Raul: When you listened to classical music with him for the first time he laughed, sarcastically commenting on “isn't this music a little too old for you, boss?” or “Mi abuela would have loved you”. Plus if you enjoyed the music he didn't really mind. If the radio station had different regional classical music, Raul would happily translate any lyrics if need be if he recognised it, commenting of different memories of his family if the both of you were comfortable enough sharing.Unlike other companions he was able to educate you on some of the instruments used and just the basic knowledge he would have known before the bombs fell. Once or twice though if you are both relaxed (and if you have had a few to drink) you might ask him to dance to some of the more energetic classical songs. And though he will resort to comments about his knees can't handle dancing, and how “you are a few 100 years too late to be asking him to dance”. He still will dance anyway laughing at the joy you brought with you - as well as both of your dancing ability.
Veronica: ’”Didn't think classical music was your thing, but hey to each their own I guess- was told it helps focus, but idk.If I had someone playing a violin next to me I'm pretty sure I would have a difficult time focusing”. She had listened to music before meeting you, however much preferred learning pre-war information from long forgotten technology more than listening to it. As such whenever you are both listening she would randomly tell you small random facts about composers such as “.hey, did you know Edvard Grieg had a good-luck figurine. It was a little frog that he would pat before a concert- found that out on an old library achieve. wonder why he thought the frog was so lucky. - hey maybe I'm your lucky charm y/n”. However she wonders why classical music was associated with intelligence at the time since, anyone can listen to the music, so what made it so intellectual, or was it just that the skill it takes to play an instrument made it associated with knowledge.
Ulysses:He collects all pre-war music he can. He enjoys listening to just his surrounding and the silence that would sometimes bring. He also enjoys focusing on music and was surprised by how many classical music recordings he found while travelling. He enjoyed what each song means by its self but also how the music and the meaning behind it still remained even years after their creators and original audiences had died. He did sometimes wonder what message the listeners were supposed to take away however he knows that answer is one of many lost by time. At first he is rather hesitant about even bringing up the subject, due to you're association of destroying the traces of the old world, However through gaining his trust he slowly opens up about it and will let you sit and listen with him.He will sometimes ask you what you think the meaning is or what you think of the song and sometimes comment that he wonder if the creators would imagine someone like him listening to their music, a lone man sitting one the edge of a cliff, watching over the past while protecting the present from the threats of tunnelers and marked men or the significance their music would have on a person. When you join him, you normal listen in silence broken by occasional discussion. Allowing you both you be in your own thought. However even if it is just your presence next to him or you holding his hand or sometimes falling asleep resting against him, he is glad he isn't completely alone and that you understand, even if it is just a little bit, the importance the music is to him.
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ultrastimpaks · 4 years
1, 4, 5, 15, 40, 50, and 66 for bobby & rosa!!
1. What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
Bobby’s nickname is, well, Bobby. His name is Robert, but no one in the Vault ever called him like that, like his name was there for formal purposes but he looks like a ‘Bobby’ guy. In the wasteland people also refer to him as the ‘vault dweller’, but that’s hardly a nickname.
Rosa doesn’t have a nickname for the reason of her name being short enough. People refer to her as ‘courier’, and that’s the closest there is of a nickname for her. 
4. What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC?
Bobby has big blue eyes that stand outs among his features. He also has pretty eyelashes. 
Rosa’s height and long black braids are something that catches people’s eyes. 
5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
For a long time Bobby wears a heavily modified Vault 101 jumpsuit and a red Red Rocket cap. For colder days he has heavy bomber jacket. For special occasions he has a casual wear set.
 Rosa wears the ranger outfit and a big sombrero to protect her from the sun, as well as a bandana over her mouth and nose because of the dust. For special occasions she also wears the casual set, pants and shirt and everything.
15. What was your OC’s childhood like?
Bobby’s childhood was contained. He didn’t have many places to go to, and James always made sure he was following the Vault’s rules so the Overseer wouldn’t have another reason to be over them. Bobby was a sweet boy, always interested in comic books and superhero tv shows, and he was also someone everyone really liked. He never had issues with the other children and found it easy to navigate through his childhood. Bobby started growing rebelious as he became a teen.
