#And modified by Wily
mergedau · 2 years
I've always liked Quint being an honorary Mega Man Killer even if he isn't one due to in canon he takes on the same role with them in the Gameboy games.
I'd like to imagine that Quint and Silver become friends and when Quint introduces the three to him, the MKNs decide that Silver can be an honorary Mega Man Killer too(especially once Silver says he's actually after Mega Man).
Quint of course is quite exasperated by it all. Mostly because can these guys just please not kill his past self, that would be great.
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ninjastar107 · 24 days
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'I'm coming too.' '!?' 'I don't like owing people. You helped me from forgetting everything, lets make sure no one forgets you.'
So! mmRAM!au pseudo game, Rockman World: Red Shift!
The premise is that Quint, who was shaken out of his thoughts of absolute fate, wants to get back to his own timeline/future. In his absence, Wily had once again turned robots against humanity! With no one to stop him, Roll has taken it upon herself to become a hero!
However, shortly after her journey begins, A vortex opens where Quint and Protoman emerge, ready to set the record straight.
(Some small notes about this:
-Blues doesn't exist in the timeline that Quint is from- or rather, he was never revitalized. It was Blue's existence in the past/other timeline that made him realize that perhaps his fate isn't sealed.
-Quint feels conflicted about going home to Light. He worries that he may never be the same household robot he once was, but the spirit of justice still a constant in his coding.
-Blues is there for moral support! in mmRAM!au hes really not supposed to be a fighting robot, despite Wilys modifications to him. He plays the role of a support class or a scout. -- I think he'd feel kind of bad about meeting Tempo Quake woman as an enemy. He doesn't want to hurt her because he knows she didn't have a choice to be combat-modified, but on the other hand.. he doesn't want to turn to paste.
-Quint and Roll meet up, and Roll doesn't recognize him at first. the two fight before Blues appears and tries to explain everything. Roll doesn't trust either of them (She's been tricked a few times on her quest), but by order of 'enemy of my enemy is my friend', decides to let them help.
-Since Protoman doesn't exist, Megman 5 never happened and 4 went a little differently. That is why some of the MM5 robot masters are in the roster, for funsies! -- On another note, the droid on the lower left corner is SRN.000 - Moon. Fan Robot master of course, a star droid who wasn't with the others. -- The other fan Robot master is bet-Woman! Her motif is gold coins! )
Oh! Thanks for reading, here's your bonus of the background without any of the filters n things!
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linesonwhite · 5 months
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My thoughts about Zero keep circling back to this tweet and then my brain spirals into a series of thoughts of, "how could I draw a comic of an alternate X series where Zero was created by Wily kidnapping and modifying Roll?"
Anyway, who knows if anything will ever come of that.
Work sucked today because I got home like two hours later than I usually ever do, and I'm tired and upset now. u__u
Got this art over on twitter toooooooo
...I've been listening to Mizu no Naka for like, half an hour now.
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watersofcamelot · 5 days
Just rq
But can I talk about how hard it's been hitting me for a day or so now about how terrifying DustMan is when you really think about it after watching the 'Let There Be Light' animation of YouTube?
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Disregarding the fact he was basically just a vacuum with hands and feet before Wily got his grubby little paws on him, what he decides to do when he's been modified is...really kinda scary if you stop and think.
With the lack of concrete and specific story telling, your mind can go places (and most of what I'll be saying is mostly speculation and headcanon).
After he's been modified, where does he go? A landfill. Makes sense. The Robot Masters seem drawn to areas that best suit their needs or function. So a junkyard makes sense...until you realize the type of junk yard he goes to. A robot junk yard. The equivalent of an open graveyard for us humans. An overflowing, graveyard at that.
One has to ask...why...? It seems completely nonsensical and arbitrary but the specifics are what makes it weird.
The cannibal and scavenger is JunkMan, yet it's DustMan whose more morbid by how weird it is for him. One might say that DustMan overseas the destruction of junk and garbage but that's not quite it either. He was intended to suck up objects and things smaller than he was (wrappers, dust, crumbs, etc.). Never anywhere as far as I know is it stated he was intended for garbage or junk as a whole. Just basic maintenance and cleanup, like what you'd expect from cleaners or janitors.
So...why does he choose to go to a robot landfill? The fact that there's pretty much no other alternative means that DustMan probably just...sits there. Among his destroyed and abandoned brothers. Just standing there and sorta...staring.
It's uniquely morbid and kind of sad, because to us humans, it'd be like going to a graveyard, except instead of being neatly buried in the ground, bodies are piled on top of each other in heaps, rotting and wasting away.
And to DustMan, how mortifying it could be, knowing that if he fails to defeat MegaMan...he'll be joining them. He'll be just another body on the pile.
