#savage opress x reader fluff
Another Life
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Perhaps parts of us die, but revival is all the more fulfilling for it.
A shape bounded across the crags in superhuman leaps. His roar startled the local wildlife out of their hiding places. Pants for air mingled with the early morning mist. It was brisk out, as chilling as his aura. The minimal light brought to bear hints of his rigidity in feature. His eyes burned with the hue of all the suns that had never smiled on him.
He was hated.
He was feared.
In trying to take a step forward, his body locked. Savage, after 5 hours of training (or rather, trying to pound the ghosts in his mind with his fists), had reached his limit. His legs buckled. Now on the ground and slumped against a tree, he stared at bloodied hands.
He was nauseated.
Just as that very first day under Count Dookou, he felt his frame crumble. Without the resentment driving him forward, he was no longer sure why he trained. Still moving in that way without the purpose behind it was to live as the undead.
His breath condensed, translucent tendrils rising and becoming lost among an invisible, infinite sea of particles. The world had a lighter tint, blue-grey and so very cold. The silhouette of the forest canopy drifted slightly in the breeze. The damp of the forest floor reached under his skin.
...but for the wind rustling the leaves...
...and the occasional caw among the trees....
The rage faded to a soul-sucking numbness. He would end things for the moment.
To hands and knees. Then he staggered to his feet, and took a deep breath. One foot at a time.
His body grudgingly obeyed.
Another breath, another step.
Boots dragged, heaved, stumbled past tree trunks, logs and scampering creatures, past wide-eyed faces to a little hut at the edge of the town. His fingers fumbled around the door's handle and guided it open.
The scent of caf and roasting meat permeated his senses. The hissing of the Dark Side, the biting air and the lingering resentment had no place within those walls. That old, painful skin they formed around his being began to slip. A breath left his lungs, and he stepped beyond the threshold.
Warmth. Quiet. Darker than the outside.
You moved about at the dining table, wearing an apron while setting the table. From the moment you looked up, you could guess at what kind of morning it had been. He still looked a little wild. You kept your voice low for a soothing effect.
"Take a shower, and we'll have breakfast, ok?"
You were not a threat. You weren't ordering him. Crossing the room in three strides, he stood behind and embraced you, the pads of his fingers pressing into your waist.
"Thank you."
He nuzzled your neck to remember your scent. Citrus, muted with something mild and fresh. You were soft. The arm reaching up to caress his jaw reminded him you were kind. His pulses, finally, slowed down. You wouldn't hurt him. You never did.
"Thank you." He breathed, a low, continuous rumble starting from his chest.
"Of course, my love. Now you..."
You turned, lifted his face with both hands, and looked into slightly-glazed eyes. "...should go freshen up. I'll be here."
Pecking his lips elicited a small sigh from him. "Promise me."
Longing, a dash of humour, and...fear. You wondered if, sometimes, he felt like he was walking in a dream.
"I promise."
After a few more moments, he left for his quarters. The hot water soaked him and refreshed his body. His mind could wander to lighter things. He remembered spending hours inside the fresher when he'd first arrived, in shock that he could just...stand there without urgency- and that he could be truly clean. Flying around the galaxy did not afford such pleasures.
After he dried himself and changed, he joined you in the dining room. As you said you would, you'd laid food out for you and him. The tension in his body loosened, and he could savour each flavour of the meal. He took the dishes and washed up once the both of you were finished.
His glances outside looked weary. Maybe he'd like something different. "Do you want to stay i-woah!"
You laughed as you found yourself slung over his shoulder and on the way to his room. Unbeknownst to you, a soft smile was dawning on his face at the fact that you weren't resisting.
Laying you on the bed, he rested his face on your stomach and wound his arms around your middle. (He wouldn't confess it, but that was one of the reasons he'd filed his horns low.)
You moved your hands along his shoulders, kneaded his neck, then moved to his upper back. On the golden and inky canvas, scars lurked. Long since having learned their contours, your hand traced gashes, puncture wounds and burns alike
The warmth permeating your little hut had finally found a hold inside him, welcoming him home. Being lulled by your touch, Savage closed his eyes. In this new world- this new life...
He was cuddled.
He was kissed.
He was held.
He was loved.
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averagehorrorgirl · 9 months
Work in progress 💕
Hi and welcome! I do believe I should introduce myself :) So I'm Cass 21 female ace nerd. I've been writing since 6th grade and use it as a form of therapy and healing. I really struggle accepting people actually like my work so I always have drafts ready to be published but I'm my own worst enemy haha. Anyway stay awhile read some of my work and I hope you stick around :)
Request Rules:
- No non-con/dub-con
- No pedophilia
- No incest
Newest: Angel Wings Pt 2
2) I saved your fucking life (soap x reader)
3) Forged in War ( General Grievous x sith reader)
¤ Legend ¤
Fluff: 💫
Smut: 🔥
Angst: 😨
Author favorite: 💕
• Movies/Shows •
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Miles Quaritch:
A Second Chance
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Cooper Howard:
Cowboy Hat Rule
Then Fame and Fortune Never Could Compete
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Zemo x reader:
Angel Wings [pt 1] [pt 2] 💫😨🔥
Blade x reader:
Lost and Found
Gambit x reader:
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Michael Myers:
Bleeding Boogeyman
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Commander Wolfe x Padawan Reader
Captain Rex x Padawan Reader
Darth Maul x reader: Ferocity
Darth Maul x reader: Laced Chains
Dooku x reader
Darth Maul x reader: I was There From the Beginning 😨💫
Savage Opress x reader: Darkness Takes All 😨
Savage Opress x reader
Bounty Hunters:
Cad Bane x Senator reader: I Don't Follow You
Bossk x reader
Boba Fett x fallen Jedi: I Told You [pt 1] [pt 2] 💫😨🔥
Din Djarin x reader: Flinch
Jango Fett x reader + Cad Bane
General Grevious x sith reader: Forged in War 😨💫
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Billy Hargrove:
Dmitri Antonov:
The Enemy
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• Video games •
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Wired Hideaway
I Saved Your Fucking Life 😨💫💕
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Deathslinger (Caleb Quinn):
Just an Old Cowboy
Legion (Frank Morrison):
Picking up the Pieces
Pyramid Head:
Simple Kindness
Pinhead (Elliott Spencer):
Chains That Bind Us
Trickster (Ji-Woon):
I can Treat You Better
Kissed by Fire
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Nate (SS):
Friend's till the End
Mason (Nuka World)
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Joel Miller:
Tommy Miller:
I Gotcha
Long Time No See
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of-stars-and-chaos · 10 months
Welcome to my blog, heathens!
Thought I'd do a proper blog intro, lol. I'll probably edit and add things to this as time goes on.
For starters, this is a strictly 18+ blog, please do not interact if you are a minor!
I write and reblog smut fics mostly about villains and morally grey anti-heroes.
Some of my work features dark themes and the heavier kinks like dub-con/non-con, so if you are uncomfortable with that please do not engage with fics where that is tagged. I'm not only into hardcore stuff though I'm also a sucker for fluff and comfort!
Fandoms I like to write for:
JC Avatar
The Witcher
Star Wars
Rick and Morty
LotR + RoP
Characters I like to write for:
Colonel Miles Quaritch (and the Recoms by extension)
Loki (any kind of Loki, lmao)
Sigma- Sieben De Kuiper
Darth Maul
Savage Opress
Rick Sanchez
Fic Masterlist:
Suppressants (JC Avatar | Quaritch, Lyle, Mansk, Zhang x fem Recom character/reader | NSFW) part 1 part 2
Lamb (Marvel | King Loki x reader | NSFW)
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subbing-for-clones · 4 years
Stranded Part 2
Savage Opress x Reader
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Word Count: 2.7k
WARNINGS: Mentions of death and decomposition, mental illness, fear terror and FLUFF
       Savage's eyes fluttered open to the sun shining brightly through the trans-durasteel panes that decorated the walls seemingly without rhyme or reason. The little one was frying some kind of thin meat strips on the stove and sipping hot caf. Without turning her head, she called over to him.
"How ya feeling?"
"Not great but better."
She turned and strode over to him, still laying down.
"I couldn't do this yesterday but I can today."
"What do you mean..?"
    She placed her hands on his bare broad chest and closed her eyes. A warm tingling sensation wafted over him. It felt like sunshine, utter joy and flying all at once. When she pulled away her eyes were a little fuzzy.
"It takes a lot of energy but you can transfer your life force to something and heal it. I was kinda low yesterday," she turned matter-of-factly back to the stove.
    Savage had only ever had painful experiences when it came to using the force or having it used on him. He hadn't ever thought of it as anything other than a weapon. He wanted to ask about it but shy away from the topic. Instead, he stood and stretched. He didn't have an ounce of pain. This woman who found him once again amazed him.
While the two unlikely pair ate their breakfast, her eyes didn't leave him, slightly squinting.
"You haven't been like this very long?"
"No. I was altered by the witches of my home world."
"Huh. Did you ask for this?" truly curious she stopped eating.
"No." she cocked a brow at his response, waiting for an elaboration.
"My species is subservient to our women. We live separately and go through deadly trials to be chosen by one for breeding or whatever they want really." He continued eating as the information he provided was simply normal for him.
"Was this..." she waved her hand at his body. "For breeding?" his cheeks slightly tinged in a deeper gold.
"No. I was chosen to act as a weapon for one of the sisters. She abandoned me when I didn't live up to the expectation." the woman noted as his eyes darkened. Wanting to change his mood she lightened up.
"Well, I'm happy you're here Savage. You have much to learn in the ways of the force.. you're strong but your energy is incredibly dark but you... you do not feel that way....." she trailed off in thought and muttered, "certainly an enigma. Very interesting," she tapped her finger against her chin.
    Savage's heart fluttered. He had never received any kind of praise from a female before and he didn't really know how to process it. His flush only deepened when she once again undressed in his line of sight, slipping on a shorter, loose grey dress.
"When you've finished, dress and meet me outside,” she skipped out the door and shouted something unintelligible into the trees.
    Savage silently hoped she wasn't completely insane while he quickly washed the dishes for her. He pulled on his pants and his long black kilt. Remembering that she had cut off his shirt for a sling he huffed and left the tattered remnant. When he came out, he saw what could've been a scene in a holovid. She stood with under a ray of sunlight, skin shimmering in the glow with a bright smile gracing her face. Her hands were pressed to the forehead of a green Varactyl while a dozen small song birds of every color fluttered around her.
"I think I should call you 'princess,'" he stepped forward cautiously.
She giggled melodiously.
"Mira here won't hurt you I promise. You think I look like a princess?" she flushed and batted her eyelashes.
"More than anyone else I've ever seen."
She extended her hand out to Savage.
"Come here," she cooed. He slowly made his way to her and took her hand. It was soft and warm, she held it for just a moment, running her thumb over his knuckles.
"Do not be afraid. Mira is a friend," she placed his hand where hers was just a minute ago on the Varactyl's head.
"Close your eyes and reach out to her with the force. Gently."
    He stood there for a minute before he felt anything. All of a sudden it felt like wind was rushing around him. He could see trees flying past him and a breeze danced against his skin. He leapt from trees, gliding through the air.
    She watched with satisfaction as his and Mira's eyes were closed and their breathing synced slowly. She felt their signatures meld for a moment. Savage pulled his hand away and looked at her wide eyed but grinning. Mira chirped happily beside him.
"Good, you made the connection. Rather quickly I might add. Mira is a receptive one. Very friendly. She's been with me a couple years now."
"I...I felt what she feels when she hunts," he was smiling at the creature fondly.
"Yes, that seems to be a favorite time for her."
"That felt much different than any other time I've used the force.... was that the light side?"
"I'm sure the Jedi would say yes but I am no Jedi. I don't see the force as light or dark."
Savage looked confused. Everyone called the force light or dark. The woman continued,
"Take a knife for example. In the wrong hands... a knife can take an innocent life, used to rob someone or threaten them other ways. However, in the 'right' hands it can be used as a medical instrument, carve wood or simply chop produce. I think of the force in the same way. The intent is what matters to me. Did you want to hurt Mira when you reached out to her?"
"No..no I didn’t," he stammered.
"That’s why it felt different."
    Savage understood what you were saying and turned back to Mira. The animal nudged him gently with her head affectionately.
"Let's go for a ride. I wanna finish stripping the ships you landed on. I haven't been to those ones yet. If you have anything else there, now’s a good time to get it."
    The woman strapped large bags onto the sides of the Varactyl. She hopped up onto Mira's back and once again extended her hand out to Savage. He climbed up and took his seat behind her. When Mira lurched forward, he gripped the woman's waist tightly so he wouldn't fall off and she laughed.
"Hold on tight handsome it's not a long ride but it's a turbulent one."
"A-alright princess."
      The added weight did nothing to slow Mira down. She was light on her feet and graceful. Leaping high into the air and gliding back down into the canopy. Princess whooped and cried out in excitement whereas Savage just held her tighter. His chest swelled with the rush. He was terrified but also having fun. He was a little disappointed when it ended and the ships were in sight. He slid off first and held his hands out for the princess. She beamed down at him and let Savage lift her by her waist with her hands on his shoulders. Her breath hitched when he pulled her down to him to set her on the grass underfoot. Quickly turning away to hide the heat rushing to her face.
"Alright, anything you wanna take, toss it in the bags. I'm gonna look through some of the others.”
    They parted. Savage always traveled light so he didn't have much to take with him. Some extra med gear and clothes, that was it. He hesitated in the cockpit looking down at the talisman that Mother Talzin gave him. It lay in pieces. He exhaled a silent apology, acknowledging that he probably wouldn't find his brother anytime soon. He slipped the pieces gently into his pocket and made his way out. After securing his few belongs in the saddle bag on Mira, he turned around to look for the princess. He could sense her nearby but couldn't see where she was.
He ran back to the hazardous pile of crashed ships.
He sighed relieved when she popped out behind his transport smiling ear to ear. His heart still pounding.
"It’s not huge but there's a Kriffing cargo ship buried under your transport and a fighter. Help me lift them. Cargos are gold mines."
    She stood shoulder to shoulder with him; well, shoulder to rib. Both of their arms were raised. It was shaky at first but they managed to move Savage’s large transport off to the side with the force. The fighter was much easier to shift. She grabbed his wrist and cried out excitedly, pulling him along to the sealed door.
"Could you cut it open with your saber?"
He smiled as she watched him ignite his saber and cut through the thick durasteel.
"Yes! Cutitopencutitopencutitopen!" she chanted excitedly and squealed.
Once he kicked the obstacle out of their way she shrieked and dove practically head first inside. When he entered, he was hit with the heavy scent of death. Four Weequay bodies lay scattered and half rotted around the cargo bay. Savage covered his nose with a disgusted look on his face.
The woman however didn't seem bothered by it as she sifted through the containers.
"This was a pirate ship... I haven't seen many of those," her whole top half was inside a rather large container while she spoke.
"Usually lots of credits, jewelry, spice.... not really useful to us right now but if we ever make it out of here, we'll be rich." He made his way to the sleeping quarters and took the standard med gear and hygiene supplies that was fairly standard to each room.