Rosa’s childhood was on the road. She never had a place to call home because her family would be constantly traveling from settlement to settlement. She has great memories though, the best of her life, of her childhood. When she was a kid her dad taught her how to repair guns for them, her mom would always watch over her and Camila, her sister. They had a good relationship growing up! Rosa had the privilege of going to a lot of places, meeting a lot of people and having lots of fun - even if the road was dangerous, to a child everything is an adventure.
40. How does your OC handle grief?
Rosa has never lost anyone dear in her life, so grief is something she hasn’t experienced yet.
As to Bobby who lost both his parents at different points in his life, he deals with it with a lot of crying and spikes of anger. When he looses James, he doesn’t know what to do, nor does he want to; spends a lot of his time crying, and when he’s about to stop he remembers something and starts at it again. Sometimes he grows angry at nothing in particular, goes out shooting first and asking later. It’s easy to say he doesn’t navigate well through grief alone! Charon is his anchor through the process and I don’t think he would’ve recovered from it if it wasn’t for his friend.
50. What secrets does your OC have?
Bobby keeps all romantic feelings to himself. Everything else is public domain.
Rosa keeps everything about her life a secret, except if you’re someone she trusts (Raul, Arcade, Veronica, The King). 
66. What is your OC’s favorite food?
Bobby’s is mirelurk cakes!
Rosa’s is her mother’s cooking in general!
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courier-sux · 4 years
7, 16, 17, 18, 36, and 41 for the fnv oc asks for both jackal and jace :eye emoji:
i answered a few of these for jackal already (7, 18 and 41, 36,) so this is gonna be a lil jace-centric. jacentric, if you will.
7. favorite companions? least favorite companions?
Jace’s favorite companion is, to no one’s surprise, Arcade. He basically fell in love with him at first sight (one of my only ships that isn’t slow burn as hell lol). He loves Rex too, but doesn’t get the chance to spend a ton of time with him as Jackal had already returned him to the King. 
He has some differences with Boone at first, namely because Jace had just found his sister and he was afraid that Boone’s pushing her away would make her leave again (which it does, whoops). They eventually settle their differences and find some common ground, as they’re both disillusioned former soldiers that are traumatized as hell. 
16. what’s their reputation with goodsprings / novac / primm? 
Jackal is well-loved in Goodsprings after she helped them fight off the Powder Gangers, and she considered staying there with Sunny Smiles (who she had a crush on) but decided that revenge was more important. Her reputation in Novac is okay after she solved their ghoul problem — helping Boone kill Jeannie May kind of put them both off from the place. She kills the thugs in the Biston Steve in Primm, but passes through pretty quickly, too focused on tracking Benny down.
Jace is actually the one who solves the authority problem in Primm. He negotiates with the NCR for Meyers’ release and establishes him as sheriff — something that Jackal couldn’t do when she visited Primm because she wasn’t welcome among the Powder Gangers. Goodsprings and Novac are just stops on his way to finding Jackal, though he does buy his favorite gun, Paciencia, from Cliff Broscoe.
17. what’s their reputation with the khans / the brotherhood / the boomers / the powder gangers?
The Khans don’t particularly mind Jackal one way or the other, but there’s some tension between them given that her partner was involved in the Bitter Springs Massacre. She has to leave Boone behind when she travels to Red Rock Canyon and convinces them to stop helping Caesar’s Legion and instead leave the Mojave. 
The Brotherhood is another faction that simply tolerates Jackal (again, I haven’t yet decided if she blows up the Hidden Valley bunker or not). She doesn’t do much to help them outside of trying her best to support Veronica’s attempt at changing the mind of Elder McNamara. Once Veronica is banished, she has no reason to stick around.
Jackal goes out of her way to get on the Boomers’ good side so that they’ll help her win the battle of Hoover Dam. She raises their plane from Lake Mead and learns how to swim in the process. 
The Powder Gangers have very mixed views on Jackal. She goes from fighting them off at Goodsprings to convincing those in Vault 19 to join the Khans, then runs errands for Eddie at NCRCF before betraying them to the NCR. The general consensus is that they don’t like her. 
For Jace, he tries to stay out of most of the factions’ business in favor of helping individuals, so most of them don’t even know who he is. If they do, it’s usually just as “the courier’s brother”. He tends to get some sneers from the Khans and the Powder Gangers because even when he’s not in uniform, he still walks and talks like NCR.