I dunno, it really hit after I saw the animation, and really put into perspective how weird and morbid it is. Maybe it's just me.
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Reblog if you’re interested in my Mega Man-themed rotomblr event
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The evil Dr. Wily has come to the Pokemon world and has taken over the Hoenn Battle Frontier and has made it his personal base from which to send his robot armies in his attempt to conquer the world!!! The mad doctor has 18 Robot Masters commanding his army, each carrying a special weapon and modified for combat with pokemon as well as people. Defeat them all and claim their weaponry to use as your own, or have your pokemon use as moves, before the final battle with Dr Wily in the Battle Tower!
Dr. Wily’s World Domination (attempt) is a mid-stakes event open to all of Rotomblr (and Gliscord (discord) if preferred) where your muse will be attacked by a Robot Master from the Mega Man game series (exact RMs are in the table below, though if demand is high I can bring in more). Each Robot Master has a type and thus, strengths and weaknesses. Your muse can either fight this Robot Master in a pokemon battle or a normal fight, either works. These robots aren’t the brightest in the box, so your muse should be able to win against them with relative ease. Once your muse defeats the Robot Master, they will retreat and drop their weapon, which your muse can use themselves (in whichever way is most logical) and can also use as a TM for their pokemon of matching type. 
Once all Robot Masters are defeated, then the Battle Tower will open and the Finale will begin. The Finale will be a high-stakes event where everyone will make their way through the Battle Tower, fighting 4 secret bosses along the way to the final battle with Dr. Wily. All Robot Masters will be assumed defeated on July 12th, thus the Finale will start on July 12th at the latest
If you have multiple characters, feel free to sign them all up! They’ll each get an RM to fight! If you have multiple blogs, same story! All types of PkmnRP blogs are welcome here, be they faller, hybrid, eeby, self-insert, and/or all or none of the above! Everyone is welcome to participate! So what are you waiting for? If you want to participate, reblog this post! If you wish to fight a specific Robot Master, put which one (see the chart below for the 18 Robot Masters involved) in the tags! Also the tag for this event will be #dr wilys world domination
If you have any questions the mod will be more than happy to answer them! 
(chart of the Robot Masters and their types (will be updated as people sign up. I will bring in more for anyone who wishes to join))
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something that keeps coming up if you look at the games’ stories is wily’s accomplishments. or, rather, the lack thereof. the truth is, Wily's actually kind of a shitty roboticist!
he's not very good at making robots, he's much better at modifying robots. i know the series (and a good chunk of fanwork) likes to hype him up as a mad genius of robotics, but he's actually kind of a complete phony. a tremendous hack. a huge fucking fraud. he's the brutal doom of the megaman-'verse, only famous because he used other people's work as a stepping stone. just like angry birds, he’s all about seeing someone else’s successful work and putting his own reskin on it so everyone else associates it with him. he’s not a developer, he’s a modder with delusions of grandeur.
the idea that his work all culminated in Zero and Zero’s the coolest bestest most awesomest robot ever is, frankly, completely laughable when you look at the track record of how many robots he’s actually made and how they’ve fared. his strongest work that’s come the closest to seriously threatening Megaman has never really been his own work. with Bass, Shadow Man, Ra Thor, and the Stardroids, he’s always had something else as a base and modified it to be stronger. even popular fanon is that Roboenza is based off MM8′s Evil Energy, which makes sense.
ironically enough, he does his best modding with weird alien shit. my personal theory is that Zero’s a modified Terra+Sunstar hybrid, utilizing his knowledge of making Ra Thor as a basis, powered by Super-Bassnium. the canon is that he’s based on Protoman, of all fucking people, but that’s completely nonsensical on so goddamn many fronts.
however, he is a fantastic designer. he's much better at making areas that adhere to an aesthetic! he has designed a lot of mini-bots specifically for the sake of complimenting an area, and he's revamped areas multiple times before to have a theme that compliments the Robot Master. even his own castles themselves, he has a clear skull motif that applies to everything and he will be fucking DAMNED if he doesn't see it through. even in megaman 11, we see him complete with a fucking set of skull jammies in a skull bed. the man fucking WILL NOT LIVE without his skulls. he probably wears skull underwear, the fucking nerd.
he’s not a roboticist. he's not even a good programmer, he's an artist. he's a mad artist angry over how his stuff never got views as opposed to that fucking Dr. Light's work, and he spent a lifetime trying to game the algorithm only for this fucking upstart to take it all away from him and get quadruple the subscriber counts in half the time. and now he's making it everyone else's problem.
