#And the youngest newt to ever achieve the rank of general in the great newtopian army!
flowercrownbee · 11 months
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I forgot I drew this lol
I made this before the episode "Olivia and Yunan" aired on TV. I have been shipping them before season 3 even came out lol.
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discet · 1 year
Who would win in a fight, Grime (with Barrel's Warhammer) or General Yunan?
I’d probably give the edge to Yunan just cause Barrel’s Warhammer is not really a duelists weapon. It’s really more of a person operated siege weapon. In universe it was probably designed to combat great monsters and crack fortifications. Sure if you hit someone with it, that’s it for them, but you have to hit them first. Yunan specializes in close combat fighting and recovering from a missed swing is probably all the opportunity she needs to close the distance and finish the fight. 
Skill wise? I think they are about equal. Grime is a career soldier and a champion gladiator that would give him plenty of one on one fighting experience. Yunan is an incredibly proficient assassin and warrior who is younger and spryer that Grime. 
In an even playing field with ideal weapons to combat each other? I honestly think it’s a coinflip. 
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b3dh3d · 1 year
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I drew Human Yunan
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theautumnaldemon · 2 months
Examples of perfect introductions
”my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die”
“I’m Jared, I’m 19, and I never fucking learned how to read”
“My names eggnog, I’ve never seen the sun, and I eat mice! I eat mice for dinner!”
“My name is General Yunan, Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched, and the youngest newt to ever achieve the rank of general in the great Newtopian Army!“
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Amphibia DND
Anne: fighter with high rizz.
Sasha: this feels really lazy but basically just Anne
Marcy: She’s a wizard cause she’s big brained. Plus, she uses a crossbow, and wizards are proficient with them
Sprig: ranger, because he’s adventurous and woodsy. Plus, he was kinda a loner before Anne.
Polly: you know when people make gnome/ hobbit barbarians because it’s so funny? That’s Polly. She also has a level or two in artificer because of frobo.
Hop-Pop: me thonkies druid. Does if need to be explained. But he has proficiency in performance as nd the entertainer background.
Ivy: fighter, because I said so
Maddie: wizard, because I think she’s self taught. Might be wrong tho
Grime: fighter, specifically battle tactician or whatever it’s called. Solder background.
Andrias: Man, I don’t even know. Feels like he’s a spellcaster/melee mix? Sorcerer and Fighter maybe?
Lady Olivia: I kinda want to say rouge? She’s pretty sneaky.
General Yunan, Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched, and the youngest newt to ever achieve the rank of general in the great Newtopian Army!: fighter for sure.
One of the best characters, aka Wally: bard. Duh.
Ugh, is there anymore important characters?
no there is not
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matt-eldritch · 10 months
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Here are the WIPS for my redesign of Livewire from the new Superman cartoon, "My Adventures With Superman". Fun fact, Livewire's VA is Zehra Fazal, who also provided the voices for General Yunan (Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched, and the youngest newt to ever achieve the rank of general in the great Newtopian Army!) in Amphibia, The Mighty Thor aka Dr. Jane Foster in the Square Enix Avengers game and Zahra Rashid from the sadly short-lived Glitch Techs series.
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golddynamoroller · 1 year
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hecateisalesbian · 1 year
Everyone’s all like “Harpy Eda and Luzan are gonna turn this generation into monster lovers” but like A. Monster high did that years ago and B. Are we just forgetting General Yunan, Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched, and the youngest newt to ever achieve the rank of General in the great Newtopian Army?
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flightfoot · 2 months
Who is most likely to have a series a titles like: General Yunan Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched, the youngest newt to ever achieve the rank of General in the great Newtopian Army?
I'm mixed between Scarabella or Cat Noir.
Hm, good question. Both Scarabella and Cat Noir lean into the superheroing and cheesiness quite a bit.
I'm going with Scarabella. I feel like she'd lean into the accomplishment side more, while Cat more puts on an exaggerated personality in general.
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Anne: So how is Project Wolterstorffi going?
Terri: Well we were able to clone a new batch of Yunnan lake newts from the tail you gave us mixed with dna of newts from the genus Cynops. So far the newts have appeared healthy but we've noticed some behavior they inherited from the Amphibia parent.
Anne: How do you mean?
Terri:*pulls out their phone and shows her a video of the Yunnan lake newts in captivity, doing the Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched aaaaaand Youngest Newt ever to achieve the rank of general in the Great Newtopian Army poses.*
and thus newts cloned from Olivia's DNA are then needed in order to control the newly remade Yunnan lake newts.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
I finally get to see General Yunan, Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched, and the youngest newt to ever achieve the rank of general in the great Newtopian Army.
A pleasure of the highest magnitude.
Oh, and checking in on Grime and Sasha was fun too. Love their dynamic.
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asia-27 · 2 years
Yunan/Olivia "My name is General Yunan, Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched, and the youngest newt to ever achieve the rank of general in the great Newtopian Army...and this is my wife, Olivia!"
From this post
Olivia slapped her face with her palm. "Must you say that every time? You know the titles are redundant now Andrias is gone?"
