#And then he and Nate actually got along really well and connected
striderincosmos · 7 months
WIP Whenever
As tagged by @swaps55, and inviting any who wish to participate! (I'm not exactly linked to many writers on here just yet)
Here's a sneak peak (a nice, long one) between Nathaniel 'Nate' Shepard and Garrus on their way to Feros in Spectre Echoes: Memories and Portents!
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The crew area was a rather bustling place at the moment, what with the new additions to the crew. It made Garrus stand out even more at the table, dressed in a shirt and pants that accommodated the slight crest of his upper back.
Nate took a seat next to him, a human beer in one hand and a turian brew from a case he’d had assigned to the Normandy’s cold storage in the other. “Evening, Garrus,” he said casually, offering the brew. “How are you holding up?”
“Rather well, honestly,” Garrus said as he took his drink, opening it and taking a sip. “This sort of environment is easy for me, no matter the species. I might have decided to go to C-Sec over joining the reserves in a decade or so, but you can’t beat out nearly a decade of military training.”
“What made you go into C-Sec in the first place?” Nate asked.
“It was the family business,” Garrus shrugged. “My father had been C-Sec before getting pulled out from the Reserves for Relay-314, and his father before him had done the same thing. Still don’t know why the old man went into politics, though. Even C-Sec is simpler than that.”
Nate shrugged. “I try to avoid politics. When you have a camera pointed at you more often than not…”
“I can see how that’d be the case,” Garrus said, pausing for long moments. “So, I’ve got a question for you about Saren.”
“Funny enough, I’ve actually got one for you, too,” Nate said. “You first.”
“Are you really planning on trying to arrest Saren and drag him in front of the Council after what he’s done?”
Nate ruminated on the query with a pull of beer. “It’d be what the Council wants done, most likely. Saren’s dangerous, but if we can subdue him, he needs to face due process.”
Garrus’s mandibles drooped slightly, the action looking almost like a grimace. Or a sneer. “There’s a lot of risk to that too, though. He isn’t the best Spectre the Council has for nothing. He could probably find half a dozen different ways to escape during transit to the Citadel, let alone what he could do if he was on it.”
“We know he’s the most dangerous person in the galaxy,” Nate said assuringly. “If there’s anyone who can guard him, it’s going to be all of us and the krogan along for the ride.”
“That wouldn’t stop the Council from offering clemency, or just finding some way to sweep this under the rug,” Garrus retorted. “But taking him in is the way it’s done by the book, isn’t it? ‘Do it right, or don’t do it at all’.”
Nate frowned slightly at the rather bitter invective. “And who said that?”
“Lucrius Vakarian,” Garrus said, washing the name back down with a pull of his brew. “Among the most renowned detectives on the Citadel. Spirits know he said to me more times than I can count.”
“Not a regulations guy, then?” 
Garrus sighed quietly. “I get why they’re there. I get that they’re useful. My father and C-Sec drilled that into me well enough. But sometimes, in order to resolve a situation permanently, completely, the regs, and the people who enforce them, can make it so that a solution becomes a stopgap. People get away. Innocents get taken advantage of or hurt when they don’t need to.”
Garrus was silent for a moment. “Take Doctor Saleon.”
“Who’s that?”
“He was — probably is still — one of the leading figures of the Citadel’s black markets. Specifically in grown organs. Real mean bastard. In a place where a krogan who’s well-connected enough could drop 40,000 credits for a full quad transplant to try and counteract the genophage, Saleon was a unique brand of fucked up.” 
“See, there was an increase in organ trade, well beyond what we expected. We managed to confiscate some, and do some genetic tests. It was a bit of a mess, but it led us to a very lively turian who was very insistent that he was not, in fact, missing his liver. We ran a background check, and saw he worked for the aforementioned doctor.”
“What did you do next?” Nate asked.
“We brought him and some of Saleon’s other former employees in for questioning. While I was interviewing one of them, I noticed something suspicious. One of the detainees, a human, started bleeding from his abdomen during questioning. Pretty badly, too. We offered to patch him up, and he got panicky.”
Garrus paused, was silent for long moments. “We found dozens of incision scars on him. Some of them fresh, like the one that gave him away. Others much older. That’s when we realized this sick bastard Saleon wasn’t just employing people. He was testing on them. Growing the organs right inside of them, then cutting them open, harvesting them, and selling them off. Most of the test subjects were poor, desperate. They only got a small cut of the profits from any sale, and only if the organs were viable. If they weren’t, he just… left them inside them.”
The beer wasn’t very appealing to Nate anymore, and he set it on the table at arm’s length. “What happened then?” he ventured. 
“We went out to go and put the cuffs on this guy. But he rigged his lab to blow, ran as soon as his mules started getting pulled in by C-Sec. Took some of his ‘employees’ with him to the nearest spacedock. By the time we found where he was, the ship he stole was already leaving. He threatened to kill who were now his hostages if anyone tried to stop him.”
“And he got away?” Nate said incredulously.
Garrus nodded. “I ordered Citadel defenses to intercept and fire on him, but C-Sec HQ countermanded my order. They were worried about the hostages. Worried about civilian casualties for how close he still was to the city arms. I told them the hostages were already the next best thing to dead, that this was just the cold, hard calculus of stopping a criminal like this now and for good. But they wouldn’t listen.”
Nate sighed. “Sounds like a recipe for hating where you work.”
“To put it mildly.” Garrus chuckled darkly. “I went to Executor Pallin, the man in charge of C-Sec, and told him what I thought about the situation and the policies that made it happen. He told me if I didn’t like it, then I could quit. To be honest, I almost did, just to spite them.”
“As tough a choice as it is, the lives of the hostages were as important as catching Doctor Saleon,” Nate said pointedly. “If we didn’t care about the lives of those threatened by the people we want to bring to justice, how different are we from them?”
It was silent between them for a moment before Garrus sighed quietly. “You know, I can see where you’re coming from. I just wish we could have stopped Saleon as well.”
Again it was silent. “So,” Garrus said after a moment, “what was your question?”
“You’ve got a personal stake in this,” Nate began. “I won’t begrudge that, and I won’t discount that we might need to kill Saren to stop him. But if we do manage to capture him… can I count on you to let justice play out?”
Garrus was silent for long, contemplative moments. “As much as it might grate at me…” he finally said. “I’ll trust your judgment. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, Shepard. However the stellar wind blows, I’ll follow your lead.”
Nate nodded. “I’m glad you have my back, Garrus.”
“I mean hey,” Garrus said, his mandibles implying a slight grin, “I get to learn what a Spectre looks like from you. Thus far, I’d say I’ve got a pretty good mentor.”
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casualblacklight · 1 year
Ok I need to write this down somewhere else or I'll go insane but I finally have a direction I want for my Fallout/Saints Row crossover qwq
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I have so many wips for this crossover so maybe somebody wants read this to understand the weird stuff I'll post soon? idk? maybe? 😅 uhh
Also I like writing things down so why not...
Since I can't draw a full comic or anything close I might actually write down everything more detailed at some point or even write a FF but the vague idea is like this:
I'm gonna connect the story directly to SRIV.
Yeah ...SRIV. Not my fave part of the series but definitely the easiest way to connect both universes 👉👈
The Saints wanna use the time machine to make the destruction of earth never happen but some programming of the machine got really wrong and they end up in the Commonwealth 2287.
(I actually have an idea how it happened but too much to write for now)
Boss will wake up in Vault 111 and find Nate as the only Survivor but all of the other Saints seem to have disappeared.
Since Nate wants search for his son, Boss will 'join' him occasionally to search for his friends.
The story will practically be an altered FO4s story, with Boss travelling with Nate and during their journey Boss will find his friends that ended up in the different factions.
For example Gat got picked up by the Brotherhood of Steel. They liked his skills and gave him an opportunity to join. So Gat joined them to have better access to weapons and armour to also search for the other Saints.
Which fractions I'll gave to which Saint is something I'm still figuring out but I want to bring back some 'forgotten' Saints from earlier games since the travelling with the time-machine actually managed to bring some Saints back.
And I'm kinda happy about this idea, bcs that way I am able to give every Saint a own small story for this AU 👉👈
I honestly have also already an idea for an ending of the story as well and that will happen after FO4 story and return them all to the SR verse... ugh I can't wait to talk about it at some point.
Also random side infos but since Boss and Nate are the mains of my AU I think alot about their relationship and they will definitely have some struggles getting along xD
Nate is canonly described with the patience of a Saint while Boss is definitely the other way around ...
...they end up arguing ... alot ... and some bad decisions will happen.
But then again I can see them getting along after all ... they probably happen to have deep talk when they can't sleep. Both have been through alot of shit and I just can see them talking about that and their past.
Also can't get rid of the idea of Boss calling Nate 'Mr. Dad' as some kind of mocking.
(I always used british Boss and in SRTT/IV he uses nicknames all the time... so yeah... felt right adding some fun stuff here and there too.)
.... If you read through all of this. I LOVE YOU FOR THAT. THANK YOU ( ꒦ິ ³꒦ີ)
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sy5starplaty · 1 year
My 3.07 “Strings That Bind Us” liveblog...
Cranberries’ "Dreams” to start us off? Okay.
Why does Jamie pulling Roy's bike along (in a pink sweatshirt & shorts no less) feel like the most obvious next step in their dynamic after "Sunflowers"?
More Jade-Nate stuff...
And Jack is totally being Keeley's "sugar daddy"... so it won't last.
I love Chef Simi. Still can't tell if this is a shipping situation or not... but obviously not siblings.
Barbecue sauce induced hallucination... okay. I'll accept that.
ASH! I always forget his name. I shall now refer to him as Cool Hat Guy.
They're still calling him Van Damme?
Nate got Siri to call him Wunderkind? lol
Okay... needed a warning for that puke-a-thon.
They are NOT going to last. Those are NOT green flags, Keeley.
Rebecca talking about Rupert lovebombing her with a CAR... exact thing he did with Nate.
Beard Kitman is... actually kinda accurate. And Coach Will Beard is FANTASTIC.
"This is yummy. What is this?" "Water."
lol... I'm gonna need a spinoff with Will Beard.
Oh, K/J are so over.
OF COURSE IT'S ROY'S IDEA. Boy needs some joy in his life right now. I gotta say... We need this technique in ALL FOOTBALL CODES.
Hm... Not sure if that'll work Nate. But it's the thought that counts.
J: "It better be amazing!" (what you do for me, compared to all the lavishness I've bestowed upon you... and if it sucks... well, you know who has all the POWER in this relationship don't you?) RED FLAG RED FLAG
And... okay, yeah. Thoughts count. Words do too.
Yikes. Sorry Sam. I mean, you were right to call him a bigot, but that was playing with fire. Let's just be thankful it wasn't a fire, yeah? :|
Oh, that working/marching song thing... I know it, but I can't remember where it's from.
Sam rightfully swearing! And then crying in his HUGE daddy's arms.
"Big whoop"? Sam's dad is Ted! And they get on very well... brilliant.
But they were all coordinated and stuff in the locker room!
Heh... love that the 3 pub guys are so so calm about the team’s performance.
Poor Roy... making puns while Ted talks.
ASS-SQUATCH "Make it stop" ... No, it's awesome.
Lol... pre-emptive bird flips.
JAMIE! YOU'RE BECOMING THE BEST YOU CAN BE! YOU'RE BETTER THAN ZAVA, BOY. Damn, I can't believe I'm proud of him (again - I was proud of him in 2.03 but that wasn't as a footballer).
Arlo: "That was bloody gorgeous!" Yes, it was.
Yeah, knew they wouldn't win. But they didn't let Arsenal get anymore goals, so there's that.
And... TRENT! He's excited about football again! Well, about The Lasso Way.
"Yeah, but he's our dork." :D
Aw, they're not over yet? Damn. But it still feels likely. If she doesn't have Epstein connections, SHE JOKED ABOUT HAVING EPSTEIN CONNECTIONS. That's not a good thing! Unless her Epstein is not that Epstein... in which case, who's the other famous Epstein?
Keep the mirrors as they are? I get the idea, Sam, but you gotta at least cover those shards with something. IT'S A SAFETY HAZARD.
And since... Ted & Rebecca did not share a scene AT ALL... I guess I'm just shipping Sam with Simi?
Yeah, not looking positive re: tedbecca here, so I’ll wait till 3.08 to either resurrect my shipper-self or bury it.  This episode was more about the team - with added Nate & Keeley’s storylines - so I get there wasn’t really any room for tedbecca stuff. They didn’t even focus that much on Ted. But now the team is kinda working like a well-oiled machine again... I think they’ll be able to return to the main ships & their individual journeys to find their way [back] to each other. 
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which of your agents do you have pairings for?
Howdy, anon! Thanks for giving me a reason to ramble about my agents' pairings 🥰
Actually here are my pairings for the agents:
Agent 3 Prima x Agent 8a Vanessa
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Prima comes from a long line of fighters that fight alongside the New Squidbeak Splatoon! She's the current representative of their family in the current generation.
Vanessa is the granddaughter of DJ Octavio, the runaway princess of the army. Her mother is also a warrior princess, who remained in the army in search of her missing daughter.
Their families are against each other, but the two seemed to have found a common trust since their resolve after their clash. They seemed to have ended generations' worth of their family's disputes.
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CURRENT STATUS: They're still close friends! Since both of them seem very focused on their jobs as agents, it's not sure if they'll get together anytime soon but the mutual feeling seems to be blossoming there.
Agent 4 Terry x Agent 8b Nate
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Terry is a farm boy from a rural town a few hours away from Inkopolis! The youngest of a family of five siblings, he has the tendency to have childlike joys and find comfort expressing them.
Nate is a former worker in the weapons development sector in the Octarian army. He seems to find joy in adorable things! This is unusual in the army, so he used not to be too open in it until he got out of it.
They both seem to come from humble backgrounds relative to their origins. Terry comes from a quiet, simple family in the countryside while Nate isn't really a recognised Octoling in the army. Terry is a pacifist and Nate was never really a frontliner in the army.
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CURRENT STATUS: Together! They had already been getting along very well due to their mutual soft personalities, then they finally sealed the deal when they teamed up together in one Splatfest under Big Man's team (Gear Grub Fun).
The other agents have non-agent love interests!
Agent 7 Kane x Tierra (Agent 4's sister)
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Kane is a former fighter in the Octarian army. Strong and swift, he used to be a martial arts instructor for the army and would be often seen sparring with his best friend, the Octo Samurai. He also used to be Vanessa's personal trainer til the events of Octo Expansion happened that separated them for a year or two.
Tierra is Terry's older sister! She works as an elementary teacher in Splatsville, after she had moved out from their town to explore the world outside of its comfort.
Both are teachers in their 30's! Kane is around mid 30's and Tierra is in her early 30's. They seem to share common struggles about their profession, and are both in the aroace spectrum!
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CURRENT STATUS: Getting there! They are also career-oriented, but they've grown past their 30's to move onto stable relationships if they felt like it. They're taking a lot of time to establish a deep emotional connection before they actually delve into a relationship, though!
