#And the fact that Americans on the Internet forget that they're not the only people that exist
anothermonikan · 1 year
Why are so many people putting like 'No drivers license' on so many of those oddly specific polls? Guys, idk about you but a drivers license didn't magically spawn into my hands the minute I turned 17 / whatever the legal age to start driving is in your area is. That isn't weird or something that is out of place, that is a pretty big chunk of the population
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The BRF had too much to sort out after QEll's death, it was overwhelming and H&M were the last things on their minds. They might've evenhoped that the brats will at least soften a little but it got worse. I always thought that the BRF thought treating H with kids gloves might make him come to his senses and they gave him all the time he needed but that was a wrong plan.
They didn't want additional dramas because let's be real - the overseas outsiders will never listen. Remember how M said service is universal and the Queen doesn't own the word royal? People hated her so much when she did that! I feel like the BRF uses this tactic of letting the public see through H&M rather than them doing exposé because they want to always take the high road. Could be the reason why they never cleared any rumors about anything including the children because for them, the public is smart enough to see what's happening and come to their own conclusions while H&M treat the public like we're stupid.
Also I wouldn't be surprised if they start suing the BRF if they strip the titles or do anything more because even the Duke of Windsor wasn't stripped of his titles when he was a very clear threat and traitor to the UK. We might think this is dumb but they both have done many dumb things that doesn't make sense just to satisfy their big egos. The family just doesn't want to have anything to do with them and like you said, they're probably happy with the Sussex surname because PP's family name is saved from this ugly mess.
Also Charles the Weak had always had his darling boy's back that if anything comes out, it might put him in trouble as well like the bullying case. I truly believe stern actions will only come when William becomes King because people respect him more and have always had more faith in him to move forward with the correct thing instead of being an emotional snob. Unfair to him but Charles is useless like that.
I'm sorry for this long rant and my command of English, it's my 5th language so I don't have very good grasp of it 😅 Thank you for reading and looking forward for your response! ☺️
Ask from August 21st
A theory on the BRF's handling of the Sussexes.
I don't really have much to add here except that the reason why the Sussexes got away with it was because The Queen believed the decisions made, and the terms agreed to, at the Sandringham Summit were sufficient. She (or Charles or the courtiers) didn't think the agreement needed enforcing other than the part where they demanded the Sussexes decide by March 2021 if they were going to come back or stay.
Granted, COVID helped to passively enforce some of the Sandringham Summit terms, and probably by the time things adjusted to the new normal, the BRF had other, more important things to worry about (like Philip's and The Queen's health).
And once the Sussexes made their decision (aka the only part of the Sandringham Summit that The Queen was enforcing), that's when they started making their mistakes started. Their first big mistake was accusing the BRF of using Philip's health to squash their interview with Oprah. Their second big mistake was doing the Oprah interview. Their third big mistake was telling all those lies in the interview and forgetting that fact-checkers (and the internet) exists.
I think the BRF understood immediately that the Oprah interview was a mistake for Harry and Meghan when they saw all the people (American and British) supporting them and defending them, before and after they published "recollections may vary."
And thus, Napoleon Bonaparte: "Never interrupt an enemy when they're making a mistake."
Or a proverb, if history isn't your thing: "Give someone enough rope, and they will hang themselves."
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maniculum · 10 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Kraegrat
Allow me to start with a disclaimer: I woke up sick this morning, so if it seems like I'm doing a worse job than usual stringing words together, let's all agree to blame fatigue & cold medicine.
Now, on to our beast for the week. The entry people are working from can be found here:
This is kind of an interesting one: not only is there no physical description, but the entry consists entirely of describing a single behavior that has at best a tenuous connection to reality. Nevertheless, a number of people indicated that they recognized it, because this is one of those "bestiary fun facts" that tends to stick in folks' heads.
