#leverage 5x08
raayllum · 7 months
Time to be wonderfully self indulgent and talk about a scene comparison I've wanted to for a hot second (while pointing very decidedly to This Post for posterity's sake).
So let's talk about the hostage exchanges for Callum and Rayla in 4x09 and 5x08, shall we?
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First, let's look at the scene setup.
In 4x09, Rayla is very much the aggressor and pursuant, and the one who — initially — has more power. She has her sword up to Terry's throat, neither him nor Claudia have strong reason to think she wouldn't go through with it, and she explicitly threatens Terry's life precisely because of his importance to Claudia. This is similar as to why Finnegrin threatens Rayla (though there are differences, which we'll get to in a moment), so both elves start out as the aggressor in each scenario.
However, there is soon a shift. Callum's "deal" happens because he escalated violence against Finnegrin (the infamous punch), a tad more similarly perhaps to how Rayla is only threatening Terry because she believes Claudia and co. are a threat to the whole world. Now to be fair, Claudia is only threatening Rayla's parents because Rayla is threatening Terry, but we can assume she had the realization of their connection to Rayla a while ago and has been sitting on it just in case she needed leverage, given that she doesn't seem to need a second to consider. I also think we're inclined, typically within the show, to see the person offering up Options / a choice to make as the one who holds more power in the immediate situation (i.e. Karim's whole sun seed for Janai debacle) even if it may be 60-40 the way it is here.
Not a huge power imbalance, but enough that people are being pushed into corners, and that's exactly where Claudia and Finnegrin attempt to do, and arguably do more successfully, to Callum and Rayla respectively.
We've talked a fair bit about Claudia, so now I want to talk about Finnegrin, simply because he gets a whole episode of corner backing, and therefore there's more stages.
The first stage is Finnegrin attacking Callum as an individual — "Look at you: slave to your friends, your loyalties, your pride. I can give you your freedom though" — and it's the least effective, as Callum never budges or shows any real hints of budging even under torture. However, Callum's admission that he has indeed done dark magic before ("I did one spell. One. I had to, to save my friends") gives Finnegrin the tools he needs to create the next prong of his approach.
Stage two is attacking Callum through his friends, and is far more effective. This is why he sets the hand cutting challenge, and Callum buys into it, i.e. the idea that he has to choose, over the idea that Callum could conceivably offer up his own hand instead. This is not to say that he wouldn't — there's little doubt in my mind that Callum wouldn't have seriously considered if not outright done the chain spell up on deck if Rayla hadn't tried to intervene, since as Finnegrin correctly assesses, "They would do anything for you, so clearly you'll do anything for them" — just that his own hand didn't occur to Callum as an option the way it might've to someone like Rayla.
The third stage, of course, is the one that's most interesting to us, simply in how Callum's "hostage deal" differs from Rayla's in both its construction, their assumptions, and their responses.
Claudia: One thing I don't know though — if I threw the coins in the lava, would it release your spirits? Or would they be trapped in some kind of eternal burning agony? Let's trade. You let him go... and I'll give you the coins.
Finnegrin: The cave is for his protection. This way, he lures us a leviathan but doesn't get eaten. The one getting thrown into the sea serpent's hungry mouth is your elf girl.
Claudia's offered deal is different from Finnegrin's in a few ways.
1) Claudia's deal is explicitly stated in not just the text, but the scene itself ("Let's trade") meanwhile Finnegrin, unlike the two stages prior, does not offer Callum any notion of freedom this time around. Even though neither ends up being a fair deal regardless, the setup of said deal is different. Rayla is being legitimately offered; Callum is making a (desperate but understandable) assumption.
2) Exemplified in a drabble I wrote in which Finnegrin was bluffing, I think it's worth noting that the peril Rayla's parents were in was much more apparent. They were completely defenseless, Claudia was already holding them over the lava, and just one quick throw would be enough to potentially leave them in an "eternal burning agony" (which sounds worse than death by sea leviathan to me; at least that decidedly ends at one point). Rayla could see and hear all this. Callum, by contrast, did not see Rayla tied up, or in distress, and Finnegrin had no proof other than his word. That's not to say Callum was wrong to believe him — he'd just watched Finnegrin torture her, and Finnegrin was very much not bluffing in canon — but that normally Callum is a bit more skeptical and wants a bit more proof in regards to things, and this was a time where emotion really pushed him forward. The immediate consequences of however Rayla responded would be seen with her own eyes, where it's unlikely Callum would've even known precisely when Rayla had died/been eaten with any of his senses or knowledge; it's arguably the one 'mercy' that Finnegrin provided him.
3) And as stated, both Claudia and Finnegrin end up being disingenuous. It seems likely that Claudia always intended to trick Rayla, even if she'd let Terry go, given that while we don't see her slight of hand in general on screen, it doesn't seem like it would've been possible for her to take the coins back out again and switch them before tossing the pouch. That seems like a one and done type of thing earlier on. Finnegrin, of course, takes Callum to task for his assumption ("Oh my poor lad; that deal was no longer on the table") and given his choice to feed Rayla to the sea leviathan anyway, I don't think Finnegrin was ever telling Callum about his plans in order to get him to give up the info. I think it was just supposed to be a punishment, plain and simple, for the literal blow to his pride.
But now for the difference I think everyone clicked on this meta for, realistically, are the choices that Callum and Rayla made in response to the offered Deals.
When Rayla's parents lives are on the line, she considers, but ultimately refuses.
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She does not partake in the deal. Rather, she escalates her own refusal of it by pushing Terry to his knees, says so outright — "I'm not making a deal with you!" — and looks up at Claudia, watching and waiting to see how she responds. Claudia as wholly tossed the coin pouch, and Rayla is seeing it arc down towards the lava, before she finally releases Terry to go and try to save her family.
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Rayla does not fold the second her parents are verbally threatened, or when there is a possibility of getting them back. Despite her wanting to stop Claudia and Viren, the bigger issue is ultimately letting Claudia escape > actually keeping Terry away from her as an ally/helper. It is only when her parents will burn to death in front of her eyes that she relinquishes her stalemate in an attempt to save them.
You can argue that Rayla going back on her refusal means she made the same choice as Callum in 5x08, and that's fine; it's your prerogative, it's your interpretation, it's cool beans.
However, that doesn't ignore the character beat that Rayla at least refuses upon the first possibility of a threat. Claudia directly threatens three of Rayla's loved ones, and Rayla doesn't budge and verbally/physically refuses to give Claudia what she wants.
And Callum does the same with Finnegrin under torture... until Finnegrin threatens Rayla. The second Callum realizes that Rayla is in danger, that she will or might be killed, Callum folds.
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The parallel response here would've been Rayla letting go of Terry the second that Claudia said she might throw the coins into the lava, but Rayla doesn't. And Callum does, even though as he said earlier ("I'm not going to help you murder the Archdragon of the Ocean") this makes him complicit in murder.
And this is where Callum's assumption really bites him in the ass, because he assumes that Finnegrin is still operating under the terms of their previous deal ("Told me something I wanted and now she's free as a bird") even though Callum isn't asking for his freedom, but Rayla's. But Finnegrin's pride is wounded — this was always meant to be a straight up punishment, not enough form of coercion — the wick of his anger lit, so it makes no difference.
Rayla refuses Claudia's deal when thinking it existed, only to find out it didn't. Callum agrees to Finnegrin's deal only to find it out it no longer exists. He gave Finnegrin what the pirate wanted and it isn't even going to save the person he gave it up for.
Both failed exchanges — or in Rayla's case, a failed rescue — end in defeat and devastation: Rayla sobbing and letting out a scream of anguished frustration, and Callum laying on the floor in despair, totally sideways from how much he's pulling at his chains.
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I don't think I have to say much else as these scenes and comparisons basically speak for themselves. Neither choice these two make is necessarily the right or wrong choice — for Rayla, her inability to put what she wants first could've resulted in her parents' deaths and has caused herself and others a lot of suffering; for Callum, he understandably wanted to protect a loved one at all cost, even if that left him exploitable and unsuccessful amid Finnegrin's ire, and gave the pirate a dangerous piece of information.
However, I do think that although Callum's choice spells an ominous future (and that Rayla's foreshadows the uncertainty of what she may do when Callum is, inevitably, possessed again, and their futures collide), it's worth examining it as his biggest, more positive difference from Viren, and that's what my next post will be about — so stay tuned if you like.
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aceofwhump · 2 years
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No. 29 ALTERNATE: Crutches 
Hawaii Five-0 5x01 | Supernatural 7x03 | 9-1-1 2x18 | Castle 5x19 | MacGyver 6x18 | Supergirl 2x07 | The Resident 3x01| Second Chances (2013) | Leverage 5x08 | 9-1-1 Lone Star 3x16
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notallwonder · 2 years
Criminal Minds Evolution 16x05 "Oedipus Wrecks". Here. We. Go!!
Spoilers and play-by-play under the cut.
I LOVE ADS /sarcasm
Opening with "At Last"! Exactly how I feel when I see Emily Prentiss on screen lmao
I wish he said "will you accept this rose?" Is that phrase trademarked do you think?
This situation is mysterious "is this her house?" Is she a ceramicist? Who tf they talking about
Weird family portrait
I hate when I fall asleep on a strange rich person's couch
Ew gross
Title card!
At the doctor with Will & JJ - shockingly, Will has known about his problematic test results for months. I guess the C word was his cue to bring JJ in. Surprising no one, she wants to beat his ass for not telling her earlier. Lmao the threat to call his momma.
I'll be honest. I am enjoying when CM veers into comedy land. The peppy music, Penelope being dramatic and emphatic. The way I see it...CM mostly stopped doing creepy/scary well a while ago, though it still has moments. CM stopped trying to do realistic years and years ago. Why not lean further into the ridiculousness of it all. Idk
PG: "I'm not a problem, I'm a delight! A little dramatic, but wonderful..."
Ew bad guy's a biter
Poor Noodle, he's gettin' profiled babey
Omg Emily's eye makeup looks so pretty in this scene
This is the second time I've heard of Raya (first was on White Lotus) lol I'm so out of the loop on exclusive dating apps u guys
girl knows how to politick
speaking of smile... Every time Luke so much as thinks in Garcia's direction, much less talks about her. Beautiful.
Tara's "sounds like you miss it buddy" is the closest we've come so far to Tara or the team commenting on the Garvez sitch. A crumb!
oh my Garcia's a bit over the top this ep, but I like it. "How's my lady brain gonna process it?"
Ew! You're telling me federal prison hands out (dirty) orange CROCS????????????? No. What. LMAO
"Do you know how this town works?" So politicking is a bit of a theme for this ep
If this is about the unsubs fixation on his mother, who had white/gray hair - I think all y'all speculating about Prentiss tryna seduce the unsub in interrogation are right. They brought up the consequences of that tactic for her ever so briefly in 5x08 "Outfoxed" but didn't fully explore it, and glossed over it completely in the Doyle arc. I wonder if we'll get any sense of her feelings on it here, or what.
LMAO the biter unsub scene, followed immediately by a Dove commercial about dry scaly skin. Uck
Emily in the field! *sigh* she pretty
Ok so...Will is "fine". "Just an inflamed thyroid". Treatable, not life threatening... I'm suspicious. I don't trust a TV writer as far as I can throw 'em and I'm not that strong so. But this is an understandable thing to work on in their marriage - not keeping things from each other (about potentially dangerous situations). But like...is it just me or does it make sense they should have had this conversation after 9x14 "200". Y'know "No more secrets". Maybe they've been having variations on this argument for a while, though that is not how this conversation seemed to me. I can kind of see JJ being very black and white in her thinking, but justifying not telling Will about dangerous situations at work (until after) as not so much keeping a secret (which she was doing about her time in Afghanistan) but as waiting to share info. Anyway. I'm still worried about them/Will. This is not over yet.
Y'know what's adorable? Emily shares case discoveries with a bit of a smile, with enthusiasm (even with Noodle Bailey!). She delights in the hunt, in the solving of the puzzle. She takes pride in her work.
God I love Emily Prentiss. Sorry not sorry for being a broken record about it. The way she's trying to manage up - to school Noodle Bailey in (her brand of) how to lead. "You can either protect the people you serve, or protect your ass, but you can't do both."
We'll see where this goes but I appreciate that Bailey seems to be developing a respect for Prentiss.
OH MY GOD. IT'S SABRINA'S AUNT ZELDA (Beth Broderick) as the Senator! Hi lady!
This is interesting. She's saying her son needs to get back out on the fundraising circuit to rehab his (her) image. Remind us of anyone's backstory? Maybe.......the Ambassador Prentiss connection? I wonder if the writers will remember that about Emily and use it explicitly or not.
