#And though I ended up not continuing to watch bc School and i dropped my mood and took till now to find it YIKES
heartsoji · 1 year
"i'm sure. i promise."
suna rintaro x reader
summary: you're feeling a little insecure about you and rin's relationship. but who could blame you? you're at a party with a bunch of people you don't know and your boyfriend is catching up with an "old friend." that would be fine except for the fact that this so-called "old friend" is his ex and looks like she came out of a magazine.
hurt to comfort so its kinda angsty ig?? but not rly bc my heart can't take it lol
warnings: insecurities, body image, post time skip, mentions of alcohol
a/n pt. 2: i wrote this at like 1am bc i woke up and this is low-key inspired by the dream i had hehe bc u should always follow ur dreams 😀👍
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this. was. the worst.
to give a brief overview, you were at a club with at least a bajillion people because your boyfriend told you that it would be a "fun new experience." he gave you a kiss on the forehead upon seeing that you were nervous and the two of you walked in together.
now, you were sitting at the bar by yourself watching as another girl flirted with your boyfriend.
you were filled in on the backstory earlier. she went to inarizaki and she and suna dated for their first year and a small part of their second year of high school. she then had to move to the united states (specifically los angeles) and they ended up breaking up.
you had transferred to inarizaki in the middle of your second year, and you and suna started dating 3/4 through your third year, so you had never met her before. your classmates had never mentioned her before either. and when suna introduced you to the girl as his girlfriend, she shot you the nastiest glare before smiling sweetly at your boyfriend.
anyways, one thing led to another, and they got so caught up in chatting that they hadn't noticed how bored you were, nor had they noticed when you silently walked away.
after taking another sip of your drink, you let your eyes wander to the two of them.
a fatal mistake.
she was beautiful. no, stunning. no, show-stopping-looks-like-she-just-stepped-out-of-the-front-page-of-a-magazine-absolute-drop-dead-gorgeous was probably more accurate.
she was wearing a tiny black figure-hugging bodycon dress with a cutout just above her chest that looked amazing on her beautiful hourglass figure. she had platinum blond hair that was pulled up into a long high ponytail, big grey eyes, and shiny, clear skin.
you looked down at your own figure. then at hers. then back at yours. then hers.
though you knew it wouldn't do any good, your mind began to wander.
are these the kinds of girls rin likes?
she's so beautiful.. her waist is so tiny
i wish i could be half as pretty as her
what if rin still likes her?
what if rin doesn't actually love me..?
you knew that you needed to stop. you decided to slip out to get some fresh air.
you sat down on a bench at the park across the street (don't question why a place where children play is directly across from a club. just don't mention it) and inhaled the cool air. you were so relieved to be out of that club. so relieved that your eyelids began to feel heavy.
you awoke to a string of "ping! ping! ping!" rubbing your eyes sleepily, you opened your phone to see who would be texting you so urgently.
rinnie <3: where'd u go
rinnie <3: where r u
rinnie <3: hey bb where'd u go
rinnie <3: bubs?
rinnie <3: hey r u mad at me
rinnie <3: what did i do
rinnie <3: im sorry
rinnie <3: ok srsly where r u
rinnie <3: r u ok
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
rinnie <3: no srsly im actually worried where did u go
rinnie <3: BABE
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
There are 83 more messages from rinnie &lt;3. Click to continue!
you: sorry babe
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
you: i went outside for some fresh air
you: im at the park across the street
the club doors swing open and see your boyfriend's head furiously whipping around, trying to find you. when he sees you, he sprints over to where you're sitting.
"sorry babe." you apologize. "i didn't mean to worry you." you had never seen him look so frantic before.
"so you mean to say.." he starts before pausing to catch his breath, "that you thought that leaving without telling me and not responding to my texts wouldn't worry me?"
"i'm sorry." you say, before adding on a quick and quiet "to be fair though, you were having such a great time with ms. los angeles model that i didn't think that you would notice."
though it was quiet and muttered under your breath, suna heard it loud and clear. he sighed.
"look, we didn't break up because she was moving. we broke up because i was sick and tired of her nasty attitude. i just didn't want to be rude and say that in front of her. the only thing that's changed about her is that she's learned how to put a smile mask over her disgusting personality. a really phony one that's made out cling wrap with a sharpie smile and a bow."
you giggled slightly at this.
"look," he says softly, lifting up your chin to look you in the eyes. "you're the only one that i love. i promise, ok? you're so beautiful and sweet and it's crazy to me that god finally decided to give me some help and give me a chance with you."
he gave you a small smile.
"i love you, y/n. i love you so, so much."
and with that, he swooped you up in his arms bridal style and started walking.
"WOAH- rin where are we going?"
"but it'll take a while to walk home from here. shouldn't we just uber like we did here?"
"walking gives me more time to be close to you and talk to you."
"but you'll be walking while simultaneously holding me for a while."
he blinked. "i play professional volleyball. if you think that i can't take a walk home with my girlfriend in my arms, i'd honestly be pretty offended."
there was a brief moment of silence between the two of you.
"i'm sorry if i made you feel sad today, bubs. i love you so so much and i'll stop at nothing to make sure that you know that."
you smiled softly.
"that's what i like to see." he said, peppering ticklish kisses onto your neck to make you giggle a little.
"rin! stahahap-!" you giggle, trying to scrunch up and protect your neck.
"your laugh and smile are the two most precious things in the world."
you and rin talked the rest of the way home and he kept reminding you of how much he loved you.
when you finally got home, you asked him one final question.
"rin, are you sure that there's no more chemistry going on between you and ms. los angeles model?"
he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"i'm sure. i promise."
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"i'm sure. i promise."
suna rintaro x reader
summary: you're feeling a little insecure about you and rin's relationship. but who could blame you? you're at a party with a bunch of people you don't know and your boyfriend is catching up with an "old friend." that would be fine except for the fact that this so-called "old friend" is his ex and looks like she came out of a magazine.
hurt to comfort so its kinda angsty ig?? but not rly bc my heart can't take it lol
warnings: insecurities, body image, post time skip, mentions of alcohol
a/n pt. 2: i wrote this at like 1am bc i woke up and this is low-key inspired by the dream i had hehe bc u should always follow ur dreams 😀👍
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this. was. the worst.
to give a brief overview, you were at a club with at least a bajillion people because your boyfriend told you that it would be a "fun new experience." he gave you a kiss on the forehead upon seeing that you were nervous and the two of you walked in together.
now, you were sitting at the bar by yourself watching as another girl flirted with your boyfriend.
you were filled in on the backstory earlier. she went to inarizaki and she and suna dated for their first year and a small part of their second year of high school. she then had to move to the united states (specifically los angeles) and they ended up breaking up.
you had transferred to inarizaki in the middle of your second year, and you and suna started dating 3/4 through your third year, so you had never met her before. your classmates had never mentioned her before either. and when suna introduced you to the girl as his girlfriend, she shot you the nastiest glare before smiling sweetly at your boyfriend.
anyways, one thing led to another, and they got so caught up in chatting that they hadn't noticed how bored you were, nor had they noticed when you silently walked away.
after taking another sip of your drink, you let your eyes wander to the two of them.
a fatal mistake.
she was beautiful. no, stunning. no, show-stopping-looks-like-she-just-stepped-out-of-the-front-page-of-a-magazine-absolute-drop-dead-gorgeous was probably more accurate.
she was wearing a tiny black figure-hugging bodycon dress with a cutout just above her chest that looked amazing on her beautiful hourglass figure. she had platinum blond hair that was pulled up into a long high ponytail, big grey eyes, and shiny, clear skin.
you looked down at your own figure. then at hers. then back at yours. then hers.
though you knew it wouldn't do any good, your mind began to wander.
are these the kinds of girls rin likes?
she's so beautiful.. her waist is so tiny
i wish i could be half as pretty as her
what if rin still likes her?
what if rin doesn't actually love me..?
you knew that you needed to stop. you decided to slip out to get some fresh air.
you sat down on a bench at the park across the street (don't question why a place where children play is directly across from a club. just don't mention it) and inhaled the cool air. you were so relieved to be out of that club. so relieved that your eyelids began to feel heavy.
you awoke to a string of "ping! ping! ping!" rubbing your eyes sleepily, you opened your phone to see who would be texting you so urgently.
rinnie <3: where'd u go
rinnie <3: where r u
rinnie <3: hey bb where'd u go
rinnie <3: bubs?
rinnie <3: hey r u mad at me
rinnie <3: what did i do
rinnie <3: im sorry
rinnie <3: ok srsly where r u
rinnie <3: r u ok
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
rinnie <3: no srsly im actually worried where did u go
rinnie <3: BABE
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
There are 83 more messages from rinnie <3. Click to continue!
you: sorry babe
rinnie <3: WHERE R U
you: i went outside for some fresh air
you: im at the park across the street
the club doors swing open and see your boyfriend's head furiously whipping around, trying to find you. when he sees you, he sprints over to where you're sitting.
"sorry babe." you apologize. "i didn't mean to worry you." you had never seen him look so frantic before.
"so you mean to say.." he starts before pausing to catch his breath, "that you thought that leaving without telling me and not responding to my texts wouldn't worry me?"
"i'm sorry." you say, before adding on a quick and quiet "to be fair though, you were having such a great time with ms. los angeles model that i didn't think that you would notice."
though it was quiet and muttered under your breath, suna heard it loud and clear. he sighed.
"look, we didn't break up because she was moving. we broke up because i was sick and tired of her nasty attitude. i just didn't want to be rude and say that in front of her. the only thing that's changed about her is that she's learned how to put a smile mask over her disgusting personality. a really phony one that's made out cling wrap with a sharpie smile and a bow."
you giggled slightly at this.
"look," he says softly, lifting up your chin to look you in the eyes. "you're the only one that i love. i promise, ok? you're so beautiful and sweet and it's crazy to me that god finally decided to give me some help and give me a chance with you."
he gave you a small smile.
"i love you, y/n. i love you so, so much."
and with that, he swooped you up in his arms bridal style and started walking.
"WOAH- rin where are we going?"
"but it'll take a while to walk home from here. shouldn't we just uber like we did here?"
"walking gives me more time to be close to you and talk to you."
"but you'll be walking while simultaneously holding me for a while."
he blinked. "i play professional volleyball. if you think that i can't take a walk home with my girlfriend in my arms, i'd honestly be pretty offended."
there was a brief moment of silence between the two of you.
"i'm sorry if i made you feel sad today, bubs. i love you so so much and i'll stop at nothing to make sure that you know that."
you smiled softly.
"that's what i like to see." he said, peppering ticklish kisses onto your neck to make you giggle a little.
"rin! stahahap-!" you giggle, trying to scrunch up and protect your neck.
"your laugh and smile are the two most precious things in the world."
you and rin talked the rest of the way home and he kept reminding you of how much he loved you.
when you finally got home, you asked him one final question.
"rin, are you sure that there's no more chemistry going on between you and ms. los angeles model?"
he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"i'm sure. i promise."
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“it’s only you i’m missing, cursing at the Double Distance”
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“my friends tell me slow down but i’m flying around the world to keep up with you.”
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synopsis// spending your whole life looking for your highschool sweetheart who seemed to have dropped off the face of the planet wasn’t how you envisioned your future.
pairing// suguru getou x gn!reader
word count// 1.6k
contents// ooc getou? angst if you squint
notes// shout out to my am anon for the idea 🫶 also shout out to another waterparks song that actually gave me motivation to write this bc it just fit toooo welll…. what we do for fun how i love you!!!this also kinda sucks ngl!!
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Everyone who knew you and Getou thought you were high school sweethearts, and everyone knew the feelings you had for each other, even if you two were never officially together. It never became official due to both of you being cowards and afraid that if one of you had asked, it would ruin everything, so neither of you did, and that’s your biggest regret to this day. because one day Getou was absent, and then the next day came and he was absent again, and again, and again...
After about a month, Shoko and Gojo had given up hope that he would return, but you never did, at least not until you graduated, though you didn't lose hope in the same way everyone else did. You lost hope that he would come back because you put it into thinking you would find him yourself. You would travel all of Japan just to find him, and that's exactly what you’ll do.
How could you possibly let go? Your first love disappears, and you’re supposed to be okay with that? Hell, you’re surprised that Gojo was okay with his best friend disappearing and that he could accept it so easily. You simply need closure, whether it's a grave sighting or Getou standing right in front of you; whatever it is, you won't stop until you get it.
It’s been two years since you graduated, two years since you first started searching for him, and you’re about to embark on your last major city in Japan in an attempt to find him. You're packing your things while Shoko and Gojo sit on your bed, frowns on their faces and their arms crossed, watching you scramble all over your room.
Shoko clears her throat. “Don't you think it’s been long enough, y/n?”
You give her a brief glance before continuing your packing.
Gojo nods. "I mean, come on, y/n! It’s been years already! Enough is enough, he’s not coming back!”
You finally stop whatever it is you are doing and look toward them, eyebrows furrowed in frustration. “If you were just going to be rude, why did you two even come?”
Gojo shrugs. “Shoko told me to come.”
Shoko lightly slaps Gojo’s arm before speaking softly, “We just don't get it.”
You'd ask what she doesn't get, but you know. She doesn't know how you became so obsessed; she's raising her eyebrows at you. Frankly, you don't know either, but you wouldn’t call it an obsession rather than just caring. Wouldn't she want to find her lover? Who mysteriously disappeared? Wouldn’t Gojo?
you sigh. “You don’t need to get it; can't you just be supportive?”
The two of them hesitate to nod, and the conversation is over. It's quiet while you finish packing whatever you need, and then eventually they drop you off at the station, saying their goodbyes and half-assed best wishes. You enter the train and wave goodbye to them through the window.
This was it; if you don't find him here, you won't find him anywhere else in Japan, and that would mean you’d end up traveling the whole world to find him. You would search for him until the world ended, if need be. As the train pulled out of the station, you laid your head against the window and let your eyes flutter shut. dreaming about a time before Getou had disappeared.
You and Getou were inseparable, practically glued together at the hip. Wherever you went, he was there as well, and vice versa. You two did everything together, and people weren’t sure if they were jealous or disgusted. You’re dreaming of a specific moment; you hadn’t gone to school that day, you were feeling defeated having gotten bad grades on the last few tests. You hadn't responded to anyone that day, including Getou. Later on that day, you heard a knock at your door, opening it only to be met with Getou, a small grin on his face, and a bag filled with your favorite snacks, movies, drinks, and whatever else he could think of in his hand.
Getou leans in to give you a quick kiss before pulling away and asking, “You weren’t at school, are you okay?”
You look him up and down fondly before smiling. “Yeah, I'm okay now.”
"Good because I brought a lot of shit and walking home with it all would be embarrassing," he exclaims as he invites himself in.
You laugh at him as you shut the door behind him. “You didn’t have to bring all of this for me.”
He smiles at you. “I would’ve brought much more if I could.”
You roll your eyes as you walk up to him and wrap your arms around his neck. “you know i only need you Getou.”
Getou smirks as he drops the bag of goodies in order to wrap his arms around your waist. “yeah?”
You lean in and kiss him softly, mumbling against his lips a small “yeah” before going back to kissing him.
You jolt awake at the sound of the intercom informing you that you had arrived at your destination; had you slept the whole way? Were you that exhausted? You yawn as you gather your things and walk off the train, sighing to yourself as you walk toward a local map. The place you’re staying at isn't too far from here, so you start walking.
Though about halfway there, you very quickly regret your decision as it grows colder; you could see your breath with each one you took. You shiver as you think back to all the times Getou would give you his jacket, even if it meant he would be cold, and you’re really wishing he was here right now. Tears start to well up in your eyes as you stop to push the crosswalk button, and you don't have to wait long until it’s time for you to cross the road.
You keep your head down because there are so many people crossing; you've never been one for crowds, but something is telling you to look up, whether it's yourself or some higher being, whatever it is is pleading. You look up, unsure of what you'll see, and that's when you see him. You drop everything in your hands as you stare at him wide-eyed, your chest heaving up and down. You almost think he doesn't even realize who you are until you see how his Adam's apple bobs up and down as he swallows harshly.
He’s smiling at you, and you're smiling back until he starts to frown. What are you even doing here? he betrayed you by leaving, and yet? You're suddenly walking toward him, but it's taking too long for your liking, so you start to run at him and quite literally throw yourself into his embrace. He stumbles back a little before wrapping his arms around you.
“Where the fuck have you been?” you ask bewilderedly against him. “Getou, I've been looking for you everywhere.”
He grabs your face and pulls it away from him to look at you; a blush is covering his face, and you can't tell if it's because of you or because of the cold. “You’ve been looking for me?” he asks curiously, like he can't believe that you would do that, like he can’t believe he’s worth that.
You smile softly, and you can't stop the tears from falling. Getou wipes them away as they reach his hands on your cheeks. “Of course I’ve been looking for you.” You frown as you ask him again, “Where have you been getou?”
He looks away briefly before responding, “Lost. I’ve been lost, and you’re the only person who’s ever been able to find me.”
You place your hand on top of his and hesitate to respond. “Please don't leave again—“ You meant it as a statement, yet your quivering voice says otherwise.
Getou nods and kisses your forehead, mumbling against it, “I won't, I promise, I won't."
He means it; seeing you like this and finding out that you’ve been searching for him, how could he leave again? He can’t; he won't. So instead he’ll stay and spend the rest of his time here on Earth making up for not realizing until now that there's nothing important that doesn't include you.
You bask in the warmth that his lips against your skin give you, almost as if he’s rekindled a fire within you that went out when he disappeared. A car honks at you right as you're about to pull his face down and kiss him. 
“Get out of the fucking way!” the driver screams from out his window.
That's when the both of you realize you're still in the street; you look at each other wide-eyed before bursting out into laughter, and he’s grabbing your hand to pull you onto the sidewalk. Both of you are now hunched over in laughter on the sidewalk, staying like that for a few minutes until you're finally able to calm yourselves. You stare at each other nervously, unsure of what to do from here, when he rolls his eyes and sighs before grabbing your face and kissing you roughly. You don't kiss him back right away because it takes you by surprise, but once you realize what's going on and that he's really here, you're quick to melt into him.
“I didn’t think I’d be able to do this again,” he says softly as he pulls away.
You hum, “I've been waiting to do that again.”
“You never gave up on me?” he asks with a slight tilt of his head.
"Nope, never...," you shake your head. "which is why im gonna rub it in gojo’s face when you come back.”
“When I come back?” he asks teasingly, “you kidnapping me?”
You nod. “Yeah, gonna put you on a leash and everything to make sure you don't leave again.”
Getou stifles a laugh. “You don't have to do all that; I'm not leaving again.”
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
📁 for Micheal tlb!!
A/N: I’m in a Michael mood rn so I figured I’d do this request first, but to the person who requested it, I will do the Jervis fic soon I promise
My boy has perfect pitch
Sam just walks up to him and hits random things together and is like “what note was that”
Michael put a lock on his door bc one night sam did rt his at 4:00am
He loves Disney movies
I’ve said this so many times but he LOVES cooking
Especially for ppl he cares about
His favorite season is summer
It would be spring but he’s allergic to flowers
Still buys Star flowers every week
His favorite fruit is cantaloupe
Likes the look of button up shirts but cant stand actually wearing them
Solid B+ student
Does well in math tho
Has 5 pairs of shoes: 1 set of foot flops, 1 set of dress shoes, 1 pair of boots, 2 sets of tennis shoes
Looks identical to his grandpa on his dads side
Prefers quilts over blankets
Decent singing voice but thinks it’s awful
Mamas boy, but in the good way
Normally his room is pretty neat, but around important tests it gets messy
Always wanted brown eyes
Used to help grandpa Emerson with his taxidermy when little until he realized it was actual animals
Nanook was originally his dog, but gave her to Sam after realizing he didn’t want the responsibility
Still lays on the floor with Nanook’s head on his chest like they did when she was a puppy occasionally
Learned piano for a couple years but dropped it for guitar
Has a tiny scar just below his hairline on the back of his neck bc Sam threw a pencil at him in elementary school
Collects quarters
Favorite candy is pop rocks
When he was a toddler he was a dance machine and Lucy constantly brings it up and accidentally embarrassed him
Michael and Lucy have had special nights just for them since he was 2 where they watch their favorite kids movies together curled up on the couch
He saved up money from his first job in Santa Carla and bought a tv so they could continue this
At some point in life he gets a chicken named Julian
I Like @persephone-s-moon ‘s Rat Series so even though they aren’t they boys, laddie, and Star, he gets 6 rats to help with anxiety after the night in the house
Names are Joey, Bobby, Danny, Chloe, Rosie, & Frankie
Yes all their names had to end with an “e” sound on purpose
He and Star end up dating for a couple years, but decided to be friends after a while
Michael ends up dating a bleach blonde guy who he just can’t figure out why he looks so familiar no it’s not actually david
Kinda regrets not turning when he reaches his 30s
Would never tell anyone that tho
His favorite Disney movie as of 1987 was The Fox and The Hound
But adored the Little Mermaid when it came out and took Laddie to see it all the time
Also was the one who went with Star to return laddie to his parents after everything, and the pair became his official babysitters
He gets a little creeped out whenever laddie acts like the boys tho
Still bought laddie a new jacket when he outgrew his old one, and it looked a lot like Dwayne’s
Becomes a music teacher in 50s, but was a producer before that
Ends up married to a girl named Susan, and has a son- Gabriel David Emerson
Yes Sam and everyone besides Laddie gave him hell for the middle name
Ends up being a great dad
Favorite shape is a trapezoid
Listens to Queen a ton
He and Star end up life long besties
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byebyeballoon · 1 year
Potentially triggering topic so I’m putting it under a read more with a warning, here is the reason why I’m not posting memes for Duty After School. (Alexis encouraged me to post this to warn other kdrama fans on here even though I was hesitant.)
I started off really liking the writing of the show, with the kids being kids much like in All of Us Are Dead, and learning about the alien creatures/spheres… and then I watched the finale which was incredibly messed up and made me feel physically ill. Because it is something we see all too often in real life, especially here in America. I was not prepared for it to go that way. And not in a “it hurt my feelings” kind of way like most of my fav shows. It continues to haunt me even though I kept my eyes closed for most of it.
**tw for gun talk and mass murder via automatic weapons**
I had a pit in my stomach when it first alluded to what was happening, bc like many other Americans I know all too well the reality of mass shooters going after classmates in classrooms. Especially all because a boy was so upset that a girl refused his advances, that he physically assaulted her before murdering the class. We’ve seen this happen in multiple cases across America.
The fact that they had to go back and show every single death in detail fucked me up, and left me with a heavy heart. To be honest I looked away for most of it, but seeing those last desperate moments of the kids fighting to try and save one another, getting hit with a spattering of bullets because of an automatic gun, and reaching to try and hold the hand of their peer as they died. I’m tearing up just thinking about it again, because kids go through this in real life. I don’t care that they added that rapping scene with the actors all smiling to the end, it felt jarring to make such a transition. What was the point of that? I feel sick and whenever I think of the show, my stomach drops.
I’m not usually impacted by scifi shows like this, but that’s generally why I avoid some horror stuff, it hits me harder mentally when it’s something that can happen in reality. It’s why I prefer the monster horror or folklore/fantasy usually, bc it’s not real. Anyway, I thought I’d warn others if you’re into fantasy kdramas like me, and can’t handle depictions of mass shootings done by automatic weapons because it happens way too often here in America in real life.
Usually guns don’t effect me in shows if it’s a hand gun, but this was a mass murder with an automatic weapon, in a classroom. I was crying and I don’t often cry these days. I didn’t read the comic, so I’m not sure if it’s the same ending or not, but my god there was no warning. I take that back - I guess there sort of was one when he went after the girl in the previous episode and murdered a classmate to cover it up. But the way he walked into the classroom with that gun. Just like what has happened in countless schools in America. I know other countries find it horrific, the vast majority of Americans also find it horrific. But seeing it portrayed in that show… words can’t convey what it made me feel.
No I will not be engaging in conversations about my misunderstanding of the show. It is a fucked up reality, and I don’t want to see it depicted in such accurate detailing in a show. Part of it may have been to show the horror of what American children go through during an incident like that… but my god they didn’t have to depict it so realistically to convey that. We are all too well aware of what those poor children and classmates go through when these incidents happen.
