#And new Claire and Jim baby!
winter-leftovers · 2 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty eight: Childhood Home (28/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Merlin comes back with bad news.
Word count: 3621
Warnings: no
(Wizards Episodes 1)
Song?: A burning hill by Mitski
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Y/n sighed as she submerged her body into the tub, the hot water now kissing her neck. The wrinkles on her skin gave away the hours she had spent on the soapy water. The bathroom had turned into a warm, quiet refuge from the babies running around in the Lake’s house. The screaming, the noisy toys, the spit, the dirty diapers. It all had become too much for the wizard to handle. The only moments of peace she could find were when she would put her head under the water. The world disappearing for an instant, the only noise she could hear was the calming lullaby of her blood pumping under the boiling water.
The tiles vibrated loud enough to make the babies napping in Jim’s room to scream in desperation. Y/n sat up, water spilling out of the tub as she prepared herself to throw the culprit across the room only to look down at Toby’s smiling face on her phone looking back at her. The bubbling anger died down to be taken over by another type of annoyance, the one where you are the only one to blame.
Toby had been texting and calling all day and Y/n had been avoiding his texts and calls all day. She didn’t have a good explanation, she just wanted to be left alone. Since Jim left she hasn’t been able to be alone, not even while peeing ever since the babies learnt to walk. Always working, hanging out or taking care of someone.
Y/n groaned, submerging herself into the water. The tub was the only place where she could be, but from her water tumb she heard someone knocking at the door. She emerged, her shoulders already falling forward.
“Y/n? Honey?” Barbara called.
“Yes, mom?”
“You should check your phone”
Y/n’s hand trembled as she opened the door to the bookstore. Toby said that the world may be ending yet again, but that wasn’t her biggest worry. Merlin had been awakened for more than a few days and Y/n didn’t say a word to Douxie. She blamed herself. Why did she always listen to her father?
She breathed in and out trying to leave her fears out on the street.
“And Steve Palchuk, Creepslayer!”
“I have no idea who you are” books flew around the once well kept bookstore, Merlin sorted them out before packing them in a flying chest “but we’re desperate. Thankfully, we have the brute”
Y/n stood behind Douxie and whispered in his ear:
“Oh, he is in a good mood”
Douxie smiled, turning back:
“Hello, darling”
“Hi” she smiled back.
Douxie grabbed her hand and for a moment, they ignored what was happening around them, both lost in eachother’s eyes, in eachother’s warmth. “Aah!” Steve’s yelp pulled Y/n out of the enchantment.
“Careful!” Y/n called out the older wizard and the chest flying behind him for their recklessness“ Are you okay?” She ran to the blonde teenager, using the hand that held Douxie to hold Steve’s head.
“Yes” he sniffed.
“Y/n! That’s great! Now we have the brute and a master wizard” Merlin didn’t turn to greet his daughter.
“Good to see you too” she said sarcastically “What’s going on?” She looked around looking for the messy black haired boy “Where’s Jim?”
“Yeah, where’s Claire?” Toby joined the chorus “I thought they were with you”
“Answers forthcoming. Make preparations. We’ve a journey ahead” Merlin kept packing “and don’t…”
“But, master…” Douxie interrupted.
“ ‘But, master’ me” Merlin finished.
“Are you sure you want to count on these children? They’re clearly not ready for this” Douxie asked.
“Excuse me, college dude, these children fought off a fifty foot extraterrestrial” Steve accidentally punched the head off the enchanted armor.
“Oh, that’s why you kept calling me?” Y/n turned to Toby, guilt creeping up her throat.
“Don’t worry. We…” Toby turned to help Steve fight off the enchanted armor “Dude, let’s go off his head”
“Douxie is right, father” Y/n quickly followed Merlin and Douxie away from the teenagers “They already fought enough things. Kids shouldn’t be fighting. They can’t keep doing this”
“Master, I’m ready for this” Douxie pitched himself full of confidence.
“Doubtful” Merlin said, focused on packing.
Y/n sighed:
“Just hear him out…”
“Silence!” Merlin commanded.
Y/n mouth stayed open, her smile falling into a frown, the words still weighing on her tongue. The familiar warmth of anger quickly ran through her body.
“I mean, silence” Merlin repeated softer “all of you” turning to the fighting teenagers “Can you not hear that?”
The group shook their heads. After the battle, Arcadia was destroyed, again, so the strange sounds could be anything, a car finally exploding or a building giving up. What wasn’t normal was the power going out. Y/n turned her head to the window, in the darkness the only thing she could see was the reflection of the chimney’s fire. She twisted her wrist revealing her staff.
“Something wicked this way comes” Merlin walked to the window followed by Douxie.
Something hit against the glass activating the barrier. Douxie took a step back covering his eyes.
“Shadow mephits?” Merlin turned to his apprentice “Hisirdoux, did you lead them here?”
“No, no!” Douxie waved his hands around, appalled that his master would think that.
Y/n pinched her nose. She felt like she had seen this scene many times before.
“I mean, I don’t think so?” Douxie looked out the window once more.
“Yes, we did” Archie walked up to confirm their mistake.
Douxie nervously chuckled under his master’s incredulous gaze.
“The barrier won’t hold for long” Merlin turned back “We must make egress! Tobias, take my things” with a movement of his arm, Toby went flying on top of the chest through the stairs.
Before Merlin could keep giving directions, the shadow memphits broke down the barrier, entering the bookstore.
“All of you, to the roof!” Merlin screamed, killing one of the creatures with his magic.
Y/n ran behind her friends to the roof only to find the roof as full shadow memphits as the bookstore.
“Why is the roof full of shadow memphits?” Y/n heard Al’s voice. The girl turned and saw the cat biting one of the creatures’ tales.
“Al!” Y/n ran, picking him up before the creatures could return the favor.
“That tasted awful” he shook his head.
“Stand back!” Merlin alerted.
“Everyone on” Before she could turn to look, Aaarrrgghh threw her onto a ship.
“I would like a warning next time” Al left Y/n’s arms.
“Maybe when we aren’t under attack” Y/n stood up pointing her staff to the shadow memphits Aaarrrgghh had on his back, destroying them in a ray of crimson so Steve and Toby could help the troll get into the ship.
As she lowered her staff she saw Douxie grabbing the baranda, distracted by something in the ground.
“Are you okay?” She walked up to him, softly grabbing his elbow.
He didn’t turn back, his mind absorbed by what the blue light of the barrier was reflecting.
“Doux…” Y/n called looking down, finally seeing what paralyzed Douxie: a knight surrounded by dark magic Y/n couldn’t understand.
The knight looked back at Douxie, his empty eyes focused only on the wizard. Douxie shivered when he returned the look. The knight appeared soulless, there seemed to be no emotion behind the visor.
The shadow memphits started to crawl into the mystery knight’s body like they were returning to its home making Y/n shiver. That wasn’t natural.
“Boy…” the dark voice echoed in the wizard's minds.
Y/n’s nails dig into Douxie’s bicep, both frozen in place looking back at the knight while his voice poisoned their insides with fear.
“Look out!” Merlin pulled them down by their jackets before the knight’s spears could reach them.
Y/n stood up, looking back at her father with a frown, not out of anger but out of confusion, she doesn’t remember the knight attacking them.
“Are you alright, love?” Douxie grabbed Y/n’s cheek with both hands and examined every inch of her face.
“Of course” she smiled, shaking the confusion away “Are you?” She grabbed one of his wrists, pulling his hand away to lay in his chest.
“I’m alright” he pulled her closer.
Y/n closed her eyes letting the movement of the ship and the familiar warmth of Douxie wash the adrenaline of the battle out of her sistem.
“What the heck is that?!” Steve screamed.
“Welcome, young squires to Camelot” Merlin announced.
Y/n quickly opened her eyes up, slightly pulling away from Douxie. In front of them, flying in the middle of the night sky stood the old castle that she once called home. A nostalgia ridden sigh escaped out of her lips. The castle was frozen in time, everything looked the same except a big green stone under it but that still didn’t change the strange feeling of coming back home after a long journey that invaded her.
“Camelot? As in ancient-old-people-times Camelot?” Toby screamed.
“Let the old people jokes begin” Y/n turned to Douxie, laughing.
The boy chuckled but his eyes were still glossy with the nostalgia of their childhood home, he was still lost in the emotion of coming back.
Y/n smiled, laying her head against his shoulder letting herself too be lost in what used to be.
“Sir Galahad, how look the skies?” Merlin screamed to the old man keeping watch in one of the towers.
“All quiet, my old friend!” The knight reported back.
Y/n turned to look at Sir Galahad waving back. She messily laughed, euphoria cursing through her veins when she saw he hadn’t changed one bit.
“Keep your eyes on the horizon” Merlin ordered before starting his parking maneuver.
“Oh, lord” Y/n gripped the baranda as she felt the instability in the velocity.
“I say, coming in a little hot, don’t you think?” Archie suggested as he grabbed himself from dear life.
“Rubbish!” Complained Merlin.
“He’s going to kill us all!” Al screamed as the green light slowed down the ship.
“Whoo hoo hoo hoo!” Steve screamed as he walked the entrance of the castle.
“Woah!” Toby echoed.
“It’s been nine hundred years since I was last here” Douxie said more to himself, turning around observing the unchanged castle.
“It hasn’t changed a bit” Y/n looked around searching for a small vase out of place but not finding it.
“Well except for the flying part” Douxie added.
“Nine hundred years?” Steve chuckled “Yeah right. You’re like 19?”
Y/n and Douxie shared a look, with a smile reminding all the adventures they had in the last century.
“Give or take a few centuries” Archie explained before flying away.
“Wait, don’t leave me here!” Al quickly followed.
“So, how many things can your cats turn into?” Steve asked, following the cats’ flying pattern with his head.
“That depends. How many things are there?” Douxie answered.
“Uh, cool floating castle ship, but what’s the grave danger you keep talking about? Toby ran after Merlin before he could disappear in the endless hallways.
“Ah, there you are” Merlin opened his arms, welcoming his old guests.
“Claire!” Toby screamed.
“Toby!” The girl ran to his friend’s arms.
Y/n ran to the other side of the room, waiting to see her brother only to find Claire and an injured Blinky. She kept her smile, hiding her disappointment in her back pocket as the four of them hugged.
“I’m glad you’re okay” Y/n hugged Claire.
“Whoa, hey, Steve’s here too! How about…How about some love for Steve?”
“Oh. Hi, Steve” Claire pulled away from Y/n, her face devoid of feelings.
“What happened? Where’s Jim?” Y/n frowned, she had waited enough time.
“Follow me” Merlin sighed, walking deeper into the castle.
Y/n turned to Claire trying to look for clues into her face but the devastated look on the young wizard was as terrifying as the broken sigh in her father’s mouth.
She walked through the hallways of the castle with her heart in her palms as she has done many times before. How is she going to look at her mother in the eyes now?
“Jim” Toby ran to the table where Jim laid, kneeling by his side.
Y/n walked slowly, she couldn’t believe what her eyes were seeing: her little brother laying inside a crystal with a spear in his heart.
“What happened?” Y/n asked her voice sharp as the bottom of her staff.
“We were ambushed. Some ancient, dark warrior. An unstoppable knight clad in green who struck down Master Jim” Blinky recounted.
But Y/n didn’t care, the hot tears brewing in her heart didn’t care. All she could hear was: they didn’t do enough.
“Master, is that the same knight we saw at the bookstore?” Douxie's voice appeared through the cloud of anger.
“One and the same. That onyx shard is working its way towards his heart. I placed the boy in stasis, stalling its progress…for now”
‘I didn’t see it’ Y/n mind replays that moment again and again. How can she blame them when she probably couldn’t stop him either?
The anger softens and migrates to her neck, tying itself around her neck pulling tight becoming sadness, guilt.
“If I had my shadow staff, I could’ve saved him” Claire cried.
Y/n wishes she could say that that’s not true but she’s afraid that everyone can see what’s hanging around her neck.
“Who is this green knight? How do I get my hands on him?” Toby’s anger starts to spill out.
“I do not know” Merlin confesses “The green knight said but one name, which chilled me to the bone: Morgana”
Y/n frowned. This definitely wasn’t one of her tricks. At least, it didn’t look like one.
“I hate that lady” Toby said, the memories of the Eternal Night coming back to him “Wait” he looked back at the older wizard “I thought we kicked her bee witch butt to the Shadow Realm”
“Which he appeared not to know” Merlin frowned, still puzzled by the encounter with the mysterious knight.
“So this is not Morgana’s work” Y/n question, certain in her heart of the answer.
Merlin shook his head:
“I cannot confirm his alliances but he wore the emblem of Camelot”
Douxie turned to Y/n, eyes full of confusion and worry.