YOIKES. CREEPY. "and you will not bark argue" 👀 I had to turn on closed captioning because I really thought she said bark
WTF is up with these guys
haha remember when I said like three sentences ago that CM doesn't do creepy well?
"I'm gonna have to thread the needle just right to get a confession"... Here we go baby! Eeeeeep. (never over her hair)
She a boss ass bitch this season and I'm not mad about it
what if............this makes me feel things
omg what if by the end of these 10 eps she fucks Bailey. Of course she could do better (and gayer), but...get it girl, if you want it. that noodle should be so lucky.
............ Y'all...........I'm feeling things...........
Finally an actual statement about her hair. And what a statement.🔥🔥🔥I had assumed it would pretty much go uncommented, unless somebody else (like Morgan) brought it up. Very happy to be proven wrong.
oh, the politically connected...
the brief but charged face off betw Prentiss & the Senator. be still my beating heart.
Y'all. I'm.......I got it bad.
A KITTEN!!!!?!!! But how will Old Man Sergio feel?
ZELDA V. PRENTISS cage match! I literally just shouted "OH HO HO HO!" in my quiet apartment like a nut. Slide that on over to Bailey, here's your chance to become a man Mr. Noodle!
oh the betrayal. If she does fuck him, it's gonna be a hate fuck (she's not gonna fuck him).
lol "you don't need them. she's your mom. " *teeth chomps*. The nonchalance. This is way scarier than him pathetically cleaning up blood with his daddy hallucination
christ she's so hot
I'm struggling over here
Y'all i started this episode like 2 hours ago it's taken me so long to get through because I keep pausing to write (& rewatch certain scenes)
I gotta take a friend to the airport in like 10 minutes
JJ you gotta call your husband! Boy you are not super great at this thing you pinky promised to do.
I feel waiting for backup is not the worst idea....
Are they gonna get stuck in there
Oh no
those fucking rat bastards, leaving me on this cliffs edge....(so i really enjoyed that ep so much!!)
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leverage-ot3 · 3 years
underrated friendship: parker and amy pallavi
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I would literally sell my soul for a breadcrumb in the reboot that they stay in touch
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agent-mcsweetheart · 4 years
The Broken Wing Job
This is the first I’ve seen this episode so bare with me. There are spoilers so, sorry. Here are my thoughts and favorite moments. As always the five are colored accordingly: Nate, Hardison, Parker, and Amy.
*Talking to a monkey* “No, no.” “We’re bOnDiNg”
“I sprained my knee. I’m fine.” *Falls from the ceiling a little too hard* “Totally fine.”
Parker quoting “Heat” in that voice
“Yeah, I watched your Netflix queue. Twice.” plus Hardison’s lil smile
“We’ll be fine without you.” “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of.”
The nurse just trying her best
Parker talking to Parker 2.0 and doing the exercises
“Except Beauty and the geek. I like that one.” THATS SO CUTE WHAT
skfdjhg She’s people watching and doing lip syncing kfdjshg
Parker being home bound is me in quarantine
“Like it’s on cruise control through crazy town and let’s face it. I have too much to do. I need to speed through crazy town. i need to be on a bullet train through.”
She’s talking to the bear i’m-
Someone get Romeo and juliet together
I love Amy more than life itself
“You brought a gun? To my bar?”
“How do you know so much about this?” “I...read blogs...Amy.”
Parker is so sweet I love her
*Scoff* “James. It’s Chicken Parm.”
“At my other charity work, I don’t have a gun pointed at my head!” “Exactly! Oh, you meant that as a bad thing.”
“Wait.” “what?” “I’m gloating.”
Hardison kissing Parker’s head Im-
Nate being proud of her
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entirely relevant addendum in that winston shows more self control / restraint than most other characters, really, sure it's part of his personality that he's more excitably spontaneous than most others too, and he's sincere, but these are things that could get a positive spin even if people just decided they liked his vibe more. him being established as a character involves his having leverage because taylor needs his talent after all (as, you know, argued in the first place really lol) but he goes for this clearly measured, constructive approach, and while he pushes back a little, he certainly never tries to get back at them for how they treated him, and rather he used that treatment as an opportunity for this more constructive, successful reunion, when taylor can't have even meant it thusly. cue him getting shit from coworkers for all of season four and this never making him more even preemptively hostile to anyone. he gets to be a bit petty in s5 ep one, but that's after axe cap has been harassing taylor & co for however long And they're dragged to this "just talk it out =) both sides" meeting about it And the reason quants are being insulted in the first place is also within the context of this being justification for the way tmc overall has been treated, or at least kind of equivocated like oh well yes the harassment including even now really, but the quants are unfriendly :( and winston is never afterwards seen being actually unfriendly w/team ben regardless lmao
and of course rian being introduced, who would replace him, but who he's already Relating to and wanting to connect with one scene later, taylor's not getting on that for a few more episodes even. and then that despite the rivalry / jealousy extending into another episode for him, he Then, prompted by no apparent effort thusly on rian's end, is determinedly friendly next episode and doesn't waver from this even when she's outright insulting him in the middle of their conversation (in a way that Is unprompted, like, hello i know you're high but so is he, he just answers a question and rian tells him how he's Not Hot like please???) and compliments Her linguistic shit in turn after she's dunked on his, like, The Restraint, the successful commitment to what he's Decided to do here.....and from this episode on he Continues to be determinedly friendly / cooperative / helpful even as she in turn continues to dunk on him on purpose largely every episode, who has the Winner's Restraint out here. it's 5x08 & taylor themself is being Provoked by rian's open irritation with them, and it's rian who Also chooses to bring a more conciliatory approach in the end, and we sure get to see how taylor can respond to [your boss has just placed you in competition with this new hire] lmfaooo like. winston's at least got As much self control as the best of them, but as someone who Has to exercise it more, he sure does, something he and taylor could've always connected over, but here we are
and you know, not irrelevant to mention that i'm sure [winston doesn't just Fire Back the same way when people dole out this impulsive treatment based on their kneejerk response that he's sooo uncool & annoying & Wrong] that it's also thanks to self loathing & how he sometimes just absorbs the Ls handed to him and due to the fact that despite the double standard he's much less aggressive than plenty of people around, and so when they give him shit & yell at him of course he's just stressed out & not about to instead get into a shit giving yelling match with them. but he can have defense mechanisms too, And be impulsively petty too, but he's still got much more of a capacity to successfully choose how he responds to someone / approaches a situation. i.e. prince should be so lucky to have half of what winston has here
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jerepars · 3 years
Hello 👋. I recently watched 5x08 and I'm confused as to how Teresa (and viewers) picked up that James was protecting her just because he said that Castelle was a CIA asset. I'm really confused by that scene. Would you mind breaking it down for me please? Thank you
Hi, anon. My answer got pretty long, so it’s after the cut!
Here is the relevant dialogue from the scene:
J: There’s something you need to know.
T: What?
J: Castel is a CIA asset. She works for Devon Finch.
T: Why didn’t you tell me?
J: I’m sorry…but, you have plans to go legit. I didn’t want to derail that. As long as you’re inside of their circle your money’s flowing.
T: You were protecting me.
J: *nods*
T: If Castel works for the CIA, then maybe Devon can fix this.
J: I’ll call him.
First of all, I didn’t even know James hadn’t shared the information about Castel being an asset with Teresa…so that goes to show how few critical interactions Teresa and James have had this season, and how the writers have thrown things at us with the intent of shock value without providing us with critical information. Lol.
But anyway, I think Teresa comes to the conclusion that James was protecting her because of the part above that’s in bold. Maybe James intended to tell Teresa about Castel, but when they were in New York in 5x02 they had the conversation about going legit, and it stopped him. I think that’s the longest conversation they’ve had all season and it’s an info dump, with Teresa explaining why she wants to sell to both the Russians and the Dominicans, what the waterfront project means, and James rounding it out before the kiss by saying “that’s the only way to get to a place where people can’t touch you…or who you love.”
Remember that at this point in the season (5x02, I mean), James has been told (by Pote, off-screen) that Teresa changed, but he has yet to see what new-Teresa is like. James has a version of Teresa—the Teresa he knows—in his mind, so when she tells him about going legit, he is inclined to believe in her cause and support it.
So. He doesn’t tell Teresa about Castel being a CIA asset. Why (because the writers said so, that’s why)? Teresa can’t operate without a supplier. She wants to go legit and she needs to launder her money to go legit. But if there’s no supply, there’s no business, and there’s no money to launder. So the implication is this: if Teresa loses her supplier, or if Teresa walks away from her supplier (maybe James thought if she knew Castel was a CIA asset then Teresa wouldn’t want to be in business with Castel any longer?), then her plans to go legit are derailed. It would be a setback for her, because she’d have to stay in the drug business longer instead of transitioning to legit, above board business only.
Since James knows Castel is a CIA asset, he knows it’s in Teresa’s best interest to ‘play by the rules’ so to speak. As long as you’re inside of their circle your money’s flowing. So it makes sense why we’ve seen James trying to caution Teresa against getting too big, against getting into business with certain people. But James also knows that Teresa—especially the Teresa we see in 5x03 to 5x07—won’t take no for an answer.
Now, back to 5x08. In this scene, then, we are getting some self-awareness from Teresa, because finally she understands that what James might’ve kept from her and what James tried to stop her from doing, all of it was to protect her from being leveraged by the CIA.
This is just my own interpretation and I could be totally wrong, so take it with a grain of salt. I hope this answered your question? At least in the context of the scene? If I try to connect the dots and think about this within the season as a whole, cohesively with everything else, well, the logic falls apart and the major problems in the writing are hard to overlook. But we won’t get into that now!
Thanks for the ask!
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thememoriesofaqueen · 3 years
In Another Life - Part 8
Masterlist (x)      
A/N: Hello & welcome back. First of all, I want to thank you all for your continuous support and feedback. It means a lot to me ♥ Chapter 8 of 'In Another Life' is by far the longest chapter I've ever written with its 13k words and I can promise it's going to be a rollercoaster full of feelings. I also decided to update this chapter on Katherine's 548th birthday, so please enjoy and wish our queen a good birthday. Regarding the question about Nadia's whereabouts: She's not involved in this story yet. That's either because she wasn't introduced yet or because she had left after Katherine killed her boyfriend in 5x08 and told her to rot in hell. Still need to think about what option it's going to be. :) Little hints of Klaroline will be present in this chapter. I hope you enjoy it and please make sure to leave feedback ♥
 English is not my first language    
→ I do not own anything of the TVD - Universe and I’m not affiliated or                   associated with the writers etc. This is only a headcanon/fanfiction.
Pairing: Kalijah ( Katherine / Elijah )
TW: death, accident, hospitals
Word Count: 13.141
Please read also: AO3 and FFnet
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After the car stopped in the parking lot and the engine turned off, Elijah didn't immediately get out of the car. Instead, he took in a shaky breath and leaned his head back against the headrest. His eyes closed as he tried to compose. Not once had he thought that visiting a hospital would be as unnerving as it is now. And while he often donates generous sums of money to hospitals, he never really felt emotionally impacted by them. They were hospitals, people die there but people could also be healed. People are born in them, people get diagnosed with diseases in them, people are treated in them. Nothing that affects a vampire in the slightest, nothing that's even worth paying attention to. For some vampires, the blood bags stored in them were interesting but apart from that, vampires don't concern themselves with it. 
Perhaps his donations are made out of a guilty conscience to give humankind something back to lessen the evils of his family. Nonetheless, he has never dreaded to set a foot in a hospital as much as he dreads it right now, not knowing how his visit is going to turn out.
During his drive, he had tried to not think too much about the 'what if it's her'. Because he, perhaps foolishly, believed that his Katerina won't die because of a mere car crash (however, how many humans already did die because of them?). That would not be an end that befits a person like her. A person as attentive as she could not be run over by a car. But didn't the article said something about a car crash? Some accidents cannot be prevented, no matter how attentive that person is. But no! He didn't even want to consider the possibility of such a thing as the mere thought, the mere thought experiment made him sick beyond repair.
Elijah shuddered and his eyes snapped open as that dreadful imagine started to form in his mind again: Katerina's pale, petite body strained with blood that kept flushing out her gaping wounds, her bones smashed, her chocolate brown eyes wide open but empty and lifeless.
He gritted his teeth and tried to compose himself to not let his despair out on something. The horrible apprehension that his search could come to an abrupt end when he finds her dead body drove him mad and let him almost forget his confidence that it's not her the article was about. 
