#And the other bug I sadly don't remember their name but I could probably find them by digging around in my files
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raposarealm · 2 years
Hmm, a random question to ask... What are some game series you like besides Mega Man games? Those are awesome, of course, but I don't remember if I ever asked you about other games.
(Oh, small edit: I’m serious on the “feel free to send in asks and bug me” bit, I’m not in school this semester and I’m. Very lonely.)
Well, Magia Record, but you knew that already.
I'm fond of the Project Diva games! I like rhythm games, even if I'm not practiced yet, and I'm a long-standing Vocaloid fan. I recently managed to get ahold of the Mega39's/MegaMix (no relation, sadly,) and it's been neat as well! Though I'm not forgiving them for replacing Sennen no Dousokuka with Snowman, god damnit.
Before I went AWOL from tumblr there for a while (late 2017 to early 2020, yeesh,) I posted a lot about The Stanley Parable as well, even though I couldn't play it since I didn't have a way to purchase it. Well, with the Ultra Deluxe release, I've been able to actually play it now! Except my mental state's been so unstable as of late that I've had to kinda shy away from it for a little bit. Actually, I've kinda had to shy away from a lot of games in general, partly due to just lack of energy from depression kicking my petunia, and partly because I can't get to some of the systems to set them up, because said lack of energy has caused me to not be able to clear up my room enough to do anything, much less play games. It's really annoying and I wish it'd stop.
Speaking of games I can't get to the system to play, I've had a copy of Mirror's Edge for a long time now, and I'm very fond of it, but... I've never actually gotten past the Edge and Flight part, the first real mission in the game... Well, I might have once, but it's. I'm not good at it. Also somehow I ended up with a Japanese copy, despite the game having been developed in the West? I don't know how that happened, but ah well. We have an Xbox One somewhere that got packed up in the move, and we've never been able to set it up. If I could actually find it at some point, I'd like to play the sequel Catalyst at some point. Also the series has a really, really damn good soundtrack, I beg of y'all please go listen to it.
And I think I've mentioned it somewhere before on this blog, maybe? But for a very long time, my favorite games were the Drawn to Life series, actually. In fact, my penname that I've used since the very beginning was named for the fox-like "Raposa" species in the game's world. Surprise, I don't speak Portuguese, just a little bit of Spanish. And what demoted the series from my favorite, you ask? Summer 2017 when my friend gave me a copy... of Starforce 1. Aye.
Oh, and until I lost them in the move, I was very fond of some of the Professor Layton games, but I never knew which games were in which order, so I kept getting confused, and I was too afraid of spoilers to look up the release order, because a) it's mostly a mystery series, and b) I've made the mistake before of looking up something like release dates or whatever on wikis and/or just Wikipedia and finding out a really major spoiler. Exhibit A: the Wikipedia article on Exe and me back in 2017 having only read the manga. God damnit.
There's probably lots more series I'd like if I could get into them, but I tend to shy away from new series and/or franchises unless someone drags me into them. Most of the games I've played have been one-off self-contained games that I saw mentioned somewhere and went "oh, that looks neat," or I ended up with a copy of one of the entries when I was really young and didn't fully grasp the idea of game series and playing in order (for instance, I got into Drawn to Life because my mother gave me a copy of The Next Chapter, the second game of the two, for Christmas back in 2009, since she saw the "drawn" in the title and went, "Oh, Rapo likes to draw!"; and back around the same time, I somehow ended up with a copy of the third Professor Layton game, "Unwound Future", and again, didn't know it was a later entry until Flora showed up and I had a "who dis" moment. Fun times.) The only exceptions really being Magireco, which I wanted to play from its launch, but didn't know it was technically free-to-play until the anime aired, and I finally checked it out; and of course, Rockman, which was the fault of my friend convincing me to watch the Starforce anime (and also lent me his copies of the Exe manga,) and it was all downhill from there. I regularly give him hell over this, by the way.
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fandomout · 4 years
Neville Longbottom X Reader
One day in class, Professor Sprout had motioned you over at the end of class. 
“Evening Y/N.”
“Evening Professor Sprout.”
“I called you over here because your grade is suffering. You just aren’t doing so well this year. You’ve been a bit preoccupied?”
“You could say that. Your right. I should pay more attention and try harder.”
“I like that attitude. That’s why I will be putting you with my best student.”
“Wait, you mean, Nev-”
“Yes. Neville. I have arranged for you two to come here at the end of you classes today, so you can catch up a bit.” You simply nodded and headed out of the classroom unsure of how to feel about the situation. You didn’t dislike Neville. You actually thought he was really nice and seemed like a decent person, but you also didn’t know what to make of him. He was the center of sprinkles of chaos. He always managed to end up in terrible situations. In all the times you’ve ever talked to him, he hardly said a word, or he’d end up talking about class, which would make you think it's hard to get to know him. It is; however, through observation you came to realize he’s reserved, kind, smart, and shy. After countless attempts at friendship, you gave up as you thought it was pointless. You decided to just not put anymore thought into it since it probably wouldn’t do much good.  
Later that week, after all of your classes had finished, you and Neville met in private. Professor sprout expressed her utmost faith and trust in both of you , especially since she believed Neville was so familiar with everything. As you and Neville were left alone, you waited for him to say something. After a minute, you decided that wasn’t the right way to go. 
“Neville, how do you want to do this?”
“Uh...Well, what don’t you know?”
“Uh...I don’t know.”
“Do you remember the past few lessons?” You let out a sheepish laugh and shook your head and answered, “No...”
“What do you remember?”
“I think I left off on our lesson about that one weed that gives you gills or something like that.”
“That’s the one.” You smiled at  him. He seemed to avert his eyes immediately from you and answered, “That helps.” He walks over to one of the shelves wordlessly and presents a few herbs you didn’t recognize. He began to state their name and uses and quiz you on it throughout. This went on for two weeks, which allowed you to get closer to him as he got more comfortable. He’d mention a hobby here or an incident there. You were starting to be thankful for not getting a good grade in case since it allowed you this rare oddity of time with Neville. He was a lot different from the students and friends you’d come across. Thus, after getting better in herbology, you decided to just study with him as you were worried that without the tutoring that he’d stop having contact with you again. Along with this new hint of friendship to look forward to, you started to get love letters. They appeared a few weeks after the tutoring thing. At first you were unsure of what to make of the sweet words. Quickly, after receiving a second one, you started looking forward to them. Sadly, you were unable to find the secret admirer in the past few weeks as there was no pattern to be found from the fact that the letters came at random times of the week, sometimes more than three. In the morning, you had received one. It was earlier than usual for you, so you were taking your time reading out the words. You happened to be outside on the benches, big mistake. As more people began to crowd the courtyard, Fred and George were a pair of them as they snatched the note out of your hand. You let your things fall to the ground not caring where. You reached for the note, but their heights were at an advantage here. Not to mention, even if that weren't the case, they were casting spells to float the note back and forth, and you were caught in the middle.
“George-” You dash over to Fred. “Fred-” You dash back to George. ”Give it here, you nimwits!”
“Is that a love letter?” George taunts.
“You guys are gonna wreck it!” Fred lets out a small chuckle and begins to say , “We are not gonna-” You interrupt his words as you use a spell to interrupt their spell. The note flings downwards. All three of you are rushing for it. Fred and George get there before you. One of the twins uses a spell, but they trip and the spell ricochet and hits the letter. It rips in pieces. You rush over. The twins stand with a guilty expression. “Sorry, Y/N,” They both say.
You simply take the scattered pieces, get your now muddy books, and dart away from the vicinity. You find yourself in the garden area as the class wouldn't start for hours, and you just wanted to be alone. You start to cry a bit at the note and try to read it out. Suddenly, you hear a noise in the back. You walk over to see Neville organizing things. You wipe your eyes a bit. 
“Sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here. I’ll go.” You say to him. You stop walking away as he says, “Why are you crying?”
“It’s nothing. I'm not crying. You are. I’ll go.”
“No. Stay.”
“Just tell me. I won't say anything…”
“I know you won't...Find…” You pull out the shredded note and present it to him. “Just my letter….”
“What is it?” He stood up straighter with intrigue.
“Someone dear in my heart wrote this for me. They’ve written me= countless words. I was taking my time reading this one when Fred and George were messing with me and this happened. I can barely make it out.”
“But, I mean if you have so many others-”
“You might find the reasoning silly.” 
“No. I won't.” He said dead serious, which almost made you laugh.
“It’s just. There’s this person that’s writing all this nice stuff about me. Making me feel good and warm in ways no one ever has. I cherish letters to begin with, but something about these...Anyway...One of them got ruined...I don't’ know I feel guilty…”
“I mean I would never treat these words without any respect or care because they do matter...Feeling anything less feels like a brutal or disservice to the secret admirer. I mean what if they found out about this...maybe they'd stop and think I’m not worth it...”
“You got all that from accidentally getting it torn?”
“Yeah….See? I knew you’d think it was silly.”