“Come with me, quickly” Merlin turned, walking away, leading the group across a bridge to his studio “I fear the answer lies in the past. A dark menace is coming, one even I cannot face alone”
The room, as the rest of the castle, was the same as it was a century ago. Y/n could feel the ghost of her long skirt hitting her ankles and the knot in her throat everytime she would enter her father's workspace.
“You are all now soldiers in a war started centuries ago for the world of magic” Merlin opened a small white box, from inside it a blue sphere of light appeared revealing images of the past “Once, the realms of Magic and Man clashed in endless bloodshed” Merlin twirled the circle showing them an image of the late King “King Arthur sought to wipe out magic that ravaged the lands in his was against Gunmar. I brought what few spellcasters I could under my protection to spare them from the sword…”
“Including myself” Explained Douxie.
“And Morgana le Fay” added Y/n when Morgana’s image appeared in the magic circle.
“She was the finest student I ever taught” Merlin observed the memory of young Morgana, his eyes full of proudness, he thought she was destined for great things “…until she tried to kill me” he closed his eyes “Thankfully, in my all-seeing wisdom, I created a secret weapon” he touch the sphere “the Trollhunter amulet. The war came to a standstill and I imprisoned Morgana at the Battle of Killahead Bridge. This Green Knight that assailed us was clearly born of dark magic but I have no memory of him nor what connection he could have to Morgana”
Y/n looked back at the image of his sister, Guinevere’s words stitched to her heart “you can love the person you knew” and that’s what she’s been doing every day, carrying daisies to an imaginary grave, remembering the woman who would free the trolls from the traps, the woman who would sneak her extra dessert but she knew what she saw, what she felt. That Knight is not Morgana’s work
“I really don’t think he had a connection…” Y/n wasn’t able to finish.
“You never do, Y/n. You are not impartial” Merlin cut her off.
“I know what I saw. That magic is not Morgana’s!” Y/n hit the table.
Merlin opened his mouth to protest but the warning bells cut him off.
Before they could turn to see what danger was looking for them, the castle was hit, shaking the entire structure.
“What’s happening?” Claire screamed in fear.
“Have you never been under attack before?” Merlin helped Y/n to get up from the ground “To the battlements!”
Y/n ran, her staff in hand ready to confront whatever was trying to destroy Camelot like she had done many times before. What she didn’t expect was the amount of power their enemy seemed to have. ‘The Arcane Order’ her father called it. She considered herself an experienced wizard and she had only heard that name one time when she was very young and her father made it clear she wasn’t supposed to ask anymore questions.
“Everyone get to safety now!” Merlin ordered as soon as he saw the wizards emerge from the gigantic ship that was trying to board the castle.
The wizard with ice powers attacked first, quickly overpowering Merlin, throwing him into the ground and his staff off the castle.
“I got it” Archie flew behind.
Y/n was impressed. She didn’t have another word for it. She had never seen such ability, especially in wizards that seemed as young as her
Soon enough, cannons were fired making it impossible for anyone to stand.
“We must flee” Merlin ordered.
“I’m on it” Douxie ran to steer the ship away from The Arcane Order.
The castle shook once more, Merlin and Y/n turned, seeing their new obstacle: a bridge made of ice joining the ships.
“They’re boarding us!” Merlin screamed.
“I’m on it” Y/n jumped into the edge of the tower “Go get the staff”
“Steer us clear at my command!” Merlin jumped to another tower.
Y/n pointed her staff to the thick ice that joined the ships, a hot lightning melting the middle of the bridge. She frowned, she felt sweat dripping from her forehead, melting a simple block of a was being harder than it should be. She pulled back, falling backwards into the cold stone of the castle. While the ice wizard built multiple bridges, their ally was bombing the castle shaking the old structure.
Y/n stood back up, nodded her head, her eyes focused on this time, severing the connection between the ships. She tightened the grip on her staff and swung, a big ball of red lightning cut all the communications the ship had.
“Yeah!” Y/n screamed, jumping around alone celebrating her victory. Her short victory.
The wind changed. The wizard heard the crackling of the ice murmuring behind her, she slowly turned around, afraid to confirm her suspicion: all the broken bridges were made new again and were crawling with shadow memphits.
“You’ve got to be kidding me” Y/n climbed to Douxie’s post.
“Archie, find the staff or we are all dead meat!” Douxie screamed fighting off shadow memphits off the steers.
“What do you people think I’m doing?” Archie screamed back from the sky.
The castle shook once more, making Y/n’ stomach turn.
“I officially hate flying” she joked, eyes lost in the horizon.
“We’ll travel by boat. Old style” Douxie nodded.
“Flying castles suck!” Steve screamed
Y/n turned, they were joined by Steve wearing a helmet and Claire.
“Hisirdoux, now!” Merlin screamed.
“Please don’t blow us up” Douxie prayed as he set up the time map and steered the ship “Please don’t blow us up!”
“We don’t have enough power for the jump!” Archie flew close.
“Trust in Merlin” Screamed Douxie.
Archie was wrong. The time rift was opened but the Arcane Order wasn’t about to let them leave so easily. Y/n didn’t see them hit the castle, she just knew she was lucky enough to grab Douxie's hand before falling to the night sky, until she saw his brother fall through the time rift, then, she didn’t feel so lucky.
She looked up at Douxie knowing what she had to do but before she could apologize he nodded. He knew well what Y/n wanted to do and he supported it. They let go of each other's hands at the same time.
Y/n fell as she heard Claire and Steve’s terrified screams but she couldn’t be scared, not when her eyes were focused on Douxie.
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A/n: sorry for leaving 👉👈 again
remember to leave love letters and death threats!! 💖
<Taglist: @douxiesaurus @fandomobbsessedb @queteimporta-99 @adrias23 @wickedlovely121 If your url is crossed it means tumblr didn’t let me tag you> want to be tagged next update? Let me know!
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alix-xer · 1 year
The tragedy of romeo
Heads up if u don't like angsty stuff
"Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? For what perpose is your name? Your name is nothing but a word; it does not make you the person you are. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Take away your name Romeo, and you could have me"
Jim strides toward the stage centre, channeling the feelings he can never truly share. Thinking of the girl he can never truly have
"juliet, I will be whatever you want me to be"
Claire looks at him with passion, it was not in the same way as before. There was no passion for him, only for a stranger
And that, that hurt.
He is just Romeo, not 'babe' or 'Jimmy jam'
Not 'little gynt' 'son' 'the bular slayer' 'Jim the baby handed'
Just Jim
"you hide in the darkness of the garden, but it is only your name, Montague, that is the enemy"
Tears brim Jim's eye as he looks at claire
Claire mustn't of noticed, she would've if he didn't turn back time
"if you do not like my name" Jim inhaled "then it is hateful to me, too. Call me love, and I shall have a new name"
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albentelisa · 5 months
Hi! Here's a slight angsty idea. What if Claire was kidnapped as baby and raised to believe she was Morgana's daughter?
In an effort to make the lie convincing, and as a side affect to make sure Ophelia and Javier can't find their daughter easily, Morgana changed her name to Fontaine.
As for NotEnrique, let's just say Jim's the older sibling in this AU since the Nuñez parents didn't want to risk having another kid, only for a repeat to happen.
Jim is still the Trollhunter though.
Oh, another angsty one!
So, Morgana feels she needs an actual magic user in addition to the changelings to help her get out of her imprisonment. She decides that the best solution is to raise one herself (well, kinda).
A search for a baby with a good shadow magic aptitude leads her to Claire. The Janus Order has never gotten in trouble kidnapping babies so it's not that problematic here. The only difference is that there is no substitute baby, so Ophelia and Javier start the search frantically.
Morgana picks two changelings to act as Claire's parents for the public but she commands them to treat the baby as her own daughter (basically, Claire is kind of the Janus Order's princess in this AU). Morgana communicates with her 'daughter' either through possessing one of the 'parents' or via dreams. Claire started learning shadow magic early on and has made good progress.
When Claire is older, she starts to question how Morgana, who has been sealed for centuries, can be her mother, but Morgana invents the plausible lie that Claire is the creation of her magic and the two are connected to the point that if Morgana dies, Claire will disappear..
Initially, Claire and her fake family live outside Arcadia to throw off Javier and Ophelia, but they move back when Claire is 14. Morgana initiates it so that Claire can watch Strickler's actions (as she absolutely trusts Claire and has doubts about Stricklander).
As for Jim and his relationship with Enrique, in this AU Barbara had another relationship that gave her a second son (and another bastard ran away, this time when the kid was only a month old). Enrique is older in this AU, he's five by the beginning of the Trollhunters. The switch happened when Enrique was only nine months old, so basically Jim has had NotEnrique as a brother for more than four years. Jim suspects nothing, only thinking that his little bro is too spoiled and annoying. NotEnrique, on the other hand, has gotten dangerously attached to both Jim and Barbara.
Claire is under a lot of stress as Morgana forces her to practice her magic which is based on negativity. She has only two outlets - Papa Skull music and theatre. That's why she joins the school play.
When Jim finds the amulet, there are three people from the enemy's camp who learn about it - Claire, who notices it during the lesson, NotEnrique, who sees it at home, and Strickler, who learns much like in the canon.
Claire reports to her mother about the amulet and gets an order to seize it before anyone else (as Morgana wants to use it as a bargaining chip). Claire decides to seduce Jim (not aware that he's already head over heels for her).
NotEnrique, on the other hand, is deadset on getting the amulet from Jim before Bular learns who is the new Trollhunter. He wants to keep his family safe from the mess.
Strickler also wants to get the amulet. He could use NotEnrique for that, but somehow he doubts that NotEnrique will give him the amulet and not get all the credit for himself. So Strickler comes to the Lakes' household and meets Barbara (NotEnrique is obviously upset and tries to shoo Strickler away).
From now on, there are three people trying to get the amulet while not letting others succeed. The complication is that both Strickler and Claire start to actually fall for Barbara and Jim respectively. It's even worse for Claire, who has trouble understanding her budding feelings. She even starts to wonder if she can convince Jim to switch sides and become Morgana's champion.
Everything goes downhill when Jim accidentally exposes NotEnrique with a gaggletack as NotEnrique tells him Strickler's true identity out of spite. It leaves Claire the only one off the hook, and Strickler begrudgingly suggests to her to unite their efforts, promising her that Jim will be fine. However, Claire doesn't have her advantage for long as NotEnrique exposes her as well once he realizes that the girl Jim dates is actually Morgana's daughter.
Jim has a final confrontation with Bular and barely wins (Claire at some point blasts Bular to give Jim an advantage). Unfortunately, Claire ends sucked into the Darklands together with Nomura.
Strickler still runs away and later returns with Angor. He feels that he needs some protection both from Jim and Morgana who should be enraged for what has happened to her daughter. However, Morgana actually doesn't mind Claire being stuck in the Darklands - she thinks it can be a fitting punishment for falling in love with Merlin's champion (she plans to free her later).
Jim plans to venture to the Darklands and save his real brother and Claire (as he realizes that he should listen to her story first before judging her).
In the Darklands, Gunmar imprisons Claire for helping to kill Bular (he would rather kill her, but he realizes her importance to Morgana). Claire bonds with Nomura and hears about her history with Draal. Nomura is sure that dating an enemy can only lead to heartbreak and tragedy and that love turns into hatred once the lover learns about the deception.
Angor Rot never loses the shadow staff in this AU, but he drops it at the Trollmarket when he dies.
Jim ventures into the Darklands and saves Enrique, but is stuck like in the canon when the Killahead is destroyed. That's how he meets imprisoned Nomura and Claire. Jim and Claire have a talk and reconcile.
When Jim's allies come to save him, they also save Nomura and Claire. Seeing that Claire has succeded, Nomura decides to try reconciling with Draal.
Claire finds the shadow staff at the Trollmarket and picks it up. She has no idea that it belongs to Morgana though - she thinks it's just a great staff for busting her shadowmancy. It turns out to be a grave mistake as Morgana uses it as a conduit to possess Claire.
Initially, there are just occasional blackouts, and Claire herself is unaware. During those, Morgana contacts the remains of the Janus Order, has a deal with Gunmar, and revives Angor Rot.
Strickler returns, and Jim and his team learn that Gunmar is out and that some magic user is helping him. Strickler suspects Claire, but Jim is sure his girlfriend will never betray them (the irony is that both are right).
Claire starts to realize that something is wrong but tries to solve it herself first, and fails miserably. Morgana takes over and escapes. Meanwhile, Gunmar and Angor go to Merlin's tomb and recover Merlin's staff without any complications.
Jim is desperate to save Claire from Morgana's possession. In his search for a solution, he stumbles upon GDT Arcane Books and meets Douxie. Douxie admits that he's a wizard, but his expertise might be limited, so he suggests waking up his master.
Merlin isn't happy to wake up amid the mess. His staff is stolen, his student is involved for some reason, and his supposed champion is in love with Morgana's daughter (or student, or whatever)! Merlin refuses to help Claire (both because she is a shadowmancer and because he simply cannot do a thing), and Jim tries to reach her soul himself.