Neo Agent 3 Ezra x Rivette (a Splatlandian mechanic)
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Ezra is a mysterious young man, secretive of his own origins. All that people know is that he traveled with his little buddy, Masu, and that he's not afraid to let people know he used to be an assassin and a bounty hunter. Beyond that, he lets nobody know where he came from.
Rivette is a young lady who was one of the first inhabitants of Splatsville! She was one of the people that Ezra first met. She develops weapons for her friends, and seems to have taken a liking to studying the new weapons and put her own twists on them.
The two seem to come from completely different backgrounds: Ezra doesn't even talk about his family, and Rivette still lives with her family in Splatsville. One is a fighter, and the other a weapon development enthusiast.
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CURRENT STATUS: Seemingly one-sided. Ezra doesn't seem to be interested in a relationship at the moment, and is more than content with his little buddy. Rivette enjoys his company and seems to be developing feelings for him, but chooses not to act on them until she feels Ezra is comfortable with it. She does always choose Ezra's team for Splatfests though.
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6.19.24 Wednesday
7:15 am
Still,have windblow...
It is really crazy that the wifi is cut again that they returned it yesterday aftie... Bullshit! I wanna go live... But I told them if I have a work I will pay for it...
I'm thinking of money and job and how will I pay my creditz...
I feel frustrated that I wasn't able to go up on my own, to shine as my own...
Thinking of my cousin white, I feel bullshit! I hate being flatten since 2007....Supposed to be we can be youtuber a love for a cousin... But he is already married,bullshit!!
Did Mitch give me this simple battery???
I told Garret I will meet him in New York but how? Hating my cousin white for being married!
9:37 am
Garret or my cousin white who is my lucky charm??? Anyways, Ate Eden, our neighbour in-front of us, 2 blocks away.... She told me 25 minutes ago that she is fixing our internet connection, I just smiled and say thank you!
So,that I can go live to bullshit anyone or everyone...
I washed 10 John's floormats again... No stealer!!!!
9:43 am
Still, have windblow...
Seeing this particular video of Kate & Nate but my main point see Cecelia and Kristopher's love team coz they were/ are cute. I watched one particular video of Cecelia Bloomdahl where she shared her heart's content that she didn't want to hang-out again to that particular bar in Svlabard coz there were people who insulted her indirectly about her relationship with Kristopher. LOOK HERE! CECELIA & KRISTOPHER are cute together here,when they were in "Huskies Cafe".
Let people be happy if they are happy... Age is not a hindrance as well as their height...
9:51 am
Still,have windblow...
I have bitterish feeling coz I lost my charm on love team thingy.... I used to be spoiled whenever I had a bf it was like a cute thing for everyone to see me here but these days it is really bullshit for me!
I lost my spot, I lost my position, I lost my fakers old friends... I lost a crowd angels... I need new upper friends to pull me up but I'm glad to meet good soul along the way to assist me or to bond with me as genuine friends....
11:07 am
Ate Eden is ordering Ely & Jessie to transfer the camera on our gate side or they actually attached the CCTV on our gate...
12:30 noon
Still,have windblow...
I want this hair colour...
I want my cousin-white or Garret...
How to pay my creditz.... I want vanity....I'm so happy I got my retinol today....I bought some heat rash creams to put a remedy on my skin rash...It is just creditz but still an alternative to branded like Cetaphil or Cerave....
But I know it will be effective as well...But I need to maintain creams coz my skin is itchy and having this burning sensation. I have a sensitive skin...
I need to fix myself....I feel so ugly,fat and old... Hoping my retinol can remove my "deep smile lines"...
They remove me on the "work force"!!! I'm not guilty at all...
12:41 noon
I need to do general cleaning but I need an extra fan and to fix the larger split ac coz I have a "sweat rash".... I wanna do nose perfection and carreer and love life that I want....Where is my money,angels???
1:15 pm
Still,have windblow...
Yey! I got my "Beauche Kojic Soap" and Maya... But I still need Oatmeal soap or milder soap like Dove or Tender Care...
How to pay my creditz?
1:48 pm
Still,have windblow...
Ouchie ..Ouchie... See angels my discolaration and burning sensation...
Sweat Rash...
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3:09 pm
Still,have windblow...
Ate Eden fixed our wifi and our old teacher in Immaculate Conception Academy...
It was so funny John accidentally went out and he snatched the bag of the wifi personnel... Hahah...
Hmm... I got the "Waffle Maker" I'm so happy... Still,waiting for the bottle mixer for the pancake fluffy! It is difficult to put the mixed liquid pancake on the waffle maker, if I don't have the bottle mixer... Plus, waiting for the Maple Syrup Sugar Free...Yey! It is all still credit... Moca2x wanted me to pay right away that I'm still waiting for my traininģ in Teleperformance.
I don't know how to pay for everything I got and loaned...
I will go live later,thinking where? Coz my phone is I guess, loaded of loan apps... I keep my on-line journal this "tumblr.com" ,my wesing, Pinterest, and my loan apps....I don't know if I can still reinstall the "Tagged".
3:44 pm
I wasn't able to open my old account using my Facebook, so I make a 2nd account having the same information as O-Hime Sama 2!
Join me later angels... This is my google account on youtube...
I also want to have a "google assistant"... So,cool it is like "Lexa"...
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5:35 pm
Still,have windblow...
Burning sensation at my nape and some parts of my back... Whew! Self-pitying...
Check this out, "Luggage lost on American Airlines flight to Burbank found in Homeless Encampment in Hollywood"?? Hahah?? Found in Western Sunset something...
Life is linking on words or on circumstances...
English ABC--can be in and on, ( in there is boundaries or enclosed vicinities and on somehow an open-space)... Fun!
5:58 pm
Another fake performance of Teleperformance Molino? I did a final interview already and then this Angel will do a final interview again? Hahaha Ohkay bring it on! Fakers FilipiNOSE!
Another smashing of me here in this Island of Cavite Filipinas FilipiNOSE! BRING IT ON!
I'm done with Sir Jay and waiting for training day!
Talk to her angels...
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To be continued...
0 notes
breadedsinner · 2 years
Kirkwall Crew after the Finding Nathaniel quest, Anders is going on about how they were in the Wardens together and he’s the one who made Nathaniel realize he was into men, too.
Sebastian listening to this whole story, knowing he dated Nathaniel like a decade ago, and HE was the one who made him realize he liked men.
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wolves-in-the-world · 2 years
I saw these photos of Moreau's actor [1, 2, 3] and thought: what if he can present himself convincingly as gentle and harmless? We only really see him when he's happy to come across as a threat, but he must walk in more civilised circles sometimes. Then I thought: he’s exactly the kind of person—rich, cultured, connected—Sophie used to rub shoulders with.
[1k, also on Ao3]
Sophie was on the job and he had his own reasons for being there, so she didn’t really clock him. He was nice enough, she thought, flattering and articulate, and she considered taking the risk of having a little more fun while she worked. In the end, though, the job came first.
Years later, when they get Nate out of prison and he tells them they’re taking down Damien Moreau, it takes Hardison putting the details up on the screen for Sophie to piece together the charming man she flirted with and the man who has so much blood on his hands. She feels sick to her stomach, but she tucks it away before Nate can see.
Not Eliot, though. He finds her in a quiet moment a few days later and she can tell there’s something serious here, recognises his game face while he’s putting the kettle on and getting a mug for himself, a cup and saucer for her. He confirms her suspicion when he speaks.
“You’ve run into Moreau before?”
Sophie sighs and sits back in her chair, letting him see her tiredness. He’s doing his job, after all—looking out for the team, just like she does, though he’s more about their physical safety. If either one of them is out of balance, it’ll hit the others in the end. She can admit this here at least. “Once, at a private event in Edinburgh,” she tells him. “I was after a lovely Monet and he was… charming.”
Eliot sets the tea in front of her and she casts him a grateful look, adding the milk and sugar herself. He leans back against the counter, folding his arms and keeping himself small. “He didn’t know what you were doing?”
“You know, I think he must have, now. At the time…” She winces and takes a sip, and the familiarity of the tea—too hot still—steadies her. Eliot doesn’t speak, just settles down in the chair opposite and wraps his hands around his mug.
“I’m meant to be able to recognise these people, you know?” she says. “Finding their weaknesses, stringing them along just long enough that they can hang themselves with it, that’s what I do. And I actually… I actually thought he was nice.”
Eliot’s quiet for a moment, looking down at his tea. “We haven’t actually been up against anyone like him before, Sophie. He got that powerful for a reason, and that reason is he’s good at what he does.”
“Well, so am I,” says Sophie, just a little bit of a joke in it, just a little bit of a smile to coax the same from him. He meets her eyes, but he isn’t smiling.
“You weren’t expecting him,” he tells her, his voice soft. “And it doesn’t sound like he was there for you, if you only found out now. People like him…” A moment’s hesitation. “They can be very charming. Good at hiding what they are.”
“You’re really worried about this one, aren’t you?”
He does smile then, a handsome thing with little enough warmth to it. “I’m always worried about this team, but yeah, I wish Nate hadn’t cornered himself into this. Moreau’s not someone you go after if you know what’s good for you.”
There’s something there, Sophie thinks, in the things he’s not saying and the smiles he’s not giving, the questions he asked of her. Maybe he’s been up against someone like this before. Maybe he crossed paths with Moreau and was lucky to escape.
It’s something the team might need to know, really, except that Eliot’s always been good at sharing things when they’re important. Nate’s methods aren’t always the best ones. There are bruises here, half-healed broken bones, and she’s not about to press any harder than she has to.
“You’re not the only one,” she tells him, and his eyes go still on hers. “Looking out for the team. We’ll get through this, Eliot.”
“You sure about that?”
The tone of his voice—something too small and too tired to be desperation—tugs at something inside her. She hasn’t often worried about Eliot, not like this, and she doesn’t like letting it go. She doesn’t like knowing he’ll do his best to hide it from the others, and even from her.
“You know, Eliot, I worked alone for a long time too, but sometimes I worked with others. Teams, partners…” She gives a little shrug. “I’ve never seen a team quite as capable as us. Maybe we won’t take this one down. Maybe we’ll have to drag Nate back from the brink and find another way to get the Italian off our tails. But I have faith we’ll walk away from it afterwards.”
Eliot glances down for a moment, tilting his mug in his hands. “The world owes us that much,” he says, and it almost sounds like agreement.
Sophie sits back and drinks her tea, watching the play of light across the surface of the liquid. “I suppose this is a good reminder,” she says, and catches Eliot’s questioning look. “That no-one’s good enough to think they can see everything,” she tells him, gesturing a hand.
“I think you already know my thoughts on caution,” Eliot tells her, and this time he’s smiling. She meets his eyes and returns it, though after a moment hers is fading again.
“You know,” she says, “I sat across the table from him and we talked for almost an hour. I never could have told you he was a monster.”
“Well,” says Eliot, and it sounds almost like there’s something caught in his throat, though it’s gone when he continues, “with people like him, you never can tell.”
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billiebossnova · 3 years
movies with elliot
movies with Elliot
pairing: Elliot  x blackfem!reader
warnings: fluff, (kinda terrible writing) 
word count: 816
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“You know I can feel you judging me?” Lexi spoke as I closed my locker to face her. “I mean I’m not, just I don’t want any beef between you and a certain someone, emphasis on the certain someone. “ 
Lexi was running her idea of a play that was about her life and it may or may not have included the whole Maddy, Cassie, and Nate situation going on. 
“You and I both know Maddy might not be too happy with you including that, and Cassie especially, even if you put in fake character names.” 
“ Well fez thinks it a great idea and I am going along with it.” 
I stared at her for a minute. She and Fezco and really cute, they have been hanging out for a while now, I wonder if he is gonna ask her out. 
“ You know what? You’re right, Fez is right, you gotta put your directing skills out there and fuck anyone else who thinks otherwise.” 
I tried to be supportive of whatever Lexi did, after all, she is my best friend. 
“You should ask Fez out on a date.” I stated as we talked down the hall passing the football players who always managed to smell like they don't wash a single inch of their bodies.  
“Only if you ask Elliot on a date.” touche. 
A quick buzz of my phone stopped my response to lexis's outrageous proposal. Speaking of the devil
Elly -_-: hey you busy? 
Me: nah, just with Lexi walking to Spanish 
Elly: wanna catch a movie? 
Me: like right now? 
Elly -_-: no dummy after lunch. 
It's a date. Elliot and I haven't hangout,  like at all so this is a first. 
Should I respond, I kinda want to. I swear anxiety is a bitch. 
By the end of Spanish,  hearing the teacher go on and on about why we don't use vosotros anymore 
 I wanted to bang my head several times. It was lunchtime anyways so I had that to look forward to. I walked down to the cafe listening to music, passing people talking with their friends, teachers in the classroom, and couples riding themselves up at the lockers. 
My eyes caught the blonde-haired boy with a grin on his face. Seeing his face made me all blushy. 
“Hey you didn’t answer my text, I figured you went to class already.” 
“Yeah, sorry I must have missed it,” I said lying straight out my teeth. The truth is I didn't forget, The truth is I had the hugest crush on Elliot even since that Halloween party last year. 
“So wanna go now.” His eyes browns glistened with anticipation. 
Fuck it, why not. 
“Yeah let's go.” 
We walked past the cafeteria, walking past Lexi,  she gave me a “you guys leaving together look” and I chuckled. I mouth “yes” and we headed straight out the door. 
Elliot opened the car door for me and I gave him a small smile. 
“Ok, so I got two tickets during math for the batman, just in case you actually said yes.” 
“Batman yeah ok I like DC, Marvel’s better though.” “Oh yeah for sure, wandavision The falcon and the winter soldier, all goat. 
This boy really knows his stuff. Heading to the movies, traffic wasn't that bad. 
We gave the ticket taker our tickers and went to our seats. The movie started but honestly, I couldn't really care about the movie at all. I caught Elliot smiling and laughing at some of the scenes. It was the cutest thing ever. I rested my hand on the handrest but I guess Elliot had the same idea, our hands ended up on top of each other. 
“Oh sorry I’ll just move it over”
“Nah your good, keep it there, their soft.” 
Heat crept up from my chest all the way up to my cheeks.
This boy really has me geeked. 
After the movie, we walked to his car, the sound of my sneakers hitting the wet concrete filled the silence. 
“ I had a great time.” I got into his car and looked at him, his face lit up by the moon. 
“I did too, glad you came.” in came his infamous grin. 
Silence again making a grand entrance. 
“Hey y/n, can I ask you something?” 
“Uh yeah, shoot.” 
“Can I kiss you?” 
I smiled and looked at him, our face barely touching. He moved closer, feeling the heat come to my cheeks, I turned and connected our lips. Feeling immediately at peace. 
Our lips disconnected. 
“Your so pretty.” His voice was barely a whisper. 
I planted a gentle kiss on his lips. 
And with that, we handed back to the school.
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ghstandpucks · 3 years
Teacher Appreciation Part 3 ~ Nathan MacKinnon (4+1)
Here it is! Part 3 (and last) of Teacher Appreciation! I'm so thankful for all the comments and love, thank you to everyone who has read it! Let me know what you think of this part! Shout out to @cozynightscandle for asking about a part 3 and providing some inspo, as well as @avsfans95 for always letting me bounce ideas off of her!