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jhdyuiee · 4 months
Moth to a Flame
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☾ pairing: bf!doyoung x gf!y/n x fwb!jaehyun
☾ warnings/tags: cheating (pls dont read if this is a sensitive topic!!), y/n is cheating on doyoung w/ jaehyun, smut!, angst, unprotected & protected sex, (semi) public sex (locker room sex), multiple sex scenes, spanking, explicit content, cursing, drinking, fluff, degrading, name calling (whore, slut, baby, darling, & good girl), possessive jaehyun, whole fucked up shit!!, cliffhanger
☾ wc: 11.4k
☾ a.n: hi! jiji back! im back with another fic, this fic came to my mind when i was hearing “Moth to A Flame” by the weekend & wanted to incorporate it with jaehyun & some other member, member being doyoung :0 . this one is quite the ride, & honestly i’ve never written anything like this before, my first lengthy smut too! the ending is probably my favorite, it ends with a cliffhanger, per say. though i do advice u not to read bcs this does deal with cheating!!! at last, i hope u all enjoy it && give it lots of love, but if not then i’ll see u next time!! i love u all & ill be back for more, jiji out 🤍
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Life was perfect. I had it all. All.
But then he appeared. He who flipped my world upside down. He who I desired, craved… and wanted.
He pulled me in. Like a moth to a flame.
By the time I realized the things we did, the chaos that unfolded, it was far too late. My perfect life was tainted, dirty, filthy, broken.
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April 04.
I was sitting by the window, watching the rain drops fall against the pavement. It’d been quite rainy lately, the dark sky covering the once so blue sky.
“Alright class!” yelled out the professor. “Before I start I wanted to introduce to you our new student,” he said, gesturing to the individual standing next to him.
“Jeong Jaehyun,” the individual said, bowing. “Nice to meet you all.”
He stood tall, his soft dark brown hair covering his forehead. Pale skin, soft as a peach. Eyes that shone bright, reminding me of chocolate, so sweet, so tempting.
I was caught off guard when his eyes met mine, feeling my face heat up. I turned away, my eyes back to the window and rain.
“You can sit behind Y/N,” said the professor.
He made his way behind me, sitting down. The class continued, Mr. Park talking about this new book we’re said to read about. He rambled on and on about how great it was.
Classes were finally over and I made my way outside the campus. I heard my name being shouted, I looked towards the direction of the voice. I came eye to eye with a male, otherwise known as my boyfriend, Kim Doyoung.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, as he pecked my cheek, holding my waist.
“Came to pick you up,” he said, staring at me with lust.
“Oh yeah? Are you sure you don’t got other motives?” I raised an eyebrow.
He chuckled, leaning to my ear, “I don’t… or do I?”
I softly hit his shoulder. “You freak!” He laughs, as he tightens his grip on my waist. “I just missed you Y/N,” he says softly.
“I missed you too Doyo.” His hand caressed my cheek and his head leaned into me more, Doyoung’s lips pressed against mine. He kissed me deeply, I was so into it that it didn’t cross my mind that we we're still near my school campus.
“Mmm, Do-Doyoung we can’t be doing this right now…” I tried explaining. He sighs, taking his lips off mine, “Fine, we’ll continue this at my place then,” he smirks as he guides me to the passenger seat of his car. We drove off to his place and oh did we have a wonderful night…
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Transfering was far from an easy process, but hey at least I made it. I’d arrive at the class listed on my roaster, walking in when the professor opened the door for me. I’d explained everything to him, well in a short summary.
Next thing I knew I was being introduced to the whole class. Girls whispering to girls next to them, guys looking with their eyebrows raised, but one particularly drew my attention. Her. The one sitting by the window— I don’t think she’s even noticed my presence, ‘heck has she even looked my way?’ I thought, but then I saw as her eyes met mine. Her face surprised and turning a shade of pink. I softly chuckled at her reaction, ‘cute,’ I thought.
“You can sit behind Y/N,” said the professor. What is this? Luck? Fate? Destiny? Well whatever it was, it must’ve meant something right?
That was what I thought, but when classes were over I went outside—ready to go—but then I saw her, Y/N, in the hands of another. He leaned against his car, his arms wrapping around her waist and then he leaned in kissing her so passionately. My eyes lingered for a little longer until I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around, a figure standing behind me.
“Hey! You’re Jaehyun the new student right?” asked the male.
“Yeah…” “-Great! I’m Mark, Mark Lee and I was wondering if you wanted to join the basketball team?”
Huh? Basketball team? It hasn’t been one day since I’ve arrived and now I’m being recruited to join the Basketball team. Honestly, I haven’t thought about joining any sports or clubs yet, but hey might as well give it a try.
“Sure, I’ll give it a try,” I told Mark.
“Great! You can come over today to watch us play and I’ll tell the coach about you as well,” Mark explained. I gave him a nod and he informed me to meet him outside the school gym at around 3:30. With around an hour and a half left to spear I headed towards the cafe across the street. Y/N and her boyfriend were gone by then, must’ve slipped away while I talked with Mark.
I attended their practice, they were a pretty good ass team and I talked with the coach along with Mark. All in all, I was in the team now— luckily I was well acquainted with the basics of basketball so it should be a breeze.
I was leaving the gym when Mark came up beside me, “Hey! Jaehyun! I was wondering if you wanted to attend the party I’m throwing this weekend night?”
“Really?” I asked. “Yeah, I only invite the teammates and a couple other friends, so I’d figure why not invite you too.”
I thought about it for a while, “Sure, I’ll be there.”
“Awesome man, well I’ll send you the deets later I gotta go,” he said before he left sprinting.
‘A party, huh. Would Y/N be there?’ I whispered into the cool breeze that passed me.
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The week went by and it was now the weekend. Yesterday Rei informed me about the party Mark was throwing today. I rarely attended those types of things since I got with Doyoung, but for some odd reason I wanted to go today. So I told Doyoung about it and he said to inform him in case I needed a ride back home.
Thus, here I am getting ready for Mark’s party. Mark’s parties though were no average get together, it was drinking, smoking, and sex. You were either doing one or the other, fuck probably all three. Today though I’ll probably just stick to the first.
I put on a white mini dress and some black 3 inch heels. My phone rang as I was putting on some earrings; it was Rei, “Hey, Y/N you ready yet darling.” Her voice, sounding cheeky.
“Yeah, you downstairs already?”
“Yep, in the parking lot.”
“Alright, I’ll be out in a sec,” I said. I quickly took one last glance in my mirror, slightly shocked at the sight. It’d really been a long time since I’ve dressed up. I made my way downstairs and into Rei’s black car. Luckily, Mark’s home wasn’t so far, 5 minute drive.
“Holy shit,” I said. Me and Rei looked out my side of the window. They’re were far more people than I expected. “Looks like someone’s finally become popular,” Rei said. We got out of the car, making our way inside. People had already begun drinking, smoking, and PDA everywhere. We stopped in the middle, trying to locate Mark when we heard a voice calling our names.
“Y/N! Rei!” Speak of the devil. Mark was calling us from the kitchen. When we made our way to the kitchen I noticed the swarm of boys around the kitchen counter, it was all of Mark’s little basketball boys. I could care less about them, I already knew all of them, but one caught my attention. Jaehyun.
‘What’s he doing here?’ In the week that he’s been here I have yet to speak to the guy, but I have to admit I have stolen glances here and there. Something about him was so captivating, so alluring. I tried shaking it off, after all I had Doyoung.
“Well, well, well if it isn’t Y/N Kang,” said Jungwoo. I rolled my eyes saying, “Nice seeing you too Jungwoo.” I grabbed a cup from the counter, feeling a pair of eyes lingering on me. There was no denying who those eyes belonged to. I took a sip, the alcohol burning down my throat. The sensation was still nice though.
Rei was caught up talking with Mark, Johnny, and Yuta while I just leaned against the counter, soaking in the alcohol. I was nearly done with my first cup when a voice speak up.
“Hey,” said the voice shyly.
I looked up, coming face to face with Jaehyun. ‘What is this?’ “Hi?” I questioned.
“Y-You’re Y/N right?” he asked.
I softly giggled, “Yeah, unless you know someone else named Y/N?”
I looked at him intently, noticing how his ears turned red. “Sorry, dumb right?” he said.
He was cute, like a shy cat. “No, no it’s fine I mean this is the first time we’ve ever spoken so it’s you know.” Who knew our first conversation would be this awkward. I felt shy around Jaehyun, was that weird? “So how are you enjoying it so far,” I tried changing the subject.
“School wise it’s alright, party wise I'm still sober,” he chuckled. I never got to notice the dimples on his cheeks, he’s even cuter now. ‘Wait what? Cute? Jaehyun? Snap out of it Y/N!’
“That’s nice, I’m glad you seem to be enjoying it,” I responded. We talked on and on, who knew me and Jaehyun would strike it up so fast. We have many likes as much as we had dislikes. I even got to admit the man had a sense of humor.
“Wanna go sit down? Those heels must be killing you,” Jaehyun asked, making our way to the—fortunately—unoccupied coach. I had already taken 3 cups of alcohol, with a somewhat drunk but sober mind.
I turned around to face Jaehyun a bit better, our faces inches away from one another. He didn’t look much different from up close, in fact he was perfect. It must’ve been the alcohol because ain’t no way I’d ever do this with a sober mind— I lifted my hand to his cheek, he slightly flinched. “Y/N?” he asked. “Hmm? What is it Jaehyun,” I said softly. We locked eyes, I felt it in the way he looked at me, eyes with lust, desire, want.
“You’re really handsome Jae,” I said, bringing my hand down to his nape.
“And you’re really beautiful Y/N,” he said, leaning in closer. ‘This was wrong,’ a voice inside me told me. No, I knew. This was all a mistake. I have a boyfriend, I have Doyoung.
But it was too late… my lips pressed against Jaehyun’s. The kiss started off as something slow, delicate but then it was more passionate, deep. It was different from when Doyoung… Oh right, Doyoung he’s my—I pushed my lips off his, horror in my eyes. I got up from my seat, “So-Sorry, I uhm… this was a mistake, that was a mistake.” We looked at each other, eyes still filled with want. But no this was wrong and we both knew it.
“Please just forget what just happened, please Jaehyun,” I pleaded with him. In which he gave me a nod and I just said “Goodbye Jaehyun,” before storming off into the crowd. I didn’t even bother looking back, I couldn’t bring myself to. What had I just done? How can I be so stupid and let alcohol take over my mind, my body, my self…
I met up with Rei, she was now chatting with Haechan and whispered to her, “I don’t feel so well.” She looked at me with concern, “What? What’s wrong?”
“I feel nauseous and a bit dizzy,” I lied, I just wanted to get out of there. She rested her hand on my shoulder, before nodding and we bid the boys goodbye, all except one, Jaehyun.
Luckily the party was on a weekend which meant I wouldn’t have to face Jaehyun the next day in class. After the incident, I replayed the moment in my head over and over, trying to analyze ‘why?’ I even found myself gazing my hand over my lips before I fell asleep. I hadn't told Doyoung, I was scared to. All I did was text him that I’d gotten home safe and then he bid me a good night.
Now that the weekend was over I had to come back to reality. I didn’t know how I was going to act around Jaehyun, truthfully I’d hoped he’d actually forgotten all about it, but I doubt that he would.
Thankfully the class was normal, me and Jaehyun not even uttering a word to one another, well mostly due to me since I’d tried avoiding looking behind me. My dreams were soon shattered though. That fucking professor just had to assign us a project, YES A PROJECT in PAIRS! As if things couldn’t get any worse he’d paired me and Jaehyun up. Is the world against me?!
I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around bracing myself. Jaehyun looked at me cautiously, “So I guess we’re stuck together.”
“Seems so Jeong,” I said, sighing. He was going to say something before the professor spoke up again, “Remember class I want you two pairs to work efficiently and collaboratively, as well as making sure it’s turned in on time in a month from now. I do believe I’m giving you enough time.”
Our assignment: going to Dream Art Museum and observing 5 pieces of work, writing and analyzing each one. Oh and can’t forget the photography portion of the project, it seemed easy, but with Jaehyun it’d probably be far from it. I was scared for what this whole month would hold for us.
Once the bell rang, I quickly grabbed my things, stuffing them into my bag. “So,” his voice hesitated. “How do you wanna do this?” I looked up at Jaehyun, he looked like a little kid asking his mom to let him out to play. “Look Jaehyun, just act normal around me, I won't bite.” He nodded.
“We can get each other’s numbers, if that’s fine since I don’t really have the time right now,” I explained. Never in a million years did I expect to get the number of someone I accidentally kissed in just a few days since his arrival. He took out his phone and we exchanged numbers. “I’ll text you the details later, my boyfriend’s waiting for me outside.”
“Sounds good,” he says. I walk past him and when I grip my hand on the doorknob he says, “Thank you Y/N.” I don’t even turn back, I leave. ‘Thank you? For what?’
I made my outside, Doyoung in the same spot as last time. He looks up from his phone, smiling widely. I pick up my pace and go into his warm embrace. Doyoung was who I needed. Not Jaehyun or anyone else.
Doyoung took me to our favorite restaurant, an Italian restaurant. I order my regular chicken alfredo with some garlic bread. 2 words: fucking delicious.
“How was the party?” Doyoung asked. I nearly choked on my pasta. I hope I looked composed, “Good, I mean it’s the same old thing, drinking, smoking, and people having sex everywhere you go.”
He chuckled and continued asking me more. Conversing with Doyoung was also so nice, so comforting. I loved how warm Doyoung was. “Oh! and you won’t believe what my professor said today,” I had yet to tell Doyoung. He quirked an eyebrow up. “He assigned us a project in pairs! Worst part of all I got assigned with the new kid,” I said.
“Jaehyun?” Doyoung said, my heart nearly stopping. ‘How does he know Jaehyun?’ He must’ve noticed the confusion on my face because he then added, “Jungwoo told me.” I let out a sigh of relief, only noticeable to me, thank god for Jungwoo.
“You still talk to the guy?” I said. Doyoung chuckled a bit, “Unfortunately so.”
The rest of the dinner went by smoothly, we had some wine too and by the end of the night I ended up on Doyoung’s bed, naked of course.
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April 11.
The next day I woke up, still sore from last night’s activities with Doyoung. He can be gentle, but so rough sometimes. Nevertheless I enjoyed sex with Doyoung.
I grabbed clothes from his closet, thankfully he let me keep some here, and quickly changed into them. Afterall I still had class today, although I missed the first two periods I’d still make it in time for third. I was putting on my shirt when Doyoung spoke up, “Why don’t you just stay here?” His morning voice evident. “I would love to, but I got a project remember.” He sighed and put on his sweats. Doyoung walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
You always smell so good,” he says. I giggle, “That’s not gonna let you sneak in a quickie.” He rests his head on my shoulder, arms still around my waist. It’s like he doesn’t want to let go, doesn’t want me to go. God how I love this man— but then it hit me, the events of 2 days ago. Guilt rushed over me. “I gotta go Doyo,” I say softly. He finally lets me go and I face him. “I’ll come pick you up later.”
“Okay,” I say, giving him a smile and a kiss.
I left Doyoung’s apartment and headed off to campus. I'd arrived just in time for third period, thank god. My classes continued as normal, until it was finally time for that class. I was dreading it, mainly because I'd forgotten to message Jaehyun about the project. “Hey,” his voice crept up behind me. I turned around, “Hi, sorry I couldn’t reach out last night.” He looked at me giving me a smile, a sad smile.
“It’s alright, how weren’t things with your boyfriend?” he asked. I blinked in confusion, ‘why did he care?’ “Good, we ate and went back to his apartment, but I ended up arriving late today,” I chuckled at the end. He gave me a nod, this was awkward. At least, for me it was. Talking about my boyfriend to a guy whose lips I kissed. We stayed in silence until he spoke up, “Mind if we sit together?” I didn’t answer, just giving him a nod as we made our way to where I usually sit; Jaehyun sitting beside me.
“So…” he continued, “how do you want to do the project?” I thought about it for a while, “We can go to the museum over the weekend if that’s alright with you,” I said. “No, no that’s alright with me, I can come pick you up if you want.” I guess I have no other choice but to accept his offer, “Sure,” I said. His mood seemed to slightly shift; appearing more relaxed and happy.
The class went by and I left with Jaehyun by my side, after all we still needed to discuss the details on this “project.” I was so concentrated into the conversation that I failed to notice Doyoung calling me.
“Y/N!” I heard him shout. Me and Jaehyun both looked at him. Doyoung’s eyes traveled from me to him. Ah, “Jaehyun this is my boyfriend, Doyoung. Doyoung this is Jaehyun, my project partner.” They gave a nod to one another, the vibes were weird, ‘am I imagining things?’
“I came to pick you up,” Doyoung spoke up. “I guess that’s my cue,” Jaehyun said softly. Before Jaehyun could leave I grabbed his shirt, he turned around confused. “Ah, sorry I just wanted to say to tell me if anything comes up,” I say, shyness in my voice. He gives me a slight smile and I let go of his shirt, “Alright, Y/N, see you tomorrow,” he says, walking off in the distance. I turned back to Doyoung who just stood there, waiting for me.
“Ready?” I nodded as I walked to the passenger side of his car. Luckily, Doyoung wasn’t the jealous type, but sometimes I wish he was.
The weekend passed by and it was finally Saturday. Saturday as in my trip to the Dream Art Museum with Jaehyun. I waited for a message from him, indicating he was here. He arrived around noon like we’d agreed to the night before. He pulled up in his black car, it looked luxurious. I still have yet to find out more about Jeong Jaehyun.
Unfortunately to say the least, the museum was packed, packed. But then fortunately we decided on our 5 art pieces of work in no time. Jaehyun had brought along his camera for the photography portion of the project. I was starting to regret everything I said, working with Jaehyun was really easy work. We left around 3, and we decided to go to a local restaurant slash cafe. I was famished, I was surviving off a yogurt and some fruit. I ordered a delicious looking sandwich and some coffee. Jaehyun got the same thing, but ordered two slices of strawberry shortcake. “One for you,” he said, passing it to me. I muttered a small, “Thank you.” We ate, enjoying each other’s presence. It was comfortable.
It was beginning to darken, by the time I realized it. Me and Jaehyun chatted for quite a while, we got to know one another a little bit more. He was an interesting person to say the least, moving here when he was 5 from South Korea.
“It’s getting dark, huh,” he said. “Yeah.”
“I guess I should drop you back off then,” he smiled.
“You’re dimples are very cute Jaehyun,” I said out loud. Shit.
He just stared at me, he was at a loss for words. “Th-Thank you?” he said, sounding more like a question.
“Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to offend you or make you uncomfortable.” He shook his head, “No, no I just didn’t know what to say, no one’s really said anything like that. Well besides my mother,” he chuckled. I laughed, he was cute sometimes. Moments like this made me forget my life, my reality. It felt like we were the only two people on this planet.
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I got Y/N safely back home, thankfully. Earlier when she complimented my dimples I was at a loss for words. My heart stopped beating for a moment. There was no denying it, I was in love with her. Everything about her.
Her smile, her laugh, her voice, her body, her face, her personality, her everything. I wanted her selfishly to myself, but I knew that was impossible because I saw the way she’d light up talking about Doyoung. There was never going to be room for me in her heart. But nevertheless I still wanted her. I wanted to feel her lips against mine again and possibly something even more.
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April 28.
Over the past two weeks since the project started me and Jaehyun grew closer. No more awkward energy, although there was one slight problem. There was something growing within me, something unexplainable.
I wanted him. I wanted Jaehyun, but I just didn’t know that yet.
Today I was set to go to Jaehyun’s after school, we agreed on putting our presentation together and since he has a printer it was more convenient going over to his place. We pulled up into a fancy looking apartment complex. “You never told me you were a rich boy,” I teased him. “You never asked,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. He opened the door and came around to open mine as well. “Thank you Jeong,” I said, stepping out. I waited for him, after all I had no idea where I was going.
When we made it to his apartment it was very clean and neat for some guy living by himself. They’re was rarely any color, but I liked it, it felt comfortable.
“Make yourself at home,” he says. “Will do!” I walked to his living room, sitting down on the—very comfortable—couch. “Drinks?” he asked. “Water will do,” I replied.
He came back with two waters and we started working a while later. I checked my phone and it was already 7 p.m, time sure passed by quickly. “It’s getting late, I should leave soon,” I say, trying to get up when he grabbed my wrist. I looked at him, he was staring at me. “You can stay over,” he says, nonchalantly. I laughed, “You're joking, right?”
“No.” Oh he was serious. Me sleeping over at Jaehyun’s? This was a bad idea, every part of me knew, but I accepted it. “Okay,” I mumbled. His eyes widened a bit, I guess he didn’t expect me to actually accept his invitation, trust me neither did I.
“Can I use your shower?” I asked. “What? Oh yeah, yeah that’s fine.” He guided me through his bedroom into the bathroom. He gave me a pair of his sweatpants and a shirt, even a pair of his newly bought boxers. I showered and slipped into his clothes. I exited, and found him still outside in the living room. “Done?” He asked, looking up at me. I nodded. “I guess I’ll go shower too,” he said, disappearing into his room, coming out shortly after.
“Want me to dry your hair?” He asked. “Sure,” I said. settling on my knees while he sat on the couch. His touch was comforting, and I was getting offly turned on. ‘No, no, no.’
“All done,” he said. I turned my body, looking up at him from the floor. I was going to regret this, I knew, but I still did it.
I propped myself on his lap, my legs on each side of his. His eyes from that night, coming back. Eyes filled with want, lust, and desire.
I cupped his face, leaning in. I kissed him again. The kiss was deep, filled with so much desire. I could feel it in the way we kissed, we both wanted each other.
I moaned when he bit my bottom lip and pulled away. He looked at me, “Are you sure?” he said, when I tugged at his shirt. This was bad, we both knew what would happen, but I didn’t care, my logic, my reasoning were knocked out of me. It was just screaming his name, Jaehyun, Jaehyun, Jaehyun.
“Yes, please Jaehyun.”
He smashed his lips back to mine and I started grinding down on him. I felt his erection pressing against me, it was all too good. His hands traveling to my ass, groping it, causing moans to slip out. His fingers began teasing my clothed cunt. “As much as I love seeing you wearing my clothes, I want to see how beautiful you are, baby.”
Baby, he said it so affectionately, I loved it. I complied, taking off his shirt, he groaned when he saw my tits. Palming one of them. “So beautiful,” he said as he took one into his mouth. Flicking my nipple with his tongue and then sucking on it, while he kneaded the other one.
I was squirming under his touch, my pussy aching. He moved to my other nipple, doing the same, but bit down on this one slightly. “Ahn- Jae-Jaehyun!” I screamed, not because it hurt but because it felt too good. His lips then traveled to my collarbone and jaw, placing kisses all over, and sucking on my skin.
“Ja-Jaehyun,” I said, breathlessly. “What is it, baby?” I grabbed his hand, guiding it to my pussy. “Please touch me down here,” I whispered into his ear. He groaned and I swear I felt his cock twitch against me.
“Take those sweats off then,” he smirked. Getting off him and shimming out of his sweatpants. I saw as his eyes widened, “No underwear? Didn’t wanna wear those boxers?” He grabbed me by my hips, sitting me back on his lap, my back facing him now.
He opens my legs, traveling his hand down to my sopping wet pussy. “Fuck Y/N, are you always this wet? I haven’t even properly touched you yet, yet you’re dripping wet like some whore,” he whispered into my ear.
I moaned when I felt his fingers pass my clit and then tease my folds. He slips in one finger, pushing it inside, “You’re even so tight,” he chuckled. My hips started moving, wanting his finger to go faster, deeper. I heard him let out another chuckle, before he slipped another finger inside. I moaned louder, arching my back as his fingers picked up their pace, reaching me even deeper. I was close, I clenched around his fingers and he must’ve known as well because he slipped his fingers out. I pleaded with him, squirming in his lap.
I saw as he brought his fingers to his mouth, moaning in delight. “You taste so good, baby.” He then grabbed me, holding me in arms as he made our way to his bedroom. He plopped me on his bed. The bed, dipping when he got on.
“Open your legs baby, let me see that pretty pussy of yours.” I opened my legs as wide as they could go, and he finally got down. His eyes locked with mine as he licked a strip up my pussy. He repeated the action and I gripped on his hair. Curses erupted from my mouth. I felt as his wet muscle entered me, moving inside. “Yes, Jaehyun just like that,” I moaned. After a while he took out his tongue and began kitty licking my clit and thrusting his fingers inside me again. He’s eating me out so good, better than anyone… any- Doy… Before I could even think of the name, he bit down on my clit, I practically screamed at his sudden action.