“It’s not!” He opened his eyes a little wider with a raised voice. He’d never pegged you as someone to ever really yell. He looked at you bug eyed and a little flustered. Fidgeting began. “It’s meaningful…“
You nod. “Yeah. you get it.” 
“Let me see it.” You hand it over to him. He lays it on the table and tries to set it together. 
“The letter reads, Dear Y/N, you’ve been shining a bit brighter these days. Of course, your natural glow is still nothing compared to a beautiful smile on your face. To see you happy, it makes me happy.” The last of the note seems to be covered in dirt; you can’t make anything out of it, so it surprises you that Neville keeps reading, “I know you're probably curious as to why I started writing these letters. The truth is, I’ve had thoughts like this before I started to do this. They were small thoughts as I saw your kindness and nature. As I hope you smile and are filled with warmth, I hope you stay that way until the next letter, so you can stay happy. From your Secret admirer.” As he read in a heartfelt and sincere manner, it felt like they were his words. You look at his expression, and he was tomato red. He was physically this way, despite his unwavering read? Suddenly, you think you realize something. You say, “Neville?”
“Yeah.” You grab his face with both hands. Since he starts to freak out, he rushes backward into the wall a little roughly. You don’t grab onto him again, but you take a step up to him.  
He fidgets and asks, “What-What are you doing?”, uneasy.
“Are you my secret admirer?” His eyes leave yours immediately and he looks to the sky. “You are! You are!” You smile brightly at him
“No?” He answers, still not meeting eyes. 
“Neville?” He swallows visibly. “Will you look at me?” He hesitantly meets your eyes. He sighs and speaks so lowly that you don't hear him. ”Sorry, Neville, you're going to have to repeat that.”
“You weren't supposed to find out. At least if you did, not-not like this...”
“I had some kind of plan.”
“You seem...Happy?”
“I really am. Did you not just hear what I said about the secret-What I said about your letters. How they made me feel? Now, that I know it’s you, I just feel a little bit happier than when I read the letters.”
“This is all wrong. I just didn’t plan for this…” He scratches at his head nervously.
“Well, that’s okay. I didn’t plan for this either. This doesn't have to be complicated Neville. You like me, and I like you, simple.”
“I-Wait, here.” You waited patiently. When he came back, he handed you an assortment of flowers.
“No one ever brought me flowers before….”
“Do you not like them?”
“...I love them, thank you.” You reached out to hug him, but you stopped yourself. “I assume you’d want to take things slow.”
“Can we be together?”
“Can I at least hold your hand as we head to class?”
“Not as we head to class. It would be a little odd.”
“What about for a few minutes now before we go to class?”
“That’s alright.” 
“Yay!” You instantly grip his hand. However, you both notice how dirty your hands are by now. You from earlier, and him from the letter. He led you over to the sink.
“Why don’t we wash our hands? Your books are wrecked too. I’ll help.” 
“You don’t have to…”
“I want to.” He gave a small smile, and you blushed at him. Maybe thanking Fred and George were in order since it led to this beautiful time. 
Hope your day got a little better
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writingbywatson · 3 years
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Mine (Sukuna and F!Reader)
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Summary: Sukuna never believed in reincarnations but maybe he needs to change that Warnings and Notes: Reincarnation AU, goreish theme, languang, violence (this is Sukuna were talking about). A/N: I don't even know why I wrote this, I don't even like Sukuna with that being said, yeah excuse grammars and spelling errors.
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“Who would have thought that I’ll get to see you again,” Sukuna stated in a mocking tone, he squatted down to your level observing how your chest rose and fell. “Huh, you're smart aren’t you?” he mocked, grabbing both sides of your face forcefully. “You knew you wouldn’t survive my attack and you decided to pause your entire being moments before my attack,” he laughed after that. “You are still irritating just like back then, L/N.”
He first saw you back in the old times of Japan, you were picking flowers and with that action alone he found you irritating. “You're a sorcerer aren’t you?” Sukuna asked, appearing in front of you, your eyes widened for a second most probably due to surprise rather than fear, which was odd he didn’t smell fear coming from you. “I am but you don’t need to worry, my ability doesn’t allow me to kill,” she answered and went back to picking her flowers. There was a growing irritation inside Sukuna, ‘what kind of human was this ignorant?’ he wondered. He watched as she kneeled down and continued with what she was doing. “Oi,” he called out.
“Yes?” she answered and looked back at him, a sharp wind gust passed her.
“Oh you dodge that?” Sukuna mused in amusement.
A cut that was horizontally placed on her left cheek appeared, “that would have decapitated my head,” she answered with a laugh.
The irritation only grew, “I could do that right now you know.”
She smiled and Sukuna could only describe that smile as a peaceful smile. “You can’t,” she answered, clutching the flowers to her chest, with her free hand she dusted her dress. “Because today isn’t the day that I die,” she declared.
“Huh?” Sukuna mused.
She smiled again and bowed, “thank you for allowing me to pick flowers,” she replied with a bow. She stood up and turned her back towards him.
That wasn’t the last time that they saw each other.
The second time he saw her, she was kneeling down picking up flowers again and she was humming, it has been a few days after their first meeting.
“Do you really want to die?” he asked as he stood behind her.
“Today isn’t the day that I die Sukuna-san,” she answered humming.
“Oh how do you know that?” he asked.
She looked at him and smiled, “I just know.”
Sukuna raised his hand and two sharp gusts of wind passed by her side, she dodged again and Sukuna couldn’t help but to wonder what kind of ability she had. It was a rare occurrence that someone can dodge his attacks and very rarely does this happen twice. “Oh no, the flowers,” she mumbled. “You have no fear of death don’t you?” he asked, not even masking how pissed and annoyed he was. “I’m not scared of death, everyone goes there eventually well…” she looked back at him, “not everyone,” she added smiling. She stood up again, “I’ll be taking my leave now,” she bowed and turned her back on him. She hummed as she walked away.
The third time she visited, Sukuna decided to observe from afar. “How is it that a pesky little human like you is able to dodge my attacks?” he wondered out loud. Humans annoy him, they pretend to be the most superior out of every creature in the world, what annoys him more are humans that pretend to be brave at the face of death but their you were, ‘I’m not scared of death, everyone goes there eventually’ your words were on repeat on his mind. He could smell it, you weren’t scared of him and your words were true, to him it felt like you accepted death a long time ago. “An anomaly among humans,” he mumbled as he looked at your form standing up. He wondered if playing with you would be worthwhile.
“Oh, hello Sukuna-san,” she greeted him, her back facing his as she tended to the flowers.
“How did you know?” he asked, sounding annoyed.
She chuckled, “I have gotten used to your presence,” she answered. “No other aura screams murder anyway,” she continued with a laugh.
“What’s your ability?” he asked, ignoring her cheerful banter. “No one should be able to dodge my attacks the way you do.”
“Does that anger you?” she asked back.
“What do you think?” he asked back.
She stood up and smiled at him, “I think it does anger you,” she laughed. “Sadly, I cannot reveal my abilities because if I do, I know you're going to find a weakness and that won’t be too good considering I like the flowers here,” she continued.
“I want to kill you,” Sukuna answered.
She laughed, “I know you do.”
He glared at her but she didn’t seem scared. “Oh, you weren’t here the last time that I visited, were you busy?” she asked.
“You have the nerve to act friendly,” Sukuna spat out. “You annoy me, I want to kill you so badly.”
She laughed again, “am I high in your kill list? What an honor,” she commented.
Her smile was annoying, everything about this woman was annoying.
“But, don’t worry you won’t be able to kill me today because today isn’t the day that I die.”
‘Because today isn’t the day that I die,’ it wasn’t the first time that Sukuna has heard those words from her and he couldn’t help but to wonder, why she can say those words so surely. Today, he watched again from a distance, her face was at peace, a peace that one could only find in a cold corpse. “Uraume,” he called out and his monk companion showed up behind him. He noticed how his companion immediately noticed you, “shall I kill her?” he asked.
“No, find out who she is and what her ability is,” Sukuna instructed.
“Wouldn't it be easier to just kill her?” Uraume asked.
“Did you hear what I just said?” Those words alone would make any demon and human tremble.
“I apologize, I shall see what I can do,” Uraume answered with a bow and just as quickly as he came, he disappeared.
“Your friend came to visit,” she greeted him when she approached her. “It’s not very nice to send demons on people,” she added.
“Your death is scheduled in two weeks,” Sukuna stated. “So you're just a pathetic human who's making the best out of your limited time,” he added. “Pathetic.” He was irritated, Uraume didn't even told him what her ability was.
She laughed, “for a creature like you it might be but to me it's the greatest time to be alive. I can experience things that I couldn’t in the past.”
“Huh, then why are you wasting your time picking flowers?” Sukuna asked.
“I like flowers,” she answered. “And before I die I want to see what Sukuna-san is.”
“Pathetic human,” he spat out and turned around walking away. He stopped in his tracks and looked back at her, “I’m not going to waste time on you anymore,” he declared and continued walking away.
