#And the star collapses without the black hole at its center
autumn-may · 4 months
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Quasi-star type siblingship
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thewertsearch · 1 month
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Oh, please tell me we're getting a SBaHJ-styled recap.
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Uh... no. That's not a question I'd thought to ask.
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Based on what Karkat said about the Fourth Wall, I've been assuming that the Hussie character was going to stay non-canonical - and for good reason, too.
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The author interludes only work because they're clearly not part of the story. If Hussie turns into a real character, then the nonsense above will bleed into the comic, and we'll just be watching Looney Tunes. Now, I like Looney Tunes, but Looney Tunes couldn't pull off a Descend or a Make Her Pay. It doesn't have the right tone.
In short: a Homestuck where Hussie starts interfering with canonical events is a Homestuck without dramatic stakes. How can it have stakes when the author's in the room, reminding us that this is all fake, actually?
The fact that this is being brought up at all is making me a little worried...
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When the time comes, I will interact directly with the events of this narrative. But this moment will be responsibly confined to a passive intervention. [...] My window of influence, end to end, will be exactly ONE YARD.
...and hearing the explicit statement 'I will interact directly with the events of this narrative' is doing nothing to reassure me.
Maybe I'm not giving Hussie enough credit. He is the one who wrote Karkat's Fourth Wall misgivings, so he's clearly aware of the thin ice he's standing on here. So far, Homestuck's meta shenanigans haven't interfered with the plot, and I'm just going to hope that this state of affairs continues.
I don't know what's up with this 'yard', either - but since it's coming directly from Hussie, I'd be a fool to take it too seriously. Hopefully, it's just some extended joke, and doesn't actually represent Hussie jumping into the story.
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So that’s the Tumor. It certainly appears organic, and the tendrils extending from its edges make it look like it's slowly spreading throughout Skaia. Maybe it just keeps growing forever, until it collapses into a star-destroying black hole.
There's also a clear yin-yang theming, which could represent multiple dichotomies - but since we're on the Battlefield, I think it's symbolic of the struggle between Prospit and Derse. This struggle has been 'corrupted' by Jack's interference, and can no longer conclude the way it's supposed to.
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The walls also bear the sigils of the Players, which makes me wonder what this chamber was originally for. It's located at the exact center of the session, which seems like it'd be important.
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I doubt it's solely intended to house the Tumor. Rose isn't sure whether theirs is unique, but both of her hypotheses imply that it wouldn't exist in a non-doomed session.
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Ten hours, eh? That’s significantly more time than I was expecting, especially since the Veil’s timeline is down to less than three.
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mysticstronomy · 7 months
Saturday, February 17th, 2024.
Welcome back,
If you worry about when the sun will die, never fear: that moment is billions of years away.
The sun gives energy to life on Earth, and without this star, we wouldn't be here. But even stars have limited lifetimes, and someday our sun will die.
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You don't need to worry about this solar death anytime soon, though. Like all stars, a churning fusion engine fuels the sun, and it still has a lot of fuel left — about 5 billion years' worth.
Stars like our sun form when a huge cloud of gas (mostly hydrogen and helium) grows so large that it collapses under its own weight. The pressure is so high in the center of that collapsing mass of gas that the heat reaches unimaginable levels, with temperatures so hot that hydrogen atoms lose their electrons.
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Those naked hydrogen atoms then fuse together into helium atoms, and that reaction releases enough energy to counter the intense pressure of gravity collapsing the cloud of gas. The battle between gravity and the energy from fusion reactions fuels our sun and billions of other stars in our galaxy and beyond.
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But in about 5 billion years, the sun will run out of hydrogen. Our star is currently in the most stable phase of its life cycle and has been since the formation of our solar system, about 4.5 billion years ago. Once all the hydrogen gets used up, the sun will grow out of this stable phase.
With no hydrogen left to fuse in the core, a shell of fusion hydrogen will form around the helium-filled core, astrophysicist Jillian Scudder wrote in an article for The Conversation. Gravitational forces will take over, compressing the core and allowing the rest of the sun to expand.
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Our star will grow to be larger than we can imagine — so large that it will envelope the inner planets, including Earth. That's when the sun will become a red giant, which it will remain for about a billion years.
Then, the hydrogen in that outer core will deplete, leaving an abundance of helium. That element will then fuse into heavier elements, like oxygen and carbon, in reactions that don't emit as much energy. Once all the helium disappears, the forces of gravity will take over, and the sun will shrink into a white dwarf.
All the outer material will dissipate, leaving behind a planetary nebula.
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"When a star dies, it ejects a mass of gas and dust — known as its envelope — into space. The envelope can be as much as half the star's mass," astronomer Albert Zijlstra of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, said in a statement. "This reveals the star's core, which by this point in the star's life is running out of fuel, eventually turning off and before finally dying."
Astronomers estimate that the sun has about 7 billion to 8 billion years left before it sputters out and dies. One way or another, humanity may well be long gone by then.
Originally published on www.space.com
(Wednesday, February 21st, 2024)
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infiltraitor-n7 · 1 year
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | VIV | X | XI | XII
After Alchera, Kaidan starts to forget.
Kaidan is tired today. But tired isn’t quite the right word—fatigued? Exhausted? Depleted? Gutted? As his mind ticks through the possibilities, each word becomes more visceral. Gutted becomes eviscerated, eviscerated becomes vivisected. And he realizes that he isn’t simply tired, or drained or depleted, but rather he is consumed—his current state is not a simple equation of no sleep equals exhaustion, but rather no sleep plus the ever-festering absence of something that, with each day, becomes less and less defined, divided by memories of before multiplied by memories of after, the migraines that still come and kick him while he’s already down, until his life is no longer defined by what is, but rather what is missing, a negative image instead of positive contours, and he lies awake in his narrow bed and feels—devoured.
He feels and feels and it’s so heavy. He feels so much that it compresses, gains its own gravity, expands and expands, mass compounding mass, until it’s all too heavy, until he is collapsing, the clichéd black hole, and he is the negative image, the entity that people are aware of not because they see it, but because of all the objects around it that can be seen, and there he is, the void at the center, proven by inference instead of observation.
But that is just today. Just today, a bad day. It has been a year already. The bad days, like the missing thing, have faded somewhat. There are some days where he is not a black hole. No, not so much a black hole. Many days he is a brown dwarf—a quiet, failed thing, with neither the mass to combust into starlight nor to collapse into the sucking vortex. Neither planet nor star, neither living nor dead, he is simply there, floating, simply there, existing.
But those are just some days. Other days, other days he wakes up, he showers, he makes himself coffee without any whiskey at all. He has an appetite, he eats a big breakfast, he ticks through the news sites. He lifts his hand in greeting passing coworkers in the hall. He still mostly eats dinner alone, spends quiet evenings watching mindless dramas, re-runs of Blasto movies flickering in the dark as he drifts, still unable to sleep that well. As he drifts, he can imagine a day, sooner rather than later, where he will leave Arcturus and he will work again, really work, not just sitting behind a desk but doing what he had always intended to do with the Alliance: some good. When the other days outnumber the bad days.
What jettisons Kaidan from a decent day into a bad day? What is the equation that one solves for renewed devastation? The absence, it’s the absence, and the speed at which the absence simultaneously softens and sharpens. He hadn’t known Shepard for that long, after all. A small, hitched breath, there and gone before you know it, almost silent in comparison to the great cacophony of the rest of his life. What is one year stacked against thirty? The math is simple. He begins to forget. Small things. The exact texture of Shepard’s hair. A joke shared, and he can’t remember who told it. Did Shepard tell him? Or did he tell Shepard? Who laughed the hardest? The exact ratio of gun oil, coffee, sweat, and Shepard’s skin that made up the scent that used to soak Kaidan’s sheets, his hoodies, his own skin. Every detail that fades is a new loss, grief compounding grief, mines on a timer, buried in the dirt. The right steps don’t matter; he could navigate the minefield perfectly, avoiding every single trigger, but in the end he is still in the field, because it is never-ending, and the numbers are ticking down. One morning he wakes up, and he has to watch a vid to remember Shepard’s voice. A decent day gutted and skinned, stripped to reveal a very, very bad one.
Because every picture, every recording, the tangible things Kaidan must rely on to remember, to remember, lose their effectiveness over time, until it is not Shepard under his shaking fingertips as he traces over the lines of Shepard’s face in some battered photo, but rather the idea of Shepard, a Shepard construct, a collection of fading facts that fail to constitute the whole of who Shepard was, really was, as a person, and who Shepard was to Kaidan. Every memory aid is a collection of diminishing returns, red sand to an addict, each hit packing a weaker high. Kaidan, as he lies awake at night, worries about the clock running out, a day he wakes up and can’t remember much of anything at all. Just a name, some photos, the vague feeling of being carried to safety slung over strong shoulders, a hitched breath in the dark. He knows the math is simple, and the hits will just keep on coming. Because he knows that the clearest memory at the end of it all will be the one he wants the least—the one that remains while Shepard’s laugh, scowls, scent all fall away: the picture-perfect image of a body struggling in space, and the long fall into a bright planet.
Today, Kaidan is devoured. But that’s just today. Tomorrow is another day. And the day after that, the math tells him, is yet another. He will do what he has always done; he will muscle through. Through Jump Zero manslaughter, being a messed up kid with a jack in his head, lost amidst the apple trees under Canadian grey skies; through boot camp and clawing his way up through Alliance ranks with the migraines pounding behind his eyes as steady as the pounding of the SMGs; through the comms going dead on Virmire and the Council turning its back, through fists lifted in victory amidst the burning cherry blossoms of the Citadel. His mind blanks after that. In theory, the days continue after that halcyon period post-Saren, the Normandy awash in success and its crew flush in confidence that whatever the galaxy had to hurl their way, they would prevail, because they had each other, and they had Shepard.
Until they didn’t.
The days did continue. He knows this. Today he’s just tired, that’s all. Tomorrow will be another day, and then one after that, stacking and stacking, and he will muscle through each one, as he has always done, and each new missing memory will render guilt, yes, and the gaping, stomach-heaving loss, but also-yes, he must be honest with himself if with no one else: also, relief. As each memory fades, so does the pain. A kind of cosmic debt collection. He is paying his dues, one dulled recollection at a time, coins falling from a ripped pocket, unintentionally paid but good currency all the same. He will get through each day. He will pay and pay. Until finally someday, some not so special day-not a good day, nor a bad one-he too will get to rest. His friends will do as he asked, and there will be another escape pod. They will lay him gently in the small space, a softer occasion than the last time he was in one; this time, no sirens wailing or fires burning bright. This time, they will jettison him into that dark night, high over the curving horizon of Alchera, and he’ll finally get to rest, as close as he’ll get to matching grave plots, but he figures it’s enough. Finally, enough.
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stay-with-wonder · 1 year
Rigel: Orion's Brightest Star
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Rigel is a star you can easily spot in the night sky. It is the brightest star in the constellation Orion (the hunter) and the seventh brightest star in the night sky. But did you know that Rigel is not just one star but a system of four stars? And that is a blue supergiant, one of the most massive and luminous stars in our galaxy? I will be focusing on Rigel and its companions in this post.
What is Rigel?
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What are Rigel’s Companions?
Rigel is not alone in its orbit around the center mass of the system. It has three companions: Rigel Ba, Rigel Bb, and Rigel C. These are all main-sequence stars, which means they still burn hydrogen in their cores. They are also blue-white, with spectral types of B9 V. They have similar masses and radii, ranging from 2.94 to 3.84 times that of the Sun and from 2.5 to 3 times that of the Sun respectively.
Rigel Ba and Rigel Bb form a close pair that orbits each other every 9.86 days. They are so close that they cannot be seen separately, even with powerful telescopes. They are called a spectroscopic binary because their orbital motion can be detected by measuring the Doppler shifts in their spectral lines.