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dwn012 · 1 month
Wow, personally I interpret his time stopper ability as something that mostly works on bots. Think of it as sending transmissions jamming the hardware of other bots, making them essentially shut down for a brief period of time. Here's a follow up my girlfriend did on the idea: "God, this explains why Flash naturally took the "Older brother" role among the robots. Fear commands respect, and most of the robots out there fear him. They know how powerful he is, and some have experienced it first hand. I assume at times it can trigger real panic in them, because when the disruptor shuts off their signals they can feel themselves "slowly" (it's a matter of microseconds, but for a robot it's an eternity) shutting off. They can really sense their mortality at those times, the same mortality robots in the civilized world are subject to. To them, Flash's time stopper is the personification of the boogeyman. Something wicked and horrible that can truly make them grasp the concept of death, despite them not truly dying at all. And the fact that Flash can use it to his heart's content, it's terrifying. Some envy the power he has, but most fear him. And so, he takes on the role of the older one, because nobody wants to upset him, and if Wily has given him such an important role, then he must be important too"
Damn, that's a really interesting take on Time Stopper. I like the set-up of him being more of a boogeyman towards other robots, seeing as Time Stopper poses as that deathless death. That really is a cool take!!
I think though, why I like the idea of him actually stopping time with Time Stopper is just. The whimsy of it I suppose? Like, as much as I like to focus on the mechanical aspects of the RMs I do try to give them wiggle-room in their abilities, since if the series can have a teleporting horse robot and aliens I think a time-stopping robot would fit snugly in the canon anyways without having to modify exactly what he does. That, and I've kinda got it figured out (to me) as why it actually damages Quick Man specifically and not the other robots- He operates on time, mainly. Not that he manipulates it, but the speed of his processor allows him to calculate by less than a second allowing him to process things at an incredible rate. So what happens when there is no time to process? Sensors hitting a negative causing a feedback loop thus blowing his processors in the, well, process.
Now I don't know if that makes any mechanical sense, but that's not really my goal tbh. Sure, Flash can freeze the other robots in time but they don't have the same machinery Quick does, theyre both special.
Not to go on a tangent about how they compliment each other in design and function, but to go back on the original point: I just like the idea of a time-breaking robot in-universe. Time Man exists but he's not Flash Man levels of design and function.
I do love the mechanical take you and your girlfriend have though! I think it's really complex and it adds depth to Flash that I like. I know others in the community that would be all over that kind of take!! But for me, sometimes it's a moment of "yeah sure he can stop time. whatever."
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sneakyswag · 3 months
Working on a reploid oc whom I love very much. I offer you all some lore if you want 👉👈
Also this is kind of in an au so
This all makes probably zero sense whatsoever but I’m gonna try to put my thoughts into words.
His name is Beta. A robot created in the OVER-1 era. (I know the timeline is non existent apparently. I’ve changed a few things. Instead of rescuing all of these MMX, MMZ, MMBN characters, you rescue the classics instead with OVER-1 ofc).
Beta has incredible combat skills. Not on par with Zero’s or X’s, but incredible for his mental age. Beta was found in a capsule in the jungle. Found by X and Axl who were on a mission. (Perhaps the jungle aka opening stage in X8).
X and Axl, upon finding him, are wary of him. Keep in mind, Beta was supposed to wake up in late 20XX (I guess)
Beta was created with the blueprints of OVER-1. And hc that OVER-1 was based off of the blueprints for X. Beta was created by Forte, Rock and Roll with the help of Kalinka and Dr Lalinde (holy crossovers, I know 😭).
Beta was created without the knowledge of Dr Light, Wily or Cossack. They never knew of his existence. Rock had wiped his memories of creating Beta completely in fear of Dr Light finding out. Roll sealed the memories away. Bass didn’t. Bass kept the memories because at this point, it’s his son.
Beta was sealed away and Dr Lalinde or Kalinka never spoke of Beta again. Bass would check on him from time to time. Talk to the capsule with Treble by his side. He was proud of his creation. Although Rock, Roll, Lalinde and Kalinka helped, it felt like his. This was his son. Whom will help save the world.
Beta resembles Bass in a huge way. He has white hair (or light blonde I’d have to see), yellow eyes edit: they look better as light blue so, black face marks, same shape as Bass’, although he could always remove them or cover them up. His armor is black with yellow, blue and a hint of white I’d have to work on it. Beta is roughly 5’4 almost 5’5. His primary weapon is actually his hands.
See, his hands can generate an energy orb somehow and he can throw it at people. It’s dangerous, sure, but very powerful. Said orbs can be charged up but will leave Beta with little energy afterwards, making him vulnerable. His secondary weapon is a butterfly knife. He acquired it from the Maverick Hunters when X and Axl found him and took him in. It’s similar to saber technology except obviously, it does what a butterfly knife does.
