#And yeah it's lovely that even without being in the same band he's still bff with in hyuk
Heartwork- E.M. Pt. 1
Hi everyone! Let me start by saying that I am sorry for not being around in a while. Life and stuff, you know? I won't bore you with the details, but long story short, I've found some inspiration again and wanted to finish this fic I was requested. I really hope it's been worth the wait!
2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - Epilogue
You and Eddie meet again after several years apart.
TW- cursing, brief mentions nudity, drinking, mentions of smoking (lmk if I missed anything!)
Pairings- Eddie x Reader
Word Count- 1,779
(Gif not mine, credit to owner!)
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You always liked Eddie. Not in the googly-eyed, heart-racing, butterflies-in-the-stomach way, but you used to be really great friends, especially when you hung out with him and your best friend pretty much every day in high school when they were together. You remember all the times the three of you sat on Eddie’s couch in the middle of the night, laughing and smoking together while a movie played in the background, just mood music for the three of you to talk about anything and everything until you fell asleep. 
You honestly loved seeing Eddie and your bestie being all lovey-dovey to each other. You’d always give a little smile when you caught them in a tender moment, kissing each other sweetly, holding hands, brushing a piece of hair from each other’s faces… You envied her. You didn’t want Eddie, necessarily, but you did hope you’d find someone that treated you the way he treated her. 
You stopped talking to them a while after you left for college. Not out of malice or any sort of fall-out among the three of you, but things just got busy. You were working on a degree, after all, and that takes a lot of focus.  
You let your bags fall next to you as you walk into your new apartment in the heart of Hawkins. You never knew if you’d come back after you graduated, but in all honesty, after a lot of looking and a lot of thought, you realized you wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. So, you found a well-paying job at the bank as a junior finance advisor and tried to settle back into the place you’d always called home. 
You decide to go out and celebrate at the Hideout, and you smile gently as you walk in for the first time in years, remembering that Eddie’s band used to play here. Maybe they still do. You find a seat at the bar and order some food and a stiff drink, thankful that the bar’s within walking distance of your apartment. You thank the bartender as she sets your drink down in front of you and take a sip, letting yourself look around.  
It hasn’t changed a bit. Faded red-painted walls stained with cigarette smoke, a rickety oak stage, heavy velvet curtains flanking each side. So many nights spent here dancing with your best friend, whooping and cheering for Eddie and his band, black sharpie Xs on the back of your hands. You smile at the memory, lost in it as you suddenly ache for that friendship again, when you hear your name being called. 
“Y/N?” You recognize that voice. You turn your head to the door to spot a tall man, shaggy mess of curls still intact, sporting a jean vest and a tattered band shirt. You set your drink down and stand, smiling ear to ear. 
“Eddie?!” You both laugh as you approach each other and pull each other in, you squeezing his middle as his arms wrap around your shoulders. You part and sigh happily, taking him in. “You look exactly the same!” He laughs. 
“And you look… completely different! What are you doing here? I thought you were in Chicago at that fancy school?” He places his hands on his hips, his smile intoxicating, like it always was.  
You shrug, hands going to your pockets. “I just graduated a couple months ago. I thought about staying there, but it’s not home, ya know?”  
“Yeah, I get it. Wasn’t the same without you, though.” You wave a hand dismissively.  
“I bet you didn’t even realize I was gone, what with you and Y/BFF/N too busy ogling at each other every second. How is she, by the way?” You watch as his eyes go from joy to something darker, sadder, and you regret asking. 
“Eh, it didn’t work out. She actually moved not long ago. Down south, near the river, I think.” You shuffle your feet, eyes flicking down. 
“Oh. I’m sorry, Eds, I didn’t—” Eddie waves a hand, his smile returning. 
“Don’t worry about it. It was a long time ago now.” It goes quiet, and tension builds. Then, the bartender sets your plate of loaded potato skins down next to your drink, and you try to smile again. 
“Wanna sit? I got some food, if you wanna share,” You offer. Eddie’s smile returns too as he nods, and you and he sit, trying to get the momentum going again as Eddie orders a drink.  
“So, you still play with the band?” You gesture to the stage. Eddie chuckles, shaking his head. 
“No, not anymore. We all got jobs and shit now. Assimilating into society, as it were. Gareth’s engaged, that’s fucking weird.” You both laugh at that, “I don’t know, it’s just crazy to think about. We used to be freaks. Remember when people called us Satanists and stuff? Thought Hellfire was a cult? Now we’re just average fucking chumps with Social Security accounts and shit.” You raise your eyebrows, nodding at the insanity of it all.  
“Seems just yesterday we were running around the park after dark, passing around a joint and pushing each other on the swings.”  
“Yeah! I remember that. Good times…” He flicks his eyes up, remembering. “I remember once, we were in Y/BBF/N’s pool, and you forgot your swimsuit…” He laughs, and you suddenly remember, and your hands fly to your face, embarrassed laughs spilling out of your mouth. 
“Stop! I don’t need to relive that!” You grimace at the memory. Your best friend’s swimsuit didn’t fit, so you opted to just swim in your underwear. What’s the difference, really, anyway? Well, turns out swimsuits are easier to keep on underwater, and your panties slipped down your ass as you climbed the ladder. You’re lucky it was just the two of them, but both Eddie and your best friend called you “Full-Moon” for a month! 
“No, no! You looked good! Flaunt what you got and all.” You feel heat rush to your cheeks as you both laugh uncomfortably.  
“Yeah, just like that time your pants split right down the middle, and somebody was going commando that day!” You retort.  
“Oh, fuck! I completely forgot about that! What were we doing?” Eddie laughs, his brows furrowed in thought as he takes a bite of potato. 
“Um,” You rack your brain. “Oh, we were… We were at the apple orchard! You tried to lift Y/BFF/N on your shoulders so she could pick the one she wanted!” Recognition streaks across his face as he laughs. 
“Yeah, that’s right! God, and I had to waddle back to the van with both of your jackets around my waist so no one would see!”  
“Right! God, that was a great day…” You muse, the laughter subsiding.  
You continue reminiscing all through the night, not parting until the bar closes at 1 A.M. You wrap Eddie in a tight hug as the bartender closes the door behind you, locking it and turning the light off. When you pull away, you sigh. “I’m so glad I ran into you, Ed.” Your cheeks burn from smiling so much. You don’t remember the last time you smiled this much, but you bet it was the last time you were here with him. He nods, his hands going to his pockets.  
“Yeah, me too. But hey, now that you’re back permanently, we can hang out again. Just like old times.”  
“I’d like that. Um, here’s my new number…” You rummage through your purse to find your new business cards you just had made and hand him one. “My personal number is on there, so just give me a shout whenever.” He raises his eyebrows at the card, handling it like it’s a precious photo he doesn’t want smudged. 
“Wow! Impressive! Was this whole night just a ploy for me to…” He reads the card, squinting in the darkness. “Seek financial advice?” You both laugh. 
“Obviously! I just need to reel in new clients so I’m stalking old friends. You caught me!” You raise your hands up as your face feigns guilt. 
“Well, I don’t make enough money to have any left over for warranting advice, but you’ll be the first to know if I do!” He promises. You nod gratefully. “Well, anyway, where’s your car? I’ll walk you.” You thumb in the direction behind you toward your apartment building. 
“I actually walked. I just live a couple blocks away.”  
“I can give you a ride. I’m parked right there.” He points to a black sedan, definitely an upgrade from the van he drove when you were all in high school. You smile lightly and nod.  
“I’d appreciate that, thanks.”  
You walk to his car and get in, looking around a bit as Eddie hops in the driver's side. On the dashboard you see a picture, yellowed with time. You pick it up, holding the edges gently, though one side is torn, and see you and Eddie smiling in front of a stage, the Hideout stage, actually. It’s a photo from Corroded Coffin’s first gig there. The ripped edge is right where your best friend’s arm is linked with Eddie’s. You let out a little gasp. 
“You still have this? I think I lost most of my photos when I moved to college. Though, they might be boxed up somewhere in my parents’ attic.” Eddie looks down with a tentative smile as he starts the ignition. 
“Yeah… after things ended with Y/BFF/N, I got rid of a lot of stuff with her in it, but I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of this one. So, I just modified it a bit.” You feel sad bringing Y/BFF/N up, but you can’t help but ask. 
“Was it bad?” Eddie scoffs, flicking his eyes to the window. 
“Yeah.” That’s all he has to say, and so you leave it there, not wanting to push him. You direct Eddie to your building and lean over the center console to hug him before getting out.  
“Thanks for the ride, Ed.” 
“No problem. I’ll call you soon, okay? Now that you’re back, I’m not letting you go again, got it?” You feel your heart jump unexpectedly at that, but you nod. 
“Got it. I’ll talk to you soon. Goodnight!” 
“Goodnight, Y/N.” You close the door behind you and wave as he drives away before turning and walking into the building and up to your apartment. As you close the door, you smile, remembering everything, and you realize that this is the happiest you’ve felt in a long time. As you get ready for bed, you can’t help but hope that Eddie will call sooner rather than later. 
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two-sides-samecoin · 1 year
Oh god I every time I hear about the Fruity Four or Spicy Six I fucking cringe like those people would not hang out together at all. Like obviously Stobin are bffs, maybe Eddie would hang out with them but I honestly don't see it that much. He has his DnD friends and his band but he could be friends with Stobin. I don't see him hang out with Nancy because honestly she would find him too annoying after some time. Same with Jonathan he's judging Eddie too much but Argyle I think they would be besties lol.
Now the rest Jancy wouldn't want to hang out with Steve, bc of shared negative history and Steve would hate seeing Jancy in action because he's still hurt. Robin would be in solidarity with Steve because that's her bestie and she has like no desire to hang with people who hurt him (and talk bad about him like it's insinuated at the end of s4). And Argyle is Jonathan's bestie, I doubt he wants to hang with Steve, I mean I honestly don't know what he would do if he would know about Jancy and the cheating so I can see him be civil towards Steve. And I think him and Robin could vibe well together. Idk if Argyle would like Nancy or if she could tolerate him, it's just he could be too immature for her like he's not smart enough for her so she keeps getting annoyed, like Nancy has a short fuse that's why I question everyone who thinks she could handle Robin's quirks over time. Honestly I see Argyle vibing with everyone but Nancy.
In general I also don't see Jancy making an effort to stay in touch or become closer to people. Jonathan especially is a certified loner, he judges people a lot and likes to keep to himself. Nancy idk I see her wanting to leave asap and never look back.
I think the main friend groups out of the teens would be Stobin plus Eddie, Argyle and Eddie, Jancy, Jonathan and Argyle, maybe Robin and Nancy but Nancy has to make the effort. And ofc Stobin and Vickie, who is always left out. Like Steve and her have so many shared interests, so they both annoy Robin with it, and all three would always hang out together.
honestly the spicy six and the fruity four are such weird names honestly especially when robin is the only canonical lesbian like none of the others are actually conically gay/queer. like why are we giving these names to characters that are only headcanoned to be gay like please but yeah all of these people would not be hanging out. yeah like stobin is hanging out but like the others are not even that close besides like jancy and jonathan and argyle like after that none of these characters are really close to each other! lol yeah about everything you said about who would hang out with each other
yeah steve canonically has facial and body reactions to seeing nancy also jancy doesn’t even care about steve that much. like them being surprised that steve’s changed shows that they still think the worst about steve which makes jackshit sense but anyway they still don’t even like steve that much - why would they want to hang out with steve? but yeah robin also really wouldn’t want to hang out with jancy cuz she knows how steve feels also i don’t see robin and jonathan being friends at all. omg everything you said about argyle vibing with everyone but nancy! also nancy just has this uptight personality that would end up with argyle just being frustrated and they would but heads a lot.
SAME!! to me there’s no reason why jancy stays in touch with any of these people cuz they haven’t really made an effort either to make friends with them! it’s just the end of the world shit which is fine but they have not once made an actual connection with one of the other teens (except for with jonathan and argyle) without the ud being the reason why. hell the reason jancy even starts talking in the first place in because of ud shit! oh nancy would absolutely want to leave and never come back!
EVEYTHING IN THIS LAST PARAGRAPH! i love it 💜💜. especially about that last part with stobin and vickie like i love this dynamic so much and i wished it got more love
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erectionsandtea · 3 years
Poly party summer fun headcanons, part 2 ! 😀 (this got way too long so I’m posting it as it is, and if I get more ideas, or if you guys want to send me anything 😉, I’ll either reblog this post or make a new one.) Enjoy!
(part 1 can be found here)
Amusement park: (these are based on amusement parks I have been to since they're all I know, lol)
- they go early so they can do everything (twice) but they also stay until it gets dark bc El wants to see all the lights
- one of her favorite rides is the big ship that swings back and forth because it feels like flying
- Max, Lucas, and Dustin take El on her first roller coaster ride, and it's super scary but she also loves it (Robin and Nancy go, too)
Lucas and Dustin scream like little girls on the roller coaster and become the butt of many jokes about it (most of them from Max)
Max and Lucas would totally try to kiss for the roller coaster camera (idk why okay, stop me) but the photo would look absolutely ridiculous and Max’s hair is fuckin EvERYWHERE
El uses some of her money to buy a copy of the photo (she buys a copy of their photo from every ride, it's a lot of money, but the others help her out with it), and when she gets home, Will helps her make a collage of all the photos that she puts up in her room
- El also wants caricatures, but they don't have enough money for everyone (so she just gets one of herself). Will watches the artist, who gives him tips on how to do it so he can draw some for El later (and he totes does bc good brother vibes)
- they do the ferris wheel last bc it is super romantic (even more so at night), and everyone wants to go with everyone else. Max wants to go up every time someone else does bc she wants to try to spy on them, lol
Groups, in order from side to other side (sitting, not riding order):
for her very first time: Max/El/Mike (her two bffs, aka her bf and gf)
the guy running the ferris wheel is just like “you kids again???” bc they keep just getting off the ride and going straight to the back of the line to go up again, but eventually they have to stop bc the park is literally about to close and they’ll be kicked out
- there's also a haunted house ride and El absolutely has to ride with Mike bc when she is scared or feels like she's in danger, he's always been the best at making her feel okay again. She clings to him throughout the ride, but ends up laughing at how cheesy not-scary most of the effects are.
- as exhilarating as the drop rides are, El doesn’t like going on them too much but she can do it like, once. maybe twice.
- Lucas and Max, and Dustin and Will, like that ride that’s like the ferris wheel except you’re in a cage and you can manipulate the cage (by spinning it and stuff) to take you upside down. Dustin and Max do it too much, like to an extreme, and Will and Lucas are like “stop, the world is literally spinning” and they’re very disoriented when they get off
- there’s a rapids ride, and since the rafts are big enough to hold 8 people, the whole party is able to go together in one, and then the teens can go together in another one. they totally get sprayed by bystanders. 
- there's a shooting game (like where you go through a tunnel on a track, and targets pop up and you shoot them)
Lucas is the best and El rides with him bc the best should introduce the newbie, and she has so much fun, it's nothing like the guns she's experienced in her previous (lab) life.
Max and Dustin fight really hard to be second best.
Mike and Will go together and compared to the others, they suck, but that's okay they have fun anyway, and they joke about their own terribleness.
- Dustin buys those deep-fried snacks (you know the ones I mean) and he is literally the only person in the group that likes them (okay, not true, Robin can handle them, too)
El, against the advice of the others, wants to try those snacks bc she’s never heard of anything like that before, and the first time she takes a bite, her face goes through a range of like 10 emotions bc she’s being assaulted by flavors-
but after she manages to swallow it, she’s like “wow, that was amazing” and the others are like “...you serious??”
Mike is just like “that is disgusting and I’m not kissing you after that lol” and El is just like “but...why?” (he totes does tho, he doesn’t give a f, he’s kissing his gf bc he just can’t resist the cuteness)
Nancy, even though she doesn’t necessarily like it, can totally handle taking a bite and finishing it (like that beer from season 1) and Robin is like “that’s impressive, band geek” and Nancy’s just like “I’m not in band” (idk lol)
- El wanting to try EVERY food but the others have to cut her off bc it’s so expensive and she will get so sick
- Mike being a good bf and holding souvenirs bought by his bf and gf (Will totally buying a sweet little something for his awesome mom) (El totally doing the same thing to remind herself of Hopper, but she keeps it in her room instead)
- Lucas also being a good bf for the same reason but complaining about it, lol
- everyone goes on the log ride (you might know it as the flume) bc there isn’t a person on earth who doesn’t like that ride, and even tho she knows about the impending splash, El is still super surprised when it happens
Groups, in order (front to back):
El, Mike, Max, and Lucas (Max is explaining to El over Mike’s shoulder that “you absolutely HAVE TO be in the front, it’s the best way”)
Suzie, Dustin, Steve, and Robin (irrelevant but don’t tell me Robin sits in front of Steve, there’s no fuckin way, she’s not his gf, also Steve and Dustin just have to sit together bruh)
Will, Dustin (bc obvsly he goes on again), Nancy, and Jonathan
Mike has his arms around El like he thinks he’s going to protect her from the huge spray of water (but his skinny arms won’t protect shit lol) and he somehow manages to make a decent photo come out of him kissing her cheek while she is simultaneously screaming (good screaming)
- everyone loves the bumper cars (Jonathan and Suzie hang back tho, to hold everyone’s stuff and cheer from the side)
Max, as the only one (sans teens) who has actually driven a car before, rides with El so she can teach her how to do it
her and Lucas (with his passenger Will) are automatically in competition with one another (”you’re going down!” “no, YOU’RE going down!”)
Robin, riding by herself, goes after Steve and driver Nancy (who’s surprisingly good at this)
and Dustin (passenger Mike) gangs up with Robin to take on Steve and Nancy, which makes Nancy even more determined now to destroy both of them
Steve’s a little afraid of Nancy when she’s like this, lol
eventually Dustin and Robin are like “okay okay, we’ll stop! jesuschrist, how did you get so good at this??” (but also they are just in total awe of Nancy) and they just go after each other instead
- El doesn’t like spinning rides (too dizzy and they totally make her tummy “feel weird, like there’s a storm in it” “uh oh, you’re nauseous, El” “naw-shus?” “yeah, like sick, here, sit down for a minute”), but Will loves them and he’s there for her
- the sky ride (the one that takes you from end of the park to the other), groups:
Mike and Will on one side, Max and El on the other (the seats are basically little cabins, seats for 4 people)
Lucas and Dustin on one side, Jonathan and Steve on the other
Robin on one side (she totally takes up the whole double space, putting her leg up), Nancy and Suzie on the other
- carousel ride! (during the day)
El wants the prettiest horse
Max gets the most badass thing which is like...a wolf??
Lucas and Dustin ride only bc there’s a game where you can try to throw rings into a hole while going around (they each get one in by pure luck but otherwise suck). they don’t really care what animals they get, they just need ones that move up and down. Dustin gets a cat with a fish in his mouth, and Lucas ends up just picking a rabbit before everything is taken and he doesn’t have a choice anymore. The others fuckin laugh at the image of Lucas riding a rabbit
Suzie gets another horse
Will gets a lion which doesn’t move up and down but he’s okay with that, he’s kinda just going bc everyone else is
Mike gets stuck with a horse bc he was at the back of the group and by the time he gets there, every other non-horse animal is taken (but they joke about how he should have gotten the non-moving giraffe, taken by Steve, bc it’s so tall and gangly like him lol)
Nancy gets a horse
Robin takes the wild boar bc “dude that is the most badass animal on a carousel I have ever seen!”