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Rigel A and Rigel Bc form an even wider pair that orbits each other every 24,000 years. This pair can be seen with binoculars or small telescopes under good conditions.
There is also a fifth star that may be part of the system, but it is not confirmed yet. It is a faint red dwarf star of magnitude 15.3 that lies about 220 arcseconds* away from Rigel A. 
*(Arcseconds, also known as arc-seconds or arc seconds, are a unit of angular measurement used in various fields, including astronomy, geodesy, and navigation. They are a subdivision of an arcminute, a unit of angular measurement equal to 1/60th of a degree.)
How Did Rigel Form and Evolve?
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Rigel started as a massive main sequence star that burned the hydrogen in its core very quickly. As the hydrogen was depleted, the star began to contract and heat up, while its outer layers expanded and cooled down. As a result, Rigel became a supergiant star.
Rigel will continue to fuse heavier elements until it reaches iron, which cannot release any more energy by fusion. (Stars undergo fusion reactions in their cores, where lighter elements combine to form heavier elements, releasing energy in the process of fusion. A fusion process continues until the core contains predominantly iron. At this point, the process of fusing iron requires more energy than it releases, slowing down. This process poses a problem because fusion reactions provide the outward pressure that counteracts the inward pull of gravity, supporting the star against collapse. Without the energy generated by fusion, the star loses its means of support and can eventually collapse under its gravity.) At this point, Rigel will collapse and explode into a supernova. But this won’t happen for another million years or so.
The supernova explosion will destroy most of Rigel’s mass and eject it into space as gas and dust. The training core will either become either a neutron star or a black hole, depending on how massive it is.
The fate of Rigel's companions will depend on how close they are to Rigel when it explodes. If they are too close, they will be destroyed or disrupted by the shock wave and radiation from the supernova. If they are far enough, they will survive but may be affected by the change in gravity and radiation from the remnant.
Rigel is important for several reasons. First, it is a prominent star that helps us identify the constellation of Orion and find other stars in the sky. Second, it is a bright and nearby example of a supergiant star, which helps us understand the evolution and fate of massive stars. Third, it is a complex star that challenges our ability to observe and measure its components and interactions. Fourth, it is a potential supernova progenitor that may explode in the near future (in astronomical terms, of course) and provide us with a spectacular show and valuable data.
Rigel is also important for cultural reasons. It has been known and named by many civilizations throughout history, and it has been associated with various myths and legends. In ancient China, Rigel was called Shang Zuo, meaning "the left-hand seat of the king," and it was part of the Three Stars asterism that represented the emperor's throne. In Arabic, Rigel was called Rijl al-Jawza', meaning "the foot of the central one," referring to Orion as a giant. In modern times, Rigel has been featured in many works of science fiction and fantasy, such as Star Trek, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and The Chronicles of Narnia.
Rigel is a fascinating star that deserves our attention and admiration. It is not only a beautiful sight in the night sky, but also a rich source of scientific information and cultural inspiration. I hope you enjoyed learning about Rigel and its companions, and I encourage you to look for them the next time you gaze at the stars. And as always, this blogger has to sign out, Stay With Wonder!
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hicksterman · 11 months
Fits right in with my Theory
Oldest black hole found, and it may solve a cosmic mystery
Two NASA space telescopes teamed up to scrutinize a distant galaxy and discovered something mind-boggling: a gargantuan black hole inside a galaxy that’s more than 13 billion years old. The “supermassive” object — hailed as the oldest black hole yet confirmed — has roughly the same mass as all the stars in that galaxy combined. The discovery, published Monday in the journal Nature Astronomy, may help solve a cosmic mystery about supermassive black holes, which appear to have taken up residence in baby galaxies in the earliest era of the universe, not long after the big bang. Black holes come in two varieties: stellar mass and supermassive. This is fairly self-explanatory. The stellar mass black holes might be roughly 10 to 100 times the mass of our sun. A supermassive black hole, a term without an ounce of hype, can be many millions or even billions of times heftier. The residency of such monstrous black holes in the cores of virtually all galaxies — including our own — has fascinated astrophysicists, in part because their origin is unclear. The new report can’t fully resolve the issue, but it makes a strong case that at least for one galaxy, named UHZ1, the supermassive black infrared portions of the spectrum. Chandra, in Earth’s orbit, has been studying the universe since it was launched in 1999. JWST, the newest member of the space telescope fleet in a solar orbit roughly a million miles from Earth, was launched on Christmas Day 2021. As an infrared telescope, it has enabled astronomers to look deeper into space and further back in time, collecting light from an era soon after the first stars began illuminating the universe and forming galaxies The light from UHZ1 was emitted 13.2 billion years ago, about 470 million years after the big bang. The observations, according to the new paper, show that the supermassive black hole at its core has roughly the same mass as the entire galaxy — “which is absolutely crazy,” said lead author Akos Bogdan, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Theorists have mulled two competing theories for the origin of supermassive black holes, known as light seed vs. heavy seed. In the light seed theory, a star will collapse into a stellar mass black hole and grow over time until it reaches supermassivity (which is not actually a word, but should be). But in the heavy seed theory, a tremendous cloud of gas, rather than an individual star, does the consequential collapsing. There is no puny phase: As the cloud condenses and gravity does its work, the black hole forms at a supermassive scale. “In this case, we can say with certainty that the black hole came from a heavy seed,” Bogdan said. “It is a pretty big deal.” It’s just one galaxy, though, and thus one data point, so it won’t by itself resolve the debate. “It’s not really possible to extrapolate from this single source to the whole galaxy population,” said Zoltan Haiman, a professor of astronomy and physics at Columbia University who studies early galaxies and was not part of the new report. Haiman said the heavy seed model may include the formation, within the collapsing cloud, of a single gigantic star, which then collapses further into the black hole. This is at once esoteric stuff and at the same time essential to the scientific understanding of how the universe came to look the way it does today. The Webb telescope was designed in large measure to probe deep into the early years of the universe and see what’s there. More galaxies are coming under scrutiny, and it now appears that jumbo black holes will be foundational in the unfolding story.
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subligaytion · 1 month
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When massive stars reach the end of their lives, they can collapse into black holes without the dramatic supernova explosion. Here's a brief overview:
1. **Stellar Evolution:**
- Massive stars (at least eight times the mass of our sun) generate energy through nuclear fusion in their cores.
- As they run out of hydrogen, they undergo fusion reactions involving other elements (helium, carbon, oxygen, etc.).
- Eventually, they form an inert iron core, and fusion reactions cease.
- Gravity takes over, causing the core to collapse.
2. **Supernova vs. Quiet Collapse:**
- Normally, collapsing cores trigger a supernova explosion, shining brighter than entire galaxies.
- However, some stars may collapse quietly, without a supernova.
- Failed supernovas have been observed, where stars brighten but then fade away.
- Old photographic plates reveal vanished stars—like celestial Houdinis—leaving no trace.
3. **Black Hole Formation:**
- When a massive star collapses, its core becomes a compact object.
- Usually, this is a spinning neutron star (a pulsar).
- Under specific conditions, it could be a stellar-mass black hole.
4. **Escape Speed and Schwarzschild Radius:**
- To be "sucked" into a black hole, an object must cross inside the Schwarzschild radius.
- At this radius, the escape speed equals the speed of light, preventing anything (even light) from escaping.
- The Schwarzschild radius can be calculated using the escape speed equation:
$$ v_{\text{esc}} = \left(\frac{2GM}{R}\right)^{1/2} $$
- Here:
- \(G\) is the universal gravitational constant.
- \(M\) is the mass of the black hole.
- \(R\) is the distance from the black hole's center ¹⁴.
So, when a binary star system involves a massive star and a black hole, the dynamics depend on their masses, distances, and relative velocities. #binarystars #blackholes #science
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nasa · 3 years
Black Holes: Seeing the Invisible!
Black holes are some of the most bizarre and fascinating objects in the cosmos. Astronomers want to study lots of them, but there’s one big problem – black holes are invisible! Since they don’t emit any light, it’s pretty tough to find them lurking in the inky void of space. Fortunately there are a few different ways we can “see” black holes indirectly by watching how they affect their surroundings.
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Speedy stars
If you’ve spent some time stargazing, you know what a calm, peaceful place our universe can be. But did you know that a monster is hiding right in the heart of our Milky Way galaxy? Astronomers noticed stars zipping superfast around something we can’t see at the center of the galaxy, about 10 million miles per hour! The stars must be circling a supermassive black hole. No other object would have strong enough gravity to keep them from flying off into space.
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Two astrophysicists won half of the Nobel Prize in Physics last year for revealing this dark secret. The black hole is truly monstrous, weighing about four million times as much as our Sun! And it seems our home galaxy is no exception – our Hubble Space Telescope has revealed that the hubs of most galaxies contain supermassive black holes.
Shadowy silhouettes
Technology has advanced enough that we’ve been able to spot one of these supermassive black holes in a nearby galaxy. In 2019, astronomers took the first-ever picture of a black hole in a galaxy called M87, which is about 55 million light-years away. They used an international network of radio telescopes called the Event Horizon Telescope.
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In the image, we can see some light from hot gas surrounding a dark shape. While we still can’t see the black hole itself, we can see the “shadow” it casts on the bright backdrop.
Shattered stars
Black holes can come in a smaller variety, too. When a massive star runs out of the fuel it uses to shine, it collapses in on itself. These lightweight or “stellar-mass” black holes are only about 5-20 times as massive as the Sun. They’re scattered throughout the galaxy in the same places where we find stars, since that’s how they began their lives. Some of them started out with a companion star, and so far that’s been our best clue to find them.
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Some black holes steal material from their companion star. As the material falls onto the black hole, it gets superhot and lights up in X-rays. The first confirmed black hole astronomers discovered, called Cygnus X-1, was found this way.
If a star comes too close to a supermassive black hole, the effect is even more dramatic! Instead of just siphoning material from the star like a smaller black hole would do, a supermassive black hole will completely tear the star apart into a stream of gas. This is called a tidal disruption event.
Making waves
But what if two companion stars both turn into black holes? They may eventually collide with each other to form a larger black hole, sending ripples through space-time – the fabric of the cosmos!
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These ripples, called gravitational waves, travel across space at the speed of light. The waves that reach us are extremely weak because space-time is really stiff.
Three scientists received the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics for using LIGO to observe gravitational waves that were sent out from colliding stellar-mass black holes. Though gravitational waves are hard to detect, they offer a way to find black holes without having to see any light.
We’re teaming up with the European Space Agency for a mission called LISA, which stands for Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. When it launches in the 2030s, it will detect gravitational waves from merging supermassive black holes – a likely sign of colliding galaxies!
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Rogue black holes
So we have a few ways to find black holes by seeing stuff that’s close to them. But astronomers think there could be 100 million black holes roaming the galaxy solo. Fortunately, our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will provide a way to “see” these isolated black holes, too.
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Roman will find solitary black holes when they pass in front of more distant stars from our vantage point. The black hole’s gravity will warp the starlight in ways that reveal its presence. In some cases we can figure out a black hole’s mass and distance this way, and even estimate how fast it’s moving through the galaxy.
For more about black holes, check out these Tumblr posts!
⚫ Gobble Up These Black (Hole) Friday Deals!
⚫ Hubble’s 5 Weirdest Black Hole Discoveries
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com.
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mahayanapilgrim · 2 years
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I had a long night sleep. There was no dream but just the restful clear light. I woke up thinking about the concept of the Buddha Nature. I sat on the couch and went through my morning meditation routine. The routine went well. The awareness relaxed in the bliss of the clear light. The astral body emerged out through the crown chakra and rested in the bright light channel of bliss. I moved forward pass the channel into the vast universe. I spotted the Masters Meeting Place. I transported over. I arrived at the Masters Meeting Place. I paid respect to the three jewels. Then I asked the masters "Great Masters, I am contemplating on the concept of Buddha nature.