Nonetheless, he gulped hard, his gaze wandering down to his shaking hands which he clenched into fists in a weak attempt to get control over his body. Without success. His gaze began to become rigid as he continued to stare down at his hands, his subconscious letting him think that his hands started to be soaked with her blood, telling him that her death could have been prevented if he had just been a bit faster, a bit more forceful and energetic. If he hadn't left her, if he had made sure that Katerina was doing well after he had left.
Eventually, he found the strength to fight the inner demons, the blame he subconsciously gave himself, and he blinked, the imagined blood vanishing from his hands. Nonetheless, the guilt was still there.
"What happens if something goes wrong? You know that there are many people who'd do anything to gain power over you if they need something from you. What if someone thinks I'd made good leverage?" "Is that the reason why you refuse to officially accompany me to the meeting with the local witches?" "I'm not really keen on witches, Elijah. And a girl is going to look out after herself. I don't want to get involved with Original's drama because I certainly don't like being a weak spot." "Oh, I doubt that you're ever going to be a weak spot." "Unlike you, I can easily die. A witch doesn't even have to touch me to drive a stake through my heart." "You have nothing to fear from these witches, they are associates. Besides, I won't ever let anything happen to you or anyone harm you, Katerina. You have my word."
The memories echoed through his mind as he opened and closed his fists, still trying to prevent his hands from shaking. What a hypocrite he had been.
He went to New Orleans to prevent her from coming to harm at Niklaus' hands but at the same time, he was too mindless to properly think it through. Whatever led to Katerina's transitioning into a human, he should have been supposed to know it earlier. Not finding it out because of some unanswered calls and a conversation with his sister. He should have tried harder to keep a tap on her, no matter how much it would have broken his heart to know he cannot be with her at that time. He should have considered the other dangers, especially with the cure and Silas still being around whose intentions were unclear at the time being. Of course, he believed that Katerina could take care of herself and never get herself into a life-threatening situation because, in his eyes, Niklaus had always been the greatest threat, and with him going and being occupied in New Orleans, Elijah thought she would be safe. That she'd be safer without him. Furthermore, Elijah believed that Katerina is an extraordinary person who is very capable of fighting her own battles.
He shouldn't have assumed that everything is going to be turn out okay after he left. And that had been his mistake, his fault. The reason why blame kept weighing him down because she obviously had needed him, even called him, and he wasn't capable of helping her. Because the dagger in his heart, put there by his own brother, prevented him from protecting her and not coming sooner to her aid.
His promise, an empty shell of words if the worst comes true.
He wouldn't have caused her death directly, but her death would still be indirectly his fault if he should find out that it's indeed her that was stored in the hospital.
Elijah pressed his lips together into a thin line as he finally lifted his gaze and stared out of the windshield, directly at the hospital building. His hands closed into tight fists again and he took in a deep breath, telling himself that there's still hope. Still hope that it's not her and instead some stranger he doesn't know.
Yet he still couldn't get out of the damn car, his muscles still immobilized by the tight hold of fear that grabbed his heart.
As long as he didn't get out of the car and didn't enter the hospital, he could still hope that he'll find her alive. Oddly enough, he felt himself being reminded of the thought experiment of Schrödinger's cat that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead. Katerina still could be both, both alive and dead, although Elijah clung to the hope it's going to be the latter.
But if he's not getting out of the car, he won't find out. He can end his own torture and can either enter a different kind of torture or can get salvation. If he's being honest to himself, he's being pathetic. A man like him shouldn't be paralyzed by fear, shouldn't be frightened by results which were also to some degree his fault.
His hands slowly unclenched and despite them still being a bit shaky, Elijah blindly grabbed his phone before his gaze finally averted from the building. The pad of his thumb hovered over the contact 'Kaitlyn Sawyer' and despite knowing it better, he called her again.
It took some time until it connected and started ringing before he was being led to the mailbox again.
“Hello. I’m currently not available and my time’s precious, so whoever this is, make it short.”
Hearing Katerina's lovely voice again, gave Elijah a stab into his heart. He didn’t leave a message this time and hung up when the beep sounded before he slowly put the phone back inside of his jacket. He would have never assumed that a simple spoken text on a mailbox could elicit such feelings in him. He recalled the tone of her voice again and again, and somehow, that gave him enough strength to get out of the car.
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Entering a hospital in a haste has always been something that Elijah had only seen from afar when Rebekah had watched some of those incredibly over-dramatic doctors- and hospital shows. He had tried his best to ignore his younger sister's comments and exclamations when something apparently tragic has happened and it had happened not only once that she was in need of a handkerchief because sometimes those shows seemed to touch her to an extent that was unbelievable. Elijah himself could never comprehend those emotions his sister managed to muster up.
And yet, as he hurried towards the entrance of the hospital in which the deadly-injured woman was kept, he felt a toxic cocktail of anguish flooding his veins despite having told -no, convinced- himself on the way from the car to the entrance that it's just a routine visit. Just to make sure it's not Katerina. Just to make sure he has covered all hints.
It didn't take him too long to orientate himself after he had entered the hospital and found himself in the reception area despite the countless humans partly hurrying, partly strolling around. No, Elijah was focused on his task and would do anything possible to get fast assurance so his eyes quickly found the information center and instantly approached it.
There were a few people of different ages waiting in front of the only two staffed service desks that both suggested a longer wait because one of the visitors seemed to have communication problems whereas the other apparently had a thousand questions the woman behind the service desk couldn't answer. Elijah, however, didn't have the time nor the nerve to wait in line in front of the information center and pushed to the front, his cold stare instantly quieting all complaints that were caused by his behavior. Once he was in front, Elijah compelled the woman with the unnecessary questions to leave.
"Excuse me sir, but it's not your turn yet. Please-"
"I'm in a hurry, you understand? I need to speak to Dr. Johnson. I'm expected."
His compulsion is fast and inconspicuous, not having the nerve of having an argument. Elijah was too distressed to muster up any patience or silly chitchat and it pleased him to see that the employee paged the Dr. instantly. Nonetheless, his fingertips drummed nervously on the surface of the counter while he's waiting for Dr. Johnson to arrive, all the while mentally renewing his belief that it's not her. That it's just a routine visit. Nothing more. There's nothing to fear. Katerina can't be here.
It can't be her. No, it can't be her.
"I'm curious, how do you muster up the drive to keep going on for so long?" "What do you mean, Elijah? Why I haven't given up yet?" "Sometimes the prospect of eternity can be scary, Katerina. "It may sound strange but to me, death is scarier. All I know is that I don't want to die ... and I don't want to find out what it feels like."
The memory of a conversation he had with Katerina shortly after they started dating came into his mind. He had always wondered what kept her going for so long. Only a few people possessed the strength to endure an endless life under such circumstances as Katerina's. Many go mad or lose themselves in things that numb their pain. Most don't make it so far. Katerina, however, had a clear idea, a goal she wanted to achieve, and that had fascinated him. Somehow she managed to not dwell too much in the past but instead was forward-looking -- quite on the contrary to him who, unfortunately, did dwell too much in the past. 
The fear of dying, the fear of death was something that was essential to who Katerina is. It kept her going, it kept her making her careful and very aware of her surroundings. And although it may be foolish, Elijah tried to find an anchor in that. It's absurd that she had lost her life in a car accident ... isn't it?
Thankfully, the voice of Dr. Johnson tore him out of his thoughts.
"Mr. Mikaelson was the name, wasn't it?"
"Why do you believe you can identify the injured woman? Don't get me wrong, we would be glad if we can finally close the case but she's been here for some time and no one seems to miss her."
Elijah swallowed hard and tried to get those hideous fears out of his mind as the image of a dead Katerina flashed through his mind again.
"Unfortunately, a person is missing that shares the same traits. I hope it's not her," he sincerely hoped it's not her, "but I need to make sure."
"Has she been reported as missed, Mr. Mikaelson?"
"Of course", a lie because of course the police weren't involved with Katerina's disappearance. Yes, he could compel some officers to look for her but a sufficient search would only be successful if they make a profile and that's something he cannot risk. He can't have her data be spread around for anyone to find or see, risking that the wrong people become aware of her and her current situation (or status).
"Then I can assure you the chance is low that it's her. Otherwise, the police would have been able to identify her and notify you."
Elijah's lips curled up into a weak smile despite knowing that Dr. Johnson's well-intentioned words could not do a thing to calm his nerves and as the doors of the elevator closed, he knew that there's no running back anymore. That he has to face the truth no matter how painful it's going to be.
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His restlessness had increased since they've left the elevator and walked through the small labyrinth of corridors until eventually reaching the destination.
The premises in which the deceased people were kept until they were picked up by the undertaker were immersed in cold light, making it uninviting for any visitor.
Subconsciously, another memory came into his mind as his gaze flickered over the surroundings.
"You once mentioned you were born in the Old World but your parents settled over in the New World so you basically grew up in Mystic Falls. Have you ever visited your actual home village?" "No. I hold no memory of my birthplace. I was too young to remember. Perhaps I should have made an effort and see the place I was originally from. Have you ever been to Norway?" "No. I don't like cold places. Usually, I try to avoid all cold and windy areas. But I admit I would have visited to see what your home village looked like if it still existed."
Katerina wouldn't have liked it here. More so, she would have despised the idea that she was kept in such localities. She wouldn't have liked it to lie on an ice-cold stretcher, stored away in a cool cellar whose scent of disinfectant bites in the nose. Nevertheless, he was thankful for the circumstances because at least it would prevent the body from starting to rot. He tensed at the thought, his hands clutching into fists for a short moment in order to remain calm and focused.
"I’ve already prepared her body for your visit. Usually, we keep them stored in boxes so we can assure their safety. Sometimes it's a bit hectic down here," Dr. Johnsson explained which only elicited a slow nod from Elijah.
"Here. She's in that room. I'm not coming in so you can take all the time you need to get ready. I have to warn you, the sight of an accident victim isn't easy so please prepare yourself. I advise taking deep breaths before and during you pull back the sheet and look at her. I know it's going to be hard and I sincerely hope she's not the person you're missing." Dr. Johnson looked at him in an encouraging way before briefly touching his arm, "I'm right behind the door if you need me. Take your time."
All Elijah could do is nod. While he doesn't need to be told that the sight of the dead can be nasty (he had been the reason for many nasty deaths or at least had to clean the particular hideous messes his brothers had made), he appreciated Dr. Johnson's well-meant words because he is aware that the next steps won't be easy, no matter if it's her or not.
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The room was empty with the expectation of a simple metal treatment table on which a covered body laid. Elijah had to swallow hard as he slowly approached the table and then eventually came to a halt in front of it.
Elijah almost didn't dare to take a closer look, too afraid that it's Katerina he's going to find underneath the sheet. The fear only got worse when he noted that the person seemed to have the size of the missing brunette.
The Original couldn't remember when he had last dreaded the sight of someone deceased as much as he did now. It's like an inner barrier prevents him from going ahead, from finally allowing him to come to the knowledge of the truth.
As he slowly reached out, his hand trembled again and he took in a deep breath, praying to all gods he knows of to not let this person be his Katerina that was unlucky enough to have died under such fatal circumstances. He focused on his breath as he gently grabbed the sheet and slowly moved it away from the head of the woman.
A gasp left his lips when it revealed brown, matte curls. His heart dropped and his movement froze, a pained expression on his face.
No, no, no. Please! Please for the universe's sake don't let it be her!
He shook his head more than once, gasping as his gaze was rigidly fixed on the dull curls that lacked the rich brown tone Katerina has. A circumstance that may be due to the long stay here.
Elijah didn't want to continue moving down the sheet more to reveal the face, didn't want to have certainty. In fact, he was too afraid to go ahead -- it immobilized him.
So he stood there, frozen, not knowing what he should do.
What the revelation of her death would mean.
His world would fell apart. It would crush and crumble down. It would break him, beat him down.
Once again he's reminded how important she is to him. How much he needed her. If she's gone, what is left of him? Him, as a person, not him as the eternal redemption seeker of his brother?
He assumed, has recently discovered again and again, that he had just taken her existence for granted. That she is, to some kind, as immortal as he is. He had hoped, relied on, that someday is going to be the right time, the right place. That, if he stays patient, he'll eventually find his way back to her.
But staring at the pile of dark curls so similar to Katerina's -- whether they are hers or not -- made him realize even more that nothing can be taken for granted, that his hope, his anchor, might be gone and he wasn't even there for her.
He didn't know the last moments of this person laying in front of him. They said she was immediately dead. But what if she wasn't? Even when she spent only two minutes in agony, what torture must it have been as the life faded from this body? If this woman was afraid of what is going to come? If she wished to hear the voice, feel the touch of a loved one for the last time?