He parted from my clit with a “Sorry.” “No, no it’s okay it just felt so good,” I let out. His lips came to mine, tongues fighting one another. The knot in my stomach tightened as Jaehyun stretched my walls and placed his thumb on my clit. “Such a pretty girl, finish for me.” His words triggered me, sending me over the edge. I came—no I squirted. It was just the beginning but oh god, I was already worn out.
“You ready to take my cock pretty girl,” he said, brushing away the hairs from my forehead. “Pl-Please give it to me,” I said softly, trying to catch my breath.
Jaehyun got off the bed, reaching his nightstand for a foil square; a condom. He ripped it with his teeth, pulling his sweats and boxers off. Holy fucking fuck, he was big and hard. I was practically drooling at the sight, I wanted him in me. He slipped the condom on and settled between me. He stroked it and then grabbed my hips.
“Ready?” he asked, as his tip prodded against my pussy. “Yes, please.” “You’re so good at begging baby,” he said. Before I could say anything, he pushed his cock inside me. It stretched me out so good, I can’t hold back my moans.
“Fuck, you’re taking me so well aren’t you, you whore.”
“I-It’s too much Jaehyun,” I moaned out. I looked at where our bodies joined, his cock not even all the way in yet. “You love it though don’t you? You’re clenching around me like some virgin,” he smirks; visible through the moonlight.
He grips my hips tightly. “Ready, I’m going to start moving,” he warns. I nod and he starts pounding into me. His cock going in and out of my pussy, he goes gently at first, but I urge him to go faster, “Deeper, jae please.” He stops for a moment, “What’d you say?” I open my eyes, locking them with his. “Deeper?” I tilt my head slightly. “No after that.”
“Jae.” “Fuck,” he says, before he starts pounding into me even faster. He’s hitting me so deep, the pleasure so good—so euphoric. He takes my arms, pinning them above me, as he continues his quick pace. “Look at you, tits bounces, mouth open, back arching. Such a slut.” His dirty talk does wonders to me, I could feel the knot in my stomach tightening again. I was so fucking close.
“You’re gonna cum for me again?” As he said that, he brought his thumb to my clit again, abusing it. “Baby look at me, let me see your face when you cum all over my dick,” he says, bringing his hand to my chin. I open my eyes, tears nearly spilling out. “Good girl,” he cooed. My mouth flung open as he hit my g-spot; he took the opportunity to spit in my mouth, “Swallow.” I closed my mouth taking in his spit, while his thumb rubbed on my clit.
“Come with me, won’t you darling,” he whispered in my ear. Our lips crashing into one another, my hips moving to meet his. I moaned into the kiss as my orgasm ripped through me. He pulled away—a string saliva appearing when we departed—groaning as he felt me clenching around him. “Shit,” he said, when he finally came as well.
We stayed, joined together for a while more before he slipped his cock out of me. “You did so well,” he said, pecking my forehead. I was at my wits end, that I ended up falling asleep. I fell asleep so peacefully for the first time in a while.
The bright sunlight hit my face and when I tried moving to the other side I was faced with reality. Hard fucking reality. I had sex with Jaehyun. I cheated on Doyoung. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I tried getting up but Jaehyun’s strong hands didn’t let me. “Just a little longer,” I heard him mumble. “Jaehyun,” I whispered. He then fluttered his eyes open, adjusting to the light. When he finally spotted me, his eyes widened in shock. Was he really the same guy who was pounding harshly into my pussy last night? We sat up, leaning against the headboard.
“I figured you’d run away,” he said. I chuckled, “I thought about it, but then…” He looked at me waiting for me to finish my sentence. “I thought we’d ought to talk about it?”
“Mmm, I suppose you have a point.” Where do I even start? “Look, Jaehyun last night was…” “A mistake?” he said. “Yeah, it was a heat of the moment type of thing.” He gave me a sympathetic look, “I know, but look Y/N I like you,” he confessed.
“Jaeh-“ he interrupted me, “I know… you have Doyoung, but Y/N he doesn’t have to know, we can keep this between us.”
‘Was he suggesting we be fuck buddies?’ “Are you saying we become fuck buddies, despite me having a boyfriend?”
“Yes,” he said, flatly. “If that’s the only way I can have you, so be it.”
I was at a loss for words. It was a game of tug o war in my head, one side agreeing to the whole fuck buddy situation, but the other opposing it. He must’ve noticed the fight I was having with myself because he spoke up, “I’m sorry Y/N you know what forge-“ “Fine, let’s do it,” I said.
‘I’ll do it,’ I thought to myself. We’d already gone this far, for fucks sake this man has seen me naked and stuck his cock in me. ‘As long as Doyoung doesn’t find out,’ I repeated. I was in for a ride, a fucked up and nonoperational one.
Days passed since then and things proceeded as normal. I hang out with Doyoung, Rei, even Jungwoo like nothing happened. Though, me and Jaehyun continued sneaking kisses here and there behind closed doors. In fact the other night, I spent it at his place again, fucking like rabbits til dawn. Sex with Jaehyun was so passionate and animalistic in a way.
“Presentation are tomorrow class, I hope you all have completed them by now,” announced the professor. I was listening when I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning to face Jaehyun. He passed me a note and I turned to open it, ‘Wanna come over tonight? I’ll cook for you?’ I smiled at the small note, replying ‘Are you bribing me right now Jeong?’ I passed it along to him again and instead of receiving it once more, he whispered in my ear, “Maybe.” It sent shivers down my spine. His voice weirdly had a way of turning me on.
Classes finished and saw Doyoung as he leaned against his car. “Hey,” he smiled. “Hi!” He quirked a brow up, “Someone’s in a good mood.” “Presentations are finally tomorrow,” I explained. He opened his arms, my cue to hug him. I hesitantly stepped into his touch, I felt the guilt rushing over me. I parted from him, “That reminds me, Rei invited me over today for a girls night.” “Really?” he pouted. It was a lie, a lie so I could spend the night at Jaehyun’s.
“Yeah, she claims it’s been so long since I’ve gone over.” “She sure loves hogging you,” he jokes. I laughed, “You know her.” We got into his car, taking the opportunity to message Jaehyun.
me: i’ll be there at 6, jeong
He replied almost instantly for someone who's supposed to be at “basketball practice”
jae: i’ll be waiting
I arrived outside Jaehyun’s apartment, knocking on his door. He opened it and I was welcomed with a wet-haired Jaehyun.
“Hey, I just hopped out of the shower. Come in,” he said, going to the side so I could go in. As I made my way in he wrapped his arms around my waist, nestling his head on my shoulder.
“We can’t do this today,” I said.
“Why not,” he said, pouting. “We have presentations tomorrow and I wanna be able to stand on my two feet jae.”
He muttered something against my shoulder before finally letting me go. I turned to face him and he took it as the opportunity to kiss me. I immediately melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands traveled further down my body. But before we could get any further I pulled away, “Where’s my food you promised Jeong?” He looked at me puzzled, until the light bulb in his head finally turned on.
“Takeout?” I rolled my eyes and sighed, “I guess so.”
I spent the rest of the night over at Jaehyun’s though this time I came prepared. I brought over a change of clothes and my school bag. Fortunately but unfortunately we didn’t fuck, I warned him and he respected it under the condition I’d at least cuddle with him, which I agreed to. That night I fell into a deep and comfortable sleep in the arms of Jaehyun.
Presentations went by in a breeze. Me and Jaehyun successfully managed to get a full score by our professor who claimed it was “efficiently executed and artistically performed.”
As I left the class Jaehyun stopped me in my tracks. “Y/N,” he said, softly. I looked up at him, “What’s wrong Jaehyun?” He hesitated for a bit. ‘What could it be?’
“Uhm- is it- well can you come and watch my game tomorrow night?” Ah this was what had him hesitating. “Tomorrow? Friday night?” He nodded. I thought about it for a while, “Mmm, sure I’ll be there,” I smiled. His face immediately lightened.
“Really! Yes! Oh sorry I mean I’ll see you there,” he said, excitedly.
“You better win Jeong,” I teased. His face changed to confidence, “Yes ma’am!” I laughed, “Yes, yes practice hard. See you tomorrow.”
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May 07.
Game Day. Today I was going to go over to Jaehyun’s Basketball game. I’ve never seen him play, no in fact I haven’t even attended a game in my whole life. Although the majority of the boys on the team are my very own friends.
“Excuse me,” I said, trying to get through to my seat. I sat around the middle of the bleachers. They were currently practicing on the court. This was my first time seeing Jaehyun in his uniform and oh god did it do wonders.
The game soon started and I never kept my eyes off him. Despite being relatively new, he shun, he shun so bright on the court. I felt like I was seeing a new version of him. I loved it.
They ended up winning, 127-102. I made my way to the court to go congratulate them. I was spotted by Johnny first, “Ah, Y/N? What brings you here?!” I’d forgotten about the whole me and Jahyun thing. “I promised Jaehyun since we finished our presentations,” I said. I mean I wasn’t really lying. Then Jaehyun came along with the rest of the boys.
Mark and Jungwoo embraced me into a hug saying, “It’d been so long.” We chatted for a while until the rest of them decided to retreat to the locker room, all except one. Jaehyun. I have yet to talk to him.
“Congratulations,” I said, and hugged him when everyone left. We had the gym to ourselves as everyone had left already. He smiled, picking me up and spinning me in a circle.
“I’m glad you came,” he smiled. I wrapped my legs around his waist. “I promised you after all.” He chuckled, “Oh yeah? Then what’s my reward?” He had a mischievous look on his face that I was scared of what to say next.
“Mmm,” I thought about what to say “I’ll grant you a wish.” He smiled again before whispering into my ear, “Let me fuck that pretty pussy of yours.” I felt my face heat up. “Jae-“ He interrupted me by embracing me into a very passionate kiss. I was so lost in the kiss that I didn’t realize he’d begun walking.
“Wai-Wait Jaehyun, they're still in there,” I said, as I realized he was taking me inside the locker room. “Don’t worry they left already darling,” he assured me. Jaehyun must have psychic powers because he was right; they’d left.
We collided with the lockers when he pulled me into another deep and passionate kiss. He moved his mouth further down; to my jaw, neck, and collarbone. He placed me down, pulling my shirt over my head and pulling my jeans down. I was left in nothing but my black laced bra and panties. No matter how many times we’d done this I still wasn’t used to it, my body exposed to him.
His lips fling back to my body, traveling from the valley of my breast to my left breast. He kissed my nipple through my bra and proceeded to do the same to the right. He then unclasped my bra letting fall to where my jeans pooled around me. He brought my right nipple in between his teeth, teasingly biting on it as he fondled the left. His tongue swirled around it, flicking my nipple with his tongue. He kissed me as he made his way to my left breast, doing the same. I was becoming even more wet by the second.
“Fuck,” I muttered when he’d brought his hand to my drenched panties. He slid them to the side, his fingers coming in contact with my cunt. “You’re so wet already aren’t you? Such a good girl for me,” he whispered as he pushed two fingers inside my pussy. My moans echoed through the locker room and so did the wet squelching sounds from my pussy. I can’t believe I was getting fucked inside a locker room right now, but oddly enough I was turned on.
He took his fingers out of my pussy, grabbing my chin. I opened my mouth as he brought his fingers inside my mouth and made me suck on them. “You taste that, your sweet cunt.” Jaehyun then sunk to his knees holding my legs open, oh fuck. He was now underneath me, licking my cunt at a slow pace, then moving along to my clit and flattening his tongue on it before sucking it. Tears were spilling from me and the knot in my stomach tightening. “Yes,” I moaned. My orgasm finally spilling out of me when his fingers curled inside me and his tongue continued it’s work on my clit.
He lapped up every single drop that’d exploded out of me, even taking some from his chin. “Bet he can’t make you feel this way.” I was so dazed that those words didn’t comprehend in my brain, “Yes,” I muttered. He let out a satisfied smirk and pulled off his uniform. He then grabbed his jersey and handed it to me, “Put it on, I wanna see my name on your back while I fuck you.” I complied putting his jersey on and I heard him groan.
“Ready?” He asked. I nodded. He flipped me over, my hands against the lockers as his hands gripped my waist. He brought the jersey up and pushed down my panties. I felt as his hard cock rested against my ass.
Jaehyun slammed into me, “Shit, how come your always so fucking tight? You a little whore who can’t get enough, huh.” His pace was fast and rough, his hands gripping onto my tightly like I’d escape. I turned my head behind me, and he ended up kissing me, our moans and groans spilling into our kiss. A string of saliva appeared when we departed, “So good,” I moaned, clenching my hands.
“Oh yeah? You love being fucked by me don’t you,” he said, confidently. “Like some whore. Come on baby, you’re my little whore right?” When I didn’t answer he slapped my ass harshly. I instinctively clenched around him, causing him to groan and throw some curses. He repeated the action, my cheeks surely reddened my now. “Answer me, baby,” he said, grabbing a fistful of my hair.
My face was a mess, tear stained eyes and drool coming out of the corner of my mouth. “Ye-Yes, ah- I’m your- ahn- whore.” He started picking up his pace and brought his thumb to tease my sensitive clit, sending me over the edge. The knot in my stomach came undone and I completely shattered. He still fucked my through my jaw dropping orgasm, his movements getting a little sloppier, signifying he was close too. I clenched around him, when he hit my g-spot again causing him to paint my walls white. Thankfully, I took the pill this morning.
We both panted, tired and exhausted from the best orgasms we’d experienced. Everytime we have sex it progressively gets better than the last time. He pecked my temple whispering, “Good job baby,” but I was unable to hear that last part.
“I love you.”
The weekend was just about over and I haven’t seen Jaehyun since the game, but that doesn’t stop us from messaging one another every now and then.
Actually today Doyoung is supposed to come over; we’d agreed on this last night. So here I am sitting in my living room waiting for him to knock on my door. It’d been a while since I'd last seen him. Knock.
I got up from the couch and walked over to the door. In front of me; Doyoung, Doyoung with a bouquet of flowers. I grabbed them when he handed them over, “Thank you!” I walked over to place them in a vase, when I felt his arms wrapping around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. “I’ve missed you,” he says.
The Guilt. “I’ve missed you too,” I smile. I turn around to face him now, his face slightly hesitant. “What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Ah- It’s just uhm… Y/N.”
Yes Doyo?”
He takes a breath, “What were you doing that day you were going to Rei’s?”
I froze for a second, taken aback. ‘Did he find out? How? What?’ “Hm? We had a girl’s night remember,” I tried smiling. He looked at me, carefully observing me. “Y/N tell me the truth, please.”
Fuck. “What are you talking about? I was reall-“ He interrupted me, “Stop fucking bullshitting me right now, I called Rei and she never mentioned anything about a “spa” much less you going over!”
I was frozen, I didn’t know what to say or do. Admit the truth? Or… Lie. “I don’t see why I should tell you, it’s not like I was doing anything bad.” ‘Oh but you were Y/N’
Doyoung was fuming, I could see it in his body, his face. “Fine, fine you won’t tell me, fine, but just you know I’ll find out if you won’t bother telling me.” I couldn’t even utter another word before he left stomping to the door. He opened it and slammed it shut.
The door closed and I lost it, falling to my knees as tears erupted from my eyes. And here I thought we’d end up cuddling tonight, but no we fought instead.
Getting up from my knees and wiping my tears away I grabbed my phone, dialing the second most recent number. They picked up on the third ring.
“Missed me already?” his voice said.
“Can I spend the night at your home Jae,” I whispered, even though there was no one else but me.
He chuckled, “Of course baby.” Without hesitation I gathered everything I needed to spend the night over, running out of that apartment. When I finally made it to Jaehyun’s I picked up my pace even faster. I didn’t want to miss a second, I wanted to be in Jaehyun’s warm embrace.
I knocked and he opened the door with a dimpled-smile plastered on his face. I stepped in and when he closed the door I wrapped my arms around his neck; kissing him with hunger. For the rest of the night we went at it like rabbits.
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I love her, I love Y/N so fucking much. It’s like she was made for me, she matched with me so perfectly.
She’d finally fallen asleep, I think I might’ve gone over the top tonight. Her snores were so soft, her arms embracing my waist. I turned to the nightstand and grabbed her phone; unlocking it. I snapped a picture, I’d been doing this for a while and surprisingly she’s still kept all of them. I wonder if something happened with Doyoung, she’d told me he’d spend the night with her, but it seems like something happened judging by the way she’s in my bed right now.
Whatever. As long as she’s with me is all that matters.
“But does he know you call me when he sleeps?”
“But does he know the pictures that you keep?
“Or does he know the reasons you cry?”
“Or tell me does he know where your heart lies?”
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2 weeks later.
Since my fight with Doyoung we’ve managed to talk it out and patch things up. So since then our relationship is back on a high, though no sex and oh, Jaehyun is still in the picture.
“I’m gonna go hop in the shower, I’ll be right out doyo,” I said, as he sat on my bed. Today he was staying the night, actually he’s been spending the night for the past week and a half, so seeing Jaehyun has gotten rather hard. Yet we have our ways, whether I sneak out when Doyoung’s asleep or we fuck around during school hours.
Jaehyun’s become a drug to me, as much as I want to quit I can’t. He’s so addicting, I want him and I need him.
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It’d been 5 minutes or so since Y/N had just gotten in the shower. I sat on her bed patiently waiting for her. After our fight we agreed on no more secrets, so I've glued myself to her.
I love Y/N, I love her so much i- Ding.
My head turns to the direction of her phone that laid on her nightstand. Curiosity sparked within me, something within me called me to reach for her phone. So I reached over to it, but I would soon come to regret it.
Jaehyun: i miss u baby
‘Huh? Jaehyun? What? Why was he messaging her that he missed her? Perhaps he was mistaken, yeah that was it.’ I wanted to refuse what I was looking at, Y/N and Jaehyun? Nah, they were far over since the project… Wait a minute, since the project Y/N has been rather… distant? different?
No, it can’t be… Oh but it is Doyoung. I opened her camera roll, I wanted to throw up? Cry? I was beyond horrified. Pictures of them, the two of them. Not any decently looking pictures—well a few—of the two while he fucked her or after he fucked her.
I couldn’t stop myself, I opened the messages. More evidence of their affair. Any other person would’ve thought they were a couple by the way they text one another.
“Hey!” She yelled. I flinched, fuck. I looked up at her. “Care to explain?” I tried saying calmly. She looked at me confused. “What the fuck is going on with you and Jaehyun huh!” I raised my voice slightly.
The color from her face vanished, she was pale as a ghost. Her lips trembled as she tried to speak, “Wh-What? How do you know…”
I got up from the bed and shoved the phone in her face; the messages between them. Tears were coming out of her eyes. “Doyoung! I swear it’s not what it looks like.”
“Fucking bullshit Y/N, you know it and I do as well so stop fucking lying to me and tell me the fucking truth.” I wasn’t mad, I was upset and hurt. She lied to me, deceived me.
“I’m sorry Doyoung,” she cried. “Really everything between me and hi-Jaehyun was a mistake, I knew it, but I- I couldn’t fucking stop myself. I tried, I really fucking tried, but- but…” she was a sobbing mess. My heart ached at the sight.
I clenched my fist tightly. “I love you so much Doyoung I really do, I always fucking had but then he came… I’ve lost myself now, I know nothing I say or do now will change things, change us, so if you want to breakup it’s fine.” She lifted her arm and rested a hand on my cheek, caressing it with her thumb. Her hands felt cold, they weren’t warm like they usually were.
“I love you too Y/N, but it’s like you said… Y/N there’s no going back… we can’t fix this, I can’t do it Y/N, you deceived me,” I explained as my vision became blurry. I felt droplets of tears streaming down my face. We both were a crying mess.
Y/N and I love each other, so very much. I know she loves me, I see it, but now that I look closely that love is disappearing little by little.
“I know, I know and I’m sorry for that Doyoung, please I’m so fucking sorry.”
I gave her a sympathetic look, “Let’s break up Y/N, please it’s the only good thing left to do.” She cried a little harder, her hands wrapped around my neck, I hugged her back. This would be the last time anyways, the moments and memories I’ve made with her were some of the best. She was my first love, my first everything and to that she holds a special place in my heart.
“I understand Doyoung, let’s break up please,” she mumbled on my shoulder. I gripped her a little tighter, kissing her neck before pulling away. We looked at each other, without saying another word.
I took off, I left her in that big, yet small apartment of hers by herself. I’d never come back here again, I’d never see her again.
This was the end, my beloved Y/N, my butterfly. Goodbye.
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May 27.
I feel like shit. The past 4 days have been shit. Who knew Doyoung and me splitting up would affect me this much. I haven’t shown up to school, for god knows how long. My phone is constantly blowing up with messages from Rei, Mark, Johnny, Jungwoo and… Jaehyun. Just thinking about him is enough to make me break down again.
How could I be so fucking stupid. I didn’t know what I wanted and look where it led me. I was selfish, I was greedy. I took Doyoung’s kindness, love, and trust for granted.
I was beginning to grow tired of this, I knew I couldn’t just mope around like this, I had to do something. The only something left to break.
I have to end things with Jaehyun.
So here I am, standing in front of his door. I’ve been standing here for the past 5 minutes, I haven’t knocked or moved. I was preparing myself mentally, physically, and emotionally. I was lost in thought when rain started pouring. Rain is so beautiful.
“Y/N?” called out a voice. I looked to my left, Jaehyun right in front of me. His eyes widened, like he’d just seen a ghost. He came rushing towards me, embracing me into a hug which I didn’t return.
“Where have you been? God, I’ve missed you baby.” I was disgusted, I wanted to throw up. What have I fucking done.
“Let’s go inside Jae,” I muttered. Once I stepped inside there was no going back. When we stepped inside, I went straight to the living room and onto the couch. Jaehyun soon followed sitting on his knees in front of me. His head settled on my thighs.
I brought my hand to his hair, gently stroking it. “I love you,” he said. I stopped my movement, eyes widening. I knew it, I guess I always knew he loved me. I could see it in the way he looked at me, at the way he treated me.
“I love you so much Y/N,” he said again, locking eyes with me. I brought my lips to his. We kissed slowly, like lovers do. If this was the last chance I had with him, I might as well enjoy it.
We stripped each other of our clothes, being left in nothing but my lace baby pink panties and bra and his boxers. He went back onto his knees, while he spread my legs apart. “Already wet,” he smirked. He kissed my inner thighs until he reached my clothed cunt.
Jaehyun kept his eyes on me when he licked me through my panties, continuing this action until I was a whimpering mess. He lightly bit my clit, before sliding off my panties, finally. “Such a pretty little pussy,” he said, continuing his kitten licks on my now bare cunt. He gave an approval hum when I wrapped my legs around his neck, trapping him. He gripped my thighs, pulling me deeper. His tongue intruded into my tight hole and I felt his hot breath on my clit. I unconsciously started grinding on him, wanting to feel it deeper.
“Fuck, I’m gonna-“ I couldn’t even finish my sentence when I felt the sensation disappear. Fuck. He licked his mouth clean, “‘m tastes so good.”
“Ple-Please make me cum jae, I’m begging you.” He chuckled, before taking his hands to my breast, groping them tightly. My back arched at the sensation, even more when he pinched them through the fabric. “What do you want, baby? Come on, tell me.”
“Your fingers, please, ah- and your tongue, please, please, please.”
He kissed and sucked on my exposed skin, before sliding back down. His fingers teasing my folds, not going inside me yet, but then he slipped them in me. His two fingers going in out of my cunt at an unbearable pace. It felt too good, the way he’d curl them against my walls. His tongue soon joined in, licking my sensitive clit, up and down. “Ye-Yes, just like that,” I moaned. It didn’t take long for me to start seeing stars as he continued thrusting his finger in and out of me, as well as sucking on my poor clit.
He let go of my clit with a small pop. My chest heaved up and down, trying my best to catch my breath. Jaehyun got back up and his cock came springing out of his boxers. Fuck, it was already so hard. As much as I wanted him in me already I also wanted it inside my mouth. I got closer to him and I fisted my hand around his cock. He groaned, as I began jerking him.
“You want it?” he asks, grabbing my chin gently. I eagerly nod at his question. “Then take it like a good girl, won’t you baby.” I began with licking it first, licking the precum from his tip. I swirled my tongue around his tip, until he said, “Stop with the teasing and let me fuck that pretty mouth of yours.” “Do it then Jae, fuck this pretty mouth mine,” I giggled. He groaned before grabbing a fist full of my hair and shoving his cock down my throat. He was rough with it, but rough Jaehyun has always been my favorite.