Jonathan stays behind, no matter how much the others beg, but he takes lots of really good pictures (including the one time Dustin gets the ring in the hole and then cheering, then also him and Lucas high-fiving, and the various couples exchanging really cute looks, and El having the best time ever bc she’s never been on one of these before)
they go on the carousel one more time near the end of the night and this time Jonathan gives in and rides with them, but he sits in one of the benches that’s just there for the parents), and he still takes pictures as best he can without getting up and moving
- photo booth photos! (I’ll leave the silly face ones up to your imagination)
El and Max (one super close hug with faces pressed together, one kiss, one silly faces, and one smiles)
Will and Mike, but Max and El totally burst in for like, the last 1.5 pictures, it doesn’t ruin them tho, Mike and Will just ignore them (one nice smiles bc they’re like “what do we do??”, one hug, one kiss being interrupted by the girls in the background, one candid laughing while the girls wave at the camera)
Will and Mike again (one candid of Mike holding the curtain shut to make sure no interruptions and Will laughing, one kiss (non-interrupted), one silly faces, one just being super cute and close together and leaning on each other)
Max and Lucas (one smiles, one kiss, one of her pretending to look tough by putting him in a headlock or putting a fist next to his face like a punch, one that was supposed to be funny faces but instead is her looking off to the side where Mike has opened the curtain and stuck his head (with his tongue out) in as revenge and Lucas with that look of “dude, really??” on his face)
Dustin and Suzie (one kiss, one smiles, one nose-to-nose, one super close together leaning on each other cute)
Mike and El (one smiles, one kiss, one of him like surprise-trying to pull her into his lap kind of thing idk and her just looking super surprised but happy but also Max is in the background ruining YET ANOTHER picture, and one candid of them giggling about the previous picture with their foreheads pressed together almost nose-to-nose)
Mike and El again bc she wants non-interrupted photos (one with her actually sitting in his lap this time (she did this beforehand so he wouldn’t scare her again with the surprise-pulling thing), one of them pretending to look all hoity-toity like super models, one with her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist and they’re all close and cute sort of candid, and one just like the last one except they’re looking at the camera and smiling)
Will and Mike and El (one with Mike in the middle while his gf and bf give him a kiss on each cheek, one with El hanging over Mike’s shoulders in sort of a half-piggyback and he and Will are laughing, one with Mike and Will kissing while El makes a funny face at the camera, one of them all making funny faces at the camera)
Max and El and Mike (one with El in the middle, Max’s arms are around her waist almost dipping her backwards, her legs are up in the air (as far up as they can go in the tiny booth) and her head is tilting back onto Mike’s shoulder with his arms around her shoulders and he’s pressing a kiss to her hair, one with El kissing Mike’s cheek while he and Max make funny faces, one with Max behind them and her arms over both of their shoulders pulling them all close and their faces squished together with this super big cheesy grin while Mike is laughing at El’s funny face, one with Mike and El kissing and Max sitting next to them making the 👌🏻 symbol and winking at the camera, bc she just has to get sassy)
Bonus, more teens:
- Robin takes Steve on all the crazy rides (aka drags him, makes him go, etc.) They both get a little sick, but for her it's totally worth it (for him...not so much)
- Dustin and Robin get along hella bc he joins them on the crazy rides and is just @steve like “what are you, a pussy?”
- Nancy has to remind Jonathan that the kids will be FINE, and they don't need to hover around them all evening, "let's go enjoy ourselves"
- Nancy likes roller coasters, CHAnGE mY MInD
- Steve and Robin totally scream when they go on the drop ride together, except Robin’s scream is more “holy shit, exhilarating and so exciting! whooooo!” while Steve’s is more “this is fun but also I’m totally gonna die!!”
- Steve is a boss at those games where you have to throw something at/into/onto a target and he wins a stuffed animal
- Robin is p decent at those games too, but she’s not a match for the king (she comes close though, they actually turn it into a competition to see who can win more stuff)
- Nancy kicks butt at that game where you shoot a spray of water and make the target thing rise to the top or race or whatever (any shooting game, really), you know what I mean (Jonathan fucking fails, sorry Jonathan)
- Steve totally wins that game where you swing a mallet and try to ring the bell. Robin doesn’t win but she gets way closer than they thought she would and Steve’s “wtf”. Dustin is also stronger than he looks, and even tho he doesn't win, he can at least lift the (smaller) mallet, which is more than any of the others can do.
- Robin HAS to do that game where you try to climb the flat, almost horizontal rope ladder to the end and she doesn’t even make it halfway before she falls, but it’s hilarious
- Nancy also tries that game after some goading from the others, and she makes it farther than Robin (about halfway) but still fails fantastically. And then she takes a bow.
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skiesofthesketchy · 4 years
Pairing: JJ Maybank x kook!reader
Summary: You drag a poor, unsuspecting stranger to be apart of your little scheme, but JJ doesn’t mind all that much. 
Note: Yoooooo how are you guys? This fic is dedicated to my bff @rafej-cambanks​ bc it is her birthday today!! Go send her some love! I figured this might be a nice lil surprise bc it is 1 of the maybe 2 unpublished fics that you haven’t read yet lol. Anyway, I love you SO MUCH and hope you like this :)
Still working on blurbs for my 1k celebration! Sit tight, they will be coming soon :)
Warnings: language, hella fluff, uhhhh yea Word Count: 4k
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gif by @toesure​
Standing in front of the full-length mirror and gazing at your reflection, you couldn’t keep a straight face. The pretty emerald fabric of your dress adorned your figure perfectly, considering the thousands of dollars your mother spent on it plus having it tailored to fit you so. The hem fell to your ankles, showing off your expensive six inch heels and perfectly painted toenails. Your jewelry consisted of a simple diamond necklace and matching earrings, the sparkle adding to your already glowing complexion. You assumed your makeup would look cakey, but it actually looked quite flawless. That’s what you get when your mother hires a professional to do your makeup and hair for the most prestigious Kook party of the year.
Midsummers. Tonight was the night every Kook family planned for months beforehand, and then talked about the months following after. The party where rich socialites gather to brag about their wealth and successes over lobster and expensive champagne, playing fake nice to uphold their own powerful and pleasant reputations. You hated Midsummers with every fiber of your being, but alas, it was the one event you couldn’t get out of, and you had to attend. 
You bubbled with laughter as you gazed at your appearance, hardly looking like yourself at all. A silly flower crown in your hair and an elegant dress that could probably pay for a trip to Europe. “So this is the daughter my parents have always wanted,” you sighed, coming out of your laughing fit. 
Your parents never really understood you. All they ever wanted was for you to be their perfect princess, hanging out with other Kooks, going shopping, finding a suitable boyfriend from a wealthy family, you know, the whole shabang. And of course, keeping your grades up at the academy so that you can one day work for your father’s multi-million dollar company. It was what all Kooks expect from their kids, but you weren’t about that lifestyle.
Sure, you were grateful for your comfy upbringing, but you couldn’t care less about any of that stuff. You just wanted to have fun, travel the world, figure out who you are. You’d jump off a cliff before you had to be tied down to this boring, money-obsessed world that your parents live in. 
With a quick wink to your alter-ego in the mirror, you sauntered out of the large bathroom, your heels clacking on the white marble floors. You made your way to the extravagant lobby area of the Island Club, staying close to the wall in order to not be noticed. Your parents were thankfully already at the party outside, but there was still someone you were trying to avoid: the pathetic boy your parents had set you up with. 
He really wasn’t that bad, just boring like every other Kook boy your age. Only caring about parties, drugs, and tormenting the Pogues on the island. According to your parents though, he was a “suitable young man” because his parents were wealthy and respected on Figure Eight. 
You spotted your date, Topper Thornton, leisurely scrolling on his phone, his other hand in his pocket. He was waiting for you so that you two could walk down the glorious staircase into the party together. It was tradition for ladies to be escorted down the steps, which is exactly why your mother took finding an escort for you into her own hands. The stupid tradition made you gag. You didn’t need a pretty boy to escort you into a lame-ass party, and that’s why you were hiding from him.
With Topper’s gaze fixed on his phone, you took this opportunity to slip through the large room and onto the balcony, the party happening just down the stairs. With a sigh, you started your descent down the staircase, taking in the scene in front of you. There were pretty lights hung up around the huge tent covering the dining area. People were dressed to the nines, champagne flutes in hand as they giggled and chatted to one another. The live band played classy music while some couples danced, and staff members ran around serving drinks to the attendees. 
Casually walking down the last few steps, that’s when you noticed your parents watching you, and you grinned brightly at them. You knew ditching your date for the grand entrance would piss them off, which is mostly why you did it, and it was confirmed by the sour expressions on their faces.
“Mom. Dad. You guys look great!” you smiled. Your mother only scowled in response. 
“Y/N! What on earth are you doing? Where’s the Thornton boy?” She spoke through her perfect teeth clenched in a fake smile, trying not to draw attention from others. 
You shrugged. “I dunno. Great party though,” you said nonchalantly as your eyes wandered, obviously not bothered by the disappointing looks your parents were giving you. 
“You know your mother wanted you to walk in on a man’s arm,” your dad said. He was trying to console your mom by rubbing her back soothingly. She was not taking this well, her chest rising and falling rapidly in anger. She wanted to yell at you, but wouldn’t dare to make a scene with all of these people around. 
You rolled your eyes. “Why do I have to be escorted by some boy? That tradition is dumb, and sexist, quite frankly.” 
“Y/N, you’re embarrassing us!” your mom whisper-yelled. Her eyes were wide and her lips twisted in displeasure. She’s more pissed than you thought she’d be, and you smiled. “You couldn’t have done this one thing for us? Why can’t you go one night without embarrassing your family?”
“You’re being dramatic,” you sighed. You loved pushing their buttons. They have to figure out you don’t want to live in this Kook bubble for the rest of your life sooner or later. It sucks that they aren’t accepting of who you are and only want you to be their little Kook Princess, but that has never kept you down for long. 
“Don’t talk to your mother that way,” your dad warned in a low voice. You scoffed.
“Tell me why you ditched your date,” your mom whispered, the anger still apparent even with how quietly she spoke. 
“I ditched him because I already have a boyfriend, Mom.” You didn’t really have a boyfriend, but the lie rolled off your tongue easily. Lying to your parents was something you did quite often, and not just to get away with the stupid shit you do sometimes. It was fun to mess with them. They get so upset over silly things, especially your mom. 
A smirk found its way to your mother's face, and you knew she didn’t buy it. “Oh yeah? Then where is he?” You weren’t going to give her the satisfaction of catching you in your lie, especially if it meant she’d make you walk back up those damn steps just to retrieve Topper and do the whole entrance all over again. 
You were already disinterested in this conversation, but you couldn’t just walk away now. Your eyes wandered the party briefly, and that’s when you spotted a waiter heading in your direction. He didn’t seem too busy at the moment, no drinks or plates of food in hand, so the gears in your head started turning. Before you could even second guess your plan, you were stopping the boy’s strides by grabbing his hand and dragging him to the spot next to you in front of your parents.
“Right here,” you said. “Mom. Dad. Meet my boyfriend.” An innocent smile graced your lips as you stared at your parents, awaiting their reactions. You were happy to see surprise and displeasure taking over their features, and the blonde boy next to you looked just the same. You ignored him though and the way he turned to you with confusion dancing in his eyes. You didn’t even care if the stranger went along with it. Even if he walked off and this all blew up in your face, the shock on your mom’s face right now has already made it worth it. You found it all fucking hilarious.
Registering the silence and how nobody seemed to know what to do, you turned your smiling face towards the boy, squeezing his hand in yours and trying not to laugh at this whole situation. You finally noticed his beautiful blue eyes and the way they seemed to ask you what the hell is going on. You shot him a wink, and after quickly scanning your face, something in him seemed to change.
“Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N. It’s so great to finally meet you.” The boy had turned his attention back to your parents, and reached to shake your father’s hand. You couldn’t help the happiness that swelled up inside of you. He’s actually going along with your idiotic plan to piss your parents off even more.
Your other hand came up to rest on the boy’s bicep as you watched him shake your dad’s hand. Your dad couldn’t form words as he looked at the waiter you clung to. Your mom had plastered on one of her brilliant fake smiles after a few seconds, and nodded her head in acknowledgement. 
This was almost too good to be true. You didn’t know the boy standing next to you, but considering he was part of the staff, he had to be a Pogue. Your parents never allowed you to hang out with Pogues before, so you could only imagine their fury after learning you were dating one. You only caught a quick glance at the blonde, but you noticed the bruises on his face and the cut on his lip. You didn’t know his story, but you knew your parents only saw him as a trouble-making Pogue, and his beat up face only made it better. Not to mention you were in the middle of the biggest party of the year. Your parents wouldn’t dare do anything to make a scene, not here. Sure, you’d be getting an earful at home later, but you were already basking in the pleasure of seeing them so utterly angry and not being able to show it.
“And what’s your name, young man?” your dad asked. 
“JJ Maybank, sir.” You turned your gaze to the boy again, and he smiled charmingly at your parents. “I’ve heard lots about you both, from your lovely daughter here.” He suddenly turned to face you again, the same cute smile on his lips, and released your hand to instead wrap his arm around your waist. Fuck, he’s doing a great job at playing along even though you dragged him into this mess that he had no business being in. You were loving every second of this. 
The way your mom was struggling to keep her calm composure had laughter bubbling in your chest, but you kept your lips shut tight to hold it in. “JJ,” she said through clenched teeth. “Are you working the party?” As polite as she was trying to be, her distasteful glance at his work attire didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. 
JJ wasn’t disheartened by her question, and only smiled bigger. “Yes ma’am, I work at the Island Club for such events. I also deliver groceries and mow lawns. But don’t worry. I still make plenty of time to take Y/N out on dates and treat her like the princess she is.” You found his gaze once again, and you swear you could kiss him. He’s really milking this whole encounter with your parents and you promised yourself to thank him later. 
“Oh, that’s nice,” your dad responded for your mother. She was practically seething underneath that perfect mask of hers, but your father looked quite uncomfortable as well. And here you thought Midsummers would be boring. 
You listened in on the awkward conversation a few minutes more before you spoke up. “I’m glad you guys finally met, but we’re gonna go now. Enjoy the party!” You grinned one last time at your parents before grabbing JJ’s hand and dragging him away, leaving them to simmer in their shock and anger without you.
You had made it all the way to the other side of the dance floor before you burst out laughing. Giggles poured out of you loudly, and JJ couldn’t help but join in. You didn’t even care how awkward that whole situation was, you found it absolutely hilarious and you were happy to see that JJ seemed to think so too. “Thanks for playing along with that, man,” you smiled. “I totally owe you.”
JJ Maybank was confused to say the least. He caught on to your little plan and used his superb improv skills to play along, but he didn’t really know why. He’d never met you before, and couldn’t possibly figure out why you would claim him as your boyfriend. And though you two had never met, he knew exactly who you were. Everyone did. You were Y/N Y/L/N. Your parents were among the richest Kooks on the whole island, and you were their perfect Kook Princess. Why on earth would you ever tell them that he was your boyfriend? He was a low-life Pogue. None of it made any sense. 
He wanted to ask you for an explanation, but he was too caught up in the moment with you. He had never seen you up close before, and had to admit he found you intriguingly beautiful. Your eyes gleaming as your whole face lit up, your dress showing off your nice figure and complimenting you perfectly, even the giggles escaping your lips screamed beauty. He had his mind made up about you, thinking you’re no different than every other rich girl on the island, but now he’s not so sure. From the moment you abruptly grabbed his hand, he could tell you didn’t give a fuck about anything. You seemed fun.
“Do you always try to freak your parents out like that?” he asked with a laugh. 
You chuckled too with a nod. “Yeah. They’re too comfy in their dumb Kook lifestyle, so I like to scare them every once in a while.” You looked up at him with your pretty smile, and he could only smile back. Your words suddenly made him like being in your presence a whole lot more. 
He watched as you messed with your flower crown, the flowers getting caught in your hair as you unceremoniously pulled it off of your head. “Stupid fucking flower crown...” you mumbled before tossing it off to the side on the ground. JJ laughed at your messed up hair, but reached his hands up to fix it for you. You couldn’t care less about what you looked like, which he found odd about you, but you enjoyed the feeling of his fingers running through your hair, patting down the wild strands. 
You took this opportunity to really look at him. His blonde hair was messy and the locks fell over his forehead. The bruises marking his face did little to hide how attractive he was, the cut on his lip seemed to make him even more attractive to you. Even his work uniform was tattered and wrinkled, but he still managed to look good in it. He finished messing with your hair and tucked a strand behind your ear, eyes meeting yours, and neither of you could hide your curious smiles. “Thanks,” you hummed. He only nodded in response.
Your eyes wandered as you tried to figure out what to say, but you caught sight of Topper bounding down the staircase, his gaze searching through the party, probably for you. “Shit,” you muttered under your breath, grabbing JJ’s shoulders and positioning him in front of you. You stepped closer to him as you peaked your head over his shoulder to keep your eyes on the Kook you ditched.
“Hiding from someone?” JJ asked, looking down at you with amusement. 
You nodded. “Just the guy my parents tried to set me up with. I may or may not have ditched him,” you laughed sheepishly. Maybe you should’ve felt bad, but you didn’t.
JJ spared a glance over his shoulder. “Which one of these unlucky bastards was it?” 
You giggled, still trying to hide your frame completely behind JJ. “Topper Thornton. Frosted Tips. Looks like a lost puppy.”
JJ laughed and you could practically feel the warm vibrations from his chest. His pretty eyes met yours again, and he surprised you by wrapping his arm around your waist while his other hand found yours, bringing the pair of you into a waltz position. A smile tugged on your lips as you placed your other hand on his broad shoulder, and you both began to sway. 
JJ never pictured himself in this position before. Slow dancing with you, the Kook Princess of all people, at the Kookiest party of the year no less. He felt a strange sense of pride knowing that you had ditched Topper and are instead dancing with him. Being this close to you, he found himself trying to memorize your features, the color of your eyes, the softness of your hand in his, and the enticing curve of your waist which he had the pleasure of holding onto. 
“So,” JJ spoke softly. “What do you normally do when you’re not attending fancy parties and pissing off your parents?” He didn’t know why, but he wanted to find out more about you. You’re already quite different than what he made you out to be.
“Getting into more trouble,” you responded with a wink. 
He chuckled. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
You shrugged. “Last month, I ran off to Cuba for a week without telling anyone.” You didn’t think it was a big deal, but you noticed the waves of surprise in JJ’s eyes. You giggled at his expression. “What about you? When you’re not serving drinks, delivering groceries, or mowing lawns,” you paused to admire the bruises on his face. “What do you do?”
“Get into trouble,” he laughed, shooting your words back at you. 
You played along. “Oh yeah? Like what?” You don’t know when it happened, but you realized now that you guys were closer than before. Your chest was pressed into his, and his face was so close you could kiss him with the slightest lift onto your toes. 
“Picking fights with your Kooky friends, usually,” he chuckled. 
“If you’re referring to Topper and his goons, we’re not friends.” JJ’s lips lifted into a small smile at your words. If he wasn’t mistaken, you were about as fond of those assholes as he was. 
You both were just staring at each other, choosing to put the small talk to rest and just enjoy the moment. JJ’s eyes never left yours as you brought both of your arms around his neck, leaving him to wrap his arms around your back, diminishing any space there was between your bodies. You thought he might’ve kissed you with the way his gaze flickered between your eyes and your lips, but he didn’t. Instead, his hands found yours and he spun you around so that your back was against him, your arms crossed over your body as you continued to sway. 
His lips hovered over your neck briefly, and you released a sigh, trying to remember the last time you felt so close to someone, so content and in the moment. Something about the boy holding you in his arms gave you butterflies, that warm and exciting feeling spreading through your veins. He suddenly released one of your hands and pushed you so that you were spinning away from him, but then caught you and pulled you back.
