#And you all get a Cookie- uwu đŸȘ
creepychippy · 9 months
Self-Reflection Post
Now, before I begin, I want to point out that this isn't some sort of "I'm leaving Tumblr" or "big Changes are going to be made on this Blog" Post.
This is just something Fun I wanted to do for myself and also because I thought it would be fitting, considering it's going to be the End of the Year.
With that being said, I'll put my very lenghty Ramblings under a Cut for those curious to read.
General Stuff:
Now, I reflected what this Blog actually means to me, and the best way it describes it is something someone once on Tumblr said:
Personal Blogs are like open Diaries for you to put the Stuff you like into and People can look at it and even put their own Thoughts down as well if they want to.
I mostly reblog Memes as well as wholesome Content and occasionally post Art onto it because that is what I like. I like how Things are being run here on my Blog and I don't want to change that.
It may sound weird what I'm saying, but I also like this Blog because when the Moment comes where I have to leave this World, then there is always a Piece of me that is still here and for People to find, look at and remember me by. They can always discover what kind of Person I was if they are curious enough.
Regarding my Art:
Just with what I reblog, the Art I post here is what I personally like and enjoy. I make Art when I feel like it and post it if I want to.
I don't make Art for the Sake of gaining Attention and I like the chill Design of Tumblr (that is also why I rarely post on Instagram, since it's a Competition with the Algorithm on there in a way).
There was a Time when I was younger where I would post Art and then compare my Self-Worth with how much Attention it got, but I gradually realized that it was damaging my mental Health, even to the point where I thought about quitting Art altogether.
Don't get me wrong, I do like receiving Attention on my Art. I have Moments where I reread what People left as Tags under my Artworks because they make me happy. However, I don't prioritize receiving Attention as my #1 Goal anymore when it comes to creating Art.
While my t-worded Art receives a ton of Notes (around 80-100, sometimes even over 200), my general/personal Art barely scrapes around 7-10 Notes, sometimes 20 if I'm lucky (which I understand. If you don't create for a Fandom, it is hard to build up an Audience for Artworks they have no basic Knowledge about and therefore Interest in). I still have one Artwork on my Blog that at this point of Time has 0 Notes on it, and you know what I said to myself?
"It's okay."
Because I prioritize creating Art for my own Enjoyment first and don't pressure myself with having to create something out of someone elses Enjoyment or having to create x-Amount of Art with a Timelimit.
Again, why I like Tumblr's Design so much is because it doesn't pressure you with a Timelimit to create a certain Amount of Art, else you're thrown out of the Algorithm (which is what Instagram does).
I don't like when I'm being pressured by Time (same goes for Time Missions in Video Games), because it stresses me out.
So having the Freedom to say "I create and post when I want to" makes me happy.
About Ideas:
Often Times, I will ask my Followers "Would you like me to draw [XY Idea]?/Would you like me to draw [Idea A] or [Idea B]?/etc?" and then receive an Answer, only for me to never draw said Ideas.
There are Moments where I will feel a little bit guilty about it, but then I have to remember something: I never made a Promise to draw anything to anyone.
So I shouldn't fault myself for it, especially since I never judge anyone else for it as well. Occasionally, there were Instances where People asked me in DMs "Hey, can I make a Fanfic inspired by [one of my Ideas I posted]?" with me answering "Of course.", only for them to never create said Fanfic, and I never blamed them for anything nor was I upset about it. Because sometimes, Life gets in the way or your Energy runs out or maybe you realized just later on that you can't actually work with the Idea now that you are holding it in your Hands, and that is totally okay. It happens to all of us and we shouldn't blame ourselves for it.
Regarding the T-Word Community:
There is something funny I noticed when it comes to some of my Posts. Sometimes, when they are reblogged, People will leave a "tickle community" Tag under it (which I don't mind, just pointing out).
However, I realized that I myself don't really feel like that I am Part of this Community.
Don't get me wrong. There are People from this Community that will approach me, talk with me and interact with me.
What I meant is that I am the one that doesn't approach People from t-word Community a lot. I will have Moments where I'll have a Burst of "I should interact with these People from the Community", yet these Interactions essentially boil down to me just making a haha funny Meme or a Joke rather than having an actual Conversation.
For me, cracking Jokes and being funny is the easiest way for me to interact with someone because it's the most comfortable way which also doesn't require a lot of Effort since I mostly don't know anything about the Person I am talking to.
On top of that, since I already have a Friend Group that isn't Part of the t-word Community whom I talk to daily and love and cherish, I often forget to interact with People that are Part of the t-word Community.
I also have to mention that often, either the Chemistry between me and someone else clicks or it doesn't, which is totally okay and natural for it to happen.
Now, I am not saying all of this for People to pity me and forcefully try to interact with me after reading all of this, since that is the last Thing I want. I am saying all of this because this is something I personally noticed after reflecting on it.
While by Definition I could be considered Part of the Community, in a way it doesn't really feel like I am truly Part of it since those Interactions between People who share the same Interest as me are largely missing.
Truth be told, there were also Moments on Tumblr where Posts were made in which People talk about a ton of Creators that create t-worded Content - and I was rarely if never mentioned in them despite me by Definition having been in said Community for Years and created Posts for it. My very first Post I ever made on Tumblr was a t-worded one.
It may sound rough with what I am about to say next and People can disagree with me on this, but I am essentially an Outsider in the t-word Community as far as I know. (I am not saying that out of negative Emotions like Sadness or anything like that, but rather what I see as a Matter of Fact in my personal View.)
In a weird way, however, it gives me a sort of Freedom which I enjoy. Because for Example, People never rush to me for my Opinion when "Community Drama" happens. I never get bombarded with thousands of Requests either which I appreciate.
Again, this is not in order to gain Pity Points, but something I realized, reflected upon and acknowledge.
In Conclusion:
I like how my Blog is being run right now and how Things are going, so I'm not going to change anything about that.
As for Interactions with other People, I could try to work on them but I am also not sad if it doesn't work out and just ends up being like before.
I enjoy the Type of Freedom I have on this Blog.
[If any of you read all of this to the End, you get a Cookie- đŸȘ]
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blueysobssesions · 1 year
Fem! Reader x husband! Leon
y/n and leon playing with their precious Daughter and his daughter and wife suprise him with a costume from an anime (sailor moon UwU) and persuade him to try it for a family matching costumes hihi
Btw love your fanfic,
You deserve a sweet cookie đŸȘ
Thank You for the cookie anon !!! I don't really know about Sailor Moon but I am obsessed with their art style! Anyways... I'm thinking about You being sailor moon and Leon - Tuxedo mask (Please tell me that I'm doing it right?) and maybe your daughter in a sailor moon mini version ??