    When he came out, he found her pleasantly surprised as she held up some lovely dresses in bright colors to her form.
"I think I can tailor these to fit..." more thinking out loud than actually talking to him. She walked deeper, into the cockpit and tried to fire up the engine to no avail. She didn't have hope, it looked like they nose-dived into the ground anyway. She sighed and checked the common area.
    Rations, some cook ware in better shape than hers was, liquor... other odds and ends that would be decently useful. Savage found her holding a Sabacc deck.
"Do you know how to play?" She asked coyly?
"Yeah... some of the other nightbrothers taught me when I was a pup. Do you?" She shook her head.
"Well, I'll show you. We can play together." Her face lit up and something warmed in his chest that he'd never felt before. He pointed his thumb back towards the cargo bay.
"I found something you might be interested in.." she followed him; arms full. He fiddled with a small electronic box and powered it up.
"It won't connect to the net out here but it looks like there are some downloaded holovids,” he turned back to face her. She had dropped everything she was carrying and stared at him in amazement.
"I...I've never seen a holo-player out here before," he smirked.
"Well princess if you can charge it, we can see what's on it."
    The two of them loaded up what they had onto Mira. Princess did a thorough once over of the other ships. Finding a blaster with a decent amount of charges was the second best find next to the holo-player. They found a few sewing kits, more rations and med kits, and some crop seeds which also excited her.
They had ended up spending much longer than she wanted to searching through the wreckage. The sun was starting to set and it was falling fast.
"We need to get going. It gets dangerous at night... things come out.." she shifted uncomfortably on her feet looking up into the trees. Mira let out a quiet warning chirp. Savage lifted her up and put her on the Varactyl's back, climbing up behind her. This time when he held her waist it was more protective.
"I think I can sense them... what are they?"
Mira took off but it was slower, more cautious than when they came here to begin with.
"I don't know.. I've never seen them clearly. I know they have two arms, and three long sharp claws. Their hide is tough and... very rough. No fur.."
    Savage held his saber in one hand, not yet igniting it. He could see in the dark but these creatures still hid. The sky was a deep, dusty blue as dusk swallowed the atmosphere. It felt different at night. Like the air was hungry.
"I will keep you safe," he said as his eyes darted around. Once they broke the tree line it was only a short distance to the cabin. They unhooked the bags from Mira and she dashed behind the house up the barren hills, as far away from the forest as she could get. Savage and princess walked into the house.
"I've never seen them leave the forest. They've never come out of the trees into the clearing so the house and the yard are safe as well as the hot springs and hills behind us. Savage nodded in understanding.
"Stay here," his voice rumbled, "I'll fetch wood for the fire."
    She nodded before he left with his weapon in hand. Princess started putting away their various findings and set some rations out on the table. They were going to have to go hunting again tomorrow. She felt his shift in the force. Fear had a particularly unique wavelength. She took the blaster and right before could get to the door he kicked it open with his arms filled with wood. He hurried inside, dropped the wood and latched the lock. His face was blanched.
"Are you alright?" she asked slowly reaching for him.
"They just stood there. Behind the trees. Watching."
"You have night vision?"
He nodded and looked down at her.
"I... I’ve never seen anything like them. So.. gangly. Tall and.." he shuddered and shook his head, controlling himself. If she lived here for so long it was safe but when he turned back to face her, she had regressed.
"Beasts in the trees....." she still stood but her eyes were blown, her arms crossed over her chest; trembling.
"Beasts in the trees...." she repeated
He quickly gathered her up in his arms and sat on the bed. Her terror radiating off of her. He shushed her softly and rocked gently. With a finger under her chin, he tilted her face up to his.
"Come back to me princess," he whispered soothingly.
"It’s alright, you're safe. I will keep you safe. I've cut down bigger and scarier things in my life. My planet has a rancor infestation. I have you. It's alright," he continued to whisper and hold her until she came down. She splayed her hand on his chest over his hearts. Their strong beat acting as an anchor. She buried her face in his neck. Her breath hot on his skin.
That warm feeling pooled in his chest again. He ran his fingers across her forehead, swishing away the hair that had fallen over it. She finally pulled away to look into his eyes.
"T-thank you Savage... I don't know how much longer I could've lasted alone out here. I feel like I'm breaking as soon as the sun goes down." He thought about his next words carefully as he stroked her cheek.
"My people live in darkness. I have lived with and fought against its terrors all of my life. I swear to you I am strong enough to keep you from harm. Today I found myself... almost glad to have crashed here. Because of you, and what you can show me. But, mostly you princess," his face was hot. She pressed a tender kiss to his cheek.
"We should eat. You especially. I imagine you're starving. The rations aren't bad with the hot sauce I found," she smiled coyly at him.
    They ate in a comfortable silence. This time he watched as she slipped off her dress out of the corner of his eye. A feeling of want tingling under the surface. When they crawled in bed together, she wrapped her leg around him and lay her head on his chest. Listening to his hearts beat while he held her close to him.
She stayed like that all night and for the first time in years, she slept through the night.
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justalittletomato · 2 years
Nee, Tomato-chan...
What about Savages loved one wearing his clothes...
With Maul...awsome but I wonder how Savage would react...only if you feel like it 🥺💛🖤💛🖤
I’m bringing back Angel reader for this! For those new folks Angel reader is a gardener as well as apothecarian. They often give Savage little bouquets of camomile and fresh fruit particularly lemons 🍋 and mangos 🥭 from the gardens.
Oh savage’s love in his clothing? Well for starters they are much much too big. The sleeves might be too long, the size is just too large and it looks almost comical if they are just putting their arms out. But there is not laughter from Savages lips as his love tugs on one of his tunics. Yes too big, one shoulder exposed and much too long.
But….the way the fabric just ends at their mid thigh, a soft curve that his eyes longer on. It suits them.
Many a tunic has found it’s way into his Angel’s wardrobe much preferred over the nightgowns and frills.
Savage’s breath hitches at the sight of his love laying on his bed. Dressed in his tunic and hugging themselves. He had left that tunic there to change and their was his love happily garbed in his clothes.
If he dared he would ask that was all they wore, but alas.
A sight for him alone, his love in his tunics as they await him in their shared bed.
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itsagrimm · 3 years
Darth Maul one shot.
This picture was an inspiration for it so pls leave some love there.
bury me 6 feet deep for the cheesy ending. I deserve it.
Darth Maul x Y/N gender neutral reader without description of appearance during his reign on Mandalore
Later: Savage Opress x Y/N
Summary: You and the snappy crime boss have been friends for a while. You enjoy each other’s company and spend your free time being good ol' meanies together. Savage joins you in a surprising twist.
CN: talk of bad dates and murder, talk of sex and relationship, alcohol consumption
1700 words
The office was empty except for a table in the middle, a few chairs, and a giant window across the large doors. It was a minimal arrangement, and the inattentive visitor would have considered it bare or tasteless. But the inattentive visitor would see the man behind the table as a threat, a monster, a murderer and not the most beautiful and powerful centre of the room.
He looked up from his work. Intelligent eyes met Y/N. Instead of an answer he raised an eyebrow and waited.
"Lord Maul."
He nodded. His power always had to be recognized first. Even by you.
"Y/N. What a surprise. I thought you were busy. Sit down."
You bowed to your lord before taking one of the chairs in front of the desk.
"Yeah... the date didn't go so well."
Maul leant back and casually put one leg on one of the armchairs.
"Oh really? Do tellwhat the man, who will likely have an unfortunate accident now, did?"
You smiled.
"Oh yeah, accidents can be so surprising. It's always so sad when someone dies. Especially when the concerning man had the audacity to only talk about himself during the date. He did not even ask my name. I don't even know why I went outside for that."
Maul grimaced.
"I don't think one accident to this"- he gesticulated into the air before spitting out-" boy will be enough."
"Yeah. But maybe he is not worth it. It takes a lot of work and effort before someone dies. And I actually have other things to do."
The dark sith lord, criminal master mind and successful general rolled his eyes.
"Your reluctance to make your enemies pay always surprises me. You need to put in the work sometimes. It can feel so satisfying to see your enemies bloody and begging before you."
"I know. You are so right. But right now, I just needed to vent. Do you wanna get out of here?"
He looked at the desk. It was full of holopads, data carts and actual paper.
"Yeah. I am done for now. Let's go."
“Why are you always so extra?”, you tried to compliment Maul who was striding through the palace gardens before you.
He did not even flinch before answering.
“You call this extra? I call this a casual. I have not even tried to impress yet.”
You chuckled.
Maul was wearing dark pants made from silken fabric, an equally dark thin coat with leather armoury shoulder pieces and no shirt therefore showing off his muscular chest and his dathomirian tattoos. He looked good and he walked like a man who knew he looked good.
“Alright. Next to you I feel like an ugly Bantha after my horrible date and little time to change.”
He turned around and checked your outfit.
“Yeah, I can see why you feel that way.”
You gasped.
“Maul! Don’t be mean!”
He smiled.
“Come on, that one was just low hanging fruit. And you know, no one can tease my beautiful and extraordinary friends except me. So this little bad date boy’s life is still hanging on a thin thread.”
“Ok. let’s plan his untimely death tomorrow. I need a drink today.”
“Works for me.”
The bar was busy. But the Lord of Mandalore and his company got a table at the more private back of the bar, giving you and Maul the chance to observe and gossip.
“Do you see that man over there?”, he pointed at an armoured warrior at a faraway table, “He looks cute. He would definitely be a better date than your last, at least in the looks department.”
You checked the man. He was chatting with a few other Mandalorians. His armour was of a clean blue colour and it was well kept.
“Meh, that armour is a bit too shiny for someone actually using it. And who goes into a bar while wearing a whole set of an antic armour anyway? No, this gives me show off vibes and I don’t like it.”
Maul shrugged before sipping at his martini.
“You will stay single forever, dear Y/N.”
“What is so bad about that? You are single and appear to be doing perfectly fine.”
“I am the Lord of this dominion. I can do what I want anyway and the words >single< or >in a relationship< cannot not really describe my love life.”
“That’s an awfully complicated way to say you get laid.”
He smirked.
“You can say that.”, he rolled the words of his tongue with particular enjoyment, “But unlike you I am not coming into other people’s offices to lament about bad dates.”
“Just drop the date already and pass me the bottle. I don’t want to talk about the mess that is my love life. How is your life going?”
“Embracing the mess can give you strength. Don’t try to detach yourself from the bad but learn to enjoy it.”
“Is that a Sith thing?”
“Partly. I would consider it a sentient thing. We all are constantly confused, emotional and graving for something. Instead of denying that try to give in and enjoy the chaos. Cheers.”
You clinked your glass filled with fine Mandalorian wine against Mauls martini.
“My life…” he continued, “is alright. I think I can enjoy this. It has been a long time since I felt like I belonged somewhere. And it feels nice to have purpose outside of my own calling. It is nice to know that someone might miss me should I choose to leave Mandalore. My brother likes it here, you are a good friend and reigning Mandalore … and others… is a welcome challenge.”
You smiled.
“I’m glad you feel that way.”
For a few moments both of you stayed silent. You did not know what else to say and Maul was lost in some memories he was not willing to share right now. You two had always worked like that, close and chatty yet respectful and discreet.
“My brother…”, Maul started to talk, “My brother would enjoy this. But I can never convince him to come along.”
“Maybe he does not like loud and busy places. He strikes me as the type who gets stressed out by bars instead of enjoying this.”
“No”, Maul looked into his glass searching for words, “I think Savage would enjoy spending time here with us, with you.”
You starred at Maul.
“What do you mean?”
“I think he likes you. And I think he is shy about it.”
You felt your skin getting hotter.
“You like him too!”, Maul called out his eyes nearly sparkling with excitement.
“No? I will tell him that!”
“You have manoeuvred yourself into a trap.“
“Why are you torturing me? I don’t even know your brother well. He seems nice and-”
“Oh darling, no night brother is niceunless we want or have to.”
Maul, lord of the sith, slayer of jedi, regent of mandalore and matchmaker of his brother’s fate looked at you with an evil delight. Seeing you here, squirming about your feelings and insecurities in regards of his tall and handsome brothers was most likely the after work entertainment he enjoyed the most.
You took a deep breath.
“Ok, my love life is in your hands. I give up. What now, Maul?”
“Your love life was always in my hands.”, He replied patronizingly while starting to type a his personal com.
“Are you sending a com to your brother?”
“No, just sharing a thought with the chancellor. YES of course I am contacting Savage.”
“He will hate it here. I told you. It is loud and busy.”
“Well then then you two better get out of here fast.”
You glared at him.
“You are unsufferable, Maul.”
“And you love me for that.”
You forced a smile.
He basically beamed with delight at your reaction.
“Well, give savage my regards. I got to go.”
“What? Where are you going?”
“I have ruler of mandalore things to do. Much less entertaining things than you and my brother might do tonight.”
“You can’t leave me here. I will die of embarrassment in front of your brother.”
“Then it was nice meeting you. Any wishes for your burial?”
“Maker, you really are-“
“trying to help you embrace the chaos? Yes, I do indeed.”
You were speechless.
The thought of staying and having a kind of forces surprise date with Savage was a good thought but at the same time you felt unprepared and intrusive towards Savage.
“Ah yes, there he is already. Faster than expected.”
Maul waved towards the entrance at the bar.
Savage was standing there.
He was tall and broad as ever. His ocker skin and horns sticking out of the Mandalorian crowd. And his face had the expression of a painfully reserved man.
When he saw Maul, he started moving through the bar.
When he noticed Y/N his expression hardened.
“Good to see you, dear brother. I was a bit careless with my time tonight, so I must leave early. But my dear friend here had a bad day, could use some company and maybe someone to escort them home later, only for safety of course. Would you mind?”
Mauls voice was nonchalant, as if he had no other motives.
But Savage knew his brother too well.
“Is that it, brother?”
“Ah yes, savage! What else do think there is?”
Savage studied Mauls face for a moment before gazing at you like a commander checking a serving soldier for injuries.
“Alright. I will stay.”, he finally said.
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zabrak-show · 3 years
"Forbidden kiss" with Savage. Please? My cowboy lookin ass loves your writing 🤠
here you go, cowboy! 🤠🤠🤠
Savage x gn!reader
Fluff! In which Savage is your bodyguard that you have a crush on
638 words
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Frames of art leaned up against each wall of your living room. You stood in the center of the room, rotating yourself around to get a feel for where you should hang each piece. You tapped your forefinger to your lips,
"hmm, the abstract pieces should be over here, I think."
"mrowl," your pet Loth-Cat responded, nudging his head into your leg before collapsing at your feet with his belly exposed, waiting for pets.
You stooped down to pet his soft fur, cooing at him as you did so.
The door to the room swung open, and Savage, your loyal bodyguard, rushed towards you in a panic-like frenzy.
"What are you doing? Are you busy? You have to come here! You must see it! Come Now!" He grabbed your hand, practically dragged you out of the room, and continued down the hallway.
"Savage! What in the Force is going on? Is everything ok?" you almost had to run to keep up with his giant steps.
"It's fine, it's fine. Hurry! Hurry!"