Beta was supposed to wake up in late 20XX to help OVER-1 with anything that was happening. Sort of like what Protoman did. Watched from the sidelines and became support for Mega Man. Except, he wasn’t working for Wily or anything you know. But the capsule had sealed him for way longer WAY longer than he needed to.
Beta’s personality is nervous, anxious, kind, caring, intelligent, analytical. Beta isn’t all anxious, though. He knows when it’s okay to be scared and when it’s not, he tries his best to control it. He tries to analyze situations as best as he can. Thinking of many possible scenarios.
One thing. Just because he’s my original character doesn’t make him perfect. He has his flaws. My gosh, quite a few of them, actually.
Since he likes analyzing situations and practically every possible scenario, he’s slow. He’s slow in realizing something might be charging at him or trying to strike him. He lacks confidence. So much that he fails to strike his enemies when he finally gets confident enough to hit them. His design was also very outdated so he got modified with the X8 era armors.
Beta tends to panic easy. When he figured out that there has been multiple wars going on and seeing that he was in 21XX obviously scared the life out of him. What’s worse is that OVER-1 wasn’t there. He wasn’t anywhere to be found. It was his purpose. To help OVER-1, I mean. And now that he’s not there, it struck something in him.
X and Axl helped calm him down but man. This dude was a mess.
On a more positive note, aside from incredible combat skills and powers I suppose, he’s easy to talk to and get along with. He tries to see the good in everyone. Similar to how a child would. Because, well, mentally, he’s still developing. Yeah, he’s been in a capsule for years, but he needs to develop outside of it. Cuz the world isn’t perfect like the simulation in his capsule he did to make good choices. Beta has an interest in music. He likes any instrument and knows how to play, but he absolutely loves the piano. It’s his go to. It helps him relax.
Beta likes comics and cheesy romance movies. All he wants is to help people out. So what better way than to be a hunter? He’s not a pacifist per se but he’ll try to negotiate with the enemy first rather than just attacking. It’s what [who?] would’ve wanted.
The boy has many issues. Figuring out his past, who he is, all he has is a name. OVER-1. That’s it. It’s who he was supposed to help. But couldn’t. He was too late. He slept in the capsule for far too long. Beta has many dreams. He always sees four people. Three women and two men. They’re working on him. He can never see their faces clearly. He wakes up before he can. He’s frustrated. He manages to befriend Axl and realize that they have so much in common.
This is just a rough little thing. If you read it all ily <333
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ask-the-lightfam · 1 month
Welcome to Light Labs!
run by @sugarpine-woods!
characters and descriptions under readmore
Rock "Mega Man" Light
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Cunning and headstrong, this charismatic hero is the first of the Lightbots, giving him the designation DLN-001. He's a driven bot, quickly rushing into action whenever he's needed. But that constant readiness for a crisis leaves little room for the rest of his personality to grow...
When not accompanied by an image, his markoff emoji is 🗨.
Roll Light
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Younger by less than an hour, this household helper refuses to let her purpose get in the way of helping her twin brother! Just as driven, if not more, this strong-willed bot modified herself for combat, using her tools to fight Wily's robots side by side with Mega Man. Being the second Lightbot, she's classified as DLN-002, but she won't let that stop her from being number one!
When not accompanied by an image, her markoff emoji is 📀.
Brain Bot Light
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Made months after his siblings, Brain Bot has been recognized as DLN-003, even though he wasn't the first to hold that serial number. The smartest computer around, he tends to think more like a traditional robot— do as you're told, be as helpful as possible, and solve problems. This... lighter grasp on morals is a pain to take care of, especially with Wily's strong desire to take Brain Bot for himself. It's up to his siblings to guide him and keep him out of harm's way.
When not accompanied by an image, his markoff emoji is 🔋.
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dr9com9ge-ix · 2 months
I'd adore to know more about Wili, if you've had any more thoughts...
Hello Anon! I’ve had many thoughts since this was sent and have accumulated them! Accompanied by some Wili Art by yours truly! (Long post warning, Yapping time! Thank you so much for sending this ask!!!!!)
So this is Wili- Former employee of K-corp (Specifically the food resource development team, Mostly focused on horticulture) and now current employee of the Limbus company! He has a strong desire (nearing obsession) to innovate on how food is obtained and spreading it across the city when he finds it by any means necessary! He left his old job because he felt like it was stagnating and didn’t let him expriment as much as he’d like to (He was in a very middle position I imagine, Not quite at the bottom but not a big enough shot to be on level with Dongrang or something)
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And so this spurs him to look elsewhere to satisfy this hunger for knowledge, for a world where one could just pick an apple off a tree and never starve again and well like… His literal hunger!