Also, sixth grade is still considered elementary in my district, so I kept it that way for purposes of the story!
Summary: The four times Nate surprised your class, and the one time your class and Nate surprised you.
Warning: mentions of the pandemic (not the main focus, just touching on how teaching was during that time as I spent the beginning of my teaching career pretty much online)
Word Count: 4,634
Master List
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Your first year of teaching sixth grade was actually more successful than you would have thought. It was a different type of bond you were able to build with your students. Instead of having to tie shoes and clean boo-boos, you became someone that your students would come talk to if they were too stressed. They told you their dreams and aspirations; all the while still relying on you to calm their fears when math became overwhelming. Long story short, you absolutely loved it. Yes, some were taller than you, and on more than one occasion Nate would lose you among your kiddos when he would come to help in your classroom. Still, you built connections that you didn’t think were possible after always working with the younger kids. Nate loved seeing how excited you were, and loved when you would come home and tell him all about what your kids did that day.
And yes, home was now with Nate. During a bad snow one evening, you were panicking about having to get back home so you could change just in case school wasn’t cancelled for the next day. Nate, off-handedly, suggested that it would be easier for you to just move in, since you were over all the time anyways; his office half taken over with craft supplies already. You agreed with a sarcastic laugh, thinking he was joking, but woke up to him clearing out space in his closet. During winter break, you officially moved in. Now it was your second year in sixth grade, and a handful of your kiddos from third grade when you first met Nate were back in your class. And if you thought third graders were intrusive, they just got worse, especially when they already knew you.
“Miss Y/L/N, could you not give us homework tonight? I have practice,” Steven asked right after the morning bell rang and you were checking over last nights homework.
“Steven, I already don’t give you much homework and you have time to usually start it in class. Use your time wisely kiddo,” you said, stamping his paper as he groaned.
“But Miss Y/L/N…”
“But nothing, do your work,” you responded, making a face at him that caused the young boy to huff out a laugh. You had only been in school for a month now, but have been having a great time with your kids. Today, the Avs would be on campus talking with the fifth graders as they do every year about the presidential fitness test. Last week when your students caught word that the hockey team would be there, half of them pleaded with you to get the team into your classroom. Little did they know that you had a different surprise planned for them. During recess, Nate ran into your classroom as you gathered your PE supplies. “Do they know yet?” he asked, giving you a quick kiss and taking the kickball from your hands.
“Not a clue,” you giggled as he retreated to his teammates and you went to get your kids from line. Leading your students into the gym as you had PE after recess, they all started to shout and jump around when they saw who was joining them. You waved as Nate came into view, accompanied by the entire Avs’ line up.
“Hi Teacher Dad!” Alexa squealed over the commotion, and you swore your face was beat red. She hadn’t used that term yet this year and to be frank, you had forgotten about it.
“Alexa,” you started as the guys laughed.
“Hi Alexa,” Nate called out, smiling at you with a look that told you not to get upset. Looking back at the girl, she sent you a sweet smile and you just shook your head with a laugh.
“You know better,” you said and she giggled. “Alright, ladies and gentleman gather around please! Today we will be continuing our game of….”
“Kickball basketball!” your kids yelled, running off to their teams and taking their positions. “Wait wait wait. Before we get started, would someone kindly explain the rules of kickball basketball to our newcomers,” you gestured towards the Avs who looked completely confused at your fusion of the two ballgames.
“So one team pitches the ball like in kickball and the other team has to kick it. Then they skip around the perimeter of the basketball court and have to make it back home before the other team can get the ball and shoot it through the hoop,” Justin explained.
“There are also no bases so you can’t stop. You aren’t safe anywhere unless you make it back home,” Kalel added.
“This is really a game now?” Andre asked you and you nodded.
“And it is our favorite. So I have my kids playing odds vs evens based on their class numbers. I think you all can split up that way too,” you said, gesturing for the guys to join their respective teams. Nate watched as you settled the argument about who the pitcher would be between three of your boys, not handing the ball over till they figured it out diplomatically.
“She wasn’t joking when she said her students were taller than her, was she?” Andre laughed from beside Nate as he chuckled along. You stood on the sideline, cheering and calling out foul balls for the duration of the game. The Avs took it easy with your kids, just laughing and having fun. Your kids were ecstatic, being able to call some of the guys their teammates; getting high fives and being cheered on by the pro athletes. You PE time was about to end within another five minutes as the teams switched sides after the evens got three outs on the odds. You saw Isaac hand Nate the ball to make him pitcher, smiling as Nate gently rolled the ball to Kiely. After she kicked it and almost made it around, Steven was up.
“Miss Y/L/N, will you kick?” he called out to you, and your class started to cheer. It was no secret that you played PE games with your kids from time to time. A chant of your name was started as you laughed and put your keys and walkie talkie off to the side.
“Teacher Mom vs Teacher Dad, yaaaasss,” Alexa cheered and you shook your head.
“Alexa,” you called and she smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry!” Nate laughed and turned his attention back to you. He rolled the ball slower than you knew he could, but that didn’t stop you from kicking it with all your might. Your kids (and the Avs) on your side were cheering loudly as you skipped around the perimeter laughing, coming back to home a second before Tyson got the ball in the net.
“Evens win!” you called out, then made your two teams shake hands with each other and collect the equipment as it was time to head back to class. As your class was saying goodbye to the Avs, Nate walked over and bumped his arm into you.
“You know I went easy on you right?” he asked, ever the competitor. You laughed and smiled sweetly at him.
“You know you shouldn’t have, right?” you shot back, laughing as he rolled his eyes. “I’ll see you back home. Love you,” you whispered.
“Love you,” he whispered back. You gathered your class and ushered them out of the gym and back to your classroom. The rest of the day went well as your class was floating on cloud nine from their interaction with the Avs.
One Thursday afternoon before Winter break, you came home with several bags of potatoes in hand. Opening your apartment door, you walked in on Mikko and Andre watching a basketball game with Nate; your boyfriend automatically getting up and taking a few bags from you. “What’s with all the potatoes?” Mikko asked.
“We’re mummifying them tomorrow in class,” you answered casually, walking off into the kitchen as Nate sat back down on the couch while Mikko and Andre looked entirely confused.
“Did what she just said not phase you at all?” Andre asked Nate and the center shrugged.
“I’ve been hearing about this project for like 3 months now,” he said casually. You walked back into the room and sat on the edge of the couch near Nate.
“Mummifying potatoes?” Mikko asked, looking slightly horrified.
“Yeah, we’re learning about ancient Egypt. We’re going to wrap the potatoes in foil and decorate them with plastic jewels like they were death masks,” you explained in an excited tone.
“How?” Andre asked, now completely more interested in what you were talking about than the game.
“I’m going to cut large slices of potatoes so ever student gets a handful. Then we’re going to pour baking soda and salt on them to dry it out like the Ancient Egyptians would dry a body. Then we are going to wrap it in tin foil like a sarcophagus and decorate. When we get back from winter break, we’ll ‘excavate’ them by unwrapping the potatoes and see how we did with drying it out, documenting changes and what we see like archaeologists,” you explained. Nate smiled up at you as Mikko and Andre tried to figure out if the project seemed cool or crazy. They settled on cool.
“Can we help?” Mikko asked and you laughed.
“Nate’s coming in tomorrow to help. The two of you can come with him if you want,” you said and the guys nodded.
The following day, Alexa answered the door when there was a knock as you were starting to explain to your class what they were going to do with their potatoes. “Teacher Dad! You’re here!” She said quietly as to not get in trouble by you. Nate chuckled, nodding as Mikko and Andre planned on chirping him later for how comfortable your class was with him if they were calling him teacher dad like it was no big deal. It was one thing when they were younger, but took on a different comfort level as they were older.
The guys helped you pass out the materials and made their own sarcophagi as you circled the classroom making sure your students were staying on task and not just goofy around. A few of your sports obsessed boys clung to the hockey players and copied their every move, decorating their sarcophagi to look similar. You laughed, passing by Nate’s and adding an extra jewel because you wanted to make it more sparkly. He narrowed his eyes at you, but let you keep adding jewels until you were content and circled the class again to see how your kids were coming along. Mikko and Andre snickered; only you would be allowed to touch anything of Nate’s and not have him explode on you.
“Mr. MacKinnon?” two of your girls came up to Nate with little giggles. He looked at them confused, but answered.
“You and Miss Y/L/N are dating right? Like you’re here all the time. Ever since third grade,” Audrey asked in a hushed tone while Cierra continued to giggle. Nate flushed, not sure how to answer them.
“You must really like her. Like, marry her like her,” Cierra added as Nate cleared his throat and his teammates started to laugh. Before Nate could formulate a sentence though, you were calling for your class’s attention, letting them know it was time to put their ‘sarcophagi’ on the back counter and clean up for the day. As you circled the room again, you noticed Nate looking a bit red with the two forwards trying to hold in their laughter.
“You okay?” you asked him quietly.
“Fine,” he shot you a smile, and though you were skeptical, you returned to your class.
“Yeah Teacher Dad Mackinnon. When are you going to make her Teacher Mom MacKinnon?” Andre chirped quietly, muttering a sorry when you shot him a look having heard his voice, but not what he said. Truth be told, Nate had already thought about it and had plans for an off-season proposal.
Campus was quiet on a Thursday after school. You had made copies and stapled a few packets together, graded math tests, and prepared a social studies test for Friday. One task led to another and you kept walking around your room hanging up new student work. Sitting down, you started working on going through your students work from the week to check for understanding and participation. As you were stamping and writing comments, you heard your door being unlocked. Figuring it was the custodian, you kept on plugging away. “Hi Ms. Kay,” you said cheerfully, before looking up and jumping in shock. “What are you doing here?” Nate looked at you incredulously.
“Why are you still here? Y/N I thought something happened to you,” he walked over to you and pulled you up and into a hug. Was he worried about you?
“No, I was just getting some things done. How did you get in?” you asked as he let go of you.
“Ms. Kay gave me your room key when I ran into her in the parking lot. Why the hell are you still here? I tried to call you like ten times,” Nate said, obviously worried, but you still weren’t sure why.
“I have bad reception in my room, I’m sorry babe,” you said, grabbing his hand. “Why are you so worried. Is everything okay?”
“You don’t know what time it is, do you?” Nate asked you, laughing humorlessly.
“It’s only like 4:30,” you said, looking at him confused.
“Hun, no,” he said, showing you his watch. “It’s 7:30.”
“Oh my gosh Nate. I am so sorry! One thing led to another and I wasn’t paying attention and…” you rambled.
“Hey it’s okay,” Nate tilted your chin up with his forefinger. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, realizing you had worried him. Nate smiled softly at you, giving you a quick kiss before grabbing your backpack and keys.
“Let’s go home,” he tugged on your hand but looked back when you didn’t budge.
“Nate I have so much to do. I don’t know how I got behind this week but I need to get all their work together and sent home in their Friday folders,” you rushed out, starting to feel overwhelmed that you didn’t have all the time you thought you had.
“Then they can get them on Monday. You need to come home and get some rest,” Nate tried to reason patiently with you.
“Nate, they’re called Friday folders for a reason,” you said.
“And I’m sure if they get them late one week no one will riot,” he responded.
“You don’t know that.”
“I know your class adores you as their teacher. Now let’s go home and you can finish them tomorrow if you’re going to stress over it,” Nate started to pull you along.
“Leave it.”
The next day you were running on pure caffeine and more thankful than usual that it was Friday. The unfortunate part, your schedule had no room for you to work on your Friday folders. Figuring you would skip lunch to get it done, you went about your day as usual. You were helping Noah with dividing fractions when there was a knock at your door. As you continued to help your student, Justin got up and answered. “Mr. MacKinnon!” he yelled and your head shot up.
“Justin, that is not an appropriate classroom tone,” you said as your class was all trying to get a better look at Nate. “Get back to work you guys. I’ll be right back Noah. Try number 12 by yourself,” you suggested, getting up and walking over to Nate. “Everything okay?”
“What do you want me to file?” he asked.
“What?” you asked, confused by his question.
“You were stressed yesterday about your Friday folders and they still look empty,” Nate gestured toward your hanging files on the wall with all the student’s folders in them. “I figured I would stop by to see if you needed help.”
“Are you my room mom for the day?” you laughed quietly and Nate nodded. Checking the time, you shook your head.
“You just got out of practice. I appreciate the help, but I’m sure your tired. Go home and rest,” you said, feeling guilty that you had worried him yesterday.
“I’m good. Where should I start?” he smiled.
“Please let him stay Miss Y/L/N. I love making my brother mad that Nathan MacKinnon spends time in our class instead of his,” Isaac said from behind you. Turning around, you laughed looking up at the tall sixth grader.
“Why are you up?” you asked.
“Oh! I need help on number 15,” he showed you his messy paper.
“We’ll go over everything right now. But did you flip the second fraction and then simplify?”
“Ohhh, I would start there,” you smiled.
“Yes ma’am,” Isaac saluted you and went back to his desk. You laughed softly, shaking your head and turning back to Nate. “If you’re sure you want to stay, their work is all ready to be filed and it’s sitting on my desk. Thank you.” You smiled at Nate with a sigh of relief. He squeezed your arm reassuringly for a moment, then walked over to your desk to grab the stack he needed. “Alright my crazies, let’s go over our keep, change, flip.”
This wasn’t actually happening, was it? There’s no way this is real. These thoughts swirled in your head on a Friday in March. The school was closing for an extended spring break due to an outbreak. COVID-19 was closing your school. Nate’s season was just postponed, and now school. You went home in tears that day, not knowing what was going to happen next.
Over the next two weeks, you prepared Google Classrooms and work to do digitally as your school year was called. A month in a half online, then summer. Nate was getting agitated, not knowing what to expect with hockey and also worried for the both of you in the city. “I’m getting us a flight to Coal Harbor before they close the borders,” he mentioned one night during dinner.
“Nate, I can’t leave. What if I need to get back into my class? What if my kids need me?” you asked, your anxiety heightening.
“Then I’ll find a way to get you back here as quickly as possible. I just think we would be safer at home with more space, not an apartment in the middle of Denver,” he explained.
“I don’t have anything to teach there. At least here I have a white board, I can’t take that on a plane,” you rambled. Nate reached across the table and grabbed your hand.
“I already ordered you one for there. It’s being delivered tomorrow. You can turn one of the spare rooms into your classroom, or you can take my office and I can do things somewhere else. I just want to go back home, and I’m not comfortable leaving you here,” he said, wiping a tear off your cheek with the pad of his thumb. You weren’t sure if you were stress crying or worried crying at this point. He did have a point though, and you were online for the remainder of the school year. You nodded.
~ ~ ~
Three weeks later you were laughing at a story one of your kids was telling you over Google Meet. You had to give it to your class, they were very resilient and working hard to finish the year off. Deciding that you wanted to do something fun for PE, you roped Nate into a low-key training session. You told your kids to come to class that morning in their favorite sports gear and be ready to move. Opening your meet, you appeared in your MacKinnon jersey. “Of course you have a MacKinnon jersey Miss Y/L/N,” Cierra said laughing. You looked at her shocked.