“I have additional information about the human,” Uraume stated, appearing behind Sukuna with a slight bow. “I’m not interested anymore,” Sukuna waved the younger looking demon away. “Her name is l/n f/n, the reason for execution is because she killed her entire clan,” Uraume proceeded, not minding the four limbed demon. Sukuna caught himself blinking after he heard. “Are you sure?” he asked remembering how she looked like a stupid human contented with picking up flowers for her counted days. “Yes, I heard she turned herself in as well,” Uraume answered.
Sukuna couldn’t help but to laugh out loud, he couldn’t believe that a mere human managed to hide their killing intent away from him. “Well, isn’t that interesting,” he mused after laughing. And all this time he thought that she was a stupid little girl. “You may leave,” he instructed. Uraume nodded but before leaving he said, “please be careful, I do not like whatever that girl has going on.”
After knowing what happened, Sukuna went to see her again, this time the amused smile on his face is very visible. “You little bitch,” he greeted. “So you have dirt on you, huh?” he asked. She looked at him for a second and a flash of realization came to her face, “so you find out…” she mumbled and went back to her flower picking. “It’s amusing really, someone like you able to kill an entire clan,” he egged. “What was the reason? huh? “ he continued. “Did you just wake up one day and decided to kill them? A revenge plan? A disagreement? Come on, tell me, you finally become amusing.”
She stood up slowly and looked at him, her eyes showed a hint of annoyance, “it was none of those,” she answered. “I…”she looked down, “...no, you won’t understand,” she continued shaking her head.
“Come on, tell me y/n, we’re both murders at this point,” he mocked.
“We are however our difference is that you kill for fun and I kill for a purpose,” she countered. “Huh?” Sukuna mused, “So are you saying you're the hero of this story?” he asked. “No, I’m saying that, I’m not like you,” she answered.
The gust of wind was sharp but it never touched her. “You are annoying,” Sukuna commented. “You and your ideals, maybe I should just kill you here.” “No, you won’t be able to because today is not the day that I die.”
Four days, that was the longest time that Sukuna didn’t see her. Sukuna didn’t mind, he found her annoying anyway. When the sun was about to set, she did arrive but there was a bruise on her left cheek. He raised a brow when he noticed it, a slap, that’s what it was and yet he wondered how someone who is able to dodge his attacks refused to dodge a simple slap.
“I will be quick with the flower picking today, the sun is about to set,” she stated kneeling down.
“Did you kill the person who slapped you?” he asked.
“No,” she answered instantly. “I don’t kill just because I can,” she continued, not meeting his gaze.
“So it was a human,” Sukuna concluded. “Probably not a sorcerer huh,” he continued.
“The general of the a- no, forget it. I feel an ominous aura,” she answered.
“Ominous? Do you think I’ll kill a bug for you?” he asked.
She looked up to him, “I don’t know and that’s what scares me the most.”
Sukuna didn’t exactly plan to kill that day, no-no, he just happened to pass by some humans but after the humans attacked him, he couldn’t resist the urge to commit murder. He was familiar with human custom and once he saw the seal that this man was carrying, he became intrigued.
“Ah, so you're the man who slapped her,” he mused, squatting down and the man in front of him couldn’t help but to cower in fear. “You look pretty ordinary, are you a sorcerer?”
“N-No!” he stuttered. “P-Please don’t k-k-kill me! I’ll g-g-give you anything!” he begged.
“Well, that’s pathetic,” Sukuna commented as he stood up, “I thought you would stand your ground, guess not,” Sukuna shrugged. “No wonder you choose to hit someone smaller than you, much less a female,” he continued. “Oh well, what’s another human’s death?”
No one should harm her, only I'm allowed to do that.
There was a growing feeling inside Sukuna, truth be told he got pissed when he saw her bruise and there was this feeling of wanting to see her cower in fear at the sight of him. The thought of being able to be the reason why she wouldn’t be able to sleep at night because she fears that she would be next gave Sukuna a thrill. He couldn’t remove one thought as well, the thought of using her in every possible way. “Ah,” he realized as he stopped tossing the head of one of the soldiers. “I want her.”
“Did you do it?” She asked him looking at him, the emotions on her eyes he can’t quite point out what they wanted to convey. Truth be told, Sukuna wasn’t listening but rather he was looking at her wondering, “if I say I did, what would you do?” he asked in a monotone voice. “Are you going to ask if I did it for you?” he continued.
He scuffed, “let me guess, you’ll be happy if you say no because that means your hands are dirty but if I say I did it for you, what will you do?”
“I don’t even know why you're asking me this when I have important matters to attend too,” he saw the spark of curiosity in her orbs. “And that matter is whether or not making you my slave while you are alive or dead would matter?”
“Ah! There you are y/n,” he called out in the middle of the courtyard, hundreds- no, thousands of bodies lying there motionless. It was raining that day and the rain water washing away the blood towards the lowest part of town would make it look like a river of blood. He saw her expression, it wasn’t peaceful and he couldn’t quite pinpoint out what it was. “What’s the meaning of this?” she asked.
“I’m solving your problem, tomorrow is your execution day, right? And the day that you die is tomorrow, now… that won’t happen anymore because I killed everyone.”
“Why would you do this?” She asked.
“Isn’t it obvious? I want you and I want to be the reason why you die, not some pesky little humans,” Sukuna answered, walking towards her, he stopped in front of her and grabbed both sides of her cheeks forcefully with one hand. “I want to use you in every possible way, my plan was to originally kill you and bring you back to life as a demon like me but that won’t be fun won’t it? Because I know, you’ll lose all your memories if I do, so I let you live until I get tired of playing with you.”
“What if I say no?” She asked and even up to this point there wasn’t any fear on her.
“I’ll just drag you with me,” the demon answered with a smile as he squeezed her cheeks tighter. He wondered what would happen if he squeezed harder, would her head cave in? She slowly placed her hands on top of his, they were shaking and he wondered, was it because of fear?
She slowly pushed herself away from him, he tried to grab onto her tighter but to no avail, he was losing his strength, she freed herself from him and took a few steps back to catch her breath. No, he didn’t lose his strength. “Y-YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO?!” He screamed.
“I stopped you from moving,” she answered looking at him.
“That’s not possible!” He snarled at her.
“To me it is, afterall, I can control time,” she replied. “Everything leading up to this moment, I have foreseen when I placed my ability on my brain and eyes, I was able to dodge your attacks because I knew you would do them,” she explained.
Suddenly, humans wearing both black and white appeared on the scene. He knew what they were, they were sorceresses and judging by the aura of the courtyard they were powerful once.”You planned this,” he realized.
“I approached you because I wanted to take a glimpse of who you are hoping that somehow you can change,” she stated. “But you are too far gone,” she continued.
He laughed, “so you aren’t going to die tomorrow?”
“No, I am still to be executed but today isn’t the day that I die.”
He felt tremendous anger inside of him. “Then why help them?! What’s the point?! If you come with me, you can live!”
“Because I want a world where humans don’t fear, and you are that fear.”
She turned around, “it was nice knowing you Sukuna-san, I hope when we meet again, we are on the same side.”
The moment that he laid his eyes on her during the introduction, Sukuna was surprised by how similar they are. But he didn’t think much of it, humans are bound to look like another human at sometime. But when they were attacked by another demon and she was able to subdue it, his host asked what kind of ability it was. She smiled at him and said “I can control time!”. That was the moment that he took over and he was surprised because normally he wouldn’t be able to do it, but what was it that allowed this to happen? Anger? Revenge? Lust? Obsession? When he managed to end the demon in front of him, he realized what it was, and it was all of that.
“Oh! Itadori-kun, I didn’t know you were this strong,” she commented.
He couldn’t help but to chuckle, “don’t think it was that human who did this,” he replied as he spawn around. “Long time no see, y/n.”
“W-Who are you?”
Sukuna didn’t believe in reincarnations but judging by how she looks exactly like her and her ability although it was weaker compared to the past, he thought that maybe he should change that idea. He scuffed squeezing her face harder, “I could still kill you right now, I just have to wait for this stupid ability of yours to stop working. But where’s the fun in that?” He laughed. “I’ll make sure you’re mine in this lifetime, y/n, I’ll make you fall into your knees and beg me to just kill you.”
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queer-as-frikc · 4 years
My coming out story is weird, it gets a lil transphobic so tw near the end tw long post too
So, pretty much throughout my time growing up through elementary school and half of middle school, i grew up in a white middle class area. I didnt know about the LGBTQ+ or anything other than what I saw, which was white people and an occasional poc. Eventually I had to move and I ended up in a super diverse area, and ended up becoming best friends with this person (they are ftm now so imma use the right pronouns but they were f when this story mostly takes place) he told me all about things I didnt know, specifically the LGBTQ+ community and that he was pan, and it was new information so just like any 13 year old learning new things, I questioned myself, I questioned if I could like the same sex or not or possibly more.
Sadly, drama happened between my best friend, his girlfriend and I, so thing got a little weird. But there was a time in winter, when he was off that relationship for more than a month and he said he'd like to date me, and I really thought about it before hand and said yeah, I couldnt tell you how happy I was to have this experience.