Claire temporarily snaps and starts a mental fight for control with Morgana. Morgana brings back her lie about them being too connected, but Claire realizes that she wants to be free and would rather die than live under Morgana's constant control. With that determination, she banishes Morgana out of her mind.
The final battle approaches and Merlin tries to talk Jim into taking his elixir. He's less successful because Jim is already angry with him for not helping Claire. He still agrees that it would be difficult to defeat both Gunmar and Morgana.
Jim shares his concern with Claire, and she admits that she could also use transformation magic on him and give him the ability to turn into a troll at will, but she isn't sure if it will work properly and that it might have horrible consequences, and that Merlin's elixir can be a better and safer solution. Jim says that he trusts her way more than he trusts Merlin, so he's willing to risk.
Claire's magic works as intended, and the team faces Gunmar and Morgana. Claire goes against her 'mother', fully expecting to die together with her. She's rather shocked when after sealing Morgana, nothing happens.
Later, she gets some visions in her dreams regarding her true family and decides to reconnect with them.
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huntsvillegossip · 5 months
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Happy New Year Lovelies!
Well, happier for some than for others, it seems. Eagan Connolly is raising quite the fuss about the disappearance of someone named Will Monroe—details are light on who exactly Will is but apparently he's known to some as a local prostitute. If you see her hobbling around, maybe keep a wide berth, since they’ve been heard muttering to themselves in public. If it was something worth worrying about, the police or Mayor Nat herself would have informed us, of course.
We have multiple witnesses having seen what looked like a very upset Christopher Winters and a very concerned Jim Dunford in town the other day. They were arguing about what sounded like a cheeky New Years Eve kiss that they shared. Jim seemed to be trying to placate Christopher, who was not having it, shoving the man away and stalking off. No news yet as to whether Emma Dunford is aware of this. For all we know, this might be her way of having her cake and eating it too. Christopher and Emma are also expecting a child, which begs the question, is now really the time to try something new?
Speaking of their upcoming adoption, the baby’s birth mother has also been on her own romantic adventure. Josie Reigh and Gabriel Westfall are official, at least if the people overhearing her referring to him as her boyfriend are to be believed. The two seem to be quite happy with each other. Alas, not everyone seems to be as over the moon as they are. Nico Garcia stills seems hung up over Miss Reigh, which is no surprise, since he always was the more sensitive brother. He has repeatedly been seen intoxicated at the Sasquatch and was even heard propositioning one of their bartenders. One lucky contender who took him up on the offer is Jessica Sinclair. That girl's taste has always been questionable—but perhaps this is the one who will break her streak of heartbreak?
The younger Garcia brother isn't the only one moping and drinking his sorrows away at the bar. Theodore Collins has become the latest member of the lonely hearts club. Many have remarked he's been overly temperamental at work with some adding in that he and Kirby have officially called it quits. However, seems they're both quick to move on. Theodore was spotted hitting on Morgan Vovk, who took him home "as a friend"—you can take that as you will. Meanwhile, Kirby has been seen multiple times leaving the drive-in with Edward Langston. Now, sonsidering he should be focused on helping raise his goddaughter, you would think he'd reconsider his priorities. Kirby is fun but they're hardly the person you'd want around when you're trying to be responsible.
That's all for now, my lovelies. Remember: drink and flirt responsibly! You never know who's watching.
Love, Auntie G
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“Is it just me, or do the old folks at the retirement home seem happier lately?  Is it just because of that new doctor working there or what?” - Anon (37M)
“So, I hear there’s an angry bounty hunter in town, and word on the street is he’s after a big score. Guess it makes sense that he seems to have joined Val Moreno’s harem. He seems like her type. Good luck and godspeed to Connor Hastings, I suppose.” - Hopeful Future Harem Member
“It appears like Duck Romero has been lassoed by Claire Forbes and is officially off the market. I saw the two of them on what appeared to be a date after New Years looking mighty cozy. Third time’s the charm, folks!” - Town Bird Watcher
“Declan Sullivan seems to be sowing his wild oats, as he was seen kissing Peyton Wilson soon after a love confession to him by Artemis Hayes was overheard at a construction site. Never seen a boy high tail it out of a conversation so fast. Hey, I'm willing to be her shoulder to cry on any day.” - Bob the Builder
"You'd be surprised how much shit gets talked about at the construction sites. You know that circus guy? Mercy Wainwright? Might've overheard him bitching about not getting to see his kid. That he might actually try to get custody of 'em. Not sure how the baby mama, Josie Reigh, gonna feel about that one." - The 4th Property Brother
“Yeah, so I was having a drink at the Sasquatch when Hope McGillivray threw a drink in Floyd Blackward’s face. Guess he made a pass at her but you can’t blame a guy for trying. Dude’s still stuck in second place it looks like.” - Day Drinker
“Although Halley MacGillivray and Saffron Aubert are now officially dating, Halley has been seen hanging out with Felix Berkowitz, Saffron's ex-fiancé. Like mother, like daughter, I suppose. Loyalty seems to be a concept that family struggles with.” - Anon (22F)
"Hey, so I don't know if it was the eggnog at the party or what. But Edgar Wayne had a full meltdown at his own party. Looks like it was cause of Beverly Torrance, she went skinny dipping in this freezing ass weather with Elijah Atkins. I thought the rangers were suppose to help out folks not nearly kill 'em." - Eggnog Lover
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filmparaden · 7 months
Trouble Every Day (Claire Denis, 2001)
Wings Of Desire (Wim Wenders, 1987)
Sympathy For The Devil (Jean-Luc Godard, 1968)
Dekalog (Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1989)
Russian Ark (Aleksandr Sokurov, 2002)
Tale Of Tales (Yuriy Norshteyn, 1979)
Time Regained (Raoul Ruiz, 1999)
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (Werner Herzog, 1972)
Grey Gardens (Albert & David Maysles, Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer; 1975)
One From The Heart (Francis Ford Coppola, 1981)
Man With A Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929)
Dogville (Lars von Trier, 2003)
Sombre (Philippe Grandrieux, 1998)
Cul-de-sac (Roman Polanski, 1966)
Brown Bunny (Vincent Gallo, 2003)
Le feu follet (Louis Malle, 1963)
The Swimmer (Frank Perry, 1968)
A Special Day (Ettore Scola, 1977)
La maman et la putain (Jean Eustache, 1973)
The Battle Of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)
The Big Lebowski (Joel & Ethan Coen, 1998)
Touch Of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958)
Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967)
The Long Goodbye (Robert Altman, 1973)
Goodbye, Dragon Inn (Tsai Ming-liang, 2003)
Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004)
A Summer's Tale (Eric Rohmer,1996)
The Turin Horse (Béla Tarr, Ágnes Hranitzky; 2011)
Baby Doll (Elia Kazan, 1956)
Daisies (Vera Chytilová, 1966)
Unsere Afrikareise (Peter Kubelka, 1966)
Thérèse (Alain Cavalier, 1986)
La jetée (Chris Marker, 1962)
Le gamin au vélo (Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne, 2011)
Les 400 coups (François Truffaut, 1959)
The Piano (Jane Campion, 1993)
I'm Not There (Todd Haynes, 2007)
Killer Of Sheep (Charles Burnett, 1978)
The Piano Teacher (Michael Haneke, 2001)
Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch, 1995)
The Women (George Cukor, 1939)
Pickpocket (Robert Bresson, 1959)
Paper Moon (Peter Bogdanovich, 1973)
Don't Look Back (D.A. Pennebaker, 1967)
Little Fugitive (Ray Ashley, Morris Engel, Ruth Orkin; 1953)
Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger, 1969)
The Night Of The Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
The Ice Storm (Ang Lee, 1997)
Man On The Moon (Milos Forman, 1999)
Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick, 1999)
Enter The Void (Gaspar Noé, 2009)
Snatch (Guy Ritchie, 2000)
The New Land (Jan Troell, 1972) 
Los olvidados (Luis Buñuel, 1950)
Border Radio (Allison Anders, Dean Lent, Kurt Voss; 1987)
Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)
The Adventures Of Prince Achmed (Lotte Reiniger, 1926)
Les triplettes de Belleville (Sylvain Chomet, 2003)
Brief Encounter (David Lean, 1945)
Gare du Nord (Jean Rouch, 1965; segment of Paris vu par... )
Vagabond (Agnès Varda, 1985)
Slap Shot (George Roy Hill, 1977)
Le sang d'un poète (Jean Cocteau, 1932)
Breathless (Jim McBride, 1983)
Stop Making Sense (Jonathan Demme, 1984)
Upstream Color (Shane Carruth, 2013)
Saturday Night And Sunday Morning (Karel Reisz, 1960)
Gadjo dilo (Tony Gatlif, 1997)
Rebel Without A Cause (Nicholas Ray, 1955)
A.K.A. Serial Killer (Masao Adachi, 1969)
The King Of Comedy (Martin Scorsese, 1982)
The Hours (Stephen Daldry, 2002)
In A Lonely Place (Nicholas Ray, 1950)
The Honeymoon Killers (Leonard Kastle, 1969)
Meshes Of The Afternoon (Maya Deren, 1943)
When We Were Kings (Leon Gast, 1996)
Broadway Danny Rose (Woody Allen, 1984)
A Woman Under The Influence (John Cassavetes, 1974)
To The Wonder (Terrence Malick, 2012)
Beavis And Butt-head Do America (Mike Judge, 1996)
Araya (Margot Benacerraf, 1959)
Kes (Ken Loach, 1969)
Skammen (Ingmar Bergman, 1968)
Duel (Steven Spielberg, 1971)
The Bridges Of Madison County (Clint Eastwood, 1995)
The Man Who Fell To Earth (Nicolas Roeg, 1976)
Roma città aperta (Roberto Rossellini, 1945)
Diva (Jean-Jacques Beineix, 1981)
Limite (Mario Peixoto, 1931)
The Fountain (Darren Aronofsky, 2006)
La cérémonie (Claude Chabrol, 1995)
The Draughtman's Contract (Peter Greenaway, 1982)
Amour fou (Jessica Hausner, 2014)
Happiness (Todd Solondz, 1998)
Hausu (Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1977)
Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (Sidney Lumet, 2007)
Gomorra (Matteo Garrone, 2008)
The Full Monty (Peter Cattaneo, 1997)
Låt den rätte komma in (Tomas Alfredson, 2008)
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aevyk-ing · 2 years
The Trollhunters episodes I needed
- The one where Claire meets NotEnrique
- The one with Chompsky and Sally’s wedding
- The one where another gem gets Jim in trouble (seriously, what happened with all those gems with powers?)
- The one where Claire’s family meet NotEnrique
- The one with the Trollfighters play (I’m the only one? Could be like The Players of Ember Island)
- The musical one (how can you have Kelsey Grammer and not let him sing?)
- The whole New Jersey arc (Jim healing and getting used to his body, Claire training, Strickler and Barbara having a baby adoption agency...)
- The one with all the tacos (can be a recap, just let them rest and have a good time together)
- The one where everybody gets therapy 
Feel free to add!
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aprilchallenge · 1 year
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Fics of the Week
Open Heart
Paring: Ethan Ramsey x (MC) Kaycee
Choosing you 🌺 @jerzwriter
Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC)
New York Moment 🌺 @liaromancewriter
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee)
A different fate… 🌺 @jerzwriter
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey)
Worth the wait 🌺 @jerzwriter
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey)
We’re having a baby… 1/2 🌺 @jerzwriter
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey) Feat: Bryce Lahela
Any day… 🌺 @jerzwriter
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC)
An early morning 🌺 @storyofmychoices
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC)
Other character: Malia Lahela (F!OC)
Our Future Doctor 🌺 @storyofmychoices
Paring: Ethan Ramsey x f!OC (Tatum Erikson), with special appearances by Tobias Carrick and Julian Santiago (m!OC)
Heads up 🌺 @txemrn
Pairing: MC is widowed, Past Pairings Riley x Nico (Riley x M!OC) , Past Pairing of Liam x Riley
Where do we go from here? 🌺 @bebepac
Series: Part 8 of the Cordonian Arrangement.