“Who else should I have?” you laughed with her.
“Crosby,” Kiely unmuted herself quickly.
“I heard that Kiely!” Nate yelled from somewhere in the hallway. Your kids started laughing and you smiled at them, thankful to have them all healthy and safe in front of you, even if it was through a screen.
“Okie dokie kiddies. I have something fun planned for us today. Are you all ready to meet our special guests?”
“We know Mr. MacKinnon is there Miss Y/L/N,” Steven unmuted himself and laughed.
“I said guests as in plural Steven. But if you don’t want to meet him, I guess I can just send him back home,” you shrugged, starting to turn around in your chair.
“No no no! Steven stop talking. Miss Y/L/N, who is it?” Noah called, practically bouncing out of his seat.
“Hey, be nice Noah. Alright ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. I would like you to meet your PE coaches for the day. Mr. MacKinnon you already know, but say hi!” your kids all unmuted themselves to say hello to Nate as he walked into the room. “Okay now, drumroll please! Your other PE coach, Mr. Crosby!” The screams of your kids had you pressing ‘mute all’ really quick. If only there was a mute all in real life. Sidney waved at your kids while Nate laughed as Kalel fell out of his chair in excitement. You saw parents running into the rooms of your students, all waving and excited themselves once they saw there was no danger.
After a 30 minute workout with Nate and Sid demonstrating and counting for the kids, you let them have time to talk with your class. They had been working so hard, you figured some time missed from learning to enjoy themselves in this hectic experience was needed. Friday was half day for you online, so after a math review and reading time, you said goodbye to your kids as they all started to log off. Waving till the last one left, you sunk back into your chair as you ended the call. Nate came into the room and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Thank you for doing that today,” you said, smiling at your boyfriend.
“Of course. I would do anything for you, you know that,” he said simply and you smiled. “I am mad at Kiely though. Why should you have a Crosby jersey?” Nate made a face and you giggled.
“She just wants what’s best for her teacher,” you teased him, leaning forward to give him a quick kiss and then standing up to head to the kitchen for a snack.
“Yeah sure,” Nate said, then comprehended what you just said. “Hey!” he ran after you, circling his arms around your waist while you laughed and tried to get away from him.
It was the last day of school for the year, and you were watching a movie with your kids on Google Meet. After the meet you talked about the summer and what they hoped to do if they could. You had them also talk about what their favorite part of the year was and what they look forward to in Junior High. “You guys know that I will always be here for you. I know you will all be awesome seventh graders and I can’t wait to run into you all at the grocery store one day and have you all tell me about it,” you said, starting to get choked up with having to say goodbye to them after such an insane year.
“I’m gonna miss you Teacher Mom,” Alexa unmuted herself and you almost broke. Even though you would get after her when she would call Nate Teacher Dad, you loved being her Teacher Mom.
“You’re going to make me cry,” you said, tearing up and laughing as your kids all started to unmute themselves to tell you not to cry.
“Miss Y/L/N, can you call Mr. MacKinnon into the room please?” Kiely asked softly and you nodded, figuring she wanted to say goodbye to him too. You called for Nate, laughing at a joke one of your boys told you while he walked into the room. Seeing him through the camera, you turned around in shock.
“What’s all of this?” you said to all the little presents and cards Nate was holding and placing down on the desk beside your laptop.
“We all wanted to get you something, so my mom emailed Mr. MacKinnon to plan how to get it to you!” Isaac shouted.
“Email?” you asked Nate, not knowing they had his email.
“Instagram,” he whispered. Your actual room mom DMed Nate.
“You guys! This is too much! Thank you,” you gushed, looking at the outpour of love from your class. “You’re all the best and I love you guys,” you said, not helping the tears that came to your eyes.
“Love you Miss Y/L/N!” a few of your girls shouted while your boys just laughed.
“There is also one more thing,” Nate muttered to you, rubbing the back of his neck. “You guys ready?” he asked your class, and you could hear the nerves in his voice. Why was he nervous? Your kids all nodded, big smiles on most of their faces. “Okay, hold them up.” You watched the screen as your kids held up colorful posters with different sayings on them. Confused, you started to read them.
“Teacher Mom + Teacher Dad”
“Mrs. MacKinnon’s Class!”
“Say yes!” … Kiely’s had a picture of a ring on it. Your jaw dropped as your heartbeat sped up.
“Turn around!” Alexa yelled through the speakers. Spinning in your chair, you came face to face with Nate kneeling in front of you, a beautiful ring in his hands.
“I had a whole speech planned out, but I’m forgetting it now,” he chuckled and you giggled with him, more tears filling your eyes. “I know this time has been crazy, and I didn’t plan on purposing to you during a pandemic, but I didn’t want to wait any longer. I love you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. I’m thankful everyday that those kids brought you to the rink that day three years ago. I love having crafts all over my desk because you need more space, and I love being Teacher Dad; more than I thought I would. But most of all, I love the peace and steadiness you bring to my life, even if you’re running in circles yourself. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”
“Say yes!” shouts came from behind you on the computer screen. You smiled, nodding your head.
“Yes, of course,” you said, tears falling. Nate smiled at you and slipped the ring on your finger, standing up and bringing you into a hug. He wanted to kiss you, but knew you would get mad that it was in front of your class. Cheers erupted from the meet, and you turned to see not only your students but their parents also. Laughing, you showed your class your ring quickly.
“Yay Teacher Mom and Teacher Dad!” Alexa shouted and you couldn’t get mad at her this time. After they all calmed down and you said your final goodbyes, you ended the meet and found Nate laying on the couch. You lowered yourself on top of him and kissed him.
“How did you get them to do that?” you asked, referring to the signs.
“When Isaac’s mom messaged me, I brought it up. She coordinated it all with the other parents,” he said and you laughed.
“I love you,” you said, kissing him again, Nate wrapped his arms around you, holding you close.
“I love you too, future Mrs. MacKinnon.”
Tagged: @avsfans95 @capsvsducks @justjosty @tysojost @natxpat @evphemia @stlbluesbrat21 @fallinallincurls @joeyisourranger @kyratallent @drewseph93 @ayohockeycheck @tkbarzal @stormingroses @dreamandrow @handwrittenheros @brandonbagel @bakerclaire123 @miranda0102 @cherrylita @musiclove-12 @reallyawkwardbandlover
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hacash · 3 years
you can't say that about the team's relationship with nate vs nate's relationship with the team and not expand!
Ok yes let's do this
So first off, the Beard vs Richmond Himbos discussion: I think it's obvious that Beard does like Nate and get along with him in S1 (he called him a good kid and they hang out in the Diamond Dogs, etc.) However, it feels like a lot of that relationship is dependant on Ted - you know how you can have a trio of friends who only seem to hang out because of that one connecting friend? And with Ted withdrawing in s2, the Beard/Nate relationship seems to have thinned out. A lot of people have noticed that while Beard has noticed Nate's sliding behaviour over s2, he's never actually asked what on earth's going on; he doesn't seem concerned that Nate's behaviour might be part of a larger problem. Nate and Beard's friendship seems to function as a part of the Diamond Dogs, or the Beard-Ted-Nate trio - I think before Nate's slide Beard clearly likes Nate, but they're not exactly close.
The Richmond boys, however, clearly adore Nate.
@kalinara pointed out on another post that Colin doesn't reluctantly forgive Nate for his words in Headspace, he does it enthusiastically; and once he does, the entire team piles in with the group hug. They present him with that lovely but ultimately misjudged Wonder Kid jersey on the same day (two days after the match - they really must have wanted to celebrate Nate's success!), so clearly there are no lingering hurt feelings there. In Make Rebecca Great Again we see Colin and Isaac encouraging Nate to party with them in the karaoke bar, and when Nate is nervous about delivering that infamous pep talk before the game at Liverpool, the entire team sense that nervousness and encourage him. The joy they take in celebrating Nate's promotion in the S1 finale is self-evident. And for all that different folks in fandom take Nate's 'inspirational insults' in different ways, to me the reactions from the lads towards the pep talk and the 'I sat you down at the Tottenham match' jibe seem to me to be very, very approving. The lads like it when Nate snarks along with them. They love him.
The show's not touched on it yet - and might never do so, although I hope they do - but I think the boys' affection for Nate does carry with it a slightly clumsy thoughtlessness. (Which I'm not saying means they're acting awfully - but these are Premier League footballers whose status is akin to those of minor gods; they're good hearted, but it makes sense they'd occasionally be a little clumsy with how they treat other people.)
I've rambled before about the fact that it's notable that we've never seen a single Richmond player apologise to Nate for the events of s1, where (with the exception of Roy and Sam) we repeatedly see the teammates either messing with Nate or laughing in encouragement. Jamie apologises to the entire team but not Nate, and while Colin and Isaac lay off him, they don't admit any wrong-doing: they explicitly say it's because they don't want to get another pasting from Roy. And considering the show is so conscientious about showing apologies when they're needed, I can't help wonder if that was done deliberately, and that it's being saved up for some big emotional moment in s3.
Because I can imagine the lads on the team thinking that everything's fine, they get along with Nate now, all's well that ends well, and no hard feelings, right? But that's almost coming from a place of privilege, because I can also imagine that it must still be an issue for Nate. As an audience we fell in love with the himbos in season 2 and so we would automatically think that Nate should love them as much as we love them...but that’s forgetting how much hassle got at the beginning of s1 (and presumably prior to s1), from some of our Richmond faves no less! So I can imagine that how the team as a whole sees their friendship with Nate must be a hell of a lot less complicated than how Nate sees his relationship with the team.
For someone in Nate's shoes - who we see in s1 genuinely pleading Colin to let go when he's got him in a headlock, and asking Colin and Isaac to 'get him twice' rather than screwing with him at the gala - things like that would fester. I don't know what it's like to deal with long-term workplace bullying, but I can imagine that to go from that level of harassment to that level of friendship without even an acknowledgement that past behaviour was wrong must needle you. It must be galling. And we've all noted by now that of all the players to pick on and take down a peg, Nate ends up zeroing in on Colin. Because Colin's canonically insecure and an easy win, yes - but let's be honest, in a horrible sort of way it must have felt good to see Colin flinch from those words, when this was the guy who used to regularly hassle him up in the locker room.
The little snippets of Nate with the team (the celebration of his promotion, the night out at karaoke) suggest he does have affection for them - at least until his ego wins out at the end of s2. I think he does like them. But I think there must also be some lingering, galling resentment that all that bullying happened and was then just swept under the rug; even if the boys don't realise it's even still a problem. And I think that no matter what happens redemption-arc-wise with Nate, that lingering resentment is going to impact Nate's relationship with the Richmond players until everyone sits down and hashes everything out once and for all.
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the-aggro-crag-car · 3 years
prompt: lake experiencing little things for the first time, like touching/feeling or even smelling or tasting certain things they never got to before (unfortunately i don't really have any ideas as to what the thing would be)
She wasn't freaking out, she was just slowly starting to feel the reality of the situation fall into place around her.
Lake was in the real world. She was free, for real now, and it was the most amazing thing she'd ever felt. It was also terrifying, and getting harder and harder to ignore the echoes of what Mace had said to her out in the wasteland.
It would be fine. Jesse was inside his house now, explaining everything to his parents. They decided it was best for him to go in first, for lots of reasons. Part of it was just that he'd been gone for over a month and everyone had kinda thought he died, and Lake figured the family deserved some goddamn privacy for a proper reunion before being thrust into this whole situation with her being just... here now.
The other part was that she didn't know how they'd react, and maybe at least Jesse could put in a good word for her first. He'd promised it would be fine, and the last time he promised something it was to get her off the train which should have been impossible but here she was, so she was inclined to believe him.
Still, it was... scary.
She was good at being scared though, so it was fine.
"Jesse said you used to live in a mirror, is that true?"
Lake hadn't even realized she'd been pacing until Nate's question distracted her. Jesse had been nervous about leaving her out here alone (they were both terrified of being alone right now) and his little brother had offered to stay out with her. Normally a question like that would be annoying, but Nate was just a little kid. Lake wasn't too sure how she felt about little kids yet, but she knew Jesse cared about him a lot, and so far he seemed... fine.
"Mirror world, not a singular mirror. It's another dimension, connected to this one by anything that makes a reflection," she explained. Nate nodded, listening with rapt interest. He looked a lot like Jesse, it was cute.
"That's so cool," he said, and Lake just shrugged.
"I guess," she muttered, starting to pace again. Was Jesse taking too long? No, he hadn't seen his parents in a month, he could take as long as he needed. What if they didn't want to let a stranger made of metal into their house though? What if they thought she was just like his old friends and a bad influence or something? Would they even be wrong? Being around Lake had nearly gotten him killed after all.
"Are you okay?" Nate asked, and Lake paused again, starting to play with her bracelet just to have something to do with her hands. She nodded, even if okay wasn't anywhere close to how she was feeling. Her emotions were still simultaneously on the far ends of 'absolute euphoria' and 'overwhelming dread.'
"I'm fine," she lied, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I've just... never met a friend's parents before. I'm uh, ya know, a little nervous," she continued, because that felt like an easier thing for a little kid to understand than everything going on in her head. Wasn't even necessarily wrong either.
"Oh!" Nate said, eyes lighting up with recognition. "Are you shy?" he asked, voice suddenly in a whisper and it was almost enough to get Lake to crack a smile.
"Yeah, I guess I am," she said, not really sure if that was true. She doubted most people would peg her as the shy type. Still, the idea of being around people was pretty terrifying, so it worked well enough.
"That's okay! I am too," Nate assured her, which was definitely cute. "You wanna do something fun? It helps calm me down sometimes," he offered, and this time Lake actually smiled as she nodded.
"Yeah alright, whatcha got?" she asked.
"Okay, over here," Nate said, walking them over to a patch of the yard and sitting down. Lake followed along, and it looked like a patch of clovers, little white flowers all throughout. They weren't anything special, clearly more weeds than anything else. "Ever make a flower necklace before?" he asked, and Lake shook her head.
"Nope," she said truthfully. Maybe Tulip had, but if she had it was never near anything reflective. "What do we do?"
"So, it's really easy. You just take uh, these flowers here, you wanna pick em near the bottom cause you want the stem long. Then you just tie em together like this. When you have enough in a string you can tie it into a bracelet or a necklace or crown or whatever," he explained, showing Lake as he did.
She followed along, and it really was easy. Still, it was something to do with her hands, and somehow it did actually feel like it helped some, having something tangible to focus on. Nate seemed to be a bit better at it than her, his flowers more bunched together while Lake's were kinda strung out, but that didn't really bother her.
It was really getting dark by the time the front door finally opened again, and Lake had gotten a bit better at the flower thing. As welcomed as the distraction was, it was even more of a relief to see Jesse again, sprinting over to them and smiling.
"Okay, they wanna meet you! Is that- are you good for that? How've you guys been holding up?" Jesse asked as they both climbed to their feet.
