#And to take care of it bc I am n e v e r gonna get that back
d4iryqueen · 8 months
update: my mom did in fact intervene in a way. she pointed out how skinny i got over 2 weeks (they were v stressful for my whole family, especially me n my mom and she knows abt my ed so she figured it out quickly). what happened is that i have noticed my bones sticking out more and abs showing (for the 1st time in my life!), but my weight stayed the same thoughout, so i thought im just unsure of what i actually look like and/or am imagining it because i wish i looked like that. but because she keeps on talking about how i look really thin and …unattractive (she fr still thinks eds develop bc people want to be skinny bc skinny=pretty????)…. i actually accepted that i really am that thin. that my ribs are actually showing. that my hip bones do in fact protrude from my pants. and i love it. however, as much as i adore this, it made me feel “safe” in my eating? idk… i had shitty ass sleep bc i felt quite sick after yesterdays dinner, i slept only for 4 hrs max which is v little for me. so i was extremely tired today, took a caffeine pill and drank an energy drink on an empty stomach in the morning and went to school. i kinda overdosed on the caffeine, yeah :/. but i ended up having a v successful day, i did more than i thought i’d be able to with how tired i was/am. soooo… i allowed myself to eat basically anything i want until im not hungry anymore. i didnt have a plan today bc i simply focused on not being extra tweaked out or passing out in school and was nauseous so i literally didnt think about food at all in that way.
to make this long story short : i ate 2085 calories worth of food that i didnt plan and im glad that i didnt binge, but also im shocked by how easily my behavior got influenced by someone i truly love and care about.
its not a bad thing and in the end, i cant be *always* in a deficit realistically, plus if im in a plateau maybe it’ll help? even if i would gain (which i truly dont think i will) then id still be skinny af. and … it feels quite good tbh. im proud of myself for getting here and actually recognising it (nothing hurts more than seeing pics of you at lw and remembering you used to believe you were too large), but im also not proud of myself for letting go today. extremely proud of myself for not even thinking about binging tho. like i just ate like a normal person for 1 meal (dinner, as lunch was high cal safe food combos, which still contained much more things and cals than what id allow myself on a normal day). im having mixed feelings. but im also content. tomorrow? who knows what approach ill take towards my diet. and idk how ill feel about today when tomorrow comes, either. but for now, i just want to sleep. im gonna maybe reblog a bit, but ultimately im gonna take a sleeping pill to finally slee through the whole night and r e s t my body cos i need it.
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
I'm back >:) I was hoping I could have another easy company ship because I'm so down bad for those boys-
my body type is still the same fbfhdsh: I'm a trans guy (he/him), 5'8", reddish brown hair, hazel eyes, and I'm athletic but I have a lil tummy. I have a bigger nose due to my Italian, Jewish, and Romani decent, dimples, a phat ass (fhfhfhddjdj), and my hair is a mess of curls. (shhhh that's definitely not copy pasted)
I think I'm gonna tell you more about my shy side this time :D sometimes when I first meet people I can be very reserved. I'm still polite and will tell a quiet joke or two, but they won't get very many personal details about me other than a name (liam) or where I'm from (buttfuck nowhere wisconsin gjfhdhs). it's not that I'm trying to be secretive really, though it is fun to seem mysterious, it's just that I don't trust them yet. if someone sticks around to break down my walls though, I'll be an open book. within twenty minutes they'll know my life story and I'll probably have swooned for them just for giving me attention.
I can be very work oriented when I need to be, but I do know when to stop. usually that's when my mind starts to wander too much or I'm getting too frustrated to get anything done. usually I'll completely throw myself into one task and then crash right after. ya boy can sleep like a damn log. you will definitely catch me taking six hour "naps" if I'm able to. I still love big clothes, but stealing clothes in general is one of my favorite things. it's mostly the smell of someone I care for that makes me go feral for their clothes, but it also makes me feel like I'm someone else's when I'm wearing their clothes. (bottom behavior, I know 😔) to sum all of that up, I get very into my work, but I know how to relax and boy am I good at it.
again, no rush with this! I love your writing so much <3
This time I ship you with...
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Ronald Speirs
Notes: I  J U S T  L O V E  Y O U R  E N E R G Y  S M || Alright, I was a little indecisive in this one again, but I think I got it... this time I choose someone opposite of Perconte bc why not?
Did you mention bottom? Here! *gives you Speirs* There's a dom for you. Have fun!
Okay, this man has bigger walls than you but he sure knows how to break yours (this was a little... anyway.)
I think he will stick around for terms of respect and admiration, and maybe his own curiosity
I'm 100% sure you two are in a slow burn romance
Just imagine the intense looks across the room, the little gestures he makes and ya man even gives you shit he stole
"Hey Liam, do you want this ring? No, It's nothing. It's just something that I found."
Will be a little frustrating because he doesn't want to admit his feelings for nothing in this world
Principally if you're in the Company
I mean he's very hard working and seeing that side of yours is something that he deeply respects
When you start dating, he tries his best to have time but he has a lot of paperwork
But he's the opposite, he don't think he knows when to stop
Not him calling you to his office some nights...... pffffff
Now, with this man you can for sure steal his big ass clothes
He even gave you his scarf (the one that he uses in episode 7 and 8)
I promise you it does smell like him
I believe Speirs works more than sleeps and maybe he even suffers from insomnia
His main job is to make sure you're a sleeping well, he even covers you with a blanket when you're taking a nap in a random place
You're that cool mysterious couple that everyone makes crazy rumors about
He finds your nose so pretty, he truly does (I speak for myself, I think Italian/Jewish noses are gorgeous.)
If anyone fucks with you they're fucked, he just needs to look at them as a warning
I hope you like the headcanons <3
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Personal rant or some shit bc i just wanna get this out rn. yeeeee this will be long
So today i had a vit of a stressful day with uni n all bc ive been sick and admittedly lazy over the last week up til like tuesday and i had to turn in an Interpretation/essay tonight and prepare a group presentation for tmr (saturday seminars should b illegal but ok i literally chose this). N e way so ive been procrastinating like hell up until this morning so i didnt rly eat before showing up to seminar at 12am and afterwards i had to check with my one remaining presentation groupmember and finish the interpretation and tgen i had swordfighting class at 5. I didnt Really gave time for it but its fun and im very behind bc i misses several lessons already and am generally. Not good at it lol. n e way i turn up to swords and we peactice some routines ig and heres where the peoblem rly starts. Basically i am a huge crybaby, always have been (im older than firestar btw for context), esp when i feel criticized or yknow. Make mistakes or anything and since i was a sports h8er with 2 left feet n hands all my life n cried often during school pe bc i kept messing up n git embarrassed, it was an important step for me to sign up for this uni extracurricular swords class bc. Doing sth sporty in front of others tgat. Isnt very easy and i gotta learn from scratch is a bit out of my comfort zone. But normally its all v fun, im not good/easily the worst in class but thats ok i learn and move my body and talk to ppl! Proud of myself! Well today not so kuch, i noticed i was getting tense bc of not understanding how to do a movement and everyone (3 experienced fighters bc the main teacher was sick plus 2 other beginners that r learning faster than me) lookimg at me and trying to give helpful pointers and me still doing it wrong... H8 dis feeling bc i kinda freeze up instead of being able to take the tips n try again. Its hard for me to translate input like verbal instructions and demonstsations into my own movements as is. In this state i cant do anything properly and i feel the cryings abt to start while wanting nothing more than to MOVE ON NORMALLY. Well my eye started to get itxhy n teary so i excused myself to "take care of my contacts" (lie) (why am i even so ashamed that i feel i have to lie/make up excuses?? Bro???? That just made the situation Actually cringe?????? Im normally not an ashamed person and cryings just a state/expression but idk) so it was better for a bit until it wasnt. Then i full on cried in class while 2 ppl were actively showing me things/helping me do em right n everyone else kimda watched, kimda practiced. They did ask if i was ok and i said yes like a liar. So at the end of class i normally take the bus home with one of the other new guys but i today just didnt feel able to keep talking to him. So he also asked if i was ok/why i cried and i said i just do that under stress and why i am stressed (uni) so that was also a bit of a lie but only kinda. I said i was gonna go to the livrary instead (another lie, was gonna call my bf to calm me down abit n then take the next bus) so i did tgat n it kinda worked and this genius asked if i had eaten. Bruhhh of fuckin course im sensitive ive only had 3 baked goods all day and hadnt even noticed!!!!!! So then it all made sense, mans gotta get some freakin noursishment to keep their composure in swords class! So i went to another bus stop than normally bc i needed sth from the store and bruh the guy i normally take a DIFFERENT bus with is there (awkwardly votta tell hik i changed my mimd abt the library) and we talk a bit (i feel like i talk to him wayy too much in comparison to him, like we dont know each other that well at all, idek his real name and yknow. If he actually enjoys talking to me) and yea
So now everyone in the 14th century peasant larp class knows my terrible terrible secret:))):)
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kingsmanassemble · 5 years
Me: maybe i should see a doctor about this anxiety
Me: does not do that
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kingdaddydaichi · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet || Katsuki Bakugou
I had so much fun with this! Vodka may or may not have been involved in the making of this little ditty. 🍸 I hope you shameless hussies enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. 😩
*Exhibit A:
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like he gets clingy asf, but plays it off like it's something he's doing for your sake. He'll probably never admit that he feels so vulnerable after sex, but he does. If it was a rough session - which it usually is with him - he'll ask if you're okay, if you're hurt anywhere, kiss any marks he left on you - he's such a protective hero boi.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His: he's not gonna lie, he's fully aware of how well-endowed he is. He really is proud of his cock, the way it makes you sing when he works it - and he knows how to work it okay? Favorite non-sexual body part - his arms. He works hard to keep them cut (as in lifting, not cutting). 😬
Yours: listen, Katsuki is an ass man through and through. Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong, I'm 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 listening 👏🏼. He loves to watch the subtle ripples he sends through your ass cheeks when he's driving into you from behind. Also, our big scary boomboom man appreciates a nice, thicc pair of thighs. Bonus points if they're muscular/toned - he loves the way it feels when your thighs have such a strong grip around him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Let's just say our boy's orgasms are explosive. He cums hard and loud, shooting long ropes of his hot seed. Consistency is about average, not too thick, not to thin, but there's a lot of it. He doesn't taste too bad - salty, but not too bitter. You're more likely to gag from the sheer volume and force of his cum hitting the back of your throat than the flavor.
His precum gets honorable mention here. It's fucking delicious. That is all.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It took him no less than 2 years into your relationship to tell you this, and if you ever tell anyone he might actually kill you, or at the very least make your ass bleed. He hasn't gotten to the point that he's ready to try it yet, but he's not entirely opposed to the idea of you pegging him. Someday. It kinda does make his balls tingle a little just thinking about it tbh. He hasn't yet, but he thinks he might be ready to try working up to it and is really close to asking you to stick a finger in his ass and stroke his prostate. He's heard how good it feels and he's super curious to find out for himself.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very experienced, actually. He's only had 1 or 2 lovers before you, BUT he's determined to be #1 at everything. Couple that with how perceptive he is and you've got yourself a winner of a loverboy. He's going to make damn sure that, even if things don't work out between you two, he will always ALWAYS be the best you've ever had. No other man will outdo him, E-V-E-R.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggystyle all the way, baby. As stated before, he loves watching your booty jiggle every time he slams his hips against it. He gets off on spreading your ass cheeks to watch his slick-coated cock slide in and out of you. God he just loves hitting it from behind, makes his dick so fucking hard.
Bonus 2nd Favorite Position (couldn't help myself): you on your back with your ankles on his shoulders, your ass lifted off the bed, him on his knees and hugging those thick thighs of yours, keeping them closed as he reams into you. (Slight variation of this one: he leans over you, nearly folding you in half, putting you back on your shoulders with his hands pressing into the mattress beside you, angling you such that his prominent corona rubs over your g-spot as he drills down into you. 10/10 you're gonna scream his name when (not if) your liquid gushes all over him.)