As usual, we're going to go through the depictions in roughly chronological order -- let me know if I missed yours. This week, for some reason, my original post doesn't appear under the #Kraegrat tag, so who even knows what's going on there and I'm fully willing to believe yours is hidden for some kind of absurd Tumblr reason. (Maybe it got flagged under the "don't go nuts don't show nuts" policy -- I kind of suspect that's what happened with the entry post.)
Images below the cut, because (1) aforementioned nuts, though i'm pretty sure this is within Tumblr guidelines, and (2) i really should be doing a cut for all of these but i keep forgetting.
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@mobileleprechaun (link to post here) has gone all in on the pathos, making the Kraegrat small, fuzzy, and sad. They describe it as "beleaguered and persecuted" and "a poor guy" which honestly I think is pretty fair for anyone in a situation where you're constantly being hunted for your testicles. They also cite "tanuki inspo" for obvious testicle-related reasons, and yeah, I see it. Very good Sad Gentle Beast here.
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@embervoices (link to post here) has done a few different species of Kraegrat, all of which have kind of a lemur look. (They also provided their own alt text, which I really appreciate, thank you.) The linked post has an explanation of design decisions, and also references that Anansi story about tiger balls. (I googled it just now, and all the results reference American Gods -- did Neil Gaiman make that one up?) Anyway, excellent whimsical lemur thing, love the depiction of it throwing the testicles.
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@mayhaps-magical (link to post here) notes their "appropriate medieval disregard for standardized spelling" and explains that they reinterpreted it as "Kragen-rat". My German is almost nonexistent, so I had to do a quick check...
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... okay, yeah, I see how that comes into play. I also like the idea of playing around a bit with the spelling and etymology, because gods know the medieval authors did the same with no regard for accuracy. (The vastly-encyclopedic, frequently-inaccurate work that has led Isidore of Seville to be put forth as a potential Patron Saint of the Internet is ostensibly a book of etymologies.) Anyway, I like this guy here. It kind of looks like one of those big dogs that are always kind of shy and nervous around new people, which I think fits with the description as "gentle". Also like that it apparently has both claws and I think thumbs for the throwing of testicles.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) acknowledges that they're pretty sure they know what this animal is supposed to be, but they're trying to put it out of their heads. I think they've done a very good job of that: this is a pretty naturalistic drawing of a ground-dwelling mammal that doesn't quite look like any real animals, including the one that this entry was based on. The post linked above contains a description of the design decisions behind this critter, which I of course recommend checking out.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has, as usual, done a beautifully stylized rendition of this one. She cites the famous unicorn tapestries as inspiration, and I can absolutely see it. I think it's an interesting artistic choice to focus on the hunter rather than the beast in this drawing, but one that absolutely makes sense: the entry doesn't tell us anything about the Kraegrat except how it interacts with hunters. Enjoy your bounty of severed testicles, Sir Hunter... and, um, keep an eye on your dog if you want to make sure you still have all of them when you get home. I think it's contemplating something there. The linked post contains a brief description of design decisions, and also this line, which I enjoyed:
I'd also like to state for the record that when I started this challenge, I was not expecting to draw a field of severed testicles, but here we are. It was more fun than I expected.
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@rautavaara (link to post here) has again taken an unusual direction with this one. They describe their interpretation as:
Medicinal plant-like lizard that loses its tail when scared off.
Considering this and the drawing, I think I can see the path of creative interpretation. The animal as presented in the bestiary entry is obviously ridiculous: a mammal that self-castrates to save its life is not an evolutionary success. So what could it be other than that? Well, lizards detach their tails to escape predators; what if there was a lizard with nodules on its tail that medieval people interpreted as testicles?
I can't swear that that is rautavaara's thought process, of course, but it makes sense to me as an interpretation of the material provided, and if that is what they're going for, I think it's quite clever. Also, as usual, the art style here is excellent.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) explains that her design process consisted of blending together various animal features and then giving it sparkly magic balls, because that's all the entry really provides. Which, fair. Also I appreciate the taste in choosing what I think is "tapir + deer" as the animals to blend here. Those tusks kind of remind me of musk deer, which is actually pretty appropriate, as we'll see later. The facial expression plus the sparkly balls strike me as very funny, I have to say. Good beast.