Would you guide me through this wisdom?"
Guru Rinpoche appeared in front of me. Then the precious master gave his teaching. "Sam, the concept of Buddha nature on the conventional sense is to see the potential of awakening in all beings. When you examine the concept deeper into the ultimate nature, when you see awakening nature in all beings, you experience no separation of self and others. When you examine it even deeper in your meditation, you find the Buddha Nature in all things, all experiences, and all phenomena. You see, Sam? There is nothing in the universe that has no Buddha nature. The Buddha nature is everywhere in everything in every moment. Therefore, when one is awoken, one experiences perfect Buddha nature in all things which is Sunyata-emptiness in all experiences. This is Buddha nature." I prostrated three time to the great master. Then I let go of him. The great guru, the Masters Meeting Place, and my astral self dissolved into the clear light of bliss.
The awareness rested in the bliss of the golden clear light. The golden clear light of bliss dissolved all things. The golden clear light of bliss was the Buddha nature. The Buddha nature was all experiences. There was nothing but the bliss. The bliss went on and fully manifested to all experiences. The bliss peaked and subsided. Peaceful joy of the white clear light emerged from the center of the bliss. The peaceful calmness and joy expanded and replaced bliss. Peace was the Buddha nature. Peaceful and serenity encompassed all things.... Then it subsided…… in the very center of it, equanimity and the unity with all things arose and superimposed onto all experiences in the form of transparent clear light. Equanimity, spaciousness, and unity with all things was the Buddha nature. In the end, all senses ceased. Time stopped. There was nothing but the pure pristine awareness in the ground of luminosity. This was the Buddha nature.
At some point, an image of a Bodhisattva emerged. He sat in his meditative pose gazing into the vast universe. The Bodhisattva assumed his mindfulness of breathing. In each inhalation, he experienced the Big Bang, the births of stars, planets, and galaxies, the expansion of the universe to its full size. In each exhalation, he experienced the expansion of black holes, the collapses of galaxies, the shrinkage of the universe, and in the end the total annihilation of the entire universe. And then the next cycle began with his inhalation. This went on and on. The Bodhisattva saw the arising and cessation of all dharmas. He rested in unity without any attachments.
At some point, there was a call to see the Buddha. The Bodhisattva left his samadhi and went to Chulamani. He entered in from the backside, paid respect to the great Stupa, and then entered the main hall of Devasapa. Devas and brahmas were sitting and floating on one side. The Buddha was sitting on the elevated throne surrounded by his disciples. The Bodhisattva went inside and prostrated three times to the Buddha. Then he asked. "Lord Buddha, how would you explain the concept of Buddha nature-the seed of the awakening-tathagatagarbha. Was this what you taught? Or this was a new invention of Mahayanists?"
The Buddha smiled. He was radiant with love and compassion. "Sam, you see that all teachings came from the same wisdom. The concept of Buddha nature while the term was not used in the time of Tathagatha, the concept already existed. In fact the concept that the seed or the essence of awakening that is already there in all beings, has been there since before the time of Tathagatha. Long before the time of Tathagatha, people already knew and had this concept. However, the concept was not explained or taught explicitly. The past Buddhas and Pacceka Buddhas had kind realized this. The idea is that the nature of the Buddha exists in all beings but Klesha or the three poisons cloud the mind and lead beings to see themselves as separate independent entities and therefore prevent them for experiencing liberation. But you see Sam... unless you directly experience the concept which is the true experience of Sunyata, which is the true experience of dependent origination, which is the true experience of Nirvana, the concept will be merely theoretical
belief system and debate. The Buddha nature, the seed of the Buddhahood, Sunyata, Nirvana, etc... are all different words to explain the same wisdom, It is the practice and direct experience that would liberate you and lead you to the ultimate wisdom which is the ultimate reality or nature of all phenomena." I prostrated three times to the Buddha. My heart chakra was filled with bliss. I let the teaching sink in. I slowly came back to my body.
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dizzydennis · 3 years
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Sonic x Rouge Cover Story (Part 2)
Translator note: Thank you for checking out Part 2 of Rouge’s cover story. I have no idea why it was separated like this, but it’s fine in the end. I am not fluent in Japanese and I am still learning how to be a better translator. Please note that there will likely be mistakes in my work here, but I hope you enjoy the story. Also, I am busy with work and didn’t have the luxury of working on my laptop for this one. While riding a Shinkansen, I typed this out on my phone. If there are any mistakes, please forgive me.
Within the center of Eggman Land, there is a deep vertical hole deep in the ground that goes over 100 meters down.
This was the site of the “Gaia Temple.”
The temple, which once stood for the "healing" of this planet, was tucked into the underground of Eggman Land, but emerged during a big battle and is now sleeping deep in the depths of the planet.
At the bottom of this hole was a figure that landed silently. After looking around carefully, this person said in an overly satisfied tone:
"Huh. It seems that all those robots that gathered together to get Sonic. All for little ol’ me! ♪"
This person was Rouge the Bat. When she looked at the radar she was carrying she could see Sonic was a ways off; just as planned.
"Everybody should get a friendly little hedgehog friend!~"
It seemed certain that she pushed the enemy towards Sonic and to drive them as far away as possible. Then, on the contrary, Sonic was heading for this very spot.
Soon after reaching the deepest part of the tall rock spires of the temple, Rouge found a stone that was dimly shining through the darkness, picked it up, and gracefully pressed it against her cheek.
“I finally found you! And you’re just such a cutie!”
"... Who are you talking to and what are you saying?"
When asked from behind, Rouge looked blankly forward with the stone still on her cheek.
"Oh ...? Did you abandon your work? That’s pretty naughty, Sonic."
Rouge's expression, as she slowly looked back and asked, returned to her usual graceful smile.
“Well, I know you’re the worst kind of lady and I couldn't help it," Sonic answered with an obnoxious grin.
Knowing the location of the Chaos Emerald with the energy detector, Sonic noticed Rouge's plan to use him to allow her a chance to take the gem and so… he quickly showed up here.
The communicator that was informing her of his position would still be spinning on rotation.
"So, what are ya going to do with that Chaos Emerald?"
Rouge smiled and returned without any fear.
"Well, I was thinking that I’d bring it home … What do you say to that?"
Rouge continued, shifting her gaze from the ring on Sonic’s left hand to the Chaos Emerald.
“You’ll soon realize the value of a better gem when one comes around.”
With that said, she slammed a smoke bomb, that she took out from in-between her breasts, on the ground.
<< BANG! >> >>
The area was covered with white smoke.
"Hey! What about our deal earlier!?"
When Sonic shook off the smoke, Rouge had already grabbed on to a large escape balloon and was rising into the sky.
"... Well that takes care of that! My investigation has already ended ♪ You were very useful for the time being, so I will share my intel as promised. Eggman Land’s power restarted because of that seven-colored shooting star ... and the Chaos Emerald accidentally fell here. "
The setup was a little crazy, but Rouge got the Chaos Emerald anyway. She began talking to earn time to escape.
“Well look at that, the Gaia Temple that was previously here was also a power spot for the Chaos Emeralds, right? Perhaps because of that, it seems the underground temple responded to all that Chaos Energy and began to spread energy around the area.”
Sonic didn’t seem to move at all.
"Well, I gave it some thought... If I were to come down here then I might happen upon a Chaos Emerald myself.”
So that was it. Sonic began to speak back.
"OK, but the Chaos Emeralds don’t really belong to anyone. They’ve just been used by some of us when the world was really in a pinch.”
It didn’t matter to Rouge as she let out a soft, “But…"
"But what?"
“But… isn’t it just great to be able to dig in and steal it?”
The next moment Sonic grinned as he dashed towards Rouge.
Sonic used the slopes of the rock pillars to spin dash into the sky. As he crossed by Rouge, he grabbed the Chaos Emerald right from her hand.”
"Oh! You thief!"
With a wink, Sonic fell to the bottom of the vertical hole with a huge smile across his face. Rouge was at a loss for words and swooped down to catch up to him!
<< RUMBLE ...! >> >>
Suddenly, all the lights in Eggman Land shut off and the planet shook violently.
A plethora of dazzling streaks of light rose from the very bottom of the vertical hole. The lights shot out in countless directions, and the entire place was engulfed with light once Sonic landed.
The five Chaos Emeralds that Sonic had in his possession started to shine brightly as if they were responding to the lights below.
"What is this......!?"
A glow returned to the darkened and drained Chaos Emeralds.
Maybe it's because five Chaos Emeralds were gathered in the same place where the Gaia Temple used to be. Perhaps it was because Sonic has a deep connection with the temple. Either way, some slumbering power had “found” the Chaos Emerald.
Rouge, who was watching this from the sky, was completely awestruck at such a beautiful scene.
Moreover, the darkness that has spread across the entire temple was washed out as huge particles of light seemed to cut out through the engravings along the side of the large hole. They became even more gorgeous as they shined in seven bright colors.
It looked like a fancy jewel placed on top of high quality black velvet fabric.
Rouge glanced at its beauty with longing eyes as she let out a sigh.
For the realist that Rouge was: gems that are unobtainable are truly worthless. However, the hint of "better jewels" still being out there made Rouge happy.
... She could hear Sonic calling from far below her feet.
"Hey! Are you going to come back for it?”
Sonic was shouting with the Chaos Emerald in his hand. It was if he wasn’t going to put up a fight at all.
Of course, she wasn’t going to give up on this real jewel. Right now, no matter what went down in Eggman Land, people’s hearts don’t change. Rouge squinted her eyes and made a confident smile. She pretended to give up and assessed her chances for a surprise attack.
“Well… I lost. I don’t need a sneaky hedgehog’s emerald anyway! Besides—”
<< Crack ...! >> >>
As Rouge flew, the circumference of the hole began cracking apart as the planet shook again.
<< RUMBLE ...! >> >>
"What!? What’s happening this time!?”
A vertical hole that was originally struck in an unnatural shape ... I couldn't stand the torrent of light. The vertical hole couldn’t withstand the barrage of light. The buildings and attractions of Eggman Land fell as if they were caught in an avalanche. The whole thin collapsed.
...... Now’s the time to strike!
If Rouge could get off a surprise move now, she could possibly get all five of Sonic’s emeralds! However, Sonic was able to avoid a giant Eggman statue that had collapsed and fallen in. Sonic slipped back and fell into the smoke.
Sonic would be fine in a situation like this. Rouge, however, concentrated all of her cunning towards an overhead surprise attack once the smoke settled.
But then ...
"I'm sorry to have kept a lady waiting, but I can’t give much more of an apology, right? By the way, what were you trying to tell me earlier?"
Rouge was hearing Sonic's cocky voice from the communicator.
Rouge dropped her head in sadness. Sonic had already escaped. Also, his communicator must was very far away from where he was ... Rouge realized that it was impossible to catch up with him.
Really, this guy does every single thing he wants to, doesn’t he?
"It's so annoying. I now have nothing!"
Saying that, Rouge got rid of her communicator and let her escape balloon go too. She then angrily flew into the sky.
Sonic, on the other hand, almost instantly returned to his usual demeanor with a cheeky expression. Before running off, he left a last message on his communicator despite the fact that nobody would hear it.
"Well, Rouge. Did you enjoy yourself today?"
The night was soon erased by a wave of light. Morning had come to Eggman Land, the place for hopes and desire.
The amusement park, which welcomed two guests during its bustling night of resurrection had collapsed and fallen completely silent. Now, it seemed nothing more than a set of ruins. Casting a dark shadow onto the new morning.
With that in mind, Rouge, who ended up going home empty-handed, was flying in the sky with horrid thoughts in her mind. However, she suddenly went silent when she thought about the jewel of light she saw.
Even so, it was overwhelming. That unrealistic beauty it had... What if Rouge could just know how valuable it was?