So he was offered a chance to satisfy that by the Limbus company and he happily accepted! Ever curious about the abnormalities the company faces- If whether or not they’d taste good or provide anything for people. Both in the name of science and the future but also because he is hungry. A wee bit of mad scientist and a gourmand in one.
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His EGO is called Stomachache!— It sort of delves into the carrot on a stick/ Forbidden fruit sort of vibe of the future he wants being akin to a ravenous hunger, the kind that turns people into feral animals. He literally bites people in his EGO attack! (Thats where the healing comes from-) He also is quite food agressive and it factors into his passive making him go faster, Probably the sanity hit from EGO use making him act alot less polite than he usually is.
He definitely wants the whole “Food is now easily accessible for everyone!” utopia so he could eat as much as he wants and not think of the possibility of it being taken from him- Also because he thinks the worst thing you could do to someone is just starving them!
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Butcher Vanity is probably the main song I listen to when doodling him- Its a very him song to me. Also still thinking about other characters relating to his past/ would be in his Canto and I think it’d be cute to make em fruit themed (There… Isn’t alot of characters to work off of in his source material…Its literally just The Hungry Caterpillar)
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Also for other EGOs aside from his own he definitely would have Mountain of smiling bodies/ Smile - Its relating to the hunger! And well he may or may not be willing to kill to have consistent and hearty meals. (also say Hi to Erik my boy he’s in this doodle page too). Maybe also a Fairy Festival/ Fairy Gentleman Ego too. As for IDs- Mayhaps an Eighth Chef/Greta one, a Liu assocation. All that jazz!
Other wee facts about Wili
- Wili has pretty bad hunger pangs, enough to make him want to eat before he thinks he’ll get them. Has a tendency to overeat though.
- He loves talking at length about agriculture — Though mostly from a scientific lens, as he’s never been a farm boy. Mostly working on plants in a lab setting rather than a field. He’ll also yap about food preparation too.
- Kind of dude that will try to grow stuff from groceries.
- His favorite food is a fresh fruit salad but a nice rare steak is a close second!
- He may or may not have considered who to eat first in case of an emergency and may have been too enthusiastic to try human flesh. (much to his coworkers’ horror and then eventual “Okay Wili we know…” /exasperated)
- His little caterpillar hairclip was a gift from a former coworker at K-corp. He thinks its very cute and just has it on him all the time.
-He’s… Maybe also inspired by the Genetically Modified Caterpillar video- In the sense of “Little hungry dude becomes horrifying due to this insatiable hunger and devours things due to science!”
- His name comes from the unused title/ Draft title of The Hungry caterpillar which was “A week with Wili the worm” Because I really didn’t want to name him after the author (I’d have Eric with a C and Erik with a K in that case) and couldn’t find a caterpillar-ish name that would work.
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s10127470 · 3 months
Video Game Idea: Marvel vs. Capcom 4: Heroes Return
Hey! Marvel vs. Capcom is popular again! And it's all thanks to the recent account of Marvel vs. Capcom: Fighting Collection, a compilation pack of all the arcade MvC games and Marvel arcade games Capcom produced that's being released later this year.
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This has gotten many people excited for three reasons...
This is the first time we've heard anything new about the Marvel vs. Capcom series in almost a decade!
This is the first time the games have been complied together
This possibly means that the Marvel vs. Capcom may actually be returning for a new installment in the near future
And this led many people to speculate and give ideas on what a Marvel vs. Capcom 4 would be like.
And since I like coming up with game ideas, I figured I'd hop on the train.
So sit back, relax, and join me while I take you on a train through my idea for the game....
Marvel vs. Capcom 4: Heroes Return!
(This is gonna be a short one, so bare with me)
Gameplay-wise, Heroes Return would essentially follow the same mechanics as Fate of Two Worlds, from the combat system to even bringing back being able to switch between three characters.
The new gameplay addition would the modified Team Combos.
Here, either two or three of your team can perform a Hyper Combo.
And it would be accompanied by actual names for the Combos, and a cool ass cinematic!
For the look of this game, it would bring back the cel-shaded look of Fate of Two Worlds, but obviously a little more polished with the advanced technology of today’s consoles.
Now we come to undoubtedly the most important part of the game: the roster.
Heroes Return would feature the biggest roster seen in the series by far, with a total of 100 characters (with there being 50 characters evenly for both brands).
And those 50 characters on both sides would be split evenly into two groups: Heroes and Villains.
Let’s start off with Capcom, since they deserve to go first after the bullshit they went through with the last game.
On the Heroes side, returning from the previous games we have….