Elijah knew, although he hoped he'd never get into that situation, that he wouldn't have left Katerina's side if something had happened to her which couldn't be fixed in time. Although not overall worried, there had been a time during the search for the cure where she had been alone, potentially having to deal with Silas, a creature his brother Kol was afraid of.
He didn't believe in the nonsense his brother spread about an ancient plague should Silas be released but it had filled him with unease knowing that Katerina had to deal alone with that creature if he were to be real. She wanted to handle this on her own, insisting on it's her part of the deal she needed to fulfill. Nevertheless, he was very relieved when she called him later, telling him she had the cure and everything was alright. But if it hadn't been the case and she returned to him with a hex or something, causing her to suffer, he wouldn't have left her side.
A shake of his head followed as his mind snapped back to reality, his gaze still set on the dark curls spreading out on the treatment table.
He should man up and face reality and either find torture or salvation because it's not her.
He owed her that.
What right has he to delay the knowledge about her fate just to give him a few more minutes of 'what ifs'? To spare him the torture her death would cause him?
None, absolutely none.
And, although he wanted to think otherwise, there's no way to prepare for such a situation. No matter if he wanted a few more minutes or days, it would just hurt as much as it would hurt now.
He gritted his teeth, the muscles jumping in his tensed jaw as he reached out again, his hand trembling to grab the cover and slowly and respectfully pull it down after he had muttered another silent prayer.
His heart beat loud, it drummed in his ears all the while shudders after shudders ran down his spine.
He held his breath when the person's face finally came to light, his heart stopping when he finally could see her.
His legs gave way and he fell to his knees, a single tear managed to find its way over his cheek.
Not because of the shock, but because of relief.
Gasps left his parted lips as the realization settled in, as the relief flooded through his veins.
It's not her! It's not her! There's still a chance she's alive and well. There's still the chance he's going to see her again.
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After he had testified that he did not know the unknown deceased, he was allowed to leave Dr. Johnson's office and made his way through the hospital to go back to his car, his steps lighter than when he first stepped into the building.
The relief that it hadn't been Katerina was still present, spurred him. There's still a chance she's alive and well, as well as someone in her situation can be. There's still hope. He hadn't lost her forever, fate has still granted him a chance to reunite with her and gave him more time to find her although that wasn't an excuse to slow down his search. If anything, he became even more aware of how critical her new situation is. That, if only one other person made a mistake, her life could be ended.
Oddly enough, his thoughts and worries seemed to be confirmed when he needed to stop in his track in order to make room for a nurse that pushed a hospital bed through the hallway, occupied by someone who apparently had broken their leg. His brows furrowed as he watched her vanishing into a room shortly after.
Right after, his phone vibrated on the inside of his chest pocket but when he pulled the phone out and saw who it was, his gaze immediately darkened.
Apparently, good news was always linked with bad ones. Or, in this case, the incapability to accept someone's choice. Elijah didn't even have second thoughts when he pressed the ignore button. If he had to take a guess, the reason for this call is the same one as the previous ones he had ignored already.
It gave him a headache, really, and changed his plan of leaving the hospital immediately, just in case some spies were lurking around outside. With Niklaus, coincidences are hardly possible and the timing of the attempted call had been almost too perfect. He'd follow through with his threat of killing any possible minions he's going to send but after this day, Elijah didn't want to enact violence.
A seating area near the main entrance of the hospital caught his attention and he decided to sit down there and calm down from the anger that was flaring up again.
He closed his eyes and focused on his breath. It angered him that his brother still didn't get the message that he wanted to be left alone but his unbelievable incapability of accepting other's choices shouldn't ruin the day, especially not after what he had gone through when he feared he had lost his love forever.
Lost in thoughts, Elijah pulled out the wallet from inside of his jacket to pick out the picture of Katerina. He was still beyond relieved that the person found dead had not been his Katerina although the worry about her whereabouts and state persisted. Even more so, the relief that managed to suppress all his uneasiness and worries was only short-lived and the guilt and the dread slowly crawled back into this mind and he sighed because he hoped the good feeling he had would have lasted longer.
His gaze flickered over the passport-photograph-sized picture of Katerina that he had kept in his wallet the entire time. This way, he had ensured that a part of her will always be with him although their ways have parted and right now, it's one of the few things he still has of her.
He had never believed that it's going to be so uncertain if they ever going to see each other again. Of course, he had expected that it won't be easy, especially after he had realized that unfortunately, Katerina had interpreted another meaning behind his decision of going to New Orleans. However, he would have never assumed it's going to be uncertain if she's still alive the next time he reaches out for her.
Perhaps she's not in this hospital but who says she's not stored up somewhere else? He quivered at the thought and tried to remind himself that she's smart. That she'd hopefully had found a way, a safe one, to take care of herself.
Nonetheless, the longer he stayed in the hospital and when he had walked through it, Elijah was repeatedly reminded of how fragile human life is. How easily a human can get hurt. How easily they can get sick. He had seen a number of injured humans with bandages who were attached to hospital beds that passed him as he sat in the waiting room. He had smelled the mixture of blood and chemicals that were either pouring out of them or injected into them. He had overheard a conversation about a family father that had passed away. He had seen how overtired some humans, no matter if staff or visitors, had looked like.
Today he realized more than he had ever that humans can get sick, can get hurt. They can catch diseases some have to deal with for years, decades, or the entire life. They don't heal as quickly -- or at all -- if they get hurt. They suffer from pain and uncertainty because no one can help them or know what is happening to them. Some lose all appetite and get weaker and weaker, some cannot keep food in. Some are put into a coma no one knows if they wake up anymore again.
There are so many risks, so many things that could end a normal human life or make it unbearable. Some things can be treated, others can't.
His sister romanticizes humanity to no end but his short stay in the hospital made him realize that being human always meant vulnerability.
He had never been so aware of it, although he deals with humans and values humanity. He even did his best to keep a human side and habits.
But if he has to admit to himself, especially while for the first time really noticing and becoming aware of all the downsides of humanity, he has no idea what it's like to be human. In fact, he doesn't even remember what it's like to be a human being.
He has no idea what it means and he believes, that if he were to be suddenly human again, it would be a shock from which it would be difficult to recover. He wouldn’t know how to deal with such a sudden change. The possibility alone of catching a sinus infection seems to be from another world. Fortunately, he'll never be in that situation.
Katerina, however, is.
He can only imagine how hard it must have been for Katerina to be human again, knowing how much she loved her vampiric nature. How hard it still must be for her to adjust to the new circumstances.
Her health is something Elijah worried about as well. He assumed she doesn't have a functioning and strong immune system because it wasn't needed in the past five centuries. What if she's severely sick and is in treatment?
"Excuse me, sir, can we please have this seat?" a nurse called out and approached him with a limping woman on her arm. In an instant, Elijah raised to his feet and blindly put the picture of Katerina back into his jacket where his handkerchief was, too lost in thoughts to notice that it, in fact, slipped and glided to the ground.
Perhaps the disturbance was much needed anyway to make him become aware that he didn't have a reason to stay in that hospital any longer. He's been in here long enough to bore possible minions Niklaus had sent to spy on him. Katerina is not here, so why should he stay? Strangely enough, however, he had the feeling that he was much closer to the missing brunette in this place than anywhere else. This was probably due to the fact that this place visibly showed him what he feared the most: That his beloved Katerina is hurt, that she needed (medical) help.
And, although he had no part in her becoming human, seeing all the misery in this place, made him blame himself even more. Because if he hadn't left, she wouldn't be in this situation, she wouldn't be human. Of course, it's only an assumption. Perhaps it would have still happened as he didn't know what exactly led to the two doppelgänger's sparring. He doesn't know but at least he would have been present afterward, he could have taken care of her.
Any suffering or damage could have been prevented if he hadn't left.
"Sir? Sir?!"
At first, Elijah did not feel addressed but as the voice came closer, he finally turned around and looked at the nurse that had just brought in the limping woman. She held something tiny in her hands and waved with it.
"Sir, I believed you have lost something. Is it yours?" she questioned and showed him the pic of Katerina. His hand immediately moved up to the pocket in which he had believed to have placed the picture. It wasn't there. Not that he would have needed to check it because he doubted anyone was in the possession of a picture that looked like his picture. It just happened to be a somewhat natural movement.
"Yes, it is mine. Thank you for being so attentive. I wouldn't know what I'd have done without it." he reached out his hand so the nurse could give it back to him but she refused.
"Do you know this woman?", she asked and Elijah frowned, not knowing why she came up with such a personal question.
"Yes, I do. Can I please have the picture back?" he felt uncomfortable seeing that someone else had it. As if he couldn't protect her if someone else was in the possession of her picture. Not that a nurse could do any harm to Katerina if she’s in possession of a picture.
"I know her too...."
"I beg your pardon?", suddenly Elijah's impatience of getting the picture back turned into curiosity and interest. How did she know her? And, did she really know Katherine or does she just somehow know Elena Gilbert?
"Yeah, she was brought in several weeks ago -- perhaps it’s been even two or three months."
Elijah's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and he took a quick glance around before he pulled the nurse gently with him to a more quiet place. This was beyond important.
"Define 'brought in'"
"She came in an ambulance. I helped to bring her to Dr. Brown who checked up on her. She was unconscious so we gave her the name 'Elisa' until we found out more."
Elijah absorbed this new, unexpected information, not believing that he just found out about this coincidence. She may have been here. Was that the reason why he felt so strangely connected to this hospital?
"And where is she now?" he impatiently asked, needing to know what has happened to her.
"I don't know. Dr. Brown has his own staff, I'm not responsible for that area."
"Where can I find him?"
"3rd floor, Station C"
Elijah nodded and offered the nurse a smile. "Thank you. I'll make it worth your while," with that, and after taking back the picture, Elijah turned on his heels and quickly moved to the elevator to get to Dr. Brown.
He needed to find out what has happened and where she was. Perhaps, although he feared that would be too much luck, she was still here somewhere.
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It wasn't too hard to find the office of Dr. Brown. In contrary to his first entry into the hospital, Elijah didn't care to ask someone for arranging a meeting with the doctor. Instead, he went straight into the office and even had luck as the doctor was present. His protest was quickly silenced as he compelled the human to be quiet before he compelled him to comply and answer his questions.
"I was told this girl, patient Elisa was brought in this hospital several weeks ago." to underline his words and to make sure the doctor knew of whom he spoke, Elijah showed him the picture of Katerina, earning a nod from him.
"Yes, I remember her. She had been here but several weeks have indeed passed since that."
"Is she still here?"
"Unfortunately, no"
She's not here anymore. Elijah closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to sort his thoughts before he finally took a seat. He'd thought they could leave quickly to go to her but the reality was different. She could be anywhere by now. How comes he's always too late? Nonetheless -- and despite his worries -- his voice and tone remained calm and collected.
"What do you mean by 'unfortunately no'? I was told she was unconscious. What happened to her?"
"I cannot give away personal information to a stranger. Or are you in any kind of relationship with the patient?"
This astonished Elijah because apparently, Dr. Brown was really serious about and devoted to his job, otherwise, it wouldn't have been possible to work around the compulsion and hold information back. However, it also had to be said that perhaps the compulsion wasn't specific enough.
"I’m Elijah Mikaelson and she's my girlfriend. Unfortunately, she’s missing for quite some time by now." The lie left his lips without hesitation. Moreover, the word 'girlfriend' slipped his tongue quite naturally although he knew that they were no longer a couple, that he could no longer address her as his girlfriend or partner.
"I understand. Well, Mr. Mikaelson, under these circumstances I can give information. A moment please." He stood up and left the office only to return with a file two minutes later.
"Miss Forbes was brought in with severe hypothermia. She had collapsed on the streets and was nearly hit by a car. Fortunately, the driver was able to brake in time. She wasn’t responsive when she was brought in and in a state of unconsciousness. When I examined her I noticed that she was slightly malnutrition so we gave her some infusions to help her regain strength."
Elijah listened attentively to the doctor and frowned when he addressed Katerina as 'Miss Forbes'. How did they come up with that name? And what had happened that she'd collapsed and was brought in with severe hypothermia? His concern increased even more and he didn't know how he should put that information together because it confirmed his worst suspicions.
But why isn't she here anymore? If her state was so worse?
"Go on please, I need to know every detail," Elijah stated and leaned slightly forward to intensify the compulsion.
"After she regained consciousness, she had a panic attack and acted aggressively toward the staff. It took some time until we managed to calm her down and convince her that she's in no danger."