Pairing: None - mostly Liam and Hakim bonding, mentions of Hakim and Constantine's friendship
Legacies 🌺 @lizzybeth1986
Chapter 1: The Statues
Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP ‘LiRi 
Cappadocia 🌺 @tessa-liam
Pairing: Liam x MC (Phoebe Summers)
The Start of Forever 🌺 @liaromancewriter
Wake the dead
Pairing: Eli Sipes; Jim, Florence & David Sipes (his family)
A Mother‘s Journal - Part 4 🌺 @jerzwriter
Red Carpet Diaries
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer (F!OC)
Distraction 🌺 @theartoflovingthomashunt
Edits & Artwork
Olivia Claire Hadley
Yellow 🌺 @storyofmychoices
Characters involved: Cassie Valentine (F!MC), Max Valentine
Reminiscing 🌺 @liaromancewriter
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Chilled Sundays 🌺 @potionsprefect
Characters involved: Sadie Oakley and Sienna Trinh
Sadie‘s Sunday Self-Care #28 🌺 @peonyblossom
Characters involved: A Picta edit of Aru and her college friend (Monica)'s photo taken by another friend (Apoorva)
Purple Pals 🌺 @choicesfanaf
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soulrevert · 3 months
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{ * 𝒞laire 𝑀aria 𝒩uñez      🎀    . . .      she seems the perfect ingenue but there is a thread of shadow that cuts through the sweetness; you can tell when death has touched someone like that
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        ▍    disclaimer:  claire is a character that was originally set in an urban fantasy setting. this will still be a key genre in her portrayal but i am choosing to write her primarily in a more dark academia based verse which chronicles claire's university years while attending college on the east coast. will be drawing inspiration from certain books within this genre such as ninth house and the legendborn cycle.
FULL NAME: claire maria nuñez TITLES / ALIASES: shadowdancer, sorceress of shadows, lady claire, master of riddles, apprentice and handmaiden to morgana le fey AGE: 19-24 years old BIRTHPLACE: the suburbs of los angeles, california GENDER: cis female ( she / her ) SEXUALITY: bisexual SPECIES: witch / shadowmancer ETHNICITY: latina ( mexican ) BIRTHDAY: april 24th ZODIAC: taurus sun, libra moon, pisces rising OCCUPATION: student, aspiring stage-actress, drummer for her band las calaveras CURRENT RESIDENCE: arcadia oaks, california ( home ), new haven, connecticut ( while she attends yale ) ABILITIES: please refer to the wiki this post is long enough i fear lol
HAIR COLOR: dark brown, with either blue or white streaks of color in her bangs EYE COLOR: nearly black but they turn a lambent violet when she is casting spells HEIGHT: 5'5" / 165 cm BODY TYPE: of average height with a fair amount of curves, she is in shape but not overly athletic NOTABLE FEATURES: a significant amount of white hairs, flecks of amethyst in her dark eyes, the veins of her inner wrists seem uncharacteristically dark in color, shadows bend towards her wherever she goes
claire is first introduced as an honors student and talented actress at arcadia oaks high school. when she is casted opposite james lake jr, better known as jim, in their production of romeo and juliet she begins to notice something is amiss. jim continues to miss countless rehearsals and can't give claire a clear reason as to why he keeps breaking his commitments.  this is when claire begins to start digging into jim's whereabouts and she finds out about his possession of an ancient artifact known as the amulet of daylight.  the holder of the amulet is known as the trollhunter, a title conceived of during the age of merlin, who created the amulet to choose a champion capable of being a protector of all trollkind until the day of his/her death. once his secret is out jim reveals that claire's baby brother, enrique, has been replaced with a changeling child and he has been desperately trying to find a means to return him. in order to save her brother she starts to help jim with his trollhunting responsibilities on the condition that he continue his search for her brother. as they hunt for answers the pair and their mutual friend toby become entrenched in a battle between two troll factions. one being the army of gunmar which originally orchestrated the fall of camelot and that of heartstone trollmarket which falls under jim's domain. as a means to better ready herself for this battle claire begins the process of learning shadowmancy after she comes into the possession of a rare artifact known as, skathe-hrü, the shadow staff. this weapon gives her access to the shadow realm; a mysterious space between worlds, a plane of chaos, devoid of light or reason. there the great witch morgana le fay has been sealed away and once claire opens the doorway between these two worlds the witch begins to sneak through.   claire starts to show signs of possession as her personality gradually shifts from good-natured to utterly hostile. her eyes glow gold and black, the cadence of her voice loses all its characteristic sweetness, and she becomes extremely paranoid and irritable. during this time it is revealed that morgana was actually the one behind gunmar's original machinations. she orchestrated the fall of camelot and she is trying to use claire as a way to destroy the trollhunter and thus clear her path to destroying merlin's legacy.  eventually morgana takes full control of claire's body and traps her in the shadow realm. claire only regains control after jim and toby both travel into the shadow realm to shake her from her looping nightmare.
most of the canon events listed above still occur but they all take place during claire's senior year of high school. she leaves arcadia oaks to attend university after morgana is "defeated".
while at university it becomes clear to claire that morgana's possession had long term effects on her and she still experiences episodes where she loses time and ends up somewhere without remembering how she got there. 
her baby brother, enrique was never saved. this becomes the only reason why she hasn't tried to banish morgana from her body completely again because of thewitch's ability to restore lost souls. 
she becomes somewhat of a hedge witch while away at school attending classes during the day and then practicing dark magic by night, in secrecy to better understand her capabilities and how she might be able to resurrect her brother. 
claire is a performing arts and english literature double major. she also is the drummer of las calaveras, a band she started with a few of her classmates upon arriving at university. 
her being a practicing witch will be on a need to know basis. the only people who are aware of this are her friends back at arcadia oaks but claire is toying with the idea of starting a coven.
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changlingfamilies · 4 months
I know it’s been a while but I think it’s high time I show off my take on the next gen. This was a lot more kids than I had originally planned but I love them all. I’m going to be doing some chapters with them all at some point. And I’m going to do a bit more with Antonia and the Morgangor baby later as well.
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First came Shauna Giladrigal, the daughter of Mary and Seamus. At 10-years-old, she’s a mermaid werewolf and was a preeme. I know you’re not supposed to have a favorite child but Shauna’s my favorite. She may appear more quiet and reserved but she’s actually the ring leader of the next gen. If these kids get into trouble, you can grantee that it was Shauna’s idea.
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Then, only a month later came Petunia Strickler, the daughter of Jim and Claire. She’s a wizards and a polymorph changeling. She’s the most high energy of all the kids and is my precious chaos gremlin. She loves all of her family, particularly her Tio Enrique, but she’s closest with her cousin Shauna since she and Jim lived with Mary and Seamus for a while after her Mami, Claire, died.
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Less than a month after Pet was born came Isaac Scaarbach. The son of Toby and Darcy, he’s an Akoridian like his father before him. However, he only has two arms in his Akoridan form. His family often travels between Earth and Akoridain V so he gets a good blend off both sides of the family. He, Petunia, and Shauna are kind of the new “Dream Team”. In their escapades, he’s the brains of the operation.
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Another favorite of mine is Fialkov “Flip” Terron-Pepperjack. At 10-years old, he’s a fairy-Akoridian hybrid. Headcannon time! Like the trolls, Akoridans have multiple ways of making biological children. One such way is with a sort of incubator. More information on that in the upcoming chapter. I love his design so much and I had a lot of fun working with him. He’s the only on of the next gen to not have a natural human form so he uses a disguise similar to Aja and Krel in the show sometimes but not often. He can retract his wings though, like Eli can.
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Not long after Flip, Lawrence “Larry” Terron was born, the nine-year-old (Nine and a half!) son of Aja and Steve. Steve never wanted to change his name but he also didn’t want to pass it down so he and Aja agreed that their son would only have her family’s name. He is a human and Akoridian but, much like Toby’s biological father, he can’t transform into an Akoridian. However, with access to Akoridian V that Ralf didn’t have, the family is able to see other Akoridian traits that he does have. He has Aja’s eyes, he can breath in atmospheres most humans can’t, and he will have the Akoridian lifespan.
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The oldest of the lot came a bit later in Eudora Scaarbach. The adopted daughter of Toby and Darcy, she’s a 15-year-old selkie. Other than Shauna, she’s probably my favorite and I have so many plans for her. Toby mentioned as far back as book 1 that he wanted to adopt when he grew up and he and Darcy adopted Eudora when she was six and Isaac was only a year. Her biological family may be gone but there are plenty of other selkies in Arcadia/Avalon by this time that she, Toby, and Darcy have plenty of resources if they ever have any questions or need any help. However, being a lot older than the rest of the kids, she actually spends more time with Douxie’s apprentice, Enrique Nunes. (Also, I got to experiment with more pens again when working on her pelt!)
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Not long after Eudora joined the family Otto “Ottie” Arthur Giladrigal came along. The adopted son off Seamus and Mary, he’s a werewolf-vampire hybrid and yes, that is the name his birth parents gave him. They found him while doing work abroad with a werewolf pack. He was among the pups but they struggled to feed him after his parents died and his father’s vampire clan refused to take him. Now, he has free reign of Heartstone Trollmarket and has regular contact with the Avalon Vampire clan. He runs with Seamus, Shauna, and the rest of the Avalon Werewolf pack on the full moon. Vampires age more slowly, like the trolls. So, though he only looks about six, he’s actually closer to 18. Which is fine since Mary doesn’t really age anymore as The Lady of the Lake.
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Then, as seen in my Ajim week story “Heirs”, came Karl Strickler, the son of Jim and Aja. He really is five. Claire died when Petunia was just a baby and Aja and Steve split amicably when Lary was just over a year old. Aja and Jim started dating when the kids were three and they got married a year later. A year after that saw the birth of Karl. A polymorph changeling, his troll form actually resembles a stone Akoridian. He’s a bit more shy then most of the other kids, and prefers to spend time with his parents and his troll family in Heartsone or wandering the halls of the Avalon Castle.
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Finally, the baby of the family, Lenora “Lenny” Giladrigal. The two-year-old daughter of Mary and Seamus, she’s a werewolf and mermaid like her sister and was also a preeme. It was then determined that a non-werewolf likely could not carry a pup to term. Mary and Seamus had decided to wait a long time before trying again to have another baby so Lenny’s a lot younger than the rest of the next gen.
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duggardata · 2 years
Oh damn I'm also due Jan 1, I don't want my kid to share a birthday with a Duggar. How many days are left in the calendar that are not yet Duggar birthdays or anniversaries?
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Info, Please!: How Many Calendar Days Don't Have A Duggar / Bates Birthday or Anniversary?
I'm pretty sure I've done a Post on this before, but not for a very long time! Anon, I know you only asked about the Duggars, but I'm going to include the Bateses too, since I know I'll get follow–up Asks!
There are quite a few "free" days, without a Duggar / Bates Birthday or Anniversary. (More than I would've expected!) Here is the full list of "Free" Days, as of November 17, 2022—
January 2—6, 8—11, 13—17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30
February 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11—15, 18, 20—22, 24, 25, 28, 29
March 1, 2, 4—7, 10—24, 29, 31
April 1, 2, 4, 5, 7—9, 12—15, 17, 19, 20, 23—27, 29, 30
May 1, 3—11, 13, 15, 16, 20—22, 27—31
June 1, 3—6, 9—13, 16—19, 22, 25—29
July 1—3, 5, 6, 9—15, 17, 20, 22—26, 28, 30, 31
August 1, 3, 5, 7—10, 12—14, 16—20, 22, 23, 25—27, 30, 31
September 1—4, 6, 7, 9—11, 14, 16—20, 22—25, 27—30
October 2—4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18—21, 24, 25, 27, 30
November 6, 10—14, 16—20, 23—25, 28—30
December 1, 2, 4—6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 22—29
The Longest Period w/ No Birthday or Anniversary is March 10th—24th (15 Days), and the Longest "Streak" of Birthday / Anniversary Days is November 1st—6th (6 Days).
Birthdays / Anniversaries fall on the following Fixed–Date Holidays—New Year's Day, Earth Day, Independence Day. Fixed–Date Holidays without a Birthday / Anniversary include Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, Leap Day, April Fool's Day, Juneteenth, Halloween, Veterans' Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve.
All of the following days have Multiple Event On The Same Day—
3 Birthdays August 2; December 30
1 Anniversary, 2 Birthdays May 26
1 Anniversary, 1 Birthday October 5; November 2 and 5
2 Anniversaries May 24
2 Birthdays January 12; February 1, 10, 17, and 19; April 11; May 2 and 19; June 23; July 4, 7, 18, and 19; September 15; November 9 and 21
The Full Calendar of Birthdays / Anniversaries... After the jump.