He kept that pace, not slowing down. His grunts and moans reached my ears which made me moan as well as he thrusted in my mouth. My tears spilled, but I didn’t mind. I just wanted his cum. “You’re taking it so well baby… fuck- just like that.” His thrust then stopped, I looked up at him through my watery eyes. He looked down on me with an animalistic face, “I want you to do it yourself now baby, make me cum pretty girl.”
I took him out with a pop, letting my mouth rest for a while. I then took him in again, looking up at him. I used my hands to help me as I took his cock in and out of my mouth. I accidentally touched his balls, but it left him whimpering and moaning a little more loudly, so I did it again. “Shit, I’m close baby,” he moaned. I tried going faster, until I felt his hot seeds spill inside me. I swallowed everything, even taking some that slipped past my lips.
“You’re such a good girl aren’t you, taking it all without being told,” he said, kissing my lips. He swiftly opened my legs back up, rubbing his cock along my slit. “Ready baby?” he asked and I nodded. He slowly slid his tip into my hole, every inch of him going inside me.
“Fuck- you’re so fucking tight even after I made sure to stretch you out nicely.” The position on the couch wasn’t too comfortable and he must’ve noticed it because he hooked my legs onto his arms. “FUCK- mm, so- so deep,” I yelled. He walked to his bedroom placing me onto his bed, and later got on top, all the while we were still connected.
He started off gently, rocking his cock into me slowly. “Fa-Faster please,” I whined. I heard a small noice come out of him before he started thrusting into me more roughly and faster. I moaned his name over and over again; his balls slapping against my ass. So fucking good. I didn’t even process when he lifted my leg up, but when he did his cock reached in me even deeper. “Just like that jae.” His pace didn’t falter, he kept at it, his stamina is out of this world. His cock brushed along my g-stop perfectly, causing my orgasm to almost spill.
“You gonna cum again Y/N? Cum on my cock like a good girl,” he groaned when I clenched around him. He lifted my leg slightly more up, keeping the pace going and with one pinch to my clit, I came. He slid his cock out, he hadn't cum yet, but I knew he was close.
“Face down, Ass up,” he commanded. As he said, my head was now down and my ass wiggled in front of him. I heard him mutter a small curse before gripping my sides and sliding his throbbing cock into my soaked hole. He wasted no time in fucking me from behind, thrusting in the same roughness as before. His hands tightly gripped my sides, until they traveled to my ass. He fondled it, before sending one hard slap. I yelped at the sudden action, “You like getting your ass slapped huh, you little whore,” he teased.
He sent more harsh slaps on my ass—red marks sure to be present—and thrusting into me as my tight cunt clung to him tightly. “Shit, I'm gonna cum baby, cum with me won’t ya?” he said, as his thrust got sloppier.
“Be sure to take all my cum like a good girl alright.” Grabbing my arms, he pounded into me and I tightly clenched around him, sending both of us to our highs. His hot white seeds painting my walls, he didn’t take out his cock, still fucking me through both of our orgams.
“I love you,” he muttered, kissing my temple. We laid on his bed for a while, before I decided that I wanted more, needed more. One last time.
I got on my knees and straddled his waist. I grinded against his abs, capturing his attention. “Still not satisfied?” he smirked. “N-No, let me ride you,” I begged. He gave me an approved hum, and I was soon sinking his—hard—cock into my hole once more. We both groaned as I sunk in, he stretched me out so nicely again. I began slowly, adjusting myself again. His hands remained on my hips, fingers digging into me.
“Faster baby,” he said. “Patience,” I teased. I giggled at his reaction before picking up my pace. His eyes shut when I started clenching around him, “Fuck you feel so good baby, this pussys all mine.” My tits bounced, the harder I thrusted. His hands traveled to them, fondly playing with them and pinching my hard nipples. “Yes,” I moaned, chanting his name afterwards.
“Cum,” he said, bringing one hand to pinch my sensitive clit, sending me into my third orgasm of the night. I laid on top of his chest, while he continued thrusting in me, not stopping until he came. A few more harsh thrusts and he was now groaning against my shoulder, shooting his warm seeds into me once more. He slipped his cock out, slowly.
I was dreading it because once it was out there would be no more in. Once he slipped his cock out, he carried me in his arms, heading off to the bathroom, where he cleaned both of us up and laid me back on his bed, tucking me in.
However, I had other plans. Once Jaehyun was sound asleep I would leave, he would wake up without me by his side, without me in his life.
When I noticed he was finally sound asleep I whispered, “Goodbye Jaehyun…” kissing his forehead and a “I’m sorry,” before kissing his lips. I slipped away, putting my clothes back on and taking out the medium-sized envelope from my jacket. I placed it on where I laid, walking back to the door. I took one last look as he peacefully slept. A tear slipped from my eye. This was the end. The flames have been put out.
Goodbye Jaehyun.
Goodbye Y/N.
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Present day: 3 years later.
It's now been 3 years since my seemingly perfect life was tainted. I moved out, moving into a new city and transferring into a new school. I erased myself from there, though I still kept in contact with Rei and the boys. I made sure to tell them not to mention anything regarding Jaehyun or Doyoung, I didn’t wanna hear it.
I was repenting everyday, but there was nothing I could do that would reverse my past. Luckily though school had been keeping me busy as to not keep my mind occupied in the past; having graduated finally too. I also opened up a small cafe nearby where I lived. The business too has gone great. My life was going great.
Today work in the cafe was as regular as usual. Having been in a trance I failed to notice, notice the person standing on the other side of the counter.
The same person from 3 years ago. Him.
The person I once desired.
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© jhdyuiee
final a.n: hii! finally its completely yay! this one took 2 months and was quite the ride. i want to put out there that i have never cheated on someone before, i have been cheated on though, but thats another story. this story is solely based on my interpretation of the weekends “moth to a flame” and nothing more. nevertheless i hope u all enjoyed it, i worked hard to finish it on time. pls let me know any suggestions or how well u enjoyed this one. i will be going on a short hiatus to focus more on my schoolwork but i will be back with more! i love u all && stay safe out there!! love, jiji 🤍
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techycatartist · 1 year
Happy 17th Birthday to El Toro! This Intamin Prefab continues to be my favorite wooden coaster. But I have a Toro-related story I’d like to tell, fitting for it’s birthday.
~~My first ride on El Toro~~
It was May 2017; I was a junior in high-school. Towards the end of the school year, my physics class took a trip to Six Flags Great Adventure. While in years past students had to actually do work (i.e. measure ride forces and plugging them into equations) while at the park, this was changed so that we could just enjoy what the park had to offer (which was fine by me).
At that point, it had been four years since my first ever visit to the park back in August 2013– during a time where Toro was closed because it’s lift motor needed repairs (though it’s likely I would’ve been too scared to ride even if it was open). Once we got to the park, me and my acquaintances immediately went over to Toro.
Now, I was still a year away from becoming a coaster enthusiast (Aug 2018) and my only Kingdom Coaster, Phoenix, Twister, and Flying Turns. I had no idea what an “Intamin Prefab” was, only that Toro was a wooden coaster & it was taller than the ones I’ve been on. As a result, I had no idea what I was about to experience.
17 yr. old me rationalized that bcs Toro was made out of wood & had no inversions, it would be on the same level of intensity as Twister/Phoenix— despite Toro’s height being a dead giveaway that this was not your standard wooden coaster. It didn’t occur to me in the station, as I stepped into the train, as the restraints came down, as the train dispatched, and as it was pulled up the lift. As the train rolled through the turnaround, I turned to the person sitting next to me and said; “Oh, it’s a wooden coaster. It can’t be that…”
But I was immediately proven wrong when we hit the drop. The tone in my voice changed from blissful ignorance to sudden fear as I finished the sentence “…BAAAAAD!!” The sheer steepness of it really emphasized that stomach-drop feeling (which only served to heighten my fear).
I screamed.
I wasn’t able to focus on the ride’s layout as the train sped through it— which only made things feel more out-of-control. All I could perceive were the ride’s forces, from the airtime to the laterals. My hands were shaking for minutes after I had left the station.
But despite everything, I enjoyed it. I remember excitedly talking to my friend (who had been watching my stuff as I rode, electing to sit this one out) about the adrenaline-fuled, shakey hands the ride gave me. While I was only able to ride Toro once that day, I was eager to get a re-ride as soon as I was able to return to Great Adventure.
In August 2018, I did— and that visit is when I officially became a coaster entusiast. While I haven’t been able to ride Toro as frequently as some other enthusiasts have, I always look forward to this Intamin Prefab every time I get the chance to visit; There really is nothing else like it.
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sege-h · 3 years
Instead of sleeping right after Lupin, I decided to get right onto watching the first 2 eps of Cowboy Bebop because I was scared that the mood I finally caught would be gone the next day if I didn’t get right onto getting hooked
I knew I’d get hooked right off the bat bc it happened the first time I tried watching this series I was in high school then (jfc) and me picking up and dropping series even tho I was interested in them was fairly common. I’d be tired from school, I’d have no time, I’d be too anxious to do much except for sitting there doing nothing
I dont actually remember how far along I got. I know it wasnt far so maybe episode 3 or 4? Because I definitely know I got to where uhhhhhh....the lady??? Joins the cast, I dont remember/know her name
I don’t actually remember anything of episode 1. Some parts were vaguely familiar, but it was nothing like ‘oh this!!! I remember this!!! This is where X thing happens!’- at least with the visuals! The music brings the most sense of familiarity and me being like ‘oh yes, this!!’
I definitely remember episode 2 the most, that one did have those ‘oh, this!!!’ moments
But I knew it’d be the case because I swear my memories of this show up until now are ‘space, bounty hunt show, Spike, metal cheek plate man, lady, feral tech child, CORGI!!! CORGI CHASE!!! CORGI!!!!’
I remember ep 2 confusing me and Idk why. Like I was confused why the corgi was being chased? But now I perfectly understood it so...Idk. Since I was in high school, I know my english was p good already, both spoken and written. Maybe I’d just been having a low focus day when I’d watched it? Probably, given how tired I tended to be (well I’m still tired but like...EXTRA tired because school. ‘After school tired’ is a different beast)
I have OC thoughts bc when don’t I but I will leave those for the tags
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tendouluvr · 3 years
aizawa calling you clingy - gn reader
- [attempt at] angst to fluff
- warnings: being called clingy, aizawa gets annoyed with reader and berates them, one use of the word ‘shit’
- wc: 1.9k
a/n: this wasnt......as sad as i wanted... i cant tell if im just not so good at writing angst or immune to it T_T
once again, not edited!
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#! aizawa!!!! eee
#! hes a levelheaded man so arguments are rare
#! u both trust one another so theres no reason to have doubts in ur relationship
#! being his s/o, he tells u things thats not so easy to tell others over time, and you’re patient enough to let him take however much time he needs to let u in
#! however, years of keeping to himself most of the time doesnt just disappear even if you’re his s/o
#! so aizawa does have this tendency to close off and distance himself from u bc of his stress and insecurities
walking through the spacious halls of ua, you were headed towards your lovely boyfriend. aizawas been pretty busy lately with teaching his class, making sure no one is being left behind progress wise, doing his job as a pro-hero, and then spending his free time training with shinsou.
you knew showing up at school unexpectedly was something aizawa found irky, that’s why you made sure to tell him the night before that you would be coming during lunch time to bring him some yummy homemade food.
humming softly to yourself, you finally reached the door opening to class 1-A and walked in. the classroom was empty, but there at the front was no one other than mr. aizawa shouta. you quickly greeted him with a smile and he turned to look at you.
“what are you doing here?” he slowly asked with a look of confusion.
“i brought you some food! did you eat yet? i hope not, i made-,” you quickly stopped talking once you noticed the look he was giving you.
“why are you here? i already told you, you shouldnt be showing up without letting me know first. our relationship is quiet, if the students see they’ll get noisy and ask questions, i’ll get bombarded by my colleagues, and it’ll put you in danger if words get out. did anyone see you coming here? can you listen to me for once instead of continuing to always be near me? you’re so damn clingy and need to start thinking about the consequences your action will bring. i already ate, just go home before anything happens.”
your jaw dropped a little after hearing what he just said to you. did he not remember what you told him last night?
worst of all, you couldnt believe he just called you clingy. you just wanted to do something nice for him by making his favorite food hoping that it’ll relieve some of the stress thats been building up, but he just thought of you as clingy.
fine, if clingy is what you are then you’ll stop bothering him. you quickly whispered an apology, not sure if he could hear or not, and began making your way back home as fast as possible. the food you made for him was still tightly grasped in your hand.
due to the new dormitories, aizawa stays at ua majority of the time. he comes home to your shared apartment whenever he can to spend time with you. unfortunately, those time aren’t usually much because as soon as he’s free, he’s quick to do something else.
once you’ve made it home, you packed the food away and put it in the fridge. you felt your phone buzzing repeatedly, already guessing who it could possibly be, you took it out to see it was your boyfriend.
shou <3: im sorry
shou <3: honey, im so sorry. pls text me back when u can
shou <3: i know what i said hurted u, but i promise u i dont mean it. pls just call me or text me so we can talk about this
shou <3: i have to go back now. but i love u. so much.
staring at your screen, you contemplated texting him back.
letting out a sigh, you decided not to.
putting your phone to the side, you walked to the bedroom and changed out of your clothes into the comfy pjs you were wearing right before you left.
seeing that there was nothing for you to do other than wallow in your insecurities and let out a few tears, you got into bed and made yourself comfortable for an afternoon nap.
aizawa on the other hand was at school and distracted. his own words kept replaying over and over in his head and all he wants to do is smack himself a few times (after comforting u ofc).
his students could tell he was in a badder mood than usual so they collectively agreed to not worsen it (one particular student does not care. can u guess?). aizawa just wanted the day to pass so he can apologize to you directly and make it up with some cuddling.
despite being distracted with planning his apology and thinking about you, he was still teaching as he should and constantly telling his students to be quiet because he’s intimidating like that.
a few hours passed, the students are back in their dorms and some of the teachers are still in school finishing up some work. the hallways were empty and silent, and the weather outside was nice and calm - not too sunny with just the right amount of wind.
however, if you were to peek your head inside of class 1-A at the moment, the environment is an exact 180. aizawa is quickly trying to grade the remaining stack of papers he has on his desk so he can leave as soon as he can. there’s papers everywhere, he’s not so sure where the answer key went off to but to hell with the answer key. he just needs to go home.
his hair is messily tied up and his lips have probably been gnawed off by now. as soon as school ended, he got out his phone to see if you replied and sadly you didn’t. he doesn’t blame you though, considering all of the shit he said to you earlier. 
finally writing down the fat score in red pen onto the final paper, he gathers everything and put to the side of his desk and packed up his stuff. his stuff being his yellow sleeping bag and that’s it.
he went to his room first to clean himself up a bit, and then grabbed a taxi to go to your shared apartment. arriving at the front door, he takes out his copy of the key and entered.
first thing he noticed while entering and taking off his shoes was that the apartment was dark and quiet. he made his way to the kitchen first and turned on its lights to check the fridge. in the fridge laid the food you made for him earlier today. he took it out to start heating it up in the microwave then he walks away from the food and to your bedroom.
quietly opening the door, he poked his head in to see you laying on your side with your back facing the door. he assumed you were asleep and gently closed the door to not wake you up. he made his way over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. 
you, feeling the bed dip, slowly opened your eyes to be greeted with the sight of your boyfriend gingerly brushing his fingertips across your cheekbones. he notices that you’re awake and looks up to meet your eyes.
making eye contact with him, you quietly grunted and brought the blanket up to cover your face while turning your entire body to the other side to ignore him. aizawa sighed and brought his hand down to rest on your waist as he begins talking.
“yn... i know you’re.. mad at me for the things i said to you earlier, but i’m truly sorry. i know saying i didn’t mean it isn’t good enough for you to forgive me, but i want you to know i’m really really sorry. i’ve been so busy for the past few days, my head is all over the place, seeing you at school just got me overthinking and worried that i ended up saying things about you that’s not true at all. i love you so much, hun. you’re the best thing to happen to me. you don’t have to forgive me now, i understand if you want some space.”
it was silent for some time after he finished his apology. the echoing silence was slowly making aizawa worried that you’ll leave him, but he won’t tell you that. thinking that you wanted space, he lifted his shaky hand off of your waist and moved to get off of the bed when you suddenly grabbed onto his hand to keep him there.
“i...i told you the day before that i was going to be visiting you during lunch time. did you not remember? or even hear me tell you?”
aizawa situated himself back down onto the bed before replying. “if i’m being honest, i don’t really remember much of that day at all. my brain was occupied with work and rest, so i was practically drained by the end of the night. i’m sorry i took it out on you, it’s my fault for overworking when i know you’ve been trying to help.”
letting out a soft sigh, you turned your body back towards him. still holding onto his hand, you carefully slotted your fingers in between his and pulled him down to lay with you. he immediately found comfort in this and placed his head into your neck. you could feel his facial hair against your skin making you let out a quiet giggle.
“i love you. i know you have a habit to overwork since that’s all you did before we dated, but please shou, take care of yourself. im not talking physically, cuz you’re already so damn fine, but mentally. i hate seeing you bury yourself in work and training that it even makes me tired just watching you.”
he grumbled something against your neck - his usual reaction to you complimenting him - and held onto you tighter while putting light kisses on your collarbone.
“i know. i will. please bear with me, i know i’m a pain but i’ll always try to be my best for you. i’m never letting you go, love you too much for that.”
“hmm? who said i’m going? you’re stuck with me forever just so you know,” you laughed and patted his head before rising from the bed.
“i heard you heating up the food earlier. get up and come eat,” you tugged aizawa to get him off the bed.
he grumbled once again because he was being forced to leave the warm comfort of your shared bed, but followed you out anyway holding onto your hand.
“wait. you heard me entering? so you were pretending to sleep when i got here?! not funny, babe. not funny. -also don’t take sleep for granted. i did and look where that got me. stop laughing!”
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it was the next day and aizawa just finished passing out the grades he rushed grading yesterday. even though it was rushed, he was confident that there wasn’t any mistakes-
“aizawa sensei, you marked this question wrong when it’s right. this one too. and this other one on the last page. are you trying to fail me?!” denki dramatically wailed as he showed aizawa his papers.
guess he did make mistakes after all.
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Since people actually liked it here's the continuation of the modern Xiao camgirl!darling post I cut from the original, as promised, most if it's under a cut. Here’s the original post. I didn’t think people would actually like the camgirl concept so I thought I was rambling too much and cut this part out lol but here it is now!
Tws: derogatory language/female slurs, mentions of reader being a cheater, reader is promiscuous, murder, incel-y mentality (our modern boy would be a 4chan user, look me in the eye and tell me I'm wrong) and mentions of upsetting realistic things, this one's darker than the first part. If you're bothered by other modern stuff for being too realistic best avoid this too probably, involuntary pornography ---------- Coming up on one year since you gained your most loyal subscriber, you get a rather... Unsettling request. He has something he would like this month, in fact, he adds a few hundred to the regular amount (he's been saving up just for this) and asks for just the answer to one simple question. What's your name?
Your real name, he clarifies. He doesn't need a last name, nothing like that. It would just... Make him feel closer to you. He avoids using the term "anniversary," even though that's what comes to mind. He also doesn't tell you that he already knows, that this is just a test of your honesty. For someone who's so cautious, you would think you would think to give a fake name whenever you go to coffee shops for them to yell out, or change it on the packages you get. You hesitate. And it would be easy to give him a fake one, yet, you don't really think about it too much, you kinda think about that as an afterthought, what you should have done, but your very real name is typed out and sent before you really process it, and you feel a sort of unease, but it's already sent. No big deal. He can't do much with just your first name, right? If your name is common, you feel pretty safe, but even if it's a rarer one, surely there are other people with it, right? He's happy though. Kinda surprised, really, that you didn't lie to him. Maybe you trust him?
You're not stupid, you know something is wrong, you're becoming paranoid. And you connect the weird feeling to him, bc he goes radio silence for several days leading up to finally taking you. This dude who used to respond to any messages you sent within 10 seconds suddenly... It's like he disappeared? He hasn't responded to anything you send him ever since you said your name. You send him messages saying you haven't heard from him in a while and you're worried... The way you word it makes it sound like you're worried about him, but you both know that's not what you really mean. You're hesitant and suspicious of every guy you meet. You buy pepper spray and start carrying some around, you nearly spray a poor guy who you thought was trailing you, turns out he just lives in your building. He makes note of it. He watched you buy it, and is quick to realize you always hold it in the same hand. That must be your dominant hand, that's an important mental note for the future, since you're more likely to try to attack him with that hand. He'll remember. He has a note in his phone with information like that. Height, weight, birthday, social security number, parents' names, school she graduated from. All in little bullet points. He adds dominant hand to the list. He's not worried at all really. Already watched you struggle to carry packages he could lift with one hand, your strength doesn't cross his mind as a threat. At first he just doesn't know what to say, and that's why he stops responding, he feels too awkward but... He starts to enjoy the weird feeling of power the whole situation is giving him. You're worried, you're constantly paranoid, and it's because of him. Now you finally understand the same feeling you inflict on him, how you consume his thoughts every waking moment of every day. It used to irritate him that you held so much power over him, while he meant nothing to you. Now, the tables have turned. You're forced to have him constantly in your mind, whether you like it or not, just like you are in his. It's giving you what you deserve. It gives him a feeling of significance. He matters, even if it's not in a good way. And he keeps telling himself that once he's all you have, he'll matter even more. He's smart enough to realize that if you're paranoid, you might have mentioned him by username to someone else, so to ensure he knows what to do from this point, he has to sneak into your apartment at night as you sleep. It's so unbearably tempting, you have no idea -- you're right there and so vulnerable. He has to hold himself back because he knows that if he so much as touched you, he couldn't hold back. But it's torture, standing there so close, watching your chest rise and fall as he fiddles with the phone. Even when he unlocks it with your thumb, he tries to hold the phone from an angle to do so, even if the skin of his hand grazes yours, it would be too much. You have a lot of contacts across your messages and a bunch of different apps. You have one guy in your online chat you've exchanged far more messages with than anyone else! Hundreds upon hundreds of messages, and huge paypal cash drops, who the hell is -- oh, wait, that's him. Nevermind. But, to his pleasant surprise, he's the only one of your... customers that you regularly talk to, the rest just have a few paypal notifications or clarifications on your policies, but no actual conversations like you have with him. Of course, that's literally part of your deal, he's literally paying for it, but it makes him happy nonetheless. But as he goes through your personal messages, he finds that you are... in no shortage of options. Like, holy shit. It was kind of expected. You *are* really pretty, that's how you have so many followers after all, but this is a lot. So many contacts named some variation of "DO NOT ANSWER!!!" or "creepy guy that forced me to give him my number at the club", etc etc. Plenty of unsaved numbers texting you to never get a response. You've ghosted enough dudes to make your place haunted. It's... kinda awful, really. It also kinda hurts his heart a bit more than he expected. You have so, so, so many options, even without the cam thing, he's more insignificant than he even realized. ...Well, for now, at least. He'll be significant to you soon enough. And then you seem to have a sort of "boyfriend of the month" deal going on, aside from that. Plenty of male-name contacts whose last exchange is a "don't talk to me again!" message from you, plenty of messages corresponding to the same time as those to your girl friends about how you can't find a good guy and every relationship ends badly. How unfortunate. See, it's because you choose bad guys. You probably go for dicks and not.... well, he can't exactly pull the "nice guys like me" mentality, he doesn't delude himself into thinking he is one. He's lucid enough to realize that most nice guys would not be sneaking into your house and standing over your sleeping body to stalk your phone as they make plans to kidnap you. He knows he would probably fall under the classification of a creepy guy. He's just too far gone to care. Still, he would be so much better to you, he tells himself, not a cheater or a player like you complain about. To say he resents those kinds of guys -- ones that can do the unthinkable and actually talk to girls, let alone successfully, only to be assholes, and yet girls like you still go for them -- is an understatement. You're basically just a slut, you probably ignore all the guys that would be nice to you, just like all those internet forums he reads talk about. Typical.