You giggled as he twirled you around the dance floor, pleasantly surprised at how good of a dancer he was. Staying hidden from Topper wasn’t even on your mind anymore. With his grip on both of your hands, you both spun around, making the other dancing patrons have to move out of the way. Your laugh bubbled louder, and you couldn’t care less about the other guests. JJ found himself laughing along with you, even though part of him still wondered why he was here, dancing and having fun with you. 
After a moment, he pulled you back against him and you both fought to catch your breaths while the laughter died down. He admired your features again, and the question he’s been dying to ask finally escaped passed his lips. “How come you’re not embarrassed to be seen with me?” He didn’t mean it to sound so insecure, he was rather genuinely curious.
Your brows furrowed slightly in confusion, your grin turning into a frown. “Why would I be embarrassed?”
He scoffed lightly. “Come on, Y/N. We’re from two different worlds.” His eyes wandered for a second, noticing the amount of eyes on the two of you, probably floored at the scene you guys had just made. “Everyone is watching. The Kook Princess dancing with a Pogue...” He didn’t mean to bring down the mood, but he couldn’t help it. He was used to being dismissed, used to being viewed as a disgusting Pogue that only got into trouble. 
You brought your hands up to brush his hair away from his face, your bright smile returning. Your hands then cupped his cheeks, your thumb gently brushing over his split lip. “I don’t give a fuck about these people.” JJ chuckled, feeling his spirits lift once again. Your fingers dragged down his neck and landed on his collar, which you straightened for him. 
“You know,” you started, eyes fixed on the buttons of his white shirt. “I expected tonight to be the absolute worst, but I’m actually having an amazing time.” You peered up at him through your lashes, and JJ smiled. 
“Oh yeah?” he smirked, his usual flirty persona returning. “And why is that?”
You giggled, deciding to humor him. “I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my handsome fake boyfriend has some damn good dance moves,” you winked. Your chest became warm at the sound of JJ’s deep chuckle, his breath fanning over your face.
Among the many judgy looks the pair of you were getting, your parents were also watching from a nearby table. JJ noticed their burning glares, and an idea popped into his head. Gazing into your pretty eyes, he smirked with a nod of his head to the side. When you glanced over and was greeted with the sight of your very angry parents, a grin creeped onto your face. You were making quite the spectacle, but really, who cares? “Want to give them something to be really pissed about?” JJ asked.
You looked at him curiously, but nodded nonetheless. You were already thrilled with how the night was going, and wondered what else he could possibly have up his sleeve. He leaned forward and suddenly, his lips were on yours. Your surprise was soon washed away and you allowed yourself to melt into the kiss, arching your back to press your chest into him. 
His hand rested on the back of your neck, pulling you in even closer as you both indulged in one another. His other large hand squeezed your hip, and you squealed softly against his lips. After a few more seconds, you pulled away from each other, gleaming smiles on your faces. Yeah, that sure made your parents fucking livid. Your mother had excused herself from the table they were sitting at, and your father followed after her, but you weren’t paying attention to them. 
JJ had rested his palms on your cheeks, just looking at you, and he knew then that he wouldn’t be able to get you off of his mind no matter how hard he tried. Your hands gripped his wrists, and you felt sad for a moment, thinking about how JJ probably needs to get back to work. He needs to get back to his life, and you need to get back to yours. “I’ll see you around, JJ?” You held your breath, hoping that this wouldn’t be the last time you saw him.
He kissed you once more, short and sweet, before pulling away again with a smirk. “Definitely.” And with that, he made his way back through the party and into the building while you watched, not being able to hide your giddy grin.
Pls let me know what you think :) love you all
Obx tags: @sportygal55​ @jazbarnes05 @lovelogan @lannxyz @caseyabel28 @falling-perfectly @thisismynerdyself @mattelblake @justanotherbooklover @hemmingsness @queenofthepouges @dontjinx-it @pink-meringues @outerbnx-stiles @little-miss-rebel3  @shreckluver7​
JJ tags:  @kaylinfayezink​ @unfortunatekiwitrash​ @shy-1234​ @bijleegiregi​ @cheshirecat107​ @yami5525​  @folkloverr​ @dracoswhore007​
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
if you haven’t already, could you do something with being childhood bffs with george and it developing into romance?
Aw, this is cute 🥺 of course!
Ik I've done the teddy!george to Beatle George romance, so for this I'm going to do like actual kids to like high school/teddy! George romance :)
Also, this is super long sorry, but idk how to do a cut so oof 💀 anyway, enjoy!
You've known him since forever, the boy with the raven hair and funny eyebrows.
You're earliest memories go back to growing up on the streets of Liverpool. Causing trouble on the playground, getting into mischief behind your mother's backs...
He was your best friend. Still is, as a matter of fact. Until the day everything changed.
You're story starts off on a playground, during a mild day in mid August. The sun is shining brightly and the birds are chirping and flitting through the trees happily. If only you could say the same for your mood.
The old swing set creaks methodically as you and George go back and forth.
It's your last summer before your senior year of high school. You two have been going to the same school this whole time at least, but you can't help this nagging feeling that you and George are going to drift apart after school.
He's changed so much since you were kids.
Lately he's made some... other friends. It's not that that's bothering you of course. No, it's more so that they're all teddy boys. And now, so is George. Not to mention they fancy themselves a start up band, which has only been eating up more of George's time away from you.
Besides, you have no idea what to expect with this final year. Honestly, you're scared as it is, and even the thought of losing your best friend is too much to bear.
"Whatcha thinking about square?", George detects the worry undulating off of you, despite the neutral expression on your face. He knows you too well.
You snap out of your thoughts and paint a smile on your face, "Oh, nothing! Are you looking forward to your final year?"
George fixes you with a look. He doesn't believe that nothing's wrong, but knows to not push you if you don't want to talk about it. "Suppose so, although more just to get it over with. Oh, that reminds me! The lads and I have a gig lined up in a few weeks, can you believe it?"
You're heart drops, and you fear you can already feel him slipping away. "That's wonderful George, I can't believe it!"
His face lights up, "Isn't it? We're going to the top I tell you, I'm sure of it!" George digs his boots into the mulch abruptly, and you slow to a stop as well. "Um, I don't suppose you'd come to the gig, will you?"
You fix him with a suspicious look, there's something afoot here... "When and where?"
"The pub downtown, two months from tomorrow, at 3 am", George's voice gets quiter as he goes. The old him would know not to ask something like that in a million years. After all, your parents would never allow it. And if you got caught...
"George... I-"
He cuts you off, suddenly feeling bad it seems, "No no! I-it's alright, I shouldn't have asked. It's not right, you have school and all"
"So do you, ya know", you lean in and laugh a bit, trying to lighten the mood. Thankfully the tension seems to melt and George laughs, brushing off the accusation. At last he stands and offers to walk you home. You agree and take a few steps after him...
...Only to trip over an old piece of tarp sticking up from under the mulch.
You let out a yelp, but before you hit the ground, George catches you. He helps you up right and holds onto you for a moment to make sure you're steady, "That was close! You alright square?"
"Fine, thanks to you", you laugh, then kick some mulch over the exposed tarp. "Damn thing..."
George laughs and the two of you walk on, "Say, do you remember when we were kids and you fell off that same swing set?"
"Ugh, how could I forget! I still have the scar on my knee", you pout.
"Really? I didn't know it was that bad"
"It certainly was! Don't you remember, after I fell you picked me up an-"
"...Carried you all the way home?", George finishes the thought for you.
You smile distantly, reminiscing on better days. "Yeah..."
The two of you talk a bit more about your younger days. All sorts of fun and embarrassing stories come to light as you make your way through town. For a moment, you feel like you're with the old George again.
And then, it all screeches to a halt as you arrive on your doorstep.
"Well, here you are then!"
"Yeah... Um, see you tomorrow per chance?"
George's face falls, "Oh... Actually I have practice with the lads... Then I'm helping with chores around the house all this weekend. M-maybe we can hangout again next week?"
The smile you give him doesn't quite reach your eyes, even as you agree that that sounds like a good plan.
It turns out that date does get pushed back a bit more, but you're thankful to have at least one last day together before school starts up again. Things are normal for a while. Well, the new normal, that is. George tries to be in three places at once between you, the lads, and school, and you're worried for him.
You keep waiting to see which of the three he's going to drop to take a load off his schedule... And you're deathly afraid it'll be you.
But somehow he manages to juggle all three, and before you know it, the night of the gig is upon you. George brings the topic up with you momentarily at school, just to give it another try. You’ve been feeling so estranged from him lately that you want nothing more then to say yes...
You just... can’t.
George says he understands, but he can’t mask the disappointment in his eyes. It’s the last look you see from him that day. However, that night, is a different story.
Clack... Clack. Clack clack... Clack.
A strange noise rouses you from sleep and you get up to investigate. It’s coming from the window... You peak outside to find George out in your yard, throwing rocks at the glass. He sees your outline and starts waving his arms franticly. Quickly, you check the time. It’s 2:03 am.
You heft the window open and George immediately starts chattering. “Morning square! I’m on my way to the pub, I thought maybe you could just sneak out with me since you want to go!”
“Are you mad? You’ll wake the whole house!”, you whisper angrily.
George drops his voice a bit too, but refuses to leave. He says a few more suave and charming words, but more then anything, you can’t deny that you do want to go with him... It takes a little convincing, but you make up your mind to go. You disappear to throw on some going out clothes and navigate your way down out the window and over the roof. It’s a little trick you learned from when you were young.
You haven’t done that in ages...
At last, you and George race off to the bus stop and as though sneaking out past midnight wasn’t exciting enough, the way he grabbed your hand to pull you along through the dark sent your heart soaring.
And when you arrive just in the nick of time the gig to start, you almost hate to admit how much fun you’re having. To think, you almost missed this... The boys are amazing up on stage and the crowd loves them. While you must say, they are all good, you didn’t take your eyes off of George the entire time.
One of the teds, Paul you think, steps up to the mic. “Thank you, you’ve all been wonderful! But before we go, there’s one last song we want to play for you... This goes out to all the sweethearts tonight, it’s called Love me do!”
It’s not on the itinerary, but the crowd whoops and applauds regardless. You focus your attention back to George and he winks at you. In that moment, you experience a feeling you’ve never had in your life. Your blood runs cold, yet you feel on fire. Your fingers and toes tingle, yet you still have complete control over your body. You feel weightless, and yet as though you could collapse.
The song is wonderful, but you were hardly able to pay attention, you were so busy mulling over what that wink meant...
When everything is over, George hurries to catch up with you after the show. He seems so alive.
"You were amazing up there Georgie, absolutely wonderful!"
"Really? You liked it?"
"Of course! I didn't know you were so talented! Why have you never played for me before?", You laugh, but George seems to grow shy all of a sudden.
"I didn't think you were interested... But uh, now I know, I suppose!", he laughs, trying to mend the awkwardness before you can interject. "You know what? We should be getting you home, yeah?"
You whip around to look at the clock. It's nearly 4:30. When you turn back to George, he can already see the panic in your eyes. Without another word, you both race out to the bus stop and wait anxiously to catch a ride.
George tries to make a little small talk and reasure you, but you're having a hard time loosening up. All you can think about is what'll happen if you're caught...
And when you get home, your worst fears are realized. Your dad is sitting on the front porch and the lightning your room has since been turned on. George goes to hold your hand, but you nudge him away as you trudge to your doom.
Your dad doesn't say a word. You already know how much trouble you're in. He looks at George with a deadly scowl etched into his face.
"Sir, I'm sorry, it was m-"
The door slams in his face, and all George can hear is the sound of yelling from the other side as he's forced to walk away.
You're not allowed to see George outside of school for a looooong time. Which is almost fine with you. You can't believe you listened to him...
George tries to apologise to you fervently the next time he sees you, but you blow him off. It takes a few days before you speak to him again, and George feels crushed. That night couldn't have ended more terribly. There was so much he wanted to tell you... But, he can't let you go.
Over time you come around to better terms with your lifetime friend. It takes some work, but George is determined to restore your trust in him. And slowly but surely, your grievance becomes forgotten. He hasn't spend this much time with you since you were children. And honestly? He hasn't been this fun since then either...
He takes you out for ice cream on weekends. You go to the park after school together nearly everyday, that you can. And once you're officially allowed to spend time with him, he even invites you over to watch practice with the lads.
And before you know it, winter has passed and spring is nearly gone too. It's the end of the year and there's one last hurrah to come before graduation. Prom season is upon you.
You know who you want to ask you, but you fear it's too much to even hope. But then, one sunny day...
Clack... Clack. Clack clack... Clack.
Curious, you get up from your desk and wander over to the window. You throw it open and look out. There in the lawn, George stands with a large, handwritten sign above his head. He looks up at you with big, puppy eyes, and he's never been more afraid in his whole life.
Prom? The sign reads.
You scamper out of your window, and nearly trip in your excitement to say yes. George drops his sign and catches you before you hit the ground. You jump up, alight with excitement, "Yes, yes!", you can't stop bouncing, even as George holds you steady.
George smiles at you with an affection you've never seen before. He doesn't say a word. Instead, he picks you up and gives you a spin while you yelp in surprise. When he puts you back down, the two of you share a long look and you think, there's no one in the whole world you'd rather give your first kiss to.
As though he can read your mind, George leans in slowly, giving you an option. But you can't contain yourself, you rush forward and throw your arms around his leather covered shoulders. The smell of his musky hair gel and warm leather jacket wash over you as he holds you tight.
It's the kind of embrace you'd grow familiar with. You don't know it now, but you'll find yourself wrapped in it for the rest of your days.
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Survey #330
“and i don't want ya  /  and i don't need ya  /  don't bother to resist, or i'll beat ya  /  it's not your fault that you're always wrong  /  the weak ones are there to justify the strong”
If you have a job, do you like it? I'm unemployed. Do you like any kinds of fruit? Well of course. Are you waiting for something right now? Covid and this headache to fuck off, May for my tattoo, to be paid to take some pictures again... What is your favorite kind of animal? Kind, not the actual animal itself? In that case, social species, usually mammals. What kind of Dippin' Dots do you like? Holy shit, I haven't had that in like a damn decade or something. I don't know, I barely remember the taste. Who is the most badass woman that you can think of? My mom. My mother is a fucking warrior. Do you have a Pinterest account? Yeah. I get a lot of photography ideas from there, as well as base pictures to make Mark icons, haha. If you were to write a book, what would it be about? The stories I and my friends have weaved in RP. Have you ever seen the television show The Munsters? AHHHHH YES!!!!! Mom loves that show, so I used to watch it with her growing up. Have you ever written one of those 'Roses are red...' valentines? I don't think so. Would you/have you spent more than $200 on any one person for a holiday? I haven't, but I would for certain people. Do you have a favorite Robin Williams movie? Probably Night at the Museum. Thoughts on Slender Man? Have you even heard of him? I think it's a cool creepypasta; he does look pretty unnerving with his height and especially lack of a face. The movie was good too, btw. Do you know what the Tardis is? I think almost everyone does in this generation, haha. Doctor Who ain't no joke to a whole lot of people. Are there any children's shows that you'd watch today if they were on? Sure, like Pokemon or Avatar: The Last Airbender, among others. I wouldn't at all be opposed to watching The Lion Guard, either. I actually want to, with my whole TLK love. I'm not embarrassed to watch "kids" shows or movies at all. What would you call yourself the King or Queen of? Having not an ounce of knowledge on how to love things in moderation/avoid total obsession with things, haha. If I paid for you to take karate lessons, would you? No, especially not now with my legs. Do you read more fiction or non-fiction? Almost solely fiction. What modern technology are you especially grateful for? Laptops, ig. Do you have a favorite science topic? Genetics. Very fascinating stuff. Have you ever read any Sherlock Holmes stories? No. What is the saddest movie that you've ever seen? Either Johnny Got His Gun or Boy in the Striped Pajamas. What's your most popular post? On what? If Facebook, I don't really know. Possibly my "coming out" one or a lovey-dovey essay when Sara and I were together. On Tumblr, it's definitely the gif I made of Mark and Chica (his dog) with I think over 10k notes. Manga or anime? Anime. I don't read manga, though I've been tempted with Deadman Wonderland since the show only had one season and ends on a ginormous cliffhanger, but there's more story to be had. A card game that you're good at? None, really. A popular book you haven't read yet? To Kill a Mockingbird. I feel like every school student has read it at some point. Favorite Mean Girls quote? I don't know any. It's a fine movie, but I've never understood the hype. Name your top 3 albums from your favorite band/artist. Black Rain, Ozzmosis, and... then I can't choose. I love so, so many very dearly. Name your top 5 music videos. I don't really watch music videos, so I definitely can't name five. My #1 favorite is probably "Wrong Side of Heaven" by Five Finger Death Punch; I absolutely cannot watch it without crying. What are you most passionate about? How did this passion develop? Animals. I was born simply adoring animals and have always wanted to protect them and their environment. Do you like monkeys? Do you believe in evolution? Yes and yes. We've literally watched it in action. What embarrasses you the most in front of other people? Discussing RP if you're not involved in it. I'm terrified of people thinking I'm weird. Have you considered running for president? Absolutely not. Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with? I'd say Mark, but I'd be way too interested in dating him instead of being just friends, haha... So with that said, maybe Bindi Irwin? Would you ever go skinny dipping with the last person who commented you? Lyndsey would be that person, so no. She's a great friend of mine, but realistically I'd probably only ever - if ever - do that with the company of my s/o. Are you still friends with the last person who broke your trust? No. How long did your last relationship last? Around two years. Have you ever been banned from anywhere? Online, yes, as a little kid on the Animal Planet forum, haha... Has anyone kissed you when you weren't expecting it? Yeah, Juan. Did you like it? It was a sweet moment, but I didn't want it. Does your dad smoke? Like a chimney. Is your mom over 50? Yeah. Are you currently listening to anything? Yeah, kinda hooked on "The Horrible People" by Manson. I've found a lot of great music lately. Would you ever consider getting breast implants? No, but once (if...) I lose all the weight I want, it's going to be a moderate priority to get a breast lift. I've hated my body way too fucking long and am dying to be satisfied with it again, and with how much weight I need to lose, I would essentially have grandma tits. :x Do you know anyone who is bisexual? Me, haha. Among some friends. Who would you tell, or who did you tell when you lost your virginity? That's not something I'd just go to tell someone afterwards for no reason... I'd only ever mention having lost my virginity if I was actually asked or if it was relevant to a conversation. Is there something you have been trying to learn lately? I'm really trying to practice opposite action and behavioral activation, among other things I've learned in group therapy. When you think about your future career, do you envision yourself becoming the head honcho or CEO? If not, why not? Well, I want to be my own boss as a freelance photographer. In any other job, I definitely wouldn't want that. Too much responsibility and leadership skills. Can you think of a time when you seriously misjudged a music artist based on their name? I don't think so? Have you ever kissed someone that you didn’t really want to kiss (not assault, just indifference)? Why did you go along with it and how did you feel after? Yes, Tyler. I felt like I was "supposed to." I felt really uncomfortable afterwards. If you have to wake up early for something, what time is just TOO early for you to be there and be presentable and sentient? Have you ever had to be somewhere that early? Probably like, 5:00. No. Have the majority of your romantic relationships started with a physical attraction or a deeper connection? Always an emotional connection. Did you ever write a fan letter to a celebrity? How about submit something to a magazine? No to both. What hair color is the most attractive on the opposite sex? Of natural colors, black, but I like unnaturally dyed hair most. Where do you like to go to when you are stressed? On a carride, so long as I'm controlling the music nice and loud and not talking. Where do you go to get your hair cut/dyed? To a family friend's little salon/small business. Why do you want the career that you want? Because I adore art and think it's pretty darn magical that you can freeze a moment forever to not just remember in your head, but actually see. Have you ever watched iCarly? Yeah, I enjoyed it when I was younger. What was your favorite class during your sophomore year of high school? Art. Do you wear bandanas in your hair? No. Have you ever been on a blind date? No, not interested. How many living grandparents do you still have? None. Have you ever worked in an office? No. Who does the grocery shopping in your house? Mom. Have you ever stayed in a hotel without your parents or older relatives? No. Did you have an Easy-Bake oven when you were little? Sure did. Have you ever seen a donkey? Yeah. Have you ever made out in a hot tub? Pretty sure no. Do you always flush the toilet after you use it? Yes. What were the last words you said to your dad? Probably "bye, love you." Have you cuddled with someone you weren’t dating? Nah. Who has the ability to hurt you the most emotionally? JASON. Are you a really understanding person? Yeah, very. Are you the type of person that enjoys getting hugs? Yes. When’s the last time you wore a wig? For a witch costume many years ago. Why were you last hospitalized? Suicide attempt. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without food? At least 12 hours, but I think I almost went a day once back when recovery started and my appetite was non-existent. What was the last name of your third grade teacher? Mrs. Britt. How was the last chicken you ate cooked? They were chicken tenders. What is your favorite kind of chip? Hot crunchy Cheetos. What grade did you have your first boyfriend? 7th. Have you ever been told that you’ve lost weight? Yeah, back when I actually WAS losing loads of weight. >> Do you have the same political views as your parents? Some things, but definitely not all. Does anyone call you babe/baby? No. Have you ever made a significant other cry? Sadly. If you could make your lips bigger, would you? Maybe just a teeeeny bit. Are you one to sneak food into movie theaters? Yep. Fuck them prices. Are you prone to illness? Definitely not. What races do you usually date? History says Caucasian, but I have no actual preference. I'll date any race. What’s your cup size? C. Ever flirted with a teacher? Yikes, no thanks. Who was the main cook of your Thanksgiving meal last year? My older sister made the most stuff. Have you ever been dumped really harshly? Well, considering it literally traumatized me... Do you have any ex’s you can’t stand anymore? No. Are you more of a phone or a computer person? Computer, definitely. When was the last time you made a sandwich? What did you put on it? Yesterday for lunch. Ham, American cheese, and mustard. Have you ever made friends with someone that you didn’t expect to get along with? Yeah. Do you own any accessories with your name on? No. What brand of eyeliner do you use? I pay no attention to this. Have you ever been sexually harassed? No. Have you ever sent a naughty text message? Suggestive ones, yes. How long have you had your pets? Roman, around two years. Venus, around three or four years. Who was the last person to tell you that they love you, other than family? Sara. Has one of your friends ever tried to hook you up with someone? Colleen tried obnoxiously hard to push Girt and me together. We all went out to eat pizza once just as friends hanging out, and this bitch prefaced an uncomfortable and nosy question to him with an even more uncomfortable "because I'm trying to get you in her pants...", and that, my friends, was the closest occasion I've ever come to slapping someone right across the face. I looked at her in absolute disgust, and Girt was clearly thinking "what the actual fuck" as well. I do not miss her feral mouth. Are you good at staring contests? No. Eye contact is very difficult for me to maintain. Do you like peanut butter? I love peanut butter. When was the last time you had to present something to your class? In this mandatory but entirely pointless entry class at my last college, we all had to do like this PowerPoint introducing ourselves. I hated it. Who was the last person that told you they missed you? I think my friend Chelsea. What store is your favorite shirt from? It's not a real store, but rather an online brand: Cloak. Mark is one of the owners/creators so I obviously support them intensely. Have you ever fell off your bed while you were sleeping? No, thankfully. Do you have something you’re supposed to tell someone, but you haven’t yet? No. What type of food do you never really eat? Vegetables, oops. Have you ever cut someone else’s hair? No. Do you like going to weddings? Not really, if I'm being honest. I'm only interested in photographing weddings for the only the couple pictures and pay, really. I'm not big on formal events. What’s your favorite flavor squash? I don’t like squash. Do you or anyone in your house have a severe allergy? No. Who was the last guest in your house and what were they staying for? Our landlord/family friend, just to hang out for a little bit and chat with Mom. What fad were you actually into? Hm. What was the last spontaneous thing you did? I'm not a very spontaneous person, so I really don't know.