I told my mom that night, in a round about way cuz I was nervous, "Hey mom, what if I liked girls?" She told me she doesnt think that I do, because I always expressed feelings for guys, and when I tell her I didnt really understand what being gay was when I was younger, I didn't really know it was a possibility. She snapped at me and said, "Unless you are willing to kiss a girl and do the other stuff, you arent gay at all."
Eventually I have a sit down conversation with her, about how confusing this all was and how I wish I knew how I felt, and so on. She said she had a similar questioning phase but it never stuck so she doesnt think I am.
Like a month later I figure it out and dude that was so gratifying. I came out as bi to my mom, who just dismissed the whole thing, but I was terrified to tell my uncle (it's a long story about that, no it's not "sweet home Alabama") because he always said bi's were wh*res so yeah. I ended up telling him, and he goes, "You know my opinion on it but that doesnt mean that I'll disown you or anything." Btw the relationship (dating wise) with my best friend after he came out as ftm because he went back to his ex, it's all cool tho.
So that was that, or so I thought. It was my first year of high school, and I finally really understood the definition of pan, what was holding me back though was the trans experience, I thought because I didnt know what it was like, I couldnt be pan, even though I didnt have a preference, turns out it just means you like people no matter their gender and it like, clicked finally so yeah. I've told my family about that since but I a similar reaction: my mom said she doesnt think I am and she lectured me on my generation having so many labels and how she hated it. My uncle said he appreciated that I was pan more than me being bi which confused me but he just had a better view of pansexual than bisexual. (I explained to both of them what the difference was but idk man)
I believe it was my second year of high school when I really started to question my gender, and that was mostly because I saw a video of what gender dysphoria looks like if it's not that strong and you arent aware for ftm. So like wearing bagging clothes all the time, always wearing sports bras, and practically no other bra, feeling really good if someone accidentally calls you sir, etc. And I was like, oml it's me. But it wasnt, I didnt find that out until later tho. So, with my friend group, I find a name that seems to fit me well and ask them to address me by it and he/him pronouns, as like a test of sorts. (All of my friends are gay in some way so it was cool) In the end tho, I got a little iffy about the whole thing and wouldnt ever correct them at times or it was just off for me. I felt really bad because I thought that they might have thought that I was just trying to force myself to be more like them, but I wasnt, i still felt bad though and kinda dropped it.
I'm not sure 100% how I figured it out tho, but I remember talking to my best friend (not the same one from middle school, they were my best friend as well but they arent the same person) about the whole experience and I believe they brought up the idea of genderfulid, and I was like :0.... what that. They explain it, you go aall over the gender spectrum, some days you might feel like a boy, others you might feel like you have no gender, some days you might feel like your gender is something completely weird and different, that's just what it is. And I was like, "It fits but like, I barely feel femme at any point in time, maybe like once a year." And they tell me, that's ok and stuff as long as my gender just decides to be a completely weird and went all over the place, it counted, so I was like, "I finally figured it out!!!" And i was so happy.
Then came the time I was comfortable enough to tell my parents. I had been using the label genderfuild for over half a year already and I thought that it was what I was so it was ok to tell them. I saw how ok me being gay went, so I was nervous but not as nervous as I should have been, probably. I told my mom first, she went on a similar rant of her no liking my generations labels and such, but it went fine, I explained it, I thought I was through, I thought I was fine, apparently not. One day I'm in the shower and I hear my mom being very expressive with what ever shes talking about to my uncle, which is fine, she needs someone to vent to sometimes. When I get out though, and I can here her clearly, I hear sees complaining about what I told her recently, that I'm genderfulid, but instead of saying that, she only says I want to be a boy. (Oh no) So shes complaining to him, asking why I cant be more like her and just be a masculine girl and be fine, why do I have to fit in with the crowd of my generation to feel special, why cant I just be fine with who I am now? Etc.
The sad thing is, that night, I was going out shopping for pants and underwear with my uncle because I needed some and I wore men's pants already at that point, because they are more durable, and stuff so I knew it was gonna be a long ride. My mom was snippy with me that whole night, just the entire time which sucked.
When we finally left to go get clothes though, I didnt know it could get worse. My uncle lectured me about how that's just my generations fad, and how his was making tattoos and piercings ok in the work place and mine is being trans a gay and all that crap, and that I'm just trying to fit in, I'm not being myself, no matter how much I chop myself up and cut my hair and take hormones my chromosomes will never change and so I can never be an actual guy. He also said that I would bring just more attention to myself being a woman who does guy things rather than try and be one, and he thinks I'm doing this all for attention. I was mad but silent at this point, I didnt want to cause anything to happen. He ended up asking me, "So did you pick a different name?" I was surprised but I said yeah, and my friends were using it and it seemed to fit better. He asked me what it was and fear over took my body. I told him, "I'll only tell you if you dont use it against me if your mad." He says, "i cant promise that." And then gets mad because I wont tell him. Though I do, because I feel obligated since hes buying me clothes. To be even more confusing, he buys me guys underwear, and undershirts along with the predetermined pants he promised me and now I'm so confused.
But it gets even worse. When we get home, my mom freaks out on him because be bought me all that mens stuff and she said he was encouraging my behavior and stuff, he defended with it's just clothes, and yah it is. Eventually things settle down, obviously my mom isnt talking to be, but that's for the best at this point. I'm in the living room with my uncle and he just then starts harassing me with questions like, how do you know? he asks. "Well, I just feel that way, same as you." I say. But why do you wanna be a guy? he asks. "I dont wanna be a guy, it's just weird that way. Also it's not me being a guy, it me being many more than that," I say. He says that's bullsh*t. I offer to show him videos that better explain what trans is and how it's an actual sciencey thing and stuff but he said he wont take a video because he wants me to say it. And then he just goes off, saying the name I picked out shows how self centered I am because I am selfish, he kept asking me if i liked to fight, to catch and play with bugs, to be strong, to be angry all the time, and all these stereotypes for men and I just left, and went to bed. He wasnt going to listen to me, so there wasnt a point to me staying.
But, it gets worse. The morning comes and I'm awoken by the slam of my door by my uncle and the laughter of my mom. My uncle starts being really aggressive and starts cleaning my room, I only have clothes on the floor mostly so that's all it was, but he starts saying, well if you're gonna be a man, imma start training you like one, the man of the house picks up after everyone, the man of the house does everything he can to help the house run smoothly, the man of the house has to be strong, and all that stuff. (Which I thought was funny because he was "the man of the house" yet I did everything, and still do. I clean up most after him, funny huh.) And, I know what's happening and so I stay in bed, I don't want this to happen. But I literally get ripped out of my bed by my uncle and get told to stop being a little b*tch and a brat because I'm being selfish by my mom and I'm yelled at to sit in the living room and wait while my uncle cleans my room. When hes done hes starts lecturing me and being all aggressive and in my face. He keeps asking me a million questions with the tone that he didnt care so I knew he wouldn't listen. Eventually, him and my mom leave, I'm told to stay there until I get back. When they do get back, they act like everything is fine, nothing happened between them and I and it's just been so hard for me to talk to them about that since.
I'm greatful that I dont have to deal with that anymore but every time something that that is brought up with my family, I panic so much now. I'm fine and I'm safe but it was very traumatic for me. And uh, thanks for listening.
hey, thank you so much for sharing your story. this was just. so heartbreaking. noone deserves to have a person like your uncle in their life. im so sorry you had to go through all of that. i hope you’re in a much better place now <3 (also i loveeddd reading about how you figured it out) =)
again, tysm <3
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
All Your Fault
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Yancy x gender neutral!reader, Illinois x gender neutral!reader
@glitchbitch69 ty for the prompt!
A/N: aight look, im not good with angst. I did my best??? Rated T for cursing and like 1 single mention of blood. It's sad boy hours out here. Mostly Yancy x reader, a bit Illinois x reader if you squint. I bet you could probably say Yancy x Illinois, too. Fluffy at the end.
Word Count: 2.2k
Yancy sits near the lantern, glaring at the adventurer sitting across from him. The adventurer in question was looking at the side of the tent, watching for any shadows.
Zombies are attracted to light after all.
Or is it sound… and moths are attracted to light…
I'm getting off topic. Let's continue.
Yancy clenches his fists when he thinks back to you…
He loved you…
Your skin, your smile, your handsome and/or beautiful face…
And now you were gone. You disappeared.
No… you were taken from him.
And it was all this bastards fault.
Illinois. Yancy hated Illinois. But you made him promise to stay with him. Safety in numbers. It took everything he had not to deck the guy every time he opened his mouth. He was so cocky and arrogant for absolutely no reason! He was so annoying! He hated him… he missed you… he missed you a lot…
Illinois, on the other hand, was fond of Yancy. He found him endearing. And if you liked him, he couldn't be that bad. The kid did kill his parents, but he didn't know the whole story. He couldn't judge. He was happy when Yancy decided to stay with him. He had something to remember you by… he liked Yancy and he loved you. And he missed you.
But he'd never let that show. He'd keep his feelings to himself. He'd act just like he always did. Cocky, flirty, and adventurous. He had to. For Yancy. For you.