Tell me the truth, am I a disgusting human being? Here are all the fucks I give:
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Bakugou is serious asf about his sex game. This is not the time to joke around or poke fun at him, understand me? If you do he will get pissed and either fuck the silly out of you, or if he's feeling particularly ruthless he'll just stop altogether and let you ache for him as punishment until you beg him for release.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He takes care of his body, paying a lot of attention to his hygiene, which includes manscaping to keep his pubic hair trimmed and kempt. The carpet's just a shade darker than the drapes, like a honey blond. If he lets it grow out, it sticks straight out just like his head hair. It's actually kind of funny and he hates it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
*sigh* Let's be honest. Katsuki is not the super romantic type, at least not outwardly. However, if he realizes something he's doing is hurting you - physically or emotionally - he's going to stop dead in his tracks and hold you close, push his fingers through your hair, and tell you how much he loves you and how safe you are. He can be rough and he can be an asshole, but if he thinks he's genuinely hurt you at all, he's all over you, doing everything he can to make you understand that he will never let anyone hurt you, especially not himself. Got that?
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't jack off very often. You two share a very active sex life so he doesn't see the need to. If you have to be apart for more than a day or two, he'll rub one out. Or if the need hits him particularly hard and you're not available or in the mood, he's not above closing his eyes and reaching into his pants to wrap his thick fingers around his cock and start tugging.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Lord Baby Jesus, where do I even begin? Kinky, kinky Katsuki. This man should come with warning signs and disclaimers.
First of all, he dom asf okay? Even if he lets you play with his ass someday, he's gonna be bratty about it. He's going to top from the bottom, hashtag facts. And trust that he WILL own you afterwards to securely reestablish his dominance.
Giving and Receiving: Hair pulling. DIRTY TALK - you think he's got a potty mouth in the streets? His mouth is downright filthy between the sheets. Loves it when you dirty talk right back to him. "You love taking my fat cock, don't you princess?" "Mm yessss, fuck me, Katsuki! Your cock feels so fucking good babyyy!" He eats that shit up.
Giving Only: Degradation. Praise. Spanking. Cockwarming. Dom/sub/power play. Shibari/ropework (he tried it bc you wanted to and he fucking loved it). Creampies. Begging. Discipline. Ravishment.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Literally anywhere inside your home/homes - bed, bathroom/kitchen countertops, kitchen/dining table, office desk/chair, any piece furniture is fair game really, up against a wall, washer/dryer, the fucking floor, ugh just all the places to fuck. Not one square foot is sacred tbh.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Wear something that showcases the curve of your butt. Doesn't have to be revealing per se, matter of fact he'll get possessive as fuck if you're showing too much skin in public. At home/privately though? He can't help himself. Dat ass tho...he is going to smack it hard enough that it stings and that's final, understand?
Tease him. You can't be obvious about it though. If he senses that you're doing it on purpose, it'll just backfire. But if you just so happen to brush against his crotch when you squeeze past him, it'll drive him crazy. Go commando in short shorts/skirt and cross your legs just so, his dick will twitch. Even better if you do shit like this in public where you know he won't act on it. But when you get home you best believe he's going to dick you down so hard, won't even bother to take said shorts or skirt off.
His ears and neck are his most sensitive erogenous zones. Whisper in his ear or kiss his neck and he's going to grit his teeth in an effort to fight back the shudder that threatens to rattle his bones.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Let's get one thing straight. Katsuki Bakugou does not share. This is non-negotiable. He will not agree to anything involving additional people - cuckolding, threesomes, orgies, exhibitionism, voyeurism (unless it's him watching you pleasure yourself - that he will gladly do, and probably start palming himself in the process).
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves giving and receiving. Giving puts him in full control of your pleasure, receiving makes him feel like you're worshipping his cock, which you probably are. Have you seen this man's cock? Of course you have. Gatdamn.
Y'all, Katsuki's so good at eating pussy. Like how does one get that good at eating pussy? I don't even know, but god the way he flicks his hot tongue over your precious, tiny bud before wearing it down like a fucking feed bag? It's unnatural. Like it could be his backup quirk if blowing shit up doesn't work out. You've seen the way he licks his lips when he gets excited, everyone has.* He doesn't even bother swallowing while he's feeding on you so you just be dripping in slick and saliva and he's just slurping away. It's lewd.
*See Exhibit A above.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
You already know this, but I'll say it anyway. His go-to fucking style is fast and rough, dominant and relentless, hard and dirty. But every once in a while he'll want to take you slow and deep and passionate. He'll hold you so tight in his arms and chest, you'll have to tap his shoulder sometimes to let you breathe. And he'll just roll his hips so fucking thoroughly both of you will feel every last inch, his pubic bone rubbing your clit so hard. You've told him so many times how much you love it when he makes love to you like this, but he maybe makes it a rare treat on purpose. 😈 Little shit.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are difficult for our boy. It's not that he's against them, it's just that he savors every drop of sensuality, he has a tendency to draw the pleasure out as long as possible. He can’t help it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
The idea of having public sex turns him on, but he's only done it with you a couple of times when he was 10000% sure you wouldn't be caught. He can't risk doing anything that would tarnish his reputation and goal of becoming the #1 Hero. He might be freaky as hell, but he needs a sex scandal like an Alaskan needs a refrigerator.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He loves you long time. He's a Taurus for fuck's sake (well, Aries/Taurus cuspie, but that just sweetens the deal). Great stamina. Grinds you down like a whetstone. Can last as long as he needs to to ensure you cum for him as many times as it takes for you to beg him to stop. If he feels himself getting too close while you're blowing him, he'll stop you and go down on you instead. If he's inside of you, he'll pull out and start kissing all over your body, sucking, nipping, licking until his urge to cum passes, then he pushes it right back in and keeps going.
If on the off-chance he does cum before you, he'll be ready to go again in about 20-30 mins. Just give him some motivation, he deserves it.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He didn't own any toys when you first got together, but you did. He hated the idea of you using them though, especially when he's right there with you. You've since assured him that you don't want to use them to replace him, but to enhance the pleasure. So now you do use them from time to time.
The first time you managed to coax him into using a toy together, it was a small wireless bullet with a remote. When you brought it out and showed it to him, there was a wild glint in his eye. He carefully inserted the vibrator into you, his cock slowly following suit. He loved the fact that he had complete control over this thing, but later complained because the sensation of it against the head of his cock made him cum too fast. He still wants to use it sometimes though. 😏
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh he can be so unfair. He loves teasing you until you're begging him to put his cock inside you. He's not so much into orgasm denial per se; he just loves to hear you beg him for shit - to let you cum, to suck his dick, to stop fucking you when you're overstimmed, etc.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Lol he's fucking LOUD! And he's going to make you cum so hard that you're screaming his fucking name. There was a time when one or both of you lived in an apartment and the neighbors would bang on the wall behind your headboard.
Shit, what sounds does he NOT make? He growls, moans, grunts, groans, yells, swears, fucks you so hard you can hear the wet sound of slapping skin, hell even the bed protests. Another reason he doesn't fuck in public - he can't stay quiet enough to be discreet about it.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Okay, as much of a wild sex beast as he is behind closed doors, he gets embarrassed so easily when your sex life is so much as hinted at around others. It's legit funny how flustered he gets about it.
If he goes into work real tired and Kirishima says, "Hey Bakubro, you look like shit this morning. You and (y/n) stay up too late?" while doing the finger in the hole gesture, Katsuki will just "Shut the fuck up, Shitty Hair, or I'll blast your ass right through that fucking wall!"
Or if you two go out together with friends and the girls are talking about sex-related stuff, Katsuki will just roll his eyes and try to ignore it. But if one of them is all "So, (y/n), does Bakugou ever like accidentally let off explosions while you're doing it?" and you wink and say, "Only when he's especially *cough* frustrated *cough*". Katsuki will go red from his neck up to his hairline and start stuttering, sparks flying from his palms. "H-hey, d-don't tell them sh-shit like that! I-it's none of their god-goddamn b-business, (y/n), what th-the f-fuck?!" Meanwhile, you and the girls are in stitches while he stomps away, just mortified, bless his heart. When you catch your breath from laughing you'll follow it up with, "Looks like tonight's gonna be one of those nights", and you all lose it again.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
As has been mentioned, Bakugou's well-endowed. I figure he's packing about 7.5-8" in length x just under 2" wide. He takes some getting used to, that's for damn sure. Oh, and he's more of a shower than a grower. Like around 6" long x 1.5" wide when flaccid. Katsuki + sweatpants/basketball shorts = swinging dick print, alright sis? Take notes, this motherfucker visibly jumps when he does, class dismissed.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Eh, he's surprisingly not ridiculously horny. Maybe a little above average sex drive? A lot of times hero work just takes it out of him and he comes home utterly exhausted and just needs a soft place to land, and you provide him with all the love and nurturing in your heart. ❤
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends, really, on the time of day and what type of day it's been. If it's late (like past 9pm lol) and he fought more villains than usual that day, he's probs gonna pass out pretty soon after. If it's earlier in the day - especially first thing in the morning - it gets him pumped and almost comically genki.
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
nsfw alphabet for gundham please? tysm!
NSFW A-Z with Gundham Tanaka
I got you!!! 
Some of them are copy and pasted from past posts bc I’ve done them before
-Mod Souda
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A - Aftercare
He has kind hands, ones that can hold you.
His ability to communicate is not the best, but he is willing to take criticism.
Cuddling is still a really weird thing for him. He’s stiff and can’t take the skin on skin contact for more than an hour. 
B - Body part
To touch? He likes to run his fingers up and down your naked back. He feels every curve, every muscle, and lets his index finger trace your spine. With each of your breathes, your ribcage expands, his hands following the rhythm. 
The pain of his fingernails digging into your shoulders with each of his trusts reminds you of the small red lines you still have from the night before - trailing from your shoulder blades down to the curve of your ass.
C - Cum
Okay let me get this one out of my system. But like,,, overstimulating this fucker?? womp womp womp. You have to wrap his hands up so he won’t try to hold onto you. Just watching him squirm is enough. 
But the lewd noises that leave his mouth are all you need to make sure he won’t stop cumming. Even when it’s sensitive, and he’s begging for a break, you won’t stop until he can barely talk anymore. 
By the second time you’ve made him cum, over twenty minutes has passed. He can still hold up his fight. 
Still call you pet names and bite his lips with an anxious laugh. 
But by the fourth, or fifth time, you just smile while listening to his wet ah’s.
D - Dirty secret
He likes smells. Things like slick, cum, sweat, or even your breathe when you pant against his lips. 
The smell of you getting home from a run, where the sporty clothes you wear are so easy to peel off.
E - Experience
Zero. None. Nada. Absolutely none.
Doesn’t even like watching porn or other couples kissing.
He’s like ok *walks away*
Not much of a contact person to this day, too.
F - Favorite position
From behind. Yeahhh.
It helps him with the anxiety, since you can’t see him.
He doesn’t have to worry about you judging him. There’s no need to be self conscious from that angle.
G - Goofy
Not very goofy, and if anything, he takes it surprisingly seriously. He doesn’t think of sex as a fun activity, or something to do to spend time.
H - Hair
I think he cares a lot about the hair on his head to not care about his body hair.
I’m also thinking that he probably doesn’t even have that much.
I - Intimacy
He’s very tense, and a little drawn back. Always clenching his fists and biting his lips. 
Only when he’s overstimulated does he let go of himself fully, letting his tongue fall out of his mouth as his whole body loses all of its battle.
J - Jack off
He hardly ever. Like, it’s such a rare occasion. But he has to be completely isolated. No background noise. Nothing to distract him from himself. 