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wennjunhui · 5 years
seventeen hospital au
im back at it again with another random seventeen post bc nurse!jun is ruining me :)))))
disclaimer: the most i know about hospitals and how they work is from chicago med so dont expect this to be accurate 
attending physician in the ed
kinda intimidating but is really a huge softie
but don’t make him angry bc that is not a good idea at all
always seen with a protein shake
tends to hover over the new med students a lot
partially because it’s important to evaluate them and their knowledge
but most because he thinks its funny when they freak out around him
always asks for a psych consult even when he knows its not necessary
bc its totally in the best interest in the patient and not because hes bored and wants to talk with his bff nahhh
has a long term girlfriend that works as a software developer
everyone in the ed tryna get him to propose bc ITS BEEN 9 YEARS DAMMIT WIFE HER ALREADY
psychiatry fellow
usually works night shifts because hes sleeps schedule is fucked 
functions on coffee and coffee alone
is constantly Tired
catch him napping in the break rooms whenever he has time
originally wanted to go into psychology, but he gets too invested and thought it would be better to maintain short term relationships
bffs with seungcheol, but bffls with joshua
by the off chance he’s not tried, he’ll go around the ed and tease the doctors and nurses
hes in the ed a lot tho bc someone keeps calling him even tho “he literally just sprained his ankle seungcheol why am i here”
plastics fellow
fucking loaded
pulls up to the ed in a fucking gold ferrari and just shrugs when people ask about
‘yeah i got it as a birthday gift, treat yourself ya know?’
born and raised in the us, but went to south korea to further his studies
bffls with jeonghan
by GOD the chance theyre in the same room, its game over for everyone
his surgery playlist is fucking wild 
did a heartbreaking ballad just finish playing? oh thats sad but move over its britney bitch 
always brings a guitar to work parties
‘if you sing sunday morning one more fucking time-’ proceeds to sing sunday morning ‘GODDAMMIT JOSHUA’
is seeing the cute hotel concierge that works a few blocks away 
the Hot Nurse
literally all the patients fucking swoon 
kinda makes patients nervous bc of how handsome he is
ok i’ll stop now
occasionally scrubs in as a surgical nurse for minghao
he pretends to be all cool and hot shit in front of patients, but when hes around staff he turns into a giant bright ball of excitable fluff 
will always be asked to be assigned to kid patients bc he loves kids
studied abroad in korea and decided he loved it there so he stayed
may or may not have a crush on someone in the hospital but shh no one knows except jeonghan and minghao
has no problem calculating correct dosages but cant do basic math for the life of him
‘no junhui, 7+8 does not equal 17′
senior resident in the ed
works night shifts bc otherwise the ed would be dead without him
probably drinks too much redbull for his own health
his favorite treatment room is treatment room five because “that’s where a patient peed on me on my first day here”
“ok soonyoung good to kno”
“no problem”
not very tech savvy 
always manages to fuck up the tablets somehow every shift
for the love of GOD dont let him near an xray machine
also never assign him and seungkwan on the same patient they will accomplish nothing 
has taken chan under his wing
neurology resident
blind as fuck
harry potter glasses for days
looks really cold on the outside but is really just a huge fucking dork
like actually he laughs and jokes about anything and everything
neurology can be dark sometimes yo and humor is a great way to cope with it
that and gaming
half the reason why he cant see is bc he spent too much time playing video games growing up
still kinda does but he gets away with it
accompanies soonyoung on the night shift bc he knows soonyoung gets lonely sometimes
plays ballads in the surgery rooms because it helps him keep calm
pathology resident
‘forget working with humans hAVE YOU SEEN THIS BLOOD CULTURE ITS COOL AS FUCK’
that being said, he hangs around the break rooms a lot because being cooped up in pathology is just tiring sometimes and he needs actual people to talk to
but mostly its so he can draw on jeonghans sleeping face
shares a flat with soonyoung bc rent is expensive yo
usually has the best tunes down in pathology 
originally wanted to go into music, but school kinda killed his enjoyment of it for a long time
is slowly getting back into and finding his joy in it again
he knows too many stories about the ed that hes forced to listen to
“for the last fucking time soonyoung i dont care about how your patient threw up on seungkwan”
“okokok but`”
ed resident wanting to specialize in pediatrics
wow literally everyone in the ed is in love with him a teeny tiny bit
because he has such a bright and positive aura around him that its hard not to feel happy 
sings to the smol children if they get scared 
everyone always asks him to sing at work parties and he kills it every time despite being initially shy
“wait wait wait you were in a rock band in high school???”
has a crush on the ed secretary out front
its so fucking cute the rest of the ed ships them so much
sometimes he doubts himself and his skills and that makes his day very sad
but everyone in the ed is in love with him and will constantly be there to remind seokmin about how amazing his is and how much he deserves to be here
and thatll make his day better c:
ed resident
the Hot Doctor
wow everyone has a crush on him even if you dont you do
pray for the patients that get assigned to both mingyu and jun your in for a visual attack
tho the facade for mingyu usually breaks after a minute of meeting him
clumsy af yo
once knocked over the patients entire tray of food because his limbs were longer than he remembered
sometimes forgets to put on hand sanitizer and seungcheol always yells at him about
from the other side of the ed “MINGYU, HANDS”
always brings his own lunch bc hospital foods shit and he makes better food at home 
sometimes brings in cookies for the staff in the break room
theyre usually gone within an hour
trauma and emergency medicine fellow
was personally scouted by hospital officials in china
really young to be such an expert in his field
also his hands are really sensitive to abnormalities in the human body so he feels out the situation and catches the situation really early
is kinda intimidating because of his rbf and takes no shit approach
but is really super soft and fluffy once not in a work environment
relied on jun a lot in terms of adjustment here in korea, and he’s probably closest to him in the ed 
has jun scrub in with him for surgeries sometimes
objectively has the best surgery playlists
from pink floyd, to an obscure japanese indie rock
bickers with mingyu a lot of proper treatment of patients
usually theyre both right tho they just cant communicate effectively
is secretly seeing another chinese surgeon from plastics, but they hide it really well except from jun ofc
a really loud and mouthy one at that
nags everyone in the ed a lot despite not being the charge nurse
tho hes getting there and everyone knows it 
despite that, hes really sweet and caring towards patients 
is also really weak for kids, but he cant ever be assigned to them because he’ll freak out if something happens to them
always earns high marks on nurse feedback forms because he does his job AND is entertaining 
even tho he nags everyone else, sometimes hes too selfless and forgets to take care of himself
“did you forget your lunch? aiii how could you do that? here take mine”
“seungkwan you need to eat to”
“i said take it, now eat and make your mom proud”
cries and often laments how much he loves his staff when hes had a little too much to drink at work parties
a new nurse
really chill, vibin through life
is really a much appreciated presence to have around the ed, especially when things can become hectic really quickly
often acts as a translator between english and korean 
will laugh at pretty much anything (which wonwoo appreciates alot because at least someone likes his jokes)
one thing that always gets his blood boiling is the blatant ignorance some patients have
like the offhanded racism against him or his coworkers, or comments about lgbtq+ people 
and there have been times when he hasnt been able to control how he responds because wow he Dislikes ignorant people
so whenever he gets a patient like that, he often asks to switch with another nurse because “if i have to listen to karen say something racist about jun or minghao again im gonna lose my fucking mind”
med students usually hang around him bc of how approachable he is
shower thoughts
“do you ever wonder this would taste like”
“hansol dont-”
med student in his final year
is really eager to learn and get started on things!
ed is his first choice for match day
soonyoung has taken him under his wing so he mainly just shadows him
and its always a fun and great time chan has learned so much from him 
the entire ed staff has adopted him and will riot if he doesnt get accepted on match day
“chan, whos baby are you?”
“for the last time hyung IM TWENTY SEVEN”
if hes not shadowing soonyoung, hes probably studying in the break rooms with hansol throwing popcorn at him
“hyung stop im tryna study”
“ok but catch this in your mouth first”
still has a lot to learn, but hes out there conquering the world of medicine yall better watch out
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asarahworld-writes · 5 years
I won't go to Prawn with you
Watched the newest trailer and this… happened. Inspired by the line of “what’s wrong” in the first trailer, the look on Zed’s face in the “Not so Zombie crisis” trailer
Addison slowly became aware that Zed was looking at her, concern in his eyes, lightly tapping her shoulder.  “Hey, are you alright?”
“Fine,” she shrugged, “guess I zoned out for a second.” She could feel his gaze was still on her.  “What is it?” Zed hesitated.  Addison knew that whatever it was, it centered either around herself or his Zombieism.  She reached out and took his hand.  “You don’t ever have to hide anything about yourself.  You taught me that,” she said quietly, privately.
“Ag gar-gargiza ru.”  His sudden declaration of love was hard and guttural.  Addison’s soft smile was matched by a warmth that spread throughout her body.  “Ag greeska.”
“I know.  Ag gar-gargiza ru zet, Zedka Necrodopolous.”  She squeezed his hand.  “Now what’s bothering you?”
Nothing was wrong, per se.  But she hadn’t asked him what was wrong.  She’d asked what was bothering him.  “You’ll think I’m crazy,” he tried to joke, but Addison picked up on the word and sang reassuringly:
“But did you hear the story?  A girl and a zombie.  Zed, something’s up.  I know you.  Besides, if nothing was bothering you, you wouldn’t be holding my hand in a death grip.” Addison held their hands up and, sure enough, Zed’s already deathly-pale skin was stretched even whiter with tension. At the sight of Addison’s reddened fingers, Zed immediately relaxed his hand.  “So what is it?”  She asked him softly, rubbing his hand with her thumb.  Zed didn’t answer, pulling her closer before mumbling something into her hair.
“Don’t be ridiculous.  You’re not risking your life to go to some _stupid _dance! Besides which, I thought the date for the mash was moved up and we were going there.”  Addison was in disbelief.  There was no way that Zed was this worked up over Prawn.  Zed muttered something that involved being able to go out with each other in public.  “You think that I don’t want to be able to go out with you?  That I don’t wish we were going to Prawn, with the rest of our friends?  Because I do, Zed.  What girl doesn’t dream of prom?  Dress shopping with her BFF.  Dancing with her boyfriend.”  Addison held Zed’s hand up to her chest, fingers interlaced.  “But you are so much more important than a dream.  I meant what I said, Zed, I won’t go to Prawn with you.”  Addison’s eyes widened.  “You’re jealous.”
Zed scoffed.  “Of what?”
“I don’t know.  Wyatt?  Don’t think I didn’t notice the looks you two were giving each other earlier.  Alpha male, anyone?”
“Why would I be jealous of a wolf?”  Zed asked incredulously.
“Shouldn’t I be asking the questions here, buster? Anyway, I heard your snide comment when I welcomed them to the school.  It makes sense.”
“So I’m a little jealous that my beautiful girlfriend left my side to talk to the new guy during lunch.  Is that a crime?”  So he was jealous.  Whatever. Zombies had been in Seabrook for fifty years.  Werewolves were completely different.
“Mmm, no.  It’s sweet.  You noticed I left,” Addison conceded.  “But I think we have a bigger problem here.  If curfew’s been reinstated, how are you going to make the football games?”
“Easy.  I’m class president.  Principal Lee likes it when we win.  I’ll just win everyone over with my quick wit and dashing smile.”  Zed grinned cheekily.
“Honestly, bring it up with Principal Lee.  Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, bring Coach with you.  He was a pretty good help when you were trying to get on the team last year.  And most people come to games to watch cheer, which is way better when we’re winning.  Without you, we’re way less likely to win and the people don’t get to watch the cheerleading squad.”
Leave it to Addison to come up with a real solution for Zed’s joking one.  “That’s actually a good point.”
“And if they can make an exception for football, they can make an exception for Prawn,” Addison smiled, thinking about the dance. “But if that doesn’t work, we’ve got the mash.”
“Yeah,” Zed’s smile deflated slightly.  It was going to work out.  It had to.  One year left of high school.  And then, who knew what was next…
Ag gar-gargiza ru – I love you
Ag gar-gargiza ru zet, Zedka Necrodopolous – I love you too, Zedka Necrodopolous
Ag greeska – My cheerleader
As always, Zombietongue translations use Ly’s masterpost as reference. @unusual-ly
In one of the more recent trailers for Z2, it’s mentioned that curfew is reinstated. So if Zed wants to go to Prawn, he’d have to hack his Z-band again.
And I’m still trying to figure out why Zed (and theoretically, zombies) hate werewolves the moment they arrive at SHS.  Because the way the trailers are presented, this line - “They’re letting werewolves into Seabrook?  Have they lost their minds?” - comes before Addison appears to become closer to the wolves. They know about werewolves.  What preconceptions do the societies have against the wolves that makes Zed have the same reaction to them as Missy had to zombies in the first movie?  It’s a DCOM, though, so I doubt we’ll get much of an answer.
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jamielea81 · 5 years
A Walk in the Park
Chapter 7
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Read chapter 6 here
Description: When your husband dies in an accident, you try to move on with your life. When the memories of your shared home become too much even after two years, you make a drastic change and move to California. A new career, a new way of life, and an attractive new friend help you move on to find the happiness you need. *This will be a slow burn*
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader, Tim OFC x Reader (Face Claim - Tom Welling)
Warnings for this chapter:   So much fluff! A curse word or two. Angst (Sorry not sorry).
Unbeta’d, so all mistakes are my own. This is purely for fun. Comments and reblogs give me life. Tags are open. Please send me an ask or leave a comment if you would like to be tagged.
Saturday came and went. The wedding was small but beautiful. The bride and groom had clearly invited the ones that they loved the most and those people loved them back. You may or may not have teared up during the ceremony. The bride wore a long, white, sleeveless, flowy gown that wasn’t technically a wedding dress, but it was perfect for the beach. The groom wore a crisp white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black slacks. They were both barefoot which you felt was a nice touch. It was exactly the kind of wedding you would want for yourself if you ever got married again.
That was a really big if. You weren’t sure if that’s what you even wanted. You most definitely wanted a partner in life, you and Caleb even joked about that. Nothing serious but you had told him if something had happened to you, you would want him to be happy and find love again. He said he wanted the same for you. But getting married again, you weren’t sure. You and Caleb had the big wedding. Both of your families were there including great aunts, uncles, cousins, your cousin’s children, childhood friends. You were married in your family’s church and then had a huge reception at a beautiful hall. You opted for a DJ rather than a band because you wanted particular songs played that you grew up with and meant something to you. Dinner was served table side. You had a large three-layer cake with various cupcakes encircling the cake. It was a perfect day and you wouldn’t change a thing.
You met Erika and Emma at a nail salon that also doubled as a bar. Since you needed a mani and a pedi, you figured a place that served drinks killed two birds with one stone. Since it was spring you opted for a light pink color for both your fingers and your toes.
You were sitting between both ladies with your feet currently soaking. The chair had various massage features so you were currently playing with the settings not noticing both Emma and Erika eyeing you. Once you found your ultimate relaxation mode on the massage chair, you let out a loud moan and let your head hit the back of the chair. Emma cleared her throat and you turned your head to her.
“What was with the question about Chris?”
“What do you mean?” You asked. The relaxation you just felt slowing fading.
“You know.” Erika said. You turned your head her way. “In the group chat. You asked if we hung out with Chris a lot individually.”
“Y-yeah. And?”
“That’s kind of a strange question. What’s going on? What brought on that question?” Emma asked.