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. We've been fine, hold out your hand," Lake said, Jesse following the command without question. When he did she tied the shitty flower bracelet around his wrist. "Nate showed me how to make it, seemed more your style than mine though," she explained.
"Oh," Jesse said softly, inspecting the bracelet with a smile similar to the one from right after she got out. "That's- I'm glad you're getting along," he added, and Lake nodded. Yeah, so far Nate seemed cool.
"So, your parents theeeen, uh," she fumbled, looking back towards the house and only then noticing two people who were definitely Jesse's parents, standing in the doorway, staring wide eyed and having probably watched that whole little scene. Lake could feel her face darken as she instinctively stepped a little bit closer to Jesse, hiding behind him the slightest bit.
Jesse didn't seem deterred though, still smiling brightly as he took her hand and turned back towards them. Which, maybe that was a good sign. He promised it would be okay, and she still believed him.
"Mom, dad, this is my best friend Lake! The one I was telling you about," he called as he lead them towards the house. There was still a lot about this that was absolutely terrifying, and Jesse's parents still looked like they couldn't quite believe their eyes.
As far as first impressions went though, that... probably wasn't the worst one she could have had.
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xplrvibes · 2 years
I'm sorry. It's been a bit since I actually did one of these, but...I had to. It's like an itch that I just had to scratch, lol.
Behind the cut are my thoughts on episodes 5 and 6 of the so-called season 2: Bower's Mansion and Victoria's Black Swan Inn.
But before you hit that keep reading button: please for the love of all that is good and pure, READ THE DISCLAIMER.
Try to remember that I am just some goof with a blog and a lot of opinions, and I am not the world's foremost expert on all things Sam and Colby. If you don't like what I said, don't lose sleep over it.
Opinions are defined as: "A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge."
So, I didn’t really talk much about Bower’s Mansion- and that wasn’t for any bad reason, I actually did like the episode- but I do want to take this opportunity to talk about one thing that I just need to get off my chest about Bower’s: The Door.
If I’m allowed one critique about this episode, its that they didn’t even attempt to figure out if the door closing multiple times in a night could be anything other than paranormal. I 100% believe Colby had nothing to do with that door closing the second time (even if the way he moved away from the door right before it closed was a bit...suspicious).  His absolute panic at the jump scare, plus them catching the door closing on camera later in the night really sealed the deal of his innocence for me.  That being said- to me, a door closing three times in one night makes it more likely that it can be ascribed to a creaky old malfunctioning door in a creaky old abandoned house, rather than anything paranormal.  
However, they get eternal brownie points for finally acknowledging that Colby got some shit going on with him, which as you know, has been my mission statement since the dawning of the age of aquarius, and they gave us a ton of sweet sweet cat footage, so...they get an overall 8/10 on that episode from me.
Now, onto this latest episode (Victoria's Black Swan Inn).
This episode was just ok to me.  I don’t know why, but it felt a little...rushed. It almost felt like they left a few key scenes out for some reason.  And I feel, at the end of the day, that maybe there just wasn’t much interesting evidence or paranormal stuff that happened in this episode, and maybe that’s why it felt kind of off, but I did definitely notice it.
Anyway, there were some pro's and some con's. So, I'm going to highlight some of those below. These are in no particular order:
Pro: Sam, Colby and Nate's relationship is top tier. They work really well together and you can just see how much they truly enjoy each other's company- and how many years of history they have between them. I don't think snc gel with anyone quite as smoothly as they do with Nate.
Con: I couldn’t follow along with the story of what supposedly happened in this house.  Maybe I was too tired, or maybe the editing was a little choppy, but...I don’t know.  There was a lady who died somehow (I think they mentioned like 3 different ways this woman could've died?), and a guy named Park Street who killed himself, only maybe he didn’t, only maybe he did?  And somehow they were connected, and then there was some guy named Porkelroy or something? And a dude that died trying to save a horse, but I don't know if he was the Porkelroy guy or someone totally unrelated? I don’t know.  I really don’t know. 
Pro: I don't know why Sam and Colby had to take their shirts off and stand so awkwardly in the corner to scare Nate, but when I tell you I laughed...
I mean, why are they standing like this???!!
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This will haunt my nightmares, but in the best of ways. Nate said it best: "I don't know whether to be scared or aroused."
Con: Outside of the Estes Method, which I'll get to in a sec, there really wasn't much in the way of super cool paranormal activity, so I feel like the things thay were happening they were really dialing up to 11. The flashlights were fun, I guess, and I'm happy they remembered that they own a thermal camera, but...I don't know.
I didn't buy that shadow figure thing at all...mostly because I didn't see anything. Like Sam literally pointed the camera in the other direction at first, like wtf lol. And even when they did zoom in...maybe my bad eyesight is catching up to me, but I didn't see shit.
Also...Sam kept saying this is the first time he saw a shadow figure, but he supposedly saw one at the Conjuring and the Bellaire House, so he's on like his third first with that whole thing.
Pro: The Estes Method Sessions were both cool. First of all, did anyone catch Colby rocking along in perfect tandem with Nate while Nate was under? So random, lol.
But second of all- while it was kind of weird to throw Colby in the closet and be yelling questions through the door at him, watching him practically hypnotize himself while he was doing the Estes Method really upped the creep factor. I don't know wtf they were even trying to get out of the lady, cause I couldn't follow that whole story worth a damn, but it was still cool!
Con: This is just a minor thing, but don't be tracking wet shoes and mud all through that old ass house with them old ass floors, boys. Also, the bare feet- wasn't Nate running around barefoot all night? Couldn't those tracks have been him?
Pro: The psychomanteum thing, was very very interesting to me. I didn’t for a second buy that it was paranormal in any way, shape or form, but my god was it fascinating in a psychological way. I loved it, I loved hearing about the state of almost hypnosis that they put themselves in and the things they saw, and I would love to do some kind of deep dive and figure out what some of that says about one's psyche.
Also, Nate is quite the wordsmith lol. "Obsidian wells" sounds like the name of a town on a soap opera. 🤣
And this is not a pro or a con, but a random observation: There was something really funky happening with Colby in this entire episode. I don't know if he hotboxed beforehand, or what, but he was...off. At a couple different points, he was staring off into space like he was seeing/hearing things the others weren't, he randomly started smelling gunpowder, and he just seemed...drained. Even before the whole psychomanteum/Estes Method thing, he just seemed off. I don't know what that was about, perse, but it was noticeable- at least to me. Anyone else?
Anyway, this one was solid on the interactions between the boys and had some fun moments, but it was kind of filler for me. I'll give it a 6.5/10, and I guess we'll see what's in store for next week!
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hogarthwrites · 3 years
house sitting for two chapter one
pairing: Sam Drake/Reader (m/f)
genre: smut
warnings: alcohol use, graphic sex, daddy kink, bad dirty talk
words: 2,059
After a mix-up you find yourself house sitting with Sam.
I’m back!!!
Nathan tried to ignore the looks he got as he looked for his seat on the plane. Cassie was three years old now, but she was still small enough to make other passengers sigh and shake their heads. It irked him, but he knew he was like that long ago.
“Is this it?” Elena peeped from behind his shoulder.
The tickets said seats E24, E25, E26.
“This is it,” Nathan nodded and let Elena and Cassie pass to find their seats while he stowed their bags.
“Can't believe we're finally going on this trip,” Elena happily sighed and stretched in her seat. “Three weeks in Europe without any paperwork or clients.”
“I'm just happy Sam was willing to house sit for us,” Nathan muttered as he tried handed Cassie a notebook and a crayon to distract her.
“Sam?” Elena gave him a quizzical look. “I asked (Y/N) because Sam had that thing.”
“No, you didn't, and that was cancelled anyway.”
“Nate, I left you a note on the fridge the other day about it.”
And Elena did leave that note. Unfortunately for Nathan, it flew off when he whipped the fridge door open and got lost under the fridge.
“Well, I didn't see it,” he shrugged.
“Oh, no, Nate, ” Elena fumbled for her phone. “I have to text them.”
“Hey, don't worry, they've worked together before. I'm sure they'll work it out.”
The wind gently blew in from the open window of your car as you made your way to the Drake-Fisher household. It wasn't your first time house sitting for Elena, who had become like the sister you always wished you had, and if you were being honest, staying in the beach house felt like a vacation.
You heard your phone buzz, but you were too lost in your thoughts to bother checking. It was probably just your mom, as Elena and Nathan were probably on the plane by now.
The bungalow came into view and you parked your car in front. It was automatic for you to grab your bags and make your way in.
“Aw, sweet,” you grabbed the bowl of chips and the bottle of beer on the counter and made your way to the fridge where a note was plastered on with Nathan’s handwriting.
You know the drill. Water the plants, keep the place clean, bark at introducers. Help yourself to the fridge. Keep in touch, Sam.
You squinted at the last word. Sam? The toilet flushed and you heard water running.
Sam? The man you worked with once, the man you always hooked up with on special occasions? One Night Sam?
“What are you doing here?” Sam froze as he saw you then he pointed at the bowl in your hand. “Those are mine.”
“Uh,” you were speechless at his appearance. He had a blue Hawaiian shirt printed with large orange hibiscus flowers on, unbuttoned, a pair of beige shorts, and flip flops. It was a far cry from the usual sherpa jacket, jeans, and heavy duty boots.
“You still there?” Sam snapped his fingers at you.
“Yeah,” you hugged the bowl closer to you. “Elena asked me to house sit.”
“Nice try. Nathan asked me to house sit,” he raised an eyebrow at you as he leaned against the wall.
“You're mistaken, old man,” you pulled your phone out from your pocket. “Here, I'll show you the text Elena– oh. ”
You finally saw the text she sent earlier:
Hey! Sorry, there's been a mix-up with Nate as he asked Sam to house sit as well. I'm so sorry about this. I hope you guys can figure something out.
“What?” Sam moved closer.
“So we're both house sitting,” you held your phone up for him to read the text. “Unless you want me to go.”
“What? No,” he gently put a hand on your arm. “Stay. I’m sorry about earlier, but I could use the company.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “We never really got to properly connect, you know?”
“I don't know, Sam, I think we connected just fine at Jill and Bonnie’s wedding, and last Halloween, and a couple of barbecues…” You smirked, noting the slight redness that was blossoming on Sam’s cheeks. So he does get flustered.
“A few beers won't hurt,” he nudged you.
“Look,” you sighed. “All those times were fun, and you're a great lay,” you noticed a grin tug on the corners of his lips. “But if I'm gonna stay, we're going to have to lay off the sex. We're gonna be here for a while.”
“Is that all you think about?” Sam gave you a mocking grin. “I just wanted to get to know you better.”
“No, I–” this time, you were flustered, but Sam grabbed another bottle of beer and raised it up for you to clink. “Cheers?”
You clinked his bottle and chuckled. “Cheers.”
You spent the rest of the day in the sitting room, lounging around the cushions on the floor and playing Mancala. Sam was armed with an abundance of cheesy jokes, and despite your best judgment, you laughed at them all.
You learned that he loved to read and that he likes soft rock music, and in turn, you introduced him to newer music.
“ WAP? ” Sam looked confused as you played the song on your phone. “Is that an acronym or a sound?”
“Just listen,” you giggled.
Sam leaned over on the table, listening intently to the music.
“This is really catchy, by the way,” he mumbled.
Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass pussy.
He grinned and eventually burst out in laughter as the song progressed.
“What?” You laughed along.
“It's… It's interesting,” he was still smiling. “I like it. Wet ass pussy, huh?”
“Truly a masterpiece,” you put your phone away when the song ended and downed your beer. Sam was still leaning on the table, looking at you.
You weren’t sure if you were just imagining it, but Sam started to move closer. Alarms went off in your head, but despite it all, you still found yourself kissing him back. His lips tasted like beer and cigarettes, and you sighed as his calloused palms slid under your shirt, touching the soft skin underneath.
His skin was warm as you slid your own hand under his unbuttoned shirt, feeling his heartbeat under your fingertips. It was all too familiar and you knew all too well where this was leading.
No sex.
“Sam,” you breathed, pulling away. He leaned in to kiss you more, but you placed a hand on his chest. “We can’t do this.”
“Why?” His voice was hoarse, obvious that he wanted it as much as you did.
“Remember? No sex?” You softly pushed him away, and he lowered his head and let out a deep chuckle.
“You were being serious about that?”
“Yes, Sam, I was!” You stood up and fixed your shirt. “I’m going to bed.”
Sam could only sigh as you grabbed your bags and made your way to the spare bedroom that Elena called “work in progress”. You were grateful the room had its own bathroom so you didn’t have to go out to see Sam, but it didn’t stop you from rubbing one out in the shower, thinking about the kiss from earlier.
You cursed yourself when you finally crawled into the mattress on the floor. This was a stupid rule. Why not have sex with him? You’ve already had sex with Sam Drake countless times, right? What makes this time different?
Yeah, but I never stayed long enough to wake up in his arms. The last thing you wanted was to start having actual feelings for the man. Still…
He was just in the sitting room. You knew because you heard soft music playing from the record player. You could imagine him still sitting on those cushions, probably smoking now. Could he be thinking of you?
You got out of bed and peeked out into the hallway. Sam was definitely still there.
This is crazy. You’re crazy. You tried to drown out your thoughts as you made your way to the sitting room.
Sam was lounging on the cushions, one hand under his head and a cigarette in the other. He looked a little surprised as you stood at the doorway.
“What’s up?” He smiled as you kneeled next to him.
You caught his lips in yours, pushing him down on the cushions. He let out a grunt as you straddled him, taking his cigarette and placing it between your lips.
“What happened to the ‘no sex’ rule?” Sam smirked as his fingers lingered at the hem of your shirt.
“It’s a stupid a rule,” you smiled, taking a drag.
“I’m glad you agree,” Sam pulled you closer to kiss you.
Your shirt was the first to go as you grind your hips against his. Sam looked up at you in awe, watching you pleasure yourself while you smoked. His fingers kneaded into your breasts, pinching and pulling at your nipples.
“This is a bad idea,” you said, softly moaning as you felt him get harder in his shorts.
“We can stop,” Sam teased. “But I don't think that's what you want.”
“No. It isn't,” you put the cigarette out on the ashtray on the table then slid down to his crotch, palming the ever growing bulge. “This I want.”
You wasted no time pulling his shorts off along with his underwear, pleased at his cock, glistening with pre-cum, ready for you. You took it in your hand, squeezing it gently and you felt it throb and twitch with desire.
“Fuck, you look good,” Sam groaned as you took his manhood in your mouth. “That's right, baby.”
You swirled your tongue around his cock, savouring the taste of his pre-cum, wanting more. He groaned and bucked his hips, making you take him in deeper in your mouth. You loved how he tasted, how he looked under your control, and you felt your underwear get wet.
Sam’s fingers tangled in your hair as he pulled you up to kiss him. You squealed as he flipped you over on the cushion with ease, and he started kissing your chest and your breasts. Your underwear came off, then his shirt as Sam was desperate to feel your skin against his.
He lay on top of you, his naked chest flush against yours as he continued to kiss you. You felt his cock rub against your clit as he slowly moved his hips, trying to get a feel for you.
“Sam,” you panted as his lips moved down to your neck. “Fuck me now. Please.”