Elijah nodded because he can comprehend that it must have been terrifying for her to wake up in entirely new surroundings and somehow it relieved him to know that her natural survival instinct still seemed to be there if she acted so hostile towards the staff.
"She stated that her name was Katherine Forbes and that she wanted to call her sister to come to get her."
His confusion only grew because Katerina had no sister and certainly no remaining family.
"Has she called that sister?" Elijah asked because he needed to know who it was.
"Yes, she has. I also talked to her about the next steps because I wanted to keep her in for a few more days. Somehow, however, Miss Forbes found a way to leave the hospital unauthorized on the fourth night. She has no discharge papers so we cannot take responsibility if anything happens to Miss Forbes."
"And the sister wanted that?"
"No, Miss Katherine Forbes seemed to have acted on her own. Her sister agreed on having her stay a few more days until we're certain that everything's okay."
"What's the name of the sister?"
"Miss Caroline Forbes".
Caroline Forbes.
A blurry memory of a blonde girl found its way to the surface. Elijah didn't remember too much about her but he believed that she had been (or is still) friends with Elena Gilbert. And, if his memory doesn't play tricks on him, he recalled that his brother fancied her presence and companionship the night their mother threw that deceptive ball for their family.
He could not understand the connections. Neither Caroline's Forbes connection with Elena Gilbert nor her questionable connection with Niklaus made any sense in regard to Katerina as Katerina despised both Elena Gilbert and Niklaus. So how comes that Katerina would want to call her of all people?
Elijah tried to dig deeper into his memories about that Forbes girl but couldn't find anything relevant. Truth be told, he hasn't really paid attention to her. She had been an embellishment to his plans and main focus although he remembered that it had puzzled him that Niklaus was so eager on getting the blonde's attention. He could also recall that Niklaus had been keen on staying in Mystic Falls although there was nothing that could hold someone like him there.
Although Mystic Falls hasn't been Elijah's birthplace, it had been the location of his family home. All siblings after him were born there and yet none of them held a too pleasant memory of that time. Rebekah was probably the most sentimental about it but apart from her, none of them really thought much about their human days in Mystic Falls, Niklaus even less.
He didn't question Niklaus's reasons behind staying in Mystic Falls though and he certainly won't start now because it won't bring light into the darkness about Katerina's connection to the Forbes girl.
"I do recall Caroline Forbes. Do you have her number?"
"Yes, it is recorded in the file."
Elijah nodded and decided to call Caroline later on. Hopefully, she knew more about Katerina's whereabouts although he really can't comprehend why the two of them were even in contact. He, however, believed that whatever the reason was, they must have been in contact even longer if Katerina's first doing was addressing herself as Katherine Forbes which implied that she knew exactly what she's doing and that she could count on the other one.
The Original leaned forward, took the file in his hands, and opened it. A few medical terms caught his eye: Hypothermia, malnutrition, hypoglycemia, hypotension. Hematoma, probably because of the accident. A remark about older injuries, including the possibility of sprained ribs in the past, let Elijah frown but it has not been discussed in more detail.
"Allow me a question, Dr. Brown: What was your impression of Katherine and her health?"
Her health was something Elijah did worry about. He was already concerned about how she’s going to survive out there, especially after he learned that she didn’t seem to have money. After he had realized how fast something serious and fatal can happen to a human, however, his concern grew even more.
And apparently, his concerns were justified.
The doctor sighed and folded his hands on top of his desk.
"In all honesty, Mr. Mikaeson, it appeared as if Miss Forbes had a couple of rough weeks. She seemed ... paranoid when we wanted to take her blood to test it in our laboratory. It wasn't the usual fear we see from other patients when it comes to needles or blood, she seemed to not agree on being it taken in the first place. We also have reason to believe that she has suffered violence-," the doctor glanced at him sharply but Elijah ignored it, instead, his frown only deepened, "-domestic abuse perhaps."
Someone had dared to lay a finger on her. Elijah did his best to suppress a snarl.
"Are you implying someone has hurt her?"
"We have reason to believe so, yes. Although we cannot be sure because the marks were already almost healed but she had a whiff of bruises on her neck and arms. As already mentioned, it could be from an old accident perhaps but the location of them implies that it was violence against her."
Elijah inhaled sharply, his hands clenched into fists under the desk. If he learns that someone has hurt her, hell will break loose for that person!
"Anything else which may be relevant?"
"We weren't able to run the necessary tests but I suggest someone should examine her blood, her lungs, and her heart. There seemed to be irregularities but that could also be because she was under a lot of stress lately. I would also recommend a lot of rest until she's healed properly and her levels are back in the green area as well as seeing a doctor soon in order to make sure she doesn’t develop pneumonia."
Elijah nodded, hoping that her condition was better by now because he had no idea why Katerina left the hospital in a hurry despite being told that she needed to stay and rest. 
"Thank you for your time, Dr. Brown. Her bills are probably not yet paid so please send them to this address" Elijah gave him the business card of the hotel he's currently staying in but didn't hand back Katerina's file. It's better such valuable information stays with him.
"Mr. Mikaelson?"
Elijah stopped in his trails and turned around once more, having already been on his way to the door.
"I forgot to give you this", Dr. Brown surrounded his desk and handed him a white envelope. "We wanted to give it to the lost property office after Ms. Forbes didn't return to us but somehow it must have been overlooked. Unfortunately, we're often in a hurry and I apologize if it caused any inconvenience. We had to take them off because of the scans."
The Original didn't know what he was talking about but took the envelope without any further inquiry.
"Thank you, Dr. Brown."
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Elijah had pondered when it's going to be the right time to call Caroline Forbes. His impatience said immediately, his reason told him to wait until he's back in his hotel suite. He didn't want to waste time but he also needed to make sure he's calm and collected. Right now, however, he wasn't any of it.
His sorrows are riding rollercoasters. It appears as if he's never going to reach a phase in which everything seems to calm down.
Elijah hasn't studied Katerina's hospital files entirely. In fact, he had only looked for Caroline's number before he's going to indulge in more details of Katerina's report.
Nonetheless, there's something which had struck him and which wasn't good at all. The report was from two months ago, meaning that too much time has passed already to rely on the belief Katerina's still in the area, not to question in what state she is. From what he has gathered and was informed, her state was critical at the time she was brought to the hospital.
However, it's probably better if he focuses on his next step instead of worrying too much about the 'what if's' again. Perhaps Katerina is staying with Caroline by now and all his worries have been for nothing.
Before Elijah called Caroline after he finally arrived back in his suite, he changed. He felt more comfortable in a new suit that didn't smell like a hospital. In fact, his convenience increased which was a good condition for staying focused. And patient. Patience is a trait he seemed to lose the longer his search for Katerina continued although he continuously reminded himself why it's so important to act calm and with patience.
A quick glance at his watch told him that now it's an appropriate time for a serious conversation so he took in a deep breath, reminded himself of his goals and aims, and then tipped in the number of Caroline Forbes.
Mercifully, it didn’t take long until the call was answered.
"Miss Forbes?"
"Who's this?"
The Original exhaled in relief as he recognized the voice of the blonde, although admittedly, the memory of her is almost non-existent. He never thought he'd interact with her or even call her. However, despite the lack of interaction, he's aware that she'll know exactly who he is and that she's going to have reservations about talking to him. Let alone share any possible valuable information. Another reason why he needed to act smart and calm.
"Elijah Mikaelson. I know this must come very unexpected, but I require information you presumably have."
He heard her sucking in a deep breath as she went awfully quiet for a few moments.
"Wait a minute. The Elijah Mikaelson? Where did you get my freakin' number?"
He'd probably be amused by the panic and disbelief in her voice, but the reason for his call is urgent and he can't muster up any amusement.
"The same reason why I called you. It was in Katherine Pierce's medical record. Apparently, she poses as your sister nowadays and I hope you perhaps know where she is now."
Again, silence is filling the line and he could basically hear her thinking. It must come very surprising for her.
"How did you get- ... wait! Why do you think I'm going to tell you anything about Katherine Pierce?"
"I believe we have shared interests. Apparently, you don't want her dead, neither do I."
At least that's what he hoped. Katerina has had a rather troubled past in Mystic Falls, leading to her gathering a few people that weren't exactly fond of her. He hoped that his assumption was right and the relationship between Katerina and Caroline was friendly, although he still can't comprehend how it comes she seemed to trust the blonde as much as to put her on the emergency contact list. If there's anyone who knows about Katerina, it's Caroline Forbes. As unbelievable as it is.
"And I'm supposed to believe that? Even if I had knowledge about anything regarding Katherine, why should I tell you? Aren't you the one who wanted her dead for all her life?"
The accusation came unexpected and he tried to ignore the knot in his gut, his fingers tensing around the phone while he tried his best to remain calm. While he had expected some resistance, he hadn't prepared himself for such an accusation that stirred up anger within him. However, he tried his best to swallow it down and answer neutrally.
"I fear you're confusing me with my brother."
"It's still the same. I was told you locked her in the tomb. Doesn't sound like you're too interested in her well-being."
His fingers cracked as he closed his hand into a fist, his eyes narrowed while he stared out of the window that led to the balcony of his hotel suite. He did not tolerate any false allegations, didn't approve of the lack of respect Caroline voiced. Although she's of course right because he had compelled Katerina to stay in the tomb. However, his main intention had certainly not been letting her rot there. It has been the only place she had been safe from Klaus.
"And now I fear that's where you're wrong. I am concerned about Katherine's well-being, that's why I need to know where she is now."
"Is that how you Mikaelson's think the world works? You snap with your fingers, demand something, and expect you immediately get it?"
He blinked in confusion at her words, not really knowing where that came from. Apparently talking to him from a distance seemed to give her some confidence.
"Miss Forbes ... I appreciate your concern for my intentions regarding the woman known as Katherine Pierce but I assure you the information is needed. I ask you to share every information you have about Katherine's whereabouts."
"I'm not dumb if that's what you thinking. Let's say I have information about Katherine Pierce, why would I want to share it with you? A friend's loyal to their friends, I'm not going to throw her under the bus if she's my friend and I have knowledge about something regarding her life."
He relaxed because although probably not intended, Caroline has just let him know that she indeed has information about Katerina. Otherwise, she wouldn't have mentioned matters of loyalty. And loyalty was something he appreciated, something he was indeed thankful for, especially in that delicate matter.
Elijah knew that it was now up to him to convince Caroline that his intentions were true, that he didn't intend on using the information to harm her. Although that required exposing details he wasn't keen on sharing with everyone. He rather keeps his private life well ... private. However, it was needed if he wanted to find Katerina as soon as possible.
"Katherine and I ... we've been in a relationship shortly before ... before she turned human. It would ease my mind knowing she's doing okay."
There's another pause but he could fill the mood change.
"Oh my god ... you... you and Katherine? How come no one has told me about it? I mean ... you two ... you two don't really fit each other. I mean ... I mean no offense but you're this scary, intimidating, and stoic Original whereas she's this scary but very vivid and fun-loving woman. How can that work out?"
She sounded genuinely surprised which finally elicited a little smile on his lips. It had something pure and admittedly, she hit the nail on the head. Katerina and he were an unlike pairing but -- although he never admitted it out loud -- that was just what he had needed. She completed him in a way he hadn't known, gave him the things he lacked himself.
"I believe Katherine and I have always shared a certain connection. It surprises me the Salvatores didn't lack respect in that matter as they always do."
His tone didn't imply how much he missed her, how much he worries about her. Instead, he focused on the dreadful Salvatores and wondered why they haven't mentioned their little encounter around, especially because usually, they aren't that cautious.
"Wait, they knew about you two? How could I miss those things? But ... but Katherine didn't seem to be in a relationship anymore so you two broke up? Why are you even interested in her anymore? Apparently, you didn't care before?"
His lips pressed together into a thin line and he tried to swallow down the bitter taste on his tongue.
"Look, it's an understatement to say things have been complicated but I am interested in her well-being and it would help me a lot if you could share information if you have any."
"Oh -- so he was right? I swear he only mentioned it because he needed an excuse. It sounded so lied..."
Now Elijah started to frown because he has no idea what she was talking about. Who was 'he'? And what had it to do with his request?
"What are you talking about, Caroline?"
"Klaus. He came to Mystic Falls saying he wants to look for you because you're jumbled and you need to come back."
The color drained from his face at the mention of Niklaus. While it didn't surprise him that his brother attempted another poor try to get him back to New Orleans, it surprised him that he'd chosen Mystic Falls for his search. While Mystic Falls had been their home once, Elijah didn't hold much sentimentality for this place, unlike the rest of his siblings. However, Mystic Falls had been the place where he had told his brother about Katerina and his intentions with her.