1 New Year's Day. Birthday—William Gilvin ("Gil") Bates Jr. (1965).
7 Birthday—Grace Annette ("Gracie") Duggar–Burnett (2020).
12 Birthdays—Jana Marie Duggar (1990) and John David ("J.D.") Duggar (1990).
18 Birthday—Finley Marie Paine–Bates (2022).
20 Birthday—Joseph Garrett ("Joe") Duggar (1995).
23 Birthday—Michaela Christan (Bates) Keilen (1990).
26 Birthday—Lexi Mae Webster–Bates (2017).
28 Birthday—Linda Jane ("Jane") (Hartsell) Bates [Gil's Mother] (1940).
31 Birthday—Layla Rae Stewart–Bates (2020).
1 Birthdays—Trace Whitfield Bates (1997) and Jeb Colton Bates (2012).
2 Groundhog Day.
3 Birthday—James Lee ("J.L.") Duggar [Jim Bob's Father] (1936).
6 Birthday—Henry Wilberforce Seewald–Duggar (2017).
9 Birthday—Maci Jo Webster–Bates (2021).
10 Birthdays—Tiffany Lian (Espensen) Bates (1999) and Tyler Wayne Hutchins [Duggar] (2008).
14 Valentine's Day
16 Birthday—Robert Ellis ("Bobby") Smith III (1995).
17 Birthdays—Jackson Ezekiel Bates (2002) and Addallee Hope Bates (2006).
19 Birthdays—Ethel Mary (Hardin) Ruark [Michelle's Mother] (1927) and Brooklyn Praise Duggar–Caldwell (2021).
23 Birthday—Gideon Martyn Forsyth–Duggar (2018).
26 Anniversary—Justin + Claire (Spivey) Duggar (2021).
27 Birthday—Claire Yvonne (Spivey) Duggar (2001).
29 Leap Day.
Hailey James Clark–Bates's Projected DOB is February 23, 2023.
3 Birthday—Joshua James Duggar (1988).
8 Birthday—Travis James Clark (2001).
9 Birthday—Derick Michael Dillard (1989).
25 Birthday—Kolter Gray Smith–Bates (2020).
26 Anniversary—Jer + Hannah (Wissmann) Duggar (2022).
27 Birthday—Zade Patrick Stewart–Bates (2022).
28 Birthday—Zoey Joy Webster–Bates (2018).
30 Birthday—Everly Hope Paine–Bates (2018).
Webster–Bates #5's Projected DOB is March 31, 2023. Baby C's Estimated DOB is in March 2022.
1 April Fool's Day.
3 Anniversary—Jed + Katey (Nakatsu) Duggar (2021).
6 Birthday—Israel David Dillard–Duggar (2015).
10 Birthday—Lydia Johanna (Romeike) Bates (1998).
11 Birthdays—Carlin Brianne (Bates) Stewart (1998) and Allie Jane Webster–Bates (2015).
16 Birthday—Abbie Grace (Burnett) Duggar (1992).
18 Birthday—Charles Stephen ("Chad") Pain III (1987).
21 Birthday—Jason Michael Duggar (2000).
22 Earth Day. Birthday—Emerson Hope ("Emy") Wells (2003).
28 Birthday—Ellie Bridget Bates (2007).
2 Birthdays—Erin Elise (Bates) Paine (1991) and Truett Oliver Duggar–Nakatsu (2022).
12 Anniversary—Lawson + Tiffany (Espensen) Bates (2022).
14 Birthday—Charles Stephen ("Carson") Paine–Bates IV (2015).
17 Birthday—Jill Michelle (Duggar) Dillard (1991).
18 Birthday—Lauren Milagro (Swanson) Duggar (1999).
19 Birthdays—Benjamin Michael Seewald (1995) and Warden Justice Bates (2003).
23 Birthday—Jackson Levi Duggar (2004).
24 Anniversarys—Bill + Jane (Hartsell) Bates (1964) [Gil's Parents] and Alyssa (Bates) + John Webster (2014).
25 Anniversary—Carlin (Bates) + Evan Stewart (2019).
26 Anniversary—Joy (Duggar) + Austin Forsyth (2017). Birthdays—Mary Leona (Lester) Duggar [Jim Bob's Mother] (1941) and Ivy Jane Seewald–Duggar (2019).
Forsyth–Duggar #3's Projected DOB is May 25, 2023. Duggar–Caldwell #4's Estimated DOB is in May 2022.
2 Birthday—Marcus Anthony Duggar–Keller (2013).
7 Birthday—Jadon Carl Bates–Perkins (2021).
8 Birthday—Garrett David Duggar–Caldwell (2018).
14 Birthday—Hazel Sloane Balka–Bates (2021).
15 Birthday—Michael James Duggar–Keller (2011).
19 Juneteenth.
20 Birthday—Kaci Lynn Bates–Perkins (2016).
21 Anniversary—Jill (Duggar) + Derick Dillard (2014).
23 Birthdays—Anna Renee (Keller) Duggar (1988) and Hannah Marlys (Wissmann) Duggar (1995).
24 Birthday—Charlotte Raine Smith–Bates (2021).
30 Anniversary—Josiah + Lauren (Swanson) Duggar (2018).
4 American Independence Day. Birthdays—William Gilvin ("Bill") Bates Sr. [Gil's Father] (1938) and Kelton Edward Balka (1995).
7 Birthday—James Andrew Duggar (2001) and Frederick Michael ("Freddy") Dillard–Duggar (2022).
8 Birthday—Samuel Scott Dillard–Duggar (2017).
16 Birthday—Meredith Grace Duggar–Keller (2015).
18 Birthdays—James Robert ("Jim Bob") Duggar (1965) and Fern Elliana Seewald–Duggar (2021).
19 Birthdays—Felicity Nicole Vuolo–Duggar (2018) and Willow Kristy Balka–Bates (2019).
21 Anniversary—Jim Bob + Michelle (Ruark) Duggar (1984).
27 Birthday—William Lawson ("Lawson") Bates (1992).
29 Birthday—Katelyn Koryn ("Katey") (Nakatsu) Duggar (1998).
2 Birthdays—Jennifer Danielle Duggar (2007), Callie–Anna Rose Bates (2009), and Cambree Layne Smith–Bates (2022).
4 Birthday—Josie Kellyn (Bates) Balka (1999).
6 Birthday—Brooklyn Elise Paine–Bates (2016).
11 Birthday—Kendra Renee (Caldwell) Duggar (1998).
15 Anniversary—Michaela (Bates) + Brandon Keilen (2015).
21 Birthday—Evelyn Mae Forsyth–Duggar (2020).
24 Birthday—Evan Patrick Stewart (1995).
28 Birthday—Josiah Matthew ("Si") Duggar (1996).
29 Birthday—Kenneth Nathaniel ("Nathan") Bates (1993)
5 Birthday—Jeremy Joseph Vuolo (1987).
8 Anniversary—Joe + Kendra (Caldwell) Duggar (2017).
12 Birthday—Mason Garrett Duggar–Keller (2017).
13 Birthday—Michelle Annette (Ruark) Duggar (1966).
15 Birthdays—Brandon Timothy Keilen (1989) and Judson Wyatt Bates (2010).
21 Birthday—Whitney Eileen (Perkins) Bates (1993).
26 Anniversary—Josh + Anna (Keller) Duggar (2008).
Charlie Duggar–Burnett was born in September 2022, but his Exact DOB is Unknown.
1 Anniversary—Trace + Lydia (Romeike) Bates (2022).
5 Anniversary—Josie (Bates) + Kelton Balka (2018). Birthday—Katie Grace (Bates) Clark (2000).
8 Birthday—Mackynzie Renee Duggar–Keller (2009).
11 Birthday—Johannah Faith Duggar (2005).
14 Birthday—Esther Joy (Keyes) Bates (1997).
16 Birthday—Isaiah Courage Bates (2004).
17 Birthday—Kenna Joy Bates–Keyes (2022).
22 Anniversary—Nathan + Esther (Keyes) Bates (2021).
23 Birthday—Madyson Lily Duggar–Keller (2021).
26 Birthday—Kelly Jo (Callaham) Bates (1966).
28 Birthday—Joy–Anna (Duggar) Forsyth (1997).
29 Birthday—Bradley Gilvin Bates–Perkins (2014).
31 Halloween.
1 Anniversary—Jessa (Duggar) + Ben Seewald (2014).
2 Anniversary—Erin (Bates) + Chad Paine (2013). Birthday—Addison Renee Duggar–Caldwell (2019).
3 Anniversary—John + Abbie (Burnett) Duggar (2018).
4 Birthday—Jessa Lauren (Duggar) Seewald (1992).
5 Anniversary—Jinger (Duggar) + Jeremy Vuolo (2016). Birthday—Spurgeon Elliot Seewald–Duggar (2015).
7 Birthday—Khloé Eileen Bates–Perkins (2019).
8 Birthday—Bella Milagro Duggar–Swanson (2019).
9 Birthdays—Alyssa Joy (Bates) Webster (1994) and Robert Ellis ("Kade") Smith–Bates IV (2018).
11 Veteran's Day.
15 Birthday—Justin Samuel Duggar (2002).
21 Birthdays—Kenneth Hubbard Callaham Sr. [Kelly Jo's Father] (1934) and John Elliott Webster (1989).
22 Birthday—Evangeline Jo Vuolo–Duggar (2020).
26 Birthday—Holland Grace Paine–Bates (2019).
27 Birthday—Maryella Hope Duggar–Keller (2019)
3 Anniversary—Katie (Bates) + Travis Clark (2021).
7 Birthday—Garrett Floyde Ruark Sr. [Michelle's Father] (1924).
8 Birthday—Betty Jo (Smith) Callaham, etc. [Kelly Jo's Mother] (1938).
10 Birthday—Josie Brooklyn Duggar (2009).
11 Birthday—Austin Martyn Forsyth (1993)
14 Anniversary—Zach + Whitney (Perkins) Bates (2013).
16 Anniversary—Tori (Bates) + Bobby Smith (2017).
18 Birthday—Jordyn–Grace Makiya Duggar (2008).
19 Anniversary—Gil + Kelly Jo (Callaham) Bates (1987).
20 Birthday—Tori Layne (Bates) Smith (1995).
21 Birthday—Jinger Nicole (Duggar) Vuolo (1993).
24 Christmas Eve.
25 Christmas Day.
30 Birthday—Zachary Gilvin Bates (1988), Jedidiah Robert ("Jed") Duggar (1998), and Jeremiah Robert ("Jer") Duggar (1998).
31 New Year's Eve.
Unknown Anniversaries—Betty Jo (Smith) + Ken Callaham [Kelly Jo's Parents], Jimmy + Mary (Lester) Duggar [Jim Bob's Parents], and Garrett + Ethel (Hardin) Ruark [Michelle's Parents]
Unknown Birthdays—Baby C (AKA Duggar–Swanson #2), Duggar–Caldwell #4, and Charlie Duggar–Burnett
30 notes · View notes
talesofargante · 1 year
The Guardian of Trollhunters Episode 8: Part 3 - Changeling Reveal
Pairing: Jim Lake Jr. x Liz Walker (OFC)
Episode Summary: Jim volunteers to babysit with Liz so they can find out whether Claire's little brother, Enrique, is a Changeling. While investigating, Liz discovers a new ability.
Words: 4.1k
Warning: literal cat food (if I miss any warnings, please lmk)
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"Since we lost our gaggletack, we need another one. Call Toby to see if he and AAARRRGGHH can get it," Liz instructed.
"Alright," Jim pulls out his phone and calls Toby, who answers, "What's up, Jimbo? Everything okay with Enrique?"
"I sort of just lost it," Jim replies, thinking of Enrique as anything but human.
"What do you mean you lost it?" As soon as Toby asked, Enrique vomited on himself and on the floor. Jim quickly backs away in shock and disgust. "No! What in the world?!"
"Oh, gosh. That's disgusting." Liz gagged slightly at the sight, carefully making her way closer to Enrique without stepping on the emesis on the floor and picking him up from the jumper. "Okay, someone's been playing around too much. Let's get you cleaned up, little padawan. Mind cleaning that up, Jim? I'll meet you upstairs."
Without waiting for a reply, Liz heads to the stairway and climbs to the second floor. She walks down the hallway to the nursery room, where she began cleaning up Enrique. Thankfully, she was familiar with taking care of him after learning from Claire while hanging out at her place.
After wiping Enrique down, Liz couldn't ignore the tingling sensation of magic coursing through her as she touched him. Without thinking and letting instinct takeover, she  glances behind her to ensure Jim wasn't there before tracing a pattern with her fingers to Enrique's chest as foreign words spill from her lips.
In an instant, silver light sparks from her fingers, encompassing Enrique's form, then the light fades to reveal a green changeling with red-yellow eyes and brown course, spiked hair on his head, and scruff. The creature snarled. "Eh?! What the – What did you do? How did you do that?"
"So it is true! You are a changeling," Liz said breathlessly, thinking back on all those times she sensed something off until her eyes widened in sudden realization – she could sense changelings! If she had been sensing changelings in disguise this whole time, there was one person she could think of who may also have been involved. "Tell me, where are the Killahead bridge and your master, Bular? Is Strickler working for him?"
"Tsk. I ain't telling you nothing, enchantress. They warned me about you – the Guardian with magic."
Before Liz could confront him any further, footsteps were heard down the hall. In a flash of crackling green light, the changeling transformed back into Enrique, though he was NotEnrique to Liz's knowledge.
Entering the nursery, Jim walks up to Liz, glancing down at Enrique, unaware that the creature's identity has already been exposed. "Toby and AAARRRGGHH are going to bring us another gaggletack. In the meantime, let's see if our little friend will share where he hid our gaggletack. Where did you hide it?"