18. what do the people on the strip think of them? the omertas, the white gloves, the chairmen, ncr military police, mr. house? do the gamblers like them?
Once again, Jace tends to get hidden in Jackal’s huge shadow — which is just fine with him. The first time he visited the Strip (years before Jackal did) was  a pretty shocking experience for a sheltered Catholic farm boy. The NCR military police is probably the only group that actually knows his name due to his status as a former lieutenant. Jace isn’t one to gamble, and he’d prefer to avoid huge crowds of people whenever possible. 
36. why did you create them? 
Alright, if I’m being honest, I wanted Jackal to have a twin and I wanted Arcade to have a love interest, so I got two birds stoned at once and made Jace. Voila.
41. do they like long journeys through the mojave, or do they prefer to travel more quickly? do they prefer using roads or travelling through the deep desert?
Jace enjoys long journeys through the Mojave, as he likes nature and it tends to be quieter than most towns. He’s more likely to go off the beaten path than most — you’re less likely to run into strangers in the middle of the desert than on a road.
FNV courier asks
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dumbfuck-mojave · 5 years
Hazel and how her relationship is with all the companions from her game?
(This writing style is all over the place) 
~Main Game~
Arcade- Really good relationship.  Like what you think of a standard “best” friend thing, that’s them. They confide in each other and love each other in a platonic way but also call each other dumbass everyday you know. But, in relevance to Arcade’s story, Hazel was very much whatever about his Enclave relations and Arcade knows he now has an outlet to talk about that stuff without fear of scrutiny. Was worried about Arcade joining the battle for the Dam, but ultimately supported him doing it because you need to support your friends goals kids. 
Boone- Very close. Hazel knows Boone would probably be uncomfortable with her saying it, but she would do anything for him. She trusts him more than a lot of people. As their friendship grows, she helps Boone grow and he does the same in return for her, even if Boone was a little more unaware of it than Hazel was. Late in the game, the conversations they have can last a while and opening up about their problems really helps both of them. She can get him to smile (I don’t like this one because there’s so much I want to say but I can’t :(. Wth writer’s block.) 
Lily-  She grandma.
But seriously along with the above, Hazel wants to help her, you know, try to “process” her life before becoming a Nightkin (grandchildren) in some way and just have her live a nice life. So she would tell her to take full doses of medication, for she had a very big concern about her mental state off of it, but when Lily eventually casts the tape aside, Hazel would retrieve it, for maybe one day Lily could find that balance Hazel wants for her, remembrance of the past but also to move forward in the present. 
Raul- Raul is both a good friend and a fairly paternal figure to Hazel. She really likes hearing about the pre-world world from him and hearing about Raul’s past let’s her open up more about her past which she majorly blocks off from her daily life. But when they hang out on their downtime, it’s really chill. Sipping drinks and telling stories. But again, he is a father figure to her, so she would probably ask for his advice the most and like, dad things. 
Rose of Sharon Cassidy (Cass)- Hazel isn’t as close to her as the other companions like Arcade or Boone but they do care about each other a good deal. Do you guys have that family member you don’t see often but are still close too? That’s kind of their relationship. They probably aren’t closer because in my playthrough I didn’t travel with Cass a lot but like they still chill at the Lucky 38. Also: Are the friend duo you can count on to beat a bitch up if they’re bothering you. 
Veronica- Sister bond. I don’t know how more to explain it than that. They both care for each other and want what’s best for each other EVEN if that isn’t what the other person wants (Callout towards Hazel she makes stupid decisions on the daily). 
ED-E- Her first companion in the Mojave, Hazel loves ED-E and most of the time calls it “baby!” instead of it’s actual name. She absolutely one of the people to be really into robots and treats them like people, whether it be a floating orb like ED-E or a securitron. Will beat your ass if you insult her robot. She openly asks how ED-E’s day has been and nod along to it’s beeps. 
Rex- Dogs are man’s best friend and that is true to Hazel and Rex’s relationship. She doesn’t like seeing things suffering to survive, so was very conscious of Rex’s situation. Ultimately ended up giving him Lupa’s brain after she stormed the Fort because she thought it would be the easiest transition of memories for him over the other options, being a former legion dog himself. 