He makes sure to barricade the door so no one can get in. He likes to masturbate bent over, usually with his shoulders on the bed and the rest of him stiff. With one hand stroking himself, the other hand will grasp the bedsheets in an attempt to release the pleasure somewhere else.
K - Kink
He likes having his hands tied together by his own scarf. To be forced down by something so sentimental to him is almost irresistible.
Humiliation is something that edges him without effort. He gets flustered easily, almost too easily, and it’s something you take advantage of.
L - Location
The guest room, since it does not home his hamsters. He would not want his precious babies watching the lewd actions he does.
M - Motivation
This mf gets turned on just by hearing your shower run. The idea of you being naked, even not in a dirty sense. 
He can’t help but let his mind wonder at it. 
He just loves showering with you. It’s almost the only thing that keeps him going.
He gets turned on the moment the two of you are isolated, and in the situation where you stand right in front of him, putting your hands on his sides. 
The contact is so sexually passive-aggressive. Like you’re holding him in place. Smaller things, like both of your hands on his shoulders, throws him into shock for tiny seconds.
N - No
Any type of animal play. Things like cat ears or the petnames kitten or puppy.
He does not find the idea of animals to be sexy. At all.
O - Oral
Not really a taker or a giver. He doesn’t like the idea of it, and would much prefer using his hands. 
With that, he can dig his face into the crook of your neck as he does.
P - Pace
Very rough, even if it’s unintentional. Even his kisses are rather aggressive. 
He is just a big hunk of a man.
Q - Quickie
No way. None at all, unless he manages to drink Teruteru’s altered soup again.
R - Risk
.. A little.. he likes risk a little bit. He likes the way it makes his heart increase. 
Gives him a high without the touch of others.
Makes him feel a bit empowered whenever the two of you get caught.
S - Stamina
Has a really good stamina, surprisingly. A very powerful man.
Once he starts enjoying himself, it’s hard for him to calm down. He’s obsessed with the way you kiss and the curves of your body. So beautiful to him. All he wants is to grip onto the headboard and kiss all over your collarbones.
T - Toy
Hhhhhhhhhh the first thing that comes to my mind of course is vibrators <3. 
Do I think this man is a bottom? Yes. 
Okay, wait another idea just came to my head. 
Because I don’t think Gundham is a very contact-y sexual person, so what if instead of penetrating his partner himself he just uses a vibrator on them. 
Omg I might be on to something there.
U - Unfair
A bright smile comes to his face whenever he hears you whine against his rough kisses. He is such a tease when he feels confident enough. Your noises fuel him more than anything.
V - Volume
He isn’t loud unless you’re the one taking control of him. Usually, when he’s dominant, he is focused on you, and not himself. But the amount of ah’s that fall from his lips when you play with him is infinite.
W - Wild Card
I’m just gonna use this to say why do people think he’s into pet play ya’ll PLEASE- animals are like his escape route from his horrible childhood why would he be sexually attracted to something animal-related I am HORRIFIED.
X - Xray
I feel like his shit is long as hell.
He’s packing ngl.
don’t argue with me because you won’t win
Huge titties huge dick
Y - Yearning
Nah, I don’t think he would go out of his way to seek out sexual things. Kisses are even hard for him to get through at times. Is he touch-starved? Yes. Does he want to be touched? Not all of the time.
Z - Zzzz
More breathless than tired.
Will still get up to feed his animals and make sure they are okay - as if they would get worried that he was gone for so long.
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imagineurfavs · 3 years
E’LAST: Choi In A-Z
“Oh my god I saw you write for E'last and I've never seen someone that writes for them before! Can I please request a nsfw A-Z for Choi In? Thank you~!”
A/N: aaah finally an e’last request fgfg I’ve never seen anyone who writes for them either lol, tbh i wasnt sure there was even any e’last fans here dkdkj 
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A - Aftercare In’s idea of aftercare literally just consists of a big ‘ol cuddle lol. Just laying together and talking, laughing, just generally being cute dkdkdj
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner) On himself, he likes his mouth. He’s confident in his skills with his lips and he knows how much you like them too. On his partner he likes their stomach, he loves keeping his hands on the soft skin of your lower stomach as you ride him. He also thinks it looks super pretty covered in his cum oop.
C - Cum Kinda just like, lets it happen lol. He prefers to cum inside you just bc it feels more sweet and romantic to him lol, but it’s not something he’s too bothered with. As well as almost asking for permission to cum, he’ll ask you where you want him to cum so it all depends where you want it lol. “can i cum, please...where? Where do you want it? Can I-?”
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) Mans wishes he was more dominant than he actually is. But he just doesn’t think he has it in him to be totally that way. Sometimes he wants to see you the whimpering mess he often ends up as, but he just cant do it. Or at least not seriously lol
E - Experience I mean...idk. He doesn’t strike me as someone who’s had a whole lot of experience but the man is 25 years old lol so he’s probably had some. I feel like, enough to know what he’s doing but he’s not gonna have tried everything he’s wanted to.
F - Favourite Position Mans a subby boi, so he likes it when you take control. He loves having you ride him; just keep him pinned down and maybe tie his wrists to the headboard too oop. There are times when he’s a bit more in control and he loves just snapping his hips into you from behind, but that’s usually when he’s just like, super needy and just needs to cum. 
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc) I dont think In is someone who could be 100% serious like...ever. He’s just so smiley and full of love I think that would definitely cross over into the bedroom. He just has such a sweet air to him that even when he’s like in the zone, he still likes to keep things light-hearted and fun. 
H - Hair (how well groomed are they) Super well groomed; aaaaalmost bare but not quite
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect) He’s not not intimate...if that counts for anything lol. He tends to like things to be more light and fun. He doesn't like the atmosphere to be too heavy. 
J - Jack Off (Masturbation) I’d say pretty often tbh. Whenever he does get the urge, even if its in the middle of the day, he gets so needy he has to go and take care of himself. Like he can’t focus on anything else until he’s moved his brain out of his dick and back into his head lol.
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks) As I said before lol. This man is a sub; not 100% however, but like 9 times out of 10 he just wants to be totally under your control. He’s a well behaved sub though, he thrives on praise. Tell him how well he’s doing, how good he makes you feel and he’ll be a whimpery mess in no time. 
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do) Prefers to keep things within the bedroom largely for privacies sake. But if you had your own place to yourselves, I think he’d like be open to doing it literally anywhere lol. 
M - Motivation (What turns them on) Praise praise praise. Even in the most innocent of settings, just hearing “You’re doing so well!” “You’re so good at this!” just makes his brain go into obedient sub mode lmao like “yes...I am good, let me be good for you”
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs) He’s not into anything involving pain, either giving or receiving. It’s just something he doesn’t see the point in. Like “why tf would you wanna hurt someone you’re supposed to be making feel good?” He just doesn’t get it.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) When receiving, he honestly just turns to total jelly like, no matter what position y’all started in, he’ll end up laying on his back with his hand in your hair, just...a mess. When giving, he’ll start off a little shyly, but the second he starts to get a reaction from you, or if you give him some praise, he’ll go all in. He has zero shame in making the most lewd noises against you, he’ll keep going until the only thing you can say is his name. Honestly makes his ego swell like no other lol.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc) It depends if he’s in sub mode or not lol. When you're taking control he likes it on the more slower side, like, much more kinda...sensual and deep movement lol. On the fewer occasions he’s not in sub mode, his pace is kinda erratic, like, short sharp thrusts, getting harder as he gets closer to finishing.
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) Loooooves them. Boy gets so needy so quickly sometimes he just needs to take you both away somewhere and go at it lol. Even then he needs you to take control, hell be asking “please, please let me cum” “I need to cum fuck please”. Lowkey though, having you edge him in a situation like this is such a guilty pleasure of his too.
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?) Oh absolutely, for sure. He’ll give anything a go if it piques his interest enough lol. More often than not he’ll be the one who will bring things up to you that he wants to try, he’s probably got like a list of things that he’s slowly checking off that he wants to try lmao
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc) He’s probably a one and done kinda guy lol. You might get a second round out of him but you’d have to give him a decent amount of time in between lmao
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?) A big fan of sensory deprivation kinda toys; blindfolds, restraints etc. He’ll use them on you if you ask him to but he really loves being the one who's being restrained.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease) There are times when he wants to tease you, but he’s just really not very good at it lol. 
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make) Quiet little whimpery type noises, he’s quite shy about them so he usually buries his face in your neck or comes in for a kiss so they're not as loud. But jokes on him bc they're so v v pretty ;((((
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon) There have only been a handful of times he’s tried to be more dominant, and both times have ended in you both just being a laughing mess. He just can’t  take himself seriously like that. Like he’ll have you pinned beneath him, trying to say something dirty but he just can’t get the words out without laughing. Even whilst he’s trying to pound into you, he’s still letting out little giggles bc he can’t quite believe what he’s doing. If you praise him enough though, and tell him how much you like seeing him like this, he might just start getting used to being the one in control lol.
X - X-ray (what's going on inside those pants) pretty average I’d say, maybe a little smaller, on the slimmer side but lowkey a super pretty pink colour oop
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive) I wouldn’t say its overly high, but when he is in the mood, he gets so so needy. Like he’ll be whiney and grabby, pls give him what he needs ;((
Z - Zzz... (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards) He wont fall asleep for a good while afterwards tbh. He’ll be so happy and smiley that he’ll just wanna stay up with you forever lol. If he does actually go to sleep, he’ll be sure to wait for you to fall asleep first.
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
Ok but like imagine a 6’8 black girl walking into karasuno gym while the in practice.
a/n: oooh alr this gonna be a headcannon
lets get it!
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okay so ms girl you have some backstory.... some LORE
you used to be apart of the third year gang before you had to transfer schools
the boys + kiyoko really missed you yk?
so today you finally came back to karasuno
esp asahi bc you were his home girl
you already knew your way around and saw some of your old classmates from year one
now baby you are a tall girl
like taller than asahi girl
ya legs were lookin real beautiful
now you were on your way to suprise your babies
you knocked on that gym door and suga peeks his head out like
“hello? who is i— MY BABYLOVE!”
this nigga screamed that shit so loud the third years were ALERTED
there’s only one babylove and thats YOU honey
suga damn near jumps you
like he hasnt seen you in so LONG
“i missed you suga! im back for good now!”
sugamama’s out and he got your ear.
now kiyoko heard ya voice and that girl was zooming
suga and kiyoko pull you into the gym
second years and first years went
asahi ran over there and tackled you in a big ass hug
now there’s a doggy pile of third years
and the rest have never been so confused
they havent even gotten a good look at you bc you got JUMPED by the third years
they deadass dropped their shit to get to you
“babylove its been so long!!” - kiyoko
this alr made nishi and tanaka go like 🤨🕶🤏🏽
like “whom?”
how you managed to avoid them is beyond me but girl you got your ways even tho yous a big bitch
kageyama deadass dont really care that much bc volleyball why tf this rando just bust up in here and take the third years....
n e ways
eventually they pull you up
they’re like DAMNNNNN again
like you can actually give asahi a forehead kiss
(which you have bc aint no damn way if i was in the third year gang i wouldnt give them affection poor baby prolly touch starved)
nishinoya and tanaka’s simp reflexes have kicked in they are def about to say some lightskin ass shit
daichi’s alr on defense
“ahnt ahnt let me introduce her. COACH UKAI can we take a min to introduce her?”
“...fine whatever just dont take too long”
“alr bet”
(i hc daichi, tanaka, and asahi got that negro in em so if you dont like that then suck my dick and you may think bc i am a woman i dont have one but i have a pink di—)
they introduce you
“this is l/n y/n. she was a first year manager with kiyoko until she had to transfer but now she’s back!” goodlooks suga
“any questions?”