Your nail techs had come at that point and you welcomed the distraction. “Could I get a vodka sour please. Heavy on the vodka.” You weren’t doing this without a drink first.
“So? What gives?” Erika asked.
You held up your hand. “Drinks first.” They both laughed and placed their orders. Your tech started to scrub your right foot and you had to strain not to kick her. This was the worst part of a pedi for you, the touching of the bottom of your feet. Besides being a head sweater, you were so damn ticklish on the bottoms of your feet, and really, everywhere else too. Your drink arrives and you try to take a sip without spilling it as the tech goes to town on your left foot now.
“Now that you have your drink, spill.” Emma says.
“It’s hard to explain.” You take a deep breath and another sip from your glass. “After game night, Chris started to text me a lot.” They both nod. “We then started to meet up almost every day and he would spend the night at my place or me at his.”
Emma gasps and Erika gives a wicked smirk.
“No. No, no. Known of that. Like we just hung out. Watched TV, movies, ate dinner, that kind of thing. Sometimes it was late and he would stay over. Just to sleep, I swear.”
“In the same bad?” Erika asks, smirk still on her face.
“Yes, but nothing happened, just sleep. Maybe a tiny bit of cuddling, but mostly with Dodger. I swear.” You say holding your hand to your heart. “And when I slept at his place, I slept in one of the spare rooms.”
“OK, well, that doesn’t seem too bad.” Emma says.
“Yeah, but Chris and I never do that. He’s never slept at my place and most certainly not in my bed. And we maybe see each other once a week, but more often than not, once every few weeks. We do text several times a week though.” Erika says.
“Same.” Emma says. “Now that you say that, it does sound like a lot.”
“But here’s the kicker. All this week, I’ve hardly heard from him. Like I’ll text and he either doesn’t get back to me at all or when he does it’s the next day and it’s a one-word answer. I haven’t seen him in a week either.” You sigh. “This would totally be fine except for the fact that previous week I saw and heard from him every day.”
“When’s the last time you saw him?” Erika asks.
“Last Saturday. He spent the night and was out of there early Sunday morning. Like, he was probably going to sneak out with out saying goodbye if I hadn’t come out of the bathroom right before he left.”
“Wait, wasn’t your coffee date with Tim on Sunday?” Emma asks.
“Ooohh.” Erika says.
You roll your eyes. “Ooohh? What does oh mean?”
“I think someone’s jealous.”  You scrunch up your face and shake your head. “Hear me out. Chris spends an extraordinary amount of time with you. You guys are practically BFFs at this point. Really, practically dating from what you are saying, minus the sex.” Erika says.
“The day you have your date with Tim, he practically ghosts you.” Emma adds.
It makes sense. You can’t argue that. But he hasn’t actually ghosted you. He’s gotten back to you on a few of your texts and he let you know he’d be busy and out of town for a while. Not to forget, he doesn’t like you like that. He’s never made mention, he’s never kissed you, and he’s never asked you out. How and why would he be jealous.
“Okay. I hear you both. But. But, he doesn’t like me like that. He’s gotten back to me a few times so he hasn’t ghosted me. And did I mention he doesn’t like me like that. I don’t think Chris would have any problem going after what he wants. It just doesn’t make sense.”
They both kind of shrug and look away. You take the time to down the rest of your drink. Your pedi is finished so you all get up and head to the manicure stations. “Did I tell you Tim is cooking dinner for me tomorrow?” They both gasp and awe and you proceed to tell them your plans.
You slept in on Sunday, like really slept in. Okay, mostly you were on your phone while you laid in bed, but you didn’t get out until lunch time. Staying in bed so long helped the day to go by fast.
Tim lived about forty minutes away, so all in all, not a bad drive. You pulled into a parking lot of a tall and sleek high rise. The building couldn’t be more than a few years old. You texted him that you were there as you waited by the condo’s entrance. A few minutes later, Tim was opening the door for you as you walked in. He gave you a quick hug hello before taking your hand and leading you to the elevator. You both got in and he hit the button for the 10th floor.
“You look beautiful.” He said.
“You look pretty great yourself.” You said. You hoped your voice sounded even, but since he was still holding your hand, that’s all you could really concentrate on.
The doors to the elevator open and he leads you to his door. He opens it and gestures for you to enter. Besides the delicious aroma of roasted potatoes and beef, you notice the modern design of the unit. It’s masculine but tastefully done. Lots of grays and blacks. Large stainless-steel appliances and dark emerald counter tops make up the kitchen. The living room has a large black couch that could probably seat ten. Two dark wooden chairs with cushioned seats sit opposite the couch. A large flat screen television is mounted to the wall above a gas fire place that’s currently turned on.
“I love you space. I could spend hours on that couch watching movies and napping.” You say with a smile.
“That’s why I got.” He says throwing you a wink.
Tim did not over promise, he’s actually a great cook. You’re both too full for dessert, so you both settle for a glass of wine and make your way to the couch. It’s so large you don’t know where to sit. He’s standing waiting for you to pick a spot, so you choose the middle and plop yourself down. He sits right next to you and reaches for a remote on the coffee table. He presses a few buttons and soft instrumental music starts to play. It’s nice. It’s dark outside and the lights inside are dim drawing your eyes to the fire place. Tim sits back throwing and arm around your shoulder. You snuggle a bit closer. You like the pace this relationship or friendship, or whatever the current status is going. Tim’s a bit of a romantic and you welcome it.
“This is nice.”
“I agree. I think I would like to share more nights like this with you.” Tim says stroking your arm.
You hum in response staring into the fire. You can feel his eyes on you.
Just kiss me. I just want to feel if this is real.
You’ve cuddled and shared hugs with Chris, but it’s never like this. Not that you would mind spending nights with Chris like this, hell, you would love it. But Chris wasn’t exactly talking to let alone spending nights with you.
Stop thinking about Chris! Tim is here. Tim is sweet. Tim is gorgeous.
You turn your body a little to face him more directly. He’s looking you in the eyes with a soft smile on his face. He places his wine on the table in front of you. He takes his now free hand and gently brushes your cheek. His thumb trails down to your jaw as he starts to caress it. Your heart starts beating fast and you can’t look away from his mouth. His lips look so soft and you just want to feel them on anything other than your cheeks. He starts to lean forward and you stop breathing. You’ve been kissed by a few guys on those first and second dates that never went anywhere. But this is the first time since Caleb that you’ve really wanted to be kissed. You’re ready for this. You close your eyes and then you feel it. It’s soft and tender. Not rushed. He’s holding the kiss to see if you pull away, but you don’t. Your heart flutters and you start to move your lips. He removes the arm that’s draped over your shoulder and places his had on your other cheek.  You feel him smile as he returns the kiss with a little more firmness. It’s still light. He’s not pushing, not trying to devour your mouth. Just gentle kisses. After what feels like several minutes, you pull away and place your forehead against his. He’s still holding your face. You brush your nose against his and he closes his eyes. He licks his lips and you both slowly separate. He opens his eyes and you finally breathe.
“Hi.” You say. It’s mostly breath rather than a solid word and you almost wonder if he heard it.
“Hi.” He says back. You both smile. You’re still holding your wine glass but he takes your free hand in both of his. You both sit there quietly just enjoying each other.
Sometime later you say goodbye. He walks you to your car where he kisses you again. It’s still soft and cautious, but it makes your heart flutter again.
The week moves quickly with small events early in the week. There’s a larger wedding on Saturday so you end up with a lot of office work Thursday and Friday. You’d be at the church and reception hall all day Saturday, so you welcomed staying off your feet for those two days. You’d be working the wedding with Colleen, Victoria, and Juliet, Colleen’s actual assistance. The poor woman.
You haven’t seen Tim all week, but every morning you receive a sweet text from him wishing you a good day. You both exchange selfies and you share pictures of the sunsets from your evening walks when you have them. He shares pictures of his food which makes you laugh.
You get a text Friday midmorning from Erika asking if your going to Chris’ for game night. You reply back that you didn’t know he was having game night and you thought he was out of town.
Your phone chimes again, but this time it’s the group text with Erika and Emma.
Erika: You’re coming to game night.
Emma: You’re totally invited. Why wouldn’t you go?
Y/N: Honestly guys, I wasn’t told there was a game night tonight.
Erika: And what do you mean Chris is out of town?
Emma: Wait, Chris is out of town? Why would be going to his place if he’s out of town.
Erika: *eyeroll* He’s not out of town. He’s having a game night tonight and you are coming.
Y/N: Well, he never invited me. I haven’t even talked to him in over a week.
Emma: Not at all? What the hell?
Y/N: Not at all. Not even a text.
Erika: Why do you think he’s going to be out of town?
Y/N: He sent me a text a little over a week ago saying he was going to be busy for like 3 weeks traveling. I haven’t heard from him since.
Emma: I’m tellin’ you, he’s jealous.
Y/N: You guys! He’s not jealous.
Erika: What ever you say. But your coming and I’m picking you up at 7.
Y/N: Fine. But it’s going to be awkward as shit.
Emma: Yay! See you tonight.
You tried to concentrate on work, but answering e-mails wasn’t high on your priority list right now. You texted Chris once early in the week and he never replied. Maybe he was ghosting you. Smacking your hand against your face, you threw your whole body back against your chair causing it to wheel back a bit. Why am I going tonight?! It did bother you that he had planned a party but didn’t invite you. Plus, he said he was going to be out of town!
You packed your laptop up deciding you would head home for the rest of the day. You fired a text off to Victoria telling her you would see her tomorrow.
Digging through your closet you decided on a pair of skinny jeans and floral blouse. You touched up your hair and makeup before grabbing a beer from the fridge and sinking into your couch. Before you could even drink half your beer, Erika texted that she was there. You chugged the rest of it before dropping it in your recycling bin just outside the door. Tonight, was going to be a long night.
Erika pulls up to Chris’ house and you notice a few more cars parked in front of it than last time.
“Just to warn you, I’m Ubering home.”
She gives you a look.
“I have to work tomorrow so I can’t stay late. I promise it’s not because of the whole not being invited thing.”
“Okay, okay. But you’re have a couple of drinks.”
You nod in agreement as you both get out of her car. Rather than knocking, Erika walks in and you follow close behind her. In the kitchen were Nick, Justin, Will and another guy you hadn’t met. Emma was in the living room with Tim. They both looked up to see you both walking in and Tim got to his feet. You didn’t know he would be here, but frankly you didn’t know you would be here either.
“Y/N.” He says smiling as he walks up to you. The guys in the kitchen all turn to look as Erika makes her way toward.
“Hey! You’re all healed up.” Nick yells. You give him a questioning look. “No more crutches, I see.”
“Oh yeah. All better. Sorry, it’s been a long day.”
Justin walks over handing you a beer and you gladly take it.
Tim pulls you in a hug and you pull the beer away from him so that you don’t spill it, but hug him back with your free arm.
“I didn’t know you’d be here. When you didn’t mention coming, I figured you had to work.”
“I didn’t plan on it, but those two made me come.” You pointed at Emma and Erika who both looked offended. You didn’t want to tell Tim you weren’t invited and have it be a whole thing.
“Yeah, I didn’t think I’d make it, but I the interview got completed early.”
As part of the studio’s public relations team, Tim often had tag along to interviews his clients had. While he found that aspect of the job a little boring, you loved hearing about it.
You heard his laugh before you saw him. Chris had walked into the kitchen from some other room in the house. He was with an attractive petite woman who was smiling up at him with her hand resting on his arm as they walked. Her other hand was playing in long dark hair. Was that jealous you felt; you weren’t sure.
“Erika! Glad you finally decided to show up.” Chris says pulling her into a hug. You were still by the front door with Tim’s arm around your waist.
“Yeah, well, this one slowed me down.” She says pointing to you. A payback comment from when you accused her of dragging you here. You nervously start to drinking your beer taking a long drink from the bottle as Chris’ eyes slowly meet yours.
He gives you a slight wave. “Hey Y/N. Great to see you.”
You’re crushed. No hug. No warm welcome. He is pushing you away and it hurts.
“Hi.” You wave back with the beer in your hand. He’s attention is now back on the mystery woman. You pull away from Tim and start to walk over to the couch taking a seat. Tim joins you followed by Emma. She gives you a knowing look, squeezing your shoulder before she takes a seat.
You hear Chris introducing the mystery woman to Erika. Even though he hasn’t introduced you to her or vice versa, you hear that her name is Joanna. She’s cute and you can see her and Chris together but you’re far too bitter right now to have those types of logical thoughts. Tim is here. Be happy that Tim is here. Think of his kisses. Okay, you’re better.
Tim throws his arm over your shoulder and pulls you to him. You instantly relax and concentrate on the feel of his hand moving slowly up and down your arm.
Will and Justin have turned on the PS4 and are playing some sort of military ops game. You watch for a bit, while enjoying your beer. Emma slaps your knee, startling you out of your haze.
“Shots!” She says. She stands up and starts walking to the kitchen. You finish your beer and look at Tim.
“Are you coming?” You ask.
“Nah, I’m going stay and watch. Besides, as soon as one of them dies, I’m in.”  He throws you a wink.
Your arms encircle his waste while leaning your head on his shoulder. He kisses your temple twice before you let go and stand up taking your bottle with you to throw out. Chris is cutting up limes while Emma is pouring shots of tequila. Erika’s speaking to Joanna about some band but you aren’t paying enough attention to catch which one. Now’s your chance to try to talk to Chris, so you approach him and lean forward so that his eye catches you.
“Hey you.”
“Hey Y/N.”
“How’s work been?”
“Work? It’s just mostly interviews.”
You nod your head and just stand silently watching as he slices the limes.
“Are you ready with those limes Evans?” Emma asks.
“Yeah, yeah. Your limes are ready.” He replies as he carries the cutting board over to the island where the shots are lined up.
He doesn’t even look at you. Part of you just wants to leave right now. You’re staring at him so intently that if anyone else were to notice, they’d feel uncomfortable. He looks up, face straight and you can’t get a read on him, but you’re doing the same. Emma slides a shot glass over to you breaking your gaze. You lick the back of your hand. Joanna takes the salt shaker sprinkling some on you.
“Hi. I’m Joanna.” 
“Y/N.” You say. You offer her a small smile. 
Emma clinks her shot glasses against everyone’s letting out a ‘wohoo’. You, Nick, Joanna, Erika, and Chris do the same, but he doesn’t meet your eyes. You lick the salt, throw back the shot, slam the glass back down on the counter and reach for a lime to throw in your mouth. “It’s like I’m back in college!” You giggle. Emma laughs and pulls you into a one arm hug. “Another!” You shout while throwing your hands in the air. 
Emma pours another round but only she, Joanna, Erika, and you partake. I don’t have to be up that early tomorrow. You grab one of the shots the boys skipped out on and down it. 
You see Erika watching you so you send her a wink. She motions with her hand for you to follow her out on the patio. You step outside, the cool air feels wonderful against your warm skin. You both take a seat on the cushioned lounge chairs on the patio. Dodger comes bounding up to you. You were so concerned with Chris you completely forgot about your cuddle buddy. He’s excited, jumping up and down vying for your attention. You go into full baby talk mode rubbing his fur and accepting puppy kisses as soon as they were thrown at you.
“What’s going on tonight, Y/N?” You keep stroking Dodger but look up and give her a shrug.
“You were right. He’s ghosting me.” She sighs and quirks one side of her mouth into a small smile. “He won’t even look at me, Erika. I haven’t talked to him in awhile and he can barely say two words to me. I really feel like I’m not over reacting here.” 
“You aren’t. Something’s going on there, I just don’t know what.” 
“Tim is great. Things are going well. He’s a great kisser by the way.” Your face heats up and you see her grinning. “But I can’t get Chris out of my mind. There’re feelings there. Even if they aren’t mutual.” You voice barely a whisper. “I didn’t know it was possible to like two guys at the same time. This isn’t me.” You sink down in your seat with your elbows resting on your knees, hands holding your face. “What would Caleb think of me?” She gets up charging toward you. 
“You stop that right now. You aren’t doing anything wrong.” She’s rubbing your back and you start to take deep breaths. Tears are prickling in your eyes. “You’re allowed to develop feelings, Y/N. You’re allowed to be confused about what you want. And Chris is being a giant asshole.” You let out a dry laugh and start to wipe the tears from your eyes.
“I just didn’t expect to have these feelings. And I really didn’t expect Chris to treat me the way he has. Even if this is just a crush and he has no interest in me, I don’t want to lose my friend Erika. More than anything, I want my friend back.” The tears have come out in full force and are streaming down your face. You’re sure your eye makeup is shot. She pulls you up by your hand and throws her arms around you in a tight embrace. You hear the patio door open and you both look up. Chris is gawking at your both with his mouth agape.
“What’s going on out here?” He asks.
Tagging: @crimeshowtrash @cocomel0613 @flamencodiva @the—blackdahlia @thefandomzoneisdangerous @maddie-laufeyson @shameless-pope @tessvillegas @pivans @angelus320 @symonlyjen5 @inlovewith3
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neoangelic · 5 years
Don’t Need Your Love
➳ an nct dream series
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After a horrible first love experience, Yang Ahn joins the Don’t Need Your Love club via invitation. Things don’t turn out the way they were supposed to. 
➳ a story of not-so-romance featuring: the coolest club on campus, the meaning of unrequited, teenagers, best friends, heartbreak, healing, first loves, and new ones. 
➳ masterlist 
➳ note: female oc, multiple pairings, ot7 dream, not saying anything more bc spoilers!
➳ word count: 2235
DNYL. A four-letter word—if you would even call it a word. DNYL: four letters that defined the rest of my youth. Four letters that changed my perspective of quite a few other four-letter words. These four consonants brought together a broken band of romance misfits, the love-lost and the lovelorn, and I was the unfortunate latter.
A scoff dared to spill from my lips when I heard Harvey’s voice crackle over the loudspeaker. It wasn’t abnormal for clubs to advertise themselves via intercom, but those were your usual clubs: basketball, taekwondo, art, math, and such. It started off one of those usual announcements at first, but his next words turned everything around.
“The coolest club on campus: DNYL—”
Such a declarative statement. It stopped me in my tracks on the way to homeroom.
“—Don’t Need Your Love.”
And like the rest of the student body, his audacious proposal of a club nearly made me laugh. Harvey was a sweet exchange student from the United Kingdom. A gregarious boy with a knack for gathering people’s interest. This stunt was no exception. Like the rest of Neo Culture Tech’s teenager-filled population, he droned on about relationships, though he spoke of the broken kind. 
Since I had no relation to such types of relationship, I let his voice fade into the background of chattering students and teachers ushering them off to class. At this point, all I paid attention to was the scuff on my Mary Janes as I walked and the way the spine of my notebooks sat uncomfortably against my bicep. My grip on them grew tighter as bits and pieces of Harvey’s speech were growing harder to suppress. Intrusive thoughts crawled its way into my mind. A whisper of an unforgotten forgotten name. Ghosts of conversations in a foreign language. A face began to form in my memory. One with cat-like, sharp eyes. Before my fingertips could come into contact with the cool metal of the doorknob in front of me and snap me out of my thoughts—something else did.  
“Do you feel down from all this unrequited love?” 
Do you feel down from all this unrequited love? Was that even a question?
I finally let a chuckle past my lips, once again turning my attention towards the scuff mark on my shoe, once again letting the name of first love to be forgotten and remembering that I had a class to attend.
“What’s so funny?”
“Lee Jeno, Jesus Christ,” my shoulders jumped to my ears. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
“You looked dumb standing like that,” he gestured to my hand that floated above the doorknob.
“Are you trying to act like Hyuck-oppa by insulting me?”
“Well as your new best friend, I need to fill the void that Haechan left in our Ahn-ah’s heart.”
“You say that like he’s dead.”