“If you insist.” Sam gave you a dark grin before lining himself up with your entrance. He pushed himself in ever so slowly, his hot breath on your neck.
“Sam, please,” you whined.
You gasped as he lurched his hips forward, slamming into you, and soon he'd set a quick pace. He sat up to put his hands on your hips, groaning at the sensation.
“Yeah, fill that pussy up,” you said, eliciting a moan from Sam.
“I'm gonna fill you up good, baby,” Sam slowed his hips to thrust into you deep and hard. “You like that, huh?”
“Yes, daddy, I love it,” you grabbed at the pillows around you.
Sam shifted you so you lay on your side, legs closed, and he growled at the tightness.
“Mmmh,” he slapped your ass. “So tight, baby.”
He set a quick pace again while you held onto the cushions. You moved your hips in time with his thrusts, your mouth hung open in pleasure, saying his name over and over like a prayer.
Sam held your legs down as you came, your loud moans filling the room, and his hips stilled. You knew he was close when he let out an animalistic growl and slammed his hips against your ass over and over until he quickly pulled out and you felt his warm seed on your ass.
You didn't even remember what happened when you finally came down from your high as your eyes grew heavy. Next thing you knew, Sam was covering you with a blanket.
“What happened?” You mumbled.
“You fell asleep, I think,” Sam put a pillow under your head.
“Oh,” you closed your eyes as your head hit the pillow again.
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
For the evermore prompt list can you do number seven with nathan mackinnon, please 💞💞💞💞
from the evermore prompt list
“And you asked me to dance / But I said, ‘Dancin' is a dangerous game’” - cowboy like me
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When you’d pictured yourself at Sidney’s wedding, you always imagined you’d be happily tucked under Nate’s arm, celebrating right along with the bridal party as his date, dreaming of the day when the two of you would be at the center of such excitement.
And why wouldn’t you picture it that way? Years ago, you and Nate had met in California where you grew up and where he trained, and you’d started dating shortly before he got drafted. You’d been together ever since.
That is, until about six months ago.
So now, here you were, dateless, in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, wearing a pretty pink dress, watching the happy couple while desperately trying to remind yourself to just keep breathing. No matter how much it ached.
Every summer since Nate entered the league, you and Sid’s girlfriend — later fiancée, and now wife — had spent the long, hot days together in Cole Harbour, bouncing between the boys’ houses when the two of you weren’t traveling for your own respective careers. You cherished the years’ worth of memories you’d made painting the town red with her, shopping and swimming to your hearts’ delight while the boys trained during the day, then getting ready and heading out for date night, all four together more often than each couple separately.
Every summer for the past six was spent in much the same way.
Every summer but this one.
After you broke up with Nate and left Denver, both Sid and his fiancée had called you individually, assuring that the change in your relationship status should not keep you from celebrating their wedding. Of course, being the angels they were, they both repeated over and over that they also completely understood if it was something you felt unprepared to do. But in their voices, you heard the deep sincerity as they each told you what it would mean to them if you did choose to come.
They had both done so much for you, acting as the older siblings you never had, both while you were with Nate and ever since. You eventually came to the conclusion that you couldn’t not go, despite the anxiety that riddled you for weeks leading up to this date.
Despite Nate being Sid’s best man.
Despite the agony you felt as you maneuvered the ceremony, cocktail hour, and reception alone.
Despite the entire ordeal looking nothing like you thought it would.
You were happy to have been seated with the Penguins contingent, though you didn’t know most of them all that well. But, they provided a welcome distraction, one that you were grateful for. Sid’s teammates and their significant others were warm and welcoming and, though they well knew your connection to Nate, didn’t try to pry. Of anyone, they understood the delicate balance, and the oft inevitable failure, of relationships involving hockey players.
So, they all simply chatted and laughed and shared stories of Sid and his now-wife and their adventures with the team through the years — European vacations and charity events and Stanley Cup celebrations. Instead of sharing similar memories of your own, vignettes left behind in your former life, you were content to listen politely and laugh along as you sipped at your chardonnay, all the while fully cognizant of Nate’s eyes practically burning a hole through the side of your face from the head table.
His gaze had hardly left you all day, and you kept pouring drinks down your own throat in an attempt to distract yourself from the sadness in his stare.
But the only thing that that had really done successfully was make your head fuzzy.
After the meal, the DJ asked if the best man and maid of honor would make their way to the microphone for their speeches.
At that moment, you noticed several sets of eyes flash your way from around the table, a few concerned, but most just sympathetic. You offered a small smile — really all the more you could muster — and reached for your glass, breathing a sigh of relief that you had just requested a fresh refill. As you brought it to your lips hastily, Kelsey Rust, whose husband Bryan was also one of Sid’s groomsmen, squeezed your knee reassuringly from the seat beside yours. Though you weren’t close with her, you instinctively held onto her hand to ground yourself, and she gave you a kind, understanding nod.
From all the way across the dancefloor, Nate noticed the desperate way you reached for Kelsey, and his throat tightened. He longed for the time in the not so distant past, when he was the one you reached for. The one you leaned on. The one you turned to instinctively, without giving it another thought.
As he stepped to the mic, he tried his damnedest to push those thoughts aside and focus on giving Sid and his bride the tribute they both deserved.
It had taken him weeks to write this damn speech. For all the memories he wanted to share with the guests about Sid and his fiancée, there were still dozens more that he wanted to speak to, but they were tinged with you. He couldn’t possibly get up in front of Sid’s and his fiancée’s families and friends and wax poetic about the ex-girlfriend who they all knew had left him behind after he’d pushed her away.
So, instead, he started with a simple introduction and the expected niceties about the couple and the evening, followed up with a few funny stories about his own relationship with Sid — their competitiveness and their parallel paths — before wrapping it up with what he hoped would be the bow on top.
“I’ve learned a lot from Sid,” Nate spoke. “More than I’ve probably admitted to him. Not just hockey stuff — everybody knows I grew up obsessively watching him play and copying his every move. I mean, hell, I even went to Shattuck just because he did, for Christ’s sake.”
At his dry delivery, the crowd laughed, especially Sid, whose eyes crinkled at the corners as he lit up the room with his grin. Then, Nate cleared his throat and continued as the room quieted. Try as you might, you couldn’t pull your eyes away from him through the entirety of the speech, even when it wrecked you.
“But, uh, no, Sid’s taught me so much,” he said. “About life, and about love. About how to treat the people around you. About never taking anything for granted because you never know when something is going to end.”
With that, you knew Nate was looking at you once again, and your soul ached with regret. You couldn’t bear to look at him again, instead sitting motionless in your chair, barely even breathing. If you could have slipped under the table and out the door without being noticed, you would have, but leaving now would only draw attention to you, and you couldn’t do that to Sid and his wife. So, you sat there in it, praying for Nate’s speech to end soon.
And then, it must have, because people around you were suddenly raising their champagne flutes and clapping as Sid and his bride embraced Nate in the front of the room.
You took that opportunity, with everyone focused on the joy of the moment, to make your escape, sending Kelsey an apologetic glance which she acknowledged with a whispered, “it’s okay.” You didn’t allow yourself to look at the other faces at the table, Kris’s and Catherine’s and Jake’s and Natalie’s and Brian’s and Kayla’s and more. But you knew that they were offering caring looks — you could feel it. You just... you couldn’t handle it right now. Couldn’t handle any of it.
So, you left the grand ballroom of the elegant lodge and found yourself pushing open the nearest doorway, one that led to a balcony overlooking the golf course. The rolling hills and the sweeping fairways, now overtaken by nightfall, allowed you the space and silence you needed to collect your thoughts.
But before you could begin that futile process, you heard a familiar voice behind you — the most familiar one.
“It was you, you know.”
Your eyes fluttered shut. It had been months since you’d heard him speak without the inhibitions of cell phones and hundreds of miles.
Slowly, you turned to face him, your back pressed against the cool, cement railing behind you as you tried to put as much distance between your bodies as possible, for fear that getting too close might just obliterate any semblance of the strength you’d been trying to hold onto all day.
“What was me?” you asked coolly, feigning composure when in reality, the way he looked in the smart grey suit he wore made you dizzy — well, that, combined with your generous consumption of alcohol throughout the day.
Nate noted your hesitance to come close to him, so he left several yards between him and you as he walked forward and leaned his elbows on the railing. He cleared his throat.
“It was you I was talking about when I said Sid taught me never to take anything for granted. People probably thought I was just talking about hockey, maybe. But I wasn’t,” he spoke, and you felt your hands start to tremble. Nate sighed, standing up straight, and looked you square in the eye for the first time since that day when you kissed him goodbye in his living room in Denver. “I took you for granted,” he continued, his voice strained. “I know I did. I just... I never thought you would actually leave. Looking back I realize how stupid that was. You had every right to go.”
You felt a drop of water on your chest and realized that at some point you must have started crying. You dabbed at your skin, trying to dry the tears, but a sob bubbled through your lips as you admitted, “Well, I’ve been fucking miserable ever since.”
Nate blinked, taken aback.
“Have you really?” he asked softly.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, still trying to control your crying.
“Yes, Nate,” you confirmed. “I know I was the one who left in the end. But that didn’t mean I wanted to. Leaving was the exact opposite of what I wanted.”
Nate ran a hand through his hair and gave it a tug, pacing around the balcony.
“It was the exact opposite of what I wanted,” Nate concurred. “But I know I pushed you to it.”
You gave a half-shrug, preparing to reply.
But just then, you heard the strains of a song you knew well flood the ballroom, spilling out the doors to the balcony.
You shouldn’t have been surprised that Sid and his fiancée chose “In Case You Didn’t Know” as their first dance song. But damn it if you hadn’t all four gone to Brett Young’s concert together a few summers back, when you danced with Nate in your suite to this very song, knowing full well how cheesy it was and not caring a bit.
You knew Nate’s mind had gone back to that night, too, as he stopped in his tracks and looked at you wide-eyed. Neither of you said a word for a few lines of the song.
Finally, Nate stretched out a hand.
“Dance with me?” he requested.
You cocked your head at him, though your feet were already moving toward him, betraying your display of faux indecision.
“Dancing is a dangerous game,” you warned.
Nate gave a sad smile.
“We don’t have to, if you don’t—“
You answered him by snaking one arm around his waist, grasping one of his hands in yours, and resting your head against the lapel of his jacket. It was quick and abrupt and it shouldn’t have felt so goddamn right but it did and you felt whole again, if only for this moment.
You felt Nate tentatively wrap his other arm around you, pulling you in close, his lips resting fixed atop your hairline. Both of you hardly moved your feet as the song played on, content and heartbroken all at once to be intertwined together like this again.
“Maybe you did push me,” you suddenly thought aloud. Nate glanced down at you as you pulled your head from his chest to look up at him. “But maybe I didn’t have to leave. Maybe I should’ve just stayed. Maybe we could’ve worked harder on us.”
Nate’s lips parted in surprise, and you thought he may speak up, but he didn’t, so you pressed on.
“Or maybe that’s just the emotions of the wedding talking,” you suggested, leaning further into him — deeper, deeper, as close as you could get. You’d so missed the way he stood so tall above you — this gentle giant of a man constantly making you feel safe, protected, unafraid, by just his form alone, not even to mention his steadfast nature.
“Is it?” Nate inquired somberly, his hand rising up from your hip to brush your cheek before winding its way into the thick hair behind your ear.
You swallowed, lost again in his gleaming blue eyes — blue like his backyard pool that he used to throw you into mercilessly with a belly laugh, blue like the ocean you walked along together on nights both here and in California, blue like the only hue that came to mind when someone asked your favorite color.
“No,” you whispered, and instead of wanting to take it back in the next instant like you feared you might, you wanted to repeat it again and again and again. Scream it from this balcony overlooking his hometown and from the dock behind his house and from center ice at Ball Arena.
No, Nathan. No, it’s not just because of the wedding. No, it’s not just from the alcohol. No, it’s not temporary or fake or fleeting.
“You mean it?” Nate whispered back pleadingly.
You nodded furiously, your chest flush against his as your fingers gripped the dress shirt beneath his jacket.
“I mean it,” you replied. “I miss you. I need you.”
A gleeful, tearful, incredulous chuckle escaped Nate, and he cupped your cheeks in his large hands, bringing his face nearer to yours.
“I miss you so much,” he breathed before his lips found yours. “I never stopped needing you.”
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melodyalanaroster · 3 years
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Miracle Romance
"Oh my god." Alana gasped with tears in her eyes. She stood in front of a large mirror and stared at herself. "I finally look like Serenity." She smiled as she left the dressing room and showed herself to Nathaniel. "You look amazing." Nathaniel smiled. Alana began to cry. “For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be like her... And now, even for a few moments... I can be her.” Tears made their way down her face as she smiled. "I guess I have to break your one rule." Nathaniel smiled. "You are not dying your hair black." Alana remarked. "I could wear a wig." Nathaniel replied. “But Nath... We talked about this...” Alana began. "I am not letting anyone else be your Endymion." Nathaniel interjected.
Throughout Alana's life, she had made it very clear that Sailor Moon had been a staple to her. It was a staple in the Roster family. By the time Alana reached the point of living in the Black Tower, at least four generations of the family enjoyed it. Including both primary sets of sisters, Margaret and little Ravenna.
She would play pretend with Viktor, Severina and Sam when they were children. She would always be Sailor Moon and Princess Serenity, Viktor was Tuxedo Mask and Prince Endymion, Severina was Sailor Venus and Sam was always Sailor Jupiter. The tree house in Alana's backyard was often the Moon Kingdom and they would frequently save the world. The adventures would always end with the power of love winning and the kids going into the house for a snack.
As the kids reached adolescence, they were forced to stop playing. But, their love of the anime was still prevalent. Alana always kept up with merchandise news and rumors about the release of a second anime. Lynne had made sure that Alana and Sam had their own copies of the manga, original anime and movies. Viktor happily talked about being Endymion to Alana’s Serenity until they were forced to break up. They wanted to continue the fantasy, but circumstance parted them. Severina was always happy to talk to everyone, and toss out ideas for a proper cosplay group, but Sam dampened the idea with the reminder that, as long as Viktor’s and Severina’s fathers remained in control of their lives, they’d never be allowed to do so.
When Lynne moved Alana and Sam to Amouria, things began to change. "She won't shut up about that Nathaniel guy." Viktor growled as he sat down next to Severina. “Viktor, you knew from the day one that you and Mels weren't allowed to be together. She has to find her Endymion." Severina sighed. “But seriously? aunt Lynne moves her and Sam to Amouria and they both immediately find guys they like?” Viktor complained. “You know Mels talks about other guys too. Right now, it could be Castiel, Lysander, Armin or Nathaniel.” Severina tried to make things sound better. “No, it's definitely Nathaniel. She barely mentions the others to me. Mostly about Armin playing games, Castiel being an ass, and Lysander losing his notebook. But she dotes on Nathaniel a lot.” Viktor retorted. Severina sighed. "Viktor... Do you remember what happened to Adonis and Beryl? Their envy got the best of them, they became evil and they died. Please keep a clear head.” She reasoned. "I am not like Adonis and Beryl." Viktor shot. “Viktor, I can't believe I have to be the voice of reason here. Both of our moms made it very clear that aunt Lynne, Mels and Sam have more freedom than we do. They're not blue bloods. They have to find their miracle elsewhere... Although, you and I will probably end up being paired together in an arranged marriage set up by our fathers.” She explained. Viktor thought for a couple of minutes and sighed. "I just thought..." 