This was so cute to write ><"
D/n = Daughter Name
(938 words)
Husband!Leon kennedy x Wife!Reader
Tumblr media
"Daddy! Give it back!" Your daughter whined as she tried to reach the toy that was taken away from her by her dad. "Where's my good morning kiss, huh?" he said, “You'll get your kiss once you give my toy back!” She tried to get it by jumping, but failed. “You promise?” He can see his daughter making a sad face. She nodded, and Leon smiled and gave her toy back. D/N took it from his grasp and embraced it. Leon just looked at her in awe. “Where's my kiss?” he asked. He kneeled down so she could reach him. She smiled and leaned in to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. "I love you, dad!" she said, then hugged him with the toy in her hands. Leon wants to cry so bad because of how loving and caring his daughter was. She yelped when he suddenly lifted her up and set her on his arms “Why don't we wake up, mommy?” He looked at her with a grin. She giggled and nodded. Leon then made his way towards the shared bedroom while holding his daughter. It's 8 in the morning, and you're still not awake. He was standing in front of the door and slowly opening it to not wake you up, and there you were. All cuddled up and sleeping peacefully. He then looked at his daughter and whispered, “Go and wake mommy up, and maybe I'll buy that cereal you always wanted.” Her eyes widened with excitement as she jumped out of his grasp and ran towards you. He laughed, feeling grateful for these small moments of joy with his family. He watched his daughter climb up on the bed and plop herself on top of you. “Mmmmm,” you groaned, your eyes slowly starting to open. “Goodmorning beautiful!” “Mommy!! Wake up!” You winced at the loud noise coming from your daughter but smiled. “Mmm, good morning, you two.” Your daughter then laid herself next to you. “Hey, sweetie, did you have a good nap?” you said as you slowly stroked her hair. “mhm! I did,” she smiled. You then felt Leon crawl behind you and place his arms on your hips while lying down. You turned your head to look at Leon and smiled back at him. The three of you then lay there, enjoying the moment in comfortable silence.
The living room was filled with the sound of giggles from your daughter. You laughed as you tickled her as she lay down. “M-Mom!! haha! Nooo!” you laughed. “Alright alright
 You little minx!” Giggling, she sat up. Suddenly, you remembered something: Hey, d/n, let's surprise Daddy?" Yeah? You smiled at her, and her eyes sparkled. You giggled; she's really fond of surprises when they're coming from you. “Yeah! How are we going to surprise him?” she asked you with an eager look on her face. “I recently bought costumes for us! And I know it will be cute on you,” you said as you boop her nose, making her giggle. “You know how much he just loves seeing you being cute.” Leon melts when he sees his daughter in a cute shark hoodie. He would take pictures and brag about it to his close friends, including Chris. He always says that his daughter is the cutest thing in the world, and he can't resist spoiling her with toys and treats. “C'mon! Let's get dressed!” You stood up; you were about to give a hand to her, but seeing how excited she was, she ran towards the bedroom.
The smell of pancakes filled the kitchen. Leon was humming while cooking the pancakes, which were in the shape of a heart. When he saw the pancakes were ready, he turned off the gas and put the pancakes on the plate, saying, “Breakfast is ready!” Just be ready to see him in an apron saying, “Best dad.” “Coming!" he smiled when he heard d/n. He put the pancakes on the table with the syrup. He was happy to have made his daughter's favorite breakfast on a lazy Sunday morning. Footsteps were then heard: “Finally! I made your favorite.” He couldn't continue his sentence because he was stunned at what he was seeing. You are wearing what looks like a cosplay costume, and his daughter is in a mini version of the cosplay. He stood there for a moment, trying to comprehend what was happening, before finally asking, "What's going on here?" “Daddy! Look at me! I'm little Sailor Moon!” she said proudly to him. He smiled at her and said, "You look just like her with your hair in those buns. Have you been practicing your moon tiara action pose?" Her daughter then giggled and went to sit on the chair to eat the pancakes. “And you,” he said, then made his way towards you, his arms wrapped around your waist “You look beautiful and adorable in these,” he chuckled, kissing your cheek. “Well, I bet you'll look handsome in a tuxedo mask.” You grinned at him. You then brought out the clothes behind you. He chuckled again, knowing that you were up to something. As you handed him the clothes, he looked at them. “Really?” He looked at you, and you laughed. “C'mon! Join in! You're going to look fine in that. You flirted, and it seemed that it worked. He smiled back and replied, “Thanks, but I'm more into you wearing the Sailor Moon costume,” he said as he pecked your lips. “D/N wants to see you in that costume, though.” You whined at him, giving him your puppy eyes that he couldn't dodge. He chuckled and pulled you closer. “Well, if it's for D/N's sake, I guess I have no choice but to wear it, huh?” and god, he was definitely hot when he wore it.
Yes, I'm back doing the requests!!!!
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cookiesuga55 · 1 year
Challenge: Choose a random* tidbit in the cookie vault and do your best to turn it into a proper prompt!
*Completely random, no peeking
WOW anonie you really got me~
I have decided to change the cookie vault to the đŸȘCOOKIE JARđŸȘ, where I will definitely, maybe, hopefully take all of my million of unfinished works (some good, some very much not. I'm sorry in advance my lovelies uwu), and turn them into bite sized fics, au prompts, and little nibbles for you all <3
I've been struggling to write a completed fic for almost a year now due to graduate school, and I think that making the Cookie Jar could be a great way to get me writing again for fun and post things that I would only keep to myself otherwise.
These are imperfect, and not as well executed as when I write a proper fic, or make a long AU prompt that I am fully invested in. However, I want to be open and free with my work, rather than nervous about only posting what is polished and fully developed. Not everything will be to one's taste, and that's okay 😌 I've been slowly evolving in my kinks, and writing about them is a way for me to experiment and figure out how I feel about new things. I love you all a lot, and I would rather share these ideas, than have them sit and collect dust. This will be a fun way for me to share all of my rambles in a safe space, enjoy writing for pure fun with no pressure, and hopefully make your day a little bit brighter.
As they say: for every finished, successful artwork, there are a thousand unfinished, rejected, and unpopular ideas. I want to start sharing mine with you.
So- to kick this off... LET'S CRACK OPEN THE COOKIE JAR. I shall take a prompt (coined cookie crumbs) and turn it into a lil treat for you.
Weighting for Love
Tags: ABO, wolf hybrids, Namkook, w/g, concepts of vore/ cannibalism, wolf hybrids eat prey hybrids, they're vicious lil babies, slight blood kink, predator/ prey, wild packs + forest setting, softness- physical and metaphorical, saccharine, breeding, is it a sugar cookie fic without Jungkook getting fat? no.
4.8k words
Prompt: Deep in the forest, once Omegas accept courtship with their future mate, they’re plumped up by their Alphas. It’s a declaration of being a good provider, and it is essential if the pair want the pack's blessing in order to exchange mating bites. If an Omega is soft and fat, then the pack accepts that they’re well-taken care of, because it shows that they aren’t going hungry. It shows that they’re loved. If an Alpha isn’t able to fatten up their future mate during courting, then they don’t have the hunting skills required to support even more hungry mouths to feed with a future of pups.
Everyone blessed Namjoon and Jungkook’s courtship right away, mainly because Namjoon has been one of the highest-respected young Alphas for years. He's strong and powerful, but with a quieter, gentle side that reveals itself in their courting. Jungkook would have never guessed that the huge, meaty Alpha would blush and bring the Omega wild flowers in secret.
Namjoon was quiet and deadly on pack hunts. It was what he was best praised for. His hunting skills were unrivaled, and it became apparent incredibly quickly that the fiery Omega Jungkook was his chosen. Jungkook appreciated that in his pack, Omegas weren't expected to be submissive like he witnessed in the neighboring clans. Even if the pretty Omega was built delicately, that didn't mean he would roll over and let an Alpha go unchallenged. And Namjoon apparently liked that fire. A lot.
Jungkook watched jealously year after year as his older friends were courted, softened out, and then mated.
Everything in Jungkook's life changed when the next spring mating season arrived. Namjoon brought Jungkook a plethora of hunting gifts, and the lean Omega quickly chubbed up underneath his care and courtship. In the packs on the east side of the mountains, no Alphas bear mating marks. It is incredibly uncommon, but Jungkook’s bite is branded in Namjoon's skin in the exact same way that the Omega wears Namjoon’s mating mark with pride.