He missed you a lot.
Illinois turns back to Yancy, who's glaring daggers into his soul. He smirks at the man.
"C'mon, bud, I know I'm handsome, but there's no need to stare," he teases. Yancy narrows his eyes even more.
"Fuck youse," Yancy growls.
"Language, pal, language," Illinois chuckles. If Yancy glared any harder his eyes would pop out of his sockets. Illinois crossed his legs. "There ain't any out there now. I think it's safe to go to sleep." Yancy, still a bit pissy, nodded and layed down on a jacket. Your jacket. The jacket you lost when you died. He loved the jacket… it smelled like you…
Illinois was a bit jealous that you had given Yancy your jacket, but he understood. Yancy was nicer. You were closer to him. You both let yourselves be vulnerable around each other.
Unlike Illinois, who was too proud and masculine for his own good.
He waited until Yancy was sleeping before lying down himself. You made him promise to keep Yancy safe. He intended on keeping it. Only when he was absolutely sure Yancy was asleep, he laid down. He covered his face with his hat and closed his eyes.
Illinois wakes up and puts his hat back on his head. He yawns and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He could feel how empty his stomach was.
"Alright, bud, I'm gonna go out and-" Illinois looked over, only to find there was no one there. His eyes widened. He left the tent and looked around frantically.
"Yancy? Yancy?!" He called. Oh no. No, no, no, no, no! He had promised. He was supposed to keep Yancy safe! What's he gonna do? He looked over and saw a dense forest with sneaker tracks in the dirt. He took a deep breath and headed in.
He ran through the woods, gun in hand, hoping and wishing and praying to find the prisoner. Why the hell did he run here? Did he see a zombie and panic? Did he see a zombie and not warn Illinois? That's rude…
He searches for 15 minutes without finding anything. He tries his best to go in a straight line, but he falls down a hill, not exactly knowing where he came from when he gets to the bottom. He groans and staggers to his feet. He holds his head, but pulls his hand away as he feels blood.
"Ain't that just peachy," he grumbles. He takes bandages he found at a hospital and wraps them around his head. He walks forward, hoping to find a trace of Yancy. He finds something even better. He finds Yancy, sitting on the grass, barely moving. Illinois sighs in relief. "Jesus, man, y'almost gave me a heart attack…" Yancy doesn't move. Illinois frowns and slowly walks towards him. "Kid…?" He reaches out.
"I saw them," Yancy says, barely above a whisper.
"Saw… who?" Illinois asks, hoping he isn't going crazy.
"Y/N… I saw them… they was right there… I went after them but they was gone…"
"Don't you fuckin' "Yancy" me, asshole!" Yancy suddenly screams. Illinois steps back, surprised.
"Y/N's gone Yancy," Illinois calmly explains. Yancy clenches his fists so hard he draws blood. His face is fixed in a hateful glare, and tears begin streaming down his face.
"I know they're fuckin gone! I've known that for the past 3 months! I know that they're gone, and I know that it's all because of you!" He screams, sobbing between sentences. "Y/N's gone and it's all your fault!" Illinois frowns, not knowing how to respond to that accusation. It wasn't his fault… was it? You decided to distract them… that was your decision… it wasn't his fault… it wasn't. Illinois inhales deeply.
"I'm going to go look for some food. I expect you to be back at camp by the time I get back." Yancy scoffs and turns away from him. "I'll give you some time to cool down." Illinois turns back towards where he came. He paused for a moment, wondering if he should comfort Yancy. He decided against it.
He'd only make it worse.
Illinois is out for a bit longer than he expected. He had a run in with a really weird military guy… what was his name? Ted? Not like it matters. He's dead. Illinois did manage to find a couple cans of soup, beans, and vegetables in an abandoned camp. He wondered what happened to them…
He decides not to think about it too much.
He makes his way back to camp, hoping Yancy listened to him this one time. He was happily surprised to find Yancy sitting next to a fire, holding two birds. He looks up at Illinois for a moment before looking away. Illinois raises a brow.
"I, uh… I thought I'd surprise you with lunch… but… I don't know how to cook a bird…" he explains awkwardly. Illinois smiles.
"That's alright. It's difficult. Here, we'll cook these and save them for dinner. We should pack up and keep moving." Yancy nods as Illinois begins to show what he's supposed to do.
After they finish cooking the birds and eating two cans of beans, they pack up. They decided it'd be better to keep moving and look for better shelter than to sit around doing nothing. By the time dinner rolled around, they'd found a nice, small, abandoned house. They both agreed it was best to stay there instead of in the tent for another night. There were two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. It was cozy. They liked it. They manage to get the stove to work using a lighter, and they make soup to eat with their bird meat. They sit in silence eating their dinner, both feeling very awkward. Yancy sets his bowl down after he finishes and sighs.
"Uh… hey, Illinois?" He asks. Illinois looks up. "I'm, uh… I'm… sorry about earlier…" Illinois smiles sadly.
"It's fine, kid."
"No, it's not… I had no right to say that to youse, I was feeling sad and I needed someone to blame, so I took it out on youse… I'm sorry," Yancy explains. Illinois blinks at his sudden maturity and smiles.
"Alright, I forgive you," they both sit, smiling at each other, sharing a moment of mutual understanding. Until…
"I would hate to see your cute little face upset," Illinois winks. Yancy squints at him.
"Youse is a douchebag," he grabs his bowl and takes it back to the kitchen.
Both men sleep in the bedrooms, feeling a bit more closure. They knew that it wasn't either of their faults. They could get along better now. They'd be alright.
Yancy wakes up to something small hitting his arm. He brushes it off as a bug, even when he feels it three different times in the exact same place. Then, he feels something much larger hit him in the face.
"OW, what the fuck?!" He yells. He looks down to see a fairly thick book on the floor. He looks out the window, wondering who just threw it. Instead of seeing a human, he sees zombies at the front, trying to break through the door and windows. Yancy yelps and runs across the hall to where Illinois is sleeping. He shakes the adventurer harshly, calling his name to get him up. Illinois groans.
"What? What is it?" He whines. Yancy grabs him up and pulls him to the window, where even more zombies are trying to break in through the back door. Illinois yells out and scrambles to grab his stuff. They gather all their clothes, equipment and food, and run out a window on the side of the house. Illinois vaults out effortlessly. Yancy, on the other hand, does not know how to vault. He knocks a lot of things over and makes a lot of noise as he leaves. The zombies notice this and start to chase after them. Illinois grabs Yancy and starts running. Where to, he had no idea. Just away from there. They run and run and run until the end up in a forest. They run until they get to an open space, catching their breath.
"God…" Yancy pants, "I didn't know zombies were so fast…"
"Me either…" Illinois pants, "but we need to keep going." They try going forward, but are blocked by a wall of zombies. The same thing happens with the other three directions. They stand in the circle of zombies, looking back and forth, trying to find a way out. There was none.
"What do we do? What do we do?!" Yancy panics. Illinois stands, shaking, not knowing. He can't save him. He can't protect Yancy. He failed.
"I'm sorry, Y/N… I'm so sorry…" he whispers. Yancy hears it and covers his face with his hands. They both sit, holding and hugging each other, waiting for what's to come.
Suddenly, they hear quick footsteps and the zombies all stop. Keeping their eyes closed, they hear a series of grunts and moans and groans. Then they hear the zombies leave.
Wait… the zombies are leaving?
They open their eyes to see all the zombies just… gone. Except for one. Right in front of them. Illinois stands up, pulling Yancy with him. He hides the man behind his back and brandishes his gun, ready to shoot. But the zombie steps back, holding its hands up. Since when do zombies surrender? He sees something shine in his eye and looks to see what it is. He sees a necklace.
A golden necklace.
A necklace he gave to you on your second adventure together…
He looks up at the zombie's face. Your face was a bit gray, but it was you.
It was you!
"Y/N?" He asks in disbelief. You look up at him and smile, nodding happily. Illinois drops his gun and runs over, hugging you. Yancy stands for a moment not knowing what to do.
"No… no way…" he starts. Illinois turns, expecting him to be angry or confused. He's just the opposite. He's smiling from ear to ear. "NO FUCKING WAY!" He yells and runs into your arms. He starts to sob.
"But… but you…" Illinois starts. You shrug and show him your bite. Yancy pulls away.
"But how are youse… y'know… thinkin'?" He asks. You think for a moment, knitting your eyebrows together, before shrugging. Yancy laughs. "Of course ya don't know, ya dumbass," you gently punch his shoulder.
"How'd you find us?" Illinois asks. You scratch the back of your neck. You try to talk, but no words form.
Is that just… a thing? With zombies?
Hm. Guess so. Anyways.
You get on your knees, grab a stick, and write something in the mud. "I've followed you for the past two months. I know what you smell like."
"You know what we smell like? Aw…" Illinois teases. You glare at him playfully. It was nice to know he hadn't changed. Yancy, on the other hand, looked 3 minutes away from a full-on emotional breakdown.