"My brother was in Mystic Falls? Has he gathered any information about Katherine?"
"No, I don't think so. I think she was the latest that's been on his mind that day...."
Was she? If he knew anything about his brother, it was his boundless vengeance and need to control. If Katerina were to get into his hands ... No, he didn't want to think about it and could only hardly hold back a growl. Rebekah has assured him that Niklaus doesn't know about Katerina's new status. She wouldn't lie to him about that.
"Are you absolutely certain?"
"Yes! Oh my god, I thought you were the one who values privacy!"
His eyebrows raised in surprise at Caroline's reactions, again puzzled by how this conversation turns and twists.
"Listen, your personal matters are non of my interest," he assured her, suddenly remembering his brother's odd fascination with the blonde. Perhaps that was the reason for this unusual reaction, "All I care about is the whereabouts of Katherine. So, do you have any information or not?"
"Before I tell anything I need to make sure you're telling the truth. Is this the number I can reach you?"
"Then I call you after I verified your words. Bye."
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The ticking of the clock seemed to mock him and his malaise.
A part of him had hoped that Caroline is going to call him back in a matter of a few hours but as time passed, his phone didn't ring once, making him question the blonde's intentions.
What if she doesn't call back?
The solution is simple, although he wasn't particularly fond of the idea. He didn't want to leave and travel to Mystic Falls to compel the truth out of Caroline or anyone else that he gets his hands on, especially because he knew that it's likely they are on vervain which meant he had to wait for 24 hours until it's safe to assume the compulsion works.
Time he wasn't keen on wasting on people who better not dare to show themselves before him because he can't guarantee anything. His nerves and patience are strained to the utmost and he couldn't ensure he won't kill someone, especially if it came to the pesky Salvatore.
He can't risk causing messes right now because his main attention should be set on Katerina and her well-being.
Eventually, he managed to calm his nerves enough to study Katerina's file again because he thought that is going to help him make the right choices if he's going to find her. Furthermore, it may help him to put together the pieces of her journey.
Which, in hindsight, was probably all too optimistic.
But as he browsed through the admission and medical reports, the white envelope that he had put quickly in the file caught his attention again. He recalled the words of Dr. Brown 'we had to take them off because of the scans' but because of the important conversation he had to have with Caroline Forbes, Elijah must have forgotten about it.
He had already noted that the envelope was quite heavy for a simple letter when it was handed over to him and he noticed it again now as he took it in his hands.
Whatever it was, it belonged to Katerina and he wasn't sure if he should open it. If he was even entitled to do so. Although on the other hand, he also wasn't quite entitled to have her medical file in his possession.
Elijah's thumb brushed thoughtfully over the flap as he considered the pros and cons before he simply opened it and peeked into the content.
At first, there was nothing much to see or even identify. Just a pile of silver material. But as he carefully poured the content in his palm, Elijah's eyes widened slightly as he finally realized what it was.
Katerina's daylight jewelry!
He gently detangled the delicate necklace, careful to not break anything until it was neat again before the pad of this thumb brushed over its Lapislazuli pendant.
Although Katerina was no longer a vampire, he assumed that she mourned its loss because it certainly holds some sentimentality in it. It surprised him that Katerina hadn't taken the necklace she sometimes used as a bracelet not with her, perhaps she was in such a hurry that she either forget it or wasn't able to find it immediately. He remembered that she didn't take it off even once, not even when she was showering or taking an almost impressive long bath in the middle of the night. Something which was quite understandable because daylight jewelry is rare and especially someone like Katerina was dependent on having it as it made it possible to travel during the daytime.
Elijah watched the necklace in his hands a while longer, feeling so connected to Katerina as he had never felt before. It was different than looking at photos because this necklace is actually something that belonged to Katerina, which was a part of her.
For a short moment, Elijah wondered if this necklace would allow him to detect her whereabouts but as thrilling as the idea seemed to be, he didn't want to hand it over to a witch, potentially having it destroyed or damaged, especially not now after he had a good lead with Caroline Forbes. Furthermore, spells didn't seem to be all too clear when it came to Katherine Pierce.
Nonetheless having it with him now held importance to Elijah, even managed to bring a little smile forth as he took another paper and wrapped the necklace carefully around it so it won't get tangled again before he put it back into the envelope.
Elijah is going to make sure it's going to return to her and until then, he's keeping it safe for her.
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Two whole day have passed and it was already late in the night as Elijah's phone suddenly vibrated. The Original wasn't asleep yet (sleep was something which in general didn't seem to find him), instead, he was focused on a book of human healing arts.
Of course, he had hoped, wished, that it was Caroline that finally called him back, unfortunately, however, that wasn't the case.
It was his sister.
Elijah debated if he should answer the call or not as he had no real desire to talk to his family, knowing already how their conversation is going to turn out. In the end, however, he decided to answer the call.
"Elijah! Thank god. I feared something happened to you."
"I appreciate your concern, dear sister, but just because I chose radio silence doesn't mean something has happened to me", although she's right, of course. It wasn't like him to cancel all contacts with his family. Usually, being silent meant that their brother has stuffed them in a coffin.
"Have the two of you still not made peace?", Rebekah asked, and although she didn't mention any names, Elijah was aware that she was talking about Niklaus and him.
"As I've already told our brother, forgiveness is earned. Right now he still doesn't seem to understand the concept.", Elijah simply retorted, having his brother's several annoying attempts of luring him back to New Orleans in mind.
"Is it really just because he daggered you? Because I know I am tearing furious if he does it with me but it's been months and you aren't the unforgiving sibling if it comes to Nik."
Elijah exhaled, his gaze fixed on the open sides of the book he had previously read.
"Our brother needs to learn that there are consequences for his treacherous actions, that his siblings are no deposit for him to use as he wishes." Of course, there was more to it because Niklaus' actions had resulted in Elijah's current search for his beloved, always having to fear that he's coming too late, that she's forever lost to him. And just as if his sister could read his mind, she made the conclusion of the real reasons.
"Please don't tell me you've decided to take your time off because you're still after Katherine. Our family finally has the chance to start new, to have an almost human experience."
"What if I do prefer my own luck for once?"
"With that manipulative wench? Elijah please, she can't possibly be the one who finally makes you desire a life without being chained to Klaus. She'll burn you."
Elijah's gaze darkened and he clenched his free hand to fist.
"Watch your language, Rebekah.", his voice is calm but there's obvious disapproval in his tone. And he meant it. If his sister is going to continue to insult Katerina, he'll end their conversation.
"But it's true. You're being blinded by something that probably doesn't even exist. When she was still in Mystic Falls, she was pretty much focused on getting back into Stefan Salvatore's pants."
Elijah can't deny that a wave of jealousy swept through his veins, along with a hint of pain as he imagined the two of them together. The muscle in his jaw jumped at the thought that perhaps, Katerina preferred someone else.
"Well, Katherine can organize her private life the way she wants. I'm hardly in a position to judge her for her choices."
"Then what do you want from her?"
Yes, what did he want from her? Of course, he wanted to make sure that Katerina is safe and fine. He didn't want her to be scared and have no idea how she's supposed to survive the next day. However, there were also more selfish reasons why he needed to find her. Elijah needed Katerina. He needed her in his life to make it worthwhile. And yes, he wanted, hoped, to get her trust and perhaps even her love back.
This is, however, something that's none of Rebekah's concern so he chose to simply ignore her question and picked another topic.
"How's Hope?"
"Oh, she's doing fine. You can't believe what a lovely baby she is. I could kiss and cuddle her all time," Rebekah stated and Elijah relaxed because apparently, Rebekah let go of the previous topic. Furthermore, it relieved him to know that everything was okay with his little niece.
"I wish I could be a part of her life and see her but it's safer the way if she stays with you." Yes, Rebekah taking care of their niece somewhere far away and safe was the better option, although it filled him with regret that he wasn't there for Hope as he should be.
"Someday you're able to visit, Elijah. I really believe in that. Things just have to settle down in New Orleans so she can return to her parents." Elijah's lips pulled upwards at the thought because he is actually looking forward to finally meeting his niece properly.
"There's something else I wanted to ask you..." Elijah's eyebrows furrowed at his sister's question, hoping that she won't come to the Katerina topic again.
"Please go on"
"I was thinking about our family lately. About our siblings both alive and unfortunately already deceased." Elijah had honestly no idea where Rebekah's sudden interest in digging into their past came from. However, he continued to listen to her words.
"There's one sibling I never met, one who was hardly mentioned. I don't even know their name...."
It took some time until Elijah remembered that there was indeed another sibling. One he had also never met, despite being older than Niklaus and Rebekah.
"Mother mentioned we had an older sister. She must have died because of a disease, a plague, somewhere before I was born. Apparently, her death was the reason why our parents decided to settle over to the New World after I was born" These were old stories, so old that it certainly didn't cross his mind nowadays. Oddly enough, she must have been loved dearly by their father, and perhaps it explains why Mikael was way fonder of Rebekah than he was of his (biological) sons. It surprised him that Rebekah suddenly harbors any interest in such old stories.
"But do you know her name?"
Her question let Elijah frown even more because despite wanting to recall their older sister's name, nothing came into his mind.
"Our parents didn't like to speak about her. Actually, I don’t remember them ever talking about her any longer." Their older sister seemed to be some kind of red flag for their parents. "Is there any reason why you want to know?"
"No, Elijah. Just curiosity."
The older Original squinted his eyes slightly, something telling him that there was a reason why Rebekah had asked about their late older sister. He knew that Finn as the oldest had known their older sister but he also never spoke about her. Elijah had never questioned that, perhaps he should have. Now, however, it's too late.
He’s thought about it for a long time, even after his conversation with his sister had ended because he couldn't shake the feeling that something was odd about her request for information. He couldn't explain it, however, although he could also not tell the reason for her question.
He has been separated from his family for some time now, although, measured by their lifetime, it seemed like a mere few seconds. Elijah didn't know what Niklaus was up to, didn't know what his siblings had going on although it would be smarter to not attract attention for their niece's sake. There's certainly something going on and Elijah wished he would know what it was although he'd rather brush it off as a mere interest in family stories. Perhaps spending time with a baby and allowing it to take care of it had changed Rebekah's view on family. He certainly hoped it would.
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Another day had passed without any call back from Caroline Forbes and Elijah started to become restless because time passed without him doing anything. Something he considered as fatal because he knew how precious time was nowadays, that even a minute can make a difference. He also couldn't comprehend what took the blonde so long to verify his words because firstly, he wasn't a liar, and secondly, his relationship with Katerina seemed to have been a topic of conversation. Although he wasn't too keen on making such personal matters public, he knew that unfortunately, many people seemed to think they're allowed to have an opinion about it, even dared to question his sanity.
Elijah wasn't capable of sitting still at his desk and focusing on the lecture in front of him (another book about healing arts). His eyes flickered to his watch every few minutes while at the same time, he thought about the given possibilities. Perhaps traveling to Mystic Falls and using compulsion is the best opinion. Perhaps he should consider using Katerina's necklace. Perhaps he should call one of his witches. Perhaps he should just go on searching in the blind. Perhaps...
The vibrating of his phone tore him out of his thoughts and finally caused him to stop from his restless wandering around in his suite. Without any hesitation, perhaps even impatiently, he answered the call.
The Original exhaled in relief as he recognized Caroline's voice.
"Yes, you're having the right number, Miss Forbes. I assume you could verify my words right now?" he asked politely although his impatience ascended into the Immeasurable.
"Yes, I had. And sorry for the wait. I had to develop a tactic. Can't possibly go to Stefan and ask what had happened while they were away searching for the cure and if he can confirm Elijah and Katherine were a thing." By the tone of her voice, Elijah could tell she seemed to be amused by the thought of it. But there's also a prouder tone swinging in her words because apparently, she enjoyed having been successful in her 'detective' work. At the mention of Stefan Salvatore, however, Elijah couldn't ignore the memory of what his sister had told him about Katerina and her apparent desire for the younger Salvatore. He refused to believe it, of course, but the slight hint of jealousy couldn't be denied.
"Surely then you can grant me my desired information about Katherine's whereabouts?"
"Yes, I can. Although I still can't understand why you want to know now. Wanting to know she's safe or not. Which is actually kinda cute, I suppose." Elijah's eyebrows raised in surprise mixed with confusion at Caroline's words because it was unexpected to hear such a thing. Nevertheless, it's not what he had hoped to hear and he'd be thankful if she could quit the chitchat now and get to the point.
"Caroline, the location please..."
"Oh right ... Katherine told me she's staying with someone in Charleston, near White Point Garden."