"... Well, you’ll just have to find it for yourself then!"
"Motivation" is the "ideal jewel". Maybe there was some value in this, depending on how you think about it.
Let's leave things as they are. Rouge was in a good mood as these thoughts raced through her mind. She then flew off into the sunrise.
“I'll definitely get all the jewels I want anyway! All jewels in the world are my mine to keep! ♪”
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agape-philo-sophia · 3 years
➝ Deocculting 911, Occult Numerology & Gematria, SpiritualWarfare. ⏰
The spiritual supporting pillars of the world’s societal structure were essentially demolished on 9/11…symbolically, allegorically, ritualistically and literally. It was quite a sinister “stroke of genius” and so exemplifies how these dark controllers operate. This is why the wake up to 9/11 Truth is so shocking to people’s systems and they just can’t handle it. It’s overwhelming, which it was designed to be. And so the vast populace rolls over and buries its head back in the sand... Tell A Big Enough Lie …and you’ll eventually get exposed. So full of lies are these controllers it’s beyond the grasp of normal sentient beings. And they revel in the power of that. It’s amazing they can be so brash yet hidden in plain sight. The Twin Pillars Archetype, The effect of occult (hidden) symbolism on the human psyche is a nicely kept secret. Even though psychologists such as Carl Jung have written extensively on this and it’s clearly pointed out by the esoteric community. People just do not realize they are daily the subject of the sophisticated manipulation of these terribly powerful symbols. Like scientific breakthroughs are garnered by the military, these elite psychopaths have to weaponize everything, instead of using it for the betterment of humanity and our world. “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws” – Confucius There’s much more to this subject. And it wasn’t just Freemasons involved in all this, but they’re a major arm that encapsulates a belief system much of the Illuminati share. Members of this dark cabal are almost always associated with some sort of secret society or practice like Freemasonry or witchcraft, often under a religious cover like the Vatican, Mormonism or Evangelical groups. Rothschild Zionists use both the religious cover and the financial “institution” to disguise and justify their perfidy. At the occult level the 9/11 event was a ritual, empowered, as is often the case, by performing human sacrifice. War is another such ritual, usually instigated and financed by this same dark cabal loosely labelled the Illuminati. I can’t begin to cover the extent of the symbology and esoteric meaning injected into the 9/11 charade, but I hope this opens up a few things for you to look into further. These same tactics are used constantly on an unwary public at many levels. The lie is exposed, the spell is broken and the illusion loses its power over you. But the secret weapon of 9/11 was this: it was riding high on the amplified occult, symbolic preparation of not just decades, seeing the “twin towers” as a symbol of world commerce and the “triumph of the human spirit”, but seeing “twin pillars of society” throughout architecture and logos and literature for millenia, both conscious and subconscious, being destroyed before their eyes, over and over and over. In Revelation 9:11, and please note the time code as well as the number code of 911, Abbadon is described as the Destroyer, the Angel of the Abyss, the King of Plague of Locusts, resembling horses with crowned human faces, women’s hair, lion’s teeth, wings, iron breastplates, and a tail with a scorpion’s stinger, that torments for five months anyone who does not have the Seal of God on his forehead. It is clear that this is a Demon, Fallen God or Black Star, that is directly connected to powering up the Armageddon Software through the Yahweh Matrix. The Black Star Abbadon in the center of the Milky Way is what holds together the 666 Beast Configuration, along with the Yahweh Matrix that creates the Inorganic Four, the Yod-Hay-Vod-Hay system. This system feeds off of living creatures and sends the life force back to the black hole entities. As we have been discussing the shift that has been occurring with the Planetary Staff, the Planetary Staff of earth was tilted in order to align it to the Black Star Abbadon in the center of the Milky Way. This artificial axial tilt in the planet is shifting its alignment now. This shift has activated doomsday prophets wired into the Yahweh matrix that believe the current events are the sign of the alien God’s narrative, that the rapture is coming or that we are entering into the global Armageddon-Megiddo showdown, when we transition out of the final stages of the Piscean Alchemical Law. The current theme during the Paliadorian Activations is the clearing of the Yahweh Matrix and its blood covenant bindings out of the Human 12 Tribes genetic records, with the transmissions and support of the Blue Feathers of Aquaferion. As a result of dismantling this blood covenant network, those who are controlled by the Yahweh system will be agitated and activated to play out these mind controlled biblical dramas. Because the original 5D Ascension plan was not achievable becasue of the False Ascension Matrix and the damage caused through the False Navel and False White Webbing, it required our evolution through the time fields in the Harmonic Universes in the Universal Time Matrix to be drastically sped up. Those serving the Law of One, are moving through extreme amounts of the future timelines, observing its collapse, in order to arrive at the Gateway Octave where the Organic and eternal light is overriding the Artificial Machinery and replicated alien coding. False Timelines and False Software to Mind Control humanity was used to deter humans from their organic and natural ascension evolution. This is why this planet is called, “prison planet”. Meanwhile the negatives desperately cling on to the artificial timeline programs to influence humans through fear to manifest into their enslaved future selves as Negative Form. (Some examples: Nostradamus Prophecy, Armageddon Software, Pestilence Programming, 911 Military Industrial Complex Revolution, any terrorist and cataclysmic inorganic event generated by the Negative Aliens. None of these manipulated programs are sourced as “natural events”. ) Because the planet is ready to drop and collapse timelines from the previous 3D cycle where the planet is playing out the result of the Luciferian Rebellion from Atlantean time cycle, there is a struggle to dominate upcoming events that would influence these future timelines to be solely in Negative Alien or the NAA control. These groups have infighting, and the two primary groups have infected their headquartered control mechanism in two major stargates and power vortexes on the planet. Black Sun Program have headquartered themselves in the 10th Stargate or Iran Gate of the Golden Eagle Grid and lodged their technologies in Iraq/Iran to gain dominance over the power spots in Giza, Egypt. Most of them are Reptile Insectoid Collectives from out of the Phantom Matrix spaces in the parallel systems, which formed alliances with the Fallen Angelic Annunaki Groups to take control over the earth, which are referred to as the NAA. This is why they chose that area of the planet to dominate, it was easier to invade from the genetic key level. The Sons of Belial, the Nibiruian-Annunaki reptilians of the New World Order crews that engineered the 911 Timeline Agendas, have headquartered themselves in the 11th Stargate area in the United Kingdom, this is also known as Stonehenge. These are the creators of the teeth chomping technology of the Nephilim Reversal Grid (NRG). Comprising primarily of Fallen Elohim genetic lines, this reversal network was a rebellion to the hybridization attempts of Lyran-Elohim races, who were responsible in commissioning Nephilim races for genetic hybridization healing. The failure of that program, the banishment of Nephilim (The Giants) and killing of that race, resulted in Wars, and subsequently, the NRG was placed in the UK to reverse all hybridized genetics, especially any genetic material (like the Krystal DNA Silicate Matrix) that was designed to “unify” or “marry” genetics. The unification of polarity within genetics may evolve to Unity Field consciousness which is a part of achieving the Christos consciousness. There is a consciousness war to stop Krystal Star consciousness from potentially evolving and embodying in human beings on this earth. It also is clear that all matters of Blood Sacrifice, whether human, animal or of any living thing, are made to the conjuring of elemental forces that directly connect into this collective Satanic force of the Baphomet field in the underworld realms. Satanists, witches, Santeria, voodoo, violent religion or other related rituals involving drugs or killing, one is allowing their body to be possessed by lower spirits and are being controlled, addicted or feeding into the spreading of this Satanic force field. It is like an viral infection. The act of feeding this force through ritual offering and Blood Sacrifice is purposed to produce Satanic humans running the earth and to keep enslaved the female Christos-Sophia from reclaiming her body parts and creations in the earth. This is enslavement of the Mother principle. Satanism effectively is the worship of earthly forces through patriarchal domination and their False Father earthly conjured gods for selfish material gain. The world of forces can be ritualized through offerings, Blood Sacrifice SRA and its intentions made manifest through superimposing forces or binding others energies without their consent or free will in physical matter. Apparently, it is believed when the luciferian ritualist opens the portal of Daath, the heart complex and physical heart chambers are filled with life force, which supposedly grows a soul from those sacrificed and harvested, on behalf of those who are soul-less. For those of us aware that the Sons of Belial are behind the New World Order and the 911 Timelines, it becomes clearer that humanity was held captive at a global scale, to witness the sophisticated orchestration of an Adam Belial Luciferian ritual that destroyed the Twin Towers and killed many innocent people for the purpose of Blood Sacrifice for the soul-less. The Belial Program described is one faction of the NAA attempting to force the planet to serve the multiple invading species agenda, through imposing artificially replicated time fields, inverting the system and generating a false reality based upon masterful lies, deceptions and illusions. The NAA effectively declared an edict of war against the Christos Founders, and all of the Maji Grail King lines, Indigos, as well as the earth population on September 12, 2000. Exactly one year later they staged an Adam Belial ritual in order to institute a public ceremony announcing their New World Order plan with the culmination of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City. The destruction of the Twin Towers and Blood Sacrifice of those killed at the World Trade Center, was intended to be the line drawn in the sand to show the NAA were proceeding with their full domination and slavery agenda of humanity and earth. This event brought forward what became known as the 911 Timelines, the institution of the false reality timelines in order take the planet into AI Assimilation Timeline which is the Fallen AI Timeline Loops that the NAA fully control from within the Phantom Matrix. The day of the attack: 11 The Date of the Attack, September 11 or 9/11 = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11 911 is emergency number = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11 September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11 After September 11th we have 111 remaining for the end of the year. 119 is the Area Code for Iran & Iraq 1 + 1+ 9 = 11 The first plane to hit one of the buildings was Flight 11 The State of New York was the 11th State to join the Union New York City = 11 letters Afghanistan = 11 letters The Pentagon = 11 letters Flight 11 had 92 passengers, 9 + 2 = 11 Flight 77 had 65 passengers, 6 + 5 = 11 Twin Towers look like an 11 Twin Towers had 110 floors George H.W. Bush’s famous New World Order speech to congress was on 9/11/1990. Exactly 11 years before the attacks. In that speech, Bush encodes another 9-11. “Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective, a New World Order” → 5. “An era in which the nations of the world: east and west, north and south…” → 4. 5+4=9. “100 generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while 1000 wars waged across the span of human endeavor” →100+1000 = 1100 → 11 Through gematria we see the first plane, American Airlines Flight 11, actually encodes two 11s. A=1, so AA-11 = 11-11. This also hearkens to the spiritual organization founded by Aleister Crowley known as A∴A∴ The North Tower (WTC1) was impacted at 8:46:40 and collapsed at 10:28:22. An interval of ~101 minutes. The South Tower (WTC2) was impacted at 9:03:00 and collapsed at 9:59:00. An interval of 56 minutes, 5+6=11. (Yes, those times times are exactly at the minute marks. 9:03:00 is the impact time given in the 9/11 Commission Report. However, NIST established this time as 9:02:59… Shucks, only one second off.) September 11th was the 254th day of the year. 2+5+4=11 Thus, there were 111 days left in the year. September 11th in the Gregorian calendar is New Year’s Day in the Coptic calendar, the calendar originating in Egypt, traditionally the source of all the Hermetic traditions. Quran (9:11) - "For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace". (Note the verse number!)
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subbing-for-clones · 4 years
Stranded Part 1
Savage Opress x reader
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A/N: Oof I really have a problem cause all I want is to be stranded alone with the big boy himself.
Word Count: 4.1k
Summary: On his way to locate his long-lost brother, Savage’s course gets altered and he is thrown into the unknown. Barely surviving the crash, he finds himself on a deserted planet with a force sensitive woman who somehow managed to thrive here on her own. If they’re going to make it off this strange planet they will have to work together.