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@karthara (link to post here) was apparently also skeptical about the idea of a self-castrating animal, and if you check out the linked post, you'll see a brief explanation of how they resolved that as well as some other thoughts on design decisions. The gist is that the Kraegrat has decoy testicles, which I love as an interpretation. Fantastic. No further notes.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) has done another ink drawing that is, frankly, delightful. Love the Kraegrat escaping into the Nonspecific Medieval Trees. Love, love, love the hunter getting smacked in the face with a set of thrown testicles while his dog watches. The above linked post also provides an explanation of design decisions which I think is worth reading, go check that out.
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@treesurface (link to post here) has drawn us a rat-kangaroo thing (not to be confused with a kangaroo rat) calmly displaying its lack of testicles. Looks fairly good-natured about the situation, really. They provide a brief discussion of their design decisions in the linked post, and also express a desire for more "weird scary beasts" in the future -- so I checked, and while I can't really define what is or isn't a weird scary beast, I think we should get at least one qualifying entry in January.
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@pomrania (link to post here) has made the understandable decision that they aren't going to draw animal genitalia today. Fair enough. I also think this is a pretty good depiction of a Mammal that is clearly not any animal we're familiar with -- I'm impressed by how many of the drawings we're getting for this are Plausible Yet Unfamiliar Beasts. Anyway, pomrania provides early sketches and an explanation of design decisions in the linked post. They also express relief that this is not "Yet Another Bird", and I regret to inform you all that there is a small cluster of Bird entries coming our way.
Anyhow, let's take a look at the Aberdeen Bestiary depiction for this one.
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I have to say I find this illustration very funny. That bizarre pose where it's wrapped around a tree is good, but what really makes it is the hunters. Look at those two. Spear Guy looks like his eyes are about to bug out of his head, while Axe Guy seems like he's going "hey, is that normal? should we be doing something about that?"
Anyway, as some of you guessed (and as I'm sure more of you picked up from that very accurate Aberdeen illustration above), this is a Beaver.
Yeah, the whole testicle thing is probably a misunderstanding of the castor sacs that beavers use to scent-mark their territory. Castoreum is still used today, mostly in the perfume industry I think, but apparently the medievals had some kind of medicinal use in mind. So the people who surmised that this isn't actually talking about testicles but rather some other anatomical feature that looks like testicles were correct. I have no idea where the idea came from that the beaver would rip them off voluntarily, though.
So! There's this week's bestiaryposting. I will now Retreat to My Chamber and Lay As One Dead (scroll Tumblr in bed until I fall asleep).
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feluka · 9 months
I remember thinking this earlier and then forgetting but the recent asks reminded me:
In that post where you briefly mentioned not correcting people when they tag stuff as Islamophobia with regards to you (bc you’re actually Coptic), I get the point your making and yeah they’re wrong in just assuming that as an Arab you’re automatically Muslim but it’s still Islamophobia, no? Like you don’t have to be Muslim to be the victim of Islamophobia, because Islam is viewed, at least in the west, as intrinsically linked to Arab identity. If you’re Arab/middle-eastern, people automatically assume you’re also Muslim because that’s the archetype most people have in their minds. Like I doubt most Americans have any idea that ~10% of Egypt is christian because that doesn’t fit into their (racist) worldview. Muslims are Bad because Islam is practiced by those Evil Backwards Arabs in their war-torn desert wastelands, and Arabs are Bad because they’re Fanatical Muslim Terrorists. The people who say hateful things to you on the internet do so because you are Arab, and because you are Arab they perceive you as Muslim which is a Bad thing to be (in their eyes). So it’s still Islamophobia, they bring are Islamophobic even though you are not personally Muslim
Ik this is kind of nitpicky and you probably didn’t mean much by that saying that, but it stuck with me (and this isn’t like a callout or anything, ily Mina and I’m sorry for going on this long tangent)
No worries! I've had this discussion before and part of the reason I don't correct others when they call it islamophobia is because they're not incorrect either. The Arab identity and Muslim identity are very deeply intertwined partially because it's the predominant religion of our region and partially because the Western lens views the region as Brown People Cultural Soup with no intent to further learn of its intricacies.