Now after the mating ceremony, the entire pack is delighted that there are pups on the way, because Jungkook is round and well-fed, fat with his Alpha’s love and sporting purple kisses each morning from Namjoon's affections. Jungkook's own paintings on his Alpha are better hidden, usually spattered across Namjoon's hips and stomach, and occasionally up his jaw, where Jungkook likes to claim him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cookie jar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Omegas wait with baited breath at choosing ceremonies for Alphas to deposit a gift at their feet. If an Alpha is especially interested, they will press a kiss to the insides of their wrists where tiny scent glands are. Jungkook has received 2 gifts and no wrist kisses, but he passes the time by weaving a circlet of grass and flowers as he watches the joined packs mill around. Not everyone reveals their intentions during the formal choosing ceremony, it's really more of an official start to the mating season, and the beginning of all of the springtime festivities that will last until autumn harvest.
However, over the coming weeks, Omegas that are old enough to mate stare with envy as other Omegas begin getting chubby. As pairs couple off in preparation for mating season, Omegas are doted on and fed to gain the pack's blessing.
Jungkook has happily picked fruits and flowers with the mated Omegas for years, and dreamt of the day when his small waist would round out and grow soft with the love of a sweet Alpha. He watched with quiet adoration as Seokjin first grew with kisses from an Alpha, then Taehyung as he was courted and put on weight until he was mated, and most recently, Jimin. Jimin and Jungkook snuggled for years on end in their mother's nests, so Jungkook was able to tell when his best friend began softening and getting squishy. He was so much better for cuddling without boney limbs. Jungkook latched onto Jimin’s softness and whimpered with terribly concealed jealousy as Jimin’s tummy and thighs filled in. Each day, he came home from being courted by Alpha Min Yoongi, and his stomach was pushed out, full with whatever courting treats Yoongi had fed him in the golden sunshine.
Jimin was sweet and kind about it, as Jimin always was. He hugged Jungkook back and let the younger Omega jealously squeeze his growing form and whine about how he wanted to be chubbed by an Alpha so badly. Jimin let him grope his tummy with envy and squeeze all of the weight that seemed to pudge up more every week as the spring turned into summer. Jimin’s mating ceremony was a whole year before Jungkook’s was. He couldn’t help but feel a little bit discouraged as the following spring came around, and his other Omega friends had promising suitors. Nobody seemed to take a true liking to the quiet Omega with big eyes that was more inclined to sit in the cooling spring, weave baskets, and giggle as the koi fish nibbled at his toes than gossip with the other Omegas.
That was, until one day a shadow fell across him while he was working in the water. Jungkook blinked up from where he was sitting, and Alpha Kim Namjoon was shuffling back and forth like he was uncomfortable in his own skin. Namjoon was one of the packs most promising young Alphas. Strong, and one of the best hunters. Namjoon’s Omega grandmother had raised him, since his parents had passed when he was young. Jungkook liked Namjoon's grandmother. She said nothing but praises about her grandson, and Jungkook trusted the old woman. She was the one that had taught Jungkook how to weave baskets instead of just crowns of flowers.
What was Kim Namjoon doing here? The Alpha had never even spoken to him. Aside from rumors that Namjoon was being trained as one of the next pack leaders, and showing his strength and calculated skills in hunts that brought in bounties for the pack, Jungkook only really knew anything about him by association, because he was apparently close friends with Jimin’s mate, Yoongi. That didn't mean that he had ever spoken to him before.
“Namjoon-ssi?” Jungkook shielded his eyes from the sun that shone around Namjoon’s head like a halo. The Alpha was flushed high in his cheekbones, a color that was very attractive with his caramel tanned skin.
Jungkook blinked. Namjoon had asked him how to
 weave? Jungkook was confused. The Alpha's grandmother knew how to weave amazingly. He could just learn from her. But Namjoon sat with him in the spring and watched with careful eyes as Jungkook showed him the knots and patterns over and over, even as the Alpha struggled because of his long fingers and big palms. Jungkook was just as shocked when Namjoon came back the next day, asking to watch and learn again. His own products were.. Well, endearingly horrible. Somehow along the way, they became friendly on a first-name basis. When Namjoon leaned in to watch Jungkook’s nimble fingers underneath the water, the Alpha’s deep, cozy scent settled on his skin and made his Omega all but purr. Jungkook had to keep his wolf in check and make sure that he did not let his eyelids flutter, or his ears flick, or his tail wag.
One day though, Namjoon leaned so close that Jungkook’s wolf took over and mistook the gesture. Namjoon’s warm, delicious scent wrapped around him and his soft, soothing voice soaked into his bones. Jungkook’s head lolled to the side as he exposed his bare, smooth neck and his scent gland to the Alpha in invitation and submission. His cheeks heated up bright red the second that he realized what had happened, but Namjoon was
 uncharacteristically sweet about it. Alphas weren't supposed to be sweet about this kind of thing, but he gently realigned Jungkook’s head, gave him a bashful smile, and reassured him that it was okay.
And then Jungkook was all kinds of confused. His friends Jimin and Taehyung teased him for how much time the popular Alpha was spending with him, but. If Namjoon had wanted him, shouldn’t he have just leaned in and pressed his nose against the sensitive patch of skin on his neck that pumped out his scent? Shouldn’t he have breathed deeply and spread his own scent back on Jungkook in return? It was customary to scent when an Omega was attracted enough to bare their neck. And now Jungkook understood why, rejection was way worse. It was mortifying, even if his invitation hadn’t been intentional. It was still embarrassing.
The next day, he was quiet and a bit irritated when Namjoon showed up, uninvited and maybe.. Unwelcome? Jungkook was trying to be alone to brood in peace. He had abandoned his usual spot in the pack’s nearby stream in hopes that Namjoon wouldn’t find him. Jungkook had hidden himself away some twenty minutes in a meadow and was weaving flowers together, muttering to himself in confusion and a bit of self-loathing that he has subconsciously grown attached to Kim Namjoon’s scent, his quiet voice and gentle hands... just to be rejected.
He could almost smell the Alpha now if he concentrated hard enough. A shadow fell over his work and he snarled in irritation that he just wanted to be left alone. When he looked up with sharp eyes and saw
 Namjoon, his nimble hands froze.
The Alpha was shifting, just like he had been the first day that Jungkook had spoken to him weeks ago. Like he was feeling too big for his body and unsure what to do with his powerful limbs. Jungkook didn’t know what to say, and was about to bite something snide when a full, ripe strawberry was pulled from behind Namjoon’s back, and the large Alpha held it gently with two large fingers by the green stem. Namjoon's cheeks were the same color as the fruit as Jungkook looked up again in confusion. 
“F-for you
 Omega,” The Alpha mumbled the last word and Jungkook’s spine tingled at hearing him be addressed
 like that. By this Alpha. By an Alpha that he liked. Heat bloomed in his cheeks, and Jungkook smartly replied. 
Namjoon grimaced in pain that Jungkook didn’t somehow just get it, whatever this was. Namjoon made a soft whining sound out his throat and swallowed hard. “This strawberry is from me. To you. As a g-gift. Would you please accept it?”