He led you outside the estate and down a small dirt path that led to the gardens.
"I can't imagine what has gotten into you, Savage," you exclaimed, breathless from the exertion.
Savage stopped as suddenly as he'd started, and you ran into his hardened body face first.
"Ooof! Savage, what is-"
"Ssshhhh," he whispered, holding his finger up to his lips. He pointed down towards a bush of purple and blue flowers. What looked like thousands of tiny glowing bugs flew around the flower beds, in and out of the petals. They flashed soft yellow light as they worked to pollinate.
"Wow, I… I'd never seen so many at once," you stared in awe, eventually stooping down to get a closer look.
Both of you stood staring at the glow bugs' work. The sun warmed your skin, and a gentle breeze kept it calm—a perfect day and moment. Long shadows of yourselves darkened the garden as the sun made its way down.
"Thank you," you looked up to Savage, "for bringing me out here. This is so cool! They are so beautiful."
For a moment, you leaned into him as you watched the glowing bugs dance and fly about. He leaned into it, and you bristled, now aware of what you were doing.
"Sorry, I-" you turned to look up to his face, chiseled features, but soft yellow eyes and eyelashes that touched his face when he blinked. He reached a hand out to caress your face—the warmth emanating from his touch like that of another beam of sunshine on you.
"I don't mind," he responded, softer and gentler than you'd ever heard him speak before.
With you, he was always gentle and kind, but it was different somehow this time. It felt like all the glow bugs had swarmed inside your stomach and were flapping around wild and carefree.
You'd be a fool not to admit you'd had your fair share of romantic feelings towards the Nightbrother. He was your bodyguard. Your family's employee, meant to protect you from intruders and enemies. Not to share romantic moments, nor soft touches of skin at dusk, nor smiles that meant more than polite niceties. Certainly not daydream so hard about what his lips must feel like against your own, what he could taste like.
"I'm…" you struggled with words, what to say, his hand still holding your cheek, you never wanted it to end.
"What is it?" he asked, his brows arched in worry.
"I want to kiss you," you whispered, barely audible. Blood rushed to your cheeks. You felt hot all over and like you might faint from having uttered such nonsense.
Savage leaned down to your level, whispered in your ear, "Well, do it then."
Dathomir Character taglist (message me to be added or removed)
@lestrange2703 @mock-ing-bird_ing_bird @maulieber @botherbother-blog @emissarydecksetter @wolfpack-arts-industries99 @a-dorin @spookiifi
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savagesbonergarage · 4 years
hi hey there hello do you maybe have any thoughts on first kisses with the opress brothers 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
You bet I do!
I'm gonna make this in three parts, so here's Maul's first, then I'll post Savage's and Feral's separately. :)
"First Kiss"
It happens during training.
Teräs Käsi was created to combat the Jedi, and therefore utilizes a full-body fighting style, complete with weapons and really whatever else happens to be on hand. It's aggressive, it's ruthless, and it embodies Maul's attitude toward life in general. Nothing is off-limits, everything is a weapon, and whenever there's an opening, it's taken advantage of.
He never used his lightsaber with you, however, and it was clear he was holding back at least slightly. While you were far from facing him at full strength, it still irked you a bit that he wasn't giving you more of a challenge.
"I'm ready to take on more, Master," you stated confidently.
Maul raised his brow with an air of amusement, allowing himself a slight smirk at your words as he paced around in a half-circle in tandem with you.
"Is that so? Are you confident you can subdue me in a way I haven't predicted? I have already foreseen your failure, apprentice."
You wanted to scoff, but instead you took a battle-ready stance and watched intently as your Master did the same, a gleam of anticipation in his eye. It was the expression he always gave when he looked forward to 'teaching you a lesson', ever so smug at the prospect of defeating you. However, you were determined to turn the tables this time around.
The two of you lunged at each other in a flurry of kicks, blows, twists, and jumps, managing to remain in an even draw with one another until Maul eventually found an opening and had you pinned roughly to the ground, his superior strength beginning to overtake you as your interlocked hands pushed against one another's arms in the fight for dominance. Your faces were already only inches apart, so you made the executive decision to take advantage of the opportunity you were given.
His breath hitched when you closed the space between you, surprised at your action as well as your inaction as you allowed your body to relax while you captured his lips with your own. You moaned into his mouth a little as you lightly grazed your teeth against the tattoos on his bottom lip, and that moment's hesitation from him as his eyes widened was all you needed.
Without warning, you flipped him over so that you literally came out on top, pressing his arms down into the dirt as you straddled him and chuckled quietly at the sight that signaled your victory.
"Your foresight is misconstrued, Master," you explained complacently as you continued to hold him in place. He didn't attempt to throw you off, or even tense up in the slightest. Initially you could see his embarrassment, however that faded into something else entirely the longer you remained in that position.
"You've learned well, my apprentice..." he began, the crimson of his skin aiding to hide the flush of his face, though the same couldn't be said for you. You wondered if the beating of his hearts was from the adrenaline of the fight or from the passion of your kiss as yours was, and luckily you received your answer with his following instruction. "Demonstrate for me again this...technique."
So, you did.
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a-dorin · 4 years
a king and his queen
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pairing: maul x female!reader 
word count: 568
warnings: cursing, a threat is tossed around, allusions to sex 
a/n: hellooooo! i feel like it’s been too long since i’ve written for my favorite nightbrothers! but i hope you guys like this one, as i love my two zabraki bbs! also, i love you too anon! enjoy :))
prompt: “I’d like to request Maul showing the reader off to death watch and introducing her as his mate, also Savage acting almost as a body guard for her. Thank you! I love you!”
“and you expect me to listen to her?” bo katan snorted, her fiery ginger hair bobbing as she rolled her eyes, “pre, this is ridiculous.”
“i am afraid that we have no choice,” pre muttered, his gaze flickering to a pair of zabraki, “maul is the ruler of mandalore. we must treat his mate with the same respect.”
“do we have an issue?” a crimson zabrak rumbled, his head cocked, “i will not hesitate to eliminate those we oppose me.”
“i can handle it brother,” a golden zabrak growled, his hand hovering over the gleaming hilt of a saber. 
“he does not need to intervene, maul,” pre vizsla lowered his head, “my comrade here is acting out of line.”
“that does not surprise me,” maul lifted a hand, “savage, there is no need to step in. our little friend here just needs to watch her mouth.”
bo katan huffed, folding her arms across her chest. there was a beat of silence in the vast throne room, the mosaic tiles of duchess satine kryze glittering in the beams of sunlight as it cascaded through the viewports. the air of the space was cold, crackling with tension as members of the death watch milled about, shrouding around the throne. 
maul remained perched in the throne, one knee resting against his chest, a figure resting on the other, curled against him, the elegant black satin gown sweeping against the floor. his brother, savage opress stood poised, eager to spring forward when given the orders. the hilt of a double-bladed saber shone, sparking fear into the hearts of those who faced the throne. 
clearing your throat, you piped up, “miss katan, i am afraid that i have a name.”
a purr vibrated against your shoulder, bubbling up in maul’s chest as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, your eyes hardened into a stony glare, prompting bo to retaliate. 
“i know your name,” bo sneered, “it’s (y/n).”
“how delightful,” maul’s lips curled into a devious smirk, “it pleases me that my obedient servants are learning quickly.”
“are we done here, maul?” pre vizsla coughed, shifting in place. 
“are we?” maul echoed, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple, “i grant you permission to exit the throne room. there are no matters that require further discussion. unless, any of you have queries about my mate?”
not a single word was uttered, the members glancing around uneasily, swallowing lumps in their throats. a gloved hand slithered onto your thigh, squeezing the flesh. 
“very well,” maul tutted, “leave. all of you.”
“even me?” savage inquired, his voice wavering with apprehension. 
maul drew in a sharp breath, “yes, savage. even you.”
“does (y/n) need any of my protection?”
“no,” maul responded coolly, “you may retreat to your quarters.”
“well,” a giggle flowed from your lips, “that was--”
“they will grow used to your presence,” the hand inched upwards, “and if a single soul gives you trouble, i will handle it swiftly. besides, savage will be by your side at all times.”
“that’s quite relieving,” the words crescendo into a gasp as his thumb grazed your clit. 
a satisfied purr erupted from the zabrak’s lips, his incisors flashing, poking against his lower lip. 
“now, as the rightful rulers of mandalore, i feel that we should take advantage of our throne, hmm? after all, my queen needs her king to fulfill any and all of her desires.”
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Colours (Savage Opress X Reader)
Their colours change as he spends more time with you. He changes as he spends more time with you. (Cross-posted on AO3)
When you found him at a wreckage site on Phu, his burning eyes and scowl told you he wasn’t the friendliest being. While he was passed out, you tried going through what was left of his flight log. The only pattern was that there was no pattern…
“Listen. Either you come with me, or whoever you’re avoiding catches up. And between and me, you don’t look ready for what they could be packing.”
A nod.
You’d bluffed well, and for your reward, were now the caretaker of a raging Zabrak male. His name (which you found out when he just about screamed it at you during a rant) made sense. Savage Opress. Any conversation you tried to have was shut down either with silence or a snarl.
He would stare daggers into your back while you worked. You couldn’t help the way your palms broke out into sweats. Things were getting out of control when you realized you could barely even pilot your own ship with him nearby. It was just…overwhelming. You’d thought it over and had decided that it would really be better if you both went your separate ways. At least, that was the original plan.
A bone-chilling scream echoed through the rooms. You jumped out of your cot, knocking your head against the wall in your wild twisting. Swearing, you doubled over and stayed put until you could stop seeing stars. But the screams weren’t letting up. Every urge in your body was telling you to get back to bed, huddle up and forget you heard anything. This was too much for you- how could you help? His health was none of your concern. Nothing would save him from whatever demons were-
“Hey! Wake up!”
You didn’t quite know how you’d gotten there so quickly, but you dismissed it. His eyes snapped open, and immediately the pupils narrowed. Sitting up from the floor where he’d been thrashing, he slumped. You realized your hands had found their way to his shoulders.
“Bad dream?”
He rose and silently sat cross-legged in another corner. Whatever he was running from, it haunted him. In such a state, you didn’t have the heart to leave him alone.
“I can’t afford any parts for this ship, got that? So, you better stop denting my floors.”
Still nothing. You huffed, returning to your room. Cargo deliveries  had just gotten a little more complicated.
If there was one thing that was certain about your fellow traveller- he knew his way around combat. He’d slash his way through opponents with speed and brutality that made you shiver. The problem of running into a couple of goons was often resolved in seven seconds- maximum. But for the bigger fights (like intercepts by rivals of your clients), he’d put himself in serious danger, and sometimes narrowly miss death.
In the dim light of the medical room, his eyes were flat and dark after times like those. Half-closed, and drifting in and out of awareness, they seemed almost lifeless. Only the slight rise and fall of his chest showed he lived. You tried to be gentler with him, asking how he felt after he’d fully awakened.
“I live.”
“How about I help out a bit? I know a couple older tricks.”
“I will tend myself.”
“You pass out halfway through it.”
Another stare, so you continued. “That won’t help. I’ll do it, so you get back into fighting form quicker.”
He didn’t object- either to you patching him up, or to you rubbing some cream in so slightly older injuries healed better. After one such session, you saw him looking at you.
“You cannot feel the Force.”
“Nope. Why?”
He couldn’t answer that. There was just…he wasn’t sure what to call it. The Dark Side only offered anger to suppress the pain for a while. There would be no true healing for him. But this...what he felt around you... was not unfavourable.
His skin was soothed with the creams. He slept more deeply with the scent of herbal oils lingering in the room. Savage found himself stretching his limits, battering his body to be melded together again under your touch. Something prevented him from drawing on the full depth of his anger. So, he avoided meditation altogether. It had always been a waste of time better spent in combat.
“I swear- it’s like you want to get killed.” You griped, working some ointment into his lower back after a more serious run-in.
“It would not be something I avoided.”
He regretted speaking, as his words caused your hands to still.
“Savage? You…”
“I am tired.”
“You…I…Savage. You’re…”
The Force within you reached out to him, begging in ways words could not articulate to not say that. It stretched to someplace within his hearts, hurting for him. What…was this? Turning to look at you, he tried deciphering your intent, but found nothing that the Force had not revealed. A little tremulously, you laid a hand on his chest.
“I’m really sorry.”
And, if he were almost any other being, Savage Opress would have broken down into tears. As it was, he simply closed his eyes.
Once he noticed, it was impossible to ignore it. He liked that little path in the Force that bent around the shape of your being. It reached out to him- like what he’d imagine a loth-cat’s tail would be like wrapped around his soul. Not the insidious coaxing of Mother Talzin, or the durasteel-cold of Count Dookoo. And not the white-hot mass of rage that had pulsed from his brother. It was quieter. He could feel the fear that most beings did around him, but something just under that drew him in. He stayed with you more to sense it.
You noticed his thoughtful silence. Maybe some air would do him good. “Would you like to come to the markets with me?”
A silent stare. Not pointed, but not exactly welcoming either. He did, however, nod after a bit. After that first trip, he made it a habit- standing as soon as he saw you with your bags. He’d lift things too heavy for you and offer protection. Well, “offer” wasn’t quite the word. It was more that he’d stay at your side and chillingly glare at anyone who stared at you for more than 3 seconds. During one such trip, you saw a parent walking with their child. 
“Ever thought about it?” You cocked your head in their direction. He looked up at the sky, eyes less harsh than they used to be, but distant. Something…heavy came over him.
“I kill.”
“You killed. You can stop.”
His head darted down to you, expression asking.
I can?
He seemed surprised that he could be anything besides a monster. That left you with food for thought once you re-boarded.
After another unsuccessful meditation upon leaving your side, Savage stood. He looked to the corner of his area, where you’d left a costly lotion. What little rage he had mustered faded away, bringing clarity. It wasn’t that he’d been prevented from using his anger. It was that there was less anger in him to be used. Should he be worried about that?
He'd ignore it. He’d only wanted to be strong enough to fight alongside his brother. Dark power meant nothing if it could not bring him back. In any case, he felt too tired to tread that path any longer. There was another he wanted to wander down.
You worked around and with each other, settling into a routine over time. Savage served as your very-effective bodyguard and co-pilot, working the guns as needed. Your financial situation stabilized, and improved. So, it was time for a little treat.
“Ta-da!” You walked in with two boxes. “Gotcha some stuffed puffer pig.”
You sat in the opposite seat of the cockpit, passing him his food. If you hadn’t been so busy enjoying your algae crisps, you may have caught the surprise on his face, that melted into satisfaction as he ate with you.
As you took his box from him to throw it away, your shoulder brushed against his. A pleasant thrill caught him off-guard. He must have reacted outwardly, because you glanced at him.
“Everything ok?”
Catching your free hand, he guided it to his chest. Another floaty feeling. He leaned in and manoeuvred himself until you were nestled against his chest the way he’d seen others do. Unease, worry that you would break away. But despite that, every cell within him sang.  
“You could have just asked, Savage.”