WARNINGS: blood, fear, dead body, wounds, mental illness. Probably not how black holes work but idc fight me about it. Alcohol consumption.
       Savage Opress had been traveling the galaxy trying to find his brother Maul. After being betrayed by the nightsister he was meant to serve, Mother Talzin gifted him a necklace that would act as a compass. One that would guide him to his long-lost brother who could teach him to harness this new power he had realized. His 'gift' however appeared to lead him on a never ending, wild goose chase. Glowing and fading seemingly at will. It had been months and although his hope had started to fade, he pressed on without any other option. The Republic, the Separatists and everything in between wanted his head. He missed his way of life before the nightsister had chosen him to act as her tool of vengeance.
    A rumor of Maul being killed on Naboo by a Jedi had reached his ears. Better than anything else he had to go off of he punched the coordinates into his ship's nav computer and made the jump to hyperspace. The way the stars visibly stretched never ceased to amaze him. He watched the blue from the viewport before he nodded off to sleep, unknowingly altering the coordinates when he kicked his boots up onto the dash.
    He awoke hours later to alarms blaring and red lights flashing. Not being an experienced pilot by any means, panic tickled the edges if his mind. He pulled out of hyperspace, hoping there was a nearby planet he could land on. To his horror there wasn't a planet in sight. Rather, an immense blackhole that was slowly pulling small asteroids into its center. Panic now gripped him full force as he tried to get out of the gravitational pull but it was too late. It had him in its clutches and he could do nothing but let it take him.
    He thought of his younger brother in these moments. How the nightsisters had controlled his mind and forced his hand to take Farel's life. Perhaps he deserved this fate. To be swallowed into nothing after crossing the only living thing that had ever truly cared for him. He closed his eyes on the precipice of the abyss and with a single tear for his fallen kin, let the void devour him in his ship.
       He had expected to pass out or die but he never lost conciousness. He had his eyes scrunched for so long but he never stopped hearing the alarms ringing. He dared to open them only to see, well nothing. It was the darkest black he had ever seen. His navigation was almost useless, he had no idea where he was or where he was going but he could tell that he was in fact going forward. He dared to pray that there was another side to this hole and that he could in fact survive. That hope faded when he realized he was out of fuel, powering only life support at this point.
    Much to his surprise the sight before him changed. What started as a pinhole of a darkness that was slightly less bleak grew. It grew until he could see stars again. He was thrown out of his turmoil and launched towards the only planet in sight. From space it was incredibly green, white caps peaked occasionally and bodies of water could be viewed as well. Wherever he was headed seemed to lack vast oceans but rather, large lakes perhaps.
    He realized that without any fuel he would crash. Once he broke the atmosphere, he redirected the last few vapors he had in the tank to his engines and was able to aim the ship towards one of the nearing brown peaks. Hoping to slide down into the jungle. The initial impact knocked the wind out of him but thankfully didn't immediately kill him. His ship slid down the slope at an alarming speed and a dip in the terrain sent him airborne again. The second impact knocked him unconscious.
    He awoke maker knows how many hours later to the chirping of birds. Out of the viewport he could see that several more crashed ships beneath him had possibly broken his fall. Giant trees he had never seen before stretched out in front of him but not so close together that he couldn't see a decent way into the forest. His back must be facing the mountain. The ship was smoking and the hull was smashed beyond repair. For the first time he was grateful he had no fuel so the ship wouldn't explode if a fire spread.
    Blood dripped into his right eye from where he knocked his head and broken a horn. Lacerations of varying depth littered his body. He tried to move and quickly assessed that it was likely one of his ribs was fractured although he couldn't feel it sticking out or in anywhere. Savage attempted to pull himself free and realized his left arm wasn't responding. The worst of all, in his mind, the necklace that Mother Talzin gave him was shattered in his lap.
    He had to get his shoulder back in place and slung. Slowly he stood to his feet and made his way out of the transport, feeling claustrophobic. The moment his boot hit the grass below him he felt so many things through the force. This planet was teeming with life, wild and wavering force signatures surrounded him and stretched out as far as he could sense. One signature was starkly unique to the others he felt and he tensed. It was incredibly light, lighter than anything he had ever felt before. An airy, dreamy aura with sparks that danced through it grew closer. Whatever it was, it was nearing quickly. He force pulled his saber-staff from the ship into his grasp and lit one side, growling ferociously like the wounded animal he was. Whatever it was he felt had stopped in its tracks. He couldn't see anything through the trees and he took a hesitant step forward. Until he heard her.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I'd like to help."
    He couldn't see where the voice was coming from. It was a female. A young woman he would guess. Her voice was gentle and soft but projected well from her hiding place with a kind power behind it.
"Show yourself," he called almost roaring in pain.
"Promise you won't kill me on sight?"
"Are you alone?" his eyes darted around him trying to pinpoint her location.
"Yes... I know you can feel it."
    He could feel it. What he felt through the force, it was only her. He sheathed his saber and showing it over his head, tossed it to the side. Only then did she leap down from the canopy of the forest. If his rib didn’t make it painful to breathe, he would've gasped. Her hair shimmered in the light of the mid-day sun, her eyes glistened brightly with curiosity and breath-taking beauty. He had never seen a woman like her before. Beneath what was once a white cotton dress, now worn and stained, he could see and admire the outline of her body. A slit up the side revealed one of her legs and a knife strapped to her thigh. She had nothing on her feet as she slowly made her way over to him with her hands visible so he knew she wasn't armed.
"Hello. How did you survive the crash? I've never seen anyone else survive the crash."
"I don't know," he squinted his eyes at her wearily. His voice low and deep rumbled when he spoke.
"I can help you with your shoulder. I had some medical training before I crashed here myself."
Knowing he needed help he nodded cautiously. She continued towards him and gently removed his armor. When she took out her knife to cut open his shirt, he took a step back.
"I meant it when I said I wouldn't hurt you,” she hesitated before continuing; never breaking eye contact. Searching for a sign to stop.
    She slowly sliced open his shirt in one smooth motion. She took a second and allowed her eyes to drift over him. His golden skin and distinctive, almost tribal black tattoos. His massive chest, straight jaw and crown of horns. It was the first time in a very long time she had seen a man still breathing let alone of his caliber and tried to hide the heat that rushed to her cheeks.
"Um, I'm sorry but you're very tall. I'm going to need you to sit down, please. So I can reach you."
    He did what she had asked of him, keeping his back straight. With him sitting and her kneeling tall next to him he was still a head taller than she was. She placed her hands on him and asked him to breathe deeply. On the second exhale she slid the shoulder back into place with a loud crunch. He growled not really at her but the situation itself.
She used half of his shirt to make a sling for him and the other to wipe the blood off of his face. She force pulled an empty bag from the tree which surprised him.
"You'll have to clean your wounds so they don't get infected. I have a home near here with cool and hot springs if you'd like to accompany me."
    He knew he wouldn't be able to do much without aggravating his injuries so he reluctantly agreed. Before she led him away, she trotted over to one of the crashed ships off to the side. The pilot was dead and just starting to decompose, she tossed him out of the cockpit using the force and scavenged what lay inside, unphased. Well, she's got the stomach for surviving out here. He thought to himself.
      Now with a full pack she helped him up as best as she could almost collapsing under his weight. He kept a few feet behind her, taking only his saber and a change of clothes from the ship. She led him through the forest for what must have been at least two or three miles.
    A break in the tree line revealed a log cabin with a mossy roof adorning a few solar panels. He had grown accustomed to either adobe or durasteel buildings so this was a bit of a shock to him. Several hot springs steamed behind the cabin and a large pond lay to the front. Creatures that resembled chickens roamed the grasses near the house and what looked like an herb garden on the other side.
    He stopped and took in his surroundings for a moment before he followed her inside. The floor was also wooden, with various animal pelts laid out across the paneling. It was one large room except for what he assumed was a fresher. A large bed lay in one corner, what resembled a small kitchen in the opposite. Crude shelves covered the walls containing various items from dishes to clothing to medgear and a fireplace with a kettle. A small table sat off to the side with a few chairs. That's all she really had. Some things were obviously salvaged from ships like her clothes, the bed and bedding and some of her cookware but most of it looked hand made. It reminded him of his village in a way. They were not an advanced people when it came to luxury living by any means.
    He watched her dump out her bag on the table while he took a seat on the bed. He didn't realize that it was chilly outside until he felt the warmth of the fire that still burned. She was going through the medical supplies she found and sorting it when he finally spoke, still looking around her home.
"How long have you been here? Is there anyone else?"
"I've lost count. Fifteen years, I think? At least twelve. This planet is larger than the one I grew up on so it’s hard to keep long term time. If there is anyone else here, I haven't found them."
"How did you come here?"
She made her way over to him and started cleaning his wounds with the sealed antiseptic cloths.
"Same way as you I imagine. The blackhole. My family was traveling with an outdated navigation system. I guess the route had been changed due to the void but we were unaware. My father died in the crash and my mother died from exposure not long after. I was ten. The only reason I survived was my force sensitivity."
"You've been alone this whole time?"
"Yes... you're the first to survive the ordeal as well.. other than myself."
    This saddened him for a number of reasons. He couldn't imagine being alone for so long, especially for a child to grow up on her own. It also meant that there was little hope for escaping this planet. She bandaged him gently, their bodies in close proximity. Her work was precise but her hands shook slightly.
"You have a rather deep gash on your side, I think I should stitch it if you'll allow it."
"Have you done it before?"
"To myself yes."
    You left and quickly returned to him with the suture kit and some kind of root. She explained that if he chewed it, it would ease the pain so he took it. She knelt down in front of him and began her work as he gnawed on the blue root. It tasted sweet and the effect took hold quickly to his pleasure. She worked diligently and was careful as she could be. Once again, her work was perfect, the stitches were small and tight but her hands still trembled. When she finished her work, she spread some antibacterial salve on him and went to put her gear away in silence.
"Are you alright?" He asked, hesitant but genuinely concerned.
"Yes. I'm sorry, it's just been so long since I talked to someone who could actually respond. So long since I've heard another voice." She tried to laugh it off but her voice shook as much as her hands had.
    So long she had been by herself. To stave away loneliness she had named every one of her chickens and force probed the minds of animals. Even a few times resorted to sitting with the corpses of the people who never survived their crashes. At first, he felt bad that she had been surviving on her own but the true weight of it was sinking into his chest. He could feel her confliction through the force. Although his presence was a relief to her it was incredibly overwhelming. She changed the subject as quickly as she could.
"Is your species carnivorous or omnivorous?"
"Um, I’m a carnivore but I can stomach a little produce."
"I'm glad I went hunting yesterday then."
    She didn't have to go far to reach the kitchen area, maybe fifteen feet. She was silently thanking herself that she opted for a tall ceiling leaving less than a foot of headspace for her unexpected guest. She thought of him jumping and getting his horns stuck and broke out into a series of quiet giggles.
    Savage had an idea of what she found funny because when he stood, he could almost reach the top with his pointed ivory. He watched as she took out a few steaks from the cooler under the counter and potatoes from another cabinet. Lighting a fire in a stove he hadn't noticed he studied her in silence as she chopped various vegetables and pulled dried herbs from where they hung. She had some electricity to power the cooler from the solar panels but most of the light in the home came in through windows or the fire. He did see oil lamps on the shelves and watched as she filled a pot with water. She had plumbing here as well. He was kind of amazed.
"You did all this yourself." It wasn't a question. "You built this home, ran pipes and wires and.. well everything. How did you learn to do all this?" He was truly in awe.
"The house came together fairly quickly. It helped that I didn't have to actually lift the logs," she pulled one of the chairs from the table using the force to make her point. "The plumbing and the solar power, that came much later. Many ship crashes later. I was lucky that a construction contractor transport crashed. He wasn't lucky, but I was. That's where I got most of my materials and he had a few manuals with him," she added the produce to a pot and turned face him, leaning against the counter. He took the chair she had offered at the table.