~Dead Money~
Dean-  “Oh no oh God why do I think he’s hot”. Thinks he’s a bitchass but also “Becky lemme smash”. Some semblance of friendship though if we’re being honest. 
Christine- Well, considering Christine’s the only “normal” non-asshole one out of the trio, her and Hazel work together most efficiently and hold no ill-will towards one another. Also respects Christine a great deal and is happy for her CHOOSING to stay in the casino. Hopes to see her again someday. Also, she lowkey figured out the relationship between Christine and Veronica but is still debating on how to bring it up to Veronica, along with the whole Father Elijah thing. 
Dog/God- She likes them. Obviously, has different ways of talking to both of them. With Dog she is more gentle and caring even when they’re about to fucking die and tries to do that with God but we all know God is just >:(. Calms Dog down enough in the Casino so he doesn’t hurt him or God (Because oof the first time I attempted talking to them they died and I about lost my shit) and convinces them to merge into one being. Bittersweet when the new one asked how he knew her. 
~Honest Hearts~
Follows-Chalk- Also a sort of familial relationship. You know how Follows-Chalk wants to leave the canyon and see the Mojave, Hazel is the big sister that says “Maybe that isn’t the best idea”. She appreciates his enthusiasm but everyone is an asshole in the Mojave so like, chill out for awhile. Lack of exposure to the world can do some shit to you and Hazel doesn’t want him, or anyone she cares about for that matter, to get damaged by it like she feels she was. So yeah, she likes him. 
Waking Cloud- It’s kind of the same with her as it is with Christine. Is friendly with her and holds a lot of respect for her. Likes to listen to her tell more about the Canyon, thinks she has a nice voice. With the respect she has for her, she didn’t hide her husband’s death to her. Told her because she deserved to know. Waking-Cloud is a strong woman, final words on this one. 
Joshua- It’s…. Tense. Hazel was/is friendly with Joshua and tries to believe he is actually changing and doing good but she also believes she may have encouraged his more “violent” actions against the White Legs. She’s not good at making decisions, especially decisions where one party will always be dissatisfied. The thought of Joshua always carries the argument with herself over whether or not the Sorrows should have fought for their home or not and considering the whole trip back home thing turned out to be a huge fight over the canyon she tries to just ignore it. Also, religion is a sore subject for her in the past but at that point in her life she just accepted it and moved on. 
~Old World Blues~ 
Roxie- Man’s best friend, like I already said. Hazel doesn’t even consider Rex her dog, he’s The King’s dog, but with Roxie it’s HER dog so there’s some difference in that. She also fucking sobbed when she first saw Roxie die, her mental state was the worst in Old World Blues, so when she found out she could bring Roxie back nearly passed out from freaking out. Whenever she visits Big Mountain now, she makes sure Roxie is chilling in the X-8 facility, brings her teddy bears to play with and meat and what not. Would be very excited when Roxie came to the Mojave (an ending you can get for OWB if anyone is confused. Baby puppies for everyone) 
 ~Lonesome Road~
ED-E- Same as Mojave ED-E except Hazel really sympathizes with this ED-E I would say a bit more than the original. A Courier gets shot just trying to do their job, sound familiar? Finds its whole backstory sad and was big sad when it got sacrificed at the end of Lonesome Road to stop the nukes. RIP tiny buddy. 
(This really revealed some of my decisions in-game huh). 
Thank you for requesting
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socksual-innuendos · 5 years
All the OC asks that end in '2' for an oc of your choice please?
Okay so I’m doing all these for both Emilia and Camila so, here we go. Under cut because boy howdy its long
2.) What is the color (and qualities) of your OC’s eyes/hair/skin?
For Emi: Her eyes are brown. Neither very dark or very light, they’re just a midtone brown. When she was young, her hair was a very dark auburn, although now its lightening as she greys out. It has a thick texture and is naturally wavy/curly and she prefers it long and pulled back into a half ponytail. Emilia wasn’t thrilled when she was shaved bald in OWB, but she wears a fade now and her greying is more obvious. Her skin is brown, lightly freckled, and she has a few moles. Although I don’t draw her with them (Due to my indecisiveness on what and where they should be) she has tattoos covering a large portion of her body, and her skin is tough and dry from her travels.