Jungkook’s tummy fluttered as this gorgeous Alpha- maybe the pack’s best Alpha, was shyly in front of him and offering him a courting strawberry. Jungkook couldn’t help it. His cheeks bunched up into a smile and he beamed at Namjoon, all of the flowers in his lap forgotten. His scent accidentally sweetened with excitement. Jungkook was very intentional about his words.
“Thank you
 Alpha.” He leaned in and kept his eyes on Namjoon, peeking up out of his lashes. Jungkook parted his lips and bit the strawberry, accepting it, and his lips brushed against Namjoon’s finger tips. The Alpha wasn’t able to cut off the low whine that bubbled up out of him, or the way that his tail swayed back and forth behind him. His wolf was happy. 
Namjoon scurried away afterwards, but Jungkook caught a glimpse of the dark red splotches on his cheeks before the wolf fled away from him. Jungkook’s mouth was still full of the ripe summer fruit, and he giggled as the pack’s most esteemed Alpha scampered away from him: Tiny and unthreatening. 
Jungkook couldn't really believe it. He was a little bit suprised, yet entirely delighted when Namjoon showed up the next day again with a basket full of strawberries and a white daisy. It only solidified Jungkook’s thoughts and quenched his worries. Kim Namjoon wanted to court him. During Mating Season. Which meant that he wanted to mate him. Jungkook couldn’t keep from grinning and squealing into his pillow like a pup when he fell into bed that night, his tummy full of sweet, ripe strawberries and his lips flushed pink from the way that the Alpha’s fingers had gently swiped over his lips while they sprawled in the meadow during the sunset.
He had all but knocked down Jimin’s den after dinner time and promptly tugged up his own shirt to show the chubby Omega the way that his tummy was adorably pushed out, full of sweet fruit that had been hand fed to him by the Alpha. Jimin’s eyebrows had shot up when Jungkook giggled with glee, settled his paws on his own tummy and beamed in explanation, “Kim Namjoon.” He could just imagine getting more and more strawberries until he was as round as one himself. 
The next day, Jungkook wove Namjoon a laurel wreath with flowers that he thought would suit the Alpha's skintone and fur coloring the best. When Namjoon showed up as Jungkook was patiently waiting for him by the forestline, he bashfully smiled up at him, then pushed himself up on his tip toes and settled the crown of flowers on Namjoon’s silvery hair around his large, pointed wolf ears. He made sure that his fingers combed through the locks and brushed over the base of Namjoon’s ears, just to ever so gently drag his claws down the back of Namjoon’s skull and neck. The Alpha rumbled in an accidental show of the deep pleasure that the touches gave him. Jungkook blushed, but he kept his gaze boldly locked to make sure that he wasn’t incorrect. That Namjoon really did want to court- and maybe mate him.
The Alpha spread the widest grin, and his long fingers came around Jungkook’s wrist. He asked, breath husky and sweet, “Jungkookie. Can I please scent you?”
It was unlike Alphas to ask to scent an Omega, but the respect that it implied made Jungkook's lips fall open in a shocked little pout. He was tempted to retort if you have to ask
 but he could see how kind and respectful that Namjoon was being.
Jungkook softened his features, tilted up his face and smiled.
“Yes, you have my permission, Alpha. Thank you for asking.”
Namjoon lifted Jungkook’s wrist and first nuzzled his nose into it, breathing deeply. Jungkook watched his silvery ears fall in bliss, took in how his eyelids fluttered, and admired the way his tail swayed back and forth. The Alpha made a low, soft rumble of pleasure, and Jungkook almost yipped with how badly he wanted to be kissed. Namjoon’s full lips pressed against the inside of Jungkook’s wrist. It made the Omega’s knees shake.
“You smell- so good. Like honeysuckle-” Namjoon exhaled against his skin. His tongue dipped out at pressed against the small scent gland. The lick shot tingles up Jungkook’s arm. He did everthing in his power to not whimper even as his own dark ears grew heavy with relaxed pleasure. His Omega started purring.
Namjoon smiled against his skin and his nose twitched and he mumbled “more
 want more-” He nosed up Jungkook’s bare arm, up to the cut off sleeves of his summer tunic, and nuzzled his face right into the side of Jungkook’s neck. This time, Jungkook couldn't keep his Omega back, and he accidentally made a soft yipping sound of want. Jungkook's head lolled to the side in euphoria at being scented by this Alpha, and his knees stopped working entirely. Strong, large hands came to his waist as Jungkook collapsed against Namjoon’s thick chest. He'd intended to stand upright, not accidentally grip the Alpha’s thick biceps and cling on for dear life as his trembling thighs threatened to slick up.
Namjoon’s chest rumble deepened from Jungkook being plastered against him, and the Alpha slowly slid his tongue across Jungkook’s scent gland for a taste. The most embarrassing sound fell out of Jungkook, and his bones turned to liquid. He fully melted into Namjoon, limp against him as pleasure pumped through his veins and clouded his mind.
The Alpha wrapped both thick arms around Jungkook and he thumbed at Jungkook’s small waist. Namjoon purred into his neck as he rubbed his bare skin with his fingertips, “You're so small. So skinny. Alpha will have to change that. We need to feed you up, sweetheart.” Namjoon gently squeezed Jungkook’s waist, and Jungkook made a second, incredibly embarrassing mewl as his scent all but pumped out waves of pleasure, his belly heated, and his thighs trembled.
Namjoon grinned against his flushed skin and gave him a little nip, an affectionate gesture. “In case my intentions weren’t perfectly clear, Jungkookie-” He licked over his scent gland again, and Jungkook feebly clawed at the massive Alpha’s back, wanting to crawl into his skin. “I want to mate you.” 
Jungkook panted, feeling dazed and drinking in Namjoon’s scent. The Alpha let him regain his senses by petting up and down his back soothingly as Jungkook whimpered from the touches. Eventually, his mind slowly pieced itself back together.
Namjoon had this much of an affect on him and his Omega
 just from scenting? Jungkook swallowed hard. He would be melted honey in his hands if- when Namjoon kissed him. Jungkook could finally stand, and he pulled back to look Namjoon in the eyes. The silvery Alpha was so pretty with the flower crown on. Jungkook claimed him with utter confidence and a smile tugging at his lips. “If you couldn’t tell
 I want to mate you too.” Namjoon’s face shone with the brightest beaming dimples, and he kissed each of Jungkook’s cheeks. It wasn't quite what he was expecting. His lips tingled with want. But he’d accept cheek kisses... For now.
The following evening, Namjoon returned from the pack hunt, clothed only in loose trousers as all of the Alphas did during the hunt. Namjoon had caught three deer, which was the biggest haul of any hunter that went on the trip. They were slung over his shoulders in triumph and he deposited them all at the pack’s central hearth. Jungkook giggled and watched as Namjoon received many kisses on his cheeks from the elderly, wholesome Omega grandmothers that fawned over all of the hunters.
After Namjoon let himself be the subject of all of the grandmothers telling him what a good pack member he was, he broke away with a smaller rabbit hybrid slung over his shoulder that had been hidden beneath the deer he carried. Some wolfs' eyes followed him amidst all of the celebration of the hunters' return, Jungkook included.
Namjoon made his way through the crowd and found Jungkook standing with some other mated Omegas. Namjoon smiled at him, flushed and glistening from the hunt. It wasn't doing anything helpful for Jungkook’s health to see him like this. Not that he hadn’t seen Namjoon post-hunt before but
 Jungkook hadn’t really been looking. Not in a way that he allowed his mind to think ‘that will be mine to enjoy
There was a lot of Namjoon to enjoy. His golden chest was thick with muscle and his abdomen lean, tapering into narrow hips and powerful thighs. Jungkook whined as the Alpha stood in front of him in all of his glory, but it was loud enough in the celebrating camp that he hoped Namjoon didn’t catch the sound. Jungkook swallowed hard, not sure where to look.