“Yeah, dead to you.”
“Only sometimes,” I roll my eyes. “He’ll be back in one more month and I never said anything about you being my new best friend.”
He pouts, like a puppy. “Well haven’t I done a good job of taking care of you while he’s gone? You did post on your insta story about best friend applications being open and I remember sending you a resume that I don’t think you ever read. He’s been gone since like the beginning of last school year—”
Jeno continued to ramble on with loud hand gestures. It was odd to know that this was the boy I was introduced to during freshman year of high school. His features have grown to become more chiseled and—due to his resolution of ‘becoming fit’ over the summer—I couldn’t help but notice the outlines of muscle through his school uniform. Still retaining his puppy-like features, puberty didn’t steal away his cuteness just yet. The Lee Donghyuck he currently was ranting about was my best friend of now four years. I concluded that his one-sided competition for Donghyuck’s role as my best friend was his little way of reminiscing the devilish boy. Although, he’d never admit that he missed him. Neither would I.
Donghyuck was the funniest boy I ever met. He was like the sun at its brightest as it shone through a stormy day. His reactions were exaggerated and animated and he never failed at catching every opportunity for a quick-witted remark against me. But my favorite part about him was when he made jokes with a straight face. Sometimes I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not. He breathed life into my gloomy 7th-grade self. But I don’t think I could forgive him for not metaphorically holding my hand throughout first year. He had to leave Korea a quarter through the first semester because his parents won a trip to Canada. And I get it. Canada was a great place to be, but he failed to inform me that his trip would last about a year. Before he left, he introduced me to Jeno and told me that we would get along splendidly. 
In the words of my best friend; ‘you’d be too much of a loner while I’m gone, so I bestow this pity gift on you.’ 
Not to mention, our first meeting was hilarious. 
He was right. I missed him like the moon missed the sun in the cold night sky.
Luckily, Jeno and I had more in common than I thought and maybe Donghyuck knew that. Maybe that was why he introduced us. He always had an eye for such things. 
The first thing I said made him choke on his milk and flush cherry. Let’s just say I recognized him from an old advert he did as a child actor, featuring the said drink he choked on. The Lee Jeno I first got to know was awkward and shy, never without his crescent-crinkled eyes, a bashful smile, and fingers pulling on a hoodie string. The Lee Jeno that stood in front of me was wide-eyed, broad-shouldered, and confident as ever. 
He grew up a lot.
Don’t ever tell him this (lest you want his ego to inflate) but I really admired him for that. 
“—in conclusion, who was there for that whole fiasco? Not Haechan. What did he ever do? Facetime you every day? Pff I bought you ice cream. Now that’s a real friendship. You didn’t see him flying over from Canada to comfort you, did you? Maybe he was whisked away by a Canadian babe or hunk—”
“You got me my least favorite flavor,” I remarked.
“Ahn-ah,” he whined. “Give me some credit.”
“Tough love. If you wanna be Donghyuck try to be more annoying. He’d never greet me like that.”
“Oh yeah? And how would he have greeted you?” Jeno leaned forward to meet me eye level as if challenging me. Regret flashed in his eyes as I promptly jumped up to put him in a headlock, messing up his perfectly combed hair with my free hand.
“Aw isn’t our Jeno-oppa so grown up?” I pout, pulling and pinching at his cheeks. “Every morning that I see you, you seem to get taller. What am I going to do with you?”
He scrunched his nose in disgust, furrowing his brows. “I think I have cooties now.”
“That’s the spirit. Now keep that up and you’re on your way—maybe—to be just like Hyuckie.”
“The absolute disrespect you’re giving him while he’s gone, calling someone older than you so casually” he scoffs, wrestling his head out of my grasp. “How has he had this much influence on you while he’s gone?”
“Lee. Yang. I don’t suppose you’d want to be late for my class while having a lovers quarrel, don’t you?”
I push Jeno away from me and bowed, flustered. “Sorry, saem.”
“Saem-nim,” Jeno clicked his tongue at my rough gesture, running his fingers through his hair. “I don’t think I could think of her romantically even if I was paid five million won.”
Mr. Song tapped his knuckles against the boy’s head. “Be nice to girls, Jeno. I was joking. I guess you finally found another boy to bully, Ahn?”
“In my defense, sir, the last boy was the one who bullied me.”
“I liked you better with the other boy you were friends with, yes. Why don’t I see him with you anymore? You seemed to cause a lot less trouble with—”
Jeno swung the door open. “I think we should get to our seats, Ahn-ah. I’m sorry about the trouble Mr. Song.” His hands clasped around my shoulders and ushered me into the classroom, another scuff to probably form as I tried to not trip over my own feet or drop my books. He shoved me toward my seat.
“Shh,” he shot an annoying smile at my irritation. “Class is starting.”
“Rude. I think Donghyuck got to you too,” I grumble, sinking my face into the palm of my hand as my notebooks lay in disarray on my desk. It was unfortunate that our homeroom teacher was nice. He let Jeno sit next to me.
“I’ll call attendance now.” 
My unfortunate seatmate leaned closer toward me. I inched away, rolling my eyes as he whispered.
“So… does that make me better BFF material?” His eyes disappeared into crescents as he prodded me with is a pencil, chuckling deviously. I slapped his hand away.
“You’re still not as funny as him.”
“What the hell—”
“Lee, Jeno?” Mr. Song stared at the black-haired boy with a raised eyebrow.
To which he coughed loudly to cover up his expletive.
And aside from Harvey’s little announcement that morning, the rest of the day went on without a hitch. Soon enough, Monday turned into Tuesday, which morphed into Wednesday and bumped into Thursday. All the “day”s seemed the same. Monotonous. The only thing that was different was the slowly shifting breeze and the changing colors of the leaves of plants and trees. The autumn scenery was finally settling in.
And you know what they say about autumn.
It was a fitting season for the boy in front of me. A season of endings and changes—amongst all the other autumn things. 
“Why are you tearing them down?” I caught a piece of paper that fluttered down the stairway. It had been a while since I spoke English, the language strange on my tongue. “They’re cute.”
Harvey turned around and flashed a tight-lipped smile. He shook his head with a disappointed exhale. “Quite frankly, the whole thing was a bust.” His hand reached for another DNYL poster, one of many that scattered the walls of this place.
I picked up some rogue posters that fell onto the steps, approaching the foreign boy. I wasn’t lying about the posters being cute. They were handmade and created with color and illustration, the words written in an aesthetic way. Though, I didn’t mind to read them. 
“Why’d you make the club in the first place?”
“I guess I’ve just seen those people around campus who’ve just been so unhappy,” he said. “It felt horrible knowing that there was nothing I could do to help but I thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, if I created a safe haven away from that heartbreak, then nobody would feel lonely enough to cry their heart out. Have you ever had the feeling of wanting to start something beautiful?” Harvey’s eyes were green and genuine. The golden light from the window was filtered through leaves, creating a taste of a nostalgic, bittersweet what-if. 
“Once,” I answered, a feeling pulling at my chest. An urge. A remembrance of what was and what could have been. There was a wish for warmth, even soaked in the honey glow of the sun. Longing. For new beginnings. 
Who hasn’t felt the wish for something to ignite?
For something to explode.
For undreamt dreams to just come true.
“I guess I also wanted to leave a small legacy before I leave. I need to go back home pretty soon.” A solemn sigh left Harvey once again as he stared down at one of his white posters. A pitiful silence hung in the air, dust fairies dancing and floating around us, falling and disappearing away from the light.
“Maybe you just need to find your targeted audience,” the words didn’t mean to come out of my lips, but they did anyway. “NCT is a highschool where teenage romance never sleeps. You’d be best off finding some outliers—y’know like the people you mentioned.”
“The ones I’ve seen around campus?”
“Yeah. Those who have been dumped, had a bad breakup, dealing with a broken heart… isn’t that what you said this club was for?”
“I wouldn’t suppose you’re one of those outliers?” He called out.
I looked behind at Harvey and the colorful papers that stuck out from his arms and his backpack. I looked at the empty walls and the tape that he wasn’t able to scrape off and half torn stickers that spelled ‘DN’. I look at him and smile without meaning to.
“If this is truly the coolest club on campus, then send a message my way.
“I don't have your number.”
“Who said you needed to text me to communicate? Send me something interesting—something special. I wanna feel like I’m being invited to the Phantom’s masquerade,” I turned away, biting at the inside of my cheek. My next words came at a frightening decrescendo as I realized what I was getting myself into. “If you find that I’m suited for your club…surprise me.
<< recruiting now | masterlist | boys are never worth it >>
footnotes -
saem: a shortened word for ‘seongsaeng-nim’ or teacher.
oppa: well, I think we all know this one but I mostly use it to signify respect or difference of age
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vagrantblvrd · 6 years
I can’t find it, but that post about the one with the guy who talks about their SO/spouse ALL the time and everyone thinks they’re dead? (That the guy is fueled by thoughts of one day getting revenge for their SO/spouse’s murder or whatever?
And it makes me want that FAHC AU where the Vagabond joins the crew and everyone thinks he’s that guy, right? Has that band of pale skin on his hand where there clearly used to be a ring. (Maybe he wears it on a chain around his neck now.)
Every so often he’ll go off on his own for few days. He gets melancholy when it rains, or certain times of the year. (Mutter something about a birthday - everyone knows it’s not Ryan’s, so it must be his SO/spouse’s - or around the holidays.)
It goes on like that for a while, a year or to, and Michael who is usually like, “Oh, shit,” when Ryan gets all sad and tries to cheer him up/keep him company so he’s not alone realizes he’s got FEELS for the guy.
And then he calls Gavin who’s been helping Burnie and the Roosters with a problem or maybe in England with Dan and tells him all about it, because Gavin will understand. They’re BFFs and maybe had an on again, off again thing a while back that never seemed to work out but they’re still BFFs, whatever.
Gavin is like “...huh” because he is totally Ryan’s SO/spouse but no one else relaizes? (Gavin talked about this guy he was seeing but never named names because Ryan’s a paranoid git.)
But because Ryan has also been telling Gavin that he’s got FEELs for Michael and Gavin is like, “Well then do something about it, you big dummy,” and Ryan hasn’t because he’s not sure Michael would reciprocate and what if he does but does’t want to be in a relationship with Ryan AND Gavin, and really, everything’s fine as it is.REALLY.
(Gavin is dying over how stupid these two idiots are, he really is.)
So he tells Michael to freaking talk to Ryan and vice versa, see if they’re on the same page about their FEELS for each toher first. (He’s going to be back in Los Santos soon, they can figure things out past the initial FEELs then, right?)
Only somehow there’s a miscommunication wherein Ryan never gets to tell Michael that his SO/spouse is still alive (that it’s Gavin) because he thought they all knew? (Like, really. The same birthday, and he’s let slip enough things they should have figured it out by now? And when did he say his SO/spouse was dead? And he thinks things are fine on that end, and hey, Michael has FEELs for him too! :DDDDD
(Likewise, Gavin thought Micahel knew/had figured it out and didn’t think to clarify since he was sleep-deprived from whatever he was working on half the time and thought everyone knew what was going on.)
But then something happens and Gavin has to stay away longer, but in the meantime Ryan and Michael are going on dates and figuring things out and it’s very adorable romcom, right?
And then a heist goes wrong or just bad luck where Michael gets hurt and Ryan’s like, “Hey, why don’t you stay at my place where I can keep an eye on you?” (Because conveniently the others are busy making sure the cops don’t find them/hiding out at safehouse/whatever/plot reasons.)
Michael does, because wow, convenient! (???)
And then Gavin comes home in the middle of the night and is like “Who’s been sleeping in my bed?” :DDDDDDDDDD (Thinking everyone knows what’s going on - he made sure Ryan talked to Michael but forgot he’s dealing with idiots???)because OF COURSE Ryan and Michael ended up snuggling (PLOT REASONS)
Michael is like WTF??? And also, ow, and WTF??? and it becomes this Thing with the three of them staring at each other like idiots.
Ryan and Gavin explaining that they’ve been married for a couple of years now (met on a job a few months after Michael and Gavin broke things off the last time) and just kind of never mentioned it???
Michael is like ??? because what even? (But then thinks about the times Gavin would take time off and come back looking obnoxiously happy. The time or two Ryan did the same, only he wasn’t obnoxiously happy so much as gleefully murderous (more so) and Jesus Christ, you two, because all the little clues and hints both of them let slip in the past make a hell of a lot more sense now.
But then he gets worried that he’s like. This thing on the side for both of them - and it’s never been serious on their part (he still likes Gavin a whole hell of a lot - refuses to say it’s love, because if it was, it should have been enough before, right?) - and Ryan and Gavin are just like SHIT, because it’s always been serious.
The thing with Michael and Gavin just didn’t work because something (someone) was missing and they didn’t know it at the time. And the Ryan and Gavin thing worked, but there was something missing there too but it was still new and then Gavin ended up leaving Los Santos for a while and it helped them figure things out.
But then Ryan joined the Fakes. (Gavin may have asked him to think about it when Geoff made noises about asking the Vagabond because he knew he’d be leaving and wanted to make sure he’d watch out for them for him, and knew without a doubt it would be a mutual thing - two birds, one stone and all.)
And he met Michael and things got super complicated even as they also started to make sense and really, they fucked up.
They fucked up because Michael is just staring at them not sure he can believe it’s all supposed to be nice and simple after all that. Like some stupid movie, and Ryan and Gavin are like, you do have a point.
Michael just sitting there, weirdly satisfied that they agree it’s all fucked up and can’t possibly have a happy ending just like that - what the fuck is wrong with him, he shouldn’t be glad about that - and they ask him what they can do to show him they’re serious, and he’s just.
And they wait and wait and wait, and Michael is like, ??? because he doesn’t know???
So they decide to do start over, do things right.
Go out on dates - all three of them or sometimes Michael and Ryan or Michael and Gavin. Sometimes Gavin and Ryan and Michael expecting to feel...something then, jealousy or d who knows what, but he doesn’t and it’s weird? (Makes him annoyed with himself because what is wrong with him?)
They have movie nights and other shit like that. Also plan mini-heists to Geoff’s deep, abiding regret and Michael realizing that oh, wow, hey, he has FEELs for these idiots and they seem to reciprocate and it’s kind of great???
And then smooching, because of course, and being stupid in love with each other.
The rest of the crew having no fucking idea what’s going on with the three of them, and when they do find out thinking Michael and Ryan are a thing, only to come across one of them kissing Gavin. (And the freaking out thinking they’re cheating??? To the point it becomes a Thing where the three of them are just like, “Uh, yeah. We’re a Thing. The three of us. Totally fucking like rabbits. Surprise?”
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whosjunglejim4322 · 6 years
A Bitter Taste-JJK
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Summary- Your new roommate happens to be a vampire. He also happens to have a peculiar distaste towards humans, ironically. What happens when he realizes, that you're the only person he’s sorta liked in over a century?
Genre | vampire!Jungkook x reader, best friend!Taehyung x reader, angst, some fluff between bff Tae and Y/n
Warnings | slight nsfw content, mentions of blood
So a vampire and a human walk into a shared apartment..." 
The joke will never be even remotely funny, not even when it is passing the pink lips of your best friend Taehyung, his eyes transforming into crescent moons as he laughs exuberantly at his own wit. 
You roll your eyes with the ghost of a smile still lingering on your pout, chin in your palm as your metal straw clanks against the melting ice in your empty glass. You finished your Bloody Mary an hour ago, but you just can’t bring yourself to leave the company of Taehyung. 
Mostly because the creature who has been your housing mate for the past three months, sort of despises anything that has an actual heartbeat. 
You don’t exactly blame him, considering what humans have done to vampires in the past, and the fact that in some other parts of the world vampires are still hunted and killed rather than accepted. 
Your city, in fact, is one of the only ones that actually considers vampires as common folk, even having functioning blood banks filled with volunteers ready to help cater to them as to create a safe and healthy environment for everyone involved. 
Of course, there are a few bad apples, just as humans, which is why your city does things the way it does. 
If they have a safe place to get their meals, there are less rampages or hungry vampires going rouge. 
Not that vampires really scare you, which is why you had little to no inhibitions when signing the lease to become Jeon Jungkooks roommate. 
Though, it was safe to say that he wasn't exactly thrilled to have you in his quarters. But he was desperate, and honestly was willing to accept anyone. Even people like you, with your rose scented hair and bright, blinding smile. 
Disgusting, he had thought to himself. Who even are you? To come waltzing in smelling sweet, to have such warmth within your aura. You didn’t flinch, not even when he was telling you the rules you’d have to follow when living with him. 
“First and foremost, keep all of your refrigerated food on the bottom shelf. My meals stay on the top at all times, to keep them colder, and fresher.” 
You felt your skin crawl at the mention of his meals, but it’s no like you hadn't expected it. He’s a vampire for god sakes. It still doesn't mean that trying to make yourself a sandwich and seeing a bag of blood is very pleasant, though.
He met your eyes for the first time since you met him, the almost obsidian irises feeling as if they were boring into your soul. You are sure he could hear the beating of your heart, the pounding of your pulse. Maybe it’s because he looked like a walking, fallen angel; dark hair shadowing the sharp planes of his face, eyes hooded as if even looking at you is a task. 
Or maybe it was because, quite frankly, biting your tongue was becoming difficult, especially with the tone of his next statement. 
“And for no reason should you ever go into my room or study, no matter how urgent your mundane mind thinks the situation might be. Understood?” 
You grit your teeth, remembering that he simply is a disgruntled creature and that you shouldn't let it get to you. “Of course, your majesty.”
You aren't quite sure what compelled you to think that a being like him would find sarcasm to be even partially amusing, but it was already to late to take it back. 
“Your room is down the hall.”
His face remained stone cold, pink lips set into the same, straight line as they had been throughout the entire introduction. You leaned down to grab the handle of your suitcase, and gave him a jubilant grin as you turned on the heels of your boots and trotted off towards your room. 
He grimaced, suddenly feeling as if he needs a drink. He really didn’t know how he was going to put up with you. 
“I think I’m gonna head home, feeling woozy.” Taehyung pouts as you push your empty glass to the side, stretching your limbs before you slide out of the booth. 
He stands with you, gently grasping your wrists and pulling you towards his lithe figure. You let out a sigh as he looks down at you with puppy dog eyes. “Why don’t you stay over? We can have a movie night and eat our weight in snacks, for old times sake.” 
You smile warmly as you wrap your arms around Taehyungs middle, feeling contentment when surrounded by his warmth and sweet, lavender scent. You remind yourself to steal a dollop of whatever lotion he uses the next time you visit his place. 
“I wish I could, but I don’t want to piss off grumpy pants by coming home any later than midnight. Isn’t it you and Jimins anniversary anyways?” 
You look up at him through your lashes, watching his expression change from one of disappointment, to giddiness at the mention of his lover. 
“Yeah but he loves you, and so do I. Besides, why are you worried about coming home too late? Does someone have a crush on Mr. Cullen?” 
You groan against his chest before pushing yourself off of him, giving his broad shoulder a swat as you glare up at him, his dark eyebrows wiggling about. 
“First of all, he’s much more of a Dracula and-hey! I don't have a crush on him! I’d never-he’d never even look at me like that.” 
Taehyung pulls you back into him with a goofy, boxy grin, chuckling at your tipsy state as he whispers in your ear.
“Whatever, lightweight. Just remember who your first and best kiss was.” 
You squeal as the mint haired boy begins to assault your face with a series of loud, obnoxious smooches, causing you to push yourself off of him with a grimace as you wipe your face with your sleeve. 
You giggle as he throws up a finger heart, your eyes rolling for the tenth time tonight as you pull your phone out of your back pocket to call an Uber. 