For Camila: Her eyes are still a dark brown, although ghoulification is causing them to have a cataract/hazed look to them. She use to have very thick black hair that she would wear in short styles and while it had natural waves, it wasn’t as much as her sister’s. When her hair started falling out she had Emi chop it and would brush it over much so the rest would fall out. Camila preferred no hair to the patchiness, but she continues to wear her hair bands to fashion herself up. While travelling, she will wear headscarves to keep the sun off her. Her skin was never particularly tough and because of such she would often bruise or get cut easily. This quality carried over to her ghoulish self, although her skin is much more fragile now.
12.) What is your OC’s relationship with his/her father?
While Emilia has plenty of strong opinions on being raised fine without a father, not having needed a father, or anything relating to a need for ‘two parents’, she actually has no real feelings for her father as a person. He wasn’t around for her and he left her mother. These are the only things she knows or cares to know about him and she doesn’t blame him for either. She grew up fine with what she had, her mother, although heartbroken at the time, never truly suffered because he left. Life just happened, as it always does, and even if selfish people have their reasons for doing things. However, because she never knew him or cared to know of him, she only keeps her mother’s surname. Although her mother had planned on having a conversation about Emilia’s father once she got older, she had died when Emi was 9 and never had the chance. Xiomara, Emi’s abuela, refused to acknowledge the man and that was fine by Emilia.
Camila had known her father and for a while he was able to stay with her. There’s a lot vague here as I haven’t committed to specifics, however I know he’s forced out of the picture in some fashion. He was a good father to Camila and while he tried extending the kinship to Emilia, she wasn’t interested and he wasn’t going to force it. I would like to say that Camila was anywhere between 5-12 years old when her father left the picture, however much of this is uncertain. Cam has many fond and happy memories of him, however the uncertainty with him leaves me with ways to juggle how her adults self feels about him. She does miss him, and in certain endings she wonders if he’s still alive, but in all she keeps his name, and her full name (as of now) is Camila Espinosa Vazquez.
22.) Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)?
Raul is probably as close as a person can get to Emilia. They share everything with each other and both appreciate having the other. Although she really does appreciate that he’s willing to take care of Camila once she dies, part of Emilia wishes he could come adventuring with her. Much of her healing comes from being able to open up to someone else, and they both find this in a mutual aspect. The trio can often be seen together when Emilia is home, and in later life are inseparable. 
Cass is another relationship Emi appreciates. Both sort of offer and fulfill roles the other wasn’t aware they wanted. For Cass, she gets an assholish, morally bankrupt questionable not quite parent figure, and for Emilia she gets a never-admits-to-it not-daughter figure that enjoys causing mischief but nags her about staying on the good side of karma. 
Arcade and Emilia have a very strange relationship. I should actually get around to fleshing it out more, but between him and Camila they give Em a reason to stay and fight for Vegas. Its another odd relationship that Emi wasn’t expecting to find in the Mojave, but she’s grateful for him nonetheless.
Joshua Graham is also a very strange case for Emi. She doesn’t trust him in the least and she absolutely is determined to be the one to kill him, yet there’s a specific fondness for him. He’s one of the few she’s met that she sees as an equal in certain, dark ways which both intrigues her and makes her cautious. Both are religious and both highly value the community that comes with that, and while she never wants to consider him as close, by the end of their story she considers him a good friend. They end up teaching each other a lot, and regardless of how things end they do appreciate each other.
For Camila, most of the companions made easy friends with her. This was very welcomed after years of not being allowed anything permanent. Arcade sees her as bit of a ditz but teaches her what he can about ghoulification care, medical, and technical sciences. His grumpiness reminds her a bit of Emi, but she knows she can play him better than her sister and she often gets her way. He introduced her to Julia Farkas, and between the two Cam learns plenty. 
Her and Veronica got along like peas in a pod and absolutely had girl’s nights and fawned over fashion. Although Emilia prioritizes Camila when she brings back clothes or accessories, Cam is more than willing to share and the two often doll up together. Those two made fast friends with Sarah from the Vault hotel and the three are absolute gossips. This comprises much of Cam’s social life, outside of the friends she has at The Aces. 