“how are you so tall?” hinata
“ask another dumb question like that and i swear to GOD hinata.” sugamama
“can you play volleyball?” kageyama
“yeah i can. i play with ushijima”
“what 😀” asahi
“can SHE PLAY WITH US????” - hinata
tsukishima cant even talk shit bc you really could rock his ass
he gotta look up at you he dont want no smoke lmaoaoao
they were just hounding you with questions now and suga a lil peeved bc damn yall cant pay attention in class and ask all these questions but as soon as our babylove comes in yall suddenly got shit to say? 🚶🏽‍♂️
“she’s hot, tall and plays volleyball? i mean shit l/n senpai...” - nishinoya’s thirsty ass
“ahnt I THINK THE FUCK NOT?” - daichi
during this kiyoko just pulls you to the bench so you can just chat with da girlz
aka her and yachi
yachi fumbling and stumbling
like mamas you lookin real scrum-dilly-ious
“i-im yachi hitoka! nice to meet you senpai”
you’ve already adopted her
“i love you now. kiyoko can i take her in”
“she isnt a stray animal babylove.”
yachi’s a lil like???? yall got a poly thang happenin? is this whats going on?
you saw the confusion in her eyes
“they call me babylove since i used to act like like a lovin mother to em and i had a baby face”
(i suffer from baby face syndrome and istg if someone says i look like a lil kid one more time i’m gonna pop off like the fourth of july fym i look like a lil kid bitCH GET OUTTA MY FA— lemme stop being so aggressive in these)
now we all know nishinoya is DOWN with the melanin.... and you sittin with the gorls lookin all... tasteful and melaninated.
is melaninated a word? i dont know but i will continue to use it even if it isnt
now he suddenly sitting beside you
“hey mamas”
excuse me? i beg your pardon?
“uh hello?”
stage 1 complete he’s now your simp lmao
“you’re beautiful”
“nishinoya if you dont get yo clown ass the FUCK up over here” daichi’s black ass and sugamama
yeah they missed you and you def played volleyball
they made the mistake of letting you play on the team with daichi, suga, and asahi
you bodied they asses
even coach ukai had to hold in that snicker
you damn near beheaded hinata with that spike
that boy hit a note so high ms. ariana grande was given a run for her money
the slangs are out and kageyama has never been so confused
static? bum ass bitch? tf that shit mean
(ny slang be confusing me too homie its alright)
yall right after they lost
but yeah eventually the first years warmed up to you
as soon as you affectionately patted kageyama’s head he was done for
that boy is ✨t o u c h s t a r v e d ✨
you fussed over yama and tsukki and they were sold
yama bc you were really sweet
tsuki? same reason but he aint telling you he said “im taking that shit to the fucking GRAVE”
das all bc baby im blanking out and i’m doing stupid like kaminari after he short circuits
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springday-aus · 3 years
Hockey Player!AU with Mark
moodboard link
Group: NCT
Member: Mark Lee 
Genre: fluff, romance 
Additionally: college!au
Type: Bulletpoint AU
Word Count: approx. 2.3k 
→ Inspired by NCT U’s 90s Love! 
I’m gonna be completely honest: I don’t know shit about hockey so apologizes in advance
Mark is a left-winger for the team
he plays for his university’s team and they’re actually pretty good
within the three-ish years that he’s been on the team, they’ve won a couple of championships
it’s not really hard considering that Mark takes everything too seriously
(at least that’s what Donghyuk says during practice all the time)
Johnny somewhere: “okay Mark”
Yuta: “let’s not overreact Mark”
Taeyong: “leave my son alone”
Mark: “I’m a grown adult…”
Taeyong: “shhh”
since he used to play for his team back in hometown, he naturally joined the university’s team
he was a natural and everyone easily took a liking to him
especially since now they have someone to make fun of constantly
by they, I literally mean just Donghyuk
I’m just kidding—it’s all in good fun because it just shows how close they are
Mark is just that one college kid that’s still cute even when he’s not a freshman anymore
the other team members still treat him like the youngest even though YangYang and Sungchan are like
👁👄👁 hello ?
speaking of which, their teamwork is incredible and it shows through their games
and, on the rare occasions that they don’t win, they still have dinner together afterwards
well, it’s less of dinner and more of drinks and strategizing what went wrong—which are kind of depressing but it’s fine
at least that’s what Sicheng says as captain, but it sounds like denial
anyways, even though Ten is the co-captain, they all work to make their play plan together
they all contribute ideas, especially since they’ve been in the positions they’ve been in for, like, ever
again, Mark is like really good
so you know he got that bombass scholarship
and that’s what really pushes him to do well bc let’s be real, college is e x p e n s i v e
he also likes ice skating in general because the cold reminds him of home
so he’s one of those hockey players that also likes figures skaters and it’s funny because he gets so many weird looks from the others
(altho, Jeno goes with him sometimes bc he’s nice)
back to what I was saying tho: Mark is really good
despite his personality, he’s a bit more aggressive on the ice—considering he’s a forward
Donghyuk, the right-winger: he makes sense
there’s the passive aggressive-ness
Mark? who knew he had some strength to him when it’s actually applied
seriously, have you seen his thighs?
speaking of which, the team serves a lot of looks
which means a lot of speculators that show up to the games
which means lots of fans
people typically come for the looks, but then stay for the games bc the team is very underrated
they actually win games and everything but like
advertising for the team? nonexistent
@stupid college funding distributions that focus on mediocre sports like football
so, where do you fall into the mix? you’re an og stan
you’ve been in the stands since you entered university
it didn’t even have anything to do with the members (altho, it is nice to have some eye-candy)
you just……… like hockey
even if you don’t understand much about it
it’s just… interesting to watch
so, whenever the season rolls around, you go to the games
but to say over the years that you didn’t develop a particular attachment to our boy Mark…… is an absolute lie
so, do you have a crush on Mark?
but also like
who doesn’t have a crush on Mark
this man is literally so talented and nice and adorable and he just makes you want to take care of him all the time and ugh
one of your friends went to a game with you and literally was just like “oh he’s cute”
You: “we know”
he’s def one of those guys who everyone has or has had a crush on at some point
and you are no different
the thing is that you are fine with not ever confessing because you’re happy with just being on the sidelines because you’ve. literally. just been on the sidelines…
the idea of confessing feels ridiculous bc realistically, what would you mean to some guy that literally e v e r y person has a crush on?
the thing is though is that Mark knows you
at least, he knows of your presence
if he didn’t, it would be embarrassing considering that you come to every game - he’s got loyalty unless some people
Ten: “who?”
Mark: “dude”
Donghyuk: “is this another one of your imaginary friends?”
jkjk , they all kind of know you, considering you’re one of the more consistent faces since they’ve been playing in these games (primarily the home ones bc free tickets for students but still)
you also don’t paint your face or anything—you just show up in your university sweatshirt with a couple of those foam light up sticks or something
again, not that wild like signs with his face or anything
you’re just…. a spectator
but yeah, Mark knows of you as a loyal fan ?
who also is kind of cute when you’re cheering for them
I want to emphasize that you have gone to, like, nearly every game, but the main ones you’ve *always* have gone to are the home games bc they’re more convenient
or the final games bc hello
they’re the finals, why the fuck would you miss the finals
I emphasize this because, when you’ve suddenly gone down with the flu, you literally cannot make it to the finals championship game
you thought: no one was gonna notice your absence anyways
haha, you thought
your friends figured you were sick from the beginning and were like, my friend, it’s flu season, stay away from me and pls stay at home
(wash your hands kids, it’s still covid season)
so you didn’t go and stayed in and binged watched iCarly or something
meanwhile, during the game, Mark was like
where... where are you???
so homeboy is highkey distracted and lowkey worried bc did you die???
(you were dying bc of your clogged nostrils, but otherwise, no)
they somehow managed to win by a couple of points so it was kind of fine
but the teasing was increased by all of Mark’s friends
i.e. Johnny, Donghyuk, Jaehyun, and everyone else
come on, it’s so easy to make fun of him
but like he doesn’t care about any of it bc he was worried about you
which got him thinking
why is he worried about someone whose name he doesn’t even know? is there something more? why is there something more? he literally doesn’t know you? except that you come to the games and you’re really cute cheering him on? what is this?
you know, ✨just Mark things✨
this bothered him for quite a bit more than he liked to admit
and it’s about a couple of days later
things are normal and you don’t feel like everything is dripping out of your nose
until you’re walking through campus from your class
and there’s some footsteps running from behind you that makes you coil up into a semi-standing ball bc you thought a bunch of frat boys were just excited or some shit
but then the footsteps stop at you and you’re standing there, wide-eyed
in front of an out of breath Mark
he was walking out of his class with Jaemin and he spotted you from across the quad
and immediately ran to you
Jaemin: I was talking but okay
this isn’t about you Jaemin
Mark is in front of you, panting and you’re just like sir?
You: “how are you out of breath? aren’t you an athlete?”
Mark: “oh my God, you’re just like Donghyuk”
you give him a bit of time (and some water bc he seemed like he needed it)
and once he’s caught his breath, he stands up and blurts it out
Mark: “what happened to you during the championship?”
You: “....................... what?”
seeing you blink at him confused, he can feel his ears reddening when he’s realized the situation he’s put himself into
Mark: “um, I just”
Mark: “I noticed that you weren’t at the game”
You: still confused bc how does he know about you
You: “huh?”
Mark: oh my God this is the wrong person, want to die
Mark: “you know what, I have the wrong person, I’m just gonna bounce I am so sorry—”
he starts backing up, but you aren’t letting him escape
You: “whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa, hold up hold up”
You: “I didn’t even know that you knew that I knew you”
You: “wait, did you run here just to ask me that?”
Mark is full on flushed at this point bc of all the questions and realizations and it’s all crashing down on him all too soon
and now you have this mischievous look in your eyes that remind him of Ten when he’s clowning Doyoung and he feels like he’s made a mistake
a good mistake but still a mistake
You: “is it?”
Mark: “well, you like, show up to all of our games and you didn’t go to the finals so I didn’t know if anything happened”
You: “oh, I got sick and I figured I shouldn’t be going into giant crowds while having my insides die internally”
You: “but, I did hear from my friends, congrats btw”
Mark: “thanks”
Mark: “are you feeling better tho?”
You: “yeah, but like, my throat is still kind of shitty”
Mark: “oh, if you want, I have a couple of friends who might be able to cook something up for your throat”
Mark: “I’d offer to make something, but Kun doesn’t let me in the kitchen anymore after finding out about the egg incident”
You: “the egg incident?”
Mark: “I can’t cook, like. at all.”
You: “I think I’m good, I was just gonna go get some tea to make it less scratchy or something”
Mark: “I can walk you?”
You: “sure”
so you two go to a cafe or something for you to get some warm tea and you two end up talking and you get to know each other a bit
and then you end up trading numbers and you make some time together
since Mark doesn’t have to go to practice until the next season, his time has opened up considerably
sometimes you study together
other times, you go check out some other places nearby campus
(eventually, you did get to try Taeyong, Jaehyun, and Kun’s food, to which there was no turning back at that point bc they make the best kind of food—free)
you’re basically dating at this point and his friends know you as his significant other so
Chenle: “is (Y/N) gonna be here?”
Mark: “no? it’s our movie night”
Donghyuk: “aren’t you dating tho?”
Mark: “what”
he told you he took it casually and cool, but considering how red his ears were getting when he told you………………. cute
Mark: “c-can you believe they thought we were dating?”
You: “is that not what we’re doing?”