"2 months? 2 months youse was right there? 2 months we coulda been together?" He asks, tears visible in his eyes. You frown, feeling guilty. You take Yancy into your arms and just hold him. He starts to cry. Which turns into sobbing. Illinois stands, looking at you two. He smiles. You were back! Thank God. He didn't think he could handle Yancy. After a minute he sighs.
"Alright, you two. Let's head out," he says. You nod and lift Yancy off of his knees. He wipes at his eyes and sniffles for a moment before walking, refusing to let go of your hand. Illinois follows close behind. You were back… you were still here, but now, you're with them. He almost couldn't believe it. He laughs to himself.
Yep. They'd be alright.
I'm supposed to be studying lol
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sickficsforthesoul · 3 years
here's a prompt ?(or whateverits called): not a request ! also  ، ¿ ¡ ૮₍ 𖦹 ˕ ×` ₎ა ! ?·*·  anon or 🧛🏻‍♀️ anon(emoji form) .  : the sickie hates today so much. they had to go to school bc it was a important practice match they had to be in. but they got a stomach bug yay! good 4 them !! they woke up feeling like shit , they knew they were sick. they wanted to stay in bed . praying to any god that they weren't gonna be sick. they fell asleep again saying just to rest for a few more minutes (well it ended up being 30 minutes ) now they only had 30 minutes to get to school, they knew they actually had to wake up. running out of bed to get there clothes and change as fast as they could (they dont shower in the morning and they were to lazy to brush their teeth) rushing out of bed that fast made them all dizzy . great . now they're stomach hurts. yep they were gonna vomit. they knew they couldn't make it to the bathroom . so they found a place that could store it , they rushed finding something in their room . they searched their desk. feeling the vomit rising up. shutting their mouth bc they dont want their desk getting vomit on it. it was so strong it went in their nose. they couldnt hold it in anymore. throwing up in their desk  wetting all the papers. homeworks . they were gonna get in trouble at school. they had no hw anymore . well they were gonna be late to practice if they cleaned it up.so they ignored it. gagging at the smell of it. they finally finished their daily routine . they skipped breakfast (just like most of the times). they grabbed a mask and went to school . playing games on their phone to distract themselves.  sadly that didnt work . they got all dizzy , they put their phone. feeling too dizzy they nearly tripped . they countied waking to school. remembering they only had 5 minutes left they had to continue walking faster. they started running. while running they were thinking abt how they got sick. :: I prob  got sick from some1 in my class. yeah. they threw up in the classroom and they sat near me. they were probably coughing alot.. ew.. :: they arrived at school. going into the volleyball ball gym changing room. no1 was there . they were probably practicing.  suddenly they felt their stomach growl. it hurts so much. why today they ask. they wrapped their arms around them and it hurts so bad. when it kinda stop they had the courage to change into their volleyball club uniform and go to the gym. while walking there they started coughing.having a coughing fit made every1 look at them . they hated that . they really dont like  being the center of attention.  some1 from their team asked "hey you ok?" they just said yeah. the coach said to run 4 laps around the gym. uh how much they hated running. they only did 1 and a half.(END PT 1) they couldn't handle 4 laps. while some1 was running they saw them hiding (so no1 can see them slacking off) they asked "um?? what's wrong ? ud probably get in trouble if coach finds out.  I'm already on my 3rd lap . ig in  3 mins its over. r u just gonna stay here? and also if u act like this it the match . you'll get in big trouble. they just said "ok". when the coach said ok! they went back in the gym and prepared the net. they started a sneezing fit which caught som1 to give them tissue. they eventually stopped . they're nose is so stuffy they can barely breathe.  they really want 1 more tissue but they don't have any , they ended up using their arm as a tissue. well atleast only 1 person saw. every1 was practicing.  it was gonna end it 10 mins . they're shocked how they went so far. when they setted the ball they suddenly felt they're stomach grumble. they cant just suddenly go to the bathroom.  they had to wait. uh they started feeling nauseous and they silently stared gagging.  then came the wet coughs , they could feel the vomit loudly.  end . pt1
(contin.) they had to fake spike? idk . they didnt have the power to do so. obviously they looked like they were faking it. they're team lost, they honestly didnt care . then some1 hit then on their back saying to,work hard. some vomit came up . they swallowed it . they thought it tasted so bad. they started coughing really loudly.  every1 was looking (they had to rush to the bathroom but since every1 was looking they didn't want to make a scene so they didnt ) they waited till every1 wrnt to they changing room /club room.  finally every1 besides 1 person who was a benched player went to the toilet . oh no. they cant wait that there was vomit coming up they wanted to wait for at least 2 mins , but they couldn't only 36 seconds.  they started to vomit .  in their hands . dripping on the gyms floor. they couldn't make it into a stall so they threw up in the bathroom floor. threw up already half of what they had. they heard the doors unlocking from the bathroom (it was the benched player) they rushed into a stall so he couldn't see them  . they walked out and saw vomit.  they didnt care , they walked out like nothing happened. they were still vomiting , they didn't have enough strength to propt themselves up to puke inside the toilet,  they just ended  up throwing up on the floor . they thought they were done after dry heaving for 2 minutes.  getting up to go to the changing room to change into their uniform.  they didnt tie their tie properly but they dont care. going into their classroom late. like 10 minutes late. they got scolded for wearing their tie wrong and being late.also not bringing hw. yay good for them this class they didnt do anything. so they just fell asleep /WITH THEIR MASK ON!// pt2done
while waiting they double bagged the plastic bags to prevent in from seeping thru. one the bus came. the sickie regretted going on already feeling dizzy once they sat down , they sat at the back where no1 sits (although that would make them more dizzer, but they didnt know that) after 5 minutes of the ride (there was some traffic. normally itd take 10 minutes. but since there is traffic they didnt how long they'd have to wait.) "[caretakers name]...while wet coughing.mm candy." they rushed to give the candy. it soothed their throat for 5 minutes until making them dizzy . lying down on the caretaker,while they play with their hair. they fell asleep. after 20 minutes (still in traffic) they woke up to the bus driving. they woke up and asked for water. they drank the water in small sips. they didnt vomit. the they drank it quickly before spitting it out. then coughing. they nearly threw up. swallowing it . asking while coughing for the 'bag'. they grabbed it and held on it and tried getting it out bc they were very nauseous. they couldn't. until the bus continued moving. they're grip to it was very weak. the bus suddenly moving made their stomach growl. and letting of their bag to hold on their stomach. the care taker asked "what's wrong ???? you let go... r u gonna ..." "no. stop.u will make me.stop.talking abt it"(they hated vomit so much thinking abt it makes them gag) the sickie was shaking. they messed up dropping the bag and it flew away. they caretaker getting their jacket just incase yk they vomit. after the bus stops again. a couple and a 2 ppl (4 alltogether)decided to sit in the back. their stomach hurts so much... they started crying. the bus started moving more . 2 more stops till their stop. they gagged. letting go of their hand on their face. "I'm gonna-" the caretaker getting the jacket and hugging the sickie to cover them . they threw up on the caretaker. the couple moved away in disgust whilst the 2 other ppl stayed. just on their phone. "ppl r looking...." "I want to leave.. " "''dont worry , no1 is looking'' the care taker grabbed their bag looking for a (idk the word but it's like a towel but not , you stick it on some1 face and it cools them down) they place it on the sickie. they sickie just dry heaving at this point. they said "sorry.." it's ok. - ¿ ¡ ૮₍ 𖦹 ˕ ×` ₎ა ! ? / 🧛🏻‍♀️ , which haikyuu character do you think this is? also very bad prompt :). again,not a request.
This sounds a lot like Kunimi to me, but I'm also getting Kita, Ennoshita, and Jin (Soekawa) from this. Maybe Yamaguchi too.
For Kunimi, his primary caretaker is the sweet but helpless Kindaichi. Kindaichi really means well, but he's terrible at taking care of sick people, so he just makes everything worse for Kunimi in the end. The rest of Seijoh ends up helping eventually, but it's just Kindaichi for a while, and he does not handle that well. Kunimi basically takes care of himself while Kindaichi stands in a corner muttering apologies. After this incident, Kindaichi resolves to be a better caretaker and starts doing research and taking first aid classes later on.
Kita's primary caretaker is Aran. He's much more competent than Kindaichi and takes good care of Kita for as long as the captain needs it. There isn't much to say after the incident because Aran handles everything so well.
Ennoshita is stuck with the other benched 2nd years (Kinoshita and Narita). They're okay caregivers but nothing special. Ennoshita is the most nurturing of their trio, and with him out of commission, Kinoshita and Narita do their best to help their friend. Ennoshita still has to do some things for himself, but Kinoshita and Narita can at least know the basics of taking care of someone, so Ennoshita still has it better than Kunimi.
Jin gets two caretakers too because why not. His caretakers are Reon and Semi. Both are very experienced with taking care of others and are the unofficial team parents, so Jin has it very good. He recovers pretty quickly thanks to the excellent care he receives from Semi and Reon.