Although they were easy friends at first, Raul became a big part of Camila’s life later game. At first, neither Cam, Raul, or Emi were aware of how he’d fit into their lives, but once Camila realized he was going to be Emi’s ‘replacement’ things got a bit rough. She wasn’t mad at him but she wasn’t thrilled about his willing participation, especially since Emilia and he agreed to things before even consulting Cam. Plenty of talking was done, and eventually understandings were reached, and the three were ride or die since. While they never considered each other as replacement siblings, they readily see each other as family. 
32.) What subjects did your OC excel at?
Emilia is very athletic. Her agility is a solid 10, and she uses it to her advantage. She can lockpick just about anything and break out of (or into) most facilities. She has a quick mind, and can improvise on the spot. Basically, if you need something stolen, killed, or broken into she’s your gal. She also plays guitar very well and has a good knowledge of music theory. This often leads her to getting excited when hearing live sets, and once she riled she can’t stay still. Emi can also cook fairly well too. She generally doesnt get too experimental with it, but she can work up a must-go easily. 
Camila on the other hand didn’t have very many skills growing up. She was very sickly as a child, which kept her bed ridden most of the time. Emi did teach her guitar, although she isn’t as good with music theory. She can sing very well, and Emilia and her father helped shape that. Later in life Arcade teaches her how to work computers and she gets quite good at it. She has the patience for just about anything, which really helps later on when she gets jobs in Vegas.
42.) What makes your OC happy?
Emi is very easy to please. She just wants an exciting mark and a whole lot of havoc to make in the process. In reality she’s just happy to have her freedom with little obligation outside Camila. As long as she doesn’t have a routine to wake up to, she’s alright.
Camila on the other hand has a lot to desire, although she’s content where she’s at. She’s provided for, but even then she wishes she had someone to talk to while Emilia was away. That said, when Emi came home she would sometimes bring an accessory or some fashionable item for Camila. This would always make her smile, and she treasured each. Come end game, shes actually quite happy having a few jobs and a social life. People knowing her by face and name is enough to make her light up, and she’s very pleased with being able to assert her own future.
52.) What are some of your OC’s motivations?
Emi’s very motivated by money, but she’s also motivated by chaos. As a hitman, she likes causing trouble and in dramatic ways. If there’s someone or something she can screw over in a fabulous way, she will do it. But what motivates her most is family. Camila and Rosa kept her sane and kept her loved, she’d quite literally do anything for them, and she is always one to keep promises. 
Cam needs very little to get her motivated. She’s use to being holed up or too ill to enjoy the day, so if she wakes up in a good mood and right mind she’s ready to tackle anything. Chores? Turn on the radio and open the windows, house work is still something. A walk around town? She may not be able to get to know people, but she still enjoys the small interactions, besides she has the energy for a walk right now. Emilia is likely coming back tonight? Whats a few more hours of staying up. 
62.) How emotionally/mentally vulnerable is your OC with other people?
Emilia’s vulnerability is nonexistent. She absolutely refuses to open up, to even her sister in some cases, and it can cause a frustrating guessing game on how to make Emi feel better. She does let down her walls, just a bit, later on in her life. Raul and Camila see the most of this, but Graham has the privilege of seeing her be vulnerable for a moment. Its not something she likes doing, but its not always within her control. 
Camila on the other hand longs to have someone to talk to about feelings. Most of her life she remained cooped up in hotels, unable to make real friends due to her constant moving. Despite Emi trying (I use the word loosely) to be emotionally available for her sister, Rosa was really the only person Cam had to be truly open to, and once she was lost Cam really had nothing. Give her a night out on the Strip and a hard enough day and she might blather your ear off about feelings, even if you’re complete strangers. 
72.) What is your OC’s favorite kind music (and song if there is one)?
Emilia loves just about anything upbeat. Give it percussion or brass and she’s unable to sit still. A proper rock movement would have done her in and she would have loved every moment of it. She also like swing and folk. Give her a guitar and she will join in the round, as she is especially fond of meeting other musicians on the road. 
Camila also likes upbeat music, although she prefers more jazzy genres. Both generally agree on music, but Cam prefers more pop and things she can sing to. 
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