Namjoon dropped down to his knees and placed the bunny at Jungkook’s feet, a clear, blatant, declaration of courting. The surrounding people turned and stared. Namjoon’s warm hands settled on Jungkook’s waist and he looked up at him with sparkling eyes. “Will my Omega accept my gift from the hunt?”
His thumbs gently rubbed back and forth over Jungkook’s hipbones, making his skin tingle. So many people were watching. Jungkook nodded shyly and blushed at all of the attention, but he wanted to make his acceptance clear. He leaned down to press a kiss to Namjoon’s cheek, and spoke clearly. “I would be honored, Alpha.”
Namjoon beamed up at him and squeezed his waist in excitement.
That night after all of the hunters bathed in the stream, Jungkook sat by the fire as everyone ate deer, but he got to have bunny- a delicacy. He was leaning against Namjoon’s legs as the Alpha was required to sit on a large stump until the pack had eaten his own kills. Jungkook was thankful that his Alpha was considerate of the size of prey he had brought him for courting. Jungkook was in no condition to eat an entire deer, and he was thankful that Namjoon had considered his smaller size when hunting for him. Once the three deer that Namjoon had brought were consumed by the pack, and another Alpha was brought to the stump for the few squirrels that he had hunted, Namjoon sunk down to Jungkook’s side. He wrapped his arms around him, pushed his nose into his temple, and rested a paw on Jungkook’s tummy. Jungkook was feeling incredibly full as he tried to finish up the small prey, fitting the very last of it into his belly and panting from the effort. His tummy bulged in Namjoon’s grip, and the Alpha purred and rubbed it. “Your appetite will grow as I feed you up, sweetheart. It will get easier, I promise. Until then, I will keep finding small prey for you- although my instincts tell me to hunt the biggest prey I can find.”
Jungkook nodded, flushed and thankful, and he snuggled into Namjoon’s side. His mouth was stained red, as all of the other wolves’ were, but he turned and crawled into Namjoon’s lap, and pressed a soft kiss right onto the Alpha’s lips. Namjoon instantly smiled against his mouth, and Jungkook had to wait a few minutes for the adorable Alpha to stop grinning before he cupped his cheeks and kissed him again, much more thoroughly. That night, as the fire was tended and the stars slowly crawled across the sky, Namjoon’s paws found their way to Jungkook’s overfilled belly. He gently rubbed deep circles, rumbling happily at how his future mate was currently fat with his hunt, and Jungkook purred at the feeling of being full from his Alpha’s care for him.
Throughout the next few days, as Jungkook's predator tummy slowly digested the prey, it felt like he was constantly receiving a warm hug from Namjoon. On the third morning when he woke up, Jungkook rolled over and mewled as he felt his middle squish underneath him. He sat up and yanked up his tunic to look. He had some softness in his tummy. He poked his belly to make sure that he wasn’t imagining it, and watched the flesh sink underneath his greedy fingers. He grinned down at the soft fat filling in his belly from his Alpha’s gift.
Jungkook scampered to Jimin’s den and showed him the warm layer of pudge that was resting inside of his waist and hips from eating an entire bunny himself. He earned many kisses across his cheeks and ruffles of his ears from both Jimin and his mother. Jungkook couldn't keep himself from preening as the first few pounds of love were settled in his waist, promising to grow.
The gifts of prey became more frequent, and Jungkook started to feel like Jimin had last summer when he was courted. Every night, he was going to bed with something warm, delicious, and fattening sitting inside of his stomach, with his lips swollen from kisses.
Jungkook went hunting a few times with Namjoon to learn how the Alpha did it so well. When Jungkook successfully caught a chipmunk hybrid as his first prey, he instantly deposited it with pride at Namjoon’s feet and told him that his tummy needed the courting gifts too. Namjoon had barked a laugh because it was unheard of for an Omega to hunt and gift prey to an Alpha, but Namjoon gratefully accepted the gift with a deep kiss to Jungkook’s lips and heavy scenting that still made his knees weak.
Jungkook snuggled up against Namjoon for naps in the summer sunshine, and the Alpha’s warm palms pet over his sides as he purred and felt how Jungkook was filling out. He whispered praises that had Jungkook’s belly fizzling and him slicking up embarrassingly. “My baby is getting plump
 Alpha is feeding you well.” Namjoon patted Jungkook’s soft belly as it pushed out supple and fat without anything even in it. That night, Namjoon had caught a deer and fed Jungkook as much of it that would fit into his belly before giving the rest of the prey to the pack. Everyone looked fondly as Jungkook sat in Namjoon’s lap. His belly was so full that it was stretching his tunic, and the Alpha’s paws were lovingly rubbing and massaging the stuffing to help his tummy digest it. Jungkook felt so fucking pretty as he chubbed up on his Alpha’s courting gifts. His chin was soft, his belly warm and full, and his waist was round.
Jungkook's soft body fit so well in Namjoon’s adoring hands, and squeaked and giggled as the Alpha gripped his thighs and asscheeks in the dark of the forest while kissing his neck and whining for Jungkook’s kisses and pets in return. 
Jungkook fattened much faster than the rest of the Omegas partaking in mating season, and their mating was the first to be blessed by the pack, to both Jungkook and Namjoon’s delight. Jungkook’s once small waist was bulging, and his belly jiggled when he trotted. All of the mated Omegas fawned over him, kissing his chubby cheeks, petting his ears, and cooing to him at how well Alpha Namjoon was taking care of him. That it was obvious by how well Jungkook was fattening up that his Alpha clearly adored him. Jungkook blushed under so much praise, and giggled as small pups wanted to squeeze the thick roll of his lower belly and pouted that someday they hoped to be mated too.
Back in the safety of his den, he adoringly pet over all of his weight too, in love with how soft he was because of Namjoon constantly feeding him. He snuck into the Alpha’s cave a few times, always to Namjoon’s delight and grabby hands as he squeezed the Omega in his thick arms and snuggled with him like a bear. Namjoon’s paws snuck beneath Jungkook’s tunic and wobbled his belly, purring deeply into his ear as Jungkook jiggled in his hands, a sign of love and being cared for. On more than one occasion Namjoon's palm had to be pressed against his mouth to keep him quiet as Namjoon kissed and adored his body, prepping him for the mating ceremony with his tongue and fingers. Jungkook arched into his touches, mewling into his large hand and trying to keep quiet to not wake the rest of the pack.
As the Harvest Moon approached, and along with it the moon goddess's blessing of all of the mated pairs, Namjoon hunted and fed Jungkook every night, intent on keeping him full and satisfied. Jungkook fell asleep with a rounded, firm belly full of prey every evening, and woke up snuggled in Namjoon’s arms, soft and bloated. He was kissed awake with his belly bulging at the bottom and stretched with new chub from being fed so well. The Alpha greedily squeezed the plump roll, feeling the ample padding that Jungkook was growing as he fattened up his future mate. Jungkook’s belly finally rested heavily in his lap, his chin doubled, and his chest and limbs soft and squishy. He sat cute and fat at all of the summertime fires, letting Namjoon feed him treats and fill him in with more squishy weight. The pack members cooed in delight and squeezed Jungkook's full cheeks at how well he was being courted.