The first time Nathaniel ever went into Alana's room, he instantly noticed her Sailor Moon dolls. "They're really hard to find these days... And Sailor Moon means a lot to me..." She said as she explained what the show meant to her. “It's a connection to my past, my closest friends, and my family.” She smiled. Nathaniel looked puzzled for a bit, then smiled. "That's really sweet.". He smiled. He noticed a picture of her, Sam, Severina and Viktor on a shelf and picked it up. “You all look like you’re having so much fun.” He mused. “Yeah... That’s the only time we’ve ever been able to dress up.” Alana sighed, wistfully. The kids were in makeshift Sailor Scout uniforms. Their hair wasn’t perfect, and Viktor’s tux didn’t fit right, but they didn’t care. The photo had been taken a few weeks before Cosima Chevalier’s death, and was one of the last happy memories they had as a group. “Its cute.” Nathaniel chuckled as he looked at her lovingly.
When her mother went into the hospital, Nate arranged it to where Alana and Lynne could sit and watch whatever they wanted in the room. Lynne suggested marathoning Sailor Moon. The days in the hospital weren't as bad when they watched the show and Lynne stayed stable, but there were days where not even fighting evil by moonlight could save the day. But, that didn't keep them from trying. It didn't take them long to get through all five seasons and three movies of the original anime. “I heard they're making a second anime that's supposed to be closer to the manga!” Alana attempted to be cheery. She was sure that she, Severina and Sam had told her about Crystal, but she really couldn’t think of anything positive to say.  “That's lovely! Do you know when it's set to come out?” Lynne asked. “I have no idea. I'm sure Toei will update us when they can!” Alana replied. “I hope its soon.” Lynne smiled. Suddenly, Lynne began coughing and her monitors started to go off. “NURSE! HELP!” Alana cried.
Even when Sam and Alana fought so badly that the Military and RDR felt it was necessary to create a treaty between the two organizations to prevent the sisters from ever being enemies again, it was actually their love of Sailor Moon that truly began to bring them together again. Severina had gotten wind of the fight and forced the girls to go to her house. “OW! RINI! YOU'RE HURTING MY EAR!” Alana whined. “Seriously! What the hell?” Sam whined. “I don't care if I'm hurting you two! This kind of fighting is unacceptable! You two are sisters and you know that this behavior will tear the family apart! I won't allow that!" Severina began to cry as she lead the sisters to her home theater. "What's all this?" Alana asked. "You've forced my hand, so I'm pulling out the big guns!" Severina cried as she grabbed a remote and turned on the screen. Sam and Alana looked at the menu then at each other. "Go figure." Sam grinned. "Of course." Alana grinned. The menu on the screen was the DVD menu to Sailor Moon R: The Promise Of The Rose. By the time the song “The Power Of Love” was playing, tears were streaming down the sisters' faces. "Mels." Sam began to choke. "Sam." Alana's voice wavered. They looked at each other, sadness and regret in their eyes. “Mels... I’m s-so s-sorry f-for what I-I said..” Sam sniffled. “I’m s-sorry t-too S-Sami...” Alana blubbered as she hugged Sam. “I love you.” Sam muttered as she held onto her sister. “I love you too.” Alana murmured. 
When Death’s Domain was getting set up, Alana dedicated a whole room to the series. “You’re seriously going to have an entire room dedicated to Sailor Moon?” Derek had asked. “Yes. Its going to have shelves for merch, posters, and a couch to relax on.” Alana mused. “Melody can have whatever she wants for her apartment. And, if it helps her destress, I most definitely approve.” The  Red Death announced. “Well, the majority of my collection will be in there. There’s going to be something Sailor Moon related in every room.” Alana smiled. “Of course there will be.” Derek facepalmed. “I’m not apologizing. I love Sailor Moon and I wanna showcase it in my home.” Alana laughed. “And I’m sure you’re going to do nothing but post about your collection for a while.” Derek rolled his eyes. “Obviously. Moonies have a good presence online.” Alana mused. “I thought “Moonies” were people who followed the Unification Church?” The Red Death inquired. “Yeah, they are called that, but Sailor Moon fans are also called “Moonies”. I know, in certain circles, I have to be sure to differentiate... But, its what we’re called.” Alana explained as she shrugged her shoulders. The room ended up becoming a paradise for fans of the series. Shelves filled with various collectibles, a couch decorated with two throw pillows and a blanket, a coffee table with two sets of coasters, a large rug, framed posters, plushies, moon and star lights along the walls and showering down the window and a tv mounted on one wall. In contrast to the vast majority of Death’s Domain, the room was an explosion of bright colors.
Nathaniel stepped into the restroom for a few minutes. Alana watched the door in anticipation. When he came out, he was running his hands along the circumference of the black wig, making sure it was in its proper place. The thought of how similar he looked to Viktor shot through her mind. She did her best to suppress that thought. "You don't even like cosplay..." She muttered as she smiled. "You do so much for me, I don't mind doing this for you." He grinned. "Nathaniel! I love you!” She cried as she wrapped her arms around him. “I knew I was going to see Princess Serenity, I didn't know Prince Endymion would be with her!” someone called from behind them. They turned around and saw Sam leaning in the doorway. “Sam! I look just like her!” Alana cried. "I wonder if I can get Ken to be Nephrite." Sam commented. “I'm sure he would be if you asked him. You two would be the perfect Jupiter and Nephrite!” Alana beamed. “I didn't know this was turning into a full on cosplay group!” Ken laughed as he walked up behind Sam. "Why not?" Sam asked. "I'm not sure Viktor would appreciate being Kunzite." Alana remarked. “He'd have to get used to it. Since Nathaniel is Endymion, that demotes Viktor to Kunzite.” Sam stated. "Right because when you guys were kids, Viktor was always Endymion." Nathaniel rolled his eyes. “Viktor has had years to accept his position in my sister's life. If he doesn't accept it, it will not end well for him.” Sam replied. "Do you think he will?" Nathaniel asked. "If he truly cares about her, he will." Sam nodded. “Viktor has known for years that our time ended long ago. Accepting his new position is painful for him, but he is well aware of the fact that it's something that he must do.” Alana explained.
A few minutes later, Renee walked into the room. “You both look magnificent! The girls and I have gotten a backdrop ready, would you two mind taking a few pictures?” She beamed. Alana smiled and turned to Nathaniel, a very hopeful look on her face. "Would you be okay with that?" She asked. Nathaniel nodded. "Sure." He grinned. They followed Renee into a room. "Oh my god! You two look utterly amazing!”, “You look beautiful Mels! Nathaniel, you look so handsome!”, “True Moon and Earth royalty!” the other girls cooed when they saw them. “I think we should do a cosplay group. I'm Jupiter and Rini will be Venus.” Sam commented when she walked in. "I volunteer to be Mercury!" Renee cheered. "I'll be Mars." Lyra smiled. "I'll be Pluto." Veronica beamed. "I don't mind being Saturn." Nora suggested. "I wonder if we could get Lucy and Noelle to be Uranus and Neptune." Sam pondered. "We could also see about getting Ravenna to be Chibi Moon." Alana proposed. “I think that would be fantastic. Who would be the rest of the Shitennou?” Lyra asked. "I could see if Armin could be Jadeite." Alana thought out loud. "Are we really setting up a cosplay group?" Nathaniel asked. Sam looked at Nath, as if he had said something really stupid. "Do you not realize how highly rated Sailor Moon cosplay groups are?" She asked. Nathaniel shook his head. “Sailor Moon cosplay groups are some of the most elite cosplayers in the anime world. Sailor Moon being one of the most iconic anime in history, it is instantly recognizable. The cosplayers take some of the most beautiful pictures, make some of the coolest videos, and even do events. They may not be unionized like Star Wars' 501st Legion, but they come together and coalesce with great ease whenever they recognize each other. Children who recognize them run up to them the same way that they do with superheroes, and typically, they are nice to them. It is a sisterhood of love and justice.” Sam explained. "Not to mention how fun it would be to finally be in one." Alana cooed. “We'd still need Zoisite.” Veronica stated. "I wonder if Derek could be him." Nora pondered. “Uh, guys? Can we please get to the photoshoot?” Renee asked impatiently. 
After posting for photos for what felt like an eternity, Nathaniel and Alana went into the changing room to get out of their cosplays. "You do look really beautiful in that." Nathaniel smiled as he took the black wig off. Alana blushed. "Do you really think so?" She asked nervously. “Of course. You look magnificent.” He blushed as he walked over to her and kissed her. “Thank you for doing this my love. It means the world to me.” Tears came to Alana's eyes as she spoke. “I love you my Melody.” Nathaniel cooed as he wiped a tear from her cheek. “I love you so much Nathaniel!” She mused as she threw her arms around him.
A few weeks later, in the early hours of the morning, several cars arrived at an old castle in the country. “This place looks amazing! Perfect for our photo shoot!” Alana cheered as she got out of the car. “Welcome to the Astarian Royal Palace Lady Melody!” A woman with long brown hair, sunglasses and wearing a knee length blue dress beamed as she walked up to them. “Mrs. Reynard, I presume?” Alana asked as she shook the woman's hand. “Yes ma'am. We spoke over the phone.” the woman smiled. “You are fully aware as to why we need the palace today. Am I correct?” Alana inquired. “Yes. For your little photoshoot. Cosplay, I believe.” Mrs. Reynard replied. “Yes. Sailor Moon. Its important the palace be the backdrop to this shoot.” Alana stated. “The photographer will be here in a few minutes to set up. They'll need time.” Mrs. Reynard explained. “That's fine. We need time to prepare.” Alana smiled.
After a couple of hours, the members of the group began to step out of their respective preparation rooms and into a lounge. Lynne Roster as Queen Serenity, Sam as Sailor Jupiter, Severina as Sailor Venus, Renee as Sailor Mercury, Lyra as Sailor Mars, Noelle as Sailor Uranus, Lucy as Sailor Neptune, Nora as Sailor Saturn, Veronica as Sailor Pluto, Ravenna as Small Lady Serenity, Viktor as Kunzite, Ken as Nephrite, Armin as Jadeite, Derek as Zoisite, Nathaniel as Prince Endymion and Alana as Princess Serenity. When the entire group was gathered in the lounge, tears filled Alana's eyes. “It's so beautiful!” she happily cried out. “Awe! Mels!” Severina cheered as she hugged Alana. “This was a fantastic idea!” Lynne beamed. "How long do we all need to wear this?" Armin asked, slightly uncomfortable. “Just a few hours. We're gonna get a TON of shots! ” someone replied as they walked up. It was a young woman with short platinum blonde hair, bright green eyes, and pale skin. She wore black pants, a white button up top and a deep blue beret. "You all look so regal!" She cheered. “Alright everyone, let me introduce you to you Catarina. She's a friend of mine from boarding school. She's the photographer I told you guys about!” Severina introduced. “Hello everyone! It is an absolute pleasure to meet you all!” Catherine bowed. ” Severina introduced. “Hello everyone! It is an absolute pleasure to meet you all!” Catherine bowed.
The photoshoot took several hours, and took place at various locations within the castle grounds. Lynne insisted on at least one family shot with Sam and Alana, and one with Sam, Alana, Severina, Ravenna, Ken, Nathaniel, and Viktor. “This is odd. I don't quite know the anime, but those characters aren't actually family, aren't they?” Catarina asked, curiously. “Not exactly... I mean, Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, and Small Lady Serenity are three generations of lunar royalty, and Prince Endymion is Princess Serenity's husband and Sailor Chibi Moon's father... But, this shot isn't about the show's family. It's about their family.” Lyra explained. “Oh. That's sweet!” Catarina smiled. Alana insisted each “couple” got their own picture. Viktor wasn't too happy that his couldn't be with Alana, but he didn't mind posing with Severina. Kentin was very happy to have a romantic pose with Sam. "Nephrite and Jupiter look so fantastic!" Renee cheered. “Are you kidding? I've been wanting to do this set for a long time!” Sam beamed. “My favorite part of all of this. I hate this wig, but being your knight is worth it.” Ken mused as he looked at Sam lovingly. "This is awkward." Derek rolled his eyes when he and Renee had their turn. "Oh grow up!" Renee snapped. "Derek... You know what happens when Renee gets mad!" Alana laughed. “Yeah... She gets pretty scary.” Derek sighed. Everyone laughed as Renee forced Derek into a somewhat romantic pose. "But this is so awkward!" Derek whined. "Just do it!" Renee demanded. When their part of the shoot ended, Derek sat down and shot back a bottle of water. “That was weird. "Lyra, Armin, you're up!" Alana cheered. “Now this will be interesting! ” Ken chuckled. “And in Dragon Ball references Armin! Toei may own both franchises, but now is not the time to try to mix the two!” Sam ordered. “Awe come on! That takes part of the fun out of it!” Armin whined. “Armin, if we were doing a smaller photoshoot, I wouldn't mind a few “fun” shots. So please be more serious.” Alana urgent. "Fine." Armin sighed as he and Lyra took their places in front of the camera. 
“God that was exhausting! Who'd have thought that Cosplay would be THAT much work?” Nathaniel whined he crashed onto the living room couch at Death's Domain. "If you had cosplayed as the Winter Soldier when Armin and I cosplayed as Captain America and Black Widow at that Marvel Exhibition in High School, you would have known, first hand, A LOT sooner!" Alana shot as she crashed down next to him. "You still won't let me live that down?" He asked. "Nope." She chuckled. "Why not?" He asked. “Because Armin and I worked our asses off to do our characters justice and we were hoping you would join in on the fun. Especially considering how Natasha and Bucky get together in the comics several times, so it would have been a cute “couple's cosplay” for you and me. Not to mention how cosplay is more than just “wearing a costume”. When someone properly cosplays, they also wish to play the character, even for just a day. They temporarily escape reality and enter the one the character they're cosplaying as resides in. Weeks, months, and even years are spent building props and even hand making the items and outfits. There is a lot of blood, sweat and tears that go into it!” She explained. "I know you and Armin love it, but I don't think I could do it as often as you want to." Nathaniel sighed. “I get that. Its not for everybody. But, I'm thankful you did it for me.” Alana Mused. “I love you Alana. You always do so much for me... And it has been a long time since I've been the "prince" to your "princess." He grinned. "And I'm sure rubbing it Viktor's face added to your enjoyment.” She chuckled. "That did make it a bit more fun." He smirked. "I really wish you wouldn't antagonize him." She sighed. over you and find someone else. It's the same with Castiel. You're not going to be with him, so he needs to quit pining." He shot. "Yes, but with Castiel, you two have reached a mutual agreement, and he has angered me in such a way that I spat that truth with him." She chimed in. "Which makes the situation with Viktor worse. had your family and Severina telling him for years... Yet he insists." He huffed as he rolled his eyes. "Despite that, he is still one of my best and oldest friends. We were raised together and are still like family. Can you at least try to play nice with him?" She requested. Nathaniel looked at her annoyed. "Please! Pretty please! My sweet Endymion…” Alana begged as she playfully batted her eyes. He thought for a minute and exhaled. “Fine. ” He sighed. "Thank you." She mused. “But if he oversteps the boundaries that you and I put in place, I won't be so kind.” He stated. She cuddled up next to him and kissed his cheek. "I love you Nathaniel." She cooed. He put his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "I love you too Alana."