.Chun Li
.Mega Man
.Viewtiful Joe
.Phoenix Wright
.Strider Hiryu
.Monster Hunter
.Captain Commando
.Jin Saotome
.Frank West
As for the new Heroes, we have….
.Leon Kennedy
.Claire Redfield
.Victor von Gerdenheim
.Apollo Justice
.Masamune Date
.Sissel and Lynne
As for our Villains, the returning baddies would include….
.M. Bison
For the new Villains, we’ll be getting….
.Dr. Wily
.Manfred von Karma 
.Grandmaster Meio
.Strider Hien
.Demitri Maximoff
.Lord Raptor
.Alcina Dimitrescu
.Carlito Keyes
.Tyrone King
.Cyclops (Tyrannosaurus)
.Nobunaga Oda
.Hideyoshi Toyotomi
.Commander Sith
Now we come to the Marvel side of the roster.
On the Heroes side, our returning faces would consist of….
.The Hulk
.Captain America
.Iron Man
.Doctor Strange
.Iron Fist
As for our new Heroes, we have….
.Mr. Fantastic
.The Invisible Woman
.The Human Torch
.The Thing
.Luke Cage
As for the Villains, the returning baddies include….
.Doctor Doom
.The Juggernaut
In terms of new Villains, we have….
.The Green Goblin
.Doctor Octopus
.The Abomination
.Red Skull
.Baron Zemo
.The Mandarin
.Baron Mordo
.Steel Serpent 
.The Kingpin
As for the stages, this game features total of 30: with 15 representing Marvel, while the other 15 represents Capcom.
On the Capcom side, we have….
.Genbu Temple
.Castle Wily
.Movie Land
.The Demon World
.Kamiki Village
.Kazakh City
.The Ghost Town
.Zeltzereich Castle
.Metro City
.Space Fleet
.Fortune City
.Castle Dimitrescu
.Ibis Island
.Odawara Castle
As for the Marvel side, we have....
.The Daily Bugle
.The Weapon X Facility
.The Gamma Base
.HYDRA Island
.The Valley of Spirits
.The Danger Room
.The Sanctum Sanctorum
.The Baxter Building
.Asteroid M
.The Negative Zone
And finally, this game would actually have a Story Mode! Being the first in the franchise to do so.
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The first of actual worth....
Anyway, the story is pretty simple. It's essentially like Marvel Ultimate Alliance, except with Capcom thrown into the mix.
Essentially, an alliance between various Capcom and Marvel villains have been formed, led by M. Bison and Doctor Doom, who plan on using their combined skills and abilities to conquer the world and further their respective goals.
Luckily, this manages to catch the attention of Dr. Light and Nick Fury, who decide to retaliate by forming their own alliance of heroes to fight against them.
Once again, really simple story, but what will really make it engaging are the world-building and characters iterations.
The world of Marvel vs. Capcom has always been interesting to think about, since it appears to be a world where the Marvel and Capcom characters co-exists with each other.
But we've never really been given an in-depth look on what the world is like or how it works.
From what it seems like, the two brands have always shared this world.
And if that's the case, it would be cool to see how the corners of Marvel and Capcom connect to each other.
Or maybe this could like Battleworld from the Secret Wars event, where their world is the result of the Capcom worlds and the Marvel Universe being merged into one huge world!
As for the characters iterations, I can see so many between the Marvel and Capcom characters.
Some of the ones I can think of the top of my head include....
-Cyclops and Ryu being friendly rivals akin to the latter and Ken. Well, before Ken....ya know, fell off.
-Spider-Man and Morrigan being total besties and often throwing quips together while in battle.
-M.O.D.O.K. and Dr. Wily getting into constant arguments and trying to prove whose the better genius.
-Toad constantly simping for Juri, who as you would expect, isn't having any of it.
-Iron Man being a big brother figure to Mega Man.
-Hulk being an absolute dog person around Amaterasu.
-Deadpool constantly hitting on Chun Li, complimenting her thick legs, only to get his ass kicked every time.
-Magneto and Vergil bonding over their "I'm better than you" personalities, usually talking trash about their fellow villains behind their backs.
-Venom being Claire's big buddy and always telling her to...
Well that's all I have for now!
Let me know what you guys think about idea of mine's.
But most of all, let me know what you all think about the roster, since I believe that's the most important part of any Marvel vs. Capcom.
When making it, I wanted to make sure that both sides were perfectly even.
And for the Marvel side of things, I wanted to include faces from all over their universe rather than just utilizing the ones who are the big names in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
And addition to that, there will be no MCU SYNERGY at all in this game.
Because we all know how much it helped the last game....