To answer your question: if someone has a violent/hateful reaction to hearing the Arabic language, they are anti Arab. This person may *think* due to their ignorance that this hatred entails Muslim people exclusively but in reality every Arab suffers from this hatred.
The thing is that racist person *doesn't care* if you define their hatred as anti Arab racism or as Islamophobia. These are *our* words. These terms exist for the sake of *us* to help us define, discuss, and explain the prejudice we face - and I would much rather we establish these definitions on *our* terms (us, who know the difference) rather than relenting to the racist's terms (they, who don't know the difference), because if we don't put in an active effort to acknowledge and include religious minorities then we are complicit in their erasure. If we don't contend the notion that Arab = Muslim then it will never be deconstructed.
You're right in saying that almost every instance of anti Arabic racism entails Islamophobia, and this is why I don't correct people when they describe the racism I face as Islamophobic. The description isn't incorrect at all - but it is incomplete. It is *part* of a broader image, because non Muslim Arabs aren't only discriminated against for their proximity to Islam. Even outside of this conflation, and even with full knowledge that we aren't Muslim, we still face racism (a clear example of this is Biblical Orientalism, whose very basis is the fact that we are Arabs who aren't muslim), so it's not quite accurate to attribute all our struggles as tangential to Islamophobia, and in the end we can still acknowledge our shared struggles and the way they intersect without contributing to the erasure.
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mihai-florescu · 4 months
Ive been on this account for 10 years and i wanted to remember the times i've met with people tumblr has brought into my life since my early teen years. I may not talk to some anymore (not for any particular reason, we just grew apart) but i still treasure our memories and wish them the best!
-Alex, whom i met through our shared love of musicals when she was still in middle school. We're from the same city and met to go to the theatre, and she has been my irl ever since to the point i forget this is how we met actually. As time went on we did develop a bunch of irl school and extracurricular acquaintances, i dont think any of them know how we actually met lol. Actually maybe one person, whom i also met through tumblr but she went to my high school so im not sure if it counts... if it does add her to the list too. She gave me her copy of radio silence in the early days of the pandemic and i shared loveless with her (i didnt really like the latter:/)
-India, my first internet friend. We had been friends for years and at 16 i flew with my mom to ireland for a few days to see wicked together. See how it all goes back to musicals for me... she now works in theatre and im so happy seeing the occasional instagram story, even if we eventually grew apart. I think about you a lot
-Maura, whom I started talking to while living in the US, and asked if she'd like to drive from west virginia to dc while i was on a trip. Her mom was outside in the car iirc, i infiltrated her into my hotel room, and we just chatted for a bit until the chaperones came to check and lock us in... i hid her in the bathroom, and then snuck her out with a hood on while the chaperones were talking to the room next to ours right before sticking those papers into the door that would tell them in the morning if anyone opened it overnight. The random girls i was paired to share a room with thought it was creepy im bringing a stranger to the room but like... tsk, you just dont get it. She's not a stranger, she's a mutual. Go back to breaking up with your american boyfriend over the phone.
-Anna, who saw I was depressed on main 2 years ago and said she'll come to my city to buy me bubble tea. And then we walked around and had ramen too and i learned she was skipping school to be here. A lovely day in an otherwise shitty semester.
-Moth, probably the only person you'd know if you follow me for enstars since, well, they're the himeruP mutual ever. Fun geography fact, belgium isnt a real country, it's just a backdrop for us to hang out. They build it up and tear it down just for us every time. They have such a nice handmade crazyb jacket and the enstars bible book is still my most treasured possession.
I think that is it? If i missed anyone i'm very sorry... here's to 10 years more? Maybe i should keep this for my exact blog anniversary in september... maybe i'll get to add to it by then?