Yamaguchi's primary caretaker is obviously Tsukishima. Daichi and Suga try to help too, but Yamaguchi gets panicked by anyone who isn't Tsuki, so Tsuki has to deal with basically everything. Tsuki also ends up calling Akiteru for help because he's just so out of his depth caring for another person. Akiteru, on the other hand, took care of Tsuki for years and is a wonderful caregiver. Yamaguchi recovers well with the comforting presence of his best friend and the lovely caretaking of Akiteru.
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crazynekochan · 6 years
Do you think it's possible to have a Cinderella au for Soudam? Cast: Kazuichi as Cinderella His dad as ...well the jerk And Gundham as the prince The step mother could be enoshima The step sister's Tsumugi and Monaca I guess (All age adjusted accordingly maybe?) Hajime/Usami as the fairy god mother cause it's funny (Sonia works too) (I don't know about the little mouse friends so maybe Gundham would fit better as Cinderella but the rest of the casts is still the same)
Of course
I would go with this kind of plot:(Had to put it under a read more, since this got way longer than I expected…)
Kazuichi is the noble child that gets forced into labour by his own family. However his dad always forced him into it for as long as Kaz can remember and it only got worse when he father remarried, since now his stepfamily helped and his new stepsisters even got his heirloom of the estate and money, leaving him poor and stuck into unpaid labour for his abusersReasons for his dad being like this could be: 1) He gives Kaz the fault for his first wife being dead, like if she died in childbirth or something. 2) He disliked Kazuichi as a person and/or never wanted a child. 3) He is simply an alcoholic prick. 4) A mixture of two or more
Anyway of course Kazuichi ends up crying a lot because he can’t get out of that situation. While he doesn’t mind the commoner life, since he more or less was living it his whole life despite his status, he has no money and thus would end up starving on the streets if he ran away from his family
One day when he is again at the end of his rope, he sits alone in his room at night crying after his family left for some ball or something, he wasn’t sure and he didn’t really care as long as they were gone. Which is when suddenly a person appears (I will go with Sonia, since she is more fitting for what will happen) and after Kazuichi screams in fear at suddenly a person appearing out of thin air, she introduces herself as Sonia and his fairy godmother. It would probably happen that Kaz first doesn’t take her seriously, because he doesn’t believe in fairies, but she easily convinces him by using magic…on him…
Anyway after the second shock for Kazuichi within only 10 minutes, Sonia then tells him that she wants to help Kazuichi find happiness. First Kazuichi is sceptical, but since he literally had nothing to loose, he decides to take the jump and let her do whatever she was planning. So with a sweet smile she then pulls out four hamsters she “borrowed” and starts to chants a spell (which sounds highly ominous) and everything around Kazuichi starts glowing. However when the glowing ceases, the four hamsters were suddenly very confused looking human servants and Kazuichi is wearing a very fancy ballgown, has his hair styled up, is wearing makeup and most importantly is wearing very nice looking shoes, making him look very feminine. Which of course leads to him complaining what the hell this is supposed to be? How the hell is crossdressing going the help him find happiness?!
Sonia just sighs in annoyance and uses her magic to move Kazuichi outside where a very fancy carriage is waiting, where she forces him inside of. She tells him to just trust her and go with it, and that the spell will wear off at midnight so he has to return before that, before closing the door and sending the carriage off that is lead by the four servants
In the meantime prince Gundham is quite distressed since his precious pet hamsters are all missing and he can’t find them anywhere. That the whole royal court is bugging him that he has to attend the royal ball, since it was held so that he could find a wife, makes him even more stressed. The fact that he also sucks big time at social interaction and is awkward as hell, and most importantly gay as they can get, makes this whole ball even more awful for him
But in the end he doesn’t get any say in the matter, despite being the crown prince and was to be crowned as soon as he marries, and he gets dragged to the ball even if his insists on looking for the missing Devas
But now he is stuck at the ball, but he can’t even concentrate long enough to even look at any of the women who are all trying to get his attention
The 4 servants and former hamsters, drive the carriage to the castle, the last place Kazuichi expected to end up at, and it stops right before the main entrance to his horror. He tries to get the servants to quickly leave, but they don’t listen at all and before he can get away, a palace servant opens the door and now Kazuichi is scared that anyone might realise he is a guy and in a dress, which isn’t exactly the most well received thing in these days, no matter how good he looks in that ballgown. Smiling as sweetly as he can and trying to make his voice sound light, he tries to find an excuse to not come out, however the servant insists that “she” should join the ball, partly because she is stopping the other carriages. While he really doesn’t want to leave the carriage, he feels something (Sonia’s magic) pushing him out and now the servants are leading up to the castle and since he can’t make a scene as it would make everyone look at him, he has to simply follow their lead until he ends up in the middle of the royal ball.
First he would decide to just leave at the first chance, but then he notices the mouthwatering buffet and let’s be honest, he probably doesn’t get fed very well at home, so he decides that a few more minutes can’t hurt while he actually eats properly for the first time in a while. Sadly he is never lucky and the moment he leaves the proximity of the door, he sees his family in the crowd. If they see him and recognise him, he would be fucked big time!! So he quickly follows his instinct and dives into the crowd. To only walk right into Gundham who was still looking for his pets, right as the music for the dancing starts. Both standing there very awkwardly for a second, knowing very well that everyone is looking at them as that is the prince and they are literally standing the very middle of the dance floor, Gundham very awkwardly asks if Kazuichi wants to dance (partly because “she” isn’t that hard to look at for a “woman”), who just as awkwardly agrees, because they both just want to get out of that situation (and Kaz is probably the only one who doesn’t know that this is the prince and is very worried why everyone is suddenly looking at them)
They have this very romantic and magical dance with each other, which probably ends with Kaz tripping since he never learned how to dance and ending up in Gundham’s arms and with a now hurting ankle. Being a good guy, Gundham then quickly leaves the ball with Kaz for a bit, both ignoring the jealous onlookers, so that Gundham can have a look at the ankle just to make sure “she” didn’t sprain it. While sitting in a room very awkwardly, Gundham takes off Kazuichi’s slipper and examines the ankle. Since Kaz is very awkward at having a very handsome stranger holding his foot/leg, while they are alone in a room after a weirdly romantic dance, he tries to break the ice by having small talk.However coming up with topic for small talks was never Kaz’s strong point and so he asks if the other knows why everyone was constantly looking at them, low-key fearing that anyone might have caught on that he was a guy. However Gundham just sighs and explains that everyone always looks at him, especially when the prince was dancing with a woman.Sadly subtlety also was never Kazuichi’s strong point and he shouts out in shock “Wait, you’re the prince?!” without making his voice sound feminine, thus it sounds like the voice of a guy. Before he can even slap his hands before his mouth, Gundham stares at him with wide eyes as realisation hits him and he asks if the other was in fact male
Kazuichi however doesn’t answer in shock and instead just jumps up and sprints off, not caring about his hurting ankle and the fact that he didn’t put the shoe back on
Before Gundham can stop him or even ask for his name, Kazuichi is gone. But at least he had his answer. Now he only had to find him again
(Again, holy hell this is long. But I might write this at some point)
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you know that Lego guy???? that guy with like hypixel alert or whatever the hell its called that always clickbait techno with it????????? well uhhhhh.... au time
-he's known as one of the news teller people thingie, but not for any good news channels [it's ones like fox news >:(]
-everyone forgets he exists until they see his face and are just like 'auh NO, nO GET HIM AWAY FROM ME GODDAMNIT' mentally or outwardly
-in aus that have hits in them, people HAVE actually tried hiring some to get rid of the guy, but most of the time he's out in public or being recorded so any and all chances of it were either denied (either because they didn't want to waste time or very, very reluctantly)
-somehow he still gets his 'papers' (mostly just one-sides rants, no one knows how they got published in the first place) sold at stores, most that have bought it were doing it for either jokes or as a dare
-he never, ever actually tells real news unless it's very very old or just plain wrong
-no one uses him as a credible resource. no one. not little kids for their homework assignments, not even OTHER crappy news sources, he's a super rare case where he just is hated but still manages to keep himself a good wage... sadly.-he actually does try to get techno in as many news 'papers' and such as he can (back when he was starting, those sold a lot more, by that i mean they sold like 5 more than the rest)
-techno himself has never spoken about the guy, he doesn't want people even hearing that guy's name. people have bugged him/ranted to him about lego, but he always nods along whilst also being mentally like '...am i really that famous... what?????' because he remembers when he was a wee little boye, he heard about famous people just being like 'wow... how do they exist.' he knows he's famous, but he never really.. acknowledges it
okok that last point got really rambly but but but - -
-AH BACK to the part where those sold more-- they don't anymore. people now, if they ever want to read one of those (everyone knows how much more garbage his techno readbait 'papers' are), they just skim through parts when at a store's line trying to find that mention of techno while waiting to pay for their stuff-he was actually kind of (HEAVY "kind of') popular when he was little (school and such), mostly because he was very very used to spreading gossip.
-he wasnt known for his personality. it was bland to most so everyone depended on his knowledge and possible blackmail for other students
-as you could probably tell- this was one of his main foundations for just the idea of writing.... 'articles' about things. this was also the reason his papers are so ranty/ramble-y.