 "All of this... it's quite impressive. I might actually survive the night if you don't turn me out," he offered her a slight grin which she returned.
"I'm happy to help and have the company."
    She returned to cooking and threw the steaks on a griddle of sorts, instantly filling the home with the rich smell of cooking meat. Savage's mouth watered. Realizing exactly how hungry he was. She finished her work in silence. Turning back to him only when she had full plates.
    The meal was unlike anything he had tasted in his life. Everything was real, no fillers that were often found in city cuisines and richer than anything he had on Dathomir. He rolled his eyes and she laughed.
"I'm glad you like it."
"I do. I never asked you your name. Mine is Savage Opress. I'm a Dathomirian nightbrother."
"It’s nice to meet you." She furrowed her brow realizing she had forgotten something she wanted to remember.
"I'm sorry I wish I had a name to give you but... I don't remember it or where I came from exactly. I remember my family called me 'little one' but... that’s all I remember," this inadvertently broke both of Savage's hearts.
"Can I call you that?"
"Sure. I wouldn't mind. I don't know the name of the planet I came from but I remember it was a desert and small; maybe it was a moon. I do prefer the climate and lushness of this planet. I've never had to worry about food or water."
"I'm not a fan of deserts either. My planet is humid."
"Where were you going when you got lost and fell here?"
"I was trying to find a brother I had never met. I only recently acquired my connection with the force and I was told he could train me."
"Oh, well I'm not sure you will be able to leave anytime soon but if you decide to stay here.. with me anyway.. until we find a way out, I could help you. I've grown quite strong with the force and I'm sure I could aid you."
"You could?" he seemed surprised at her offer but also kind of excited. It seemed the longer he was off the trail Mother Talzin had laid out for him, little pieces of himself were returning.
"Yes I can. Unless you would prefer to fare on your own here. I would understand."
    He shook his head in response. She was already set up, knew how to survive this place. He didn't dislike her company either. She seemed to brighten at the prospect of him staying. When they finished eating, she invited him to get comfortable. A mutual understanding that they would be sharing the bed as there was only one and the idea of sleeping on the floor was awful. She took their plates and grabbed a large jar of dried grains, taking it outside without a word to him. He could hear excited clucking as he stripped down to his knit shorts and tried to get comfortable. It was difficult with his shoulder and fractured rib. He opted to sit up until she returned.
When she did, she grabbed a bottle of brown liquid and took a swig.
"Almost every single ship has liquor on it at least."
   She offered him another blue root and the bottle, both he gladly took. He almost choked when she turned her back to him and slipped out of her dress within his sight. Leaving only a thin tight fabric covering her backside. He wanted to avert his gaze but was intrigued with the various scars that decorated her body. Modesty or self-awareness in front of others were traits she never learned he thought. She pulled on a loose-fitting shirt and took the bottle back from him taking another swill. Snuffing out the stove but refilling the fireplace. The daylight fully extinguished. Only the light belonged to the fire flickering through the room.
    She looked beautiful in this light. She had a graceful wildness about her that Savage admired. Strength in mind and body to accomplish what she had. He could feel it in the force too, her connection to it ran deep.
"Fair warning, it gets cold here at night even though it's technically spring time. It's a long night too." She made her way towards the bed.
"That’s fine. My species has two hearts and a high metabolism so our body temperature is much higher than yours."
    She felt that to be true the moment she crawled in next to him and lay down. She felt the heat radiating off of his skin. Savage scoot down once she was in. She reached a hand out to his chest to feel his dual hearts but hesitated. He saw this and guided her hand on top of his pulse. Her breath hitched. He was so warm and so soft and he really did have two of them.
"Goodnight Savage."
"Goodnight Little One."
      At some point before the sun rose Savage's eyes fluttered open. He didn't feel her in bed anymore but with the home's set up it didn't take long to find her. She was facing the fire whittling a block of wood with the knife he had seen strapped to her leg. She had left him another blue root on a stool beside the bed. Her hands moved quickly and she was muttering rapidly to herself. He could only pick up a few things from what she said.
"I am one with the force the force is with me.... alone but not, accompanied but alone.... the force is with me......not alone..... the beasts in the trees..... he wasn't real...... one with the force....." An occasional giggle escaped her lips, she was gently rocking back and forth while her hands worked.
    He didn't say anything but just watched her. The blanket of night must make it worse, when life on the planet was silent and the air was cold. He wondered how much longer it would've taken for her to become like this all the time if he hadn't shown up. She seemed alright earlier, nervous and jumpy but nothing like this. He uncovered his body and slowly made his way over to her. Sitting beside her with his legs crossed, trying not to touch her so he wouldn't startle her. He just waited for her state to ease.
    Eventually it did, it didn't take too long. She could feel the heat coming off of his skin. He watched her carve the wood into a long beaked bird, its wings outstretched. She tossed it into the fire and turned to face him. His eyes glowed gold against the dark backdrop behind him.
"Are you real or am I really, finally starting to snap? It's bad in the dark.."
    He took her hand and she tensed at his touch. He cautiously guided her into his lap and pressed her ear to his hearts. She could feel them beating like drums under his muscle. He had dealt with various episodes back home. Sometimes the men in his village would snap at the fear of being chosen by one of the nightsisters. Sometimes the women would come to beat them just to remind them of their place in the hierarchy. She melted and was grounded by his pulse.
"I am real. I am here. You’re not hallucinating."
    His chest vibrated when he spoke. His deep vibrato continuing to calm her. When she looked back into his eyes, they were softer. It seemed as though if they were going to make it out of this, they would both need each other.
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mysticstronomy · 2 years
Wednesday, October 19th, 2022
Welcome back,
Once something falls into a black hole, it can never get out. No matter how much energy you have, you can never move faster than the speed of light, and yet you’d need to in order to exit of the event horizon once you’ve crossed inside. But what if you tried to cheat that little rule by tethering a tiny object that just dipped inside the event horizon to a much larger, more massive one that was destined to escape?
Could you pull something out of a black hole that way, or any other way? The laws of physics are restrictive, but they should tell us whether it’s possible or not. Let’s find out!
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The most massive stars in the Universe — stars with twenty, forty, a hundred, or even, at the core of the super star cluster shown above, up to 260 times the mass of our Sun — are the bluest, hottest, and most luminous objects out there. They also burn through the nuclear fuel in their cores the most quickly of all stars: just one or two million years instead of many billions like the Sun. When these inner cores run out of nuclear fuel, the nuclei at the core are subject to tremendous gravitational forces: forces so strong that, without the incredible pressure from the radiation of nuclear fusion to hold them up, they implode.
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In less extreme cases, the nuclei and electrons have so much energy that they fuse into a mass of neutrons, all bound together. If the core is more massive than a few times the mass of the Sun, those neutrons will be so dense and so massive that they themselves will collapse, leading to a black hole.
That’s the minimum mass of a black hole, mind you: a few times the mass of the Sun. Black holes can grow much larger than that, though, by merging together, by devouring matter-and-energy, and by sinking to the centers of galaxies.
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At the center of the Milky Way, we’ve identified an object that’s some four million times the mass of the Sun, where individual stars are seen orbiting it, but where no light of any wavelength is emitted.
Other galaxies can have even more massive black holes that are thousands of times the mass of our own, with no theoretical upper limit to how large they can grow. But there are two interesting properties about black holes that are going to lead us to the answer of whether anything tethered can escape. The first is what happens to space the more massive a black hole gets.
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The definition of a black hole is that no object can escape from its gravitational pull in a region of space, no matter how quickly that object accelerates, no matter even if it moves at the speed of light. That border between where an object could and an object couldn’t escape is what’s known as an event horizon, and every black hole has one.
Originally published on www.forbes.com
(Saturday, October 22nd, 2022)
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edmund-valks · 3 years
Interlude - The Maw
A blacksmith would have taken different steps.  Forge the blade, give it a handle, wrap the handle.  Something like that, at least.  Thankfully she was able to skip most of that by designing a mold and taking extraordinary care in its production.  A perk of being smart, as she figured it.
The metal was nearly ready.  It wasn’t the colour of anything she’d seen back on Azeroth, instead shedding four different glows at once.  They overlapped and intertwined because nothing here was ever simple.  Ilandreline wasn’t one for metaphors, but even she could recognize this one: four ores, wildly distinct, that could only be properly alloyed through the use of a fifth.  Naturally the alloy was stronger than any of them independently.  Also it was a bastard to work with.
She fed the ingots into the crucible, watching as the forge’s heat quickly liquefied the elethium.  A pull of the lever and it drained into the waiting mixture, which one more movement injected into the waiting mold.  That had been the real work, creating the exact negative space needed inside a block of solid stone.  Not just any stone, of course, but the kind that wouldn’t melt in a furnace designed to bind souls to metal.  Getting pieces of the Black Empire was hard enough even before one crossed into the realms of the dead.
Once the mixture had filled the block, Ila grasped it with the tongs she’d liberated from the soulforger whose workspace she now used.  Steadiness was required to keep the metal from sloshing out or the whole thing from upending.  Her movements were slow and deliberate, never jerking.  A device was only as good as its craftsmanship; she intended this one to be her masterpiece.
Typically one would quench using a specific liquid.  Fresh water, salt water, olive oil, certain beverages made by the dwarves… what one used depended on the desired outcome and the materials involved.  For this it was something a bit more unusual.  The Maw had recently become the destination for a great deal of anima drawn from the spirits being repented in Revendreth.  This made for a sharp, hungry quench, which was precisely what she needed.  She lowered the discomfiting block of slick stone into the roiling crimson, listening to the violent hissing as the alloy took shape.
Once the soul-steam had cleared and the little barrel was minutes removed from its moment of boiling, she fished the mold out with her borrowed tongs.  "This better have worked," she muttered, mostly to externalize the worry.  Better out than in, that sort of thing.  "Only one way to find out."
Placing the black brick on the anvil nearby, she inspected every side for cracks or gaps.  The only one she could find was the little hole where she'd added the molten metal, so… maybe it had happened?  Picking up the hammer she'd made for just this purpose, Ilandreline closed her eyes and sought the resonance.  It was so much easier now than that first time.  That was how she'd survived the darkest path into the Shadowlands, and ever since she'd found herself increasingly aware.  Now it was almost as easy as making saltpeter; not necessarily fast, but a simple task for the experienced.  She felt for her core, dove into it, releasing her perceptions through the nightpurple veins bordering reality.
The Black Empire remnant was anything but dark now.  Even the Maw's dolorous half-light caused a reaction, oil-slick scintilla flaring across the infinitesimal pockmark surface.  In a way, it sang.  Not like a voice, but a tuning fork, a frequency of sensation manifesting multitudinous waves into singular tone.  Where her family's faith resided she felt the echo of kinship.  Reaching through herself, she grasped the thread of the stone's structure and pulled.
In a sweater, such an act would have been the destruction of order that caused its unraveling.  The bedrock of those who dwelt between the stars was made differently, however.  What she had done manifested as an ordering matrix, leaching the inherent structural chaos out, snapping the minerals into some kind of grid.  Gripping tightly through the depths of her soul, Ilandreline raised the hammer high and swung.
The hardened shadowghast strikeface tolled as it impacted the ruthlessly ordered block.  The sound was brutal in its discordance, an archetypal resonance of shattered chains.  What was held tightest become most undone; the black stone crumbled to dust, its forced structure inverted until it could no longer hold together.
Ilandreline felt her entire self ringing as she set the hammer aside.  The reverberations rattled through her bones, trying to unmake her as thoroughly as she had the old gods' relic.  But she was a Glimmerbow, born of those dark blessings, the ancient primordial unmakers' essence suffusing the deepest fibers of her being.  The resonance traveled through her, unable to find an outlet to erode, equally unable to escape until she opened her mouth.