It is, in fact, true. Taehyung was your first kiss all the way back in sixth grade, underneath the sunset at an empty park after band rehearsal. 
There was a time you had a helpless crush on the boxy smiled boy, how could you not? He’s all soft, honey colored skin, long eyelashes shading chocolate irises, and plump pink lips serving as the centerpiece of his canvas. 
But, you soon realized that he is much more of a platonic soulmate than a romantic one, and you were more than ok with that. In fact, you were thrilled when you found out that he and your universities most famous dance major, Jimin, began dating. 
“Uber is here, gotta go.” 
Taehyung groans, reaching over and giving your hands a squeeze. “That was fast, want me to walk you out?” 
You smile, shaking your head. “I think I can survive one night without TaeTae’s protection. Plus, your lover boy will be here any minute.”
His lips turn upwards at the mention of his childhood nickname, given to him by you, and his grin only grows at the thought of Jimin arriving shortly to begin celebrating their anniversary early. 
“Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow? I’ll have to tell you all about tonight.” he gives you a playful wink as you walk towards the exit, your eyebrows wiggling mischievously. 
“Of course, use protection!” you shout at him from across the bar, both of you ignoring any stares or expressions of distaste, You and Taehyung have always been like this, shameless around the other. It’s refreshing, having a best friend like him that seems to break you out of every shell that you are trying to hide in. 
“Always, baby!” he shouts back, causing a boisterous giggle to bubble in your throat as you exit, giving him a small wave goodbye. 
When you push your key into the lock belonging to you and Jungkooks shared apartment, you realize Taehyung was right. You are a lightweight.
Stumbling through the cold and dark apartment, you begin to think about how obvious it is that you live with a vampire. Speaking of Jungkook, it really bums you out that he doesn’t like you. 
Maybe it’s just the alcohol and exhaustion that is making you feel this way, but the more you dwell on it, the more it gets to you. You have been nothing but nice and accepting these past three months since the day you met him, and frankly, its unfair that he treats you the way he does. 
So, instead of walking to your room, you decide to make an admittedly unwise detour. You know that this isn’t a good idea, but hey, fuck it, right? If he was going to kill you or drain you of your blood he would have already, it’s not like this is going to suddenly make him angrier than what he already is. 
It’s the moment before your palm touches the cold door knob, that a petulant sound graces your ears. 
Actually, the more you listen and the louder the sound grows, you realize its far more than just petulant. It’s a cry, sharp and enough for your fight or flight senses to kick in. 
All your last two braincells can piece together is vampire, girl, crying, and before you know it, you are impulsively swinging Jungkooks door open. 
There are a few things you are expecting to find. Perhaps, a girl getting her throat ripped out. A room covered in blood. A sight that would undoubtedly be Lestats wet dream. 
But, to your surprise, there are none of those things. 
Just Jungkook, with one knee propped up on his messy bed, fingers digging into a soft pair of hips as he fucks the stranger into his mattress with enough force to make the person hang onto his nightstand for dear life.
You don’t even realize how long you've been staring until you hear Jungkook yelling, one arm in the air as he uses the other to cove his still hard manhood with one of his beige colored sheets. 
“Get the fuck out! Didn’t I tell you to never come in here?!” 
One look into his raven eyes, and you seem to come back down to reality, feet finally moving as you run out, slamming the door behind you before scuttling into your room, out of breath. 
You close your eyes, back against your door as you try to figure out what in the fuck just happened. 
You thought Jungkook was murdering someone, but instead, you just found him clapping cheeks. 
You feel like crying, quite honestly. You have always been like that, too sensitive for being scolded, too soft to be yelled at. You should have taken up Taehyungs offer and just stayed with him and Jimin, it would have been a hell of a lot better than making your already irate roommate dislike you even more. 
You don’t bother to remove your clothes as you slip into your bed, underneath the weight of your comforter. You try to think of anything other than the sight you’ve just seen, but it proves to be even harder than you think when you hear his bedroom door creak open, footsteps padding towards the front door before it opens, and then slams shut. 
You are going to hear it in the morning. 
The sun warms your skin as its golden rays peer through your blinds, light being the only thing you can see from behind your eyelids. 
For a moment you almost forget about last nights disconcerting events. Key word, almost.
Dread fills your empty stomach as you hear rustling coming from the kitchen just down the hall, signaling that Jungkook is awake. 
You have three options. 
Number one: pretend it never happened, go on about your business. 
Number two: just wait until he’s gone, then go make breakfast, and continue to avoid him at all costs. 
Number three: talk to him.
In your head, none of these will go particularly well. Pretending it never happened just isn’t going to happen, considering Jungkook practically jump at every opportunity he has to scold you. He will definitely give you hell for this one. 
Avoiding him is also literally impossible, since you literally live with him and will have to cross his path sometime or another. 
Talking to him, even with all the options being bad, is the best one. Perhaps he will understand once you explain to him that you were tipsy and totally misinterpreted what was going on. 
Or maybe the situation is just as helpless as you think it is. 
You open your door just enough to make sure Jungkook won’t see you as you scamper off to the bathroom, only catching sign of his back before you are in the clear. 
Emptying your bladder and brushing your teeth gives you time to think. Not nearly enough, though. But you figure if you brush any longer your gums will start to bleed, so it’s time to suck it up. 
You hype yourself up enough to actually feel semi confident as you walk out, giving your reflection a sigh. You look tired and scared, an image you don’t like. 
You know Jungkook knows you have entered the room, he’s a vampire, a stubborn and irritable one at that. But still, he leans against the counter with his broad back facing you as you sit at a bar stool opposite of him. 
He is sipping something out of a mug, what most people would presume to be coffee, but with all things considered you know better. Although, it probably is sort of like a vampires breakfast, so it doesn’t really bother you as much as it used to. 
It’s quiet until you speak, and you are sure he can sense the lump in your throat, the pounding of your pulse. Sure, like you've stated, you aren't scared of Jungkook by any means, but you are most definitely intimidated at times. 
It’s funny, because his appearance can sometimes juxtapose his personality and nature so much, that any one else would think of him as a soft young man with a charming smile and sweet eyes. 
If they only knew. 
“Listen, I really want to apologize for last night. I-I should have respected not only your wishes, but your privacy above all.” 
You take a deep breath, some of the blood returning to your face as you finally get your initial statement out into the open. 
He doesn’t reply for a few minutes, which should freak you out, but instead honestly gives you more time to breath properly before he finally does. 
“I honestly don’t know if you are an imbecile, or just human. Did you not hear what was going on? Did you just decide to barge in anyways despite specific instruction to never enter my room?”
Despite his words being venomous, his voice is eerily calm. Still, you hate how it’s making you stammer over your own words, how it’s making you feel inferior in a way that's unlike any other.
“T-That's the thing, I didn’t know what I was hearing exactly-” he cuts you off, whipping around to face you with both of his palms flat on top of the granite countertop. A gasp passes your lips as his wicked gaze meets your meek one, your eyes instinctively flicking to his chest as to avoid his malevolent stare.
“Oh I’m sorry, was the please Jungkook don’t stop, not a clear enough of an indication?!” 
At his voices rise in octave, you find yourself shuddering, trying to fight back the tears that burn the back of your throat. You don’t want him to see you cry, that's the last thing you;d ever want, in fact. For people like him, you feel as if it will only give them more of a reason to call you weak. 
“Cat got your tongue?” he spits as you fail to respond. It’s only a few more moments before you manage to find your voice 
“You know what I really heard before I barged in? What I thought was crying. And for a moment all I could see was an image of you, ripping some innocent girls throat out. For the first time, I was scared of you. Terrified, even.” 
His countenance twists into one of disgust and confusion, as if you’ve just used a slur. 
“And the worst part is that, after I realized I was wrong, I felt awful. Awful for going against your rules, awful for thinking you could ever do something like that. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that I wasn’t too far off the mark. Turns out you don't have to rip some ones throat out in order to be a vile person. I will be out of your hair by next week.”
He’s stunned, for the first time in a long time as you scoot away from the counter while wiping your cheeks free of the tears that spilled from your eyes, hopping off of the bar stool and disappearing into your room. 
He feels odd. No, he feels sick, if this is even what sick feels like. He can’t really remember the last time he felt like this, like if he had a beating heart, it would be bleeding out. Ok, that's dramatic, but he can’t explain it any other way. 
He doesn’t care if he hurts you, right? No. He does care, that's why he feels like this, right? You have never even shown an ounce of fear towards him, yet you were actually scared last night? Of him? 
No. No. This doesn’t feel right. You are Y/N, with an annoying bright smile and sweaters that are two times two large for your frame and who always manages to annoy him to the highest degree with your loud ass laughing whenever you’re watching Brooklyn 99. 
In fact, he actually remembers being pissed off at first, at the fact that you never even batted an eye at anything he did that showcased his vampiric characteristics. He is a monster, he feeds on your kind. 
Why are you acting as if he is just like anyone else? 
Some where deep inside, Jungkook wanted you to see him as evil. That's what he’s thought of himself for an entire century. 
But having you cry because of him, admit that you were terrified, to see a dark cloud of sorrow above your head; it doesn't feel as satisfying as he thought it would. In fact, it doesn't feel good at all. It feels like it’s shredding his insides. 
What the fuck are you doing to him, and how does he make this right?
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venus-nex · 8 years
Loosing my phone 2
So today I got my phone back!!!
So you know how I lost my phone yesterday ((all my fault, really)) between 4th and 5th hour and how I went to the office and I didn’t have any suspects? Well, at lunch, I sure as hell did. This girl in my school, we’ll call her T, sat uncomfortably close to me yesterday in our Science class, 5th hour. she and I were talking even though we rarely do, her talking about maybe getting me a gift card for my birthday because she “couldn’t get me one last year” and yeah. So, apparently while I was talking to my friend Jacky on my right, she had somehow taken my phone without the case without me knowing. She had been saying that for the gift card might need a pin and I said, quote on quote, “Yeah, sure, if you have to you can do a pin. Yeah, just make it my lunch number, because it’s also my phone password. Here it is.” and then wrote my lunch number on a paper. Yeah. I’m stupid and was practically asking for her to take it. But anyway, this girl is such a hoe and here’s why. She had uninstalled Pandora, Fb Messenger, deleted ALL of my contacts, and had signed me out of Instagram, signed in herself, ADDED HER GMAIL ON THE PHONE AS IF IT WAS HER OWN, and even installed Kik, Snapchat,Soundcloud ((which I don’t understand. I had Pandora AND downloaded music.)), and musical.ly but I’m glad she didn’t touch mess with my quotev, facebook, my gmail, my friend’s gmail that was still on my phone from when they had given me the phone ((I took it off now)) or anything of mine. In fact, she had taken pictures and screenshots so I have stuff from it. But this girl also SHAMELESSLY LIED TO ME ABOUT IT. At lunch today before I got it she was on Musical.ly with her friend. I didn’t see the screen, but I knew it was musical.ly. And also yesterday she had told me that she “doesn’t bring her phone to school ever.” and then the next day has a phone. I tried to normally ask her “I thought you didn’t bring your phone to school?” and she replied “oh, my dad told me to bring it.” and then of course I told my friends that I was pretty sure it was my phone because it didn’t have a case and looked like my phone. We went to the office and told the VERY NICE LADY THAT HAD HELPED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE THE OTHER DAY ((sorry, just wanted to try to point out how nice she was)) about T being our suspect ((another friend that hadn’t came with us to the office told us her last name)) and her exact reply was “not again.” OH YES, AGAIN APPARENTLY. THIS CHICK APPARENTLY PRACTICALLY STEALS A PHONE EVERYDAY. So, I was sent to the (nice) principal’s office to tell him about it. Our principal’s really cool actually. I go to church with him so I’m not as tense with him as I would be with any normal principal. ANYWAY, I told him, he sent me to 6th hour since we had gone to the office at the end of lunch, and found out T’s 6th hour. They got the phone while I was in band and then called me out. I had stepped outside the band room and was asked if it was my phone. I looked at it and nodded. HOW I KNEW: 1: chrome and youtube at the bottom of the screen didn’t look like the default chrome and youtube. I did this couple months ago, using an app to make them colorful (also instagram, but that was in a folder). 2: when I went to contacts and typed my BFF’s name ((she’s home school, T shouldn’t have known her)), my BFF’s gmail showed up. Now, then I noticed she had added her own name and phone number at the “you” part of the contacts, and it had indeed MY slytherin picture. at that point, I had also said to the principal; “also, when I plug my phone in, it makes a little sound and looks like a droplet near the charger port. I have my charger in my bag if you want to see.” he had of course replied yes and then asked if all Samsung Galaxy On5s did this. Idk. but then he was like “okay” or whatever and asked if he could leave with the phone and my charger. Of course, him being the principal, I had to say yes. So he left back to the office and I left back to back, looking at the doors as often I could, trying to see if I could see the principal through the windows coming to hand me my phone. I had no luck. IN 6TH HOUR. So i left for 7th hour and ((I accidentally went into the wrong hallway, the 7th grade hallway where my normal classes are, not the 8th grade hallway. T saw this and made me realize it was the wrong hall (we have the same 7th hour) and so I have to credit her for helping me back to the right hallway or realizing I was in the wrong hallway but anyway)) when I walked into 7th hour had asked if I can go to my normal Science class because I had left one of my books in class ((I knew it was there, who’d take my library book?)) and I was dismissed. I left to get my book, unsuccessfully might I add because the DAMN SUB HAD LEFT ALREADY. LIKE JEEZ YOU TEACH 6TH HOUR. IT’S ALMOST AS IF YOU LEFT THE CLASS ALONG WITH THE STUDENTS, BEING GONE NOT EVEN 5 MINUTES INTO 7TH HOUR. But anyway, sadly I left back to 7th hour, feeling like everything was going wrong today. But I was glad I still had another book to read. I was reading my book for about 30 minutes when I was called to the office I thought “please be me getting my phone back please be me getting my phone back” on repeat until getting to the office. I was so glad when the principal gave me my phone and charger. I quickly thanked him and left back to class. I had turned on my phone and of course T had changed my lockscreen from my lovely purple haired make up wearing Benedict Cumberbatch. The pin was also changed to a pattern and of course when I had asked T if she knew what it was, she did. She was signed me in, showing me what it was, and I quickly changed it back (I can assure you, later at home I changed it to something else). I had spent the rest of the class deleting apps she had installed, thanked god she hadn’t uninstalled Kindle (because damn it can be hard to sign in) and died inside again like at 6th hour when I saw ALL my contacts were gone. I was looking to see if she had touched my notes, thankfully no, and same with my alarms ((haha she suffered through them all)) As we left class and I had deleted all apps I needed, not being able to reinstall my own apps until I got home, something popped up. saying “too many contacts deleted too quickly” and I literally stopped. I clicked three dots on the side and it had said in the middle “undelete all contacts” “undelete all contacts” “UNDELETE ALL CONTACTS” ARE YOU CRAZY OF COURSE. So yeah, that’s the story. Dang, this was long. ANYWAY that is the whole story
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nicegoodgolden-blog · 8 years
All the One Direction asks :) xx
Oh my gosh. Im about to bore everyone e to sleep. (Tagging you, @petalsharry, because you sent me in a few too!) Here we gooooo…
What Makes You Beautiful: Name three things you love about yourself.My kids(they’re part of me)…honestly, that’s it…
Gotta Be You: Talk about your crush!Crush…hmm…so besides hubs, I’m gonna go with my man Niall Horan this time. WHAT A BABE…amiright?!
One Thing: What’s one thing your dream girl/boy HAS to have?A good heart
More Than This: What’s the bravest thing you ever did?Given birth…lol, I really don’t know…
Up All Night: Talk about the craziest night of your life.Probably the night in 11th grade when I got so drunk and started throwing up so hard that I lost my shoe somehow & partied with one shoe on for the rest of the night.
I Wish: What’s your biggest dream?I’d love to be a singer
Tell Me A Lie: What was your most recent lie?I told my son that if he ate his dinner he’d get a surprise…I am not above bribery.
Taken: Talk about your last relationship.I’ve only had one relationship really…and I married him, God help him
I Want: Name three things you want in lifeGood music forever, for people to love one another, for my children to grow up happy
Everything About You: Who’s your biggest celebrity crush?Harry Styles, for this question lol
Same Mistakes: What’s your most common mistake?I stay up too late
Save You Tonight: Which three things would you save if there was a fire?Things? Computer bc it has so many important photos on it, my kids old baby blankets, clothes for my kids
Stole My Heart: Have you ever fallen for someone you shouldn’t have fallen for?Boy, have I…
Stand Up: What’s your favourite sport?Basketball
Moments: Talk about something good that recently happened to you.I got to go grocery shopping all by myself without the hubs or kids & it was so relaxing
Another World: Which fictional world would you want to live in if you could?I just wanna go to Hogwarts
Na Na Na: What’s one thing you can never say no to?Fried chicken
I Should Have Kissed You: Is there something you regret?Im about to sound so cliche…but no. I really do t regret a thing. Everything I’ve done had gotten me where I am, and I like where I am
Live While We’re Young: Talk about a childhood memory.My fav is probably spending so much time with my Nana when I was younger
Kiss You: Tell the story of your first kiss.I was 15/16, I finally convinced my older crush (who liked me too) to come to the party my friend & I had while her parents were out of town…we ended up sitting on the front porch talking about life until like 6am…I walked him out to his truck as he left & he leaned in and it just kind of happened. It was both terrible & wonderful at the same time
Little Things: Name five things you find attractive in others.Intelligence, a good heart, sense of humor, musical talent is always nice, good hair
C'Mon, C'Mon: What’s your dream destination for a good vacation?Ireland
Last First Kiss: Do you want to get married? If so, talk about your dream wedding.I am…my wedding was my dream wedding lol
Heart Attack: Are you jealous?Nah
Rock Me: List your ten favourite bands.Bands? One Direction, Jonas Brothers, Kings of Leon, Rolling Stones, Nirvana, The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, The Eagles
Change My Mind: Are you good at making final decisions or do you easily change your mind?I really don’t know…I’m really indecisive at first, but once I actually make a decision, I’m stuck with it
I Would: Name three guilty pleasures of yours.I hide some of my kids candy that they get from their grandmas house & eat it myself, I hide honeybuns so that I’ll have a stash when my husband thinks he’s eaten them all, sometimes I act like I have a bad headache so that my husband will pick up dinner on his way home from work so I don’t have to cook…in conclusion, I’m a fatass
Over Again: Talk about your first love.First love…idk if it was love…maybe it was. He was my first kiss. A wonderful guy that “got away.” He actually live a few houses down from me with his gf, lol. Damn tiny towns.
Back For You: Talk about your best friend.I miss her.
They Don’t Know About Us: Share a secret!I hate my husbands mustache
Summer Love: Talk about a summer memory.I spent a week in a beach house with my bff when I was 16/17…a good fuckin week, man
She’s Not Afraid: What’s your favourite horror film?Probably The Strangers……..“because you were home”
Loved You First: Are you a possessive person?Not too bad
Nobody Compares: Who’s your idol?No idol…but I really admire Harry Styles, wonderful human being
Best Song Ever: List your ten favourite songs.Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley, Wild Horses - The Rolling Stones, all of MITAM (counts as the rest of the 10) lmao
Story Of My Life: List five things you can’t live without.Air, food, water, blood, food
Diana: What would you name your children?I’m not gonna give out my kids’ names…but if I ever have anymore, I love the names: Blythe Opal, Heslin James, Thea Rose, & Noah Silas
Midnight Memories: Talk about a dream you recently had.Last night I dreamt that Harry Styles was never a real person & he was a figment of our imaginations 🙃
You & I: Talk about your OTP.OTP within the fandom: Sophiam, I just loved them…I do love Chiam too, but Sophiam was just…wowOutside the fandom: Jack Dawson & Rose DeWitt Bukater…don’t make me elaborate because id be here typing for 8000 years
Don’t Forget Where You Belong: Where do you feel home?Anywhere that I get a certain vibe
Strong: What are your three best qualities?Um, motherhood is my best quality…my kids make me who I am. I don’t know about the other two, really…I mean, I can drink a 2liter of Dr. Pepper in one sitting & polish off a box of honeybuns in less than 24hrs…do those count?