Well, those forums also make fun of guys like him who pay for girls like you, but he can't blame them. It *is* kinda pathetic. There is one dude you talk to, though, now. Current boyfriend of the month, from the looks of it. You have a little heart emoji next to the name. He knows it's kinda pathetic that something so simple and insignificant sets him off, but it does, makes him pout and grind his teeth and curl his other hand into a fist. It's so unfair. Some dude you barely know gets to fuck you, and you haven't even known him nearly as long as you've known him! He doubts this dude -- hell, any of your boyfriends -- has put in the same amount of money that he has into you. They fuck you practically for free. And that, unfortunately for you, only solidifies his decision. If you're fucking some dude for a month because they buy you dinner every now and then, if we're going by that scale, then you owe him quite a good deal of pussy. Any hesitancy or guilt he had about the whole thing is gone. And he's a little mad. Keeps grumbling to himself that you're just a loose whore, fucking so many people and putting yourself out there on the internet. He wonders if they even know about what you do. Probably not, you probably don't tell them. Yeah, that sounds like what you'd do. Really, you're kinda lucky that someone like him is so willing to commit to you, since you are a slut. You don't deserve it, but he loves you anyway. And you'll probably have the nerve to be ungrateful for it too. Sigh. On the bright side, by some miracle, it would appear that you have not told any real-life people about him, you haven't sent out any hey if I disappear you should probably look into this creep type of messages. But he can't afford to have you doing so in between now and when you move in with him, so, he decides he has to act within the next 24 hours. While he's here, though, he decides to do a quick sweep of your place. Makes note of what snacks and drinks you like, what brand of toothpaste and shampoo and the like you use, so he can buy some for you. Maybe you'll adjust better if you have some of your favorite things. And then, after days of silence, he sends you a message, says it's fine, his internet went out for a few days. He means it to reassure you, but somehow it makes you feel more uneasy. He has everything planned out, or so he thinks. But you deviate from your usual schedule. When you leave work or class, you don't go home, you go somewhere else, first. How strange. Maybe picking up groceries? He follows from a distance. No, looks like you're going out to eat...? Maybe you're meeting friends or family or -- no that's a guy. Fuck. You must have planned this just earlier today, since there were no messages on your phone. It makes a bitter feeling rise in his gut. He hates that he can't get close enough to listen to your conversation. Well, he hates the whole thing, sits there and seethes the whole time. Watches you through the windows in the parking lot, thankfully you chose to sit outside. Feels his eye twitch and his hand clench every time you smile and laugh. It takes way too long. The fact that you split the bill feels like a punch to the stomach too. Shouldn't you be used to taking guys' money? Oh, and what's this...? This guy isn't the picture on boyfriend-of-the-month's contact. Well, well, well. You really are a whore. See, it's a very good thing he's taking you off the market. You're probably a reckless heartbreaker too. He's doing all the other men of the world a favor by taking on such a burden as you. And it makes him feel far more justified in keeping you locked away, since he has every reason to believe, now, that you'd run off and fuck someone else if given the chance. Halfway through, the guy briefly gets up and runs to the bathroom or something. While he's gone, he sees your face fall a bit. And then he sees you look around. You turn your head from one side to the other. Your eyes scan the area. You shuffle uncomfortably and you bite your lip and your eyebrows furrow. You're scared. You feel like -- no, you know you're being watched and it scares you. That makes him a little happy, for some reason. He wouldn't be sure what to do if you went home with the guy, but thankfully you don't. No big deal, this was just a bump in the road, he still beats you back to your building and he still goes through with the original plan. Even better, now that it's even darker outside. If anything, now he's got extra aggression and testosterone in his blood, running over the events in his head and going through some... very forceful and violent fantasies. The message he sent had you uneasy, and it's also how you immediately know what's going on when it does finally happen. You keep telling yourself you're being unnecessarily paranoid, that it's nothing, maybe that guy actually got his life together or got a girlfriend or something. Things like... What you fear, don't happen in real life, that's stuff that only happens in movies and stuff. You keep calling it that or it in your head. That won't happen to you. It's not going to happen. The series of events that play out in your head, scenarios you try to push out of your mind. Sure, in the movies it always takes place in the stairwell, but that's fiction, so you go up the apartment stairwell as always. You're not gonna let a bunch of B-grade old films scare you. And it's always some dude standing and waiting, but that nice young boy that you've never seen before is just leaning against the wall, scrolling on his phone, he only glances up for a second as you pass by, he's not a threat, you're being paranoid. You flash a smile and a little wave as you walk by, he doesn't return either, just looks back down at his phone. See? This guy doesn't even care, you're being paranoid for nothing, you tell yourself. But as you make the turn to go up the next set of stairs you hear the click of a phone being put on the lockscreen, a few metallic footsteps ringing out in the open hall and echoing, coming up right behind you, but for that split second you expect a tap on the shoulder, maybe he has a question, it's not like movies, it's not like movies, you're not gonna get a cloth shoved over your face and--- Well, it's not exactly like the movies. You were prepared, but it all happens in one motion - one hand grabs the hand with the spray and twists it, making you drop it, the other wraps some material over your mouth. You were prepared enough that you don't gasp in surprise, you hold your breath and thrash, but it doesn't make any difference, you wiggle and writhe for a few moments but can't even begin to break free, eventually succumb to the lack of oxygen and take a deep breath. It takes a few seconds to settle in, it's not so immediate. You instinctively panic and thrash again, but he has a complete iron grip. The dizziness takes a second to set in. He huffs a bit in frustration and says stop moving, it's fine. It's definitely not, but it occurs to you that that's not something a kidnapper looking for any potential vulnerable girl says. It's a poor attempt at comfort. It's someone specifically looking for you. And if that wasn't enough, he says your name. Your very real name. Maybe it was a mistake to tell him after all. But the worst part of it all is that there's not a single doubt in your mind, even in your panic you have the realization, it's definitely him and this is literally exactly what you were afraid of. And it's the last thing that goes through your head. And once he's got you out cold he just takes a sigh of relief. He may have been very neutral faced to you, but in reality he was incredibly nervous. He hasn't exactly made or used chloroform before, our boy is operating on YouTube tutorials here. He's got adrenaline pumping through his veins and carries you with his arms trembling. He's on autopilot carrying you out, but his mind is also consumed by holy fuck I'm touching her she smells so nice she's so warm her face is so close I'm actually touching her-- you get the idea. He feels bad about taping your hands and feet together and putting you in the trunk of his car, kinda. It feels too much like what a really bad person would do to a girl they didn't care about, like he's a trafficker or a murderer or a criminal or something, but that's not true at all. Sure, he's still mad at you for being a whore and all that, but it feels improper, he just has no choice. It's late at night, but he can't risk getting pulled or being at a stoplight and someone seeing an unconscious girl in his backseat, so, trunk it is. But once he's home, to his tiny little downtown apartment (he'll probably be able to move into a better place soon, since he's not paying you tons of money anymore), he takes a quick check to make sure the coast is clear, and drags you out, up the stairs, all the way into his apartment, sets you down on the bed, where you'll be staying. He even washed the sheets and cleaned the place up a bit for your arrival. You probably would not like to see what this place looked like before the five trash bags worth of cleaning was done. He'll probably be more motivated in the future, though, since now he won't be so depressed all the time. And then the adrenaline of the fear of being seen is over, and that's when it sets in that this is real. It's very, very hard to hold back. You're real, in the flesh, he can reach out and touch you with his hands! It feels like a dream. And he realizes he can take this opportunity to do things he would be far, far too embarrassed to do when you're awake. He takes a few minutes to do just that, cautiously reaches out to poke your face, and then run a hand down your neck, your skin is so soft! Your hair smells so nice, he lays down beside you and runs his fingers over it. Puts hands on your body and just lays there in awe of the fact that you're real. He's pretty certain he's never actually touched a human female before now. Everything about you feels soft. Weirdly feminine, which is something very foreign and confusing to him. And he kinda uh... Loses it. Goes buckwild with just taking in every aspect of you. Again, since you're unconscious he can be gross and entirely shameless about it. Peels your clothes off and runs his hands and mouth over every inch of flesh, takes the tape off your lips and presses his tongue into your limp mouth until he's forced to let go to breathe, fingers you and tonguefucks you and sucks on your nipples and your neck. Lays pressed against you and just breathes in your scent. It takes every ounce of self control he has not to fuck you already. But he does jerk off a few times. That way he'll last longer, so it's a win-win. And then... you twitch. Tape goes back over your mouth. And then, you twitch again. And this time, you make a little "mm!" under the tape, you start trembling and he sees you try to pull your hands apart. You whimper. It sounds scared and distressed. He feels kinda bad, but it also makes him hard, and that outweighs any guilt by far. Besides, it's what you deserve after what you did earlier. You tortured him mentally, it's only fair. On the good side of things, you suppose, you don't have to worry about the usual fears one would have over such a situation - you're fairly certain he's not going to kill you, nor sell you. In fact, the bed you wake up on is pretty soft. You're naked and the tape is uncomfortable, but... At least he was considerate enough to give you a blanket. He does care about you, after all. First thing he says is asking if you're awake. Can you hear me? You hesitate a moment, and then you nod. He's a bit new to this whole abduction thing. He wants to make sure he didn't pull a muscle or something with the tape. So... Do you hurt anywhere? Does your head hurt? Oh, right, the tape. He's not stupid either. You have to promise you're not going to scream. In fact, he's angry enough about earlier that he gets a bit meaner than he originally told himself he'd be. If you scream, I'll make you regret it. Understand? You nod, so he takes it off, holding it close in preparation in case you were lying, but you don't actually answer him, you're silent again for a minute, then just ask a question of your own. You're that guy, right? He's silent for a few seconds, there's no need for any clarification. Finally just says yeah. You just breathe again. Silently. Finally you summon the courage to ask him what he wants with you. And why are you doing this to me? And his answer is fairly simple. What do you think? You don't say anything for a minute, and neither does he. He's not good with words, and you don't really have ones for this situation. It occurs to you that offering to pay him to let you go is probably not the solution. After all, this is the guy that's dumped unimaginable amounts of money onto you, you couldn't even come close to paying him back. You figure maybe, after he gets what he wants... well, you get the courage to ask.  Is there anything... that I can do o-or... anything that will make you... are you gonna let me go, after you....? And the answer is, again, simple, but the one you did not want to hear. No. He's a blunt boy, so he doesn't beat around the bush, but he doesn't torment you by keeping anything from you. In fact, he's already rehearsed this speech a few hundred times in his head. He just wanted to make sure he's very clear so there's no misunderstanding, and while he likes some discomfort in a vengeful sort of way, he doesn't want you to be too freaked out to where you have a panic attack. He says he's just going to... keep you here. He has the things you'll need. He got your purse with your keys, so he'll even run to your apartment after this to go get some of your stuff. You don't need to tell him which number, he adds, he already knows which apartment you're in. He needs you here, he says. And he makes sure to add that it's your fault. If you were never out there selling yourself in the first place, this never would have happened. If you're good, he can make things a bit better for you. But you need to go ahead and accept that you're going to be staying and that no amount of begging or offers is going to convince him to let you go. He can be nice to you, he promises. A better boyfriend than the others. You just have to be a good girlfriend -- you know, obedient and sweet and do what he says. Just like you always were when you talked to him. Just keep being sweet like that and doing the things he tells you to do. You would argue that the terms boyfriend and girlfriend are not appropriate descriptors of the sort of relationship he's creating, but you keep that thought to yourself. Instead, you ask, How long are you going to keep me here? Which is a dumb question, since he's pretty sure he already made that clear. Forever. -----
There's a double homicide in the area. Takes place on the same night, and the same diameter of knife is used, so police believe maybe the two incidents are connected. Especially because they do have something in common, one girl. She was romantically involved with both of them. The girl in question's apartment has been vacated, very suddenly, and the girl has disappeared without a trace, taking things with her from the looks of it, so police believe she may be responsible, but other than that, they have no leads. A few weeks later, a video circulates all over the internet. Some famous camgirl finally started making porn, apparently. Just one video, but the description (which was totally written by her, it has to be since it's written in first person right?) says something about how she decided to quit camming, so this video marks the end of her career. She got into a relationship, so she says in the description, so she has to quit. It's roleplay porn, apparently, she's doing a good job at the acting. All tied up and gagged and getting fucked by some big-dicked guy holding the camera. He's silent, but she's making a ton of noise, cums several times. Really good acting, the fear and desperation in her eyes looks so real. Talk about going out with a bang. It gets a lot of likes. Tons of comments about how sad people are she's quitting. And of course, a lot of comments say, what a lucky guy.
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realcube · 3 years
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navi | masterlist | taglist 
thank you to anon for this request <3
characters ♡ kaminari, bakugo, sero & tamaki
content warning ♡ sexual references, fem!reader, all aged up! - minors dni
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denki kaminari 
♡ it depends how confidently you say it 
♡ if you’re clearly embarrassed, he’ll be too
♡ but if you own your statement, it’ll prompt him to be more self-assured and forward 
♡ so he’ll either by completely red in the face and tell you to stop messing with him, or his lips will curl into a suggestive smirk as he encourages to act on your claim 
♡ also if you’re not really the type of person who talks about sexual acts too often or casually, he’ll pop a hard-on 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ 
he was lazily sprawled out across the two-seated couch, his legs lay were you were going to sit and it took every bone in your body to resist the urge to just yank his legs away yourself, since you had been training all day so your legs were in agony, all you wanted to do was sit down and relax. but he prevented you from doing that, so you finally spoke up, “denki, could you move your legs, please?”
kaminari looked up from his phone to see you pouting, bags in hand as you waited for him to let you take a seat. he was feeling especially mischievous today so instead of just retracting his legs like he usually would, he shrugged and hummed, “eh, no. the floor looks comfy though. maybe try that.” 
you scoffed, dropping your bags and hastily wrapping your hands around his ankles before aggressively tugging on them, “move it! you’re stupid fucking face looks comfy!”
he froze, staring at you with wide eyes but you continued to pull at his legs as you had yet to process what you just said as you meant in more as trash-talk rather in a sexual way. 
suddenly, he flipped his position so he way now laying down on his back, his head resting on the seat you were trying to obtain as he stared up at you with starry eyes, “sit, then!”
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katsuki bakugo
♡ goes red in embarrassment, anger and horny 
♡ at first he yells about how immature you are but then his mindless threats begin to turn more..erotic?
♡ he’s like ‘fucking do it then! sit on my face! i fucking dare you! don’t be a pussy! do it!’
♡ and you kinda just stand there like ??? is he being serious ???
♡ he was being dead serious 
♡ he can’t have anyone knowing that he wants you but he does want you so he shows it through anger and hopes that you are aroused rather than frightened
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ 
you walked into the theatre by bakugo’s side, not as his date or anything - definitely not - but because he had ‘accidentally’ bought an extra ticket for a movie that you had been talking to your co-workers at the agency about and now that you thought about it, you recalled that bakugo was in ear-shot of the conversation while he was making his coffee in the lounge. 
anyway, the movie had yet to begin but most who were seated remained silent as they watched the trailers. he glanced at you before shifting his gaze onto all the rows of seats in front of y’all, “where do ya want to sit?” he mumbled, casually popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth. 
he simply asked just in case you had a preferred location or an eye-sight problem that he was unaware of so you almost made him choke on his corn when you replied with a click of your tongue, “your face.”
once he coughed up the kernel lodged in this esophagus, he turned to shoot you a deadly glare, “what the fuck?!” 
afraid that you might have made him uncomfortable, you threw you hands up in defence and hastily tried to change the subject before he created a scene in the middle of the silent theatre, “sorry! i just meant it as a joke- erm, sitting at the back would be nic--”
before you could finish, bakugo grabbed you by the collar and dragged you out of the room, towards the cinema bathroom and..you know what happens next. 
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hanta sero
♡ probably incited you to say it lol
♡ he’s like ‘aight bet’
♡ you should know better than to try tease this man bc he is going to make you follow up
♡ not forcefully, but he becomes so racy that it’s hard for you to not just..take a seat :)
♡ he doesn’t get flustered bc he’s too cool for that (⌐■_■)
♡ also he’s horny asf all the time so even if he’s literally never talked to you before, he’ll immediately be escorting you to an area where y’all can be in private
♡ after he’s made you cum for like the fifth time he’ll be like ‘so what’s your name? :)’
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ 
friendly banter was something you should’ve learned to avoid. from when bakugo chased you around the school after you made a comment about deku being number one, to when iida gave you a 20 minute lecture when he heard you joke about skipping class - jesting with your friends never ended well for you so why did you think today was any exception?
though those things were in past, you had moved on; you had gotten a fresh new job at a new agency along with an old classmate of yours who you’ve since gotten closer to - pro-hero cellophane. 
you were casually chatting to him in the break-room, making friendly conversation with him as you had deduced that your bad luck with banter was exact that, bad luck - hardly anything that can’t be avoided, or so you thought. 
“exactly!” sero nodded, agreeing with the comment you made on internships, “my mentor kept making me go on these elaborate missions with them but seriously, i was just there to get a recommendation letter, save some people, have a hot hero-girl sit on my face then dip, y’know?” 
you chuckled, prompting him to continue, “well, did it work?”
“i got my recommendation letter but unfortunately, no hot hero-girls sat on my face.” he explained, he taking a sip of his coffee before eyeing you, his frown slowly curling into a titillating smirk, “you could change that, though.”
your eyes widened, but you were somewhat mentally prepared for him to say that so you were quick to blurt out, “yes please.”
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tamaki amajiki
♡ he doesn’t get what you mean at first-
♡ like he thought it was a threat..or maybe you were making fun of him
♡ you, mirio or nejire have to explain to him what it means
♡ then he passes away ⚰
♡ like mans is blushing so hard 
♡ he can’t look you in the eye for 3 months after that 
♡ it’s not that you made him uncomfortable or anything, he just gets like that around the subject of intercourse
♡ if he ever starts talking to you again, you know better than to ever make a dirty joke around him again
♡ but when y’all start dating - maybe a year into the relationship - he’ll randomly turn to you one day and be like ‘remember that joke you made over a year ago about sitting on my face? yeah, that one. do you think you could maybe like..do it? like right now, please? 👉👈’
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ 
you sat on the bed beside tamaki, absentmindedly scrolling through your phone as he played animal crossing next to you, on his switch. you were looking through pinterest for date ideas as your one year anniversary with tamaki was fast approaching and you wanted it to be special. 
you opened a picture of a couple at the arcade, looking as though they were having a fun time so your natural instinct was to ask tamaki i he was down, “baby, what do you think about the arca--”
“(y/n).” he interjected with a shakily, “um, remember that time we partnered up for a chemistry project?”
you giggled, no clue as to where he was going with this but humming along, none the less, “yep, i do! that was a while ago though, tama.”
amajiki nodded, awkwardly averting his gaze, his cheeks visibly flushing red as he recalled the events that happened - he couldn’t believe he was bringing this up again, after he tried for so long suppress the memory. but currently, his need to hear your sweet moans overwhelmed his shyness, “do you remember the joke you made?”
you hummed in thought for a moment before it hit you. you peered at his with an eyebrow quirked, mentally questioning if you were remembering it correctly. “um, yes.”
“well, can you?”
“can i what?”
tamaki frowned, before leaning in and whispering his scandalous request - he didn’t want to say this aloud but desperate times call for desperate measures. “sit on my face.”
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seokahwrites · 3 years
NUISANCE | chapter 1 (or, human walls and steak fungi)
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back to nuisance masterlist
| lawyer! jeon jungkook x lawyer! reader (feat. ex! kim taehyung)
| all you wished for was a relaxing two weeks in a big ass boat eating some big ass shrimps, away from the real world. but instead you’re stuck with your arch rival with no means of escape — and goddamit why does the bastard smell so good
| the spice has commenced; POUTY JUNGKOOK???; hunky jungkook?; jungkook?; jungkook in a suit; a LOT of jungkook; pouty reader; stressed out reader; use of the words dick and cooch; use of the word satan (to refer to kim seokjin ofc); KIM SEOKJIN IS THE REAL MAIN CHAR; poor joon is a victim; JUNGKOOK WEARING EARRINGS AND BRACELETS; taehyung is nice (?) (¿question mark?)
| this writing was sponsored by red bull, alcohol and fantasies of casual jungkook as well as jungkook in a suit. also, jungkook’s smile is described as tight lipped bc his signature smile appearing is important to the story. also i wanna know y’all’s thoughts on tae. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY THANK U FOR THE COTINUOUS SUPPORT AND LOVE, I WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE MY BEST AND THANK U FOR READING MY STORY <333
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Having once spent a sleepless night reading Dante’s inferno, you were well aware of the fact that there are 9 layers of hell.
Though, it seemed the old man had forgotten about the tenth circle: Anywhere with Jeon Jungkook.
Since the first time you met him, you never had any reason to believe that he was a humble character. He had always looked at you from the top of his high horse and he took much pride in trotting on it.
As you, Jungkook and the receptionist wait for the elevator, the air thick with discomfort, you look at the man in front of you and remember that first time.
Your head is invaded with the memory of you in your Hello Kitty pajamas, adorned with grease and all, as you worked on a divorce case that causes you migraines to this day — love is a bitter bitch. It must’ve been past midnight when you and Jin were chewing away pizza slice after pizza slice at the office.
Then, there’s a knock at the door.
“If that’s Namjoon I’m literally going to fire you,” you bark at Jin as you hold his leftover crust on one hand and a document on the other.
And Jin, being the smart ass he is and knowing you wouldn’t survive a day without him, gets up from your leather couch without a word and opens the door, launching himself at none other than Kim Namjoon.
You roll your eyes at the love birds while wondering when the fuck their honeymoon phase was gonna end. You were so sick of them.
“Y/N,” Jin calls you from your desk, urging you to come to the door and once you’re beside him, this time with a cup of coke in your hands, “Can you keep them entertained for a bit? I just gotta grab Namjoon’s meds.”
Before you could say no, the little devil was already running off to his own cubicle, leaving you alone with the all familiar Namjoon and a very much not familiar stranger.
You lean on the doorframe without uttering a single word, sipping on your drink as well as the stranger — Sure, looking back at the moment you kinda just wanna punch yourself in the cooch and tell yourself to get a grip, but you weren’t blinded with hatred at the time, and also not blind — because it isn’t every night that a man clad in a charcoal suit and an unbuttoned shirt, comes knocking at your door; not to mention his watch dazzled under the artificial light and he held the blue tie in his hand with just the right grip.
You’re snapped out of your daze when the man goes from checking the time to whispering something in Namjoon’s ear, covering it the same way eight year olds cover their own secrets, and he laughs. This would all be good and well if he hadn’t looked at you with such appall in his eyes the moment before, the look still clear as day in your mind.
You're reminded that your makeup was probably smudged from all the times you had rubbed your eyes, your skin oily from the tiresome day and you were wearing Hello Kitty pajamas.
Maybe you shouldn’t have taken the insult so personally, but you did.
“I’m here,” Jin is back, a hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder as the other one passes him a lunchbox of cold medicines, “What did I miss?”
At this you look up from the pitiful ground, pulling Jin back to your office, and accidentally spill (or throw) your coke at the stranger. You watch in delight as he looks at his very expensive looking suit drenched in a sticky brown, utter terror in his eyes, inhaling the wonderful moment for a second before shutting the door in his face.
The consequences of your actions: an almost two-year long rivalry with the stranger, revealed to be Jeon Jungkook moments after the incident when Jin asked, “Did you just throw your drink at Namjoon’s boss, you crazy bitch?”
And that wave has rippled to this day, in the form of insults and high-school level teasing (if his brain had even evolved to that age). The words “I’ll have you all to myself’ comes to mind; it makes you puff with exasperation. Sure it comes off a little flirty to unknowing ears, but it was just another reminder of Jungkook’s dismay — and that he had an all new access to torture you.
You attempt to shake the ick from your body, but in a trice you found yourself in front of the suite, the four floors you travelled to get there seemingly a glitch in time.
Isabelle scans the room card in front of the handle, handing it over to Jungkook after the green beep. “This is your room!”
You shove Jungkook aside, pulling your trolley as you enter. You had seen the pictures before, but seeing the grand room before your eyes in all of its shades of brown and gray dispersed throughout the walls and furniture, the intricate branch of lights in the ceiling and the panoramic ocean view that gave it its name; it made you forgot who you were sharing it with for a moment.
When you turn around, Jungkook is as wide eyed as you, and it makes the corners of your mouth lift ever so slightly because he looks like a fucking dork.
“Well,” Isabelle is smiling and you could sense her relief of not having to deal with the two of you anymore, “If you need anything, me and the rest of the Royal Sunrise team are available at all times, have fun!”
And just like that, she made her escape, leaving you and Jungkook standing in the middle of the room, alone.
For a moment you shut your eyes as hard as you can, scrunching your face with your fists up, in hopes that a miracle happens and Jungkook disappears. You have been having some odd dreams lately, maybe this was just—
Nope. He’s still there.
Since his eyes seem to have wandered too far, you call out his name to bring him back to earth, crossing your arms when his gaze lands on you, “We should probably talk about a few things.”