She didn't scream; this wasn't pain.  Instead she had become an accidental echo chamber, an acoustic amplifier not unlike the elegant curves of a bell.  From inside her structure rang the peal of uncreation.  Open-mouthed she exhaled it into the stygian plains, unable to cease until the note was spent.  Unable to hear, she could still feel the rigid structure of forge beside her eroding beneath the reciprocal action to what she had done.
As suddenly as it began, the moment ended, buckling her knees.  Reflex alone allowed the elf to catch herself, weak-legged and bent over the anvil, eyelids only now able to pry themselves apart.  Unsteady, Ila exerted her focus once more, willing herself to stay standing.  As she did so, refusing to acknowledge the possibility she might collapse, she examined her work.
Atop a fine pile of utterdark sand lay a blade.  It was a single piece, cast-forged, with a tapering, triangular blade emerging from one edge of a metal-wrought vertebra.  Opposite the blade extended the cylindrical smoothness of bone, flaring into a double-knobbed pommel.  It was far more beautiful than she'd expected, or perhaps that was the wrong word.  Elegant?  Fitting.  This was a blade made with purpose, for someone very specific, and such certainty was apparent in its aesthetics.
"Almost done."  Her voice was hoarse though she didn't realize it.  She hardly knew she'd spoken, what with the ongoing ringing in her ears, and the way structures sounds such as speech fell apart in the fading wake of the hammer blow.
Ilandreline forced her legs to stillness, stood straight atop them once more.  Grasping the weapon's handle -- she would wrap it with aged linen later, to give it the feel of something found in an ancient mausoleum -- she turned its stiletto point toward herself.  Her other hand moved to expose an expanse of pale flesh, against which she set the blade.
"Freely given," she murmured, the spoken fraction of a larger recitation mostly contained within her mind.  "A gift for another, made with intent.  A part of me to carry with you."  It was almost embarrassing to say it.  Hearing herself speak so openly brought heat to her cheeks, but it wasn't so bad to shake her from her plan.  Not after coming so far.  
Shutting her eyes, Ilandreline exhaled slowly.  Her free hand rested along the cold curves of the pommel.  Freely given.  Lungs fully empty, she braced herself and pushed.
The blade slid in more easily than she'd expected, quickly piercing through skin and fat and muscle.  Farther and farther she guided it until the change in resistance signified she'd reached her goal.  Just the barest movement more, pricking the exterior of her still-beating heart.  Now the hard part.
Pulling the blade back out was the most excruciating experience of her life.  It was a tool of purpose, to pierce through barriers and bring an end.  To remove it without having killed was to deny it that fulfillment, and so the blade fought her every fraction of the distance.  Blood -- her blood -- flowed over its pyramidal smoothness, slicking everything, trying to undo her efforts and allow the blade to feast on her life.  Gritting her teeth, she looped a finger through the hole in the center of the guard, using the extra leverage to force the dagger out of her flesh entirely.
Slamming the bloodied weapon back on the anvil, Ila scrambled to the forge.  There she snatched up the last of the prepared tools, a length of featureless iron, brilliantly glowing from the infernal heat.  "Fuck, this was a stupid idea."  Laughing at herself, she pressed the white-hot implement against the triangular piercing in her breast, allowing her rasping scream to drown out the sound of flesh cauterizing.
She didn't know how much time elapsed between keeping herself from bleeding to death and when she was able to stand again.  It didn't matter, not really.  The important thing was Loira's gift was finished.  Complete, even.  Totally worth it… but if she loses it I'm gonna kill her.
Chuckling at that, Ilandreline scraped herself together.  Time to get out of here before the Covenants' assault wavered and the Jailer's forces had time to look for things like wayward elves with bad ideas.  She took another quick look at her handiwork as she vacated the premises.  There was no trace of her blood any longer, though she didn't remember wiping it clean, and every now and then the faint ghost light would reflect off a fleck of gleaming darkness.  Sand in the blade?  No, not sand; the dust of the Black Empire.  Absorbed somehow following the sanguine consecration.  Curious, but probably not a big deal.  She hadn't felt anything strange, and her instincts were usually good about that sort of thing.
"Thanks for the help!" she told the forge's previous user, stepping over its hollow corpse.  The spiked helmet that had been something like a head was mangled beyond recognition, as if repeatedly bashed by some kind of heavy blunt object.  Ilandreline hefted her oversized wrench, rested it on her shoulder, and set off.  Hopefully the blood loss wouldn't slow her down too much.  It would be a shame to die before she could actually give Miss Winford her present.
(( Tagging for mentions of @ms-winford ))
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lokigodofaces · 3 years
Okay people, time to talk about how Asgard makes no sense at all!
(I'm no astrophysicist or anything of the like, I just find all of that fascinating and therefore take the time to learn more about it. I can't go into the math or anything but I know the concepts of things).
Today we're talking about how gravity is so unbelievably inconsistent on Asgard and makes no sense!
Before we begin, let me define gravity. I know, you learned about it a million times in school, but there are things we forget about it. Gravity is a force that attracts objects with mass to each other. For example, the Earth has mass and therefore has a gravitational field pulling you to the core. You also have mass and have a gravitational field and are pulling the Earth towards you. But the Earth is much more massive than you, making your gravitational field basically negligible. Everything with mass has a gravitational field, and those interact with nearby objects. For example, there are gravitational interactions between you and the phone/computer/tablet you are reading this on.
The more mass something has, the stronger the gravitational field. That is why we stay on the surface, and why planets stay in orbit, and why black holes "suck" ("suck" is not a very good word to describe the process, but oh well) different objects in, and why galaxies hold together.
The center of gravity is created by two gravitational fields interacting. With you and the Earth, the center of gravity is almost exactly the exact center of the Earth. Not quite, but extremely close, because of how much more massive the Earth is. While objects with more similar mass have the center of gravity closer to the middle. For example, Charon, Pluto's moon, is about half the size or so of Pluto. The center of gravity between them is actually above the surface of Pluto. It's closer to Pluto than Charon, but their mass is so similar that they're actually both orbiting around a point in space.
Now that we have that out of the way, here we go under the cut because this is a massive post.
1) The planet's form makes absolutely no sense
Look at this!
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What even is this? Asgard is a disk with an iceberg-esque part at the bottom and some land mass on the top. Which is problematic.
For one, gravity causes things to become spherical. Things, such as yourself, with lower mass don't have the gravity to become a sphere. This is why asteroids and some moons can have funky shapes.
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Here are some asteroids. Ceres is the biggest asteroid and a dwarf planet, and it is almost spherical as you can see. The rest are a little funky. They don't have the mass, and therefore gravitational force, to be spherical.
Life evolves to live in the conditions it is in. We can't see ultraviolet light because our atmosphere blocks most of it. So why would we need that ability? Why would people that could see UV have a higher chance of surviving to reproduce? This is why we aren't ridiculously strong. We evolved to be able to work with what was needed. Which means we are suited for Earth's gravity. If it weren't for other factors like the suits, astronauts would be able to jump much higher on the moon because it is tiny compared to Earth, and our strength overcompensates.
If Asgard has low gravity, then it would make sense Asgardians would evolve for a low gravity environment. Which means they wouldn't become super strong. If anything, they could have serious spinal problems on Earth because of our gravity, assuming they didn't immediately collapse. And, um, that is not the case in Marvel. The opposite is true.
2) Inconsistent gravity is confusing
So, gravity is what keeps us on the ground, right? Well, that doesn't always seem to be the case on Asgard.
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Not to mention the water constantly spilling off (also not astronomy related but where is that water coming from? And why does that water just disappear?).
Even if Loki was about as far as he could be from the center of gravity while being on the planet, even if Asgard has extremely low gravity and they showed it to us, this would still make no sense. Gravity should be strong enough to keep him on the planet.
And if it wasn't? Should've not been strong enough everywhere else on the planet. No one should be able to stay on the planet. It shouldn't be strong enough to have an atmosphere.
While with its shape Asgard would have unequal gravity, it shouldn't be this unequal. And, if gravity were weak enough for Loki to fall off, it should've been weak enough that he would've floated off rather than fallen off. Same with Thor. And Odin. And Heimdall. And literally everyone else to ever be on the bifrost. No one should be able to stand on the bifrost, everyone should float off into orbit. But that clearly doesn't happen because Asgard's gravity makes no sense.
3) 2+ nearby wormholes
There are at least two nearby natural wormholes.
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We have a wormhole taking you from Asgard to Sanctuary and a wormhole taking you from Sakaar to Asgard. I am not including the bifrost, because while Selvig and Jane called it an Einstein-Rosen bridge (sciency way of saying wormhole), the bifrost is artificial, and not naturally occurring. Right now I am focusing on the naturally occurring wormholes. Also, we don't know if these are two way wormholes are blackhole whitehole pairs. Basically, the theory is that some wormholes could allow travel from both ends, kind of like the Nether Portal in Minecraft, and others are a one way ticket, with a blackhole on one end and whitehole (ejects mass instead of taking mass in) on the other. We've only seen these work one way, so they could be partially whiteholes.
So there are a few problems with all of this.
Blackholes distort light.
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The top image is from Hubble. Do you see the circular-ness the photo is focused on? That is from a blackhole distorting light. The second is an illustration and not from Hubble so it's less reliable, but this is a more noticeable example. Basically, light has particles called photons, and blackholes absorb mass.
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As you can see in the gif, stuff orbits around blackholes and slowly gets closer and closer to the event horizon. Once you get past the event horizon, there is no turning back. Light can't escape, which is why these are blackholes. Photons are distorted like this, which means that the light produced by nearby stars and reflected by nearby celestial objects is distorted, making them look off.
In other words, Asgard's light should be...interesting.
Another thing, Asgard should be orbiting around one of these blackholes to die eventually. Unless there's a bigger one, I would guess the Sakaarian wormhole if it were two way. If not, it'd orbit around the Sanctuary wormhole.
Having two next to each other would do crazy things to Asgard's gravity. The Sanctuary one would constantly be pulling Asgard towards it, and if the Sakaarian wasn't a whitehole, it would constantly be pulling Asgard and the Sanctuary wormhole towards it.
This is something I don't know as much about, but if the Sakaarian wormhole is a whitehole on Asgard's end, I would not be surprised if there were consequences. Lots of mass being ejected into the nearby space might have consequences, though this mass might be coming in subatomic forms and not be too harmful.
(Also Sakaar should've been torn apart by the wormhole leading to Asgard and possibly others. I'm just saying. This is an Asgard post but we gotta agree that Sakaar is also messed up).
Except that none of this is true apparently.
4) There is no way Loki should've survived.
When Loki fell into the wormhole he had two options: die a quick death or die a very quick death. Wormholes are awesome. Awesome in the biblical sense of the world. Which means they are utterly terrifying.
Quick Death: Loki should have been spaghettified (and also Asgard...and the Asgardians...but I'll let that slide since apparently Asgard has secret amazing gravity). Spaghettification happens as you get closer to a singularity and let me tell you, it is absolutely terrifying. It is my greatest irrational fear (irrational in that it will never happen to me). Basically the gravity of blackholes (and by extent wormholes) literally tears molecules apart. It starts with stretching the person/object out to make them long and thin, like spaghetti. A person would die during this first stage because our organs cannot handle this. And soon the body/object would fall apart on an atomic level.
Very Quick Death: Upon passing the event horizon (point of no return), Loki would go through a massive wall of fire, burning him to death and he would be spaghetiffied almost instantly.
So...yeah...how is he not dead?
5) Even if Loki could survive, he shouldn't have made it to Sanctuary
There are theories on how to make viable wormholes. I don't remember exactly how, but there are theories on how to allow someone to pass without being spaghetiffied or burnt to a crisp. But then there's the problem of it being impossible to reach the other side.