Happily: Name three things that make you happy.My family, good music, people being nice
Right Now: Do you miss someone at the moment?Nah
Little Black Dress: How would you describe your style?Hobo-chic
Through The Dark: What helps you when you’re feeling down?My kids & music
Something Great: Where do you see yourself in ten years?Mommin’ it tf up
Little White Lies: Talk about your #1 sexual fantasy.Any sex that doesn’t involve trying to hurry before the kids bust through the door 💀
Better Than Words: Do you read fanfiction? If so, what’s your favourite fanfiction?Not a lot
Why Don’t We Go There?: Which big cities have you been to?Vegas, Houston, NOLA
Does He Know?: Would you be up for a threesome?No thanks
Alive: What’s one thing you’d never tell your “real life” friends?I really don’t know lol
Half A Heart: What’s your favourite lovestory? ( Book, film, etc. )Titanic
Steal My Girl: Did you ever steal anything?Once even I was 4 I stole Reese’s cups from the store & my mom made me go back in & apologize
Ready To Run: If you could have one super power, which would you choose?I’d fly
Where Do Broken Hearts Go?: Talk about the best concert you ever attented.Jonas Bros WYLMITE Tour. 4th row. Nick pointed & winked at me. I haven’t been the same since.
18: Do you wish you were younger or older?I’m good where I am
Girl Almighty: What makes you sexy?Lmao nuthin
Fool’s Gold: Do you fall for people quickly?I used to, yeah. I’m still quick to be infatuated though. I get attached to things/people easily
Night Changes: What’s one thing you don’t ever want to change?Good question…
No Control: Can you control your temper ?Most of the time
Fireproof: What scares you?Nothing, I’m fearless…kidding. Everything.
Spaces: Did you ever let someone go for good?Yes
Stockholm Syndrome: Name five kinks of yours.All I know is I like my hair pulled & my ass grabbed tight. Hollaaaaa
Clouds: What’s your star sign? Does your personality match it?I’m an Aquarius…is that the same as a star sign? Lmao idk
Change Your Ticket: What would you do with a million dollars?A lot of cool shit
Illusion: Do you believe in higher powers?I believe in God
Once In A Lifetime: What’s three things you want to do before you die?Meet Harry StylesHug Harry StylesMeet Harry Styles
Act My Age: Do you consider yourself mature?Sometimes…old soul, young heart
Just Can’t Let Her Go: Name five turn ons.Just be nice lmao & like good music
Phewwww…thanks babes xx
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hasansonsuzceliktas · 5 years
Men and their Signs
I’m one of those people who asks the grocer about his Zodiac sign while trying to buy some parsley. People’s signs are of great importance to me. I can, like a bolt out of the blue, tell if they will be a good friend, a faithful husband, or a dutiful citizen of their country and nation. My mother is very much the same; she can work out the plumber’s sign by just watching how he attends to her sink. You can hear her saying, “He must be a Virgo. His work is not sloppy, you see. He didn’t flood the kitchen like that other one did.” Since I’m very knowledgeable about this subject, I decided to enlighten you about men and their Zodiac signs. ARIES: Goodness! There’s no other sign that’s more of an art-lover, gourmet and voyager. It’s so much so that he eventually drives you mad. You can’t wear this with that, eat this with that, or listen to this music without that liquor. I mean, he really lays it all on you. If you were to attend a cooking course with him, you’d find yourself pushed aside while he shows you how to peel the vegetables and ends up cooking the whole meal by himself. He has a roving eye that’s so huge you can’t fail to notice it! He’s colloquially described as the swagger whose head and butt move in different directions, but he tells you that he’s not a ladies’ man—he just likes to socialize with people to look cool. He’s friendly with all his ex-girlfriends, to the extent he’ll throw baby showers for them, but he’s a good, harmless person after all… TAURUS: He has the head for financial affairs, but he’s really a disciplined, fun and vivacious person. He’s a very good cook, but he’s extremely grudging, so much so that he might be the herald of judgment day. Never will he forget the kindnesses or evils you do to him. He’s very fond of food, fun, and pleasure, and he thinks he’s the leader of his social circle when he isn’t. He can’t control even the slightest flow of emotion. He always gives his own life priority, so understand that if you told him you’re about to die, you’ll have to deal with rationale from him such as, “Hang on! I need to finish this. Try not to die until I’m finished, okay?” Taurus is one of the most principled signs that know how to say “no.” Well, no thanks. GEMINI: These men are funny and entertaining, but that’s about it! Most of them are quick to fall in and out of love. There’s such excitement and such fun. Wow! And then bam! They snap out of it. These guys fail to maintain a relationship just about every time. Surely there must be a Gemini who is in a serious relationship, but I just haven’t met any for some strange reason. (What’s a serious relationship, anyway?) This doesn’t mean that they’ll wake up not loathing you just because they were in love with you last night. They’re avid workers; they dream big and want to become rich one day. On the other hand, when they fail, they tend to throw mud around and bad mouth everyone they know. They are all friendly and genial, and there’s nothing they won’t do for their friends. People like them a lot, because they’re entertaining and appealing people after all, but I think we shouldn’t expect too much from these guys. CANCER: Ah ha! Keep this one, girls, because he’s the one to marry. Needless to say, they make great fathers. They are generally considerate, naive, loving, and affectionate people. They’re overly emotional, however, so there’s a good chance you’ll see plenty of tears at some point in your relationship. Don’t put them down, because I don’t have the heart to bear this. Because they’re very domestic and overwhelmed by compassion, their feminine sides might become exasperated over time. Women are usually jerks anyway, so they usually don’t go for Cancerian men, but once they start to sag with age, most of them will chase after Cancerian guys (wink). Finally, they are a bit overly fond of their mothers and can be a bit lazy as well, although it’s not a nuisance. LEO: Hey dude, what’s with all the ego? Oh yeah, it’s that slice of the Zodiac again. They puff themselves up so much that they can capture an entire army by just shooting off their mouths. These guys certainly deserve the title of “king of the jungle,” because they come into this world just to hunt. Women, whether in the heavens or on the earth, are all for them. If you’re not strong or intelligent enough, you’ll end up being a doormat in this relationship. They love and adore intelligent women you see. They like to show off, and they won’t even dive into the sea unless there are at least three people around. They need to be at the front, even when queuing for the washroom, because they have a severe leadership psychosis. They’re good friends, however. They like good food, conversation, the arts, and music, and that just takes the cake. VIRGO: Are we ready? Here we go: Don’t look down on a moody, paranoid lunatic, because they’re just Virgos. It’s the last sign that a woman would want in a relationship (with exceptions of course), but generally they’re “fatal errors”! This man will tell you he’ll cook lasagna for you, but when he goes out shopping to buy some ground beef, he never comes back. They have big moves. Each of them hides an artistic side deep within their souls, hence their continual suffering and crisis. They can hide their feelings like an Agatha Christie character; they’re intellectual and eternally lonely. I mean like forever alone. These men love or praise people from a considerable distance, yet their rage is surprisingly daring. Finally, Virgo is the most self-oriented sign of them all. LIBRA: Libra is an air sign, so this man lives his life like a steam iron. Libras are easy going and sympathetic, and they’ll never play the devil because they’re willing to go your way. They’re whimsical and can alternate between tennis and archery courses. If some friends were to move to Namibia, they wouldn’t waste a moment in researching the geography and the climate of the place in preparation of following them. They hate loneliness and constantly search for a mate. They can never play it cool near a well-groomed, beautiful woman. Librans are good hearted and harmless people, and they are intelligent and sensitive. However, marriage and Libra are to each other like Courtney Love and Dave Grohl. Show them love, have some fun, and go to places, but at the end of the day, get back to the safety of home right away. SCORPIO: Just as Suleiman the Magnificent’s kiblah was his conscience, the needle of a Scorpio man’s compass is his weenie. These men greatly deserve the effects of their reputation, because they keep hearing the same old exclamation from girls: “A Scorpio? Yew, aren’t they lecherous!” A Scorpio is talkative, funny, and comfortable, and he doesn’t rush at his work. If they become rich, it will be most probably due to chance. They greatly benefit from underground literature that gets the fingers of youths burned. They’re oh so rebellious and reckless with their so-called cool attitude… Now that’s a Scorpio for you. They easily fall in love, but to get them down the aisle is a tall order. SAGITTARIUS: He’s the BFF of all girls and a diehard companion during hard times. These jackals are highly favored. Sagittarians are rare people that try to learn from their mistakes but heroically fail at it. They are prone to order champagne when they’re on a beer budget, because they are far from disciplined and tend to philander at all costs. Really though, they have the Johnny Depp effect on girls; women crave for a Sagittarian to go with them shopping, on vacation, or to a concert. When their girlfriends make a fuss about the number of girls around them, they successfully fool them into believing they are just world citizens with lots of friends. Sagittarian men are the Happy Feet of girls, and they are really cute. This isn’t a lie, because I like these punks as well. CAPRICORN: Capricorns constantly try to hitch their wagons to the stars. They’re cheerful and jolly but very stubborn. They never get out of their depth, so they keep suffocating people until they finally grasp the logic of a matter. They’re rigorous and tidy, so much so that you can easily mistake them for a retired colonel. They’re loyal, but they have their own rules. Now, this one is important: They never cheat. They’re hot and cold blooded at the same time, but they never hold a grudge. They worship their mothers, and they readily get hitched once they find a respectable girl that’s like their mother. They know their limits, and they don’t waste their money, so don’t expect them to have your name painted in the sky by a jet plane. However, you should expect your children to get into a private school. They’re secretly jealous of their partners, jealous almost to the extent of throwing them out of the car, but they never actually throw them out, and that’s what matters. They’re obsessed, critical, and squeamish. It’s like each of them is in fact a Simon Cowell. AQUARIUS: This one’s a bit of a megalomaniac. An Aquarian man gets nonplussed by his excessive amount of talent and intelligence every time he thinks about it. He’s creative, funny, and fastidious. He sets the bar high, so he tends to be left on the shelf. He’s very fond of technology, searching Google for information on the iPhone 6 when the iPhone 5 is still being developed. He likes to create baseless dramas in his head. He’s patient, but once he reaches his limit, he brings down the house like the best new band of the year. He’s yet another genial man who can donate a kidney to a friend, yet he’s too lazy to take his mother to Walmart. His social circle is fairly large. He wants to become a jet pilot one day and an actor the next. As you can see, he’s a stargazer. I’m not saying this just because I’m also an Aquarian, but they’re all intellectual, more so than you can ever be. PISCES: He takes shelter first in his jokes, and then his god, when trying to chat up a girl. He kind of has a diva kink; he doesn’t eat everywhere and doesn’t chum up with everyone. He’s intelligent and funny, but he’s also self-indulgent. Given half the chance, he would cover the whole world with loveseats and the entire south with air conditioners. He can be tight-assed, although it doesn’t last long. He’s very emotional by nature and can easily be discouraged, and many Piscean men like alcohol for this simple reason. He’s very fond of his home and family. His mood easily sways from one pole to the other, and the same baseless drama of the Aquarian men is also present in Pisces. He has hysterical attacks from time to time, thinking that the whole world opposes him. He’s a favorite lover and a good friend. The sign of Pisces has the lowest chance of cheating in relationships, but nevertheless, pray that he won’t go astray. Read the full article
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anonymousfeeling137 · 5 years
When you meet your Ex
I met my ex 7months ago at a funeral.. We hadn't spoken to each other in 4 years. When I saw him I was so happy and wanted to talk to him and ask him how he was doing.. He didn't say anything to me and left. I texted him why he left without talking.. To which he responded with 😀 this emoji..
Then slowly we started talking about each other.. He told me he never stopped loving me and that when he saw me he felt the exact same feeling when he got when we were together and that he could have done everything by now for me and convinced everyone in our family for our marriage.. (we are second cousins, mind you, and had a long distance relationship for 3 years)
We started talking again and love sparked and I fell for him all over again.. We started talking to each other on calls, msgs, video calls. He would always insist on video calls even if I we couldn't talk he wanted to see me.. And would say that he would never let me go this time now that I am back..
We met in Indore and I stayed there for a week and met him everyday and we got intimate.. He was all good with me.. Then after the week.. I came back to my city and he got busy with his studies, we stayed in contact via calls and msgs, yet every time he would sound a lil distant.. But I knew he was stressed out with his studies, family and everything.
On April 29th(his birthday), he was at a wedding. He's childhood friend (and a distant relative of his and mine) was getting married to my bhabhi's sister. My brother was there and so were my family and his family.. My bhabhi never said a word to me to come join them for the wedding, she is a narcissistic malicious women and has my brother and my family under her control and fault pretence of being the victim of abuse by me. (which is completely wrong). She and her family (my brother's in law's) have told everyone that I am torchering her to do things.
Mind you we live in a metro city, and we have never ever tried to control or harress her. My brother always takes her side and does what she says.. Yet she made everyone believe her over the actual truth.. She and malicious actions had made my life hell after she got married to my brother 3 years back..
When I met my ex.. He told me what his friend/groom had told him about me.. Which he himself said that I didn't date her(me) now but I know she(me) is not that kinda person who would harress anyone. Anyways, when he told me this that's when I got to know what they had been doing.. All this while when my aunts and others were taunting me randomly and would fight with me, I thought it was me who they had problem with.. I hadn't told anyone what she would do to me and how she would spoil my things steal my money and hide food so I couldn't eat.. There had been times I had stayed hungry all day and had nothing in the house to cook or eat.. Coz she even hides /locks up stuff in her cupboard. Anyways, I suffer from chronic depression, PCOS, Anxiety disorder and dyslexia, I have had consulted psychologist and taking meds for PCOS..
Anyways the behavior of those people and all the accusations made my mental health even worse and even had no support from anyone in the family. And bhabhi and her family intends to mentally torture me so I would commit suicide like my mother.. Which they would be the sole in charge over our property as fooling others wouldn't be that big of a problem. They manipulate my family that she will kill herself if I stayed with her as I am a bad guy here.. Where actually I am a scapegoat to all the malicious intentions and tortures..
Anyways back to the story, when my bf(previous ex) said this was told about you.. I was more stressed on the level of hatred they had for me. I started telling him what exactly had happened and the truth about who tortures whom.
Somehow I felt like he would understand me and stand by me when I needed him. So I would tell him what all the shit she does on a day to day basis after the wedding.
When I came back from indore, after the "intimate moments", he would ask me all the time to make sure I didn't get pregnant or anything...
So after he came back from the wedding I asked him what happened in the wedding... Like I wanted to know what my bhabhi had done more to spoil my image.. What poison she had injected now.. He said he wasn't aware of it.. She looked pretty normal to do such a thing to anyone and when he asked his friend the groom about his wife /the bride's behavior he said she is very good. So yeah.. But by the time he said that we were already having a heated argument and I was so angry by his attitude that I said this groom is your FRIEND, but he is not fucking you to tell you about his wife and their conversation especially after when you had previously said that I wouldn't hurt anyone... Why would he tell his friend what his wife told about her sisters inlaws after you had made clear that you don't believe his wife.. Why would he.. Are you letting him fuck you or what(because pillow talks, not that I didn't suspected him, but seriously we were fighting) .. Anyway what I meant was.. His friend and his woman were couples and couples talk all the things including good and bad about anyone they hate or love.. Which my brother and my bhabhi do too.. And I have seen how my brother takes her side all the fucking time even when he knows that she is doing wrong.. Even when she tells him not to talk to me he would do it and mind you me my bother and her live together in our house. But he never says anything bad about my bhabhi to me or anyone even when she had made it very clear that she hates me and even when he got to know that she had stolen more than 1 lac from him when he was abroad and gave it to her father.. Accused me of torturing her that she had a miscarriage when my brother was abroad for 5 months and she'd had her periods every fucking month.. He still choose to believe that crap.. When his bff who's house he was staying in abroad how bullshit her logic is and that everymonyh you tell me today she has trouble coz she had periods and you believe she had a miscarriage when you hadn't seen her for 5 months..who's child was it.. (these thing brother told me when he realized what she had done and why he wasn't talking to me since he left) anyways..
I think he is taking her side becoz
1. He gets free sex, to Kuch bolo to uska action band hojaega
2. She is always seeking his attention no matter where they are, which make him feel more of a man
3. She is gets very jealous and angry when he talks to anyone women, so to avoid unnecessary drama and conflict that doesn't concern him, she had even asked him when he they got married initially to stop talking to me and my cousins...
Now, you might think that he loves, which I thought too but he doesn't, considering he's still flirting and in intimate contact with his exes and I know this coz those exes were known to me and they keep calling and texting me when my bhabhi saw their msgs and had a cat fight with them..
Anyways.. They don't a have a romantic relationship with each other.. They just satisfy each other's selfish needs and requirements and that's the foundation of their "love", so it gets altered and modified as per needs and wants time to time...
After that huge fight with my bf when I told him that your friend doesn't get to fuck you, he gets to fuck his wife and would never choose you over her, my bf got offended, then disappeared for a week. I too was angry at his attitude so I didn't call him either.. Now I know the way I said was wrong and I called him to apologize.. Which he didn't say anything to and said he will call me back but then never called me or texted me whatsoever
After about a week or so due to his lack of response and communication and after waiting for him to tell me something I called and confronted him to which he said since I hurt his ego he doesn't love me anymore and doesn't feel like talking to me..
Then I asked him what he wants to do with the relationship to which he responded that he never was in a relationship and that HE doesn't trust me if I will leave him again when he had clearly used and dumped me and didn't even tell me that he wants to breakup.. Like when he was hurting me for something, he was scared of me hurting him for the same thing.. The audacity of that boy(I wouldn't call me a man coz he never had the balls to be one) saying that while he slept with me was because I forced him to and that it concentual and almost forced to him so he was never in relationship with me at all.. So he doesn't have an issue leaving me without even telling me that he is.. But he needed that commitment from me coz he couldn't trust me after I left him 4 years ago..
Anyways... That's my story.. The post break up experience with my ex..
I don't think that's what people except it to be but it is the truth..
People change over a period of time and no one can actually make someone be in love with anyone... People love by choice and making it love by chance of fate or whatever is bullshit bollywood/Hollywood crap to sell their crappy love stories...
You leave your ex for a reason and yes feeling for someone or attraction for someone might be there somewhere but they are out of your life for a reason and that's probably should be the way it is.. What the girl did in this video is absolutely correct.. If the relationship was worth anything it wouldn't have ended in the first place..
That's all I got to say..
And also that.. Our behavior is in our hand and it's up to us to change but our behavior doesn't define us.. Yes we make a lot of mistakes which costs us relationship but we can always change our behavior for ourselves and our loved ones, our reactions to good or bad situations or emotions and actions... But we cannot and should not change our Character for anyone..
I have learned that bringing outside problems to relationships can take the essence of it and anger is our worst enemy. We should learn to be controlled and collected in any situation no matter how bad they affect us.. To stay away from people who don't support us and love us when we're at our worst... And to respect yourself enough to let go of anything person, relationship, situation that's toxic for you.. Its easier said than done, I know, but it must be done... At the end it would be definitely difficult to live without someone you truly love but it's IMPOSSIBLE to live without yourself... So love yourself and choose what's best for you..
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