EDIT I FORGOT SCHOOL ANON. Anon who goes to my uni and then we happened to share a course a few months later and finally met and we're irls now:)
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opinated-user · 2 years
Latest stream: Lily’s already gonna make plans for Puppet V6. Why? Because she’s disappointed in how V5 looks. (Throwing Mikaila under the bus again. I’m surprised she hasn’t blamed Mikaila for her grey hairs.)
For one, she wants V6 to have full lip sync (much like how a certain other person did for V4). Crack the whip as you want, Lilith, but I don't think the wife has the chops to do it. You keep rushing her to the point where she cut corners on basic anatomy. How is she supposed to do full lip sync if you’re not going to give her the time to do so?
For another, she’s going back to realism—as in, she wants V6 to look like her again, as close to her as possible while still engaging in brownface, and including Dollar Store Native American trinkets.
Mikaila… I think this is your sign to say, “no.”
well, considering how about everyone said that the puppet was an obvious downgrade it was only a matter of time. i'm just fascinated because it hasn't been not even a full year with this one. we all know already how the creation of the latest puppet turned out: rushed, pressured and LO actually demanding MO to forget about anatomy because that's part of the art community gaslighting her or something. unless this time she actually gives MO more than enough time to sort herself out (since she's the one with a daily job) and do it right, it'll just end up another mess that she'll keep changing until she finally caves in and commission another artist... which she probably don't want to do because any other artist would charge a lot of money for something like full lip synching. hopefully the fact that LO wants this one to be sitting at her desk (that she bought with the money she scammed from her audience, i guess) will mean that all MO has to concentrate about is the face and be a easier (unpaid) job for her. i do appreciate that at least she finally admits that the necklace she took from her grandfather was a cheap trinket and not "a family heirloom"... it doesn't make it any less weird, racist and gross that she used it as her only accessory while stripping for YT but I'll take what I can get. of course that immediately gets eliminated when she mentions wanting to include that trinket into the new puppet because i can't even imagine why, unless she just wants to keep selling her brownface fantasy regardless even if she has to use a culturally appropriated necklace for it. her white audience won't notice anyway and that's what matters in the end for her, so at least she can still appear "exotic" enough for them. on another note, it bothers me slightly that she insist that vtubing's only appeal is that is for people who want to look like anime girls. 1. there's nothing wrong with that. there are people on the internet that want to look like anthropomorphic birds. neither is bad. again with the unnecessary anime bashing. 2. what's the difference regarding her own avatars? it has been pointed out before, but the current avatar she has, it's the one with the most anime looking influence out of all of them, down to the appearing on the screen on the classic sorry for coming late to class pose that anime schoolgirls use all the time. the next avatar will have the same issue as long LO insist on that pose, on the weird proportions or big bug eyes. an anime girl is meant to be attractive/cute usually. she obviously very much cares about her avatar being perceived as attractive. the only real difference is that one comes from Japan and the other doesn't. 3. this is a personal pet peeve, but the idea that vtubers can't be too expressive is just... wrong. it depends entirely on the modelers and the vtuber themselves how they arrange it. for what she talks about sounds like her friend sketchy went for a cheaper version, which is completely understandable because they can get expensive if you hire someone who knows what they're doing, but that is not the whole of what vtubing is. futhermore, it's rich for LO to say something is not expressive enough when her own avatar has only three expressions: bored, disgust and smug smile. how is that any better?
lastly vtubing would actually be easier to animated that a 2d image because it's all about face tracking motion and prefixed expressions with a single command. why does she think that a lot of vtubing is live content or that vtubers get to make so much content so quickly?
the whole suddenly and out of nowhere blaming Lizzy for her grey hairs and she should be able to sue... that was just petty.