Basically the "pathway" between the two ends of a wormhole is infinitely small. In other words, Loki couldn't fit through it, and would therefore die. There are theories on how to counteract that problem, but the odds of a wormhole naturally forming like this are low. So, Loki should've died even if he got past the singularity on the way to Sanctuary.
6) Also there's the bifrost.
The bifrost is artificial. The problems about travelling through wormholes (spagettification, fire wall, infinitely small tunnel, etc) aren't there because Asgard built it as a way of travel. And since it was repaired by the Tesseract in between Avengers and Dark World, it might be a product of the Tesseract anyway.
With artificial devices explained by fictional science/technology/magic, I'm not as picky. It's science I don't understand because that's not science from this universe. But I do have questions about the bifrost. I don't fully understand how it could've destroyed Jotunheim. My thought was that it absorbed Jotunheim like a blackhole, but we don't see debris coming over to Asgard. How is it turned on and off? What consequences were there when it was destroyed? Is gravity all of the sudden strange when it turns on? I do like that it looks like people are pulled into the bifrost when it turns on, makes it more wormholey. But how did Hela knock Thor and Loki out of the bifrost?
I tend to forgive all of that because it's a fictional device. Just like how I forgive the gravity/blackhole bomb things the dark elves had. Those are clearly artificial and since we have theories on how those are possible I let it slide (though I find it interesting how the blackholes evaporate (that's the term for the death of a blackhole)). I actually headcanon the dark elves used gravitonium to create these devices. Gravitonium is an element introduced in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that has interesting gravitational abilities. It is 100% fictional, so I let a lot of it slide. But gravitonium is supposed to be a heavy element, meaning it wasn't created in the solar system, it was created by a supernova, so it has to exist elsewhere in the universe. Why not on Svartalfheim? But that's just me (there are actually lots of connections between TDW and AoS, specifically connections between Loki and AoS). But fictional devices are that: fictional. Whereas blackholes and wormholes are very real. Blackholes are confirmed to exist, and wormholes are theoretical with lots of evidence (Einstein created a list of formulas describing how the universe works, and wormholes work in these formulas. But that doesn't mean wormholes exist currently, have existed in the past, or ever will exist, we just know they're theoretically possible.). So I can be more picky about those.
Of course, I can watch these movies and still be entertained. I love these movies. But I'm a nerd that has to overanalyze everything and I specifically like space, and thus this post was born because Asgard makes no sense.
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fear-before-valor · 3 years
Sweet dreams Jimbo, 😨 brings you a Draal~
Dreams and Nightmares II No Longer Accepting II Warnings: Major gore, graphic depictions of body horror, extreme grief, death, gravesite, bodies, burial practices, soul-crushing angst, 0 comfort in sight; y’all this one is rough, so please don’t read unless you are in a state of mind where you can handle these things II Also, this one is longer than the other ones, coming in at 1882 words, so brace for that as well II And don’t forget to take care of yourselves after this <3 
Final note: if you see anything you think needs to be tagged, please let me know!
He was in the void. There were stars above him, and trails of blue around him, as spirits bustled through the space, not seeming to pay him much mind, really. Briefly, he wondered if ghosts could even be busy, but he dismissed the thought as he drew Daylight, instead, the warm metal familiar in his two-handed grip.
Although, as for why exactly he’d drawn his sword, he wasn’t entirely sure.
Was he here to train?
Kanjigar liked getting to test his reflexes every so often, so that must have been why he’d gone into the Soothscryer in the first place, right?
…So why was he all alone…?
When his predecessor didn’t show, Jim straightened from his readied stance, relaxing his posture. Snapping Daylight to his back, he stepped forward, eyes grazing bit by bit over the void and its runes, searching for any sign that could refresh his memory, remind him why he was there.
Scouring the room, he jogged lightly around its perimeter, wondering if Kanjigar might have just missed him. Maybe if he ran into the spirit…
Something freezing appeared at Jim’s elbow, causing him to stiffen, as he felt prickles of frost across his skin, beneath the armor… maybe even through his muscles and down to the marrow of his bones.
It certainly felt that way, at least, as he wrapped his arms around himself, in an unsuccessful attempt to warm himself up.
Turning to find the source of the chill, he found himself face-to-face with a tunnel, black as pitch and foggy by his ankles.
It was odd.
He’d never seen it before… had it always been there?
Shooting one glance back into the spirit hub, none of the other Trollhunters seemed to have noticed what he was doing… or even that he was there, at all; so, with one last deep breath of the temperate air in the other room, he turned to the tunnel and stepped inside.
The tunnel was long, impossibly so.
Though, how he knew that, he wasn’t sure. Because, as he blinked, he was coming out the other end.
Whirling on his heels, and… panting, for some reason—perhaps because he’d been walking for what must have been a day? (how did he know that?)—he stared back into the mouth of the blackened door, and tried to piece together what had just happened.
Why was his memory blanking like this? First he couldn’t remember why he was in the void; next, he was missing an entire day of walking?
What had he eaten? Had he slept?
He frowned, and almost walked back into the tunnel, but as he stepped foot into it, the walls around him lurched, scraping inward. Giving a yelp, Jim removed his foot from the threshold, just in time to watch the hole in the wall close up.
He was stuck here, then.
Sighing, Jim hoped to everything that there was another way out, and the only reason that one closed up was because it was a one-way tunnel… for some reason.
Deciding to think more on that in due time, he instead focused on taking in his new surroundings. He couldn’t look for a way out if he didn’t know where he was in the first place.
Heart plummeting, he wasn’t sure he was so thrilled about that decision, though, as his eyes flew to the thing that his foot had just crunched.
Milky white and still fresh—he hissed in panic— it looked like a bone. Going to take a step back, he froze when the crack he’d just heard sounded again, as he felt dust and a sickening grinding beneath the metal heel of his armor.
Breath quickening, Jim stood in place, then, and reached for Daylight. Activating its blue flames, he used it like a flashlight in the dim room, and pointed it at the ground.
And then dropped Daylight, knees going numb.
Mouth dry, he tried not to stumble in his panic, over the pit of skeletal remains he was standing on.
They were everywhere.
Some of them were old and powdery, ancient and horrifying to look at. Others were fresh and gleaming, still wet, some of which had meat left on them, rotting and grey. He was sure he’d seen maggots boring holes into femurs, into knee sockets, into teeth.
Hand flying to his mouth, as he felt his throat seize, and his stomach roll violently, Jim breathed through his nose, a technique his mom had taught him when he was a kid, to help when he’d had trouble with the tongue depressors during his checkups.
Here, though, it didn’t help nearly as much, as the stench of rot and chalky remains flooded his senses. Eyes tearing from the smell, he tried not to gag, as he bent and picked up Daylight, gritting his teeth against the nothing his body was trying to expel.
It felt like he hadn’t eaten after all, but after this, he wasn’t sure he’d ever eat again.
His mind supplied him with the image of that grey, sliming flesh, and all of its rot and chewy sinew, slipping down his throat, and—
The acid burned when it came up, as he fell to his knees with a convulsion.
Choking in a breath, he spat the last of it out, and pushed himself upright. Kneeling on what he really hoped was a cleaner patch of the floor—at least his armor had hand coverings—Jim took a moment to get his bearings, reorient himself.
He could handle this. He could get out of this. He’d faced down his own living nightmare before; he’d defeated Bular, Gunmar, Morgana, and he’d even time travelled. He could get out of there. Jim would find a way, and if he couldn’t, then, he’d make one.
Shoving himself to his feet, he hefted Daylight once more in both of his hands, and started walking along the walls of the room, using what little light he had to search for another tunnel, or a door of some kind, even a window.
Jim wasn’t sure there was one, though, as he finally came to a halt after what might have been closer to three passes around the perimeter. It was hard to tell, but by now, he was certain he’d seen that bone formation before.
His chances of getting out started to feel a little more doomed than they had a few minutes ago, but he refused to give up hope.
Hadn’t they also thought there was no way out of Merlin’s tomb?
They’d found an exit then; he’d find an exit, now.
Having a wise, old wizard’s help would be nice, though, he had to admit. No matter how angry he was at Merlin, he’d take anything the guy could offer him right now, over… this.
This, which was…
He sighed. Not even the Darklands had been this bad.
The bodies were everywhere, and… it was getting hard to ignore—the pull in his chest toward the center of the room. It was getting hard to ignore.
It had been just a little stirring at first, nothing he’d even paid attention to.
Now, it was a desperate longing, an inflamed tug in his sternum, straining against his will, begging him to go and look. Go and see what was there.
It was waiting, just for him.
Somehow, though, as surely as he could feel that pull, he could also feel a draining, parasitic dread, which wormed nauseatingly in his already twisting stomach.
Swallowing in anticipation, he decided to take the risk. The pull was bordering on painful, and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get out of here without it crumbling his resolve.
Stepping over spongey flesh and brittle tendons, Jim approached the center of the grave, anxiety rising.
As the thing in the center emerged, Jim knew in a crushing heartbeat, like a blow to the lungs, that he’d been right to dread what was there.
His eyes teared again, but this time, it wasn’t from the fumes of death, but from the visage of it.
Draal, with his arms folded over his chest, and a peaceful expression on his face, stood squarely in the center of the room—and it shattered Jim to see.
He felt cleaved down the middle, as his knees fell with a wet squelch into something meaty and writhing. Not that he even noticed.
His hands grazed the stone as Daylight clattered to the dirty floor, abandoned.
“Draal…” Jim wheezed, voice empty and hollow, “Draal, I’m so sor—” He hiccuped, “I’m so sorry.”
Repeating it over and over again, a desperate prayer, Jim sobbed into the decay beneath his friend’s feet, hands becoming fists against the statue’s knees.
No hand was lowered to grip the back of his head and tell him that it was okay. No wry smile emerged to remind him not to make it weird. No warm, gravelly chuckle sounded, to reassure him that he was alive.
The floor collapsed.
Jim’s vision whited out, for just a moment, and when he came to, he was falling.
Tumbling through the sea of remains and death, Jim watched Draal’s statue plummet in front of him, just out of his arm’s reach.
Setting his jaw, Jim swore that he wouldn’t let Draal’s body break again. He deserved a proper rest, a proper memorial, in the hero’s forge with the rest of the Trollhunters—he didn’t care of Draal technically wasn’t one to the spirits—he was a Trollhunter to Jim, and Jim was—
Jim was—
…Jim was—…
Jim was nothing, anymore.
He wasn’t the Trollhunter, anymore.
The amulet at his chest spun its hands wildly, as if it, too, had remembered. Snapping off of him, it hovered in front of Jim’s face, spiraling in the air before him, falling down, down… and then it burst, into a powder that flooded Jim’s mouth with chunks of hardened marrow and clots of blood, thick and bitter.
He coughed, swallowed, and then squinted through the dust, at Draal’s still peaceful form. He had to grab it.
It didn’t look right, to see it at such odds with the rain of death matter around them.
Tucking his arms against his sides, Jim kicked with his feet, going for Draal.
Speeding too hard, too fast, he slammed into his friend, scraping his arms to hell, but—but it didn’t matter. He’d caught him.
He’d caught him.
Jim clung to the statue, wrapping his arms around its neck, holding it to his chest, as they descended lower.
Tucking his head into Draal’s shoulder, he couldn’t see the ground coming.
Squeezing his eyes shut, he couldn’t brace for impact.
When he hit whatever barrier was at the bottom of this pit, whatever it called a floor, his eyes flew open, huge and round, as he felt Draal crumble in his arms, and then—his own arms followed suit, splintering into rough, rocky sediment, along with his chest, his heart, his teeth, his hands.
He laid in pieces on the floor, struggling to turn his head to look at Draal’s face, which had chunked off and cracked down the middle, marring the smile he’d previously been wearing. He looked like he was grimacing now, in pain, furious.
…Jim’s eyes grated shut.
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