Enrique giggles, pointing his tiny finger toward the bin by the crib before clapping his hands in glee. Liz couldn't help but glare at the baby. This little trickster is messing with us.
"You hid the horseshoe in the diaper bin, didn't you?" Jim asked. Enrique seemed to cheer as Jim slowly lifted the diaper bin cover. "Because you're just a normal baby, and that's what normal babies do."
"Really, Jim, I don't think he hid it there." Liz sweat-dropped at his action. Smelling the bin, Jim quickly closed it and plugged his nose. "Ooh, doggy! Oh, it is really packed."
"Wait–" Before she could stop him, Jim instantly opens the lid and without thinking twice, stuck his hand into the bin. Liz grimaced at his action, swallowing the down the urge to vomit. Meanwhile, Enrique rolled away from his crib without their notice. Jim searches the bin, finding nothing as his eyes move to the empty crib. He gasped, standing up and looking around the room. "Enrique? Enrique!"
Liz silently cursed herself for getting distracted and searched the room, though she knew that NotEnrique hadn't gone far. He cannot escape. Not without completing his assigned task – to spy on them and report their activity to Bular until the construction of Killahead Bridge is complete.
"You stay here, Liz. Just in case Enrique decides to show himself back here." Jim suggested before walking out into the hallway. "Enrique? Oh, Enrique?"
Glad to see Jim taking the lead on this one. Before she knows it, he will be the Trollhunter that everyone needs. Liz patiently waits inside the nursery, predicting that NotEnrique will set a trap for them both should they decide to search for him together. She could hear the sound of metal clattering from downstairs and footsteps running towards it. Then, there was a silence followed by a yelp.
"Jim!" Filled with worry, Liz moves towards the door when it suddenly bangs shut in her face. A burst of giggles greeted her from behind, pulling Liz's attention to the center of the room on the floor, where NotEnrique, in human disguise, playfully grinning at her.
"Liz?" Jim called out from outside in the hallway. Just when she turned around to call out for him, a sudden weight landed on her shoulders as a baby blue blanket wrapped around the bottom half of her face with the ends pulled from behind, silencing her.
Having enough of his games, Liz reaches behind her for NotEnrique, who leaps off her back and releases the blanket. She turns around, glaring at the creature. "That's it! Playtime is over, changeling."
"Aw, but I'm having so much fun." NotEnrique teases from the ceiling, blowing a raspberry at her. "Stop being such a party pooper."
Eyes narrowing, Liz waves her hand forward, ribbons of silver light shooting towards NotEnrique, ensnaring him in its grasp. "Hey! That's cheating!"
"If this was a game, you should know I always play to win," Liz said, her voice echoing with power and control that seems to have taken a hold over the changeling as she uses her magic to pull NotEnrique towards her. Within reach, she grabs him by the scruff and stares him in the eyes.
At that moment, Liz felt as though something was being tugged inside her. Like the ends of a tight bow being pulled and loosening as a slight wave of unbridled power course through her body and mind, shadowing her senses.
"By whatever means necessary," Liz finalized, unaware of the glowing ring of silver encompassing her turquoise irises, reflecting in his own, filled with fear.
"Y-yes! Okay, you win! Please don't hurt me, enchantress. I'll be good!"
"You have nothing to fear from me if only you answer my questions."
"Alright! I'll tell you! Strickler is working for Bular, and they're hiding the bridge in the –"
"Liz! Are you in there?" Jim calls out from down the hallway, interrupting NotEnrique's confession. Using it to his advantage, NotEnrique quickly transforms into his human form and starts crying loudly in Liz's arms. "Why you little –"
"You found him!" Toby exclaimed from behind Jim as they entered the nursery. Hep walked ahead of his friend towards Liz, his attention on the distressed baby. "Aw, there, there. Did the nasty Trollhunter-man and Guardian-lady scare you?"
"Oh, come here, come here, little baby boy. Don't worry. Don't cry. Shh. Come here. Yeah, yeah. Come here, come here." Toby grabbed the baby from Liz's arms and pressed the little one against him.
Jim watched with suspicion as the baby sucked on Toby's shoulder before lifting his head and spitting out to the Trollhunter. A large frown spread across his face, not believing the act. Quickly, his face changed from serious to happy. "Oh, hey, little guy!"
Instantly, Jim pulls out and holds up the gaggletack with a purposeful grin. Awkwardly, Enrique let out a deep grunt before sobbing hysterically, making Toby wince. "Hey, what are you doing? You're freaking him out."
"He is freaking me out! He made me stick my arm in a diaper bin!" Jim holds his hand up to his friend, who curiously sniffs it before retching away. Liz grimaced, taking a step back to a safer distance. "Made you? You did that all on your own, Jim."
Jim sent her an exasperated look. "Not helping, Liz."
"She's right. You're better than that." Toby turned his focus on the baby, soothing him. "Who's a little baby boy? You're a little baby boy. You're such a little baby."
"That's it. I've got to do this. It won't hurt him." As Jim advanced, NotEnrique began to cry again, trying to escape. "Hey! Stop-! Slow! Hey, can you not-?"
Toby gently shoved his friend back, who just kept coming back. "Dude, get away from him! You're scaring Enrique!"
NotEnrique had climbed onto Toby's head as Jim jumped at him, the three flipping in the room as Liz evades to the side, avoiding the tumble. Jim had landed upside down in the chair, but he quickly picked himself back up before tossing the horseshoe between his hands.
"All right, come to daddy, poopling!" Jim grunted before diving for them, but Toby jumped out of the way. Toby groaned as Enrique fussed in his hands, pulling to be free. Jim slowly walked towards them and held out the gaggletack. Luckily, but unfortunately for Enrique and Toby, the changeling kicked Toby in the face before falling. Still, the redhead had caught him, trapping him. Jim pressed the gaggletack against NotEnrique's head, and lightning shot out of the gaggletack, revealing the changeling. Toby screamed when he made eye contact with NotEnrique, dropping the creature back into the crib as Toby ran behind Jim and Liz.
"Oh, no, that is not Enrique!" Toby shrieked, shielding himself behind the champions. The Trollhunter stepped up to the crib as the blanket draped over the creature. Once Jim reached to the side of the crib, NotEnrique popped out from the covers with a slight growl.
"Stupid flesh thing!" NotEnrique snarled. As he jumped from the crib, Toby and Jim screamed. The changeling jumped onto the lamp before twisting around and knocking it over.
"Oh, no, that is not Enrique!" Toby once again pointed out.
"We know, Toby, but we can't let him escape!" Liz said before chasing after NotEnrique with the two boys close behind. Out in the hallway, the three teenagers ran across the hallway to the stairway, looking down the empty steps.
"Where'd it go?" Toby asked as Liz and Jim turned the corner.
"There!" Jim called out. NotEnrique's back faced them before turning around, revealing Claire's family cat with part of its tail and head sticking out from the miniature troll's large mouth.
"Put... the... kitten... down," Jim ordered as they advanced. Spitting out the kitten, NotEnrique threw it at Jim's face, who fell back with a yelp. NotEnrique jumped onto Toby, kicking him down as Liz managed to get the cat off of Jim. Nevertheless, Jim was pounced on by NotEnrique, making him groan as NotEnrique's clawed hands pressed, most likely around Jim's neck. "You're a real killjoy, just like your mate."
Leaping off, NotEnrique quickly evacuated the area as Toby panicked. "That is not Enrique!"
"We know!" Jim and Liz exclaimed at the same time, pulling out their amulets. They all ran after the changeling down the stairs.
"For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command."
"By the power of the Arcane, magic is mine to command."
In a flash of blue and cyan light, Jim's and Liz's armors appeared as they ran down the stairs. The three chased after the creature who had managed to climb up on the living room arch before swinging off and kicking Toby and Jim to the floor as Liz stepped back to avoid getting knocked down behind them.
NotEnrique lets out a long laugh as he crawls upside down on the ceiling, Jim and Toby already on his trail. As NotEnrique jumped from the roof, the two friends dived for him, but they knocked into one another as the creature managed to miss the oncoming collision. In the process, Toby crushes Jim into the floor with a yelp. While NotEnrique blows a raspberry at the two boys, Liz comes up behind and tries to grab him. Still, he quickly evades her grasp by jumping between her legs and onto the office chair in the reading room. Picking themselves up from the floor, Jim and Toby stopped beside Liz as the changeling twisted the chair to face them, a bottle in one hand and an open magazine in the other. "Do you realize how good you guys have it here? It's a party compared to those troll-turds in the Darklands."
Toby shouted as he ran up to the troll and tipped the chair over. Jim decided to chase as NotEnrique laughed before jumping over the room with the Trollhunter after him. Toby had finally stood as an open magazine was clutched between his hands. A sexy girl had appeared on the cover, meaning the contents inside were probably un childlike as Toby calls out on NotEnrique. "No, hey! You're a very bad baby!"
Toby looked back into the magazine anyway and flipped the page. "My word!"
Before he could turn a page further, Liz quickly snatched the magazine from his hands and tossed it away. "Bad Toby! Stop getting distracted and help Jim!"
"Ah! Yes, ma'am!" Toby saluted with a blush, running to the kitchen and skidding behind the island as Jim held a sizeable circular pan over his head, the dish acting as a shield. At the same time, random objects were thrown at him.
"Where's the real Enrique, you filthy rugrat?" Jim shouted before diving behind the island counter as NotEnrique stood in the fridge, chucking food at him.
"As if I'd ever tell you!" NotEnrique spat, throwing harder objects that shattered on impact. As Liz takes refuge behind the counter with the boys, a cake platter falls beside Toby, the slice of cake landing on the floor perfectly.
"Ooh, cake!" Toby cooed as he picked up the slice. Jim peaked his head around the counter, his sword appearing through a cloud of blue smoke. He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as NotEnrique threw a carton from the fridge. Quickly, Jim jumped out and sliced it with his blade, blue smoke emitting around him with scraps of carton paper.
"Don't make me use this." Jim threatened, hoping not to kill off his evidence.
"You can't touch me. I'm her baby brother. What do you suppose is gonna happen when they come home and see something's happened to their precious?" NotEnrique laughed. "I'm untouchable, baby."
Jim frowned at the statement, knowing he was right. Noticing a broom lying next to her, Liz had an idea, grabbing it and passing it to Toby, who nods and looks around the corner of the island, broom on hand.
"Jim, catch!" Toby yelled, tossing the broom to his friend, whose sword evaporated and was replaced by a normal household item with Jim smiling.
"Uh oh."Avoiding the broom, NotEnrique jumped on top of the fridge before hopping into the divide of the cupboards and kicking the fridge door into Jim's back. Jim let out a cry of pain before smacking the wall cupboard door where NotEnrique stood last. The changeling pulled himself into the cupboard with a laugh.
Quickly, Liz reached for the handle and pulled the small door open, only to find nothing except for cans and glass containers. Trying another cupboard, she opened it, finding her target buried under some more tin cans, growling. She yelped as the cans fell, feeling her arm getting grabbed and pulled backward onto the floor as Jim steps in front of her in time, protecting her head with his arms as his back gets hit by the falling objects and NotEnrique escapes.
Luckily, Toby had been prepared with a large pot and caught the changeling under its steel trap. Unfortunately, his joyous occasion was short-lived when NotEnrique's fist created large dents from the inside.
Toby let out a scream as the pot bounced around the kitchen, carrying Toby with it. As it bounced, Liz and Jim climbed out of the way, and the pot led Toby from the kitchen and right into Enrique's bouncing swing in the living room. The swing acted like a slingshot, sending the two back with screams, passing Liz and Jim, who watched with shock as Toby and NotEnrique crashed into the wall.
Suddenly, a ringtone sounded from Jim's armor. Turning his head, Jim felt the back of his armor, searching for his phone as Toby and Enrique fought in the background.
"That must be Claire. Good thing I taught you where to store your phone." Liz winked. Jim grinned, finding his phone and answering it. "Oh, hey, Claire! How's the concert?"
"Jim, my parents just called. They're coming back early. I'm leaving now." Jim listened to her panicked voice before his eyes grew wide in realization. Noticing his reaction, Liz steps up to him. "What's wrong, Jim?"
"The Nunez, they're on their way home," Jim said, letting his armor disintegrate back into his amulet with his mouth agape. Suddenly, a blast of loud music sounded, catching them by surprise. The two champions turned to see NotEnrique by the stereo.
"Who's there? What's that music?" Claire asked.
"Tell her how you were elbow-deep in me dookie-bin," NotEnrique said, turning up the music even louder and dancing.
"Are you...having a party?" Claire asked accusingly, sending Jim into panic mode as he dodged the random items thrown at him. "No! No, no party! Gotta go!"