Mark: “what?”
you both established your relationship after that and Mark got a lot more shy and it’s super adorable bc it makes you wanna take care of him and ugh
he’s precious okay
also cut to him trying to ask the other guys for advice, but then he gets embarrassed as Johnny and Ten tries to educate him about love
or how Lucas gives him cheesy lines to use on you
these boys are having a field day and Xiaojun and Doyoung have never felt more at peace
def the nervous type that he can’t even hold your hand and keeps asking if it’s okay
so you’re the top of this relationship bc he’s a shy lil boy
after a bit tho, he gets more comfortable and it’s great
he’ll get teased often right? when it happens in front of you, he just runs to you with a whine of your name and buries his face into your neck
and you end up yelling at someone
it’s cute tho
bc they def see you both as an adorable couple
when the hockey season starts rolling around again, you def spend more time at the practices—whether you’re there to watch, do your homework, or just help motivate him to play better
you started dressing up more too, especially since he gave you his jersey so you started wearing them to the games (and also face paint bc Jungwoo had some extra for an unknown reason)
and you make Mark Lee signs and it’s super cute
Sicheng also invites you to the afterparty dinners bc why not
also, remember that thing I said about watching figure skaters?
you two watch the Olympics for that and it’s like tradition now for you two to settle in front of the tv with snacks and watch them skate
so, since he’s an athlete, he has to be careful with his body bc then like scholarship will go poof
that means some of your dates might be physically limited
like he’ll go mini-golfing with you, but he can’t go to like self-defense classes with you
he’ll go to support you but if his foot gets busted, his coach and the rest of the team will be on his ass and he feels a bit bad about it but like you understand
considering that you absolutely refuse to get on the ice bc hockey is hard people
speaking of hockey, you told Mark he’s hot when he plays and he was FLUSHED
bc like the look in his eyes and the way he carries himself…. reminds you of when you’re doing some more………...steamy activities
anyways, stan Mark Lee
he’s a sweetheart who works so hard and you’re there to provide him with lots of love
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
The man, the myth, the legend himself... Dr. Greer
I said I’d post him on my mind, i am over my anxiety, i have beaten it, it can no longer control me and I am going to make it absolutely e v e r y b o d y ‘ s problem... I will say his description is p old but in all honestly this is mostly for just what he looks like
| Name: Greer
| He doesn’t really have nicknames but uh his title essentially: Dr. Greer
| Gender: Trans FTM (He/Him)
| Age: Probs in his 30s/mid 30s
| Height: 5’2”
| Species/Race: Human
| Occupation: Doctor
| Hair Color: Dark Brown (Spiked Quiff)
| Eye Color: Dull Blue
| Skin Color/Body Type: Extremely pale and chubby
| Appearance: His main outfit is the white lab coat for starters, he wears a light pastel purple turtleneck underneath (that turtleneck actually has a breast pocket with a heart pattern stitched onto it) and similar colored pants as well and even down to his sneakers are the same light pastel purple color, he also wears glasses bc he needs them to see of course- (not circle ones, normal rectangular ones) he sometimes wears gauges but mostly when he’s not working, he doesn’t have any pointed ears, fangs, claws, etc- but he has painted his nails to match his pastel aesthetic essentially!
He mostly only has scars in like the AUs n shit, his most PROMINENT scarring would be his top surgery scars likewise which no matter the AU or canon he’s gonna have those I guess he does have like, stretch marks n such. And of course he has a circle beard, it’d be weird for a sona of mine to NOT have one.
| Personality: He’s pretty soft tbh, a kind caring soul, as sweet as can be and loving as can be, the man just wants to live a peaceful life honestly, he became a doctor to help out the sick because helping people was always one of his specialities so he figured why not, he loves taking care of those in need and providing them with the comfort they may need, he’s very compassionate and EXTREMELY hard to piss off actually, like there isn’t a mean, cruel, or bad bone in this dude’s body… He just wants to help people and take care of them, he just wants peace man- there’s not a lot of backstory for him tbh-
well okay like ALL sonas relating to me- Greer didn’t have the best relationship with his parents, this man is not known for hatred but uh..
He do be kinda hating his old folks a l o t- they put him through so much fuckin bullshit but those are the ONLY two he’ll EVER say he hates tbh other than that  the mans just wanna live his life and spread peace, kindness, and love like what more do ya want? Lmao- but that’s about it-
I will say Greer do be kinda havin issues standing up for himself, he’s not good at at confrontation, with yelling or anger from others in the slightest but uh luckily he’s got a certain friend who won’t tolerate anyone else’s shit toward him and he doesn’t have to worry with confrontation himself. …mans still need to learn to stick up for himself too tho.
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ot3-watch · 3 years
Episode 3: The Wedding Job
And so we begin the “The Network Fucked Up” saga with episode 7 which is SUPPOSED to be episode 3. 
Huge men drinking out of tiny teacups is hilarious and will never stop being so. 
Nate, stop being such a control freak. “I thought I pick the clients” DUDE CHILL
“No more, no less” honey you getting much more
“We’ll get back to you” FUCK YOU NATE
“They just need validation” BITCH ME TOO THE FUCK
Hardison is so gregarious it’s so amazing to watch
“I don’t have to type anything right” oh my god
Jersey Boys I can’t, it’s terrible guys. Do mobsters have no taste
Oh look, it’s that woman who’s in EVERYTHING
What is Parker wearing on her head
Everyone talks about bridezillas, but no one talks about mother of the bridezillas. 
He’s so mad that she doesn’t like it I lovehim I LOVE HIM I FUCKING LOVE ELIOT SPENCER
“Imagine if we had bugs planted all over the house” WHY THE FUCK DON’T YOU
I mean, other than, like, me @6 years old. But really, no one should be wearing the clothes I wore at 6 years old. 
Also it’s just.. the worst length. Like if it was a long dress it might be better. 
Nate the pastor episode 1
God that future son in law seems like a dream guy I love him
Maria Moscone deserves better than her scumbag parents let’s be real
“What did you do?” “Me? I liberated CROATIA!” *angry apple bite* i CAN’T I LOVE HIM
Hardison in love with Parker is so pure
… Okay but shouldn’t maria and blonde n’ bitchy know that Parker isn’t a bridesmaid? Wouldn’t the other bridesmaids know? Why does no one in the wedding party question ANYTHING?
The Butcher of Kiev is the best subplot of this episode but HOW THE FUCK DID THEY ALL KNOW HE AND ELIOT HAD A PAST
Sophie is so fucking annoying in this episode I hate her right now
“In my day, no one would do business at their daughter’s wedding” WELL THEN DON’T DO BUSINESS 
Parker’s face smushed against the glass is great
Ahh yes, you don’t get the money so you SHOOT THE BRIDE. Because THAT’s not gonna cause a scene and get you arrested. 
OK be honest is there anyone who was surprised by the wife being responsible? Bc I’m not
Eliot’s face is like “TFW the guy whose face you burned shows up at a wedding you’re supposed to be pretending to but actually are catering with a cleaver and backup and the overwhelming urge to kill you”
I know that’s super specific but that’s what it is
Parker’s really good at playing drunk
But also, why did they not question what she was doing behind the curtain
Like she just happened to appear after they were finished talking about VERY ILLEGAL THINGS and they aren’t at all suspicious?
Also, Parker using Hardison as a cover is just… I love it. 
You’re laughing. Eliot brought a whisk to a knife fight and you’re laughing. 
The saddest part is Eliot has any sort of cooking implement. You should be terrified right now
Okay so let me get this straight. A guy is StrANGLING you, you get your hands on a rolling pin, and your instinct isn’t, “hey, I can use this rolling pin to clobber him over the head,” the instinct is “Let me use this rolling pin to get my hands on the appetizers?” Like, yes, lemon juice, but also ROLLING PINS ARE HEAVY AND YOU COULD AT LEAST KNOCK THE GUY OUT
But no, let me shove fucking MUSHROOMS in his eyes because otherwise how else would we get the symmetry of the butcher yelling “IT BUUUURRRNNNNSS” both times he fights Eliot
And then he uses the fucking serving tray to bonk him on the head INSTEAD OF THE DUCKING ROLLING PIN
Like, just… If I had a choice between being hit over the head with a thin sheet of metal or a log of wood with metal inside it, I’d pick the sheet, because at least that one has some give. 
“It’s the lemon juice” How does Eliot make that sound badass
“You just kill a guy with an appetizer?” How the FUCK WOULD YOU KNOW THAT??
Also, he’s clearly not dead. What the fuck
...who honeymoons in Kansas? Is that a thing? 
They are a very cute couple i’ve gotta be honest
“Exactly what denomination are you reverend?” He isn’t
“You’re not Mary Poppins, youre a bitch” Okay pot. Okay. 
How does Hardison remember all those numbers? He didn’t even hear a bunch of them, but he takes the book out so slowly? DOES HARDISON HAVE AN EIDETIC MEMORY? WHY IS THAT NOT A PLOT POINT MORE OFTEN
Like I’m just saying, someone tries to tell me their phone number more than 3-4 numbers at a time and I get confused. But hardison just… remembers
What happened to the cash? The daughter gets the fucking wedding present she DESERVES for putting up with her awful parents that’s what
Hardison appreciating Eliot’s cooking is EVERYTHING
“I left him five dollars for socks” Well everyone needs socks. 
Okay wait I just had a thought
If Nate isn’t an actual Reverend, is that marriage even legal? Does Nate just happen to also be a legally ordained minister? Did they have to get him an online ordainment? WhY did we not see that scene? WHAT IF HE’S NOT AND THEY AREN’T ACTUALLY MARRIED
And today on “I clearly think far too much about these things”
Eliot cooking for his family I love it
Was Eliot’s arms the most important part of this scene? Probably not
Is it the only thing I care about? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY
Final thoughts: 9/10. I love this episode so much guys. Points off because really who the fuck wears white to a wedding. I know that’s the point but its very off putting. Also for the bridesmaid dresses because they were ugly as sin. Actual point off for the wife secretly being awful. Very predictable, ew. Extra points for Chef!Eliot. Extra points for Eliot’s arms. Points off for Nate and Sophie being completely insufferable. Extra points for Parker being great in this episode. Points off for the FUCKING ROLLING PIN YES I’M STILL ANGRY DONT @ ME. Extra points for Eliot killing a man with an appetizer because it’s still funny. Extra points for no IYS or Sam references THANK THE FUCKING LORD. Or, at least, if there was, i didn’t notice, meaning it wasn’t egregious so whatever. So yeah, anyway I really fucking love this episode. 
IYS Count: 2/3
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 4 years
(HC) RFA + MC in Quarantine
Listen lads, this is just a silly I wrote this the other day (I may have been a little but tipsy but shh) and I thought I might as well share it. I hope this cheers some of you up during such a scary time <3
★ okay this is gonna sound obvious
★ but bare with
★ G A M E S
★ but!!! not just LOLOL!! oh no no!
★ i’m talking board games, PC games, active games like tag and hide and seek
★ you guys basically act like children how are you surviving on your own
★ you guys also do LOADS of cooking
★ like so much
★ you’re baking like one cake a day pls slow down
★ ngl you guys are thriving staying home all the time lol
★ if Yoosung has online classes, you set up a study club!
★ he does his college work whilst you do whatever work you gotta do boo love that tEAMWORK
★ honestly you guys have never been so productive oop
❤︎ oh boy
❤︎ be prepared to be SMOTHERED in love
❤︎ zen i love you too but pls i have stuff to do
❤︎ m o v i e  n i g h t s
❤︎ f a c e  m a s k s
❤︎ there are so many movies/tv series that you guys have been waiting to watch together but haven't had time to bc of zen’s work
❤︎ big sad :(
❤︎ it usually turns into make out sessions but shh nobody has to know
❤︎ Zen kinda discovered that you guys c a n n o t cook
❤︎ so!!! you learn!!!