Several weeks later, after the images from the photoshoot had been posted and gone viral, an idea came to Severina's mind. She turned to Alana and Sam and smiled. "What?" Sam asked. “What if we did a cosplay concert?!” Severina cheered. “Nope. I'm not singing.” Alana stated. “PLEASE! We could choose a song from Sailor Moon and singing it at a convention!” Severina urged. “Really? What song would we even do?” Sam asked. “What about “Moon Effect”? It's sung by all of the scouts!” Severina cheered. “Please no. I don't sing.” Alana begged. "But, you wouldn't be alone... And we can't do it without our Sailor Moon!" Sam sneered. “Honey... You're such a beautiful singer! Please!!!!” Severina pleaded. “No…” Alana muttered. “Damn it Mels! Just do it! We all know that you sing when you're alone! On top of that, Nath, Rini, Viktor, Mom and I have all been telling you for years that we all think your singing is beautiful! So, just do it!” Sam snapped. "Don't forget how your teammates think so too." Severina added. Alana thought for a few minutes and huffed. “Fine. I'll do it.” She sighed. “Huzzah! Let's do it at Comic Con!” Sam cheered. "No! That’s too big a venue!" Alana pleaded "That's why it should be done there! You'll get over your stage fright on one of the biggest stages on the Convention Circuit!" Sam explained. "My babies singing a Sailor Moon song in full cosplay? I'd love to help you with it!" Lynne cheered as she walked up to them. "Fantastic! We'll make it a family project!" Severina smiled. Alana looked around at the other women, thought for a few minutes, sighed, and sheepishly grinned. “I guess the Roster Family women are putting on a show!”
Words cannot describe how badly I've wanted to write something Sailor Moon related to my story... 
Sailor Moon means a lot to me... It was my mom’s and my “thing”. No matter how much we fought, argued, and went at each other’s throats, we always bonded over the series. The first and last time I watched it in it’s entirety was with her just before her disease started taking its hold. She was the one who got me my first bits of merch, who was always happy to talk to me about it. The last Christmas gift I got her was a blanket with all the scouts on it, and she gave me plushies of Luna and Artemis. When mom died, Sailor Moon came to mean so much more to me. My aunt made me pendants with her ashes in them that look like the Legendary Silver Crystal, I got Pluto’s Garnet Rod tattooed on my back, and I became more adamant about collecting items. Each time I get a new item, I feel closer to her... There are times where I’ll even burst into tears because of Sailor Moon making me think of her....
Yes, I used the character sprite of Nathaniel that I edited from the Dark Chocolate Steward to make him look more like Endymion. I made his hair black, and edited his rings and earrings out.
Little tip... The bit about Adonis won't make sense unless you've read the Codename Sailor V manga.... If you’re not in the mood to read it, Adonis was a lowly Venusian soldier who was in love with his princess (Venus). Venus fell in love with Kunzite instead of him. He found her on Earth and cursed her to never be able to have love again, thus freeing more of her time up to focus on her duty as the leader of Princess Serenity’s Sailor Guardians.
This was originally going to be a Valentine's Day special for 2020. Then 2020 became the dumpster fire that it was and my real life needed more of my attention....
The majority of this does take place during the first year between University Life and Love Life. Before Nath and Alana go on their globe trotting adventure. The flashback section takes place at various points in time.
Credit goes to:
Naoko Takeuchi for Sailor Moon
@candysweetposts for the Princess Serenity Pack (seriously, thank you for going through with my request!)
@chinomiko and Beemoov for My Candy Love
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garrothromeave · 4 years
the hell is mystreet season 6??
(warning, long post ahead)
ok so before i start this
1) ive never posted shiiiit on tumblr before so watch me suffer, im just here to talk about stuff that my friends who dont know anything about aphmau have to listen to me rant about for hours on end
2) i havent seen mystreet in like years (except season 3, i watch that frequently since im laurance and shadow knight deprived) so please bear with me because i might be completely wrong on this lol. it’s just like, pointing out things i remember
3) im sure someones already talked about this but who cares
4) im gonna do this stupid thing where i just explain myself a bit at first, if you dont want to read that just skip to the part where you see “the actual thingy:” in bold and italics 
5) mild disclaimer; i am completely aware that jessica is not a professional writer. i know that she did her best to appeal to her fans, and honestly, respect for that. while this post will come off as aggressive and probably look like hate, that’s not my intention in the slightest. it’s just... intense criticism. im sure y’all probably already know that, but yeah, just stating that anyways. i do believe that jess is doing her best, and in no way do i want to dismiss any hard work she’s done. that being said; prepare for a very strongly opinionated post.
haha watch there be 10000+ typos in this making me look like a complete dumbass
ok here we go 
one of the main reasons i stopped watching aphmau back in 2017 was the mess that was season 4. like, in the first few episodes of the emerald secret, i thought “woah!! this is kinda cool, im a sucker for mystery!” because of course i was, it was something new and something exciting. the only problem i had with it at the time was kim, but that’s just because i always found her annoying and out of place. i just didn’t understand why garroth dragged her along and honestly i still don’t to this day BUT, moving on.
anyways, as the season progressed, 13 year old me was of course just “:0!!” the entire time--that is, up until the reveal of the main villain. i remember watching the episode, seeing the reveal of ein, and then stopping. like, just for a quick break, but i was still just overwhelmingly disappointed. like, and this was the time when pdh was airing and ein just got made alpha (i think?) and i had really really liked eins character in pdh. either way, that really sucked and actually opened my eyes to a lot of things.
one of the main things bein’ the fact that this was supposed to be a slice of life kinda series that decided to take a turn to a more edgy kinda approach. which, i guess i regularly wouldnt mind? but seeing as mcd was kinda bein neglected at the time it just didnt sit right with me. BUT WHATEVER, point is i stopped watching mystreet all together at the end of season 4.
like, a whole year later my brother tells me that shit’s getting intense in season 5 + 6 of mystreet, and my brilliant self decided to give it a shot--but i refused to watch all of season 5, so i only stepped in when ein made an appearance. so whenever that was, that’s where i picked up because i didnt care enough to see 
and y’know--i honestly didn’t hate it at first. in fact, i found it oddly cool. it wasn’t enough to get me into aphmau again, but it was enough to where i was intrigued. i dont know why, but i never watched the finale, so i didnt see the ending until just a few weeks ago--but back then, i thought it was neat. looking back on it however... im just so confused. 
side note: only got back into aphmau this time around because of mcd. mainly because like, i adore the first season and the first half of the second season. and being nearly 18 now, im a lot more appreciative of plot and well-written characters n junk. 
the actual thingy:
ok back on track. imma stop spilling out my story of how i got back into aphmau, and lets just skip to what rewatching mcd made me realize of season 6′s plot and shit:
-emmalyn. how the fuck does ghost even remotely exist? if she’s emmalyn as claimed, then why have we already seen emmalyn in the mystreet universe alive? look i get that creators can do whatever they want with their stories but at the same time please provide some sort of explanation good god. and maybe they did and i just havent seen it, so if there is one--let me know. but until that day imma just sit here confused as fuck
-ok so imma just be real, the whole ‘ultima’ thing is just... not great. in my opinion, anyways. like... i saw someone mention this in another post, but if this ultima stuff was like, a really big deal, why isnt it mentioned in mcd? though i suppose since its a curse of sorts, it could be later on past the time period in which mcd takes place--but even then, how did it manage to make its way into aaron’s family bloodline? 
-WHY IS EVERYONE AT STARLIGHT ITS JUST SO CONVINIENT like what happened to this place being the most expensive shit on the planet or whatever, and how the gang happens to run into like, the werewolf trio and blaze and kai and guy and nate all of these people like god damn life doesnt WORK LIKE THAT 
-im sorry but turning people into relics? thats... thats the best you could come up with? plus, like, how does that even work? in mcd it’s established that relics are separate entitles that choose their wielder, based on a ‘personal’ connection (being a descendent of a previous wielder) or if they’re a good match personality and (i think?) moral wise. so the whole turning-people-into-relics doesnt make much sense to be honest. 
-irene really over here using her god powers to only keep her friends alive like god damn not a great god if you ask me 
-can i talk about how incredibly predictable aphmaus death was? like i just kinda sat there waiting for it to happen and when it did i literally went “haha! wonder when she’ll be revived” because god forbid we actually kill off characters 
-when aphmau + demon warlock fought in the irene dimension there was no passage of time whatsoever in the real world whiiiiiiiiich really bothers me because they fought in there for at least a few minutes
-speaking of aphmau and the demon warlocks fight does it bother anyone else that it had to be aaron who took over the fight?? like we get it hes the big protector blah blah blah but god damn it wouldve been cooler if aphmau had fought this battle as her. aaron fighting this battle was so underwhelming
-...love. like, thats the only thing thats needed to break out of a forever potion? love? LIKE YEAH, GOOD GUYS GOTTA WIN SOMEHOW, but its just so cliche and overdoneeee
-oh yeah and also when travis went bonkers and became the demon warlock or whatever, why’d he only take over katelyn and garroth?? like, zane had been influenced by the potions in the past as well? DONT GET ME WRONG--i do love some good brother edge, but uh, the demon warlock was just bein kinda a dumbass by not possessing zane too just sayin’
-can aaron please go to fucking jail for mass murder now like holy shit, he just got sent home on a fuckin boat. also why did blaze forgive him for killing him thats not even remotely realistic. then again, nothing in mystreet has ever been realistic when it comes to characters and motives and personalities, (cough katelyn being actually abusive and travis being an actual pervert) but yknow whatever
-katelyn and kawaii chan literally added nothing to the plot whatsoever. like lets be real, katelyn lost her personality the moment season 5 started and kawaii chan just kinda sits there :I
-ok im sorry this was bound to come up but cmon guys imagine laurances potential if he was in season 6 like god damn this is beyond maddening. AND YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A REALLY REALLY COOL PARRALLEL?? IF IT WAS LAURANCE WHO SNAPPED GARROTH OUT OF HIS MIND CONTROL THING, because it would mimic laurance’s speech to get garroth to snap out of his rage in season 1, episode 100 of minecraft diaries. like how fuckin rad would that have been? missed opportunity 
-also?? why does kim/ghost know magicks?? like, if i remember correctly, emmalyn is a scholar--not someone who knew magicks. i mean, i guess research? study?? but its been established that knowing how magicks works =/= being able to use magicks. i dunno, just doesnt seem right i guess. maybe its explained, i wouldnt know (yes i know that makes me look like a dick leave me alone)
-melissa should have stayed dead. LIKE, NO, ITS NOT AS SIMPLE AS “haha it takes more than a few bullets to kill me”??? look ive got nothing wrong with melissa (cough lie cough) but yknow it would have just been cool a character... stay dead? for once? its just too fuckin cliche that shes alive god damn
-can i also just say the only good thing that came out of season 6 was travis’ dads sacrifice like damn that made me actually sad
-howww was lucinda turned into a relic. or yknow, anyone else? like im sure they explain it better in the actual show i just dont remember, but its just that easy? turning anyone into a relic? granted, a normal person wouldnt be able to produce a good relic, but idk man. IM JUST SAYING; that the only really powerful relics that aphmau should have been able to wield is the one that aaron + zane produced because shad relic and esmund relic moment. lucinda isnt even like, connected to a divine warrior. ALSO, another point, if its seriously that powerful of a relic getting one from just a magic user like lucinda, why go through the trouble? i mean i guess ofc youd want the “all powerful” one that the ultima produces but i mean damn whats the point
-ok this is just going to bother me but in one of the episodes (i think might have been in season 5 actually) where that like, guardian dude was chasing aphmau and zane and at one point they split up and the dude just chuckles at zane diverting paths and goes under his breath “youre not the important one here”, suggesting that aphmau somehow is? first of all, id argue that any ro’meave is significantly more important than aphmau was, especially not knowing much about her other than that shes with aaron. i might be missing some bits an pieces, but if i was that dude id forget about aphmau and go after zane 
-killing off derek for shock factor sucked, and i know the moment was supposed to be really sad because like “oh :( aarons dad is sacrificing himself for his son” but lets be real dereks still was a shitty father and i dont think his reasons for doing what he did was very good at all
-less about plot or more like: why the absolute fuck did the gang bring kim along instead of, oh i dont know, a life-long friend? like, laurance or dante maybe?? im sure its explained, i never saw aphmaus year or most of season 5, but god DAMN id hate to be apart of this friend group AND GOD LIKE, imagine reconnecting with an old friend who ends up getting closer to your best friends and taking priority in their lives over you (cough laurance) like god damn lol
-im just going to preface this one with: i dont remember everything that’s happened, so if im wrong i apologize in advance--but (you actually can correct me if im wrong and please do) didnt like, irene reincarnate her friends in order to give them better lives? I DONT KNOW IF THIS IS TRUE, ITS JUST WHAT I REMEMBER--however, if im correct, then:
a. why the hell would she bring back someone like zane, or gene, or ivy, etc.
b. why the hell do they all have the same exact names? first and last? again, im aware that the whole mystreet+mcd tie wasn’t originally supposed to be there, but i dont think that means such a coincidence can be excused? its just a bit much if you ask me.
c. why the hell is the fact that (as much as i literally hate this) aaron is a decedent of shad being ignored? like, you’d think that something like this would be something thats actually important, or something the demon warlock couldve taken advantage of. or are we completely erasing every other connections to divine warriors besides aphmau + irene? because even if irene did reincarnate them or do whatever it is she did, does she even have the power to sever the connections between them and their ancestors? my guess is, no.
d. speaking of irene why on earth was aphmau able to talk to/see irene, they’re literally the same person are they not? did she like, fuckin reincarnate herself without actually doing it?? BUT--i will give it to them, the demon warlock did refer to aphmau as something along the lines of being “one of the 3 parts of her broken soul” or something like that. however, my point still remains. also what are the other two did i miss that or is it never explained
now; if irene in fact did not ‘reincarnate’ her friends then please ignore that little bit right there :)
but yes, those are a few of the problems i have with season 6 off the top of my head. i would go into like, season 4 and 5 more as well, but i honestly didnt feel like it. at some point i might go into other things, like how important laurance could have been to the plot of these later seasons, or HELL, even dante. i might also go into what could have made season 4, 5, and 6 actually good--maybe... a rewrite? perhaps? but im getting too far ahead of myself, so i just leave you with this for now.
and i know that as soon as i post this 15 more things are just going to pop into my head BUT im going to try and not edit this post because why stress myself with that even more
anyways thank you for coming to my tedtalk 
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