He hung up the phone as Liz summoned a shield to protect herself and Jim from the projectiles. Toby comes up behind them, back in the action as NotEnrique continues throwing anything and everything he can get his hands on, random objects lying everywhere as though a tornado had torn through the kitchen.
Suddenly, a loud knock sounded from the back kitchen door, followed by the door falling and landing between Jim and Toby, who gasped in surprise. Outside the doorway stood AAARRRGGHH, his hand frozen in a knocking motion.
"Stupid, smelly trolls!" NotEnrique sneered from the island countertop, dropping the cans and backing up.
"Their door!" Jim groaned and pressed his hand to his forehead as Liz shook her head, fingers pinching between her furrowed eyebrows. "What did you guys do to their door?"
With a laugh, Blinky popped into view from the outside. "We... Uh, we're here to... help."
He picked up the door as Jim pouted.
"Well, I don't remember inviting these two to dinner!" NotEnrique spoke, causing them to all look as he hopped from the fridge to the freezer, where he grabbed a box and stood atop the refrigerator. "First course, frozen peas!"
"Don't make me climb up there, foul beast!" Blinky threatened. Toby had taken a chicken leg from the floor and bit into the meat before throwing it at NotEnrique, who ate it in one gulp.
"Whoa!" The changeling grunted before jumping from his taller pedestal to the ceiling lamp and loading his mouth with peas. Then he launched them like a machine gun at Blinky, who covered his eyes as he stumbled around. "My eyes, my eyes! Green balls of madness! They hurt very badly!"
All of them took cover. NotEnrique laughed before loading more into his mouth and shooting more.
"AAARRRGGHH, it's just like our video game. You with me, buddy?" Toby mentioned. AAARRRGHH came out from beneath the small plate that did no justice to protect the giant troll from the peas. He smiled, however. "Sushi."
"Yeah!" Toby smiled, giving his troll friend a high-five.
"Draw fire?" AAARRRGGHH suggested. Balling his fists, Toby stands up with a proud smile. "No, it's my turn."
He ran as NotEnrique continuously blasted him with peas and fell over. "Oh, it's hailing peas, and I hate peas! Oh, ooh, ow!"
On top of the ceiling lamp, NotEnrique continued with the peas, aiming them at Toby. Suddenly, a large fist belonging to AAARRRGGHH slammed the changeling into the ceiling. His fist retracted, causing the smaller creature to wheeze out as he fell off the lamp, his arms and legs stiff as he fell onto AAARRRGGHH's plate. Toby laughed with cheer as he joined his larger friend's side. "Way to go, wingman!"
"Boom, boom!" AAARRRGGHH added when they fist-bumped.
"Way to go, you two!" Liz smiled, clapping as she and Jim stepped up to them. Jim's expression turned serious.
"All right, enough! Where's the bridge?" He asked NotEnrique, who recovered and sat up on the plate with a grin.
"What bridge? London Bridge? I hear it's falling down," NotEnrique teased until AAARRRGGHH's hand crushed him. "Ow! Fleshbags... no sense of humor."
"We are not asking again. Where is the bridge?" Liz questioned this time. AAARRRGGHH continued to crush him, causing the small troll to groan. "Give me a break! I don't know anything. - It's me first day."
"Squeeze him till he pops!" Blinky said, stepping beside the two champions. The giant troll followed the order and pressed down further. The smaller troll's eyes bulged before he pushed the hand off him. "Okay, okay, okay! Can't blame a guy for looking out for himself. But you can't tell anyone I told you. I got a pretty sweet deal going here. If the bossman hears I squealed, he'll feed me to Bular."
"Bular's working with someone else?" Blinky questioned in concern.
"Who? Who is Bular working with?" Jim asked.
"Oh, er..." NotEnrique glances at all of them until his gaze stops on Liz, who subtly shakes her head, her turquoise eyes flickering with glistening silver. He clears his throat, looking away. "Forget I said anything."
Suddenly, a car pulling into the driveway drew everyone's eyes to the front of the house, where headlights appeared on the wall.
"Oh, no, someone's home!" Jim exclaimed, panic setting in once again.
"I suggest we make our egress," Blinky added, but AAARRRGGHH questioned the new word. "Egress?"
"It means to exit." Blinky grabbed the changeling, but Jim grabbed him by the smaller troll's legs, causing NotEnrique to yelp. "Whoa! I'm supposed to be babysitting it!"
Blinky pulled on NotEnrique's arm. "And I need the proof for Vendel!"
"And I need not be split in two." NotEnrique swats at them to let go.
"Enough! Jim's right. We were supposed to be babysitting. We'll bring the changeling to Vendel at another time." Liz said as Blinky reluctantly let go.
The front door unlocked.
"Okay, you have to go now," Liz muttered as NotEnrique continued to push out of Jim's grip, but the boy had a tight hold on him despite getting punched and kicked in the face.
"With haste," Blinky added. They left, AAARRRGGHH had trouble putting on the door, but they went in time. NotEnrique continued to struggle, but they froze as a voice spoke out. "Claire, we're home!"
It was Claire's father.
Not wasting another second, Liz waved her hand, muttering foreign words under her breath as cyan-colored mist swirled across the kitchen, replacing everything back to their original state before her armor dissipated. Meanwhile, Jim watched with his mouth agape in complete shock. Since when can Liz do magic?!
Hearing approaching footsteps. Jim pressed on NotEnrique, who transformed into his human form as Claire's parents walked into the kitchen. The parents gasped at seeing a random boy holding their child with Liz standing near him with a charming smile.
"Oh! Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Nunez."
"Liz? We didn't expect you to be here. Who is that, and where's Claire?" Mrs. Nunez asked, perking her eyebrow with suspicion. Before Liz could reply, Jim spoke up, chuckling nervously. "I'm Jim, the babysitter."
"In-training, he means." Liz corrected, remaining calm through the situation. "He goes to our school and wants to learn how to babysit, just in case he needs to earn some money on the side after school. As for Claire, she —"
Claire runs into the kitchen in panic before letting out the word, "Fudgeknuckle!"
Claire glances between her friends and her parents.
"Ah, Claire! We were explaining how you invited us over to teach Jim how to babysit. Did you find what you were looking for?" Liz nonchalantly asked as though Claire was with them the entire time. Mr. and Mrs. Nunez turned to their daughter for an answer.
"Uhh...yeah!" Claire smiled, understanding what Liz was trying to do. "I dropped my phone outside from upstairs while playing with Enrique and them in the nursery. Good thing it happened after you guys called."
Claire pulls out her phone from her skirt pocket, waving it. "Here, it is. Luckily, it didn't break."
"I'm glad." Liz smiled, nudging Jim to say something. "Ah, yeah! Good thing. You had us worried there."
Liz turned to NotEnrique, ruffling his hair, turquoise eyes gleaming in its original color as she grinned down at the baby, who cooed innocently in response.
"Well, it seems our playtime is over. Good game, Enrique. Hope to play with you again soon."
[End of Episode VIII - Adventures of Trollsitting]
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Again, thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
Happy reading!
- Miss_Nightingale
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winter-leftovers · 7 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter fourteen: How To Steal A Bridge (14/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Y/n, Claire and Toby steal Killahead bridge. Al and Y/n have a little fight
Word count: 2358
Warnings: no need
(Season 2 Episodes 1, 2, 3)
Song?: He ain’t heavy he’s my brother by The Hollies
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Y/n was at the grocery store when she got Toby’s call. The boy sounded desperate, he pleaded her to come to trollmarket, fast, something had happened with Jim.
She dropped her groceries to the ground and ran to TrollMarket, forgetting all her responsibilities like the apples on the floor.
“Where is he?” Y/n jumped over the small stairs in Blinky’s library “Where’s…Jim?” She panted.
“He was right there” Toby caressed the amulet, he looked defeated.
“Why is the amulet here?” She walked to Toby. Next to him stood Claire cradling a baby.
Tears pooled in Y/n eyes “Who…is that baby?”
“Jim…He got him back. He kept his promise” Claire gave her a half smile. They didn’t have to explain, they knew the sacrifice Jim had made.
Y/n’s bag fell to the ground, she shook her head. It couldn’t be. No. Not her little brother.
“Has…has the amulet called for anyone?” She whispered, afraid of the answer.
Toby shook his head.
“So, he’s alive”
“They destroyed the bridge. This is my fault. I could’ve done more” Blinky was turned to an Aaarrrgghh made of stone.
“We can do more! There has to be a way” Toby slammed the amulet on the table “There has to be something we haven’t thought of” Toby scratched his head “You said it yourself. As long as the amulet doesn't call to anybody else, we know he's okay”
A strong blue light started to pour from the amulet, lifting itself from the table.
“James Lake” called.
Y/n got close to observe the amulet, but before she could get to the table, the amulet went flying to Aaarrrgghh and started to speak in trollish.
The four of them surrounded the bigger troll.
“I don't understand. It's not making any sense” complained Blinky.
“What’s it saying?” Asked Claire.
“‘The troll is the key, the key to the hunter’ Over and over. It must be a glitch”
“Is it broken?” Asked Claire
Toby got closer to the amulet “No. They’re helping us!”
“Who?” Asked Y/n.
“The voices in the amulet. The ghost council” Toby turned to her.
“Well, what are they trying to say?” Asked Claire.
“Aaarrrgghh is the key?” Y/n tilted her head.
“But that's impossible, he's...” Blinky was unable to finish the sentence.
“...gonna get us Jim back! Did you hear that? If we save Arrrgh, we save Jim!” Toby jumped.
“I don’t believe it” Claire smiled.
Y/n laughed and hugged her. She didn’t have any other option but to believe. She couldn’t lose her brother. She would hang on to any hope the world would throw at her no matter how small.
“Now, that is some glitch!” Blinky screamed and joined Toby's celebration.
“Still no sign of Jim?” Asked Claire.
“Nothing but barren Darklands. And I'm running out of nougat nummies” Complained Toby as he threw a new nougat nummie through the small portal.
Y/n, Claire and Toby were looking for a place deep into the forest to hide the Killahead bridge from the troll council.
A couple hours before, the teens went by the store with the news that the council had signed Jim's death sentence by getting rid of the bridge in a dark and far away place where no one could find it against the complaints of the trollhunters, and a plan. Claire had sent Not-Enrique to hide with the pieces of the bridge so she could have an anchor to make a portal and steal the bridge back.
“You think this is secluded enough?” Y/n moved her flashlight around seeing only trees and darkness.
“For a magic bridge? This far out, we could hide a few dead bodies” Toby joked.
“Okay, let’s do this quick” Claire took out the shadow staff.
Y/n sighed. After seeing it so many times, she had learned to handle the strange grief that would bring her seeing the staff.
“Making portals is exhausting, and I don't know how many I've got in me” with a quick move Claire made a portal.
“Wow! You're turning pro with that magic shadow stick” Toby complimented.
“Well, it's powered by emotions. Getting the guy I like out of the Darklands? Plenty of emotions” Claire took a couple steps but stopped when she realized Toby was following her “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like? Helping” he lifted his shoulders.
“I have no idea where we are. I need you here, to be my emotional anchor”
“But what am I supposed to do?”
“Get ready to catch” Y/n smiled and jumped through the portal.
On the other side, she hit herself on the chest with a box. The place was dark and narrow. The only source of light were the flashlights they had brought.
Out of the corner of her eye, Claire saw a box starting to move. She looked at Y/n in panic. Y/n stood in front of Claire and the box quickly opened.
“Took you long enough” Not-Enrique jumped out of the box
“What are you doing in there?” Claire relaxed.
“I…uh, Suzy's a little scared of the dark. And, with all the freaky noises, this place is giving her the heebie-jeebies” Not-Enrique lifted his stuffed bunny.
The girls chuckled.
“All right, come on” Claire put her flashlight on top of a box and Y/n did the same “Where are we?”
“All I could make out was someone saying "starboard" or "captain." We could be on a spaceship, for all I know” Not-Enrique explained as he helped the girls push a box through the portal.
A siren made the three of them stop.
“Yeah, yeah, the paperwork says dump it here” said a man.
“Dump it"?” Y/n looked at Claire with her brows furrowed “We're on a cargo ship! They're dumping us into the ocean!”
The movement of the container made the three of them fall to the ground.
“The ocean?! But I-- But Suzy can't swim!” Screamed Not-Enrique.
“Hold on!” Screamed back Claire.
“You never said nothing about no water! I knew this idea was lousy!” NotEnrique folded his arms.
“Let’s just stick with the plan and let's get the pieces out of here before it's too late” Said Y/n. If she let the changeling keep complaining he would drive Claire crazy.
“The metal can't hold for long! The water's going to pour in at any minute! Hurry!” Claire screamed.
The tree of them tried to take the piece out as fast as they could but the movement of the water wasn’t helping. Claire was losing strength from the amount of portals she had to make.
“Oh, no! The portal” screamed NotEnrique as the portal disappeared.
‘You’re a wizard. Use your magic’ the voice of her sister came back to her.