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classicdatabase · 11 months
CD Entry #009
While far from a series staple, Guts Man in specific has had a notable amount of solo reappearances (ones that do not include some or all of the first game’s lineup alongside him) in the mainline Classic series, especially considering all have some sort of direct relation to Dr. Wily.
In Mega Man (1987) Guts Man is debuted as a character, but he already receives special treatment compared to the other bosses; namely, the final stage of the game, where several identical Guts Man copies(?) hooked up to wiring are placed as decoration within the tileset. This could be due to Guts Man’s rematch being the last boss fight before the Wily Machine, but none of the other bosses rematched in this stage have such treatment.
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Mega Man 2 is when this became explicitly deliberate and not just a possible reuse of assets with the Guts Tank/Guts-Dozer, the boss of the third Dr. Wily stage. This otherwise unrelated tank boss that spawns Metalls and spits bullets at the player is directly based on and heavily resembles Guts Man, despite the original character not appearing in the game. This is even directly addressed in the officially licensed Archie Comics series (though taking place in a separate canon), with Guts Man proclaiming: “He ripped off my design again?! To make that?!”
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Finally, Mega Man 7 features the Robot Museum mini-stage appearing after the first 4 bosses are defeated. Many robots from previous entries can be seen on display in this area’s background, however the only one Dr. Wily steals, at least on-screen, is once again Guts Man, who is modified to use treads (similar to the Guts Tank), a claw arm, and is used as the first boss of the game’s Wily Fortress stages.
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Honorable mentions of this phenomenon include Mega Man & Bass referencing him in Stone Man’s CD Database entry claiming them to be friends, Concrete Man being seemingly based on him, Clown Man’s stage having toys based on Guts Man G, and his appearance as a playable racer in Mega Man Battle & Chase, though Ice Man also appears in the same role.
The reasoning for this pattern, to my understanding, is unknown.
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bakawitch · 15 days
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@wisteriasymphony posting this because it might be interesting to others too XD
Mistress Moon considers Rothbart the most successful Prince, he's the first Prince for a reason, after all.
As for how she decides, she takes into account a plethora of things, such as power, loyalty, dedication to her cause, etc., but the biggest modifier is balance and longevity. Not all the Princes come out of the wringer perfectly stable. Depending on how well they fuse with their wilis and how well their heart takes to the change, a well adjusted Prince can last decades long, while a poorly adjusted one could barely last a month or even a week. Out of the seven, only the top three are perfectly balanced, from four, and onwards, all Princes had some sort of mishap during their initial transformation which left them a bit out of sync compared to the top three.
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elfyourmother · 1 year
Do you consider yourself a lore breaking, lore bending or lore adhering roleplayer? Does this adherence to lore depend on the kind of lore you're exploring with your characters; i.e. you play fast and loose with ideas xiv has yet to develop, but you tend to pay close attention to the fleshed out ideals? Is there lore you have modified that you're proud of and would share here?
I view lore as a starting point for me to jump off from and make my own. Always have.
I find strict adherence to game canon for its own sake creatively suffocating and always have, in every setting I've ever written in. It’s pretty much entirely because I grew up on DMing and writing in Forgotten Realms, which took a very DIY approach back in the day that was heavily encouraged by its creator. Everyone's Realms were equally valid, according to Word of God, and there were often intentional "blanks" left in sourcebooks for the DM to fill. These books emphasized over and over again that the DM was the ultimate authority on canon, not TPTB or the novels or anything else. That philosophy has informed my approach to worldbuilding in the transformative fandom sense for the last 30 years. That and being a queer Black femme of color who is very rarely satisfied by canon narratives rife w racially problematic tropes. I change things to make a space for myself and my characters and the stories I want to tell, by necessity. FFXIV is no different in that respect.
That said, I don't smash SE canon just to smash it either. Despite how bonkershits a lot of Gisèle's canon appears on the surface (eg. post-war Ishgard's constitutional monarchy with King Aymeric), everything I change has been carefully considered and engineered for as much internal consistency as possible. As much as I operate on Rule of Cool, I need things to make sense for me to have fun.
But I am distinctly not a roleplayer, for this and many other reasons. I'm strictly a fic writer, and I don't ever collab with people. The world Gisèle operates in is constructed entirely for her, and my own enjoyment, by design. So no one is forced to deal with my stuff if they don't like it.