And when you tightened the embrace, he became convinced there was power in you that the Jedi and Sith could only dream of. Something that somehow both weakened him and eased the tension from his body. You couldn’t respond to any of his questions when he asked, and he could tell you were being truthful about your lack of Force-sensitivity. He let it drop, content to experience the effect you had on him.
Sometimes you’d brush fingertips. Other times, his hand fit itself in the small of your back. Others, he’d simply stand behind you, fascinated by the soft curves of your body against himself. You’d glance back, and…was that a smile on his face when you teased him? Even the way he moved was shifting. His predator’s stalk was slowing- stretching into a smooth, easy stride that often directed towards you. Something fond peeked through his once-impassive stare.
Once, as you sat in the cabin, he took one of your hands to the base of one of his horns. Under his guidance, your fingertips rubbed the flesh at the point where they started to jut out. His torso relaxed, and carefully- making a choice and surrendering to a wish- he laid on your thighs. You continued slowly, in awe of what this gesture was doing to him. When he looked at you, his eyes seemed to hold the beginnings of peace. You beamed.
He…could cause happiness? Savage could not for the life of him believe that he was the reason for those looks. He wanted to see them all the time. Was there more he could do? After cycles of deliberation, he approached. He reached forward, forward, but then stopped. Was this a mistake? What if you frowned or glared at him? His hearts squeezed. He couldn’t remember if, before this, his hands had ever trembled.
You took them halfway. Thumbs slid along bruised and cybernetic knuckles alike. Then, with all the gentleness in the galaxy, you stretched up and kissed his cheek. A gasp, and his eyes widened.
“I’ll take it slow.”
Over time, many more caressed his cheeks, forehead, nose and, eventually, his lips. Every time, he’d close his eyes, letting relief flow through his jaded body. His meditation sessions grew once more, but with the addition of this beautiful creature sound asleep in his lap. He felt himself smile when you were like that. It was no longer the Dark Side that fuelled him.
Days were spent stealing embraces while you worked. Fingers always lingered more than what was strictly necessary. During lazier times, you’d set the ship to autopilot while you relaxed in the cockpit. He’d have you snuggled against him, planting the occasional forehead kiss. And as you responded gently along his neck and shoulders, he’d hold you just a little closer.
Nights were spent on his bed, where scented oils were massaged into his aching muscles. Contented rumbles would fill the ship, and, with either tenderness or near-unbridled passion, he’d kiss every inch of you in gratitude. Instead of nightmares, peaceful blackness waited on him as he closed his eyes.
If there was anything you loved about him, it was how close he kept you. Be it the way his hand always found yours as you walked together, or the way his arms steadied you in your weakest moments. In your current position, his organic arm was wrapped around your torso as you laid on his chest. The cybernetic one had been taken off- something he did only when he was sure he could have a long, peaceful moment with you. And that he’d had- being able to rest after a successful delivery.
Harsh lines made up his face, but with a relaxed expression that softened you. Reaching out, you traced the path of the bridge of his nose, then across to his cheekbones, along his jaw…
His chest vibrated with a hum. You giggled at that, and the corner of his mouth turned up. Savage rolled over to straddle you. The pads of his fingers skimmed your wrist, and he left a tender kiss to your neck. As he pulled back, those eyes finally opened to the colour you saw most in recent times. The colour of the flowers you’d decorated his horns with after you’d raced through a field. That of the bracelets he’d given you as a declaration and a promise. That of the new sunrise of hope in your lives.
Beautiful, burning, heart-melting…
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shimeiro · 4 years
Hero ( Savage Opress x Fem!Reader )
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Savage Opress x Fem!Reader 
( A / n : Okay so here's a pretty long fanfic that I wrote in a few days. Savage is really perfect for my size kink so enjoy! ) (( and sorry for the mistakes ))
Warnings : Fluff, Protective!Savage, sexual tension, inappropriate comment and gesture ( not from Savage ), mention of abuse, SIZE KINK OF COURSE, and... SMUT ( so +18 ), large and tattooed cock, Oral ( f ), unprotected sex, explicit sexual content.
Words : 6582 ( oh god )
Savage Opress is a Zabrak warrior, tall and also very strong and most of all intimidating, his scowl does not make you want to come and bother him. That's what you told yourself the first time you saw him in a Cantina full of unsavory people, everything about him inspired fear but yet deep down you found him so beautiful, his yellow skin deliciously covered with complex black tattoos, his ivory horns and his eyes, Stars... his eyes.
His beautiful yellow eyes, almost golden, were hypnotizing and you were speechless when he looked into yours eyes, his expression was neutral the first time he saw you, not scornful or anything, just neutral, yet you were just a simple waitress working in a shabby Cantina that mostly took in local criminals but he didn't look at you in a lustful or mean way like most customers here and it was... Nice.
Here you are speechless in front of a huge man with biceps the size of your head, he could easily break your bones if he wanted to, but that's not what makes you forget your words, no, it's his bewitching golden eyes surrounded by red. 
You let out a trembling breath while he observes you without any real emotion, the neutral face of all expressions but his eyes seem to say something completely different, they seem intrigued by your almost angelic form in such a dirty place.
"What do you desire, hum sir? "You finally manage to say after long seconds of fascination, you feel your ears warm when you realize that you have just stared at a customer, you could have been killed for less than that here, you realize that too late.
« I’m… I'm sorry I was just um... I mean-  »
« A glass of water. » He interrupts you with his deep voice before you make an even bigger fool of yourself, and above all he doesn't seem to want to kill you and you sigh with relief inside you.
« Yes, of course, I'll get that for you. »
You quickly run out to get his order so as not to make him wait too long and not to risk upsetting him, or simply to quickly get back to him and hear his intimidating and yet so attractive voice again-...
Kriff, you really need to calm down.
He's just a client, yes he's just a very intriguing and seductive client but... Ok you're hopeless.
You close your eyes for a few moments to come to your senses, it's the first time you've ever reacted like this to someone and it's very strange, your heart is racing and your cheeks are warm and most certainly red.
You open your eyes again and take a look at his table and-
He looks at you, you the poor waitress visibly upset by this tall, very tall Zabrak, your cheeks get even hotter than they already are and then after a moment of hesitation you walk over to his table with a kind little smile on your lips hoping he doesn't think you're crazy or something.
His eyes don't leave your form as you approach him and it's really intimidating, your smile fades a bit, has he understood that you feel a strange fascination/attraction for him? Oh you hope not, it would be so... so embarrassing. 
You finally arrive in front of his table, put his glass in front of him and shyly smile at him. He looks down briefly at the glass filled with water, grabs it with his huge hand that completely encompasses glass and you find it oddly endearing, your hands must surely be tiny against his.
« Thank you. » He says after a few moments, raising his eyes towards you, you repress a shiver when you hear again his strong and deep voice.
« you're welcome- »
« Hey my pretty, brings me my usual order! »
He was Rico, a regular, he's always very interested in you a bit too much but you can't complain, you really need this salary, which is really not much but it's all you can get at the moment.
« Yes, I'll be right there. » The Zabrak looks at you one last time and gives Rico an indescribable look, and you bring his order to the man you unfortunately see often, you force yourself to smile politely but not more so that he doesn't get the wrong idea, but of course, as always, it doesn't stop him from...
Here we go.
This so humiliating slap on your buttocks, as usual, and of course it doesn't seem to shock anyone... You lower your head, ashamed, then you move a few steps away from this disgusting man who is watching you with a lustful look that isn't even hidden.
You then hear heavy footsteps approaching you and Rico, you gently look up and it is the Zabrak that stands in front of you and dominates Rico from its full height, you don't see his expression but it seems frightening enough for Rico to move his chair a few centimeters away. At the same time what sensible person would not move away from this huge man when such a threatening aura emanates from his body.
Wait... Does he really protect you from that old guy who takes a malicious pleasure in embarrassing you every time he comes?
« Hey buddy, is that your girlfriend? I swear I didn't know, she didn't tell me every time I do it... »
 You move a little from the imposing silhouette that protects you to see Rico's panicked face, you would almost laugh at his frightened look if you weren't afraid of the way things are going.
« Because you do that a lot? »His voice has dropped an octave to be more intimidating than it already was and he doesn't reject the assumption that you are his girlfriend, oh Creator the warmth of your cheeks and the tips of your ears because of those simple words is so embarrassing.
Silence has fallen on the Cantina, everyone is staring at the altercation, you are swallowing with difficulty and you are getting a little closer to your savior's back, he seems to feel it, he glances over his shoulder to see your shape curled up next to him, You observe him with big eyes and you feel him relax a little, then he looks back at Rico who opens his mouth and closes it again to try to find out what to answer, but it rather makes him look like a fish out of water.
Not seeing him answer the Zabrak bends down a little and puts his big hand on the table which makes it shake a little on impact and makes Rico shake as well.
« I advise you to leave and never come back, understand 'buddy'? » 
« I- Yeah... Yeah. » 
Rico throws a few credits on the table and then almost runs away and everyone goes back to their occupations, you let out a sigh of relief and your savior turns around to observe you, his threatening aura has now completely disappeared and he seems almost shy now, it's really ... Cute, but of course you'll never tell him.
« Thank you… »
« Savage, Savage Opress. »
« Savage. »
He nodded his head at the mention of his first name and you shyly smiled at him when you told him yours, he slowly repeated it too and it made your heart tremble a little when you heard it.
After that day he often came back to this shabby cantina, sometimes after a long time of absence but he always came back to have a glass of water that he never drank, he became more relaxed and eloquent with each visit and you would find yourself waiting impatiently for his arrival.
But one evening your boss asked you to manage the closing, which you obviously accept because you do it often and it doesn't really bother you to come home late, you don't live very far so you don't risk much in the end, finally even if you always go home apprehensively when night falls because the drunks or shady men who are always trying to approach you are out at that time but you walk fast along the brightest streets and once you get home then you lock yourself in, for safety because your neighborhood is not the safest for a young woman at night, but you have no choice but to keep working even if it means coming home late.
You sigh at the thought and the last customer ends up leaving, you greet him with a polite smile, then you turn off some lights and you approach the door to lock it but a big hand holds it when you are about to push the door, a big hand with yellow skin with tattoos.
You open the door with a little too much haste and you come across a large, slightly curled up figure and you hear a heavy breathing, that's when you see him holding his left side with his other hand.
« Savage you're hurt!? » 
Your worried voice makes him blow with amusement, you learned that it was his way of laughing.
« Maybe slightly. »
« Come quickly inside, I'll see what I can do... »
You catch the hand that doesn't hold his wound and it makes you both freeze for a few seconds, it's the first time you touch each other, his hand is big, rough and very warm, your little fingers can't wrap his hand completely and it makes your heart beat harder in your chest.   
 You look at each other like this for a few seconds hand in hand and then you pull yourself together, pull him inside and make him sit down on a chair, he doesn't whine in pain or anything he keeps his eyes anchored on your little shape, rushing to get the first aid kit.
« You... Can you take your hand off please? »
You see him nodding his head and then he takes his now bloody hand away, you hold your breath for a moment when you see the cut and then you get serious, this is not the time to lose your temper, Savage needs your help.
Savage needs your help...
« Okay... I'm going to have to take your top off so I can clean your wound and see if it's deep or not. » 
You raise your head to see his face, he is neutral as usual and you take this as a chord to continue, you then place hesitant hands on the bottom of his garment and gently lift the fabric, you feel the almost suffocating heat of his body against your palms, and this makes you swallow with difficulty.
After long minutes of struggling to remove the garment without causing your friend Zabrak too much pain, you finally manage to remove it and you now find yourself face to face with the extent of his muscular and tattooed torso, stars you would really like to trace the ink drawings of your finger...
Okay stop.
You take a long breath and get up to pick up wet cloths to clean up all the blood staining her skin, you approach and kneel down again in front of him and this time it is him that you hear blowing and you look up at him and you see pupils more dilated than usual, probably pain. Yeah, pain. 
You clean the cut silently with lots of cloths and when finished, you inspect the wound carefully and you push a sigh of relief, it's not deep and not so extensive it just bled a lot, so you don't have to stitch it up or anything, a simple bacta patch should be enough even if he'll have to watch out for it not to get infected, which you explain to Savage who just nods his head, you didn't hear much of the sound of his voice today.
You carefully place the bacta patch on the wound and gently caress it so that the wound is well impregnated with the product, Savage's breathing is blocked and you look at him worriedly. 
« Does it hurt? »
« Not really. »
He watches you with slightly squinted eyes, his yellow irises shine in the light darkness of the empty room, which gives an atmosphere of semi-darkness that envelops Savage and you, but his gaze makes him look like a predator and yet you are not afraid of him even if he dominates you more from his waist in this position.
« Not... Really? What do you mean ? » You finally ask in an almost inaudible voice. 
« Let's say it doesn't hurt or feel good... It just doesn't do anything to me anymore. » 
You lower your head over the scars that litter the yellow pieces of skin and you can't even imagine all the scars covered with black ink, Savage Opress has obviously not had an easy life and that breaks your heart.
Without thinking you bend down and press a chaste kiss on the patch covered wound, Savage exhales suddenly and then he lets out a hoarse grunt when you look at him after that.
His pupils are really dilated now and you hadn't noticed that he leaned towards you until you felt his warm breath against your face.
« I wouldn't do that if I were you little girl, I'm a monster and I might hurt you. » His voice is low, slightly hoarse and his eyes, Stars his eyes are so sad.
Your eyes widening at his words, is that really what he thinks of him? Is that what others call him? It makes your heart ache so much.
You put your right hand on his cheek and it seems to catch him off guard, but he doesn't back down.
« You're not a Savage monster. »
« How can you be so sure? »
« Because that day when that guy touched me without my consent you intervened, he had done it many times before but nobody had ever intervened Savage, you are the only one who protected me. »
The Zabrak growled at the mention of Rico and then calmed down when you rubbed your thumb against his warm cheek.
« And for that, thank you Savage Opress for being my savior. »
He huffed with amusement at your words but added nothing, instead he came even closer to you and put his forehead against yours, your heart missed a beat at this gesture.
His eyes remain open to observe you with indescribable emotions, you close your eyes and your cheeks get warm and so do the tips of your ears, fortunately it is rather dark because otherwise he would see how red you must be. Then he pronounces your name in a voice so soft that it makes you shiver.
« You deserve to be protected by someone - I mean - I'm not saying you're weak or anything… »
You laugh softly, Savage a strong warrior who loses his words, it is so endearing and it melted your heart of adoration towards this tall man.
You hear his frustration and you decide to open your eyes to see him with an anxious and hesitant look, but he still continues his sentence after a few seconds:
« I would like to be that someone. »
You swear your heart stopped beating for a few moments, and now you don't know what to say.
Seeing your lack of response, a sudden pain passes into his eyes and he slowly moves away from you, he takes your wrist and removes your hand still on his cheek.
He misinterpreted your silence.
« Oh no Savage I- I really wish you were that someone. »
He freezes himself while still holding your wrist in his huge hand, then he analyzes your face for any kind of lie and comes closer to you again when he sees none.
« Leave this planet with me »
He releases your wrist saying these words in a shy voice, you then put your hand back on his cheek and lick your lips which have become dry because of all these emotions, he lowers his gaze to your lips and then he comes back to your eyes and you feel him exhaling for a long time. 