When their mating came on the night of the Harvest Moon, Jungkook shyly asked to bite Namjoon too. The Alpha agreed instantly.
They shared a fat squirrel hybrid as a treat after getting knotted, much to Jungkook's delight- Namjoon had discovered that Jungkook had a taste for sweet, plump prey rather than large, lean, powerful prey, and he was keen to oblige him. With both of their bellies full, Jungkook’s soft and sweet in Namjoon's hands as the prey promised to fatten him even more, Namjoon sunk his teeth into Jungkook's shoulder, making him cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. With his neck and shoulder bloody and throbbing, Jungkook returned the bite, branding the Alpha with his own signature too.
They licked over the blood until they both healed, and Namjoon kissed every inch of Jungkook, adoring his weight and growling over and over with possession as he sucked dark bruises onto him. Jungkook giggled and moaned at being so adored, squishing underneath Namjoon’s paws and jiggling underneath the smallest touches. He drooled at being so fat to wobble as Namjoon mated him again throughout the night, and the Alpha salivated at it too. Namjoon groped his belly as Jungkook was knotted and bred enough times for his belly to bloat, and he purred in pleasure as he enjoyed the fat jiggles of his mate.
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susartwork · 2 years
Give ♡ this ♡ to ♡ the ♡ twelve ♡ nicest ♡ people ♡ you ♡ know ♡ if ♡ you ♡ get ♡ five ♡ back ♡ you ♡ must ♡ be ♡ perfect ♡ ❣
(( >:3
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Neo ur cheating, you sent one already but thank you x2 UwU
Who are you, anon?!
Sky u get a cookie too đŸȘ💖 It doesn't annoy me at all ^w^ Thanks!
( @kawaii-freshsans ; @ask-yandere-sci ; @air25 ; @skydreamplayzz)
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idv-marythefairy · 3 years
What your SURVIVOR main says about YOU pt. 1
⊱ ─────── àź“àč‘♥àč‘àź“ ─────── ⊰
to begin with, i’d like to inform that this post is not meant to offend anyone, i made this for entertainment purposes, nothing less, nothing more! this is JUST MY OPINION on what kind of a person you are based on your main and at the same time i finna expose myself ^^. i hope you enjoy!! characters included here: doctor, gardener, thief, lawyer, coordinator, mind’s eye, perfumer, prisoner, postman, gravekeeper, acrobat, prospector and embalmer
- marythefairy_
⊱ ─────── àź“àč‘♥àč‘àź“ ─────── ⊰
- SOME doctor mains are pure toxic and others are so sweet (the latter i appreciate uwu)
- i can understand that you are kinda selfish since you ALWAYS want to be healed and if someone doesn’t help you during a match, you get so frustrated
- you don’t like kitting all that much but absolutely WANT to go save your teammate just because of the points or you’re in need of your team’s victory
- for my cinnamon roll doc mains: uwu <3
- you can be selfish BUT you know when to put others before you
- you prefer to stay hidden and decode and will go save only if ABSOLUTELY NECCESSARY
- you love emoting when you come across other teammates and treat them with so much care, i can’t- 💔
- i like gardener
- it seems that she’s not the only sweet person but her mains too, they are super sweet
- you love helping your teammates by destroying chairs or distracting the hunter by using your protection bubble thingy (idk what it’s called, i just know it’s from leo)
- you must be a cottagecore baby, no doubt about that
- either that or you’re a softcore/kawaiicore baby
- you are selfless except if all ciphers are popped and there are two people dead on your team
- and i oop, gardener is outta here!
- i get ya, i do that too, as everyone SHOULD
- you are a firm believe of “tie supremacy” because if you can’t secure a win, then a tie is the best option
- you use “don’t move, i’m coming!” a lot and attempt to save which can, sometimes, not be a successful attempt tbh
- you’re trying and that’s all that matters babe uwu
- you MUST have her skin with the blue skirt and hat, don’t lie to me
- you are, furthermore, energetic and loud and are absolutely OBSESSED with cute things and anime, PERIODT
- you love people unconditionally and have no limits
- he is a pretty serious person but, over here, i get the vibe that you are a goofball who can also be quite serious in some situations
- if you don’t have the christmas themed skin, go get it NOW (idk if it’s available, never really cared about his skins, sorry)
- my friend owns that skin and i couldn’t stop laughing
- i bullied her for days XD <3
- you use the correct punctuation, grammar and capital letters in texts
- your sense of humor is utterly broken, don’t you dare tell me otherwise >:( (same)
- you’re not the sweetest person but you’re not the coldest or heartless either
- you just know where you should be nice and where you shouldn’t
- you have your limits and if people ignor them, you won’t be afraid to make them regret it
- you can be a very fun person and this is why you chose him, because he’s a boring little shi-
- i like you, not your main
- okay, i bet you have the yelling emote and you use it a lot because it’s really funny
- i used him once just because i have that emote tbh and we lost the game because we were all using it to get on wu-wu’s nerves ;)
- you think theif is just a really peculiar character and you undoubtedly love flashing the life out of the hunters with your trusty flashlight uwu
- you are a quiet and reserved person but once someone gets close to you, you show them a side of you they weren’t even aware existed
- you are a sneaky one, aren’t ya?
- you are a chaotic adorable person and you can’t change my mind
- you prefer decoding because you want to win or, at least, give your team a tie
- you like fooling around with your teammates while decoding or at the gate (never wait at the exit gate, just go smh)
- its all fun and games, though, until the hunter is close
- okay, she’s got quite the skill but if only the guns were rechargeable đŸ€§
- you like going “pew pew” at the hunter because you think it’s fun and so do i
- you have a savior complex (not the person trait btw)
- sometimes you carry the team
- you have high expectations of yourself and sometimes your teammates but it’s you, for the most part
- you expect to get wins but consider ties decent
- you are trying a bit TOO hard to win those games, take a break please
- you are a serious, sweet and caring person who loves caring for their own but knows when they should put themselves before everyone else
- you are somewhere in between selfish and selfless
- you like playing mind games with the hunter just because
- you’ve asked for an all-4-coordinator team on a match just to bully the hunter with your stuns (i hope i’m not giving ideas and if i ever come across that, i’ll surrender, no questions asked -.-’)
- your moto is: “keep your friends close but your enemies closer”
- you are the type of person that will never hesitate to give hell to those that underestimate you or belittle a loved one
- ✹bad b!tch energy✹
- ok, you are RUSHING for that win
- you found mind’s eye to be the best decoder and option for you to secure a win
- you hate how every single hunter targets you from the get-go because they want to prevent cipher rush
- you either scream a lot because you’ve spawned right next to the hunter or you are very quiet and panic on the inside
- a bit of a coward but i understand, who wouldn’t be if they are the hunter’s first target?!
- you are quite and a bit of an introvert
- books over anything
- ✹dark academia vibes✹
- are you playing a musical instrument?
- are you an artist?
- you are SO CUTE!!!!!