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What the fuck? I swear your post only had 0 notes, how has it imploded into this...I...what the fuck? I am so sorry you had to witness all of that. Like, IDK, I feel like people *also* forget that 1. Spices don't grow naturally in the UK so for the most part, they're imported products so 2. Herbs would be the most common flavouring, but poor people in cities wouldn't have had much access to growing herbs or getting them as well as the fact they're focused on y'know, *living.* and 3. Plenty of British food is nice, it's just more hearty and ig more pastry n meat than it is about rice or pasta or whatever. Also don't they realise 'poor food' isn't bad food either. Like, there's nothing wrong with black pudding (I know it's personal opinion, but technically it is just oats, herbs and blood) same with haggis (same logic as sausage really). The American stereotyping of British food being bad was also sparked during WW2 when rationing had a huge impact on British cuisine and American soldiers interpreted it as 'Oh, their food is bad' when no, it was because food wasn't so readily avaliable so we fell back on *simpler* things. I dunno, it's just annoying and I am so sorry you have to deal with assholes in your notes all because you pointed out something. - Berkshire Anon
the funniest part is that i hate most traditional british food like spotted dick and cornish pasties and suet puddings and meaty pies and bread pudding (i’m literally vegetarian lol) etc. etc. like… i don’t even agree with myself i was just doing it for the bit!!!
besides the joke was really supposed to be about the cost of living crisis, not about british cuisine but maybe it’s my fault for thinking that people on the internet had the critical thinking skills to be able to figure that out for themselves or to at least shut up and scroll past. it’s not that deep!!! please!!!
but anyway this is very nice of u to send fkdjdjd thank u! and a nice bit of food history to boot!
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fairycosmos · 4 years
i really hate how people learned what gaslighting is through tumblr/twitter and co-opted it to be mean "if someone disagrees with you or tells you that you need to think of other people besides yourself they're gaslighting" as if it's not a real and exhaustive emotional abuse tactic that literally leaves you second guessing whether or not you've been abused (I'm saying this as someone who's had to deal with gaslighting first hand). i literally saw a tiktok where someone was mad that people kept saying that americans only care about america and they were legitimately like "stop gaslighting us to care about other countries when we have problems of our own!!" and i just wanna scream omg i think we should stop trying to teach tumblr/twitter about psychology
aaaaaaaaaaa me too.........you’ve engaged me in a convo about something i’ve thought about a lot n now you have to put up with my rambling im sorry but honestly here we go :^) i understand that the internet picks up phrases and beats them like a dead horse n like i actively participate in that especially when it’s all jokes but. the issue arises when we start misconstruing very specific terms like gaslighting as a result. it’s like we’re j forgetting words have meanings that originate from irl behaviours. i think kids see phrases like gaslighting being used, recognize the weight it holds/held and then just parrot it back to each other whenever they feel vaguely upset by something online. bc they know it’s reminiscent of emotional abuse and they know that’s a very serious thing so it’s easy to hide behind it. but there needs to be widescale acceptance of the fact  that abuse doesn’t constitute arguing w a stranger in a tiktok comment section. the reason gaslighting is so effective in the first place (usually) is because it comes from someone who knows you well n knows how to take advantage of the way you think. idrk when we started comparing the real emotional turmoil of not being able to trust your own judgement with idk getting blocked by someone cause you annoyed them. also i am absolutely SCREAMINGGG and floored! that someone really thought being asked to have an ounce of awareness for anything going on outside the us was GASLIGHTING?!?!! godddd lmfao. we really are just saying shit. if that’s gaslighting the rest of us must be being literally burned 2 death because we all know p much everything they’ve got going on at all times lmfao 😭 help me man. HELP ME. anyway i agree i think if we ARE going to talk about the heavy shit online we need to be far more careful about how we approach it. n also really internalize the fact that very few of us are actual psychologists so there’s no reason to act like we are for some  falsified sense of morality. man it’s tiring lol and it really fucks things up for ppl who have actually experienced that sort of thing, and who are trying to talk about it seriously with others. i hope you’re doing ok now <3 sending love 2 you 
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mywholelove · 5 years
Understandably, my great uncle, Marcus Garvey was misled by satan into endorsing the #slavetrade facility, created by pagans called #panafricanism.