« I’d really like to go with you, but maybe it's a bit ... Fast? »
Savage doesn't say anything he simply looks down, thoughtfully, because he knows deep down inside that you are right, he has lost his temper because of the surplus of unknown emotions.
Your cheeks turn red, again, in on this massive man who has become so vulnerable to you, he lets you touch him and heal him, you suspect that he has never known this kind of affection and that is what makes him so confused now and that pensive pout on his lips really makes you want to kiss him, but he clears his throat and starts to get up.
« Maybe I should leave, you were closing. »
« Oh, um, yes… »
He puts his top back on slowly without your help and you feel a little pinch in your heart at his sudden change of behavior, you would like to stay with him again but he is right: you have to close.
You try to hide your disappointment as best as you can by putting the medical supplies in their place and putting the bloody towels in the sink to start washing them, it might take a while before the pieces of cloth are completely cleared of blood.
« You can go, I'll clean it up. » You tell him from behind the bar and start cleaning the cloths with cold water.
Savage finishes adjusting his top when he turns towards you, his gaze quickly shifts from you to the door, you see him frown, rather his browbones, because he doesn't have eyebrows like everyone else of his kind. After a few moments he comes closer to you again and dominates you with all his height but you find it strangely comforting as when he had protected you from Rico by standing in front of you.
"I'll take you home, it's not safe for you to go home alone at this time. »
"Mmmh I don't live so far away and I wouldn't want to bother you-"
"It doesn't bother me. »
He crosses his arms on his chest and you can see his biceps becoming more imposing under the fabric of his garment, you swallow as you imagine his strong arms holding you against him.
"But Savage... »
"It's non-negotiable, I'll wait for you outside. »
You don't even have the time to say something that he walks out with heavy and confident steps, you smiling slightly then you continue to wash the tea towels as quickly as possible so as not to make him wait too long, you don't want to abuse his kindness.
The night is rather cool and you feel the wind passing through your thin jacket, you shiver and you unconsciously get closer to Savage because a soft warmth radiates from his body even with the layers of clothes that cover his skin, he glances at you while walking near you, after another shiver that crosses your body he places his big arm around your shoulders, it's heavy and as you had noticed: it's very warm.
He brings you closer to his unharmed side and his warmth deliciously envelops you, you still huddle a little bit against him while walking towards your home.
« You're so... Warm, is that normal? »You ask shyly, maybe he has a fever because of his injury? Oh you really hope not.
« Yes, my species has a higher body temperature than yours. »
« Oh, so you don't have a fever, it reassures me. »
« Fever? No I'm fine don't worry little girl. »
"I'm not a little girl - it's you ! you're just ... too tall! »
You feel his shoulders trembling in a silent laughter and that makes you laugh too, he serves you gently against him in a gesture that wants to be playful and it makes you blush slightly, you raise your head to look shyly at his face and to your amazement a small smile stretches his lips, you feel your heart tightening and a soft sensation fills your body.
You don't have time to admire Savage any longer because you find yourself in front of the door of your somewhat dilapidated and not really welcoming building.
"We... We have arrived. »
You reluctantly pull yourself out of the Zabrak's embrace and walk to the front door of the building, he says nothing but you don't hear him move, he must surely be waiting to see that you get home without incident, even you both know that nothing can happen to you from there. But as you turn around to say goodbye you hear yourself instead ask:
« Do you want to go upstairs and get a glass of water? » 
You freeze.
You both know what this phrase means and it is far from innocent. Your cheeks warm up and your hands nervously grip the fabric of your jacket.
« Uh- No... I mean- Yes but- »
« Okay. » 
You freeze a second time and look up at him, his head is bent to the side as he watches you, his golden eyes shine even more than before in the Cantina.
« What? »
He blows with amusement and that relaxes you a little.
« I said : Okay. »
You whisper something, more for yourself than for him and then you turn around to type in the code quickly to unlock the door and then you push the door and signal Savage to come in first, which he does without really judging the state of the building you live in.
After that you lead him to the landing of your apartment and unlock the front door, as before you tell him to go in first as a courtesy and it's quite funny to see him lower his head to be able to enter without banging his forehead against the top of the door frame.
You close the door once you are both inside, you turn on the light as you pass by and let out a trembling breath when you see him in your personal space, he has his back to you and he observes the small objects on a shelf in front of him, your small apartment doesn't really have any decoration because in the end you are there just to sleep so you don't really see the point and you don't really have room for more furniture, your double bed already takes up almost all the space in the piece, a double bed is a luxury you have granted yourself because you like to have space to sleep peacefully.
« I’ll get your drink for you. »
He nods his head as he turns in your direction, while you walk to the "kitchen" which is actually just across the room, you pull a glass out of the cupboard then you look into the small fridge to take the last bottle you have left in the fridge and pour it into the glass, your hands shake a little for no apparent reason -perhaps because of the sexual tension between the two of you-. 
You go back to Savage and hand him the glass you have just filled for him, he takes it and his hands touch yours, his eyes look at you attentively while you stand still in front of him with your head tilted back to look at him as well.
You both know that the glass was a pretext for you to stay together a little longer.
Savage takes a sip of water and then he puts the glass in an empty spot on the shelf hanging on the wall next to him, and your breath is blocked as he brings his body a little closer to yours, the tension between the two of you is palpable and you don't know what to say anymore, words get lost and intertwine in your head.
« Little girl? »
 « ..Yes? »
You see his gaze descend to your lips and you moisten them with your tongue, you hear him blow, then his eyes come back to yours with an undisguised desire.
« I really want to kiss you. »
« Me too... Kriff, me too. »
He pushes a hoarse grunt then he bends down and his lips fall on yours with all the force of repressed desire, you push a light moaning to the soft and warm contact of his lips and you pass your hands on his broad shoulders while putting you on tiptoes then try to deepen this kiss so much awaited.
These strong arms wrap around your waist to press you against his hard and warm chest, his tongue comes close to your lower lip and you open your mouth eagerly, the kiss starts to become intense but you have to withdraw to breathe.
His breathing is fast and his pupils are almost fully dilated with desire, this expression on his face and his slightly swollen lips make him beautiful, it makes you want to engrave this image of him in your mind forever.
You lean back towards his face again but this time to "innocently" nibble his lower lip, a kind of surprised rumbling comes out of his throat and makes you laugh inside, you feel his big hand squeezing your hip.
« You're playing a dangerous game... I don't know if I'm going to be able to control myself if you continue. » His voice is low and hoarse, his shoulders are tense, he's obviously trying to restrain himself from throwing himself at you.
« So don't control yourself Savage. »
Your simple words seem to break something in him, he shudders and then lifts you off the floor as if you weigh nothing at all, you shout, a little surprise and place your arms around his neck to stabilize yourself, he then gently places you on your bed still undone from this morning then he steps back to remove his heavy boots and he also removes your shoes and socks and throws them nonchalantly into a corner of the room.
He then flues on the mattress to come and place himself above you, making the bed squeak under his weight, you hasten to put your hands on the warm skin of his neck and then on the back of his nape to attract him back to you for another kiss to which he responds immediately by leaning against your body, taking care not to put all his weight so as not to crush you.
You let out a little moan when one of his big rough hands passes under the fabric of your top, he caresses your belly tenderly while his lips let go of yours to come and kiss your jaw then the sensitive flesh of your neck, his touch is soft and comforting, it almost makes you forget the heat that accumulates between your legs.
And you are suddenly too hot because of the clothes you are wearing and the higher temperature of the Zabrak against you, so you squirm a little as you try to take off your jacket, you hear Savage giggling quietly and he straightens up to help you remove the annoying pieces of fabric leaving only your underwear. 
He bends back far enough to be able to admire the curves of your half-naked body, he makes an almost animal growl as his golden eyes scan your exposed skin, then you see him move his hips uncomfortably, you look down and-
It looks absolutely huge.
His throbbing erection pressed against the fabric of his pants is already intimidating so you blush when imagining him without -which you might see very soon-, you feel a burning desire accumulating in the bottom of your belly and this moistens your panties by the way, you breathe a panting sigh as you rub your thighs together to try to reduce the pain of desire, it's the first time you've ever felt so excited by someone, he barely touched you but yet here you are as needy as a animal in heat.
Savage freezes, stopping the movements he makes to try to relieve the pressure against his hard limb, he sniffs the air avidly like a wild beast that has felt a wounded prey nearby, a hoarse moan escapes from his throat as his gaze descends on your moving thighs.
« …I feel your excitement. »
You don't have time to respond to his statement that his hands are already on your thighs and he quickly spread them apart, you make a surprised gasp that turns into a moan of pleasure when his face rushes between your legs and he licks a large band on the thin cloth that covers your sex while planting his black look of desire in your eyes that you close when his hot tongue falls hard against your swollen clitoris, you arch your back to the electrifying pleasure it arouses, your hands hasten to grab his horns as he continues his teasing against your panties now completely wet with his saliva and your excitement.
« Please, Savage, take off my... »
He hums with approval still nestled between your legs, then he steps back to remove your panties and your bra which he then throws on the floor and without waiting a second longer he plunges his face between your legs again. His celestial tongue avidly licks your smooth and swollen folds by going up from time to time to tease your clitoris, he closes his eyes to fully enjoy the taste of your excitement while you sigh of pleasure has the exquisite sensation that his mouth gives you and that quickly brings you closer to the edge.
His massive hands squeeze your trembling thighs to hold them in place as he sucks your bundle of nerves hard, you let out a strangled scream as your orgasm hits you violently, your walls tighten around nothing and he continues to suck your clitoris to prolong your pleasure as much as possible and then he licks all the moisture caused by your coming while moaning with happiness as if he finally drank a glass of water after walking all day under Tatooine's crushing suns. He finally backs off when you make a moan of protest as his hot tongue brushes against your hypersensitive clitoris. His lips and chin are covered with your excitement, you make a moaning sound at this sight.
« You have an exquisite taste, I could devour you like this every day sweet little thing. »
« Why not, but before that I need you- please. »
You see him swallowing, his Adam's apple coming up in the process, he quickly wipes his face and then eagerly removes his top without worrying about his recent injury and you are about to tell him to be careful but the words get stuck in your throat when he climbs up to your height to kiss you fervently his tongue hurrying to meet yours and you taste yourself in the kiss, which makes it more exciting in addition to his impressive erection pressing against your thigh.
You run your hand over the warm skin of his torso and then over his well-defined abdominals avoiding the bacta patch you placed on his wound earlier in the evening, Savage shivers with the sensation of your soft little hand touching his skin with such delicacy, the delicacy he has never experienced in his life.
He then exhales noisily against your lips when you finally touch his erection still painfully confined in his pants, his hips instinctively roll against your hand and you begin to make small movements back and forth on his circumference, he seems to lose patience with your deliberately slow strokes but he does nothing to stop you so you take advantage of this to place wet kisses against his cheek, jaw and then his neck that you begin to nibble in a playful way. He clenches his fists against the sheets of your bed, holding back from tearing his pants and penetrating you violently. But he doesn't want to hurt you so he prefers to suffer your sweet torture.
You don't want to make him wait any longer, so you free his cock from his restraints.
He pushes a faint sigh of relief and then he completely removes the tissue of his muscular legs and you widen your eyes comically at the sight of the impressive size of his hard cock also tattooed like the rest of his body - Stars, you can't even imagine the pain of getting tattooed at this sensitive spot -, he must at least be the size of your forearm and also the width, you shudder just by imagining him completely inside you.
He looks at your reaction with half-closed eyes, lust darkening his gaze. But even with his burning desire to fuck you now, he takes the time to ask you in a slightly shy voice:
« Are you sure you want this? »
« Yes I do. »
« Are you really sure? »
Without further ado you grab the base of his hard cock and guide it towards your needy entrance. Savage's grunt echoes against the walls of your apartment, can surely be heard from outside but you don't care, you just want the massive Zabrak deep inside you. He puts his warm hands on your hips and he starts rubbing his head of his cock up and down on your slit, teasing your swollen clitoris as he passes by, making you moan in the process.
He gives you one last look to give you time to stop everything, -which you obviously don't do- and then he starts to penetrate you gently, giving you time to get used to his circumference little by little. You moan in unison as he sinks down to the guard, he is so deep inside you, your sensitive walls stretch to their maximum to accommodate his huge tattooed cock, it's painful yes you don't want to lie, but the desire you feel for him sweeps away all the discomfort. Savage closes its eyes for a few seconds enjoying the sensation of your tight pussy, then he looking at you again and it lowers its gaze to where you are intimately connected.
« You take me so well sweet little girl. » His right hand comes to press gently on the bump of your lower belly that his cock deeply buried in you creates, you both moan again has the sensation.
« You- you can move Savage. »
The hand always on your belly he begins to give small strokes of hips so as not to hurt you, your breath is cut off when he touches a place that makes you see the stars and you grab his broad shoulders.
« Faster - faster! Please… » you managed to say between jerky breaths.
He grunts darkly and clutches your hips strongly to take a faster pace, his blows are deep which makes you moan strongly, completely ecstatic. The wet noises of his skin slamming against yours are so obscene, and Stars you love it. He leans against you, his burning torso flattens against your chest and in his movements his skin rubs your hard nipples. You make a little scream surprised at the new sensation and you feel closer and closer to the end, your walls tighten like a vice around his sex and this makes your companion Zabrak moan, he puts his head in your neck and bites hard the soft flesh, the pain mixed with his cock that quickly sinks into you and his pelvic bone that comes to hit hard against your clitoris full of excitement make you momentarily lose the use of your sight and hearing.
You come harder than ever before and feel your moisture flowing down your inner thighs, your nails dig into Savage's shoulder skin and he shivers, his blows become irregular and you feel his cock throbbing inside you as you gently descend from your state of pure ecstasy.
« I’m near- where... »
    « Inside, don't worry... just fill me up Savage. »
He moans your name with a last blow, sinking deep inside you, then you feel the jets of his warm and thick seed filling you to the brim, you feel so full and satisfied at this moment that you sigh with contentment as you lovingly caress the base of one of the horns behind Savage's head, gently bringing him down from his state too. He nestles his nose in your neck, his sex always buried inside you, not letting a drop of his precious semen escape from your pussy -pure mating instinct-.
« I love you. » Savage's voice is soft against the skin of your neck, your heart is warmed by the words spoken by this man who deserves all the love of the universe. You tenderly caress his neck with a smile, tears of emotion forming in the corners of your eyes.
« I love you too. So much. »
He straightens his head, his golden gaze filled with adoration for you is planted in your watery eyes, he places a large warm and comforting hand against your cheek and then begins to caress it tenderly with his thumb. After a few moments of admiring each other, Savage lowers his face to come connect his lips with yours, kissing you slowly and full of emotion.
After long, tender and loving kisses you feel a wave of fatigue hitting your body and he seems to feel it too so he rolls to the side next to you, taking his cock reluctantly out of the inside of you making his semen flow out of your hole, that makes you shudder, feeling his thick semen flowing along you and then on the sheets already covered with a wet stain caused by your own excitement. Savage gets up then goes into the bathroom, you look at his large muscular and tattooed back as you pass by. You hear the tap water running, then it stop after a few moments and then he comes back with a small wet towel in his right hand.