❤︎ it’s MESSY y’all
❤︎ “aw mc you look so cute with flour on your nose” throws flour at your face “zen i sWeaR tO GoD I just wanna make b r e ad leave me ALONE”
 ❤︎ quality couple time <3
☞  lets get down to business
☞ to defeat
☞ lol JK
☞ seriously the house has never been cleaner
☞ obvs your cafe isn't open so y’all have some time on your hands
☞ one day Jaehee suggests gardening
☞ oh man
☞ it escalated
☞ gardening has now become an OBSESSION
☞ honestly you couldn't find a prettier garden on pinterest swear down
☞ you also decided to renovate the house you’ve been meaning to do it but have never had the time
☞ your house is now a work of art wow proud of you guys <333
☞ tbh, Jaehee actually has a small fear of getting sick/you getting sick so you guys are only leaving the house if it is a b s o l u t e l y necessary
♚ nobody talk about the bad ending
♚ i said don’t…
♚ he’s be waiting for this moment who needs a cage when you have a national lockdown
♚ all jokes aside though this man still has to work from home
♚ poor bby
♚ let us all shed a tear for Jumin Han
♚ you love to bring him tea and homemade baked goods whilst he works and guess what??? so does he lol
♚ it is time
♚ to D A N C E
♚ this man is so extra oml
♚ insists on taking online ballroom dance lessons bc why not MC hmmm???
♚ he is actually a very good dancer
♚ once you guys get good enough it turns into spontaneous ballroom dancing in the kitchen whilst you clean up after dinner
♚ wine??? wine did you say??? W I N E???
♚ oh b o y
♚ you've seen each other tipsy before, and lemme tell ya it takes a lot to get this man drunk
♚ his tolerance is so high from all the w i n e
♚ but one night you two get absolutely HAMMERED like oh my God guys calm down pls
♚ rip your liver lmao
♚ it makes for a v e r y funny evening though you guys have literal tears in your eyes and its so nice to see the mighty Jumin Han loosen up a little aw bless
☀︎ okay
☀︎ listen
☀︎ this man is absolutely out of control i can’t
☀︎ you thought he was a prankster before???? oh man i am so sorry
☀︎ “saeyoung why is there a balloon above saeran’s door” “don’t worry bout it babe” “i am WORRYING SAEYOUNG”
☀︎ on a serious note though being stuck in the house does sometimes bring back some bad memories for him
☀︎ there are some bad days where he just n e e d s to get out
☀︎ so you sometimes go out for a quick drive in some desert place ya know let’s be sensible
☀︎ you guys have also made a habit of climbing to the roof and watching the stars aw
☀︎ you’ve also both fallen a sleep there a few times oopsy daisy
☀︎ the memes are the only thing getting you guys through at this point it’s a problem
☀︎ but you are loving the quality time with your choi boys so it’s not all bad <3
☀︎ family snuggles are a must
☀︎ a M U S T
☀︎ the desired s n u g g l e position is you sat on Saeyoung’s lap, your legs draped over Saeran’s lap and Saeran’s head resting on Saeyoung’s shoulder AW
☀︎ sometimes you hold Saeran’s hand whilst he’s asleep bc your edgy boi needs love but wont ask for it ever
❁ first of all
❁ a w
❁ this man is the sweetest peach
❁ he makes so many cute things for you whilst you guys are in lockdown
❁ i mean he’s writing letters, knitting you scarves, painting you pictures the whole shebang
❁ he even made you a pyjamas
❁ he’s sewing guys he’s out of control
❁ if your working/reading/just having a quiet moment he will sketch you
❁ you wouldn't know it though bc he’s a s n e a k y bastard
❁ he’s never filled a sketchbook so fast and it’s his most treasured possession
❁ a book!!! filled with YOU!!!!! amazing!!!!!!
❁ wait, did you hear that????
❁ oh yeah
❁ actual children
❁ even if what you make is terrible its just so fun because you're doing it together
❁ brb just crying my eyes out i love this man so much
❁ you guys also make care packages and do the grocery shopping for the elderly/at risk people in your area and deliver it for them AND sewing scrubs/masks for doctors
❁ “I don’t want to stay inside doing nothing all the time when there are people who need help” THIS MAN IS TOO MUCH
☽ i hope you're ready for this grumpy motherfucker
☽ he never went outside anyway but now that he cant go out it sounds like the best thing in the world saeran pls
☽ ah yes it is time to wake up
☽ oh it’s 4pm?????
☽ HA who needs a sleep schedule anyway
☽ also Saeyoung is not the only twin with the Mischief Gene™
☽ oh no no no
☽ you two team up and absolutely destroy him
☽ i am so sorry Saeyoung but you had this coming
☽ when Saeran says that he wants to learn an instrument you are GOBSMACKED
☽ he orders a keyboard and omg he’s such a fast learner
☽ probs from all the years of hacking ouch
☽ do i smell??? A FAMILY BAND?????
☽ you and Saeyoung play kazoo
☽ Saeran has left the chat
☽ seriously though his piano playing is so pretty and it calms him down so much ughhh PRECIOUS TOMATO BOI
This is so chaotic hahahah I hope you enjoyed though. If people liked it I’ll do some more silly things like this. It was a nice break from...the other stuff I’m writing...hint hint watch this space ;)
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
hcs: Shinsou, Todoroki & Midoriya with an s/o who gets drunk on apple juice
Hey, this may sound kind of stupid but when I drink apple juice it has the same effect as if I drank alcohol. So can I request hcs for Shinsou, Shouto, & Izuku with an s/o that gets “drunk” by just drinking apple juice, she gets all slow, calls a thing something else, and is overall just wasted, like I don’t remember what I do when I drink apple juice and that’s why I can’t trust it, thank if you do my weird request!
no no it doesn’t sound stupid at all, if anything it seems quite amusing to me lmao, which is why I can’t wait to write this :D hope you enjoy!
I haven’t written in a whiiiilleeee woah, this feels strange but I also missed it so much. I’m gonna try to be as I am usual with writing, I think I just need to get into it again ^^ Anyway enough of my talking about me, now onto the headcanooonssss
Tip jar ^^
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Hitoshi Shinsou
okay so
it would take a while for Shinsou to see you in your ‘drunk’ state
because I don’t think he really hangs out with people a lot
and when you two do you just avoid apple juice like the plague because you know exactly what happens if you don’t
but well, one day you’re hanging out the bakusquad who you’re friends with
and of course you knew Shinsou wasn’t  there so you went all out with the juice
you aren’t that embarrassed about being that way around your friends as they’re strange too and they had seen you that way before
they know that you kindaaaaa like the purple haired boi
and kaminari and sero think that it would be hilaaarious to have him see you like this
so they text him to come to kaminari’s dorm room, where you all are hanging out
Shinsou at first declines the offer bc he just wants to sleep and isn’t in the mood to be annoyed
but then kaminari tells him you’re there too ;)
he leaves out the drunk on juice part :)
He won’t give in immediately, just because he knows he will get teased if he does
so well, he goes to the dorm of class A (Aizawa totally didn’t see him and pretend he wasn’t looking at all) and looks for kaminari’s room
he gets there and is slightly disappointed when bakugou opens the door instead of you
he doesn’t ask where you are, but bakugou knows that shinsou wants to see you
and tbh, he wants to see his reaction to your state too
“she’s inside” is all he says
Shinsou kinda wants to r u n
But he doesn’t
As he enters he can hear yelling from the distance
and there’s  just pure confusion on Shinsou’s face
until he enters the living room
he sees you dancing on the couch, yelling some incoherent sentences
mina has joined you at this point and the sight is just really funny
assuming you got drunk on alcohol (y’all are of legal age here we don’t support underage drinking!!) he just chuckles and shakes his head
and then sero decides to tell him you became… that… because of apple juice
to say that Shinsou finds it amusing is an understatement
You’re probably too drunk to even realise what is going on
People who don’t know him maybe won’t be able to tell, but the bakusquad sees he’s enjoying every second of this
“Oh my god look at that cute kitty!!!”
“....y/n that’s a plushie of a bear”
okay now over to when you two are together
Shinsou won’t be controlling about this or anything, since it’s not like you are ruining your kidneys and as long as you aren’t alone things are fine
might tease you the next day over it tho hehe
(after he has taken care of you and you’ve recovered from your ‘hangover’ of course :D)
also imagine him carrying to your dorm :,)
i mean he  b u f f e d up didn't he
literally doesn't care if you’re heavy or not he WILL carry you bc you’re his baby!!
might act like he gets annoyed at your drunk state
which he will be sometimes but he wouldn’t trade it for the world
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Todoroki Shouto
Todoroki’s reaction is hard to tell from his face probably
I mean he doesn’t make you think he’s annoyed or angry
but he isn’t laughing either
baby is just confused
and before you two are couple he doesn’t exactly know how to take care of you in that state
like he wants to help but,,,, how????
he will slightly chuckle at you
and have this teeny tiny adorable smile uwu
“wait what is a canadian flag doing here.”
“..... you mean todoroki?”
okay in order for him to see you like that you will probably have to hang out with the dekusquad
they don’t really drink alcohol, so most drinks that they have are just juice
they know what happens when you drink too much
iida will most likely constantly be telling you off if you drink too much
and uraraka just tries to distract you so you won’t be drinking the whole time
….and midoriya doesn’t really know what to do
anyway, one time, midoriya, being the sweet angel he is, invites todoroki to join you guys
and well he wants to say no first
but then deku rambles and somewhere he mentions you
boy is sold immediately
and by the time he arrives, you are already wasted
and oh lord what a mess
todoroki doesn’t really know how to react
don’t get him wrong, he won’t think of you any less
he just,,, doesn’t know how to help?
“todoroOooooOOokiii, hiiii~” you giggle as you skip over to him
he can’t help but think you’re adorable uwu
baby is blushing
before he realises your attention goes back to the music that you had put on earlier
you even try to make him join
haha, no.
but of course he will watch
and secretly enjoy after a while
does feel this unfamiliar pang when he sees you pulling Midoriya with you to dance
dw bub he likes someone else :)
okay and
when you two are together
todoroki tries to keep you as sober as he can
he always sees the regret in your face the day after and he doesn’t like seeing his partner sad :(
todoroki is too pure for this world i’m crying
might not always be the best at comfort the day after but you can tell he does his best
if you ask him to get ice cream he will buy a supply for the next 59 years
it’s the thought that counts right
and of course it will be bought with Endeavor’s credit card :D
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Midoriya Izuku
okay so
I think how midoriya handles it can go two ways, depending on whether you two are close or not
if you two are close or have been childhood friends, he will know about your… interesting habit
however, if he doesn’t know you that well he probably has no idea
tho he does analyse people at times, I don’t think the fact that you get drunk on apple juice crosses his mind
if you two are close, he will try his best to keep you ‘sober’
if you do happen to get drunk he will keep a veeeery close eye on you!!
and as soon as a) someone bothers you or b) you’re just completely wasted he will take action
and bring you to your room if it gets too late
“Izuku…. Why is there broccoli on your head?...”
“uhm… That’s my hair y/n…”
he will 100% blush at some things you say
be careful, his poor heart is v fragile
despite his flustered state he will do his best to help
will definitely take care of you the next day
and trust me, if you thank him or tell him he’s doing great this boi will be so happy and blushy uwu
Now, if he isn’t that close to you it will take a while for him to find out about your interesting habit
he might be a little too shy to help, but he might tell your friends if something is wrong
something like “Hey, is y/n alright?”
just so your friends will stay kinda alert
but well, if they’re wasted too he will most likely try to help
he will be a lot more flustered than if you two were close friends
and he won’t know what exactly to do because he doesn’t know your boundaries, at the same time he wants to respect them so,,,, yeah that will be hard for him
now,,, if you two were a couple
be prepared to get pampered
BUT first of all
he will do his best to make sure you don’t get drunk every time you’re given some apple juice
of course he won’t be controlling
he will just kinda remind you how you get when you drink too much
and if you end up getting ‘drunk’, he will keep a v e r y close eye on you
might even be a little overprotective
will definitely leave the party early with you because he knows how you will be the next day
sorry bub it’s for your own good
the next day he will bring whatever you need!!