He drops the backpack from his back as he nods.
“First of all, the sleeping situation—“
“Yeah, I already thought of that,” he walks to the (very cramped) couch on the other side of the room and pats the armrest, “I’ll take this wonderful bed.”
You look at him with quizzical eyes, wondering how the hell was he of all people going to fit there. But it wasn’t really of your concern if he wanted to get scoliosis, he had made his decision.
“Plus, you need beauty sleep much more than me.”
What a waste of oxygen.
You shrug off his words, immune to his childish remarks at this point, “Okay, then. Next on the list, eating arrangements.”
At this point he’s picking up his things and placing them in his territory, “Why is that on the list?”
You move closer to the windows, a little excited when you see the balcony — you would use it to either push your roommate into the cold ocean or catch up on a few books, tough choice. “Because the tables are arranged by rooms.”
You felt the confusion in his eyes poking at your back, so you turn, “That means that we need to share a table for the next few days, dipshit.”
Jungkook shakes his body in agony, throwing a tiny tantrum, “Why is that even a thing?” He whined.
When you feel a headache coming, you grab your own luggage and place it on top of the bed, opening it up and digging in the pockets for a little bit of liquid luck. God knew you needed it.
You down the sample of Jack Daniels in one go with a bitter face and a blow of air.
You start picking out your pajamas for the night, “I was saving it for when I’d find a hot stranger by the pool but—,” when you look up and see the mess on Jungkook’s couch, you’re taken aback, “What in the world is that?”
Jungkook’s hands are rummaging through the jungle that were his things, and it’s obvious that he just shoved as many clothes as he could find lying around the house. He grabs hold of a white tee, “What?”
Again, a waste of—
In the roll of an eye Jungkook’s torso is fully exposed, his back turned towards you with all of its bumps and mumps looking right at you. And you only become aware that you are staring when Jungkook notices the lack of a comeback, pointing it out with a smug tone.
“Y/N,” he doesn’t turn but he snaps you out of your stunned state all the same, “I can practically hear you drooling.”
At the very next instant you cover your eyes, just as little kids do when an inappropriate scene comes on the TV. “You wish, jackass,” and it comes off a little shoutier than you expected, as if the lack of visual correlated with the volume of your voice. Blindly, you grab your shirt and shorts from the bed and run to the bathroom, which just had to be on Jungkook’s side of the room.
And things take a turn for the worse when you run into something, and that something is warm and firm and breathing.
You convince yourself it was just an invisible, Jungkook shaped wall they failed to mention on the website and fling yourself to the bathroom door, finding the handle rather quickly from all the adrenaline.
Once you’ve slammed the door shut, you let your back slide against the wooden slab and your ass hit the marble floor.
The clothes are still in your grip, your left hand feeling your overheating cheeks and for a tick you think that maybe, just maybe, you should throw yourself into the water and let the sharks take you so you could be buried at the very depths of the ocean. It seemed like a better fate than whatever the fuck was awaiting you the next two weeks.
You take a deep breath in, letting your mind focus on something else.
You look around and, oh, wow. Even the bathroom was charming — if you could ignore the absurd amount of windows, any sea creature passing by would surely see more than they should — glass making up all of the walls, including the shower’s.
The exposure that surrounds you, in its own weird way, cleared up your head the tiniest bit and for the first time since you’ve arrived, you were able to think, only the ocean and its blue around you now.
And what would be your first course of action after a glimpse of clarity?
Calling that rat bastard assistant of yours, of course.
You stand up and place your phone atop the hazel counter after clicking contact name ‘Twinky’, out of fear you’d smash the damn thing when you hear his voice, smoke was bursting at the seams of your chest. Prepare to meet your end, Kim Seokjin—
“Good evening, Ms. Y/N. For what reason are you contacting me in the midst of your vacation?”
Breathe in, breathe out. “Don’t get all formal with me, Kim,” you’re wagging your finger to no one, “I know you did something. Confess.”
The obnoxious twirling of Jin’s chair could be heard through the speaker, “I’ve no idea of what you could possibly be talking about, Madam—“
“Fine, fine,” you could picture Jin putting his hands up at your murderous tone, “Me and Joon just thought it was about time you two kids got together.”
You take a pause from your pacing around. Motherfucker.
“Okay! I thought it was time and convinced Namjoon to go along with it,” your fist meets the counter with an audible thump, and you were seethed at the probability of Jin smiling at your behaviour. “Speaking of it, how’s it going?”
“Well, Jin,” you place the microphone as near to your mouth as possible, “JEON JUNGKOOK IS TAKING OFF HIS CLOTHES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROOM,” you put on a docile face and naturally assume that Jin could see you telepathically, “So you tell me how it’s going.”
For the first time since you hired him, you had left Jin speechless. Or so you thought.
“I didn’t know you would move this fast—“
“I apologise, I apologise,” the witch cackles, “But you didn’t give me any context, I only assumed the best.”
“Spare me from your taunts, you hag,” you huff and roll your eyes, “And, as I’ve told you many times before, Jeon Jungkook is literally the worst. I hate—.”
“—him. Yes, Y/N, I’ve been hearing the same speech every single day for two years,” you could hear Jin walking back and forth before an abrupt pause, “Listen to yourself, Y/N, you brought this upon yourself. Whenever you saw or just remembered Jungkook existed you wouldn’t stop talking about him. So, being the good friend I am, I handed you his—,” you rush in a failed attempt to muffle his next words with your hand, “—dick on a silver platter.”
Oh, dear lord.
“You’re out of your mind if you think I wanna be anywhere near Jungkook’s—,” you speak in a hushed tone, “—thing.”
“See, you can’t even say it,” and you give up, because no matter how many times you denied it, Jin never let up. “Anyway, I gotta go and… take a call. Have fun!”
And he hangs up.
All you can do is groan, making a mental note that you oughta kick Jin in the balls one of these days, and you look at yourself in the mirror — you couldn’t even enjoy your tacky shirt because of him. Was a normal vacation really too much to ask for?
You remember that the universe had already answered your question with a big yes, and you can’t help but pout.
Still, ever the changing mind, were you really going to let the universe win?
Your pout turns into a smirk. Of course, you weren’t. All you needed to do was avoid Jungkook as much as possible, that would be easy for sure, you were on a gigantic cruise ship after all.
Yeah, this can still be great.
And so, quick to think as always, you grab your phone and scroll through the Royal Sunrise website.
To your luck, the cruise offered classes and activities of all types with a different theme each day — tomorrow is cooking. Not only was it going to be actually entertaining, you could avoid Jungkook without having to look behind you every other minute.
With this new mindset and plan, you change into your oversized navy shirt and banana-printed shorts, a newfound excitement in your step. You even bang your chest with each of your fists, a gorilla-esque fighting technique if you shall, as a way to pump you up.
The door doesn’t seem as intimidating when you push it open, your arms swinging at your side as if you were one of the seven dwarves. This was good.
Immediately you're met with the vexing view of Jungkook, and you quirk your eyes when you notice that all he was wearing was a pair of gray shorts and that white tee, the oddity of it all iffy in your head since you’ve only ever seen him in suits and shirts. There’s a familiar tingling of (what you always assumed was) contempt in your fingertips and toes, one that would only ever occur with Jungkook. Hatred finds a way, huh.
He looks at you, back to his phone and back to you all in one second, and once his brain processes that you’re back and present, he ditches his phone and props himself up on one elbow. “You know the walls aren’t that thick, right?”
The tingle turns into a twitch and you almost hit yourself. Breathe, Y/N.
Jungkook sits up, crossing his arms, his eyes wandering once again, “I knew that Namjoon was planning something. He was sweating so much, I thought it was just the heat,” and they land back on you, “Turns out, it was betrayal.”
You head to your own king-sized resting place and a chuckle slips out of you at Jungkook’s little remark. “You did hear that Jin was the one who dragged him into this, right?”
You’re both pulling your covers over your bodies with silent grins due to the dumbassery of your assistants, “I assumed as much.” At this, your smiles become full-out laughs and your heads must have been too exhausted to dwell on the out of character situation.
It fades after a few seconds and you take one final look at Jungkook before turning off the lights, only to make sure he was already laid down.
Your anxiety comes back to the surface, your eyes staring blankly ahead at the ceiling.
“What a mess,” you don’t even notice you had blurted it out loud.
The rustling of sheets sounds through the otherwise cricket-silent room, “Tell me about it.”
Another chuckle.
“Jungkook,” you call him, the words coming out with no warning, “Can we just promise, no monkey business? I just really wanna relax and—.”
“Y/N,” he stops you before you could yap any further, “No monkey business.”
His interruption makes you sheepish, that tingle coming back as you fiddle with the sheets.
All of the sudden, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Don’t be a killjoy.”
Groan. There really isn’t any reason for you to answer the prick. Still, you roll your eyes, “Good night, you troll.”
You hear his pleased sigh.
“Kinda bummed you don’t want my thing, though.”
Damn you, Kim Seokjin.
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Your eyes flutter open, not with the calming sound of the dancing waves or the rustling of the sheets beside you from a happy hour mistake, no. You wake up with the sound of the shower running, the drip drop of the water meeting the glass floor of the bathroom.
The walls are very thin.
The image of a very naked Jungkook just next door is forced into your head, and you try to get rid of it by putting a pillow over your face, in hopes that it would put an end to your misery, but the world only gives a hundred problems and zero solutions.
Sat up, you remind yourself of the fresh-new mindset you had implemented yesterday, and this motivates you to restart your morning right and get dressed for the busy day ahead.
You squat down to your bag, grabbing the first jumpsuit and shoes in front of you, surprisingly not too shabby. The black off-shoulder fabric was adorned with pale pink flowers and your basic white sneakers didn’t add much but they were still a welcome fit — you’d only brought three pairs of shoes, so you didn’t really have much of a choice.
The background noise of the shower running disappears.
You stumble around the room, trying to switch out of your clothes as fast as you possibly could to avoid any of yesterday’s incidents repeating, the need of any sort of grooming forgotten along the way. Still, you succeeded, and just as Jungkook unlocked the bathroom door, you were out of the room.
The joy in your step was back as you took the few steps needed to the elevators, pressing that little button of victory. Though you’ve been to countless luxury premises, the details of each place still managed to leave you awestruck, and the black railing and golden walls of the ship with decoration clearly inspired by the Romans, weren’t an exception.
The elevator was going from the sixth floor to the fifth when you heard a door open, the hairs of your back standing up out of instinct.
“Wait up!”
Fuck me.
You turn to the left, met with the, once again, odd view of Jeon Jungkook wearing casual clothes, this time in a charcoal shirt a few sizes too big, black cargo pants and signature chunky shoes. But, there’s something even more strange and you can’t quite put a finger to it, it isn’t the fact his lavish watch was replaced with leather braids on his wrist or that his hairs strayed a bit more wildly, it’s—
“Holy shit,” your eyes shoot wide open, “Are those hoops?”
Your hands almost go to touch the silver in his ears, but you remind yourself you’d probably turn to stone.
An unfamiliar red paints Jungkook’s face as his own fingers prod at the earrings, his eyes not meeting yours, “Maybe.”
A gasp. “How did I never notice,” you state more than ask, but Jungkook answers all the same.
“I mean, I never wear them to anything work-related because keeping a professional image and all of that,” he looks at you, his bashfulness fading into an all-knowing smile, “And those are the only times I see your bitter face.”
You scoff, “Wow, actually we talked like normal people for a whole thirty seconds.”
The imp has the audacity to laugh at your face, the way he stops to scan you up and down going unnoticed by your sight. “I gotta say, Y/N, you actually know how to dress—“
The black tinted doors open to the glass elevator, a panorama of all the ship’s floors in full display, blue and purple lights reflecting on the gilded ornaments. Your hands rest on the black railing and you don’t even notice there’s another person in the elevator.
“Y/N?” The deep timbre of the voice is all too easy on your ears.
A slight turn to the right is all it takes to see him, fluffy ash hair (that was rough between your fingers from all the times he had dyed it), a shirt that flowed like the clouds and beige slacks that matched with the sepia of his sandals (an ensemble that contrasted the vibrant version of him in your memory). But that square grin was still the same.
“Tae?” You laugh in utter disbelief, “Kim Taehyung?”
“Come here!” His long arms bring you into a hug and with your head nuzzled against his chest, his heartbeat echoed good times, easier times that weren’t filled with paperwork and suits.
It’s interrupted by your forgotten acquaintance clearing his throat.
You pull away, recomposing yourself as you stand beside Taehyung, “Jungkook, this is Kim Taehyung,” you feel Taehyung’s eyes on you, “He was kind of my college boyfriend.”
They shake hands and look back at you, as if waiting for something.
“Uh— Right. Tae, this is Jungkook, my—,” you glance at the brunet to find the right words, “—co-worker, of sorts.”
Your embarrassment only deepens when you remember that the Jeon Jungkook was a first-hand witness to the mess you were melting into in front of your ex-boyfriend.
Who needed caffeine when shit like this kept happening to you.
“Oh,” Taehyung’s voice drops an octave as he shoves his hands in his pockets, “So you two came together?”
And you wave your arms around to signal a ‘no’, but it comes off as ‘that-one-crackhead-at-the-corner-of-the-street-ish” instead. “God, no,” you snort, much to your chagrin.
Taehyung sticks his tongue between his teeth, staring down at Jungkook who was chewing on his own bottom lip, “That’s good to hear.”
It seems you’ve regressed to your college-self, tucking your hair behind your ear with blushed cheeks at your senior.
The elevator had arrived at the first floor, Jungkook’s cue to leave.
But he doesn’t make a straight itinerary, instead standing in front of the elevator, “Aren’t you gonna catch breakfast, chump?”
Ah, right. Your genius plan could finally come out in the open, “No, actually. I have an all-day cooking class on the 5th floor.”
“No kidding,” Taehyung turns to you and places a hand on your bare shoulder with a wide smile, “Me too!”
At this, Jungkook’s shoulders slump and his expression falls flat, but you couldn’t get a word in as the elevator doors closed and he swiveled away to his own day.
Eh, it’s not like it was your affair anyways. Plus, 9AM wasn’t the hour to deal with his bullshit.
You and Taehyung made your way up, speaking of all the things you’ve been up to for the past three years.
“So, Jimin’s dancing in Europe,” you gasp, a swell of pride in your chest, your old friend would talk about it every free night he spent in yours and Taehyung’s flat.
“Yeah, now I don’t know who’s keeping an eye on all the dumb shit he does.”
The weight on your shoulders only got lighter with every laugh you shared with Taehyung, sweet nostalgia.
“We’re here,” you point at the chalk sign, the words ‘Bon Appetit’ scribbled on it.
Out of sheer intuition, you pull Taehyung by the wrist until you reach the entrance, a Royal Sunrise worker awaiting with a list of, what could only be, the names of the participants.
You let go of Taehyung when the man’s eyes travel to your holding hands. Oh, God.
He smiles, “Good morning, Mr. and Ms. What would your names be?”
“Good morning, I’m Y/N Y/LN,” your smile hadn’t left your face, “I signed up yesterday.”
He nods and you walk inside, Taehyung following you before the worker puts up a hand to stop him.
“Your name, sir,” his tone changes..
You look back, wondering what the fuss was about.
“Uh— Kim Taehyung.”
The man reads over the clipboard, even flipping to the previous pages. “Excuse me, Mr. Kim. But your name doesn’t seem to be in the—.”
Taehyung’s calm demeanour becomes a bitter scowl as he pats a fifty dollar note down the man’s pocket before he could continue his speech. “Just let this one slide, buddy.”
The sight is a bit rough on the eyes and the corners of your lips turn downwards, something itching at your throat, but you hadn’t seen him in a long time and he most likely had good intentions with the man, you could let it slide, right?
“So,” Taehyung rubs his hands with a smile that reaches the pillows of his eyes, a 360° from the him you saw a few seconds ago, “Where were we?”
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The blue of the sky had faded into a deep lilac once you and Taehyung were finished with your last batch of food.
You stood outside with smiles plastered on your faces and flour sprinkled on your hair, reminders of a day well-spent.
“This was great,” you held boxes of chocolate crepes and mushroom pasta, “Except for the fact I was forced to eat and deal with mushrooms.”
Taehyung’s eyebrows pull together, “So many years together, and I didn’t know you hated mushrooms,” you remember telling him countless times, but he never had the best memory — you don’t bother to bring up your hatred for crepes. “But, yeah… I think it was the company that sealed the deal, though.”
A beat of silence. The boy was smooth as ever.
You’re the first to break it. “I guess I’ll go get dinner then.”
“Right, right,” he purses his lips, “I’m gonna catch a nightcap, too full for food anyways. See you, Y/N.”
And you only mumble a small goodbye before you and Taehyung are going different directions.
A day well spent indeed.
You couldn’t keep it in anymore.
Holy Moses, were you hungry as shit. Who knew that barely eating breakfast and lunch could do this to a person.
Once the coast is clear, you run to the elevator, pressing the button repeatedly because why is this thing so fucking slow.
The time taken to go down to the first floor is even more agonising, but you just imagined the wonderful meals that actually tasted like food waiting for you downstairs. You could feel the pork melting in your mouth already.
Since the first floor is more packed, you pace yourself as you power-walk to the dining area but you arrive in no time, walking through the tables and scanning each marker for the number 83, until you finally find your salvation — and the mop of brown hair sitting there with its unmistakable silver.
You park your ass on the wooden chair and place the white boxes of gag-worthy food on the table.
“Fancy meeting you here, Y/N,” Jungkook shoves a fork of rare steak and potatoes in his big mouth.
“Don’t antagonise me, Jungkook,” you leap to grab his wrist before he can get another scoop, “Where’s the food?”
You feel him tense under your grip, “Okay, let go of me, hungry hungry hippo,” you loosen your fist and lean back on your chair with crossed arms, “And the restaurant is out of steaks for the night, your only other option is some fried fish or something,” he continues munching.
“No—,” your head meets the table with a bang, “—I’ve been dreaming of red meat all day.”
“Didn’t you cook at— you know, cooking class?”
“Yes, we did,” you sit up and shove the boxes of trash to Jungkook as he examines them.
“But, you hate mushrooms and crepes,” he turns his head in a robotic motion when he opens the lids.
Your hunger fades for a bit as that tingle in your fingertips pushes you to sit straight, leaning your head like a curious puppy.
“How do you know that?”
Jungkook bites his bottom lip as he seems to think of a response. “Well, you mentioned it at the Law & Practice Awards a few months ago,” he rubs his fingers on his chin with a feign look of concentration, “I believe your exact words were: ‘Why does the stake have fungus on it’ and ‘Everybody knows that crepes are just a—.”
“—a cheap version of pancakes,” you finish his sentence with surprise painted on your face. Still, you question him, “But, how do you even remember that?”
Jungkook’s flush is back on his cheeks, “As they say, keep your friends close,” he flashes that tight lipped smile of his, “And your enemies closer.”
Just as you were about to flip the fucker off, your stomach grumbles. Out of all of the moments it could’ve complained, it decided to do so in the only second of silence.
Jungkook mumbled something along the lines of “That’s it,” under his breath and let out a sharp exhale, cutting up his steak and taters and pushing them into a smaller plate, adding a few greens in the mix. He snaps his fingers at the nearest waiter and grabs a glass of wine from his tray. The act finishes off with him pushing the food in your direction.
You stare at the food, at Jungkook and back at the plate again. Dumbfounded, once again.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Eat,” he continues on with his dinner as if he hadn’t just done— Well, what he just did.
You bite your lip and bow your head slightly, though you’re sure he doesn’t see it, before vacuuming the food directly into your belly.
The rest of the evening is spent in comfortable silence, no daggers threatened to be thrown or scorn weighing in the air. This lasts all the way to the door of the room; you were fine with communicating with only ‘hums’ and nods but Jungkook, as always, had to ruin things.
He leans his back against the white door, arms crossed and a smirk as he looks down at you. “How lucky of you to have your mortal enemy and—,” he puts up air quotes, “‘kind of college boyfriend’ in the same boat as you, huh?”
You palm your face and hide a sheepish smile, “I was hoping you’d forget about that.”
“How could I when I was your special guest to first hand embarrassment in the elevator,” he waves the white flag of peace as he puts his hands up, “But, hey—“
“Hi, Jungkook,” someone behind you purrs, heels clacking.
You turn around and see a woman of jet-black hair in a stunning red silk dress, the pony-tail on her head swinging a delicate left to right as she waved her manicured hand at none other than Jungkook — who brushes a hand through his hair before complimenting her greeting.
It takes you by surprise, though you laughed at Jungkook’s gnarly stance at the beautiful woman, the tingle comes back, this time prickling at the pit of your stomach.
As soon as she had walked away, you rubbed your hands at the sides of your arms, “Wow, Jungkook. Moving fast are we?” you squint your eyes, “I think it’s the earring.”
“First of all, screw you,” he unlocks the door, “Second, that’s nothing, trust me.”
He holds the door open for you and you catch a whiff of his black vanilla scent. You stop in your tracks and place a hand on his shoulder with a grimace on your face, “Just don’t do anything on my bed, okay?”
You don’t bother to wait for an answer as you head to the bathroom with your comfy tee in your hands.
This time, the counter was embellished with skincare and cologne galore, all thanks to your dear roommate.
“He wouldn’t notice if I used some of this, right?” You say to Jungkook’s bottle of cleanser, too lazy to go back and grab your own toiletries.
“If you use that I’m drowning myself,” you hear him shout from the other room.
Sorry, face. You’ll have to wait for tomorrow.
Once you were snug in your tee, you were off to bed — Jungkook in the same attire as yesterday as well.
You leave the lamp on as you checked your phone for the first time since yesterday. Of course, Jin was your only notification, a plethora of obscenities and questions that would, unfortunately, be permanently ingrained in your mind forever. You turn off your phone and throw it on top of the night stand.
Not today, satan.
“You mind?” You ask Jungkook who seemed to be scrolling away, too engrossed in his phone to look at your finger pointing at the light, only a grunt on his behalf.
You turn it off and shut your eyes, your body tense, not that you weren’t used to it, the decaying muscles of your back have been like that since you graduated high-school. And, it was a bit more intense from all the mixing and pot handling — thank the heavens that tomorrow’s activities involved massaging. Though, today was a win.
Jungkook’s phone turns off and his body sloshes around, the sounds he makes the only ones reverberating in the room.
“Good night, Y/N,” you try to ignore him, but he comes forward with a good case, “Come on, I gave you my food.”
Guilt tripper.
“Fine, but only because you’re annoying as shit,” he lets out a satisfied breath, “Good night, Jungkook.”
You arrive at dreamland in no time.
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| @fangirl125reader / @vantxx95 / @jinpanman / @ggukkieland / @miniiimee / @paizthemaiz
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adorerdraco · 4 years
I’m Here ✧ Draco x Reader
Request: Hi, so I’m not sure if you’re taking these kinds of fics for Draco, but I’ve been feeling really down lately, and I was wondering if you could write a one shot or a scenario where the reader has been having a really bad day/week and Draco comforts them? And maybe Draco lays the reader on his chest and he hums a small tune to make the reader feel better? You can ignore this if it’s an issue, but I’d really appreciate it. I love all of your fics btw! They make me really happy <3
Warnings: none bc mostly fluff, some tears, super soft!draco
Words: 1.9K
A/N: i saw this and had to do it effective immediately bc i am feeling the exact same wayyy so this was really nice to think about ;( thank you so much for requesting this and for reading my stuff and i’m so glad i can help in a way <3 i’m sending you nothing but peace, love, and light !!! but i really hope this is gooood <3 do not own gif
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Life was punishing you, you thought. It had to be. Because there was no way how in the span of a week everything in your day-to-day life had gone from okay to borderline catastrophic. It was as if every situation you were in was taking its form in the worst case possible scenario and all you could do was watch hopelessly as things continuously got worse sprinkled with small misfortunes in between.
It started on a regular Monday morning, sitting down for breakfast in the Great Hall with blissful ignorance. Halfway through eating your toast, your owl had come in through the open large glass windows and dropped a letter onto your plate from home that left you some very unfortunate news and had set forth a ripple effect that began making everything else go downhill as your days progressed. By the end of the school week, you had managed to blow up a potion, lose house points because of said potion when it splashed onto some people and had some physically altering effects, tripped over your footing and fell in the middle of a crowded corridor, failed a surprise quiz, forgot to turn in an essay, got into an argument with a friend, accidentally slept in and missed a morning class, and took a trip to the hospital wing for a migraine that didn’t want to leave you alone. You could’ve sworn you had somehow been thrown into purgatory, or limbo, or something outer-worldly. 