« Let me clean you up. »
He starts to run the wet towel against your still swollen and a little sticky folds of your fluids, you hum with appreciation to his kind gesture. Your tall Zabrak is actually so caring with you, it makes you fall even more in love with him. After that he carelessly throws the towel on the floor joining your clothes and then lies back in your bed. You approach him to wrap yourself in his warmth to protect you from the cold air that starts to cool the thin layer of sweat on your body caused by your sexual intercourse. He puts his big arm behind your back to draw you even closer to his body, you put your head on his chest and you hear two hearts beating, another peculiarity of his species.
You begin to drowsy to the melody of his hearts beating in his chest, but you hear Savage whispering shyly to you:
« So... you are going to go with me? »
The uncertainty in his voice hurts you, he doesn't want to lose the only being in the universe that has given him affection for the first time in his life. You put a kiss on his chest to reassure her and it seems to relax him a little, but he's still waiting for your answer.
« Of course, how could I live without my hero by my side? »
He puff, while relaxing completely, he caresses your back tenderly when he feels you start to fall asleep, your breathing becoming regular he mumbles to himself:
« Yes, your hero. »
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thecl0wnwars · 4 years
(GN reader x Maul)
anxiety tw
grief/loss tw
brief self harm tw
slight blood tw
ptsd tw
pls read at your own risk, you’re responsible for what media you consume
In honour of my anxiety getting sososo much worse, I present to you: an angsty/fluffy imagine where the reader suffers from anxiety in the months after whilst trying to grapple with a close friends death and Maul comforts them to the best of his abilities, enjoy x
prompts: “you’re not alone. i’m here”, “take a deep breath”, “you don’t have to go through this alone”, “you’re safe”
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“Everyone’s dismissed.” With a wave of his tattooed scarlet and black hand there’s the sound of chairs scraping against the tiled floor and mumbling voices lost on my ringing ears as a mixture of the Shadow Collective and Death Watch members begin to filter out of the meeting room after another long mission debrief. The last of them are rising from the table and as they grow out of earshot I see Maul slump over, façade beginning to slip. He exhales listlessly from his seat at the head of the slab of stone, head tilted in my direction. To his right, my usual seat is empty, and to his left, Savage leans down slightly to talk to him, whispered words not quite reaching my ears from my place at the opposite end of the table. Maul hums in recognition as his brother speaks, but he doesn’t seem to be paying much attention as I feel a pair eyes burning into the side of my face again, piercing me desperately.
I came in late to the meeting, ignoring the pitying looks from those around the table and the unflinching gold of my fiancé’s stare that had, on multiple occasions, broken away from the presentation and crossed the room to me and then to the empty seat on his right with a barely contained anxiety as he spoke throughout the conference, eyes unwavering in their attempt to gain my attention. My mind had been elsewhere though, stare pinned to the table before me as I worked myself through my racing thoughts. Physically, I was in Mandalore, mentally, I was back there.
I flinch at the awful memory, eyelids fluttering shut as scenes of my close friends death just a few months prior begin to play over in my head once more like a film stuck on replay. I should’ve been there, they’re dead because of me.
Inhaling sharply, I desperately try to push back the mental images of them lifeless, desperate to picture them any other way: smiling with their arm slung over my shoulder, sitting opposite me on the bed of their childhood home while we do our homework, laughing till they cried at a silly inside joke of ours, small pudgy fingers clinging to mine on our first day of school: determined to be together forever. So much for ’forever’ I think. It's no use, any memories I have of them are now brutalised. All I can picture is their face in my hands, slick with sweat, a dribble of ruby blood trickling from the corner of their mouth as they use the last of their strength to sputter out half-words I’m still unable to make sense of even now, almost a whole two months after the ordeal. I can still hear them though, crystal clear like they’re here with me now, voice raspy and broken and quickly beginning to blur out the sound of a chair harshly scraping against the marble floor and metal feet clambering against tile. I clench my now clammy hands into fists over the table, fingernails forming half-moon indents into the smooth skin of my palms as I screw my eyes shut and try to mask the memory of my hands covered in their blood - pressing against the gaping wounds in their torso - with the pain of my nails now breaking skin. It’s what I deserve, I think, I couldn’t even save them, couldn’t even hear their last words. My fault, my fault, my fault.
I’m acutely aware of the sound of my heartbeat stuck in my throat, thrumming at too fast a pace against my throbbing chest. I lift my bleeding hands to either side of my face, a gasp leaving my parted lips as I hunch over – curling into myself protectively, ”Not this again,” I whimper aloud. This is my third panic attack since this week, three out of the countless others I’ve endured these past few months. You’d think that would mean that by now I’d be used to it, that I’d be able to control them, but if anything, they’ve just gotten worse and worse.
“My fault, my fault, my fault.”
My eyes spring open at the sound my name being shouted, y/e/c orbs blinking to find the same stone expanse of the table staring back at me, and then a red hand slips into my field of vision, dipping to press against my sternum as it pushes me upright again. Maul.
I’m vaguely aware of my back softly hitting the splat of the chair behind me, eyelids blinking open and closed, and with each flutter releases a trickle a salty tears I hadn’t realised I’d been holding in until now. The conference room is empty, Savage nowhere to be seen, and my chair has been turned to face Maul as his lean figure hunches over in front of me protectively. I begin to relax into my seat once again at his presence, breathing in shaky bursts as I feel his hands slide from my front to my grasp at my still-clenched fists. Warm and steady fingers then begin to work apart my vice-like grip, unravelling my shaking appendages from my battered palms as his patiently flattens each hand and then interlaces them with his own. As he does this, I find myself angling into him, his familiar touch grounding me momentarily. Amongst the havoc of my mind he offers me a temporary calm, a safe haven. I never want him to stop touching me. Lately he’s the only thing keeping my steady when all I want to do is fall apart.
“‘M sorry,” I eventually mumble out, still breathless.
He audibly gulps and then crouches until our faces are level, resting the expanse of his forehead against the clammy skin of my own, humming at me as I shudder and our foreheads clatter together a moment. “Y/N, darling,” his voice is like honey, pleading as his lips press a gentle kiss to the tip my nose. “Take a deep breath,” he continues, his own fanning across my flushed face as he coos at me.
I nod, eyes sliding shut again as I attempt to zero in on his voice, squeezing his hands while I try to replace the feeling of blood and flesh and cavernous wounds I know I can’t mend with the familiar security of my lovers palms. Despite this, more tears begin to helplessly leak from the corners of my eyes, heavy and trailing down my cheeks now like streams of water as a broken sob finds its way up my throat and escapes my parted lips, “I-I can’t stop! I can’t stop seeing them, hearing them. I-” my next words lost as my breath hitches in my throat, aching as I begin to gasp for air that simply evades me once more. Panic sets in again, adrenaline pumping through my veins as the sound of my dead friends last whimpers fills my ears.
I’m brought back only by the sound of Maul’s voice breaking through once again, “I know, I know,” he murmurs down at me, tone pained as he lifts his lips to my forehead and presses an urgent kiss into my heated skin. “I am sorry, my starlight. You do not deserve this pain.”
I choke again, furiously shaking my head. He’s wrong. I do deserve this pain. My closest friend, the person I’ve known all my life, who knows me better than me, is dead. Gone. Forced out of existence. I could’ve stopped it, helped them. I should have. We were supposed to be there for each other. “It hurts.” I gasp, my body trembling as another broken wail leave my lips. I’m there again, my throat tightening as I begin to blur the lines between the sweat from my hands and the blood I spent hours scrubbing off after that mission on that ride back to Mandalore without them.
I barely register his fingers squeezing mine, still clinging to me as he pulls away slightly to look at me again, “Breathe, darling,” he urges, a note of panic in his voice. But it’s like I’ve forgotten how, the air robbed from my lungs for what feels like a eternity, for a moment I’m sure I’ll suffocate and die. Just like them. Dead. Gone. My fault, my fault, my fault-
“Y/N.” My eyes snap open again, chest still heaving as my fiancé’s saffron eyes abruptly replace the images of blood and death. He hadn’t yelled, barely even spoke loud enough to create an echo across the room, its his tone of voice that drags me back to reality again, agonised at the sight of me and full of distress. “I’m here,” he murmurs, “I am here. Let me help you, my love.”
I gulp, eyelids once again falling closed a moment as I work on steadying my rapid breathing, swallowing away the lump in my throat. My heart still thrums persistently in my chest but the pain of suffocation eases as I realise: I’m not dying. All the while, Maul peppers my face with lingering kisses, whispering loving, calming words into my feverish skin.
A long moment passes before I finally open my eyes again, lifting my gaze to see that he’s already watching me, intense stare scanning my face for anymore signs of hysteria and panic. “I’m OK,” I eventually speak, squeezing his fingers reassuringly as I then untangle my hands from his, wiping the sweat from my palms onto the legs of my pants. “I-I’m sorry,” I begin, only to be cut off as he brings his hands to cup either side of my face, calloused skin tenderly stroking away tears and angling my face so we’re eye to eye once more. We lock gazes, his laced with an ever-present concern, a juxtaposition to his calm and grounding expression. “You have nothing to apologise for, you did nothing wrong. It’s not your fault.”
In spite of his confident reassurance I sigh dejectedly, my stare beginning to trail away from him. They should still be here, would still be here, if I had only gotten to them sooner.
“It is not your fault,” he repeats as if reading my mind, this time with more force, calloused thumbs rubbing against my cheeks to regain my attention. “Not your fault. You did everything you could. And it’s hard, I know it’s hard, but you do not have to do this alone. I won’t let you.”
“They should still be here,” I utter at last, voice coarse and raspy with emotion. But they’re not. I exhale shakily, opening my mouth and closing again as words begin fail me. They’ve always been here, it’s always been me and them, and now it’s just me... and Maul. I flicker my gaze back up to him and sigh, melting to putty in his embrace. I’d be a mess without him.
Mumbling another apology that he brushes off, I lift my hands find the back of his neck and pull him into me. Our foreheads gently bump together, eyes slotting closed as my lips find his, my mouth pressing against his own with a feverish want. His kiss is a welcome distraction from the now faint ringing in my ears and my still racing thoughts. I sigh into it, putting all the words that I can’t bring myself to utter and all the feelings I can’t even begin to find the words for into our locked embrace, quickly going dizzy from the lack of oxygen.
He pulls away after a moment longer, both of us pausing to catch our breaths. As I shakily inhale, I lift my eyes to see his are still closed, forehead glued to mine as a temporary calm begins to set in, “I’m here,” he mumbles into the small gap between our lips. “I love you, and I’m here,” he continues his mantra, pulling me into him again. I’m carefully lifted from my spot, cradled into the security of his arms as he takes a seat on the chair I’d just occupied. “You’re safe,” the words flitter from his lips again like a promise, and as I bury my head into the crook of his neck, I think I believe him. For the first time in weeks I know: I don’t need to carry the burden of my loss on my own anymore, I’m safe.
please note that not everyone’s experiences with anxiety and ptsd are the same! the way that i’ve written this imagine is loosely based off of how i’ve experienced some of my panic attacks and ptsd so please refrain from making any shitty comments xxx
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subbing-for-clones · 4 years
Stranded Part 1
Savage Opress x reader
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A/N: Oof I really have a problem cause all I want is to be stranded alone with the big boy himself.
Word Count: 4.1k
Summary: On his way to locate his long-lost brother, Savage’s course gets altered and he is thrown into the unknown. Barely surviving the crash, he finds himself on a deserted planet with a force sensitive woman who somehow managed to thrive here on her own. If they’re going to make it off this strange planet they will have to work together.
WARNINGS: blood, fear, dead body, wounds, mental illness. Probably not how black holes work but idc fight me about it. Alcohol consumption.
       Savage Opress had been traveling the galaxy trying to find his brother Maul. After being betrayed by the nightsister he was meant to serve, Mother Talzin gifted him a necklace that would act as a compass. One that would guide him to his long-lost brother who could teach him to harness this new power he had realized. His 'gift' however appeared to lead him on a never ending, wild goose chase. Glowing and fading seemingly at will. It had been months and although his hope had started to fade, he pressed on without any other option. The Republic, the Separatists and everything in between wanted his head. He missed his way of life before the nightsister had chosen him to act as her tool of vengeance.
    A rumor of Maul being killed on Naboo by a Jedi had reached his ears. Better than anything else he had to go off of he punched the coordinates into his ship's nav computer and made the jump to hyperspace. The way the stars visibly stretched never ceased to amaze him. He watched the blue from the viewport before he nodded off to sleep, unknowingly altering the coordinates when he kicked his boots up onto the dash.
    He awoke hours later to alarms blaring and red lights flashing. Not being an experienced pilot by any means, panic tickled the edges if his mind. He pulled out of hyperspace, hoping there was a nearby planet he could land on. To his horror there wasn't a planet in sight. Rather, an immense blackhole that was slowly pulling small asteroids into its center. Panic now gripped him full force as he tried to get out of the gravitational pull but it was too late. It had him in its clutches and he could do nothing but let it take him.
    He thought of his younger brother in these moments. How the nightsisters had controlled his mind and forced his hand to take Farel's life. Perhaps he deserved this fate. To be swallowed into nothing after crossing the only living thing that had ever truly cared for him. He closed his eyes on the precipice of the abyss and with a single tear for his fallen kin, let the void devour him in his ship.
       He had expected to pass out or die but he never lost conciousness. He had his eyes scrunched for so long but he never stopped hearing the alarms ringing. He dared to open them only to see, well nothing. It was the darkest black he had ever seen. His navigation was almost useless, he had no idea where he was or where he was going but he could tell that he was in fact going forward. He dared to pray that there was another side to this hole and that he could in fact survive. That hope faded when he realized he was out of fuel, powering only life support at this point.
    Much to his surprise the sight before him changed. What started as a pinhole of a darkness that was slightly less bleak grew. It grew until he could see stars again. He was thrown out of his turmoil and launched towards the only planet in sight. From space it was incredibly green, white caps peaked occasionally and bodies of water could be viewed as well. Wherever he was headed seemed to lack vast oceans but rather, large lakes perhaps.
    He realized that without any fuel he would crash. Once he broke the atmosphere, he redirected the last few vapors he had in the tank to his engines and was able to aim the ship towards one of the nearing brown peaks. Hoping to slide down into the jungle. The initial impact knocked the wind out of him but thankfully didn't immediately kill him. His ship slid down the slope at an alarming speed and a dip in the terrain sent him airborne again. The second impact knocked him unconscious.
    He awoke maker knows how many hours later to the chirping of birds. Out of the viewport he could see that several more crashed ships beneath him had possibly broken his fall. Giant trees he had never seen before stretched out in front of him but not so close together that he couldn't see a decent way into the forest. His back must be facing the mountain. The ship was smoking and the hull was smashed beyond repair. For the first time he was grateful he had no fuel so the ship wouldn't explode if a fire spread.