“uhm… I know what your favourite ice cream flavor is but there were so many brands so i bought them all.”
welp he means well :D
and cuddles!!!
if you need them he will be more than happy to give them
and soft forehead kisses
aaaa i’m so soft
oh one more thing
he will definitely carry you when you’re too drunk
if you snuggle up to his chest and/or wrap your arms around his neck
he will be about to explode
“..why is there a pillow on your chest izu?”
poor boy doesn’t know what to do
and whether you are close or not he will check on you the next day
to sum it up he’s just a shy angel that does his best to help you, whether you barely know each other or are in a relationship
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roguish-gallery · 4 years
Rogues + Internet/Social Media HCs!
Hello!!! this was requested by @geniusbee I struggled a bit with the initial prompt, so I kinda broadened the question, I hope you don’t mind! Once I got the ball rolling with this one, it was super fun to work on! Thank you again for your request!
If anyone wants to, feel free to send me send me more requests! I’d love to do more of these!
Everything is under the Read More bc this got LONG AS FUCK. (Slight TW for sexual references!)
Doesn’t use social media. point blank
He’ll surf the web mostly for research or for communication purposes, but that’s mostly it... That being said sometimes he DOES look up stuff for fun because he’s a naturally curious guy who had limited access to education for the first 20-ish years of his life. It sends him down a rabbit hole of researching weird shit and sometimes you’ll catch him up at 4:00 am looking up how bread was made in Ancient Rome or what Cock and Ball Torture is bc he heard Joker say it once and he’s never EVER fucking heard of those words strung together like that before
Also… his fingers are simply too beefy for most keyboards. Dude tryna sit down and send Scandal Savage some fun cookie recipes she could try with her GF like
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Not a lot to say here but tbh she probably has the most normal internet habits of everyone. Helps to promote cat shelter’s web pages, and will use some light hacking to find the locations of fur factories and animal abusers but that’s mostly it?
If she isn’t already an influencer, she has definitely considered it. Will sometimes post selfies of her wearing stolen jewelry just to flex. Has a legion of simps.
Unknowingly gets into kin drama without trying to
He has... so many theather blogs, musical blogs, and obscure film blogs... someone help him... somehow he regularly adds shit to ALL OF THEM. 
He’s that one bitch who hoards all the canon URLs and there’s nothing you can fucking do to stop him.
Harley Quinn:
Her computer is slow and buggy as shit because she’s got so many viruses from trying to download flash games. Edward refuses to fix her computers at this point because he knows it’s a lost cause.
She vlogs sometimes, actually! And she’ll drag her hyenas or any of the rogues/batfam/GCPD she’s hanging out with atm into it.
She likes to go onto anxiety or depression forums and anonymously leave nice, helpful advice :)
Mostly on the dark web, doing… things that you do on the dark web...
If he’s ever on the clean web I promise it’s only to start kin drama or to dm fucked up shit to random people he finds.
Has been known to catfish when the mood strikes him
Also? He jumps onto RP forums and either plays the SHITTIEST Batman, or an eerily accurate Batman.
Killer Croc:
He likes looking up funny videos online!!! Also! Art tutorials!!
He likes to post his artwork online under a pseudonym. He doesn’t expect anyone to really pay attention to his work, but it’s always a very pleasant surprise when someone likes or leaves a nice comment on his art.
 He genuinely cherishes all of his followers and the kind interactions he shares with them.
Mad Hatter:
It’s just hat porn and hentai. I’m sorry.
Mr. Freeze:
Normal internet habits tbh. Doesn’t really go on the internet that often because he doesn’t particularly care about keeping up to date with what’s happening.
He used to have a Facebook where he’d post pictures of himself and Nora, but he can’t really do that anymore due to obvious reasons.
Lightly dabbles in dark web shit (for business purposes) but otherwise he’s like an old man on the internet. Checks the stock market and shit. Responds to his emails in a timely manner. He keeps track of everyone’s internet presence but that’s mostly because he enjoys drama and he doesn’t want to be out of the loop in case Eddie starts something again and he needs to know WHY Jervis and Pamela can’t be in the Iceberg at the same time without trying to kill each other.
He REFUSES to make a social media account for the Iceberg Lounge!!!! It is too classy for that!!!
Other than that, though… don’t tell anyone… but he keeps some tabs open on some 🥺🥺🥺 some bird forums and uh 🥺🥺🥺 m🥺🥺🥺 maybe some blogs he has that are all about Jane Austen and Star Trek: The Next Generation 🥺🥺🥺🥺 n-not like he LIKES Star Trek, though!!
Also in Batman #448 it shows that him and Batman canonically play chess with each other online and you know what? That’s cute as hell so I’m gonna say that they still do that.
Poison Ivy:
Surprising no one… she mostly blogs about botany
Will ONLY go onto other parts of the internet to like and share Harley, Selina, or Waylon’s posts and THAT'S IT!!!!
She is not above getting petty in the comment section!! If she finds a video of some clown over-watering their ferns she will absolutely let them know and she will not be polite about it.
Canonically has the best hookup and 100% is the most active online. Like yeah he does a lot of hacking shit but he uses the internet for legit stuff too.
PURPOSEFULLY looks himself up and will argue with anyone who talks smack about him on literally any of the search results. He WILL remember your username and he WILL publicly mock you for it when he freezes your laptop or when he takes over the broadcasting waves in Gotham again.
You KNOW he has a social media account for everything. He WILL talk about how smart and sexy he is and he WILL get around any attempts made to get him blocked, suspended, or banned. 
“You fool… I have 70  A L T E R N A T I V E  A C C O U N T S”
He is the self-proclaimed tech-guru of the Rogues. He WILL harass you if you are using the wrong web browser or if you have TOO MANY FUCKING TABS OPEN FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU.
He calms down somewhat once he becomes a P.I. He’ll take selfies at crime scenes and livestream himself when he’s finding clues or chasing someone down! He’s absolutely obsessed with it and he gets super popular. He knows that he shouldn’t broadcast himself solving crimes... but... the clicks... the views... his stans...
Enjoys gaming and modding whenever he has free time.
He hasn’t been in a classroom in years but if you looked at his internet habits you would think he’s still teaching psychology at Gotham U. Responds to emails responsibly (but NOT on weekends or after 10 pm!!)
Probably wouldn’t blog these days, but when he was younger he had a page where he would discuss his psychology work.
He mostly uses the internet for research or to order chemicals but he’ll often get swept up in some inane message chain with Harley and Eddie and he HATES IT.
He has like two dozen tabs open on his computer because he forgets about them and even though some of the tabs have been there for so long that he GENUINELY can’t remember why they were there, he keeps them because it makes Edward break into hives every time he tries to watch what he’s doing online. Giving Edward Nygma anxiety sweats is easy and free and should be done often.
He uses incognito mode… whenever he needs to google embarrassing questions…
He likes to peruse the dark web but sometimes he enjoys hopping onto r/legaladvice and r/relationships and reads that shit like it's the Sunday paper.
If he’s bored or is having a bad mental day, he likes to look up all the Google doodle games that Google keeps archived. they’re all really cute and are a lot of fun to goof around with whenever he’s wanting to play something light and quick!
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Broken Wing Job
leverage 5.08
- - - - -
I love how casually she sets up her rigging in headquarters
- - - - -
Hardison: Yeah, basically not true. Look, babe, six weeks of bed rest. Doctor’s orders. Not optional. And don’t forget to take your pain pills, okay?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: They make everything go wibbly-wobbly. (grabs a bottle of orange pop and opens it)
Hardison: Yeah, that’s how you know they’re working.
Parker: But I got to be sharp... on the edge. It’s where I got to be. Can’t have nothing in my life I can’t walk away from in 30 seconds if I feel the heat coming around the corner.
[Equipment Closet]
Hardison: Parker, look, I know that you’re... Wait, hold up, babe, did you just quote “Heat”?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker (chuckling): Yeah, that’s where that’s from. Ha, watched your Netflix queue... Twice.
[Equipment Closet]
Parker: Think I’m going stir-crazy.
Hardison: You think?
wow, this ep already hits different during quarantine
- - - - -
Hardison: Babe, love, kisses, snuggles.
[Equipment Closet]
Hardison: Other romantic verbs. Take your pills, be nice to Amy. Look, we’ll be fine without you. (blows on equipment)
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: Yeah. That’s what I’m afraid of
- - - - -
the montage of parker going crazy in the chair HITS SO CLOSE TO HOME IN CORONA SEASON
- - - - -
also parker drinks orange soda when she’s sick ,,, im soft
she probably should be drinking something healthier, though
I’m sure somewhere in the distance eliot’s Stupidity Senses™ are tingling and he’s internally screaming at her for not being healthier
- - - - -
Parker looks at her pill bottle, then at the bear. She begins changing the channel, then offers the remote to the bear)
Parker: Oh, what? You want to choose? Okay, fine. But no “B.J. and the Bear” And no reality dating shows... Except “Beauty and the Geek.” I like that one. Oh, what? You’re gonna sulk now? Okay, fine. I’m just gonna keep choosing, then
I love learning little things about parker, like how she likes beauty and the geek (it probably reminds her of her and hardison)
- - - - -
Parker: Hey, you know, these are really good. No, I’m serious. These are really good. Trust me, I’ve seen some of the best.
Amy: Thanks. I wish you could tell my father that, though.
Parker: Well, has he seen these?
Amy: No. He has never seen any of my artwork. Doesn’t stop him from having an opinion about art school, though.
Parker: What, he’s not a fan?
Amy: Not of any degree that doesn’t have an “m,” a “b,” or an “a” in it. He wants me to take over the family business.
Parker: And what is the family business?
Amy: What isn’t the family business?
okay, y’all, I get it now
I get why everyone loves amy now
it’s because she’s a cinnamon roll with a heart of gold and I too am now in love with her
ALSO parker has come far and she cares about people and compliments people she’s baby
- - - - -
Parker: Who are you guys? (thinks, writes ‘thieves’ on the board) You guys picked the wrong brew pub.
this SCREAMS home alone energy
- - - - -
(Eliot sits meditating with his eyes closed when his phone rings)
Eliot: Parker.
Parker: Hey, what are you doing?
Eliot: I’m waiting. How’s the knee?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: Ah, driving me to crazy town. Pretty much like it’s on cruise control, cruising me through crazy town. And you know what? Let’s face it. I have way too much to do. This knee—I need to be on a bullet train through crazy town. I don’t have time to stop for gas, go to the museum.
Eliot: Parker, breathe. Identify your limitations. Turn them to advantages.
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: Okay, good. How do I do that?
Eliot: Adapt. I got to go
eliot will ALWAYS pick up for parker, even when he’s about to be attacked by a samurai
- - - - -
the air vents are SO HUGE and I don’t doubt for a minute it’s for parker
- - - - -
Amy: Okay, you want me to what, now?
Parker (hopping around the bench): Those guys are gonna rob this store, right? Which is fine. I don’t mind robbers who aren’t robbing me or my friends or kids or... But they brought a gun to the party, and that changes all the rules.
plus no guns in their house anyways because Eliot Does Not Like Them and the team accommodates him for that
- - - - -
Parker: Because that’s what you do. I’ve seen your résumé. Volunteer work, charity efforts. Of all the people who work here, do you think Hardison really picked you at random? No. He knew you were one of us.
Amy: Okay, “one of us”? What does that mean, “one of us”?
Parker: People who have to help.
Amy (sighs and holds out her hand)
it’s officially canon that hardison handpicks the BEST people to hire and I love it
- - - - -
I love how they showed how parker was noticing things about the getaway van by taking notes on screen
- - - - -
Parker: Oh. I’m fine. (shrugs off her help) I got it, I got it, I got it. I got it. I’m fine. (nearly falls) Ugh!
Amy: Oh! Okay, tell me.
Parker: Tell you what?