“Are you alright?” Draco had asked you right after breakfast that Monday morning as he was walking you to your first class. “What was in the letter your owl gave you? You look worried.”
“It was nothing,” you dismissed quickly, trying to put on a half-hearted smile while you spoke to make it more convincing. “I’m fine, just tired.”
It was the beginning of the week, and he did keep you up late the night before when you were sneaking around together, so he just shook his head up and down and took your excuse even though he felt like there was more to it than you were letting on. But as the days went on, he was becoming more observant of the way you were acting and even looking. He didn’t like that every morning he saw the shadows under your eyes get deeper and darker, and he didn’t like how you would close your eyes in pain when you would groan about your headache. He also didn’t like the way he hadn’t seen you truly smile or laugh all week even when he tried countless times to amuse you or cheer you up. But what he didn’t like most of all was that he felt like there was nothing he could do. 
On Wednesday afternoon, he tried asking you again. You were sitting in the Quad with him on a bench and he was telling you a story from earlier in the day about how he had ‘accidentally’ tripped this Gryffindor boy and got Snape to take away house points from him that he thought for sure would you make laugh or perhaps give him a disapproving redirection, but when he glanced up to see your reaction, he noticed you weren’t even listening, to begin with. You had been staring down at your shoes and the way they lined up against the cracks in the pavement, kicking around some gravel as your mind was running a million thoughts per second.
“Love?” He said to you softly. You looked up at him swiftly with a quiet questioning hum, e/c eyes widened slightly from being ripped away from your thoughts suddenly. “You know if something’s bothering you, you can talk to me.”
“I know,” you nodded warmly. “I’m okay, Dray. I’m honestly just tired.”
And you were telling the truth, in a sense. You really were tired; physically, mentally, emotionally.
He frowned, dissatisfied with your answer. “Right, well if anything at all comes up, I’m here.”
From then on, Draco took it upon himself to try and increase his affections and compliments. He would hug you a little tighter, kiss you a little longer, whisper sweet little nothings into your ear before he left you for class. You felt a little bad lying to him, withholding the truth from him, and you saw the concern in his light gray’s when you’d meet him in the mornings and for the rest of the day, but it only made you feel a tad bit worse. You were starting to feel guilty for the way he was worrying, feeling like you were dragging him down into the dumps with you and raining on his usual carefree parades.
On Friday morning, you didn’t meet him for breakfast and you were out of the Great Hall faster than he could catch you. He felt like a stalker when he walked by your class, peeking his head in to see if you were there and well. He spotted you sitting at your desk, hunched over your unopened books with a grimace on your face and your head in your hands. He wanted to go in and whisk you away to somewhere far and quiet, but the Professor had caught him by the door and sent him on his way before he could even think of doing anything of the sort.
You felt the day had gone by extremely slow, relative to how the week was moving and also impossibly dismal. You were counting down the minutes until the end of the school day, ready to run to your dorm right after your last class and bury yourself deep into your duvet and pillows for the rest of the weekend.
Head still pounding, you trudged over to your final class, stopping outside the doors when you saw a small group of your housemates standing around with unnerved expressions as they passed each other papers and spoke in hushed tensed tones.
“I studied all night but my friend took the test earlier and she told me during lunch that it had stuff on it that wasn’t even in the reading!” You heard one exclaim in distress.
“We have a test?” You accidentally said aloud and a pair of eyes turned to look at you confusingly.
“Yeah? Professor’s been telling us all week.”
A scoff of disbelief escaped your lips, an overwhelming sense of defeat washing over you as you turned briskly on your heel and in the opposite direction of your classroom. Tears started pricking at your eyes, you felt the stinging of them wanting to be released but you refused to let them all out in the open and especially in front of people who were still taking their time to head to their classes. 
You were making a beeline towards your common room, blinking rapidly to try and clear your vision that was quickly pooling with unshed tears while trying to steady your breathing in another failed attempt to calm yourself. You were nearly there, you could tell by the paintings and doors that you passed by and the black stain splattered on the floor you saw every day on your way to the dorms from someone’s dropped ink bottle that Filch hasn’t been able to get rid of. 
Almost there, you kept repeatedly reminding yourself.
All hope of solace was gone when you didn’t notice the body you had unknowingly crashed into. All you felt were strong hands around your biceps, holding you in place from toppling backward and the very familiar scent of expensive cologne and mint.
“Y/N? Why aren’t you in class?” You looked up at the platinum blond sadly, his worried eyes searching yours with such care that it pushed you over the edge.
You didn’t answer him and instead wrapped your arms tightly around Draco’s middle, burying your face deep into his robes and letting out quiet and frail weeps that broke his heart. He held you tightly, pressing kisses to the top of your head and muttering soft “I’m here’s” into your hair. You stayed in his embrace for a few minutes, letting your tears freely fall into his vest with a sense of relief that only he was able to give you at this point in time.
“I’m sorry I cried on you,” you choked out when you pulled away from him, desperately wiping away at your eyes with the back of your sleeve.
“You don’t ever have to apologize for that,” he said quickly. He brought his hand up to your face, his thumb swiping delicately over a stray tear that was sitting on your jaw while you closed your eyes in comfort. “Do you want to go back to my room? I can set you up really nicely and we can talk if you’d like?”
“Yes please, I’d like that a lot.”
Draco interlocked your fingers with his, bringing the pair up to his lips with a warm kiss on the back of your hand before walking the two of you over to the entrance of the Slytherin common room. It was empty when you walked in, not a soul in sight since everyone was still in class and it made it much easier for him to sneak you into his singular Prefect room you were now extremely grateful he had. He watched contently when you shed off your robes and kicked off your shoes and immediately slipped into one of his dark green jumpers that fit you big. 
You were perched on the edge of his bed, his scent from his sweater engulfing you and doing a much better job of calming you down than you wanted to admit. He followed in your footsteps and changed into something comfier and when he finally sat beside you with his hand falling over yours as an encouragement to talk - you did. You vented to him all about the letter from home, the migraine, your classes, the argument between you and your friend, and everything else that came to mind.
“And I feel bad for ignoring you and not telling you all this before but I didn’t want to burden you,” you finished with sniffles, gazing up at him with a gloomy expression. 
“Y/N, I love you, and nothing you say to me is a burden,” he frowned slightly, “when I tell you I’m here, I mean it, for anything. You’re so important to me and it kills me to see you upset.”
In a careful movement, he had scooted towards you and affectionately cupped your face before placing a loving kiss on your forehead and murmured to you, “don’t ever hesitate to come to me.”
You let him pull you under his covers, draping his large duvet over your entangled bodies with your head resting right above his chest, the steady beatings of his heart instantly sending you into a much-needed peace. His chin was rested right atop your head and you felt his fingers run up and down your arm soothingly while he thought.
“Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?” He asked quietly.
“Can you help me fall asleep?” you muttered, closing your eyes gently when his hand smoothed over the back of your hair. You felt him nod against your head and after a small moment silence, you heard him begin to hum the faint tune of your favorite song.
You lied there in bliss, enjoying the way his chest was vibrating against your ear and the way his fingers were playing with the ends of your hair, curling the strands around his fingers and then moving upwards to massage your scalp. And for a minute, everything was finally okay again as you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, a full heart and with your love calmly lulling you away with a soft and now distant humming.
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s1ater · 3 years
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summary 📣: cobra kai boys dating a musical theater girlfriend (or boyfriend i don’t think there are any female pronouns, i’m sorry if there are)
warnings 🚫: none i think
slater’s note 🗯: i’m sorry for being so absent lately, also i’ve set most of my fics their jr. year bc i have no idea what grade they are in in high school 🤷‍♀️
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robby keene:
➪ low-key loves the shit out of you for being a music dork
➪ you sing/hum a lot of your songs a lot of the time when you’re studying with him or just hanging out randomly
➪ at first he low key found it annoying and would tell you to stop for awhile while you guys were studying but as it continues on he doesn’t care
➪ the tune gets stuck in his head and he will end up humming along
➪ at your shows he’ll sing along there too because he basically has it memorized unintentionally
➪ will watch your rehearsals unintentionally
➪ like he’ll come in to pick you up and he’s a little early so he just watches from the audience seats on his phone before he hears you sing and he just becomes enchanted (lmao)
➪ praises you all the time
➪ will feel like your musical director is being harsh and want to step in and want them to lay off but you have to tell him it’s fine
➪ admires you for the amount of pressure you undergo even though he’s literally a karate student and literally fights people in front of other people in competitions
➪ he’ll take you out to eat after your performances
➪ like you guys will go to a diner or something and share a basket of fries
➪ it’s all cute
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miguel diaz:
➪ man would low key wanted to join musical theater his freshman year
➪ but now that he has a girlfriend that’s in musical theater, he’s pretty fulfilled
➪ he’s SO PROUD
➪ like overhyped you type of proud and tells anyone and everyone that you’re in theater
➪ he’ll help your glee club hang up poster and flyers about your show around the halls and even rope eli into helping him
➪ miguel is like a manger for the theater just so he can spend time with you
➪ he’ll bring his mom and grandma to your shows
➪ but the best thing is he’ll also rope johnny into one of them, like saying you wanna go to a concert and he gets there and he’s all like, “this isn’t ozzy osborne” or whatever
➪ he’ll help you memorize songs and moves (idk anything about musical theater so pardon me on this)
➪ he’s genuinely there for you on this and won’t give up if you guys mess up steps/lyrics and will be like “let’s try that one more time, you got this”
➪ like i can imagine you guys holding hands, moving side to side as you sing along to a recording of the background music
➪ literally the sweetest and will take you out to dinner after one of your performances
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eli moskowitz:
➪ okay so i feel like eli would low key keep you a secret
➪ he would have known you before he was hawk and you guys were decent friends and you’d be one of the only people that brought a smile to his face at that time
➪ you guys would start dating like at the edge of his transformation to hawk
➪ and no one really knew about it and y’all didn’t really find the need to tell anyone since a high percentage of your musical theater group are just a bunch of people who hate people like hawk (aka “bullies”)
➪ so you didn’t find a point in telling them
➪ but anyways miguel would be one of the first people to find out and he would just be *stunned*
➪ like he hangs out with you guys all the time and he never had a clue till he saw eli give you kiss after you dropped him off at practice
➪ “you’re dating y/n?!”
➪ his eyes would widen and he’d be like “keep it down” and it’s not like he’s embarrassed about you, you’re just not the type of person he wants to expose around his friend group
➪ anyways the kids completely in love with you aside from the fact that he unintentionally keeps you a secret
➪ he comes to any of your productions and will be standing in the crowd when it’s over, clapping like crazy
➪ he’ll buy you like flowers and shit
➪ pick you up after your after school practices in
➪ i know this is the bare minimum but he actually genuinely cares (even though he likes to act like he doesn’t) and will ask you questions like how practice was and what you’re working on and what you are doing at the moment, it’s sweet
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irrelevantwriter · 3 years
White Flag
Pairing: Rio (Good Girls) x Female Reader/You
Rating: Explicit, NSFW
Warnings: Language, public sex, unprotected vaginal sex, mention of bodily fluids, slightly vulnerable Rio, declaration of feelings (sorta?)
Word Count: 4.3K
Summary: Part 5. Two months without seeing or speaking to Rio has left a significant mark and feelings finally decide to show themselves. Kinda.
A/N: I hope everyone had a good holiday or at least a chill Friday. I come bearing gifts with the next part of our favorite toxic saga. More smut for my lovely readers. But first, some plot. We jump right into it and just like our favorite non-couple, we gloss over a lot of bullshit and get right to the filth. But as a Virgo I love communication so I have to make these two stubborn assholes talk about their issues a little. At least in a vague way. Also, Rio has his read receipts on bc he is a petty king. There’s one more part after this and it's all naughty fun from here. I hope you guys like it. Feedback is that good shit. 💗
A/N dos: I’m thinking about making the next part strictly from Rio’s POV. I feel like it’ll give us a peek into what he’s thinking and a new take on the series thus far. I’m excited to explore that so let me know what you guys think!
*Read Part 1 here
*Read Part 2 here
*Read Part 3 here
*Read Part 4 here
*Read Part 6 here
*Give and Take series masterlist
*Masterlist in bio.
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“So you’re just gonna eye fuck the hot stranger at the bar all night?”
Your friend’s teasing cut through the haze, jolting you back to the dimly lit bar. The music boomed around you while people drank and danced, enjoying the Saturday night out in the same way you and your girlfriends were.
“I was not.” You insisted, though the coy smile you wore said otherwise.
The group of women scoffed and rolled their eyes, seeing right through your faux innocence.
“Besides,” You started, taking a sip of your drink as the song changed into a bass heavy melody. “He’s not even my type.”
“Oh, bullshit!” Kara interjected with a raised brow, shaking her head.
You opened your mouth in surprise, but bit back your response when the other women chimed in.
“She’s right.” Evelyn agreed, throwing her dark hair over one shoulder.
“We knew you in high school and college, remember?” Nikki threw in, pursing her lips knowingly in your direction.
“Okay, so?” You said with a poor attempt at nonchalance.
“You were all over guys like that when we were kids. Paul ended up being the black sheep of the bunch.” Kara reminded you with a laugh, Evelyn and Nikki joining in with their own drunken giggles.
“Yeah, we were convinced you’d marry a felon with tattoos and not a real estate broker who wore khakis.” Nikki quipped, causing another round of laughter and snorts.
“Okay, okay...I get it. So I had a type. I think I’ve grown out of it.” You cut in, sounding as if you were trying to convince them as much as yourself.
“Not if the hottie at the bar has anything to say about it.” Evelyn joked with a wink.
You shook your head as you took another sip of your drink, unwilling to let them see you flustered. Or that they were in fact correct. You definitely still had a thing for bad boys...bad men to be more specific.
The evening had been going smoothly so far. It was a rare girl’s night out. An event that happened only once every five years when kids were shuttled off to babysitters or their fathers, and the women were able to enjoy an adult meal with adult beverages. Schedules between four busy women didn’t often align so when they did, you all jumped at the chance to indulge in the nightlife you’d left behind in your younger years.
You’d been the one to suggest the bar. It was a swanky, sophisticated space with an air of youth. The perfect mix for your outing. You’d been here only one other time.
With Rio.
Thinking of the man made heat pool low in your stomach, despite your lingering frustrations. It’d been two months since that shit show of a night at your house. You hadn’t seen or spoken to him since. After that debacle, you blocked his number. As childish as it may have been, you were angry. Still were. And rightfully so. He’d been a complete dick. He’d chosen the most inopportune moment to make adjustments to your arrangement. He’d been careless in his deliverance, harsh even. The entire exchange had you questioning everything. And instead of analyzing the situation and communicating like adults, you’d decided to stop all interactions with him. You’d wanted to send a message. Just as he had with you.
After the argument, you’d been an anxious mess in the days leading up to the next drop. But it was all for nothing because Rio wasn’t there. And neither was the new contact he’d told you about. Instead, Mick was waiting for you and offering up no other information. And it’d been that way for two long months.
In the days since, your mind wandered to Rio often. Your body lingered on his phantom presence constantly. You replayed the conversation you’d had a million times over and each time it made deep fury spill over and mix with the lust still raging like white water rapids through your veins. You missed his touch. Missed his desire for you. Missed the way he made you feel, so supremely sexual and wanton. All things you’d been lacking in your marriage. And now they were suddenly hitting you square in the face and begging you to pay attention. Begging you to not lose the source of your sudden awakening.
You missed the toxicity of your interactions. You were two twisted souls fighting for control over a situation that belonged to neither of you. And in truth, the basis of your relationship with Rio was denial and attraction. It would continue to thrive on that as long as you both refused the obvious.
So maybe, just maybe you’d come to the bar in hopes of seeing him in order to test that theory. It was a slim chance he’d even be here, but you were just buzzed enough that you were willing to roll the dice and find out. Plus, your desire for him felt like an extension of your body at this point. You had to satiate it. Had to feed the raw passion that grew stronger each day without him. It demanded it. And it wasn’t for lack of trying. But your own hand didn’t ignite your body the same way his did, asshole or not.
“I’ll be back.” You called over the music, gesturing to the darkened hallway that predictably led to the bathrooms. Your friends nodded and went back to flirting with the handsome blue-eyed waiter.
You shot a meaningful glance in the direction of the bar. To the “hot stranger”. Whether or not he’d take the hint was on him.
You made it to the single-use bathroom easily. It wasn’t late enough for it to be crowded with the surge of a Saturday night crowd, but the place was still busy. You set your purse down on the sleek surface of the sink counter, admiring the emerald green tiles that paved the walls. The fixtures were brass and gleamed in the light of the vanity bulbs. It was a beautiful space. Carefully crafted for a magazine like Architectural Digest.
Your eyes swept over your reflection in the large mirror that sat over the sink. You made sure not a lash was out of place as you surveyed your appearance. You adjusted the low neckline of your yellow dress, the hue radiating more gold than you’d initially noticed. The silk material felt cool against your heated skin, the slit in the skirt offering some relief. The long sleeves of the garment added a sleekness to the otherwise risqué ensemble. You’d never worn the dress. But tonight seemed as good a time as any to debut it.
The sound of the bathroom door creaking open made you pause, eyes watching in the mirror for who entered. You wondered if it’d be him. Wondered if he ended up following you like you’d hoped.
Your stomach knotted when Rio stepped in, closing the door and locking it with a resounding click. He was stoic. Shrouded in black and looking every bit as menacing as he truly was. A sight for your sore eyes.
You turned to face him, your chest both tightening and expanding at seeing him in the flesh. He made your heart stutter and your spine tingle, yet irritation slowly seeped into your pores, reminding you of the last interaction you’d had with him. It was a clash of sensations and feelings. It was utter chaos. And it's what you’d been missing.
Silence hung in the air as his gaze roamed your figure, appraising you hungrily. You shivered, careful to hide the gesture from his intense stare. You schooled your features and angled your chin up in confidence that you weren’t entirely sure you felt. But you weren’t going to budge. You were going to make him come to you.
He was leaning up against the door, a barely there smirk adorning his lips. His scent began to eclipse the smell of vanilla soap that permeated the air. Your eyes wanted to roll back at the familiarity of it. It was soothing. A comfort to your deprived senses.
“You miss me, mama?”
That deep rasp made your panties soak immediately. It was a question he’d asked you many times in the past, but you’d never felt it as much as you did now. Because yeah, you did fucking miss him.
You stayed silent.
He chucked at your refusal to answer. “Still mad at me?”
Again you said nothing.
He licked his lips, eyeing yours as he did. “I tried calling.”
“I blocked your number.” You finally responded, voice icy and detached.
“Damn, that’s cold.” He said with an amused shake of his head and a laugh, the sound making your nipples harden in traitorous lust.
“Why? Did you need something?” You questioned coolly, crossing your arms over your chest to hide your mounting arousal. Your thighs rubbed together, beginning to slid against each other as your arousal made itself known.
He stepped forward, heading in your direction with intent. You straightened your back, unwilling to let him get the upper hand on you. You knew what was going to happen. Knew where this was headed. So why not use it to your advantage? Why not toy with him for a change? He deserved it. 
You used the added height of your heels and eased yourself onto the countertop, parting your thighs slightly so that your dress fell between them. You leaned back on your hands, the chill of the marble countertop beneath you reminding you so much of that day in your kitchen.
Rio’s steps halted momentarily as he watched you, eyes zeroed in on the juncture between your thighs that was hidden behind the silk. Your pussy practically begged for his attention. Dared him to see your need through the fabric that shielded you.
You were still upset with him. Still displeased with the way he’d chosen to handle the situation and you. But more than anything you wanted him to succumb to you. You wanted to feel that thrill of having him at your mercy. So powerful, yet so fragile in the midst of his bliss. You wanted...no, needed him to wave his white flag first.
“Tell me then,” You began, slowly easing the hem of your dress up as you spoke. “Business or personal?” You questioned, wanting to know if he’d be truthful about why he’d tried to contact you.
He resumed his path towards you with a dangerous lick of his lips, but his gaze never faltered as it took in every new stretch of skin that was revealed. He tried to reach out and touch you, but you raised a heeled foot to his abdomen and stopped him, keeping him at a distance.
“Answer me.” You breathily demanded.
His face registered your words while his eyes took in the stretch of leg that kept him away. You eased the limb back down and waited for him to comply.
He decided to play along.
He continued walking when you didn’t stop him, standing between your legs and trailing his fingertips along the inside of them. His movements shifted your dress up even higher onto your thighs. The sensation would’ve tickled if you weren’t already deliriously turned on.
“Liar.” You accused, already feeling his warmth radiate onto you as he edged closer. His breath mingled with yours, mint and whiskey assaulting your nose.
“So are you.” He retorted, eyes planted firmly on your parted lips. He moved in until you were sure he could do nothing else but touch his mouth to yours. And yet you still weren’t going to meet him.
“So we’re both liars?” You asked, arching a brow up at him.
“Yeah.” He nodded and swallowed, the tattoo splashed across his throat pulling your focus. You fell captive to his spell as you got lost in memories of licking and sucking the inked flesh, remembering the way he tasted on your tongue. The recollection caused your legs to widen and your back to arch into him, pushing your chest against his. God, you wanted him. You wanted him so badly that your pussy clenched around nothing, as if feeling him already deep inside you. It was a silent call to a lover. One he would never hear. But he’d feel it soon enough.
Your clit throbbed against your lace panties, aching to be assaulted by his talented fingers. With him so close you could feel just how badly you needed him inside you. It felt wrong for him not to be. Felt wrong to not have him share a pulse with you when he was this near. You were going to remedy that.
“Well then,” You whispered, leaning forward to hover over his lips. “I don’t want you to fuck me in this bathroom.”
His hands glided up your thighs while his nose skimmed along your cheek. His breath was hot against your ear as he maneuvered himself so that barely a sliver of air was left between you.
“So I won’t.” He lied in return, the words coating you like his cum had done numerous times before.
In an instant your lips were being pulled to his. His hands were suddenly everywhere and all at once, seeking out your flesh in desperation. It pleased you to know just how badly he needed you. How badly he craved you.
He slid you closer to him, letting your lace-covered lower half come into contact with his crotch. Ragged breaths and low hums filtered through the air as your bodies grinded against each other, seeking firm hands. You could feel him pressed against the zipper of his dark pants. He was hard. The notion made you moan into his mouth, scraping your nails over his scalp.
It was just like riding a bike. Except there was an added layer of intensity this time that hadn’t been there before. His touch burned hotter than usual. Your grew cunt wetter with every pass of his tongue along yours. They weren’t new sensations, but they felt different. Indescribable. Perhaps it was the public sex. Perhaps it was the underlying tension. Either way, it was remarkably explosive.
You pulled away from his insistent lips to take in air. He continued on, mouth moving over your neck and across your exposed cleavage. He nipped at the flesh, his lips sensuously soothing the area as he explored. You pushed into him in invitation, widening your legs so that he could press harder into you.
You waited for him to take the next step. Waited for him to escalate the moment into more than just heavy-petting and sloppy kisses. His hands, as if reading your mind, traveled up the skirt of your dress and found the edge of your panties. There was no hesitation or teasing in his movements as he roughly pulled them off, the elastic popping against your skin and making you cry out.
Rio licked at your neck in apology, his own hands now moving to his belt. You shifted closer to the ledge of the counter and followed the trail of heat that led to his pulsing cock. His flesh bumped against you, the feel of him hot and heavy along your soaked slit making you whimper.
Your nails dug into the fabric of his shirt as he pushed forward and sheathed himself inside of you in one hard thrust. You gasped and tightened your legs around him, your right hand in search of something solid. It landed on the mirror behind you, your palm sticking to its cool surface as you braced yourself for the inevitable.
His facial hair scratched at your skin as he buried himself into your neck. He held your hips steady as he retreated and then plunged back into your welcoming walls, stretching you with a burn that made you hiss. Your pussy massaged his length with fervor, seducing him further inside and begging him to claim you once again.
You reached for anything you could to stabilize yourself as he fucked you into the reflective glass at your back. Moans and groans intertwined as your bodies rocked against each other. The soap dispenser fell into the sink with a loud clatter as you accidentally made contact with it. The stack of towels folded neatly near the faucet became disheveled as your ass knocked them out of place with the momentum from Rio’s cock. The entire vanity shook with each intensely thorough thrust of his hips into your womb. It was animalistic. The very epitome of what bathroom  sex in a bar should be.
No words were said. None were needed. Your actions led the conversation.