    Blood dripped into his right eye from where he knocked his head and broken a horn. Lacerations of varying depth littered his body. He tried to move and quickly assessed that it was likely one of his ribs was fractured although he couldn't feel it sticking out or in anywhere. Savage attempted to pull himself free and realized his left arm wasn't responding. The worst of all, in his mind, the necklace that Mother Talzin gave him was shattered in his lap.
    He had to get his shoulder back in place and slung. Slowly he stood to his feet and made his way out of the transport, feeling claustrophobic. The moment his boot hit the grass below him he felt so many things through the force. This planet was teeming with life, wild and wavering force signatures surrounded him and stretched out as far as he could sense. One signature was starkly unique to the others he felt and he tensed. It was incredibly light, lighter than anything he had ever felt before. An airy, dreamy aura with sparks that danced through it grew closer. Whatever it was, it was nearing quickly. He force pulled his saber-staff from the ship into his grasp and lit one side, growling ferociously like the wounded animal he was. Whatever it was he felt had stopped in its tracks. He couldn't see anything through the trees and he took a hesitant step forward. Until he heard her.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I'd like to help."
    He couldn't see where the voice was coming from. It was a female. A young woman he would guess. Her voice was gentle and soft but projected well from her hiding place with a kind power behind it.
"Show yourself," he called almost roaring in pain.
"Promise you won't kill me on sight?"
"Are you alone?" his eyes darted around him trying to pinpoint her location.
"Yes... I know you can feel it."
    He could feel it. What he felt through the force, it was only her. He sheathed his saber and showing it over his head, tossed it to the side. Only then did she leap down from the canopy of the forest. If his rib didn’t make it painful to breathe, he would've gasped. Her hair shimmered in the light of the mid-day sun, her eyes glistened brightly with curiosity and breath-taking beauty. He had never seen a woman like her before. Beneath what was once a white cotton dress, now worn and stained, he could see and admire the outline of her body. A slit up the side revealed one of her legs and a knife strapped to her thigh. She had nothing on her feet as she slowly made her way over to him with her hands visible so he knew she wasn't armed.
"Hello. How did you survive the crash? I've never seen anyone else survive the crash."
"I don't know," he squinted his eyes at her wearily. His voice low and deep rumbled when he spoke.
"I can help you with your shoulder. I had some medical training before I crashed here myself."
Knowing he needed help he nodded cautiously. She continued towards him and gently removed his armor. When she took out her knife to cut open his shirt, he took a step back.
"I meant it when I said I wouldn't hurt you,” she hesitated before continuing; never breaking eye contact. Searching for a sign to stop.
    She slowly sliced open his shirt in one smooth motion. She took a second and allowed her eyes to drift over him. His golden skin and distinctive, almost tribal black tattoos. His massive chest, straight jaw and crown of horns. It was the first time in a very long time she had seen a man still breathing let alone of his caliber and tried to hide the heat that rushed to her cheeks.
"Um, I'm sorry but you're very tall. I'm going to need you to sit down, please. So I can reach you."
    He did what she had asked of him, keeping his back straight. With him sitting and her kneeling tall next to him he was still a head taller than she was. She placed her hands on him and asked him to breathe deeply. On the second exhale she slid the shoulder back into place with a loud crunch. He growled not really at her but the situation itself.
She used half of his shirt to make a sling for him and the other to wipe the blood off of his face. She force pulled an empty bag from the tree which surprised him.
"You'll have to clean your wounds so they don't get infected. I have a home near here with cool and hot springs if you'd like to accompany me."
    He knew he wouldn't be able to do much without aggravating his injuries so he reluctantly agreed. Before she led him away, she trotted over to one of the crashed ships off to the side. The pilot was dead and just starting to decompose, she tossed him out of the cockpit using the force and scavenged what lay inside, unphased. Well, she's got the stomach for surviving out here. He thought to himself.
      Now with a full pack she helped him up as best as she could almost collapsing under his weight. He kept a few feet behind her, taking only his saber and a change of clothes from the ship. She led him through the forest for what must have been at least two or three miles.
    A break in the tree line revealed a log cabin with a mossy roof adorning a few solar panels. He had grown accustomed to either adobe or durasteel buildings so this was a bit of a shock to him. Several hot springs steamed behind the cabin and a large pond lay to the front. Creatures that resembled chickens roamed the grasses near the house and what looked like an herb garden on the other side.
    He stopped and took in his surroundings for a moment before he followed her inside. The floor was also wooden, with various animal pelts laid out across the paneling. It was one large room except for what he assumed was a fresher. A large bed lay in one corner, what resembled a small kitchen in the opposite. Crude shelves covered the walls containing various items from dishes to clothing to medgear and a fireplace with a kettle. A small table sat off to the side with a few chairs. That's all she really had. Some things were obviously salvaged from ships like her clothes, the bed and bedding and some of her cookware but most of it looked hand made. It reminded him of his village in a way. They were not an advanced people when it came to luxury living by any means.
    He watched her dump out her bag on the table while he took a seat on the bed. He didn't realize that it was chilly outside until he felt the warmth of the fire that still burned. She was going through the medical supplies she found and sorting it when he finally spoke, still looking around her home.
"How long have you been here? Is there anyone else?"
"I've lost count. Fifteen years, I think? At least twelve. This planet is larger than the one I grew up on so it’s hard to keep long term time. If there is anyone else here, I haven't found them."
"How did you come here?"
She made her way over to him and started cleaning his wounds with the sealed antiseptic cloths.
"Same way as you I imagine. The blackhole. My family was traveling with an outdated navigation system. I guess the route had been changed due to the void but we were unaware. My father died in the crash and my mother died from exposure not long after. I was ten. The only reason I survived was my force sensitivity."
"You've been alone this whole time?"
"Yes... you're the first to survive the ordeal as well.. other than myself."
    This saddened him for a number of reasons. He couldn't imagine being alone for so long, especially for a child to grow up on her own. It also meant that there was little hope for escaping this planet. She bandaged him gently, their bodies in close proximity. Her work was precise but her hands shook slightly.
"You have a rather deep gash on your side, I think I should stitch it if you'll allow it."
"Have you done it before?"
"To myself yes."
    You left and quickly returned to him with the suture kit and some kind of root. She explained that if he chewed it, it would ease the pain so he took it. She knelt down in front of him and began her work as he gnawed on the blue root. It tasted sweet and the effect took hold quickly to his pleasure. She worked diligently and was careful as she could be. Once again, her work was perfect, the stitches were small and tight but her hands still trembled. When she finished her work, she spread some antibacterial salve on him and went to put her gear away in silence.
"Are you alright?" He asked, hesitant but genuinely concerned.
"Yes. I'm sorry, it's just been so long since I talked to someone who could actually respond. So long since I've heard another voice." She tried to laugh it off but her voice shook as much as her hands had.
    So long she had been by herself. To stave away loneliness she had named every one of her chickens and force probed the minds of animals. Even a few times resorted to sitting with the corpses of the people who never survived their crashes. At first, he felt bad that she had been surviving on her own but the true weight of it was sinking into his chest. He could feel her confliction through the force. Although his presence was a relief to her it was incredibly overwhelming. She changed the subject as quickly as she could.
"Is your species carnivorous or omnivorous?"
"Um, I’m a carnivore but I can stomach a little produce."
"I'm glad I went hunting yesterday then."
    She didn't have to go far to reach the kitchen area, maybe fifteen feet. She was silently thanking herself that she opted for a tall ceiling leaving less than a foot of headspace for her unexpected guest. She thought of him jumping and getting his horns stuck and broke out into a series of quiet giggles.
    Savage had an idea of what she found funny because when he stood, he could almost reach the top with his pointed ivory. He watched as she took out a few steaks from the cooler under the counter and potatoes from another cabinet. Lighting a fire in a stove he hadn't noticed he studied her in silence as she chopped various vegetables and pulled dried herbs from where they hung. She had some electricity to power the cooler from the solar panels but most of the light in the home came in through windows or the fire. He did see oil lamps on the shelves and watched as she filled a pot with water. She had plumbing here as well. He was kind of amazed.
"You did all this yourself." It wasn't a question. "You built this home, ran pipes and wires and.. well everything. How did you learn to do all this?" He was truly in awe.
"The house came together fairly quickly. It helped that I didn't have to actually lift the logs," she pulled one of the chairs from the table using the force to make her point. "The plumbing and the solar power, that came much later. Many ship crashes later. I was lucky that a construction contractor transport crashed. He wasn't lucky, but I was. That's where I got most of my materials and he had a few manuals with him," she added the produce to a pot and turned face him, leaning against the counter. He took the chair she had offered at the table.
 "All of this... it's quite impressive. I might actually survive the night if you don't turn me out," he offered her a slight grin which she returned.
"I'm happy to help and have the company."
    She returned to cooking and threw the steaks on a griddle of sorts, instantly filling the home with the rich smell of cooking meat. Savage's mouth watered. Realizing exactly how hungry he was. She finished her work in silence. Turning back to him only when she had full plates.
    The meal was unlike anything he had tasted in his life. Everything was real, no fillers that were often found in city cuisines and richer than anything he had on Dathomir. He rolled his eyes and she laughed.
"I'm glad you like it."
"I do. I never asked you your name. Mine is Savage Opress. I'm a Dathomirian nightbrother."
"It’s nice to meet you." She furrowed her brow realizing she had forgotten something she wanted to remember.
"I'm sorry I wish I had a name to give you but... I don't remember it or where I came from exactly. I remember my family called me 'little one' but... that’s all I remember," this inadvertently broke both of Savage's hearts.
"Can I call you that?"
"Sure. I wouldn't mind. I don't know the name of the planet I came from but I remember it was a desert and small; maybe it was a moon. I do prefer the climate and lushness of this planet. I've never had to worry about food or water."
"I'm not a fan of deserts either. My planet is humid."
"Where were you going when you got lost and fell here?"
"I was trying to find a brother I had never met. I only recently acquired my connection with the force and I was told he could train me."
"Oh, well I'm not sure you will be able to leave anytime soon but if you decide to stay here.. with me anyway.. until we find a way out, I could help you. I've grown quite strong with the force and I'm sure I could aid you."
"You could?" he seemed surprised at her offer but also kind of excited. It seemed the longer he was off the trail Mother Talzin had laid out for him, little pieces of himself were returning.
"Yes I can. Unless you would prefer to fare on your own here. I would understand."
    He shook his head in response. She was already set up, knew how to survive this place. He didn't dislike her company either. She seemed to brighten at the prospect of him staying. When they finished eating, she invited him to get comfortable. A mutual understanding that they would be sharing the bed as there was only one and the idea of sleeping on the floor was awful. She took their plates and grabbed a large jar of dried grains, taking it outside without a word to him. He could hear excited clucking as he stripped down to his knit shorts and tried to get comfortable. It was difficult with his shoulder and fractured rib. He opted to sit up until she returned.
When she did, she grabbed a bottle of brown liquid and took a swig.
"Almost every single ship has liquor on it at least."
   She offered him another blue root and the bottle, both he gladly took. He almost choked when she turned her back to him and slipped out of her dress within his sight. Leaving only a thin tight fabric covering her backside. He wanted to avert his gaze but was intrigued with the various scars that decorated her body. Modesty or self-awareness in front of others were traits she never learned he thought. She pulled on a loose-fitting shirt and took the bottle back from him taking another swill. Snuffing out the stove but refilling the fireplace. The daylight fully extinguished. Only the light belonged to the fire flickering through the room.
    She looked beautiful in this light. She had a graceful wildness about her that Savage admired. Strength in mind and body to accomplish what she had. He could feel it in the force too, her connection to it ran deep.
"Fair warning, it gets cold here at night even though it's technically spring time. It's a long night too." She made her way towards the bed.
"That’s fine. My species has two hearts and a high metabolism so our body temperature is much higher than yours."
    She felt that to be true the moment she crawled in next to him and lay down. She felt the heat radiating off of his skin. Savage scoot down once she was in. She reached a hand out to his chest to feel his dual hearts but hesitated. He saw this and guided her hand on top of his pulse. Her breath hitched. He was so warm and so soft and he really did have two of them.
"Goodnight Savage."
"Goodnight Little One."
      At some point before the sun rose Savage's eyes fluttered open. He didn't feel her in bed anymore but with the home's set up it didn't take long to find her. She was facing the fire whittling a block of wood with the knife he had seen strapped to her leg. She had left him another blue root on a stool beside the bed. Her hands moved quickly and she was muttering rapidly to herself. He could only pick up a few things from what she said.
"I am one with the force the force is with me.... alone but not, accompanied but alone.... the force is with me......not alone..... the beasts in the trees..... he wasn't real...... one with the force....." An occasional giggle escaped her lips, she was gently rocking back and forth while her hands worked.
    He didn't say anything but just watched her. The blanket of night must make it worse, when life on the planet was silent and the air was cold. He wondered how much longer it would've taken for her to become like this all the time if he hadn't shown up. She seemed alright earlier, nervous and jumpy but nothing like this. He uncovered his body and slowly made his way over to her. Sitting beside her with his legs crossed, trying not to touch her so he wouldn't startle her. He just waited for her state to ease.
    Eventually it did, it didn't take too long. She could feel the heat coming off of his skin. He watched her carve the wood into a long beaked bird, its wings outstretched. She tossed it into the fire and turned to face him. His eyes glowed gold against the dark backdrop behind him.
"Are you real or am I really, finally starting to snap? It's bad in the dark.."
    He took her hand and she tensed at his touch. He cautiously guided her into his lap and pressed her ear to his hearts. She could feel them beating like drums under his muscle. He had dealt with various episodes back home. Sometimes the men in his village would snap at the fear of being chosen by one of the nightsisters. Sometimes the women would come to beat them just to remind them of their place in the hierarchy. She melted and was grounded by his pulse.
"I am real. I am here. You’re not hallucinating."
    His chest vibrated when he spoke. His deep vibrato continuing to calm her. When she looked back into his eyes, they were softer. It seemed as though if they were going to make it out of this, they would both need each other.
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justalittletomato · 3 years
Solstice ( Savage x Angel blurb)
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Angel happily spinning about in the garden. Back on their planet there was a large celebration for the occasion with food, a bonfire 🔥 and dancing all about. Their little foundling group is invited to join them for their celebration and of course so is Savage….
They make flower crowns adorned with green and sunflowers…and eat the warm bread and carefully cooked food…Angel teaches the foundlings dances they knew as a child.
Savages watches with a smile until his Angel walks to him with their hand outstretched, “ Now you dance with me…” he takes their hand without question.
“You’ll have to teach me.” He tells them, and so Angel does. Spinning about him and twirling away, returning back to link their arms and around again…
The foundlings giggle and smile at the two and as the sunsets on the longest day depart in thanks…
Savage feels Angel take hold oh his wrist, “ There’s another dance…please dance it with me.”
He would never miss out on the chance, dancing away as the fire crackles and the only light from the fire and the stars of night. Angel in his arms for this dance as they both move slowly and twirl. Hands held tight and faces just a breath apart.
As the moon rises above on the solstice night, Angel and Savage kiss gently as is the tradition…
“One more dance my Angel?”