That said, King Aymeric is probably the lore I’m most proud of. I wrote a ficlet for ffxivwrite last year on it here, but the cliffs notes: Aymeric invoked the ancient covenant between man and dragon when begging Hraesvelgr’s aid against Nidhogg and vowed he would restore it, but Hraes said that because that covenant was broken by an Elezen king, only an Elezen king could restore it. Hraes was wily though, it wasn’t just upholding weird draconic custom in saying that. His ulterior motive was to make Aymeric guarantee his people would be united enough not to turn on the Dravanians once Nid was handled. the end result is that Aymeric restored the Ishgardian throne (“The Azure Throne”, as a nod to Haldrath), but as a largely unifying figurehead/ceremonial position with Parliament strictly defining the role of the king. Artoirel is Lord Speaker of the House of Lords. Aymeric’s still LC of the temple knights in addition to his royal duties. He wasn’t giving that up lol.
making a constitutional monarchy plausible in the context of the story was challenging and I think I’ve done a solid job of it tbh. I wanted to lean into the Arthurian romance vibes of HW but also solve the fundamental problem I had w how it ended, which is that I don’t think it’s a terribly realistic scenario for ppl who were under a theocracy for 1000 years. Aymeric essentially having his hand forced by Hraesvelgr solves the issue of why he would restore the throne and tbh I don’t flinch from the complications of squaring that with the revelations about Ishgard’s founding, I think it only plays more into Aymeric’s ambivalence about the role he’s been thrust into.
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fshoulders · 3 months
I’m a little weird about surprising people with baked goods. And pie is the very best, because a pie is such a glory!
I just did this today on a larger scale than usual. (Usually I…don’t tell my spouse I’m making a pie, then super-casually leave it out cooling or ask him to take it out of the oven in ten minutes while I hurry off because I’m almost late to an appointment.) My friends asked us over to (COVID-cautious backyard) dinner and I asked if I could bring anything. “Dessert? Bread?” (I was already plotting.) They had bread covered; I could bring dessert if I wanted to, but I shouldn’t feel obliged. THEY FELL INTO MY TRAP
So I:
hit the farmstand for cherries on the way home but bought local blueberries instead;
made pie crusts and seasoned them in the fridge;
consulted my pie testaments, rejected their strictures and modified a recipe instead, added 2 unexpected off-book spices feeling like a wildly creative and intuitive domestic goddess;
made a lattice top, crafted a really awkward bunch of ‘botanically accurate blueberry blossoms with leaves’ that looks more like a rejected monster design from The Thing;
baked the pie and ran upstairs to scrub the oven-sweat off my face and put on presentable pants;
pulled the pie out just in time to leave and put it in my two-decker Amish-made pie basket (a gift from relatives who wanted pie);
tried to hold it level between my feet all the way up hill and down dale to our friends’ house; dribbled blueberry pie juice in the car footwell, on my pants cuff, all the way up their deck;
off and on through dinner worried about the weird spices I’d so blissfully added;
cut my pretty lattice and served out pieces to my hosts, graciously accepted compliments but was still somehow surprised it was goddamn delicious!
And I tell you all this to emphasize how completely ridiculous and irrational it is that I did every single step of this with incredibly smug mischievous glee in my heart, like I’m pulling The World’s Most Perfect Prank, like I’m an unstoppable chaos goblin, like can you believe I’m going to pull this off!? They won’t expect a pie, and yet there will be a pie! Those rubes, those absolute fools! No one expects a beautiful* lattice-topped berry pie when I said ‘oh I’ll umm get something while I’m out’! I’m laughing in my wicked, wily insides the entire time, pulling off the lid of the pie basket and suppressing the deep evil cackles that rise like bubbles from my dark gooey heart. 😈
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*The flowers were not beautiful but they were edible so I don’t think anyone minded. I figured I should show them. I may be a mischievous pie faerie, but I need to stay humble:
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wearepaladin · 1 year
a bit of context for some of my recent asks about oaths: i've been working on modifying some OCs to be part of a larger team of adventurers, and I had this idea of reworking an Exalted character (a chosen of the moon who is a liberator of the oppressed and terror of tyrants) into a similar concept as that ancient dinosaur warrior I tossed a while back. I thought of making oaths a part of his character and wanted to look up stuff on the Oaths for inspiration, and Ancients seems interesting?
The Ancients is an Oath is a deliberately radiant oath, focusing on the Light in every tenant. Out of all the oaths, it is the most purely altruistic, encouraging it’s keeper to find the goodness in themselves, in others, and defend it all.
Kindle the Light. Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair.
Shelter the Light. Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.
Preserve Your Own Light. Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can't preserve it in the world.
Be the Light. Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.
The issue, if one can find difficulty with such a thing, is that it’s nebulous beyond being a servant of light, it does not define the dark, or how the light is to be ignited against shadow. It’s one that embraces an altruistic consequentialism, where the end result is more important than the direction one takes to get there.
Or, more importantly, it allows anyone to find a place for themselves as an oathkeeper, be they trained knight, wily urchin, or reformed monster finding a way to harness and grow the light within and without.
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