I was also panafricanism as a profferred ideology, until I independently went to Africa in the 90s, and amongst other discoveries, saw that it was a prettily packaged, concept of malintent, created to apply human trafficking, or slave trading, and is similar to such things and phrases as " new world order ", a concept to promote mass murder, to the agenda of a league. Like santa claus, which actually is a satanic entity from east of Germany, it still sounds kind of attractive, from a distance, due to the imagery imbued in it!
panafricanism is a way to expand slave trade, without checks or account.
It's no surprise then, that in a eu state this week, ( romania ), someone was recently tried for trafficking over 1,000 vulnerable children, with intent to rob and burgle across all eu and other possible countries.
There are various reports of other activities against communities in United States of America and other places, which have received greater exposure, since the USElection2016 of United States President Donald John Trump, and his attention to the more effective protection and security of USA by improving US Military, and US Secret Service.
The eu is defined as a #paneuropean operation. #panamerican is operated across America by nafta, #panasian across Asia and Australia by asean, and panafrican across Africa by ecowas.
From the evidence, facts and truths I have witnessed, asean, ecowas, eu and nafta are the regional panafrican, panamerican, panasian and paneuropean entities, to manage the their activities under united nations holdings.
When you look beyond aesthetics, the Holy Bible, and other scriptures, reveal these in clues. This explains to me why the serpents, ( most main stream media and other plagiarist entities such as politics, religions, showbiz, sports and such ), are used to manipulate the ways of masses, in order to flatter and trick to the agenda of the league or cabal.
Watched closely, most main stream media and aid agencies promote projects which cause #familybreakdown, and war, diseases and distresses.
The Holy Bible refers to and defines the system called by such names as telnet, vax, superhighway, world wide web, internet, etcetera, as ' the backbone of the beast '.
Family breakdown is explained all through the Holy Scriptures including in the books of #Genesis, #Exodus, #Leviticus, #Deuteronomy, #Proverbs and #Revelations, and in spite of the multiple edits and obfuscations by those who support satanic or sat-un-ic agendas, ( most often those in politics and showbiz, the largest industries in this world over the millenias ), the references to Ethiopia, Ghana and Jamaica can be found. It was during my trips in Africa, that I discovered that many of the prophets and lands mentioned are in truth what are now called 'African'.
By cunning manipulation by organized crime entities, such as created by sat-un and its use of family breakdown, manipulation of the health, history and security of communities, panafricanism, as diesel being presented as ' clean ' in 2000, is presented, offered then enforced on compliant communities prepared to prostitute or embrace the sat-un-ic entities. They force people to focus on micro aspects, while they're being distracted from the greater agendas.
I was shocked when I overheard on multiple occasions, a relation reply to a question when she was asked ' what good she was achieving by dating a racist European', by her friends, that he maintained her house, bought her things and took her on expensive foreign holidays. Approval by society?
This may also explain why aid agencies operate plots and plans to encourage division of family, and therefore phrases such as " it takes a village to raise a child ".
It sounds pretty at glance, but then ask them,
" how many of your kids were raised by villages; or is that a facility to only be applied to those you consider as live stock for your exploitation? "
Due to #familybreakdown, most people, in spite of the abundance of evidences, still believe that there were no Negast, Akhan and other people from Africa in America, before the 1400s!
A combination of lessons from my daddy, my own observations and my research led me to discover that Negast or Nigga people have been established in America since at least the second century ' before christ ', about 2,200 years ago, long before Gama, Vespucci and Columbus, but family breakdown is designed by sat-un to hide knowledge and cause confusion, and the desire for social approval.
I see panafricanism as abject racism, to facilitate human trafficking, prostitution and slave trading, in support of the ' new world order ' agendas.
This also explains why, a un general secretary, the late Kofi annan, though born in, raised and very familiar with Africa and african cultures, never addressed the proliferate slave or barbaric, abominable, infidel, pagan practices across the whole world, and other matters. It took the babies nursed by western white women and islamic cultures to identify, and bring to world attention and action, the slave trade, and child slavery, then to develop and implement the system we now call #FairTrade.