- you must be using “sorry” a lot during the game, doing overuse it, honey
- you like to praise everyone on post-match, telling them they did everything they could and they did wonderful
- YOU ARE SO SWEET hdjejfjdjjqixidjjw
- you must have had a harry potter or anime obsession and might actually still have that
- you are the type of person that does too good at school
- you MUST be a fan of nature
- whenever i got matched with a perfumer, it was always a b!tchy one, i got traumatized
- then you have those rare perfumer mains that are just such sweet cinnamon buns that they make me want to protect them at ALL costs
- you are a bit stubborn and will do anything to get things to go your way
- you are boujee and want a vey well-paid job
- you are really sweet towards your friends and family but pretentious towards people you don’t like (i don’t blame you, i do that too)
- you are either the middle child or the eldest sibling in the family
- you’re rather picky when it comes to partners, friends and food
- you can be quite indecisive
- you listen to doja cat or lana del rey
- i get bi energy
- you watch popular animes, the ones that are trending
- you like to spend time with people and/or be the center of attention
- you were sorta popular at school, too
- you are a decent person, overall đŸ‘ŒđŸ»
- ok, my friend is a luca main so i know EXACTLY who you are >:)
- you, dude/dudette/dudon’t, are the most weird yet fun person in existence
- you say the most absurd things ever, it creeps people out
- you are a HUGE a$$ but in a good way, idk if you understand what i mean
- you are pretty curious about how things actually work and the majority of the time your curiosity gets the best of you
- you have some kind of art as a hobby, be it music, painting, writing etc.
- you like to tease the hunters which ALWAYS ends up with your a$$ getting whooped
- chaotic, you are chaotic
- you are obsessed with anime
- you are either gay or bi/pan
- your room’s a mess, clean it up and take care of yourself
- you like exploring the outside world and doing crazy things just for the experience
- sometimes you like to butt in on conversations cough my friend cough
- raging switch energy
- ily ❀
- i think you’d be either an alt kid or an indie one
- give yourself a treat baby, you deserve it 😌🍰
- you know all the vines and memes by heart and i kin that even though i don’t main pris
- AHHHH, I CAN’T!!!!!!
- ILY!!!
- posty mains are absolutely ADORABLE đŸ–đŸ»đŸ˜©đŸ’”
- you guys are energetic, sweet, kind and selfless little beans and i want to protect you with my life (you don’t have an option, i will protect you >:D)
- you’re willing to get chaired if it meant that your teammate will be safe for the rest of the game
- you LOVE animal and most specifically DOGS
- i don’t main victor but i will buy him because i have a pink skin of his and all his emotes and graffiti
- you guys thought he was adorable and since you like adorable things and people, you bought him
- i think you know EXACTLY how to use his skill and when it’s the most appropriate time to do it
- your most beloved hunter must be my lord and savior aka jojo because of his furry skin ✹😌😆
- I WANNA HUG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! đŸ˜­đŸ€§đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ˜­đŸ€§đŸ€§đŸ€§đŸ’”
- you MUST be a social butterfly, you MUST have a lot of friends and they MUST adore you to bits!!
- you try to befriend hunters during a match, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, it is what it is, ig
- take as many cookies as you wish, my love đŸȘđŸȘđŸȘđŸȘđŸȘđŸȘđŸȘđŸȘđŸȘđŸȘđŸȘđŸȘ
- you are good at school
- you might be artsy, idk
- i get poet/writer vibes from you, it’s obvious as to why i get ‘em
- the many times i’ve come across a gk main, they were so sweet and supportive đŸ€§
- you guys are emo/goth and that’s why you picked him
- or you picked him because you thought he was handsome, don’t lie
- you are quite and reserved, don’t trust people but when you do, you give them your all
- selfless and extremely caring
- i see you being gentle to your loved ones and animals
- you are interested in witchcraft and the paranormal
- you are introverted, very introverted
- you might be into the victorian era and your favorite anime MUST have been black butler
- you have a cat, don’t you?
- you get pretty anxious during rank. evaluate you don’t want to disappoint your teammates (plz know that you shouldn’t care about disappointing anyone, try your best and i’m sure you’ll do just fine baby, you have my full support :D)
- you may know a few vines but you prefer memes
- you are the quiet kid at school, you do well
- “i hate school because there are people. i hate going out because there are PEOPLE out there. I HATE PEOPLE!”
- you might be spending a lot of time on idv
- are you a musician because i get the vibe
- I LOVE YOU!!!!!
- you are the sweetest person alive
- you play idv just for fun and don’t aim for any budges or for higher tiers
- you don’t have anything of that sort in mind, you’re just looking for some way to spend your time and make friend from all across the globe
- you are fun, sweet, caring and quite scary when mad
- you love ALL colors
- you love nature and do anything to protect it
- you have a lot of friends
- you do ok at school but strive to do better
- chaotic good energy babyyyy âœšđŸ˜ŒđŸ‘ŒđŸ»
- you’re always looking out for your teammates and attempt to aid them in any way possible
- you’re sensitive and a bit of an empath and that’s why you always try your best
- before matches you like to motivate your teammates to try their best
- we wouldn’t have done t without you, pog champ đŸ˜­đŸ€§â€ïžđŸ’”
- ah, i’m about to expose myself, aren’t i?
- you guys are AWESOME!!! WE are awesome!!!
- you like spamming “focus on decoding!” because people like to pile up in order to save ONE freaking person from A CHAIR!!!
- you always go for the save if there’s no rescuer
- if there is but they’re hurt, you either assist the rescuer or you do it yourself
- you’re pretty selfless and pretty sweet
- memer or viner or just a crazy b!tch with a broken sense of humor
- you LOVE bullying the hunter from time to time
- you love distracting hunters to save a hurt survivor
- chaotic dumbass vibe!!!!!!
- you are a hopeless romantic with high expectations
- your personal moto is: “if you aren’t norton, then i’m not dating you!”
- i started playing him bc i was simping but now i just main him bc i got comfy with his skills and know EXACTLY what to do
- ik you main him bc you’re a simp, don’t lie >:)
- you spam vines on chat and let others finish them for you which makes you cackle
- do you have asthma?
- basically you’re a norton version of pris mains, both of you can make the universe kneel before you quicker than loki
- you take rank TOO seriously and end up yelling to other survivors and the hunter
- when you’re kitting, you either scream the lyrics of a very iconic song or you just squeal very loudly
- you see what map you’re on and pick just the right skin so that you can blend in with your surroundings and hide from the hunter
- you are so sweet and cute uwu ily đŸ–đŸ»đŸ˜
- i get that you’re a very energetic and fun person when around people but when alone... yes, we better not talk about that
- we, ton-ton mains, are a HUGE mess
- complex feelings, you don’t know what you’re feeling and are in constant confusion
- you MUST have a very loud hyena laugh (đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ˜ŽđŸ‘‰đŸ»)
- you MUST have a very short temper
- you either LOVE pun (đŸ–đŸ»đŸ˜Œ) or you want to kill those who make them bc they’re annoying the heck outta you (spare me pls)
- you say “hi fellow norton” to people that use norton during QM or duo hunters
- you love making people happy
- you are willing to help people reach the top and never ask for any help
- you are basically a lone wolf who doesn’t want help from anyone bc you are independent
- if you ship mike x norton ILY
- if you ship naib x norton ILY
- if you ship emma/patricia x norton, gtfoh
- stress lvl 100000
- the vine you kin is “i’m a bad b!tch, you can’t kill me”
- you’re either a hardcore joscarl shipper or you absolutely hate it
- you’re very calm during matches, idk how you do that
- you’re into paranormal
- you are sweet but a psycho
- introverted 101%
- pretty blunt, you’re not afraid to speak your mind but sometimes take a bit to process how your words are going to affect people’s view on you
- you are he quite kid at school who keeps a low profile
- i believe that you don’t have a lot of friends, just a few close and good ones that you can trust
- you are pretty aware as to when you should use a coffin and where to place it, you’ve calculated all possible outcomes of the placements and time
- you like to spin around jojo when downed and throw a bunch of graffiti just to get him to be friendly to you bc your aesop carl, we get it babe 🙄
- if you’re not having a good day, you like licking yourself in a closet and scream until you feel better
- do you sleep in a coffin? are you ok?