Amy: You know what to do, and I know how to walk. No offense. So let me be your legs.
Parker: It could get scary in there.
Amy: I get it.
Parker: Okay. (hops back to the counter)
+ this is so important how parker is caring about amy and wants her to make sure she knows what she’s getting into
- - - - -
Amy: Right, I’ll just tell them we’re short on servers. We do it all the time when we don’t feel like working. (catches herself) And you’re dating the boss.
Parker: You guys think of him as the boss?
Amy: Well, yeah, because that’s what he is.
Parker: Yeah, guess so. Is he a good boss? Do you—you guys like him?
Amy: What, are you kidding? He’s awesome. But don’t take this the wrong way. He is way too smart for this place.
Parker: I agree. He’s the smartest man I’ve ever met, and I’ve known some very smart men.
Amy: And I asked you about a brother, right?
Parker: Twice
my aesthetic is people in love with hardison (parker and eliot) telling people how hardison is the smartest person they’ve ever known
- - - - -
Parker: Hey. Hey, wait.
(V and K turn to look at Parker, who walks up to V)
V: What?
Parker: I’m gloating.
(Police take the two men away)
- - - - -
Parker (lifts a glass to toast): To new friends, new food, and no fish.
James: No fish.
Amy: No fish.
(they drink)
Parker: Mmm. Start with Eliot’s chili. It’s the best
parker IMMEDIATELY recommends eliot’s food bc she loves him and supports his passion
- - - - -
- - - - -
Nate (eyes the bullet holes in the walls): How were things here?
Parker: Fine. Same. Boring. Like Japan.
Hardison: You know, I don’t believe you. (points at Amy) And, you, you’re a part of this. See this—all this? It’s not just any zombie movie. This the original zombie movie. Babe, it’s on Blu-ray. How is it possible to be bored? You know what we’re gonna do? We’re watching this from the beginning, because, obviously, you’re doing something wrong.
Eliot: I’m in.
Sophie: Sure. Why not?
Nate: Maybe a little more popcorn?
Amy: I’ll get some.
Nate (softly to Parker): Nice job while we were away.
(Parker smiles)
the whole team joining in to watch the movie with parker AND amy!!!
also, nate whispering good job to parker after an entire episode of establishing her as a mastermind? *chef’s kiss* iconique
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hypnotixstorm · 4 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* to do list *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Normal Text = Have NOT started working on the request
Bold and Pink Text = I am CURRENTLY working on the request
Once I have completed a request it will be REMOVED from this list
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Can I get an imagine of Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho? Maybe an AU hundreds of years ago where he ends up caring for a human woman and teaching her how to defend herself. If you don't like that one, anything you think of.
Character: Kanda from DGM NSFW Prompt: "Make me." Love youuuuuu 😘
How about a NSFW scenario of Kakashi coming home to his sweet little naughty civilian S/O? 😜 A bit of role play where they call him sensei while he's doing them on the kitchen table?
Thanks for the Soi Bean Post! This gonna be my last Soi Fon request. Sorry for being quite a Soi Queen freak. For my request can you Soi after shower decides to wear s/o clothes. S/O tries to take picture of her. Then she tells that she has falling in love with you. You have changed let me take care of you. You can be very very very sluff on this one. Thanks!
ok ok so i have a few requests 🥺🥺 so! first could you maybe do an “I missed you.” with Rukia? 🥺💗 just fluff for my baby girl aaaa
Ichigo kissing his s/o in the rain 😆😆😆 Headcanons or scenario is up to you! 💙
ANYTHING SHIKAMARU. Deadass anything
Hey! I was wondering if I could request some Rukia x fem!reader relationship headcannons? Only if you're able to! Tysm! 💖
I hope requests are open but I was wondering if you could do something with byakuya and his s/o being like a very intimidating couple but his s/o is actually very sweet to everyone?
Kakashi x reader and instead of team 7 its now y/n tryna see whats under the mask and eventually she just asks and he actually reveals it adfhsjjs
Can I please get rat dad Ging being seduced by a younger woman who refuses to take “no” for an answer until he finally gives her what she wants? NSFW please! 💖
ok so please don't feel pressured to write this birthday imagine 🥺 i know u have a lot of requests rn ah. but! if you're able to i really would love another toshiro one bc i'm a sucker for him 😭 maybe one where he's really overworking himself so the reader helps him relax and it just ends in cuddles 🥺💓 only if you're able to! ilysm 💓💖💓💖💓💘💓💘💓
ok i swear this is the last one i feel bad requesting sm 😭 but maybe a “Do you wanna, maybe, go out sometime?” with toshiro bc he really is best boy 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
OKAY SO ANOTHER ONE WITH SABURO WITH UHHHH GOING ON A FIRST DATE WITH HIS S/O ICIXHAJGSSHSSUSKSU he'll probs driving his van around with the music blasting out 👀👀
honestly i would kinda die if u wrote some renji smut 😳😳 literally in any situation, i'm just needy rn 😭
ok ok i'm here hehe. how about, the reader gets really injured during a battle and shiro's kinda blaming himself for it. kindaaa angst into a super fluffy ending if that's ok hhh 🥺
Hi 🥰 Can I get a headcanon for Kakashi with a really seductive s/o, like she likes to tease him in public and whispers dirty things in his ear and calls him daddy? Nsfw pls? 😊😁
“make me” and hisoka??? thank you
hehe this is for the 🦋🦋 event! congrats on 200 bb!! so, i saw attack on titan on your list and i'm experiencing a severe lack of my best boy marco 🥺🥺 if you don't write for him that's fine hehe, but if you do, could i please maybe get a lil scenario where marco helps the reader out with her training and then they accidentally confess their feelings and it's just rlly fluffy and cute? 🥺 i need marco being happy in my life rn sbdjdhdjr 💓💓
“If you keep biting your lip like that, I’m holding you accountable for my actions.” for Kakashi please! I love him 🤤
If your requests are still open, can i ask for some domestic kakashi fluff? Ty
Hi mommas❤️❤️ CAN I PWEASE request some Guren (seraph of the end) relationship headcanons ? Not nsfw but maybe a little steamy 🥺🥰 I LOVE UU -🍒
Hi Chloe 🥰 Can I have some spicy nsfw headcanons for Yami where his s/o is acting really bratty during sex and he puts her in her place? 😪😂😊
Kageyama wirh Oikawas sister reader? there just chillin Nd stuff and toru comes over and picks y/n up and they hug and kageyama is like “eXcuSe mE???” forgive my spelling im on mobile lmao
Hiii❤️❤️ Can I request an imagine where you live in a small town and work at a cafe and Bakugou is your cliche small town boyfriend? Or headcanons! The idea is so cute and I love your writing 😊
okay so uHHHHH you can just go for Mephisto sharing some food with his s/o owo;; take your time on it too because i know it's gonna be really great either way!
A reader insert saved by vampire! main YYH crew from a pack of werewolves
Since you said requests are open maybe.. suga subbing for you? Idk he's just always appeared like someone who would love to please you in anyway possible.
V A M P I R E LAVI!!! DO IT GIRL!! 👌👌♥️♥️♥️
Fake dating with Lavi!!!!! Need more of the DGM boyz!! 😂
can I get an itachi x reader fic where it's itachi's birthday and the reader decides to give him a special night (👀), wearing lingerie, lighting candles, etc. for him to come home to? I love your work (and you!!) sm btw 🥺💞 - nina!! (@kunoichihatake)
hello ✨💕 it’s me, ryn 😘 if it’s okay, can i request a nishinoya x female!reader? perhaps a first date at the boardwalk with like the rides and carnival stuff? then at the end of the date he kisses her and it turns out the karasuno squad was following them the whole night hehe?
Hi! Can I request a prompt of some soft Kakashi, maybe some cuddles, perhaps it gets a little heated... a lil' Nsfw never hurt nobody👀👅 Thank you so muuch!~😍❤️
If I had kakashi in front of me I would tell him “aren’t you tired of being the most handsome man here?”
Hi! I saw that requests were open for the Haikyuu!! boys so here I am! I was wondering if I could request a Tsukki x reader where Tsukki has a crush on the reader but doesn't know how to express his feelings other then throwing insults. it can be angsty or fluffy I just really love Tsukki as a tsundere lol. (also btw I LOVE your theme and blog aesthetic its very pretty!)
Hey wifey😚 so Ichigo has stolen my heartttt can I get the strawberry boy with an S/O who gets super shy with with physical contact? Tyy💗💗
Fake dating with Lavi!!!!! Need more of the DGM boyz!! 😂
NSFW Vampire Squall (FF8) for very obvious reasons because UUUUUUGH
Hello there miss, my name is kandaxxx. Nice to meet you since I have definitely never requested from you before and this is definitely my first time and i am definitely not taking advantage of your bomb writing skills to ask you to write a “Choke me, daddy.” for Seymour from FF (love you forever and always!!!!!!)
hey butterfly 🥺 can you please write a story where the reader and (any character) are fighting and it turns out it was just about something stupid? like chicken nuggets? thank you 🥺💗
Eek! DGM! I was wondering if you would do a request for a general Allen Walker relationship HC? I don’t see him on the character list, but I’m just curious *bows* Thankyou senpai!
Spin The Bottle with any of the DGM characters that you're comfortable writing????? (but like obviously when Kanda spins the bottle it has to land on the reader [me] because YOU KNOW WHY OK????????) ilysm!!! 😍
I’m thinking a smut scenario of some kind that uses the prompts “Perhaps I need to remind you of your place.” and “Let me show you what happens to little brats who don’t follow the rules.” I feel like those are very Nozel Silva things to say. 😈 -bakubabes-hatake
Omfg HI mommy, Can i request really fluffy and soft itachi after he comes back from a mission? Non-massacre AU and you’re on the same team as sasuke lolol thirsty for them age gaps ❤️ thank youuuu ily -🍒
Can I get a fake dating with Kand--Roy Mustang (hahahaha) 👉👈🥺
Is this okay to ask for? Egor taking care of s/o who has period cramps... Ty!
can I get an itachi x reader fic where it's itachi's birthday and the reader decides to give him a special night (👀), wearing lingerie, lighting candles, etc. for him to come home to? I love your work (and you!!) sm btw 🥺💞 - nina!! (@kunoichihatake)
Hello! Can I please request some headcanons for Kiba with a S/O with a praise kink? And for Shikamaru with a S/O with a choking kink? Thank you so much.
Wow. Here is me putting in a request. Shocker, right?? 😂 I want some Greed, baby 😈 as for the prompt, it's not in your list, but could you maybe do something based off of "Oh my god. Did we just break the bed?" ???? 👉👈
It's a shame u only have one ling request, so could I request some Ling x Reader where they're both absolutely oblivious until Lan Fan or Ed or someone finally just tells them for them? Sorry if I didn't make any sense ❤️❤️
ok idk if you write threesomes but 😳😳 if you could write one with daichi and suga n maybe some dp, i'd probably die 🥺💓 only if you're comfortable with that tho ♡
Tyki flirting with his crush in his native language of Portuguese? I really love your work and please have some candy 🍬🍭🍫
hi butterfly! 🥰 i hope you're doing well! you already know what i'm going to ask you for — a request! i just feel really down in the dumps lately. can i request headcanons for an s/o that takes graduation pictures on their grandmother's 3 year death anniversary with kenma, nishinoya & kuroo? i hope you can do my request! you don't have to do it if you don't want to!
hehehe kuroo, tsukki and kageyama headcanons of their s/o sending them a nude while they at training and them making an excuse to get home and fUcK yOu SeNsELeSs - 🌊
Hello may I request itachi x reader. People learned the truth and he can finally return to his wife and children in the village 🥺 and they don’t have to be in secret anymore
holy shit,, i am starved for the squall content,,, if you don't mind, catching you wearing their clothes?
S/O walking in on kakashi masturbating? 👉👈 💕
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