-he... wasnt very... superb at English. he wasn't bad, so nothing really pushed him away from his 'dream'.... but let's just say he learned the hard way to pay editors.
-he actually handed out things close to his 'papers' now back in high school, it was an easy way to share info without repeating things over and over again
-at the time, the papers were SUPER valuable until people started to photocopy stuff, but any new copies were looked on upon as valuable until the next one. this only fueled his desire to write... 'articles'
-nobody really knew the guy. sure, he got invited to parties, no one ever really held a grudge on him either. that's like holding a grudge on a news station for reporting on something your cousin did, no one saw him as his own person most of the time. those who didnt invite him looked... very suspicious. people didn't go to parties unless they knew for sure that guy would report on stuff going on- well... some people, that is.
-others would avoid him like the plague. either they were paranoid or they knew they would be in serious trouble if he shared anything they did with *anyone*.
-people used to respect him back then.. kind of. no one bullied him- that's a one-way ticket to being cancelled in your school. he can and will target you.
-back to the present- because he holds no power now. his words are not taken seriously... ever. people grew out of it. people grew out of hearing the same old stories, falling for the same obvious readbait, nothing being interesting for him. not even in the cringey-funny way.
-though he....never grew out of it. he'll keep making the same dumb 'articles' till the day he dies. some respect it, others despise him for it. no real inbetweens. all in all, nobody wants to be the next lego. they'll let him fade into the background, even if he won't.
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “15 Minutes of Fame“
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Jaydeep Hasrajani, Leticia Abreu Silva
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
The return of artsy Bubbles! Unfortunately.
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The episode starts with a field trip to the Natural History Museum. Just the Natural History Museum; Townsville apparently didn’t want its name on it. The big star attraction is a Sabretoothed Cat from the Ice Age, frozen in a giant ice cube. That is the proper term for the various kinds of Felidae that the sabretoothed tiger is a part of, but there’s a reason why they’re calling it a cat. Here's a hint: internet.
The tour guide is having a laugh by doing intentionally unfunny puns. We know this because they do a comedy drumroll every time she says them. It would be hard to tell otherwise. At first, it appears that the jokes are getting through to the kids, but they’re really not paying attention at all. They’re laughing at the latest viral video: two flying bug eyed freaks knocking each other over with a sneeze at the same time. Here it is in its entirety:
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The concept of viral videos has existed since before YouTube, and don't appear to be disappearing anytime soon. The concept of people watching cute animals or little kids doing silly things has stood the test of time, too. I have no problem with cartoons referencing the internet, and I have no problem with this in particular. It's just a cutesy video.
Of course, the kids think it's the best video ever. Blossom tells the kids to thank Bubbles, as she's the one who caught it on her cellphone. They sure are setting high standards for the kids they're trying to inspire. "See, Bubbles was able to make a really popular mobile phone game and a successful viral video enjoyed by hundreds of thousands! If you can't do that on your first try, than you're not as good as Bubbles! Sorry!"
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Indeed, her suscibers subscribers have reached the hundreds of thousands, even beating a not-so-subtle parody of Grumpy Cat. So funny the first time. They put so much effort into that parody, they couldn't even be bothered to look up how to spell "crotchety". This gives Bubbles a fantasy sequence where she’s riding in a car with "Crotchetty Cat", getting praise from leprechauns, fairies, and tanned muscle men. Just take my word for it.
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Thanks to her newfound fame, Bubbles turns into a viral video auteur with her head in the clouds and her usual childish naivety in the trash. That's common in the reboot, but usually she just turns into Patrick Star. This time, she's Angelica from Rugrats, bossing around and just being a general jerk. I can't tell which one is worse.
Completely missing the point of the first one, Bubbles tries to create a sequel to her first viral video. While the original was just something she caught on video, this time she has giant scripts. Blossom reminds her that the first video was shot for fun, but Bubbles isn't having any of that.
During a class on the sabretoothed cat, because the tour apparently wasn’t good enough for the viewers, Bubbles barges in late to show off the sequel to her first big hit. Ms. Keane decides to let her viral video play, disrupting the class.
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This episode has even more bashing of high art, as the new video is a parody of art films. It's incomprehensible, dull, grey, and definitely not made by the Bubbles we know. I can see where they're going here; it's a definite contrast between the first video made for fun, and the second video made for popularity.
Needless to say, the big fans of the original weren't too pleased by the new one. Oh, and the students didn't like Same Sister Sister Sneeze 2. We get the cliched cricket sounds, which they decide to expand upon.
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First, the crickets start talking. It is possible that this is from Bubbles’ perspective, and they decided to do the Wild Thornberrys technique, but it’s just more likely that they didn’t want to be subtle. The other twist is that they found it so horrible, that they jump out of the window to what they hope is their death.
Ms. Keane tries to find something good to say, but she can't say anything. Instead, she jumps out of the window, too. Bubbles' classmates follow with her, complete with glass crashing sounds. This is all played for laughs, but I don't see the joke. A bunch of people seemed to die off screen, and the show doesn't seem to care.
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Neither does Bubbles. Her real care is that her subscriber count dropped to a measly -100. The only people who seemed to like it are people who still think that "what are those" meme is relevant. I'll give this episode one compliment: the already out of date meme references are at least hidden in the background this time.
Bubbles blames her sisters' poor acting for her falling subscriber count. Blossom tries to convince her to make videos for fun again, but Bubbles isn't having any of that. She then bursts through the wall and starts screaming about how everyone is terrible except for her. At least she didn't need a super-cast that time.
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Just in case this didn't convey that Bubbles is being out of line, she makes this face. What's worse is that it’s another two-frame animation in the same style as that infamous scene from Sister Sitter. Remember kids, if it didn't work the last five times, try, try again.
Bubbles decides the best course of action to get her fame back is to free the Sabretoothed Cat with her eye lasers. Why? Because it would be an epic cat video! There should have been a continuation of that drum fill gag, but they felt this joke was actually funny.
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Needless to say, it doesn’t turn out well. Like the building-full-of-people lifting superhero that she is, Bubbles flies away from the giant monster, fearing for her life. He’s technically an endangered species, and he’s a big star attraction for the museum. They have so many excuses for this scene to not end with a gap-toothed Sabretooth, but they don't go with any of them. The rest of the reboot seems to indicate that they just can’t knock down a giant monster if it’s not plot convenient, so I'll assume it's that.
Blossom and Buttercup find Bubbles, and immediately call her out. Bubbles keeps insisting that she's making art until Buttercup snatches her phone and throws it across the city. They then get knocked out by the Sabretoothed Cat, because of course they do. They were caught off guard, but they don't even attempt to fight the cat. I guess they just assume it'll end with Monster Punch, Girls Down just like I would.
Bubbles eventually snaps out of it, mostly because the tiger ruined the carpet factory and said to have done something terrible to the sandbox. Not the only poop joke in the episode, sadly. Blossom has a different plan: knock out the Sabretooth Cat with their super strength, Blossom uses her ice breath to freeze him back into an ice cube, Bubbles gets punished for endangering the town, and Blossom and Buttercup have ice cream. Well, one of those things happen.
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Bubbles makes a mouse aura, complete with a top hat and a diaper. I'm guessing that was Buttercup's idea. She tries to lure the Sabretooth Cat just by existing, but he's not budging. While eating ice cream with Blossom, filming this on her phone, Buttercup makes a suggestion.
Buttercup: Shake it a little!
No. No, no. Please no. For the love of McCracken, no!
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Phew, she’s just doing a tail whip like a cutesy little Pokemon. I was getting worried about the show doing its third crime against humanity, and that is not a worry I should have. Just like how I shouldn’t worry about Bubbles outright shouting that she had an “accident”.
(The sabretoothed cat bites off Bubbles' aura diaper.)
Bubbles: I’m glad I wore this diaper...for two reasons!
I told ya! The sabretooth cat chases the giant blue mouse aura up a tree...
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...where it gets stuck! Because he’s a cat! Badum tsh! After that, the problem gets solved by the Powerpuff Girls calling the regular townspeople to put him in a giant pet carrier. The Powerpuff Girls can't possibly do it themselves with their buildings-full-of-people lifting strength. The big twist is the Buttercup has been recording his on her cell phone the entire time and made a viral video of her own!
One would think she would be embarassed as a punishment for her actions, but not really. The episode ends with Bubbles learning that a star like her should be in front of the camera. I guess they were trying to subvert our expectations, but it doesn't give a lot of closure to the episode. If this was a "oh, there she goes again" ending, I could understand, but they just suddenly end with that. Just like I will.
Does the title work?
“15 minutes of fame” is a general idiom, and it does fit Bubbles’ position as a once popular video maker.
How does it stack up?
Despite what I feared, this episode doesn't put meme references front and center. Instead, we get intentionally unfunny jokes, really unfunny jokes, weird jokes, poop jokes, and a Bubbles that is just unlikable. The latter is intentional, sure, but this episode doesn't have much else going for it. I will say this barely makes this rating, but that's not much of an honor.
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Next week, it’s not a Lidsville reference. Hopefully.
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