You squeezed your inner muscles around him, daring him to surrender before you. He twitched, his hips stuttering at the feel of you so tight and wet around him. He growled into your ear, a sure sign that he loved the gesture a little too much.
So you did it again.
“Stop that shit.” He grunted, hips picking up their pace.
“Cum.” You whispered in response, the demand disguised as a request.
“Fuck…” He groaned when you held him to you and clenched around him once more. You trapped him, giving him no choice but to experience your deliberate enticement. His fingers dug into your thighs almost painfully so, forcing you to wince.
He was close.
You reached between your bodies and massaged your clit, feeling your pussy react immediately. Sporadic tremors vibrated your walls and his cock, making both of you moan. Rio’s palm slammed into the mirror at your back as he rutted his hips harder into yours. He was rough and unforgiving, the aggression heightened by your disobedience. It had never quite been like this. There had always been a touch of softness, a soothing placation or word of encouragement. Not tonight. Not as he fucked you so hard you were sure the mirror was going to crack and rain down luminescent crystals of glass over you both.
You showed no mercy as you forced him to submit to you and your body. The precipice was there. It was within reach. You could feel that tightly wound coil ready to unravel. It felt like too much and not enough at the same time. Your mind was a prisoner to your pleasure. You thought of nothing but the sweet release that you knew was waiting for you. And it was. It was waiting for you with open arms as Rio finally came, triggering your own climax as he filled you so deliciously full of himself. His entire body tensed within you as he held you firm and painted your shuttering walls.
The familiar sensation only added to your high as your limbs tensed and loosened with each wave of euphoria that washed over you. You squeezed your eyes shut and catapulted through space as your body struggled to ground itself once again. Rio had gone rigid, letting you ride out your orgasm in peace as you suffocated his cock. His cum was already leaking from your walls before you’d even finished, a trail of him decorating your swollen pussy.
Your eyes fluttered open to see him staring back at you, his lips pulled into a lazy smirk. You mirrored his expression, releasing a breathless chuckle. Your body still hummed in excitement, but this time it was punctuated by the deep satisfaction that radiated from between your thighs.
“You good?” You teased, hands resting on his chest and feeling the rapid beats of his heart beginning to slow.
He laughed, the sound low and tinged with fatigue. “Yeah.”
He licked his lips and took in your disheveled state, gaze catching a glimpse of the lace bra you wore underneath.
“Let me drive you home.” He said suddenly, his arrogance alive and well.
It was on the tip of your tongue to deny him, but you chose not to.
The car ride was silent.
After your impromptu coupling in the bathroom, you’d made up an excuse about not feeling well to your friends and explained you’d already called an Uber. They were hesitant to let you leave alone, but somehow you’d persuaded them to stay and not follow you. You were sure the alcohol they’d consumed had something to do with it.
With hugs and promises of texts that everyone made it home safe at the end of the night, you departed from the bar with Rio in his Mercedes. He’d been driving for about ten minutes, the air not as tense as it’d once been. He seemed content to let the quiet linger, but you weren’t.
“What happened to the new guy?” You asked, glimpsing his face to gauge his reaction. It was dark in the vehicle, but you could still make out his silhouette amongst the various street lights.
He furrowed his brow and pouted his lips, confusion reading easily across his features.
“What new guy?”
“My new contact. The one I was supposed to have.”
“Didn’t work out. Mick has it handled.” He replied simply, gaze still trained on the road in front of him.
“Okay.” You said with a nod, the dryness in your tone letting him know you didn’t quite believe him.
He wordlessly turned onto your street and came to a stop alongside your driveway, putting the SUV in park. He angled his body to face you, trapping you in his stare.
“It was never about you.”
The question must’ve shown on your face because he continued.
“The switch. It wasn’t about you.”
“Wasn’t very convincing.” You deadpanned, scoffing as you played with the zipper of your clutch.
He didn’t react right away. Instead, he watched you. Watched you in that way that let you know his thoughts were as impure as the counterfeit money he produced.
“You look good in that dress.” He complimented, chin jutting out and gesturing to the fabric that adorned your body.
His praise made warmth bloom in your chest. The kind of warmth that was usually accompanied by butterflies in your stomach.
“Thanks.” You replied evenly, not letting him see just what his words did to you. Though you had a feeling he did, despite not bearing witness to it outright.
“Better without it.” He added with a slide of his wicked tongue across his bottom lip, his teeth following. The action was purposeful. Erotic. Blatant. It was all Rio.
You didn’t respond to his flirting. You only sighed, mirroring his position as you resigned yourself to have an honest conversation with the man.
“So,” You started, forcing your fingers to still. “What is it that you want?”
He eyed you for a long moment. Long enough that you started to feel self-conscious.
You nodded, disappointed but not shocked by his reply. The word wasn’t new. Though it was lacking the hollow cockiness that usually accompanied it.
You opened your mouth to respond, but he spoke up before you could.
“In whatever way you’ll let me have you.” He admitted.
The statement caught you off guard. He wasn’t trying to be cute or charming. He wasn’t being placating or condescending. He was being serious, the hardened intensity in his dark orbs softening to a tender resignation that you were sure matched yours.
“What about you? What do you want?” He repeated back to you, eyes narrowing as he waited.
You took a moment to observe him. Your eyes followed the arch of his brows and the sharp jut of his cheekbones. You studied the pout of his lower lip and his Adam's apple as it bobbed with his throat muscles. He was so many things to you. None of which you could put into words. You didn’t think a word had even been invented yet. It didn’t matter. You were both making your own rules. And it seemed, for once, that the both of you were on the same page and playing by the same rules.
“I want you to have me.” You confessed, meeting his gaze.
And there it was. He was resigned to having you in limited capacity. You were resigned to finally letting him have you. Two conclusions coming together at the same moment. You weren’t quite sure what that meant for you both, but it was a start. 
“Goodnight.” You whispered into the darkened cab, a small smile pulling at your lips.
You didn’t wait for him to react. You turned and opened the door, exiting the vehicle. He didn’t try to stop you. You rounded the front of the car, hearing the driver’s side window slide down.
“So I’ll see you next week?” Rio asked out the open window, chin resting in his hand.
“At the drop?”
He nodded.
You shook your head and laughed, though there was no real humor behind it.
“You wanna tell me again it wasn’t about me?” You challenged, a wide grin decorating your face.
He could deny it. He would probably try. But you knew the truth. And that was enough.
For now.
“Night.” He called, an amused upturn of his lips showing in the light of the full moon.
He turned to the street, starting the car as you walked up your driveway. His eyes followed you the whole way, ensuring you made it in safely.
You heard him drive away once you shut and locked the front door, your lungs releasing a long breath. You pulled out your cell phone and went to your blocked caller list. You selected Rio’s number and unblocked the listing, adrenaline releasing into your bloodstream as you did.
Almost immediately your screen lit up with a text.
Same time and place tomorrow?
You bit your lip, feelings akin to teenage infatuation bubbling to the surface. You hastily typed a response.
See you there.
The message was read immediately. 
Rio Tags:
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Cigars Before Sex (dom!spencer)
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AN: PLEASE READ THIS NOTE! I made up the facts on cigars and stuff like that (like when spencer rambles to reader how she shouldn't be smoking cigars at her age bc of frontal lobe development). They aren't real lmao i just didn't wanna do cigarettes for this story so i decided on cigars and i wanted spencer to ramble to reader about how she shouldn't smoke cigars.
ALSO! I will be doing a lot more sub! Spencer x reader ones! I have a ton of them written down, I just need to write them (obviously lmao). For now, I get lots of Dm's asking to do a Dom! Spencer x reader, so I'm doing this one, then a sub! One. love you all! <33 (i may have a sub! Spencer story coming this weekend(maybe) Im not sure, my exams are coming up soon for school, so i may be a little behind in this book, but im trying my best!)
CW: smoking (but cigars lol not cigarettes), Daddy k!nk, choking k!nk, thigh riding (kind of) edging (sort of), heavy petting, teasing, oral sex (male- receiving), Dom-Sub relationship, sub-drop, pretty big age gap (reader is 20-21, spencer is like 38 ish) [--if you are uncomfortable with that sort of age-gap, please leave or proceed to the next chapter (although it is not mentioned necessarily, that is just how I envision spencer and y/n.) :) ], degradation k!nk, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, praise k!nk, overstimulation, sub-drop (with after care!!), cockwarming
Y/n's POV:
Spencer Reid was a busy man.
When Spencer wasn't working at the BAU, he was teaching college students at the university.
When Spencer wasn't teaching college students at the university, he was at home, in our apartment, grading papers.
I loved how successful he was, but it made me sad that we couldn't spend a lot of time together; the only time alone we got was on the weekends if Spence didn't have a case.
That being said, my needs weren't always fulfilled, and I know for damn sure Spencer's weren't either as he would eat, work, work, work some more, spend time with me, and then sleep; his arms encased around me as he cuddled with me in our bed every night (over course when he didn't have cases).
As much as I loved the weekends when we would spend all of our time together, I needed him.
Like, now.
But at the moment, it was a Thursday night, and Spence was sitting at his desk in our apartment grading papers, a cigar sticking out of his mouth as he rifled through his students' essays, his pen whizzing around each paper; correcting any mistakes that they may have made.
God, he looked so good.
I tried my best to refrain from staring at him as I sat on the couch in front of his desk, reading a book. I tried focusing on my reading- really, I tried..but it was inevitable that I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything when I saw smoke flow smoothly out of Spencer's mouth.
Heat shot to my core, and I bit my lip softly, trying my best to be good for Spencer; I knew he didn't like to get distracted.. But maybe this particular distraction I was whipping up in my mind would be allowed by him.
So, I carefully put my book down, crossing over the room to where Spencer sat. He didn't seem to notice me-or he just tried his best to stay focused- as he not once looked up from his paperwork.
Not until I plopped myself right on his lap.
"Hi," I greeted, smiling softly as I wrapped my hands around his neck.
"Hello, angel." he said, looking up from his papers to meet my eyes with his; taking the cigar out of his mouth, kissing my nose then tapping excess ash from his cigar onto the ashtray next to him, then placing the smoking cylinder back into his mouth.
He didn't say anything more, going back to work and holding my hip with his other hand.
But that wasn't enough for me. I wanted more of him.
I needed more of him.
Thankfully, I had another plan.
Slowly, I used two fingers to take the cigar out of his mouth, placing the end of it on my lips as I inhaled; the smokey taste filling my mouth.. Spencer, in the meantime, had turned his head around to look at me.
I tilted my head back, then blew out slowly, trying to be as seductive as possible.
Spencer bit his lip softly, watching the smoke flow out from my mouth and into the air as I continued to make eye-contact with him.
Snapping out of his trance, he smirked; his tongue poking the side of his mouth. He took the cigar from my lips very carefully, then tapped some of the ashes off of it on the ash-tray once more.
"You know, you really shouldn't be smoking cigars at your age.. Even though you aren't necessarily inhaling it into your lungs, you're still absorbing it into your bloodstream through the undersides of your tongue. The tobacco can run up through your bloodstream to your brain. And when you're twenty, your frontal lobe isn't completely developed yet. Your brain is fully developed at age twenty five. So, any outside disturbances like smoking cigarettes, cigars, drinking lots of alcohol, can actually mess with your brain patterns and or developments." he rambles mindlessly, and I giggle softly.
"Oh come on, Dr. Reid. It's only a few smokes." I say, combing through his hair with my fingers.
"Mhm, that's what everyone your age says when they want to try something they shouldn't." he mumbles, and I roll my eyes.
"Everyone my age talks to you about smoking cigars?" I question, and he blows smoke out of his mouth once more, creating little ringlets in the air.
"No, but everyone your age talks about wanting to partake in drug and alcohol activity.. Although cigars aren't necessarily 'drugs' they still have tobacco in them." he replies, laughing softly.
"Whatever." I say, and Spencer starts to caress my back as he blows a few more puffs of smoke out of his mouth.. Then goes back to his work.
Ugh, he's so hard to distract!
Fortunately, another plan comes to my mind.
I switch my position on his lap; sitting more-so on his crotch than necessary, and I hear his breath hitch in his throat. I grab the wrist that's hand holds the cigar, and lead it up to my mouth so I can once more wrap my lips around the foot of it.
I feel his eyes burning holes in the side of my head, and I swear, I heard him groan a bit under his breath. I blow the smoke out slower this time, and then turn to look at him.. His eyes fixated on my lips, then bouncing from my eyes, to my lips, then to my body.
He looks at me in awe.
"You better not be teasing me, little girl." he says, breaking his trance and pushing a fallen hair of mine behind my ear.
"I'm not." I say innocently, putting my hands on the sides of his thighs so I can hoist myself higher up on his lap.
I can feel him already hard against my ass, and I slowly move on it; grinding myself on him.
He bites his lip down hard; trying his best not to make a sound so I think that I'm not winning.. But I know I am.
I know that I got him where I wanted him.
"Y/n," he warns, putting the cigar out on the ashtray and then holding my hips down. "If you continue this, you will be punished..do you understand me?" he asks, placing a kiss on my shoulder.
"Please, Daddy, please," I beg. "I need you so bad."
"No. Be a good girl for me, and wait until I'm done." he says simply.
I groan in response, tilting my head back slightly.
I'm pulled out of my trance when Spencer's phone rings on his desk.
"Shit, it's Hotch." he says under his breath, looking at the flashing title on his phone.
"I'm gonna take this, and I want you to be quiet." he says to me before answering the call.
"Hey, Hotch." he says into his phone.
Mentally, I'm groaning, but I have another idea to set him off.
Slowly, I slink down the chair, underneath his desk. Spencer looks at me confusedly as I kneel in front of him.
'He won't be confused for long.' I think to myself.
I take my hand and begin massaging his clothed already-hard dick.
"Y-Yeah, uh, o-okay." he stutters, trying to stop my hand with his, but alas, gives up as I unbutton his pants, sliding his underwear down with them.
I bite my lip, smirking a bit as I begin massaging his dick with my hand, swiping a thumb over the tip that's already wet with pre-cum.
"Fuck." he whimpers softly, his hand balling into a fist on the armrest of his chair. "N-no, sorry that w-wasn't meant for you I-I just, uhm, I j-just stubbed my-my toe." Spencer lies to Hotch and I giggle softly.
I waste no time putting his dick in my mouth; wrapping my lips around the tip of his cock; the same way I did with the cigar earlier.
I take the base of him with my left hand and begin pumping as I bob my head up and down on him slowly; Spencer whimpering softly as a result.
"O-Okay, yeah.. T-that sounds great!" he squeaks, his hand flying to the back of my head, and I take that as a que to go faster. I lightly gag around him, and tears prick the corners of my eyes as Spencer bucks his hips slightly.
I groan around him, and Spencer grabs my hair in a tight grip, trying his best to keep himself from hurting me by bucking his hips more.
"A-alright, t-thanks Hotch!" Spencer says before hanging up his phone and taking a quick deep breath.
He puts his phone down and pulls my head up by my hair.
"What the fuck were you thinking? Do you want to get me fired, little girl?" he seethes.
"N-no Daddy, I just miss you and I wanted to do something for you!" I squeak, and I see Spencer's eyes soften a bit. "I'm sorry." I pout sadly.
"That's okay, pretty girl. Now... finish the job." he says, caressing the side of my face gently with his thumb.
I smile softly, and Spencer's dominant side is broken by a gentle smile crossing over his features.
Quickly, I get back down on my knees and take him in my mouth again.
"That's right little girl.." he groans, petting my head as he tilts his back a bit. "Take it like I know you can- fuck."
I take him deeper into my mouth, and soon, Spencer's breaths become faster and more jagged, a moan ripping from the back of his throat. The sound is so delicious, I begin rocking back and forth; my thighs clenched together as my core begs for more friction. I moan around his dick and the vibrations cause Spencer to come undone. I swallow his seed.
"Good girl." he breathes, looking down at me as I let go of his dick from my mouth with a small 'pop!'
"Now, come sit on my lap while I finish up my paperwork." he says, helping me up and kissing my lips.
Confusedly, I sit on his lap.
"No, no," he chuckles, grabbing my inner thigh then pushes my panties down. "Sit on my lap."
I quickly catch on, biting my lip softly as I giggle; heat creeping up to my cheeks. I pull my panties down, throwing them on the floor.
I mentally thank myself for wearing a skirt as Spencer places his hands on my waist as I sink down slowly onto him; crying out at the feeling of him stretching me out.
"Fuck, you're so tight." he whispers, and I try to move but he stops me with his hand. "Nuh-uh, you have to wait until I finish my work."
"Please, Spencer." I say breathlessly, my pussy throbbing around him.
"No. This is your punishment, angel. Now, be a good girl and sit still." he says, reaching forward to scribbling things out on his papers.
After a moment, he begins caressing my breasts, playing with my nipples. He bucks his hips up, and I cry out, my walls fluttering around him, begging for more of him.
I begin moving but he stops me again.
"Stay. Still." he orders, laying a small kiss on my shoulder blade.
"Please Daddy! I-I promise I'll be good for you." I gasp, clenching around him and he groans.
"No." He says shortly, and I squirm around his dick. "Stop moving, Y/n. This process will only take longer -shit!- it'll only take longer if you don't cooperate." he says, cursing at the feeling of my walls clenching around him again.
"I'm sorry Daddy, I'll be a good girl." I say, wanting his praise.
Spencer continues working away, scribbling notes on his student's paper. He bucks his hips up to meet mine once in a while, but otherwise stays still. After a few more minutes, he brings his hand around my body and begins drawing circles on my clit.
I groan, my nails digging into the armrest of the chair.
"Please, move! Please Daddy I need you." I cry, fondling with my hardened nipple.
"If you've got a problem, don't even bother telling me, because I don't really fucking care." as he spoke, he thrusted up into me, his hand gripping my waist with a possessive power.
I turn a bit to see lush flash through his eyes at the sight of me massaging my breasts; his pupils dilated.
"Please. Ugh! Please I need you!" I whimper.
After a minute, he responds back.
I gasp at the feeling of him briefly pulling out of me to flip me over on his desk, my back to his front. "Since you have to be such a little fucking slut and I can't get my things done.. I'll just finish with you first." he growls, entering me, and I choke on a sob as he thrusts himself into me without giving me more time to adjust to his size.
"Fuck, you're so wet little girl.. So wet for me." he says, thrusting inside of me faster. After a few more thrusts he stops, pulling himself out of me once more. I whine at the loss of contact.
"Don't whine, I just wanna see your pretty little face as I fuck you." he growls, kissing my lips hungrily before thrusting himself into me harder now; a book falling off of his desk.
"Fuck!" I sob, and he begins pounding into me relentlessly.
"Language." He shoves his finger into my mouth, and I try my best not to gag on them.
I whine around his fingers, and he moans at the feeling; pulling them out of my mouth, a string of spit dribbling on my chin. He puts his fingers that are covered in my spit on my clit, rubbing circles on it and my back arches off of the table as he puts his hand behind me, keeping me from hurting myself on the corner of his desk.
"Please!" I beg, and although I'm not entirely sure what I'm begging for, he thrusts harder and faster into me, shaking the lamp on the table.
"What's wrong little girl? Got no more fight in you, huh? What're you gonna do..Cry?" he mocks, bringing his hand up from my clit to the back of my head; grasping my hair tightly.
"Daddy, you feel s-so good!" I sob, tears pricking my eyes.
"You like that, don't you? You like teasing me; almost having my boss -fuck- almost having my boss find out you were sucking my dick under my desk?" he teases, taking his hand off the back of my head then caressing my sides gently; the juxtaposition of it all intoxicatingly funny if I weren't in the situation that I was in at the moment.
"Sp-Spe.." I try to talk, but everything is so amazingly overwhelming it's too difficult.
"Awe, can't even say my fucking name? Doesn't matter anyway, you know who you belong to." he huffs, his dick now pounding into my sweet spot, and I cry; my orgasm coming sooner than I anticipated.
As if Spencer could read minds, he bends down a bit to whisper in my ear as he thrusts into me at an unholy pace. "Don't even think about coming before I do, princess.. I get to go first."
I clutch onto the table behind me, my nails dragging on the wood as I try to keep my body upright.
Spencer pushes his books off of the desk and lies my body down on the cold wood, throwing my legs over his shoulder as he pounds even deeper inside of me.
"Please don't stop." I squeak, and clench around him.
"Wasn't planning on it, princess." he growls again, kissing me ravenously on the mouth; our tongues fighting for dominance.
"Fuck me harder, please!" I beg, rocking my hips to meet his.
"God, you're such a little slut, you know that? You fucking like this." he responds, driving into me as the table rocks. "Oh my- fuck- I love you so fucking much." he groans.
Butterflies erupt in my belly, flying up to my chest; making my heart flutter.
"I love you so much, Spence." I cry, spit dribbling down my chin.
His eyes soften at my words, until he remembers his dominance and lust flashes through them.
"Fuck." he growls through clenched teeth, and I feel him cum deep inside of me, although he keeps thrusting even deeper. "Go ahead little girl, come for me." He says, bringing his hand from my waist back to my clit and begins rubbing it with his thumb.
"Spencer!" I gasp, and my orgasm hits me like a bus, my walls fluttering around him as I come. He thrusts deeper inside of me, and my back arches as I squirm underneath him, the feeling of euphoria so strong, I become light-headed.
After a moment, we both come down from our highs, and Spencer pulls out of me gently.
We catch our breaths, and Spencer kisses all over my body as I wiggle, giggling at his hair tickling my skin.
"How are you?" He asks, brushing hair out of my face.
"A little slut." I tease.
I meant it as a joke, [of course], but I see guilt flash in Spencer's eyes.
Quickly, I cup his cheeks with my hands. "I loved it, Spence.. Like I normally do. And I love you." I say, squishing his cheeks a bit as he smiles down at me.
"Do you wanna have a bath?" Spencer asks, and I squeal with excitement.
"Yes, please!"
I grab his hand, and we walk to the bathroom. Spencer turns on the water as I go pee, and takes off his tie. He unbuttons his shirt, getting completely naked.
He takes off my sheer pink tank top for me, and kisses my neck and chest.
I smile softly, emotions coursing through my veins.
I cling onto Spencer, not letting go once as we step in the bathtub; my back against his front as he wraps his arms around me once we sit down.
"I love you." I whimper, tears pricking my eyes.
"Hey, look at me." he whispers, and I turn to him, my eyes no doubt red from tears.
"I-I'm sorry I don't know why I'm crying, I just love you so much." I babble, my bottom lip puffing out a bit.
"Baby, it's okay.. It's just sub-drop." he says, brushing away the fallen tears. He puts his forehead on mine, kissing my nose gently. "And I love you so much."
I wrap my arms around his neck, and he caresses my back gently.
We whisper little I love you's to each other, and he brushes some hair away from my neck to kiss the soft skin.
I pull away, seeing Spencer's face flash with love but guilt.
"Y/n, if I hurt you.. You'd tell me, right?" he asks nervously.
"Spencer, you didn't hurt me. I loved everything about what we did." I say reassuringly, brushing some of his unruly curls out of his face; some of his hair sticking to his damp forehead.
"I know, but you'd tell me.. Right?" he asks again, his golden eyes looking into mine.
"Yes, of course I'd tell you.. But you have never hurt me, nor will you ever." I say, kissing his lips then his forehead.
"Okay, good."
There's a comfortable silence that stretches over us for a moment until he breaks it.
"Also, Y/n, I-I'm sorry for being so busy. This upcoming week is my last week at the university so I'll be able to spend more time with you. I know we barely have time to spend with each other but-.." I cut him off.. I know Spencer rambles when he gets nervous, and as much as I love his rambles, I need to shut him up this once.
"Spence, I'm so proud of you.  And although I wish we could spend more time together than just weekends and small breaks.. I'm happy that you have other things besides me that make you happy."
"I rather be with you everyday than work... or anyone else for that matter." he says, swallowing thickly, but smiles at me through somewhat sad-eyes.
My eyes soften, and I kiss him softly on the lips.  "I know. But I'm always here.. And I'm sort of glad that this week is your last week teaching.. is that bad?" I ask, giggling lightly.
"No, I'm glad too.. I get to spend more time with you." he replies, blushing a bit, and I kiss his nose and forehead once more.
Spencer and I smile at each other.
The rest of the bath is filled with Spencer washing me off, kisses, and cuddles.
"I love you." he whispers, tenderly caressing the sides of my body, kissing the top of each of my breasts.
"I love you." I say back, bringing his head up with my hands to kiss his lips.
I love him.
More than anything.
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