They smile and peck his lips, “ I’ll dance the night away with you.”
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smokahuntis · 4 years
Pairing: Savage Opress X Reader
Warnings: Blood, Needles, Injury, FLUFF
Summery: as the assistant to Count Dooku, you see Savage Opress often, tending to his wounds is a little bit of a habit.
Authors note: this is the shortest thing I’ve ever written for tumblr, but I just haven’t felt like writing but didn’t want to not do my requests so I am working on those rn.
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(Y/n) was sitting in her room, getting ready to finally lay down after a long day of running errands for Count Dooku. Just as her back met the silk sheets her door swung open revealing a red Zabrak, no... he was yellow, and covered in red.
“Savage?!” She asked sitting up and moving towards him, helping him to sit on her bed, turning the lights on she finally got a better look at him. He was covered, she didn’t even know if some of it was his, one of his horns was even broken and in his hands as he looked at her silently, pain covering his face. “What happened?”
“They came out of nowhere I could... I- ... help me...” he said and she helped him go to her bathroom and sat him down in the counter. she made quick work of removing his robes as she looked at the large gashed and burns over his chest and arms, she let out a small gasp at his condition. (Y/n) nearly ran to grab the first aid. Grabbing the rag from her cabinet she wet it and started cleaning him off, he hissed in pain when she got to close to his wounds but he let her move on.
“Why didn’t you go to the medbay?” She asked as she pulled the Bacta-Shot from her kit.
“I don’t like them...” he grunted before she took his arm to give him the shot, he pulled away quickly. “No bacta-shot!”
“Yes! Look at you you’re hurt Savage!” She explained looking over him before taking his arm again. “Here... hold my hand...”
She didn’t have to tell him twice as he instantly took her hand into his, squeezing it as he felt the needle go into his skin, and a sting filled his veins before she pulled it out and throw it away.
“See that’s not so bad...” she said rubbing the spot on his arm so it didn’t bruise. She slowly pulled her hand away from his as she grabbed her needles and thread. “This however, might hurt...”
he groaned just letting her do it as he felt the cool metal pole threw his skin, it felt like hours but she was quick. Soon she was wrapping him up with bandages. Smoothing her hand over them one last time she looked up at him.
“They should start feeling soon...you’ll be okay...” she whispered and brought her hand up to caress his cheek, causing him to look down at her, a small smile forming on his face as he leaned into her touch. His skin was warm against her hand and she loved it, the room around them was cold so it felt good to feel his warmth.
“You’re cold?” He asked and she shook her head before stuttering a response.
“What, how did you kno-“ before she could finish he stood up taking her into her large arms and caring her to the bed.
“You take care of me, let me take care of you, my sun...” he said kissing her head lightly before laying down with her.
“But your hurt-“
“And I want to hold you... now lay down” he held her tightly to him but not tight enough to hurt him or her. She sighed finally giving in and cuddling closer to him, feeling the warmth of the Zabrak flood threw her as she finally drifted to sleep.
“Thank you, my sun...”
In the morning she woke up first because of her alarm, after all she was still Dooku’s assistant and still had to work. She had almost forgotten about Savage completely until she felt his strong arm pull her closer when she tired to get up.
“Savage?” She asked tiredly as her hand fell on his. He groaned into her ear sending shivers down her spine.
“But count Dooku he-“
“I’m deal with him... just stay with me a little longer...” he kissed her temple and she moved to face him, his eyes opened a little bit to look at her, her small hand coming up to rest on his cheek.
“I don’t want to get in trouble...”
“You won’t, I’ll take the blame, My Sun...” he kissed her forehead. “Go back to sleep.”
“I’ll be here when you wake up I promise...”
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Taglist: @hxldmxdxwn @extraordinarygrrls
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zeenmrala · 2 years
sonnet 29 - savage x gn!reader
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summary: modern au. gn!reader. when savage finishes a late shift at work, he comes home and reads to you, as he usually does - but the content of the text that he chooses tonight resonates with him in a deeply personal and profound way. features sonnet 29 by william shakespeare.  pairing: savage opress x gn!significant other!reader  cw/tw: domestic fluff that snowballs into angst. hurt/comfort. grief, insecurity, envy, mention of manipulation, sickness and abuse. happy ending. word count: 2.2k a/n: thank you candy + kima for beta-reading! this was inspired by prompt 6 of this list: ‘reading to them late into the night.’ this is purely self-indulgent: i love shakespeare and i want savage to read to me. i also hated how savage had no time to acknowledge or process the death of his brother feral, and that we did not get to see the extent of how maul's madness and his mother’s terrible behaviour affected him.
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Sonnet 29 - [Read on AO3]
The weather outside is wet, grey and cold, and peppers your bedroom window with the delicate pitter-patter of rain song. The bare branches of a nearby tree are encouraged closer by a whistling autumnal breeze, and frequently knock against the glass. The howl of said wind is a muted, soothing backdrop to both of those gentle tapping sounds, and the trio of noises are a grounding comfort as you awaken from your dreamless sleep. The flickering glow of candles drapes your bedroom with an incandescent cosiness, the light so pleasant and warm, perfect for your now sensitive, sleepy eyes. You roll over, leaning across the cold and unslept-in side of your double bed to grab and then squint at your phone, which reads 4:13am. Perfect. Savage will be home any moment now, so you won’t bother trying to get back to sleep. You smile softly and sit up with a yawn, stretching your arms out into the cold air, before quickly pulling them back into yourself and the sanctuary of the warm bed with a shiver. You turn onto your side and curl up, nestling beneath the duvet and fluttering closed your tired eyes to rest them as you patiently await the tell-tale squeal of the elevator from down the hall - the sound that will indicate Savage’s imminent arrival.
As if right on cue, you hear the softened screech of the lift, and then the muffled thud of large feet padding closer. The lock of your apartment door then clicks, and you cannot help but grin as you listen to Savage try in vain to be quiet, shuffling around in the small hallway in the darkness, no doubt knocking his horns into the lampshade that hangs from the ceiling. Being as large as he is, Savage still struggles with residing in a building that wasn’t designed for someone of his size, which, though frustrating for him, is endlessly endearing to you. You quickly decide to let him know that you’re awake before he breaks anything in his attempts to prevent rousing you. “Savage,” you call out, your words laced with sleep. “I’m awake.”
He turns on the light in the hallway then, and makes his way to the bedroom. “What are you still doing up?” he asks softly as he appears in the doorway, ducking beneath it to enter the room. He steps closer and drops his keys to the bedside table, and leans down for a kiss. As you peck his lips, you notice that his yellow skin is cold from the weather, and raindrops linger on his tattooed cheeks. He smells like the nightclub he works for, that cheap booze mixed with the ashy remnants of other people’s cigarette smoke - but beneath that there is still the intoxicating goodness of his natural scent, a musky richness that never fails to make your head spin. 
“I was just so excited for you to come home,” you whisper against him. 
His lips curve into a muted, amused smile and with a final kiss, he then pulls away to the wardrobe. He shrugs off his jacket which is damp from the rain, then grabs a hanger. It’s a black double-breasted topcoat that was tailor made to fit his unique large frame, and you always think that it makes him look so smart and stylish. “Tea?” he asks as he hangs it up. You cannot help but grin at his offer, knowing that he is once again beginning the early-morning ritual you always share when he works late.
“Chamomile please,” you respond.
“Of course,” he says softly. “So how was work?” you ask, sitting up again, rubbing your groggy eyes as he makes his way from the bedroom to the kitchen.
“Fine,” he replies back, but you notice that his tone is slightly dejected. You hear him fill the kettle with water and switch it on. Then he pokes his horned-head around the doorway to say, “But all the better now it’s over, and I have come back home to you.”
You smile at that comment, but before you can reply he has disappeared again. You can hear the sound of him traversing the tiny kitchen, cupboards opening and closing, clinking mugs and teaspoons, the bubbling rattle of the kettle. Then he returns - two cups of steaming tea in his grasp, one in each hand: he makes them look like shot glasses with how large his fingers are. He passes you your tea, and you gratefully accept, holding the cup in both of your hands, pleased for the warmth that it emits.
“No sugar,” he states. “And in the cup with the smiling little tooka on it.” 
“Just how I like it,” you reply with a soft giggle. “Thank you, love.”
Savage smiles at your gratitude and places his mug on the table, then kicks off his shoes. You watch him closely, noting how much you like his work attire on him, how sharp and dapper he looks: he wears all black, a crisp shirt that, as most of his clothes do, appears the slightest bit too small for him. No tie tonight, a leather belt with a simple silver buckle, and fitted trousers that show off the shape of his thick legs wonderfully. It’s been a while since you’ve seen him wear his work clothes, what with him having time off due to the events of the past few months.
“How are you doing?” you ask softly, tucking your legs beneath you.
He sighs as he then falls back into the old armchair across from the bed, which is situated next to the bookshelf. He spreads his legs and rests his thick forearms on the fraying armrests and briefly closes his eyes, shaking his head. “It is…strange. Being back at the bar again,” he admits hesitantly.
“What’s strange about it? Talk to me,” you insist, a spike of worry unfurling in your chest.
“Seeing people…laughing, dancing, celebrating. As though nothing terrible has happened.” He opens his glowing eyes to look at you then, and his face softens with grief. “I still can’t believe that he’s…gone,” Savage says wistfully.
“Me either,” you reply. 
A pause. “He really liked you.”
The absence of his brother has haunted Savage since the day that he died four months ago, and you know that the weight of responsibility that Savage bears for Feral’s passing will always sit heavy on his shoulders. It is not helped by the fact that his family has crumbled in the face of such loss, what with his other brother Maul’s sickness and his Mother’s total apathy and indifference to both of her son’s pain. It has been heartbreaking to witness.
Savage takes a deep breath then, exhaling with a pensive sigh. He then plucks his small pair of wiry reading glasses from the bedside table, seemingly keen to move on. “So what are we reading tonight?” he asks as he perches the spectacles on his nose. Late night reading sessions by candlelight have always been a part of your routine together. It’s always a highlight of your day, stealing these precious moments after Savage finishes his shift, indulging in each other’s company before the sun’s rise and your departure for your own job. And since Savage had to take time off of work, you both kept up the habit. Comforting him and distracting away the sleepless nights with stories of faraway people and places, getting lost in fictional worlds together to cope with the tragedy of Feral’s death and Maul’s suffering.
“I was thinking maybe a poem or two tonight,” you reply, grabbing one of the tattered books that litter the wooden floor by the side of your bed, then reaching over to pass it to him. “Maybe a sonnet?”
“Which one?”
“Dealer’s choice.”
He flicks through the small volume of poetry, which looks positively tiny in his large fingers, and stops at a random page. “Sonnet 29,” he reads.
“Sonnet 29 it is.” 
And after a brief pause, he clears his throat and settles into a comfortable position. Then he begins to read:
“When, in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast state…”
His voice is deep and rich as usual, he speaks clearly and slowly, enunciating each word perfectly. You feel a tug at your heart as you hear him read these antiquated lines, written by such a sad soul, from a time so long ago. Words that despite their age are timeless, that now may very well be resonating with Savage. Disgrace. The despair he feels in the face of his loss has been monumental, and you both know that there have been those around you that blame him for what happened, and the guilt and sorrow of such sentiments has begun to decay him from the inside out. Outcast. You are aware of how isolated his upbringing was, of how feeling separate from those around him has always plagued him. How that feeling has only been exemplified with the loss of Feral. “And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries And look upon myself and curse my fate…”
It is devastating how well Savage is embodying the pitiful, downcast narrator of this poem. A man broken by tragedy, his pleas and prayers, no matter how desperate, ignored by the Forces above. His existence falling to ruin. You notice Savage’s fingers gripping the pages tighter, and it is then that you understand: he really does relate to these words. He pauses at the end of this line, blinking slowly as the meaning of what he speaks steadily settles within him. As he realises that his pain has been understood by a poet, who lived hundreds of years before he even existed. Savage inhales softly, then continues: “Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featured like him, like him with friends possess’d…” Savage has never been one to complain, never been one to envy: does he truly resonate with these words? Does he wish he were someone else, someone without a violent past, without a broken family? Does he long for a temperament that is not easily inflamed, a body that is not large and imposing? To be someone whose friends and family have never once attempted to manipulate him for his strength? “Desiring this man’s art and that man’s scope, With what I most enjoy contented least…” Savage’s voice is quieter now, the tragedy of these lines making his voice syrupy with regretful understanding. Though you are aware of him sinking into a grief-fuelled depression, one that has leached him of his hobbies and passions; he has never before struck you as insecure or unsure of himself in any respect. Has he envied those with more money than him? Your home is modest, but you get by, it has never been noted as a problem before. Does he secretly wish for the decadent lifestyles of those that he works for? Or does he simply yearn for the sweet relief of self-medication, exotic drugs and acrid drinks that he cannot regularly afford? “Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, Haply I think on thee, and then my state…”
After reading these two lines, he stops talking, reading the rest of the poem in silence. You worry that this was a terrible idea, that the content has been unnecessarily upsetting. That the poem is going to end with a bitter lament on the poet's lover, and Savage wants to save you the awkwardness of it by ending it here. But then he reads those final four lines aloud to you, his confidence restored, his countenance painted with…relief. “Like to the lark at break of day arising From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven’s gate; For thy sweet love remember’d such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with kings.”
There is a deep silence when he finishes, as his words ring in your ears, the meaning of the piece striking you unexpectedly, deep in your heart. The poet’s spirits, once melancholic and dire, are immediately lifted when he thinks of his lover. That he is like a bird, flying the sky at sunrise, whistling songs of beauty and reverence. Joyous. That his love brings such richness and wealth to his life, he no longer wishes to swap places with those of such greatness as monarchs. “It is all very truthful,” Savage muses, shutting the book. He thinks for a moment, then brings his eyes to yours. “My suffering has caused me at times, to envy and wallow,” he admits. “I have often compared my own fate with that of others, desiring to swap our lives, to switch places and live a menial existence without the heartache of my grief. My guilt.” He pauses, and adds with a devastating inflection, “and the overbearing reality of my abuse.” Savage then sits forward, taking the reading glasses from his face. “But then I look at you, my beloved.” Your eyes prickle with tears as you listen to him. “I look at you, and I know that I would not change a thing. Not for the world. Not for the galaxy. How could I ever envy those without you in their life?” You inhale sharply at the sweet shock of his confession, placing your cup of tea aside and stumbling out of the bed and into his lap. You wrap your arms around his neck, and feel his large, warm palm settle on your back. “Oh Savage,” you whisper. “I am so sorry for all of the pain that has been inflicted upon you. It’s not your fault. You don’t deserve this, any of it.” “When you say that, my love,” he mutters in a hushed whisper. “I truly believe it.”
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tagging some mutuals who make like this (but please feel free to ignore if this isn’t your cup of tea): @kimageddon @eyecandyeoz @stardustbee @maulslittlemeowmeow @moonstrider9904 @dinsverdika @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @grinningnexu @elledjarin @gggoldfinch @nxctuaryninetythree @wingofshadow @seriowan @itsagrimm @lazarithebellydancingmime @corona-one​
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