"Do you have a name?"
"No, unfortunately not. But it's an older woman, apparently."
Elijah's eyes widened slightly at the mention of an older woman, being reminded of the locator spell done so many months ago which had shown him an elderly woman. Is that the same person? It can't possibly be because Katerina had been spotted at other places after he had started his search. If she had planned to go to Charleston the entire time, why hadn't she chosen a different route? The shortest path wouldn't have led over Charlotte or Columbia and everything that's in between, including that dreadful gas station.
The Original exhaled and pinched the bag of his nose as he tried to sort his thoughts.
"And do you know if she's still staying there?"
"No, I don't. Katherine's not exactly the type of person who gives daily updates. But I assume she's still in that area because she hasn't told me anything about moving. But I don't even know if it's right to tell you anyway, you know? Katherine hasn't told anyone but me, not even ...."
"Well.... she hasn't even told Stefan. "
"I see....", although Elijah understood nothing. He hadn't been aware that apparently, Stefan Salvatore seemed to hold such a big part in Katerina's life. But now both Rebekah and Caroline have mentioned the younger Salvatore independently of each other and he wondered if perhaps it's true what his sister had said: That Katerina had moved on.
Not that this new revelation would change anything about his mission because he still sought to find her and offer her his help in this difficult situation she was in. Nonetheless, he can't deny the sting in his heart to know that perhaps, Katerina had given her heart to someone else, to someone who can't possibly value her.
Stefan Salvatore and the doppelgänger Elena Gilbert always seemed to be an unmatchable team. He doubted Stefan's interest in Katerina -- if there even was any -- is wholehearted, therefore he can't comprehend why Katerina should be so keen on getting the younger Salvatore's attention.
"I'll make sure she won't find out from where I've gathered the piece of information. You don't have to worry about possibly betraying her trust in you," Elijah spoke and meant it, especially because he started to consider the blonde vampire as a reliable source of information. He certainly won't shy away from using every detail he can get in order to find Katerina.
"Thank you. And Elijah?"
"I can't believe I'm really saying this because she certainly can be a big bitch but ... don't hurt her. I came to like her and I don't want her to get hurt."
"You have nothing to fear, Miss Forbes. As I've already told you, it's not my intention to harm Katherine."
"That's not what I meant...."
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After having pondered about Caroline's words and the obvious meaning behind them, as well as getting other things done, Elijah started to pack his things, having a new destination in mind.
"Please bring the bags in my car, will you?" he ordered and didn't look up when the people of the hotel's staff grabbed the bags and his suits that were neatly packed in protective garment covers.
It's drawing outside, the sun is just about to rise and Elijah was ready to hopefully start the last part of his journey in his search for Katerina. He had showered and shaved. His entire appearance looked impeccable, ready to meet Katerina again.
As soon as he had finished the call with Caroline, he had ordered a few of his people to travel to Charleston in South Carolina with the order to look for a house inhabited by an old lady with flowers on the outside of the window. That's what he had remembered from the vision giving to him by his witch in Lafayette. Of course, he's aware that there're going to be plenty of homes to which the conditions would apply, but Elijah hoped he'd find it fast. And with a population of about 135.000 people, it's definitely gonna take some time. At least he had a rough direction, knowing that apparently the old lady is settled somewhere in the south of Charleston.
Elijah folded the map of the area that laid in front of him neatly after he had studied its structure. Then, he carefully took the white envelope with Katerina's necklace in his hands and placed it into the left inside of his suit jacket. He's going to make sure nothing happens to Katerina's daylight jewelry until he's having the opportunity to give it back to her.
Then, he switched off the lights and left his hotel suite, knowing that he's going to be in Charleston and therefore closer to Katerina in not even two hours.
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A/N: I hope you've liked this enormous chapter and are excited for the next one. Do you think Caroline told the truth? And how do you think is Elijah going to handle meeting Katherine again? What will he do? Will he talk to her right after he finds her? I'm also not sure if I should continue to write in Elijah's POV as I come to like it or should switch back to Katherine's POV. What do you think? Please consider leaving feedback as it keeps my muse for writing alive.♥
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rubyof-thesea · 3 years
parker and amy (leverage 5x08) should’ve kissed
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imagesbyele · 4 years
for future reference
Here are the tvshows I have in my external hard disk, some are worse quality than others and won’t be used for screencaps, but at least you'll know some of the shows I have seen and know characters of, and therefore it will be easier for me to find their scenes when needed to make your icons or whatever else you want. 
and also to make gifsets when I get the chance to open for suggestions (or even commissions, depend)
Assume I’ve seen all episodes unless I say otherwise.
Also as someone who was very involved in the ouat fandom and has strong feelings about it, assume that I’ll never make any Regina Mills content, nor gifsets involving Neal&Emma seen in a positive way. For Supergirl, I will not make gifsets about Lena and Kara. 
Agent Carter: season 1 except the last 3 episodes, season 2
Arrested Development: season 1-4
Brooklyn 99: up until 6x06 
Buffy: actual dvds of all episodes (but from a decade ago so maybe there is better quality around now)
Castle: scattered episodes, full season 4, 5 and 6
Chuck: all episodes
Community: up until 6x02 
Containment: all episodes
Cougar Town: part of season 5 and 6 
Daredevil: seasons 1-3
Doctor Who: season 1, 2, then scattered episodes for a total of 122 so we’ll see if I have something or not depending on what you ask
Elementary: only a few episodes of s2
Firefly: all and the movie Serenity
Fresh Off the Boat: scattered episodes of s2 and 3
Friends: season 2, 3, 4
Galavant: both seasons
How I Met Your mother: season 5 and 9, part of season 1
IZombie: season 1, 2 and part of 3
Jessica Jones: I’ve only seen season 1 and I only have season 2
Legends Of Tomorrow: only up to 4x07
Leverage: all episodes
Lost: season 6 and some episodes of season 5
Luke Cage: season 1, if there is more I have not seen it. 
Agents Of SHIELD: first 5 seasons, I haven’t seen the sixth and I have seen part of the seventh
Modern Family: scattered episodes
New Girl: scattered episodes between season 3 and 6
Once Upon a Time: all episodes
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: all episodes
One Day At A Time: season 2 and 3
One Tree Hill: season 1, 3, 4, 5
Parks And Rec: season 2-6
Sherlock: season 1-4
Supergirl: up to 4x08
Superstore: from 1x04 to 4x08
The 100: s1 - s6
The Flash: scattered episodes from s3-4-5 (I haven’t seen more than 5x08)
The Good Place: season 1, part of s2 and part of s3
The Librarians: s1, s2, part of season 3, s4
The Office: season 6, 7, 8 
The Punisher: season 1 but I haven’t seen it
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: s1, s2
Veronica Mars: season 1-3
Will&Grace: few scattered episodes
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Some shows I don't have but I have seen:
gilmore girls
desperate housewives
downton abbey
house m.d.
supernatural (but most of it is too nightmare fuel for me so I stopped at the end of s5) 
the big bang theory
the marvelous mrs maisel
the nanny
ugly betty
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some movies I have seen, and in some cases have but in terribly quality, in no particular order: 
pretty much all marvel avengers-related movies,
pirates of the caribbean movies,
lord of the rings trilogy, 
anastasia, frozen 1 and 2, 
the greatest showman,
 wonder woman, 
tomb raider
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shellygurumi · 4 years
The Not-So-Short List of my Favorite Leverage Episodes
Season 1
1x01 - The Nigerian Job
1x08 - The Bank Shot Job
1x09 - The Stork Job
1x10 - The Juror #6 Job
1x12 - The First David Job
1x13 - The Second David Job
Season 2
2x07 - The Two Live Crew Job
2x11 - The Bottle Job
2x12 - The Zanzibar Marketplace Job
Season 3
3x03 - The Inside Job
3x07 - The Gone-Fishin' Job
3x08 - The Boost Job
3x11 - The Rashomon Job
3x15 - The Big Bang Job
3x16 - The San Lorenzo Job
Season 4
4x04 - The Van Gogh Job
4x05 - The Hot Potato Job
4x07 - The Grave Danger Job
4x08 - The Boiler Room Job
4x10 - The Queen's Gambit Job
4x12 - The Office Job
4x13 - The Girl's Night Out Job
4x17 - The Radio Job
4x18 - The Last Dam Job
Season 5
5x03 - The First Contact Job
5x06 - The D.B. Cooper Job
5x08 - The Broken Wing Job
5x09 - The Rundown Job
5x15 - The Long Goodbye Job
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bliphany · 4 years
So I finished my Leverage marathon and thought of putting some of my favorite episodes here.
1x11 The Juror #6 Job
3x04 The Scheherazade Job
3x11 The Rashomon Job
4x01 The Long Way Down Job
4x04 The Van Gogh Job
4x07 The Grave Danger Job
4x08 The Boiler Room Job
4x12 The Office Job
4x13 The Girls' Night Out Job
4x14 The Boys' Night Out Job
4x18 The Last Dam Job
5x06 The D.B. Cooper Job
5x08 The Broken Wing Job
5x09 The Rundown Job
5x10 The Frame Up Job
5x15 The Long Goodbye Job
Turned out I really enjoyed season four and all those sort of meta storytelling episodes.
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Can you recommend foody scenes and fics where the whumpee gets poisoned or drugged? (No no-con please)
Sure thing! Here's some great drugged/poisoned scenes:
Burn Notice 7x11
MacGyver (1980s) 1x11
Hawaii Five-0 and 1x23 5x07
The Alienist 1x07
Timeless 1x06
Merlin 1x04 and 5x08
White Collar 1x10
The Mentalist 5x02
Sherlock 3x01
Murdoch Mysteries 9x18
Harrow 2x10
Leverage 4x10
Leverage Redemption 1x09
Legends of Tomorrow 3x05
Teen Wolf 3x01
Hudson & Rex 2x16
Once Upon a Time 3x03 3x04 and 3x05 for Charming poisoned and the whole of season 7 (Hook's poisoned heart)
Dark Angel season 2 (Logan Cale is infected with a genetically targeted retrovirus that is activated when Max touches him.)
General Hospital April 2021 multiple episodes
Free Rein episodes 3x01, 3x05-3x10
Legend of the Seeker 1x01
Fate the Winx Saga 1x03
Supergirl 2x22
Outlander 5x09
NCIS 1x20 and 2x22
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x21 and 3x22
Emerald City 1x02
Hallmark movie Hailey Dean Mystere: Deady Estate.
Off hand I can't think of any fanfics but you can always look through my masterlist and see what you find: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jfJ8rHwvGCzmCfwJolr925mSCjcR5TS0TDPlCnzCOEY/edit?usp=sharing
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ismaelmyblogisamess · 5 years
I was tagged by the amazing @jemmablossom thanks you so much, sorry this is pretty late 💙
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don't cheat. Tag 10( or however many) peeps.
1. Agents of shield
2. Leverage
3. Stranger things
4. Chuck
5. Bones
1. Who is your favorite character in 2?
Parker, i love her so much, she awkward but smart. Her character development through the seasons makes me love her more
2. Who is your least favorite character in 1?
Hmmm aida/madam hydra
3. What is your favorite episode of 4?
Episode 5x08 "chuck vs the baby" the whole episode is good, from charah scenes family all together happy and sarah being all around badass
4. What is your favorite season of 5?
Season 9
5. Who is your favorite couple in 3?
Mileven(Mike wheeler x eleven) and jancy(Jonathan byers x Nancy wheeler) can't choose one
6. Who is your favorite couple in 2?
Pardison(parker x alec hardison)
7. What's your favorite episode of 1?
This is a touph one, 4x15 "self control" the cast did amazing job in the episode. 3x13 "spies goodbye" as well.
8. What is your favorite episode of 5?
2x09 "aliens in a ship" had my heart racing the entire episode
9. What is your favorite season of 2?
I meet this question once again, this is tricky since all the seasons have there own strengths. But i guess i have to say season 5 for me
10. How long have you watched 1?
I started watching it once the season 2 mid season final 2x10 "what they become" 2015 so about 4 years.
11. How did you become interested in 3?
My mutuals who constantly posted it. I'm always looking for new shows to watch. They kept saying the show is good, so i gave it a shot
12. Who is your favorite actor in 4?
Both Yvonne strahovski and Zachary Levi
13. Which you prefer, 1, 2 or 5?
Got me in a pickle man, i love them all. But i guess agents of shield
14. Which show have you seen more episodes, 1 or 3?
Agents of shield by far, just can't get enough of it.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Sarah Walker, a badass agent who kicks butt
16. Would a crossover between 3 or 4 work?
Nope, 2 different stories that have nothing to do with other.