During and following the severe droughts in Somalia, Ethiopia, and such, brought to our attention by pop stars like Midge Ure, Boy George, Michael Jackson, Bob Geldof, and many others pop music superstars, after some rains during dry season months in the 90s, the un administrators were at very first trying to figure a way to secure their continued funding. They'd rather flies, swollen bellied kids, than lose their funding. That's beyond sadastic politics.
As a result, in 1995, on an Indian Ocean or such island, I heard that they convened meetings. From those meetings, ( I figure ), they developed the ' jihadi ' and ' climate change ' narratives.
I discovered that the united nations pays up to $120,000.00 for a slave in the eu, while serpents ( main stream media entities ) distract the public with prejudices, pecuniary and other means. There hasn't been a war in Nigeria since the 1970s, so how come so many refugees claiming asylum in Europe, America and so on?
Iraq is further away from Nigeria than Nigeria is from France. People seeking social approval, never question obvious things.
Do you remember when many billions of US dollars, UK pounds, etcetera, were used to justify the mass slaughter of, ( say ), native Americans?
It was, until very recently, acceptable, encouraged and taught to children!
As a young kid of 5, 6, 7, etcetera, ( being Crazy ), I used to wonder
Couldn't they find a way to be friends, and ' make things better? '.
There is and always will be enough for everyone and more.
Never forget; God Jah is Greatest. Those who have a sat-un-ic agendas will try and countermand that position by many means.
Ras Tafari is the way of love, which brings peace and prosperity, irrespective of whether this is subsequently claimed by sat-un and or its serpents. The Most High God Jah states specifically that it is a vanity and a sin to work for nought. Where ever the counsel of Rastafarians is heeded, respected and adhered to, results in meaningful peace and prosperity.
Our Creator God Jah is truly greatest.
We give praises, glory, blessings and thanks to the Creator of the Universes, the Most High God Jah.
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venivivividi · 3 years
I thought that too when I watched the video! Honestly, most of those terms are just internet/twitter slang that isn't specific to a certain generation. Himbo too, been around for years before they were probably even allowed on the internet. Those videos bug me, ig it's because it goes with the trend of giving them credit for certain things that have been around for a while but just happen to be more popular now
On one hand, I know it's just a silly video and it's not that deep, but on the other, you're right! It's mostly internet slang, and specifically twitter slang.
I'm pretty sure Simone was being genuine while preparing the video, but given that she really is too young to remember/know how the internet was 15 years ago, maybe they should have someone fact checking/giving notes on this type of content.
And let's be real: we all thought we were quirky and funny and innovative as teens lol so it's not weird that young people nowadays are convinced they invented everything that's cool and relevant, and I am glad that we are now uplifting and cheering on the new generation (as opposed to what our parents' generation did with us), but also, things can be cool and relevant even if they are "old" lmao, and that is a very hard concept for present day online population to accept. I mean, apparently memes get tossed in the trash after a month and they're no longer funny.
In my opinion, though, the internet's treatment of Gen Z as a monolith is part of a much bigger trend of generalising and talking in absolutes: things are either bad, toxic, and irredeemable or they are perfect, pure, and good™: in this case, boomers are the first and gen z the latter. Of course in real life things don't work like that, but isn't is pretty how everything can be labeled and put in neat little boxes?
And let's not forget that all of this (the slang, the memes, the emoji?) can only ring true for a very small part of the aforementioned generation, and that is: american gen z-ers. So, once again, the oversemplification and generalization is actually american-centrism.
I'm sorry anon for going on a mini-rant, you were probably not looking for this kind of answer, but once again the middle-aged urge to 'back in my day'-pontificate was stronger. I'm gonna go watch some construction sites while holding my hands behind my back to unwind 🌸
(that being said, I overall enjoyed the video and thought it was funny, despite everything, but please stop making Ryan pronounce the words meow meow)
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