- please, stop being so selfish, i’m begging you (begging ohhhh, put your loving hand out- i’ll stop, sorry)
- your vine is elmo standing in the middle of a storm by himself
- you either suck at math or english or both
- ugh, please, have a cookie and learn that sharing is caring đŸ˜©đŸȘ
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galaxyepiclysanstional · 2 years
Introducing Blade the skeleton and Alice!!
Ill be adding their personalities under the comic and I was gonna write what Blade was saying but my handwriting made it harder lol 😆 😅 🙃
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Blade: I....I don't know about this delta what if they're mean to me " looks down at delta sitting on his belly"
Delta: it's ok ill answer or Alice if you don't feel comfortable talking " gives him a cuddle as he try's to cuddle back"
Alice: Hi everyone My name is Alice and this is blade plus dont forget the lovely lady delta that created us and everyone else here ^^.
The mini comic Sleepy Delta
D: " is trying to stay awake but is slowly falling asleep 😮 đŸ’€ đŸ˜Ș "
B: Miss Delta you ok you look exhausted?
D: Huh n....n...no I'm f...fine blade "closes her eyes and curls up on blades belly and falls asleep to his soul beat" "silently snores"
B: oh ok um let's uh " places his hand on delta's arm to hold her upright and slowly falls asleep" yawns đŸ„± " well looks like I'm not to far from joining you in snooze town huh 😅
He falls asleep while holding her in his arm/ hand Alice looks over and gives them a smile.
A: Well looks like it's just me " giggles " well um feel free to ask me and blade questions if he doesn't answer them either me or delta will answer for him 😉 😊
Now about blade and Alice
Blade he's a very shy guy who has suffered a lot from the witch that tortured him as a child. But once you get to know him he's a very nice, warm and cheerful guy that's a very quiet guy
He likes milkshakes and looking at flowers and varieties of plants in the forest. ( I think Alice and I (delta) are gonna make him a garden cause he loves looks at nature ^^. Plus cookies but he prefers chocolate chip đŸȘ and a few other things ( snacks)
Alice: is a very quiet girl as a child her mother ( the witch) disowned her and threw her out. ( until she met blade her kind self came back and helped him and her self live in the forest)
She likes the same things as blade but she hates it when people are mean to him and tobia honest. I'm kinda the same as well
( feel free to ask them questions but please don't be rude to blade he doesn't like it when anyone picks on him. He and Alice are my two comfort characters. Oh and also if anyone wants to draw them feel free to ask 😊 😉 â˜ș) I haven't made a tag for them yet but I'll get on to it plus idk what to call the au yet 😅 😔
All characters belong to me
Enjoy UwU
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dialovers-translations · 4 years
I will keep sending positive anon messages to make sure you know how much we appriciate all your hard work on this blog, as you've said, DL is hard when it comes to understanding the Japanese if you're a rookie and it means so much that you're putting this effort in, because you litterally don't have to. I am so thankful for you. Have a cookie đŸ„șđŸȘ
Aww, thank you very much! uwu
I am very glad I’m able to do this for you guys for free, but thankfully translating is something I genuinely enjoy myself as well. I also love the DL characters and the universe and I get to learn more about them through my translations! Because tbh, with the amount of drama CDs available, if I didn’t do translations, I’d probably only bother to listen to those of my favorites, haha. xD
However, if you ever have a little spare money and wish to support me, I do have a Ko-fi page now. You can leave a small donation of around the price of a coffee and I’d use the money to buy tokuten CDs/games/etc. 
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voltageaddict78 · 6 years
Drabble Challenge #31 - Min Yoongi x reader đŸ„§ A Touch of Sugar đŸȘ
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Since moving to your new neighbourhood, everyone has been wonderful with helping you settle in such as Namjoon in house number 2, right next to you who was at your place immediately when your moving van pulled up to help you bring it inside. Your neighbour in house number 4 which was on your other side, Jin, had been making you some meals for the last few days since in his words, ‘your kitchen can’t possibly be in a state to cook in so soon after moving in and I will not have you ordering takeout’. He’s such a mum.
You’ve met everyone so far but the last person you met and probably the one you see the least is in house number 6. Min Yoongi. According to Namjoon, he’s a musician but because of that he spends most of his time in his studio at work rather than home. Occasionally though, they will send him home because he’s working to hard and when he arrives at your door for a second to drop off a tin of blueberry muffins and make his leave, you found out something very interesting - he’s a stress baker.
What with costs and such, Yoongi isn’t allowed to install a studio in his own house and he had to do something to busy himself otherwise he would be freaking out about his new song like crazy. That’s why a few days every month, he would appear at your door with fantastic bakes but very few words.
Usually it would be the late morning/ early afternoon when he pops by with a tin, basket or box and then by the evening, around five, you spot him outside for one reason or another when you give him the container back along with some compliments. They are so freaking tasty that you can’t stop eating once you’ve had one. So much for new house, new diet!
Today was another example that played out a bit differently than normal. As you were taking the bins out for later, Yoongi comes over on cue with a beautiful, large woven basket filled with your favourite creation of his - lemon cookies.
“Good morning, Yoongi.”
“‘Morning. I brought some more bakes over.”
“I’m glad! The lemon cookies are my favourite!” Handing you the basket, you’re already eager for a taste, not having breakfast yet and they taste scrumptious. “Amazing. So, Yoongi, how’s your song coming along?”
“It’s finished actually,” he answers as monotonous and grumbly as usual.
“Oh! So you just felt like baking?”
“Yeah...” he scratches the back of his neck, staring at the ground as if he’s lost something. “I just know you like the lemon cookies and I wanted to make you some.” Aw, that’s so sweet!
“Thank you, Yoongi! They’re wonderful and I admire how much time and effort you put into them.” His cheeks redden... a lot. However, he’s still able to respond with a vague nod. Taking one of the cookies he made, you offer him one. “I would hate to think you made all of this labour just for me. Please take one, Yoongi.”
“It’s okay. I don’t really like sweet stuff,” he shrugs matter of frankly as if what he just said made any sense whatsoever.
“But... but you bake. You don’t like sweet stuff?”
“I don’t but the guys at work appreciate it. Then seeing how your face lights up when I give them to you makes me happy. The guys at work haven’t had something of mine since you moved into the neighbourhood.” His casual confessions throw you off guard today as you blush with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
“Uh-huh. Just let me know if you want something in particular and I’ll get straight to it.” Aww! Your heart busts the biggest uwu as he gives you a quick wave, shoves his hand into his pocket and heads back to his house as his other hand scratches the back of his neck. Even his ears are turning red.
Retreating to your house, you unpack the last few boxes in the kitchen to plan a meal you can take to Yoongi’s to thank him for his generosity and hopefully you could eat it together.
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spyvern · 3 years
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WIP of my new sona UwU
There’s going to be a vers of her with plant hair of allll my fav houseplants!! Maybe even outdoor plants n stuff, but I have a soft spot for house plants! If you can guess what kind of plant this vers is you get a virtual cookie from me đŸȘ
I know its not much but its all a poor college kid has LMAO
//There’s a hint in the tags NJFNIVUIFK//
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