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make unlikely but strangely okay couple.
Deke/snowflake, i still don't know how i exactly feel about them but they seem okay together
18. Overall, which show has the best storyline, 3 or 5?
Stranger things
19. Which has a better theme music, 2 or 4?
Leverage not doubt
I'll be tagging: @nerdlove4thewin @sammax88 @2minutes2midnight @libbyweasley @everythinghappens-love @everyl1ttleth1ng @agentmanatee @besidemethewholedamntime
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Broken Wing Job
leverage 5.08
- - - - -
I love how casually she sets up her rigging in headquarters
- - - - -
Hardison: Yeah, basically not true. Look, babe, six weeks of bed rest. Doctor’s orders. Not optional. And don’t forget to take your pain pills, okay?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: They make everything go wibbly-wobbly. (grabs a bottle of orange pop and opens it)
Hardison: Yeah, that’s how you know they’re working.
Parker: But I got to be sharp... on the edge. It’s where I got to be. Can’t have nothing in my life I can’t walk away from in 30 seconds if I feel the heat coming around the corner.
[Equipment Closet]
Hardison: Parker, look, I know that you’re... Wait, hold up, babe, did you just quote “Heat”?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker (chuckling): Yeah, that’s where that’s from. Ha, watched your Netflix queue... Twice.
[Equipment Closet]
Parker: Think I’m going stir-crazy.
Hardison: You think?
wow, this ep already hits different during quarantine
- - - - -
Hardison: Babe, love, kisses, snuggles.
[Equipment Closet]
Hardison: Other romantic verbs. Take your pills, be nice to Amy. Look, we’ll be fine without you. (blows on equipment)
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: Yeah. That’s what I’m afraid of
- - - - -
the montage of parker going crazy in the chair HITS SO CLOSE TO HOME IN CORONA SEASON
- - - - -
also parker drinks orange soda when she’s sick ,,, im soft
she probably should be drinking something healthier, though
I’m sure somewhere in the distance eliot’s Stupidity Senses™ are tingling and he’s internally screaming at her for not being healthier
- - - - -
Parker looks at her pill bottle, then at the bear. She begins changing the channel, then offers the remote to the bear)
Parker: Oh, what? You want to choose? Okay, fine. But no “B.J. and the Bear” And no reality dating shows... Except “Beauty and the Geek.” I like that one. Oh, what? You’re gonna sulk now? Okay, fine. I’m just gonna keep choosing, then
I love learning little things about parker, like how she likes beauty and the geek (it probably reminds her of her and hardison)
- - - - -
Parker: Hey, you know, these are really good. No, I’m serious. These are really good. Trust me, I’ve seen some of the best.
Amy: Thanks. I wish you could tell my father that, though.
Parker: Well, has he seen these?
Amy: No. He has never seen any of my artwork. Doesn’t stop him from having an opinion about art school, though.
Parker: What, he’s not a fan?
Amy: Not of any degree that doesn’t have an “m,” a “b,” or an “a” in it. He wants me to take over the family business.
Parker: And what is the family business?
Amy: What isn’t the family business?
okay, y’all, I get it now
I get why everyone loves amy now
it’s because she’s a cinnamon roll with a heart of gold and I too am now in love with her
ALSO parker has come far and she cares about people and compliments people she’s baby
- - - - -
Parker: Who are you guys? (thinks, writes ‘thieves’ on the board) You guys picked the wrong brew pub.
this SCREAMS home alone energy
- - - - -
(Eliot sits meditating with his eyes closed when his phone rings)
Eliot: Parker.
Parker: Hey, what are you doing?
Eliot: I’m waiting. How’s the knee?
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: Ah, driving me to crazy town. Pretty much like it’s on cruise control, cruising me through crazy town. And you know what? Let’s face it. I have way too much to do. This knee—I need to be on a bullet train through crazy town. I don’t have time to stop for gas, go to the museum.
Eliot: Parker, breathe. Identify your limitations. Turn them to advantages.
[Leverage Headquarters]
Parker: Okay, good. How do I do that?
Eliot: Adapt. I got to go
eliot will ALWAYS pick up for parker, even when he’s about to be attacked by a samurai
- - - - -
the air vents are SO HUGE and I don’t doubt for a minute it’s for parker
- - - - -
Amy: Okay, you want me to what, now?
Parker (hopping around the bench): Those guys are gonna rob this store, right? Which is fine. I don’t mind robbers who aren’t robbing me or my friends or kids or... But they brought a gun to the party, and that changes all the rules.
plus no guns in their house anyways because Eliot Does Not Like Them and the team accommodates him for that
- - - - -
Parker: Because that’s what you do. I’ve seen your résumé. Volunteer work, charity efforts. Of all the people who work here, do you think Hardison really picked you at random? No. He knew you were one of us.
Amy: Okay, “one of us”? What does that mean, “one of us”?
Parker: People who have to help.
Amy (sighs and holds out her hand)
it’s officially canon that hardison handpicks the BEST people to hire and I love it
- - - - -
I love how they showed how parker was noticing things about the getaway van by taking notes on screen
- - - - -
Parker: Oh. I’m fine. (shrugs off her help) I got it, I got it, I got it. I got it. I’m fine. (nearly falls) Ugh!
Amy: Oh! Okay, tell me.
Parker: Tell you what?
Amy: You know what to do, and I know how to walk. No offense. So let me be your legs.
Parker: It could get scary in there.
Amy: I get it.
Parker: Okay. (hops back to the counter)
+ this is so important how parker is caring about amy and wants her to make sure she knows what she’s getting into
- - - - -
Amy: Right, I’ll just tell them we’re short on servers. We do it all the time when we don’t feel like working. (catches herself) And you’re dating the boss.
Parker: You guys think of him as the boss?
Amy: Well, yeah, because that’s what he is.
Parker: Yeah, guess so. Is he a good boss? Do you—you guys like him?
Amy: What, are you kidding? He’s awesome. But don’t take this the wrong way. He is way too smart for this place.
Parker: I agree. He’s the smartest man I’ve ever met, and I’ve known some very smart men.
Amy: And I asked you about a brother, right?
Parker: Twice
my aesthetic is people in love with hardison (parker and eliot) telling people how hardison is the smartest person they’ve ever known
- - - - -
Parker: Hey. Hey, wait.
(V and K turn to look at Parker, who walks up to V)
V: What?
Parker: I’m gloating.
(Police take the two men away)
- - - - -
Parker (lifts a glass to toast): To new friends, new food, and no fish.
James: No fish.
Amy: No fish.
(they drink)
Parker: Mmm. Start with Eliot’s chili. It’s the best
parker IMMEDIATELY recommends eliot’s food bc she loves him and supports his passion
- - - - -
- - - - -
Nate (eyes the bullet holes in the walls): How were things here?
Parker: Fine. Same. Boring. Like Japan.
Hardison: You know, I don’t believe you. (points at Amy) And, you, you’re a part of this. See this—all this? It’s not just any zombie movie. This the original zombie movie. Babe, it’s on Blu-ray. How is it possible to be bored? You know what we’re gonna do? We’re watching this from the beginning, because, obviously, you’re doing something wrong.
Eliot: I’m in.
Sophie: Sure. Why not?
Nate: Maybe a little more popcorn?
Amy: I’ll get some.
Nate (softly to Parker): Nice job while we were away.
(Parker smiles)
the whole team joining in to watch the movie with parker AND amy!!!
also, nate whispering good job to parker after an entire episode of establishing her as a mastermind? *chef’s kiss* iconique
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osleyakomwonkru · 5 years
I was tagged for this game by @blodreina-noumou - sure, I’ll dive in!
The 100 (obviously)
Once Upon A Time
*I am monofandomous. Which means I can only do one fandom at a time. I have a tendency towards hyperfixation. Obviously, #1 is that current hyperfixation, the other four are my ones before it.
Come take a look, if you dare.
1. who is your favorite character in 2?
Magnus Bane. Has been since the books, and Harry plays him so well on screen. I love his loyalty, his take-no-shit attitude, his everything.
2. who is your least favorite character in 1?
Marcus Kane, wait he’s dead. Abby Griffin, wait she’s probably dead too. Okay, then we’ve come to Bellamy Blake. I don’t want to hate him, see, but he’s been so cruel to Octavia since 5x04, his joking with her now is unearned since he hasn’t apologized for his cruelty, and thus I cannot stan like I used to. Sorry not sorry.
3. what is your favorite episode of 4?
"The Big Bang Job”. Eliot backstory and Eliot being awesome. Love him so much.
4. what is your favorite season of 5?
Season 3. Ish. Latter half of season 3, more specifically.
5. who is your favorite couple in 3?
OutlawQueen. Regina was my absolute favourite, and Robin was just so perfect for her. And then, of course, as always for characters that are My Type™, she lost him. That’s pretty much where my love affair with the show ended.
6. who is your favorite couple in 2?
Malec (Magnus/Alec). Before my Octavia hyperfixation started, I had a fine career as a mid-list Malec fic writer, and then gave all of that up to, well, love and write about Octavia instead. No regrets.
7. what is your favorite episode in 1?
Episode 4x10 “Die All, Die Merrily”. Does this even need an explanation? Honourable mentions to 4x07 “Gimme Shelter” and 5x10 “The Warriors Will”.
8. what is your favorite episode of 5?
A tie between episodes 3x16 “One of Us” and 5x08 “LaFleur”. Yes, I love Juliet. She’s My Type™. As is Sawyer. And of course, Suliet, which was one of the first times my heart broke in fandom. 
9. what is your favorite season of 2?
Season 2, even if it was heartbreaking for poor Magnus.
10. how long have you watched 1?
I started watching The 100 in February of last year, so in the hiatus between seasons 4 and 5. Then watched 5 and now 6 live.
11. how did you become interested in 3?
I can’t quite remember, actually. I think I’d heard about it, then started watching it when my ex-fiance’s sister shared it with me. (Obviously before the “ex” part happened.)
12. who is your favorite actor in 4?
Christian Kane (Eliot Spencer), always. 
13. which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
1. The 100. That’s why it is my current hyperfixation :D I love all of the moral and ethical dilemmas, I love the intensity, I love the depth, I love the “no good choices” and then “how do you live with it after?”. That’s why I watch. Which is why I hate that the more recent seasons aren’t holding to this and are deciding we should dislike some actions and like others, even if they’re similar.
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
3, only because OUAT had 22 episodes per season instead of 13-16.
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Parker! Parker and I have a lot in common, actually. I’m not a world-class thief, but I do have trouble relating to humans like she does, so acquiring an awesome skillset to go along with that would be cool.
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
OUAT and Leverage? .... no.
17. pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple
Octavia and Murphy. I know, you’re probably going “WHAT?! They haven’t spoken to each other since season 1 and have rarely shared a scene since”, but hear me out. They both know what it is like to be seen as the bad guy, when they didn’t do anything so different from other characters, they just got on The Leads’ bad sides. They’ve both spent large portions of the show physically and/or emotionally isolated from the rest of the main kru. They’ve both had complicated relationships with Team Adults, Jaha and Abby in particular.
This season especially is FULL of Octavia/Murphy parallels - Murphy dives into the water on the new planet (as Octavia did in 1x01), Murphy’s life is in danger from the water (see Octavia in 1x01, except this time it is a snake that saves his life rather than threatens it), Octavia is banished for stupid reasons (like Murphy in 1x04), and Octavia and Diyoza’s quest for Gabriel and the Anomaly parallels Murphy and Jaha’s quest for the City of Light in season 2 (especially relevant since we know the Anomaly will be a big plot point for S7, like the CoL was in S3).
So with all of that, if you still need some convincing... they’re both incredibly loyal. They help their people even when their people have done little to nothing to earn that loyalty, and even when their people think the worst of them. Also, Octavia is too selfless, and I really want some of Murphy’s selfishness to rub off on her. He’s not as selfish as people often think, but Octavia doesn’t have a selfish bone in her body, and she could use one.
So yeah. Murphtavia. CockroachQueen. Whatever you want to call the ship. It’s happening. 
18. overall, which story has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Well, these two are based on the same principles, and created by a fair number of the same people, with the same actors. So the storylines have fair numbers of similarities, but I have to say 5, because Lost wrapped things up at the appropriate time instead of going for a victory lap half-reboot like OUAT did.
19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
2. Shadowhunters. Without a doubt. This is where I first heard Ruelle and Fleurie, and they’re both amazing artists and you should all check them out.
I’m not tagging anyone, but feel free to steal and do it. I don’t know where this thing started, but does anyone with these things, really?
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