"Th- they are?!" Yunan asked, looking completely distraught. Olivia instantly felt a pang of sympathy in her heart and grabbed her wife's hands in her own.
"Yes, but I'll always admire and remember your bravery," she replied, giving Yunan a soft kiss on her cheek.
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livesforgttnaa · 2 years
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                               ❛  I AM GENERAL YUNAN; SCOURGE OF THE SAND WARS -  ❜
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                               ❛  DEFEATER OF RAGNAR THE WRETCHED!  ❜
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                               ❛  AND wife to the beautiful Lady Olivia!  ❜
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valerianavow · 3 years
Andrius: "What about you two? Are you with me?"
Yunan & Olivia: "Of course sir!"
andrias: "Good. Take her to the rejuvenation pod, she's fading fast."
Yunan & Olivia: "Right away sir!"
Andrias: [turns and walks away]
Yunan & Olivia: [watch him go, turn to Marcy's body and start frantically whispering] "babe what the fuck is a rejuvenation pod" "I don't KNOW, YUNAN, THIS TECH ALL JUST COMPLETELY CAME OUT OF THE WALLS FIVE MINUTES AGO would you pick her up" "fine well something here must be a rejuvination pod if he thinks it's around here did he REALLY JUST KILL MARCY " "yes now would you please be quiet while we try to save her" "i am BEING QUIET!! I AM JUST UPSET!!!"
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 years
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So, one of the reasons I HATE how season 3A handled Anne's thought's one Sasha and Marcy by essentially pretending they didn't exist outside of The New Normal and one brief moment in Little Frog Christmas, is that The show usually is SO MUCH better than this.
And nowhere is this clearer than Olivia and Yunan, in where in one single small episode, the show managed to have two completely separate characters who had mixed feelings on Marcy that hadn't been fully developed or showcased before now, have a good, well written arc that goes from them not exactly being completely big on Marcy, to fully caring about her again.
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In Olivia's case, it's this episode that shows something season 2 mainly just hinted at, how Olivia and Marcy has a direct parental/child bond, with her treating Marcy the way her own mother treated her.
In the now though, it's not given a full breakdown of why exactly Olivia isn't quite as hip on Marcy at the moment, but the way i interpreted it, is that she's a mixture of her feeling guilty for what happened to her(Since she still serves Andrias despite it) but isn't quite willing to fully commit to admitting to feeling guilt for that on her part just yet, and that she was greatly disappointed in her qdoptive daughter after learning of Marcy's tricking and stranding her friends in Amphibia.
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Meanwhile Yunan, who was Marcy's comrade in arms, was not only directly shown to be greatly disappointed in her(Not too surprising, given we know from word of god that Yunan has a strict personal code of honor) but has come to the rather racist conclusion that human beings in General are naturally likely to be treacherous backstabbers, given the actions of two of the three only humans she has ever met.
However in the end both of them go down into the basement to save Marcy, Yunan because she needs her great intellect, and Olivia because though she has mixed feelings on Marcy, still greatly cares about the girl, but uses the argument that they need her to justify going down to save her.
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However in Olivia's case that need for a justification to save Marcy immediately disintegrates when Yunan tries slapping her out of the daze she is in with those metal gauntlets of her.
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She immediatly gets both furious and protective, and then immediatly tries to make Marcy feel better.
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Because this is who she is, and her relationahip with Marcy. Seeing bad things happen to her adoptive daughter makes any mixed feelings she has melt away, and she goes back to try and nurture her.
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Yunan however, who has a much less close bond with Marcy, instead goes through a much less blatant arc as what makes her care about Marcy again, is the thing that brought them together in the first place.
Defeating a common foe.
Their was a relationship built on the kind of bond you only find in soldiers who fought side by side. The kind of bond where you don't really need anything more complex, but still got the others back no matter what.
And here, facing their greatest fears together, that bond is rekindled for Yunan without a single real conversation being spoken.
It's a very nice little arc for both of them, where both the older ladies manage to go back to a point where they both care about Marcy again withouth reservations.
And the the most impressive part is that the show didn't actually spend much dialogue to make it happen.
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And to serve as a capstone on that, as both of them watch the birth of Darcy, they are both absolutely horrified. Because both of them care about Marcy, despite the events of true colors.
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Hell, the show even managed to give some additional depth to Andrias, as it's shown that deep down, he feels real, genuine guilt about what is happening here... Yet he still choses to stand by and let it happen.
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It's q great moment that hoes to showcase that Andrias is not Ozai. There is much more to him... But it does not paint him as sympathetic at all, which is usually the only way many less capable writers is capable of humanizing totally evil villains.
In one episode, Olivia and Yunan managed to explore three entirely different characters mixed relationships with Marcy in a way that Anne's storyline in 3A didn't even attempt to do with either Marcy nor Sasha over the course of one 6th of Amphibia's run.
And it didn't try either. It succeeded with flying colors.
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va-draws · 3 years
manifesting soft Yunan in today's episode
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and if I can't have it i will make it >:0
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