“I think I have an idea” Y/n shook her hands “Claire, can you open one more portal?”
“I can't. It won't work. I got nothing left” Claire’s arms could barely hold the now white staff.
“Right. I knew you'd get us killed!” Said NotEnrique.
“What?” Claire and Y/n screamed at the same time.
“You wanna know the truth? Fine. About to die, anyway. I decided to stick around 'cause you're a pushover. I can do whatever I want, and you're too weak to stop me!”
“Excuse me? How dare you!” The shadow staff was turning black again.
Y/n smiled. They really were siblings.
“I use your toothbrush to clean me ears. I steal cash from your purse. And you know your lucky Papa Skull jacket? I like to call that my snot rag! Hilarious!” NotEnrique continued.
“Ugh, why, you... you...” Claire realized NotEnrique was trying to help her “you baby genius!”
“Yeah, I know. Now, come on! We've just got a few more!”
Claire opened a new portal.
“Okay. Move” Y/n lifted her arms and focused her eyes on the portal.
“Woah” said Claire and NotEnrique.
Suddenly, the boxes were illuminated one by one by red light. They lifted themselves from the ground and flew through the portal.
“Wait a minute. You didn't really do that stuff, right?” Claire turned to NotEnrique.
“Uh, don't use your toothbrush” he answered “Whoa!”
The pressure started to wear out the container making the water start to pour in. Y/n tried to throw the last box through the portal but the shock made Claire close it.
“C’mon” Y/n complained to herself as she lowered her hands.
The three jumped on top of the last box that didn’t make it through the portal.
“We're never gonna get 'em all! Time to bail out of this death trap!” Screamed NotEnrique.
“No! We lose the bridge, we lose Jim. We need this last crate” Y/n screamed back.
The water started to rise up. Soon the box where they were standing wouldn’t be useful anymore.
“Come on, kid. Last pice!” Cheered NotEnrique
“Oh, I can’t! I’m exhausted!” Cried Claire.
“Yes, you can! You have to!”
“It’s not charging! Ugh! I can't get it to work.”
“Claire, look at me!” Screamed Y/n. Claire was panicking, she couldn’t look at her in the eyes “Take a deep breath. Come on”
The three of them took a deep breath together.
“Anger isn’t the only fuel to magic. You must find a stronger emotion and use it” Y/n looked down. The water was almost at their necks.
“I can do this. I can do this” Claire said to herself.
“Yes! You can!” Y/n looked at her hands “Make the portal and I’ll guide us through it”
They took a last deep breath and they submerged.
Claire tried and tried to open a portal but she couldn’t. Her body was exhausted. She felt her arms loosen up and started to sway to the current but then, she saw among all the darkness NotEnrique lose consciousness and Y/n grabbing him. That’s when she did it.
Suddenly, Y/n felt like she was falling. She looked down and saw a familiar darkness, a portal. Y/n smiled. Claire did it. She closed her eyes and protected NotEnrique from the fall.
When Y/n opened her eyes, they were back in the woods. She turned to her side to give the changeling space to breathe.
“Hey?” She whispered.
“NotEnrique?” Claire crawled to him “Ah! Toby, Y/n he’s not breathing!” Claire scream.
“Oh no! NotEnrique” Toby ran to him.
Y/n sat up and saw Toby giving NotEnrique CPR.
Quickly, the changeling regained conscious.
“Ah, thank you, Ms Janet” Toby lay down.
“I told you I can’t swim” NotEnrique complained
“Claire! You got all the pieces! We did it! We stole an entire freaking bridge!” Toby threw himself at Y/n making her laugh.
“Yeah. Don't let Jim ever say we never did anything for him” Claire panted.
“Thank you. You did good back there, kid. What emotion did you use to get us out of that tin can?” NotEnrique panted.
“Fear. I was afraid... I lost you”
Y/n felt a tear fall down and quickly wiped. She understood.
“I'm the king of the ocean” Steve mumbled.
“What are we gonna do about him?” Asked Claire.
The sun had long set in Arcadia. Y/n sat at her desk, her eyes glued to the old book Douxie had borrowed her, but her mind was unable to follow the stories, it had drifted somewhere else. Her sister.
Who was she? Did she have a sister? Was she real or just an invention of her mind to keep her sane in the last couple of months?
“I don’t think that’s good for the water” Al stretched his front paws.
“Huh?” Y/n look away from the book and realized she had been changing the state of the water “Oh. I didn’t realize” she stopped her hand from moving.
“Is the book any good?” He jumped to the desk, almost dropping the glass of ice.
“Uhm…I don’t know” she mumbled.
Alfred twisted his head to the side.
“I’ve been thinking” Y/n closed the book.
“Oh” Al sat down and looked at her.
“Do you…” she took a deep breath “Did I…have a sister? You know…Back in my old life”
Alfred's jaw fell open, his pupils shrank in surprise.
The cat shook his head “Why…Why you ask?”
“I’ve been…seeing”
“Seeing?!” He stood up.
“Well, yeah…when…”
Al stood with his front pawn on her shoulders “You been seeing Mor…” he jumped back to the floor and lay down “Oh lord. This isn’t good”
“Al, you’re scaring me” Y/n kneeled down next to him.
“You’re not supposed to see her. Maybe dream of her BUT SEE? No no” he lifted his front paws.
“Where did you see her?” He stood up on his back legs “What’s she planning?”
“Planning?! What are you?! What?!” Y/n sat on the floor and grabbed her head “I’m just having visions of this woman that calls me sister”
“Visions? Oh…that’s good then…” he jumped onto the bed and lay down with her back to her.
“What do you mean ‘that’s good then’ “she stood up “Explain and don’t you dare say I can’t” she point a finger to him
“But I can’t” he turned.
“This is getting old” Y/n stood up and grabbed her bag.
“Where are you going?”
“To fix my problem once and for all” she closed the door behind her.
Blinky’s library was deserted, not even Aaarrrgghh statue was there. Y/n looked at her phone to see if she had missed an update from Toby but no new messages appeared.
Y/n looked at Blinky’s books, one of them had to have at least a clue about her sister, about her old life. This time she was going to follow her sister's advice from the start, she was going to use her magic. She closed her eyes, stretched her arm and with a deep breath she called for the right book to come to her. A big gray book flew to her hand. Y/n smiled, satisfied with herself. She opened the book and the title caught her attention: The Pale Lady.
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A/N: Season two is here!!!
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Duggar Predictions 2023
Jim Bob and Michelle - I don't think his weight loss journey will be as easy as he expects it to be, it's rarely smooth sailing and I speak from experience.
Josh and Anna - Returns to social media once all appeals are exhausted. Continues quietly visiting Josh.
Jana - Whispers of a courtship but she's just happy with her plants.
John and Abbie - We find out Charlie's full name and birthday so I can fill in a blank on my spreadsheet.
Jill and Derick - I don't expect #4 to be too far behind Frederick and I think we will have an announcement around Christmas. Israel and Samuel return to school next academic year.
Jessa and Ben - Another baby, Jessa gives birth in odd years. I think it will be a boy this time. Normal first name, weird middle name.
Jinger and Jeremy - Book is boring with little new information. Have baby #3, a girl.
Joe and Kendra - Another baby (#5), obvs. #4's name is revealed via a sex prediction board, an Instagram comment, someone calling his (yes I am still convinced it's a boy) name or something along those lines. Remain quiet on social media. House move if they haven't moved already.
Josiah and Lauren - Nothing. No baby #3 and are quiet on socials.
Joy and Austin - Baby Something James is born healthy and vaginally.
Jed and Katey - Nora born in May and another baby baking by the end of the year.
Jer and Hannah - If the birth went well (no c-section etc) then I expect her to fall pregnant again as quickly as Katey did. Move into Joe and Kendra's old house.
Jason - Announces a courtship and engagement. Snarkers lose their shit about there now being two Duggar in-laws with the same first name.
James - Announces a courtship. Tries to get his Youtube career to take off.
Justin and Claire - Announce pregnancy #1, a girl, or that they had the baby (GrandDuggar #29) some time ago and have been keeping it a secret.
Jackson-Josie - Nothing
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daniartist19 · 2 years
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A Happy Halloween to everyone.
So i have do to this, these cosplay characters were going originally for my Costober, but since my first baby was very important to my family and myself so i made a choice of put the costober cosplays my friends and i talked about and put it in 3 part of these to make it a Daniverse halloween thing.
Got awesome cosplays, thanks for the suggestions.
Twilight Sparkle and Adora as Raya and Sisu (Raya and the Last Dragon) the outfit designs by Serpanade Toons
Cassandra and Carmen as Maya and Zatz (Maya and the Three)
Kipo as Michiru (BNA Brand New Animal) Luz and Amity as Vi and Caitlyn (Arcane) Varian and Anne as Jim and Claire (Trollhunters Tales of Acardia) K.O as MK (Monkie Kid) Kid as Ben 10 Steven and Connie as Miles and Gwen (Spider-Man Into the SpiderVerse)
Gwen and Trent as Octavia (Helluva Boss) and Douxie (Wizards Tales of Acardia) (An excuse to draw Trent in Douxie wizard outfit) Duncan and Courtney as Hunter (The Owl House) and Sasha (Amphibia) Heahter and Alejandro as Mr Wolf and Diane (The Bad Guys) (Heather looks kinda great in the Crimson Paw outfit) Cody and Elena as Aladdin and Jasmine  EB and Looka as Mune and Glim (Mune Guardian of the Moon) Catra as Jinx/Powder (Arcane) (They're both got tthe same similarities)
Mirabel and Vivo as Bee and PuppyCat  Ethan and Elian as Luz and Amity (The Owl House) Yakko and Lenna as Danny and Sawyer (Cats Don't Dance) Sasha and Hunter as Kat and Patrick (10 Things i Hate about You) Ian and Willow as Orpheus and Eurydice (Hadestown) Tylor and Loona as Andrew and Allison (The Breakfast Club)
Which cosplays do you like the most.
Every character belongs to their creators.
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I have no idea why, but I was thinking of Encanto and how the three kids somehow don’t know that Mirabel doesn’t have a gift.
Then that spiraled into thinking about how Jim and Toby should logically know Claire, since Arcadia is a small town where everybody knows everybody.
So I had an idea that would make sense and give backstory to Claire!
Claire was homeschooled up until high school, and she’s a new student to Arcadia Oaks High. Darci and Mary are her best friends because their parents go to Ophelia’s fundraisers a lot, and they became friends starting from seeing each other so often. Ophelia also is the mayor of Arcadia Oaks in Emerald Embers, instead of a councilwoman, so it makes even more sense!
I imagine Javier is the main one homeschooling her since Ophelia is the mayor which means she’s even busier than her canon self. And when Enrique is born, they ask Claire if she wants to go to high school for the next year because they’re going to be busy with taking care of a baby.
And she jumps at the chance to see her best friends more and possibly make more friends!
Fixing canon one step at a time!
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escape-from-arcadia · 10 months
Alright so here’s my idea of the timeline of events based on what we’re given in the trailer;
Bellroc and Skrael show up in the city after observing Nari, Archie, and Douxie for a while, and get Nari and Archie from Douxie. The airship gets destroyed in the battle, and Douxie only has the mini Heart of Avalon on him. But (and this part is purely speculation), Douxie can use some of the remaining power to send him over to Arcadia. They return to Arcadia for help since the Order is now all back together and have the Genesis Seals. Our magical wizard boy (tm) sends a magic message (a la Merlin) out to the Arcadia Gang to meet him at the remains of Camelot.
Meanwhile, Jim has reunited with Barbara and is somewhat better terms with Strickler (Jim resigns to sleeping on the couch since all the babies are living in his old room.) They’re talking and chilling when they get word from Douxie to meet up.
Barbara insists on joining as does Strickler, and Jim sends them ahead to Camelot.
Jim bikes out to grab Toby and Claire.
Double meanwhile, Douxie gets Krel to send a message to get Aja, Varvatos, and Eli to rejoin the group back on Earth. Krel pulls out the older wormhole generator and they’re back on Earth. (They also brought Luug along too.)
Triple meanwhile, Aaarrrggghhh and Blinky are back in the New Trollmarket. Douxie asks them for help, explaining the dire situation, and they (along with Nomura) take the gyre out to the remains of Trollmarket.
Here’s an opportunity to show the broken/dead Heartstone, which looks like it will be brought back to life with magic once the Titans are unleashed.
Krel and Douxie have set up the meeting in the room housing a table belonging to the Knights of the Round Table. The gang gathers round the table (our Knights of Arcadia hehe) and they lay out their plan.
Here is where Douxie + Krel bring up a projection of the Earth
Douxie points out where the city they were staying in was and (translated from Merlin’s grimoire) where the Titans were laying dormant.
They decide to go get Nari as soon as possible.
(unfinished draft from Jun 15th, 2021 (holy shit))
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